HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1970-05-11TOWN OP ITHACATown Board Regular Meeting
May 11, 19!^
PRESEim; Walter J. Schwan, Supervisor
Andrew McElwee, Councilman
Harry Baker, ti
Vincent Del Rosso. "
Noel Desch. "ALSO PRESEyrr
^es Buyoucos, Attorney ^
Da^d Cowan, Zoning Officer M
Peter Prancese, Planning Consultant I I
Members of Radio and Press
10 Town of Ithaca residents
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Schwan at 4:50 p.m.
R^OL^^ tha"thf°LnStes"of^the"A®''i^'^iv®""°^^®®" ®*^erwith the following correction; 13 meeting be approved
motion^was tabled, ideman - amend to show that the
approved as'^b^t^'^'''^' minutes of April 27 be
resolution #580
RKQLVED^ tha^war^tmi'thrfoll'^ Councilman Del Rosso2nd South Hiir^ter Sistric? Ex?2nd South Hill Water Di"?l?t Ext' % ^ ?IZ-03
Water District ' 17 Sv^'nl !~1East Ithaca Water District i
South Ext. #2 lll'f? ' -southern wstnot '
Highway 25,249.98
S^lS^ned°a?®i^er^relolutLn''DriLn?®^^"f It 5:00 p.m.this Public Hearing was beina hefrt at the last Board Meeting
Zoning Ordinance The foiirtfil!^ consider an amendment to theQstragder: ta??4d ^veral Sion^af =
tV^ Attorney that we are lmj^ref by'^lt??!reaponelbillty to conre up wfth '
all ?h« »>est .lut?"eta ofthl Lucente also qu^L2£.,„j ~
hoL2 In half of a two-family
in referred to families taking _D Lucente* Oum??^ ^ children (foster children). He- who came up with these recinmendatlons. I i
^ Schw^ advised him that complaints had beenMy<s T< received from all sections of the Town.Mrs. Livesay^ Commented that the reason for tightening the
ordinanc® was because the original ordinance was
h«5o 0+2 to permit flexibility and certain developers
bSild?n2®JJf ? flexibility to permit the
who tr?ed houses. Paiiit lies with peoplecircumvent ordinance necesoltating
tightening; or Ordlnecnce.
-2-Af»i May 11, 1970
^ Iffi50LmOK#582 .'" ''V """.M-.. .'■
Motion-by Counf,n •« COKRECTIOW hp AsSESSMRWTg
s;fm' .«u, 1 -.
RESOLOTTONjjf^S ' " ' , ■ ,
Planner Pr ' " ' ' OEOROE IDPHflw v :
fl."«.«X^riiiiifsr; ••■"Ss iss sfeSifeSi? "''•'''
"-'I'SSS £'I3«
i the? Mrf^idem^8«f8e»te<|'to^VtS*S^*^"'Or«We:-^Jl?S'^t850.<w^upob'l2^ .
Motion by CoSncilm^lS Si ° <3one by the Tpwii-^0™, that the^oSclor Councilman Desch
Palis Hoad: bac. -
PI ■ r- ■ Carried. .-,larid ownfd^y^Mr Board ig attentloVi ' '"been used as^a dt!unj fo^lar^?^'rSI?^ • ■•
REsoLonow #583
^ Supervisor Schwsh ' ■ ^jfljfe
representatives and^with^ji he had-met with Ithaca Colli
i : KS'J; -«> <,& ■--
year for this instai^iSjf'
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"3- May 11, 1970
usnE facility property
Supervisor Schwah read a letter from the City Clerk, along with the
Common Council»s resolution, requesting annexation of the property
on No. Cayuga Street (former USNR facility);
Councilm^ pesch felt we were taki-ng more and more interest In the
youth activities and paying more of the cost. Considerable
discussion followed as to the reasons for the annexation, the effect
it would have on the Town, etc. —
Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman McElwee MRESOLVED, that we defer decision until a committee composed of ' i
Councilm^ Del Rosso and Supervisor Schwan Investigate the situation
extent and determine the reasons for annexation andeffect on Town in terras of State and Federal aid for youth purposes.
Supervisor Schwan requested authorization to .apply to the New York
State Dept. of Transportation for a lower speed limit on several
roads in the Town of Ithaca.
