HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2001-12-31 Year-End Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board
Monday, December 31 st, 2001 at 10 : 00 a . m .
1 . Call to Order
2 . Pledge of Allegiance
3 . 10 : 15 a . m . — Persons to be Heard
4 . Set Date and Time for January 2002 Town Board Meeting
5 . Set Public Hearing for Amendment to Local Law No . 10 of 1994 regarding Fees for
Draft Zoning Ordinance and Related Documents
6 . Recognition of Councilman Ed Conley' s Years of Service to the Town
7 . Discussion of Request for Speed Limit Reduction and Accompanying Petition for West
King Road
81 10 : 45 a . m . — Public Hearing — Consider Approval of City of Ithaca Fire Protection
9 , Discuss Proposal regarding Cayuga Heights Fire Contract
10 , Consider Re-appointment of :
a . Deputy Supervisor
b . Receiver of Taxes
C , Highway Superintendent
d . Town Clerk
11 , Consider Appointment of Planning Board Chair and Planning Board Member
12 . Discussion of Conservation Board By-Laws
13 . Discuss Request for Funding for Forest Home Traffic Calming Study
14 . Approval of Year- End Warrants
15 . Administration of Oaths of Office
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16 . Report of Town Committees
a . Purchase of Development Rights Committee
b . Capital Planning Committee
c . Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization
d . Codes and Ordinances Committee
e . Fire Contract Negotiating Committee
f . Park and Trail Use Committee
g . Personnel Committee
h . Public Works Committee
i . Safety Committee
j . Sewer Contract Committee
k . Special District Benefit Assessment Committee
I . Transportation Committee
17 . Review of Correspondence
18 . Consider Adjournment
MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 2001 AT 10 : 00 A. M .
Additional Item:
1 . Consider Approval for Attendance at 2002 Training for Newly Elected Officials
MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 2001 AT 10 : 00 AM
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York
held at the Town Hall , 215 North Tioga Street , there were present :
PRESENT : Catherine Valentino , Supervisor; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; Carolyn
Grigorov , Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Edward Conley , Councilman ; William
Lesser, Councilman ; Thomas Niederkorn , Councilman .
ALSO PRESENT : Tee-Ann Hunter, Town Clerk ; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel
Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent ; Jonathan Kanter ,
Director of Planning ; Judy Drake , Human Resources Specialist .
EXCUSED : Andrew Frost , Director of Building/Zoning ; Al Carvill , Budget Officer.
OTHERS : Marie Valentino , 118 Cambridge Place ; William Burbank, 132 Glenside Road ;
Jeffrey Silber, 12 Muriel Street ; Julie Conley Holcomb , PO Box 4934 Ithaca ; Mike Koplinka-
Loehr, 124 Crest Lane ; Bruce & Doug Brittain , 135 Warren Road ; John Yntema ,
Conservation Board ; Eloise Stewart , 132 Glenside Road ; Stan Seltzer, 228 Forest Home
Drive ; Ruth Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road ; Fred Wilcox , 109 Juniper Drive .
Call to Order : Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 10 : 05 a . m . , and led the
assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance .
Agenda Item No. 3 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD.
Fred Wilcox , 109 Juniper Drive - I am up for re-appointment as the Planning Board chair. I
submitted a letter to the Town Clerk stating that I would like to serve another year. My
purpose here is the re-appointment of Larry Thayer. I wish to support that nomination . Mr.
Thayer has been an effective member of the Planning Board . He is always prepared at the
meetings . He comes to the outside visits when we have them . He brings the perspective as
a former small business owner to the Planning Board , which I think is important and in which
helps our deliberations .
I want to thank the Town Planning Staff for making our job that much easier. I also want to
thank the Administrative staff because without out them we could not do our job .
Supervisor Valentino - We appreciate the work of the Planning Board and the well thought-
out recommendations that they send up to us .
Supervisor Valentino - We have to recognize the terrible events of September 11th and the
effect that they have had on our Nation , communities , local governments and in our homes .
Each one of us has to try to deal with that and help our community .
The Town of Ithaca has had a very successful year. We have been in our new building for a
little over a year. This has been a functional building for our staff and residents . It has met
and exceeded all of our expectations . We had to make very few changes . We did add
acoustical panels to this room and the Town Clerk's Office . We are now looking forward to
hopefully another very successful project with the Highway Facility .
Our infrastructure is up to date and on schedule with money in the bank to take care of the
projects that need to be done . Our two fire contracts should be completed sometime this
month . The Cornell Real Estate project will include the Old Town Hall . We hope that will
bring their " option to buy" to closure in the near future . It will be an income of $330 , 000 . We
have just signed a contract with Nextel Telecommunications for use of the Sapsucker Woods
Water Town . It will bring in another $ 1400 per month . I would like to put that rent money
aside for the maintenance and refurbishing the water tanks that need to be kept up to date .
We will be able to keep that on schedule with that money .
We cannot close the year without talking about the litigation that has been troubling us . As
troublesome as lawsuits can be and annoying that they can be , one of the things that we
have heard is that there will be in New York State Legislature this coming year, legislation
proposed to deal with land use issues that exists between towns and counties . It is not
always the direct lawsuits that get you where you need to be . It is the legislators stepping
forward . I am optimistic about the legislation .
Councilwoman Russell - I had a conversation with Kevin Kauffman from the Association of
Towns . He is telling me that it is a matter that will be discussed in the Legislative Committee
this coming year. It is being recognized as a very important public policy issue that needs to
be resolved in the State .
Supervisor Valentino - The Association of Towns is taking a big interest in trying to resolve
the issue . The lawsuit here has brought attention to the seriousness of the problem
throughout the State .
Agenda Item No 4 - Set Time and Date for January 2002 Town Board Meeting .
Supervisor Valentino - The meeting ordinarily would have been scheduled for January 7tH
We are proposing to change it to January 14tH . We have a resolution to change the date .
Councilman Klein - I do not think that I will be able to make the meeting .
Supervisor Valentino - We previously discussed the reason for changing the meeting date .
Mr. Kanter - There is a recommendation coming from the Planning Board regarding the
amendment to Special Land Use District Number 4 . We were going to schedule a public
hearing for the February meeting .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -160 - Meeting Date and Time for January 2002 Town Board
BE IT RESOLVED , that the Ithaca Town Board will hold its January 2002 Regular
Town Board Meeting on Monday , January 14 , 2002 at 5 : 30 p . m . in the Ithaca Town Hall , 215
North Tioga Street , Ithaca , New York ,
MOVED : Councilman Niederkorn
SECONDED : Councilman Lesser
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . The
motion was unanimously carried .
Agenda Item No . h - Recognition of Councilman Ed ConleV's Years of Service to the
Town .
Supervisor Valentino - People remember Councilman Conley's time as Mayor and the
difficulties in the City of Ithaca that he shepard the City through at that time . There are many
years of service to this community .
Councilman Conley - I have served for 32 years , which includes State , City and Town
service .
Councilwoman Russell - It is a very impressive career.
Supervisor Valentina read the Resolution of Appreciation.
Councilman Conley - After this last election I met several times with Will Burbank . I think that
Mr. Burbank is going to be a great asset . We had long talks about many issues and I think
he is prepared to sit down and work with the board . He may have some ideas that you do not
agree with . He has a few ideas that I do not agree with , but he has a right to those .
Ray Bordoni , Town Justice - I have a lot of good recollections working over many years with
Councilman Conley . I look at him as not only my friend , but a mentor. He is a good neighbor
and family member . Our dog loves him . Years ago , when I was a volunteer fire fighter,
Councilman Conley came to my house . My children were pretty small . We were enjoying a
device in our house that at that time was probably not legal to have . Councilman Conley
came to the door and introduced himself . He asked if I would like to join the first ever Ithaca
Cable Television Commission . I said that I did not know anything about it , but I would be glad
to help . That meant that we had to get rid of this device so I could serve without prejudice .
My children were mad at me for accepting . Over the years my government experience grew
from that . We did a pretty good job on that cable commission . It was all under Councilman
Conley's leadership . We put together one of the best franchises in the United States . People
from all over the country asked us for a copies of it so that they could model theirs after ours .
I went on from there to be a councilman and then the Mayor of the City of Ithaca .
I always loved Councilman Conley because he was the kind of leader that never became
overbearing . I really appreciate that because he represents the best in people . He had an
attitude of I did my thing and I will let him do his thing . He might not have agreed with
everything I did , but 'we are still friends . Councilman Conley always came to meetings full
prepared . He knew what he was doing and knew what he wanted to accomplish . After every
council meeting we would go to the Ritz and enjoy some beverage and popcorn . During our
council meetings we would argue and fight with each other. After the meeting , we all went to
the Ritz and ended up laughing with and at each other. We went home happy so that we
were not angry or upset with each other. We were in good solid footing with one another the
next time we met . It was because of Councilman Conley's ability to pull people together. I
cannot thank Councilman Conley enough for the things that he has done for myself . I would
like to say to Councilman Conley from all of us and the City of Ithaca , " Thank you very much ' .
