HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1972-04-10TOWN OP ITHACA
; April 10, 1972 - 5:00 p.m.
At a regular meeting,of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins
County, New York, held at the Town of Ithaca offices at I08 East (freen
there were o" day of April, 1972, at 5:00 p.m.,
PRESENT: Walter J. Schwan, Supervisor
Andrew W. McElwee, Councilman
j Noel Desch, Councilman
Victor Del Rosso, Councilman
RbbeH N. Powers, Councilman
ALSO PRESENT: Japies V. Buyoucos, Town Attorney
David Wi Cowan, Zoning Officer
Heynolds Metz, Assistant Zoning Officer
Marion Morey, Highway Superintendent
Peter K. Prancese, Planning Consultant
MyS, Barbara Holcomb, Chairmah, Planning Board
Donald Riker, West Ithaca Civic Association
Paul Butler, Ithaca Public Schools
Ev^ Monkemeyer
Arthur L. Berkey
Mrs, Beverly Livesay
Robert I. Williamson^ Attorney
Robert Burns, Park Displays, Inc.
Edward W, King, Attorney
Gary A* Randorf, Sierra Club
Members of Radio, TV> and Press
Supervisor Schwab called the meeting to order at 5s 10 p.m.
Mr. Paul Butler (Plant Manager), Ithaca City School District, pre
sented map with reference to Rosemary Lane. During the discussion
Attorney Buyoucos noted that since the Town of Ithaca did not actu
ally have a deed to Rosemary Lane, it would be best for him to get
together with the attorney for the Ithaca City School District and
discuss the legalities involved. He stated that it might be neces
sary to undertake abandonment proceedings. The Town Board expressed
its willingness to turn Rosemary Lane over to the Ithaca City School
District provided the proper procedures are followed and will leave
that to be worked out between the Town Attorney and the attorney for
the Ithaca City School District.
The Board felt it important also to check out the ownership of the
water lines and whether it will be necessary to have a conveyance
of the right of way which allows the Town to come in and maintain
the water pipes.
No other persons wishing to be heard, and it having been noted that
notice of the public hearing had been duly posted and published.
Supervisor Schwan closed the hearing, and the following resolution
was adopted:
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilmaji McElwee,
RESOLVED, that when the proper procedures are worked out between
the attorney for the Town of Ithaca and the attorney for the Ithaca
City School District for the abandonment or deeding of Rosemary Lane
to the Ithaca City School District, the Town Board will carry out all
the said procedures, with the stipulation that if it is necessary for
the Town of Ithaca to maintain the water main, this requirement will
be incorporated and approved at the same time.
Unanimously carried.
- 2 - April 10, 1972
Peter Francese, Planning Consultant, reported that the Kennilworth
Associates parking lot is criss-crossed with buried utility lines —
water, sewer and gas. In addition they have telephone poles to con
tend with which they would like to have moved. Further, the County
intends to install some culverts, For these reasons Kennilworth would
prefer to postpone the required planting strip until the construction
work is completed. It appears the County is not enthusiastic about
the planting strip, feeling that it will make for bad sight lines,
Mr, Francese thought some consideration might be given to limiting
the planting strip. It was the feeling of the Board that the planting
should be postponed until the fall when the County will have completed
its work. But the Board did not feel that the overhead power lines
would have any effect at all since the plantings in any case will not
be more than eight feet high.
Mr, Francese reported on the Schickel proposal for a development near
Honness Lane on land owned by Enos Pyle, Mr, Schickel*s proposal is
for forty buildings containing four units each (condominium apartments)
on a lb-acre tract> approximately 10 units per acre, A pUblic hearing
has teen held on this matter,
Mr. Francese reported that Eastern Heights, Inc. wants to build row
housing or some other kind of housing in the Snyder Hill area, com
prising between 150 and 200 units. This has been reviewed and a pub
lic hearing has been heldi
Decision on both these developments was postponed for two reasons;
(1) no water is Available from the City of Ithaca for these develop
ments and (2) an insufficient number of members of the Planning Board
was present to make a decision,
Mr, Francese also reported that Mat Associates wants to proceed with
a 300 unit project as soon as the water situation is resolved. This
is in the West King Road and Danby Road area, on the southwest corner.
