HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1972-02-28TOWN OF ITHACA
February 28, 1972
meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca
108 Ea^t Ithaca Offices at1972, at 7:30 p-m.^there wer4 February,
PRESENT; Walter J. Schwan, Supervisor
Noel Desch, Councilman
Robert N. Powers, Councilman
ABSENT: Andrew W. McElwee, Councilman
Victor Del Rosso, Councilman
ALSO PRESENT: James V. Buyoucos, Town Attorney
David W. Cowan, Zoning Officer
Robert M. Burns, Park Displays, Inc.
Hugh (Sam) MacNeil, County Representative
Edward W. King^ Attorney
Mrs. Barbara Holcomb, Chairman, Planning Board
Peter K. Francese, Planning Consultant
Meanders of Radio, TV, and Press
Supervisor Schwan CAlled the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
RpJnTVFn^ Schwanj seconded by Councilman Desch,
? the Planning Board, beginning in March,on actual attendancl.''^ ^ ° meeting, per member, based
Unanimously carried.
The Board discussed briefly a resolution arising out of a meetinc of
RpqnTTOn^ Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch,RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca sunnorts the
unanimous resolution of the Greater Ithaca Committee on Water
municipalities involved take steps
j formatxon of a Water District to include the munici-palities and urging the formation of a Committee consisting of two
Ind furthe?^th«t municipality to secure this end,the guidelines suggested to the Committee include
istahli^h"nnT'?pr governing body for the district torates; (b) use of engineering advice todecide on the appropriate source or sources of water, (c) employment
operate the plant or plinis of th^
tion thflt S meeting within 30 days, with the addi-i feeling of the Ithaca Town Board that inasmuchno concrete evidences of cooperation available at this
abolitfnn of Ithaca and by cooperation the Board means theu??" 2 existing moratorium on water taps for the Town, and
romi?t+PB pn"S supports the resolution of the Greater Ithaca
o? Resources and is willing to implement it, the Town=fKT= + < 1 f®?? "® proceeding with as much haste as pos-
p? Implement the design of an independent water system for theTowns of Ithaca, Lansing and Dryden, and the Village of Cayuga Heights.
Unanimously carried.
February 28, 1972
' . 1 .1 .
The matter of how to collect the water and sewer surcharge was tabled
until the regular meeting of the Board ,on March 13, 1972*, Town
Attorney -Buyoucos felt tbat it would; require an ordinance to collect
the surcharge. : .
Councilman Desch; seconded by Supervisor Schwan,
RESOLVED, that Mrs, Nancy Puller, 316 Turner Place, Ithaca, New York
^ ning^April^l deputy Town Clerk, at $2.50 per hour, begin-
Unanimously carried.
The Board discussed whether the Town should renew its bond anticipa
tion notes at the very favorable rate of 2,8^ or actually bond the
districts immediately at an estimated 4-7/8^ to 5.1^. The Board felt
i anticipation notes due to the favorable rate,but that the Supervisor should check on the bond market every month.
It, appears that the bond anticipation notes can be cut off and the
districts can be bonded whenever the Town is ready to do s.o. The
Supervisor will look into the matter of getting estimates of what
it may cost to prepare brochures, etc. for bonding. The Town Attorney
saggested that he be consulted before any inquiries are made in this
! i Town Attorney Buyoucos distributed to the Board menibers a proposed
! i agreement between the Town of Ithaca and Kennilworth Associates with
respect to two proposed pylon signs.
After some discussion, the following resolution was adopted:
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Powers,
REISOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be authorized to execute on
beshalf of the Town of Ithaca an agreement with Kennilworth Associates
for the erection of two pylon signs not to exceed 100 square feet and
no»t to exceed 24 feet in height.
Unanimously carried.
Thie said agreement is on file in the Town Offices.
