HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 1999-06-15FILED
June 1 1 999
The Town of Ithaca Planning Board net in regular session on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, in
Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, lthaca, New York, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Eva Hoffmann, Vice Chairperson; George Connemar#, hoard Member; :fames Ainslie,
Board Member; harry Thayer, Board Member; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; John Bar! ey,
Attorney for the Town (7:37 p.m.); Dan Walker, Director of Engineering (7:43 p.m.); George Frantz,
Assistant Town Planner; 'mike Smith, Planner.
EXCUSED: Fred Wilcox, Chairperson; Robert K n � �, # r- n
p e er o_�, Board I amber: T. acy Wtrano, Board
ALSO PRESENT& Lawrence Fabbroni, 127 Warren Road; Karen: Westmont, 206 Forest Home; Ruth
Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road; Robin Seeley, 332 Hurd Road; S. He" beam, Ithaca Journal* Beverly
Wiggins, Attor #;eye, Jon i
Livesay, 147 Snyder dill Road; wally Carroll, Cornell University; A. , .
Dutcher, 21 Besemer Drive; Martin Sl#efter, 143 Pine Tree Road; Susan. Shefter, 148 Pine Tree
Road; Kathryn Wolf, Trowbridge golf,
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann declared the meeting duly opened at 7:30 p.m., and accepted for
the record the Secretary's Affidavit of Posting and Publication of the Notice of Public Hearings in
Town Hail and the Ithaca Journal on June 8, 1999, and June 9, 1999, together with the properties
under discussion, as appropriate, upon the Clerks of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Darby, upon
the Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning, upon the Tompkins County Commissioner of Public
Works, and upon: the applicants arid/or agents, as appropriate, o n June 9, 1999. (Affidavit of Posting
and Publication is hereto attached as Exhibit #1,)
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann read the Fire Exit Regulations to those assembled, as required by
the New York State Department of State, Office of Fife Prevention CL and
Vice Chairperson Hoffman opened this segment of the meeting at 7 :31 p,#n,
dally Wiggins, Attorney on behalf of East Hill Citizens Asso: #at #on, stated the assoCiat #on
oa#r#e to him June i4, 1999. and asked hi# # to review to record of thy' Burger lii #�g decision. He has
found a number of procedural oversights. A re- hearing would give, the board an opportunity to
correct their oversights. The determination was made on May 18, 1999. It was filed with the clerk on
May 27, 1999, Section 274a, subdivision 8, requires the filing to be :Wade within 5 business days, A
re ,,hearing would address the issue without a court hearing.
In reviewing the record, an application for a special approval was made. It i4 important
because the application sets forth in detail why the board should make a finding that a special
approval is appropriate. Without the issues being addressed in the application, then the board is
faced with a situation where his clients have not presented evidence for the board to consider in
those areas.
Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning, stated that legal issues are being presented. It woLi;d
be more appropriate for the Attorney for the Town to hear, The Town will not be able to give a
response this evening,
Mr. Wiggins stated the time in which to appeal is 30 days frotr the filing. They are facing a
decision as to whether to appeal before the 27`i of June or ha4fe a rd- hearing. There is a difference
in the Ordinance for the period of time in which a public hearing is to' be held after the application is
filed. The Qidirarce sates 46 days and the Town Law states 62 days. This was in between. Under
Section 46a, the Town Planning Board is required to address the same issues as tree Zoning Board
of Appeals. In the resolution, three issues were cited. There are additional issues that the Zoning
Board of Appeals is required to address. Section 78 list items that were not addressed by the board
that his clients did riot have an opportunity to submit evidence oh, These are the health, safety,
morals, general welfare of the COMMunity in harmony with the general;, purpose of this ordinance shall
be promoted. The design: shall be consistent with the character of the neighborhood it is located in.
The proposed use should not be detrimental to the neighborhood character.
The Sign Ordinance was not addressed. There are many sins in the site plan that do not
conform to the Sign: Ordinance. The board has not made any determination in respect to that. The
Board believed that they did not have that responsibility. The Planning Board must advise the Zoning
Board of Appeals. If the Board fails to make a recommendation it means it is a recommendation. It
Yneans that the site plan is approved with the signs that do not conform to the Ordinance.
