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January 8, 1973
At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tomp-
X Ithaca Offices at lOB EastGreen Street, Ithaca, New York, on the 8th day of January, 1973 at
5:00 p.m., there were ^ '
PRESENT: Walter J. Schwan, Supervisor
Andrew W. McElwee, Councilman
Noel Desch, Councilman
Victor Del Rosso, Councilman
Robert, N, Powers, Councilman
ALSO PRESENT: James V, Buyoucos, Town Attorney
Peter K. Prancese, Planning Consultant
Marion Morey, Highway Superintendent
David W. Cowan, Zoning Officer
Reynolds Metz, Assistant Zoning Officer
Arthur L* Berkey
Members of Radio, TV, and Press
Approval of minutes was deferred uhtil the next meeting.
Supervisor SChwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that Councilman McElwee be appointed as Deputy Supervisor
for the Town of Ithaca for the year 1973.
n Unanimously carried.
The Board reviewed the proposed contract between the Town of Ithaca
22 ,^2?® York State Electric & Gas Corporation with respect tolighting the streets and public places of the Town of Ithaca, and
after brief discussion the following actions were taken:
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman McElwee
RESOLVED that the written contract submitted by the New York State
Electric & Gas Corporation for lighting the streets and public places
of the Town of Ithaca, dated December 11, 1972, be, and the same
hereby is, approved, and that the Supervisor and the Clerk of this
Board be, and they .hereby are, authorized, empowered and divecKed »-.o
execute the same in the name and in behalf of the Town of Ithaca.
Unanimously carried.
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman McElwee,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the New York State Electric
& Gas Corporation to install lights at the corners of Sharlene and
Tudor, Eastern Heights Drive and Sharlene, and Eastern Heights Drive
.and Skyvue, with the understanding that the developer will pay for the
•underground wiring.
Unanimously carried.
IMotion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Supervisor Schwan,
ffiESOLVED, that the foregoing resolution be amended as follows:
IRESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the New York State Electric
& Gas Corporation to install lights at the corners of Sharlene and
TTudor, Eastern Heights Drive and Sharlene, and Eastern Heights Drive
sand Skyvue.
Unanimously carried.
2 -January 8, 1973
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Powers,
RESOLVED, that in the future it will be the responsibility of any
®' residential subdivision in the Town of Ithaca to pro-the necessary underground wiring to a pull box as required by
the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation to provide electrical
service to the intersection street lights which the Town of Ithaca
provides and pays for.
Unanimously carried.
Motion by Councilman Powers; seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that one member of the Town Planning Board, one member of
he Zoning Board of Appeals, be authorized to attend the Annual Associ
ation of Towns meeting in New York City on February 5, 6, and 7, 1973.
Unanimously carried.
Supervisor Schwan reported that as the result of a mechanical error
in. recording units for water and sewer assessments in one section of
tile special benefit roll; it would be necessary to make the following
refunds; ®
Number Name
Therm, InCi
$ 16.10
Pakkala, Alex & Lilly
Freeman, Herbert
Bonanni, Louis
20.70 45.00
Cardonia, Joseph —45.00
Berggren, Richard
lacovelli, Vincenzo &
Ruth 23.00
54-7-1 Tagliavento, Louis &
Betty ..49.99 49.99
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that the foregoing amounts be refunded to the indicated
taxpayers, contingent first upon the total tax assessment being paid.
Unanimously carried.
A photograph was circulated among the Board members (furnished by
Mrs. Jack Hewett) indicating a sheet of solid ice coming down between
1516 and 1518 Slaterville Road. This raised once again discussion of
the whole matter of water run-off in the Slaterville Road area. No
clear cut decision was reached on how to handle this problem. There
appeared to be some uncertainty as to whose responsibility this is.
It was suggested that perhaps it is up to the property owners in the
area to take whatever legal action is open to them. Councilman Del
Rosso felt that the Board should define what the responsibilities are
and advise the people what direction to take. During the discussion
- 3 - January 8, 1973
of is that water is^ drain naturally from the uplands to the lowlands Tfanybody causes any diversion artifically and increases or chaAvea
Side, Hwevfr certaS Property on the lowland
responsibility it is to widen Attorney will look into whoseRETORTS OP TOyop^ICmf undeveloped ditch.
Barbara Holcomba Chairman^ Planning Board
Planning'^TOard^^with ^ofo™atlon received from the Countywiring, it appears that regulations on underground
underiround wi?inrmust he^fnotff?nd i"® regulation of the PSC that
more units tt»avf + * be installed in any subdivision of four or
regulations with rates and do not impose rules andEach utility is permitted to"lmnofe°i'tf utility company.y j-a permitted to impose its own rules and regulations.
