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TB Minutes 1968-12-09
RESOLUTION 303 - PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING BELASCO-EASTERN HEIGHTS, INC. Voted Resolved to hold a Public Hearing Monday, December 9th, I968 at 4:00 o'clock P.M., E.S.T. at the City of Ithaca Common Council Room, City Hall Building, 3rd floor, 108 East Green St., Ithaca, N.Y. to consider Rezoning from R-30 to Multiple Residence a tract of land on the Northeast side of Snyder Hill Road owned by Eastern Heights, Inc. -Resolution was unanimously approved.n * * * RESOLUTION 304 - PUBLIC HEARING S.W. BARNES FARM REZONING EASTERLY It).3 ACRES Voted Resolved to hold a Public Hearing Monday, December 9th, I968 at 5100 o'clock P.M., E.S.T. at the City of Ithaca Common Council Room, City Hall Building, 33rd floor, lOo East Green St., Ithaca, N.Y. to consider the Rezoning from R-30 to Multiple Residence the easterly I8.3 acres of the S.W. Barnes property at the intersection of Judd Falls Road and Ellis Hollow R^ad. Resolution was unanimously approved. * * * RESOLUTION 305 - REQUEST-LUCENTE-LOT 71-1-12 ACCEPTANCE TO EXTEND CHRISTOPHER DRIVE Upon motion made by Supervisor Kerr, seconded by Councilman McElwee the following resolution was duly voted and passed: Voted resolved to accept the deed from Rocco Lucente subject to tax liens being cleared up. Meeting duly adjourned at 8:15 P.M. 11/7/68 Edward P. Riley Town Clerk DECEMBER 9, 1968 The following are minutes of a regular Town Board Meeting held in the Common Council Room, City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca Offices, 108 E. Green St., Ithaca, N.Y. at ^:00 o'clock P.M. on Monday, December 95 I968. PRESENT: Supervisor William B. Kerr, Councilman Andrew W. McElwee, Harry U. Baker, Noel Desch and Victor DelRosso. ALSO PRESENT: Attorney James V. Buyoucos, Zoning Officer David Cowan, Chairm.an of the Planning Board Walter Schwan, Manley Thayer, Ben Boynton, Lozier Engineer James Dunlap, Lozier Inspector William O'Boyle, Mr. Koetter and Mr. Wells Architects for the Eastern Heights, Inc., residents from Pine Tree Road, Snyder Hill Road and nearby area, and Town Clerk Edward P. Riley, Deputy Ruthann H. Brown. Reporters from the Ithaca Journal, WHCU and WTKO. 12/9/68 n Discussion—Eastern Heights, Inc. The scheduled 4:00 o'clock P.M. Public Hearing was cancelled when Attorney Helen Amdur of Dryden, N.Y. phoned the Town Clerk of Ithaca at approximately 3:30 P.M. stating that since the Town of Dryden had not been notified of the Public Hearing, it be cancelled. State law requires another township or municipality within 500 feet of a ^ proposed zoning change, be notified at least 10 days but not over ! 20 days before the hearing. This had not been done. Since many people were in attendence Supervisor Kerr suggested a general discussion about the Eastern Heights proposed project, declaring it was unoffical and merely a discussion. Slides were shown of similar projects that have been developed in such countries as Switzerland and Germany. The architects also showed maps that were in the preliminary stage. A lively question and answer period followed. Mrs. Livesay, Prof. Opler, Mrs. Dwyer, Walter Dalton and others were concerned about the traffic count and had questions about it. Some felt the Snyder Hill Road did not have an adequate emergenpy road nearby and in its present condition could not satisfy future needs if such a project was developed. Mr. Dalton asked why no application had been made for Urban Development. Architect Wells explained that one of the first steps necessary to stop commercial building, would be a development similar to the present proposal being discussed. Mr. Schwan, Councilman Desch and Councilman DelRosso explained to those present about future planning for the Town. The population growth means people will follow sewer and water systems and that persons who once owned large areas of low taxed land suddenly find themselves with valuable property. Once this land is divided into lots it means higher taxes and immediate development. Planners try to foresee the future but decisions must be made as these areas are developed. Multiple housing is necessary in this day and ' age and many people prefer it. The discussion came to an end when Mrs. Dwyer thanked Supervisor Kerr and the Board for the attention and consideration given to all parties concerned. Following this discussion a new motion was made. RESOLUTION 306 - PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING BELASCO - EASTERN HEIGHTST INC. Supervisor Kerr moved that a Public Hearing be held to consider Rezoning from R-30 to Multiple Residence a tract of land on the Northeast side of Snyder Hill Road owned by Eastern Heights, Inc. Said Hearing will be held at 5:30 P.M. E.S.T. January 13, I969 at the Town of Ithaca, Town Offices, 108 E. Green Street, 3rd floor, Ithaca, New York. Councilman McElwee seconded and resolution was unanimously approved. * * * RESOLUTION 30? - PUBLIC HEARING-REZONING S.W. BARNES PROPERTY Mr. Ben Boynton using a map and some pictures showed first the area to be rezoned and then the development plans for the proposed project. Those attending liked what they saw there was no opposition and all public comments were favorable. The board retired to the Town Offices where proof of publication and posting was presented. Councilman DelRosso moved that the previously described above be Rezon:^©ed from an R-30 Residence district to a Multiple Residence district. Councilman Desch seconded it. Resolution was unanimously approved and the following action was taken. 