HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1999-03-08 OF 1.% TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING March' 8, 1999 5 : 30 o'clock p.m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . .:. Report of Tompkins County' Board of Representatives . 4 . Report of Fire Commissioners . 15 . 6 : 00 p. m . - PERSONS TO BE HEARD: 6 . Review of Correspondence - (Circulated to Town .Board at meeting . ) a . Pioneer Development Company, LLC - Sterling House/Sterling Cottage . b . Joost J : Oppenheim , Cayuga Vista Homeowners Association , 7 . PUBLIC HEARING : 6 : 15 p. m . - To consider a , " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS 4 OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . 8. Consider adoption of a , "LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO -AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEIHALFL OF THE i TOWN OF ITHACA 9 , PUBLIC HEARING : 6 : 30 p.m . an To consider a , " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL". 10 , Consider SEQR related to a , "LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL" . TB Mtg , 3/8/99 Agenda Page 2 . 11 . Consider adoption of a , " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL" . 12 , PUBLIC HEARING : 6 : 45 p. m . - To consider, "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" . 13 . Consider SEAR related to, "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12- C ' OF THE TOWN LAW" . 14 . Consider establishment of a , "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" . 15 . Consider approval of specifications , and authorization to solicit bids for the construction of a "WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" . 16 . Consider approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Ithaca related to the employment of additional firefighters . 17 . Consider approval to participate in the cooperative purchase agreement for electric power with NYSEG Solutions , Inc. l 18 . Consider approval of, and ratification of submission of the 1998 Annual Financial Report to the New York State Comptroller. 19 . Consider approval of application to correct the 1999 Town and County Tax Roll . 20 . Consider approval of restructuring of the Highway, Parks , Water, and Sewer Activities . TB Mtg , 3/8/99 Agenda Page 3 . 21 . Consider Creation of Assistant Automotive Mechanic Position . 22 . Consider creation of Engineering Aide position . 23 . Consider approval of water and sewer benefit assessment refund , (Mead ) . 24 . Discuss progress for sale of Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street. 25 . Consider payment of 1999 Town and County Tax Bill #2487 , for the property donated by Edwin A. Hallberg on East King Road . 26 . Consider setting public hearing, date to amend the, "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA". 27 . Consider Warren Road Water/Sewer Rehabilitation Project. 28 . Consider approval of final payment for the construction of the Timber Pole Frame Building at the highway facility. 29 . Consider submission of grant application by the Planning Department related to the development of bicycle/pedestrian trails . 30 . Discussion of Water Resources Committee study. 31 . Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . b . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . c. Town Board Minutes - 12/31 /9811 /25/99 , 2/8/99 . d . Purchase of Computer Software - Arc View, AAV Water 32 . Reports of Town Officials : a . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . b . Highway Superintendent. c. Director of Engineering . d . Director of Planning . e . Director of Building/Zoning . f. Human Resources Specialist. g . Budget Officer. TB Mtg . 3/8/99 Agenda Page 4 . 33 . Report of Town Committees . 34 . Consider motion to enter EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss the following : a . Appeal Cornell Lake Source Cooling proceedings . b . Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission - Notice of Claim . c. Residency requirements of Town Officers . 35 . Consider ADJOURNMENT. TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MARCH 8, 1999 5: 30 p.m . the a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York held at Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , there were present: PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Supervisor; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Ed Conley , Councilman ; John Wolff, Councilman . PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker , Town Engineer; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Al Carvill , Budget Officer; Judith Drake, Human Resource Specialist ; George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner. EXCUSED: Andrew Frost, Director Building/Zoning , OTHERS: Trang Nguyen ; Sibouda Ouk; Robert Romanowski , Fire Commissioner; Dooley Kiefer, Board of Representatives; Tim Joseph , Board of Representatives; John Lampman , Tompkins County Engineering . Call to Order: The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5 : 30 p. m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . Supervisor Valentino - We lost a very wonderful person to this community last week when Shirley Raffensperger passed away. I asked Attorney Barney to draft a resolution in remembrance of her. A memorial service will be held on Sunday, March 14 , from 2 p. m . until 5 p. m . , at the A. V . Whitehouse Building on the Cornell University campus. The family has requested that memorial contributions be made to the Town of Ithaca Park Fund , (Raffensperger) . In keeping with the way Mrs. Raffensperger always handled things , I would like to set up a committee of some of her family members and people who have known her for a long time to make decisions on how the contributions should be spent . Councilman Klein - Do we need to authorize a fund to receive the contributions? Attorney Barney - It would be a good idea. It will need to be a separate fund . Al Carvill , Budget Officer - The contributions we have received are being held in the Trust and Agency Fund . We could account for the funds within a Capital Project Fund . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 2 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - We are keeping an accurate list of contributions so that we can send thank you cards , and pass their names onto the family. Resolution No 36 - Resolution of Town Board of the Town of Ithaca Shirley A. Raffensueraer (See Attachment #1): Whereas, Shirley A. Raffensperger, an esteemed, long-time leader of the Town and Community of Ithaca died on March 3, 1999; and Whereas, Mrs. Raffensperger served the Town in many capacities including service as a Town Councilperson for fourteen years, as Town Supervisor for four years, as one of the Town Members of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, as a representative to the City- Town Special Joint Sewer Committee, as Chairperson of the Community Committee on a New Town Hall, and in countless other roles; and Whereas, over the years Mrs. Raffensperger made numerous contributions to the good of our Town and community including leading the Town to completion of a Comprehensive Plan, to the creation of several new parks and recreation areas, to the institution of a capital reserve fund for a new Town Hall, and to the selection and approval by the community of the Post Office for the new Town facility; and Whereas, during her years of service Mrs. Raffensperger demonstrated repeatedly her superior intelligence, sound judgment, infinite patience, true diligence, and great dignity in dealing fairly and competently with all matters and persons involved with the Town; and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, as well as all of its citizens and the community of Tompkins County as a whole, have been deprived of a treasured and respected leader and friend; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, on behalf of the Town, its citizens and residents, mourns the loss of Shirley A. Raffensperger, a dedicated and talented public servant and an exemplary human being, and expresses its sympathy to Edgar Raffensperger and the other members of Mrs. Raffensperger's family for the loss they have suffered; and Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be included in the minutes of the Town Board meeting of March 8, 1999, and that the Town Clerk be requested to deliver a copy of same to the family of Shirley A. Raffensperger as a token of the appreciation of the Town : for her many years of outstanding service and as an expression of the grief felt by the entire community as a result of her passing. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 3 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Adopted Unanimously this a day of March, 1999. Agenda Item No 3 - Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives : Tim Joseph , Board of Representatives = I did not live in the Town of Ithaca through most of Mrs. Raffensperger's term on the Town Board , but I did live in the town and worked with her when she was Town Supervisor. I would like to express my appreciation for her hard work, vision , and her leadership . We will all miss her. The New York Association of Counties has notified Tompkins County that most of the counties in the State are deciding not to sign- up for the permanent removal of sales tax. However, the State Association of Retailers is launching a major lobbying campaign to get the public to pressure local governments to enact the elimination of the tax. The retailers have also been actively contacting many local Chamber's of Commerce asking them to persuade the counties to eliminate the tax. I was at a meeting with our Chamber of Commerce where the issues were discussed . They made it clear that they were only asking us to discuss and think about the issue more thoroughly. The majority opinion on the Tompkins County Board is that we have taken the right course for now. If other counties around us eliminate the sales tax, then we would be more interested in eliminating the tax. Councilwoman Grigorov - Tompkins County loses enough money to other counties who have a 7% tax rate compared to our 8% tax rate. Agenda Item No. 4 = Report of l=ire Commissioners. Robert Rowmanowski , IFD - Mrs. Raffensperger and I were on opposite sides of many philosophical government procedures . I always found her willing to share information and work. I will also miss her. She was always very pleasant and very helpful . Four new career fire fighters have been hired and sworn in . They consist of three new positions and one replacing a retiree. Today it was disclosed that another fire fighter is retiring so we will have a vacancy soon . These new fire fighters are presently attending school . The revenue decisions caused by the code initiatives and other activities have been postponed until the court decision . There is no prediction as to the outcome of the decision . The Yews Club donated $ 15 , 000 to the Ithaca Fire Department for purchase of a thermal imaging camera. , This is a camera that can look through smoke. It is used to rapidly locate victims and downed fire fighters in a fire . This device will be of tremendous value in search and rescue operations . There is great potential risk in terms of multi-fatality and catastrophic fires in fraternities at Cornell University. Students have nailed exit doors shut and done many other potentially dangerous things . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 4 1 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED The apparent combination of alcohol and irresponsible behavior has resulted in extremely hazardous situations for building occupants and fire fighters . There presently are on going meetings to discuss the problem . The annual safety grant funding sponsored by the New York State Department of Labor proposes equipping several public agencies with automatic external defibrillators . Defibrillators are used on heart attack victims. Chief Wilbur and Mayor Cohen met with President Williams of Ithaca College for initial discussions related to Ithaca College funding the Fire Department, Supervisor Valentino was not able to attend the meetings. They agreed to continue discussions . Problems exist with the bids prepared for the purchase of the engine and pumper. The Board of Fire Commissioners authorized the Fire Chief to reject all the bids. We are still in the process of compiling a list of Town of Ithaca fire responses . It will be coming out as soon as it is complete . Supervisor Valentino - Andy Frost, Town of Ithaca Building Inspector noted in his monthly report that there have been 12 fire incidents in the last two months in the town . That number is quite a bit higher than we normally have . Mr. Frost explained most of it is related to the cold weather, mainly chimney fires. Mr. Rowmanowski - There were chimney fires and electrical fires. People have been using extension cords for electrical heaters . That should never be done . I will forward a report to the Town Board about the fire investigations . Agenda Item No. 6 - Review of Correspondence : a. Pioneer Development Company, LLC we Sterling House/Sterling Cottage. (See Attachment #2) b. Joost J . Oppenheim , Cayuga Vista Homeowners Association . (See. Attachment #3) Joan Noteboom , Town Clerk - Two additional letters were received today. Supervisor Valentino - Linda Holzbaur has concerns about the Klondike Subdivision , and the other letter was a request from a property owner asking for a refund of penalty and interest on their tax bill . This person felt that since they were on sabbatical leave in France and they did not receive their tax bill that they should not have to pay the penalty and interest . Mrs. Noteboom - The tax bill was sent to the address in France which was given the Town . The Post Office returned it to us marked , " undeliverable temporarily away". Address changes need to be provided to the Tompkins County Assessment Office by March 1 . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 5 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED We made a second attempt to send the bill to the Ithaca address and it came back saying "forwarding order expired" . We made two attempts to send the bill . Real Property Tax Law states, "failure of the property owner to receive the bill for any reason does not negate the interest and penalties that may occur". Mrs. Noteboom - The property owner returned to the United States in February and called saying he did not receive the tax bill . I explained that he needed to pay the bill , and then it could go before the Town Board for a request of reimbursement of the interest and penalty that totals $50 . 