HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1970-07-13V TOWN OF ITHACATown Board Reg ular Meeting
July 13, 1970
PRESENT; Walter Schwan, Supervisor
Andrew McElwee, Councilman
Victor Del Rosso, "
Noel Desch, "
^ENT: Harry Baker, Councilman
PRESENT: J®^® Buyoucos, Attorney H
Da^d Cowan, Zoning Officer
Prancese, Planning Consultant
Morey, Supt. of Highways
u2orf Works ^Hugh S, Ckl ® Director-Tompkins Co.
Cornell Planning Office
Kesidents from Forest Home
Residents from Northeast
Members of Radio suid Press
SiSfefsince^we^Slfnot havffa®'' p.m. Hethey would discuss th^ a quorum present at that time
vote; oisuuss the following items which did not require a
of^Wlnthrop^Drlve a^ te2^Northeasra/^°'^fth" of residents
the resWentrwould go to £®" " would help if * !,
state their side* "a-n tn >via ^ school board members andschool board businef^ " ^'his is
Mr, Joseph DiGiacbmo anrt mv ^ ^ necessary decisions,"
group and will call Mr Schiian agreed to be spokesmen for thisresults of the mating! meeting is set up and advise
biWJSS; SSiSS S-nLSi'bS'i.'Sr"''position, whether now or later; that the Toto ll enti Mai v.
and"re^Iij;ib^e. Squireme^tl'""?kmc?'^Lf^ge''eir^^^
rosl?ion"on thi^ l^^wn tfok fd;flnitr^x.oint LnLiallv ®"PO!^sor Schwan felt the Attorney had a good" . R cially in the area of roads, drainace and and
resolution #6o4 NYS ELECroiC & GAS EASliMRWT
"as received from the NYS Electric & Gas Corp. for an
eaSMent ?" ® f^-S^^-ol'-way to rebuild an existing line. Present
is stpin require 100' . Land in question
loeatert nn mf? TN ? Town for highway purposes and is
«... jfi. Drive, bounded by the Baker property andproperty owned.^ by the Immaculate Conception Church.
-2- July 13, 1970
Motion by Councilman McElwee; seconded by Supervisor Schwan
RESOLVED, that the New York State Electric and Gas Corp.be granted
an easement, for the sum of $100.00, requested for 100 ft. in
width on land situate as follows:
The center line of the right-of-way enters grantor's lands on the
south from the lands of Hazel Baker at a point about five feet
westerly from a southeasterly corner of grantor's lands; thence
extends in a northerly direction a distance of about 50 feet to
the lands of ths Immaculate Conception Church of Ithaca on the
north at a point about 5 feet westerly from a northeasterly corner
of grantor's l^ds. This easement grants the right for an addition
al width of 3^ feet on both sides of a center line established by
an easement dated October 15, 1924 and recorded in Tompklns County
Clerk's office in Liber 6 of Miscellaneous Records at Page 12, and
BE IT FURTHER NOTED, that Grantor's land was conveyed to Grantor
for highway purposes. It is understood that the Grantee shall
construct no poles or other appurtenances, facilities or fixtures
other than overhead wires at a height which will not interfere with
the use, construction, sind maintenance of the Greuitor's land for
highway purposes, but in no event lower than the existing wires.
Mr, James Parkes, Assistant Planning Officer in Cornell University's
Planning Office, requested permission to speak to the Board with
reference to their traffic control plans. He presented drawings
showing the proposed changes in the traffic pattern on the Cornell
campus and around it, explaining that this was a 10-year plan and
that the first phase would Inclose a "Jug handle" at Judd Palls Rd.
and Plantation Road. He also indicated that they would open
Caldwell Road for nofth-south traffic. He explained this traffic
control pattern will be needed to control the flow of traffic on
the Campus inasmuch as traffic will be greatly restricted, and
people will be forced to drive through the Forest Home area. Three
booths will be set up at various entrances to the Cornell Campus to
control traffic and to give information. He also indicated that
all roads involved were Cornell or State roads and that the Town
has no Jurisdiction. He brought this information to the Board merely
to keep them up to date on the changes being implemented.
Mr, John J^atilaine expressed his opinion that increased use of
Forest Home Drive would be extremely dangerous inasmuch as two
cars now have trouble in passing.
