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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1999-11-04 fly OF I r _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 1,� 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 4, 1999 5 : 30 P. M . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 4 . Report of Fire Commissioners . 5 . 6 : 00 p . m . - PERSONS TO BE HEARD . 6 . 6 : 45 p. m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider amending the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Water System Agreement to Change Water Rate Schedule by decreasing charges as approved by the SCLIWC . 7 . Consider authorization and approval of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Water System Agreement to Change Water Rate Schedule by decreasing charges as approved by the SCLIWC . 8 . 6 : 50 p. m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Final Budget. 9 . PUBLIC HEARINGS : To consider the 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts : 6 : 55 p . m . - Forest Home Lighting District. 6 : 56 p . m . - Glenside Lighting District . 6 : 57 p . m . - Renwick Heights Lighting District. 6 : 58 p . m . - Eastwood Commons Lighting District . 6 : 59 p . m . - Clover Lane Lighting District . 7 : 00 p . m . - Winners Circle Lighting District . 7 : 01 p . m . - Burleigh Drive Lighting District . 7 : 02 p . m . - West Haven Road Lighting District. 7 : 03 p . m . - Coddington Road Lighting District . 7 : 04 p . m . - Water Improvement Benefit District. 7 : 05 p . m . - Sewer Improvement Benefit District. TB Mtg . - 11 /04/99 Agenda Page 2 . 10 . Consider adoption of the 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts . 11 . Consider approval of delinquent Water and Sewer Charges on the 2000 Town and County Taxes . 12 . 7 : 10 p. m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider the 2000 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget . 13 . Consider adoption of the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Final Budget. 14 . Consider adoption of the 2000 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget . 15 . Discuss possible encroachment on Purdy property . 16 . Consider approval of specifications , and authorization to solicit bids for the construction and renovation of the New Town Hall . 17 . Consider amendment to the contract with HOLT for architectural services related to the new Town Hall . 18 . Consider acceptance of water/sewer improvements on Bundy Road . 19 . Set public hearing date to consider a " LOCAL LAW REZONING CERTAIN AREAS ON SOUTH HILL FROM R- 15 , MR AND SLUD TO A CONSERVATION ZONE" . 20 . Consider setting public hearing date to consider the Cornell University North Campus Residential Housing rezoning proposal . 21 . Consent Items : Consider resolutions approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Meeting Minutes - 10/4/99 b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS c . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS d . Reclassification Senior Account Clerk position e . Appointment Safety Committee TB Mtg . - 11 /4/99 Agenda Page 3 . 22 . Reports of Town Officials : a . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . b . Highway Superintendent. c . Director of Engineering . d . Director of Planning . e . Director of Building/Zoning . f. Human Resources Specialist . g . Budget Officer. h . Attorney for the Town 23 . Report of Town Committees . 24 . Review of Correspondence : (To be distributed at meeting . ) a . Cornell North Campus Residential Initiative from : Landlords Association of Tompkins County Bruce Levitt , Professor Cornell Council for the Arts Stephen F . Hamilton , 107 Cayuga Park Circle Rosemary J . Avery, 118 Lexington Drive West Joe Regenstein , Ph . D . , Professor of Food Science Edward , J . Lawler, Dean ILR John O . McClain , 3 Highgate Circle Ali S . Hadi , 104 Winston Drive George T . Schneider, 6 Fairway Drive Winnie F . Taylor, Professor of Law 25 . Consider ADJOURNMENT . Town Board Meeting 11 /4199 Additional Agenda Items 1 . Consider approval of Professional Services Agreement and Amendments No . 1 and No . 2 with Sterns and Wheler, LLC for the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plan Improvements. 2 . Consider motion to enter into an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss potential litigation . TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 4, 1999 5 : 30 PM At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York , held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , there were present : PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Supervisor; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ed Conley, Councilman ; Bill Lesser, Councilman ; Tom Niederkorn , Councilman , PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Dan Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent ; Jon Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andy Frost , Director of Building/Zoning; Al Carvill , Budget Officer; Judy Drake, Human Resource Specialist ; George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner. OTHERS: Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department; Nora Truitt , Ithaca High School ; Jim Dratt , Ithaca High School ; Eli Moss , Ithaca High School ; Joni Carroll , Cornell University. Call to Order: The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5 : 36 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. enda Item No. 4 — Report of Fire Commissioners. Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department — I would like to offer my congratulations to the Supervisor and board members for your re-election . Fire prevention personnel are conducting inspections for places of assembly and permits for fire system testing . A public hearing for places of assembly and fire systems testing permits will be held November 17, 1999 at 7 : 30 p . m . This is for the City of Ithaca only. This takes the pressure off more specialized services to the public. The City Disaster Management Plan and Integrated Emergency Management Course has been awarded to the Ithaca Community. This is a residential course that is scheduled to run from November 29`h to December 4th . Approximately 70 people from the City, Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, Cornell University and Ithaca College will attend . We have not heard anything regarding the Rabinor decision from Senator Seward or Assemblymen Luster's office on the status of the bill . The 2000 operating budget committee review was held October 12th . The only major change was the rejection of the request for 7 additional fire fighters . Supervisor Valentino — We talked about the Census at our Local Leaders lunch . We discussed how we are going to coordinate things through one committee or agency. The County feels that it has not happened . We want to make sure that there are good counts of everyone in the County. They are TOWN BOARD PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED --APPROVED - APPROVED going to be talking with people in the County Planning Department. They are going to try and set u the census . Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning — We have been discussing it for a long time. We have met several times with groups trying to coordinate committees . Councilman Lesser — If the Town contacts the fraternity and sorority councils directly they will assist in the census . The students do not know that they need to be counted at school and not at their home residence . Supervisor Valentino — Ithaca College has not received information on the census . Mr. Kanter — We gave Ithaca College a contact at the census bureau . Councilman Lesser — I hope that we are able to move ahead quickly with the web page . At a minimum , we need to list the meetings and the meeting agendas . We could also look into a phone line with a message stating what meetings are happening that week . It is not available in the newspaper. Supervisor Valentino — There needs to be a lot of effort to make sure that meeting notices are in th newspaper . We send them the agenda , but we need to call it in to the monthly calendar as well . Th monthly calendar rarely has our meetings listed . Where are we with the web page? Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk — It should be ready in 4 to 6 weeks . The target date is January 2000, Agenda Item No 11 Delinquent Water & Sewer Charges on 2000 Town & County Taxes. Mrs . Noteboom — We need to approve these each year prior to the adoption of the budget. This calculation is from the last quarter of 1998 through the first 3 quarters of 1999 . The amount this year is down about $28 , 000 from what it has been for the last several years . I need to thank my deputy, Debby Kelley, for that . Throughout the year she has figured out a new system for collections and delinquent bills . Any billings that have a balance of $20 or less were not added to the taxes . Administratively it was quite cumbersome . The balance of that was $ 140 . Resolution No 181 - 2000 Delinquent Water/Sewer Charges. WHEREAS, there is an amount totaling $57, 424. 90 owed to the Town of Ithaca for delinquent water and sewer charges including penalties on properties within the Town of Ithaca for the billings of December 1998 through October 15, 1999; and TOWN BOARD PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, Town Law provides for the collection of these said monies as a lien against the property involved on the tax bill; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby . authorizes and directs the Receiver of Taxes to add to the tax roll for 2000 the amount of $57, 424. 90 for the delinquent water and sewer charges, including penalties; and be it further RESOLVED, said delinquent amount is to become due and collectible on the 2000 Town and County Tax Bills which will be mailed to property owners on December 30, 1999, and which will become due January 1, 2000, MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 15 — Possible Encroachment on Purdy Property. Attorney Barney — Years ago the Town acquired a walkway along the Purdy property running from jftSummerhill Road into the East Hill Plaza . Recently it has come to our attention that the pavement is not fully on the ten -foot strip . It encroaches about 1 to 1 . 5 feet to the north on the Purdy property. The Purdys are in the process of dividing their property. This is what caused the survey to be done . Randy Marcus of our law firm represents the selling Purdy. John Norton of our office represents the buying Purdy. They wanted the Town to get a license from Purdy for the encroachment. I have discussed this with Mr. Noteboom and Mr. Walker. We have concluded that it would be easier to remove the foot of pavement . We need consent from the Purdys to go onto their property to remove the foot of pavement . Councilwoman Grigorov — How was it acquired ? Why is the Town responsible? Attorney Barney — I think that it was done during the original development . We have a deed to the Town for the 10-foot strip from 1975 . We do not clear the sidewalk. Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent — We are also going to pave one foot on our side . It is used heavily by the elderly and people with wheelchairs . The width is necessary. Councilwoman Russell — Should we be maintaining it? Mr . Noteboom — I need to check into it . We are assuming that Cornell University is maintaining it . Attorney Barney — We have an ordinance that specifies that a sidewalk across a front of a property is to be maintained by the property owner. L TOWN BOARD PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED A enda Item No. 17 — Amendment to Contract with HOLT for Architectural Services Related t New Town Hall . Wlrs . Noteboom — The amount should be $ 127 , 800 instead of $227 , 800 . Supervisor Valentino — We wanted to make sure that everything that we had talked about before and the work that they had done was included in this. It is ready for authorization to sign . Resolution No 182 (Rescinded by Resolution No. 189) - Authorization for Contract Amendment Hoffman O 'Brien Look Taube & Chiang P. C. Architectural/Engineering Basic Services Renovations Tioga Street Post Office Building for Use as New Town Hall. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has approved the acquisition of the existing Tioga Street Post Office Building for use as the Town Hall, and WHEREAS, HOLT& C, P. C. has been awarded the design contract for the Town Hall by the Town Board for the contract amount of $89, 800, and WHEREAS, HOLT& C, P. C. has provided a proposal for provision of Contract Documents for renovation of the basement as the Records Management and Storage Center as an extra servi outside the original contract for an additional sum of $38, 000; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute t amendment to the agreement between the owner and the architect with HOLT& C, P. C. for the amount of $38, 000, bringing the amended contract amount to $ 127, 800. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Aqenda Item No 5 — PERSONS TO BE HEARD. Supervisor Valentino opened PERSONS TO BE HEARD at 6: 00 p. m. , and asked if any member of the public wished to be heard. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6: 01 p. m. Attorney Barney — We are in the process of closing out the general- purpose land that the Town acquired from the County. We are calculating the final bill that we are going to present to the City. Should we charge interest on our money? It would affect the amount of the bill . Supervisor Valentino — Was it specified in the agreement? I TOWN BOARD PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney — The Memorandum of Agreement was never signed . It did state that they would pay interest. Supervisor Valentino — How much would it be ? Attorney Barney — The interest would be about $800. Supervisor Valentino — We should do it. It was part of the agreement . Mr. Kanter — The City should sign the agreement before we convey it to them . Attorney Barney — They would be signing the Deed . The use is in the Deed . Agenda Item No. 18 — Acceptance of Water/Sewer Imorovement on Bundy Road Resolution No. 183 - Acceptance of Water and Sewer Imarovements Bundy Road WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board on June 16, 1998 granted Final Subdivision Approval for Sterling House of Ithaca & Sterling Cottage as shown on the subdivision plat entitled "Survey Map Showing Lands of Richard A. and Mary Louise Perry", prepared by Allen T. Fulkerson, L. S. , T. G. Miller, P. C. , dated 5119198, revised 6111198; and WHEREAS, the Developer has completed construction of the water improvements and sewer improvements, as shown on the utility plans; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has inspected the water and sewer improvements, and received record drawings and certifications from the developers Engineer that the improvements have been constructed to the Town of Ithaca specifications; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca accepts approximately 300 lineal feet of 8 " inch water main and appurtenances as public water main, and approximately 375 lineal feet of 8 " inch PVC sewer main and appurtenances as public sewer, the details of which are shown on the subdivision plan and plans for water and sewer improvements. MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 19- Public Hearing Date : " LOCAL LAW REZONING CERTAIN AREAS ON SOUTH HILL FROM R-15 MR AND SLUD TO A CONSERVATION ZONE " . Supervisor Valentino — Mr. Kanter and I discussed this earlier. We feel that we can not set a public hearing until January. TOWN BOARD PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Kanter — We might want to defer setting the public hearing until the December meeting . We ar still working on the draft zoning language . We are also working with Ithaca College . Discussions ar going well . There is another meeting scheduled on November 16`" . We are giving them an opportunity to provide us with feedback on the proposed zoning language . We will be referring the proposed zoning to the Codes and Ordinances Committee at their November meeting . Councilman Klein — A Conservation Zone is one of our standard zones . How would it be modified ? Attorney Barney — We are putting into the Conservation Zone one section of certain provisions that relate this area. The Conservation Zone has existing provisions unique to the Six Mile Creek area . Mr. Kanter — I have copies of the revised draft of the Conservation Zone if any board member is interested in looking at it . Councilman Lesser — Mr . Kanter and Attorney Barney have added a few items that clarify the situation for Ithaca College . It is a positive improvement . Councilwoman Russell — Does the ordinance deal with the boundary issue ? Mr. Kanter — We need to develop a local law the will incorporate the boundary description . Councilwoman Russell — How was it done with Six -Mile Creek? Attorney Barney — We went along property lines with one exception . One boundary line was don with dimensions . There is a map attached to the local law. Aqenda Item No 20 Setting Public Hearing Date to Consider Cornell University North Campus Residential Initiative Rezoning Proposal . Mr. Kanter — The Board has recommendations from the Planning Board and Codes and Ordinances Committee . The recommendation from both boards is to rezone to R- 30 rather than a recreational zone . Both groups felt that the recreational zone was premature . It was felt that it needs more work in order for it to be applied to other sections of the Town . The recreation zone might be a good idea at some point in the future , but it needs to be looked at in the context of the overall comprehensive zoning . Supervisor Valentino — The board has discussed having a special meeting on November 18th Attorney Barney — The board might want to make a motion to set a special meeting for November 18t " Then make another motion to set the public hearing . Supervisor Valentino — The public hearing is set for 5 : 40 p . m . TOWN BOARD PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Kanter — Attorney Barney drafted a local law on the assumption that the Town Board would lip ursue the R-30 rezoning . Councilman Lesser — There have been claims made that rezoning to R-30 would give Cornell University more discretion in other areas of that zone . Is it a correct interpretation ? Attorney Barney — No . The rezoning to R-30 means that it is available for any educational use subject to site plan review by the Planning Board and special approval of the use from the Zoning Board of Appeals . When an educational use is permitted in that fashion , there is a presumption that it is a permitted use as long as they meet the criteria for special approval . Councilwoman Russell — Has the Planning Board finished their discussion on this issue? Mr. Kanter — No, they have not . Councilwoman Russell — Will they have finished by the special meeting? Attorney Barney — They really cannot. They do not know until the Town Board rezones what law they are operating under. This is a more favorable sequence legally. If it is zoned R-30 then the Planning Board needs to make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals . It is presumptive on the Planning Board 's part if they proceed to use the R-30 regulations until this board has acted on the zoning . Mr. Kanter — The Planning Board did deliberate for about 4 hours . The only action taken was the recommendation on the rezoning . They then talked about the Statement of Findings , which gets into a lot of the environmental issues. They discussed a number of things concerning the site plan . The Moore House , traffic, parking and other items were discussed . The Planning Board did not come to a conclusion on them . The first item that they will need to address is the adoption of the Statement of Findings . Their deliberations are not complete . It is very clear that there was a split on how they want to approach the Moore House issue . Councilwoman Russell — We will need to make our own SEAR findings . Mr. Kanter — The Town Board 's SEAR findings are specifically in regard to the zoning action . It is the only action being taken by the Town Board . The board will have to make a conclusion about the impact of the rezoning . Councilwoman Grigorov — What is the Planning Board 's power over the Moore House ? Mr. Kanter — Site plan approval is their one action . Rezoning is the Town Board action . Resolution No. 184 - Special Town Board Meetinq Date i TOWN BOARD PAGE 8 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for Special Town Board meeting to be held on November 18, 1999 at 5:30 o 'clock p. m. , in order that th Town Board may conduct a public hearing to consider a local law related to the Cornell University JVorth Campus Residential Initiative project. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 185 - Public Hearing Date - LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REZONE A PORTION OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY PREMISES ON PLEASANT GROVE ROAD FROM MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO RESIDENT DISTRICT R30 IN CONNECTION WITH THE CORNELL NORTH CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL INITIATIVE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at a special meeting of the Town Board on November 18, 1999 at 5:40 o 'clock p. m. in order for the Town Board to consider a "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REZONE A PORTION OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY PREMISES ON PLEASANT GROVE ROAD FROM MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO RESIDENT DISTRIC R30 IN CONNECTION WITH THE CORNELL NORTH CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL INITIATIVE". MOVED Councilman Niederkom, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 21 — Consent Items . Resolution No 186(a) - 186(e) - Consent Agenda Items. BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 21 (a)-21 (e) as presented and/or amended by the Town Board. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. a . Town Board Minutes — 10/4/99 TOWN BOARD PAGE 9 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 tAPPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED ouncilman Lesser — On page 21 of the minutes , I addressed a question to Ms . Wolf about the irculation road . I also asked what the posted speed limit would be on the road . Someone behind her had responded that it would be 30 mph . I have read several different reports of what the speed limit would be . Councilwoman Russell — If we do not know who said it , it is difficult to put it into the minutes . Councilman Lesser — Ms . Wolf may have restated it . Councilman Klein — The resolution does go along with the discussion of the North Campus Residential Initiative project . I am not sure if the history of the discussion is reflected accurately. I had made some amendments to the resolution and Councilman Niederkorn proposed amendments to the resolution that I agreed to . I agreed and Councilwoman Russell seconded it . At some point , Mrs . Noteboom stated that there was a motion and second on the original resolution as it stood . There was a verbal agreement on the amendments . I am not sure that it is reported entirely accurately, but I am willing to let it stand . The important thing is that the resolution is accurate . Mrs. Noteboom — It was quite confusing . Agenda Item No. 186(a) - Town Board Meeting Minutes - 1014199. WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on October 4, 1999 to the Town Board for their review and approval; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meeting; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the said minutes as the official minutes of the Town Board for the regular meeting held on October 4, 1999. : MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. b. TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS Resolution No. 186(b) - Town of Ithaca Warrants. WHEREAS, the warrant with the following numbered listing of vouchers has been presented to the Town Board for approval of payment, and WHEREAS, the said warrant has been audited for payment by the Town Board; now, therefore, be it TOWN BOARD PAGE 10 NOVEMBER 4 , 199 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED -­APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of the said vouchers a i7umbered and listed on the warrant: Voucher Numbers: 1062- 1151 General Fund: $ 22, 402. 16 General Part Town: $ 81329. 33 Highway Fund: $ 69, 073. 00 Water Fund: $ 158, 984, 97 Sewer Fund: $ 41568. 32 Lighting District Funds: $ 11100. 64 Risk Retention Fund: $ 499. 87 Warren Road Water Main Project $ 61874029 Town Hall Capital Project: $ 22, 608. 40 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. c. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS Resolution No 186(c) - Bolton Point Warrants. WHEREAS, the warrant with the following numbered listing of vouchers for Bolton Point, Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) has been presented to the Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, said warrant has been audited for payment by the Town Board; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of the said vouchers as numbered and listed on the warrant. Prepaids: No. 448, 544-555 $ 106, 180. 91 Operating Fund Vouchers: No. 556-614 $ 35, 882- 09 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. d. Reclassification Senior Account Clerk Position TOWN BOARD PAGE 11 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No. 186(d) - Position Reclassification. WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca presently has a Senior Account Clerk position and a Senior Account Clerk Typist position; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Specialist and Budget Officer recommend the reclassification of one of these positions to higher level position; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Specialist and Budget Officer recommend a reclassification to Principal Account Clerk/Typist and recommend the attached job description for the said title; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve the reclassification of the Senior Account Clerk position to Principal Account Clerk/Typist; and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Board approves the attached job description for the Principal Account Clerk/Typist position. The said position shall be in job classification "L ", at 40 hours a week, full time. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. e. Appointment Safety Committee Resolution No. 186(e) = Ratification of Town Supervisor's Appointment Safety Committee. WHEREAS, a vacancy exists for a Town Hall employee representative on the Town of Ithaca Safety Committee due to the resignation of Mark Cass; and WHEREAS, Creig Hebdon, Assistant Town Engineer has indicated an interest in serving on the Safety Committee in this capacity; and WHEREAS, Catherine Valentino, Town Supervisor has appointed Creig Hebdon as a member of the Safety Committee and requests that the governing Town Board ratify the said appointment; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby ratifies the appointment of Creig Hebdon, Assistant Town Engineer as -a member of the Town of Ithaca Safety Committee made by the Town Supervisor, Catherine Valentino. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, TOWN BOARD PAGE 12 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilma lViederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 16 — Approval of Specifications Authorization to Solicit Bids for Construction/Renovation of New Town Hall . Daniel Walker , Town Engineer — We have one full set of plans and specifications . They have been gone over many times . I am comfortable that they are complete at this point . We have a tentative schedule for bidding . We are anticipating advertising as of November 10th . Offices will be closed November 11 for Veterans Day. The bidding process will be approximately 4 weeks long . We will be accepting bids until December 9th . It is a week before the December Town Board meeting . Assuming that everything goes according to plan , we will have bids to bring before the board December 13th . 1 do not anticipate construction starting until the first of the year. The Postal Service is currently soliciting bids for their portion of the work. They are looking at receiving bids later this month . Their process is less formal than ours needs to be . We will be advertising, accepting and awarding bids for 4 different contracts; the general , mechanical , electrical and plumbing . Councilman Klein and Supervisor Valentino have seen the plans . We are looking at some of the doors and windows . We need to have a second exit out of the boardroom . We are now including the basement in cost . The total - estimated construction cost is abo $2 , 200 , 000 . Their estimates are conservatively high . Councilman Klein — Should we consider some alternates? Mr . Walker — I do not know what we can have as alternates and still have the building done as we want . The biggest cost in the basement is the ventilation system and the fire suppression sprinkler system . Our use of the basement requires everything to be changed . The lighting fixtures are too low. They also need to be changed . The sprinkler system adds about $0 . 