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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1999-12-30 OF 1p
21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850
TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273- 1783
FAX (607) 273- 1704
December 30 , 1999
10 : 30 O' clock A. M .
1 . Call to Order.
2 . Pledge of Allegiance .
3 . Administration of Oath of Office : (Term January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2003)
a . Town Supervisor, Catherine Valentino (Term 1 / 1 /2000 - 12/31 /2003)
b . Town Board member, Mary Russell (Term 1 /1 /2000- 12/31 /2003 )
c . Town Board member, David Klein (Term 1 / 1 /2000- 12/31 /2003 )
d . Town Board member, Thomas Niederkorn (Term 1 / 1 /2000- 12/31 /2003 )
4 . Appointment of, and administration of Oath of Office to Deputy Town Supervisor.
6 . Consider re-appointment , and if applicable , Administration of Oath of Office to :
a . Highway Superintendent
b . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
7 . Consider confirmation of arrangements and appointment of the Attorney for the
Town for the year 2000 .
8 . Consider ratification of appointment , and Administration of Oath of Office to Deputy
Highway Superintendent .
9 . Consider ratification of appointment , and administration of Oaths of Office to Deputy
Town Clerk .
10 . Consider appointments to the following :
a . Planning Board .
b . Zoning Board of Appeals .
c . Conservation Board .
TB Year End Mtg . - 12/30/99
Page 2
11 . Consider appointments of Chair for the following :
a . Planning Board .
b . Zoning Board of Appeals .
c . Conservation Board .
12 . Consider appointments of individuals as town representatives on the following :
a . Recreation Partnership Board .
b . Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission .
c . Sewer Joint Sub-Committee .
13 . Consent Items : Consider resolutions approving and/or authorizing the following ..
a . Town Board Minutes - 12/ 13/99
b . Town of Ithaca Year End Warrants
c . Designation of Official Newspaper
d . Designation of Official Depositories of Town Funds
e . Official Bonds of Town Officers and Employees
14 . Review of correspondence .
15 . Report of town committees .
16 . Discuss Town Hall construction updates .
17 . Consider motion to ADJOURN .
December 30 , 1999
1 . Consider appointment of the Town Engineer.
2 . Set public hearing date to consider extension of the contract with the City of Ithaca
for fire protection services .
DECEMBER 30, 1999
10 : 30 AM
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York , held at
the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , there were present :
PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Supervisor; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; Carolyn Grigorov,
Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ed Conley, Councilman ; Tom Niederkorn , Councilman .
EXCUSED : Bill Lesser , Councilman .
PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker,
Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent ; Jon Kanter, Director of Planning ;
Judith Drake , Human Resource Specialist .
EXCUSED : Andy Frost, Director of Building/Zoning ; Al Carvill , Budget Officer.
OTHERS: Chris Furst , Ithaca Times ; Stacie Ross , WHCU .
Call . , .to ' Order: * Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 10 : 38 a . m . , and led the .
t ssemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance .
enda ; 'ltem No 3 .= Administration of Oath of .Office :: (Term January 1 2000 — D ' ember . 31
r , . . .
Supervisor Valentino — This is our final Board Meeting of 1999. 1 Would like to thank the Town Board
for the hours put in to serving on so many important committees for the Town of Ithaca . I appreciate
the time and effort that is put in . I would like to thank the staff for the many hours spent on extra
committee meetings . I am looking forward to moving into the year 2000 . We have some very
important priorities . We are all excited about the New Town Hall . We would like to finish the Zoning
Ordinance that many are working hard on . We will be getting into place a Capital Projects Plan .
Our tax bills went out with very few glitches this year. There was a real cooperative effort between
the County Assessment Department and the Town of Ithaca . I would like to thank Councilwoman
Russell , Councilman Klein and staff who worked on the Assessment Committee . When we took that
on we knew it was a mess . We never really envisioned how big of a job it would be . It was a lot of
hard work. The formula is much easier for staff to administer and for everyone to understand .
The Attomey for the Town administered the Oath of Office to Supervisor Valentino, Councilwoman
Russell, Councilman Klein, and Councilman Niederkorn.
a. Town Supervisor, Catherine Valentino (Term 1 /1 /2000 — 12/31 /2003).
b. Town Board member, Mary Russell (Term 1 /1 /2000 — 12/31 /20003).
c. Town Board member , David Klein (Term 1 /1 /2000 — 12/31 /2003).
d . Town Board member , Thomas Niederkorn (Term 1 /1 /2000 — 12/31 /2003).
Agenda Item No. 4 — Appointment of , & Administration of Oath of Office to Deputy Town
The Attomey for the Town administered the Oath of Office to the Deputy Town Supervisor.
Agenda Item No 6 — Re-Appointment, and if applicable, Administration of Oath of Office to :
a . Highway Superintendent.
