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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1999-09-13 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 5 : 30 PM At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , there were present : PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Supervisor; Mary Russell , Board Member; Carolyn Grigorov, Board Member; David Klein , Board Member; Ed Conley, Board Member; Bill Lesser, Board Member ; Tom Niederkorn , Board Member, PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; John Barney, Attorney for the Town (excused at 8 : 05 p . m . ) ; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent ; Jon Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andy Frost , Director Building/Zoning; Al Carvill , Budget Officer; Judith Drake , Human Resources Specialist . OTHERS: Bob Rowmanowski , Ithaca Fire Department ; Mike Koplinka- Loehr, Board of Representatives; Dave Burbank, White Tail Drive ; Alice Koller, Brooktondale; Lauren Bishop , Ithaca Journal . Call to Order: The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5 : 34 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . Agenda Item No. 3 — Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives. Mike Koplinka- Loehr, Board of Representatives — A crime prevention report has come out from a subcommittee of the task force . It is a proactive look at a Federal report and how it applies to our County in terms of crime prevention . There are school , neighborhood and municipality issues . Next year is the assessment re-evaluation for the County. The Town will be receiving an assessment schedule. The County Administrator has gone through the first cut of budget requests . The Capital Projects are looking at an 11 % increase . There are big operating request increases . The Sheriff is looking for 8 new staff on road patrol . The Library would like 6 new staff as they move to the new facility. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed the Sheriff's request and has cut it down to 3 or 4 staff members . Councilwoman Russell — What is happening with the Renwick Heights bridge ? Mr. Koplinka- Loehr — It is scheduled for renovation in 2000 . It is on the Capital Project list . The other Town related projects are the Coddington Road reconstruction , Hanshaw Road reconstruction , and North Triphammer Road and bridge reconstruction . Councilwoman Grigorov — What portion of Coddington Road will be under construction ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent — It will be going up to Troy Road . They did have a projec to the Townline . When it was submitted to the State , they raised the numbers . This made the project come in below the cutoff point . The County then scaled down the project so that it would fit into the TIP schedule . Councilwoman Russell — What happens to the portion of the road that is not getting redone ? Mr. Noteboom — We do not know at this point . The County realizes that something needs to be done . They do not know what they are going to do at this point . Councilman Lesser — Does the proposal still call for widening the traffic lanes? Councilwoman Grigorov — It will be paved and shouldered . Mr . Noteboom — The original proposal called for 11 -foot travel lanes and 6 foot shoulders . Councilwoman Russell — It is an expansion of the travel lane and that is why we are concerned . Traffic travels at high speeds on this road . Councilman Lesser — This will encourage high speeds in a residential area . Councilman Klein — It is felt that there is not sufficient communication between the County Highw Department and the Town Engineering Department . We had a meeting with the people who live o Warren Road about the Warren Road reconstruction . It was explained to them what would be done with the water and sewer. Our engineering staff donated storm water engineering services towards the project. There were many opportunities to make some improvements to the water system . The northeast has major water problems . Apparently they are only doing some of it . They are also behind schedule . Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering — Between Winthrop Drive and BOCES , there is an area where water has stood in the ditches for years . In discussions , we expressed our concerns with Ward Hungerford . He said that the Town should look at the drainage and see what needs to be done to get it corrected . The Town did this . We eliminated one culvert that was putting water in a place that it did not need to go . The design did require a deep cut at one point. He thought the cut was too deep and said that it could not be done . Mr . Hungerford did not tell us this in May when we gave him the plans . In August , he told us that they could not do it because it was too expensive . The Town may have been able to provide some assistance , but could not have worked it into our schedule at this point. It is frustrating because they changed the design that our staff spent time working on . We are working with them as much as we can . The drainage is being put back the way it was . The existing pipes are being replaced . A new culvert was put in at Christopher Circle . Councilman Klein — Should we set up a meeting ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino — I talked with Barbara Blanchard and will be meeting with her on Wednesday. We are going to try to put together a process to address these problems. Agenda Item No. 4 — Report of Fire Commissioners. Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department — We had a special meeting on the budget July 27"' . This replaced the regular August Fire Commissioners meeting. The Public Safety Critical Incident Management Course was taken by Wayne Sincebaugh and Daniel Walker. The budget process is underway. The Board of Fire Commissioners and Fire Department were asked to make three budget presentations . There is a 3% decrease in the money we spent . There was a zero percent increase in our Special Budget , The Special Budget restores levels of program costs and training to the levels maintained several years ago . Seven additional fire fighters are being requested to bring the department up to full strength . Four Guys Inc from Myersdale , Pennsylvania was the low bidder for furnishing equipment. These are two pumpers that are going to replace old equipment . The Board of Fire Commissioners has accepted the bid in the amount of $777, 460 . 20. The funding is from Capital Project No , 356 , Approximately 15 years ago we set up a capital project for replacing fire equipment . lAs a result of a generous donation from the Local Fraternal Order of Eagles the Fire Department is taking delivery of two thermal imaging cameras . A room could be dark and completely full of smoke and you can still see what is going on . The camera is amazing in the ability to pick up infrared heat sources . These units will save lives and reduce property damage. Councilwoman Russell — Can you see people inside a building? Mr. Romanowski — Yes. You are able to find children when they are hiding . The infrared emissions show up as a heat source . They are carried into the rooms with the fire fighters . They are able to find the source of the fire or people . I will try to get a demonstration for the Town Board . The fire department has received money from the State for the Emergency Ice storm . They received less than half. The State forgot to inform us of the cut off date. They did not answer for almost 10 months . Supervisor Valentino — We have told the City that we would like a commitment from them that they were willing to accept a partnership . We wrote a resolution to have a joint activity fund . Mr. Cafferillo told us that a joint activity fund would not be possible . I am not convinced that this is accurate . The resolution went before Common Council and they passed the resolution . They have made a commitment to go forward with the partnership and the segregated funding of the budget. Our next meeting we will have a demonstration from Mr. Cafferillo of how he is proposing that the financing would work . Mr. Carvill will attend this meeting so that we can go through it . TOWN BOARD PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Romanowski — There is some problems with the language for financing . The other is who ha code enforcement and building code . Supervisor Valentino — I received copies from Cayuga Heights of what they are proposing for the extension of their fire station . This impacts our budget under our current agreement to pay for any expansion that they do . Mr. Romanowski — We will need to fix a boundary for areas of protection . The fire department answers call and it is disputed later. Agenda Item No 5 — PERSONS TO BE HEARD. David Burbank, 161 Whitetail Drive — In 1987 , Ed Halberg and I bought some land at a County foreclosure sale . In 1988 , Mr. Halberg decided to donate the land to the Town for the use as a Town Park. It was contingent upon a few items . One of which was a subdivision that would allow an acre of this land to be attached to one of my 3 lots on Whitetail Drive , Mr. Kanter and Mr. Frantz have worked hard for several months to make this happen . It involves 10 lot line changes . On September 89 1998 the Town Board approved the concept and authorized funds to pay for the surveys and the subdivision . On November 3 , 1998 the Planning Board approved the plan and directed the Town to go forward . The land was to be conveyed to me six months from the date of approval . This woul have made the deadline May 3 , 1999 . 1 have been working since November with Attorney Barney and Supervisor Valentino asking if w could move this along . I am concerned that we have passed the expiration date . This involves 10 lot line changes . Some of the lots are on Saunders Road owned by Mr. Malloy. Mr. Malloy has sold one of the lots and a few more are under contract . I hope that it does not complicated things . I am asking the board if there is anything they can do to move this along . Attorney Barney — It is a 10- lot subdivision made up of 3 different titles . We have the deed from Mr. Halberg for the park. We have been waiting for the attorney of Malloy. We sent the deeds over to Mr . Malloy's attorney. I have received the papers back and it should be completed soon . Supervisor Valentino — What happ ens next? Attorney Barney — The deeds are exchanged and recorded . We have reached an agreement that we are going to let the buyer of the lot determine what they want in the way of a title change . Mr. Burbank — About 4 months ago it was indicated that one of the holdups was getting paperwork in place regarding the Kinder property. Has that been resolved ? Attorney Barney — I do not know if it has been resolved , but we do have the title . Councilman Klein — Is there any money transactions? TOWN BOARD PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney - It is land for land . We have a right to go across the Kinder property. Supervisor Valentino - Should we be concerned about the property up for sale? Attorney Barney - No . Alice Koller, Brooktondale - I am a visiting scholar at the Cornell University English Department . I would like to live in the Moore House . I met with Supervisor Valentino and she suggested that I come to the Town Board meeting . Supervisor Valentino - We are in negotiations with Cornell University about if the house should be moved or remain where it is . I understood from our meeting that Ms. Koller would not be interested in the house if it were to remain on its current site . Ms . Koller - I walked around the property and saw the site. The property is very beautiful . I am a writer; scholar and I work at home . I get up very early and I go to bed very early. I tried to imagine what it would be like living in that house for the two years that construction would take place . Heavy equipment would arrive at 7 : 00 a . m . and stay until 3 : 30 p . m . every afternoon . This would not be a possible situation for me . I understand that a good many people believe that it is important that a private family live in the house . This amount of noise would not be conclusive to anyone's well being . There might be a family that could take this type of disruption for two years . When it is finished , the house would be out front in the midst of students. Students live an entirely different life from that of a familiy or the type of life I were to live. It is important for people to try and imagine the circumstances of living in the house during construction and then afterwards as an isolated entity. I want very much to live there , would prefer the site on Pleasant Grove Road rather than the site in Forest Home . It would be more in the country. It is a country house and it deserves its location in a site that would let it remain a country. Agenda Item No. 6 - PUBLIC HEARING : "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA". SEE ATTACHMENT #1 Supervisor Valentino post poned the public hearing until 6: 17 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Agenda Item No. 5 Cont ' d. Councilwoman Grigorov - Do you like the site on Pleasant Grove Road ? Ms . Koller - Yes . There is a lot of open space . The other lot would be a smaller lot. The house is built for a large site . TOWN BOARD PAGE 6 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Niederkorn — Have you been in contact with Historic Ithaca? Ms . Koller — I tried to be . I had an appointment . A few days before the appointment , they called and said that several other people were also interested in the house . They felt that they should wait until the Town and the City decide what should be done . Then they plan to have an open house to those interested . Agenda Item No. 6 Cont' d. Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6: 17 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Supervisor Valentino asked if any members of the public wished to be heard. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6: 18 p. m. Councilman Lesser — What do they mean about buildings ? Do they mean every buildings? Attorney Barney — It is the title of the original Local Law. It was required installation in a number of existing buildings within 10 years of the adoption of the Local Law, Councilman Lesser — Does it include single family housing? Attorney Barney — No . Single-family and two4amiliy houses are excluded . The City of Ithaca had retrofit requirement for fire alarms . It was challenged in court successfully. As a result , we to another look at our Local Law. This law repeals the retrofitting section of the original law. Mr. Frost — This will not affect any new construction . New construction requires sprinklers . Councilman Lesser — Have builders expressed any concern ? Councilwoman Grigorov — They did 10 years ago . Mr . Frost — The builders who spoke against this were speaking against the proposed requirement for one and two family homes . Councilman Klein — Under the present Ordinance , houses like Deer Run , would be required to be sprinklered . Eventhough they are single family units , they are attached . Councilman Lesser — In an area where they do not have public water, how do they handle sprinkler systems ? Mr. Frost — We develop a water supply. I do not know of anyone who has had to put sprinkler systems in commercial facilities without public water. Councilman Klein — We are repealing the retro fit of the ordinance . Is this new language or is it bein relabeling Subdivision B , section 5 ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney — It is new language . We wanted to make sure that if a building was being renovated in a manner that would require it to be brought up to building code , then the same test would apply. Councilman Klein — Does this need to have Code Department approval ? Attorney Barney — No. Mr. Frost — The language that we have inserted has come out of the building code . Councilman Klein — The sprinklers are being added to the 50% rule . Attorney Barney — We have a section addressing renovations. Councilwoman Russell — Why do you think this provision would survive under the Courts decision ? Attorney Barney — This is building code . It is true of any building in the State of New York today. Mr. Frost — If major renovations are being made to a building, the building is being treated as if it is brand new. We have applied that rule to single-family homes in the Town . The State modified the law that would enable older buildings to be renovated without having to bring the entire building into compliance . Mr. Kanter — This is an amendment to the State Building Code as it applies to the Town of Ithaca . Councilwoman Russell — Is this stricter than the State Code? Attorney Barney — It is stricter in that it requires sprinklers to be put in buildings that would not otherwise be required to happen . This is already in our Local Law and is what we are appealing . We are making it less restrictive . Mr. Frost — There are sections that have exemptions . Councilman Klein — I think that this would need to go before the State Department for an opinion . Mr. Frost — I can call them for an opinion . The board could pass it and then modifiy it if necessary. Attorney Barney — The only implication it gives is that we are doing something more restrictive . I do not think that we are . The current code states that the sprinklers must be installed . Mr . Frost — The 50% rule applies to