Supervisor Valentino - We will have the resolution framed for Councilman Conley. It has
been wonderful getting to know Councilman Conley and working with him . Your insights
have been a great help to me personally .
RESOLUTION NOw 2001 -161 — Recognition of Ed Conley' s Years of Service to the
WHEREAS , EDWARD J . CONLEY was first elected to the Town Board of the Town of
Ithaca effective January 1 , 1994 , was reelected to a second term effective January 1 , 19987
and has continued to serve as Town Councilman to date ;
WHEREAS , Councilman Conley' s term of office will end December 31 , 2001 ; and
WHEREAS , during his eight years of service on the Town Board , as well as during his
many years of prior public service , including service as the Mayor of the City of Ithaca ,
Councilman Conley has been a effective , dedicated leader in addressing the needs of the
communities and citizens he serves ; and
WHEREAS , among his many accomplishments while a Town councilperson ,
Councilman Conley served on the Personnel Committee , the Public Works Committee , and
other committees and bodies of the Town , including the committee which reviewed and
recommended changes in the role and status of the town Supervisor and Deputy Town
Supervisor; and
WHEREAS , during his years of service Councilman Conley has diligently and
competently represented the interests of the Town and its citizens , and has provided the
Town Board , Town Staff , and other Town and citizen bodies the benefits of his intelligent ,
pragmatic , and reasoned advise and judgments , often augmented by his keen sense of
humor; and
WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca is indebted to Councilman Conley for his long and
exemplary service as a Town Board Member and wishes to express its appreciation to him
for his contributions ;
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca ,
on behalf of the Town , its citizens and residents , expresses its sincere gratitude to
Councilman Edward J . Conley for his distinguished , articulate and dedicated service to our
MOVED : Catherine Valentino
SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell ABSTAIN : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried .
Agenda Item No. 7 - Discussion of Request for Speed Limit Reduction and
Accompanying Petition for West King Road .
Mr. Noteboom - I looked at it and re-evaluated it . I talked with Barry Stevens about it . Could
the board pass a resolution to resubmit this to the State to extend that speed zone beyond all
the houses that come before the curves ? It could help out the situation . It is presently a 40
mph speed zone in that section . It starts after the curve almost . They are confused about
the speed limit signs , but we can straighten it out .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -162 — Request Speed Limit Reduction on West King Road
WHEREAS , West King Road is a road within the Town of Ithaca , and a reduction of
the speed limit has been requested ; now , therefore be it
RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby requests , through the County of
Tompkins , that the State of New York Traffic Safety Division consider extending a linear
speed limit of 40 MPH 2 , 000 feet south from the present linear speed limit on West King
Road .
MOVED : Supervisor Valentino
SECONDED : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . The
motion was unanimously carried .
Agenda Item No . 5 - Set Public Hearing for Amendment to Local Law No . 10 of 1994
regarding Fees for (Draft Zoning Ordinance and Related Documents .
Supervisor Valentino - There was a problem on the first legal notice . We need to re-post it . I
propose that we set the public hearing at 6 : 45 p . m .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hold a public hearing at the
Town Hall , 215 North Tioga Street , Ithaca , New York , on the 14th day January, 2002 , at 6 : 45
p . m . for the purpose of considering a proposed local law amending Local Law Number 10 of
the year 1994 , which amendment would set fees for the sale by the Town of copies of the
Town 's 2002 draft zoning ordinance and related maps and documents ; and it is further
RESOLVED , that at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed
amendment and fees may be heard concerning the same ; and it is further
RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and
directed to publish a notice of such public hearing in the Ithaca Journal published in the City
of Ithaca , Ithaca , New York , and to post a copy of same on the signboard of the Town of
Ithaca , said publication and posting to occur not less than ten days before the day designated
above for the public hearing .
MOVED : Councilman Conley
SECOND : Councilman Lesser
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . The
motion was unanimously carried .
Supervisor Valentino - I heard on the radio news that this proposed amendment for the fees
was an increase in the cost of providing these to the public . That is wrong . It is actually be a
decrease . We want to keep the cost as reasonable as possible . It will eventually be
available on the website and library. Copies will be available in the Town Clerk' s Office for
review . We will do everything that we can to make sure that the public has every opportunity
possible to get this .
Agenda Item No 9 - Discuss Proposal regarding Cayuga Heights Fire Contract
(Attachment #1 )
Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Silber sent us a letting highlighting some of the final things that we
need to sort out . For example , all the external revenues will be included in the formula for
determining the Town ' s cost . It is basically the same formula we use with the City contract . 1t
will really clean things up in a neat way. When this expires in five years , we will not need to
go through all the same negotiations . We will have a system and formula in place based on
the assessed value of Cayuga Heights and the assessed value of the Town being protected
by Cayuga Heights . It will be easier to administer and take care of in the future . We still
need to have another negotiation session for the final wording of the contract .
Councilman Klein - How are we going to move forward ?
Supervisor Valentino - We have a memorandum of understanding in place right now for
another month . We have fire protection . I want to thank everyone who worked with us and
helped us understand each other.
Attorney Barney - I read that there is a capital expense in access of $25 , 000 . If the Village
chooses to pay then we have the choice of either making the same payment or payments
over the life of the equipment . It is fine if we are still involved in contractual fire service .
Would we be obliged to the balance if we are no longer under a contract?
Mr. Silber - No . If you have chosen to pay it over the life of the asset and you do not renew ,
then you are done . If you pay full up and do not resign after five years , then you are out of
luck . It is the Town 's choice .
Attorney Barney - Are the payments without interest ?
Mr. Silber - Yes .
Supervisor Valentino - We have listened to each other very carefully on this . We have tried
to understand each other's needs .
Mr. Silber - This will meet the needs of the Northeast for many years .
Agenda Item No . 10 - Re-appointment of :
a . Deputy Supervisor
RESOLUTION NO . -2001 -164 — Reappointment Deputy Town Supervisor.
BE IT RESOLVED, Mary Russell is hereby re-appointed as Deputy Town Supervisor
by Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor, for a term continuing to January 1 , 2003 ,
MOVED : Supervisor Valentino
SECONDED : Councilman Klein
ABSTAIN : Councilwoman Russell
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ;
Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . The motion
was carried .
b . Receiver of Taxes
Supervisor Valentino - Mrs . Kelley has been doing an outstanding job . She takes her
responsibility very seriously .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 - 165 — Reappointment Receiver of Taxes .
BE IT RESOLVED, Deborah Kelley is hereby re-appointed as Receiver of Taxes , for
a term continuing to January 1 , 2003 , at the annual salary of $5 , 000 . 00 .
MOVED : Councilman Lesser
SECONDED : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman
Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried unanimously .
c. Highway Superintendent
Supervisor Valentino - Thank you , Mr. Noteboom . We are very fortunate to have dedicated
people in the Town of Ithaca . Mr. Noteboom works very hard for the residents . We
appreciate your service .
RESOLUTION NOo 2001 - 166 — Reappointment Highway Superintendent.
BE IT RESOLVED, Fred Noteboom is hereby re-appointed as Highway
Superintendent , for a term continuing until the 1 St day of January next succeeding the next
biennial Town election to wit , January 1 , 2004 ,
MOVED : Councilwoman Russell
SECONDED : Councilman Niederkorn
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman
Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried unanimously .
d . Town Clerk
r is our newest member to the group . She has been doing
Supervisor ervisor Valentino Ms . Hunter g p
an outstanding job .
RESOLUTION NOw 2001 - 167 — Reappointment Town Clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED, Tee-Ann Hunter is hereby re-appointed as Town Clerk , for a term
continuing until the 1St day of January next succeeding the next biennial Town election to wit ,
January 1 , 2004 ,
MOVED : Councilman Niederkorn
SECONDED : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman
Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ;
Councilman , Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried unanimously .
Agenda Item No . ' 111 - Consider Appointment of Planning Board Chair and Planning
Board Member.
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -168 - Appointment of Planning Board Chair for the Year 2002
BE IT RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby
appoints Fred T . Wilcox III to serve as Chair of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board from
January 1 , 2002 through December 31 , 2002 ,
MOVED : Supervisor Valentino
SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman
Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ;
Councilman , Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried unanimously .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 - 169 — Appointment to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board
BE IT RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby
appoints Larry Thayer to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board , term beginning January 1 , 2002
and ending December 31 , 2008 .
MOVED : Councilman Lesser
SECONDED : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman
Niederkorn , aye . The motion was carried unanimously .
Supervisor Valentina - Mr. Thayer is very dedicated to the Planning Board . He does a great
job .
Agenda Item No. 8 - Public Hearin _ - Consider Approval of City of Ithaca Fire
Protection Contract.
Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 10 : 45 a . m . The Town Clerk had proof of
posting and publication .