The Attorney for the Town administered the Oath of Office to the Highway Superintendent.
Resolution No. 219 - Reappointment Town Highway Superintendent.
BE IT RESOLVED, that Fred Noteboom is hereby re-appointed as Highway Superintendent
for a term continuing until the 1st day of January next succeeding the next biennial Town election to
wit, January 1 , 2002.
4MO . Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED - Councilwoman Grigorov. *,; Vote. =on .the. motio
resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino; `aye; : Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman <Grigoro
' aye; ` Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman << Con"ley, °aye; Councilman Niederkorrn, , raye Garri
b. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes.
The Attorney for the Town administered the Oath of Office to the Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes.
Resolution No 220 or Reappointment Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes.
BE IT RESOLVED, that Joan Lent Noteboom is hereby re-appointed as Town Clerk and
Receiver of Taxes for a term continuing until the 1st day of January next succeeding the next biennial
Town election to wit, January 1 , 2002.
MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilman Niederkorn. A vote on the motion resulted as
follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No 1 — Appointment of the Town Engineer/Director of Engineering .
The Attorney for the Town administered the Oath of Office to the Town Engineer/Director of
e-- .
esolution No. 222 - Reappointment Town En ineer.
BE IT RESOLVED, that Daniel Walker, P. E. , is hereby re-appointed as Town Engineer and
Director of Engineering for a term continuing until the 1st day of January next succeeding the next
biennial Town election to wit, January 1 , 2002.
MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Supervisor Valentino — The Oath of Office helps us to realize the significance of the office , burden
and responsibilities that we need to be mindful of.
Councilwoman Grigorov — I would like to thank the board for the responsibilities the board takes on
and doing such a great job .
Agenda Item No. 5 — PERSONS TO BE HEARD .
There were no persons. present to be heard.
VAgenda Item No. 7 =--Confirmation of Arrangements & Apodintment "of Attorney for the Town
he Year 2000.
Resolution No. 221 - Arrangements for Town Legal Counsel for 2000.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby agrees to
confirm the arrangements discussed and presented for the appointment of the Attorney for the Town,
for the year 2000 as per the attached letter of understanding as presented by John C. Barney, Esq. ,
of the firm Barney, Grossman, Roth & DuBow.
MOVED Councilman Niederkom, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 8 — Ratification of Appointment and Administration of Oath of Office to
Deputy Highway Superintendent.
Resolution No. 223 - Reappointment Deputy Highway Superintendent
BE IT RESOLVED, that confirming the appointment made by the Town Highway
Superintendent, Eugene Redman be re-appointed as Deputy Highway Superintendent to serve at the
pleasure of the Town Highway Superintendent.
MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion result
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, ay ,
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No 9 — Ratification of Appointment, and Administration of Oath of Office to
Deputy Town Clerk.
Resolution No 224 = Reappointment Deputy Town Clerk.
BE IT RESOLVED, that confirming the appointment made by the Town Clerk/Receiver of
Taxes, Deborah Kelley be re-appointed as Deputy Town Clerk to serve at the pleasure of the Town
Clerk, and be it further
RESOLVED, Mrs. Kelley shall also assume the duties and responsibilities as Deputy Receiver
of Taxes to serve at the pleasure of the Receiver of Taxes
MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: 'Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn; aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda IteimNo 10 — Appointment to the Followind:
a . Planning Board:
Resolution No 225 = Appointment to Planning Board.
BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby re-appoints the
following individual to serve on the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the term of office indicated:
PLANNING BOARD: (Seven year term. )
Tracey Mitrano January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2006
20 Chase Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Niederkorn. A vote on the motion
resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried
b. Zoning Board of Appeals .
Resolution No 226 - Appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals.
BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby re-appoints the
following individual to serve on the Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals for the term of office
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: (Five year term).
Ronald Krantz January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2004
179 Sheffield Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED: Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as
follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
CM Conservation Board — See Attachment #1.
Resolution No. 227 " Appointments to Conservation Board.
BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby appoints the
following individuals to serve on the Town of .Ithaca Conservation Board as listed for the terms of
office •indicated.
CONSERVATION BOARD: (Two year term: ) ,
John" A. Yntema, 993 Danby Road January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2001
Ithaca, NY 14850
Richard Fischer, 135 Pine Tree Road January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2001
Ithaca, NY 14850
Byron Unsworth, 232 Renwick Drive January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2001
Ithaca, NY 14850
Clifford Blizard, 390 Stone Quarry Road January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2001
Ithaca, NY 14850
Donald Weir, 930 East Shore Drive January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2001
Ithaca, NY 14850
MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Niederkorn. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 11 — Appointments of Chair for the following :
a. Planning Board .
Supervisor Valentino — This resolution appoints Fred Wilcox as the Planning Board Chair .
Mr. Kanter — The Planning Board unanimously recommended Mr. Wilcox as Chair .
b. Zoning Board of Appeals.