80. Attorney Barney - The Town Board could refund the money, but it would be setting a precedent. Councilwoman Harrison - When did he call and ask for his address to be corrected? Mrs . Noteboom - He called last August. We explained that he needed to contact the Tompkins County Assessment Office and fill out a change of address form . He filled out the form , but somehow it did not get put onto the new computer program for the County. Normally, the County is 11 - 18 months behind in address changes. Councilwoman Harrison - We are in the middle between our citizens and the County. It is clearly not our fault; but if they did file the appropriate paperwork I can understand where they would be upset. Attorney Barney - How many years have you owned a home in the Town of Ithaca? Councilwoman Harrison - Thirteen years . Attorney Barney - If you do not receive a bill in January, you know you have a tax bill due . This person did not receive a tax bill in January. Even if he is in Europe , he could have called to find out his tax bill amount. The presumption related to this is wrong , that some how he should receive notice when he is unable to be located . This type of precedence would put the Town Board in an awkward position with many people coming up with excuses. Supervisor Valentino - He already knows that he was late . Councilwoman Grigorov - It would become very complicated to give everyone a refund that has a good excuse. Mrs . Noteboom - We get 50-60 complaints saying they did not get their bill . We make every attempt to send the bill a second time. We sent the tax bills out December 31 , 1998. Most of them came back by the end of the first week in January. . We immediately sent them to another logical address . Most of them came back saying " undeliverable temporarily away". Councilman Wolff - I see why we would not want to issue a refund . We would be setting a precedence , but I am also concerned about the customer service aspect . If someone is dealing with a town government they may not understand our reasoning . My suggestion is to have an article in TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 6 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED the next newsletter saying that if a property owner will be out of town during tax season they need to contact the town . We can also explain when the tax bill is due, and the law regarding whether or not they receive the bill . Supervisor Valentino - It should be included in the fall newsletter: rs. Noteboom - We have asked the Assessment Department why it takes them so long to do address changes, and mortgage escrow changes. They have indicated it is because they do not have enough staff and they get to it when they can . Attorney Barney - When you tell people about the address change, also explain that the bills come out January 1 " and if they do not receive their bill by January 10th , they should contact our office . Councilwoman Grigorov - Do you send people copies of their tax bill? Mrs . Noteboom - Yes , whenever someone requests a copy of their bill we send one . (Attachments #4 & #5 additional correspondence circulated to Town Board Members) Agenda Item No. 6 = PERSONS TO BE HEARD. John Lampman - ( Mr. Lampman provided copies of the plan view, the proposed approach and bridge sections, and the proposed cost to the Town Board.) The design report for the Renwick Heights bridge was transmitted to Mr. Noteboom . I . have met with Mr. Noteboom about the maintenance agreement for the structure. They have been reviewed by Mr. Noteboom and myself and are acceptable. We are approaching 40% design completion . I do not have any design plans to show the Town Board , but I should have designs available next week for a public meeting . Supervisor Valentino and I have discussed holding a public meeting on March 23rd at the Boynton Middle School at 7: 00 p. m . There is still time to have meaningful input into the process . I hope the public will give us their concerns and suggestions. There is ; an old concrete arch bridge underneath the existing bridge . They are not connected , but the old bridge was the previous structure to existing bridge. Representatives from Historic Ithaca looked at the structure and said it would be a nice structure to save if we are able to. Councilwoman Grigorov - What would saving the structure entail? Mr. Lampman - That will . be more clearly defined in the design process. The designer stated it might be hard to save because the new structure will need to go behind the arch . If we can build the new bridge without destabilizing it , will be economical to leave it . It would avoid the demolition and removal of the material from the gorge . It is a 30 feet deep gorge that would be hard to get the equipment into to pick up material . The old concrete arch can also be seen from the gorge, but access to the gorge is very limited . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 7 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Conley - Is it an obstacle in an event of a flood? Mr. Lampman - I do not believe so. There is a small box culvert upstream of the bridge so we thought about putting a box culvert at this location , but due to the environmental effects it would have on the area we decided that might not be the best idea . We are still looking at replacing it with a bridge . It will probably be a bridge of pre-cast box beams about 30 feet wide that would span the creek. The opening width on the bridge is about 30 feet. We wanted to maintain and increase the width to allow pedestrian and bicycle usage. We wanted to economize by using uniform box elements. It will have an increased length so that it is on sound rock on the gorge walls . One thing that is different about this structure is that once the creek goes through the bridge, it takes a hard left hand turn and goes back along the side of the road . There is a retaining wall along the road . The retaining wall is undermined at the bridge itself. We are looking at replacing the wall . Mr. Noteboom - We talked about lighting on the bridge to help with bicycle and pedestrian movement. There is the Renwick Lighting District, but I am sure the residents would not want to pay for lights beyond their residential area. Mr. Lampman - There is a light at the intersection . The nearest light down the hill from the bridge is at the first driveway. Councilman Conley - Are there problems in the area from a pedestrian/bicycle standpoint? Councilwoman Harrison - I ride my bike in the area . The bridge is very narrow, but there is not much vehicular traffic. Mr. Lampman - There is slight "S" curve through the section that we talked about trying to soften . I do not think we will need to go outside the right of way to do the work. There might. be some grading that carries outside the right of way. There is the possibility that we will get into some of the trees inside the right of way. There is a chain link fence in the right . of way that could also be in the way. Councilwoman Harrison - What are the environmental protection measures which will be used to protect the stream during construction ? Mr. Latham - Since this is a federal and state project there will be a soil erosion and water pollution protection plan included in the drawings when the documents go out for bid . The federal and state standards will be met. It is possible that we could pipe the water through the stream but, it would require covering the rest of the channel . We could set up a copper dam to allow the water to get into a pipe , be carried down through the channel , through the opening of the bridge, and out of the work area. It is complicated in this setting because the creek takes a hard turn at the bridge. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 8 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED Agenda item No 7 = PUBLIC HEARING: " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA." : Supervisor Valentino postponed the public hearing until 6:36 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Agenda Item No. 6 Cont'd: Supervisor Valentino - What will the shares of cost to the Town , Cayuga Heights , and the County be? Mr. Lampman - The maintenance agreement addresses that issue. The budget amounts in the maintenance agreement do not match what was in the estimate I provided . The budget figures in the agreement were taken from the Ithaca Tompkins County Transportation Council Budget. The figures I handed out are estimated costs . It calls for $560, 000 for construction inspection and construction . This agreement talks about $622 , 000 for everything , plus another $8 , 000 for in-house County costs . Five hundred sixty thousand is higher than we had hoped . Eighty percent of the project is federally funded , and we hope 15%o will be state funded . The local share would be funded in the same way as we have funded other bridge projects; 80% from the County, and 20% from the TownNillage. The cost to the Town of Ithaca will be roughly $7 , 820 . Mr. Noteboom - The $7 , 820 will be split 50/50 between Cayuga Heights and Town of Ithaca . They own the north approach , and we own the south approach . Mr. Lampman - The agreement does not address the village's share of the funding . The County wanted an agreement with the Town , and then have the Town work on an agreement with the Village for their share. Attorney Barney - The agreement is between the three municipalities. Mr. Lampman - Yes, but it does not address the Village's ,financial responsibility. Supervisor Valentino - Why didn 't the County include the Village? Mr. Lam' pman - The County wanted to have one party to deal with . Supervisor Valentino - We have a problem with one clause in all the county contracts . The County Attorney advised the Town to have as few contracts as possible with the County so that we would not have to be liable for that clause in the contracts . It was his advise because he refused to change the contracts . I think this contract should be all inclusive so that we do not have to contract with the County and then contract with someone else. It will be more efficient if we have one contract . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 9 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Lampman - The contract is saying the Village of Cayuga Heights has responsibilities , but it is silent on the financial portion . Supervisor Valentino - I do not want to negotiate separately with Cayuga Heights. Chairperson Klein - How would you split it? There is a little more work on the Town 's side . Attorney; Barney - What is the retaining wall ? I understand that the Town is picking up the cost of the retaining wall . Councilman Klein - There is a steep bank and the stream takes a sharp bend , which necessitates the need for a retaining wall . Attorney Barney - Is it an intricate part of the bridge? Mr. Lampman - It depends on how it will be built. It is also retaining the road . Attorney Barney - Could the County build the bridge without the retaining wall? Mr. Lampman - The County could build the bridge without replacing the existing retaining wall . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the purpose of the retaining wall? Mr. Lampman - Now there are old concrete walls that have tipped over into the creek. They look like the old retaining walls . The new retaining wall is separate from the bridge . The new structure will not stand alone. I expect it to be integral to the bridge. Attorney Barney - According to the contract after 15 years the Town assumes the responsibility of the retaining wall . In the contract, it is agreed that the Town pays for it. Supervisor Valentino - Was the town assuming that responsibility part of the discussion ? Councilman Klein - Where does the fifteen years comes from ? Mr. Lampman - That condition is something that was negotiated with the Town of Dryden last year. The reason was that number of years would give a good life expectancy for the roadway. It seems there should not be any problems with the retaining wall within that time period . If there is , the County; would pay for the repairs . Attorney Barney - What is the basis of the Town being responsible for the bridge wearing surface after 15 years? Mr. Noteboom - The Town is usually responsible for the wearing surface from the very beginning . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 10 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney - I was looking at the law, and I am not sure that is entirely clear. Under Section 101 it does not have the exception for the wearing surfaces located in Section 9 . Mr. Lampman - The County resolution cited also discusses that. It cites that the County is not responsible for wearing surfaces on town roads . Councilwoman Russell - It is a responsibility given to them by State Law. Mr. Lampman - The resolution took that responsibility from the towns for everything connected with the bridge. The only thing the County did not take responsibility for is the wearing surface. That responsibility was left behind with the Town . Supervisor Valentino - We need to work on the agreement . Councilman Klein - Is the wearing surface concrete? Mr. Lampman - Yes, hopefully it will last longer than 15 years . Attorney Barney - Is the wearing surface part of the structure? Mr. Lampman - Yes . Attorney Barney - How do you distinguish between the wearing surfaces and the structure. Is it the part that could be removed structurally. It is all together, but there are reinforcing rods below the surface so that if there is depth repair needed you could remove the concrete down to the reinforcing rods and replace the concrete. There will be a concrete wearing surface added to the box beams to seal them . That becomes the wearing surface . Councilman Klein - Are the side walls part of the box beam ? Mr. Lampman - That is something that gets added . We were looking at the idea of a pre-cast parapet section to either match what is there now, or doing the option of going with the form line around some of the concrete walls. That is a stone pattern rather than the smooth concrete . I Agenda Item No. 9 PUBLIC HEARING : " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46 (b) OF THE TOWN ! OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL i Supervisor Valentino postponed the public hearing until 6:58 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Agenda Item No. 6 Cont'd : Dooley, Kiefer, Board of Representatives - Which County Attorney did you talk to? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 11 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - I talked with Henry Theusen . Ms. Kiefer - Who has been doing the negotiations that produced this agreement? Mr. Lampman - Mr. Noteboom and I have been talking the most, but Jonathan Wood is the Attorney, hat I have been working with . Ms . Kiefer - When you say more negotiations are needed , do you mean with the Town Supervisor being included? Supervisor Valentino - Yes. I think that the Village of Cayuga Heights should be involved . Ms . Kiefer - Have the neighbors been notified about the plans? Mr. Lampman - No, we have not approached them yet . Ms . Kiefer - Will the Town be doing them ? Mr. Lampman - I was hoping to send out a mailing to the people in the general area concerning the meeting on March 23. Ms . . Kiefer - Would it be possible to organize a field trip for interested individuals before the public meeting? Mr. Lampman - It is possible . Supervisor Valentino - It would be good to do the mailing and public announcements so that other interested people may come. Councilwoman Harrison - It would be helpful to put signs up in the vicinity. Supervisor Valentino - At this point we will be having the public meeting on March 23. We will be trying to; set up a meeting to work on the agreement . Having a person from the County who actually makes decisions on policy meet with us would be helpful . Mr. Lam'pman - It was mentioned that there might be other questions about general communication between the Town and County regarding bridges? Supervisor Valentino - The Tompkins County Municipal Officers Association has raised questions as to how we work on information and plan work on bridges . We have deferred discussing this issue with the County because there have been no major repairs needed , but not it is something in the immediate future for us to talk about . Councilman Klein - The engineering cost estimates are extremely high . Is it consistent with what you pay for bridge engineering? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 12 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Lampman - It is much higher than what we are used to paying on local projects, but it is consistent with state and federal projects. Much of the cost is due to the additional reports. They increase the cost considerably. Agenda Item No. 7 = PUBLIC HEARING: " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . Supervisor Valentino reopened the public hearing at 6:36 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no members of the public present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:37 p. m. Agenda Rem No. 8 = Adoption , " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA" : Supervisor Valentino as I thought we talked about the cost to obtain a bond on people other than a board member, Councilwoman Russell and myself. We talked about having Mr. Carvill be the third person to sign checks and he is already bonded for $ 1 , 000, 000. Attorney . Barney - I understood , at the time of the conversation , that there was not the need for drawing checks. The conclusion was there was a need for Mr. Carvill to transfer funds from one account to another. Supervisor Valentino as We . talked about having Councilwoman Grigorov be authorized to sign checks. Then we thought we are the ones that are bonded for, the most money, and that we would have to increase the bonding insurance. Is the cost for additional bonding a substantial change? Councilwoman Harrison - Does the local law name the persons? Attorney Barney as We limited the local law to Town Councilpersons. Supervisor Valentino - I thought that we had said that we wanted the Budget Officer included ? Councilman Wolff - How many times in the last four or five years would we have needed this local law if we already had adopted it? Supervisor Valentino - A couple of times when the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor have been away at meetings together there were checks that needed to be signed . We knew what checks would need to be signed during our absence and we authorized someone to sign them . It was not the way it should be done. Attorney Barney - My concern is that you do not want to create a situation when someone can routinely sign checks. If Mr. Carvill were to resign , then the next person has the authorization to sign TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 13 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED checks. [ eliminated Budget Officer because I was trying to limit the legal exposure to that type of a situation . The bank could receive authorization to accept a check with a certain signature on it . Councilman Wolff - Is it possible to make an arrangement with the bank stating these are the only people who are authorized to sign checks unless they have a resolution stating otherwise? Mr. Carvill - I currently sign checks. There is a courtesy extended by me in which those checks are never signed when Supervisor Valentino is present. When Supervisor Valentino or Councilwoman Grigorov were not available an abstract check or payroll check would be signed as a matter of business . I have always extended the professional courtesy it is first the elected officials responsibility. I respect that responsibility. I am presently considered a signatory on every one of our bank accounts . Under the execution of this resolution the alternate will change . Councilwoman Grigorov - We cannot count on the fact that if Mr. Carvill left that someone else would extend that professional courtesy. We need to make the law cover different situations . There needs to be a specific resolution for each person that is authorized . Attorney Barney - Once someone is allowed to sign they keep that authorization . Supervisor Valentino - If we have a resolution that names a specific person and that person changes , we can execute a different type of resolution for another person . Councilman Wolff - I was under the impression this was done on a case by case basis . I understand that it is difficult for the bank. Supervisor Valentino - This local law would include three people who are insured at the highest rate. Councilman Wolff - Was the intention of the local law to make this a "case by case" basis? Supervisor Valentino - No . Councilman Klein - The resolution would name the person , that resolution would stand until revised or rescinded . Supervisor Valentino - It would be my recommendation to change section four of the local law to include the Budget Officer. Mr. Carvill - I am concerned because I am investing constantly. Should that language be clarified? Attorney Barney - If you are authorized to withdraw funds , then you can invest. Supervisor Valentino - What are we bonded for? Judith Drake, Human Resource Specialist - The bond is for $ 1 , 000, 000. We have looked into a $ 10 , 000, 000 bond . The insurance company had the concern that no town has ever asked for a TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 14 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED $ 10, 000, 000 bond . The highest they have ever bonded a town for is $6, 000 , 000 . They said they would bond us for $6, 000, 000 if we provided detailed policy procedures of what happens with a check when it is written and who signs it. Councilwoman Grigorov on What is the cost for each bonded person ? Mrs. Drake - I do not think it is large . I think we should stay bonded for $ 1 , 000, 000 until we have discussed it with the insurance company. Resolution No. 37 - ADOPTING LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA. (See Attachment #6): Supervisor Valentino announced that she was signing a Certificate of Necessity in relation to this local law prior to its adoption . WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on March 8, 1999, at 6: 15 P. M. to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA '; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 16 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) this action is a Type 11 action, not requiring environmental review; and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to enact the local law as set forth therein; NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN . THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA " a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and it is further TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 15 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to enter said . local law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town of Ithaca, and file a copy of said local law with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Roll call vote carried unanimously. Resolution No. 38 - Authorize Banking Transactions and Transfers of Funds Pursuant to Local Law No. 3 of the Year 1999 = BE R RESOLVED, that the Town Budget Officer, Alfred Carvill, be and he hereby is, authorized pursuant to Local Law No. 3 of the Year . 1999 to execute checks and other instruments of withdrawal of funds from the Town 's depository accounts in the absence or inability to act of the Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor; and it is further RESOLVED, that Alfred Carvill, Town Budget Officer, be, and he hereby is, authorized pursuant to the same local law, to transfer of funds from one Town account to another Town account in the same or different depository institution; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town obtain fidelity insurance or a bond on Alfred Carvill in the amount of at least $ 1, 000, 000. 00; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is, directed to certify .to the depository institutions holding funds in the name of the Town that the persons named above have been granted the authority set forth in this resolution; and it is further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall become effective upon the effective date of the local law referred, to above. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Supervisor Valentino. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda item No. 9 - PUBLIC HEARING: " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46 (b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL" . Supervisor Valentino resumed the public hearing at 6.58 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:59 p. m. , as there were no members of the public to be heard. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 16 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED Attorney Barney = the copy of our current Zoning Ordinance shows the provisions that we would be striking . This local law would allow aesthetic type of changes which would not be costly to be made after the Planning Board approved a particular plan without a need for it to go back to the Planning Board . We would like to rethink the revision , but until then we would like to close the loop hole. Agenda Item No. 10 = SEQR. " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46 (b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL" . Resolution No. 39 = SEQR: Proposed Local Law Amending Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to Modify the Requirement for Planning Board Approval of Site Plan Modifications. (See Attachment #7)- WHEREAS, this action is the enactment of a local law amending the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to modify the requirement for Planning Board approval of site plan modifications; and WHEREAS, said proposed local law would delete Subdivisions 4(a) through 4(f) of Section 46= b of the current Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public hearing held on March 8, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts I and II for this action; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye, Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 11 - Adoption . " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46 (b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL" . Supervisor Valentino announced she was signing a Certificate of Necessity related to this local law. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 17 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No. 40 - ADOPTING LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46-b OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL. (See Attachment #8) = WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on March 8, 1999, at 6:30 P. M. to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law entitled `A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46-b OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL '; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was . duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that adoption of said proposed local law would not have a significant effect upon the environment and could be processed without further regard to SEQR; and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens to effect the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance set forth in the Local Law NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46-b OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS OF SITE PLANS TO OBTAIN SITE PLAN APPROVAL "; a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to enter said local law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town. of Ithaca, and to give due notice of the adoption of said local law by publication of such local law or an abstract or summary thereof in the Ithaca Journal and by filing a copy of said local law with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Wolff, aye. Roll call vote carried unanimously. Agenda Rem No. 12 = PUBLIC HEARING: Consider. "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 18 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED BENEFITED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE, TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY. NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing late at 7.800 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7:02 p. m. with no members of the public to be heard. Agenda Item No. 13 - SEOR. "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT OT ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW Attorney Barney - The Engineer's Report has changed slightly. Mr. Walker - The report was revised to show this project as an important interconnection in our existing system . The water main pipe size was changed to be 12 inches instead of 8 inches . The water main will now be 1900 feet long , with the 500 foot extension no longer there . That 500 foot portion will be built by the developer if they develop the site . Councilwoman Harrison - Should this 1900 feet extension be done regardless of whether the site is developed? Mr. Walker - Yes. It is my recommendation it . be done . We have a fragile system on Trumansburg Road . The six inch pipe is seventy to eighty years old . If it fails there is no water on West Hill which includes the hospital and Lakeside Nursing Home, Supervisor Valentino - It is a crucial part of the system . Resolution No. 41 - SEQR. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY. NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW. (See Attachment #9) - WHEREAS, this action is `THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW'; and WHEREAS, this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the establishment of said proposed water improvement area; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public hearing held on March 8, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts I and 11 for this action; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 19 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows:' Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, abstain; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 14 - Establishment. "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA ;' WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" : Attorney Barney - This is a public interest order. On the second page, the paragraph beginning with construction , will be changed from "8 inch water main" to " 12 inch water main". On the third line , "800 feet" will change to " 1900 feet". The fourth line will have added after the word "Ithaca" , " 12 inch water main". The cost will be changed from $200, 000 to $ 150, 000. The same changes need to be made on Page 3. Resolution No. 42 - At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, held at the Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, in the City of Ithaca, New York, on the 8th day of March, 1999, at 5:30 o 'clock p.m. prevailing time. PRESENT: Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Mary Russell, Councilperson David L. Klein, Councilperson Carolyn J. Grigorov, Councilperson Ellen Z. Harrison, Councilperson Edward Conley, Councilperson John Wolff, Councilperson ABSENT: None ----------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the proposed Water Improvement in the Town of Ithaca, PUBLIC INTEREST Tompkins County, New York, pursuant to Article 12-C of ORDER TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 20 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED the Town Law to be known as the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road ----------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, a plan, report and map has been duly prepared in such manner and in such detail as heretofore has been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the creation and construction, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law of water system improvements to be known and identified as the Town of Ithaca Water Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, and hereinafter also referred to as "improvement'; to provide such water improvement including ' extensions, to the present Town water improvement, such water system improvement to be constructed and owned by the Town of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, said plan, report and map have been prepared by Daniel Walker, P. E. , the Town Engineer, a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk where they are available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the area of said Town determined to benefitted by said Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road shall be known as the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road and consists of the entire area of said Town excepting therefrom the area contained within the Village of Cayuga Heights, and WHEREAS, the proposed Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road consists of the water improvements set forth below, and in the areas of the Town as set forth below, and as more particularly shown and described in said map, plan and report presently on file in the Office of the Town Clerk: Construction and installation of new 12" water main extensions on and near Mecklenburg Road, the water main itself to connect with the City of Ithaca water main at the City line and to extend approximately 1900 feet along Mecklenburg Road to connect to an existing Town of Ithaca 12" water main; and WHEREAS, the maximum proposed to be expended by the Town of Ithaca for the aforesaid improvement is $ 150, 000; and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing said improvement to be employed by said Town of Ithaca consists of expenditure of current revenues and surplus funds from the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road derived from revenues assessed against the properties which are deemed benefitted by said improvement; and WHEREAS, said maximum estimated cost is not