This relates to the question of what is a restaurant: Does it mean a drive4hrough % If the
Ordinance had not addressed that issue by making a distinction between banks and drive *rough
banks, then it may have been an oversight. Drive4hrough restaurants have been around as long as
drive - through banks. Drive - through barks are allowed in a "B" district. They do not reed an
approval. There is rot a mention of drivemthrough restaurants, The board needs an opportunity to
define that issue.
Mr. Wiggins stated that his clients request that there be a re- hearing.
Board Member Thayer stated that the majority of the issues are legal and the board needs are
interpretation. The sign: issues were discussed in detail.
Board Member Conneman stated ;hat there was sufficient time for anyone to p0 nt
evidence. Five hours was spent listening to evidence.
Mr. Wiggins stated the iss
resolution does not indicate that
granting special approval. There
addressed, there they should have
ues that should have been addressed ;dvere not ;addressed or the
they were addressed. The resolution only refers to 3 Items :n
are 7 or 8 items that should have been addressed, li they were
been included in the resolution. IF
Attorney Barney stated that these issues were addressed. They were tallied about
extensively. The board understood that they were the issues that should be considered.
Mr. Wiggins stated it is required to make the determination within the resolution.
Vice Chairpersons Hoffmann stated that she has read through he May 1 �, 1999 minutes. She
knows the items that were discussed. She also saw what was included in the resolution. She was
disappointed that some items that she had proposed be included in the resolution, were not included.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann l'yEann stated that she has had phone) caly�',. about the de!iniSi1,J %I of a
restaurant, She has read theet�d.oning Ordinance and she is conluse�d. She stated that she does not
understand what the Zoning Ordinance means. Vice Chairperson Hoffmann would like clarification
for this Lase acid future cases. She interpreted the Zoning Ordinance and the statements in the 1992
Planning Board and Torun Board minutes differently than how it has been interpreted and restated in
the resolution.
Attorney Barney stated this was discussed at the May 185 1999 meeting. He would be happy
to discuss it at a different time. A vote was taken and a decision; was made.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that there are many people who do not understand the
Zoning Ordinance.
Attorney Barney stated that the board has an agenda tonight. 'This matter will be back before
the hoard if it is approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. He is note in a position tonight to male a
recommendation to the board. A rem hearing requires a unanimous decision minus one vote. It needs
to be discussed when all members are present. A number of issues have been raised with respect to
this application. They have caused delays. An investigation was made and a response was made to
it u
Karen Westmont, 206 Forest Home Drive, stated Cornell University is making a presen Cation
on the North Carnp�is plan. Staff has been helpful, The City of Ithaca has seriously questioned
Co/ernelll University, The
j neighborho�oyd is concerned because raised issue�sy have riot been reviewed.
From tale neighborhood's engineer and expert data, it is fait that their data makes the City of Ithaca
and Town of Ithaca positions stronger. The changes that are wanted'' do not affect the program that
Cornell University wants, House changes are simple.. The engineers find hroor:�y,for them. It also
includes saving the Moore � ioi.ise on its own site, The other rl�quest is that there be roads internal to
the project. The City of Ithaca will not allow the traffic to be externalized. Ms, Westmont stated that
they are also asking for no change in zoning.
W ith no other persons to be heard, dice Chairperson Hoff manh closed the PERSONS TO B
HEARD at 7:49 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Final Site Flan Approval for tlhe proposed construction of
Phase 11 of the Surrirnerhill Apartments, consisting of 84 apartment units, 117 parking spaces,
walkways, and landscaping, located on a 6.4 acre parcel on Summerhill Lane, Town of
Ithaca Tax Marcel fro. 62- 2°l.I27, MB Multiple Residence District. The project site contains a
0343 ± acre delineated wetland, which will be incorporated into a stormwater retention and
drainage system. Ivar Jonson, Owner /Applicant; Lawrence P. Fa bbroni, P.B., L.S., Agent.
Larry Fabbroni, 127 Warren Road, stated PrelimiE�ary Approtiyal lef there •�� €th a n� €Erber of
issues to perfect.
Board Member Thayer stated that he is an employee of Thayer Appliance. Ivar Jonson is a
good customer of Thayer Appliance. He will not be able to vote on this matter. There is not a
quorum for a vote.
Mr. Kanter stated that the board could Dear the resentati,n and hold the public hearing The
p p 9
decision could then be tabled until the next meeting.