12/9/68 44 TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca oh the 9th day of December I968, following a public hearing^ adopted the following Resolution (deemed an Ordinance) for the establishment of a Multiple Residence District on the easterly portion of the S.W. Barnes land at the intersection of Judd Falls Road South and Ellis Hollow Road, as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, pursuant to Section 46 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance of 1954, as ^ amended, re-enacted and re-adopted in 1968, and in accordance || with the applicable requirements of Section 264 and 265 of the | j Town Law, hereby establishes a Multiple Residence District in the parcel consisting of about I8.3 acres of land owned by Stephen William Barnes and situated on the easterly portion of his lands at the northeast corner of the intersection of Judd Falls Road South and the Ellis Hollow Road, being the entire remainder of lands of S.W. Barnes at this location not previously rezoned Business "C" and Business "D" by Resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca on September 9j 19^8, bound westerly by said parcel rezoned Business "C", southerly by Ellis Hollow Road, easterly by lands of Cornell University and northerly by lands of Cornell University now occupied and utilized by the Eastern Breeders Cooperative, Inc., the said parcel being particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Ellis Hollow Road (N.Y.S. Rte. 393) at a distance of 535 feet more or less southeasterly from the intersection of the center line of Judd Falls Road South (County Highway No. 120) and Ellis Hollow Road; running thence north 30 degrees 8' east 380 feet to a point; thence south 63 degrees 7' east 205 feet to a point; thence about 4o degrees north 330 feet more or less to a point; thence north 7 degrees 8' east parallel to and 48o feet westerly from the east line of said Barnes'farm (which is the west line of property of Cornell University), a total distance of 46o feet to the north line of said Barnes farm (which is the south line of other property of Cornell University); thence south 82 degrees 46' east along said north line of said Barnes property a distance of about 4oO feet to the northeasterly corner of said Barnes farm; thence south 7 degrees 8' west a total distance of about 1,324.7 feet along the easterly line of said Barnes property and passing through a stone monument at the edge of Ellis Hollow Road to the center line of Ellis Hollow Road; thence north 65 degrees 55' west a distance of about 1,036 feet along the center line of Ellis Hollow Road to the place of beginning, containing 18.3 acres of land more or less, the foregoing parcel being substantially shown on the "General Site Plan for the Crossroads" filed in the Town Clerk's Office, dated June 24, 1968. THIS AMENDMENT shall take effect ten (10) days after posting and publication hereof as required by Section 265 of the Town Law. Town Board of Ithaca n Edward P. Riley December 9^ I968 Town Clerk * * * (^\ RESOLUTION 308 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE p Mr. Buyoucos discussed a new amendment to strengthen the present ' Zoning Ordinance of the Town and better define exactly what requirements must be met to satisfy the Zoning Laws. Mr. Schwan of the Planning Board and several of the Councilmen joined in the discussion. Councilman McElwee made the motion that this amendment be referred to the Planning Board Meeting of December 10, 1968. Councilman Baker seconded it. An all "aye" vote carried. * * * 12/9/68 45 RESOLUTION 309 - APPROVE MINUTES Voted resolved to approve minutes of November 19^8. * * * RESOLUTION 310 - APPOINTMENT OP DEPUTY CLERK Voted resolved that Mrs. Ruthann H. Brown be appointed Deputy Clerk. Duly passed. * * * RESOLUTION 311 - ANNUAL ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS MEETING Supervisor Kerr spoke of the merits of these Association Meetings. Voted resolved that permission be granted those wishing to attend. Annual Association of Towns Meeting - Commodore Hotel, New York City - February 9, 10, and 11th. * * * THOMAS JONES-SEWER REQUEST This was a short discussion, as there was nothing that could be done about such a request due to present restrictions. * * * RESOLUTION 312 - ANNUAL AUDIT MEETING Voted resolved to hold the Annual Audit Sfeeting on December 313 ! 