In addition, Mr. Francese indicated he had been approached by some
people with respect to developments where the Wrisley property is
(300 units), the Herman property, and the Leonardo property.
All in all, Mr, Francese indicated that these proposals in their
totality come to some 1,500 to 1,700 units of new housing for the
Town of Ithaca, Almost all of these are apartments. The Planning
Board is concerned as to whether the market can sustain this number
of units,
Mrs, Barbara Holcomb, Planning Board Chairman, said the Town of Ithaca
is in a strange period. If a developer comes to the Town of Ithaca
today and looks around and samples the market there appear to be
essentially no apartments. What they do not know is the number of
developments already approved and waiting for water. She felt it is
the function of the Planning Board to inform a developer of the fact
that there are certain number of projects which have been approved
and are ready to go in a certain number of areas.
Councilman McElwee suggested that the Planning Board should put out
a fact sheet about the developments which are under consideration in
the Town, Mrs, Holcomb and Mr, Francese agreed that this would be a
good thing to do, Mr, Francese did indicate, however, that he advises
all prospective developers what is already approved or under considera
Attorney Buyoucos asked whether the Planning Board is going to make
a recommendation to the Town Board with respect to their judgment
as to whether there are enough units or there are not enough housing
units in the Town. Mrs. Holcomb stated that there will be a general
recommendation for the town as a whole and a specific recommendation .
for a particular area.
- 3 - April 10, 1972
Mrs. Holcomb reported that the Pl&nning Board recommends a stop sign
coming from the City of Ithaca on Mitchell Street at the Judd Palls
Road intersection, Peter Prancese was requested by the Board to talk
to Howard Stevenson to see if the County would have any objection to
a stop sign at this location,
Mrs. Holcomb reported that the Planning Board had completed the first
round of informal public hearings with respect to the* proposed Zoning
Ordinance; the Planning Board has had one working meeting at which
they covered about half of the suggestions made; they will have at
least one more ^rking meeting to cover the remainder of the sugges
tions; then the^ will be a joint working meeting with the Town Board
in May at which changes from the original plan will be proposed; after
agreement with the Town Board the Planning Boai*d will have another
round of public hearings; during July and August Peter Prancese will
work with Attorney Buyoucos on the final wording and legalities; at
the August meeting of the Town Board the Town Board will adopt a reso
lution for a public hearing in September, Councilman Powers suggested
that in all the foregoing meetings the Zoning Board of Appeals ought
to be included because they are frequently required to come up with
a decision based on the spirit of the ordinance and if they they don^t
know why certain changes were made they will be unkble to come up with
a proper decision. Mrs. Holcomb and the Town Board felt this was a
good idea,
Mrs. Holcomb announced that the County Planning Coalition had voted
to request that two professional planners in the County other than
those working for the county be asked to sit in on their meetings as
ex-officio members. The Town Board supported this idea and asked Mr,
Prancese to sit in on these meetings; The other professional planner
would be Mr, Jonathan C, Meigs^ City Planner;
Proof of posting and publication having been presented. Supervisor
Schwan opened the public hearing on the proposed water and sewer sur
No persons appearing for or against this proposal and it appearing
that insufficient data was available at this time, the hearing was
adjourned until a meeting of the Board on April 17, 1972.
Proof of posting and publication having been presented. Supervisor
Schwan opened the public hearing on the proposed local law regulating
signs and sign boards.
Edward W, King, Attorney, appearing on behalf of Kennilworth Associates,
said he would like to see the hearing adjourned to a later date, but
that he would, later in the meeting like to make a few comments with
respect to the proposed sign law.