Supervisor Valentino - There are nine outstanding issues to be resolved . We are going to
need one more session to figure out those items . I would like to adjourn the public hearing .
Attorney Barney - We should close the public hearing and set a new public hearing date .
Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 10 : 47 p . m .
Supervisor Valentino - We have some concerns with word changes , their City budget and
revenues . We have not verified the assessed values . It should be easy to do . They have
not approved the language that Attorney Barney and I want to put in that constitutes an error
that causes us to have an overpayment . We also need a resolution authorizing the extension
of the memorandum of understanding and the payment of $ 150 , 000 .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -170 - Authorization of the Extension of the Memorandum of
_Understanding with the City of Ithaca for Fire Protection and the Payment of
$1504000. 00
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor be authorized to execute an extension of
the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Ithaca for fire and emergency service
protection for an additional three months , and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor is authorized to pay the sum
of $ 150 , 000 . 00 to the City of Ithaca towards the first quarter installment for such services for
the year 2002 .
MOVED : Supervisor Valentino
SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman
Niederkorn , aye . Carried unanimously .
Agenda Item No 12 - Discussion of Conservation Board By-Laws (Attachment #2)
Councilwoman Russell - I researched the By- Laws for the Conservation Board . I discovered
that they were never officially approved by the board .
Supervisor Valentino - I was concerned about the appointment of associate members . The
By- Laws talk about associate members . The By- Laws want people participating and being
part of the process . They have played an important role . We want to figure out a way that
we can still have that input in a way that will work for us . My concern is that whoever we
have on any of the committees , the appointments need to be made by the Town Board .
Ms . Ritter - The Associate members have played an important role on the Conservation
Board . At this point , they tend to be members who had been existing members and scaled
back some of their roles , but still want to participate . It has allowed new members to come
onto the board . There was a problem getting new people on the Conservation Board when I
first started . We have not had a problem lately . I think that having the movement into
Associate membership to allow new people on the board kind of allows new members to
come and be involved . I have to say that the two Associate members that we have now are
quite active . Our minute taker is an Associate member. There is a desire by the
Conservation Board to continue this kind of membership allowed .
Councilman Niederkorn - Do the Associate members vote ?
Ms . Ritter - No . They do participate in all the discussions .
Councilman Klein - Could we also expand the Conservation Board ?
Ms . Ritter - The number of members is set by the New York State Town Law . We currently
have eight members . It is a minimum of three members and a maximum of nine members .
Councilman Lesser - Are the Associate members interested in full membership participation ?
Ms . Ritter - They seem to be people who feel guilty because they are not going to be able to
make all board meetings that year or feel that they need to scale back . Our Associate
members do tend to participate equally .
Councilwoman Grigorov - Anyone could go to the meeting and talk as much .
Ms . Ritter - The difference is that they do sit on some of the subcommittees and do
participate in the discussions freely . It does give them some recognition being titled an
Associate member more so than being a member of the public coming to the meetings .
Councilman Klein - Have the Associate members been asked recently if they are interested in
a regular appointment?
Ms . Ritter - They are being asked because the issue has come up . We have not had a
Conservation Board meeting since this issue came up . We also have some new applicants .
We were under the impression that we had a certain number of Associate members and we a
certain number of opening . This throws things into question .
Supervisor Valentino - I would like to refer this back to the Conservation Board . We have
some younger residents interested in being a member of the Conservation Board .
Councilman Conley - It is great to have so many people interested in being a member on the
Conservation Board .
Councilwoman Russell - One of the major problems with the old by- laws is that it gave the
Conservation Board the power to appoint their Associate members .
Councilman Conley - The Associate members need to be appointed by the Town Board .
Ms . Ritter - The recommendation is for them to have some kind of Associate member as long
as they are appointed by the Town Board .
Councilwoman Russell - We are asking for some direction on the issue from the
Conservation Board .
Councilman Lesser - We all agree that they do a great job . We want to continue to
encourage them .
Supervisor Valentino - We need to be clear on what their authority is .
Attorney Barney - They have changed the law with respect to Planning Board and Zoning
Board of Appeals to allow alternate members . They may have changed it for the
Conservation Board . It might another route to go . The members could attend a meeting
without a vote . They would be available to vote is a member was absent . They would need
to be Town Board appointees . The Conservation Board could under their own motion allow
anyone to sit at their table . They would not be voting members . I am not sure if the board
wants to make it a prerequisite that they be appointed by the Town Board .
Councilman Lesser - Does State Legislation allow members of the public to serve on
Attorney Barney - There is no law that says a non -member of a particular bodies cannot
serve on a committee that is appointed or used by that body for some purpose . We would
need to be careful of the role that they play in the sense that they are a member of the public
making a recommendation to the Conservation Board .
Mr. Kanter - There is a possible constraint in local law that established the Conservation
Board which says that the board may create one or more subcommittees made up of at least
three of its members to which subcommittee the function of reviewing development
applications may be delegated . The vote of a majority of the members of such duly
constituted subcommittee shall be necessary to forward any reports or recommendations to
any referring entity . There is probably a constraint for the Environmental Review Committee
in our own local law to nonmembers serving on that . It could apply to other committees as
well . It is not saying that the local law cannot be changed . It is the Town 's local law . It is not
from the State enabling laws .
Supervisor Valentino - The Conservation Board could discuss this at their next meeting .
Agenda Item No. 13 - Discuss Request for Funding for Forest Home Traffic Calming
Study (Attachment #3
Supervisor Valentino - We have a draft of the Final Traffic Report .
Stan Seltzer, 228 Forest Home Drive - We have provided a draft to the board . This in some
sense is a continuation of an item that you started three weeks ago . The Board has been
kept pretty informed as to the status of the project . Councilman Klein was with us when we
selected the consultant . Councilman Lesser and Councilwoman Russell met the consultant
when he first came into Town . We had a ton of open meetings in late September when the
consultants came to Town . The Town was well represented . Mr . Noteboom attended the
meetings . No one really needed to be told that there was a problem with traffic in Forest
Home . The issue was to try to find some solutions . They appear to be on their way. The
draft report is fairly clear where they seem to be headed . There were some comments three
weeks ago about implementation . I think that from my standpoint that the consultants are
concerned about implementation . There are not extreme or radical measures in there . On
the other hand , they have the potential to give some improvements . We are looking for
improvements .
Supervisor Valentino - What is going to happen next?
Mr. Seltzer - There is still one more consultant visit . The consultants will be back . We will
make sure that people have opportunities to talk to them . I think it would be a good a idea .
They certainly have questions for the committee in their report . We have to respond to them
on specifics . We should convey any concerns to the committee that the Town may have .
We will be getting together in a week in order to put together our response . The consultants
will come back and there will be opportunities to speak to them .
Supervisor Valentino - I have some comments that I would like to make at that meeting .
Councilman Klein - Is their last visit prior to their final report?
Mr. Seltzer - Yes . I think they will come here with a well formed plan , but not a final report .
Supervisor Valentino - The main reason that this is before the board is because they need
$2500 for the consultant . They have asked the Town of Ithaca to add additional funding . We
have authorized $5000 for this . I checked with our Budget Officer. We have those funds
available .
Councilman Niederkorn - We need to support this . I do not think this should be seen as a
commitment to this solution or to implementing any of the recommendations in the report . I
support the additional funding with that understanding .
Councilman Lesser - I agree . I support the additional funding . It is valuable for the whole the
community where there are issues of traffic calming . I did raise concerns about
implementation at the last meeting . My concerns at that point were that if the final report
comes in and has the same form as the draft , which includes good general suggestions but
not a lot of details . It would be a lot of staff time to go from a general description like this to
even thinking about how we would go about doing it . The committee is going to be pressing
the consultants for more details . The more details we have , the more rapidly we can start
thinking about how to get started in the specific steps .
Councilman Klein - I agree with Councilman Lesser and Councilman Niederkorn . The report
at this point in time is what I expected . It does give us something to consider. We have a
long way to go . There is no funding in place to implement anything .
Supervisor Valentino - We need a resolution to authorize an additional $2500 towards the
cost of the Forest Home Traffic Calming Report . The report is very interesting .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -171 — Authorizing an Additional $2 , 500 . 00 Towards the Cost of
the Forest Home Traffic Calming
BE IT RESOLVED that the governing board of the Town of Ithaca approves an
additional $2 , 500 . 00 contribution towards completion of the Forest Home Traffic Calming
report .
MOVED : Catherine Valentino
SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigovov ,
aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman
Niederkorn , aye . Motion carried unanimously.
Additional Agenda Item No. 1 - Authorization for Attendance - Training for Newly
Elected Officials .
Supervisor Valentino - This training will be in Albany January 7t" through January 91" . Mr.
Burbank will be attending .