Councilman Desch| seconded by Councilman McElwee
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is.hereby authorized to petition the
State Dept. of Transportation for a speed limit of 30 mph
u® « of Ithaca: Snyder Hill Road,warren Road, Hanshaw Road and Bundy Road.
Supervisor Schwan felt there was a definite need for a walk-way
from St. Catherine Circle to Christopher Laqe for school children
going to Northeast Elementary School, and Northeast Junior High.
He appointed Councilman Desch and Councilman McElwee as a ^
committee to investigate this possibility and report back at the
next meeting of the Board. . I !
requested that action be deferred in this matter
in the hope that we may solve our problems in water and sewer and
be able to get water to Mr. Prandsen in the future.
Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Desch
REbOLVED, that Mr. Frandsen's request for a refund of his I969
Sewer Tax In the amount of $1^126.08 be tabled until a future date
when we can resolve our present difficulties with reference to
water and sewer and until we see what the overall picture is.
Final estimates were received for Snyder Hill Road Water District;
South Hill Sewer District; South Hill Water District and East
Ithaca Water District, After some discussion it was decided that
payment will be deferred until James Dunlap and Supervisor Schwan
have had an opportunity to check the districts and see that all ^^
repairs have been made. Attorney Buyoucos also pointed out that
property owners* in these districts should notify the Board, in _
writing, property that has not been repaired, i
Request was received from Mat Associates for a public bearing to
consider rezoning land at the intersection of W. King Rd. and Danby Rd.
Motion by Supervisor Schwan; seconded by Councilman Baker
RES^VED, that a Public Hearing be held at the next Board Meeting
on «^®8, 1970,.,55.00 p.m., in the Board Room to consider the
request pi^,.Mat Asspciates to rezpne the land on the Southwest
coinner of hap^ Hpad and King R6a4:y West, to commercial, multiple,
and single family,n v Carried.
n J - .. ; -4- May 11, - 1970
5 • ' - ^ . ;.v POIiLING PLACES
Motion by C, McElwee; seconded by Supervisor Schwan
RESOLVED, that the -polling pla6es.and.lists pf election inspeptors
and • alternates as presented - .by the Town Clerk, be approved for the
term ending June 14, 1971. Carried.,
I 1 Moved by Supervisor Schwan5:. seconded by . Counciiman McElwee
RESOLVED, that'the:Supervisor ber .authorized to renew. Bond r i ,.
Anticipation Notes^?a:s^th0rb<Bc6m6 due> uhtil December 31, in-
accordance with all legal requirements,
RESOLUTION #590 •; i <> . . . NyS e & G STREET LIGHTING
• • COfePRACT"
Contract received from. New York State Electric and Gas Cojrp. ;for
the Town of Ithaca effective June 1,*1970. ThO hew contract
reflects all lights instailedj-.totalvampunt of contract $8,870.00.
Motion by Councilman: McElwee j. seconded by Councilman Desch -.RESOLVED, that the written contract, submitted by: the New York State
Electric and Gas Corporation for lighting the Streets and pubiic
places of the Town of Ithaca, dated June 1, 1970, be and the same is,
hereby approve^, the Supervisor and Clerk-hf this Bodrd be,
and they hereby are, authorized, empowered and directed to execute
the Shiiiel ih Mis name' and^in behalf of the ^
Letter^ was > received Bas^ Heightsv^Inc^ reques1ding^<releas4 o
! I of their guarantees on the Hungerford Hill water stbrage^ tank.
Approximately 23'^3P-people in the Snyder Hill Rd, area have hooked
on Cornell ts in the process of hooking On^ ; :?m
Motion by C, Del Rosso;; seconded by C. McElwSe^^^^ "
RESOLVED, that: the: requii^ements' for- escrow^ account for^.Eastern
Heights be 'J^educed by-vactual-pf lbtsy plus the hbw^'users on
ShyderBiM^ Road,:'in l^eletion^;?the: total:district, -n
' . n -./Carriei..