/ice Chairperso n Hoffmann stated that the other members would not be pr
eser3t to hear the
Attorney Barney stated that the board needs to act within a specified period of time after the
public hearing. Does the applicant have any objection to delaying the,Final Site Plan approval?
Mr. Fabbroni responded no.
Mr. Kanter stated that there might not be a July 6 meeting. Then it would be July 20. There
are no agenda items for the July G meeting.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that in the past, the Planning Board has he'd general
discussions. There has not been time to do that recently.
Board Member Ainslie asked when Burger King would be before the board again_
Mr. Kanter stated
passed there, the Burger
Attorney Barney s
date if it were authorized.
that they would
Ding Natter will
tateo that the t
Mr. Kanter will
come before the
came back to the
roard could autho
notify the board i;
Zoning Board of Appeals July 94. If it is
Planning Board after that date.
, ize this itel'm to be adjourned to a future
there will be a quorurn on July 6,
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Recommendation to the Town Board regarding
enactment of a Local Lana Amending and Restating Local Law No. 6 of the Year 1399 to
Include a Moratorium for a Period of Kline Months Regarding the Establishment of Any New
Commercial Businesses in the Town of Ithaca Utilizing ire. Excess 'of 7,500 Square Feet.
Attorney Barney stated the moratorium is currently in pi ce related to drivemthro.rgh
businesses. When the Town Board considered 'that moratorium, there was a concern as to the
possibility of larger commercial businesses being establ €shed. Therei were also concerns as to where
they should be located. The Town Board adopted the drive - through moratorium and asked that a
local law be drafted that would include larger commercial establishments and gas stations. This is are
affort to respond to the Town; Board`s request.
The law also states th
variance provision was added
they would not be able to get
was added that stated this
at applications already submitted to the Town are not included. A
to allow a variance to be obtained, The applicant has to prove that
a reasonable return on their property 'without a variance. A provision
local law tapes precedence over the State Law or Town Zoning
The Planning Beard 1,ok a brrei recess from 8:15 p.m. 1.0 8:19 m.. to read the Loca► Law.
Board member Ainslie asked for an example of a business that is 7500 square feet.
Mi. Kanter stated the Citgo Station is about 2,000 square feet. The Burger King proposal is
about 2,800 square feet. The CFCU is around 4,000 square feet. The Rite Aid at East Hill Plaza is
7,000 square feet.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that if CFCU had two floorsq it would be about 7,500 square
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann opened the public hearing at 8:20 p.m.
Ruth ltlahr, 103 Judd Falls Road, stated that she would support a moratorium on all
commercial development until the new Zoning Ordinance is brought into conformity with the
Comprehensive Plan. She would like a recommendation to the Town Board that the moratoriurn
include all commercial development. There are establishments less than 7,500 square feet that
would not be appropriate uses at the East Hill Commercial district.
Susan Shefter, 145 Pine Tree Road, stated that she supports the moratorium because it is
evident that the ,Zoning ordinance needs to be looked at. Development should not take place until
business zones are looked at and re- established.
Karen Westmont, 206 Forest Home Drive, stated the R -30 zone alloidvs a hospital next to a
farm. Her general concern is that the Town is having development in ways that now the taxpayers
have to subsidize. They have neighborhood impacts that need to be "examined. These are impacts
that have not been anticipated. The R=30 zone allows uses that this moratorium does rot include.
Mice Chairperson Hoffmann stated large businesses are the problem.
Board Member Thayer stated it should be made clear that a 3;000 square foot McDonalds is
included in the moratorium:. There are several businesses that are less than 7,500 square feet.
Attorney Barney stated that the Town Board is concerned with "Big Box' stores. Seventy °five
hundred square feet was chosen because it is the cut-oft point in the proposed ordinance. If a
moratorium is put on all commercial development, it could prevent someone from remodeling his or
her stor e. it could also prevent an existing business within a building from changing to another
business. The purpose is to stop large -scale development from coming in before it can be analyzed.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that a moratorium is not stopping business. It is delaying
the business.
Board Member Conneman asked if the gas station at East Mill Plaza could in clude a
MCDonalds within their establishment.
George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner, stated that the lot is too small.