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 - 172 — Authorization for Attending Training for Newly Elected
WHEREAS , the 2002 Training School for Newly Elected Town Officials , sponsored by
the NYS Comptroller and Association of Towns , is being held in Albany , NY , January 7-9 ,
2002 ; and
WHEREAS , attendance at the said program will benefit the Town of Ithaca by
providing additional training to Councilman Burbank ;
Now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby
authorize Will Burbank , to attend the 2002 Training School for Newly Elected Town Officials ,
sponsored by the NYS Comptroller and Association of Towns , being held in Albany , NY ,
January 7-9 , 2002 ; and be it further
RESOLVED , the cost not to exceed $650 is to be expended from Al 010 , 410 ,
MOVED : Councilwoman Russell
SECONDED : Councilman Niederkorn
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . Motion
unanimously carried .
Agenda Item No. 14 = Approval of Year-End Warrants.
RESOLUTION NO . 2001 -173 - Town of Ithaca Year End Warrants .
WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca
Town Board for approval of payment ; and
WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town
Board ; now therefore be it
RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the
said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated .
VOUCHER NOS . 4436 through 4541
General Fund Townwide $61 , 998 . 83
General Fund Part Town $8 , 389 . 27
Highway Fund Part Town $35 , 203 . 08
Water Fund $91 , 396 . 77
Sewer Fund $295 , 925 . 44
Lighting Districts $ 1 , 128 . 91
West Hill Improvements $2 , 068 . 46
Risk Retention Fund $ 665 . 00
Trust and Agency $2 , 605 . 00
TOTAL $499 , 380 . 76
MOVED : Councilman Klein
SECONDED : Councilman Conley
VOTE : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov ,
aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilman Lesser, aye ; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . Motion
unanimously carried .
Agenda Item No. 15 - Administration of Oaths of Office.
Attorney Barney administered the Oath of Office to Councilwoman Russell, Ms. Hunter, Mr.
Noteboom, Councilman Burbank, and Mrs. Kelley.
Agenda Item No . 16 - Report of Town Committees .
a . Purchase of Development Rights Committee.
Councilman Lesser - We made a purchase offer on a property . The family has decided to go
ahead with their own independent appraisal . Clearly they are interested if they are willing to
go to that expense .
I . Transportation Committee.
Councilman Lesser - The Transportation Committee discussed concerns of some of the
homeowners in the area about speeding . We recognize the financial constraints of the
County . It is unlikely that the County is going to be able to support significant additional
patrol for traffic violations . We raised the possibility of a special benefit district that would
cover additional policing for traffic offences . I spoke with Sheriff Meskill about this . He said
that they would be very enthusiastic about it . He quoted on a preliminary basis the cost of
about $45 per hour. The Sheriff's office would be able to cover the cost of the meal . It has
not gone any further. I wondered if the board would be interested to have Sheriff Meskill and
other officers come talk to the board about what such an activity would involve . We could
consider the possible issue if it looked feasible .
Attorney Barney - I would need to look into it to see if we could do it .
Councilman Lesser - I can talk with Attorney Barney and then bring it back to the board .
j . Sewer Contract Committee .
Supervisor Valentino - We had quite a discussion about the Integrated Sewer Project at our
last board meeting . We talked about the fact that we decided not to sign the City's
agreement to spend $400 , 000 on the Stearns and Wheler contract for phosphorous removal .
Mr. Walker has done some research . We told the City that we really wanted to get the report
that was due to us back in October. We have dug in our heels a little bit . We have received
the report . It turns out that the two technologies that they were proposing turned out not to be
feasible .
Mr. Walker - Utilizing the existing phosphorous tanks as a location for the phosphorous
removal turned out to be not cost effective . After they got the message that we needed the
final report recommendation , they really looked at things more closely . To utilize the existing
infrastructure would be complicated to make the up flow filtration system since the tanks are
round . The new technology would not fit the tanks in a cost effective manner. There was a
significant amount of additional large pipe and pumps to make the water flow backwards .
They pipes are at the wrong end of the plant . When they got the request for the final report ,
they actually sat down and looked everything again . They decided it did not make sense to
use it . It would be a lot more efficient to put the filtration system next to the outlet end of the
plant where the water is already there . It would minimize additional piping . It would minimize
the need for additional pumping except at very high flow conditions . Gravity flow will run
most of the system . I have not had a chance to digest everything .
We received this December 26th . They have revised their figures . They are recommending
one of the technologies that uses sand injection . It reduces the size of the unit significantly .
It reduces the structural cost . I will have a summary for the next meeting . The project will be
about a $4 , 000 , 000 project . They have reduced the engineering fees by $40 , 000 . They will
not be preparing two documents . They have designed the system based on one technology.
It does not exclude the other use . It would put the engineering fees at 10 to 12% of the
project costs . There is a lot of mechanical , hydrolical , and electrical designs on this . It is a
reasonable construction cost . I do not have a resolution at this point . I want to review the
figures and make a recommendation at the January 14th meeting . The unit will be much
more compact . The other unit would need twice the area for the other type of unit . It adds a
lot of foundation costs to the project . They have recommended the unit that takes the smaller
unit . The sand does not go into any other part of the process . The sludge that is generated
is not put back into the digesters . There is no organic material . It is only the phosphorous . It
can be handled and disposed of separately from the other waste stream .
Councilman Klein - What did the City engineering staff have to say about it?
Mr. Walker - They received a letter from us . We have copies of the letter for everyone . The
original cost of $412 , 000 . It has been reduced by $40 , 000 . This is a new technology . It was
piloted in Syracuse . The manufacturer of the process has been involved with the designs .
They want to make it work . We will be expecting regular progress reports and input at critical
points .
Councilman Klein - What is the projected construction start ?
Mr. Walker - The design phase is 210 calendar days . It could be as early as October or
November for construction to start .
Mr . Kanter - Is the approvement contingent on getting additional State fund ?
Mr. Walker - We have the funding approved under the first two phases for this project . This
project was started over three years ago . It does not fall under SEQR for the integrated
sewer system . I am confused about how the funds are distributed . I need to do more
research so that I can provide that information at the January meeting .
Councilwoman Grigorov - Have we lost money?
Mr. Walker - No . We have not lost money . It is very fuzzy. The State wants us to spend the
money that we have already been approved . The City has not made application for the
funds . I do not know why . They could have reimbursed for the full funds six to twelve
months ago . They just got around to putting the application in . It is a paperwork problem .
d . Codes and Ordinances Committee .
Mr. Kanter - The COC did meet in December. It was a light turnout . We did talk about a
provision in the proposed Zoning Ordinance that deals with Agricultural uses . Attorney
Barney thought that we should do work on this before we get too far in circulating the draft . It
has to do with mobile homes being able to locate within the State designated agricultural
districts . We need to see if our current ordinance conflicts. with the State Ag and Markets
Law. A recent Court of Appeals Decision that addressed the issue for farm worker. Attorney
Barney agreed to take a look at that and to come back at the next COC meeting with
suggested language . The next COC meeting is January 16tH
b. Capital Planning Committee.
c . Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization .
e. Fire Contract Negotiation Committee.
f. Park and Trail Use Committee .
g . Personnel Committee .
h . Public Works Committee .
i . Safety Committee .
Ike Special District Benefit Assessment Committee.
Agenda Item No . 18 - EXECUTIVE SESSION .
Motion made by Supervisor Valentino , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to enter into an
Executive Session to discuss Bostwick Road litigation . Carried unanimously . The Board
entered Executive Session at 11 : 50 a . m .
Motion made by Supervisor Valentino , seconded by Councilman Lesser, to resume regular
session . Carried unanimously . The Board resumed regular session at 12 : 13 p . m .
Agenda Item No. 19 - ADJOURNMENT :
As there was no further business to come before the Town Board , a motion was made
by Councilman Niederkorn , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to adjourn . Carried
unanimously .
Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 12 : 14 p . m .
Respectfully submitted ,
Tee-Ann Hunter,
Town Clerk
* NEXT REGULAR MEETING — February 11 , 2002 at 5 : 30 p . m .
** Minutes Transcribed by Carrie Whitmore .
MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 2001 AT 10 : 00 A. M .
Name Address
3 .
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5 . k I i �A 6 , Cam , 12 g c yy s t Lc,
65 Q�'� UIL . azr ^4 1 / S5-- Gj4p f,
8. 4 / y,
90 13
10 .
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11 .
ut Gt,i
12 .
13 .
15 .
16 .
18 .
19 .
20 .
e Village of Capp lulghts
836 HANSHAW ROAD Telephone
- ITHACA, N .Y. 14850 607-257- 1238
i Office Hours
+ Sri 9 A. M. - 4 P.M.
December 24, 2001
To : Cathy Valenti
From : Jeff Silber
Re : Fire Contract
Thanks for your information earlier this month regarding the fire contract. I talked to the Village
Board, and believe that I have a suggestion that will allow us to agree on costs without having a
depreciation component.
The highlights of our proposal are:
• All external funds (e.g. Cornell, gifts, grant, state or federal aid, resale of assets paid by fire
contract) are subtracted from total expenses prior to apportionment. This will ensure that both
the Village and Town share in these sources in accordance with the apportionment of expenses .
