HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 1966-02-08 TOWN Or ITHACA
FEBRUARY 8 ., 4956
A meeting; of the ToWn of Ithaca T11cnnin g Soard was held at the `Town
Offices , 108 East (7reen Street ,, City of Ithaca , at 8 : 00 P . M . on
Tuesday , lebr uary 8 , 1966
Me;nbers of the Board present Caere : Chairman Desch ., Walter Schwan ,
James !.,acy , Elmer Phillips , John Vasse , and Secretary Cheryl Beninati ,
There were no others present
The meeting was called to order at 8 : 00 PaM
Upon motion by Mr . Vasse , seconded by Mr . Schwan and carried by
unanimous vote , the minutes for the November , December and January
Planning Board meetings were approved ,
A br * .f
_ ey discussior3 was heald on this rgaVCer ,, althouprh no conclusions
werelir C*wn ,
A committee consisting; of C 'airman Dwelt , Walter Schwan and John Vasse
will meet at a convenient time to discuss this smatter , Mrc. T3hillips
pointed out thrut the committee should consider the following :
1 ) There is a question of roadway general requirements o the ordinance
should have a broad specification alerting developers as to what they
have to have in their subdivision plans ; ?_ ) The committee should eon
cider re - zoning high - rise buildings c 'this should be spelled out more
s � ecif ically than it is Tin the cu� ren 'c ordinance G it may be economical
to raise this requirE. rment one or two stories .
Mrr Phillips reported that he talked to Mr , Ernest Core about those
areas to be retained for aari `cultural use , and Mr , Cole said he
thought the map was okay as it is now in. this respect , Piro, Desch
stated that he would -talk to Zoning Off _L. cer Robert J ,, Wells about this
matter .
1" r , Phillips reported that he has not heard from Kodak as yet . How=
ever , he will contact them again to try to get some action from them ,
He, also reported that he does not have -the individual photo mans for
�, the Planning Board members as yet ,
r :g
Planning Board Minutes Febr°uary 3 , 3966 gage 2
RiC -1 ROAD SUBI??i �1 :ISI N
It was Dointed out that this subdivisio�i is now beim included within
the proposed South H Ul i•Jater District , tagezther with the Savey
Subdivision ,,
Mr . Kerr had inquired as to whether the present plan for settinsr up
parks in -the `Town of Ithaca '-would require. setting up park districts to
handle the operati n7 costs of same. 1'99 e nk-la., fi'!1'' e s of the Board stated
that, they did not reel there was a need for such districts , Mr . Lacy
stated that he felt public organizations and individuals would help
take care of 'this . Mr . Phillips suvrf ested the following course of
act ion 5 to be worked out on -paper : 1 ) rind out where the Town of
Ithaca should acquire the land for the park areas and coord inate this
with potential school playFrounds , whet-her there are sewer districts
in the area now or contemplated in the; future , the size of the park ,
etc , , 2 ) Have a tentative lay � out cs to what will 7o in each of the
parks , i . e , some wil ? be a sc� lic c�F� it � othyrs will be separated with
a cra lkmwa. y crith entirely dif it rc-_ �1 '- e JUIP r ent for the two areas * 3 ) Take
a Look and see what the whole problem €: ill be , After the aforesaid
is donee 1 ) See what happens if the Town of Ithaca puts the nark
program into effect , 2 ) See whether or not the individual citizens
�. are wi Iing, to fielp with the maintenance , operationg etc . a, 3 ) If a
few parks can. be put into operation ., WIC fan see if they are successful
and what har)pens with. trice opE� raating cost thens
�•�r , Vasse Inquired. as to whe trier a-nky-thi ng had been done in acguirinp
an engineer for the Town of Ithaca , Th^ Yle was no answer to this .
1 ,c was pointed out that a Town Engineer could help with the park
acquiS i On and plannir_. s� ,
Upon motion by Mr , Lacy , seconded by P �o ,, Schwan and approved by
unanimous vote , this meeting was adjourned at 3 ; 35 P24o
Respectfully submitted ,
Cheryl Beninati