Board Member Ainslie stated that there should be an establishment available for employees of
East Mill Plaza to go and eat.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that there are places available at East Hill Plaza where
people can eat. She is worried that the bowling lanes have been sold to a drug store or grocery
store. She does not know if the moratorium would include changes of that type.
Attorney Barney stated that any business that exceeds the size of 7,500 square feet is
I ncluded.
y, Beverly Livesay, 147 Snyder Hill Road, asked the variance !'procedure would help with the
rehabilitation of an existing space. Would they be .a3.Jl to obtain a variance?
Attorney Barney stated that it would not be possible with the way the moratorium is drafted.
Ms. Uvesay asked if the moratorium addresses no near construction and allows rehabilitation
of existing spaces and not allowing the expansion of those spaces. This would accomplish a
legitimate concern?. The question has been raised that no one complained about he drive4hro :gh
bank. There was not an issue with drive - through banks because they' are clearly allowed with specia
approval in the Zoning {ordinance.
Ms. Lives4 stated that she is amazed at the
expected. It is out of scale with the shopping center,
no new construction.
size of the CI=CU. It is much larger than
She would like to see the moratorium ;nc:u(.,e
Mr. Frantz stated that the Town Board would also be holding a public hearing on the
Attorney Barney stated that the IabPil was drafted in amanner t�sk�i 3i the Town Board.
JUNE 15, 1999
Board Member Thayer asked ghat would happier H a building larger than 7,500 square feet is
sold and it is subdivided into 2,500 scivare foot stores.
Attorney Barney stated that if there are two different establishments it could occur. The Town
Board is concerned with something happening with the bowling alley piroperty.
Mr. Frantz stated that staff looked at all the property in the East Hill Plaza area. There are no
{empty parcels available, anything that will be happening will occur in an existing building or an
existing building will be demolished. Then a 20.000 square foot building could be constructed with
4,000 square foot retail establishments.
Board Member Thayer asked if that should be addressed in the moratorium. If the intent is to
stop the large shell, then this should be included.
Attorney Barney stated that the Town Board does riot want to stop the occupancy of the empty
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that there are a number of srmall businesses in the bowling
alley establishment. These areas are appropriate for a small shopping center. They are more
appropriate than one huge store. It would not be right to discourage the creation of small businesses
that are services to the neighborhood. It is also a matter of how it is built if the existing building is
torn down.
Board Member Ainslie asked what happens at the end of nine "months.
Attorney Barney stated that there should be a new Zoning Ordinance.
Mr . Kanter stated the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance has been going on for a couple of
years. -Specific issues and map changes will be looked at.
Board Member Thayer stated that the moratorium could always be extended.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that the last paragraph on page 3 talks about applications
that have already started the application process. are there other applications than Burger King?
Mr. Kanter stated that Burger King is the only application.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann closed the public hearing at 0:48 p.m.
Mice Chairperson Hoffmann asked how they could include the of existing spaces,
Attorney Barney stated that if they are less than 7,500 satuare fleet they could be remodeled. If
a new business is not being established then it could be remodeled.
MOTIONED by Lawrence Thayer, seconded byJa.nres Ainslie.
1. The Torn Board has enacted on May 17. 1399 "Local Law r'i'd. 6 of the Year 1.099 Providing
for a ,Vioratoriurr; Regarding the Establishment of Drive -thi mugh Businesses for a Period of
Nine M®rnths'j excluding those applications for such businesses which are currently pending
before the Torn of Ithaca; and
9, The Torn Board has proposed amending saki moratL rium to include all commerc ►a . uses over
7...500 square feet and new gas stations, through Amending proposed "Local Law Anding an
Restating Local Law ,fro. 6 of the Year 1999 to Include a Mbratoriu-m for a Period of Nine
klonths Regarding the Establishment of Any New Gas Stations or Any New Commercial
Busin.asses in Excess of 7,500 Square beet ; and
3. Said proposed local later would establish interim re ` ulations pI rohibiting the establishment of
at new commercial use over 7,500 square feet and any new gas stations for a period of nine
months, in order 10 provide a 'reasonable period of time for the Torn Board to consider
alternative regulations regarding the establishment of such Lees °"414hin, the Town of Ithaca.