• The Town will pay for large capital acquisitions (over $25 ,000) on the same schedule as the
Village. That is, if the acquisition is bonded, the bond interest and principal paid in a given
year shall be apportioned in the same fashion as other expenses .
• If the Village chooses to make a significant (over $25 ,000) payment for all or part of a capital
acquisition, the Town, at its option may pay for that sum as follows:
o In its entirety in the year following the Village payment
o Over time, in even payments, with the period of payment being no longer than zhe lesser
of local. finance law definition of the useful life of the asset, or the life of bonds issued
(if any) for the acquisition of the asset.
o Remaining unbilled capital costs from prior contracts will be handled in this manner.
• The Village will only charge costs directly attributable to the Fire Department operWdon. No
costs attributable to general administration (e. g. Mayor/Clerk/Treasurer' s salaries, etc .) will be
charged, nor will there be an administrative mark-up of the contract.
• The Town and Village will agree to a percentage for the cost split that will be used for the five
year territory. _.
• The Village and Town agree to reopen discussions regarding Forest Horne territory in year four
of the contract if it is determined that the Village ' s service to that territory is inadequate.
Once we agree on the terms I ' ll quickly generate the total cost. I don 't know if you want to plug it into
the old contract frame work (via a side letter) or your counter proposal . I' m available to do either
approach on Wednesday. I expect to be at my Cornell office for much of the day. Please feel free to
try me there (254-8700) or at home (257-3819). I ' m also available to attend your year- end board
meeting if that would be helpful.
Best wishes for the holidays.
Agenda Item No , 12
To : Sue Ritter, Jon Kanter and Cathy Valentino
From: Mary Russell
Date : December 14, 2001
Re . Conservation Board By-laws
I wanted to create a record of my research on the CB by-laws . I was
researching which, if any, of our Boards had rules of procedure in
preparation for my participation in the Assoc . of Towns/State Comptroller' s
jointly sponsored teleconference . I had been alerted that this was one of the
questions I would be asked to answer.
I remembered working on by-laws as a. member of the CB , so I
checked with Sue to see if she had them She gave me a copy of the by-laws
that she had. They were dated 4-7-94 . I asked her if they were ever
approved by the Town Board, since that is what is required by Local Law 4
of 1993 . She told me she didn ' t know so I began researching .
The by-laws dated 4-7 -94 were discussed at a TB meeting on 440-95 .
The question of "associate members" was the issue most focused upon and
considered to be problematic by the TB . The by-laws were considered for
approval at the 5 - 8 -95 meeting and were not approved. Supervisor John
Whitcomb suggested that the CB "revise the by-laws to reflect a change
regarding the ` associate member' status and provide me with a copy to be
presented to the Town Board at some future date. "
This was discussed at the CB meeting on 64 -95 and a subcommittee
was appointed (which included me) to revise the by-laws to reflect the TB ' s
concern about having designated "associate members" . Janet Hawkes
(chair) produced the revised draft dated September 7 , 1995 which went out
with the packet and was on the agenda for the CB meeting on that date . The
minutes of that meeting state "Changes were made to the by-laws by Janet,
and they will be presented to the Board (CB ) at the next meeting for review
and comment. " A further revision dated September 8 , 1995 was on the CB ' s
agenda for the 10-6-95 meeting and included in that meeting ' s packet.
Unfortunately, the minutes of that meeting were missing from the file ,
so it is , at this point, unclear as to whether or not the CB approved the by-
laws on that evening . I went forward several months in the CB records and
could not find any minutes for that meeting , nor were the by-laws on the
agenda of the CB again. This was a period of time when the CB lost both its
chair and vice-chair AND we were experiencing a significant backlog of
minutes , for reasons I can ' t quite remember. I also checked the TB agendas
from October 1995 through October 1996 and the CB by-laws were not
listed. I will look at home to see if I have any notes from the October 1995
meeting . Sue is going to check the electronic database to see if she can find
the missing minutes .
If we can ' t find that they were approved by the CB then I think they
should be reconsidered for approval by that Board. The CB could, I
believe, still have "Friends of the Conservation Board" -- members of the
public who attend their meetings regularly--but they would not have any
official status , . nor would they be officially voted on by CB members . The
nine member maximum and three member minimum is actually contained in
Section 239-x of General Municipal Law .
/ 7
y . GLATTING Agenda # 13
JACKSON (�I� tb � iS-f obote eoI7, y
William j. Anglin.jr.
David L Barth
Jay H. Exum
Jack F. Glatting December 21 , 2001
Carey S. Hayo
Jay R Hood
Timothy T.Jackson Ms. Ruth M. Mahr
William C. Kercher,Jr. 103 Judd Falls Road
Walter M. Wash
Sharon K. Lamanda Ithaca, New York 14850
S. Raymond Lopez
John H. Perry RE : Ithaca/Draft Final Report — Forest Home Traffic Calming
John F. Rinehart GJ# 15552. 01 •
Gregory A. Bryla Dear Ruth :
David R. Claus
Charles P. Cobble
ichael R. Cochran Enclosed find the Draft Final Report for the Forest Home Traffic Calming.
Jefl'rry S. Collins
.chard E. Durr,Jr. Please note, in the report, that there are a number of questions which the Committee can
Bruce C. Hall answer. Following the Committee' s input on these questions, we will produce a final report,
David M. Kumer
Frank A.Jaskiewicz with revised text and refined graphics.
Gail D. Lacey
William D. Lites Please call me with any comments or questions you may have. The.`Iooffice will be closed until
Edward J. McKinney December 31 , 2001 .
Thomas J. McMacken,Jr.
Douglas A. Metzger Best wishes for a happy holiday season !
John J. Moore I l I
Timothy R. Palermo
Troy P. Russ Sincerely,
Jodi L. Rutmann
Kelley J. Samuels l
Peter C. Sechler /�) �✓V" ''
Nathan P. Silva c ;
Laura K. Turner Walter M. Kulash, P .E. 13N 0 y0 yHL
Ronald L Urbaniak
G. Wade Walker 1S,3,uv
Gary E. Warner W Wpae
Enclosure 1002 9 Z 030
Community CC : Scott Whltham
� q j § @ p
fF.ast Pine Street Florida 32801
: 407 843 6552
407 839 1789
License # EB 0005812
LC C000049
Orlando • IS£st Palm Beach
Prepared for
Forest Home Improvement Association (FHIA) Traffic Committee
Prepared by
ac on Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
"� ;i Y ;% ', December 21 , 2001
The Forest Home community, a residential village of 135 homes situated along Fall Creek, is
largely surrounded by the Cornell University Campus or its park, the Cornell Plantations (Figure
1). The two vehicular crossings of Fall Creek within Forest Home are desirable routes for
"through" traffic (that is, traffic with neither origin nor destination within Forest Home). There
are no nearby alternates for those two routes.
The intent of the traffic calming initiative from the Forest Home Association is to encourage the
use of alternate routes (outside Forest Home) by through traffic, and to reduce the speed and
increase the attentiveness of those motorists who do drive through Forest Home. The Forest
Home traffic calming initiative is shaped by several important factors:
• The two crossings of Fall Creek (both on Forest Home Drive) each have one lane of
traffic only, therefore permitting only a single direction of flow. The traffic across these
bridges, on otherwise two-way traffic flow, is obliged to "yield" to on-coming traffic.
This feature, preserved through strenuous efforts of the Forest Home residents in the
recent past, is an enormously important basis of any traffic calming program.
• There are not many alternate routes available for the through traffic currently passing
through Forest; Home. The nearest crossing to the west (Thurston Avenue) serves the
western part of the Campus well. However, the number of origins/destinations in the
eastern part of the Campus, and the circuitousness of the routes leading to the Thurston
Avenue crossing make this crossing of marginal use to motorists now using the Forest
Home drive crossings. To the east, there is no other crossing of Fall Creek within the
City of Ithaca, nor within its built-up urban area to the east.
Planning Process
Major alternatives for traffic calming were developed during a two-day workshop, September
25-261 2001 . Three major alternatives were identified at this workshop . For each alternative, a
series of individual traffic calming measures were incorporated. Subsequent refinement included
analysis of the three alternatives, recommendation of an alternative, and refined conceptual
design of the individual traffic calming measures.
Three alternatives were tested (Figures 2, 3 and 4), illustrating the different approaches to traffic
calming in Forest Home:
Alternative A - Rerouting
This alternative focuses on rerouting traffic through a -one-way street plan (Figure 2) . The
principal feature of Alternative A is a one-way operation on Judd Falls Road southbound,
between Forest Home Drive and Plantations Road, complemented by one-way operation
northbound on Caldwell Road between Plantations Road and Forest Home Drive.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 1
In response to much discussion during the September planning session, as well as in response to
further requests from the Committee asking us for more detailed ideas on one-way streets, we
offer the following observations :
• We agree completely with the comment, heard frequently, that it is absolutely critical to
retain the two bridges over Falls Creek in two-way operation, thereby removing the
bridges from consideration as one-way roadways. Residents' intuitive fear of converting
these bridges to one-way flow is quite well founded. As one-way roadways, the bridges
would have a higher capacity than as their present two-way operation. The reason, quite
simply, is that the right-of-way would no longer need to be shared with opposing traffic,
and therefore the stopping, clearance times and other delays associated with two-way
operation would be eliminated.