rehabilitations . If it is an older building there are certain criteria , that may exempt a building from having to comply with all codes . Attorney Barney — We are moving from more restrictive to a less restrictive position . TOWN BOARD PAGE 8 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Lesser — Do we want to require sprinklers in an older building that will go through substantial renovation ? Mr. Frost — We are saying yes . In New York State if you make a Local Law applying to the building code that is more restrictive than the State Code than you need New York State approval . We did this when we originally passed this law. The older building usually has less fire saftey features than the current code . I encourage the board to pass the law as it is . Supervisor Valentino — The historical significance of a building might be compromised by a sprinkler. They could go to the Zoning Board of Appeals for an appeal . Attorney Barney — They would need to prove a hardship. An alternative means of fire suppression would need to be used . Councilwoman Russell — The Ravener Decision said that the retro fit requirement was not upheld . Why do you think that these buildings that fall under this section are an exception to that rule? Attorney Barney — Ravener was dealing with a specific requirement that applied to every building that was ever constructed . Acienda Item No. 7 — SE R : "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEA 1998 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN O ITHACA". SEE ATTACHMENT #2 Resolution No. 139 - SEQR: LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 SQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA. WHEREAS, this action is the enactment of a local law amending Local Law No. 7 of the year 1988 requiring sprinkler systems to be installed in buildings in the Town of Ithaca; and WHEREAS, this amendment would repeal Section 4 of Local Law No. 7, 1988, thereby removing the requirement to retrofit existing buildings with sprinkler systems, and would also amend Subdivision (b) of Section 5 of such local law, and WHEREAS, this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public hearing held on September 13, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts I and ll for this action; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review A TOWN BOARD PAGE 9 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 8 - ADOPTION : "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEAR 1998 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA". Resolution No. 140 - ADOPTING A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO, 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF I THACA WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on September 13, 1999, to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO, 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA "; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that adoption of said proposed local law would not have a significant effect upon the environment and could be processed without further regard to SEQR, and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to amend Local Law No. 7 as proposed; NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO. 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA ", a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and it is further I TOWN BOARD PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to enter said local law in th minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town of Ithaca, and to give due notice of the adoption of said local law by filing a copy of said local law with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9 - Process for Reviewing Resumes, Scheduling Interview with Candidates Seeking Appointment to Planning Board . Supervisor Valentino - The unfortunate passing of Robert Kenerson has left a vacancy on the Planning Board . We have 3 applications . We need to set up a process for interviewing the candidates and having a recommendation come to the Town Board . Have we had a few members of the Planning Board included on the interviewing committee ? Mr. Kanter - We usually have the Planning Board identify the two members that they want to participate . We have not done that for at least a year. Supervisor Valentino - We need two volunteers from the Town Board , Councilman Conley - Could we suggest that Fred Wilcox as one of the interviewers? Councilwoman Grigorov - We should leave the decision up to the Planning Board of who they would like to be involved with the interviewing. I would like to be part of the interviewing committee . Councilman Niederkorn - I would also like to be involved . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Town Board did pass a policy on how to proceed . We need to have at least two candidates , and then the Town Board chooses the candidate . Councilwoman Russell - Did Mr. Nolan submit a resume? If not, we need to ask him for a resume . Mrs . Noteboom - We only received a letter. Supervisor Valentino - We do have time for other interested individuals . Councilwoman Grigorov - I would like to tell the applicants that they need to go to training sessions . noticed that none of the new members are going to the Planning Federation Conference . It should be part of the time commitment . Supervisor Valentino - There are many different programs coming up this fall . TOWN BOARD PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED would like to thank Mr. Walker and Mr . Sincebaugh for taking the time and effort spent on taking the course through the fire department . Mr. Walker — We spent a day at the fire station working with people . We spent another day at the Corning Community College facility where they had a model layout of towns . There were people from the many different agencies in the class . It helped us to learn how we could work together in situations . They stressed that everyone needs to be involved . It involves elected officials as well as finances . The ice storm in nothern New York had a lot of immobilazation of resources . Some of the financial restitution was not forthcoming . Councilman Conley — It is very helpful to have police , fire department and public works available . They were very helpful during the flood of 1972 . They came up with nurses when they were needed . We made arrangement for nurses to be transported to Elmira . We picked up their nurses and gave them rooms for rest and food . Supervisor Valentino — I received several phone calls about this quarter's sewer bills . They were exceptionally high . Mainly because they have been sprinklering their lawns . People want to know why they have to pay sewer on the water they used for watering their lawns . I explained that there is no way for the Town to know the difference . Councilwoman Russell — What do we do when people have public sewer and not public water? Mr. Walker — If we can , we put a meter on their water system . If it is not feasible, we look at the size of the house and the number of units . We have an estimated method that we build on based on the normal usage for that size house. We do not use sewer meters . They would be very difficult to maintain especially for individual homes . Supervisor Valentino — I received a phone calls from residents of Vera Circle . They said that when they came in with their petition many years ago , we told them that they were on the ten year plan . Five years have passed and they would like to know where they are on the plan . We know for sure that we are not going to be able to extend water. We are going to have angry people . Mr. Walker — They know that it is not in the plan . There are people out of water in that area this year. Agenda Item No. 10 — Acceptance of Resignation Appointment to the Recreation Partnership Supervisor Valentino — Mrs . Noteboom feels that continuing on this committee is getting to be difficult for her. Mrs . Noteboom — I sit on the board as a private resident . I served the second term because no one else was interested . This gentlemen has a great deal of experience and has been attending the meetings . TOWN BOARD PAGE 12 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No. 141 - Appointment Recreation Partnership Board WHEREAS, a vacancy exists for a Town of Ithaca representative on the Recreation Partnership Board due to the resignation of Mrs. Joan Lent Noteboom, and WHEREAS, Mark Stuart, 405 Teton Court has been attending the meetings of the Recreation Partnership Board as an "at large " non - voting member; and WHEREAS, Mr. Stuart has expressed an interest in being appointed as a Town of Ithaca representative on the said board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby appoints Mr. Mark Stuart of 405 Teton Court to fill the vacancy for a Town of Ithaca representative on the Recreation Partnership Board for a term effective upon adoption of this resolution through December 31 , 1999, MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 11 — Funding Re guest for Cayuga Lake Watershed Management Pla Intermunicipal Organization . Supervisor Valentino — This is not in the budget at this point . It needs to be added to the budget . Councilman Niederkorn — How is the money used? Councilwoman Grigorov — It is used to support the work force , staff and the meetings . They have been having meetings about concerns . The next year is going to be spent doing a study of the lake . Councilman Niederkorn — Are the municipalities committing themselves to follow this plan ? Councilwoman Grigorov — The municipalities are only committed to supporting the work . There might be an attempt later on to get the municipalities to follow the plan . Supervisor Valentino — Many times the State will not give grant money without working on this . What happens if some municipalities do not contribute any money? Councilwoman Grigorov — They have other ways of using in house work to make up funds . Attorney Barney — What is the benefit to the Town ? Councilwoman Grigorov — It is in support of the lake study . TOWN BOARD PAGE 13 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney — Will we receive the study after it is complete? Councilwoman Grigorov — Yes. It can be used as a basis for applying for grants . Attorney Barney — It should be constructed in a way that we are buying and receiving a service . Mr. Kanter — We might want to do a resolution committing to putting it into next year's budget. Would they want that type of indication in the resolution ? Councilwoman Grigorov — It would be appropriate for them to be notified that the Town of Ithaca will contribute funds . Supervisor Valentino — It is funding to continue the project in the second year. Mr. Carvill — The board is willing to make the budget commitment. At some future date the board will make the actual expenditure . Agenda Item No. 12 — Petition form Iradell Road Residents Regarding Request for Water Extension . SEE ATTACHMENT O Mr. Walker — Mr. Hodnett came into the office because he was out of water. Iradell Road is the boundary between Ithaca and the Town of Ulysses . The feasibility of providing water to additional residents on Iradell Road will require a storage tank on West Hill . We have a hydromatic tank that supplies water to the Wolff Lane area and a portion of Trumansburg Road . I would not be comfortable putting any more load onto that system . The logical way to serve the area would be to put a pump station at the Trumansburg Road tank. A tank would be needed on Sheffield Road . The water would be brought down to Iradell , and down to Trumansburg Road . The secondary tank would provide adequate pressure for fire flow on Trumansburg Road and the Wolf Lane area . It would be an additional reserve station for the hospital and other facilities on West Hill if the Trumansburg Road tank were to be taken out of service . Councilwoman Grigorov — What is the cost estimate? Mr. Walker — It would be about half a million dollars for the tank, pump station , and piping . It would be closer to $ 1 million if we bring the water all the way around . Councilman Klein — We would then serve a lot more than 10 houses . Mr. Walker — We would also serve the houses on Haytts Road that requested water several years ago . It would serve Eastern Artificial Breeders . This is a major agricultural business that is currently hauling 2 , 000 — 3 , 000 gallons of water a day into their laboratory facility. Councilman Klein — This would open that area up to water. TOWN BOARD PAGE 14 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Grigorov — There is a lot of open unfarmed farm land . Mr. Walker — The Town of Ulysses is very interested in a supply of water, but the cost is very high for them . The tank could be a shared project between the Town of Ulysses and the Town of Ithaca . Councilman Niederkorn — This is a very dry area . Mr. Walker — West Hill has some very variable situations . People on Haytts Road have had to drill new wells recently. The Eastern Artificials have located their second facilty in this area and they have drilled six new wells . They have a yield of about a gallon a minute . The houses on Haytts Road have sulpher and salt in the water or very low water or no water at this point . Councilman Conley — Is there a possiblity of working something out with the Town of Ulysses? Mr . Walker — We have talked with them . We have a water main that comes to their townline that we could utilize to provide them with water . Their biggest water need is in Jacksonville where they had the contamination from gasoline. They were looking to the Village of Trumansburg as a water source, but they are having their own water problems . It would require another storage tank and pump station in between . Councilman Conley — It might be beneficial to Enfield as well as Ulysses . Attorney Barney — Where will the water come from ? Mr . Walker — The lake . Attorney Barney — It would need to come through the City of Ithaca and we would need to get their permission . Mr. Walker — It would not be a problem with the water system that we have in place . Supervisor Valentino — We need to talk about our options at this point because we are in the stages of trying to put together our intermunicipal water . For us to talk about the Town of Ithaca extending water is impossible for us right now. We do not know the final structure of the intermunicipal water system . I can send them the same letter that we sent Newfield . We are sensitive to their concerns and we are willing to work with them in the future . We are also concerned about their landuse policies and how the water might be used . We do not want to see strip development . Councilman Klein — The petition was for ten houses? Mr. Walker — There needs to be a link to a higher elevation . Supervisor Valentino — They see the hydrant down the road and they do not understand why th water cannot be extended . TOWN BOARD PAGE 15 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED IMr. Walker — We see a lot of water pressure fluxuation now when everyone turns their pumps on and we turn the hydrant on . We are at the capacity of the pumping station . It needs to be upsized . Storing energy in a hydromatic situation is not efficient. It does not provide fire protection . Councilman Klein — Should we have Mr. Walker look into this to find out how much it would cost ? Councilwoman Grigorov — We know enough about it now. Mr. Walker — We do need another tank on West Hill . The hospital tank is 70 to 80 years old . It has not been painted in a long time . If it is out of service . We do not have a way to provide water to the hospital . The pump system is 50 years old . We do not want to trust the pipes as a sole source for the hospital . Councilman Niederkorn — Should this be considered as part of our 5-year Capital Plan ? Mr. Walker — Considering the number of residents served and the relative cost makes it not a high priority. Our high priorty is to get a sister tank for the hospital tank. It would be located on Elm Street or Mecklenburg Road , The Mecklenburg Road watermain that we just installed ties into the City's grid . We now have two ways to get water. The next point is to get another tank up there . I would like the tank to be 250 , 000 gallon range . The cost would be about $250, 000. Councilman Niederkorn — Would we have the capacity to pump up Iradell Road after that is complete? Mr. Walker — The tank will not increase the zone of service . It will provide reinforcement to the hospital . Councilman Niederkorn —Could a new tank on Iradell Road provide reinforcement for the existing sytem ? Mr. Walker — To serve those houses it would have to be at a higher pressure zone . It would provide an emergency supply if the main tank went down , but we would have to reduce the pressure to the hospital . It would elminate the need for the hydromatic system . There is a Special Land Use District in this area . Part of the potential approval requirements for that project was for the developer to construct a water storage tank. They were to pressurize and continue the loop. The Town put part of the system in to serve the immediate need in the Wolff Lane area . Mr. Kanter — The Town Board has talked about eliminating the Special Land Use District . Councilman Niederkorn — We cannot respond any more than we did to Newfield . We can say that we are looking at it in the long range plan . Supervisor Valentino — We can have a community meeting with them explaining how complicated and expensive it would be . I would like to see this on our Capital Plan list . TOWN BOARD PAGE 16 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Kanter - This area is recommended for preservation of the agricultural land in th Comprehensive Plan . There are conflicting things to look at . Agenda Item No 16 - Legal Action Regarding Unsafe Building at 339 Stone Quarry Road . Mr. Frost - I have tried to make contact with the property owner. She has not responded . I will be continuing with this . Agenda Item No 13 - Approval to Broaden Investment Procedures. Supervisor Valentino - Our current status with M & T is that the Town authorized Mr. Carvill and I to invest up to $500 , 000 of the Town 's money. We have always exclusively had our money with Tompkins County Trust Company. Approximately how much money do we have out? Mr. Carvill - Approximately $6 . 