HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 1972-09-07 I
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V i7 11 O (� I e !t P is f 1 e.+ ijk ; ty .
Sertemiber 7 ,, 1972
The regular iiieetincc of the, Town of ItI'-Iaca Planning .; oard
c=las held Thursday , Septenber 7. 1972 , in the Toil n of I 'Chaca
i . ff1ces , 1C• 3 E . green Street , ItOaca , ; iet-i York .
P > ESENT : Chairman varbara Holcoi:ib , E ; atert Scannell ,
i + aurice ; arris , i ; obert C'iristianson , Sarii S1 ac i: , Peter Francese
( Planning Consultant ) ,, and Javid Cov: an ( Zoning =. fficer ) .
firs . Holcomb reported on the meeti ; r of the County Planning
board . bob Christianson :1ras requested to attend azeetinc to
be held on soil conservation and to report tack 4o the Planning
board .
It uas also reported tiliat the County Planning 1.1oard 1,111
be sponsoring several forwils , the first of 1,P!Oich will be held
on October 925 concerning a -presentation by the 1 nvi York State
Gas and Electric Copinany on the ESE ruling, on underground
facilities and also rulings on gas service extensions .
sirs . Holcoi:ib . reported that there is a nee" ! letA York State
Sanitary Code on Housing Liz0 ; circulated to tote+ ns for their
comrient . Peter Francese i.-, ill check cin this and ' try to locate
fib a copy for Oe Planning Loard ,
Ili evl state legislation effective January 1 , lc' 73 states
that the r1annin9 Board r:iust eiold a public hearing on preliminary
approval of subaivisi0 :15 Tris is already i) einc� done by this
Planning.. Loa rd . The nel%t legislation also states t . at the
iinproves plan s� ust be su 'l l * tted and filed in P1 anni ng :; ffi c
A thin 30 days after approval is given .
Veter Francese Lias requested to locate soil i;ians for the
Toxin of Ithaca . Suclh yaps can J.Je used to identify gravel
deposits ; i; ich could 3e bearieficial tihen e: orkin on a proposed
gravel pit oruinance .
letter itras read from: John , leigs concerning thr, relocation
of ; t . 13 . irs , Holcomb reported that she had discussed this
uiit ; i Frank Liguori . , Jr . Liquori stated that t . 13 is still
in the proposed 20 year plan , but it is being considered as an
arterial riiefliway ratifier tt; an thruvray . It t .ras the feeling of
the Board that v:! e should push to continue to have Rt . 13 given
funds and be given priority t : ithii, the arterial hichuay category ,
heii a i - caster pl an i s adopted b- y she State , then vie will take
some definite action to nusii for adoption of tie plan .
2 .a
AIAE Di ENT TO SECTIO" 70 OF ZONL1; 6 ORDIiAl" CC : Discussion
Baas Fie d cconcerninc Section 0 o the Zoning ' ° rdinance which
• concerns extraction of natural products . Under the present
ordinance , the board of \ ppeals acts upon any requests for
excavation of the land in the Tov! n . It vas the feeling of the
Planning Hoard that this should be changed to have proposed
plans concerning extraction of natural products be presented
to the Planning board for recommendation to the TovIn '.' card .
Discussion ti , as held as to 1.riiether vie should ar�. end the
present ordinance or write a separate sand and gravel pit
ordinance . It vias decided to ariend the present ordintance to
be effective until such ti :. e that a ne : ! sand and gravel nit
ordinance is prepared and approved .