• Further, conversion of the bridges to one-way traffic could set in motion some
maneuvering that could, over the longer run, undo the hard-won victory about
maintaining the width of the bridges at .no more than that needed for one-way flow. Little
more need be said about the issue of the bridges remaining two-way; there is broad
consensus on this issue and sound technical reasons for it.
• With the bridges remaining in two-way operation, therefore, this mandates that the
intervening piece of Forest Home Drive, with its intersection to Warren Road, also
remain two-way. It also mandates that' Forest Home Drive between the downstream
bridge and Judd Road remain two-way. Simple logic is at work here. If this segment is
not two-way, then we in effect have a de facto one-way bridge.
The above "givens," therefore, suggest that the one-way scheme should consist of Judd Falls
Road southbound, with one-way operation commencing at the Judd Falls Road/Forest Home
Drive intersection, and with Caldwell Road one-way northbound, terminating at the intersection
of Caldwell Road/Forest Home Drive. The extent of one-way operation to the south could vary,
depending on whether other parties, particularly Cornell University, could be brought into the .
scheme. A one-way operation on these two streets (i . e. , southbound on Pleasant Falls Road and
northbound on Caldwell Road) contained completely within Forest Home would be fully
A major feature of Alternative A is the ability to reduce the vehicular roadway width on Judd
Falls Road, yielding two advantages: ( 1 ) providing for more space between moving vehicles
and the pedestrian side path and (2) deflecting the remaining single lane of traffic through
chicanes, reducing the speed of the single lane of traffic.
Alternative A also has a series of four other features common to all alternatives : (,l ) entry
features (a symmetrical splitter island) at five of the six entrance points to Forest Home, (2)
narrowing of the intersections at three locations, (3 ) rebuilding of Forest Home Drive/Caldwell
Road intersection, and (4) a series of street and sidewalk improvements between the "S" curve
and the upstream bridge.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 2
Alternative B — Speed Control
This alternative leaves the current two-way traffic pattern in place and focuses on controlling the
speed and behavior of the two-way traffic. A principal feature of Alternative B is a series of
three (3 ) splitter islands (and associated narrowed travel lanes) along Judd Falls Road. These
measures address the location of highest volumes in Forest Home, as well as the location of the
street geometrics (straight, with long sight distance) most conducive to speeding in the village.
Alternative B also contains the same four series of elements common to all alternatives:
asymmetrical splitter islands at five of the six entry points, three narrowed intersections, a
relocated and narrowed Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road intersection, and a sidewalk and
street rebuilding between the "S" curve and the upstream bridge.
Alternative C — Rerouting Plus Off Site Measures
This option illustrates the most aggressive and ambitious interventions that could be identified
for Forest Home. Alternative C includes, as a base, the one-way configuration of Alternative A,
with the following additions : ( 1 ) extension of one -way pairs, along Judd Falls Road and
Caldwell Road, into the University; (2) relocation of the Pleasant Grove Road/Ebbott Farms
Road intersection; (3 ) a new road between Warren Road and Pleasant Grove Road; and (4) tolls
on the two bridges via Forest Home Road.
In addition, Alternative C includes the four elements common to all alternatives, namely,
entry/exit features at five of the six locations, intersection narrowings at three locations,
relocated and narrowing of the Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road intersection and rebuilding of
Forest Home Drive between the "S" curve and the upstream bridge.
As a first stage in arriving at a preferred alternative, we recommend the elimination of
Alternative C for two reasons: ( 1 ) a major element of this alternative, the installation of tolls on
the bridges, is far beyond the scope of neighborhood traffic calming and (2) the elements which
differentiate Alternative C from A (specifically, new bypass routes and tolls on bridges) could as
well be applied to Alternative B . Thus, the real first choice to be made is between A and B .
Subsequently, following the resolution of this issue, the elements specific to Alternative C
(detours and towing) could then be added to either alternative.
Alternatives A and B, therefore, are evaluated (Table 1) on the basis of these criteria:
• Traffic Calming Effectiveness
Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) (first three rows of Table 2) measure the
additional driving distance resulting from each alternative. This additional
distance, and the time required to travel it, is a deterrent to travel through Forest
Home, and can therefore divert traffic from Forest Home.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 3
- Incidence of Traffic Calming Actions (second four rows of Table 2)
summarize the number of instances in which a motorist, in Forest Home,
encounters a traffic calming measure. Two categories of measures are identified :
"yield points" (the two bridges) at which motorists may be required to yield right-
of-way to oncoming traffic and "slow points," at which proposed traffic calming
measures will require a reduction in vehicle speeds.
Travel Time Per Vehicle (final three rows of Table 2) summarizes the "bottom
line" of traffic calming effectiveness; specifically, the increment of travel time
resulting from all of the actions in each alternative. Total changes in travel time
are comprised of two elements : ( 1 ) the increment due to additional travel
distance, reflecting re-rooting and (2) the increment due to the proposed traffic
calming measures.
• Community Impact Measures
A.M. peak hour volumes at key locations.
Change in a. m. volumes, key locations.
P.M. peak hour volumes at key locations.
- Change in p. m. peak hour volumes at key locations.
Change in daily volumes.
Pavement area reclaimed from traffic use.
Table I summarizes the evaluation of alternatives against these criteria. The results yield these
findings and conclusions:
Small Likelihood of Traffic Diversion -- It is unlikely that any of the measures will
redirect traffic away from Forest Home. The reasons are two-fold. The increment of
delay, due to any of the alternatives is small, reaching a maximum of only 102 seconds
for the average trip in the peak hour. The well-noted absence of alternate routes to which
Forest Home traffic might divert means that no viable alternatives are close, in terms of
travel time, to travel through Forest Home. Thus, even with our most aggressive
combination of measures (Altemative %C), we cannot project shifting much traffic away
from Forest Home.
• Shifting not Necessary for Successful Traffic Calming -- We reiterate a principle
emphasized at the workshop : that the primary focus of traffic calming is to change
behavior of drivers, and only incidentally to induce them to use a different route. Traffic
calming measures directing address the most annoying features of driver misbehavior:
speeding and inattention to driving.
• The Benefits of One-Way Operation are Small Compared to its Cost -- The one-
way operation in Alternatives B and C add to vehicle travel time, primarily by
lengthening the distance of travel. One-way operation also permits the reduction of street
width on Judd Falls Road, thereby providing more space between the walking path and
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 4
vehicle travel path, or even for the relocation of the walking path within the existing
However, these advantages are small, and are overshadowed by the drawbacks of one-way
operation. One-way operation under Alternative A results in an increment of travel time, per
vehicle, of 15 seconds. By comparison, a normal traffic calming measure produces an increment
of delay of around half of that amount. The one-way bridges, during peak hours of travel,
produce a delay of several times that amount. Thus, one-way operation does not come near
providing the margin of travel delay that would make other routes (i . e., outside of Forest Home)
attractive to motorists now driving through Forest Home.
The ability to reduce traffic to one lane on Judd Falls Road is, at first glance, a highly appealing
advantage, permitting a proper distance between vehicles and pedestrians. However, under more
detailed analysis, some of the hoped-for advantages erode somewhat. For example, reducing the
pavement width or a single lane may not permit a relocation of the sidewalk. Specifically, if the
remaining single lane of traffic on Judd Falls Road "meanders" at all, it will need the full width
of the existing street, curb to curb. Thus, a narrowed Judd Falls Road with diversion (chicanes),
would, at several points (4-6 points) fall adjacent to the sidewalk. While this is an improvement
over the existing situation with the sidewalk continuously adjacent to a moving traffic lane, it is
not the convincing solution to the sidewalk challenge ,that we were hoping for.
The amount of pavement reclaimed, similarly, could prove to be disappointing. A New York
State and AASHTO nunimum pavement width (with which we agree) is 16 feet for extended
segments of roadway, with .narrowing below that level permitted at spot locations such as traffic
calming measures. Thus, most of Judd Falls Road would maintain a pavement width of 16 feet,
or only 6-8 feet than the existing street. This also affects our ability to build as much diversion
into the street as we would otherwise wish.
Perhaps the most serious challenge with one-way operation is the redistribution of traffic within
Forest Home. While the traffic on Judd Falls Road is reduced during much of the day, this
reduction comes at the expense of an increase during the morning peak period. The counterpart
location (i. e. , Caldwell Road and Forest Home Drive between Warren Road and the upstream
bridge) will, of course, experience a increase in traffic in both periods daily. There is no
technical answer to whether it is more "livable" to have one very sharp peak of traffic once a
day, rather than a lesser peak but more hours of lower-volume traffic. This is mostly a subjective
decision. However, our experience with traffic calming throughout the country suggests that the
peak hour travel is magnified, in people' s mind, far more than mere numbers would suggest.