Supervisor Valentino — This resolution appoints David Stotz to return as the Chair of the Zoning
Board of Appeals .
C . Conservation Board.
Supervisor Valentino — There will be a new Chair for the Conservation Board . Brian Unsworth is
willing to chair for the year 2000 ,
Resolution No 228 = Appointment of the Chairs for the Year 2000 Planning Board, Zoning Board of
Appeals and Conservation Board.
BE IT RESOLVED,' the governing Town Board of the Town,, of. Ithaca hereby appoints th
following individuals to serve: as , Chair of thet.Planning Board, Chair- of4he. Zoning_. Board of Appea
and Chair of the Conservation Board
for the term of office indicated:
Planning Board Chair:
Fred T. Wilcox, 111. Term : January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000
Zoning Board of Appeals Chair:
David J. Stotz Term: January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000
Conservation Board Chair:
Byron Unsworth Term: January 1 , 2000 - December 31 , 2000
MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye, Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No 12 — Appointments of Individuals as Town Representatives on the following :
a . Recreation Partnership Board .
Supervisor Valentino — Mary Russell , Mark Stuart , and Elsie Dentes will be the Town representative
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission .
Supervisor Valentino — George Conneman and myself will be the Town representatives .
c. Sewer Joint Sub-Committee.
Supervisor Valentino — Mary Russell , Frank Lagori and myself will be the Town representatives .
We are in very good shape with appointments to all our boards . There are very few vacancies . We
need a republican for the Ethics Committee .
Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk — The Agricultural Committee appointments will be done on
January 10 , 2000 . We have . not received any responses . We do need someone to replace Elsie
McMillan who passed away.
Supervisor Valentino — I think that most of the members will be willing to serve on the Agricultural
Committee again . We need to encourage more people to participate on the various committees and
groups for the Town .
Resolution No: . 229 . -_. A ointments Town of Ithaca:. Re resentatives. Commissions Board
Committees. .
BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of: : the ° .Town of .Ithaca hereby appoints 'the` ,
following persons , to. serve as representatives of the Town of : Ithaca on the listed commissions,
boards, and committees, and, be it further
RESOLVED, the term of office for the said persons shall be for a period commencing January
11 2000 through December 31, 2000.
Recreation Partnership Board:
Councilwoman Mary Russell
Mark Stuart, 405 Teton Court, Ithaca, NY 14850
Elsie Dentes, 11 Perry Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission:
Supervisor Catherine Valentino
George Conneman, 197, Christopher Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
Sewer Joint Sub-Committee:
Supervisor Catherine Valentino
Councilwoman Mary Russell
Frank Liguori, 1210 Trumansburg Road. , Ithaca, NY 14850
Daniel Walker, Town Engineer - Technical Advisor
MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 13 — Consent Items :
Resolution No 230 - Consent Agenda Items No, 13(b)- 13(d).
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and or/adopts
the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 13(b)= 13(d) as presented and/or amended by the
Town Board on December 30, 1999.
MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
a Town Board Minutes — 12/13/1999 : ' f
Councilwoman Grigorov — I would like to pull the minutes .There are two words that , sound the� sam.
but are different words . On page 13 , thiO paragraph , "
recommendation 3 , it ;mentions tru.
way. I said truck weight reduction . On page 52 , the fourth line from the bottom ;- it states 'does
asphalt leak . I said leach .
Resolution No 231 - Approval Town Board Meetinq Minutes.
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has presented the minutes for the regular Town Board meeting
held on December 13, 1999 to the governing Town Board for their review and approval, and,
WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the said minutes; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the minutes
of the regular Town Board meeting held on December 13, 1999 as the official minutes for the said
meeting with the following amendments.
Page 13, Third Paragraph - Replace "truck way" with "truck weight".
Page 53, Fourth Paragraph From Bottom - Replace "asphalt leak" with "asphalt leech ".
OVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion
sulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov,
aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried
b. Town of Ithaca Year-End Warrants.
Resolution No. 230(a) - Town of Ithaca Year End Warrants.
WHEREAS, the warrant with the following numbered listing of vouchers has been presented
to the Town Board for approval of payment; and
WHEREAS, said warrant has been audited for payment by the Town Board; now, therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of said vouchers as
numbered and listed on the warrant.
General Fund Townwide: Voucher No. 13534417 $ 15, 928. 44
General Fund Part Town: Voucher No. 1354 4416 $ 21621 . 32
Highway Fund Part Town: Voucher No. 1351 4411 $ 11Y08769
Water. Fund: Voucher No. 1354- 1415 $235, 620. 47
Sewer Fund: Voucher No.' 1'352- 1416 $ 1791100. 39
Town Hall Capital Project Fund ' Voucher No. 1388, 1410 $ 78750
Risk Retention Fund: Voucher No. 1360 $ 59. 98
Lighting District Funds: Voucher No. 1378, 1379 $ 333. 85
MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye, Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
c. Designation of Official Newspaper.