_ _ll
4. The Totitin Board has referred said proposed local kaW to trig 1 olvv'n or Ithaca Planning Board
for their re^olnmep dati ,n; and
5. The Planning Board, at a Public Nearing held on June 15, 11999, has reviewed the above -
referenced local iav4l
1. That the TL vvn of Ithaca Planning Board, purSuant to Article XIV, Section iu of the Town of
Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, hereby finds that:
a. Tl3urw is a need for t.3e proposed local law providing for a moratorium Toor the
establishment of all commercial uses over 7500 square feet and all new gas stations
for a period oT nine months; and
b. The existing and probable future character of the Torn Will riot' be adversely affected by
said moratorium, and
C, The proposed local law is In accoraance with a coma -re Ihensive plan of development of
the Totten; and will allow the Town Board to examine I� ltemative means of regula'i..
such uses v ithin a reasonable period of time, and l
JUNE t'5, 1=999
7999 -, raP�PRO tVEO
- Atr`'PJR0VED -
MOTIONED by Lawrence Thayer, seconded byJa.nres Ainslie.
1. The Torn Board has enacted on May 17. 1399 "Local Law r'i'd. 6 of the Year 1.099 Providing
for a ,Vioratoriurr; Regarding the Establishment of Drive -thi mugh Businesses for a Period of
Nine M®rnths'j excluding those applications for such businesses which are currently pending
before the Torn of Ithaca; and
9, The Torn Board has proposed amending saki moratL rium to include all commerc ►a . uses over
7...500 square feet and new gas stations, through Amending proposed "Local Law Anding an
Restating Local Law ,fro. 6 of the Year 1999 to Include a Mbratoriu-m for a Period of Nine
klonths Regarding the Establishment of Any New Gas Stations or Any New Commercial
Busin.asses in Excess of 7,500 Square beet ; and
3. Said proposed local later would establish interim re ` ulations pI rohibiting the establishment of
at new commercial use over 7,500 square feet and any new gas stations for a period of nine
months, in order 10 provide a 'reasonable period of time for the Torn Board to consider
alternative regulations regarding the establishment of such Lees °"414hin, the Town of Ithaca.
_ _ll
4. The Totitin Board has referred said proposed local kaW to trig 1 olvv'n or Ithaca Planning Board
for their re^olnmep dati ,n; and
5. The Planning Board, at a Public Nearing held on June 15, 11999, has reviewed the above -
referenced local iav4l
1. That the TL vvn of Ithaca Planning Board, purSuant to Article XIV, Section iu of the Town of
Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, hereby finds that:
a. Tl3urw is a need for t.3e proposed local law providing for a moratorium Toor the
establishment of all commercial uses over 7500 square feet and all new gas stations
for a period oT nine months; and
b. The existing and probable future character of the Torn Will riot' be adversely affected by
said moratorium, and
C, The proposed local law is In accoraance with a coma -re Ihensive plan of development of
the Totten; and will allow the Town Board to examine I� ltemative means of regula'i..
such uses v ithin a reasonable period of time, and l
1 That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby.' recommends, I -,car the Town o o Ithaca Town
Board enact the proposed "Local Law Amending and Restating Local' Law ,No. 6 of the Year
199.9 to Include a Moratorium for a Period of !dine Months Regarding the Establishment of Any
New Gas Stations or Any .New CQrl mercial Businesses in Exoe,ss of l 090 Square Peet"
AYES= Hoffman. Ainslie, Conneman, Thayer
NAYS - None.
The MOTION was declared to be carriec'.
AGENDA ITEM: Discussion and update regarding Cornell University's proposed North
Campus Residential Initiative, Cornell University, Owner /Applica€nt; Kathryn Wolf, Trowbridge
and Wolf, Landscape Architects, Agent.
Kathryn Wolf, Trowbridge and Wolf, stated that they wanted to' update the Planning Board on
a number of new developments. The area with the green background] is the previously submitted site
plan. Throughout the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT process, they have heard a
number of concerns by the community and the Town of Ithaca Planning Board and the City of Ithaca
Planning Beard. Those concerns are related to traffic and the Moore douse, The University is
pursuing mitigation measures that address the concerns that they have been hearing.