5 million . Supervisor Valentino - Is TCTC still not giving us as good a rate on our Cds as they give the City? Mr . Carvill - The City does receive a little more favortism . Councilman Klein - Are any of the services they are trying to sell of any value? Mr. Carvill - Yes . These services are free . They are offered to us as a depositor. Our services ar free at TCTC also . Councilman Niederkorn - What is the advantage of going to M & T? Mr. Carvill - We are broadening the availability of our investment value . It opens up the competive edge in maximizing interest earnings . There is $5 million that cannot be handled through TCTC . All of our bond issues have been fully bought over for the construction of water and sewer lines by Chase Manhattan . This has been about $ 14 million to $ 16 million commitment of which only $ 1 . 6 million has come from TCTC . There are State regulartory banking rules do not allow them to exceed certain measures . TCTC has limited availabilities . Attorney Barney - I do not know what the Town might do within the next 5 years that would exceed the TCTC limits . Councilman Klein - Would we be getting better rates? Mr . Carvill - It is a possibility. Councilman Niederkorn - There is a large amount of investment opportunities available . Do you loo outside the County? Do you favor local banks? TOWN BOARD PAGE 17 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Carvill — It is important that the focus stay within the County. Local taxpayers money should be reinvested into the community. We have been asked to do business with Fleet bank. There are larger companies that have come into Tompkins County that are seeking to do business with the Town of Ithaca . Councilman Niederkorn — What would you do with the money? Mr. Carvill — I would bid out $ 1 million for both banks to invest. Supervisor Valentino — We are in a strong position to get a better return on our investments . If we do have to go to borrowing in the next year, it puts us in a stronger position . Attorney Barney — Whenever we deposit money with an institution we have to get a collateral agreement. Mr. Carvill — Our collateral ratio with M & T is at 103%. At TCTC it is currently 114%. 1 maintain market value above 100% of our value . I do not allow any collateral for downstate for school district bonds . We are heavily protected . Supervisor Valentino — We need to update the collateral amounts with M & T bank. Councilman Klein — I was concerned about how much M & T puts money back into the community. Councilman Niederkorn — A lot of the good things that M & T does do here is because TCTC does do it better and it puts pressure on them . I do not have a problem with increasing the limits . I do think we need to honor the local bank. Attorney Barney — Over the years when there has been a need for money, the TCTC has been competitively better on the borrowing side for municipalities than other banks . Mr. Carvill — The services we receive from TCTC are excellent . Our work relationship is excellent . The purpose for this is that diversification is important . Councilman Klein — The resolution leaves the amount open ended . We need to cap it . Supervisor Valentino — I think that $2 million is appropriate . Resolution No. 142 = Authorize Investing With Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company WHEREAS, on September 9, 1996, the governing Town Board "approved to invest town funds with Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company (M& T) " in the interest of maximizing interest earnings under Resolution No. 145, and TOWN BOARD PAGE 18 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, this resolution limited the amount of moneys which could be invested with or hel on deposit to a sum not to exceed $500, 000, and WHEREAS, keeping in harmony with the objective of Resolution No. 145 and the need to broaden the town 's banking and fiscal marketability. The Town Budget Officer has met with representatives from M& T for the sole purpose of developing and enhancing potential future financial market availability to foster improved interest earnings through market competition between financial institutions, and WHEREAS, the Budget Officer recommends and asks for authorization from the Town Supervisor and Town Board to lift the $500, 000 banking limit with M& T bank to allow for increased depositing and investing of money's as deemed fiscally prudent by the Chief Fiscal Officer and the Budget Officer, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that after due discussion and consideration this governing Town Board finds this recommendation and action reasonable, practical, and fiscally prudent, now, therefore, be it further RESOLVED, that this governing Town Board approves and authorizes both the Fiscal Officer and the Budget Officer to expand banking relationships with M& T bank by increasing prior monetarift deposit restrictions to $2, 000, 000. With this approval, the governing Town Board encourage promotes, and fosters the fiscal soundness of the Town of Ithaca . MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED, Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulte as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 14 - Authorization for Town Supervisor to Enter into Agreement Providing Police Resource Officer in the Middle Schools, (DeWitt, Boynton , Alternative). Supervisor Valentino - The Mayor and I have been meeting with the School District and different police organizations to talk about how to coordinate this idea. It came out of the drug task force . There is a Police Resource Officer at the high school . The problem is the gap between the children coming from the middle school to the high school . The Superintendent of Schools felt very strongly that the officer should be City officers at the middle school . It would not be an officer that would investigate complaints . If something were to come up while he was there , he could take charge of the situation . Councilwoman Grigorov - How much time would he be spending there ? Supervisor Valentino - It would be a full time officer that would equalize his time between the schools . Councilwoman Grigorov - Is another Police Officer going to be hired ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 19 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino — No . It will be rescheduling of the officers that they have that are trained in this . The Police Chief and the State Police feel that this kind of a resource in the school helps them with some of the burdens that they have . Councilwoman Grigorov — If they are not hiring another officer, where will the money be going that we are giving ? Supervisor Valentino — This officer is now spending part of his time outside the Police Department . We are reimbursing the Police Department for the cost . It is mainly for the DeWitt School . I am asking for authorization to move forward on working out what the agreement would be . Is the Town Board agreeable with this concept? Councilman Klein — Is this for the 2000 budget? Supervisor Valentino — It will be a budget item . It will be less for this year. We are hoping to get an officer in the school for part of this year. He will be a uniformed officer. They come into the schools and meet with children at some of their functions . They introduce themselves while student are changing classes . In the high school , students have been introducing themselves and try to get to know him . There have been many articles on this type of program . Where they have had them in schools the statistics are a 40% reduction of drugs and crime reduction . The officer recieves a lot of good information that they can follow up on . Councilman Lesser — Is there any reason why the school district does not pay for these officers themselves? Supervisor Valentino — The City has traditionally paid for the one in the City. It is not something that they have in the budget . Fifty percent of the children in the middle and high schools are coming from the Town of Ithaca . I did not go to the school and ask for it because it seemed appropriate for us to contribute . Councilwoman Russell — The time would be divided equally between the 3 schools . Supervisor Valentino — We need to sit down and go into more detail . I did not want to spend a lot of time going into the details of the agreement unless I had the Town Board telling me to go ahead . Councilwoman Russell — I am supportive of it . The alternative school is much smaller than the other schools . Resolution No. 143 - Approval of Agreement Police Resource Officer WHEREAS, the governing Town Board wishes to enter into an agreement with the City of Ithaca to provide a Police Resource Officer in the DeWitt Middle School, the Boynton Middle School and the Alternative School, now, therefore, be it TOWN BOARD PAGE 20 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a agreement on behalf of the town, with any changes or amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town, for the City of Ithaca to provide a Police Resource Officer at the said schools; and, be it further RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby approves payment to the City of Ithaca in an amount not to exceed $20, 000 for the services to be provided under the terms of the said agreement. MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 15 — Budget Transfers and Modifications . a. General Fund — Licenses and Workstation Upgrades. Councilman Klein — Are you transfering between part town and townwide? Mr. Carvill — Yes . The Records Management Specialist discovered that we had installed MicroSo Office throughout the building but we were unlicensed and unprotected . We need to get the licensed . The memory capacity of some workstations need to be upgraded . Councilwoman Grigorov — What happens if we do not have a license? Mr. Carvill — We can be sued . We are limited to use 30 licenses . Councilwoman Russell — Is there a deal from MicroSoft that we could purchase certain service and receive an open ended number? the Town . That is more for a I h workstations that we have throughout r — Thirt is al the Mr. Walker y company with 1 , 000 seats . Resolution No 144 - 1999 Budget Transfer/Modification Licenses and Workstation UAcrrades WHEREAS, in the interest of protecting the Town of Ithaca by upgrading the memory of certain computer workstations the Network Records Specialist purchased thirty (30) Microsoft Windows 97 Pro user licenses and additional computer memory cards for sixteen ( 16) employee workstations. The total costs for these benefits was $ 12, 743. 45, and WHEREAS, the Town Budget Officer finds and reports that $3, 500 remains available in the current Town Budget for Records Management equipment (A 1460. 200), and TOWN BOARD PAGE 21 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, in consideration of the shortfall of available funds to meet this expenditure the Budget Officer recommends and seeks the approval of the governing Town Board to modify the 1999 General Fund Budget by recording the appropriate following budget transfer FROM: A1460, 410 Records Management - Conference $ 1 , 000 A5132. 200 Highway - Equipment $3, 000 A9010. 800 State Retirement $5, 300 TO: A 1460.200 Records Management - Equipment $9Y300 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in conclusion to our review and discussion this governing Town Board approves the Budget Officer's request by authorizing and directing that all necessary and appropriate amendments are made to the 1999 Budget. MOVED Councilman Lesser, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. b. General & General Part Town Funds new Balance Provisions, Mr. Carvill — This is a transfer of a modification to the budget between the General Townwide Fund and General Part Town Fund . The General Part Town Fund has two needs. One is cash flow and the other is available funding for the purchase of potential acquisition of development rights . The sequence of moving the money from B into the reserve to do that has to take place by the transfer of funds . There is not enough money in the Part Town Fund to meet its operations . The revenue is available in the General Townwide Fund in surplus sales tax. The resolution is modifying the sales tax revenue in the General Fund and increases sales tax revenue in the B Fund . The budget in the B Fund needs to be modified to transfer $25 , 000 of the money into the Capital Project Reserve for Open Space Development Rights . We are funding with the sales tax money the B Fund strengthening its fund balance position . This money is being deposited into the Part Town fund . This allows a strong fund balance available in the opening of 2000 . Councilwoman Grigorov — Is this for one time? Mr. Carvill — It does not set a precedence . Supervisor Valentino — We might be doing it more . I felt that we should maintain a larger fund balance in our General Fund . It is much easier to transfer that money. Councilwoman Russell — We need to move it into the Part Town Fund . Why? TOWN BOARD PAGE 22 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Carvill — The General Part Town Fund is running a deficit . Expenditures for Parks and Ope Space come out of the Part Town Fund . Due to many of the lawsuits the fund balance is not as large as it was in previous years . Councilwoman Russell — Why do park expenditures only come out of Part Town ? Some of them serve the residents of the entire Town . Mr. Carvill — It poses us with very defined questions of how do we monetarily pay for an account for them . Townwide funds are townwide parks that belong in the A Fund . All parks are deemed open to everyone. There is conflict with A and B Fund . Where we put the costs in the future are important to the Town tax rate . Supervisor Valentino — We could have parks out of A Fund . Mr. Carvill — The Inlet Valley Park will be out of the A Fund . Mr. Noteboom — We have no restrictions on any of our parks . The neighborhood parks are available to the public . Mr . Carvill — If the parks are in Townwide , they are open for public propositions. Attorney Barney — Unless you are spending money out of surplus , then you do not have to go t referendum . To buy land for a park and you are appropriating money to do it , then it should go to a referendum . Mr. Carvill — There are no surplus funds . The approach is to look down the road and provide funding for open space and the projects out there . Resolution No. 145 - 1999 Bud et Transfer/Modification General Part Town Fund Balance Provision Operating Year2000 WHEREAS, in preparation for the budget year 2000 the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer conducted an estimated projection of fund balance available to prudently meet the ensuing years operations, and WHEREAS, this review yields the finding that the General Part Town Fund outside revenue resources present a potential cash shortfall of approximately $75, 000, and WHEREAS, as Fiscal Officers both the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer recommend to this governing Town Board the following 1999 budget amendment and cash transfer and seek the approval of this governing board to amend the 1999 General Townwide Fund and the 1999 General Part Town Fund budgets, GENERAL ToWNWIDE FUND TOWN BOARD PAGE 23 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED DEBIT., A510 Estimated Revenue $75, 000. 00 A1120 Non Property Tax Items - $75, 000, 00 Sales Tax Revenue CREDIT: A960 Appropriation $75, 000. 00 A9901 . 902 Interfund Transfer - $75, 000, 00 General Part Town Fund GENERAL PART TOWN FUND DEBIT. B510 Estimated Revenue $75, 000. 00 B50311A Interfund Transfer - $75, 000, 00 General Townwide Fund CREDIT., B599 Appropriated Fund Balance $75, 000600 AND, WHEREAS, this recommended infusion of cash (interfund revenue) into the General Part Town Fund is envisioned by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer as practical and prudent in providing fund balance provisions to meet the operating needs of the General Part Town Fund for the year 2000, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that after review and discussion this governing Town Board approves this recommendation and herein authorizes and directs that such resource amendments and cash transfers be transacted. MOVED Councilman Lesser, SECONDED Councilman Niederkorn. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. c. General Fund — School and Public Safety Resource Program , Mr. Carvill — This is to provide funding for the Police Resources Officer in 1999 . Resolution No. 146 - 1999 Budget Transfer/Modification School and Public Safety Resource Officer WHEREAS, consistent with discussions that the Town Supervisor has entertained and pursued with the City of Ithaca Mayor and the City of Ithaca Police Department the Town Supervisor is requesting of this board that the 1999 Budget be modified to provide $ 15, 000 of available funding for the town 's share of providing drug, safety and other resource protection on school grounds, and TOWN BOARD PAGE 24 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the Budget Officer finds that these needed moneys are available in the 199 General Fund Budget, and WHEREAS, pursuant to discussion the Town Supervisor is seeking the approval and authorization of this governing Town Board to make such safety protection available by modifying the 1999 General Fund Budget by appropriating a budget transfer of $ 15, 000, FROM: A9010. 800 State Retirement $ 157000. 00 TO: A3120. 404 Public Safety - $ 15, 000. 00 Resource Officer NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that following discussion and review this governing Town Board supports the request of the Town Supervisor and directs the Budget Officer to make such funds available by recording the necessary and appropriate budget transfer for public safety protection on our school grounds and campus '. MOVED Councilman Niederkorn, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted a follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, ay Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkor aye. Carried unanimously. d. General & General Part Town Funds — Revenue/Expenditure Resources. Mr. Carvill — These are all the budget transactions that need to be recorded and authorized by the board so I can move the cash . Mr . Kanter — I would prefer not to look at this as a specific acquisition . We are actively considering one or two properties at this point . The purpose of this transfer is to build up a reserve fund . If it does not work out for the one or two being considered , there will be more coming up . I do not want it to sound like it is being linked to specific parcels . Councilman Niederkorn — How was the figure arrived at? Supervisor Valentino — We talked about how much money we had and what we were going to need . We worked out the amount . Mr. Kanter — There was a cost estimate on two specific properties. It is a good amount to be able to commit when we are ready to apply for grants . Councilman Niederkorn — Should the amount be mentioned to justify the fact that the amount is bein transferred ? TOWN BOARD PAGE 25 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Carvill — The board is authorizing to fund the reserve . It is not authorization to fund or buy anything . Supervisor Valentino — When we have Capital Project reserve funds for parks and open space , do we want to have a reserve fund that looks at the acquistion of parks and having money for grants . Then have a separate fund that works towards the Purchase of Development Rights or do we want it together. Mr. Kanter — The Town Board decided previously to have a separate reserve fund for open space . So that it would not get tangled with other projects . It would always be separately identifiable funds . We had discussed earlier in the year that we would like to fund an additional $50 , 000 in 1999 . The $25 , 000 adds to the money already in the reserve fund that was setup previously by the board to total $79, 600. Do we want to put money into the reserve on a yearly basis ? We are looking at several specific properties . Councilman Niederkorn — It is difficult for us to know what an appropriate balance is . We need to go through the process of negotiating an agreement before we can think about a long time strategy. Mr. Kanter — We will be in a position to apply for State grants in the next funding cycle. Councilman Niederkorn — What portion is the State likely to fund? Mr. Kanter — This grant program is a 25 % local match . Resolution No. 147 - 1999 Budget Transfer/Modification Revenue and Expenditure Resources WHEREAS, in response to the Town of Ithaca 's ongoing success with the Purchase of Development Rights Program the Town Supervisor and the Budget Officer report to the governing Town Board that $25, 000 can be made available from the General Townwide Fund - Sales Tax Revenue for 1999 by amending both the General Townwide Fund Budget and the General Part Town Fund Budget by re-appropriating and allocating 1999 Sales Tax Revenue between both funds, and WHEREAS, to achieve this funding objective the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer recommend the following amendments and cash transfers to this governing Town Board for review, discussion and approval, GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND DEBIT, A510 Estimated Revenue $25, 000. 00 A 1120 Non-Property Tax Items - $25, 000, 00 Sales Tax Revenue CREDIT A960 Appropriations $25, 000. 00 A9901 . 902 Interfund Transfer - General $25, 000. 00 n TOWN BOARD PAGE 26 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Part Town Fund GENERAL PART TOWN FUND DEBIT.• B510 Estimated Revenue $25, 000. 00 B50311A Interfund Transfer = General $25, 000- 00 Fund Townwide Fund CREDIT. B960 Appropriations $25, 000. 00 B9901 . 908 Interfund Transfer - Capital $25, 000, 00 Project Fund (Open Space Reserve) CAPITAL PROJECT FUND (Open Space Reserve) DEBIT. HC510 Estimated Revenue $25, 000. 00 HC5031 Interfund Transfer = General $25, 000. 00 Part Town Fund CREDIT: HC599 Appropriated Fund Balance $25, 000. 00 AND, WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to have sufficient funds available for the potential purchasing of development rights under the Agricultural Land Preservation Program, and several properties are currently under active consideration for such purchase of development rights, and WHEREAS, in light of these potential transactions and as a result of the budget amendment that the following sum certain is Town Supervisor and Budget Officer report 9 and transfers herein, the To p 9 available for such purchases (subject to approval by the governing Town Board) in the Capital Project Fund - Open Space Reserve, Cash on Hand @ 7131199 $54, 000. 49 ADD: Interest Earnings from CD#3399001 $ 625. 24 ADD: Additional Funding Per This Resolution $25, 000, 00 TOTAL CASH RESERVED: $79, 625. 73 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this governing Town Board has reviewed and discussed this budge amendment for the year 1999 and approves, authorizes, and directs the Town Budget Officer record all appropriate cash transfers and related budget entries. TOWN BOARD PAGE 27 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilman Lesser, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 17 — Set Public Hearing : "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . Mr. Noteboom — This is for a specific request for Caldwell Road . It was part of the plan to set up two stop signs at Campus Road . A stop sign was also set up at Forest Home Drive . We had a request from people at Whitetail to have stop signs at Teton Court and Saranac Way. Resolution No. 148 - "ORDINANCE AMENDING/RESTATING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA " BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the regular meeting of the Town Board on October 4, 1999 at 6: 15 o 'clock p. m. , in order that the Town Board may consider an amendment to the "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA ". MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 18 — Report of Highway Superintendent Related to Equipment Repair and Maintenance. SEE ATTACHMENT #4 Mr. Noteboorn — By law, I am to report this information to the board . Supervisor Valentino — What is the number after the description of the vehicle? Mr. Noteboom — It is the vehicle number. When we sell a vehicle we try to hold the number for a year. It is difficult for the computer and for the insurance company. The purchase price is listed . Mr. Carvill — Is the purchase price the historical cost? Mrs . Noteboorn — Yes. Mr. Carvill — Were these disposed of this year? Mr. Noteboom — No . This is the current inventory. TOWN BOARD PAGE 28 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - We built the outside storage shed to cover equipment. Most of the equipmen is now under cover. It does not make sense to pay a lot of money for equipment and then let it set flout in the weather. Mr. Noteboom — There will be some things outside. The special need is to have heated storage . It is critical in the wintertime to have certain equipment heated . Councilman Niederkorn — What needs to be repaired ? Mr. Noteboom — State Law requires that we list estimated cost of repairs. Some of the equipment we have estimated numbers from past performance. It does not indicate the next year. These are cost estimates for 2000 . Maintenance is included in the estimates . Resolution No 149 - Filing Inventory of Highway Machinery Tools, and Equipment WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has presented the Inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools, and Equipment for the year 1999 to the Town Board for review and approval of filing as required under Highway Law, Section 142(3); and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the said inventory; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Town Clerk file the said Inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools, and Equipment as required under Highway Law, Section 142(3); and, be it further RESOLVED, a copy of the said Inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools, and Equipment shall be included in the official minutes of the Town Board for this meeting. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye, Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 19 - Change Order and Budget 'transfer for Warren Road Water Main Replacement Project. Mr. Walker - We had to replace 75 feet of sewer line . The sewer trench is in poor condition from high water table conditions . This is a sewer main that we planned to reline in the future . It was on Manor Lane and we did not have time to bring in another crew. We had the contractor replace the sewer line . We agreed upon the cost of $20 per lineal foot for a total of $ 1507 . 60 . The money will come out of the sewer repair budget . Mr. Carvill - It would be done as an interfund transfer. TOWN BOARD PAGE 29 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker — This contract was a water contract so it is being paid out of one water fund . In past construction contracts we have had water and sewer funds . We have two budget lines that we take money out of . Are we changing the accounting for the construction process? Mr. Carvill — Yes . There is a Capital Project transfer line . Mrs . Noteboom — How is the physical transfer of cash of sewer and water? Mr . Carvill — They budget a transfer of expense out of the sewer fund and a revenue into the Capital Project . It is out of the Capital Project that this change order is recorded . Resolution No. 150 - Chanae Order No. 1 Contract for Replacement Warren Road Water Main WHEREAS, an unstable subsurface soil condition required the immediate replacement of 75. 38 lineal feet of 8" sewer main during the placement of a water main on Manor Place during execution of the Warren Road Water Main Replacement Contract, and WHEREAS, this was extra work that the contractor was required to perform under a Work Directive issued 8118199, and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has determined that $20. 00 per lineal foot is a fair price for completing the work and has prepared the appropriate change order, and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has determined the cost of repairing the sewer main as an appropriate charge of the sewer fund to the budgeted expenditure G8120. 480 - Repairs & Maintenance, and WHEREAS, the water fund has been the provider for construction, repairs and change orders as part of the Warren Road Water Main Project it is deemed that this expense of sewer moneys represents a reimbursement of funding to the water fund, and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has reviewed and discussed the appropriate accountability to taken to disburse and receipt said reimbursement, and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering seeks the approval of this governing board to modify the 1999 water and sewer fund budgets, now therefore be it No. 1 Sewer Fund DEBIT G960 Appropriations 15076 G8120. 480 Repairs & Maintenance 15076 CREDIT G960 Appropriations 15076 TOWN BOARD PAGE 30 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED G9901 . 907 Interfund Expense - Water 15076 No. 2 Water Fund DEBIT F510 Estimated Revenue 15076 F503 11G Interfund Revenue = Sewer 15076 CREDIT F599 Appropriated Fund Balance 15076 RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Warren Road Water Main Replacement Contract with Glenn Farr Excavating, Inc. , and, be it further RESOLVED, that the funds for the cost of the sewer main repair shall be transferred from budget line G8120. 480 in the amount of $ 1, 50760. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilma Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 20 — Participation In Intermunicipal Planning Group Related to Joint Sewer Proiect, Appointment of Members to Said Group. Councilwoman Russell — This was a resolution passed by Common Council . The partners agreed to ask their boards for support in attending the Intermunicipal Planning Group in addition to our sewer negotiation meetings . Supervisor Valentino — I would recommend that we not pass this resolution as it is presented from the City. To pass a resolution that we are willing to participate in a group that looks at the intermunicipal planning , but not to link it to final signing on the sewer agreement . To tie us to that would not be in the best interest of the sewer project . Councilman Klein — Does it give the City veto power if they do not like some of the decisions? Supervisor Valentino — They may anyway. Councilwoman Russell — This is specifically Common Council' s resolution . We should have our own resolution . The Mayor was asking for Elected Officials and other planning members to be involved . Supervisor Valentino — I do not have a problem with participating in the group . I have a problem o where it maybe going . Councilwoman Grigorov — They are trying to get some type of control over it . TOWN BOARD PAGE 31 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino — Yes , but they will not say it . Councilwoman Russell — We are trying to move the process ahead . The Partners have agreed to a strategy of how this is going to work . We agreed to the same scenario to put forth in the grant application . We have agreed to talk about the planning issues . The City wanted to bring about the intermunicipal planning group . They wanted to ask the other municipalities to appoint designees to attend the meetings . Discussions have not been happening with sewer negotiations . Councilman Conley — Who would be involved in the negotiations? Supervisor Valentino — We do not know. Each municipality is to appoint 2 people . One of which is to be an elected official . The other is to have planning expertise or interest . We can appoint two people to the group. We do not need to have a resolution . Councilwoman Russell — I would be willing to serve on this committee . Supervisor Valentino — I would also be willing to serve on the committee. Councilwoman Grigorov — Can we have a third staff person if we have two elected officials? Supervisor Valentino — We can have any staff people that we want . Mr. Kanter — When is the Environmental Impact Statement that they are referring to going to be done? Councilwoman Russell — It has not been started . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has not even determined that we will need to do and Environmental Impact Statement. The municipalities would like to see an Environmental Impact Statement complete . Councilwoman Grigorov — When was this resolution passed? Mr. Walker — It was passed about one month ago. This was brought to a meeting we had with the Intermunicipal Leaders at an SJS meeting. Resolution No. 151 - Inter-Municipal Planning Group Associated With The Inter-Municipal Sewer Negotiations BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby appoints Supervisor Valentino and Councilwoman Russell to serve as the Town of Ithaca representatives on the Inter-Municipal Planning Group Associated with the Inter-Municipal Sewer Negotiations. MOVED Councilman Lesser, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; TOWN BOARD PAGE 32 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 21 — Set Public Hearing : " LOCAL LAW REZONING CERTAIN AREAS ON SOUTH HILL FROM R-15 MR AND SLUD TO A CONSERVATION ZONE". Mr. Kanter — I do not think that we will be ready in time for the October 4 , 1999 meeting . We are meeting with Ithaca College next week. Then we will set it up for a Planning Board meeting . That will not be until October 5 , 1999 . 