Resolution No. 230(b) - Designation of Official Newspaper.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby designates
the Ithaca Journal as the official newspaper for the Town of Ithaca for the year 2000; and, be it
RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of
this resolution to the Ithaca Journal.
MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion result)
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, ay ,
Councilman Klein, aye, Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously.
d. Designation of Official Depositories of Town Funds.
Resolution No 230(c) or Desionation of Official Depositories of Town Funds.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby designates
Tompkins County Trust Company and M& T Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company as the official
depositories for monies coming into the hands of the Town Supervisor, Budget Officer, and Town
ClerWReceiver of Taxes for the year 2000; and, be it further
RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of
this resolution to the Tompkins County Trust Company, and M& T Manufacturers and Traders Trust
MOVED Councilman Niederkom, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted
as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell; •aye;: • Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye;. -Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye., - Carried unanimousl
e. Official Bonds of Tow`m Off icers . and Employees.
4 y
Attorney Barney -` ' The bonds !for the Supervisor, Budget Officer . and = Town Clerk have been =
increased to $3 million . . We need to make a correction to the resolution .
Judy Drake , Human Resource Specialist — The Deputy Town Supervisor is also bonded for $3
million .
Resolution No 232 = Official Bonds for Town Officers & Employees.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, that the Faithful
Performance Bonds for the Town officials and employees for the year 2000 are approved as follows:
Town Supervisor/Fiscal Officer, Catherine Valentino $3, 000, 000. 00
Deputy Town Supervisor $3, 000, 000, 00
Budget Officer, Alfred F. Carvill $3, 000, 000- 00
Town ClerWReceiver of Taxes, Joan Lent Noteboom $3, 000, 000. 00
Town Justice, Clarence Larkin $ 25, 000. 00
Town Justice, Raymond Bordoni $ 25, 000. 00
Highway Superintendent, Fred Noteboom $ 25, 000. 00
All Other Employees, (Per Person) $ 25, 000. 00
Forgery & Alteration $ 51000, 00
OVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as
llows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 14 - Review of Correspondence.
There was no correspondence to be reviewed.
Agenda Item No. 15 - Report of Town Committees .
Councilwoman Grigorov - On January 19th , there will be a Municipal Organization Watershed
Meeting on the completed lake study. There will be an opportunity for public comment .
Supervisor Valentino - I started reading the Executive Summary . It is very interesting . It has the
history back to the glaciers and it includes the different species .
Councilwoman Grigorov - It gave a lot of background for the current situation .
Councilman Klein - Did we move our January Codes and Ordinances Committee meeting because .
of that meeting ?
Mr. Kanter Yes : The January Codes and . Ordinances .a.Committee meeting will be Thursday-
January ' 20th
Councilwoman Russell - The COWMAC II Committee met in December. It was a very interesting
meeting. There is some progress being made on negotiating the contracts for the construction of the
new addition to the Vet School . There has been some technological advancement with the
recommended disposal facilities themselves . Site visits are taking place to the facilities to get the
committee updated on developments .
Mrs . Noteboom - I need to know which board members are going to the water meeting so that if
there is a quorum present so I can post and publish that a quorum will be present , but no official
action will be taken .
Councilman Conley - What will happen at this meeting?
Councilwoman Grigorov - The study of the lake will be presented to the public . The study is the
basis for what programs we need to work toward . There will be various meetings held around the
lake to give the public an opportunity for input .
Councilman Conley - Is it a discussion that will get into lake cooling ?
Councilwoman Grigorov - No . It is in regards to the current condition of the lake . The committee
has tried to stay away from that discussion .
Supervisor Valentino — We need to start looking at the basin . There is awareness of how importa
and delicate it is .
Councilman Conley — Do we have a representative of the Cayuga Lake Basin Commission ?
Supervisor Valentino — Councilwoman Grigorov is on the committee .
Councilwoman Grigorov — This is a new State New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation funded committee .
The County is in charge of the Cayuga Lake Basin Commission . The last meeting I went to was last
spring .
Mr. Kanter — We have been meeting . The progress on the study is slow.
Councilwoman Grigorov — There are three levels to the committee . One is elected officials . The
elected officials have not met for along time . Staff has been meeting .
Supervisor Valentino — There are many committees that have "water" in their title . . It has become
hard to sort out who are the representatives and who should be the representatives . . We are going to
try to ,p;ut ;together an index of when they meet; -who whey are , and what topics are under discussion -
get confused over the different committees ..,. ,:. .