5 million to the project . The sprinkler system is critical . Councilwoman Russell — Is the sprinkler system only for the basement? Councilman Klein — It is for the entire building . Even though more than half of the basement is not being utilized it still needs to have sprinklers and lighting . Mr. Walker- We are not changing the lighting in the portion of the basement that is not being used . There does need to be one penetration through the wall so that we have access after the other opening is sealed . The building has to have smoke and fire detection systems as well as a sprinkler system . The current system is not adequate for code . Councilman Klein — I do not think that a sprinkler system is required . We are requiring it . Mr . Walker — It would be required under Town Law for a commercial building . AM TOWN BOARD PAGE 13 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Russell — What about the permanent storage vault? Mr. Walker — It will have sprinklers . There will also be a special heating and ventilating system for moisture and humidity control . It is not a big cost. It is a small space . Councilwoman Russell — This is a records storage area . What if the sprinklers malfunction ? Mr. Walker — Sprinklers are the recommended way to protect records in case of a fire . Waterless compression systems are not recommended because they cause more of a mess . They do not necessarily put out the fire . The fire would smolder in the documents . We are looking at a protective curtain system that could drop down over the records if there were a fire. Councilman Klein — The entire new Town Hall will have a sprinkler system . Is it required under the State Code? Andy Frost , Director of Building/Zoning — It is my understanding that it is being done because of our sprinkler ordinance . If we modified our retrofit requirements , then we may want to consider it for ourselves . We have not changed anything for new construction . We might have to have a sprinkler system for the boardroom . Mr. Walker — We do not have a fire resistant structure . There is a wooden frame roof over the building . We would have a problem with code because of that . Mitigation with a sprinkler system is important. Mr. Frost — I am not sure . We are not dealing with an occupancy classification change . Councilman Klein — We could probably get away without a sprinkler system except for the boardroom . Mr. Frost — Yes , under the State law. The Town has an Ordinance requiring sprinklers in all new buildings. We did have one that required sprinklers as a retrofit for existing buildings . We no longer have that ordinance . The occupancy classification is not changing . The exception would be public assembly. It did not preexist in the building . This also depends upon the cost . Councilwoman Russell — How much is the total cost figure for the sprinkler system ? Mr. Walker — It is roughly $250 , 000 to $300 , 000 . Mr. Frost — It would be the cost for what the Town is putting into the building versus replacement cost of the building . Attorney Barney — If the cost of the renovations exceeds 50% of the value of the building , it is treated as a new building and new construction . Then sprinklers would be required . TOWN BOARD PAGE 14 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein — We would still need the fire alarm and smoke detection system in addition to th sprinkler system . Mr. Frost — If the boardroom has an occupancy of 50 or more people it will be required . Councilman Klein — Is it required throughout the entire building? Mr. Frost — It might be only in the area of assembly. Councilman Klein — The basement has smoke and heat detectors . Mr. Walker — They are a violation of code . They are not in the right areas . Mr. Frost — Code is minimum standards . Attorney Barney — The adopted resolution states the cost is not to exceed $2 million . If it is over $2 million , the board needs to adopt another resolution . It is then subject to a permissive referendum . Supervisor Valentino — We need to get the cost down . Mr . Walker —This is an estimate of probable cost from the architects . December 13th we will know we are over budget . That is the date that we will be reviewing the bids . That is . the time when would need to modify the plans . Councilman Klein — We could have alternates into the bids now or we could hope that the estimate is very conservative and the numbers come within our budget . If they do not , we may need to rebid parts of the job . Mrs . Noteboom — If we are over budget on December 13th , we need to adopt a resolution increasing the amount . Attorney Barney — The Town could make revisions or negotiate with the low bidder. Mrs . Noteboom — If a resolution were passed to increase the budget amount they would be subject to a permissive referendum which means 30 days . Supervisor Valentino — We will need to make modifications to bring it under $2 million . Mr. Walker — The total mechanical cost is $800 , 000 . The estimate for electrical is $383 , 000 . This is over half of the budget . It includes all the ventilation and air conditioning . Councilwoman Grigorov — Does it include the sprinkler? Mr . Walker — The sprinkler is included in that cost estimate . TOWN BOARD PAGE 15 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED ouncilman Klein — We are renovating 20 , 000 square feet in the basement . Mr. Walker — The total square footage is 17 , 700 square feet. It includes the portion of the basement that we are going to be using . It is not the portion that we are considering mechanical space . Councilman Klein — There are still portions of the basement that we are not using , but we are putting sprinklers and lighting in . Mr. Frost — Places of public assembly have to have a fire alarm system . Sprinklers are required in dance halls , nightclubs and similar occupancies . We may not need a sprinkler in the boardroom . We do need fire and smoke detection systems . Mrs . Noteboom — What about the two conference rooms? Mr. Frost — If the maximum occupancy is less than 50 people they are not needed . Mr. Walker — I am in favor of putting the sprinkler system in . The Fire Department has been supporting this. It is the best protection against fire that we can have. It is less than 15 % of the cost of the project . Councilwoman Grigorov — It is an identifiable item that we could do without. Supervisor Valentino — This does not include any of the work stations or moveable furniture . Mr. Walker — It does include the built- in furniture and the judge's bench . Attorney Barney — Mr. Walker pointed out that the error on item number 17 was not the last number, it was the first . The board may want to revote on item 17. Supervisor Valentino — What contract is for the $ 189 , 000? Attorney Barney — It was the original . Supervisor Valentino — When did we approve the resolution for the design contract for Town Hall ? Mr. Walker — The amendment for basic services was July 8 , 1998 . We did not pass it until September 1999 . Attorney Barney — The original contract was to eliminate the expenditure to $29 , 000 for the original schematic. There was limitation on that resolution . Then the board passed a resolution eliminating that limitation . Councilman Klein — We did agree to a fixed fee . Once they had worked out the scope and an estimate there was a fixed fee established to do the work. The work must have been $ 189 , 800 . It excluded the records management center. TOWN BOARD PAGE 16 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No. 187= Approval of Plans/Specifications Authorize Solicitation of Bids Renovatio Town of Ithaca Town Hall. WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that renovation of the old Post Office at 213 North Tioga Street for the New Town Hall is appropriate and has authorized a capital project, and WHEREAS, HOLT& C has prepared plans and specifications for the renovation, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the plans and specifications for the New Town Hall, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby approves the plans and specifications and authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for the renovation of the Town of Ithaca Town Hall. MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino — We need to amend the resolution for agenda item number 17 . We need t rescind the motion . Supervisor Valentino moved to rescind the motion, seconded by Councilman Lesser. Resolution Nos 189 = Authorization for Contract Amendment Hoffman O 'Brien Look Taube & Chiang, P C Architectural/Engineering Basic Services Renovations Tioga Street Post Office Building for Use as New Town Hall. BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby rescind Resolution No. 182 related to the contract amendment with Hoffman O 'Brien Look Taube & Chiang, P. C. for architectural/engineering service for renovation to the Tioga Street Post Office Building for use as the Town Hall. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Attorney Barney — The amendment is to the second Whereas to state , "$ 189 , 800" . Resolution No. 190 - Amendment to Resolution for Authorization for Contract Amendment Hoffman O 'Brien Look Taube & Chiang P. C. . Architectural/Engineering Basic Services Renovations Tioga Street Post Office Building for Use as New Town Hall. TOWN BOARD PAGE 17 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has approved the acquisition of the existing Tioga Street Post Office Building for use as the Town Hall, and WHEREAS, HOLT& C, P. C. has been awarded the design contract for the Town Hall by the Town Board for the contract amount of $ 189, 800, and WHEREAS, HOLT& C, P. C. has provided a proposal for provision of Contract Documents for renovation of the basement as the Records Management and Storage Center as an extra service outside the original contract for an additional sum of $38, 000; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the amendment to the agreement between the owner and the architect with HOLT& C, P. C. for the amount of $38, 000, bringing the amended contract amount to $227, 800. A40VED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 — PUBLIC HEARING : Amending the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Water System Agreement to Change Water Rate Schedule by Decreasing Charges as Approved by the SCLIWC. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:45 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the pubic hearing at 6:46 p. m. Agenda Item No. 7 — Authorization/Approval Amending the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Mater System Agreement to Change Water Rate Schedule by Decreasing Charges as Approved by the SCLIWC. Mrs . Noteboom — Each board member needs to sign the original contract . There are six copies . Supervisor Valentino — The public hearings on the Assessment Rolls are one minute apart. I will move the first resolution and Councilwoman Russell will second the resolution . Councilwoman Russell will then move the second resolution and Councilwoman Grigorov will second the resolution . Each board member takes a turn moving and seconding a resolution . Councilman Lesser = We are paying to light a recreational way for Ithaca College on Coddington Road . It is an open question for who is benefiting and who is paying for it . I hope that in the future when we look at these things that we do not necessarily put all the cost on people who live on the thorough fairs of the Town . The push is for traffic calming on roads . We have a substantial cost for these and are paid for by a small group of people . TOWN BOARD PAGE 18 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED -­APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No. 188 - APPROVING AMENDMENT TO SCLIWC AGREEMENT REDUCING TH WATER CHARGES. WHEREAS, the Town entered into an agreement of intermunicipal cooperation for the construction of the Bolton Point water treatment plant and related transmission and other facilities dated as of June 5, 1979 (the "Agreement'); and WHEREAS, the Agreement included a schedule which established the rates at which compensation was paid to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) for water consumption in the Town of Ithaca; and WHEREAS, the parties to the Agreement wish to amend the Agreement to reduce the water rates; and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed amendment to the Agreement has been submitted to this Board; and WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on November 4, 1999, at 6:45 p. m. to hear all interested parties on the proposed changes to the water rates and related agreement; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of t Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or opposition to said proposed amendment, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, this action is found to be a Type II action (being routine agency administration and management) under the State Environmental Quality Review regulations (6 NYCRR Part 617); and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to effect the proposed reductions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the amendment to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Agreement amending the water rate schedule to reduce the water rates as set forth in the proposed agreement submitted to this meeting, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall sign such amended agreement as the act of the Town and the Town Board. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye - TOWN BOARD PAGE 19 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 8 — PUBLIC HEARING : The 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicival Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicival Water Commission Final Budget. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:50 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing. Attorney Barney — Councilman Lesser should look at the lighting districts with Mr. Walker, The Townwide expenses pick up a number of the lighting expenses. It maybe what you think is covered by the Ithaca College way, may not be part of what is being paid for as a district resident. The intersection lights are Townwide . Mr. Noteboom — Coddington Road is a through road versus some that are dead end road . There are other people benefiting from the lights along Coddington Road , Supervisor Valentino — These are done by special approval by the people who live in the lighting districts . Councilwoman Russell — If it is Townwide , where is it shown in the tax bill ? Mr. Noteboom — The board has passed a resolution that the Town lights all intersections . This is what is on the Townwide taxes . It is in the tax rate . Agenda Item No. 13 — Adoption of 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicival Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicival Water Commission Final Budget. — See Attachment #1 Resolution No. 191 - Adoption 2000 SCLIWC Budget. WHEREAS, the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 2000 Preliminary Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipa/ Water Commission (SCLIWC) Budget as the 2000 SCLIWC Budget; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the 2000 SCLIWC Preliminary Budget as the 2000 SCLIWC Final Budget. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Valentino, Aye; Councilwoman Russell, Aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, Aye; Councilman Klein, Aye, Councilman Conley, Aye; Councilman Lesser, Aye; Councilman Niederkorn, Aye. Carried unanimously. TOWN BOARD PAGE 20 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED --APPROVED - APPROVED Agenda Item No. 9 - PUBLIC HEARINGS : Consider 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benef Dist 6 : 55 p. m. - Forest Home Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:55 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:56 p. m. 6: 56 p.m . - Glenside Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:56 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:57 p. m. 6: 57 p. m. - Renwick Heights Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:57 p. m . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:58 p. m. 6 : 58 p.m. - Eastwood Commons Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:58 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posti and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:59 p. m. 6 : 59 p.m . - Clover Lane Lighting District. in Supervisor Valentino opened the public ' o be heard, SupervisowV�entinoa �losedf the public hearing and publication. With no persons p resent hearing at 7.00 p. m. 7 : 00 - Winners Circle Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7:00 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7. 01 p. m . 7 : 01 p. m . - Burleigh Drive Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7:01 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the pu hearing at 7: 02 p. m. TOWN BOARD PAGE 21 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED : 02 p. m. — West Haven Road Lighting District . Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7:02 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7:03 p. m. 7 : 03 p. m. — Coddington Road Lighting District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7. 03 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7:04 p. m. 7 : 04 p.m. — Water Improvement Benefit District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7. 04 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7:05 p. m. 7 : 05 p.m. — Sewer Improvement Benefit District. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 705 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7. 06 p. m. Agenda Item No. 10 — Adopt 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts Resolution No. 192-202 - 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts WHEREAS, the properly advertised public hearings have been held to consider the 2000 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts for the Town of Ithaca; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 2000 Assessment Rolls for the following Special Benefit Districts of the Town of Ithaca. Forest Home Lighting District: Resolution No. 192 MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Glenside Lighting District: Resolution No. 193 1 I TOWN BOARD PAGE 22 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED -­APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motio resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigoro i, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Renwick Heights Lighting District: Resolution No. 194 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Eastwood Commons Lighting District: Resolution No. 195 MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn , aye . Carried unanimously. Clover Lane Lighting District: Resolution No. 196 MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, ay Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Winners Circle Lighting District: Resolution Now 197 MOVED Councilman Lesser, SECONDED Councilman Niederkom. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Burleigh Drive Lighting District: Resolution Now 198 MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Supervisor Valentino. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. West Haven Road Lighting District: Resolution Now 199 TOWN BOARD PAGE 23 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted las follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Coddington Road Lighting District. Resolution No. 200 MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Water Improvement Benefit District: Resolution No. 201 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Sewer Improvement Benefit District. Resolution No. 202 MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Fred Wilcox, 109 Juniper Drive — Has the board passed their recommendation on the North Campus rezoning? Supervisor Valentino — We set a special meeting for November 18th at 5 : 30 p . m , to have a public hearing on the rezoning to R-30 . Councilman Klein — Mr . Wilcox, the paper quoted you with a very cryptic remark in terms of "something does not fit" . Mr. Wilcox — There are three soccer fields , tennis courts , basketball courts , a road , parking lot and a house . We would all like to have them to fit on the lot . They all do not fit . One or more of the pieces has to go . The question is which piece must go . Is it the house , a soccer field , or the tennis courts ? The bottom line is that all of the pieces do not fit on that piece of land . Some people think that all pieces will fit . I do not agree. Agenda Item No. 24 — Review of Correspondence : a. Cornell North Campus Residential Initiative from : TOWN BOARD PAGE 24 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Landlords Association of Tompkins County — See Attachment #2 Bruce Levitt, Professor Cornell Council for the Arts - See Attachment #3 Stephen F. Hamilton , 107 Cayuga Park Circle — See Attachment #4 Rosemary J . Avery, 118 Lexington Drive West — See Attachment #5 Joe Regenstein , Ph. D . , Professor of Food Science — See Attachment #6 Edward , J . Lawler, Dean ILR — See Attachment #7 John O. McClain , 3 Highgate Circle — See Attachment #8 All S . Hadi , 104 Winston Drive — See Attachment #9 George T. Schneider, 6 Fairway Drive — See Attachment # 10 Winnie F. Taylor, Professor of Law — See Attachment #11 Chang Y Lee, 50 Highgate Circle — See Attachment #12 David Robertshaw, Professor of Physiology — See Attachment #13 Walter Wiggins, La Tourelle — See Attachment #14 Supervisor Valentino — Has everyone seen the correspondence? Was there any comment on the correspondence? The board did not have any questions concerning the correspondence. Mrs . Noteboom — Is there any objection to the liquor license? Supervisor Valentino — The board does not object to the liquor license renewal . Agenda Item No 12 PUBLIC HEARING : Consider 2000 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7. 10 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7. 11 p. m. Councilman Lesser — I have expressed to Mr. Carvill my interest in learning more detail about the budget . He has agreed to spend some time with me to go over it in some depth . We can find a time where we could do that together if other board members are interested . Agenda Item No 14 Adoption 2000 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. — See Attachment # 15 Supervisor i i or Valentino — Did everyone get a chance to review moving the Parks and Recreation n to the General Townwide Fund instead of being in the Part-Town Fund ? Mr . Carvill did do some work on it . Attorney Barney gave assistance with the legalities of it . We did make the changes . We do need a separate resolution to include them as part of the Final Budget . TOWN BOARD PAGE 25 NOVEMBER 4 11999 Aft APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED -­APPROVED - APPROVED [Councilman Klein - This is not a change in the tax rate because it is a transfer of sales tax revenue co the general fund . Councilwoman Russell - There is a designation of a Parks and Open Space Program for $25 , 000 . Is it an addition ? Mr. Carvill - No . It is not. Mr. Noteboom - The construction money was divided in half. Councilwoman Russell - We did discuss a reserve for the PDR Program . Mr. Noteboom - The line was setup to continue the reserve for the PDR Program . Supervisor Valentino - The board wanted to see a line where we could add money to that in the budget . Councilman Klein - Will this be a difficult transition in terms of bookkeeping ? These accounts have been charged to another fund . Mr. Carvill - I have carried forward in establishing the budget of 2000 . The historical cost year to date has been established for parks have been placed in the historical part of the fund . When the budget is brought over to the year 2000 , the cost history will come with it . The $25 , 000 that has been established in the budget line for Parks and Open Space program is an expenditure by which the board has to take an appropriate action at some point during the year . There needs to be authorization of the release of that money to go into the existing reserve to fund it as an inner fund transfer. It is not paid directly out of the line item . The line is a reminder for us that there is money budgeted and available . If the board would like to increase it , the board would need to take a budget action to amend and modify the budget . Councilwoman Russell - Is there money in the reserve fund? Mr. Carvill - There is $80 , 000 invested in a Certificate of Deposit . I project it to be between $86 , 000 and $90 , 000 by the end of the year with interest earnings . Supervisor Valentino - Is there a separate resolution for making this part of the budget ? Mrs . Noteboom - These modifications will be attached and put into the minutes . Supervisor Valentino - We have done our debt payments out to the year 2011 . If no new debt is added , this is when debt will be paid . It is a schedule of payments for each project . The Zebra Mussel project will be paid this year. The original budget for 1999 and the modified 1999 budget were put together . This way the board could compare what has been done . TOWN BOARD PAGE 26 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Lesser — I would like to commend the Supervisor, Budget Officer and staff for holdin the budget to a zero tax increase . Resolution No 203 - 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. WHEREAS, the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 2000 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has discussed and reviewed all modifications to the said budget as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 2000 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget, with the attached modifications as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer, as the 2000 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Valentino, Aye; Councilwoman Russell, Aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, Aye; Councilman Klein, Aye; Councilman Conley, Aye; Councilman Lesser, Aye; Councilman Niederkom, Aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 22 — Report of Town Officials. a. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes — See Attachment #16 Councilman Klein — Are you satisfied with your office setup? Mrs . Noteboom — I think that the front Town Clerks office will be great . We will have built in cabinets . The security will be good . Mr. Walker did a great job making sure that things coordinate well . My staff was most impressed with the fact that the architect came over to see what spaces were needed before the drawings were finished . He made them feel as if they were important and it mattered to him that they were comfortable in their office . Supervisor Valentino — Mr . Walker and I both commented that HOLT is down to earth and try to work with you . They do not have a preconceived notion of how they would like to see things . They have been working with us at a very comfortable level . Councilwoman Russell — Could you report on the election machine problems on Election Day? Mrs . Noteboom — The Veteran Volunteer Firemen Association 's machine broke down very early in the morning . There were four people that needed to write in paper ballots while the machine was down . The machine was fixed and they did not have problems the rest of the day. One of the glitches was that the paper ballots did not have envelopes for that district . They borrowed envelope from the Veteran Volunteer Firemen . They were not accepted as a valid vote because they were the wrong envelope . I have spoke with the Board of Elections about it . The machine at Hasbrou TOWN BOARD PAGE 27 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED broke once. It was fixed . BOCES machine broke down 3 times. The Highway Department is tagging hose machines once they have been re-canvased . We do have to consider budgeting to replace at least one machine a year. We have not purchased any voting machines since 1992 . They are old machines . They can be fixed , but they are to the point where they stick. The machines are about $ 11 , 000 to $ 13 , 000 each . My biggest discontentment with Election Day was the length of time it took the machine custodians to arrive at the places where we were having trouble . The Town Board needs to consider addressing it at some point in time with the Board of Elections . Supervisor Valentino — The machine custodians are appointed by the Board of Elections . I have had preliminary discussions with the Board of Elections . Other towns had more serious problems than we did . The custodians are supposed to be at the Board of Elections waiting for phone calls . Councilwoman Grigorov — How many custodians are there? Mrs . Noteboom — Each town has two custodians . One of ours also works for other towns. Our machine custodian that was appointed for Town was working for Dryden . Dryden 's machine custodian was running on one of the ballots and they felt that it was a conflict . The Board of Elections did not inform me that the custodians were being changed . Councilman Lesser — Are the new machines electronic? Mrs . Noteboom — Yes . We retrofitted the ones that we have now to be accessible for the handicapped . We knew that we would have to replace them eventually. Mr. Noteboom — We have always stored the voting machines in an adverse environment at the Highway facility. They will have better storage in the New Town Hall . I am going to look into how the life of the machines can be extended . Supervisor Valentino — The machines will be in better storage conditions in the basement of the new Town Hall , Mrs. Noteboom — We have a Presidential election next year so the machines need to be working . Councilman Klein — Is the Vet Volunteers District 2 ? 