Mr. Robert M. Burns appeared on behalf of Park Displays," Inc. Ha
stated that during the past year, local businessmen have "made substan-.
tial investments in advertising through billboards and' that the elim-
ination of billboards would limit' off premises advertising to other
more expensive media, such as^radio and newspapers.. He said the
company employs some 70 people and many of them live In Ithaca and
people the company attracts to the area have meetings here and spend
money in the community. He noted also that the company has contribu-
j : ted free billboard space', to many charities, for example, the United
1^' Fund, Heart Fund, Muscular^Dystrophy, Red Cross, Suicide Prevention,
etc. He contended that none of the billboards are in heavily residen
tial areas. He said he did hot beiievo their billboards bothered any
one or marred the countryside and that they are not visually detri
mental. He appeared to the Board to allow the company to continue as
a responsible business in the Town of Ithaca. . Mr. Burns submitted
the following recommendations, for the Board's consideration:
"it is the recommendation of Park Displays,: Ithaca, New York,
that section 5f be eliminated and that piaragraph (e) be
added'under section 6, . rv
- i 3 - February 28, 1972
e. Billboards, providing that the spacing, ligh,tigg ^d ,,
size requirements set .forth below "^ply; - AlL
1. Location .' , . i
a. Signs may not be located-^ih such manner .,as to
obscure, or otherwise physically interfe'fe with
the effectiveness of an official traffic sign,
or device, obstruct or physically interfere with
the driver^s view of approaching, merging^ or
intersecting traffic.
b. In the town of Ithaca, no structure may be
located within 5Q0 ft. of an interchange,
b. intersection at grade, or pavement widening
at the exit from or entrance to the main traveled
c. If an area becomes residentially developed,., or
; subdivided into housing lots that will result
V in substantial residential visibility of the
sign, the sign or signs will be ren\p.yed,
2* Lighting: billboards will.-not contain or. include
n illumination by any flashing, intermittent, or
- 'moving light or lights. Billboard lighting will
:be effectively shielded to prevent beams or rays
-of light from being directed at any portion of the
traveled ways and which are of such intensity or
brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision
of the driver of any motor vehicle. No -sign shall ,
be so illuminated that it; interferes wi.l^h the effec
tiveness or obscures an official traffic sign, device^
or signal.
3. Size; the maximum area for any one sign shall be
325 sq, ft. with a maximum height of 24 ft. above
the road grade level and maximum length of 30 ft.,
inclusive of any border and trim. "
The Board said they would consider the recommendations as presented
and thanked Mr. Burns for the information provided. Buyoucos !
advised Mr. Burns that the Town Board did not intend t6 hurt anyone
economically'and that the'Board Is aware .'of thfe public spirited acti
vities of Park Displays. He said, however, that the ordinance which
the Town of Ithaca will eventually adopt has to be enacted in the
context of current needs and current imperatives of the foreseeable
future. One of the purposes stated in the proposed sign board law
is that the Town recognizes its obligation to prevent .environmental
deterioration and that this is going to loom very large- in the actions
of the Town Board, whatever they may be. They will take into account
the economic factors involved and the economic factors, of the people
who need advertising in the community and the economic^ factors of the
companies which are in the business of conducting and .constructing
and maintaining signs, but it is all going to be done in the light
of current needs and the needs of the future. He emphasized that
th'e current ordinance will not be quite the same as ordinances in the
past. M
Attorney Edward W. King appeared on behalf of Kennilworth Associates.
He stressed the considerable .investment Kennilworth has made in the
Town of Ithaca. He said ^der the proposed ordinance dll the present
Kennilworth signs would be illegal. He felt the proposed sign ordi
nance was too restrictive as to maximum height and square footage of
signs. He also objected to the requirement that signs should not be
King pleaded also for a longer "grand
father clause. He ui^ed^jthe Town to keep an open mind and obtain
at least a year's experience with a less restrictive ordinance before
binding yourselves in a straight-Jacket," He did not feel the Town
ought to establish "maximum" limitations with respect to signs, Mr,
King exhibited pictures pf various signs in the Town during his pre
sentation. If the Town felt it had to have a maximum height limit,
i-; S:
P^bruary.28. 1972
.. .. •'
Mr. King suggested 30 feet. The Town Board felt that^sqme standard
limit at l^sn"'-With respect to height and square footage was* required
since we-are now at the beginnihg of a new look at the whole sign and
billboard picture. It was notfe.,d. that billboards are not presently
allowed in the Town of Ithaca, so that the. fourteen billboards'Bwned
by Park Displays are non-conforming uses.
The Board indicated it would give-consideration to Mr. Kingis recommen
dations, particularly, with reference to"'a longer "grandfather" clause.
The Board appeared to lean toward making provision for directories on
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch, -
RESOLVED," that the meeting^ be adjourned.
• Unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Edward L. Bergen
Town Clerk
. -4