�Mr. Kanter The Local Waterfronts Revitalization Program has steered , away ;. from , the : larg
watershed basin issues because of the othert work ahat is going on . They are focusing :. more . on - Ian
use issues , policies and specific special projects that might be relevant to the water front area . This
committee will help qualify communities for additional funding once the program is in place . The
funding for the larger watershed basin is coming from the same pool of monies as the waterfront
grants .
Councilman Conley — What is the time table for the lake cooling project?
Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering — They have started construction on the heat exchange
facility. They have started to pour concrete . The pipes are 90% in . Their plan is to get into the
building by June 2000 . They will be in operating testing within the upcoming year .
Supervisor Valentino — We have pulled out the minutes and resolutions from Lake Source Cooling .
We have a commitment from Cornell on the monitoring requirements with the consultant and the
committee from the County. In the upcoming year we will need to refresh our memories on those
commitments .
Councilwoman Russell — Did we want to discuss the Recreation Partnership ?
Supervisor Valentino — Councilwoman Russell and I are representatives on the Recreati
Partnership Planning Committee . This committee is to determine how the administration a
rogram should move forward after this year. There is funding available from the County if we meet
June deadline . I have been frustrated lately. There is an inability to move forward on what should
happen . Originally I thought that it should be a joint activity fund . As it has evolved , I am not sure
that we would want to be total partners with the City on all the different activities that are offered .
When I look at youth programs and youth programming , I could not care less how many candy bars
and t-shirts that they buy for the Cass Park Concessions . It is up to the City to decide what we need
to charge and how we break even . It could be much cleaner for the Town with our limited resources
not to get involved in the administrative ownership of something that we had no part of developing . I
would much rather see us working with them on contracts for specific programming and have some
percentage of overhead .
We are now beginning to focus on what programs the Recreation Partnership should be funding for
the benefit for youth in the community. We need to figure out the cost and what kind of revenues we
need to take in to maintain them . There is some interest in the facilities being transferred to the
County at some point . The City might need to think about managing the facilities in a different way. I
wanted to ask the board if you think that Councilwoman Russell and I are going in the right direction .
We do not feel that we have the expertise , the time , energy or the ability to concentrate on the
facilities , concessions and how they are managed . Our focus and interest is on providing
programming .
Councilwoman Grigorov — Did the City want the Town to get : involved in the concessions?
Supervisor Valentino It is part of the Partnership. It is parf-of _.the, cost that .we. are paying .
Councilman Klein - It has always been a contentious issue . They were charging high cost for the
Youth Bureau . The City has built and repaired the buildings . Then they want to charge the Town
extra for them .
Supervisor Valentino — We had a hard time getting those numbers extracted . Mr. Carvill spent a lot
of time extracting the numbers.
Councilwoman Russell — There is proposal we have been asked to consider to have the County step
up and take more of a role in the Cass Park Ice Rink facility and to have the Town step up and take
more of a role in the pool . Seventy percent of the users are Town or City residents .
Councilman Niederkorn . — The County should be running recreation in this County. The towns would
not need to worry who pays for what and who receives the income . It should be done on the basis of
population or usage . I do not know if the County is interested . The only sensible long- range thing is
regional programming .
Supervisor Valentino — Groton does participate in the Recreation Partnership . The Town of Lansing
and the Town of Enfield are the only municipalities not participating in the Recreation Partnership . It
is a big intermunicipal effort . We are all trying to sort through this . If the County does take over the
program , they would like to know how much our tax rate would be reduced .
Councilman Niederkorn — It would be the same amount of money whether we pay through the Tow
or the County.
Councilwoman Grigorov — The details would be run well by the people who are familiar with the
program . If the County were to take over, there would be new people who are not familiar with the
program .
Supervisor Valentino — There is a general feeling among the partners that the facility could be
managed better . Some of the City representatives feel the same . It was always a hope when we
started the Recreation Partnership that there could be more programming in the municipalities that
the children live . They have never materialized . They never worked out the way that we envisioned .
The municipalities have participated in funding and we have been able to have a stable rate for
children in the community.
We have talked about privatizing the program . We could hire someone to manage under a contract
so that we do not lose some of the programming that municipalities would like to have and subsidize .
We can set up contracts to have them manage the facility .
Councilwoman . Russell — People on the committee were -very convinced , that the rink in Lansing was - .
losing money.
Councilman Niederkorn -; Has Stewart Park come into; the discuss,ion ?
Supervisor Valentino No.. In earlier discussions outside off -this , th e .City was saying that they wo.ul
be interested in the County taking on Stewart Park and Cass Park facilities . They are more regional
facilities . Most counties have parks and park programs . Our county does not .
Mrs . Noteboom — Yesterday we took the tax bills up to the Post Office . We asked them not to mail
them until today. They did not heed our request . Many residents have received their bills .
Councilman Klein — They cannot be accepted until January .
Supervisor Valentino — There are certain people who try to pay their tax bills in December for the
benefit on their taxes . Some municipalities do accommodate their requests . Some people take the
standard deduction one-year , and then itemize the following year. This allows them to maximize their
deduction .