1 was told that there were 18 paper ballots in District 2 , Mrs. Noteboom — Yes . I will need to check with the Board of Elections on the ballot numbers . Supervisor Valentino — We need to have 11 machines . We own 14 machines . We have always wanted the Board of Elections to setup one of the spare machines . If one of the machines were to go down , we would have another machine ready. They will not do a spare . It does cost money to set them up , but it is an Election Day. Councilman Conley — Do the other towns have machines of the same age ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 28 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Mrs . Noteboom — Most of the other towns have machines that are older. They have smaller budget and they cannot afford $ 13 , 000 for a machine . The machines that are $ 112 000 are not handica accessible . The electronic handicap accessible machines are $ 13 , 000 to $ 15 , 000 . They are hoping that all Board of Elections in the State will be on- line to automatically transmit the voting results to the Board of Elections . The Board of Elections across the State is encouraging the towns to buy the new electronic machines . Supervisor Valentino — The State should give municipalities grants or funding to buy the machines . Mrs . Noteboom did a good job for us on Election Day. It is a difficult job . The Highway Superintendent — See Attachment #17 Supervisor Valentino — Has the leaf pick up started early? Mr. Noteboom — No . We go out early to start removing leaves . Some of the piles start to encroach on the road . This also gives us an opportunity to check our equipment . It does seem to upset some people . Supervisor Valentino — I have received phone calls from people thinking that they have missed the date . Mr. Noteboom 7- It is easier to pick the leaves up when they are dry. c . Director of Engineering — See Attachment # 18 Councilman Conley — The City of Ithaca has bought land down at Landstroms to put in a dump area for brush , old stumps , trees and limbs . Some of the neighbors received information from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation . It has specifications on the construction of landfill and what can be put into this area . When they checked with the City Engineer, the City Engineer said that they did not need to abide by it . I discussed it with the Mayor. Mayor Cohen said that they would abide by it . Supervisor Valentino — November 19th there will be a meeting about the concerns of the landfill . Newfield and the Town of Ithaca have expressed concerns . I have asked Dan Winch to organize the Town but the City has bought it meeting . We want to have the City present . The landfill is m the Y 9 with plans to use it . Newfield is on the border of it . Councilwoman Russell and Mr. Walker will attend the meeting . Councilwoman Russell — The Landstroms must have received special approval to have the gravel pit . There might be conditions. Mr . Walker — It depends . The older section of the pit may precede the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements for mining permits . They may have a mining permit . TOWN BOARD PAGE 29 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney — Are they opening up more space? Mr. Walker — They are filling in the space . If they receive a permit from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation then they do not need to get a fill permit from the Town . They do need to follow the rules either way. Councilman Klein — I did receive a call from Dooley Kiefer. She read the last Town Board minutes and was concerned about the comments made about the cooperation of the County departments. I invited her to come to our meeting . I told her that we did have a concern that we did provide engineering work with the understanding that the County would do a lot of the drainage . The County had a casual attitude about the drainage . Supervisor Valentino — I spoke with Ms . Kiefer previously. Mr . Walker — I received a letter from Ward Hungerford regarding all the problems that the Town caused . I have not responded to it . I do not intend to respond to it in writing . I was very angry when received the letter. It basically stated that the County could not finish the road because the Town 's project interfered . The Town provided detailed drainage improvement plans to them in May. They started building it in late August. The County then decided that they could not do it because it was too expensive . Councilman Klein — They did put some culverts in . Mr. Walker — The section between Winthrop Drive and BOCES is very flat . There is standing water there all the time. The Town designed a subsurface drainage system that the County felt was too expensive . The system would have brought all the water to the south side of Winthrop Drive into the existing drainage way. It would avoid the catch basin on the opposite side of the road . It would remove the water from the low- lying properties . It would also eliminate a cross culvert that caused the flooding . Supervisor Valentino — We knew that there would be a lot of difficulty with the project . It turned out to be more problems than we had imagined . They do not do any engineering or elevations . They were going to repave the road without addressing the drainage . Councilman Klein — I explained to Ms . Kiefer that if there are open drainage ditches they should not hold water. The water will seep under the roadway and contribute to it breaking up . It is in the County's interest to do the drainage right otherwise the road will keep falling apart . Mr. Walker — They were going to put under drains along the road . They told us the work would start in May. Our contract was a month later than we anticipated for the water. It did not cause any problems in August when our contractor was finishing the road crossings . The County' s contractor was able to work around them . Our contractor put the signs up to close the road . The County did provide the signs . We thought that we were helping them out because they were going to start work right after the Town . Residents have complained about the condition of the road . We need to work TOWN BOARD PAGE 30 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED with the County. Mr. Noteboom has been working with the County to get an agreement on the sno and ice contract . Councilman Klein - What should we do? There is still work that needs to be done . Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Noteboom and Mr. Hungerford are working on how we will do it . We are worried about the snowplows . This project has cost the Town a lot of money that we should not have had to spend . Our staff did all the engineering that they said they would use . Then they did not use part of the engineering . We have pictures that show how broken up the road is and how much trouble there is from their poor drainage . Our contractor needed to come back and repair where the pavement was broken up . This might be the wake up call for how the municipalities and the County need to coordinate and work together. Mr. Noteboom - We are going to sit down with Mr. Hungerford and discuss the issues . Supervisor Valentino - I have been trying to get our snow and ice removal contract with the County to get one truck to do the plowing and spreading the salt . The Town truck will plow the road . The County truck spreads the salt . The salt ends up being plowed off the road . The Town will be plowing and salting all the County roads in the Northeast. At East Hill the County will be taking Ellis Hollow and Pine Tree Road from Ellis Hollow to Route 366. They will also be doing Game Farm Road and Maple Avenue . We did talk about the West Hill area. The County and Town plow their own roads . I is a fairly spread out area. It does not make sense for us both to run the entire length . We cou consolidate. d. Director of Planning - See Attachment #19 Mr. Kanter - The County accepted an offer on the Biggs A building . We may be seeing Landmark America again . It would be used for office space for high technology businesses . Councilwoman Russell - How does it fit in with our Zoning Ordinance? Mr . Kanter - The area is zoned in a Special Land Use District for the Biggs Complex. It allows professional and business offices , banks and lower impacting retail uses . The earlier proposal for an affordable housing project would have been good for the site . Councilman Klein - Have they been to the Town with plans? Mr. Kanter - No . e. Director of Building/Zoning - See Attachment #20 Mr . Frost - We have one permit issued for Multiple Residences . This is for the Summerhill Apartments . We issued the permit for Burger King . P &C is also under construction . There is a lot of activity at the East Hill Plaza . We have issued Certificates of Occupancy and closed out the buildi TOWN BOARD PAGE 31 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, r 999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED roject for Sterling House and Sterling Cottage . They are very nice buildings and the site is very nice . It was one of the better projects that I have had an opportunity to be involved with . Last month we talked about having action taken against a property on Stone Quarry Road . We had a brief discussion about how the homeowner had suggested that she would get things moving by October 16th. A few days after October 16th half a pickup truck load of garbage was removed . Not a lot has happened . Part of the back of the building has collapsed . We should see the Lake Source Cooling pump station construction starting soon . Councilwoman Russell - Are they finished blasting the area? Mr. Walker - They were going to be done blasting at the end of October. Mr. Frost - They gave the Town and valley noticed of what they were blasting and the times . Councilman Conley - Has anyone asked about building a bowling alley in the Town of Ithaca? Mr. Frost - No . The one bowling alley that we have may not be here much longer. Councilman Conley - I had a phone call asking if someone had come to the Town to build a bowling alley and they were turned down . They thought the person was looking at the open land across from Big AI 's . The entrance to the P&C has been moved . Is it a temporary entrance? Mr. Frost - There will be a new fagade . It may not be exactly in the same place, but it will be close to it . Councilman Conley - A lot of the merchants were asking about it . People had to walk by other businesses to get into the P&C entrance . Mr. Frost - The concern is the customers that P &C draws will eventually walk down past other stores and provide better business climate for other businesses . Supervisor Valentino - Merchants have noticed a decline in their business since the P&C construction started . The temporary entrance does not require people to walk past other businesses . Mr. Frost - We issued a permit for the site work to the East Hill Plaza . e. Human Resources Specialist - See Attachment #21 Mrs . Drake - We did have our flu shot clinic this morning . The majority of the highway employees participated . TOWN BOARD PAGE 32 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED -­APPROVED - APPROVED f. Budget Officer — Mr. Carvill — There is an existing $80 , 000 in the Open Space Reserve . It is fully invested in a Certificate of Deposit that will generate about $ 1 , 000 of interest . If it is rolled over again , there will be $81 , 000 by December 31 st. The Certificates of Deposit for the Capital Project for the renovation of the New Town Hall will mature on December 13th . There should be about $ 1 , 930 , 000 . If expenditures are low, we may be able to make the short fall for nearly $2 million . The Town will make $316 , 000 of interest income in 1999 . The Town is raising the tax levy of $907 , 000 which is a fixed tax rate for the last three or four years . It represents a return of little over 25% of the tax payer' s money back to them . By using money efficiently and meeting expenditures , we do well . The Town budgeted $ 150 , 000 for our 1999 mortgage tax. We received $213 , 000 . We received a surplus of $63 , 000 . It looks like the Town might run a surplus of $75 , 000 in sales tax money . Supervisor Valentino — The County had an article in the paper about the 6% increase in sales tax money. Our check was not an increase , it was less . We are trying to track down why ours is less . Mr. Carvill — For the third quarter of 1999 , the Town received $486 , 000 . In the third quarter of 1998 the Town received $483 , 000 . The increase that the Town received was not proportionate to the 6% increase that the County has publicly announced . Presumably, this increase should b proportionately allocated to the towns and villages . The increase should be distributed out based o the formula of population to the towns and villages . This will need to be addressed . The Town ' s interest earnings as of October 31St are 112% in access budget . One reason is the interest rates from the Federal Reserve . The second is turning over our cash as fast as possible . h . Attorney for the Town. Attorney Barney — Mr. Burbank has signed the last of the documents that he needs to sign . Everything should go on record Monday. Agenda Item No 23 — Report of Town Committees. Councilman Klein — The Codes and Ordinances Committee concluded that they did not want to recommend a Recreation Zone for the Cornell University North Campus project . Mr. Kanter and staff has digitized the zoning maps . They have put together maps that show the specific areas we are dealing with . Councilwoman Grigorov — The Planning Interviewing Committee , Jim Ainslie , Tracy Mitrano , Tom Niederkorn , Mr. Kanter and I , interviewed three candidates . We had interesting discussions with each of the candidates . We do have recommendations for Executive Session . Supervisor Valentino — We are still meeting on the Recreation Partnership . They are moving ahe on getting the real cost of the programs. The Intermunicipal Sewer Committee has a meeting wi TOWN BOARD PAGE 33 NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED the Regional Planning on Monday and another meeting on Wednesday to begin work on the agreement . The biggest problem is the map . We need to identify where the sewered areas should be . The water project has been bogged down a bit. We did get comments from the City. We are hoping to get comments from Cornell University. The Town ' s role has been trying to keep all the parties talking , working and moving together. It is good for the overall community. Councilman Lesser - No one knows what the impact of the election will be . Supervisor Valentino - We need to bring the newly elected officials up to speed . 1 am going to be out of town from November 19th to November 30th , Additional Agenda Item No. 1 - Approval of Professional Services Agreement & Amendments No. 1 and No. 2 with Stern & Wheler, LLC for the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plan Improvements . Supervisor Valentino - I am going to defer this . It is a clean up resolution . All the agreements have been signed and approved . Councilwoman Russell - They have been approved by the Town Board . What affect does amending them have? Supervisor Valentino - We are not amending the resolution . We need to discuss it at the next meeting. Additional Agenda Item No. 2 - EXECUTIVE SESSION . Motion made by Councilman Klein , seconded by Councilman Lesser to enter into an Executive Session to discuss potential litigation and personnel . Carried unanimously. The Board entered Executive Session at 8 : 22 p . m . Motion made by Councilwoman Russell , seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov to resume regular session . Carried unanimously. The Board resumed regular session at 8 : 56 p . m . Agenda Item No. 25 - ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to come before the Town Board , a motion was made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein to adjourn . Carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 8 : 57 p . m . Respectfully submitted , q1 I Joan Lent Noteboom TOWN BOARD PAGE 34 NOVEMBER 4 11999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - DECEMBER 13, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Town Clerk * NEXT REGULAR MEETING — December 13 , 1999 at 5 : 30 p . m . "* NEXT SPECIAL MEETING - November 18 , 1999 at 5 : 30 p . m . * Minutes Transcribed by Carrie L. Coates . d Z t M n > O � p 0 dM cflnpx � � �.x,., Z � x '� pZ > � � � � Mnd � � r � � o ON a xo n ((DD -C M zx-M C -z-3 % OYpC � rt O o Z rt n Z . A4 � OHO c�i� nOd � ° rrn El td � a O MZ � zm cnt7l d � � am . 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O. Box 337, Ithaca NY 14851 -0337 D _ OC T 1 J IQQg September 29, 1999 ATTEST ITHACA TOWN CLERK Mr. Scott Whithman, Chairman City of Ithaca Planning and Development Board 108 East Green Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Mr. Whitman : Subject : Cornell North Campus Residential Initiative The Landlords Association of Tompkins County would like to comment on the Final EIS, which was adopted at your September meeting. This has to do with item number 2. 4 — Market Rate Housing in which Cornell claims that, `Based upon information supplied by local government agencies, landlords, the Board of Realtors, rental housing property managers, and others, the vacancy rate for the City of Ithaca appears to be 3 . 0% or less — well below the national average. " This is in contrast to our earlier claims of vacancy rates as high as 15 % in some areas of the city. Although vacancy rates are difficult to determine this one item alone could be the most significant factor in evaluating the need for, and impact of more student housing here in Ithaca . Although environmental concerns are important, negative economic impacts to the city are equally important, and should be given due consideration (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Planning Board of the Town of North Elba (238 AD 2d 93 [3rd Dept. 1988] ). Cornell is using outdated surveys to obtain their data and has misled the Board into believing that vacancy rates here in Ithaca are low ". . . well below the national average. " They are not. According to Steve Whicher of the Thompkins County Board of Assessment, vacancy rates for the city are as follows: 5 % North of Collegetown ( Gunhill area ) 2% Collegetown 10% Downtown Commons 8% Route 13 Corridor 8% City of Ithaca all other These rates were earlier reported to you in our position paper of April 19, 1999 . We contacted the Board of Realtors and were informed that they do not keep such figures — nor did Cornell ever contact them. The Board of Assessment and the Landlords Association were never contacted either. ATTACHMENT # 2 Page 2 of 2 Before any decision on this project can be made, Cornell should fast determine, 1 ) the current vacancy rate here in the city, 2 ) the projected economic impact to both the city and the county, and 3 ) the projected vacancy rate increase as a result of this project going forward. Cornell grossly and irresponsibly understates the student housing market downtown when it says that . . . `Because downtown does not appear to be a major student rental market, additional student beds on campus should have little negative impact on the downtown rental market. " On the contrary and as you undoubtedly know, downtown is a major student rental market, and in our judgement, houses a significant population of off- campus students. Shifting the student population uphill and on campus will most certainly impact an already weak rental market here in Ithaca ! It is vitally important that board members be given accurate, independent and up-to-date facts before making decisions that could affect the greater good of Ithaca . . . and further out, Tompkins County. This has obviously not been done. If the Planning Board members chose not to accept the county' s official statistics on vacancy rates (gathered just last year) then Comell should be required to conduct a more scientific , independent survey of their own before any decision on additional housing be approved. On the other hand, if board members chose to accept the official Tompkins County Board of Assessment vacancy rates, (which are significantly above the national average) an objective analysis of the true economic impact to the city should be performed. Please recall from our earlier position paper that not only landlords will be harmed by this new initiative, but so will merchants, city neighborhoods and city coffers. With all due respect, board members must ask the question of whether or not more tax- exempt student housing is needed here in Ithaca, and secondly, what will be the affect of higher vacancy rates in the city if projects such as these are allowed to go forward? Cornell has a stake in making Ithaca a beautiful place to live. It cannot ignore the problems it may cause the city without dire consequences to itself. The trend towards isolationism is dangerous and should be checked. We hope you will carefully weigh any benefits of this project to Cornell against the negative impacts that will undoubtedly accrue to other segments of our tenuous economy. Sincerely, J William F. Olney Vice President cc : Mayor Alan Cohen Barbara Mink, Tompkins County Board of Representatives JoAnn Cornish, Department of Planning and Development (members of the P. B . ) cc . I V n� CORNELL U N I V E R S I T Y Department of Theatre, Film & Dance Center for Theatre Arts Fax: 607-254-2733 430 College Avenue Box Office: 607-254-ARTS Ithaca, NY 148504696 / theatrearts Telephone: 607-254-2700 October 8 , 1999 M r3 -P ;1 t; The Hon . Catherine Valentino I Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca , New York 14850 Dear Supervisor Valentino : Several years ago my family and I were excited by the prospect of becoming members of Cornell ' s Faculty-in-Residence program . As you probably know, members of the Cornell faculty live in many of the dorms and other living units in and around campus to help bring faculty and students into greater contact. Our excitement was heightened by the fact that there was a plan afoot to turn the Moore House into a faculty-in-residence home for North Campus and we were told that we would be an ideal family to occupy the house and draw students to us for small teas, chat groups , and other activities. We were disappointed to learn that the Moore House was in no condition to be occupied, and that the house would require substantial interior and exterior modifications to its historic fabric in order to render it useful for any academic purpose. Hence, the plan for us to move into the house never materialized and we have , ever since that time , been concerned about the fate of this wonderful home . We were delighted to learn that, as a consequence of Cornell ' s Freshman Housing Plan and its attendant extension of the North Campus residential and athletic facilities , Cornell would donate the Moore House to Historic Ithaca along with up to forty thousand dollars to offset moving the house . The university has also made two nearby sites available- one as a gift, one as a long-term ground lease at no charge-where the Moore House may be moved and relocated in a setting where it will not be dwarfed by the surrounding North Campus development. As it now sits , the house does look cramped onto a lot that doesn ' t allow for it' s full exterior beauty to be appreciated . The State Historic Preservation Office also supports this plan whereby Historic Ithaca will restore the house so that it can remain a single family residence . U ATTACHMENT # 3 We have been concerned that the Moore House might face eventual demolition . This solution seems to be ideal for all sides: Cornell , after many attempts to accommodate both the Moore House and the recreational field planned for the site , can provide the additional recreational facility so essential for its students; and the Moore House is preserved and restored in a setting befitting its historic significance. This plan seems to be an excellent example of " town/gown" cooperation sometimes lacking in our community. 1 want to commend you and those members of the Town Board who have worked so hard to bring about is r solution.1 hope that the Town Board and the Planning Board will approve this project. Cordially, 4�a - ,64 Bruce Levitt Professor Faculty Chair, Cornell Council for the Arts -P3 Ll U1 EATTEST C" A CA TOW c CLERK 107 Cayuga Park Circle Ithaca, NY 14850 October 11 , 1999 The Hon. Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Ms. Valentino: As a long-time resident of the Town of Ithaca and a Cornell faculty member, I would like to urge the Town Board to find a way to work with the university' s plan to expand housing and associated recreational opportunities for students on North Campus. For many years I have said to anyone who cared to listen that the single most important improvement Cornell could make would be to create sufficient campus housing to make student living part of the educational experience, as it is in many of our peer institutions. I am, therefore, delighted that the Board of Trustees has chosen to make this change and that the necessary financial resources appear to be at hand. As the father of three active boys, two now college students and the third recently graduated, I know how important it is for campuses to provide space for informal recreation. To my knowledge, the only barrier to Comell ' s plans is the location of the historically interesting Moore House on a lot that is slated to become a playing field. As a student of history and proponent of historic preservation, I view this as an important consideration. However, on balance I believe the University has made a very reasonable proposal in offering to move the house to another suitable location, to donate it to Historic Ithaca, and to make a substantial investment in its renovation. In its present location amid dormitories, student housing, and parking lots, the Moore House ' s historical value is limited and its utility is negligible. Moved to a more suitable location it can serve indefinitely as a residence. The fact that the Board of Historic Ithaca and the State Historic Preservation Office have agreed to this plan indicates to me that it is consistent with responsible preservation practices . I urge you and your colleagues on the Board to accept the plan. Both the campus and the community will gain from it. Sincerely, Step en F . Hamilton ATTACHMENT # 4 1IS Lexington Drive West Ithaca, NY 14850 The Hon. Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca OCT 1 3 Uog 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 ATTEST ITHACA TOWN CLERK Dear Madam: I understand that the Town Board is considering Cornell's request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the Town of Ithaca as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. I write you as a resident of Cayuga Heights, Town of Ithaca and Cornell faculty person. I strongly support the moving of the Moore House and preserving it off the site so that the area may be fully and safely utilized for the athletic facilities. This way the three fields will remain close to the housing where students live, close to Helen Newman Hall which is the center for intramural sports, and close to the rest of the campus. Most students at Cornell are not on varsity teams or athletic super-stars, but they do need intramural sports activities. Recreation is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate experience, and most students come to Cornell with an expectation of quality recreational facilities . Further, their academic performance is enhanced by their ability to participate in sports at facilities located near their residences and classrooms. I urge you to support the effort to both preserve our architectural heritage and provide a functional living environment for the students who are the life blood of our community. Sincerely, Rosemary J. Avery ATTACHMENT # 5 CORNELL U N I V E R S I T Y College of Agriculture and Life Sciences INSTITUTE OF FOOD SCIENCE Departme t of, Science ;Skockir�g iali� i Ithaca, New York 14853-7201 : Telephone;- 607-2554428 ` . . �. . .-_• - - - - . . - .-..._v�:ice October 13 , 1999 The Hon. Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Judge Valentino : As a resident of the town of Ithaca, I am concerned with the appropriate development of the town, including important historic aspects . However, I do not believe that an isolated house in the midst of Cornell property is advisable — and given the major developments planned on this site I . do believe it is quite appropriate to move this house to an appropriate site . The fact that Cornell is willing to do this should be considered positively. Thank you for considering these issues . Sincerely . �S ?6e egenstein , Ph . D . Professor of Food Science ATTACHMENT # 6 Edward J. Lawler OCT 15 !9 925 Mitchell St. #2 Ithaca, NY 14850 ' T _ October 13 , 1999 The Honorable Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street ' Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Ms. Valentino: It is my understanding that the Town Board is considering Cornell's request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the Town of Ithaca as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. I am writing to let you know that I support Cornell ' s request for rezoning. The University has tried to find a satisfactory solution to the issues of rezoning and to that of moving the Moore House. Unfortunately, these solutions proved unsatisfactory for a variety of reasons that include topography considerations and the fact that the historic setting of the Moore House has already been compromised by existing buildings and activities that now surround it. For these reasons, I believe that the best solution is to move the Moore House to a new site and, with the help of Historic Ithaca, have the house restored to its original grandeur. In addition, moving the Moore House will also allow the three athletic fields to be in close proximity to student housing and to Helen Newman Hall, the center for intramural sports at Cornell . Recreation is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate experience, and most students come to Cornell with an expectation of quality recreational facilities . It is also a fact that most students at Cornell are not on varsity teams, and these students need and enjoy intramural sports activities. Again, I believe Cornell has found a good solution in donating the house to Historic Ithaca, and in helping to relocate the house to a site that is similar to its original site. I hope that you will consider these comments and my support of the proposal when this issue is before the Town Board. Thank you. Sincerely, Edward J. Lawler, / �- Dean, ILR EJL: mlc ATTACHMENT �� � OCT 18 a Thursday , October 14j999' The Hon. Catherine Valentino Supervisor,Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Ms . Valentino : This letter concerns Cornell's request for rezoning the athletic fields in their North Campus Residential , Initiative . To me, moving the Moore House and preserving it off the site makes a great deal of sense . It is already surrounded by Cornell buildings, not at all in a spot that reflects its historic roots. Comell ' s donation of the house, plus moving expenses, to Historic Ithaca gives us a wonderful opportunity to place the house in a much better setting, more consistent with its history. I encourage you to approve the rezoning request. Sincerely, John O. McClain 3 Highgate Circle Ithaca NY 14850 ATTACHMENT #8 O All S . Hadi , Ph .D , OCT 2 0 1999 104 Winston Drive Ithaca, NY 14850- 1936 ATTEST ITHACA TOWN CLERK October 15 , 1999 The Hon . Catherine Valentino Supervisor,Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Hon . Valentino: I understand that the Town Board is considering Cornell's request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the Town of Ithaca as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. As a resident of the town of Ithaca, I write to support Cornell University ' s request for relocating the Moore House into the Town of Ithaca and preserving it off the site so that the area may be fully and safely utilized for the athletic facilities , as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. This way the three fields will remain close to the housing where students live, close to Helen Newman Hall which is the center for intramural sports, and close to the rest of the campus. Most students at Cornell are not on varsity teams or athletic super-stars, but they do need intramural sports activities. Recreation is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate experience, and most students come to Cornell with an expectation of quality recreational facilities . Further, their academic performance . is enhanced by their ability to participate in sports at facilities located near their residences and classrooms . Additional reasons for my support include : 1 . Cornell has been working with Historic Ithaca on relocating the Moore House for over a year. Recently, the Board of Historic Ithaca agreed to work with Cornell to relocate and preserve the Moore house. The State Historic Preservation Office also supports this plan . 