1 prefer that it be set for November 4 , 1999 , Councilwoman Russell — Did you have a meeting with Peggy Williams ? Supervisor Valentino — It was an informal meeting for us to get to know each other . I said that we were willing to discuss the Parks and Recreation Plan with Ithaca College . I made it clear that this has been something that we have wanted to move forward for some time . We have tried to meet with them many times in the past . I wanted Ms. Williams to know that we are willing to work with them , but we are not willing to stop working on the process. It can be revisited if important items need to be changed . Councilman Klein — Are we going to draft the Local Law to include everything ? Councilman Niederkorn — I do not think that we can decide that at this point . Councilman Klein — When we hold the public hearing we need to publish the Local Law. Mr . Kanter — If a boundary change occurs during the process then we will need to redraft the Local Law. Mrs . Noteboom — We can put it on the agenda for the October meeting . We can set the public hearing then for November . Mr. Kanter — We will not have to advertise the public hearing until 10 days prior to the public hearing . It gives us a deadline to start getting things done . Councilman Lesser — I have doubts about how large the area is . Councilwoman Grigorov — I also have concerns about the boundary lines . Mr. Kanter — It should be tabled until October. Councilwoman Grigorov — Was the discussion of the boundaries ever referred to Codes and Ordinances Committee? Mr . Kanter — Yes . We had a public meeting on it . TOWN BOARD PAGE 33 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Agenda Item No 22 — Referral of Draft Outdoor Lighting Ordinance to the Codes and Ordinances Committee. Mr. Kanter — There are many parts of this that are relevant to the Zoning Ordinance . It tries to control the glare and spillage off site , but still allowing reasonable lighting fixtures. Councilman Klein — We would be willing to look at this . Mr. Kanter — It was prepared by staff and discussed the Conservation Board . It was based largely on collecting ordinances from other areas of the country. The Internet is very useful when collecting material for ordinances . Councilman Niederkorn — Has there been complaints ? Would it be handled through site plan ? Supervisor Valentino — No . We do not have any power without an ordinance . Mr. Kanter — We have very vague guidelines in site plan review. Councilman Conley — The State requires banks to have specific lighting. Supervisor Valentino — Could we still have regulations that would keep the light from spilling off site ? Mr. Kanter —The State regulations might make it so that banks are not subject to local regulations . However, they do not have to put up this type of light to get the same outcome . State Law requires them to light up a certain intensity at a certain distance from the facility. The ordinance will give us more leverage for looking at banks . Councilman Klein — It would be beneficial to look at the State Regulations . Councilman Lesser — Is it grandfathered ? Councilman Conley — We do not know if they are exceeding what the State requires . Agenda Item No. 23 — Consent Items . Resolution No. 152= 157 - Consent Agenda Items BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for the Consent Agenda Items No. 23(a)-23(f) as presented and/or amended at their regular meeting held on September 13, 1999, MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; TOWN BOARD PAGE 34 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkor , aye. Carried unanimously. a. Town Board Minutes — 8/9/99 Resolution No. 152 - Town Board Minutes - 819199 WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has presented the minutes for the regular meeting held on August 9, 1999 to the governing Town Board for their review and approval for filing; and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the said minutes; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby approve for filing the minutes for the regular meeting held on August 9, 1999 as presented. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. b. Town of Ithaca Warrants. Resolution No. 153 - Town of Ithaca Warrants WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. Voucher No. 863-974 GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE: $ 38, 251 . 61 GENERAL FUND PART TOWN: $ 51401 . 32 HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN: $ 129, 286. 83 WATER FUND: $ 7, 742. 69 SEWER FUND: $ 30324. 34 LIGHTING DISTRICT FUNDS: $ 11129. 15 MECKLENBURG ROAD WATER MAIN PROJECT.- $ 9, 585. 50 WARREN ROAD WATER MAIN PROJECT: $ 56, 748. 65 TOWN BOARD PAGE 35 SEPTEMBER 13 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RISK RETENTION FUND: $ 223. 00 TRUST & AGENCY FUND: $ 15, 183. 00 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. Co SCLIWC Warrants. Resolution No. 154 = Southem Cavuaa Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Warrants WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have been presented to the governing Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers. Prepaids: Voucher No, 384-389, 438=449 $ 85, 130. 13 Water Fund: Voucher No. 450=506 $ 50, 482. 05 SCADA Fund: Voucher No. H 1 =507 $ 329.22 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. d. Records Management Disposition Listing — SEE ATTACHMENT #5 Resolution No. 155 - Records Management Disposition Listing WHEREAS, the Records Management Officer has determined that the attached listing of outdated and duplicate copies of records are eligible for disposition according to the State Archives and Records Administration (SARA), Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU= 1; and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor, Records Management Officer (Town Clerk), and Department Heads have reviewed and approved the disposition of the said records; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD PAGE 36 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Record Management Officer to dispose of the records as described in the attached listing according to the procedure developed by SARA. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. e. Attendence NYS Conference on the Environment. Resolution No. 156 - CONSERVATION BOARD MEMBERS TO ATTEND NEW YORK STATE CONFERENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT WHEREAS, attendance at conferences on environmental issues has proven to be a valuable educational experience for the Town 's Conservation Board members, and WHEREAS, the New York State Association of Environmental Management Councils and New York State Association of Conservation Commissions is holding their 1999 Conference on the Environment on September24 = 26, 1999, in Rochester, New York; and WHEREAS, it will be beneficial to the Town to send members of its Conservation Board to thi conference, and WHEREAS, the current Conservation Board budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Eva Hoffmann and Elissa Wolfson, members of the Conservation Board, at the New York State Conference on the Environment on September 24-26, 1999, at a cost not to exceed $770. 00, which includes registration ($65 each), lodging ($79 per night each), per diem for meals (2 days Q $50 each and half a day at $25 each) and mileage reimbursement (200+1- miles Cam? $. 30 = $60), and other expenses charged to General Part Town Fund Account B8020. 407. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. f. Attendance Planning/Zoning Annual Institute. Resolution No. 157 — TOWN STAFF & PLANNING BOARD MEMBER TO ATTEND NEW YOR PLANNING FEDERATION ANNUAL INSTITUTE TOWN BOARD PAGE 37 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, there are many new developments impacting the planning field regarding land use, zoning and other regulatory issues, and WHEREAS, the New York Planning Federation (NYPF) is holding its 1999 Annual Institute from October 17 - 20, 1999, Ellenville, New York, which provides programs and workshops on a number of current planning and zoning topics and basic training for planning and zoning board members, and WHEREAS, it will be beneficial to the Town to send staff and a member of the Planning Board to this program, and WHEREAS, the current Planning Department budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Michael Smith, Planner, and Fred Wilcox, Chair of the Town Planning Board, at the NYPF 1999 Annual Institute from October 17 - 20, 1999, at a total cost not to exceed $950. 00, which includes registration ($65 per person), accommodations with meals ($366 per person for three nights), special course registration ($40), and other travel expenses, charged to General Part Town Fund Account 88020. 403 MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkom, aye. Carried unanimously. g. Appointment Recreation Partnership. Resolution No. 158 = Recommendation of Appointment Board of Fire Commissioners WHEREAS, a vacancy exists for a Town of Ithaca representative on the Board of Fire Commissioners, and WHEREAS, Gregory R. Kirkpatrick, 403 Teton Court has expressed an interest in being appointed as a Town of Ithaca representative on the said board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby requests and recommends that the City of Ithaca Common Council appoint Gregory R. Kirkpatrick as a Town of Ithaca representative on the Board of Fire Commissioners for a term beginning upon appointment through June 30, 2002, MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; TOWN BOARD PAGE 38 SEPTEMBER 13, 199 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkor , aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 24 — Report of Town Committees. Supervisor Valentino — The Recreation Partnership will begin meeting this week . Councilwoman Russell — I did not go to the last COWMAC II meeting . I heard there were discussions of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that the new technologies proposed would be problimatic . One of the technologies is already approved in New York State . They are telling us that there is a problem when the technologies are intandum . Agenda Item No. 25 — Review of Corresoondence : a. Deer Run Homeowners Association , Inc. — Four Way Stop Signs — SEE ATTACHMENT #6 Agenda Item No. 26 — Report of Town Officials : a. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes — See Attachment #7 b. Director of Engineering — See Attachment #8 Mr. Walker — We are waiting for Common Council to make a decision on the Integrated Water System . Supervisor Valentino — We sent a letter to Common Council today reminding them that they have not reviewed it . We will be receiving comments from Cornell University soon . Mr. Walker — We have progress prints for the Town Hall . Due to the delays , we are not going to be able to get the contract documents until mid-October. This means they will not be before the board until the November meeting . We are looking at receiving bids by the end of November. Then have acceptance/approval of the contractor at the December Town Board meeting . Supervisor Valentino — We received the letter from the Postal Service saying that they will be vacating the building the weekend of the 18th . They will be providing their services at 208 East Buffalo Street , Mr. Walker — We will have access to the building . We have a new design team than when we originally started . Mr. Myers is our project architect . Ms . Chiang is our project manager . Mr. Myers has prepared excellent demolision drawings . TOWN BOARD PAGE 39 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED HOLT is a test site for a project design package Autodesk has put together. The design project is posted on the internet . We will get a reader so that we can view the drawings as they come up . The drawings can all be posted at a central point . As modifications are made , comments can be made . Mrs . Noteboom — Should Mr. Walker go on a tour with the Post Office before they vacate the building to make sure that all the windows and doors are properly locked? Should the Town receive a letter stating that all keys have been turned over to the Town ? Mr. Walker — A new locking system will be installed . Councilman Klein — How many outdoor entrances are there ? Mr. Walker — There the two front doors at the lobby. There are several doors at the loading dock. Most of the loading dock doors are chained and pad locked . We will have ACE change the locks . They will be needing access sooner than we are because their construction will start sooner. Mrs . Noteboom — Do we need to make sure that the electric bills are put into the Town 's name ? Do we want the furnace to run during cold weather? Mr. Walker — I am talking with them about maintaining heat in the building . The furnace developed a gas leak. Councilman Klein — We might want to contract with someone to maintain the building . Mr. Walker — We should be in construction before the real frequent freezing weather starts . Supervisor Valentino — We need to get the water meter read . Mr. Walker — We will take care of the water and gas . I have talked with the gas company. They are planning to put 2 meters in . The meters are on order. Councilwoman Russell — Are they making a public announcement that they are moving ? Mr. Walker — I will look into it . Councilwoman Russell — Is there a security system in the building ? Mr. Walker — There is a fire sprinkler system that is alarmed . There is no other security. We will have to maintain some interior lighting for security. Councilman Niederkorn — Does the Town insurance cover the building? Mrs . Drake — We are already covered . TOWN BOARD PAGE 40 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mrs. Noteboom — The bidding period is not going to be 4 weeks . There are requirements f advertising. Councilman Klein — Out for bid is four weeks . Mr. Walker — The processing and the award of the bid will take longer. We are going to be pushing this as fast as possible . Councilman Klein — Do we have numbers on furniture? Mr. Walker — We had a proposal for the work area furniture that was about $500 , 000 . A vendor came in and gave us a proposal and estimates . Mrs. Noteboom — We have heard from a high price vendor and another from a low quality vendor . Supervisor Valentino — We are only looking at vendors that are on State contract. c. Highway Superintendent — See Attachment #9 Supervisor Valentino — When is leaf brush pick up? Mr. Noteboom — Brush pick up will be October 18 and leaf pick up will be in November. d. Director of Planning — See Attachment #10 Mr . Kanter — We revised the Policies and Procedures manual for the Agricultural Land Preservation Program . The Northeast Subarea Transportation study final report is available for the board . e. Director of Building/Zoning — See Attachment #11 Mr. Frost — We issued the permit for Lake Source Cooling . We do have a new church under construction on Bostwick Road . We had a small fire . No major emergency events . Councilman Niederkorn — I am concerned that the change in the traffic pattern at Clinton and Turner Place . It is not wide enough to allow two cars turning to pass through at one time . It is creating a safety hazard . Is there anything that we can do? Supervisor Valentino — Mr. Noteboom is going to a meeting on signage at the City and he can discuss it with them . It is temporary to see how it works . f. Human Resources Specialist — See Attachment # 12 Mrs . Drake — The fitness program is scheduled for September 24 . Everyone is welcome to come . g . Budget Officer. TOWN BOARD PAGE 41 SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - OCTOBER 5, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Additional Agenda Item No. 1 — Appointment to Board of Fire Commissioners . Mrs . Noteboom — We make the recommendation to the City. They make the actual appointment . Resolution No. 158 - Recommendation of Appointment Board of Fire Commissioners WHEREAS, a vacancy exists for a Town of Ithaca representative on the Board of Fire Commissioners, and WHEREAS, Gregory R. Kirkpatrick, 403 Teton Court has expressed an interest in being appointed as a Town of Ithaca representative on the said board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby requests and recommends that the City of Ithaca Common Council appoint Gregory R. Kirkpatrick as a Town of Ithaca representative on the Board of Fire Commissioners for a term beginning upon appointment through June 30, 2002, MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Lesser. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Lesser, aye; Councilman Niederkorn, aye. Carried unanimously. Additional Agenda Item No. 2 — EXECUTIVE SESSION • Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein to enter into an Executive Session to discuss sale of the existing Town Hall . Carried unanimously. The Board entered Executive Session at 9 : 30 p . m . Motion made by Councilwoman Russell , seconded by Councilman Klein to resume regular session . Carried unanimously. The Board resumed regular session at 9 : 40 p . m . Agenda Item No. 27 — ADJOURNMENT• As there was no further business to come before the Town Board , a motion was made by Councilman Lesser, seconded by Councilman Klein to adjourn . Carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 9: 42 p . m . Respectfully sued 9Joan Lent Noteb oom , Town Clerk * NEXT REGULAR MEETING — October 4 , 1999 at 5 : 30 p . m . " Minutes Transcribed by Carrie L. Coates . Agenda # 6 TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO . OF THE YEAR 1999 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO . 7 OF THE YEAR 1988 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 . Section 4 of Town of Ithaca Local Law No . 