greater than 1/10M of 1 % of the full valuation of taxable real property in the area of the Town of Ithaca outside of any villages; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the cost of the aforesaid improvement shall be borne by the real property in said Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road by assessing, levying upon and collecting from the several lots and parcels of land within said Benefitted TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 21 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Area, outside of any village, which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvement, an amount sufficient to pay the costs of such improvement in the year in which constructed; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid improvement has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the laws and regulations of the Town of Ithaca, the implementation of which as proposed, the Town Board has determined will not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca duly adopted an order on February 8, 1999 calling a public hearing upon said plan, report and map including an estimate of cost and the question of providing water improvements to be known as the Town of Ithaca Water Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, such public hearing to be held on the 8th day of March, 1999, at 6:45 o 'clock p. m. , Prevailing Time, at the Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, in the City of Ithaca, New York, at which time and place all persons interested in the subject thereof could be heard concerning the same; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly posted and published as required by law; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the place and at the time aforesaid and all persons interested in the subject thereof were heard concerning the same; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the improvement to be know as the Town of Ithaca Water Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1 . It is hereby determined that it is in the public interest to establish said Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road and to make the water improvement hereinafter described and such water improvement is hereby authorized. The proposed area hereby determined to be benefitted by said Town of Ithaca Water Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road is all of the Town of Ithaca outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, Section 2. The proposed improvement shall consist of construction and installation of new 12" water main extension on and near Mecklenburg Road, the water main itself to connect with the City of Ithaca water main at the City line and to extend approximately 1900 feet along Mecklenburg Road to connect to an existing Town of Ithaca 12" water main, together with related facilities at an initially determined maximum estimated cost to said benefitted area of $ 150, 000. The method of financing of said cost shall be by assessments in the year of construction levied upon and collected from the several lots and parcels of land deemed benefitted from said TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 22 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED improvement and located in said Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of the benefit which the improvement shall confer upon the same. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the estimated expense of the aforesaid improvement does not exceed 1/1 0M of 1 % of the full valuation of the taxable real property in the area of said Town outside of Villages and, therefore, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 13 of Section 209=q of the Town Law, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required for such improvement. Section 4. Pursuant to subdivision 6(d) of Section 209-q of the Town Law, the Town Clerk is hereby directed and ordered to cause a certified copy of thin resolution to be duly recorded within 10 days of the date of the adoption in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, which when so recorded, shall be presumptive evidence of the regularity of the proceedings and action taken by the Town Board in relation to the aforesaid improvement. Section 5. It is hereby further determined that all of the cost of the aforesaid improvement shall be borne wholly by property within the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefitted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, being the entire area of the Town outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, Section 6. This order is adopted subject to permissive referendum. The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was upon motion of Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilperson Grigorov, duly put to a vote on a roll call, which resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino Voting: Aye Councilperson Harrison Voting: Aye Councilperson Russell Voting: Aye Councilperson Conley Voting: Aye Councilperson Grigorov Voting: Aye Councilperson Wolff Voting: Aye Councilperson Klein Voting: Abstain The Order was thereupon declared duly adopted. Agenda Item No. 15 - Approval Specifications/Authorization Solicit Bids: "WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA. TOMPKINS COUNTY. NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW Mrs. Noteboom - Are we able to advertise to receive bids prior to the thirty days needed for the permissive referendum ? Attorney Barney - It can be advertised at any time, but the bids cannot be opened or the bid cannot be awarded until after the thirty days. The order is subject to permissive referendum thirty days from the date of the adoption of the resolution approving the public interest order, provided we publish the required notice of the adoption of the resolution within ten days . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 23 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Russell - Is this for the maintenance of existing facilities? Mr. Walker - This is an improvement and an extension . Councilwoman Russell - The resolution states it is maintenance . Attorney Barney - It should be removed because a SEAR was passed . Mr. Carvill - This is a capital project . Will that need language be incorporated into the resolution ? Attorney Barney - The public interest order does establish it as a capital item . I do not know how it is best for it to be done for accounting . Mr. Carvill - I can do transfers if it is a capital fund . Resolution No 43 - Plan"IS of Bidding Mecklenburg Road Water Main: WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that construction of a water main on Mecklenburg Road between West Haven Road and the City of Ithaca line is an appropriate water system improvement; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has prepared specifications for the water main; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the improvement is $ 150, 000 and the Town Water Fund has a total amount available to meet that cost; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby approves the plans and specifications and authorizes the advertisement for bid and receipt of bids for the Mecklenburg Road Water Main, in the Town of Ithaca with funding to be provided from the Water Fund appropriation account F8340. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, abstain; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. Agenda Item No. 16 = Memorandum . of Understanding with City of Ithaca Related to Employment of Additional Firefighters : Councilwoman Russell - On the first page it states, "two paid firefighters". Then on the next page it tates , "three paid firefighters". Supervisor Valentino - It should be three. We should have it amended to say, "three firefighters at the rate of 32%"; with the cost estimated to be $31 , 621 . 00 . Attorney Barney - We are trying to get the provision that funding would be provided when the third firefighter is hired . They are asking us to provide financial support for the hiring of three new TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 24 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED firefighters. We do not want to have to pay for three new firefighters and then have the City hire only one. The way it is written assures the Town Board that we not pay anything until the third firefighter is hired . Then if it is reduced , the Town will receive a proportionate reduction . Supervisor Valentino - I talked with representatives of the City about the amendments to the agreement. They wanted it changed to indicate that our proportions would not be reduced unless it takes them more than three months to fill the position . This agreement is only going to be good until December 31 , 1999 . There will be a new arrangement with the City after this year. If we enter into a partnership with the City, any amounts that are reduced will affect the Town in the same proportion . Mrs . Noteboom - Is there anything in the agreement that shows from January 1 , 1999 to December 3111999? Attorney Barney - It is elsewhere in the agreement. Councilman Klein - Is this prorated ? Attorney Barney = It starts when the firefighters are hired . Supervisor Valentino - This is the prorated amount, from now until the end of the year. Mr. Carvill - Where would you propose we get the money from ? The Fire Protection Fund does not have this money. Supervisor Valentino - The money will come from the interest we earn on the money in the fund . We have the money in the beginning of the year because of the taxes collected . We can pay for this with the interest earned from having the money invested longer. Attorney Barney - The total amount for the resolution is $98, 815 . 31 . Resolution No. 44 - AMENDMENT TO FIRE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ITHACA: WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has requested the Town to financially support the addition of three paid career fire fighters to the fire department and WHEREAS, the Town is willing to share in such support provided assurances are given that the West Hill fire station will be staffed on a twenty-four hour a day basis; and WHEREAS, the City and Town have negotiated an amendment to the Fire Contract that will accomplish such desires, a copy of which was submitted to the Town Board at this meeting; and WHEREAS; pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that amendment of said contract is a Type II action and therefore not subject to environmental review under SEQR, TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 25 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the amendment to the Town 's Fire Contract with the City of Ithaca as submitted to this meeting, subject to changes as approved by the Town Supervisor as authorized below; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be, and she hereby is, authorized to execute such mendment with such changes therein as the Town Supervisor, in her discretion and with the advise of the Attorney for Town, deems necessary or appropriate, her execution of same to be evidence of her approval of any such changes. MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye, Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 17 = Partild2ation In Cooperative Purchase Agreement for Electric Power with NYSEG Solutions. Inc. = Supervisor Valentino - The paperwork required to become a member of the agreement has been completed . We need to enact a resolution to become a formal member within the agreement . My understanding is that we are not going to see large savings at this point , but the potential is there to do so in the future. Councilman Wolff - How long are we subject to the agreement? Supervisor Valentino = I do not know. Councilwoman Harrison - The resolution will allow us to be part of the process . Councilman Wolff = Will we be locked into the deal ? Will there be flexibility? Supervisor Valentino = As a group, we are contracting with this company because it is the best deal at this point . As part of this consortium we can always shop for the best deal . When our contract is up, we can search the market . At some point we can withdraw. Resolution No. 45 = Approval of Participation = Cooperative Purchase Agreement Electric Power- WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins and the County of Tioga entered into an agreement for the purchase of electric power with NYSEG Solutions, Inc. ; and WHEREAS, the contract provides that political subdivisions within the said counties may obtain electric power under the contract; and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 26 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Board of Representatives adopted a resolution providing that political subdivisions within the County shall be included in such cooperative purchasing agreement upon the submission of a resolution approved by its governing body to the Tompkins County Department of Finance; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct that the Town of Ithaca participate in the said cooperative purchase agreement and that the Town of Ithaca may, thereby, purchase electric power under the contract with NYSEG Solutions, Inc. ; and be it further RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Tompkins County Department of Finance. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 18 = AgcrovaVRatification of 1998 Annual Financial Retort to New York State Comptroller: Mr. Carvill - We have reported good investments, and have we have a good knowledge of our accounts receivable and budgetary expenditures . We were one of the few towns to file this report electronically. Supervisor Valentino - I was worried the State would not receive the report on time with the electronic filing . The Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission filed their annual financial report on time for the first time this year. Mr. Carvill - The electronic transmission took about two minutes . It is a separate file that we are linked to on a secure file with a company that has been engaged by the State Comptrollers Office to transmit the file and protect it. This is not the internet , The software needs a lot of improvement , but it made ) it much easier. Resolution No. 46 - 1998 Town of Ithaca Annual Financial Report: WHEREAS, as Chief Fiscal Officer, the Town Supervisor is pleased to report that the Town 's Annual ;Report has been electronically filed with the New York State Comptroller's Office. This report reflects', the financial activities and conditions of the Town of Ithaca for the fiscal period January 1 , 1998 through December 31 , 1998; and WHEREAS, as statutorily required, the Town Clerk shall give legal notice that said report has been filed and is available to the public; now, therefore, be it RESOVED, that this governing Board herein acknowledge the completion and filing of the 1998 Annual State Comptroller's Report. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 27 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 19 = Application to Correct 1999 Town and County Tax Roll : Mrs. Noteboom - I received notification from Tompkins County there was a need to correct the tax roll because they forgot to apply the Veterans Exemption to a tax parcel . On Friday, I received a letter saying that I needed a resolution from the Town Board stating the tax roll could be corrected . The Tompkins County Finance Department has already sent the property owner a refund . The County now has informed me that a resolution of the Town Board is not needed as they have prepared the paperwork and issued the refund , and because the bill was paid it will not affect the tax roll . Supervisor Valentino - Do they have the authority to do that? Attorney Barney - There is a provision in law that allows corrections by the taxing authority. Mr. Carvill - Are they making a County refund of taxes , or is a portion ours? Mrs. Noteboom - The amount includes a town portion . I paid the County more money than I should have collected . This women was entitled to a Veteran 's Exemption on her Town taxes also . Councilman Klein - Is the column that shows the "percentage of change" on the tax bill for the change from one year to the next? Mrs. Noteboom - The "percentage of change" is the change of the whole tax levy from one year to the next, not the "percentage of change" for an individual tax bill from one year to the next . We are going to ask the County to try and clarify that on next years bill . Agenda Item No. 20 = Restructuring of Highway. Parks. Water, and Sewer Activities : Mr. Noteboom - We are proposing that we set up a system with three Working Supervisors. Councilwoman Grigorov - Will it be easy to change the supervisor's position ? Mrs. Drake - We are looking to promote two people from within the department to Working Supervisor's. Supervisor Valentino - These people will be classified in that position . It will eliminate moving people around . Mrs. Drake - This summer Mr. Noteboom experimented having people as a Working Supervisor on a weekly or daily basis . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 28 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Noteboom - We are going to ask our highway workers to fill out an application and go through an interview process . Supervisor Valentino - Classifications are determined by a point system modeled after one the County uses . The County put the system , in place years ago when they thought they might be involved in a lawsuit for gender discrimination . The classification changes proposed will not change the employees wages for this year. Mrs. Drake - The internal promotions will be non-monetary promotions at this stage . Supervisor Valentino - The positions we are filling are for vacancies we have had . There will not be an increase in our budget. Mrs. Drake - We are creating one Working Supervisor position which we had abolished when we created the Parks/Maintenance Manager position . There will - be a new position created for the Automotive Mechanic Assistant. That is a new position . Resolution No. 47 - Restructuring of Highway. Parks. Water and Sewer Activities. (See Attachment #10)- WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering with their staff conducted a Public Works Study (see attached) to evaluate the work activities of the staff in relation to daily work load and supervisory authority; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering have devised a method of changing the organizational structure of daily activities to allow for a more effective, efficient and cooperative means of completing the Highway, Parks, Water and Sewer work, by creating cross trained work crews and supervisory staff; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has experimented with this structure for several months in order to evaluate its feasibility; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering determined that this restructuring does provide a more efficient and effective means for completing the said work; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the restructuring of the Highway, Parks, Water and Sewer work activities; and be it further RESOLVED, the said work activities shall fall under the Highway Department with general supervision by the Highway Superintendent and under the direct cooperative supervision of the Deputy Highway Superintendent, Parks Maintenance Manager and Water and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor, (see attached proposed organizational chart); and be it further RESOLVED, the Human Resources Specialist is hereby directed to update the January 1 , 1998, Town- of Ithaca Organizational Chart. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 29 MARCH 8 , 1999 . APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Klein. A vote on the motion resulted as follows Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 48 - Job Reclassification Hiohway Superintendent, Parks Maintenance Manager Deputy Highway Superintendent and Water & Sewer Maintenance Manager: WHEREAS, the Town. Board of the Town of Ithaca has approved the restructuring of the Highway, Parks, Water and Sewer work activities; and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and the Human Resources Specialist have reviewed the revised job duties of the Highway Superintendent, Parks Maintenance Manager, Deputy Highway Superintendent, and Water and Sewer Maintenance Manager to evaluate if the current job classification is appropriate; and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and the Human Resources Specialist are recommending the reclassification of the four (4) said positions; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the reclassification of the following positions as recommended by the Town Supervisor and Human Resources Specialist: Highway Superintendent from a "Q" to an "R" Parks Maintenance Manager from a "M" to an "O" Deputy Highway Superintendent from a "M" to an "O" Water and Sewer Maintenance Super. from a "M" to an "O" and be it further RESOLVED, this reclassification shall not result in changes to the 1999 salary or hourly wages of the persons in the said positions; and be it further RESOLVED, the Human Resources Specialist is hereby authorized and directed to update the Job Classification Listing and forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Civil Service office. MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows:. Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 21 - Creation of Assistant Automotive Mechanic Position . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 30 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED = APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No 49 - Creation of Civil Service Classification: Automotive Mechanic Assistant & Working Supervisor. (See Attachment #11) WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca established compliance under the New York State Civil Service Agency to qualify employment positions in the Town of Ithaca in accordance with Section 22 of Civil Service Laws, Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, one regulation of Civil Service law is the creation of positions with approved job descriptions before appointment; and WHEREAS, the Town Board at the June 12, 1995 meeting, Resolution No. 116, approved the job description and the establishment. of the Working Supervisor position; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board establishes the following position in accordance with the applicable New York State and Tompkins County Civil Service classification rules: 1 . The following position is in the competitive class pursuant to Section 44 of the Civil Service Law, but Pending Jurisdictional Classification in the non-competitive class pursuant to Section 42: (a) One Automotive Mechanic Assistant and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve the attached job description for the said position, with such position being in the Job Classification " F'; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves creating one additional Working Supervisor position in the non-competitive class pursuant to Section 42 of the Civil Service Law and in accordance with the applicable New York State and Tompkins County Civil Service classification rules; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Human Resources Specialist is requested and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Personnel Office for processing by said office to obtain certification of the position as set forth, and the Human Resources Specialist is directed to update the Town of Ithaca 's Job Classification Listing. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman . Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 22 = Creation of Engineering Aide Position : Councilwoman Harrison - Is this the shifting of a current position ? Supervisor Valentino - This is the position we wanted to put in place to hire temporary summer employees. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 31 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker - Occasionally, we have a qualified person who has worked for the Town before who is not eligible under the work study program . This would allow us to hire these people to take advantage of the knowledge they already have since they have worked for us before. AftResolution No. 50 - Creation of Civil Service Classification: Engineering Aide. (See Attachment #12) f WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca established compliance under the New York State Civil Service Agency to qualify employment positions in the Town of Ithaca in accordance with Section 22 of Civil Service Laws, Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, one regulation of Civil Service law is the creation of positions with approved job descriptions before appointment; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board establishes the following position in accordance with the applicable New York State and Tompkins County Civil Service classification rules: 1 . The following position is in the competitive class pursuant to Section 44 of the Civil Service Law, but Pending Jurisdictional Classification in the non-competitive class pursuant to Section 42: (a) One Engineering Aide and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve the attached job description for the said position, with this position being a temporary full time position not to exceed six (6) months of service; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Human Resources Specialist is requested and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Personnel Office for processing by said office to obtain certification of the position as set forth. MOVED, Councilwoman, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 23 - Water/Sewer Benefit Assessment Refund. (Mead): Mr. Walker - I had a question as to whether this property had water, and determined that it does not . Therefore , a refund is appropriate . Resolution No. 51 - Water/Sewer Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33. - 1 - 15A : TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 32 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, Jane Mead has requested a refund of water benefit charges on her 1999 Town and County Tax Bill on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated; and WHEREAS, parcels with water service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water; and WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 33. - 1 - 15. 1 is assessed for $2900. 00; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water benefit units and has determined that the correct benefit assessment for Parcel No. 33. . - 1 - 15. 1 is $0. 06 for water instead of the incorrect charge on the 1999 Town and County Tax Bill of $54. 00; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has recommended that a refund is due for the said overcharge amount of $53. 94 for the year 1999; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Town and County Tax Bill has been paid in full for the said tax parcel, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes that a refund of $53. 94 be paid to Jane Mead, 222 Enfield Falls Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 for the amount she was overcharged on her 1999 Town and County Tax Bill for the water benefit assessment. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 24 = Progress for Sale of Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street. Supervisor Valentino - We have received a resume from a realty group who are interested in marketing the Town Hall for us . We researched the yellow pages in the telephone book for Realtors who handle commercial properties . We picked several agencies and wrote to them asking if they would be interested in marketing this building . When we receive a response from the interested candidates , we will set up interviews with them . Councilwoman Grigorov - Did you have a presentation ? Supervisor Valentino - We had a presentation from Steve Lipinski of Robert A. Mead and Associates, Inc. , Endicott. They are a regional group that specializes in this type of sale . Councilman Klein - Will we be paying for an appraisal ? Supervisor Valentino - An appraisal would cost about $850. 00. Councilman Klein - Are we under a legal obligation to have an appraisal? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 33 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED Attorney Barney - When the building is sold , you want to be sure that you are not selling it below market value . Agenda Item No. 25 - Payment of 1999 Town/County Tax Bill #2487. for Property Donated by Edwin A. Hallberg on East King Road : Attorney; Barney - We now have a recorded deed to a portion of the property. We are still missing the deed from Mr. Malloy which we will be getting shortly. Rather than let the tax bill continue to accrue interest, it seemed appropriate to receive authorization to pay the tax bill . We may receive some of this tax bill money back from Mr. Burbank. Resolution No. 52 - Payment of the Outstanding Real Property Tax Bills, Park Donated to the Town: WHEREAS, Edwin A. Hallberg has donated certain land to the Town of Ithaca on King Road; and WHEREAS, such donation was in connection with a multiple parcel transaction involving not only land from Mr. Hallberg but land to be transferred to and from several other individuals; and WHEREAS, because Mr. Hallberg is making this donation it is not really appropriate to request him to pay the taxes as the use of the bulk of the property will inure to the benefit of the Town and its citizens; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca pay the outstanding 1999 Town and County Tax Bill No. 2487 in the amount of $715.29 for the property on King Road, being a part of the land being donated to the Town of Ithaca for a park; and, be it further RESOLVED, that to the extent that the Ithaca City School District taxes remain unpaid on said parcel that the Town also pay said school taxes in the amount of $978. 92; and be it further RESOLVED, that said funds be paid out of General Fund Account No. A 1920. 401 . MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. RAaenda Item No. 26 - Set Public Hearing Date "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . Resolution No. 53 - Public Hearing Date - Amendment to "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA ": TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 34 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on April 12, 1999, at 6: 15 o 'clock p. m. , in order that the Town Board may consider an amendment to the "ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA ': MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; ' Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 27 = Warren Road Water/Sewer Rehabilitation Project: Mr. Walker - We had a public information meeting last Wednesday. The biggest concern of the public who attended was the speed of traffic. Supervisor Valentino - People raised questions about a sidewalk. They told us why they turned down the idea of putting a sidewalk there before. Councilman Klein - The neighborhood people were against a sidewalk being there before because they would be paying for it when many other people would be using it . Supervisor Valentino - They also knew they would have to be responsible for clearing and maintaining the sidewalk. Councilwoman Harrison - Would there be any other way to pay for it? Mr. Walker - Winthrop Drive has a walkway through people' s front yards with a right-of-way. That walkway is maintained by the Town . Supervisor Valentino - If the sidewalk met certain criteria the Town could be responsible for building and maintaining it. Councilman Klein - The walkways would be more usable by the school children than by the residents of the area. Supervisor Valentino - I have noticed many children coming down the path at DeWitt School , Councilman Klein - Some neighbors talked about not having a shoulder that was eight feet wide because they thought it would create the perception of a wide road and drivers would think the 30 m . p. h . zone was too slow. There is the situation where vehicles quickly bypass . Having the shoulders four or five feet wide would enable vehicles to get around others when turning . Supervisor Valentino - I told Ms . Kiefer that the Town was concerned that we did not see a real engineering design . 