HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1973-12-03' TOWN OP ITHACA
Deceinber 3, 1973
At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tomp-
kins County, New York, held at the Town of Ithaca Offices at 108 East
Green Street, Ithaca,
5:00 p.m*, there were
New Ydrk, on th^ 3rd day of Deceinber, 1973# at
\ .1
Walter J. Schwan, Supeifvisor
Andrew W, Mcfiiyee, Councilman
NOel' ibesch. Councilman
Robert N. Powats, Councilman
Vic|bpr Del Rbsso, Councilman
James V. BuyOudos, Town Attorney
Barbara Holcomb, Chairman, Planning Board
Kenneth Kroohs, Planner - Engineer
James Duhiap, Lozier Engineers, Inc.
Hugh (Satti) MacNeil, County Representative
Edward N. AuSten, Zoning Board of Appeals
Stephen Shippos, Lake Ridge
J. M. Anderson, 603 Elm Street Extension
Gene Likens, 112 Crest Lane
Maury Tigner, 564 Elm Street Extension
Herbert Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road
Arthur A, Prince, 734 Five Mile Drive
G. Talandis, 21 Dart Road
G. R. Talandis, 1 Churchill
Radio, TV, and Press
5:30 p.m.
Supervisor Schwan reviewed the fact that a public hesucing had been
held on this matter on November 12, 1973, that at that hecuring cer
tain additional extensions of sewer service had been requested, that
Lozier Engineers, Inc. were, therefore, asked to prepare an amended
map, plan, and report to include the requested extensions (with new
cost figures), and that the present hearing is for the purpose of
considering the amended map, plan, and report. The Supervisor noted
that the amended plan would add $80,000 to the cost, broken down as
Forest Home area $ 14,675
Slaterville Road area 11,930
Glenside Road area 10,000
Coddington Road area (no increase)
Elm Street Extension area 11,600
Rock 1,010
Overhead, legal and bond counsel,
engineering, inspection, financing,
and administration 20,785
Project and Construction
Contingencies 10,000
$ 80,000
There was discussion as to whether the present sewer rate of $50.00
per unit could be maintained in view of the additional cost. Super
visor Schw€ui said it is very closely figured, but he felt the project
is feasible at a 5% interest rate.
- 2 - D^deihber 3, 1973
There was some discussion of Whethaf if the prbject is authorized
at $970,000, and is approved ;by th^ Departm^t of Audit and Control,
and when the bids come iri, arid the jptoject appears to be economically
not feasible — portions of the ptbijact mi^ght be eliminated without
having to go through a public heriririg again. It appears clear that
the Town could eliminate portion^ the prbpoised project, if an
amended proposal is again presented an<i Aridther public hearing is held.
I Town Attorney Buyoucos said it|should be i)lain that the Ithaca Town
Board— in view of escalating costs, ikte deliveries, and the un
certainty of the economic outlook in general — cannot be expected
to predict changes in conditions and dosts between the beginning of
of legal proceedings and the time wheri jcoritracts are let, when larger
governmental units such as the State krid Federal governments with much
more experience and much larger ktaff aire unable to do so.
Councilman Desch suggested that the pfdject Should be bid in separate
pieces so that, if necessaryi some sections may be contracted for and
possibly others not. Councilman Dei Rosso felt the Board was strongly
committed td make every effort to hold the $50.00 seWer rate, and in
dicated that the original intent, when the water and sewer districts
were dissolved, was not to approve extensions which would increase the
proposed unit rate. The sense of the Board was that this should be
done insofar as possible, taking into account at the same time the
urgent needs of the people and feasibility based on economic conditions.
Supervisor Schwan noted that at the first public hearing on November
12, 1973 he had indicated that should the units projected not materi
alize it might be necessary to raise the unit rate a couple of dollars.
He felt, however, even under those circiimstances the project would be
Gene Likens, 112 Crest Lane. Mr. Likens asked what the time
table for the project would be. Supervisor Schwan said it would
probably go to bid next March or April and construction might start
in June (1974). Sewer might then be available that fall or the next
spring, depending on how the job is done, how big and how busy the
contractor may be. Town Attorney Buyoucos cited also the time involv
ed in legal proceedings, approval by the Department of Audit and Con
trol, and acquisition of easements.
Herbert Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road. Mr. Mahr felt the people
are not sufficiently aware of what is going on. Supervisor Schwan
noted that this is the second public hearing on the subject and that
a post-card survey of the areas was made as far back as March. To
date no opposition to the project has surfaced.
G. R. Talydis, 1 Churchill. Mr. Talandis asked how much
money was involved to bring the extension to the Fidler property (on
which he has an option to purchase)• The Supervisor indicated it
was $11,000, and that if Mr. Talandis wanted to construct a line to
serve houses he might build it would be at his own cost and expense,
and that lots in the extended area would be charged the same sewer
rate per unit as the rest of the Town.
No other persons wishing to be heard, the public hearing was closed,
and the meeting adjourned to December 10, 1973 to give the Town
^ Attorney an opportunity to prepare a formal proposed resolution au
thorizing the improvement.
The sense of the Board was that the project should probably be auth
orized at this time as presented, but that the project should be care
fully reviewed in March in terms of the interest rate and bid returns
to see whether the improvement is economically feasible, and if not
economically feasible, as amended, part might be built, or as a last
resort consideration might be given to raising the sewer rate a couple
of dollars.
The meeting was adjourned at 65 45 p.m. ^
Edward L. Bergen/ Town Clerk