7 of the year 1988 , which section is entitled " Section 4 . Existing buildings required to install sprinkler systems " is repealed . Section 2 . Subdivision (b) of Section 5 of such local law , which section is entitled " Section 5 . Building Permit " is deleted and a new Subdivision (b) inserted instead reading as follows : " (b) If (i) An application for a building permit for repairs , conversions , alterations , additions to , or for removal of, an existing building is submitted ; and (ii) The building , upon completion of the work for which the building permit is sought , is or will be a building listed in Section 3 ; and (iii) By reason of the work identified in the building permit application , the entire . building would normally thereafter have to be in r compliance with Subchapter B of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or any similar successor statute , (e . g . if the cost of alterations exceeds 50 % of the replacement cost of the building) such building permit shall not be issued unless an approved sprinkler system is included in the plans for the work submitted for the building permit . " Section 3 . Partial Invalidity . If an provision of this law is found invalid b an court Y • Y P Y Y j of competent jurisdiction , such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law which shall remain in full force and effect. ��{ T Section 4 . This local law shall take effect ten days after publication of this local law or an abstract or summary of same in the Ithaca Journal . F '` ' ATTACHMENT # 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Town Assigned Project ID Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1. Applicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Local Law Amending Local Law #7 , 1988 Requiring Sprinkler Town of Ithaca Town Board Systems to be Installed in Buildings in the Town of Ithaca 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map :) Townwide Tax Parcel Number: N/A 4. Is proposed action : NEW? EXPANSION? MODIFICATION/ALTERATION? X Amendment of Ordinance) 5. Describe project briefly: (Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items): Enactment of a local law to amend Local Law #7 of the Year 1988, requiring sprinkler systems to be installed in buildings in the Town of Ithaca. The proposed amendment would repeal Section 4 of Local Law No. 7 , 1988, thereby removing the requirement to retrofit existing buildings with sprinkler systems. Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project.) FHow nt of land affected: N/A 0-5 rs Acres 6- 10 rs >10 rs Acres s land zoned presently? N/A . proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? Yes NO If no, describe conflict briefly : N/A 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road? YES NO X Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer? YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park/Forest/Open Space Other Please Describe : N/A 11. Does proposed action involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local?) YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit/approval/funding: 12. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval? YES NO If yes, list agency name and permit/approval. Also, state whether it will require modification. N/A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/Sponsor Name (Print or Type) : Catherine Valentino, Supervisor, Town of Ithaca Signature and Date: ATTACHMENT // 2 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes, coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B. Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.6 YES NO X If no, a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency, if any. C. Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following: ( Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production and disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish, or wildlife species, significant habitats, unique natural area, wetlands, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C4. The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in C1-059 Explain briefly: None anticipated. C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) Explain briefly: None anticipated. D. Is there, or is there likely to be controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? YES NO X If es, ex lain briefl : See Attached. E. Comments of staff X CB other attached. (Check as applicable.) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ( To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope, and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting material . Ensure that the ex lanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately address. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration . X Check here if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on Attachments as necessary the reasons supporting this determination . Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency parer' s Signature(If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino Supervisor Signature of Contributing Preparer Name & title of Responsible Officer In Lead Agency DATE: Si nature of Res onsible Officer in Lead A enc 1 Agenda 12 FliSEP - 2 Is ye Ct1 �✓ �}ra 6 /mss �l� o� GJ tTHACA TOWN CLERK Q��oGl � ; 7�ttSS elf C _/�a al✓✓e � 41:;P;;?O000i��, oo v Gc/Qra'!H /O f ou L 1. ,iJ > rr �c✓ /t _ ee e i%o v p�v t c9 ` `! r� �y�+2-� � Y�aC T7 ✓ D attt ✓ .L .� - - Qays1. . lit/ ✓ - O vc �/.—c�v�� ,per �Q/ G� � Jam/ �� �c2 �.LO � ` D Y T!! ✓Z�e- /Ooffv- 00 fi Gr/a-J�� /J .e.u/-� ✓ /J..evV Sa !{ _ �T? c _ -. OGU ht v s . GZ ✓ t a c` ci, Cyf-L p 6. o u x 0/• ,eel , /J..e ✓/tea s �jra ,6 /en, . _ _ _ .. . L/. !rf/J�%Gr/.L �L•Ls-i /1t�. `j ! �/-c- -_ �fs c�a t-c�. . _ Ct r� %i a-'� �?/-� Gr� UGC/Q.s�� rd_ �-eat ✓' � .Gv �jfiL._ To surZ���.�✓. � � � ��C J< ✓ � �e 2ntL ae�aza. 0 . Zdv Lit.- � �G .. �/'cv�-a✓ � �l Bl 1��s� w i �� f r Gr/�i� 0 61 L r . ya�s�.1���-L �!ro '�,/d J.e�✓/'l O 7 fuLs /T �./iJ� O E�r h S��i �dam/ ` X. �XfO 7/✓s4. ec Te /126/i �arJ 4«✓ �7 C�� . - s o / 0�- Ylo vt. 000!�� _ ATTACHMENT # 3 �3 �Yy GU,Q .. � yo e ✓ t d' u/h� �s �s1 �i�aa/.e.�.E'� %dWh ;/00 awe s � was `�� pia y ��� or ? ,e, `o �a sao cle w llvorAAr 777e _. r mod' �Q' . QGizY f �PS `� 1l1 ��. eort-ice✓ `o/ .y✓Q�� �� � .����� ` /lie X10- ! � 7 � ✓z4 e ! ! R7 , - IBS Ake INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY M-'.CHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Highvva�� . : w, Section 142(3) (To be prepared by Town Superintendent and filed h the Town Board on or before September 30, in each Nrear.) Town of Ithaca County of Tompkins tea- ' + .,ac -,. C)uantl , Descii trop e # Ye. Purchase ConciihonK 3 Estimated aWsz :: `* .5! a :x R + L z rMai rFr cer �. Cost of Re airsy . 1 Mack Single Axle 1 19S $ 93,475 . 00 Poor S 3,000 . 00 1 Mack 10 Wheeler 3 199 - $ 89,000 . 00 Good S 200 . 00 1 Ford 10 Wheeler 4 199 . $103,400 . 00 Good $ 2,000 . 00 1 Ford 1 Super Duty 6 199'" $ 28,724 . 71 Good S 800 . 00 1 Mack 10 Wheeler 8 199; $ 98, 000 . 00 Good S 3,000 . 00 1 Ford 1 Super Duty 9 199 ' $ 26,389 . 71 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 10 1991. $ 11 ,280 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 11 199( $ 16,540 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford 1 Ton 13 199E $ 27,700 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 16 199( $ ' 6,540 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 17 199 $ 241390 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford 1 Ton 19 1995 'I $ 27,710 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 Oldsmobile 20 1995 $ 12,94122 Good S 500 . 00 1 4x4 Ford 1 Ton 22 1999 ; $ 25,771 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 24 1995 $ 16,540 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 4x4 Ford Pickup 26 1997 ! $ 19,920 . 45 Good S 800 . 00 1 Ford Aerostar 271 1994 $ 12,891 . 00 Good S 500 . 00 1 Jeep Cherokee 28 199 $ 13,292. 00 Good $ 500 . 00 1 Jeep Cherokee 29 199'' $ 15,493 . 00 Good S 500 . 00 1 John Deere Loader 644G 30 199: $ 87,430 . 00 Fair S 51000 . 00 1 John Deere Dozer 31 19711 $ 23,430 . 00 Good S 110500 . 00 1 Case Backhoe 33 199= $ 55,973 . 00 Good S 11000 . 00 1 Daewood Loader 34 199( $ 108,375 . 00 New S 300 . 00 1 John Deere Mower/ Broom 35 19K $ 12,000 . 00 Fair S 11000 . 00 1 Badger Ditching Machine 36 199 $ 156,900 . 00 Good S 1 ,000 . 00 1 Champion Grader 37 1997 $ 87,330 . 00 Good S 11000 . 00 1 Michigan Rubber Tire Roller 38 1972 $ 81000 . 00 Good $ 500 . 00 1 Dresser Vibrator (5ton) Roller 39 198c $ 34,362 . 00 Fair S 11000 . 00 1 Case Boom Mower 40 199- ' $ 43,895 . 00 Good S 21000 . 00 1 John Deere Mower 935 41 198 , $ 11 ,049 . 00 Fair S 500 . 00 1 John Deere Tractor 650 42 198 ') $ 61169 . 00 Fair $ 500 . 00 1 Daewood Excavator 43 199 '.) $ 101 ,422 . 00 New $ 3,000 . 00 1 Giant Vac Leaf Vac 44 1987 $ 11200 . 00 Fair S 500 . 00 1 Giant Vac Leaf Vac 45 1989 1 S 800 . 00 Fair S 500 . 00 Prepared by Gail H . Kroll d :;psi igh\ irnve„ to \ n N-sin te. xis 09 / 07/ 1999 Page 1 ATTACHMENT to X64 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Highway Law, Section 142(3) (To be prepared by Town Superintendent and filed with the Town Board on or before September 30, in each ,year.) Town of Ithaca County of Tompkins Quantr Descri tion - x , ` Year Purchase A Co dihon 2 - Estimated n , _ . _.. _ . . : . _ . _ t... r,.. Gd'�vyY�"'.s° 'L R 55 _ 1.t Y.k' y TC-y ��, r ; 3I ,hip -- K -1 Manuf Price y Cast of Pe airs 1 IGiant Vac Leaf Vac 46 1996 $ 10,973 . 00 Good S 500 . 00 1 John Deere Mower F932 47 1997 $ 9 , 216 . 00 Good $ 500 . 00 1 Case Backhoe 148 1997 $ 65,907 . 00 Good $ 11000 . 00 1 Tampo Vib . (10ton) Roller 49 1985 $ 19,990 . 00 Fair $ 000 . 00 1 4x4 Ford 1 Ton 61 1999 $ 321463 . 00 Good S 800 . 00 1 Ford Crew Cab 62 1999 $ 29, 841 . 00 Good $ 800 . 00 1 Air Compressor 70 1997 $ 10,549 . 00 Good $ 100 . 00 1 Bandit Chipper 71 1997 $ 18,261 . 00 Good $ 11000 . 00 1 Chipper 72 1998 $ 23, 997. 00 Good $ 1 ,000 . 00 1 Shoulder Machine 73 1966 % 21300 . 00 Fair S 2,500 . 00 1 Sewer jet 75 1994 S 20, 757. 00 1 Good $ 11000 . 00 1 Sewer Vacuum Svstem 76 1998 S 42, 792 . 00 Good S 1 , 000 . 00 1 Eager Beaver Trailer T1 1982 $ 81500 . 00 Fair $ 1 ,000 . 00 1 Custom Trailer T2 1994 $ 101334 . 65 Good $ 100 . 00 1 Owens OTT7000 Trailer T3 1990 $ 2, 634 . 00 Good S 100 . 00 1 Snowco Trailer T4 1982 $ 1 ,432 . 00 Good $ 100 . 00 1 Hydro-Seeder IT51 1999 S 3,595 . 00 New $ 200 . 00 1 Utility Trailer IT71 1993 $ 1 ,500 . 00 Good $ 100 . 00 $ 58, 600 . 00 1 recommend purchase of the following : Description Estimated Costs Replace single axle plow truck $ 100,000 . 00 Replace pick up truck $ 17,000 . 00 Replace plow ands reader for 1 - ton S 81000 . 00 125,000 . 00 Town Highway Superintendent Prepared by Vail H . Kroll &35high\ inventor\ nNismte. xIs 09 / 07/ 1999 page 2 Expendable Hand Tool Inventory Town of Ithaca Highway/Parks 106 Seven Mile Drive Ithaca , NY 14850 Amount Type of Too! Manufacturer 12 Round Point Shovels RAK 1 Round Point Shovel Union 6 Black Top Binder Rakes Razor Back 12 Leaf Rakes RAK i 101 Bow Rakes RAK i 41 Garden Rakes RAK i Black Top Lutes RAK 121 Flat Shovels RAK 31 Potato Hooks Agway I 71 Ensilage Forks ( 5 Tine ) Agway 2 Ensilage Forks ( 9 Tine ) Agway 41 Road Brooms RAK 31 Floor Brooms RAK 31 Steel Brooms RAK i 3 Sledge Hammers Agway 31 Garden Hoes Agway 11 Hand- Ground Tamp 31 Wooden Handled Floor Squeegies RAK 3 Metal Handled Floor Squeegies Zep i 2 Wooden Handled Mattocks RAK Ice Spades RAK 2 Tracked vehicle Shovels 3 4' Pry Bars 1 6 ' Pry Bar 4 Ratchet Tie Down Straps 21 Fire Hydrant Wrenches 1 Ratcheting Come Along 1 4 ' Carpenter Level t 2 2 ' Carpenter Level 1 100' Measuring Tape Lufkin i 1 Hand Operated Measuring Wheel 1 Hand Roller j 1 20 lb Propane Tank 1 20 lb Propane Tank w/ Torch 16 Coal Shovels RAK 31 Concrete/Mortar Mixing Pans 3 Post Hole Diggers 4 Too Soil Rakes i I !r i I Prepared by Matt Lincoln , 09/08/ 1999 Page 1 i I i 0 1-- U a U N Q Q Q c Z X V X V O O C� 0) rt 0 0 filOOD Lm 0) 0 0 Lm � Q O` X X Z " 'a 'a Rf (a Om CL ma O � � '0 Qa. 'D '+O— w N 0. 0. 20w f" d O .E w a s r r r L r r r T- r 0 Z Z _O W F— C7 Q O tiRROtMO ti aW 00 r O r O OOCO N N O � `.� 0_N 0) M M N ` a) 0) N O O O G N N N ' r r r r M TOM N 0 0 ~ 0_0 00 CD CO � O O Ot!) N (_p N ON N COOT om . � � r O O co CD CD 9T I O 40000 Oft� r 0 � N tn00000 � 40CN0 co a) r N M W Q Na, 00 t� . O. ` ('�j N t0 C � NMO � CN�Of=jam co r r 00 1� CO 1� r TER O O � E a �., 3 > N �• G c N y 'O> U 0' :cM a .c a Q) U)N r CD O O O E Immumb Summm CO 'ammo, U R 44,06 O V .G O E 0 o` E v 02 `O Q a N C O O O a O . 0 4 a Clam O o. o L N Q aC Q > .° � � � Eu CL P= Ec .c b ++ O c!f O- 0 O m O X R h O 0_ flma ++ 0 3 0 c c = cm IoNC/)CD 12 6 _ � w 0 LL L N o 3a � O, N ( N Q. V N a. d- 4)c 4) U) C O -p -oZ O � O 0 O qmmi 3: > ca� � � mU) c * o c CL CL m ° v � � oo . � � a� OZ 00 0 0 � � .5 c0ioojZO `0to c 0d U U X � c W c d M o oth . .•c ) NCt > j > OZ m. � V N N - " r ° .oO to rn v � WOo : E o O a c N > U U c/) cU ' aujui> Om atCn . Of C. w X X O a • O o O N W W _ t U _ aaaaal Qm� vai cagy O to I— o. Q �i CD c 0 2 LU . . m O a� 0 0 a Ni Cl W . _ o c O 0) as equal, rn ZO oM Immade 0`0 c ccca — � j O — c O .tea w N a . a ATTACHMENT X65 F-- ~ N � N 4) 0 N N N N O Cy TI. z z W F�^ YJ Q 0 W CD co r 00 M (D Lc) ti CD CD CD 0 T LO LO LO LO a) (� C) O W T co CD � Lf) CD In CD 0 00 P� M U � � r CD C) !` In (� 00 u .M- W Q NDOCA J � � CDr' rl`+ COf� 1� NrT �— r LM O 0 .5 C. N N � O C - a p r ME a. N O N_ VM of tQ to V `. CO �' N C- a) O E _ . E 0 0 L � N C N a ) O QO C N p W 0) Of on woNp N � AQ � c c J c �c'Ec 0 .0 U Q a Q,o U to o ooa a. 0 O Q N a. O N �. ~ N •V O O t4 O a) IV ,N ` 0 7 O CWOf CQf N j a. O > M 0 3 a) a) U. N 1 0 � GZ3 > C U %' a) =0 co Q Z C � x L E Q O a C H- a F C O 10 m 6m 0 0 In O O NQ oul (D 0 C 2 � 0 LO O A o C. cL �8 w aC0 `w O O 0 O LM � o z aQ LL WW z Y > > 0 (M) C z 0 -tom BRA a s DEER R` JV HOJ 4EOWNERS ASSOCIAVON, INC. JAMES E. GARDNER, JR. , ASSOCIATION MANAGER (607) 277-3232 411 NORTH TIOGA STREET FAX (607) 277-5282 P. O. BOX 6403 ITHACA, NEW YORK 14851 August 10, 1999 Catherine Valentino Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street 22 nn - Ithaca, New York E � Subject : Four-Way Stop Signs Re : Deer Run Community TOWN 1 , Dear Ms . Valentino : = _ The residents in and around the Deer Run Community petition the Ithaca Town Board to approve the intersection of Whitetail Drive, Saranac Way and Teton Court be converted to a four-way stop intersection. Currently, there are stop signs at the juncture of Saranac Way and Teton Court with Whitetail Drive a pass through. The residents who have signed the attached petition have concern for the well being and public safety of children who congregate each morning at the Whitetail Drive, Saranac Way and Teton Court intersection to board their school bus. The issue of public safety is further aggravated with the lack of curbside parking at this intersection for parents who would want to accommodate their children during inclement weather. An additional concern of the community is excessive speed on Whitetail Drive at this intersection. While the speed limit is 30 mph, residents frequently observe vehicles traveling in excess of 50 mph . In the absence of pedestrian walkways, the safety of children walking to and from the bus stop as well as residents out for a leisurely walk is of major concern . The conversion of the intersection to a four-way stop will result in a traffic calming measure insuring the safety of our children and adults. I would like to thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration in making our community a safer place. Sincerely, c Robert Del Bianco Resident and President Attachment Deer Run Homeowners Association ATTACHMENT # 6 Agenda # 2 5(6) August 31 , 1999 Dear Ms. Russell , An overdue note of apology and explanation for my untimely query at the board meeting on North Campus' rezoning. I had asked 'wasn't the agenda item on the rezoning only? As you may recall , Cornell representatives used that agenda item to talk for an hour without a word about the rezoning . Then a half hour of discussion centered around the limited presentation by Cornell . Finally, your staff presented the issue and problems of CU' s requested rezoning that is of primary concern to us and other jurisdictions' neighborhoods . Given Cornell's previous presentations , my anticipation of this scenario moved me to break in early. Three months ago, members of the City Planning board had to interrupt a similar presentation by Cornell to say, 'Why are you here saying this again? We told you we wanted to see some changes and this is exactly the same proposal. Why are you wasting our time?" Although I admit to increasing cynicism about Cornell's actions, I have noted that CU is particularly ploddish on the zoning issue . We just discovered that CU eliminated from the City's documentation some public comments from the EIS public comment period including questions raised by the Town . For the EIS process at the city, CU had offered to re-arrange the public comments into categories. In doing so, CU eliminated certain comments including mine that compared CU's quotes characterizing the Town zoning to that of the actual text of the ordinance. As you might guess, CU's characterization in the DEIS of the proposed zoning was completely inaccurate: it claimed less density when actually it was a substantial upzoning ; it claimed no dormitories when actually dormitories could be built for the first time. Exactly as Mr. Barney predicted , to North Campus where it would serve service the densest student population , entry- way location The existing MR zoning is only applied in this area of the town, presumably for good reason . Both Cornell Heights and Cayuga Heights cannot wish to see museums and student health care facilities allowed on the town portion of North Campus that surely will exceed the density and population ulation of Collegetown, if it doesn't already. Another, larger issue looms . The city's consultant, Stu Mesinger, claims that the City must make findings considering recent case law whereby educational institutions cannot be when they claim a "need" . I protested that "need" must meet some test, else zoning would be meaningless , CU can have its proposed center for weddings , CU can refuse to move its playfields 10' , and CU can have its proposed over-sized parking lot. Mesinger said No, any denial to CU would be overturned by a court (conversation with him of last Friday) . If possibly true, perhaps the City, Town and other jurisdictions need some emergency state legislation . Thank you for listening. I apologize for being such a humorless pest. I do hope this largest of projects will have some remedies. Sincerely, aren Westmont 2 Forest Home Drive 266-6495 klwl2@cornell . edu P .S. We just learned that to get the Moore House into Forest Home, many many trees will have to be cut down along Pleasant Grove Rd . to make the road wide enough for the house. CU 's project manager John F . knew this but CU but hasn't admitted this publicly. cc: Supervisor Valentino . i JOAN LENT NOTEBOOM 04� °F1r�a Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Town of Ithaca � 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 (607) 273- 1721 , Fax (607) 273-5854 Agenda Item No . 