Robert I, Williamson, Attorney, appearing on behalf of Park Outdoor
Advertising, Inc., said he noted that the new ordinance still elimi-
nates billboards. He felt this discriminated against the Park com
pany and that with just a little change in the present ordinance as
it now exists the Town could allow them to have billboards in business
or commercial districts and that billboards could be made to fit into
the proposed local law regulating signs and sign boards; that the
Park company would be authorized to have billboards contingent upon
coming to the Town for ^permit and the Town thereby would have super
vision of the signs, Mr. Williamson said the Park company had
billboards in the Town of Ithaca and said he felt the Park company
should be allowed to continue to exist in the Town of Ithaca, He
said they are willing to be regulated. He noted that the proposed
ordinance (which had been distributed) did not indicate in Section 16
the number of years that the billboards could continue to exist as a
non-conforming use. Supervisor Schwan said the Board had agreed upon
three years. Attorney Williamson said he hoped the Town of Ithaca
- 4 - April 10^ 1972
would adopt the 10~vear "grandfather" clause. Mr. Williamson said
that he or Mr. Burns (representing Park Displays, Inc.) or any other
representatives of the Park company are willing to meer with the
Town Board, as indicated in their correspondence of March 17th and
24th, 1972, or with the Town Planning Board, to go over in detail
any points with respect to the billboards.
Mr. Robert Burns, appearing on behalf of Park Displays, Inc. Said
that the Park company is a locally based company which purchased the
billboards from the Andrews Estate about five years ago. He said
they have 14 boards and want to continue in business in the Town of
Ithaca. Some of the boards are on the Mecklenburg Road and some on
the Danby Rpad. This comprises most of zne boaras. He reported that
during the past year local businessmen have made a substantial invest
ment in these boards. Some of these companies are Ripleys, First
National Bank, Erie Miller, Cutting Mortors, and the Char Pit. Ithaca
is the headquarters of the Park Outdoor Advertising Company which
employes 65 people, many of whom live in Ithaca or frequently come
to Ithaca on business. He said that with respect to community involve
ment, Park Displays, Inc. performs & public service, donating free
space to such organizations as the United Fund, the Heart Fund,
Muscular Distrophy, Cancer Fund, American Dental Association, Red
Cross, etc. He said the company stood to lose ^12.000 .per year in
advertising income. He said the Park company did not feel the boards
marred the countryside. Only two of the boards are illuminated and
the rest of the boards are against embankments or hills or on places
of business* Mr. Burns appealed to the Board to allow the Park com
pany to continue in business in the Town of Ithaca*
The Board thanked Mr. Williamson and Mr. Burns for their presentations.
Edward W. King, Attorney, speaking on behalf of Kennilworth Associates,
said he hoped the Town would make a further study of what is a reason
able amortization period for recouping the costs of signs, and felt
that proposed three-year period much more satisfactory than the one-
year formerly proposed. Mr. King felt the proposal to prohibit any
signs which extend over a rnof to be an arbitrary and unneces
sarily restrictive provision.
Mr. King then cited some specific sections which he questioned and
Attorney Buyoucos and Mr. Francese said they would go into these in
detail after the meeting.
Mrs. Holcom said billboards have not been permitted in the Town of
Ithaca since ^1954* They are not permitted under the present ordinance.
They are non-conformlng usf^a and have been such for almost 20 years.
She said Mr. Cowan had searched the records and had compiled a list
of the signs existing at the time of the original ordinance and found
that only five or six had permits. Somehow in the 20 year period the
number of non-conforming billboards had increased to l4.
Mrs. Beverly Livesay said she did not see that billboards served any
real functign and that the same information couid be provided in some
other wa^ As for having them in commercial areas only, she felt
commercial areas get to be quite confused enough with so many signs
and that when there are so many signs permitted it has the effect
of one not being able to pick out the information on many of them.
Nor did she feel they were desirable in agricultural area. She felt
that billboards are a blot on the scenery.
Mr. Gary A. Randorf of the Sierra Club said he felt billboards are
a vestige of the past and would like to see them go as soon as possible.