13 on North Trinh^mBr^n^fid®? ^ '^®*' Interchange plan for Route
ramp which is planned subsldi design stage. The
planned to stretch to'a helcht n? o? 5® 1 ®^Ate and federal funds, islanes travelling L either ^ ^®f^ ^3, with four
owners such as nnwoTtd t v. Erection. Some of the individual property
sort of legal Johnson and Holiday Innj have^ they say, somr
they may be reluctant to glva North Triphammer Road whichbuild a ramp froS each appears the State is going to
Route 13. Mrs. Holcomb felt thiB°r>vrti ^ going over
She said the County hart Bn»Lo? a would create many problems.nate the raL kr^aLa^i? olover-leaf interchange to elimi-ramp arrangement but with no success. There is an attpmnt
amenable^'^the'^ffiotarn'^® combine entrances. The Jamesway complex isifa mels. ^ ®^® f®lt the project
about the^Rou?B^Qfi°"r,«+^®'^^®'^ somethingin tL Syracuse aLa°°^SS!ff ^as been ranked No. 1
six years The Ti-imntino e PJ|oJect may take anywhere from four to
coLittel'to Planning Board has formed an ad hocserthat the ®" ®nd federal level tosee pnat the project does not get bogged down.
reQUired^in'the^ma++e«®^e^^®^ action by the Town Board isronvi bvb+:2» 1 2^ proposed legislation to abolish the local
appointed bv Pn,re^® b , °e appears that the nou..ni—,i.>.-tb£ =?!! Rockefeller has recommended that Oouuhles of^ne size or Tompkins County may maintain the Town Justice system as
at present or may combine with District Courts.
+v^ m Mrs, Holcomb read a recommendation of the Planning Board of
Mf!n4.4 2 with respect to proposed re-zoning from R-15 to+K o Vs2 p®®i<^®nce of 18.9 gross acres off Honness Lane proposed by"cne Schickel Environmental Development Company, which recommendation^
adopted at a January 2, 1973 meeting of the Planning Board are made
a part of these minutes.
Town Attorney Buyoucos said that the Board ought to be per-
fectly clear as to the meaning of open spaces, that they will remain
wild and not, perhaps, be construed in the recreational sense.
Councilman Del Rosso was concerned that some of the green area might
be blaj^^topped for a tennis court or shuffleboard area. There seemed
to be/general consensus as to what would remain green area and what
could* be paved over for other recreational uses — tennis courts,
shuffleboard areas, and the like.
- ^ - January 8, 1973
Sohwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
h^ri^^to S Ithaca schedule a public
o? on " ^bruary 12, 1973 at 5:30 p.m. for the purposeof reviewing the Planning Board request for the re-zoning of the
To^*^ Of Schickel Environmental Development Company
tS P?flnnf^! n 19 acres) from R-15 to Multiple Residence based ontne Planning Board recommendations.
Unanimously carried.
recommeidatinnt^Mi+v,^®^^^°'^i®f the last two additionalorHonnM^Tan! /= improving the existing conditionson Honness Lane (apart from the Schickel proposal), as follows;
be drains at the base of Honness Lanebe Installed to eliminate the deep roadside ditches, and,
. investigation be made as to the possibilitv of shift
Mrs. Holcomb said they were mostly about traffic and drainage.
Councilman Desch reported that Jim Parks of the Cornell Universitv
of A Ken Kroohs, Mrs. Bronfenbrenner, Chairman, Subcommittee
and pfh 'the Forest Home Improvement Association,
?! "! to discuss the future of the Forest Home bridge
the! ma! ! appears there is a split faction as to what
fr!m the t Town will receiveth!t th! 5°"® improvement Association a resolution requesting
it Lrk! out?®® initially on a two-way basis and see how
de!t Attorney Buyoucos, Mr. Morey, Highway Superinten- ;.:
o!!os !pp?S!?nrtitL?°°®^
David Cowan, Zoning Officer
fr^v. Cowan reported that there have been very few applications. last two months. Apart from several items
i!t!!!®d!?e M ;i"^®®oived at this time which he would report on at alatear date, Mr, Cowan had no further report to make.
+ Co^J^cilman McElwee suggested that it would be very valuableto Town If a complete survey of all Town roads were made, includ-
Ihg J.ength, width, type of surface, age, condition, pQr«.nening dito.Uoo,
etc.^ in short, a complete history of each Town road. It was agreed
that Mr. Kroohs and Mr. Morey would work together on this project
Councilman Desch reminded the Board that the Williams Glen Road
improvement matter was still unresolved. The Supervisor said he would
follow up on this and get a survey made as a first step, and when the
metes and bounds are established Mr. Morey will see to the erection of
proper markers or monuments.
Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Councilman McElwee,
RESOLVED, that the warrants dated January 8, I973 in the following
amounts be approved:
General Fund
Highway Fund
. 170.25
- 5 - January 8, 1973
® someone onthat ?h» about the water run-off problem and he recommendedthat the Board do something about this unresolved problem.
Mr, Berkey asked when the Forest Home Bridge would be onened The
as^e^^a information at ihirtlSe? V. Berkeyasked if a letter had been written to the State fegarding the delav
peOplO^Inrtheiridv^oa with the local StateabOut chri "as to have been opened
to tL Q+it + -®* requested that a letter be writtenState to get some action from them. The Board felt a letterShould be written and the Supervisor said he wOulfdo at
it'w^^nOtPri^that'^h^ minutes of December 11, 1972of the dissoiutfL of permitted to speak on the subjectnnt +-ho+ oMKi i u water and sewer districts. He said it was
the StaL fl ndff permitted to discuss, but the matter of
thit rOsLr Thf^m«f^o "anted, a correction of the minutes inregard. The matter was not pursued at the meeting.
^Ssor®ntatOmfnt% T® ??°® inconsistency in the Super-JSrthO Town o? o 1972 minutes that there ^was nosiLe the Town h anybody to pay South Hill's costs,"th2 nourt ?o fho ® 5® directed to relieve the South Hill area bysuits? ® ° adverse court decision on pending laL
water^prlssure'^arthA planned any loop lines to improve the
moment no but th»t thf? ®^f k®° * ®'® Supervisor said at theno, but that this might be accomplished in the spring.
on'with''reference''?o^p^!t2 ?®£® L®zler Engineers data was based
since the renoy-t- e®T l^®int. The Supervisor said he assumed
material! It th!f ® on the costs ofthe!I fe a! H®®* Councilman Desch noted that is the reason
m escalation factor in the estimates. Mr. Berkev wonderedproJecting 1,307 more water units than it had
no^reflect ® common practice, that is, one doesWhichlf Ip!c!!!\^!
estiniate\f®'!nti!ipIt!d^grSwtL""^^® ®
Board decides whether to put additional
?hr'^n'Sr^enf total district or on an individuai dis^rLt.si'^ee the Town has dissolved all the indiv.ldn-
nf tT-iom T would in all probability not want to create any more
fl ypfl event, with respect to the extension of sewer in any
i ib? town, any decision of the Board to increase the Jmiebted-ness of the Town is subject to a permissive referendum.
The Supervisor said there was an indication from the City of Ithaca
some time ago that they would like to have a resolution from the Town
Board to apply the existing contract terms to cover any and all areas
of the Town which have water and/or sewer services but which were
previously not included in the district (that is, before the dissolu
tion of all the Town water and sewer districts). Supervisor Schwan
read a proposed resolution to this effect.
- 6 - January 8^ 1973
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
A'A A' the Town of Ithaca, by referendum on July 13, 1971,did dissolve all its water and sewer districts, and, thus, made water
and sewer a town-wide function, and
»,«+. ^EREAS, after dissolution, all areas of the Town which had
sewlr benefit, are now being billed for said water and/or
Town resolved that the intent of the Ithaca^ f u erased all water and sewer district lines and ex-tended benefit charges to all areas of the Town benefitted, is to
=?? these same areas now being charged benefit for water and/or
T existing water and sewer contracts betweenthe Town of Ithaca and the City of Ithaca.
intent of this resolution is to apply the existing con-
areas of the Town which have City water
services,^but which were previously not included in
onrf previously excluded areas are now paying benefit
availabiP^nnrtoi "®® '''^® and/or sewer facilitiesavailable under the terms of the existing contracts.