Question v?as raised as to whether or not Cornell could legally close
off roads to which the public had been permitted access. Answer
given was that it depends on whether or not they are letting the
public use the land by their permission,
Cv.uestion; Do any of these roads appear on the Town map?
Answer: "None shown on the official State map.
HoLlwee: Are you coming off private property onto public roads?
How about accidents?
Hct".-2rd Stevenson: Wf) are not creating any new entrances, we are
eliminating one. Would be about the same as coming out
n i of the Plaza onto Triphammer Road. Would depend on how
it is signed.
Mr. Herbert Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road, presented a prepsired state
ment. He said he would like to focus attention on a serious
traffic problem for residents of the Town of Ithaca. He felt the
"Jug handle" could be placed in another location and not funnel so
much traffic through Forest Home. He indicated that he had not,
and the Forest Home Approvement Assn. had not, been able to get
together with Cornell officials to discuss common problems.: Mr.
Mahr also indicated he felt County officials were working with
Cornell, but not giving consideration to residents of the area.
He felt they should find a solution that is agreeable to everyone
and.then go ahead with construction.
Mr. Parkes indicated that he had discussed the plan with the Forest
Home Road Committee on June 12, consisting of 8 people, and that
they were to make a report to the Association. He was under the
-3- July 13, 1970
impression that when the committee reported to the Associati.
that they would get a favprable response.
Further opposition to the "Jug hsindle" was expressed by the
Councilmen in that they felt the placement of the "Jug handle"
should be reconsidered and that it could be placed, to bettsr
advantage for both Cornell and residents of the Town of Ithaca.
Councilman DelRosso entered at this point.
Motion by Councilman Del Ross; seconded by Supervisor l^chwan
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the June 8, I970 meeting be
approved as submitted. Carried.
Councilman McElwee; seconded by Councilman DelRosso
RESOLVED, that warrants in the following amounts be paidt
Highway $ 8,797.74
General Fund 93,574.86
Planner Francese passed out copies of a proposed amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Section 74. Special Exceptions.
^ere there are practical difficulties or special conditions
which make application of these regulations unreasonable or
impossible to comply with; and when, in its Judgment, the public
convenience and welfare will be substantially served and the
appropriate use of neighboring property will not be substantially
injured, the Town Board may in a specific case,
n ^ notice and hearing and after referal to the PlanningBoard for opinion as per the procedure outlined in section 46 (2) rn
above, authorize the following special exceptions to the regulations:
1. Airport or Aircraft Landing Field I
2. Cemetary
3. Hospital or Health Care Facilities
t Television transmitting or broadcasting station5. Public Utility use or structure6, Marina, boathouse or bathing facility
^^6 ®*®^^cise of its approvfii, the Town Board may impose such
futherance of themay
purposes of this orcllncnotj,
Snpervisor Schwan that b--ore could consider any new
p/.oposal from W. on p...ac.e:fjeno of their towers, we must
Sf L f-r special use districts.r Francese S"t<it";ia .u: taeoiplnion of the Town Board on this
proposed amende.ent. It the opinion of the Board that item 1
Field, should be deleted. Also, item
5, Public Utili -u; Ist} c-r* ftructure, should be clarified or
A3.30, it should be d'lrccrmi.ned if vjb are going to allow certain
things in certain areas or if this is to he an overall plan. r""^
Mr. Francese is to take the amendment back to the Planning Board
for further consideration.
Councilman Desch entered at this point.
Supervisor Schwan advised that he had checked with the Village
Clerk of the Village of Trumansburg, and found that they contract
with the Tompkins County Sheriff*s Department for two officers
who are on duty I6 hours per day, 7 days per week. Village provides
car and all maintenance, gas and repairs, etc. They are quite
pleased with this arrangement to date. Approximate cost to the
Village per year - $15,000. Supervisor Schwan indicated this was
only a report and felt that we should take no action at this time.
July 13, 1970
Attorney Buyoucos advised that he has received the deed for this
street, and suggested that the street be called Tareyton Drive for
its enttlre length. Mr. Morey advised that all requirements had
been met.
Mcition by Councilman McElwee; seconded by Councilman Desch
RESOLVED, the deed conveying a southerly extension of TAREYTON
DRIVE, from Francis C, Chase, is accepted only on condition that
all covenants such as abstracts of title and other documents have
been approved by the Town Attorney, and this acceptance shall
become final when the Town Attorney files his approval with the
Town Clerk and delivers the deed to the Town Clerk for recording.