He cited that the State of Hawaii had not had billboards since I927
and since Hawaii lends itself to tourism and commercialism it did not
appear that not having billboards had hurt that state. Mr. Randorf
said he found billboards highly disagreeable and that if a company
offered a good product they could rely on more sophisticated adver
tising methods. He cited also that the State of Vermont is getting
along well without billboards. He said he would like to see all bill
boards come down and wished the prohibition could extend to the whole
5 -April 10, 1972
Attorney Williamson thanked the Board for allowing them to speak on
behalf of the Park companies.
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be adjourned to April 17, I972 at
7:30 pimi
Unanimously carried.
Marion Morey, Town Highway Superintendent, presented proposed "Agree
ment to Spend Town Highway Funds" as follows:
1. (ieneral Repairs (29.84 miles of Town highways) ... $ 23,300
2. Improvements:
(a) Winthrop Drive leading to
Christopher Lane, pave Brandywine,
Simsbury, Christopher Lane and
one-half Burleigh Drive (not to exceed) ... 12,000
(b) N.Y.S4 392 (Caldwell) leading to
N.Y.S* 356 ^ Excavate old road and
install 24" new gravel and surface
(not to exceed) 5,000
(c) CR 174 (Snyder Hill to Town Line 3,000
Surface Hudson Street Extension 1,000
Surface Burns Road 3>000
Surface Sheffield Road «...•••••.••*. 1,200
Surface Drew Park 3,000
3. As required 7,000
The above proposed agreement for expenditures of Town Highway Funds
was approved and signed by the Supervisor and Councilmen.
Supervisor Schwan read the following from the Town Planning Board
in regard to speed limits in southeast Town of Ithaca: "Mr. Sam Slack
moved that we proceed with a request for a lowering of the speed limit
to 35 miles per hour within the area delineated by Routes 79 and 366,
but not including Route 79 or Route 366, and from the Dryden Town line
to the City of Ithaca line, with supporting evidence of accidents,
deaths, new shopping centre, density, pedestrian traffic, bicycles,
and four proposed multiple residence developments." "Motion seconded
by Fred Scott. A discussion followed. Mr. Scannell repeated that he
still feels that the Town as a whole is the best approach. A vote
was taken and the motion passed by majority with Mr. Scannell abstain
ing. 5-0-1."
The Board noted the foregoing from the Planning Board. After some
discussion as to whether the Town should attempt to get area speed
limits or speed limits set for particular streets or roads, it was
agreed that Peter Francese will check on the matter with Mr. Shub
of the Department of Transportation.
Boynton Jr. High School, DeWitt/BOCES Schools
Supervisor Schwan read a letter from G. J. Messmer, Residential
Representative of New York State Electric & Gas Corporation recommend
ing for the Boynton Jr. High School one 20,000 lumen mercury light
at each entry and exit and a total of two 20,000 lumen units for
$150.00 per year increased costs; and for the DeWitt/BOCES Schools
they recommend one 52,000 lumen mercury unit at the entry(s) inter
section closest to Route 13 on Warren Road at an additional annual
- 6 -April 10, 1972
cost of $i42.00. They requested a letter of authorization to do this,
They also asked for the Town*s recommendation for the Cornell Parking
Lot entry intersection with Route 366.
Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Councilman Powers,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca provide the lights contingent upon
the Ithaca City School District splitting the cost with the Town,
Unanimously carried,
Supervisor Schwan indicated that the Town Board had a request from
the Ithaca City School District to provide two voting machines for
the Cayuga Heights School and three for the Northeast School.
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Powers;
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca provide two machines for the Cayuga
Heights School and three machines for the Northeast School to the
Ithaca City School District with the understanding that the Town of
Ithaca will bill the Ithaca City School District for the man hours
involved in delivering and returning the machines, together with a
reasonable rental for five voting machines.
Unanimously carried.
Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Supervisor Schwan,
RESOLVED, that the minutes of February l4, 21, 28 and Mdrch 13, 1972
be approved as presented.
Motion by Councilman Powers; seconded by Supervisor Schwan,
RESOLVED, that the resolution on page 2 of the minutes of March 20,
1972 with respect to Cornell University water and sewer assessment
adjustments be amended to read that the penny charges on the follow
ing Cornell University properties, where the University supplies water
from its own treatment and filtration plant through its own system,
shall be refunded:
Parcel No.