1968 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. * * * RESOLUTION 313 - MINUTES AMENDED- RESOLUTION 29^ RESOLVED, that as requested by Councilman Desch, a correction in the November 9^ I968 minutes is hereby approved, and that Resolution 294 be amended accordingly to show that Councilman McElwee and Desch voted "no" on this particular issue. An all "aye" vote carried. * * * Discussion Mr. DelRosso talked about the acceptance of the small areas set aside by developers to be given to the Town of Ithaca. He felt many questions such as responsibilities, cost,liabilities must be answered and a few ideas must be presented to the Town by the Planning Board before the Town accepts these deeds. * * * RESOLUTION 314 - AGENDA - FINALIZED 10 DAYS Mr. Desch suggested a time period be set for closing the agenda permitting Town Board Members time for thought about various issues before attending the meeting. Councilman DelRosso favored the idea. Mr. Kerr pointed out that some very important issues had a way of coming up at the last minute and would demand immediate attention. Supervisor Kerr thought it was a good idea providing important issues could be inserted. Councilman Desch made the motion that the agenda be closed out at the ten day period with the understanding that important issues could be inserted when necessary. Councilman DelRosso seconded the motion that this resolution be adopted. Duly passed. * * * 12/9/68 46 RESOLUTION 315 - HANSHAW ROAD-DRAINAGE Voted resolved to supply the pipe for approximately 10 driveways on Hanshaw Road between Muriel Street and Warren Road with the understanding the county will install said pipes. * * * RESOLUTION 3l6 - TWO-WAY RADIOS-HIGHWAY DEPT. ^ Highway Sup't. Marion Morey stated that the present radios being used are unreliable and have been in use since 1961. A motion was then made by Supervisor Kerr, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following resolution was unanimously approved. Mr. Marion Morey Highway Sup't, be authorized to purchase three 2-way radios with an expenditure limit set at not over $700.00. * * * RESOLUTION 317 - LONGVIEW DRIVE and WOODGATE TIM Voted resolved to accept Longview Drive and Woodgate Lane "to as far as it presently extends. Both roads run off the Poole Road. Duly passed. * * * PLANNING BOARD ENGINEER/ARCHITECT/PLANNER-- COMMITTEE Supervisor Kerr appointed the following: Planning Board Chairman Walter Schwan, Councilmen Noel Desch and Victor DelRosso to serve as a committee to study what to look for in: What type of background needed? Engineer? Architect? What to look for in the type of man that would best suit the needs of the Town. No special time was set for a report. FRANK J, AND FLORENCE C. WHISLEY CLAIM Mr. Buyoucos called the attention of the Board to this particular matter and of the seriousness of the above claim as it involves the loss of a spring. This spring was a continuous flowing water supply to the entire Wrisley Farm operation. It is now dry and claimants now have to use other sources which are expensive and inconvenient. The claimant is asking $6,000.00. RESOLUTION 318 - REQUEST 0. SCHOENFELD- BRANDYWINE & SIMSBURY DRIVE Following a letter from Otto B. Schoenfeld assuring the Town he would honor his commitments to the Town on or before June 1, I969.' Supervisor Kerr made the motion that Brandywine and Simsbury Drive be accepted. Duly passed. These particular commitments are contained in Resolutipn #300 Town Board Minutes of November 9> 19^8 and the letter is on file. n n * * * 12/9/68 RESOLUTION 319 - DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL- SOUTH HILL SEWER DISTRICT At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca held in the Town of Ithaca Offices at 108 East Green Street in the City of Ithaca, Tomphins County, New York on the 9th day of December I968, it was m.oved by Councilman Desch and seconded by Councilman DelRosso that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca or, in his absence, the Deputy Supervisor, be authorized to apply to the Department of Audit and Control for approval to increase the maximum amount to. be expended for the South Hill Sewer District in the Town of Ithaca from the previously authorized maximum amount of Eight Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($840,000) by an additional amount not to exceed $185,000.00 and that he execute any and all applications or documents required. The above resolution was duly adopted. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS TOWN OF ITHACA I, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca at a meeting thereof held on the 9th day of December 1968. TOWN C * * * RESOLUTION 320 - PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT Voted resolved that the Planning Board, at their next meeting, reccomend to the Town Board for appointment of someone to fill the vacancy of James Lacy whose term will expire this year. An all "aye" vote carried. * * * Meeting duly adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Edward P. Riley Town Clerk 12/9/68 DECEMBER 31, I968 The regular audit meeting of the Town Board of Ithaca for the fiscal year I968 was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. December 31, 1968 in the Town of Ithaca Offices at IO8 E. Green Street, Ithaca New York. PRESENT: Supervisor William B. Kerr, Councilman Andrew McElwee and Victor DelRosso. ABSENT: Councilmen Harry U. Baker and Noel Desch. ALSO PRESENT: Marion Morey, Sup't. of Highways, Town Justices, Fred Hartsock and John Barney, Town Assessor Donald Franklin, Ruthann Brown, Deputy Town Clerk, Ithaca Journal Reporter-Sue Strandburg, Mr. Otto B. Schoenfeld, and Town Clerk Edward P. Riley * * * 12/31/68