Reference was made to the minutes of May 11 in which it was
indicated that Zoning Officer Cowan should write to Mr. Ideman
with reference to his property on Judd Palls Road and Ellis Hollow
Road. Mr. Cowan indicated that he had inspected the Ellis Hollow
property. He had not inspected the Judd Falls property. Mr.
Cowan will look at the property further and point out to Mr.
Ideman Section 60 and Section 38, Par. 5j of the Zoning Ordinance.
It was also pointed out that the contractor had not settled
complaints received from Mr. Ideman and that we were still retain-
pending a release from Mr. Ideman. After
cohsiderabie discussion it was the opinion of the Board that this
matter should be turned over to Lozier and that they should work
with Mr. Ideman n and Mr. Auble'to take care of his complaints.
Legislation mandating the adoption of a Code of Ethics by each
local gdy^^ has been approved by Gov. Rockefeller. = Thia amends
the General Municipal Law to^ require the adoption of a Code of;
Ethics whldh- 'must- be^ filed within 30 days after" adoptioni'; Supervisor
Schwan appointed a cbmhiittee of Ifoel Desch and Victdr Dei Rosso
to^ Wdrk oh this Code for the Town of Ithaca and report back;to >
the Board within 'two months". Attorney Buyoucos will also work
with this committee.
Decision was made to establish new rates for the Forest Home Water
District (505^ of present rates) effective July 1, 1970.
Letter was received from R. 0. Dingman, Supt. of Public Works, for .
the City, advising that the dump on West Clinton Street would be
discontinued as of July 10, 1970. Supervisor advised that we had
discontinued use of this dump as of June 30 and that our last
payment^to the City would be as of June 30, and that the City
has been hqtifled accordingly.
A bill in the amount of $50.00 was presented from Mr, Rounds for
repair and unplugging sewer connection on Muriel Street. Queotton "
was raised as to whether or not the home owner should pay for
this, or::the Town? It was the opinion of the Board that since
the contractor should have taped the line before tying in, that
the obBtructibn" was the fault of the contractor and that he should
stand the-costt of repairs.
Councilman Del Rosso raised the. question as to what the Town was
doing about cleaning up after storm damagej ie,. next to Williams
Glen. ^Mr. Morey will check on this. It was the opinion of the
Board that any flooding done on private property by a creek or
stream on that property is the home owner's responsibility.
-5- July 13, 1970
CounCllnian ])dcElwe6 felt that we should recognij^e Individuals
leaving the Town who have served In various capacities over the
years. He felt they should receive some type of plaQ[ue of
certificate citing their years of service. Concensus of the Board
was that this would be an excellent Idea, Town Clerk is to
present samples of various certificates to the Bew4 at Its
next meeting,
Councilman Desch (who arrived latB to the meeting) asked what '
action had been taken regarding water drainage In the Northeast
area. There was considerable discussion as to the placement of
the drainage ditch, who was responsible and whether or not
easements should be obtained. There was also raised the question
as to whether or not these easements should be permanent or
temporary. Councilman Desch suggested we obtain temporary ease
ments from the property owners for construction of a ditch. Also,
before issuance of any permits for development of the other lots
they should be graded so that the ditch Is maintained. It was
suggested that the Town do the work from the road and that the
developer construct swale. If problem exists In coordinating
work. Town could do the work and then backcharge the developer.
Attorney raised the question as to liability on water going on
down to Cayuga Heights, etc.
It was determined that 15 properties are Involved, 2 deeds have
oeen recorded, balance Is owned by Chase, Town Attorney Is to
make search of the two deeds to Individual home owners and then
search sale from Schoenfeld to Chase. Ditch to go on lot line.
Mr, schwan and Mr. Buyoucos to look Into situation to determine
ir easements should be temporary or permanent. Town will do thework and will construct ditch approximately 8» wide by 3' deep. ,1.^
Justice Hartsock requested permission from the Board to attend a
Magistrate's School at St, Lawrence on July 21,
Councilman Desch; seconded by Supervisor Schwan
KtsOLyED, that Justice Hartsock be granted permission to attend
a Magistrate's School on July 21, I970.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Elizabeth K. Parrlsh
Town Clerk