2 . Cornell has confirmed that the house will not be demolished. Rather, the proposal is to relocate it to a nearby site and Historic Ithaca will perform needed maintenance to the building so that it can remain a single family residence . Cornell is donating the house to Historic Ithaca, as well as up to $40,000 to offset moving the house. The university has also made two nearby sites available- one as a gift, one as a long-term ground lease at no charge. So, it is possible to return the Moore house to a setting similar to what it enjoyed in the 19th century while l allowing the educational purpose of the project to move forward. 3 . Helen Newman Hall , its three fields and its courts are currently located at the heart of the largest on-campus residential living area. The project proposes to replace in-kind the existing outdoor recreation fields and courts . One of the three fields is proposed to occupy the Moore House property . 4 . Recreation is an essential component of a healthy living environment for active young adults and of the undergraduate experience . Sincerrel'ya-7"166 All S . Hadi ' ATTACHMENT # 9 Georagce a,T , . Schneider 6 Hairway Drve OCT g 1999 Ith V Y 14850 OWN CLERK October 161 1999 The Non . Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Ms . Valentino : I understand that the Town Board is considering Cornell ' s request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the Town of Ithaca as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. I am writing you not only as a resident of the town of Ithaca, but as someone who is very concerned with the acrimony that seems to exist whenever anyone tries to do something new or different. 1 I support moving the Moore House and preserving it off site to permit using the site fully and safely for the athletic facilities . It is a vital element of the North Campus Initiative, which brings many benefits to our community as well as to the future students at Cornell . Exercise is vital to the health and academic performance of all young people, and recreation, through intramural sports, is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate education . It is important that these athletic fields be located close to the housing where students live, close to Helen Newman Hall which is the center for intramural sports and close to the rest of the campus . I also believe that relocating the Moore House to another site will increase the prospects for a useful future, and I encourage the Town to grant the necessary zoning changes . Sincerely, George T . Schneider ATTACHMENT # 10 10 / 18 / 99 MON 10 : 31 FAX 607 255 7193 CORNELL LAW SCHOOL X1002 106 W. Lexington Dr_ Ithaca, NY 14850 October 18, 1999 The Honorable Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Supervisor Valentino : Recently I learned that Comell University is seeking approval from the Town of Ithaca Board and Planning Board to move the Moore House. Cornell s request for a zoning change envisions preserving the house off site to make room to relocate a recreational field in accordance with its North Campus Residential Initiative. I write to support Corell' s proposal. There are several reasons why I favor Comell ' s proposal. First and foremost, the Moore House will not be demolished. Rather, the House will be relocated to a nearby site, and in partnership with Historic Ithaca, will receive needed maintenance so that it can remain a single family residence. Second, the educational purpose for which Cornell intends to use the Moore House site is an important one in that recreation is an essential component of a healthy living environment for active young adults. Third, Cornell carefully explored other options for reuse of Moore House as a university facility, none of which proved to be feasible, before it proposed to occupy the property with a recreational playing field. Hence, the university thoughtfully considered keeping the Moore House in its present setting and did not lightly conclude to propose to relocate it. For the above reasons, I ask that the Town of Ithaca and the Planning Board approve Comell' s request to move Moore House. Respectfully, Winne F. Taylor Professor of Law WFT:jg ATTACHMENT # 11 The Hon. Catherine Valentino OCT 2 9 1999 Supervisor,Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 - - Dear Hon. Valentino : I understand that the Town Board is considering Cornell 's request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the Town of Ithaca as part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. I support the moving of the Moore House and preserving it off the site so that the area may be fully and safely utilized for the athletic facilities. This way the three fields will remain close to the housing where students live, close to Helen Newman Hall which is the center for intramural sports, and close to the rest of the campus. Most students at Cornell are not on varsity teams but more than 5000 of them participate in Intramural sports activities . Recreation is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate experience, and most students come to Cornell with an expectation of quality recreational facilities . Further, their academic performance is enhanced by their ability to participate in sports at facilities located near their residences and classrooms. I have been directly involved in these activities as a faculty fellow during the last several years . Cornell has confirmed that the house will not be demolished. Rather, our proposal is to relocate it to a nearby site and Historic Ithaca will perform needed maintenance to the building so that it can remain a single family residence. Thank you for your kind consideration . Sincerely yours , CI�Yee rofes g so 50 Hi if to Circle Ithac , 14850 a ATTACHMENT # 12 CORNELL U N I V E R S I T Y College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, IVY 14853-6401 ' Department of Biomedical Sciences October 19 , 1999 J i = _ - The Honorable Catherine Valentino OCT 2 1 1'999 Supervisor; Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Supervisor Valentino : I understand that the Town Board is considering Cornell ' s request for rezoning the athletic fields and courts that will be relocated into the town of Ithaca as a part of the North Campus Residential Initiative. I write to you as a member of the Faculty and a former Faculty in Residence, who is fully aware of the recreational needs of students, especially at Cornell , where the intellectual pressures are rewarding, but intense. I support the moving of the Moore House and preserving it off the site so that the area may be fully and safely utilized for the athletic facilities . This way the three fields will remain close to the housing where students live, close to Helen Newman Hall, which is the center for intramural } sports, and close to the rest of the campus . Most students at Cornell are not members of varsity teams or athletic super-stars, but they do need intramural sports activities. Recreation is an essential part of a balanced undergraduate experience, and most students come to Cornell with an expectation of quality recreational facilities. Further, their academic performance is enhanced by their ability to participate in sports at facilities located near their residences and classrooms . Sin erely, rl David Robertshaw Professor of Physiology ATTACHMENT X613 r WIGGINS AND MASSON , LLP ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 308 N. TIOd;Z& - + i 1 77 POST OFFICE .BC7X 399 ' ITHACA , N . 'T. ` 14851 WALTER J . WIGGINS _ ,_ TELEPHONE ROBIN ABRAHAMSON MASSON — ;v ( 607 ) 2 72 -0479 ERIN E. McKINLEY TELECOPIERt ( 607 ) 273 -0502 LORRAINE MOYNIHAN SCHMITT * 'ALSO ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS „e - mail : law®wigginsandmasson .com October 29 , 1999 tSERVICE BY FAX NOT ACCEPTED CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Town Clerk Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 RE : LaTourelle, A Country Inn Dear Sir or Madam: Please consider this letter as notification pursuant to Section 64, Subdivision 2a and Section 109 of the Alcohol Beverage Control Law, that I have this date made renewal application of my on- premises liquor license for the premises situate at 1150 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York, presently known as LaTourelle, A Country Inn. Very t ly yours, alter J. iggins WJW/emh ATTACHMENT # 14 T O W N B U D G E T F O R 2000 TOWN O F I TH A C A I N C O UN T Y O F T O M P K I N S V I L L AG E W I TH I N TOWN VILLAGE OF CAYIJGA HEIGHTS C E R T I F I C AT I O N O F T OWN C L E RK I , Joan Lent Noteboom , TOWN CLERK , CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE 2000 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 4 , 19990 Signed : Dated : November 9 , 1999 ATTACHMENT # 15 TOWN OF ITHACA 20 00 TAX � RATES 0 N O O (D 0tt1 to (07 (D � tiAm v 80j0 O Q ti) C7 (D N N (� 0 1 N r N W U) V AMT N N4fr� 0 F- o N0cr) 0 V� th d O N (O 0 N N (' ) N N 0 V Q N r r N OD CD Q P� d �t toff3to69toEta fA00EAfH % 69 EAV) 00E{? Q � � � D OD 008 19t i T- (D N to ti CO N O 0 0 CO- C7 W p% 0000 � T-: C n0 O H O rO8 � n � V CL 4" IA � m � IT cr) V o - o cri Q � v v fA 693 fA EA 613 EA fA 0 fA to 6% (fl Wo U3 W. 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O. W O _. � .aCL a 0. W co aaa> � w � QQa . 'Qwt�L V ¢ Q � QOUI�i 3QQ Q Q mQQwQMLL i TOWN OF ITHACA 200 � FISCAL BUDGET SUMMARY i ' i TOWN OF ITHACA , NEW YORK SUMMARY OF FISCAL BUDGET BY FUND FOR 2000 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BE APPROPRIATIONS REVENUE FUND BALANCE RAISED BY TAX A GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE $ 1 , 9259508 . 00 726 , 517 . 00 291 , 355 . 00 907 , 636 . 00 B GENERAL FUND PART TOWN $ 512 , 272 . 00 407 , 932 . 00 104 , 340 . 00 DB• HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN $ 1 , 3772000 . 00 1 , 277 , 100 . 00 99 , 900 . 00 F WATER FUND $ 116749532 . 00 1 , 296 , 000 . 00 - 16 , 600 . 00 3959132 . 00 G SEWER FUND $ 153909712 . 00 19236 , 829 . 00 - 362 , 637 . 00 5169520 . 00 R RISK RETENTION FUND $ 169000 . 00 11 , 025 . 00 42975 . 00 V DEBT SERVICE FUND $ 898 , 313 . 00 896 , 514 . 00 19799 . 00 TOTAL TOWN $ 717949337 . 00 518519917 . 00 123 , 132 . 00 11819 , 288 . 00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS SF FIRE PROTECTION FUND $ 119159678 . 00 26 , 400 . 00 - 33 , 597900 1 , 922 , 875 . SL 1 FOREST HOME LIGHT DIST $ 29600 . 00 358 . 00 2 , 242 . 00 SL2 GLENSIDE LIGHT DIST $ 11000800 186 . 00 814 . 00 SL3 RENWICK HGTS LIGHT DIST $ 12850000 - 363 . 00 2 , 213 . 00 SL4 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHT DIST $ 2 , 900900 - 152 . 00 3 , 052 . 00 SL5 CLOVER LANE LIGHT DIST $ 400 . 00 92 . 00 308 . 00 SL6 WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHT DIST $ 19000000 - 3 . 00 11003600 SL7 BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHT DIST $ 12300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 SL8 WEST HAVEN ROAD LIGHT DIST $ 41000 . 00 - 175 . 00 44175 . 00 SL9 CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHT DIST $ 22300 . 00 192 . 00 2 , 108 . 00 TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS $ 11933 , 028 . 00 26 , 400 . 00 - 33 , 462 . 00 179401090 . 00 GRAND TOTAL $ 91727 , 365 . 00 51878 , 317 . 00 89 , 670900 31759 , 378 TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - A ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 _ 1999 2000 _ GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT TOWN BOARD PERSONAL SERVICES A10104100 REGULAR 45 , 570 . 00 38 , 200 . 00 381100 . 00 38 , 100 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 45 , 570 . 00 38 , 200 . 00 38 , 700 . 00 38 , 700400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1010 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11336 . 48 865 . 31 11200000 11200 . 00 A1010 . 410 CONFERENCES A MILEAGE 100 . 00 197 . 50 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 436 . 48 1 , 062 . 81 11500000 1 , 500 . 00 TOTAL TOWN BOARD 41 , 006 . 48 39 , 262 . 81 40 , 200 . 00 40 , 200 . 00 JUSTICES PERSONAL SERVICES A1110 . 100 REGULAR 69 , 716 . 50 68 , 000600 69 , 900 . 00 69 , 900000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 69 116 . 50 68 , 000 . 00 69 , 900 . 00 69 , 900 . 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1110 . 200 EQUIPMENT 21185 . 50 631 . 19 500 . 00 500800 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 , 185 , 50 637 . 19 500 . 00 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1110 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 4 , 113 , 23 21490 . 00 11300 . 00 11300000 A1110 . 401 PROPERTY RENTAL 11050000 100 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1110 . 403 COPIER LEASE PURCHASE 0000 0 . 00 1 , 140 . 00 19140 . 00 All l0 . 405 LAWBOOKS 11369 . 62 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 All 10 . 408 POSTAGE 11111 . 42 1 , 200 . 00 800 . 00 800 . 00 A1110 . 415 TELEPHONE 11551 , 82 800 . 00 800 . 00 800 . 00 A1110 . 420 DUES A PUBLICATIONS 110 . 00 110 . 00 100 . 00 100000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 9 , 306 09 51700 . 00 5 , 140 . 00 51140 . 00 TOTAL JUSTICES 81 , 208 . 09 14 , 331 . 1. 9 _ 75 540 . 00 75 , 540 . 00 SUPERVISOR PERSONAL SERVICES A1220 . 100 REGULAR _ 26 , 641 . 14 30 , 000 , 00 __ _30 , 600 . 00 30 600 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 641 14 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 600 . 00 30 , 600 , 00 EQUIPMENTICAPITAL OUTLAY A1220 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 _ 500 . 00 _ 800 _00 500 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 A- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE Al 220 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11332 . 45 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 Al 220 , 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 889 . 87 1 , 000 . 00 11300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 Al 220 , 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 248 . 00 50 . 00 50 . 00 50000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21470 . 32 11350 . 00 11650 . 00 1 , 650 . 00 TOTAL SUPERVISOR _291111 . 46 31 , 850 . 00_ _ 32J50 , 00 32 , 750 . 00 ACCOUNTING / BOOKKEEPING PERSONAL SERVICES A1316 , 100 REGULAR 28 , 239 . 83 30 , 200 . 00 311300 . 00 31 , 300 . 00 A1316 . 102 OVERTIME 1 , 183 . 44 16200000 1 , 200 , 00 1 , 200 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 29 , 423 . 27 31 , 400 . 00 32 , 500 . 00 32 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1316 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 600 . 52 810 . 00 500000 500 . 00 A1316 , 408 POSTAGE 606 . 15 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 206 . 61 1 , 310 . 00 11000600 11000 . 00 TOTAL ACCOUNTING / BOOKKEEPING 30 , 629 . 94 32 , 110 , 00 33 , 500600 33 , 500_00 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE Al 320 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 13 , 049 . 13 11000 , 00 11400. . 00 71400 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 13 , 049 . 13 7 , 000 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 7 , 400 . 00 TOTAL INDEPENDENT AUDITORS _ 13 , 049 . 73 11000 . 00 7 , 400 . 00 7.1400100 TAX COLLECTION PERSONAL SERVICES A13306100 REGULAR 11 , 732 . 05 19 , 600 . 00 21 , 500 , 00 21 , 500 . 00 A1330 , 102 OVERTIME 209 . 85 400 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 17 , 941 . 90 20 000 . 00 22 000 00 22 , 000 00 EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY A1330 , 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1330 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 381 , 14 800 . 00 800 . 00 800000 A1330 , 401 POSTAGE & PRINTING TAX BILLS 531 . 90 41400 . 00 40000 . 00 41000 . 00 Al ) 30 . 408 POSTAGE 11398 . 10 1140030 1 , 400 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 A1330 . 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 0 . 00 400 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 Al 330 , 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 20 . 00 50 . 00 50 . 00 _ 50 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21337 . 74 1 , 050600 61430 . 00 61450100 TOTAL TAX COLLECTION 20 , 279 . 64 _ 271050_00 __,_ 28 , 450 . 00 28 , 450 . 00 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES A040 . 100 REGULAR 52 111 . 16 41 , 400 , 00 49 , 3.50 , 00_ 49 , 350_00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 52 , 111 . 16 47 , 400 . 00 49 , 350 . 00 49 , 350 - 00 A- 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1340 . 200 EQUIPMENT _0_00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0900 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1340 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 801 . 64 489 . 86 600 . 00 600 . 00 A1340 . 410 CONFERENCES A MILEAGE 11256 . 94 1 , 655 . 14 19000600 11000400 A1340 . 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUES _ 275 . 00 405 . 00 250 . 00 250000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21339658 2 , SS0 . 00 1 , 850 . 00 11850 . 00 TOTAL BUDGET _ 44 , 510 . 14 ____49. , 950 , 00 _ 51 , 200 . 00_____ 51 , 200 . 00 TOWN CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES A1410 . 104 REGULAR 18 , 525 . 84 87 , 900 . 00 11 , 900 . 00 77 , 900 . 00 A1410 . 102 OVERTIME 573 . 08 600 . 00 400 . 00 400900 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19 , 098 . 92 88 , 500 . 00 78 , 300 . 00 78 , 300600 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1410 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 500000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0000 500 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1410 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 21108921 21250 . 00 2 , 350 . 00 2 , 350 . 00 A1410 . 408 POSTAGE 11362122 11600 . 00 17350 . 00 11350 . 00 A1410 . 409 LEGAL ADS 0 . 00 21500400 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 A1410310 CONFERENCES A MILEAGE 21026 . 77 11166685 1 , 500 . 00 11500000 A1410 . 420 DUES A PUBLICATIONS 251650 223 . 00 215 . 00 225 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5 , 748 70 7483935 7 , 425 . 00 7 , 425 . 00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK 84 , 847 . 62 96339 . 85 85 , 125 . 00 85 , 125 . 00 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11 , 370 8T 19 , 451 . 75 20 , 000 . 40 201000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11 , 310 . 87 19 , 451 . 15 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000800 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY __17 19 , 451 . 15 _ 20 , 000 . 00 _ 20 , 000 . 00 PERSONNEL PERSONAL SERVICES 41 , 24 A1430 . 100 REGULAR 9 . 73 44 , 200 . 00 41 , 900 . 00 41 , 900 . 00 A1430 . 102 OVERTIME 0 . 00 100 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 41 , 249 33 44 , 300 . 00 47 , 900000 47L900 . 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1430 . 200 EQUIPMENT _ 1 , 455 . 00 _ 208 _ 40 0 . 00 0 . 00 _ TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 455 . 00 208 . 40 0 , 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1430 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 88 . 65 100 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 A - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE l - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 A1430 , 408 POSTAGE 449 . 53 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 A1430 . 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 454 . 94 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 A1430 . 410 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 461 . 45 250 . 00 500400 500 . 00 A1430 , 421 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 11679 . 64 21079 . 98 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 A1430 . 422 EMPLOYEE MEDIATION SERVICES 315 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500. 00 A1430 . 423 EMPLOYMENT ADS 0 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 A1430 . 425 HEALTH & WELLNESS 224 . 00 0 . 00 200 , 00 200 . 00 A1430 . 429 MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS 0 . 00 0 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 A1430 . 430 PAYROLL SERVICES 205045 485 . 89 200 . 00 200 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 3 , 944 . 66 7 , 715 . 87 81100 . 00 8 , 100 . 00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 46 , 648 . 99 52 , 224 . 11 56 , 600 . 00 56 , 600 . 00 ENGINEER PERSONAL SERVICES A1440 . 100 REGULAR 186 , 418945 172 , 100 . 00 169 , 300 . 00 169 , 300 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 186 , 418 . 45 172 , 100 . 00 169 , 300 . 00 169 , 300 . 00 EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY A1440 . 200 EQUIPMENT _161985 . 02 4 , 000 , 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 16 , 985 . 02 4 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE } A1440 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 3 , 863 . 41 2 , 335 . 14 21500 , 00 21500 . 00 A1440 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 11685 . 33 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 A1440 . 406 CIVITAS STUDENTS 2 , 553 . 94 3 , 500 . 00 3 , 500900 3 , 500400 A1440 , 408 POSTAGE 155 . 48 200000 200 . 00 200 . 00 A1440 , 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 11128 . 02 1 , 500 . 00 21000 . 00 20000 . 00 A1440 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 530 . 15 593 . 00 600 . 00 600000 A1440 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 , 00 A1440 . 450 GASOLINE 10091 . 04 600 . 00 600 . 00 600400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11 , 614 , 03 9 , 728 . 74 l0 400 . 00 10 , 400 - 00 TOTAL ENGINEER 215 , 011 . 50 185 , 828 . 14 179 , 100 , 00 1799700 , 00 ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1450 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 11000 . 00 750 . 00 750 . 00 A1450 . 401 SUPPLIES 0 . 00 500 . 00 250 . 00 250 . 00 A1450 . 402 ELECTION INSPECTORS 1 , 467 . 33 81500 . 00 81450 . 00 81450 . 00 A1450 . 403 ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS 19734 . 61 21400 . 00 2 , 350 . 00 2 , 350 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _ 9 , 201 . 94 12 , 400 . 00 11 , 800 . 00 11 , 800 00 TOTAL ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS _ 91201 . 94 12 400 . 00 11 , 800 00 11 , 800 00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES A1460 . 100 REGULAR 8 , 579 . 00 29 , 200 . 00 30 , 500 , 00 30 , 500 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 81579 . 00 29 , 200 . 00 30 , 500 . 00 30 , 500 . 00 } EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1460 . 200 EQUIPMENT 21117 . 93 12 , 800 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 A - 4 i TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 i TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 , 11133 12 , 800 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1460 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 31800 . 00 11 , 000 . 00 111000 , 00 Al 460 , 405 PRESERVATION & RESTORATION 11115 . 00 11500 . 00 61000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 Al 460 , 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 0 . 00 500 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 275 . 00 11 , 800 . 00 19 , 000 . 00 19 , 000 . 00 TOTAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT 12 , 511 . 93 53 , 800 , 00 ___, _ 12 , 000 . 00 121000 . 00 BUILDINGS / TOWN HALL PERSONAL SERVICES A1620 . 100 REGULAR _16 , 580 . 30 _ 16 , 930 . 00 14 , 400 . 00 14 , 400 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 16 , 580630 16 , 930 . 00 149400 . 00 14 , 400 . 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1620 . 200 EQUIPMENT 31367 . 20 0000 11500600 1 , 500 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 3 , 361 . 20 0000 11500600 1 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1620 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 182 . 99 11643 . 20 8D0 . 00 800 . 00 A1620 . 409 UTILITIES 211 . 20 871 . 19 11000000 11000 . 00 A162Om4IO ELECTRIC 11 , 111 . 66 18 , 300600 19 , 000 . 00 19 , 000 . 00 A1620 . 411 MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 345 . 09 500 . 00 500600 500 . 00 } A1620 . 412 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 265 . 11 300 . 00 1 , 000 00 12000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 14JI 6 , OS 21 , 614 . 39 221-300000 226300 . 00 TOTAL BUILDINGS /TOWN HALL 34 , 063 . 55 38 , 544 . 39 381200 . 00 38 , 200 . 00 CENTRAL COMM SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1650 . 200 EQUIPMENT 13 , 513980 0000 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 13 , 513 . 80 0 . 00 0400 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A165Oa4OO CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 41963 . 38 3 , 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 41963o ) 8 31500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL COMM SYSTEMS 18 , 471_18 3 , 500 , 00 3 , 500 . 00 3 500 .00 CENTRAL STOREROOM CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1660 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES _ 41974 . 77 31239 . 82 _ 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 41974'. 77 31239 . 82 2 , 500 . 00 21500 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL STOREROOM __ 4 , 974 , 17 _ _ 3 , 239 . 82 21500 . 00 _ 2 , 500 . 00 CENTRAL PRINT & MAIL EQUIPMENTICAPITAL OUTLAY Al 670 . 200 EQUIPMENT ____0 . 00 1 , 910 . 56 0 . 00 0 , 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 1 970 . 56 0 . 00 0 . 00 A - 5 I TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1670 . 400 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 772 . 40 595 . 28 41200600 4 , 200 . 00 A1670 , 40t COPIER MAINTENANCE / REPAIRS 11128 . 60 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1670 . 402 COPIER PAPER 650 . 15 0 . 00 21400400 21400 , 00 A1670 . 403 COPIER SUPPLIES 350 . 00 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1670 . 404 COPIER LEASE PURCHASE 0 . 00 0000 2 , 964 . 00 2 , 964 . 00 A1670 . 407 POSTAGE METER LEASE PURCHASE 1 , 703 . 98 10800 . 00 1 , 800 . 00 1 , 800 . 00 A1670 . 409 LEGAL ADS 2 , 816 . 15 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1670 , 412 NEWSLETTER 4 , 656 . 81 51000800 51000 . 00 5 , 000 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 12101839 7 , 395 . 28 162364 . 00 161364 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL PRINT k MAIL 12 , 078 , 09 9 , 365 , 84 16 , 364 . 00 16 , 364 , 00 CENTRAL DATA PROCESS EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY A1680 . 200 HARDWARE 2 , 634 . SO 11 , 518 . 60 25 , 375 . 00 25t375 , 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 , 634 , 50 11 , 578 , 60 25 , 315 . 00 25 , 375 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1680 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 873 . 12 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0000 A1680 . 401 MAINTENANCE A REPAIRS 1 , 692 . 95 264 . 21 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1680 . 491 SOFTWARE 0600 0600 61040 , 00 6 , 040 . 00 A1680 . 495 SUPPORT SERVICES 0400 0100 1Z 100 . 00 12 , 100 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 566 . 07 11264 , 21 18t740 . 00 18 , 140 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESS 5 , 200 . 57 12 , 842 . 81 44 , 115 . 00 44 , 115 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS A1910 , 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 13 , 874 . 40 IS , 000 . 00 13 , 000 . 00 13 , 000 . 00 A1920 , 400 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION DUES 11200000 1 , 200400 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 200 . 00 A1920 . 401 TAXES / ASSESSMENTS ON TOWN REAL PROPERTY 81536 . 69 65247 , 56 71000 , OO 7 , 000 . 00 A1920 . 401R TAX ASSN ' T TOWN REAL PROPERTY - KENDALL 41965 . 10 0000 0000 0 . 00 A1940 . 402 LAND PURCHASE 0 , 00 14 , 518 . 46 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1990 . 400 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT 0 . 00 _ 101000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 00 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS _ 28 , 576919 46 , 966 02 31 , 200 00 31 , 200 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 164 , 825 . 28 797 , 163 . 49 830 , 744 , H _ 830 , 744 00 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE CROSSING GUARDS PERSONAL SERVICES A3120 . 100 REGULAR 8 , 139080 91110 . 00 10 , 800 , 00 10 , 800 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 81139 . 80 91710 , 00 10 , 800 00 10 , 800 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3120 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 350 . 00 200 . 00 100 . 00 100 , 00 A3120 . 404 RESOURCE OFFICER 0 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 20000 . 00 20 , 000 00 1114 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 350 . 00 l5 200 , 00 20 , 100 . 00 20 , 100 00 TOTAL POLICE CROSSING GUARDS 91089 . 80 24 , 910 , 00 30 , 900 . 00 30 , 900 00 A - 6 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRAFFIC SAFETY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3310 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 239 . 61 200 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 239 . 61 200 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 i TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY 239 . 