Councilman Klein — If someone mails the tax bill December 31St, they can claim it was paid in 1999
by the postmark .
Mrs . Noteboom — The IRS will take the date that was processed by the bank .
Attorney Barney - Technically it is paid when the check is written .
rs . Noteboom — Many people will not be happy because they received their tax bill because they
not able to pay due to Town Hall being closed . Our warrant says that it is due January 1 , 2000 .
Additional Agenda Item No. 2 — Set Public Hearing Date to Consider Extension of the Contract
with the City of Ithaca for Fire Protection Services.
Supervisor Valentino — Our contract with the City expires December 31 , 1999 . We do not have a
new agreement or contract in place . We are still in negotiations . The City has assured me that our
fire service will continue . In order for us to give them a check in February and March , there needs to
be a resolution and legal contract .
Attorney Barney — A fire contract cannot be signed as a board of government without having a public
hearing . We need to establish a public hearing to extend the fire contract for a period of time . The
public hearing could be held January 10"' . The second resolution could be conditional on holding the
public hearing and subject to approval after the public hearing . This will allow us to have coverage .
Councilman Conley — Are we approving something that we do not know what will be ?
Supervisor Valentino — No . We are approving an extension of the current. contract .
Councilman Klein — Will sornethingAbe executed in writing ?
Supervisor Valentino — Yes.. We have a verbal commitment from the;:City.. Ve thought . that we had a
clause in the contract that extended it , . but it did not .
WHEREAS, several years ago the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca entered into a
contract (the "Fire Contract") for the provision of fire and emergency medical services for a portion of
the Town, such services being provided by the City of Ithaca Fire Department, and
WHEREAS, the Fire Contract expires December 31 , 1999 and
WHEREAS, the City and Town are conducting negotiations on the terms of a new, long- term
contract for such services, but such negotiations have not yet been completed; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to continue the City's fire and emergency services on a
temporary basis pending approval and execution of a new long-term contract; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue to provide such services, and
WHEREAS, the City and Town have negotiated an agreement extending the Fire Contract
through June 30, 2000, and
WHEREAS, the Town has set a public hearing for the approval of such extension agreeme
on January 10, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to provide for continued fire protection and emergency medical
services pending the hearing and action on January 10, 2000; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8
(State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that extension
of said contract is a Type 11 action and therefore not subject to environmental review under SEAR;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the extension of
the Town 's Fire Contract with the City of Ithaca for a period ending June 30, 2000, subject to
changes as approved by the Town Supervisor as authorized below and subject to further approval by
this Board after a public hearing on such extension on January 10, 2000; and it is further
RESOLVED, that pending the January 10, 2000 hearing, the Fire Contract be extended
through January 10, 2000, and, if approved, such extension continue through June 30, 2000; and it is
RESOLVED; that, ` f 'approved' after the public hearing, they Tow-�pay ' td rthe City the sum
$459, 238. 75 on Februaiy; l , 2000, and the sum of $459, 238. 75`;oi :March , 30, 2000 for fire protecti
and emergency services for the period January 1 , 2000, through June 30,' 2000; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be, and she hereby is, authorized to execute an
extension agreement with the City of Ithaca in accordance with the above resolutions and containing
such additional terms as the Town Supervisor, in her discretion and with the advise of the Attorney
for the Town, deems necessary or appropriate, her execution of same to be evidence of her approval
of any such terms.
MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as
follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
WHEREAS, several years ago the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca entered into a
contract (the "Fire Contract ") for the provision of fire and emergency medical services for a portion of
the Town, such services being provided by the City of Ithaca Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Contract expires December 31 , 1999; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Town are conducting negotiations on the terms of a new, long-
erm contract for such services, but such negotiations have not yet been completed; and
WHEREAS, the Town wishes to continue the City's fire and emergency services on a
temporary basis pending approval and execution of a new long-term contract; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue to provide such services; and
WHEREAS, the City and Town have negotiated an agreement extending the Fire Contract
through June 30, 2000; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hold a public hearing on January 10,
2000, at 6:30 p. m. at the Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York on the agreement
extending the Fire Contract with the City of Ithaca through June 30, 2000,
MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as
follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, . aye;
Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously.
A ' enda Item' No. 16 ' Town Hall Construction '.0 dates.
w ..
Mr. W61ker — We have sent out letters of award to ' the contractors . The contractor of the plumbing
and HVAC has sent in their submissions . The Sarkisian Brothers have submitted some things .
Everything is moving along . I anticipate sending out the agreement part of the contracts on Tuesday
or Wednesday. Once they get the bonds in , Supervisor Valentino can sign the contracts . All the
contract documents are part of the contract .