Further, peak hour travel is likely to contain the majority of "cut through" traffic, attracted by
major employment . such as the University. The regularly recurring (i. e. , daily) nature of their
travel makes these cut-through motorists particularly prone to speeding and lapses of attentive
One-way operation, therefore, does not reduce the capacity of the street system appreciably
beyond the constraint already present due to the pair of one-lane bridges. While it is true that
peak hour traffic in the peak direction, will be increased above the levels present in two-way
operation, the amount of increase on the through street (small) and the volume from the side
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Page 5
streets (miniscule) means that there would be no intersection delay introduced at any point, due
to one-way operation. Thus, the biggest source of delay (and therefore impedance to through
traffic), intersection delay, is not being produced by a one-way scheme.
Do we have the opportunity for gaining a significant amount of additional intersection delay at
the one-lane bridges? After all, the peak hour, peak direction traffic is being increased at both of
the bridges, due to a one-way pair on streets near the bridges. With the one-way scheme in
place, we do indeed raise the "critical lane volume" on each of the bridges somewhat. However,
this increase in critical lane volume is far short of what could be required to significantly raise
the impedance of the bridge. Using the definition source for estimating delay (the Year 2000
Higlnvay Capacity Manual, we find that the one-way scheme (as identified above) would result
in an additional delay, to the peak hour peak direction through trip (i. e. , southbound in the
morning and northbound in the afternoon) of 15 and 18 seconds respectively. The out-of-
. direction travel increment would add nothing to the morning peak hour travel (since there would
be no out-of-direction travel southbound) and would add around 20-30 additional seconds of
travel time in the afternoon, in the northbound direction. The sum of both of these delays -- the
additional delay at the one-lane bridges and the out-of-direction travel delay -- amount to only
17 and 35 seconds respectively. These levels of delay are far short of the magnitude that would
be needed to cause the typical driver, in any direction, to consider shifting to an alternative route.
This lack of shifting is due to : ( 1 ) the small amount of the additional impedance caused by the
one-way system and (2) the lack of good alternate routes with a travel time that approaches being
"competitive" (i. e. , attractive) to a driver now going through Forest Home,
Alternative A, with its one-way scheme within Forest Home, would "balance" traffic onto the
two available north/south routes within Forest Home. However, we advise against a goal of
"balancing" traffic within a community as a part of a neighborhood traffic management program.
Balancing, by definition, means the moving of some traffic volumes from one location to another
location; always a divisive and contentious measure. Further, balancing traffic does little toward
encouraging it to use an alternative route. .
We do not find, therefore, that a one-way plan would be an effective measure to reduce travel
through Forest Home. In short, a one-way plan would add only slightly to the already-significant
impedance created by the pair of one-lane bridges.
We recommend that Forest Home pursue Alternative B , focusing on traffic calming measures
that seek to control the behavior of all drivers Measures directed at motorists at some distance
from Forest Home, intended to reroute them onto more appropriate routes were discussed in
September. These measures are valuable and should be pursued in concert with Alternative B .
Alternative B consists of the following categories of actions:
• Entry-way features on five of the six roads entering Forest Home.
• Series of splitter islands on Judd Falls Road.
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Page 6
• Intersection narrowing and curbing at three locations : Forest Home Drive/Pleasant
Grove Road, Forest Home Drive/Warren Road and Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road.
• Mid-block longitudinal measures along Judd Falls Road and Forest Home Drive between
Warren Road and Pleasant Grove Road.
• Mid-block elements at two locations : on Warren Road between Crest Lane and Fairway
Drive, and at the sharp curve on Forest Home Drive to the east of Warren Road.
The following sections review the proposed traffic calming measures, and note some additional
"gaps" in our information and understanding that we believe can be readily corrected by further
response from the Committee. We are requesting that the Committee review this material, and
furnish us with further direction.
Entryway Features
We are showing an entryway feature, or gateway feature, on five of the six roads as they enter
Forest Home. The only approach that does not have such a feature is Forest Home Drive to the
Question : Should we be planning an entry way feature further to the east, beyond
the boundanl of our current map? Should this feature be combined with a
riverfront walkway, that ties over to the arboretum? We discussed this at the
workshop, but did not solidify any plan. Could we have the Committee' s idea on
this, and perhaps a sketch?
The five entryway features indicated on the summary map are all asymmetrical splitter islands,
impeding the inbound flow. We suggest we adopt this terminology. Admittedly, the "idiot
filter" suggested in September is a more appealing and satisfying name, and ordinarily we prefer
the colloquial to the jargon. However, in this case, we make a small exception.
Three of the asymmetrical splitter islands will also incorporate pedestrian crosswalks. On
Warren Road, the location of the splitter island and the crosswalk should correlate with the golf
cart crossing.
Question : Could you please locate the asymmetrical splitter island correctly, and
indicate how the golf cart path intersects Warren Road at the asymmetrical splitter
The asymmetrical splitter island on Judd Falls Road (Figure S) will coordinate with the
pedestrian walkway and stairway in the Plantations.
Question : Could you please adjust location of the asymmetrical splitter island and
show the detailing of how the pedestrian path will meet with the splitter island, and
utilize the island of the splitter island for a safe pedestrian crossing?
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Page 7
The asymmetrical splitter island on Caldwell Road (Figure 6) will also serve as the pedestrian
crosswalk for the Plantations pedestrian system.
Question : Could we please show how the Plantations pedestrian walk system meets
this splitter island , and uses the island portion of the splitter as a safe refuge? We
have little leeway as to adjusting the location of this particular feature, since it is
tied into the shift in Caldwell Road that is being made, by the town, for the purposes
of improving the sight distance at the Caldwell Road/Plantations Road intersection.
Question : Could the Committee run the summary plan past Plantations staff to
fully coordinate the issue of pathways and how they will cross Judd Falls Road and
Caldwell Road ? We have considerable leeway to adjust to the proposed Plantations
pathways, and feel that our asymmetrical splitter islands are an excellent
opportunity to improve the safety and appeal of their pathway. For their part, the
Plantations may be able to make small adjustments in their pathways to
accommodate our traffic calming measures. At any rate, it is certainly advisable to
coordinate, on an informal basis, with the Plantations prior to issuing a more formal
(and therefore apparently final) traffic calming plan.
For the asymmetrical splitter island on Forest Home Drive to the west (i . e. , between Plantations
Road and McIntyre Place), we need to pinpoint the location and adjust the location as shown if
Question : Please adjust the location as necessary.
Similarly, we have agreed in principle to an asymmetrical splitter island on Pleasant Grove Road,
but did not get to locating it during our workshop.
Question : Could the Committee please locate this asymmetrical splitter island?
Splitter Islands on Judd Falls Road
Reflecting the importance of dealing with Judd Falls Road, the placement and design of the three
splitter islands on Judd Falls Road (Figure 7) received more attention than any other traffic
calming measures being proposed in the summary plan. Side path changes (see notes on Figure
7) are an important part of this alternative.
Internal Mid-Block Elements
Once inside the five (or possibly six) gateway features; the traffic calming plan calls for three
mid-block measures: a splitter island on Warren Road between Crest Lane and Fairway Drive, a
single lane narrow point around the sharp curve on Forest Home Drive to the east of Warren
Road, and a reworking of the pedestrian approach to the upstream bridge.
Splitter Island on Warren Road between Fairway Drive and Crest Lane -- This is a
straightforward application of a routine traffic calming measure.
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Page 8
Question : Could the Committee review the location, and establish if this is a logical
place for a pedestrian crossing? If so, we will indicate the use of the island of the
splitter as the refuge area for the pedestrian path.
Single-lane Narrow Point on Forest Home Drive at the Sharp Curve -- As an intersection
(or a near-intersection) in appearance, this measure would induce a driving speed and behavior
would be more typical of an intersection, rather than a mid-block location. The driver' s
expectation of travel ,speed would drop from the 25 -30 m. p . h. expected for mid-block locations
to the 10- 15 m. p .h. expected at intersections.
Intersection Treatments
Traffic calming measures are recommended at three intersections : two with a similar treatment
of narrowing the traveled way, providing a mountable curb and corner, and one (Forest Home
Drive/Caldwell Road) relocated and reconfigured.
Intersection Narrowing and Curbing -- At two locations : ( 1 ) Forest Home Drive/Pleasant
Grove Road and (2) Forest Home Drive/Warren Road -- the recommended plan calls for
intersection narrowing (Figures 9 and 10). This treatment features the narrowing of the street to
the radius required by passenger cars, and the curbing of this street width with an aesthetically
pleasing material. The curbing and the corner area enclosed by the curb are rebuilt to withstand
the loading from the rear wheel of trucks. Thus, automobile traffic is confined to very low speed
turning radii, and the pedestrian crosswalks are correspondingly shortened. Larger vehicles,
however, unable to negotiate the smaller radii, are able to make the turns by having their rear
wheel track over the mountable curb and corner.