26 (a) TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT August 1999 Presented : Town Board Meeting , September 13 , 1999 Town Clerk 's Report: Department of Environmental Conservation ( Hunting/Fishing ) licenses went on sale August 17 , 1999 . Due to the increase numbered of sales this year we have had to order an additional supply of the sportsman licenses . The DeWitt Historical Society will be opening an exhibit Celebrating the Town of Tompkins County on October 8th at the Tompkins County Museum . The exhibit is part of a two-year program to bring highlights of the history of each of the county's towns to the public . The Town of Ithaca 's exhibit will be historical information about each of the town 's hills , events that have shaped the community and our community's response to societal trends since its incorporation in 1821 . The exhibit will open with a reception on October 8 from 4 : 30 p . m . to 6 : 00 p . m . at the Tompkins County Museum . A list of guests to be invited to the reception was provided to the DeWitt Historical Society . Records Management: Several weeks during the month were spent reviewing and re- filing the correspondence of the Town Supervisors since the term of Harry Gordan in 1942 . The letters were sorted by subject category for easy retrieval . Unfortunately however, not much correspondence previous to 1942 exists . The project proved to be very interesting . Trends and issues addressed by the earlier supervisors are not much different than today, (traffic , water/sewer, zoning) . Town Board , Town Clerk , and Highway Superintendent correspondence not already archived in another form was also sorted and filed . Respectfully submitted , IJ7 In Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk ATTACHMENT # 7 TOWN C L E R K S M O.N T H L Y R E P O R T TOWN OF ITHACA , NEW YORK FINAL AUGUST , 1999 TO THE SUPERVISOR : PAGE 1 Agenda # 2 6 nt to Section 27 , Subd 1 of the Town Law , I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me nection with my office during the month stated above , excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment 1 c are otherwise provided for by law : 1999 SPORTING LICENSES 2000 SPORTING LICENSES 19 . 00 7 MARRIAGE LICENSES NO , 99040 TO 99046 61 , 25 AGRICULTURE REPORT COPY AERIAL PHOTOS 8 MISC . COPIES 56 , 70 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 4 MARRIAGE TRANSCRIPT 40 , 00 NOISE ORDINANCE RETURNED CHECK - CLERK RETURNED CHECK - TAXES 3 RETURNED CHECK - W & S 22 . 00 OPEN SPACE REPORT POSTAGE SIGN ORDINANCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 10 TAX SEARCH 50 , 00 WATER & SEWER SEARCH 1 ZONING ORDINANCE 8 , 50 A1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES 257 , 45 A1555 82 DOG ENUMERATION 82 , 00 A1556 1 SPCA CONTRACT 389 , 10 A1557 1 SPCA IMPOUND FEES 30 , 00 0 GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSES BINGO LICENSES BINGO FEES 140 TOTAL A2540 A2544 82 DOG LICENSES 164 , 00 Paid to Supervisor for General Fund 922 , 55 Paid to NYS DEC for 2000 Sporting Licenses 360 , 00 Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 126 , 90 Paid to Ag & Markets for Dog Licenses 36 , 00 Paid to NYS Health Department for Marriage Licenses 78 , 75 Paid to State Comptroller for Games of Chance Licenses Paid to State Comptroller for Bingo Licenses Total Disbursements 19524 , 20 SEPTEMBER 1 . 1999 _1.� '�liteti„ti � M. r SUPERVISOR STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF TOMPKINS , TOWN OF ITHACA JOAN LENT NOTEBOON , being duly sworn , says that she is the Clerk of the TOWN OF ITHACA !i�ng foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her during the month above stated , only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law , ed and sworn to before me this 'y Town Clerk ay of � (- 19 1 B Notary;Pu (� �UKEW096073 ;eu ItHed In "Schuyler County Corruniselon Expires May 17, 26 �f tz A y kj 10 b9 69 be 6P9 69 b9 609 b9 6e y 0 J N N A C Ch W CT Ch (.A N A� ^ Ut 7� A� I,IA Ch �1 O O W W O M ut Vi l l tD lA1A O O O lh C�h U 1, A " 609 69 6e b9 6e 609 609 b9 69 y� E fD N N A W O W A N � O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 4509 b9 b9 b9 b9 Ge 609 609 6e W rr � A �o 000 iW-. N A A A W Vi ONO. Cn %lo W VA O N A J 4%h U Vi O N VOA O O O OWO O rF b9 b9 b9 b9 b9 6e b9 b9 b9 CD H QA CFO C7 0 O O O O J y O O A O A O O O O O O PAS (Q 6e b9 4b9 be 4EpO9 69 69 69 be CD con A A i i i O A O O fb O O M b9 6e b9 be b9 b9 63 69 b9 lAlA o--) O O W W lNh r^S l.n O� 00 I I 00 AD A O u, VA �o O O O 4FO9 fig 69 be b9 b9 b9 Et9 609 I�1 9 COQ - N too ? A ONO CN O � W A OWO O O O Q O O O O O f� be b9 b9 69 45o9 b9 ile b9 69 �o 00 N W O O OO v N O k O J W iA O Vi 00 Ih J Ut N W VA o � OFrr'S' 9a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 2731721 HIGHWAY 2731656 PARKS 273.8035 ENGINEERING 2731747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 2731783 FAX (607) 2731704 Memorandum Agenda item: 26a DATE : September 8, 1999 TO: Joan Lent Noteboom FROM : Lisa B . Titti CC: Town Board RE: Network/Record Specialist' s report to Town Board General The Network/Record Specialist continues projects as laid out in the 1999 Project Goals. Records Management Program The Revised Plan of Work for the Inactive Storage grant has been submitted and approved by the State Education Department, The Town will receive 50°x6 of the awarded $22 , 500 this year and the balance by June 30, 2000 towards the purchase of 18 gauge static shelving , acid free boxes and file folders. The Town is hosting a SARA sponsored Microsoft Access 97 Users Group in September to create a forum for support with other municipalities in using this application. The Town is exploring the use of this application for indexing minutes , records inventory and how it relates to G . I . S . applications. The Assistant Town Engineer, Creig Hebdon, will give a demonstration along with the Town Clerk Department's Marriage License Database project. Technology related issues Old Equipment Computer Salvage company has removed disabled computers, monitors and printers from the attic in preparation for our move to the new facility. Web site Design The Town's web site is under construction using Microsoft Front Page software. This application was chosen for the site's design as it will integrate well with other products in use at the Town . Issues of content, currency, links and mechanics of the web site are been decided through ongoing department head meetings. Once completed, the site will be presented to the Town Board for final approval. PC Software and Hardware Y2K compliance The remediation and testing phase of this project is underway with all Microsoft product fixes to be installed by mid month. Addressing other proprietary applications to follow. It should be noted here that this project's focus has been exclusive to PC hardware and software. Questions regarding steps taken to address other date sensitive equipment and vendor/business partner compliance should be directed to the appropriate department head. Examples of date sensitive, embedded devices are sprinkler systems, electric equipment and HVAC systems. 9 Town Engineer' s Report for 9/13/99 Town Board Meeting GENERAL The Town Engineer's staff continues to be busy with projects in the office and the field. Development of an easement database and a library of standard CADD details is progressing rapidly with the assistance of our CU student interns Carolyn Beelitz and Kathryn Prybylski. Four of the engineering staff attended a 3 -day seminar and exposition on trenchless technology for maintenance and repair of sewer and storm drainage systems. The knowledge gained will be utilized in developing plans for maintenance of our sanitary sewer system, especially in the Northeast Ithaca area. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sterling House and Cottage, Tnunansburg Road at Bundy Road The Contractor has continued to work on the site improvements, including the site drainage and parking lots. Final site restoration is substantially complete and most of the site has been seeded and grass is growing. The site erosion and sediment control elements are in good condition and will be maintained until permanent vegetative cover is established. Cornell University/Wilson Lab G-Line Addition Excavation of the site with temporary spoil areas on the Oxley site is complete, and construction of the new facility has begun. Sediment and erosion controls were installed properly and are being maintained. Linderman Creek Apartments Mass earthwork was completed during August and some topsoil has been placed. Landscaping is scheduled for mid September. Sediment and erosion control structures are in place and are being maintained. Water and sewer lines have not been completed yet, but should be installed in September. EARTH FELL PERMITS No earth fill permits were issued during August. WATER PROJECTS Integrated Water System The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the Integrated Water Supply Committee consisting of representatives of the City, the S. C.L.I.W. C. and Cornell University Utilities. The draft agreement has been supplied to the City and Cornell for review and comment and a full meeting of the IWSC is scheduled for September 30, 1999 at the Bolton Point water plant. The Engineering sub-committee is working on development of the capital improvement plan for implementation of the integrated water system components. OBG Engineers have completed the Integrated System Report, which is the supporting document for the bond applications. Funding for the improvements is available as a low interest bond through the Environmental Facilities Corporation. Warren Road Water Main Replacement Construction on the Warren Road water main replacement has continued through August, and all of the new water main is installed. Replacement of services is continuing and restoration work should be completed by the end of September. A one-way (Northbound) traffic pattern was established on Warren Road, by the contractor, with the assistance of the Tompkins County Highway Department, to allow the contractor a safer work zone. The County began installation of drainage improvements in mid-August and is scheduled to begin pavement work in September. ATTACHMENT # 8 TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 9/ 13/99 PAGE 2 Water Tank Repainting Project The Contract for repainting the Pine Tree Road and Christopher Circle water tanks has been awarded to Haight Painting. The contractor has scheduled the work to start in mid-September with a completion date of mid-October. SEWER PROJECTS The three members of the SJS are currently reviewing a proposal for utilizing excess capacity in the IAWWTF to accept sewage flows diverted from the Village of Cayuga Heights wastewater treatment plant. This would relieve the conditions at the VCH plant and allow additional sewage flows from the Village and Town of Lansing to be treated. A Unified Engineering Report for the Municipal Wastewater Collection and Treatment System has been prepared by Stearns & Wheler and will be the basis for a joint application for funding from the Environmental Bond Act. The SJS partners are nearing completion of a revised agreement and the final draft will be presented to the municipal boards in the near future. The Town Engineer has been working with the other municipal Engineers and the SJS attorney on technical details of the agreement. STORMWATER The Town Engineer's staff is proceeding with a drainage design to replace an existing culvert in Eastern Heights which crosses Park Lane and improve drainage patterns along Park Lane. This work is being done to reduce erosion potential in the major watercourse that drains Eastern Heights. Town forces will do the work. TOWNHALL The Architect has started preparation of the final construction documents. A revised schedule has been prepared by the Architect showing completion of Contract Documents on October 29, 1999 allowing Town Board authorization to bid at the November Board Meeting with a possible contract award at the December Town Board Meeting. The Town received comments from the SHPO and the primary concern was the orientation of steps on the Buffalo Street side of the building and some concern about the lobby design. The architect has redesigned the proposed Buffalo Street entrance steps to maintain the existing elevation, which will bring the steps over the street line after the access ramp is installed. This is the configuration preferred by SHPO because it minimizes the visual impact of the building elevation. This change will require an encroachment permit from the City of Ithaca, which will be applied for by the Town. The Town Engineer has discussed this with the City Engineering department which has indicated that the permit should not be a problem as long as a minimum sidewalk width of 5 feet is maintained. The Post Office space design is now being completed and the design schedule, which proposes a construction start of October 1 , 1999, has been presented. The Postal Service has arranged for a temporary downtown location and has begun preparing the location for occupancy. The Post Office Operation should be out of the Tioga Street Building by the end of September 1999. C.•I RPTSENGRI ERPT9908.REP N OKOvwv � Doomv0OC. Wt o 'na w -u-p 0 w g m m n 0 0 a A F m y m m n. (D c 41 m 7 0m CL CL n3 3a 7 � 7o cam 7 "» = M me `G 7 m 7 .+ A N N m �. 0 m 7 0 A C 61 7 O > 7 m O N w^ �. CO N �. O fD N ^ o Z U 7 C d 7 y Ol 7 7 0 o O CL o = » 3 0 oQmda �+ 3 �+' S ° c n f�f mno .nr 0 7 > m N .�... m N p m m A O d D 13 o ? ? m m o. 7 m j ? 7 7 :: p b F m CT 5 n N m 3 a y to F O 0 .. n b S m (a o A m � m m w w A m 05 £ E m° s r m° £ m° m° r s £ a + m + £ £ £ F u x m m w w > w I m x x a '� T ; r r 0 o o 0 o 3 F T O z O 1 O T O 0 T O O O O > > > > > O O 0 • 13 1= N N � O zl O O O 0 O m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 0 O O m O O O m O m m m m m O m m m m m m m m m O wl = I = I m T T C T T T T C T T T T T y T T T S T T T O T T 1 S 1 O 1 1 S S C T t • 1 1 S_ N ♦ N r r r r N + + O O O O O O O + O • � a � za z) O O O O O m O m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O O E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S m 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Lr � a z 3:g c 7 i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s 5 J � O N V Agenda Item 26c HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' S MONTHLY REPORT, AUGUST 1999 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 Construction Projects Bridges : Tompkins County has finished repairs to the Burns Road Bridge . Burns Road has been reopened . Renwick Bridge is still on schedule to be bid in the fall . Caldwell Road : We completed this project, before the arrival of the Cornell University students . The project went well with our crews doing an excellent job interfacing with Cornell University and their contractor . Actual cost versus estimated cost should be ready for the next Public Works Committee meeting. We applied a topcoat of asphalt down Caldwell hill to the bridge to keep that surface passable until we address that section of road . Coddington Road Communitv Center Parking Lot: The Coddington Road Community Center parking lot has been completed . The maximum number of parking spaces was put in the allowable space . Drainage was installed to pick up the water from the playing fields and run off from the paved area and move it to where it needed to go . The outlined parking and one-way traffic pattern in the parking lot should allow for more cars during the heavy ball game season. - Forest Home Drive : The paving and drainage project from the Flat Rock area of Forest Home Drive has also been completed . The drainage and bank stabilization was completed much earlier . The pavinor of Forest Home Drive we held off until we paved Caldwell Road . Paving as many roads as possible at the same time makes for a more efficient and cost effective operation. Slaterville Road (Park Lane) : The drainage project on Park Lane has been started . Components of this project will not be completed until next year . Preventative Maintenance : Hot patching around Town has been completed . Pot holes, large broken areas of pavement, water breaks, etc . have been repaired . Most of these repairs were completed before we surface treated . We surface treated 5 . 