We are lookinpq to have a pre-construction meeting the week of January 10th The construction date
is January 15 or before . I do not know where the Post Office is with their contract documents .
There was no one at Thomas Associates involved with the contract this week . The last that I heard
they were anticipating to have construction start mid -January .
We did some additional testing of floor tiles . I received a message from the asbestos/abatement
manager for the Post Office and they agreed that there is asbestos in the floor tiles . They are
moving ahead with the removal of the asbestos . They did not notify us that there was asbestos in the
floor tiles. We proved that there was asbestos . It should not take long . It is about 12 , 000 square
feet of tile. It should not take more than a week . There are machines to remove the asbestos . I do
not want to get our contractors into the building until it is removed .
Councilman Conley — The Post Office portion will be done at the same time as our project .
Mr. Walker — Yes . It should be coordinated very nicely with demolition .
Supervisor Valentino — We want to coordinate and work together.
Mrs . Noteboom — Will a notice be sent to the employees notifying them that they will not be able to
park in the parking lot after January 14th
Mr. Walker — I will be sending a notice out .
Supervisor Valentino — I am going to talk with the City about parking arrangements .
Mr. Walker — The City is planning a renovation project for the Seneca Street parking garage . Their
plans show encroachment onto our space because they need working space . I told them that the
Town needed parking in the garage for about 20 cars and the Town would be happy to give them an
Councilwoman Russell — Will they be closing the garage?
Mr . Walker — They are going to have some areas that are closed . The work is primarily inspecting
the re-enforcements and doing repairs .
Attorney Barney — Mr . Walker, have you talked with Sarkisian Brothers about the ,wall ?
Mr. Walker — No . I will be talking with . them ,-. next week about it . The wall is still : the:.responsibility
s the :Post Office at this time . s .
Attorney Barney — It is a significant potential claim for delay.
Supervisor Valentino — I think that the Post Office will move very quickly on the wall . They are very
sensitive about the security of the wall .
Councilman Klein — The wall does not have any penetrations .
Mr . Walker — Our construction will be attached to the wall . They are building a secure wall with eight-
inch spacing of the studs with three layers of sheet rock . It is two layers of sheet rock on their side
and one layer on our side . We will have space behind it for our electrical .
Councilman Klein — If we have a construction date of January 15th on the contract , the wall and
asbestos may delay it .
Mr . Walker — I am waiting until next week . There is a fair amount of demolition work on all the
contracts that have to be done before any new construction can start . We need to work on the
details .
Councilman Klein — How much time did the bid specs provide?
r. Walker — They provided 120 days for construction . The plumbing and general contractor have
her work . They want to get in and get done . The electrical contractor said that they could work in
that time frame . The heaviest work is the HVAC , plumbing and the sprinklers .
Supervisor Valentino — Is the elevator done under the general contract ?
Mr. Walker — Yes . There are some electrical connections .
Councilwoman Russell — There was an issue about how much of the building we wanted to have
sprinklers .
Mr. Walker — The question was the relative cost to the sprinklers . The total plumbing contract is
about two thirds of the sprinkler estimate by the mechanicals . Our mechanical contractor estimated
significantly higher. The bid came in at about 50% of what was estimated . It includes the entire
building . A lot of the sprinkler work is in the attic in areas that are not affected by other construction .
We need to finish the work before we finish things inside because it does leak a little bit . The
demolition work , plumbing and HVAC can be done before the repair of the roof. The HVAC includes
taking off the old . roof tops units and putting on the new roof top . units .
Councilwoman Russell — What is going to be done for the roof. .repair?
Mr. Walker — Thb roof-will be replaced with new membrane-, roof . 'It is - a rubber roof , but it still has :�._l
joints on it .
Councilman Klein — We did have a meeting with one of the potential furniture vendors to look at
some of the furniture layouts for the staff areas .
Supervisor Valentino — In the lobby, when they started to chip away the old paint they discovered the
original color. They went with the original color to blend things . The cherry wood and the maple will
mainly be behind the judges .
Mrs. Noteboom explained which colors would be in which location.
Mrs . Noteboom — The lobby will look really nice . They are going to highlight around the original color.
The floor in the lobby will remain the same .
Supervisor Valentino — We thought that the colors had some link to them .
We talked with one vendor on furniture . We have appointments with two other furniture vendors in
January. The estimates look like we are still on track with our budget . We are looking good .
Mrs . Noteboom — We need to decide what we want refinished and the timing of having it sent out .
We need the furniture we have here to be able to do what we need to do .
Councilman Conley — What is the progress of the sale of the current Town Hall ?
Supervisor Valentino — It has been turned over to Mead . There have been some inquiries . Anyone
that is interested will have to deal with Mead . We have a contract for 6 months .
Councilman Klein — The estimates were coming in high during the design phase . The painting of the
exterior windows was deleted . It was not a necessity. The windows do need to be painted . The
public restrooms and staff restrooms went to tile . We need to consider getting estimates of the
painting .