61 200 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 DOG CONTROL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3510 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 18 , 300 . 00 18 , 781 . 00 19 , 34430 19 , 344 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 18 , 300000 18 , 181 . 00 19 , 344 . 00 19 , 344 . 00 ; TOTAL DOG CONTROL 18 , 300 . 00 18 , 781 . 00 19 , 344 . 00 19 , 344 . 00 OTHER ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3S20 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 100 . 00 2 , 152 . 00 2 , 835 . 00 _2 , 835 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 100 00 21752600 2 , 835 . 00 2 , 835 . 00 TOTAL OTHER ANIMAL CONTROL __2 , 700 . 00 21752 . 00 2 , 835 . 00 2 , 835 . 00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 30 , 329 41 46 , 643 . 00 53 , 079 . 00 53 , 079 . 00 TRANSPORTATION SUPERINTENDENT HIGHWAYS PERSONAL SERVICES A5010 . 100 REGULAR 71 , 618 . 21 769300 . 00 791200 . 00 799200 , 00 A5010 . 102 OVERTIME 431 . 31 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES _ 72 , 055 52 76 , 800 . 00 79 , 700 . 00 191100 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A5010 . 200 EQUIPMENT 2 , 200 00 11500000 500000 500000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 , 200 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 500600 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A5010 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 31285 . 14 11600 . 00 11600 . 00 1 , 600 . 00 A5010 , 408 POSTAGE 0 . 00 17 . 40 0 . 00 0 . 00 A5010 . 410 TRAINING it SAFETY 0 . 00 317 . 01 0 . 00 0 . 00 A5010 . 411 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 975 . 80 1 , 165 , 69 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 A5010 , 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 596 . 60 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 A5010 . 430 DRUG TESTING 470 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000000 A5010 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 212 . 75 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00__ 1 , 000 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5 , 540o29 5 , 600 10 51600 . 00 51600 . 00 TOTAL SUPERINTENDENT HIGHWAYS _79 795 . 81 83 900 . 10 85 , 800 . 00 _.___ 85 , 800 . 00 HIGHWAY GARAGE EQUIPNENT ( CAPITAL OUTLAY A5132 , 200 EQUIPMENT 3 , ] 46 , 99 0 . 00 ) , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 A - 7 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY 31346099 0 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 30000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A5132 . 408 POSTAGE 40 . 25 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 A5131 . 409 GARAGE WATER A SEWER 532 . 44 0000 0600 0 . 00 A5131 . 410 GARAGE UTILITIES 14 , 690 . 1 ) 20 , 500 . 00 20 , 500 . 00 20 , 500 . 00 A5132 . 415 TELEPHONE 31654 . 23 41000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 A5132 . 416 GARAGE MAINTENANCE 11 , 336 . 50 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 , 00 A5131 . 417 POLE BARN 570 . 19 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 A5132 , 418 FEASIBILITY STUDY 11 , 500 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A5132 . 440 CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENTS 0 . 00 509000900 500000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 A5132 . 460 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 53 , 878 . 39 43 , 116 . 41 501000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 97 , 202 . 23 138 , 316 . 41 144 600 . 00 144 , 600 00 TOTAL HIGHWAY GARAGE 100 , 549 . 22 138 , 316 . 41 147 , 600 . 00 147 , 600 00 STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A5182 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 38 , 341 . 48 38 , 000 . 00 38 , 000 00 38 000 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 38 , 341 , 48 38 , 000000 38 , 000 00 ) 8 000 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 38 , 341 . 48 38 , 000600 38 , 000 . 00 38 , 000 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 218 , 686 . 51 260 , 216 . 51 211 400 00 271 , 400 , 00 CULTURE AND RECREATION TOWN PARKS PERSONAL SERVICES A7110 . 141 REGULAR 95 , 764 . 85 0000 0000 1201600 . 00 A7110 . 102 OVERTIME 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 1 , 400 , 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 95 , 164 . 85 0600 0 , 00_ 122 , 000 , 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A7110 . 201 LARGE 21 , 000000 0 . 00 0 . 00 26 , 000600 A7110 , 202 SMALL _ 41330 , 00 0100 0 , 00 2 , 000 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 25 , 330 , 00 0400 0 . 00 28 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7110 , 401 CODDINGTON RD COMMUNITY CTR CONTRACT 6 , 284 . 00 0600 0 . 00 6 , 132 . 00 A7110 , 402 MAINTENANCE 16 , 176 . 82 0 , 00 0 . 00 23 , 000 . 00 A7110 , 403 CONSTRUCTION 21 , 188 . 23 0 . 00 0 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 A7110 , 405 YOUTH 51391 . 02 0 . 00 0 . 00 11368 . 00 A7110 , 408 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 400 . 22 0 . 00 0 . 00 500600 A7110 , 411 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & UNIFORMS 1 , 004 . 39 0 . 00 0 . 00 21000 . 00 A7110 . 415 TELEPHONE 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 400 . 00 A7110 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 65 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 100 . 00 A7110 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 598095 0 . 00 0 . 00 11000 . 00 A7110 . 490 PARKS & OPEN SPACE PROGRAM 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 2S 000 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _ 5_1114 , 63 0 , 00 0 . 00 9 ( , 100 . 00 ' TOTAL TOWN PARKS 172 , 209 , 48 0 . 00 0 , 00 241 , 100 00 A - 8 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET ! SCHEDULE I - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 ,I YOUTH & AGED PROJECTS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7320 . 401 RECREATION PARTNERSHIP 152 , 205 . 00 146 , 290 . 00 1461190 . 00 146 , 290 . 00 A7320 . 402 SUMMER PLAYGROUND 11195 . 00 13 , 110 . 00 13 , 110 . 00 13 , 710600 A7320 . 403 MUNICIPAL SUMMER JOBS 91806100 51298 . 00 51348 . 00 51348 . 00 A7320 . 404 CODDINGTON RD COMMUNITY CENTER 4 , 891 . 00 61062 . 00 61061 . 00 6 , 061 . 00 A73209405 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 15 , 679936 25 , 998400 25 , 998 . 00 25 , 998 . 00 A7320 , 406 LEARNG WEB / YOUTH WORKS 15 , 975 . 00 47 , 700 . 00 48 , 855 . 00 48 , 855 . 00 A7320 . 407 ITHACA INVADERS 0 . 00 11500 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 29000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 206 , 351 . 36 246 , 558 . 00 248 , 263 . 00 248 , 263 . 00 TOTAL YOUTH & AGED PROJECTS 206 , 351 . 36 246 , 5S8 . 00 248 , 263 . 00 148 , 263 . 00 HISTORIAN CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7510 . 400 DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 91000 . 00 7 , 775 . 00 7 , 800 . 00 7 , 800 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 91000 . 00 7 , 775 . 00 7 , 800 . 00 1 , 800 . 00 TOTAL HISTORIAN 9 , 000 . 00 .__. 1 , 775 . 00 _1 , 80030 7 , 800 . 00 CELEBRATIONS EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A7550 . 200 EQUIPMENT 11912 . 46 0000 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 11912 . 46 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7550 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 628 . 41 2 , 500 . 00 31500000 32500000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 628 , 41 1 , 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 31500 . 00 TOTAL CELEBRATIONS 2 , 540 . 87 29500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 31500 . 00 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION 390 , 101 71 256 , 833 00 259 , 563 . 00 500 , 663 . 00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 9 , 560 . 00 9 , 850 . 00 10 , 141 . 00 10 , 142 . 00 A89894401 GADABOUT A8989 . 402 LEARNING WEB 61445 . 00 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 A8989 . 403 SENIOR CITIZEN COUNCIL 71125 . 00 7 , 481 . 00 7 , 705 . 00 11105 . 00 A8989 , 404 HUNAN SERVICES COALITION 21515 . 00 1 , 815 . 00 2 , 875 . 00 21875 . 00 A8989 . 408 CAYUGA LAKE WATERSHED MGMT PLAN _ 0 . 00 0 . 00 900 . 00 900 ' 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 25 , 705 00 20 , 206 00 21 , 622 . 00 21 , 622 . 00 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES __25 , 705_00 20 , 20.6_00 _ 21 , 622 . 00 21 , 622 . 00 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 25 , 105 . 00 20 , 206 00 21 , 622 . 00 21 , 622 , 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A - 9 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE l -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9010 . 800 NYS RETIREMENT 41291 . 59 151300 , 00 11 , 000 . 00 24 , 300 . 00 A9030 . 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 48 , 720 . 82 510200 . 00 51 , 500 . 00 60 , 900 . 00 A9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 14 , 605 . 31 13 , 200 . 00 5 , 100 . 00 8 , 000 . 00 A9050 . 800 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0600 51002 . 00 81000 . 00 81000800 A90S5 . 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1 , 902 . 98 2 , 900900 700 . 00 800 . 00 A9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 81 , 034 . 63 88 , 000900 1091000 . 00 139 , 000 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS _ 151 , 555 . 34 115602 . 00 _ 195 , 300 , 00 241 , 000 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS A9901 . 904 RISK RETENTION 21000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 7 , 000 . 00 7 , 000 . 00 TOTAL 21000000 10 , 000 . 00 71000000 11000 . 00 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS _ 2 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 71000 . 00 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS A9950 . 901 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 50 , 000000 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL 501000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 50 , 000000 0400 0000 0 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 521000 . 00 10400 . 00 7 , 000 . 00 71000 , 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 116331203 . 25 11566 , 664 , 00 1 , 638 , 708 . 00 11925 , 508900 A - l0 i TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE FOR 2000 1 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- A ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 _ 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES A1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 924 , 762 . 00 904 , 636 , 00 901 , 636 . 00 907 , 636 . 00 A1030 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 41965 . 18 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A1081 IN LIEU OF TAXES 4 , 100 . 63 41300 . 00 4 , 053 . 00 __4 , 053 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 933 , 827 . 81 908 , 936 . 00 911 , 689 . 00 911 , 689 . 00 REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS A1090 INTEREST & PENALTIES 10 , 445 , 20 12 , 350 . 00 11 , 700_00 111700 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 10 , 445620 12 , 350 . 00 11 , 700 . 00 11 , 700 . 00 NON - PROPERTY TAX ITEMS A1120 NON - PROP TAX / COUNTY 199 , 378 , 14 102 , 100 . 00 _ 0 . 00 280 , 068 . 00 TOTAL NON- PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 199 , 378 . 14 102 , 100 . 00 0 . 00 280 , 068 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME A1255 TOWN CLERK FEES 2132230 21000 . 00 21000400 2 , 000 . 00 A1260 PERSONNEL FEES - SCLIWC 962950 900 . 00 900 . 00 900 . 00 A1289 COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1 % SALES TAX 0 . 00 18 , 639 . 00 189000 . 00 18 , 000900 A1SSS DOG ENUMERATION FEES 11912 . 56 2 , 500 . 00 ' 1 , 200 . 00 11200 . 00 A1556 SPCA CONTRACT 4 , 695 . 25 4 , 100 . 00 41800 . 00 4 , 800 . 00 A1557 DOG IMPOUNDMENT FEES 450 . 00 700 . 00 144 , 00 144 , 00 A2089 CULTURE AND RECREATION 900 . 00 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 A2189 ENGINEERING FEES FOR SERVICES 44025v39 51000 . 00 11800 . 00 1 , 800 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 15 , 268 . 60 34 , 439 , 00 29 , 444 . 00 29 , 444 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES A2350 YOUTH RECREATION SERVICES - COUNTY 21 , 118 . 00 551973 . 00 60 , 642 . 00 60 , 642 . 00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 21 , 118 . 00 55 , 973 . 00 60 , 642 . 00 60 , 642 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY A2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS _ 61 , 026 . S4 451000 . 00 41 , 000 - 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 61 , 026 . 54 45 , 000 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 LICENSES AND PERMITS A2530 GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSES 0 . 00 0 . 00 150 . 00 150 . 00 A2540 BINGO LICENSES 654 . 78 600600 780 . 00 180 . 00 A2544 DOG LICENSE APPORTIONMENT 11936 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 2 , 590 . 18 3 , 200 . 00 2 , 930 . 00 21930 . 00 FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 FINES , FEES , & FOREFEITED BAIL 01__46 48 , 000_00 _ 48 .000 . 00 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES _ 59 , 031 , 03. 46 , 000_00 48 , 000 . 00 _._48 , 000 . 00 SALE. OF PROPERTY & _ COMPENSATION FOR LOSS A2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 6 , 800 , 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 A - I1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 2 - A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 A2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 61572 . 04 51000 . 00 2 , 500100 21500 , 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 13 , 372 . 04 71000 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 41500000 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES A2701 REFUND PRIOR YEARS EXPENSES 71153 . 47 12 , 500 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 A2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUE 509 . 99 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 7 , 663 , 46 _ 121500 _90 _ 0 . 90 0 . 00 STATE AID AJOOS MORTGAGE TAX 196 , 334 . 92 150 , 000 . 00 150 , 000 . 00 150 , 000 . 00 A3061 RECORDS MGM ' T - SARA GRANT 0600 0 . 00 11 , 250 . 00 11 , 250 . 00 A3089 STAR AID 31262 . 38 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A3320 YOUTH & AGING AID 15 , 895 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 TOTAL STATE AID 215 , 492 , 30 1501000_00 _ 161 , 25030 1611150 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS A5031 /B INTERFUND TRANSFER - PART/TOWN 61869 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0600 A5031 /DB INTERFUND TRANSFER - HIGHWAY 6 , 869 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 A5031 / F INTERFUND TRANSFER - WATER 26 , 830 . 00 45 , 076 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 A5031 /G INTERFUND TRANSFER - SEWER 26 , 830600 45 , 016 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 A5031 / H INTERFUND REVENUE - CAPITAL PROJECTS _ 0 . 00 13 , 422 , 49 0 , 00 0 6 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS _ 67 , 398 . 00 103 574 . 49 82t930 , 00 82 , 930 00 TOTAL REVENUES 116061611 . 90 1 , 481 , 072 , 49 11354 , 085 . 00 1 , 634 , 153 , 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 26 , 585 . 35 85 , 591 . 51 284 , 613 00 291 , 355 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 11637 , 203 . 15 11566 , 664 . 00 1 , 638 , 108 . 00 11925 , 508 . 00 A - 12 i TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 GENERAL FUND � PART TOWN BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - B ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE B1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 61 , 156 . 24 30 , 000900 35 , 000 00 35 , 000 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 61 , 156 . 24 30 , 000 . 00 35 , 000 00 35 , 000 00 TOTAL ATTORNEY 61 , 156 . 24 30 , 000600 35 , 000 . 00 35 , 000 . 00 CENTRAL COON SYSTEMS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81650 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 812 . 51 1 , 400 , 00 2 400 00 2 , 400 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE - 2 , 872 . 51 11400 , 00 2 , 400 00 2 , 40D , 00 TOTAL CENTRAL COMM SYSTEMS 21872951 1 , 400 00 21400 . 00 2 , 400 . 00 CENTRAL STOREROOM CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE B1660 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11746948 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 746 . 48 0 . 00 0 , 00 0000 TOTAL CENTRAL STOREROOM ---_I 1_7 4 6 o 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 CENTRAL PRINT & MAIL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81610 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 471 . 79 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 81610 . 401 COPIER MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 11396 . 47 10300000 0 . 00 0 . 00 B1670 , 402 COPIER PAPER 0 . 00 0 . 00 21400 , 00 2 , 400600 B16706403 COPIER SUPPLIES 0 . 00 0000 350 . 00 350. 00 81610 . 409 LEGAL ADS 31883 . 08 500 . 00 0600 0 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5 , 751 . 34 1 , 800 . 00 2 , 750 00 2 , 750 00 TOTAL CENTRAL PRINT & MAIL 51151 . 34 1300 . 00 21750 , 00 2 150 00 CENTRAL DATA PROCESS EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 81680 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 21505 . 74 0 , 00 0 . 00 81680 , 201 HARDWARE 0 . 00 0 . 00 41278 , 00 4 , 278 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 2 , 505 . 14 412183 0 4 278 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81680 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 342 . 50 900 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 81680 , 401 MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 591 . 85 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 B1680 . 403 EDUCATION & TRAINING 0 . 00 200 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 B - I � i TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 I 81680 . 404 CONSULTING SERVICES 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 B1680A91 SOFTWARE 0000 0 . 00 21422 . 00 20422 . 00 B1680 . 495 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0000 0 . 00 2 , 422 . 00 2 , 422 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 934 . 35 11100 . 00 4 , 844 . 00 4 , 844 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESS 934 . 35 31605 . 74 91122000 9 , 122 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS 81910 . 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 4112730 7 , 401 . 15 8 , 000 . 00 81000 . 00 B1940 . 401 PURCHASE COSTS FOR PARK LAND 600 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 81940 . 403 PURCHASE OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS 0 . 00 31500000 0 , 00 0 . 00 B1990v400 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT 0 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 51000800 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 51327 . 80 151901 . 15 13 , 000 . 00 _ 13000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 77 , 788912 52 , 712 . 89 62 , 272 . 00 62 , 272 . 00 CULTURE AND RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES B7140 . 1O1 REGULAR 95 , 16435 1159650 . 00 120 , 600 . 00 0 . 00 B7140 . 102 OVERTIME - 1 , 392 . 64 1 , 100 . 00 11400600 0 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES _ 94 , 372 . 21 116 , 750 . 00 122 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY B7140 . 201 LARGE EQUIPMENT 21 , 000 . 00 231000 . 00 261000900 0 . 00 87140 . 202 SMALL EQUIPMENT 4 , 330 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 Z , 000 . QO 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 25 , 330 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 _ 28 , 000000 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81140 . 401 CONTRACTUAL MAINTENANCE 16 , 176 . 82 23 , 000 . 00 23 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 B7140 . 402 CONTRACTUAL CONSTRUCTION 211188 . 23 20 , 000600 50 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 87140 . 405 YOUTH 5 , 397 . 02 71368 . 00 7 , 36830 0 . 00 81140 . 408 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 400 . 22 500 . 00 500 . 00 0 . 00 81140 . 411 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & UNIFORMS 1 , 004 . 39 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 0 . 00 81140 . 415 TELEPHONE 0 . 00 193 . 15 400 . 00 0 . 00 87140 , 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 65 , 00 100 . 00 100900 0 . 00 B7140 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 598 . 95 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 441830 . 63 54 , 161_15 ___. 8.4 , 368 . 00 .___ 0 . 00 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 164 , 532 . 84 1952911 . 75 234 , 368 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION 164 , 532 . 84 195 , 911 . 75. 234 , 368 . 00 0 . 00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONING PERSONAL SERVICES 88010 . 100 REGULAR 105 , 758 . 56 110 , 400 . 00 111 , 700 . 00 111 , 700 . 00 88010 . 101 BOARD MEMBERS 2 , 64630 4 , 200 . 00 4 , 300 . 00 4 , 300 . 00 B - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 108 , 404 . 56 114 , 600 . 00 116 , 000 . 00 116 , 000 . 00 E UIPMENT CAPITAL _OUTLAY 88010 . 200 EQUIPMENT 23 . 48 _ 0 , 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 23 . 48 O & OL 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 88010 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 643 . 55 495 . 03 650 . 00 650 . 00 88010 . 401 LEGAL ADS 0 . 00 700 , 00 600 . 00 600 . 00 B8010 . 403 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 11390623 871 . 52 900 . 00 900 . 00 88010 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 991 . 63 400 . 00 600 . 00 600 . 00 B8010 . 408 POSTAGE 528 . 05 500 . 00 550000 550 . 00 880109409 PRTG , FILM . . . SPECIFIC 797 . 34 364 . 74 250 . 00 250 . 00 B8010315 TELEPHONE 442 . 51 285930 500 . 00 500 . 00 88010 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 911400 900 . 00 900 . 00 900 . 00 88010 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 174 . 99 0 . 00 250 . 00 250 . 00 88010 . 450 GASOLINE 1 , 016 . 42 200 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 6 , 961 . 72 4 , 722 . 59 51100 , 00 51700 . 00 TOTAL ZONING 115 , 395 . 76 119 , 322 , 59 121 , 700 . 00 121 , 700 . 00 PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES 88020100 REGULAR 176 , 079 . 12 1891 , 50 , 00 1939200 . 00 193 , 200 . 00 B8020 . 101 BOARD MEMBERS 61197 . 00 81600000 9 , 000 . 00 91000 . 00 88020 . 110 STUDENT INTERNS _ 1 , 194 . 00 _ 5 , 538 . 00 4 , 100_00_ 4 , 100 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 183 , 470 . 12 203 , 288 . 00 206 300 . 00 206 , 300m00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 88020 . 200 EQUIPMENT 4 , 389 . 25__ 1 , 500 , 00 _ 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 , 389 . 25 11500400 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 880206400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 884 . 61 21051 . 51 500 . 00 500000 88020 . 401 LEGAL ADS 0000 21000000 ( , 400 . 00 12400000 B8020 . 402 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 41000 . 00 0000 0 . 00 08020 . 403 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 4 , 804 , 54 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 41500 . 00 88020 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 189 . 27 300 . 00 300000 300 . 00 88020 . 406 PLANNING STUDY 549 . OS 6 , SO0 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 100000 . 00 B802Ot4O ? CONSERVATION BOARD 919 . 00 21212 . 01 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 B8020 . 408 POSTAGE 21686 . 91 2 , 800 . 00 29500 . 00 21500 . 00 88020 , 409 PRTG , FILM . . . SPECIFIC 2 , 991 , 59 618 , 40 21000 . 00 21000 , 00 B8020 . 410 INTERNS 601 . 26 1 , 156 . 80 21000 . 00 20000 . 00 88020 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 11858 . 63 21100 . 00 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 88020 . 450 GASOLINE 311 . 57 250 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 15 , 808 . 43 28 , 654 , 84 28 , 000 . 00 28 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PLANNING 203_, 661 . 80 233 , 442 . 84 234 , 300 . 00 234 , 300 . 00 1 TOTAL HOME AND CONNUNITY SERVICES 319x063 . 56 _ _352 165 . 43 __ _ ) 56 ,H0 , 00 _356 , 000 . 00 B - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE l - B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B9010 , 800 HYS RETIREMENT 11123 , 00 16 , 300 . 00 16 , 000 , 00 11800 , 00 B9030300 SOCIAL SECURITY 291106 , 45 32 , 900 . 00 34 , 200 . 00 24 , 400 . 00 B9040 , 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 11 , 726 . 12 9 , 000 , 00 6 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 B9050 , 800 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0 . 00 11000 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 89055 , 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 11097 . 93 11500 . 00 400400 300 , 00 89060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 61 , 666 , 08 86 , 100 . 00 921000 . 00 58 , 000 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IOS , 319 , 58 146 , 800 . 00 __ . 149 , 100 . 00 94 , 000 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 89901 . 901 GENERAL FUND 61869 , 00 0600 0 . 00 0000 B9901 , 904 RISK RETENTION 21000 , 00 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL 81869600 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 8 , 869 . 00 11000900 0 . 00 0 . 00 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 89980 . 901 IACOVELLI PARK 30 , 000 . 00 302000 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 30 , 000800 30 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 30 , 000 , 00 30 , 000900 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 38 , 869 . 00 31 , 000 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 105 , 573 , 70 119 , 190 . 07 8010140000 512 , 272000 B - 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN _ FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- B ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 NON - PROPERTY TAX ITEMS B1120 NON - PROPERTY TAX / COUNTY 419 , 000 . 00 524 , 000 . 00 544 , 000 . 00 263 , 932 . 00 81170 TV FRANCHISE TAX 29 , 132 . 21 27 , 000 . 00 27 , 000 . 00 27 , 000 . 00 TOTAL NON - PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 448 , 132 . 21 _ 551 , 000 . 00 571 , 000 . 00 _ 2901932 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 82110 ZONING FEES 35 , 409 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 32 , 000 . 00 321000 . 00 B2115 PLANNING FEES 5 , 555 . 00 151000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 49000 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 40 , 964 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 82350 CONSERVATION CORP 21163 . 00 31684 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 2 , 763 . 00 3 , 684 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY B2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 9 , 041 . 61 51000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 1 B2401R RESERVE INTEREST 2 , 664 . 52 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 11 , 706 . 13 53000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS B2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 500000 0000 0 . 00 B2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 4 , 480 . 23 3 , 700 . 00 0600 0 . 00 B2691 DEVELOPMENT & REVIEW COST RECOVERIES 16 , 354 . 08 0 . 00 _ 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 20 , 834 . 3 (_ 49200 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 82701 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR 14 , 902 . 68 0 , 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 149902668 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 STATE AID 83001 STATE AID PER CAPITA 68 , 663 . 00 661000 # 00 68000 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID 68 , 663 . 00 66 , 000 . 00 68 , 000 . 00 68 , 000 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 608 , 565 . 33 674 , 884 . 00 688 , 000 . 00 407 , 932 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 97 , 008 . 31 104 , 306 , 07 113 , 740 . 00 104 , 340 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 705 , 573 . 10 779 , 190 . 07 801 , 740 . 00 512 , 272 . 00 I 3 - 5 I TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET — HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 — DB ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 1 , 021 . 48 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 021 . 48 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 11021 . 48 11000000 _ _ 0000 _ 0 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS DB1910 , 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE _ 20 ,_645 . 61 22 , 000 . 00 20 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 20 , 64S . 61 _ 22 , 000 , 00 20 , 000 . 00 209000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 21 , 667 . 09 23 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 201000 . 00 I TRANSPORTATION GENERAL REPAIRS PERSONAL SERVICES DB5110 , 100 REGULAR 184 , 145 . 12 160 , 650 . 00 1181500 . 00 178 , S00 . 00 OB51104102 OVERTIME 61867 . 72 7 , 400600 7 , 500 . 00 71500 , 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 191 , 612 . 84 1681050 , 00 186 , 000 . 00 18600030 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5110 , 450 GAS , OIL , & DIESEL FUEL 41047 . 47 99300 . 00 9 , 300 , 00 91300600 DB5II0 . 451 ROAD REPAIRS 95 , 696 . 63 98 , 000 . 00 106 , 000 . 00 106 , 000 . 00 D35110 , 461 TOOLS A SUPPLIES 51128 . 98 61000 . 00 61000 , 00 61000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 105 , 473 , 08 1131300 , 00 121 , 300 , 00 121 , 300 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL REPAIRS 291 , 085 . 92 281 , 350 . 00 307 , 300 . 00 301 , 300 . 00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES BB5112olOO REGULAR 93 , 921 . 23 90 , 500 . 00 95 , 000 . 00 95 , 000 . 00 DB5112 . 102 OVERTIME 4 , 782 . 00 3400 . 00 39000 . 00 3 , 000400 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES _ 98 , 103 . 23 935500 . 00 98 , 000 . 00____98 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5112 . 450 GAS , OIL , A DIESEL FUEL 4 , 386 . 18 5 , 200 . 00 5 , 200 . 00 5 , 200 . 00 DB5112 . 453 ROAD REPAIRS 196 , 486 . 