In general, people are alI right with the project, There is concern about how people arrive bit
the campus, They feel the University should be doing a better job of directing traffic from Pleasant
Grove Road to Thurston Avenue and Central Campus, There has been interest in fornalzing an
entrance to the campus from the north. It is not possible for Cornell University to do something along
Pleasant Grove Road alone. It is a County Read, The A -Lot is in the Village of Cayuga Heights to
the north, the City of Ithaca to the south and the Town of Ithaca to the east. In order to come to an
understanding of a, preferred direction, a meeting was held between the Cornell University staff,
Town of Ithaca, City of Ithaca, Village of Cayuga Heights, Fernando de Argon from the Metropolitan
Planning Association, and Ward Hungerf ord. Cornell University staff jlmembers presented a number
of proposals. There was an agreement at that meeting.
Ms. Wolf explained that there is a concern about getting traffic from Pleasant Grove Road to
Thurston Avenue. This is to discourage traffic from doing through Forest, Home. in order to do that a
more formalized entrance needs to be established. The University' feels that the new formalized
entrance should not be the new proposed access drive through the site. This is an intensive
pedestnan zone. It €s felt that directing all traffic thaw, Is coming) to campus through there is
inappropilate. This creates a situation that the University would not be interested in pursuing. It also
is not the best location to have an entrance. The entrance should be further to the north where
visitors can have a sense of arrival : on campus. If traffic(]is b`oug{t�€'�t( C1'[{��r�a`jn�� Pleasant �,�. ri3ve Road and
into f telen Newman there is not the opportunity to capture the per €meter :ot
The new access drive will be reconfigured so that the majority !'of the traffic will continue on
towards central campus, Pleasant Grove Road will be traffic ca #il They do not know whale the
,elements of that would be. It might include 4 -way stops at George Jessup and Pleasant Grove Read.
It is anticipated that this will not be a Lard right -hard turn. This will create the feeling of arriving on
campus. It will also influence people to use the A -Lot. Another com' onent is % look at Dearborn
Place. The signage currently directs people down Pleasant Grove Road. They are not proposing to
increase traffic to that location. Additional cars will not be directed to that location, The proposal is
to take the traffic that is currently on Pleasant Grove Road and get them away from traveling through
Forest Horn e. By doing that, people are being brt�ught out onto Triphammer Road. Some f the
options are to make Dearborn Place one -way in the other direction. It'll may be closed off altogether.
The new entrance drive includes a new roadill a formalized entrance; traffic calmed Pleasant
Grove Road, and taking a look at Dearborn: Place. This will not be thelmain entrance to the campus.
Everyone acknowledges that this is a high pedestrian traffic zone.
Board Member Ainslie asked if parking spaces would be removed.
Ms. Wolf responded that it has not been designed. The parking may not change. University
staff reeds to tape this proposal to the administrators for their approval. They are developing a
preliminary concept and cost estimates. The intenf #on is to Medicate a budget to it.
Board Member Thayer stated that he is in favor of slowing traffic down on Pleasant Grove
Road. He is concerned about the traffic being introduced to Triphammer Road.
Ms. ililTolf stated that the University is offering to contribute $40,000 to move the Douse. The
University owns a parcel of land in Forest Home. There have been conversations w'th Town staff to
determine the house could be located on the site. It works with the parcel. The moving contractor
has determined that it is feasible to move the house to that site. The University is offering to provide
this parcel at no cost.
Board Member Thayer asked what is the cost of moving the house,
Ms. Wolf stated that it is estimated to be $40,000.
Board Member Thayer asked if any thought has been given to leaving the house or site and
charging the position of the fields.
Ms. Wolf, stated that there is a large retaining wall rear the field and parking area. This is not
a practical solution. The best solution is to have the Moore House be asingle- family residence on a
single- family lot. The University has explored a range of options for the Douse. The house does not
fit their program goals. The best use for the house will be to preserve' it in a residential use.
Board Member Ainslie asked if the house would be rented or sold. Ms. Wolff stated that
negotiations are underway with Historic Ithaca. The University would' donate the mouse and the lot to
Historic Ithaca, Cornell University would ;gay for the moving of the house. Historic Ithaca would be in
the position to self the house and have a profit. They could then place the appropriate restrictive
covenant on the house to erasure that the house be preserved, If for some reason it w:II not work out,
there the University will find other options.
Board Member Ainslie asked if internal work Would need to be clone.
lbs. Wolf stated that it was updated in the 1930s,
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that she is disapp6nted that there are not better solutions
-for keeping the Moore House on site.