Unanimously carried,
Thie meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Edward L, Bergen
Town Clerk
Town of Ithaca
January 2, 1973
The following Resolution was duly adopted by the Planning
Board of the Town of Ithaca at Its regular meeting held in the Town
Offices at 108 East Green Street, Ithaca, N.Y., on Tuesday, January
2, 1973:
MOVED by Mr. Maurice Harris,
THAT after a legally advertised Public Hearing held on the
12th day of December, 1972, and further discussion by the Planning
Board of the Town of Ithaca held on January 2, 1973, the Planning
Board has determined that the existing and probable future
character of the neighborhood in which the rezoned parcel is
located will not be adversely affected; and
THAT specific conditions hereinafter listed have been
imposed to insure that no damage to adjoining properties
from storm drainage will occur; and
THAT the change from R-15 to multiple residence is in
accordance with a comprehensive plan of development for the
Town of Ithaca; therefore
THE PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDS to the Town Board that the
parcel of land described herein as follows:
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the Town of
Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New York, being located
on Honness Lane, being bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northerly right of way of
Honness Lane, said point being the southeast corner of lands
of Roberts as recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk s office in
Liber 315 at page 273; thence running N-06°-18'-04"-E along said
Roberts, a distance of 300.37' to a point; thence running
N-830-31'-2r'-W, a distance of 354.21' to a point; thence running
N-07°-25'-30"-E, a distance of 991.12' to a point in the center
line of a creek; thence running easterly along the center line
of said creek having a chord bearing of S-81°-45'-22"-E for a
distance of 248.30' to a point in said center line of the creek;
thence running S-07O-25'-30"-W, a distance of 145.0' to a point;
thence running N-81®"34'-02"~E, a distance of 342.82 to a point;
thence running S-IS^-OO'-06"-E, a distance of 130.0' to a point;
thence running N-710-59'-54"-E, a distance of 150.00' to a point
on the former right of way of E.C. & N. railroad; thence running
S-18®-00'-06"-E along said right of way, a distance of 666.12' to
a point; thence running S~68®-18'-25"-W, a distance of 120.40' to
a point; thence running S-67°-09'-45"-W, a distance of 345.20 to
a point; thence running 5-60*^-00'-58"-W, a distance of 122.33' to
a point; thence running N-84°-00'-29"-W, a distance of 150.00' to
Town of Ithaca Planning Board -2-
January 2, 1973
a point; thence running S-06°-18'-04"-W, a distance of 264.00 to
a point in the above mentioned right of way of Honness >
thence running S-840-19'-02"-W along said right of way of Honness
Lane, a distance of 50.0* to the place of beginning and containing
19.1 acres of land more or less.
Excepting and reserving from the above any rights previously
granted to Harwick Road, said road being a 50 strip of land
lying east of the above mentioned Roberts.
and in the general area of Honness Lane and Slaterville Road, be
rezoned from R-15 residential to multiple residence, and the
Planning Board further
RECOMMENDS that this rezoning be subject to the follwing
conditions and to any other conditions which the Town Board
wishes to impose:
1. That the plan presented by the Schickel Environmental
Development Company dated October 24, 1972, for the property
labelled Eastwood Commons, shall be considered the preliminary
site plan for this project.
2. That the total project shall include no more than 184
dwelling units on 18.9 gross acres.
3. That the units will be two-bedroom units in buildings
of four units each.
4. That the buildings will be clustered under provisions
of Section 281 of Town Law of the State of New York, the developer
having properly applied for such permission.
5. That all open spaces with the exception of the loop road
as shown on the site plan which will become a Town road will be
owned, maintained and have its use controlled by a Homeowners
Association made up of all owners of property in the Eastwood
Commons subdivision. In the event such an organization fails to
adequately maintain the area, the Town shall reserve the right
to levy a special use district tax on the property owners of
Eastwood Commons development for the maintenance of this area.
6. That natural hedgerow present on Coggshall property
boundary (west boundary of property) will be maintained. Heavily
wooded creek on rear of property will provide natural boundary.
Railroad right of way with heavy growth (owned by Cornell Uni
versity) will provide natural barrier on easterly side of property.
Developer will provide planting as screening for the undeveloped
lots in the Enos Pyle development unless these lots are added to
the Schickel development, in which case the proposed road (presently
Town of Ithaca Planning Board -3- January 2, 1973
labelled Hanford Place) will be the barrier. Remainingproperties on the southerly boundary of the Schickel property
will be screened.
7, That there will be provided at least 1.5 pax'king
spaces per unit.
8. That no final site plan approval will be giyf"
there has been presented to the Tovm an acceptable drainage
Dlan with appropriate scale drawings. It is recommended that
this drainage plan shall be designed so that the ^
the drainage will be channelled into the creek on the Northwest
coraerof the property, and further, that the remainingdrSwge area shall be channelled in a satisfacto^ Mnner to
enter the roadside ditch on Honness Lane or Slaterville Road.
9. That vehicular access to Mr. Robertson's property on
the Morth boundary of the development will be provided.
10. That the developer shall be prohibited from disposing
of debris in the vicinity of the creek bed.
11. That a maintenance building for equipment storage
shall be provided.
12. That a parking area for boats, trailers, etc. shall
designated on the site plan.
13. That a satisfactory legal solution shall be found to
the presently designated right of way for a road from this
property connecting with Woodcrest Circle.
loard the following steps to Improve the existing conditions
on Honness Lane:
1. That underground storm drains at the base of Honness
Lane be installed to eliminate the deep roadside ditches, and
2. That investigation be made as to the possibility of
shifting the entrance of Honness Lane into Slaterville Road to
a closer to right angle intersection.
The MOTION was seconded by Mr. Robert Christianson and passed
by a unanimous vote.