39 200 , 000 , 00 240 , 000 . 00 240 , 000 . 00 j DB5112 . 454 CHIPS 39 , 992 . 36 40 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB5112 . 456 RENWICK DR BRDG 0 , 00 30 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB5112 , 457 W . KING RD BRDG 0 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 0 , 00 0 , 00 DB - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 - DB AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET , ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 DB5112 . 461 TOOLS & SUPPLIES 1 , 939 . 49 11 700 , DD __ 1 , 700 . 0,0 11700 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 242 , 804 , 42 326 , 900 . 00 246 , 900 . 00 246L900 . 00 TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS 341 , 507 . 65 420 , 400 : 00 . _ 344 , 900 . 00 _ 344 , 900 . 00 MACHINERY PERSONAL SERVICES DB5130 . 100 REGULAR 36 , 316 . 23 52 , 500 . 00 55 , 000 . 00 S5 , 000 . 00 DB5130 . 102 OVERTIME 11174 . 30 5 , 700 . 00 5 , 700 . 00 51700 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 37 , 550 . 53 58 , 200 . 00 60-1 7 QO , 00 60 100_00. EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY DB5130 . 200 LARGE 2151951 . 18 159 , 136 . 20 161 , 000 . 00 161 , 000 . 00 DB5130 . 202 SMALL 31631 . 67 109363 . 80 2 , 500 . 00 21500 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 219 , 588 . 85 169 , 500 . 00 169 , 500 . 00 169 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE D115130 . 450 OIL , GREASE , FLUIDS 2 , 017 . 30 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 DB5130 . 460 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE , REPAIRS & PARTS 58 , 419 . 19 61 , 000 . 00 61 , 000 . 00 61 , 000 . 00 DB5130 . 461 TOOLS & SUPPLIES 11 , 116 . 61 12 , 000 . 00 12 , 000000 12 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 72 , 213 . 16 15 , 500 . 00 151SO0 . 00 75 , 500 . 00 TOTAL MACHINERY 329 , 352 . 54 3031200 . 00 3051700 . 00 305 , 100 . 00 i BRUSH & WEEDS PERSONAL SERVICES DB5140olOD REGULAR 19 , 019 . 91 41 , 400 . 00 45 , 000 . 00 459000 . 00 DB5140 . 102 OVERTIME 590012 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19 , 610 . 03 47 , 700 . 00 45000 . 00 4.5 , 300 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DBSl40s4OO CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 61583 . 06 31100 . 00 39100000 3 , 1D0 . 00 OB5140 . 401 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & UNIFORMS 51984 . 11 51200 . 00 5 , 200 . 00 50200 . 00 OBS140 . 409 ADVERTISING 0 . 00 I , 100 . 00 1 , 100 . 00 11100 . 00 DB5140 . 410 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 425000 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 DB5140 . 430 DRUG TESTING 314 . 50 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB5140 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 815 . 62 1 , 100 . 00 1 , 100 . 00 1 , IOO . OQ D115140 . 450 CLEANING SERVICES 21431 . 50 51000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 16 , 559 . 19 16 , 500 . 00 161500 . 00 16 , 500 . 00 TOTAL BRUSH & WEEDS 36 , 169 . 82 64 , 200 . 00 61 , 800 . 00 61 , 800 . 00 SNOW REMOVAL PERSONAL SERVICES D85142 . 100 REGULAR 13 , 880 . 56 40 , 800 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 DB5142 . 102 OVERTIME 18 , 839 . 98 36 , 500 . 00 40 , 000 . 00 40 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 32 , 120 . 54 71 , 300 . 00 81 , 000 . 00 _ 81 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE AMA DB5142 , 450 GAS , OIL , DIESEL FUEL 51618 . 28 11500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 7 , 500 . 00 DB5142 . 452 SALT 43 , 013958 54 , 000 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 DB5142 , 453 SAND 0 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 DB - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - DB AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 DB5142 . 456 MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 1 , 055 . 16 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB5142 . 461 TOOLS & SUPPLIES 21099 . 09 4 , 500 . 00 31000 . 00 31000800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _ 51 , 786811 67 , 000 . 00 61 , 000 . 00 61 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SNOW REMOVAL 84 , 506 . 65 144 , 300 . 00 148 , 000 . 00 148 , 000 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1 , 088 , 622 . 58 1 , 213 , 450 . 00 111671100 . 00 1 , 167 , 100 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DB90109800 NYS RETIREMENT 71954900 159800 . 00 17 , 500 . 00 17 , 500 . 00 DB9030 . 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 28 , 696 . 45 34 , 000 . 00 36 , 50030 361500 . 00 DB9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 44 , 803 . 42 39 , 000 . 00 29 , 000 . 00 29 , 000 . 00 DB9050 . 800 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500000 DB9055 . 800 DISABLILTY INSURANCE 11276 . 83 1 , 700 . 00 500000 500600 DB9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 81 , 086 . 85 105 , 300 . 00 105 , 300 . 00 105 , 300000 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS _ 163 , 817955 196 , 300 . 00 189 , 300 . 00 189 , 300 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS DB9901 . 900 GENERAL FUND 6 , 869 . 00 0400 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB9901 . 904 RISK RETENTION 21000 . 00 11000 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL 81869 . 00 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 069 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS DB9960 . 900 RESERVE 8 , 920 . 75 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 81920 . 75 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 81920815 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 17 , 789 . 7S 1 , 000400 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 , 291 , 596 . 91 11433 , 750 . 00 113111000 . 00 11377 , 000 . 00 DB - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -DB ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 _ 2000 2000 NON- PROPERTY TAX ITEMS DB1120 NON - PROPERTY TAX / COUNTY 1 , 028 , 000 , 00 . _ 1 , 185 , 900 . 00 _ 1 , 188 , 000 . 00 1 , 188 , 000 . 00 TOTAL NON - PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 110281000 , 00 11185 , 900600 11188 , 000 . 00 1 , 188 , 000 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME DB1710 PUBLIC WORKS CHARGES 11015 . 60 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 11015 , 60 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES DB2300 SERVICES OTHER GOVERNMENTS 12 , 490 , 23 81100 . 00 8 , 100 . 00 8 , 100 . 00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 12 , 490 . 23 81100 . 00 81100800 81100 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY OB2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 10 , 449 . 94 101000400 61000 , 00 6 , 000 . 00 DB2401R RESERVE INTEREST 31741 . 49 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 14 , 191 . 43 10 , 000 . 00 61000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 3 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS DB2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 14 , 113 . 30 51000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 51000 . 00 OB2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 22 , 003 , 51 181100 . 00 10 , 000000 100000 . 00 DB2690 OTHER COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 1 , 351 . 81 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 37 , 468 . 68 23 , 100 . 00 159000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES DB2701 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR 1 , 85434 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB2705 CULVERT FEES 3 , 031 . 00 1 , 000000 0 . 00 0 . 00 DB2706 EXCAVATION FEES 0 . 00 11000800 0 , 00 0 . 00 DB2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES 172 . 88 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 5 , 058 . 12 21000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 INTERFUND REVENUES DB2801 INTERFUND REVENUES - CHARGEBACKS 28 , 829 , 03_ 50 , 000 . 00 l0 .000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND REVENUES 28 , 829 . 03 502000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 STATE AID DB3501 CHIPS _80 , 613 _51 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 , 00 50 , 000 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID 50 , 613 . 51 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 , 00 50 , 000 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS DB5031 FROM GENERAL PART- TOWN 81920 . 15 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 81920 . 75 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 t TOTAL REVENUES 11192 , 588 . 01 11329 , 100 . 00 11211 , 100 , 00 1 , 211 , 100 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 99 , 308 96 104 , 650 . 00 99 , 900 . 00 99 , 900 . 00 DB - 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 2- DB AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 TOTAL REVENUES 8 OTHER SOURCES 1 , 291 , 896 . 91 11433 , 150 . 00 11311 , 000 . 00 11311 , 000 . 00 DB - 5 TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 WATER FUND BUDGET DETAIL t TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WATER FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - F ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT INDEPENDENT AUDITING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F1320 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 21226_93 -- -3 000 . 00 3 , 000_00 __ 31000 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21226 . 93 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 31000000 TOTAL INDEPENDENT AUDITING 21226 . 93 3 , 000 . 00 ___ 3 , 000 . 00 31000 _00 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F142D . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 5 , 325 . 69 5 , OD0 . 00 5400 , 00 5 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 51325 . 69 51000 . 00 59000600 51000100 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 5 , 325 . 69 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 PRIG , FILM . . . SPECIFIC CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F1670 . 402 COPIER PAPER 0 . 00 0 . 00 21400 . 00 21400 . 00 F1670 . 403 COPIER SUPPLIES 0 . 00 O . DO 350 . 00 350 . 00 F1670 . 408 POSTAGE 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 F1670 . 409 PRTG , FILM . . . SPECIFIC 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0 . 00 21150 . 00 21156 . 00 TOTAL PRTG , FILM . . . SPECIFIC 0 . 00 0 . 00 21750 . 00 21750 . 00 CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY F1680 . 201 HARDWARE 0 . 00 _0 , 00 2 , 500 . 00 21500000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 0 . 00 21500 . 00 2 , 500 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F1680 . 491 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 0 . 00 21500000 2 , 500 . 00 F1680 , 495 SUPPORT SERVICES 0 . 00 0 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 21500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 0 . 00 0 . 00 11500800 1 , 500 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS FI910 , 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE _ 4 , 631 . 79 51954 , 90 71000 , 00 _ 7 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 41637 . 79 51954 . 90 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 i , TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 12 , 190 . 41 13 , 954 . 90 25 , 250 . 00 25 , 250 . 00 F - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE l - F AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES WATER ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES F8310 . 100 REGULAR 5 , 741 . 00 4 , 400 . 00 4 , 100 . 00 41100 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 51747 . 00 4 , 400 . 00 41100 . 00 4 , 700 . 00 EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY F8310 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 _21000 . 00 21000 . 00 _ 21000_00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F8310 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 1 , 648 . 64 40 . 45 500 . 00 500 . 00 F8310 , 410 UTILITIES 168 . 14 900000 900 . 00 900 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 417 . 38 940 . 45 11400 . 00 1 , 400 . 00 TOTAL WATER ADMINISTRATION 8 , 164 . 38 7 , 340 . 45 81100 . 00 8 , 100 . 00 TRANSMISSION / DISTRIBUTION PERSONAL SERVICES F8340 . 100 REGULAR 26 , 152 . 04 27 , 765 . 00 211400 . 00 211400 . 00 F8340 . 101 REGULAR USE OF HIGHWAY LABORMEN 0000 10 , 000200 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 102 OVERTIME 1 , 130 . 85 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21 , 88239 42 , 765 , 00 421400 . 00 42 , 400 . 00 EQUIPMENT ( CAPITAL OUTLAY F8340 . 200 EQUIPMENT 40 , 185 . 36 15 , 214 . 00 151000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 40 , 185 . 36 15 , 214 . 00 151000 . 00 151000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F8340 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11480 . 98 61884 . 83 21500600 21500 . 00 F8340 . 401 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 106 . 12 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 F8340 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1 , 028 . 62 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 F8340 . 410 ELECTRIC 32 , 237 . 99 32 , 000 , 00 32 , 000000 32 , 000600 F8340 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 95 . 00 150000 150 . 00 150 . 00 F8340 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0 . 00 150 . 00 150100 150 . 00 F8340 , 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 0 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300600 F8340 . 450 GASOLINE 1 , 656 . 48 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 F8340 . 470 REPAIRS TO WATER LINES 21 , 453 . 24 30 , 000 . 00 301000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 471 SCHEDULED LINE MAINTENANCE 46 , 371 . 27 30 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 480 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 22 , 187 . 92 17030 0 . 00 0 . 00 F8340 . 481 WATER TANK ( S ) PAINTING 120 , 518 . 94 100 , 000 . 00 100 , 000 . 00 1001000 . 00 F8340 . 485 WATER TANK ( S ) SECURITY FENCING 81315 . 00 3 , 480 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 31500 . 00 F8340 . 486 WATER TANK ( S ) PUMP STATIONS 0 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 50000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 487 SYSTEM TELEMETRY 21123 . 23 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 F8340 , 489 SCLIWC CONSTRUCTION 38 , 123 . 46 138 , 443 . 45 0 . 00 0 . 00 F8340 . 490 WATER REFUNDS & BANK CHARGES 41415 . 09 31349 . 37 41000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 F8340 , 499 MISCELLANEOUS 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0_00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _ 3061113 . 94 352 , 421 . 65 200 , 100 . 00 200 100 _00 TOTAL TRANSMISSION / DISTRIBUTION 374 , 842 . 19 410, 406 . 65_ 257 , 500 . 00 251 , 500 . 00 F - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - F AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 COMMON WATER SUPPLY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F8350 . 472 SCLIWC WATER CHARGES 908 , 621 . 41 640 , 000 . 00 640400 . 00 640 , 000 . 00 F8350 . 473 CITY OF ITHACA 300 , 554 . 42 275 , 000 . 00 275 , 000000 275 , 000 . 00 F8350 . 474 FOREST HOMES 21 , 189 . 91 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 101000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 236 , 965 . 14 9251000 . 00 925 , 000 . 00 925 , 000 . 00 TOTAL COMMON WATER SUPPLY 11236 , 965 . 14 925 , 000 . 00 925 , 000 _00 925 , 000 . 00 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 11619 , 972 . 31 1 , 342 , 141 . 10 1 , 1901600 . 00 1 , 190 , 600 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS F9010300 NYS RETIREMENT 193 . 00 950400 950 . 00 950 . 00 F9030 . 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 2 , 602 . 96 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 1` 9040300 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2 , 349 . 89 11900 . 00 11900 . 00 11900 . 00 F9055 . 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 85 . 14 100 . 00 100 . 00 100 . 00 F9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 1 , 053 . 48 31000 . 00 32000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 69285 . 07 8 , 450 . 00 8 , 450 . 00 8 , 450 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS F9901302 GENERAL FUND 26 , 830 . 00 459016 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 41 , 465 . 00 F9901 . 904 RISK RETENTION 29000000 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 F9901306 HIGHWAY FUND 0400 501000000 10 , 000600 10 , 000100 F9901 . 907 DEBT SERVICE 442 , 900 . 00 400 , 135 . 00 397 , 261 . 00 3911261 . 00 TOTAL 471 , 730 . 00 496 , 211 . 00 450 , 232 . 00 450 , 232100 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 471 , 130 . 00 496 , 211 . 00 450 , 232 . 00 450 , 232 . 00 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS F9950 . 901 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 0 . 00 451 , 163 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL _ 0 . 00 451 , 163 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 0 . 00 451 , 163 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 471 , 730 . 00 941131430 450 , 232 . 00 450 , 232 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 21110 , 171 . 19 2 , 3121526 . 00 11614 , 532 . 00 1 , 6741532 . 00 i F - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WATER FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2— F ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 _ _2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES F1031 WATER BENEFIT AD VALOREM 6 , 280 . 00 61280 . 00 6 , 000 , 00 6 , 000 . 00 F1032 WATER BENEFIT UNITS ^ 458 , 080 . 00 386 , 594 , 10 389 , 132 . 00 389 , 132 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 464 , 360 . 00 392 , 874 . 10 3951132 . 00 39.5 , I32 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME F2142 METERED WATER SALES 11349 , 113990 112601000 . 00 1 , 2601000 . 00 1 , 260 , 000 . 00 F2144 WATER SERVICE CHARGES 51278 . 53 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 51000 . 00 F2146 WATER SERVICE SURCHARGES 605 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 F2148 PENALTIES & ASSESSMENTS 23 , 11533 16 , 600600 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 11378 , 173 . 36 1 , 281 , 600 . 00 1 , 212 , 000 . 00 1 , 2721000 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES F2378 SERVICES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS 0 . 00 500 , 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 F2379 SCLIWC — MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING 31 , 983 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 F2380 SCLIWC — BOLTON POINT ROAD 0000 1501000 . 00 0 . 00 0600 s TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 31 , 983600 150 , 500 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY F2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 33 , 750 . 46 28 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 33 , 750 . 46 28 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS F2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 2 , 519 . 97 600 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 2 , 519 . 91 600 . 00 0 . 00 0400 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES F2701 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS _ 109 , 478 . 09 _0000 0 . 00 0900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 109 478 . 09 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 2 , 0261324 . 88 11853 , 574 . 10 116919132 . 00 1 , 691 , 132 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 83 , 852 . 91 458 , 951 . 90 — 16 , 600 . 00 — 16 , 600 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 21110 , 111 . 19 21312 , 526 . 00 1 , 614 , 532 , 00 11614 , 532 . 00 F - 4 TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 SEWER FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - SEWER FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I -G ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT INDEPENDENT AUDITING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1320 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 226992 31000600 31000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 226 . 92 3 , 000 . 00 31000 . 00 31000 . 00 TOTAL INDEPENDENT AUDITING _ 2 , 226 . 92 31000600 31000 . 00 31000800 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES _ 2 , 161 . 54 2 , 000_00 21000100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 161 . 54 21000600 21000 . 00 29000 . 00 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 2 , 761 . 54 2 , 000 . 00_ 21000_00 21000 . 00 CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1670 . 402 COPIER PAPER 0 . 00 0000 2 , 400 . 00 2 , 400 . 00 G167Om4O ) COPIER SUPPLIES 0 . 00 0000 350600 350 . 00 G1670t4O8 POSTAGE 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 G1670 . 409 PRTG , FLIM . . . SPECIFIC 0 . 00 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0900 0600 2 , 15030 21150600 TOTAL CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING 0 . 00 0 . 00 2 , 750 . 00 21750 . 00 CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY G1680 . 201 HARDWARE 0 00 0 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 0 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1680 . 491 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 0 . 00 51000 . 00 51000000 G1680 . 495 SUPPORT SERVICES 0 . 00 0 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _ 0 . 00 0000 101000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING 0 . 00 0 . 00 15 , 000 , 00 151000 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS G1910 . 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE __ _, 31812002 __4 .505 . 11 6 , 000 . 00_ 6 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 31812 . 02 41505 , 11 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ___81800 , 48 _ 9 $OS .1_ 1 _ ___. 281_750 . 00 281750 . 00 G - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 - G AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 68110 . 100 REGULAR 5 , 174 . 00 4 , 400 , 00 _ 4 , 100 . 00 4 , 700 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5 , 174 , 00 41400 . 00 4 , 700 . 00 41100 . 00 EQUIPMENT /CAPITAL OUTLAY G8110 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 , 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 ._ 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 21000000 21000600 2 , 000 , 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8110 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 1 , 520 . 00 600 . 00 11000400 1 , 000 , 00 G8110v4ID UTILITIES 768 . 70 900800 900 . 00 900000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 288 , 70 11500600 11900 . 00 11900 . 00 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 1 , 462 . 70 11900 . 00 81600 . 00 8 , 600 . 00 SANITARY SEWERS PERSONAL SERVICES 68120 . 100 REGULAR 23 , 149 . 04 21 , 800 . 00 21 , 400 . 00 211400 , 00 G8120 . 101 REGULAR 0 . 00 10 , 000000 109000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 102 OVERTIME 1 , 342 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 25 , 091 . 04 42 , 800600 42 , 400 . 00 42 , 400 . 00 EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY G8120 , 200 EQUIPMENT 42 , 821 . 62 15 , 214 , 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 429827 . 62 15 , 214 . 00 0 . 00 0600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8120 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11168 . 52 840 . 32 1 , 000 . 00 11000 , 00 G8120 , 401 CONFERENCES & MILEAGE 228 . 00 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 G8120 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 159 . 90 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 G8120 . 410 ELECTRIC 13 , 144 . 33 15 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 420 DUES & PUBLICATIONS 0 . 00 150600 150 . 00 150 . 00 G8120 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0 . 00 150 . 00 150 . 00 150 . 00 G8120 . 440 SAFETY & TRAINING 80 , 87 479 . 41 300 . 00 300900 G8120 . 450 GASOLINE 1 , 620 . 93 500 . 00 800800 800 . 00 G8120 , 480 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 25 , 743 . 92 28 , 492 . 40 10 , 000 . 00 201000 . 00 G8120 . 481 JOINT SEWER TRANSMISSION 143 , 170 . 00 165 , 000 . 00 165 , 000 . 00 165 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 482 VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS PAYMENT 126 , 562 . 50 1261600 . 00 120 , 000 . 00 120 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 484 SCHEDULED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 41639 . 17 42 , 730 . 04 0 . 00 0 , 00 G8120 . 486 NORTH EAST SEWER REHABILITATION 3 , 911 , 66 10 , 000 . 00 10 , 000 , 00 10 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 490 SEWER REFUNDS & BANK CHARGES 49057 . 00 31718 . 12 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE _325 , 792 . 80 395 , 660 . 29 339 , 400 , 00 339 , 400 . 00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS 393 , 711 . 46 453 , 674 . 29 381 , 800 . 00 3811800 . 00 JOINT SEWER PROJECT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8150 . 400 SEWAGE TREATMENT CHARGE _ 441 , 213 . 00 40017S6 . 00 400 , 000 . 00 419 , 850 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 441 , 213 , 00 400 , 756 . 00 400 , 000 . 00 419 , 850 . 00 G - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I -G AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 TOTAL JOINT SEWER PROJECT 447 , 21330 400 , 756 . 00 4001000 . 00 419 , 850 . 00 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 848 , 381 . 16 862 , 330 . 29 790 , 400 . 00 810 , 250800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 69010 , 800 NYS RETIREMENT 193 . 00 950 . 00 11000 . 00 11000000 690306800 SOCIAL SECURITY Z , 313 . 60 21500 . 00 31600 . 00 31600000 G9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2 , 111 . 40 11350 . 00 11500 . 00 1 , 500400 690559800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 85 . 74 100 . 00 100000 100 . 00 G9060 , 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 11053 . 48 31000 . 00 31500 . 00 36500000 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 51751 . 22 1 , 900 , 00 91700 . 00 91700 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS G9901 . 901 GENERAL FUND 26 , 830 . 00 45 , 076 . 00 41 , 465900 41 , 465 . 00 69901 . 904 RISK RETENTION 2 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 500600 11500 . 00 09901 . 906 HIGHWAY FUND 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 G9901 . 907 DEBT SERVICE 515 , 500 00 511 , 623 . 00 499 , 041 . 00 499 , 047 . 00 TOTAL _ 604 , 330 . 00 557 , 699 . 00 542 , 012 . 00 542 , 012 . 00 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 604 , 330 . 00 557 , 699 . 00 5429012 . 00 5422012 . 00 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS G9950 . 900 WARREN ROAD 0 , 00 4001000 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 09950 . 901 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 0 00 11213 . 00 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL 0 . 00 407 , 213 . 00 0400 0 . 00 TOTAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS 0 , 00 407 , 213 . 00 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 604 , 330 00 964 , 912 , 00 5422012600 542 , 012 , 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11467 , 274 . 86 11844 , 641 . 40 11370 , 862 . 00 1 , 3901112 , 00 i G - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - SEWER FUND ' FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-G ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES _ 1998 _ 1999 2000 2000 _ REAL PROPERTY TAXES G1030 SEWER BENEFIT UNITS 480 , 841 . 00 396 , 626 . 15 3991820 . 00 399 , 820 . 00 G1031 SEWER BENEFIT CHARGE - PLANT 110 , 599 . 00 110 , 599 . 00 110 , 000000 110 , 000 . 00 G1032 SEWER BENEFIT AD VALOREM --6 739 , 00 6 , 139 . 00 61700 , 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 598 , 119 . 00 513 , 964 . 75 516 , 520 . 00 516 , 520 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME G2120 SEWER RENTS 893 , 812 . 78 800 , 000 . 00 800 , 000600 800 , 000000 62121 SEWER RENTS - CORNELL UNIVERSITY 356 , 211 . 90 420 , 000 . 00 400 , 000 . 00 400 , 000 . 00 G2128 PENALTIES & ASSESSMENTS 10 , 073 . 25 11700 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 51000 . 00 G2214 SEWER COST RECOVERIES - CORNELL U 1 , 884 . 00 11816 . 00 1 , 829 . 00 11829 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 1 , 261 , 98133 11229 , 516 . 00 1 , 206 , 829 . 00 1 , 206329 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY G2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 56 , 475 . 08 24 , 000600 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 56 , 475 . 08 24 , 000000 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS G2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 77S . 43 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 775 . 43 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 62701 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS 48 . 32 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 48 . 32 0000 0000 0 . 00 STATE AID G3989 OTHER HOME & COMMUNITY SERVICES 111500 . 00 0400 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL STATE AID 11 , 500400 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 119281959 . 76 11167 , 480 . 75 11153 , 349 . 00 11153 , 349 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 461 , 684 . 90 77 , 166 . 65 - 382 , 481 . 00 - 362 , 637 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 1 , 461127436 11844 , 641 . 40 11370 , 862 . 00 1 , 3901712 . 00 3 G - 4 TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 RISK RETENTION FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RISK RETENTION FUND FOR 2D00 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 14 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 HEALTH A WELLNESS WELLNESS / HEALTH CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 84510 . 400 HOSPITAL & MEDICAL BILLS 68131 11000000 I , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 84510 . 425 HEALTH A WELLNESS 124 . 54 25 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 151000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 812441 26 , 000 . 00 16 , 000 , 00 161000 . 00 TOTAL WELLNESS / HEALTH 812 . 41 26 , 000 . 00 161000 . 00 16 , 000 . 00 TOTAL HEALTH & WELLNESS 812 . 