75 miles of road ( this does not include parks, trails or various water and sewer easements) . We also continue to make repairs to various water valves and pump stations as time permits and forces are available . ATTACHMENT # 9 W T + Clear i e_: c ow, 00v: 1ion, ancY play- strut lire areas .n Tacovelli t rte . CLi sl.� �_ _ ers . = 1ZipS OP. the trai'1S . • J - S Agenda Item # 26(d Planning Director's Report for September 13, 1999 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board. August 17, 1999 Meeting: 1059 Danby Road - Site Plan Modification: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed reconstruction of an existing single-family house in an MR Multiple Residence District, located at 1059 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43-1 - 3 .2. This is part of an apartment rental complex known as the Hayloft. Evan N. Monkemeyer, Owner/ Applicant. EcoVillage Three Lot Subdivision, West Haven Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed subdivision of two new building lots, Lot 1 proposed to be 1 .0 + / - acres and Lot 2 proposed to be 1 .2 + /- acres in size, from Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 28-1 -26.2 (totalling 140 + /- acres). The site is located on West Haven Road and is in County Agricultural District No. 2. The two proposed building lots on West Haven Road are zoned R-15 Residence, while the remainder of Tax Parcel No. 28-1 -26.2 is zoned R-30 Residence. EcoVillage at Ithaca, Owner/ Applicant; Liz Walker and Marcie Finlay, Agents. September 7, 1999 Meeting: Wallenbeck Subdivision, 420 Bostwick Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed subdivision of 12.37 + / - acres from Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 32-1 - 16.2, located at 420 Bostwick Road, for consolidation with Tax Parcel No . 32-1 -17.21 (totaling 14 + / - acres). The proposed subdivision is in County Agricultural District No . 2 and is zoned Agricultural . Daniel Wallenbeck, Owner/ Applicant, Cayuga Medical Center - Canopy Addition at Ambulance Entrance, 101 Dates Drive: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed addition of a + / - 20 ft. X 30 ft. canopy at the ambulance entrance to the Cayuga Medical Center, located at 101 Dates Drive on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 24-3-2. 1 , Residence District R-30. Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca, Owner / Applicant; HOLT & C Architects, P. C., Agent. Montessori Middle School - Site Plan Modification, 122 East King Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed modification of the previously approved site plan for the Montessori Middle School, located at 122 East King Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 43-1 -3 .6, Residence District R- 15 . The original plan, approved by the Planning Board on 5 /4 / 99, included a total of five parking spaces on site, including two spaces in the garage. The proposed revised plan eliminates the two garage parking spaces and retains the three spaces in the parking lot. Elizabeth Anne Clune ATTACHMENT # 10 r " Montessori School, Owner / Applicant; Peter Demjanec, Demjanec & Associates, Architects, Agent. Burger King at East Hill Plaza, Ellis Hollow Road: The Planning Board granted Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed construction of a Burger King restaurant and drive-through at East Hill Plaza, to be located between the existing Citgo Gas Station and the existing Tompkins County Trust Company on Ellis Hollow Road. Said proposal will include: a 2,820 + /- square foot building and drive-through on a 1 . 859+ / - acre parcel, additional proposed parking spaces on the east side of the proposed building, proposed signs, landscaping, lighting, and outdoor seating area, located on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 62-2-1 .22, Business "C" District. Cornell University, Owner; Rowe Restaurants, Applicant / Agent. CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month. SEOR Reviews for Zoning Board: One SEQR review for the Zoning Board was done since the August report: Cayuga Medical Center canopy addition at ambulance entrance, 101 Dates Drive (see Planning Board agenda item at 9 / 7 / 99 meeting above). Codes and Ordinances Committee: The Codes and Ordinances Committee met on August 18, 1999. Agenda items included (1 ) a continuation of discussion regarding commercial zoning in the Town, and (2) the need for boards to have rules and regulations pertaining to procedures, conducting meetings, etc. (discussed under member concerns) . The Committee reached a consensus on the following: Commercial Zoning: (1 ) The concept of "targeted commercial areas" proposed in the draft revised Ordinance is a good concept, but it should not be in the Zoning Ordinance or on the Zoning Map . It should be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, which may mean going back to the Plan at some point to revisit this issue. (2) To provide the benefits of mixed use in some areas, residential uses should be allowed in some of the commercial zones. (3) Tom Niederkorn and Jon Kanter agreed to work further on several aspects of commercial zoning, including looking at how the Comprehensive Plan handles commercial uses, what types of uses should be permitted in commercial zones, where commercial zones (and what categories) should be located on the Zoning Map, and specific standards for commercial uses (e. g., maximum building sizes), and report back to the Committee at the October meeting. Board Rules and Regulations: It was recommended that the Town Board adopt rules and regulations that would apply to all boards (e . g., Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Board) regarding operational procedures, how to conduct meetings, among other items. Each board could then set their own additional standards as long as they don't conflict with Town and State rules. It was suggested that the Town Board consider mandatory training for Planning and Zoning Board members as a condition of appointment. This is now allowed by State enabling laws. The next meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Committee is scheduled for September 15, 1999 . Proposed agenda items include distribution of all revised draft Zoning Ordinance chapters in a 2 consolidated package, continuation of discussion regarding commercial zoning, and continuation of discussion regarding other possible Zoning map revisions. Cayital Projects Planning Committee: The Committee met on August 4th and September 8th, 1999. Discussion at both meetings focused on possible evaluation criteria to determine capital project priorities . The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 1999. Lighting Ordinance: At the request of the Conservation Board, Planning Staff has prepared a draft Outdoor Lighting Ordinance to control potential impacts of lighting. The Conservation Board has reviewed the draft, and is recommending that the Town Board refer the draft to the Codes and Ordinances Committee (refer to agenda item no . 22 for the 9 / 13 meeting). Inlet Valley /Tutelo Park Grant Application: Planning staff completed and submitted a grant application to the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation. The proposed park would include a baseball field, picnic pavilion and grounds, a comfort station, walking paths, and an observation area overlooking a wooded wetland . The total project cost is estimated at $358, 150. The requested grant amount is $ 179,075, with a matching local share, which includes in-kind services. The project is anticipated to be initiated in 2001 and be completed in 2002. Grant awards are expected to be announced by the end of this year. Work Plan Priorities (1999-2000): Suggested Planning Department work plan priorities for the upcoming year were prepared and discussed with the Town Board at the special meeting on September 2nd. Census 2000: The Director of Planning attended a Census 2000 coordination meeting on September 1st at City Hall. Participants included representatives from the U.S . Bureau of the f Census, Tompkins County, Congressman Hinchey's office, City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, and Tompkins County Area Development. This is part of ongoing efforts by the Census Bureau to promote awareness of the upcoming Census on April 1 , 2000. Filename: 17p1an \ townbd \ tpre0999.mem 3 Agenda Mr r 4Z . TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1999 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1999 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1999 2 1869000 10 936,000 RESIDENCES r1991 1 154,780 11 1 ,023,780 0 0 1 1602000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 0 2 350,000 5 99,000 19 402,000 RENOVATIONS 1998 1 4,300 11 415,436 1999 1 89850 2 12,850 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1998 1 1 ,500 5 105800 1999 1 80,200 7 201 ,197 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1998 2 325574 11 451,212 1999 0 0 9 2,705,146 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1998 1 21800,000 1 2,800,000 1999 1 1 st Assembly of God church 7507000 7 21136,793 BUSINESS 1998 0 0 5 252,050 1999 0 0 0 0 AGRICULTURAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 Lake Source Cooling 42000,000 13 1070059670 EDUCATIONAL 1998 1 520002000 5 6,7893500 1 Garage addition 15,250 1 Repair barn 91000 1 Repair floor joists 4,000 1 Demolish existing structure 19000 i Attached garage 16.000 MISCELLANEOUS 1999 5 45,250 29 3789723 CONSTRUCTION 11998 3 325,277 27 487,022 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1999 16 551699300 97 1679389379 PERMITS ISSUED 1998 10 8,3189431 78 122579,800 TOTAL FEES 1999 16 31870 97 213035 RECEIVED 1998 10 51720 78 139860 Date Prepared: September 1 , 1999 Dani L. Holford BuildinglZoning Department Secretary ,,gTACHMENT # 11 2 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 19 1 . 1 103 Denby Road - new convenience store - temporary. 2. Danby Road (IC James J. Whalen Center for Music) - addition to educational building. 3 . L23 Woolf Lane - existing single-family dwelling. 4. L 0 Hillcrest Drive - outside wood deck. 5 . Denby Road (IC Park School of Communications) - academic building addition. 6. Danby Road (IC Ford Hall) - interior building renovations. 7. 244 Pennsylvania Avenue - new single-family dwelling. 8. 1103 Denby Road - new convenience store - temporary. 9. 24 Renwick Heights Road - outside wood deck. 10. Danby Road (IC Smiddy Hall) - renovations to interior of academic building. 11 . 801 Five Mile Drive - relocate single-family dwelling to a vacant lot. 12. Denby Road (IC Friends Hall) - renovations to interior of academic building. 13. Denby Road (IC Hill Center) - renovations to interior of academic building. 14. 1150 Denby Road - convert building into single guest suite. 15. 140 Simsbury Drive - 14.5' x 20.75' suaroom. 16. Denby Road (IC) - new fitness center - temporary. 17. 12 Sanctuary Drive - new two-family dwelling - temporary. 18. 980 Denby Road (Ithacare) - residential care facility - temporary. 19. 406 Winthrop Drive - remodel kitchen. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 198 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 84 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 6 1 . 621 Elm Street Extension - building code - no violation found. 2. 216 Eastern Heights Road - building code - no violation found. 3 . 272 Hayts Road, # 1 - zoning - no violation found. 4. Various properties - off-premise signs - abated. 5 . 138 East King Road - burning ' no violation found. 6. 108 Sapsucker Woods Road - trash - pending. From July 1999: 3 . 623 Elmira Road - building code - pending. From May 1999• 1 . 936 East Shore Drive - property maintenance - pending. From April 1999: 1 . 172 Calkins Road - property maintenance - pending. From May 1998: 1 . 155 West Haven Road - building code - application pending. 2. 220 Haller Boulevard - building code - pending. From March 1998' 1 . 124 Haller Boulevard - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment occupied by family member) 3 t10 Fe bru 1998: 3 Coddmgton Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending (apartment vacant) 1 Elmira Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) From January 1998 : 1 . 1 10 Winston Drive - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (building vacant) From October 1997: 1 . 1447 Trumansburg Road - building code and zoning violation (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) From May 1995: 1 . 1 152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 36 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 52 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - I l 1 Uniform Building Code - 86 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 20 Fire Safety - 2 ( 1 restaurant, 1 apartment [ 3 units]) Fire Safety Reinspections - 2 (apartments) Occurrences - 1 (machinery/fherm) tmergency ccurrence Reinspections - 0 AL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 657 AL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 623 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH (East Side Restaurant, Room for Growing Day School) - 2 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 6 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 5 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1 MEETING, 5 CASES, AGENDA ATTACHED TOWN OF IT ACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 , 1999 7 :00 P.M. By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, August 11 , 1999, in Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N.Y., COMMENCING AT 7 :00 P.M. on the following matters : APPEAL of Rupert Spies and Wendy Wallitt, Appellants, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII, Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to add a second dwelling unit into Z;crjc�tt,�&a non-conforming building/lot located at 1534- 1536 Slaterville Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 56-3-5 .2, Residence District R45 . Said Ordinance limits a non-conforming building/lot to single-family residences. APPEAL of Michael Elmo, Appellant, requesting modifications of previously granted variances from the requirements of Article V, Section 18, 21 , and 23 and Article XIII, Section 57, 58, and 69 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain two residential buildings on a parcel of land with parking located in the front yard located at 39 East King Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 44-2-2, Residence District R-30. The modification involves a request to permit any blood-related family member to reside in said second dwelling unit, rather than children only. APPEAL of Robert W. Blake, Appellant/Owner, Rick Parlett, Agent, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII, Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to enlarge a non- conforming building on a non-conforming parcel of land, located at 104 Park Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 57- ,1 -8 .33 , Residence District R4 5 . Said enlargement consists of a new 16 ' x 24 ' attached garage. The building lot is less ` than the required 150 foot depth and less than 15 ,000 square feet in area, while the existing building is less than 30 feet from the rear lot line. APPEAL of Susan Hackett, Appellant/Owner, Susan Cosentini, Agent, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII, Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to add a second story cG, ,,Onto an existing non-conforming building/lot located at 975 Taughannock Boulevard, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No, 21 -2-32, Residence District R4 5 . The building and lot do not conform to the lot width or side yard building setback requirements. APPEAL of Theodor Spitsburg, Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article IV, Section 11 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to construct a new single-family residence with a height of 39 ± feet (36 foot limit) at 3 Perry Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27- 1 -35 . 11 , Residence District R45 . Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 :00 p.m., and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: August 4, 1999 Published: August 6, 1999 Town Board Meeting 9/13/99 Agenda Item No . 26 (f) Human Resource Office August Report • Reviewed all job descriptions and did point factor rating for each to discuss with Supervisor after vacation . • Finalized arrangements for a Fall Fitness Day for all three locations . This year there will be blood pressure checks , cholesterol and glucose screening and an hour presentation called " Physical Activity for Life" by Wealth in Wellness , a division of PHP . • Provided everyday service of the office to staff and management . ATTACHMENT # 12