Mr. Walker — I am going to get quotes from local painting contractors to do the work . I am also going
to ask the contractor what it would cost .
Supervisor Valentino — We thought that we would put together a priority list . At department head
meetings we have talked about going to a card system for security. The wiring is there for it . We
would like to be able to upgrade to the ID card swipe system .
Mr . Walker — We have two primary entrances to the . building , Buffalo Street and the Aurora Street
parking lot entrance . I do not know if we want to put, a - card reader . on the main doors becau se, it ,gets .
complicated . It is difficult to put an automated system. .on _double doors .
Earlier this month :I ,received about a 40- page .setWof claims. J or. -addition al cost for the contractor. -
the' Warren : Road .project . I am basically denying them all .. They are not valid claims . - It as: :ext
work that -did : not get ordered . His interpretation of .1 a .,specs . is • different than mine . I will . write . .
formal letter denying the claims .
Agenda Item No. 17 — ADJOURMENT.
As there was no further business to come before the Town Board , a motion was made by
Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Russell to adjourn . Carried unanimously .
Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 11 : 58 a . m .
Respectfully submitted ,
Joan Lent Noteboom ,
Town Clerk
* NEXT REGULAR MEETING — January 10 , 2000 at 5 : 30 p . m .
" Minutes Transcribed by Carrie L. Coates .
12-21 - 1999 4 . 13PM FROM MILLS FAX SERVICE 805 772 2157 P _ 2
Kara Hagedorn.
3030 Beachcomber Dr.
Morro Bay, CA 93442 .
(805) 772-3000
December 1 , 1999
The last month of the Millennium !
Ithaca Town Board
126 East Seneca Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Dear Town Board Members, l
It is with sadness that I must resign from the Town Of Ithaca Conservation
Board. My husband has accepted a good job on the central coast of California as a
Professor teaching Environmental Engineering . Although the future feels new and
exciting, and weVe moved from one beautiful place to another, I deeply miss my
friends and work in the Cayuga Valle ► of the Finger lakes Region. Its a difficult time
to leave, just as the Town of Ithaca is beginning to implement the Parks, Recreation
and Open Space .Plan. I put a lot of work aAd volunteer time into this plan,
understanding its value for the protection of natural resources, the protection of the
integrity of the State Parks, for the livelihood of local farmers, and for the recreational
opportunities it will create. It is with deed hope that the work of the Conservation
Board over the past several years will result in some real zoning changes, to give true
protection to the unique qualities of the Town of Ithaca.
I took my role as Chair of the Conservation Board very seriously because I know
the Town Board has a lot of paper work to review on all kinds of complicated issues ,
and land use and the environmental impacts of development are only a part of your
job. The CS plays an important advisory role, especially the Environmental Review
Committee whose comments are vital to sound planning in the Town .
I appreciated the diverse experience and knowledge that each Conservation
Board member brought to the group, and also enjoyed working with the Planning
Dept. staff. They always made themselves available to answer questions, provide
information and discuss issues. Environmental Planner, Sue Ritter, was a pleasure to
work with and she brings excellent skill to her job as liaison to the Conservation Board .
She was always prompt at getting us information, maps, mailings, and organizing site
Thank you for supporting me to do the Keeping Track Training . I worked with
the Tompkins County group until I left and I 'll return in the summer to help collect
wildlife data on : transects that go through the Town of Ithaca. In the future this group
should be able to give the Town sound data on wildlife density and movement. Thank
you also for sending me to the Farmland Trust Conference to learn more about the use
of PDR, Ag . and Conservation Zoning . These innovative tools are being used across
12-21 - 1999 4 : 14PM FROM MILLS FAX SERVICE 805 772 2157 P. 3
the country for long term land protection .
Lastly, I feel it was an exciting time to be on the Conservation Board as the
Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan unfolded through draft reviews, information
meetings, public hearings and its adoption in 1997. Last winter, as charged by the.
Town Board , the CB worked hard to draw boundaries with documented iustificaLOn, for
three conse va"on zones on South Hill. CB members spelt hours looking At „laps,
studying drainage, vegetation, wildlife habitat, unique features and 'historical land use.
We walked the land, took pictures, reviewed reports from consultants, talked with land
owners and residents, worked with State Parks, and finally, presented our proposal at
a p4blic ' informatio^ meeting, where a clear ma o.^:ty spoke in suppo~: of our proposal,
and commended the Town for taking action to protect natural areas. Last rail, the
CB's report on the South Hill Swamp won an award. As a resigning Chair. . I 'm giving
you all this detail and history so you 'll understand and respect the volunteer time that
it took the CB to fulfill your charge and not let our effort and proposal be buried in a pile
of reports where tha public's into;ast and suppo,t will be for go:tE 1.
Kara Hagedorn
. I