41 26 , 000 . 00 16 , 000 . 00 16 , 000 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 812 . 41 26 , 000 . 00 161000 . 00 16 , 000600 R - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RISK RETENTION FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -R ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY R2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS _ 11912 . 58 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 025 , 00 11025000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 11912458 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 025 . 00 1 , 025 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 85031 /A INTERFUND REVENUE - GENERAL 21000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 85031 /11 INTERFUND TRANSFER - PART -TOWN 20000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 85031 /DB INTERFUND REVENUE - HIGHWAY 21000100 11000 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 R5031 / F INTERFUND REVENUE - WATER 20000600 10000 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 11500 . 00 R5031 /G INTERFUND REVENUE - SEWER 21000 . 00 11000400 11500 . 00 11500 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 101000 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 106000800 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 11 , 912 . 58 15 , 200000 11 , 025 . 00 11 , 025 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 11 , 160 . 11 10 , 800400 41915 . 00 4 , 915000 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 812641 26 , 000000 16 , 000 . 00 161000 , 00 R - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 200 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I -V ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FISCAL AGENT FEES CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE V1380 . 400 FISCAL AGENT FEES 11800 . 00 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 800000 21000000 29000 . 00 29000 . 00 TOTAL FISCAL AGENT FEES 11800 . 00 2 , 00030 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 11800000 21000400 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 DEBT SERVICE ( SERIAL BONDS ) ; 1 , 9611000 WATER & SEWER IMP / 1916 6000% PRINCIPAL V9710 , 601 $ 158 , 000 SNYDER HILL RD WATER 6 , 000 . 00 61000 . 00 51000 . 00 51000 . 00 V9710 . 602 ; 40 , 000 SOUTH HILL WATER EXT ( t 2ND 2 ; 000 . 00 2100030 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9710 . 604 : 792 , 000 SOUTH HILL SEWER 361000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 V9710 . 605 $ 85 , 000 SOUTH HILL EXT It SEWER 11000600 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9710 . 606 $ 102 , 000 SOUTH HILL EXT It SEWER 51000800 __ ._2 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 501000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 54000 . 00 51000 . 00 INTEREST V9710 . 701 $ 158 , 000 SNYDER HILL RD WATER 11740 . 00 11380 . 00 1 , 050 , 00 1 , 050 . 00 V9710 . 702 $ 40 , 000 SOUTH HILL WATER EXT $ 1 2ND 180 . 00 60 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9710 . 704 $ 792 , 000 SOUTH HILL SEWER 11080100 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 V9710 . 705 $ 85 , 000 SOUTH HILL EXT 11 SEWER 3030 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9710 , 106 $ 102 , 000 SOUTH HILL EXT # 1 SEWER 27030 60 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 31300 . 00 11500 . 00 19050 . 00 11050 , 00 TOTAL $ 11961 , 000 WATER & SEWER IMP / 1916 6 . 00 % 53 , 300 . 00 11 , 500 . 00 6 , 050 . 00 61050 . 00 $ 602 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1983 7 . 10 % PRINCIPAL V9720 . 601 $ 429 , 828 STONE QUARRY / WEST KING RD 21 , 300 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9720 , 602 $ 172 , 172 TOWNWIDE SEWER BENEFITTED _ 81100 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL _ 301000000 0 , 00 0 . 00 _ 0 . 00 INTEREST V9720 . 701 $ 429 , 828 STONE QUARRY / WEST KING RD 756 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 V9720 , 102 $ 172 , 112 TOWNWIDE SEWER BENEFITTED 309 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST __1 , 065 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 TOTAL $ 602 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1983 7 . 10 % 31 065 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 , 00 V - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I — V AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 $ 2 , 830 , 000 PUBLIC IMP 1986 6 , 80 % PRINCIPAL V9730 . 601 $ 550 , 000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1984 30 , 000600 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 V9730 . 602 $ 2 , 1001000 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 110 , 000 . 00 1109000 . 00 110 , 000 . 00 110 , 000 . 00 V9730 . 603 $ 180 , 000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PORTION 10 , 000100 10 , 000000 10 , 000_00 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 150 , 000 . 00 150 , 000 . 00 1501000 . 00 150 , 000 . 00 INTEREST V9730 , 701 $ 550 , 000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1984 17 , ) 40 . 00 15 , 300 . 00 13 , 260 . 00 13 , 260 . 00 V9730 . 102 $ 2 , 100 , 000 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 63 , 580 . 00 56 , 100 . 00 48 , 620 . 00 48 , 620 . 00 V9730 . 103 $ 180 , 000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PORTION _ 51180800 51100 . 00 4 , 420 . 00 41420 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 86 , 700 . 00 16 , 500 . 00 66 , 300 . 00 66 , 300 . 00 TOTAL $ 2 , 830 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1986 6 . 80% 236 , 700 . 00 226 , 500 . 00 216 , 300 . 00 216 , 300 . 00 $ 2 , 580 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1989 1 . 30% PRINCIPAL V9740 . 601 $ 479 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / IST SERIES 29 , 915 . 00 29 , 915 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 , 00 V9740 . 602 $ 500 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / 2ND SERIES 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 V9740 . 603 $ 143 , 982 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / IST AUTH 1 , 518 , 00 71578 . 00 1 , 518 , 00 71578 . 00 V9740 . 604 $ 112 , 018 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / 2ND AUTH 5 , 901 , 00 5 , 907 . 00 5 , 822 . 00 51822 . 00 V9740s6O5 $ 11 , 000 CODDINGTON RD SEWER 600 . 00 600 . 00 600 . 00 600 . 00 V9740 . 606 $ 384 , 000 1987 SEWER IMP / IST SERIES 21 , 000 . 00 21 , 000 . 00 24 , 000 . 00 24 , 00030 ° V9740t6O7 $ 9501000 1987 SEWER IMP / 2ND SERIES 50 , 000000 50 , 000 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 41 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 140 , 000 . 00 140 , 000 . 00 140 , 000 , 00 140 , 000 . 00 INTEREST V9740 . 701 $ 479 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / IST SERIES 20 , 146 , 06 18 , 562 . 26 16 , 375 . 00 16 , 375 . 00 V9740 . 702 $ 500 , 000 1981 WATER IMP / 2ND SERIES 20 , 981 . 50 19 , 162 . 50 111338 . 00 17 , 338 . 00 V9740 . 103 $ 143 , 982 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / IST AUTH 5 , 808 , 54 51255 . 34 41702 . 00 4 , 702 . 00 V9740 . 104 $ 112 , 018 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / 2ND AUTH 41521 . 50 4 , 09030 31662 . 00 3 , 662 . 00 V9740 , 705 $ 11 , 000 CODDINGTON RD SEWER 459690 416 . 10 372 . 00 372 . 00 V9740 , 706 $ 384 , 000 1987 SEWER IMP / IST SERIES 11 , 630 . 00 16 , 091 . 00 14 , 454 . 00 14 , 454 . 00 V9740 . 107 $ 950 , 000 1987 SEWER IMP / 2ND SERIES 40 , 801 . 00 37 , 151 . 00 33 , 611600 33 , 611 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 110 , 960 . 50 100 , 741 . 00 90 , 520 , 00 90 , 520 . 00 TOTAL $ 2 , 580 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1989 7 . 30 % 2501960 . 50 240 , 741600 230 , 520100 230 , 520 , 00 $ 4 , 465 , 000 PUBLIC IMP BOND / 1991 6 , 625 % PRINCIPAL V9750 . 601 $ 2 , 337 , 000 TWN WATER BENEFITTED AREA 104 , 000 . 00 104 , 000 . 00 117 , 000 . 00 117 , 000 . 00 V9750 . 602 $ 21128 , 000 TWN SEWER BENEFITTED AREA 96 , 000 . 00 96 , 000 . 00 108 , 000 . 00 108 000 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 2001000 . 00 _ 200 , 000 . 00 225 ,000600 225 , 000 . 00 INTEREST V9750 , 701 $ 2 , 131 , 000 TWN WATER BENEFITTED AREA 114 , 921 . 20 101 , 656 . 00 100 , 166 . 00 100 , 766 . 00 V9750 , 702 $ 2 , 128 , 000 TWN SEWER BENEFITTED AREA 1051360 . 06 99 , 376 . 00 93 , 014 . 00 93 , 014 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 220 , 281 , 26 201 , 032 . 00 193 , 780 . 00 _ 191 , 780 . 00 1 TOTAL $ 4 , 465 , 000 PUBLIC IMP BOND / 1991 6 . 6ZS % 420 , 281 . 26 407 , 012 . 00 418 , 780 . 00 418 , 780 . 00 V - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE I - V AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 04 / 99 1998 1999 2000 2000 $ 300 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB PRINCIPAL V9760 , 601 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1991 6 , 00 % 61466 . 00 1 , 180 . 00 1 , 780 . 00 11180 . 00 V9160 . 602 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1992 6 , 00% 61466 . 00 71780 . 00 1 , 780 . 00 70780 . 00 V9760 , 603 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1993 S . 00 % 6 , 444 , 00 11180 . 00 71780 , 00 7,780 v 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 19 , 376 . 00 23 , 340 . 00 23 , 340 . 00 23 , 340 . 00 INTEREST V9760 . 701 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1991 6 . 00 % 11616 . 00 934 . 00 441 . 00 441 . 00 V9760 . 702 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1992 6 , 00 % 11616 . 00 934 . 00 441 . 00 441 . 00 V9760 . 703 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB 1993 5 . 00 % 1 , 414 . 00 934 . 00 441 , 00 441 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 4 , 646600 2 , 802 . 00 1 , 323 . 00 11323000 TOTAL $ 300 , 000 ZEBRA MUSSELL SIB _ 24 , 022 . 00 26 , 142 . 00 24 , 663 . 00 24 , 663 . 00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ( SERIAL BONDS ) 1 , 016 , 328 . 16 911 , 915 . 00 896 , 313 . 00 896 , 313 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11018 , 128 . 76 913 , 915 , 00 8981313 . 00 898 , 313 . 00 V - 3 i TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 FIRE PROTECTION FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- V ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY V2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 21055 . 99 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 21055099 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS V5031 /F INTERFUND TRANSFER - WATER 442 , 900 . 00 400 , 135 . 00 3915267900 397 , 261 . 40 V5031 /G INTERFUND TRANSFER - SEWER 5751500 . 00 511 , 623 . 00 499 , 041 . 00 499 , 047 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1 , 018 , 400 . 00 911 , 758900 896 , 314 . 00 896 , 314 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 1 , 0201455699 411 , 958600 896 , 514 . 00 896 , 514 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 2 , 327 . 23 11951 . 00 _ 11199 . 00 1 , 199 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 190181128 . 16 913 , 915000 898 , 313000 898 , 313 . 00 , V - 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FIRE PROTECTION FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE l - SF ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS __ 1998 _ 1999 _ 2000 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SF34109491 CITY OF ITHACA 1 , 111 , 300 . 00 11893 , 402 . 21 1 , 836 , 455 . 00 1 , 8361955 . 00 SF3410 . 492 VILLG OF CAYUGA HGTS 92 , 132 . 00 82 , 398 . 00 11 , 498 . 00 78 , 723 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11869 , 432 . 00 1 , 915 , 800 . 21 1 , 914 , 453 . 00 1 , 915 , 678600 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION 11869 , 432 . 00 1 , 915 , 800 . 21 11914 , 453 . 00 1 , 915 , 678 . 00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 11869 , 432 , 00 1 , 915 , 800 . 21 1 , 914 , 453 . 00 1 , 9151618 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11869 , 432 . 00 119151800 . 21 11914 , 453 . 00 11915 , 618 . 00 i SF - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET — FIRE PROTECTION FUND FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2— SF ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SF1001 FIRE PROTECTION TAX 11628 , 612 . 00 1 , 9191026 . 76 11922 , 815 . 00 1 , 922 , 875 . 00 SFID81 IN LIEU OF TAXES 6 , 657696 6 , 400 . 00 6 , 400000 6 , 400 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 1 , 635 , 269696 11925 , 426 . 76 1 , 929 } 275 . 00 1 , 929 , 275 . 00 NON - PROPERTY TAX ITEMS SF1120 NON PROPERTY TAX 225000 . 00 141000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL NON—PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 215 , 000 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SF2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 20 , 498 . 73 111000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 20 , 00030 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 20 , 498 . 13 17 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 11880 , 768 . 69 11956 , 426 . 76 11949 , 275 . 00 11949 , 275 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE . 11 , 336 . 69 19 , 373 . 45 - 34 , 822 . 00 — 33 , 591 . 00 s TOTAL REVENUES A OTHER SOURCES 11869 , 432 . 00 119151800 . 21 11914 , 453 . 00 11915 , 678 . 00 , SF - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 000 FOREST HOME LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FOREST HOME LIGHT GIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 - SLI ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SLI - 5182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 212 . 68 21300 . 00 21600 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21212668 2 , 300 . 00 20600 . 00 21600 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 21212 . 68 2 , 300 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 2 , 212 . 68 2 , 300900 21600 . 00 21600 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 21212 . 68 2 , 300 . 00 21600 . 00 29600 . 00 SLI - i TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FOREST HOME LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SLI ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SLI - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 2 , 100 . 00 2001 . 11 2 , 242 . 00 2 , 242400 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 21100000 2 , 301 . 11 2 , 242 . 00 2 , 242 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SLI - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 38 . 41 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 38 . 41 0 . 00 O . DO 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 21138 . 41 21301 . 71 21242 . 00 21242 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 74 . 21 - 1 . 71 358 . 00 358800 TOTAL REVENUES A OTHER SOURCES 2 , 212668 2 , 300 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 21600 , 00 idfflff� 5 SLI - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 2vou GLENSIDE � LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GLENSIDE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 - SL2 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 1000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL2 - 5182 . 40000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 856 . 08 900000 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 856 . 08 900 . 00 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 856 . 08 900400 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 856 . 08 900 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 856 . 08 900 . 00 1 , 000400 1 , 000 . 00 SL2 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GLENSIDE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-SL2 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL2- 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 850 . 00 900 . 57 814 . 00 814 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 850 . 00 900 . 57 814 , 00 814 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL2 - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 16 . 42 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 16942 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 866 . 42 900457 814 . 00 814 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 10 . 74 - 0 . 57 186 . 00 186 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES OTHER SOURCES 856 . 08 900 . 00 11000400 1 , 000 . 00 SL2 - 2 TOWN' OF ITHACA 2000 RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RENWICK HGTS LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -30 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL1 - 5182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 1 , 190 . 56 11800 . 00 11850 . 00 1 , 850 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 190456 11800 . 00 1 , 850 . 00 11850 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 1 , 190 . 56 11800 . 00 1 , 850400 11850 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1 , 190 . 56 11800 . 00 11850 . 00 11850 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11190 . 56 11800 . 00 11850 . 00 11850 . 00 SLl - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RENWICK HGTS LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -SL3 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL3 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES B00 . 00 1 , 797 . 18 2 , 213 . 00 2121.3 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 800600 11191 . 18 2 , 213 . 00 Z , IMI) USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL3 - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 6 . 58 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 6658 0600 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 806 . 58 1 , 791 . 18 21213 . 00 21213 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 383 . 98 2122 - 363 . 00 - 363 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 11190 . 56 11800 . 00 11850000 10850 . 00 P SL3 - 2 i TOWN OF ITHACA 200 EASTWOOD ' i COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE l - SL4 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL4 - 5182 . 40000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 , 313 . 31 21600 . 00 2 , 900600 21900000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 21313 . 31 21600 . 00 21900 . 00 21900800 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 2 , 313 . 31 21600 . 00 2 , 900 . 00 21900000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 2 , 313 . 31 2 , 600 . 00 21900 . 00 2 , 900 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2 , 313 . 31 21600 . 00 2 , 900 . 00 21900600 5L4 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SL4 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL4 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 900000_ 2 , 601 . 94 31052 , 00 3 , 052 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 900 . 00 21601 . 94 3 , 052 . 00 3 , 052 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL4 - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 29 . 13 0000 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 29 . 13 0 . 00 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL REVENUES 929 . 13 21601994 3 , 052 . 00 31052 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 11443 . 64 - 1 . 94 - 152 . 00 - 152000 TOTAL REVENUES A OTHER SOURCES 21313 . 31 21600 . 00 2 , 900 . 00 21900 , 00 SL4 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 2VU0 CLOVER LANE LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CLOVER LANE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - SLS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL5 - 5182 . 40000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 215 , 22 40Q . 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 215 , 22 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 , 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 215922 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 215 , 22 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 215 , 22 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 , 00 SLS - I TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CLOVER LANE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 - SLS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000_ REAL PROPERTY TAXES SLS - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 300 . 00 400 . 09 308 , 00 308000 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 300 . 00 400 , 09 308 . 00 308 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SLS - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 6 . 95 0600 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 635 0 . 00 0000 0 , 00 TOTAL REVENUES 306 . 95 400 . 09 308 . 00 308 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 31 . 73 -0909 92 . 00 92 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 275 . 22 400 . 00 40030 400 . 00 i 5LS - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 200O WINNER' S CIRCLE I LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - SL6 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL6 - 5182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 119 . 59 11000600 1 , 000 . 00 11000400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 119 . 59 11000000 1 , 000 . 00 11000900 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 119 . 59 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000100 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 119 , 59 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 119 . 59 11000000 1 , 000 . 00 11000 . 00 e I SL6 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SL6 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL6 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 600 . 00 999 . 31 11003 . 00 11003 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 600 . 00 999 . 31 1 , 003 . 00 1 , 003 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL6- 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 10 . 55 0_00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 10655 0 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL REVENUES 610655 999031 11003 . 00 11003 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 169 . 04 0869 - 3 . 00 - 3 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 119 . 59 11000000 11000 . 00 11000 . 00 SL6 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 200 BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 - SL ? ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL1 - 5182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 963 . 21 11100100 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 963 . 21 19100 . 00 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 963 . 21 11100800 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 963 . 21 11100600 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 963 . 21 1 , 100 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 11300 . 00 SL1 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 - SL1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL1 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 800000 1 , 100 . 41 1 , 300 . 00 11300 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 800 . 00 1 , 100 . 41 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL1 - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 12602 0 . 00 0400 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 12 . 02 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 812 . 02 1 , 100 . 41 11300 . 00 1000 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 151 . 25 - 0 . 41 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES A OTHER SOURCES 963 . 21 11100 . 00 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 SL1 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 20 -00 WEST HAVEN ROAD I LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WEST HAVEN ROAD LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE I - SL8 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE - SL8 - 5182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 31213639 4 , 000400 4 , 000 . 00 41000 . 00 SL8 - 5182 . 490REFUNDS 524090 0000 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 3 , 138 . 29 4 , 000400 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 31738029 4 , 000 . 00 41000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 31738 . 29 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 31138 . 29 41000 . 00 41000 . 00 41000 . 00 SL8 - 1 i TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WEST HAVEN ROAD LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 - SL8 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES _ SL8 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 3 , 609 . 00 31995 . 81 4 , 115400 41115 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 3 , 609 . 00 31995481 41115 . 00 41115 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL8 - 2401 INTEREST if EARNINGS 42 . 21 0 . 00_ 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 42 . 21 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 31651 . 21 31995 . 81 41115 . 00 4 , 115 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 81 . 02 4013 - 115 . 00 - 115 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES A OTHER SOURCES 3 , 138929 49000 . 00 40000 . 00 41000 . 00 f SLB - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA 2000 .1 Ni CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND BUDGET DETAIL TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 41 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 - SL9 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1998 1999 2000 2000 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL9 - S182 . 4000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 1 , 895 . 40 21100 . 00 21300 , 00 21300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11895 , 40 29100 . 00 29300 . 00 21300 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 11895 . 40 21100 . 00 21300 . 00 2 , 300 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 11895840 21100 . 00 2 , 300 . 00 21300 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 , 895 . 40 21100 . 00 2 , 300 . 00 20300 . 00 i SL9 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHT DIST FOR 2000 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4 , 1999 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SL9 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1998 1999 2000 2000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES S1. 9 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 11800 . 00 21100 . 01 2 , 108 . 00 21108000 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 11800 . 00 2 , 10031 21108 , 00 21108 , 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL9 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 28 . 29 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 28 . 29 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 1 , 828 . 29 21100 . 01 21108 . 00 2 , 108 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 61 . 11 - 0 . 01 192 . 00 192 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES OTHER SOURCES 1 , 895 . 40 21100 . 00 21300 . 00 25300 . 00 SL9 - 2 1� Agenda Item No . 22 (a) TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT October 1999 Presented : Town Board Meeting , November 4, 1999 Town Clerk: Debby Kelley, Deputy Town Clerk worked with the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission employees to calculate and finalize the delinquent water and sewer billings to be added to the tax billings in January. Only water/sewer billings with an outstanding balance of $20 . 00 or less were included in the listing . Voting machines will be delivered to the polling places on Friday, October 29 . The Town Clerk will deliver the suitcases on Monday , November 1st, and visit each polling site on Election Day. Mr. Grey, from HOLT Architects met with the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk's to review the needed built-in counter storage for their office in the New Town Hall . Town Clerk is compiling listing of needed furniture for offices in the New Town Hall , and is scheduling meetings with representatives of furniture vendors listed on the state bids . The inventory of the "antique" furniture items to be refinished and taken to the new building is being completed . Quotes will be requested after inspection of the items . (Financial report will be provided at meeting due to the timing of the month end and the meeting date.) Tax Collection : Preparations are underway for the upcoming tax collection season . Those properties owned by the State of New York which are subject to Public Lands Law Section 19 are being reviewed , and the appropriate special notifications are being prepared . Discussions with Colin Campbell of the State Bureau of Financial Administration regarding the consolidation of some of these parcels to facilitate easier processing are progressing . A new inking stamp was purchased which says , " DUPLICATE COPY ORIGINAL PROVIDED TO ESCROW AGENT, Ithaca Receiver of Taxes" . This stamp will be placed on all tax bills associated with properties that are held in escrow. This will allow an easier process for mailing the original bills , and will save staff time and money . The law now requires that each property owner receive a copy of their complete tax bill rather than just a notification from their escrow agent that the bill has been paid . Previously we would send the original bill and the receipt to the escrow agent, and another copy of the bill to the property owner. Now however, we are able to send the bills to the escrow agent by electronic means and it will not be necessary to send them copies of the bills or the receipts . ATTACHMENT # 16 Town Clerk's Monthly Report Presented November 4 , 1999 Page 2 . This new process will save time because we will not have to sort an original and a copy of the escrow bills . We will also save on mailing costs because we will not have to mail the individual bills to the escrow agent and the property owner. Records Management: Town Clerk has been sorting and labeling several boxes of historical records according to the appropriate classification . These are records which were "rescued " from the basement several years ago . At that time they were boxed for safe keeping but were not individually sorted by subject because all like records had not yet been identified from the other departments files . These records include original petitions for items such as water, sewer, lighting districts , and road name changes . Many of these records date back as early as 1929 . It is very interesting to learn that the petitions for lighting districts in the 1920's and 1930's were not for the placement of "street lights" as they are today. The petitions requested the installation of electric power poles along the individual town road so property owners could have electricity connected to their homes . Records scheduled for disposition in December will be reviewed and sorted during the next few weeks . The Town Board will review and approve their disposition in December. Respectfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Records Management Officer TOWN C L E RK ' S M O N T H L Y REPORT TOWN OF ITHACA , NEW YORK [ IN AL OCTOBER , 1999 TO THE SUPERVISOR : r PAGE 1 suant to Section 27 , Subd I of the Town Law , I hereby mate the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me connection with my office during the mouth stated above , excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment which are otherwise provided for by law : 1999 SPORTING LICENSES 2000 SPORTING LICENSES 5 . 