4sities board member Cor=neman sated tha there area Gt cif Univ that manage to maintain
the homes around the University. Duke manages to maintain houses in neighborhoods even though
they have programs in them. Cornell University has nut done that. I'
Ms. Wolf stated that there needs to be a University Program that works in the facility. Having
the house 9n Forest Horne does keep it in the neighborhood. It does Veep :t in !ta historic coot,.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann asked where the site is located.
Joni Carroll, Pro;ect Manager, stated it is located between the ° ownstream bridge and Warren
Karen Westmont, 206 Forest House Drive, stated that there is Na road right -of -gray through the
Daniel Walker, Torn Engineer, stated it would be Close tolJthe road and it might need a
Mr. Frantz stated that the lot is much wider than it looks.
Mr. Walker stated that the sewer right -of -way could be offset.
Mr. Frantz staled tort the lot is quite deep, The house could II��it on he S te, It �g�li: be outs de
the hundred -year flood plaice. There is room on the lot within the setbacks, but it may be
appropriate to put the house within the front yard setback in order to maintain the current fabric of
Forest Hone and move it away from the creek.
Ruth Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road, stated that it would be a good idea to come to the Forest
Horne Improvement Association because they may not agree with 1, the sol;Ution. There is c,.. rent
landscaping around the Moore House that would be cut down if the Wom House were moved,
Ms. Wolf stated that the intend to come back with a. more detailed plan.
y p
Ms. Wesimont stated that there are 3 departments cn campus that would have liked to use the
Moore House. All the empty lots in Forest Home are owned by Cornell university, so there are other
sites available. They have an alliance with the Cornell Heights neighborhood. It has been agreed
#hat the problems of Forest Home should not be solved at the expense of the other neighborhood.
Cornell university's own data shows that the pedestrian traffic court will be no worse than other
roads or campus and will be less than most roads on campus. Daycare would like to have the
Moore House, The Plantations would like to have the house also. They wanted to find a use that
would not require the upgrading of the Moore House to a cornr�ercial status,
Mr. Kanter stated that there would be a public information meeting on Wednesday, June 33
sponsored by Codes and Ordinances or South Hill. There are 3 areas on South Mill being proposed
for Conservation Zoning, Ms. Ritter put together a brochure explaining how the Conservation Zone
mlorks and where they will be zoned. This will be seat out to land lwners in the surrounding area.
Depending upon the public Information meeting, this may go to the Town Board at their July meeting
lo consider referring it to the Planning Board for a recommendation.
Mr. Kanter stated that Sumrnerhill Apartments wou be on `,he duly 6 agenda. Tl e board
members may want to think about other items of discussion.
Attorney arney stated that the might wart to discuss site plan approval and s ecia
y y p
Board Member Ainslie stated that they are concerned about the statements made by Attorney
Wiggins. He made statements that were incorrect.
Attorney Barney stated that he has not had the time to investigate the case.
Board Member Conneman stated that he did clot prese-jt anything of substance. The board
discussed all items in detail.
Mr. Kanter stated that he m'nentioned the filing not being don Ie on time, but that reeds to be
discussed out of public session. The second item was that there was no application for special
approval on file. That is a separate application to the Building and Zoning department. They
handled the application separately.
Board Member Ainslie stated that there is a lot of talk about sL
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that it is an expression of how upset people are.
Board Member Ainslie asked if there are two classifications in zoning.
Attorney Barney stated that there are 01 classifications.
Board Member Ainslie stated that he had a phone call saying tl
has to be acceptable to neighborhood zoning.
Attorney Barney stated that the Comprehensive, Plan ma
Commercial zones as opposed to regional. The current Zoning Ordir
'W. The uses are r"lore literal. 'iai1y pone =.e have said that the To'
Lake Source Cooling. They sued the Town. So far 7 judges agrE
People said that the Town was doing things wrong with the Linderm:.
nave agreed with the Town. To date, the Town has provided a p
discussions and to make their points. The Planning Beard made
sustainable. if the decision were to decide the other way, it would be
Board Member Ainslie stated that there is a rrrember of the
against the Burger King.