^' n n ,^ T ■: . v':;'Supervisor Schwan requested the opinion Pf/theK:^^^ on what to dowhen subrdividers fail to complete roads to"To^n sjfeclficatic^^after bui Iding. permiitsr; gtre. issued:.: iAfter considerable discus sionit5 was decideE to: table.' cthe ^matter land Supervi son Bchwan. 3woUldcommie more completel figures; -artdybring: to^ the; nexttjBoarci^ei^ing;,
'jO- :f'-yv:y ay:. y"';lvJ®IORIAL DAY:.HOLIDAY^
It was pointed .out that. MeiroH'ialitpay .falls on S^tufEayrirthiev^tyeax^^^^^
Decision was J made ntpi ploSe the::i'p^:of. Sthaca :pf^ fprKthisyr i
holiday■ on'^Mon4ayy:1^une:tl^/^y^l,; yy.-.; re-i ' : it
9n • "iyi-y/r t; ttiv: Ty Li;c-:'": '1 %y ■'The Supervisor ad vised, he was checking on chairs for/thei; Board ' .n Ppssibly there are some extra chairs at the TbWniBarnv IfI I hbt'P?ha Mtil^^'Ur^ase hPb chairs. tifet also}requested: pemission to purchase typewriter stand,a clock fof:'tfiec^ard'Room;Grantedvvvy rycy l v/ed y^ron'^iGayi'yyjy; - Ty iy;"n.n- T-yia -
yuarhaty-y^ 'r-'y yy-y' HsnyyV-r-r-i; d y; ^ ^ yvyy::yvryyviywGty7-.ymOT.UlaX)N 3: 5;:: - r>v or , i -RECREATIQNJfciOI^b^^SPAGE:POLICY
^ t: T T' -/- : - ----r ..^^./thiSpolicy , tdiscussed ia length by. ■the Boitrdl J
Motion by C. 'Desch; seconded by Supervisor Schwan . ;r ;yRESOLVED, that we accept in principle the Recreation and Open SpacePolicy as written by Mr. Frahcese^ dait^ May 11,/1970)j!and : ■ t pc/\i:
- ^t:''t'~:" :t;y .T.tyyT''"'Pi^'~
:y : i rfVi ig'. ■ n r^; lyH.ard . " ';v . 't: ' (; :y; dy-.■r.iad'Kf;:;
-5- May 11, 1970
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a coromittae be appointed to report
back, in two months, on the firm policy recommendations that the
Town Board should adopt.
Mrs. Carl Valentino was appointed chairman of this committee (see
Recreation and Open Space Policy) along with the following members;
Mrs. Elizabeth DeProsse Mr. Lawrence Hamilton
1470 Trumansburg Road 116 Kay Street
Mr. Jpto Pearson Mr. Donald Riker ^
032 Cpddington Road 1385 Mecklenburg Road
Mr. Robert Poresky
lia Ridgecrest Road
requested to come back to the next Board meeting
with the names of three additional members, to bring committee to
total of nine members.
Regular meeting was adjourned at 7;50 p.m. At the request of
Attorney Buyoucos, the members then met in executive session.
Elizaoeth K. Parrish
Town Clerk
NOTICE is hereby given that at a followSg
uoarH rif the Town of Ithaca held May 11^ I ^^^nLent to Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca
was approved:
5 -. .
1. Amending Section 1, paragraph 5 to define a family
as one or more persons related by blood, marriage or loption,
and by amending Section I, paragraph 10, to rovlde ' n.at In
multiple family dwellings, family shall also be deflr.'-d to
mean four unrelated persons occupying the premises and living
as a single housekeeping unit.
2. Amending Articles III, IV and V to provide that a
one-family dwelling In an R-9, R-15 and R-30 District shall be
a detached residential structure which shall be occupied by one
family only and by not more than two boarders, roomers, lodgers
or other occupants, or such one-family dwelling may be occupied
by not more than three unrelated persons. A two-family dwelling
shall be a detached residential structure which shall be occupied
by not more than two families and. In addition, the following
occupancl6S nay alao ba pemittedi
(A) If a family occupies but one of such two units, then
the other unit may be occupied by not more than two boarders,
roomers, or lodgers or other occupants. ,
(B) If neither of such units is occupied by a family,
then the total number of such occupants in such two-family
dwelling shall be no more than three except by special permit
of the Board of Appeals.
(C) In an R-9 District, a two-family dwelling shall be
permitted only on a lot which has a width of at least 100 feet
and a depth of at least 150 feet,
(D) In addition, such one or two-family dwellings situate
in any District may be occupied by more than the occupants
pe:vmltted by the foregoing provisions by special permit of the
Board of Appeal# upon application to such Board.