00 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES NO . 99055 TO 99059 43 . 75 AGRICULTURE REPORT COPY AERIAL PHOTOS 39 MISC . COPIES 200 . 90 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 7 MARRIAGE TRANSCRIPT 70 . 00 NOISE ORDINANCE RETURNED CHECK — CLERK RETURNED CHECK—TAXES RETURNED CHECK— W& S OPEN SPACE REPORT POSTAGE SIGN ORDINANCE 1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 3 . 00 4 TAX SEARCH 20 . 00 WATER & SEWER SEARCH 6 ZONING ORDINANCE 51 . 00 A1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK, FEES 393 . 65 A1555 96 DOG ENUMERATION 96 . 00 A1556 1 SPCA CONTRACT 449965 A1557 1 SPCA IMPOUND FEES 70 . 00 530 GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSES 1 BINGO LICENSES 195000 2 BINGO FEES 17 , 98 A2540 TOTAL A2540 212 . 98 A2544 96 DOG LICENSES 192 . 00 Paid to Supervisor for General Fund 1 , 414 . 28 Paid to NYS DEC for 2000 Sporting Licenses 90400 Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 144 . 85 Paid to Ag & Markets for Dog Licenses 27 . 00 Paid to NYS Health Department for Marriage Licenses 56 . 25 Paid to State Comptroller for Games of Chance Licenses Paid to State Comptroller for Bingo Licenses 292 . 50 Total Disbursements 29024 . 88 NOVEMBER 1 , 1999 C9 SUPERVISOR STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF TOMPKINS , TOWN OF ITHACA JOAN LENT NOTEEOON , being duty sworn , says that she is the Clerk of the TOWN OF ITHACA the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Noaeys received by her during the month above stated , pting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided far by law , 1cribed and sworn to before me tbis day of U .. lg Town Clerk 0WH tKLLEY Now y&k Notary Public/Councilman No• 01KE6025079 Cti8111led M Schuvjor r....... OF 17v ° TOWN CAF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA, N .Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 2731721 HIGHWAY 2731656 PARKS 273-W35 ENGINEERING 2734747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 2731783 FAX (607) 2731704 Memorandum Agenda item: DATE: October 27, 1999 ��aenda # 2 � TO: Joan Lent Noteboom FROM : Lisa B. Titti CG Town Board RE: Network/Record Specialist's report to Town Board General The Network/Record Specialist continues projects as laid out in the 1999 Project Goals. Records Management Program The Town's Indexing Project has begun . Carrie Coates, Keyboard Specialist, is indexing current Town Board resolutions using Microsoft Access 97. 'Ibis portion of the project is a pilot, which will eventually lead to indexing resolutions and minutes other Town boards and committees. The Records Management Advisory Board met this month . Discussions revolved around how databases being created in other department impact upon each other and the benefits of using similar construction of these databases. Technology related issues PC Software and Hardware Y2K compliance All Microsoft product fixes have been installed. Other proprietary applications (i.e.: Williamson Law Book, GIS applications) have been addressed and fines implemented. Final report regarding Town's compliance will be submitted next month . Microsoft Office 97 Training Microsoft Office 97 software is now the standard on all Town PCs. Staff who have recently upgraded to these application are scheduled for training at the TC3 Ithaca Extension Center. The Network/Record Specialist will provide support and follow up with staff. New Town Hall Design Completed project for Charles R. Wilson Engineering regarding electrical requirements for hardware and other devices to be used at new facility. Agenda Item 22b HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' S MONTHLY REPORT, OCTOBER 1999 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1999 We have completed the Quick Road cut as per our agreement with the Quicks . We have captured the water along the old railroad grade and put it into our stormwater system. We now are working on the west side of Rt . 79 at the Six Mile Creek Winery property incorporating devices to slow the stormwater down before entering the Six Mile Creek area . We will continue working on this project as long as weather permits . We are in the process of working with the County to revise the routing of snow and ice removal vehicles . _ During the_ 199.9-2000 winter season the Town of Ithaca will be plowing and salting all the County roads in the Northeast. The plow and salt run on East Hill will only be plowing and salting Pinetree Road from Rt. 79 to Ellis Hollow . The County will plow and salt Ellis Hollow Road and Pinetree Road from Rt. 366 to Ellis Hollow . The County will also plow and salt two Town roads on that route, Game Farm Road and Maple Avenue . The re-routing of these trucks will help solve the problem of two trucks running over the same roads and criss-crossing each other . We will be trying these routes this winter season and then comparing results to see how effective these changes were . We have received the final designs for the Renwick Road Bridge . We have been reviewing the plans for corrections that we feel are needed . Tompkins County is planning to receive authorization from New York State Department of Transportation to go to bid in November . They are planning to bid the project in December for a start date in the spring of 2000 . They have set a scheduled completion date of August 2000 . We have received two status reports on bridges by the County, one in September and one in October . I have included one with this report as an example . This is a vast improvement in our communications with the County on our bridge projects . During October, we continued many preventative maintenance projects . We cut shoulder and cleaned ditches as time allowed . In the spirit of intermunicipal cooperation we again coordinated with our neighboring Towns to work together to repair shoulders . A coordinated plan allows us to accomplish more work and do it more efficiently . The last hot patching jobs of the paving season were done . We repiace a fire hydrant at La Tourelle . We also finished our brush pick-up in two and one half days using two crews, versus the usual three crews . Our crews and equipment performed very well . Leading up to our brush pick-up, we removed various problem trees aroUI-LL1 Ule 10VV1 . V �(2 1LIU UILL L 1L VV JtctiL L 1 U L. UiI CL_ L ICLI %cZ) r LLL vLLL CCUI� w LiD Lv 0 ` L them while still dry and easier to collect. We have also made preparation for our ATTACHMENT # 17 Agenda Item 22b winter operations, checked all our plow runs, reviewed our plow and salting teams and their deployment . We have checked our plow equipment over and stockpiled a generous supply of salt mixed with Ice Ban-Magic . We feel we are as prepared as we can reasonably be to face whatever winter has to offer . We are concluding many of our seasonal activities in the parks and trails . Final mowing, leaf blowing and collection, crackfilling and sealing of our blacktop walkways, re-posting of all sites with " No Hunting" signs, and hazardous tree removals were accomplished in October . As a follow-up to a recent neighborhood meeting in Eastern Heights, we installed some cedar rail fence around the parking lot at Eastern Heights Park and an additional speed bump at the lower entrance to the park to address some concerns regarding ve ucles driving too fast in the park and driving over the lawn. Work to be done in November includes : continue Park Lane Stormwater project, leaf collection (officially starts on November 8th), ditching, hydrant replacements, repair water valves and water boxes around the Town, finish leaf removal in the parks and trails, finish shoulder repairs, and continue sign replacements as needed . e COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ENGINEERING DIVISION FHWA PROJECTS Status Report October 12 , 1999 RENWICK DRIVE BRIDGE ( D5111 . 54411 ) 1 . This project will design and replace a bridge crossing Pleasant Grove Brook at the Town of Ithaca/Village of Cayuga Heights boundary. Renwick Drive is a Town highway. The local share will be funded jointly by the County and Town of Ithaca . Marchiselli funding of design was approved . 2 . Schedule Proposed Actual/Proiected - a . Issue design RFP = - February , 1997 March , 1997 b . Select Design Engineer April , 1997 June , 1997 c . Design contract approved by NYS May , 1997 March , 1998 d . State authorizes Winter ' 97- ' 98 October, 1999 e . Complete Construction 1998 August , 2000 3 . Funding Shares : Total Federal State County & Town a . Design $ 185 , 335 $ 148 , 268 $27 , 800 $9 , 267 b . Construction 545 , 000 436 , 000 undetermined 1099000 c . Total $730 , 335 $5847268 $27 , 800 $ 1189267 Budget/Expenses : Approved Expended Remaining Reimbursed d . Scoping & Design $ 185 , 335 $86 , 767 $98 , 568 $24 , 579 e . Construction 450 , 000 0 450 , 000 0 f. Construction Eng . 68 , 000 0 68 , 000 0 g . Contingency 27 , 000 0 279000 0 h . Total $730 , 335 $83 , 368 $643 , 568 $24 , 579 4 . Points of Interest a. The County submitted a final design report to the state in September. Final plans will be submitted in October. If both are acceptable , DOT authorization to bid construction is expected in November. Bidding is a %rr+ arfarl to f^ 11nini hcfnrn the anH of the VAAve . b . The Town will perform water line relocation and upgrade work prior to replacement of the bridge . c . A reimbursement request for $28 , 080 was submitted to the State in September. d . The Facility and Infrastructure Committee approved inclusion of this project in the County' s Capital Project Program in September . Agenda Item 22Y Town Engineer' s Report for 11 /4/99 Town Board Meeting GENERAL The Town Engineer' s staff continues to be busy with projects in the office and the field. Development of an easement database and a library of standard CADD details are continuing. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sterling House and Cottage, Tnunansburg Road at Bundy Road Site Work has been completed. Cornell Universitv/Wilson Lab G-Line Addition Restoration of the site will be completed by the end of November. Linderman Creek Apartments Utility installation is being completed and restoration of the portions of the site outside of the building areas is being completed. Final grading and seeding of the road banks and detention pond area have been completed. At the request of the NYSDOT, the developer will be lining the emergency spillway of the detention pond with medium stone riprap. Sediment and erosion control structures are in place and are being maintained. EARTH FILL PERMITS A fill permit was issued to Cornell University plantations for site grading and topsoil application at the Emerson Field for development of planting beds for the Winter garden. A fill permit was issued for 163 Iradell Road for placement of fill to regrade the driveway. WATER PROJECTS Integrated Water System The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the Integrated Water Supply Committee consisting of representatives of the City, the S. C.L. I.W. C. and Cornell University Utilities. The draft agreement has been supplied to the Cii <y and Cornell for review and comment. Warren Road Water Main Replacement Construction on the Warren Road water main replacement is complete. Water Tank Repainting Project Haight Painting has completed repainting the Pine Tree Road and Christopher Circle water tanks. SEWER PROJECTS The SJS partners are nearing completion of a revised agreement and the final draft will be presented to the municipal boards in the near future. The Town Engineer has been working with the other municipal Engineers and the SJS attorney on technical details of the agreement. ATTACHMENT # 18 TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 11 /4/99 PAGE 2 STORMWATER The Town Engineer' s staff is proceeding with a drainage design to replace an existing culvert in Eastern Heights which crosses Park Lane and improve drainage patterns along Park Lane. This work is being done to reduce erosion potential in the major watercourse that drains Eastern Heights. Town forces are doing the work. The engineering staff in cooperation with the Highway Department has started an analysis and design of drainage improvements for Tareyton Road. TOWNHALL The Architect is proceeding on production of the final construction documents. The Architect will be delivering the final Contract Documents on November 2, 1999, allowing Town Board authorization to bid at the November Board Meeting with a possible contract award at the December Town Board Meeting. The Town received comments from the SHPO and the primary concern was the orientation of steps on the Buffalo Street side of the building and some concern about the lobby design. The architect has redesigned the proposed Buffalo Street entrance steps to maintain the existing elevation, which will bring the steps over the street line after the access ramp is installed. SHPO has reviewed this modification and given approval. The final lobby configuration showing the detail of the Town Clerk ' s window has been transmitted to SHPO. Two sets of the Post Office contract documents were delivered to the Town Engineer on October 25, 1999. One set was given to HOLT&C for coordination of design elements. The Post office construction schedule has not been provided. CIRPTSENGRIERPT9911.REP T- Agenda Item # 22(d) Planning Director's Report for November 4 1999 Town Board Meeting, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board . October 5 , 1999 Meeting,: East Hill Plaza Parking Lot Improvements - Site Plan Modification, 315-317 Pine Tree Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed modification of the previously approved plan for the East Hill Plaza Parking Lot and Landscaping Improvements, located at 315-317 Pine Tree Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 62-2-1 . 121 , Business District "C" . The proposed plan is to install curbed, landscaped islands in the East Hill Plaza parking lot. The modification of the previously approved plan is to incorporate the Town of Ithaca' s requirements as they relate to the recently approved Burger King site development. Cornell University - Real Estate Department, Owner/ Applicant; S. B . Ashley Management Corporation, Agent. Tompkins County (Cayuga) Professional Building Modifications, 1301 Trumansburg Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for proposed interior renovations to the Tompkins County (Cayuga) Professional Building - Suite B, located at 1301 Trumansburg Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 24-3-4, Business District "A" . Said renovations include converting current vacant space to offices for new tenants. No exterior changes are proposed. Professional Building Associates, Owner / Applicant; Mack Travis and George W . Breuhaus, A.I . A. , Agents . Cornell University North Campus Residential Initiative, Pleasant Grove Road: The Planning Board had a preliminary discussion regarding Cornell University' s proposed North Campus Residential Initiative : Final Environmental Impact Statement and Town of Ithaca Planning Board's Findings. No action was taken at this meeting. October 19 , 1999 Meeting,: Montessori Middle School - Site Plan Modification, 122 East King Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the, proposed modification of the previously approved plan for the Montessori Middle School, located at 122 East King Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43- 1 -3 . 6, Residence District R-15 . Proposed site plan revisions include the relocation of a sign, changes to two walkways, relocation of the driveway turnaround, and use of alternative plant species in the landscaping plan. Montessori School, Owner / Applicant; Peter Demjanec, Demjanec & Associates, Architects, Agent. Old Hundred - Site Plan Modification, 704 Five Mile Drive: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed modification of the previously approved plan for Old Hundred, located at. 704 Five Mile Drive on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 31 -4-2, Residence District R-30 . Proposed modifications include relocation of four parking spaces, placing asphalt over the existing gravel drive, and changing the location of a row of ATTACHMENT # 19 shrubs. Denmark Development, Inc. , Owner / Applicant; Patricia and Elizabeth Classen, Agents. Cornell University North Campus Residential Initiative, Pleasant Grove Road: The Planning Board held a public hearing to consider Preliminary Site Plan Approval, a Recommendation to the Town Board regarding the proposed rezoning from MR Multiple Residence to a new Recreational District for Cornell University' s proposed North Campus Residential Initiative, and adoption of a Statement of Findings pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act regarding the North Campus project, located on the west side of Pleasant Grove Road and south side of Jessup Road on all or parts of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No's. 67-1 - 1 . 11 68-1 -11 . 1 , 68- 1 -11 . 2, and 68-1 -12. 2, comprising approximately 14. 1 acres of land. The overall project in both the City and Town of Ithaca is proposed to consist of new dormitories to house up to 560 new students, a new "community commons" dining hall / student activities center, a new road connecting the existing South Balch Drive to Pleasant Grove Road, a new 138 space parking lot, three new soccer fields, tennis courts and basketball courts, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Cornell University, Owner / Applicant; Kathryn Wolf, Trowbridge and Wolf, Landscape Architects, Agent. No action was taken at this meeting. A special meeting will be held on November 2, 1999 to continue consideration of actions regarding this proposal. CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month. SEOR Reviews for Zoning Board: No SEQR reviews for the Zoning Board were done since the October report. Codes and Ordinances Committee: The next meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Committee is scheduled for October 27, 1999 ( this is not the regular meeting date) . Proposed agenda items include (1 ) review of draft Recreation District (proposed in conjunction with Cornell University' s North Campus Residential Initiative); (2) continuation of review of revised draft Zoning Ordinance chapters, and (3) sub-committee status report regarding commercial zoning. An update on this meeting will be provided in the December planning report. Capital Projects Planning Committee: The October 5, 1999 meeting was cancelled and was re- scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 1999. Steve Thayer of the City of Ithaca' s capital projects committee is scheduled to attend this meeting to discuss the City's capital budgeting process. American Planning Association Upstate New York Chapter Conference Canandaigua,_ NY: Planning staff attended a two-day planning conference which focused on "smart-growth" issues, such as farmland preservation, waterfront redevelopment, and proposed smart-growth legislation in NYS. It was reported that the Governor is considering issuing an executive order which would establish a smart-growth commission to study possible legislative initiatives and add staff to the Dept. of State to pursue such initiatives. Several current proposed bills on this subject were also discussed. New York Planning_Federation Annual Institute, Ellenville, NY: The Planning Board Chair and Planning staff attended this three-day-conference. Sessions attended included SEQRA review, 2 farmland preservation techniques, Main Street redevelopment efforts in Sullivan County, comprehensive and community planning, design review standards / guidelines, dealing with "tricky" land uses (e. g. , cell towers, adult uses, manufactured homes, churches, etc .), among others. Filename: 17plan \ townbd \ tpre1199.mem 3 � G Agenda #22e TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1999 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1999 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 2 341 , 166 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1999 0 0 13 1 ,2761600 RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 13 11373,780 1999 0 0 1 1609000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1998 2 3507000 4 700,000 1999 2 15,820 22 419, 120 RENOVATIONS 1998 2 205,000 13 620,436 1999 0 0 2 12,850 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1998 0 0 5 10,800 1999 3 74,500 10 2755697 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1998 5 90,455 17 581 ,667 1999 1 4507000 10 311557146 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 2 4,9501000 1 Cayuga Professional Building modify Suites A & B 38,500 1 Burger King restaurant 333,000 1999 2 371 ,500 10 2,548293 BUSINESS 1998 5 11348,445 11 11600,695 1999 0 0 0 0 AGRICULTURAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 CU sewage dump station 22,440 14 10,028, 110 EDUCATIONAL 1998 1 196,800 6 67986,300 1 Modify accessory building 10,000 1 22 x 45 inground swimming pool 20,000 1 Steel chimney pipe 3,000 MISCELLANEOUS 1999 3 339000 36 440,863 CONSTRUCTION 1998 11 110, 147 40 620, 164 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1999 12 967,260 118 18,316,679 PERMITS ISSUED 1998 26 21300,847 113 17,785,008 TOTAL FEES 1999 12 11720 118 23,680 RECEIVED 1998 26 35915 113 20,715 Date Prepared: November 1 , 1999 Dani L. Holford Building/Zoning Department Secretary ATTACHMENT 420 2 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 17 1 . 103 Bundy Road (Sterling House) - senior citizens residence - temporary. 2. 6 Peachtree Lane - new three bedroom modular home. 3 . # 1 Bella Vista Drive (Ithacare) - residential care facility - temporary. 4. 101 Bundy Road (Sterling Cottage) - senior citizens residence - temporary. 5. 103 Bundy Road (Sterling House) - senior citizens residence - temporary. 6. 1011 Taughannock Boulevard - porch and dining room extension/renovation. 7. 1310 Hanshaw Road - add window to cellar. 8. 1111 East Shore Drive - build a deck with a play structure. 9. 1323 Mecklenburg Road (EcoVillage Community Center) - wheelchair lift. 10. 1323 Mecklenburg Road (EcoVillage) - community center. 11 . 125 Iradell Road - 12' x 24' addition to single-family home. 12. 1020 Ellis Hollow Road - renovations and alterations to motel - temporary. 13 . 103 Bundy Road (Sterling House) - senior citizens residence. 14. 111 Rich Road - outside deck and hot tub. 15. 122 East King Road - conversion of single-family dwelling to school building. 16. East Hill Plaza - parking lot site improvements. 17. 101 Bundy Road (Sterling Cottage) - senior citizens residence - temporary. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 147 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 107 INQUIRIESICOMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - S 1 . 412 Winston Court, Apartment #2 - building code - abated. 2. 1022 Hanshaw Road - property maintenance - no violation found. 3 . East Hill Plaza - parking - abated. 4. Corner of Hayts and Trumansburg Roads - sign - abated. 5 . 1219 Trumansburg Road - sign - pending. From September 1999: 1 . 703 Hudson Street Extension - noise - pending. 2. 177 Kendall Avenue - building code - pending. 3 . 116 Kay Street - building code - pending. 4. 139 Salem Drive - building code - pending. 5. 163 Iradell Road - fill - abated. 6. Mecklenburg Road - fill - no violation found. From Anril 1999: 1 . 172 Calkins Road - property maintenance - pending. From May 1998: 1 . 155 West Haven Road - building code - application pending. 2. 220 Haller Boulevard - building code - pending. From March 1998: 1 . 124 Haller Boulevard - building code (illegal apartment) ,- pending. (apartment occupied by family member) 3 From February 1998: I . 803 Coddington Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) . 611 Elmira Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) From January 1998: 1 . 110 Winston Drive - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (building vacant) From October 1997: L 1447 Trumansburg Road - building code and zoning violation (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) From May ly 995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 53 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 62 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 85 Uniform Building Code - 64 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 9 Fire Safety - 9 (3 apartments [I 1 units], 2 churches, 1 school, 1 restaurant, I club, 1 retail store) Fire Safety Reinspections - 2 (businesses) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - l (house/electric) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 853 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 802 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH (Montessori School) - I TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 8 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 8 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IMEETING, 2 CASES, AGENDA ATTACHED TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1999 7 :00 P.M. By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, October 13 , 1999 , in Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N . Y. , COMMENCING AT 7 :00 P . M . , on the following matters : APPEAL of Russell Hodnett, Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article V, Section 21 and Article XI, Section 51 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain an existing garage with a � « 3 . 75 + foot side yard building setback ( 15 feet required) at 125 Iradell Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24- 1 - 10 , Agricultural District (R-30 regulations apply) .° APPEAL of James L . Fowler, Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article IV, Sectionl4 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to construct a 26 ' x 16 ' garage attached to an existing single-family �M e.&home, with a proposed side yard setback of 7 + feet ( 10 feet required) at 140 Westview Lane, Residence District R- 15 , Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 58-2-39 . 652 . Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 :00 p.m. , and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: October 5 , 1999 Published: October 8 , 1999 Town Board Meeting 11 /4/99 Agenda No . 22 (f) Human Resources Specialist Report on October 1999 • PERSONNEL: Mark Cases , Sr. Account Clerk, resigned effective October 15 , 1999 , to take a position closer to his home and family in Pennsylvania . We are currently canvassing for interested candidates and will be interviewing the first week of November. The goal is to have the position filled by November 29 , 1999 . The appointment will be a provisional appointment due to there not being a current eligible listing available . Being recommended at the November 4 , 1999 , Town Board meeting is the reclassification of the Sr. Account Clerk position to Principal Account Clerk/Typist. This recommendation comes after a careful review of Mark' s current responsibilities and skills . The responsibilities and skills needed more accurately reflect those of a Principal Account Clerk/Typist than a Sr. Account Clerk. Therefore , the Budget Officer and myself felt that it would be more appropriate to recommend changing this position prior to appointing a candidate . • PERSONNEL COMMITTEE : ; SCLIWC had their Personnel Committee meeting on the 13th where they discussed the proposed changes for the Personnel Manual . The key issues are ; Disciplinary Policy, Grievance Procedures , Performance Reviews and Salaries , Leaves of Absence , Seminars , Stipends , Hours of Work , Uniforms , Weather Related Closing , Bereavement Leave and Post Probation Pay Bumps . These items will be discussed at the next Town Personnel Committee meeting on October 27 , 1999 , TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: The Intermunicipal Training Group , which consists of Schelley Michelle-Nunn , City of Ithaca; Diane Bradac , Tompkins County; Marty Brennan , TC3 ; and myself, met to begin developing the next set of employee training . We discussed holding in January 2000 the "Managing Conflict Effectively ' program , which is intended for all employees . For March 2000 , we are developing a program called "Managing and Working with Difficult People" , this program is being developed more for management / supervisory personnel . This program is designed for actions before they are at the disciplinary level . It is not designed to teach the disciplinary procedures . The Town 's commitment to keeping its' employees up to date on the latest programs is a vital element in being one of the leading municipalities in the area. With this in mind Lisa Titti , Network/Records Specialist has installed on many Ask computers Microsoft Office 97 software . In November, several of the staff will be updating their skills on this software through available training at the TC3 Extension center on the Commons . ATTACHMENT # 21 • JOB CLASSIFICATION LISTING : The management group has received the documentation used to establish the Town' s Job Classification Listing . Beginning in November there will be Department Head meetings established solely to discuss the classification process . Any changes will be recommended to the Town Board for their approval . Also to be discussed is "Reclassification Procedures" . Respectfully Submitted By: Judith C . Drake Human Resources Specialist