Attorney Berney stated that he would abstain. It does not ma
votes one way or the other, if it is a 2 -2 decision then it does not pa:.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that many people are
has changed, This was to be a small neighborhood shopping
JUNE 15, 199
- Ott" PF?0VED - ARroR01%E0
the classification at East Hili
le reference to neighborhood
,hce talks about A, B. C. D, and
in was doing things wrong with
with what the Town decided.
n Creek pro,ec,. Seven iuoges
1cess for people to make their
decision and he believes it is
n ng Board of who is
it easier. There heeds to be 3
because the shopping area
It was changed in various
stages. it is now zoned to allow anything commercial. II
Mr. Kanter stated that the Codes and Ordinances Commit' "tee is trying to come up with
definitions. People will be surprised when they see the range of what typical neighborhood shopping
centers are.
Vice Chairperson Hoffmann stated that the board could discuss this at the July 6 meet
Upon MOTION, Chairperson Wilcox declared the June 16, 1 1999; Meeting of Town o Ithaca
Planning Board duly adjourned at 19:00 p.m.
Prepared by:
Carrie L. Coates,
Keyboard Specialist/Minutes Recorder
Mary' Bryant.
Administrative Secretary for the Town of Ithaca
Planning Board.
126 East Seneca Street
r- .
Ithaca. New York 14850
Tuesday, June 15. 1999
7:30 P.M. Persons to be heard.
7:35 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed construction of
Phase II of the Summerhill Apartments, consisting of 84 apartment units, 117 parking spaces,
walkways, and landscaping, located on a 6.4+/-acre parcel on Summerhill Lane.Town of Ithaca
Tax Parcel No. 62-2-1.127,MR Multiple Residence District. The project site contains a 0.343 +/-
acre delineated wetland,which will be incorporated into a stonnwater retention and drainage
system. Ivar Jonson, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni,P.E., L.S., Agent.
8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Recommendation to the Town Board regarding
enactment of a Local Law Amending and Restating Local Law No. 6 of the Year 1999 to Include a
Moratorium for a Period of Nine Months Regarding the Establishment of Any New Commercial
Businesses in the Town of Ithaca Utilizing in Excess of 7,500 Square Feet.
8:20 P.M. Discussion and update regarding Cornell University's proposed North Campus Residential
Initiative. Cornell University, Owner/Applicant;Kathryn Wolf,Trowbridge and Wolf,Landscape
r Architects, Agent.
L1 5. Approval of Minutes: (None available at time of mailout).
6. Other Business.
7. Adjournment.
Jonathan Kanter,AICP
Director of Planning
MARY BRYANT AT 273-1747.
(A quorum of four(4)members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday June 15 1999
By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY
GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Planning Board of the Town
of Ithaca on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca;
N.Y. , at the following times and on the following matters :
7 :35 P.M. Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
construction of Phase II of the Summerhill Apartments,
consisting of 84 apartment units, 117 parking spaces,
walkways , and landscaping, located on a 6 . 4 +/- acre parcel
on Summerhill Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62-2-1 . 127 ,
MR Multiple Residence District . The project site contains a
0 . 343 +/- acre delineated wetland, which will be incorporated
into a stormwater retention and drainage system. Ivar
Jonson, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E. , L. S . ,
Agent .
8 : 00 P.M. Consideration of a Recommendation to the Town Board regarding
enactment of a Local Law Amending and Restating Local Law No.
6 of the Year 1999 to Include a Moratorium for a Period of
Nine Months Regarding the Establishment of Any New Commercial
Businesses in the Town of Ithaca Utilizing in Excess of 7 , 500
Square Feet .
Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in
support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by
agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments, hearing
impairments or other special needs, will be provided with assistance as
necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a
request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearings.
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
Dated: Monday, June 7, 1999
Publish: Wednesday, June 9, 1999
(Please PRINT to ensure Accuracy in Official Minutes )
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I, Sandra Polce being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign
board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper,
The Ithaca Journal.
Notice of Public Hearings to be held by the Town of Ithaca PIanning Board in the Town of Ithaca
Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday, June 15, 1999 commencing
at 7:30 P.M., as per attached.,
Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Bulletin Board, Front & Entrance of Town Hall.
Date of Posting : June 8, 1999
Date of Publication: June 9, 1999
Sandra Polce, Senior Typist
Town of Ithaca.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of June 1999.
Notary Public