"l.- 2 -
3. Amending the second paragraph of Section 75 by
requiring that every application for a building permit shall
contain additional Information such as intended number of
occupants, number of rooms, whether any portion will be occupied
by the owner or will be leased fiuid shall be accompanied by an
Interior plan showing number and layout of rooms and shall
contain such additional infomation as may be required by the
Town Board, Planning Board, or Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Adding a new section, pursuant to Section 260 of the
Town Law, requiring every applicant for a variance, change of
zoning, or for any approval or permit under Article I6 to
certify the name and address of each state or local officer or
county employee Interested In the favorable outcome of such
5. Amending Section 12 (5) and Section 19 (6) to delete
the phrase "not more than 2 roomers".
Effective upon Publication. ^
May 29, 1970 Elizabeth K. Parrish, Town Clerk
.-.L.'.sL n
ZlINSPECTORS - REPUBLICAN^ "Pa r!in__fly ding July 14, 1971)DIST.POLLING PLACENAMEADDRESSPHONE1Hospital NursesRecreation RoomClara R. BartholfEdith Ellis967 Taughannock Blvd.1216 Trumansburg Rd.273-6824272-34852Vehicle Maint.Building150 Bostwick Rd.Doris VanAllenGertrude Emerson130 West Haven Rd.505 Elm St, Ext.273-6021272-34913National CashCafeteriaMargaret AlbrechtFlorence Hanson1^3 Northview Rd.110 Northview Rd,272-2342272-1644hRiley RobbHallHazel BakerMary Jones651 Five Mile Drive150 Honness Lane273-5884273-25385Cayuga HeightsFire StationReha LoosliCharlette Blye1037 Hanshaw Road356 Warren Road257-0627257-14726Northeast SchoolMilbrey HanselFrances Bruckner1039 Hanshaw Road1018 Hanshaw Road257-2899257-05737Cayuga HeightsSchoolMildred ChaneyVeda Thayer214 S. Albany St,424 Klinewoods Rd.273-6832273-05648Community ServiceCtr.,1701 N. Cayuga(USNR Center)Ma.rjorie HoughDoris Parmele237 Renwick Drive101 East Shore Dr.272-6741273-3532CUSTODIANS: John T. FellerDudley J. Greenwood
ZJELECTfJNSPECTORS - DEMOCRAT(Te3|"—"-^ing July l4, 1971)' ——I j;DIST.POXiLING PLACENAMEADDRESSPHONE1Hospital NursesRocreation RoomMargaret SmithElaine Lazar553 Elm Street108 Woolf Lane272-2761272-29972Vehicle Maint.Building150 Bostwick Rd,Jean AndersonMary Mullenhoff603 Elm St. Ext.118 West Haven Rd.273-5543273-55733National CashCafeteriaMyra LiboffHelen Meek4l4 Winthrop Drivell4 Ridgecrest Rd.257-0880273-25194Riley RobbHallLisa BronfenbrenneiLois Libby116 Mclntyre PlaceHasbrouck Apts.257-2570'257-18575Cayuga HeightsFire StationIrene HomaMartha Hanshaw176 Pleasant Grove Rd.346 Warren Road257-0364257-05106Northeast SchoolEmma ZeilicNadie Morris1316 Hanshaw Road7 Winthrop PI.257-0749257-06787Cayuga HeightsSchoolNealy NeighMargaret Burns207 N. Triphammer Rd.105 Kay Street257-1565272-8433 .8Community ServiceCtr.,1701 N. Cayu^(USNR Center)Ruth Streib;aElinor Eberts112 N. Sunset Drive230 Renwick Drive277-2882273-9343CUSTODIANS: John T. FellerDudley J. Greenwood
The fo 1^1 owing poKlcy re^rdvjng rec;?^ation activities,
parks and pr^(^vaj/ion o-f^^^en spa^p^'w^a-Sv^dopted by the
Town Board on M»
A« Recreational Activities
The City of Ithaca has a well established program of
recreational activities which are administered by the Youth
Bureau. It Is not the Town's Intention to duplicate these
efforst but rather to engage In a joint program whereby the
City Is adequately compensated for permitting the partici
pation of Town residents In the City's recreational activities.
The Town Board wi l l send an appointed representative to
meetings of the Youth Bureau to participate In the development
of recreational program for the benefit of the entire com
mon I ty.