63-1 ^
.8 -
.9 ^
■10.2 ^
■11.1 -
■11.2 -
-12.1 "
-13 "-15 ^
$ 38.758.96
$ 94.85
$ 77.50
$ 189.70
Unanimously carried-
- 7 - April 10, 1972
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that the Warrants dated April 10, 1972, in the following
amounts be approved:
General Fund $ 30,796.60
Highway Fund i 4 , 6,942.00
Unanimously carried.
Supervisor Schwan indicated he had a letter from Attorney Armand L.
Adams stating that the Environmental Management Council is short
several members, one of whom would be a replacement for Robert Mann,
as a representative of the Town of Ithaca. Mr. Adams said the Council
had given some consideration to the recommendation of the appointment
of Richard B. Fischer, Professor of Science Education (Nature Study),
135 Pine Tree Road. The name Hugh P. Travis, k Muriel Street, also
came up in connection with the appointment. Supervisor Schwan said
he would look into these recommendations and bring this matter up
again at the April 17, 1972 meeting of the Boards
Supervisor Schwan also had a letter dated March 29, 1972 from Mr. G.
Robert Cutia, Youth Bureau Director of the City of Ithaca, indicating
that the Town of Ithaca has one more vacancy on the Youth Bureau Board
that has not been filled. Mr. Cutia indicated that a Mr, William
Gauger of 104 Pine View Terrace has been suggested as a possible
candidate for the position. It appeared that no one on the Board was
acquainted with Mr. Gauger. Therefore, Supervisor Schwan said he
would make some inquiries and report back to the Board.
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Del Rosso,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board appoints Roger B. Sovocool to the Zoning
Board of Appeals as of January 1, 1972 and continuing through December
31, 1976.
Unanimously carried.
Motion by Councilman Desch; seconded by Councilman Powers,
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca is making plans with other munici
palities to obtain a source of water supply from Cayuga Lake at or
near Bolton Point and to construct a water supply system for the pur
pose of transmitting water to users in the Town of Ithaca, Town of
Lansing, Town of Dryden, the Village of Cayuga Heights, and any other
municipality wishing to receive such water or otherwise participate
in the project, and
WHEREAS, it is proposed by the participating municipalities that
the said project shall be constructed and financed on a joint basis
with the costs being shared on an equitable basis by the respective
municipalities participating as may be agreed upon between them,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized
to prepare and file an application with the Department of Environ
mental Conservation of the State of New York either jointly with said
other municipalities or in behalf of the Town and said other munici
palities for the approval of the acquisition of said source of water
supply and of the financial and engineering plans for the construc
tion of said water supply system, and the Supervisor is authorized
to obtain all necessary engineering and financial information from
Lozier Engineers, Inc. and also to retain the services of others to
obtiain all other information reasonably required in connection with
said application and the Supervisor is authorized to take whatever
steps may be necessary to file said application and cause the same to
be processed.
Unanimously carried.
- 8 - April 10, 1972
Supervisor Schwan stated he had a letter from Charles S. Levy of
312 Winthrop Drive, dated March 25, 1972, complaining of unshielded
lights of the Latter Day Saints Church on Burleigh Drive in its park
ing lots which light up his property. Mr. Levy suggested the remedy
might be to shield these lights.
After some discussion in which it appeared that there was no zoning
ordinance violation since this is a residential area and that it was
a private matter between the parties, the Town Clerk was instructed
to write to Bishop Pingree indicating that the Town Board has received
a complaint regarding their lights and, in particular, the lights
were turned on again at 11:00 p.m. on Friday, March 25, and that
while the Town does not feel that any ordinance is being violated
it would appear that the property owner has a legal basis for a suit
against the Church. The Town Board recommends that the Church of
the Latter Day Saints install shields on their parking lot floodlights
to reduce the illumination and glare that impinges on the surrounding
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. until next Monday. April 17.
1972 at 7:30 p.m. . '
Edward L. Bergen
Town Clerk