A, notion vias made by i; obert Christianson , and seconded i.) y
Iiaurice Harris , that Section 70 of the, An Ordinance of the
Town of Ithaca be revised to read as follol.<fse
11SECTI011 70 . Extraction of ifatural Products . In any
district no sod , loan , sand , gravel , or stone shall k, e removed
or offered for sale except in connection v., Ith a public l,•rork on
the property or the renoval of silt or other recently accur;lu -
lated rsaterial that blocks a normal floc,! of a plater course
vrithout the special approval of the Toin Board . In applying
for- such approval , the appl ' can t sisall subrdit to the Planning
hoard a plan of the proposed project , shouli ng property lines ,
• and adjacent public !Jays , grades , and depths of proposed removal ,
soil types to be removed , and proposed regradinc and renlantl1 ng
of the property upon completion of the operation . Said plan
lAust sirovi contours at 10 ft . intervals before operations are
commenced and after worh is cor;ipleted . In considering the
proposed use the Planning Board small take into account the
distance of the operation . frog► nei ghbori ng property and nUbl i s
v, ays , the possible detriment of such use to the future develop -
ment of the land in question , and file possible nuisance or
detriment of the operation to neic; hboring landowners and to the
coi7munity as a chole . T €ic Planning board may recommend such
conditions upon tine anflicant as it deems necessary to protect
tide general vrel fare of the cornnuni ty , + lhich i,1ay include a tide
limit upon operations , and tine requirerients that a perforrlance
bond be posted to insure conrliance v, ith the requirements of
this ordinance and rtith any furter reasonable conditions irsposed
by the board . The Planning board small thereafter adopt a
resolution recommending to the Tov; n Board either apraroval .,
approval with modifications , or :disapproval of the proposed plan .
The Tovin Board shall take final action and instruct the Town
Clerk either to issue a peri'At or to deny the application . The
original permit shall remain in effect until one year frog issue
date and 'Ue renewable annually thereafter . A reneiaal perrAt
r:-iay he issued by the Town Clerk after lie has determined , upon
inspection of the property and consultation vac th the Zoning.
Officer , that the viork completed during the past year. taas performod
according to the plans subr:ii teed tri-ien the original nermi t vias
�- issued .
Any normal building operaA.
tion in connection ;with a legal
building hermit , such as excavation , filling , or grading , shall
be excepted from the provisions of this Section . "
The motion t:aas unani +piously passed , and Section 70 scall be
so amended .
presented a proposed new sand and gravel nit ordinance For the
Town of Ithaca to be separate from the proposed netra zoning
ordinance . Discussion was Field on the appropriate requirerients
of slope . Peter Francese has proposed a 2 to l slope . Robert
Scannell felt that this Maas not steep enough and should be at
least 3 to 1 and preferably 4 to 1 . Peter will check tiitii
someone at Cornell in soils about this .
Further discussion on the proposed ordinance tpaas held .
11EC0 1 iiiEiyDATIO ! S FOIR COURT ORDER TO COY 1E i ! : Discussion
Vas held concerning t5e need to make recommendations to the
coning Board of Appeals to include , i n their recomriendation # to
the court concerning Coy Glen . The Planning Board Hoped that
Of the anendment to Section 70 of the Zoning Ordinance as
�® proposed is approved by the Toiin Hoard , then Coy Glen trill be
required to come to us and the Planning Board can hake the
recommendations rather than the Zoning Board of ;appeals . It
was suggested the Board find out the time limii t that the court
order must be filed in in order to assure there is enough time
to go ahead with this amendment before acting on the recommenda -
tions for Coy Glen , Barbara Fiolcenb t°aill check on this tri th
John Barney . If there is enough time , the Board twill wait until
approval is given by the Tot--: n Board on the amendment to Section
70 . If there is not enough time , recommendations will be pre -
pared and proposed at the September 19 oeeting for action by
the Board .
PROPOSAL. FOR PARK COUNCIL ** Barbara Holcomb reported that
she had request i1irs . Valentinoto reactivate tine Park Council .
It was pointed out before the Town takes any action , they t�ltant
to knota the Town ' s responsibilities toward maintenance of each
type of area such as neighborhood parks , recreational parks ,
and natural resource parks . It was suggested that we check
with the City of Ithaca to see how they handle this , and also
with the Totan of Lansing .
reporter on the reports for the proposed Crater facility at
Bolton Point . Discussion was held , and irs . Holcomb made a
resolution that the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca fully
supports the actions of the Toi;.! n of Ithaca , Dryden , Lansing ,
and Village of Ca .yug •a Heights in their anproval to take water
from Bolton Point for a new igater source for the greater Ithaca
area . Robert Christianson seconded the motion , and it was
unanimously passed .
AOJOLIF; NPIEN' T : The meeting was adjourned at 10e30 n . m .
Resoectfully submitted ,
Charlene La +trson , Secretary
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