B. Parks and Recreational Spaces
There are three basic kinds of recreational spaces:
neighborhood playlots, area playgrounds and regional parks,
(l) Neighborhood playlots. These Include school yards and
are primari ly for small chi ldren. They are usually less than
half an acre and serve residents within ]/k to 1/2 mi le of
the site. In the Town of Ithaca these smal l neighborhood parks
usually exist because a developer has been asked to set aside
a certain portion of his subdivision for open space. The
deed to these park lands \23k1^henceforth be accepted by the
Town, along with the subdivision streets, subject to the
following conditions:
(1) The land must be accessible from at least one
publ ic street without crossing any private property.
(2) The land must be free of brush, large rocks, trash
or any other obstructions. However, trees of any substantial
size should remain. The site should have topsoil on it and
grass growing prior to acceptance by the Town.
(3) The site shal l be inspected by the Town planner
or a representative from the Town Recreation Board who will
notify the Town Board if conditions 1 and 2 have been met.
(4) The above conditions may be waived or special con
ditions added by the Town Board if unusual circumstances or
site characteristics exist.
Once the park site has been accepted the Town highway
superintendent will insure that the gras.s is mowed and dead
trees removed as often as is necessary to maintain the park
in a useful condition. Also, the Town wi l l buy and maintain
l iabi l ity insurance coverage for any land owned by the Town.
Playground equipment, park benches, or other Improvements
will be considered by the Town Board^upon receipt of a peti
tion from the residents l iving in the vicinity of the park.
This petition should establ ish the need for such faci l ities
and a plan for their instal lation. A publ ic hearing should
be held if the proposed expenditure of Town funds for a
neighborhood playlot exceeds $1,000.
(2) Area P1 aygrounds . These parks would be larger than
neighborhood playgrounds and could contain multi-purpose
ball fields, a sledding hil l, a skating pond, etc. These
parks are usually an acre or more and serve a population
within a two or three mile radius. Some parking should be
provided. It Is expected that these parks would result
from a very large subdivision. The same conditions that
apply to neighborhood playlots would apply to the acceptance
and maintenance of area playgrounds.
(3) Reg lona1 Pa rks. There are two such parks In the Twon.
Buttermi lk Fal ls State Park and Treman State Park. Also
there Is Stewart Park In the City. Substantial growth should
take place In the Town before another regional park Is needed
However, federal funds are avai lable for purchase of parks,
lands and plans should be made to ppply for these funds when
they are needed.
0. Preservation of Areas of Natural Beauty
There are a number of areas of natural beauty In the
Town. They are general ly associated with the creeks which
cross the Town at various points. An effort should be made
to Identify these areas and see that they are preserved In
their na tu ra1 state.
There are two principal ways to Insure the preservation
of natural features. The first Is by direct acquisition .
This can be very costly If done al l In one year, but fortunately
there are federal funds available for the purchase of park
lands. The second method of preserving natural features Is
through zoning. This obviously costs nothing, but Is also
less rel iable than acquisition. A number of costly law suits
have resulted from local government attempts to zone land as
open space. So far decisions have general ly been In favor
of the local government but it cannot be said that this wil l
always be the case.
Which areas to preserve, and what methods should be
used to preserve them are questions which require more Informa
tion before a decision can be made. Therefore, In order to
advise the Town Board and Town Planning Board on matters re
lating to recreation and the preservation of open space a Town
of Ithaca Recreation Board Is hereby establ ished. It shall
have no more than nine members appointed by the Town Board
for one year terms, and It shall have the following duties:
(1) Meet at least once a month and advise the Planning
Board and Town Board on matters relating to recreation and
open space.
(2) Examine sites of natural beauty and develop proposals
for their preservation. Explore the possibil ity of federal
funding for purchasing these sites.
(3) Send a representative to the City of Ithaca Youth
Bureau. Ascertain the level of participation by Town residents
and make projections of future participation. Determine
adequate compensation for the Town's participation in Youth
Bureau activities and aid in the development of recreational
prog rams.
(4) Examine the indoor and outdoor recreational faci l ities
in the Town that are owned by Cornell University, Ithaca
College or the Ithaca City School District and determine
thei r ava ilabi 1 i ty.
(5) Review the open space proposals for all proposed sub
divisions and advise the Planning Board as to their adequacy
Inspect proposed parks sites prior to their acceptance by
the Town and determine if conditions for acceptance have
been met.