Question : Confirm the two locations for this treatment. Review the detailed design.
We need further thought on the curbing material to use. The slanted gray stone
that is used at several locations in the Plantations is a very appealing and
appropriate material. Can the Committee investigate further about the use of this
material, specifically: (1) would it be suitable for a mountable curb, with the
expectation that occasionally truck rear wheels would roll up and over it and (2) can
it be plowed without danger to either the material or the plow? There are a number
of other materials available. For example, a simple 2 00inch mountable curb, done in
plain or colored concrete, would suffice. It would be nice, however, to have a
solution that not only meets the traffic calming requirements but also is an
appealing feature of the village, possibly reflecting some of the materials and design
thought that makes the Plantations such a special place.
Reconfiguration: of Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road Intersection -- The treatment shown
on the plan (Figure 11) differs from what was talked about at the workshop . At the workshop,
we left this location as simply a routine narrowing, similar to the other two locations (above). '
While this routine narrowing addresses the traffic operations at this location, it offers little or no
opportunity to do anything about screening, masking or otherwise countering the appearance and
location of the lift station tank tops and mechanisms.
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Page 9
On further reflection, we feel that the traffic calming program for the village should seize this
opportunity to not only install a traffic calming measure at the intersection but also to deal with
improving the appearance (or hiding) the sewer tank tops. Since these facilities are fixed and
located immediately adjacent to the existing road, the only conceivable remedy for dealing with
them simply involves moving the roadway, to gain space between the roadway and the tanks.
The recommended reconfiguration is to change the intersection into a re-directed "T. " This
intersection configuration is typically used to deflect vehicle paths on the straight leg of a "T"
intersection. In the case of the Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road intersection, the gained area is
precisely the area needed to screen and provide additional buffer space between roadway and
sewer tank tops. Thus, the proposed solution accomplishes two things: ( 1 ) calming of traffic on
Caldwell Road and Forest Home Drive and (2) solving the problem of screening and buffering
the sewer tank tops.
The intersection would continue to be "stop" sign controlled on the Forest Home Drive
approach. As an option, the intersection could also be "stop" sign controlled on the Caldwell
Road approach. Stop sign control on the Forest Home Drive approach from the west (i . e. ,
shortly after vehicles leave the bridge) is not advisable, since there is not a large amount of
storage space between such a stop sign and the bridge. In situations in which more than five or
six vehicles are crossing the bridge in a single convoy, a stop sign would slow down the passage
of these vehicles. Although this is yet another traffic calming measure, it is not one that is
needed, since the bridge itself furnishes a high degree of impedance by itself. Also, the
deflection provided by the offset vehicle track through the intersection on the Forest Home
Drive/Caldwell Road route is in itself a further source of traffic calming.
Question : We need your reaction to this change of thinking at this intersection.
Could you please give us the proper terminology for the waste water treatment
facilities that we are referring to as "tank tops." Is this actually a lift station? What
does the Plantations think of rerouting their parking lot entrance as shown? It
doesn't change the number of spaces, and it moves their entrance away from, and
with some landscaping, out of sight of the tank tops. We think they should like the
plan, and would welcome their review and comments.
Mid-Block Longitudinal Measures
At two extended locations -- along the entirety of Judd Falls Road and along Forest Home Drive
between Pleasant Grove Road and Caldwell Road --. the traffic management plan calls for a
nearly continuous revision of sidewalk and pavement edge.
Side Path Along Judd Falls Road — Between Forest Home Drive and the private road, the side
path along Judd Falls Road would remain in its current location (immediately adjacent to the
roadway) but would be widened by one—two feet (Figure 7) . The combination of this small
increment of additional width and the splitter island located between the private road and Forest
Home Drive will improve the walking atmosphere along this segment of Judd Falls Road.
Between the private drive and McIntyre Place, we have the ability to move the side path away
from the road by a distance of two-three feet. The combination of this measure along with the
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 10
two traffic splitter islands located in this segment will substantially improve the walking
atmosphere along Judd Falls Road . Between McIntyre Place and the proposed asymmetrical
splitter island entryway feature, we are recommending the widening of the side path by two-three
feet. The combination of this wider side path and the asymmetrical splitter island to the south,
and the three splitter islands to the north, will improve the ability to walk along this side of the
Forest Home Drive between Pleasant Grove Road and Warren Road -- We are
recommending that a segment of Forest Home Drive (Figure 10), about 250 feet in length, just
east of the Pleasant Grove Road/Forest Home Drive intersection be located 6-8 feet southward
(i. e. , toward the creek), thereby permitting the roadway to be separated from the pedestrian path
on the north side for a comparable distance (i . e. , about 250 feet) . This action improves the
pedestrian atmosphere along this segment of the road. Along the entire segment of Forest Home
Drive between Pleasant Grove Road and Warren Road, we recommend that the pavement edge
be banded with a concrete curb. This banded curb accomplishes several functions. It serves as a
permanent edge marker for the pavement, unaffected by plowing, abrasion, etc. , thus, this
segment of Forest Home Drive carrying the heaviest volume of traffic of any roadway segment
in Forest Home, would have its lanes permanently delineated, and therefore more clearly and
visibly separated from the pedestrian paths which are at several points adjacent to the roadway.
The banded pavement edge of contrasting color also narrows the apparent width of the road,
slowing vehicles down.
The banded pavement edge has two important functions for maintenance of the pavement and
side path: ( 1 ) it contains the edge of the asphalt paving, thereby preventing its raveling
(cracking) due to wear near the edge and (2) its sets the profile of the snow plow blade, so that
the plowing does not gouge the gravel side paths.
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Page 11
Traffic Calming Effectiveness A B
Reroutin-- Seed Control
Vehicles Miles of Travel, a. m. peak hour miles
Total in Forest Home 605 526
Change from exist in +79 0
Change per trip through Forest Home +• 08 0
Incident of Traffic Calmin2 Actions
Yield point encounters "6246
Change from existing yield point encounters
Slow point encounters
Change from existing slow point encounters Travel Time er Vehicle seconds Change due to eater distance Chan a due to traffic calmin Total chan a in travel time
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textured or block pavinq
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° Landscaped Island
textured pavement
• Nistinq loop at
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°`°'^°° Asymetrical Splitter Island - Judd Falls FZ®ad
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or block paving
Connects to plantations paths
/ v
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Landscaped islands •. -
Caldwell goad shifted
Curb and gutter extended / west 10 ' �l2 ' to improve
to north side of plantations • • ' aritersection sight distance
road intersection -
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• Poad edge
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Figure 6
Asymmetrical Splitter Island - Caldwe•llt Road
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side path
Textured pavement
Plantings to narrow apparent road width
Stabilized 5idepath Fai5ed median in block, cobbles, etc ,
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mean e s 4 ' -6 ' west
of existing path Curbs moved I ' outward
Green strip ti
Textured pavement
stabilized sidepath /�' -`�
meanders 4 ' -6 ' west plantings to narrow apparent road width
of existing path t ai5ed median in block, cobbles, etc,
Green strip -Z Curbs moved I ' outward
plantings to narrow apparent road width
Stabilized side ath ey
Textured pavement
p paired median in block, cobbles, etc.
meanders h ' -6 ' west
of existing path Curbs moved I ' outward
Green strip
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Figure 7
°A•a•0•° Splitter Islands - Judd Falls woad
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Figure S
Ile •L•"'•• "S" Turn East of Warren Road
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Paved or stabilized
side path ;
Paved or stabilized
side path
= pedestrian crossinq
textured or block pavinq
Mountable curb
Cobbled area for truck radius
\ Non-mountable curb at or .
Textured pavement _ • ; near existinq pavement edge
Curb and qutter
Paved or stabilized
side p ath
Izo \
starting Narrowed Intersection - Forest Home Road and VlilarrenFRoad
Non mountable curb j
ountable curb ' I
> , 1 extured pavement
Non mountable curb
CL� Pedestrian crossinq.
textured or block paving
Cobbled area for
truck radius
Mountable curb 1 .
�xistinq pavement edge
' Green strip with
lstreet trees where
I road is shifted to south
Goad shifted to
south 8 ' -10 '
? at this point l '
s 4 p.._. . gD 'zo
�xistinq sidepath
adjacent to road
Figure 10
a.•==,. Intersection Narrowing Forest Home and Pleasant Grove Road
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Sr � Textured paving /• �0
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-" Pedestrian crossinq
I.andscapinq to textured or block pavinq
conceal tank tops
Non"mountable curb
Vt station tank tops O .
Cobbled area for truck radios
Existinq road edge
Mountable curb
. � Consdidate
�\ Plantation ' s - • 00
\�Xi5trincj \
Figure 11
JACCSONG Relocated Intersection Forest Home Drive/Caldwell Road
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