4P TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 35 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker - What the board saw is what the County is planning to use as their design phase . It was explained there would be a seven foot shoulder on the east side and a five foot shoulder on the west . It was explained the County will be sending someone to every house to explain what they were doing before doing any work. We have good topographic information regarding the drainage. We know there are drainage problems. We 'have discovered have potential drainage problems because there are old culverts that are not very visible . There is water flowing in strange places at different times. We can do the final design of the roadway and sell it to the County and have them build it that way. The County does not have a commitment with the Town to do that . Supervisor Valentino - We should draft a letter to the County Board of Representative stating that the Town Board has very serious concerns about this project. We need to work through the details before we move forward on the project. Mr. Walker - The main concern is the width of the shoulders . We are in the process of finalizing our water/sewer design . I am doing cross sections to show that on the east side of the road we are trying to improve some of the drainage areas. There are some trees we are trying to avoid . Most of the neighbors stated they would not have a problem giving the Town an easement . Mr. Noteboom - The drainage improvements will influence the people on Christopher Circle . Some of those residents have complained about water in their backyards. Mr. Walker - Certain ditches that follow parallel to the road on the east side are only there because of the existing culverts . When new roads were built there needed to be a parallel ditch along the road for fifty to sixty feet in order for it to intersect with our ditches. Agenda Item No. 28 = Approval Final Payment for Construction of Timber Pole Frame Building at Highway Facility: Supervisor Valentino - Is the amount less than what was budgeted ? Mr. Carvill - The budget appropriated $50 , 000 . Could we include in the resolution that the project is closed . Otherwise, we would need another resolution to close the capital project. Upon closure of the project the surplus monies in the fund can be transferred back to the General Fund . Resolution No. 54 (See Attachment #13) - Payment for Construction of Timber Pole Frame Building - Highway Facility. (See Attachment #) WHEREAS, the governing Town Board awarded a contract to Fingerlakes Construction Co. , Clyde, New York for the construction of a Timber Pole Frame Building at the Highway/Parks Facility at a cost of $37, 732, 00; and WHEREAS, the said building construction has been completed according to the contract specifications and to the satisfaction of the Highway Superintendent; and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 36 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the . Highway Superintendent has recommended that the contract payment of $37, 732. 00 be made to the Fingerlakes Construction Co. for the said construction; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby authorize the contract payment of $37, 7320 00 to the Fingerlakes Construction Co. , for the construction of a Timber Pole Frame Building at the Highway/Parks Facility; and be it further RESOLVED, the Highway Superintendent and Budget Officer are hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary action to include the said building on the Town of Ithaca property inventory, insurance, and accounting records as required by law; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent and this governing Town Board acknowledge the additional highway facility project to be completed and direct and authorize the Town Budget Officer to close said project and record all appropriate and necessary accounting and finance transactions. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye, Councilman Conley, aye, Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 29 - Submission of Grant ADDIICation by Planning Department Related to Development of Bicycle/Pedestrian Trails : Mr. Kanter - We talked about this briefly at the Transportation Committee last week. The committee members liked the proposal and would like to get direction from the Town Board to proceed with authorizing this grant application . The deadline is April 1 . This year there will be a lot of competition for the funds . George ,Frantz, Assistant Town Planner - The plan involves the construction of about 3/4 miles of bikeway from the top of Honness Lane to the intersection with Pine Tree Road . It would then go east and southeast over the lands owned by Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin and then over the joint ownership lands. It would then go into Tudor Park and extend out to the intersection of Park and Tudor Road . There is the option of going up to the road , down part way to Slaterville Road . This link will be very useful in getting bicyclists and pedestrians out of the back portion of Slaterville Road where traffic is the heaviest. In addition , we are proposing a five foot wide sidewalk from the end of the bikeway An along the east side of Pine Tree Road to connect with our existing Pine Tree Road walkway, and another five foot wide walkway along the north side of Honness Lane from Pine Tree Road to4 Slaterville Road . This walkway will connect the William and Hannah Pew Bikeway to the East Ithaca Recreation Way. Councilwoman Russell - Will the intersection of Honness Lane and Pine Tree Road be marked for pedestrians and bicyclists? TOWN BOARD MINUTES I PAGE 37 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Frantz - I am proposing granite curbing along the edges of Pine Tree Road and the north side of Honness Lane at the intersection of the two streets. There would also be a crosswalk. There is room for a bus pull-off in the area. There are three T-CAT bus routes passing through the intersection . Councilwoman Harrison - What about a bicycle connection to East Hill Plaza? Mr. Frantz - The walkway along Pine Tree Road is a joint bicycle pedestrian path . Very few bicyclists actually use it. From Snyder Hill Road . northward , Tompkins County rebuilt Pine Tree Road and added four to five foot wide shoulders for bike lanes . Councilwoman Harrison - What will bicyclists do from the end of the new bikeway? Mr. Frantz - I am including shoulders along Pine Tree Road from Snyder Hill Road south to Honness Lane . The shoulders would be wide with a separate walkway. It will be very similar to Mitchell Street. This grant application is more competitive because it is a more focused project. Benjamin Ngate and Maria Grosz, and Elmer and Ewing own two parcels between the Baldwin parcels and Tudor Park. It will be necessary to obtain easements over these two properties . I spoke with them a few years ago and they were willing to grant the Town an easement . Mr. Kanter - Staff is recommending to the board that the town match the grant at 30% to enable us to be more competitive. Resolution No. 55 - Authorize Town Staff to Proceed with TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Program Grant Application: WHEREAS, a bicycle and pedestrian path connecting Pine Tree Road and Honness Lane to Regency Lane, Joanne Drive, Park Lane and the Town of Ithaca 's Tudor Park, and connecting walkways in the proposed locations along Honness Lane and Pine Tree Road would serve as a safe and convenient off-road connection between homes in the Eastern Heights neighborhood and the existing Town network of walkways and bikeways in the area; and WHEREAS, the location of the proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements described above are consistent with the 1975 and 1984 Park and Open Space Plans for the Town of Ithaca, and with the 1997 Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan adopted on December 8, 1997; and WHEREAS, the estimated total cost of the improvement described above is $242. 360; and WHEREAS, funds are available on a competitive basis to municipalities through the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) Transportation Enhancement Program for improvements to the transportation infrastructure such as the ones proposed above; and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 38 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED -APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Town Board intends to commit to funding a local match up to 30% of the total project costs for the above described project, in an amount not to exceed $72, 708; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes staff to complete and submit an application for grant funding through the TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Program, for the above described project, for an amount not to exceed $ 169, 652 to represent 70% of the total project cost not to exceed $242, 3 60. MOVED Councilman Klein, SECONDED Councilwoman Harrison. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 30 -Report of Water Resources Committee. Councilwoman Harrison - There is nothing to new to report . Agenda Item No. 31 - Consent Items : Resolution No 's. 56(A)-56&) - Consent Agenda Items: BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No, 31 (a), 31 (b), and 31 (d) as presented. Agenda Item No. 31 (c) will be considered separately. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; , Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. a. TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS= Resolution No. 56fa) - Town of Ithaca Warrants: WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. Vouchers No. 132-253 TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 39 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 : APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE: $ 63,246. 33 GENERAL FUND PART TOWN: $ 2, 724. 93 HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN: $ 37, 912. 85 WATER FUND. $ 7, 638. 17 SEWER FUND: $ 5, 080v54 LIGHTING DISTRICT FUNDS: $ 11143. 88 HIGHWAY UNHEATED STORAGE SHED PROJECT: $ 37, 732. 00 PLANNING REVIEW APPLICATION FUND: $ 219. 00 RISK RETENTION FUND: $ 19441 FIRE PROTECTION FUND: $ 486, 050a 00 MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. b. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS= Resolution No. 56(B) - BOLTON POINT WARRANTS: WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have been presented to the governing Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers. Voucher No, 10, 53-60 $ 59o984002 Voucher No. 62- 105 $ 29, 973a58 Voucher No. 106- 114 $ 31788011 MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. d. Purchase of Computer Software - Resolution Now 56L1 - Purchase of Eagle Point '98 Engineering Modules: WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has recommended purchase of the Eagle Point '98 Engineering Modules for Cogo, Data Collection, Profiles and Surface Modeling to be used for TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 40 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED mapping and earthwork design for town projects, which is integrated with Microstation, the CADD package in use by the Town; and WHEREAS, Eagle Point Software, sole source provided of the software has provided a price quote of $ 1,250. 00 for the modules, which is a discounted price from the $ 1 , 500. 00 list price for the modules; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the purchase of the Eagle Point '98 Engineering Modules for Cogo, Data Collection, Profiles and Surface Modeling; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the expenditure of $ 1 ,250. 00 from the General Fund Account A 1440.200, MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Wolff. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. c. Town Board Minutes - (12/31 /989 1 /25/999 2/8/99) Councilwoman Harrison - I need to make some clerical changes to the February 8, 1999 minutes . On Page 49, some of the discussion of the Water Resources was, confusing . I can give the corrections to the Town Clerk. There was not an officially adopted map. There is a map in the Town that shows water courses . Councilman Klein - I was not here for the 2/8/99 meeting but when reading the minutes , under Agenda Item Number 5 , Doria Higgins stated "she cannot forgive the Town Board for removing Gregg Bell from the Planning Board" . I would like the minutes of this meeting to reflect that Mr. Bell was not removed from the Planning Board . Mr. Bell's term of office ended as of December 31 , 1998 and he was not reappointed to serve another term . There is a substantial difference between "removing" someone, and someone not being " reappointed" for another term . He was not removed as a member. Resolution No. 57 - Town Board Minutes - WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has presented the minutes for the special meeting held on December 31 , 1998, the special meeting held on January 25, 1999, and for the regular meeting held on February 8, 1999, to the governing Town Board for their review and approval for filing; and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the said minutes; now therefore, be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 41 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby approve for filing the minutes for the special meetings held on December 31 , 1999 and January 25, 1999 as written; and be it further RESOLVED, the minutes for the regular meeting held on February 8, 1999 are hereby approved for filing upon the clerical corrections and amendments as presented by Councilwoman Harrison at this meeting. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Supervisor Valentino. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 32 = Report of Town Officials: a. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes- See Attachment #14 Mrs. Noteboom = Tax collection has slowed . We have received approximately $800 less in interest and penalties for February this year compared to the same time frame last year because more taxpayers have paid their bills on time this year. b. Highway Superintendent- See Attachment #15 Mr. Noteboom - We need to have our Snow and Ice Removal Contract with the County finalized . I have been informed that the County may not pay us unless the contract is completed . . Supervisor Valentino - The contract is a three year agreement that we have not signed because we had some problems with the indemnity clause. The year 1999 is the last year of the agreement . Now the County says they are not going to pay us for plowing their roads unless it is signed . I thought that we could sign the contracts with a letter stating , it is our intent to negotiate a new contract beginning in the year 2000 . Attorney Barney = The rate of reimbursement can change from year to year. The contract was vague in its language as to which way it was going to be done. Councilwoman Russell - Will the County be willing to negotiate a new contract? Supervisor Valentino - They are also interested in some changes. They have talked about the Town taking over more County Roads . I would like to change where the town plows snow and salts roads. Councilwoman Harrison - How does the new SPDES storm water requirements relate to what we are proposing to do with the water resources? Mr. Walker = Our ordinance will help us meet the requirements for the Town 's storm water systems. They are looking for implementation measures rather than monitoring . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 42 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED APPROVED Mr. Noteboom - I have a book entitled , "Best Management Processes For Water Quality", that has some very good information we could use. Councilwoman Harrison - Could I look at it? %Mr. Noteboom - Yes. Resoludon No. 58 - Snow and Ice Removal Contract With Tompkins County: BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Snow and Ice Removal Contract with Tompkins County on behalf of the Town of Ithaca for a three year period ending December 31, 1999, with any changes or amendments as the Town Supervisor may deem necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town and the Highway Superintendent. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Harrison. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. c. Director of Engineering= See Attachment #16 Mr. Walker - This past week I met with representatives of the Fire and Police Departments. The Corning Police Academy held a two day Critical Incident Management Training Session that dealt with cooperative efforts with other agencies during an emergency. It was a good opportunity to share information with the various other departments. The City of Ithaca , Town of Ithaca, and Town of Dryden as owners of the Ithaca Waste Water Treatment Plant have submitted a significant application to receive bond act monies for the improvements needed at the plant . We need to proceed in a rapid manner to complete a facilities plan . In October, we submitted a resolution in support of the application and the improvements . A large part of the application was for improvements to the plant , including phosphorous removal and upgrades. In December, we passed a resolution authorizing the expenditure of $50, 000 to hire an engineering firm , Sterns and Wheler to do a preliminary evaluation and provide a recommendation report . We have not received the complete report , but one of the recommendations in the report is to proceed ;with the phosphorous removal . 1. The City Superintendent of Public Works is recommending that we move ahead on the next level of design so that we can stay up to date with the application and grant process. However, they think the report is finished , but we do not have it. The amendment to the agreement that we are asking you to consider this evening is to approve an increase in the original contract with Stearns & Wheeler by $ 153 , 000 . The original contract cost was TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 43 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED $53 , 0006 The additional amount would be for the final design and preliminary construction drawings for the phosphorous removal system and plant . This project is something that is part of our ten year capital plan . It will help us lower phosphorous levels in the lake. I have been hesitant to recommend this at this point , but in order to give us the best chance to keep the money from the state, we need to move ahead with this. Supervisor Valentino - I had conversations with Bill Gray and the Mayor over the weekend because I was concerned about them pushing us forward without us getting a lot of background information . In order to keep current , meet our grant requirements, and keep the money available the next preliminary design stage needs to be completed . Mr. Walker and I have decided to recommend that the town move forward by approving the expenditure of these funds. Mr. Walker - The bond act grant is for construction costs only and will reimburse us up to 85% of the construction costs. Planning and engineering costs are the project sponsor's responsibility. We have sufficient funds within the sewer reserves to pay this money. There will be no additional assessments directly against the Town . We have a draft resolution which is the same one that the City Public Works Committee passed . Councilwoman Harrison - Where is the money coming from ? Mr. Walker - It is coming out of the Sewer Capital Reserve Fund for the Ithaca Waste Water Treatment Plant as administered by the Sewer Joint Subcommittee. Councilman Klein - Will this be charged proportionately percentage of ownership of the plant? Supervisor Valentino - This money will be paid based on the formula that has the City paying 60%. It is based on the ownership, not the operation . I told Bill Gray it is my hope that at the next Sewer Joint Subcommittee meeting we receive financial report from the City Comptroller, Dominic Cafferillo . Unlike the water project we are working on together, the sewer project needs to be calculated by the formula . I would like to see reports from the City showing the calculations for the original $600, 000 project . We paid cash for our portion of that project and the City bonded their portion . We have never seen financial documentation related to that project . In order to move forward on some of the calculations and finances of this project , we need to get the paperwork showing the real numbers . Attorney Barney - Is the wording in this final ? I would like to recommend instead of "estimated total cost", it read the "maximum cost". The time the contract starts should be "sixty calendar days from the date of signing". Mr. Walker - This is not the end of the contractual agreements with Sterns and Wheler. I would expect the cost for Stearns and Wheler will double or triple before we are done . We do not have a TOWN BOARD MINUTES . PAGE 44 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED comprehensive scope. The improvements and construction will cost about $3 . 3 million . The number they put into the bond act application was $600, 000 for engineering costs. Councilwoman Harrison - Will the State pay for engineering costs? %Mr. Walker - No. The engineering expense is a local expense. Some of the things we are working on deal with the Sterns and Wheler design . They have been negotiating with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation about the capacity upgrade, and the application for the bond act money. They have been representing the joint activity on any changes to the permit. Councilman Klein - Does the preliminary design represent 35%? Mr. Walker - Preliminary design should be at least 50%. Attorney Barney - The board might want a proviso in the resolution that states , "we authorize it but the Town Supervisor with the assistance of the Town Engineer is provided with documentation satisfactory to them to indicate what the basis of the cost is and the basis of the committees are . " Councilwoman Harrison - I am often unable to attend the SJS meetings. Councilwoman Russell has kindly taken on the negotiations . with the Supervisor. Maybe it would be best for her to be the town representative on the SJS instead of me . Supervisor Valentino - Is Councilwoman Russell willing to do that? Councilwoman Russell - Yes. Supervisor Valentino - Then I am hereby appointing Councilwoman Russell to act as a town representative on the Sewer Joint Subcommittee instead of Councilwoman Harrison . Councilman Klein - Is there an update of the new Town Hall design ? Mr. Walker - Were supposed to have a meeting last Thursday with representatives of the Post Office, but they were unable to come because of the storm . We have not rescheduled the meeting . Councilwoman Grigorov - The requests of the Town Justices ' use the standards from the highest courts in New York. Mr. Walker - They are not going to get everything they have requested , but we are trying to make it workable . Supervisor Valentino - We talked to Justice Bordoni , and we think we have things worked out. I -talked to the State about the spaces for the justice court and they thought what we are designing is fine. Their written recommendations are more for the higher courts, not for Town 'Justices. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 45 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein - I spoke with Justice Bordoni and I told him some of his points were valid , but he cannot expect everything that he wanted . We have not received the specifications from the Architect? Mr. Walker - Doug Look from HOLT will be getting them to me. We did not have any major design problems. Councilman Klein - The main issue is the justice office area and the rear entrance . Mr. Walker - The back entrance looked bigger than it really is in the perspective they used . We are going to ' need the elevations and renderings for the exterior of that portion of the building . Councilman Klein - I am concerned the Post Office is not keeping to the agreed upon time schedule. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to tell them we will be starting our construction on time and that they need to move along faster. Mrs. Noteboom - I am concerned the architects has not designed the Records Management Center yet. Mr. Walker - We need to design the center. We have lost time due to a number of different things . We need to look at the space and air conditioning requirements . Mr. Carvill - We also need to review the budget numbers for this project. Resolution No 59 - Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant : (WWTP-SJS) - Amend Stearns and Wheler Contract: WHEREAS, the Ithaca Area WWTP-SJS (OWNER) and Stearns & Wheler, LLC (ENGINEER) entered into an Agreement dated January 6, 1999, for professional engineering services in connection with the performance of an engineering study to determine the cost of various improvements to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount of $53, 000; and WHEREAS, the said Agreement included a task to be performed by ENGINEER, among other, that required the development of a budgetary project cost estimate for upgrading of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plan to provide tertiary effluent filtration for further reduction of phosphorus discharges by retrofitting one of two existing 60 foot diameter phosphorus stripper tanks with continuous-backwash, up-flow sand filters modules; and WHEREAS, said Agreement also included a task to be performed by ENGINEER, among others, that required development of recommendations and a budgetary project cost estimate for upgrading of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant to achieve compliance with federal and state regulations pertaining to the on-site storage and use of gaseous chlorine for effluent disinfection and in-plant uses; and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 46 MARCH 8 , . 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED = APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the ENGINEER has submitted a preliminary letter report to OWNER outlining the recommendations and budgetary project cost estimates resulting from . the completion of these two tasks in advance of the final report summarizing the results of all tasks included in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the OWNER has reviewed said preliminary report and accepted the recommendations summarized therein; and WHEREAS, the OWNER now desires the ENGINEER to proceed with preliminary design of the recommended plant modifications; and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the amendment to the said AGREEMENT and wishes to make some revisions to the wording of portions of the said amendment now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca approves the amendment to the Agreement to include the attached scope of engineering services proposed by Amendment No. 1 , dated February 17, 1999 for the increased amount of $ 160, 000 to a revised total not to exceed $213, 000; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the increased funds be derived from existing reserve funds of the Joint Activity Fund; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be and she hereby is authorized to sign such Amendment No. 1, dated February 17, 1999 with such changes therein as she, with the assistance of the Town Engineer and the Attorney for the Town, deems necessary or appropriate; and be it further RESOLVED, that prior to execution of such amendment the Town Supervisor receive documentation satisfactory to her and the Town Engineer demonstrating the need for the additional expenditures and the calculation of the fees related thereto. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. d. Director of Planning en See Attachment #17 Supervisor Valentino - We received a letter today from Linda Holzbaur concerning the Planning Board 'granting permission to Orlando lacovelli to rent a newly built house in the Klondike Subdivision college students . Councilwoman Grigorov - Did anyone visit the house? Did any Planning Board members look at the site? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 47 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Kanter - We hope that the Planning Board members go on site visits . I did not ask whether they looked at this specific site. Mr. Frantz - The house Mr. lacovelli built is a single family home . %Councilwoman Grigorov - He wants to rent to students . Councilman Klein - What is the maximum number of people that can occupy the house when it is rented? Attorney Barney - Three people. Councilwoman Harrison - Did the Planning Board understand the agreement from the past? Mr. Kanter - The Planning Board was fully aware of the history. Councilwoman Harrison - What was their rationale? Mr. Kanter - Part of it had to do with Mr. lacovelli's proposal to consolidate one of the lots . There were four approved Klondike lots . Two with houses and two vacant. He volunteered to consolidate his one remaining vacant frontage lots with one of the other lots . He lost the possibility of building one house . Looking realistically at the character of the neighborhood , the Planning Board made the judgment that a good number of houses are rented . Councilwoman Grigorov - There are residents who have gotten slighted before with the gravel in the driveway instead of trees and grass as it was supposed to have. They have single family houses that they are trying to maintain . Those are the people who were reasonable with Mr. lacovelli in the past, and now they are being slighted again . Councilman Conley - Mr. lacovelli was trying to sell the house for $ 1101000. It is a small house . Mr. Kanter - The Planning Board discussed the issue at three different meetings. The Chairman of the Planning Board indicated that he had gone to speak to some of Mr. lacovelli' s neighbors . Then the Planning Board held a public hearing and two groups of people showed up. The Planning Board was not unanimous in their decision . It was a four to one vote to change the condition . Ms. Mitrano had a hard time deciding . People remembered what happened before. Attorney Barney - It was considered a trade off. Mr, lacovelli was giving up some density in exchange for a different arrangement. There were many letters from people saying they were in support of the project . It was not a controversial project . Mr. Frantz - Since the original lots are not the standard R- 15 size it would be very hard for Mr. lacovelli to come back to the Planning Board and make a case for them to create two sub-standard lots again . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 48 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilman Klein - Is there still controversy about the gravel driveway? Councilwoman Grigorov - That issue is the same . Mr. Frantz - The gravel pull-off for the driveway was mandatory for Mr. lacovelli to put it in because he had to have handicap parking spaces for one or more apartments . The parking area was created in order to meet the building code. What was supposed to be a lawn area became a parking area in order to have handicap parking spaces. The Planning Department found out about that change afterwards. Councilman Klein - Our concern was that he did not build it in accordance with site plan . Mr. Frantz - He is doing it according to site plan . He voluntarily relocated the parking space . Mr. Walker - However, the handicap space is not for the apartments. The. laundry center is on the ground level and he needed to provide handicap access to the laundry center. Councilman Klein - The site plan showed more lawn and landscaping along the driveway. Mr. Walker - There was no second access around the building . The driveway is behind the building . There was supposed to be a secondary exit for emergency vehicles . The driveway ended up going from fifty to sixty feet long to two hundred feet. Supervisor Valentino - Is there anything more we can do at this point? Attorney Barney - The town can tell Mr. lacovelli to conform to the site plan . Supervisor Valentino - We can research the minutes for the history and what was decided previously. Councilwoman Harrison - Is there a particular number of apartment units required before a SEQR is done? I am referring to Summerhill Apartments. I was surprised that 84 apartment units and 117 parking spaces received a declaration of no significant environmental impact . Is there a threshold , or case by case? Mr. Kanter - Case by case . It is largely based on the current zoning . This area has been zoned multiple residence for many years. : Zoning gives you a presumption of being able to do something . If you have to prove a rezoning , it enters into the SEAR decision . There is an issue of a wetland on the site. It is not fully resolved . We are awaiting additional material . Councilwoman Grigorov - Did many people show up at the meeting? Mr. Kanter - There was one couple interested in renting a Summerhill Apartment . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 49 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED Mr. Frantz - It is very site specific . The particular wetland is not a high quality wetland . If this were proposed adjacent to Hospice Care there would be concern . Councilwoman Russell - Has a meeting been scheduled for the lacovelli Park discussion ? _ Mr. Kanter - We hope to have a meeting in March . We will try to coordinate the date and time with board members schedules . Mr. Carvill - Has Mr. Noteboom become involved with this? We have an existing Capital Project that we should be charging staff time against. Mr. Kanter - Planning interns have been doing preliminary designs . We do keep track of the time they spend on the project . Councilwoman Harrison - I have talked with people from the Citizens Planning Alliance and they asked whether we would be willing to talk with them about rezoning . I expressed interest in receiving ideas from them that would address certain issues . I would like some of their ideas. Is it reasonable for me to request that they submit their ideas? Supervisor Valentino - Yes . Attorney Barney - Would you let anyone who wants to have input regarding zoning ideas have input? Councilwoman Harrison - I called EcoVillage two years ago and asked them for ideas because they had complained about our zoning . Mr. Kanter - I wanted to expand on the Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR) . We will add this subject to the April agenda to bring the Town Board up to date information . Hopefully , we will have material for you to review. Mr. Frantz will be going to the, PDR conference in Ohio in a couple of weeks. There are three farmers who have expressed interest in the program . We will discuss how we will go about appraisals on the property. We thought we might want to get an informal consensus , and an idea of what appraisals might cost so we can have a range of cost for the April meeting . We will meet with Attorney Barney to pursue the legal issues. The Senate has been presented with a law they are considering regarding the Federal Farmland Protection Funds . The State has funds in the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act for this , but the Federal' Government Program does not any money authorized for farmland protection . The law would reauthorize the fund . The American Farmland Trust has been asking interested groups and organizations to send letters of support asking that the funds be authorized again . We were thinking of writing a letter on behalf of the Town . They are proposing the authorization of up to $55 million a year through the year 2002 . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 50 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED e. Director Building/Zoning= See Attachment #18 Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Frost wanted me to point out the unusually high amount of fire incidents in the past two months even though the national average is down . Wood stoves and chimneys have caused the fires . f. Human Resources Specialist= See Attachment #19 Mrs . Drake - I will be conducting interviews for the positions of Senior Typist and Court Clerk. g. Budget Officer= See Attachment #20 Mr. Carvill - All things considered , the budgeted and actual revenue and expenses project a fund balance in the General Part Town Fund to be potentially be $ 121 , 000 at this time. The Town has committed $72 , 000 of that money in the year 2000 for the Hannah Pew Trail project . If the grant is not received , the town needs to provide cash in the amount of $72 , 000 to this park project. Supervisor Valentino - The General Part Town Fund is totally funded by sales tax money. Mr. Kanter - We need to make decisions on how to proceed . Supervisor Valentino - The General Part Town Fund has our most attention considering its limited cash flow and depleted fund balance. Agenda Item No. 33 - Report of Town Committees= Councilwoman Russell - The COWMAC report related to the Cornell University incinerator proposal was mostly drafted by Glenn Mills . ( See Attachment #21) There is a proposal that had previously been mentioned by the Dean to replace the current incinerator with a new incinerator for the period during which the proposed program will be put into place. I wanted to show the Town Board that the Committee, including Cornell University members, agreed to operate the current incinerator and transport the plastic waste off site during the interim period . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the current incinerator supposed to 'burn ? Councilwoman Russell - They are burning carcasses and bedding . That was agreed to by the group . Cornell University representatives at that point did bring up a new incinerator. The Committee wrote the Dean a letter stating they were concerned . Then in February there was another meeting and it was brought up again . The Dean promised a meeting devoted to this topic . That meeting has not happened . Three of us met with Al Craft last Friday to discuss the situation . We are concerned that there is very little citizen input into the process . It was made clear during this meeting that there has been a TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 51 MARCH 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED APPROVED decision made to put the incinerator in place . They have discussed funding . They are willing to put forward the $2 million to fund an incinerator for a maximum of five years . Councilwoman Harrison - Why do you think it will last only five years? Councilwoman Russell - They are telling us it will only be used for the interim period . Mr. Kanter - A short letter from the Town Board showing concern might be appropriate. Councilwoman Russell - I was disappointed that this had gone on after the Dean stated any changes that needed to be made to the plan would be made in a full discussion . Councilman Klein - When the committee was set up, were there guidelines? Supervisor Valentino - They said they were committed to the process. Councilman Wolff - They also said that they would never formally agree to anything . They would always retain the right to make a formal decision . Councilwoman Harrison - We should write a letter of concern . Councilman Klein - They are stepping into a terrible situation from a public interest point of view. I Councilwoman Russell - They should move into a phased implementation process and get the external steam sterilization machine running . That method is being used in many different places around the world . Councilman Klein - I thought they agreed to that recommendation . Councilwoman Russell - They did . Councilman Klein - They could of said it would cost too much money, and that method is unproved . Councilwoman Russell - They are still staying they are going to move ahead with the implementation of the alternatives. The project is going slowly and they are behind schedule . Supervisor Valentino - We need to write a letter and have them come to one of our meetings. Councilman Wolff - This probably has something to do with the funding . Mr. Kanter - This also brings up the SEAR discussion . Supervisor Valentino - This is going to be a difficult public relations battle for them . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 52 MARCH 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - APRIL 12, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED The Recreation Partnership, Water and Sewer, Fire Contracts , Cable Franchise discussions related to the new contracts that will be needed in the year 2000 are getting underway. Agenda Item No. 34 EXECUTIVE SESSION . Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Klein to enter into an Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel . Carried unanimously. The Board entered Executive Session at 9: 20 p. m . Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilman Wolff to resume regular session . Carried unanimously. The Board resumed regular session at 9 : 50 p. m . No action was taken as a result of the Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 35 = ADJOURNMENT: As there , was no further business to come before the Town Board , a motion was made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to adjourn . Carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 9 : 51 p. m . Respectfully submitted , &N+ OPAIW41N� oan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk *NEXT REGULAR MEETING - April 12 , 1999 at 5 : 30 p . m . ** Minutes Transcribed by Carrie L. Coates. Resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca Whereas, Shirley A. Raffensperger, an esteemed, long-time leader of the Town and Community of Ithaca died on March 3, 1999; and Whereas, Mrs. Raffensperger served the Town in many capacities including service as as a Town Councilperson for fourteen years, as Town Supervisor for four years, as one of the Town Members of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, as a representative to the City- Town Special Joint Sewer Committee, as Chairperson of the Community Committee on a New Town Hall, and in countless other roles; and Whereas, over the years Mrs. Raffensperger made numerous contributions to the good of our Town and community including leading the Town to completion of a Comprehensive Plan, to the creation of several new parks and recreation areas, to the institution of a capital reserve fund for a new Town Hall, and to the selection and approval by the community of the Post Office for the new Town facility; and Whereas, during her years of service Mrs. Raffensperger demonstrated repeatedly her superior intelligence, sound judgment, infinite patience, true diligence, and great dignity in dealing fairly and competently with all matters and persons involved with the Town; and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, as well as all of its citizens and the community of Tompkins County as a whole, have been deprived of a treasured and respected leader and friend; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, on behalf of the Town, its citizens and residents, mourns the loss of Shirley A. Raffensperger, a dedicated and talented public servant and an exemplary .human being, and expresses its sympathy to Edgar Raffensperger and the other members of Mrs. Raffensperger 's family for the loss they have suffered; and Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be included in the minutes of the Town Board meeting of March 8, 1999, and that the Town Clerk be requested to deliver a copy of same to the family of Shirley A. Raffensperger as a token of the appreciation of the Town for her many years of outstanding service and as an expression of the grief felt by' the entire community as a result of her passing. Adopted Unanimously this 8th day of March, 1999. I/ Supervisor ' p c ouncilperson Coun !person Oe Council erson uncil rson Councilperson erson ATTACHMENT # 1 n ' 1 ' PIONEER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY , LLC February 15, 1999 Town of Ithaca, Town Board Attn : Town Clerk 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850. Re: Sterling House and Sterling Cottage of Ithaca Dear Town Board Members: In regards to my previous letter of February 1 , 1999, this letter serves as notice of withdrawal of our request to amend Special Land Use District No . 101 Thank you for your time and past considerations. Sincerely, PIONEER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC Michael J . if Project Manager MJV: khm cc: Jonathan Kanter, Town Planner Andrew Frost, Building Inspector Timothy A. Tansey nth Clinton Street yracase, New York 13204 . 1258 Telephone: 315 .471 . 2181 Facsimile: 315 . 471 . 1154 ATTACHMENT # 2 January 31 1999 it it Cayuga Vista Homeowners Association c/o Quattro 415 Hillview Place "� 0j: 1THACA Ithaca, NY 144850 OrOW� Attention: Mr. Dell Grover Dear Sirs : It has been called to my attention by my daughter, Emia Oppenheim, who resides in my townhouse at 3D Vista Lane in Ithaca that the Cayuga Vlista Homeowners' Association is no longer providing any services to maintain the property. There has been no snow removal this season in contrast with the previous winter when such service was provided. . The landscaping and plantings at Cayuga Vista have been neglected since 1996: There has been no response to repeated requests to restain or paint the condos and fixtures in the development. Nor has there been any response to requests to remove multiple bee and hornet nests. The potholes in the driveway have not been attended to since 1996, I have conscientiously paid the monthly $53 . 00 condominium fee due to the Association since I purchased the unit in 1990. However, I will cease paying this fee as of February 1 , 1999 until these services are reinstituted and will put these funds in escrow. There is no point in continuing payments for obligated services that are not being performed. It is detrimental to the builders, property owners and the town of Ithaca to allow Cayuga Vista to deteriorate through lack of upkeep. The situation is unacceptable and needs to be corrected. In view of the lack of services, I believe I should be reimbursed $ 1908 for the three years of undeliverede services. Sincerely, P 60J. O nheim Winterberry PI ce Bethesda, MD 20817 cc:Supervisor, Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 ATTACHMENT # 3 i 627 Highland Road Ithaca, NY 14850 March 3 , 1999 , Receiver of Taxes, Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear sir or madam : Please find the enclosed check for $2, 590. 83 , in payment for the taxes and fees included on my January bill (#429), and for penalty and interest. I would appreciate your sending me a receipted bill at your earliest convenience. Please also present to the town board my request for abatement and repayment of the penalty and interest included in the above amount. As I explained on the phone, the bill was mailed to my temporary (sabbatical leave) address in France, even though I had left a phone message shortly after my return to Ithaca in August asking that my mailing address be changed back to the above, permanent address. The bill was never forwarded to me from France. 1 hope the board will find this a reasonable explanation for my late payment. In any case, thank you for your assistance. Yours truly., ----.- Stuart Blumin ATTACHMENT .#4 3 March 1999 Town of Ithaca Board of Supervisors 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca NY 14850 To the Supervisors: On March 2, 1999, the town of Ithaca Planning Board granted Orlando lacovelli permssion to rent a newly built house in the Klondike subdivision to college students. l am writing to express my deep disappointment and dismay over this matter. Six years ago, my husband and I withdrew. our objections to Mr. Iacovelli 's proposed apartment building at 243 Coddington Road because of several reasons. One of these was the assertion by the Town that Mr. lacovelli had traded his right to build student housing in the Klondike subdivision for the permission to build an additional npartmpnt house at 243 Coddington Road. The proposed unit was much larger than allowed by zoning for the lot and needed the pennission of the neighbors to be constructed. Town of Ithaca employees told us that this new building would keep student housing close to the college and the already densely-populated student neighborhoods surrounding it. The Klondike subdivision would then be solely owner-occupied housing. Here we are six years later; the current Planning board thinks that Mr. lacovelli is perfectly justified in renting a newly-built house in the Klondike area to students, regardless of previously made agreements. . As Mr. Iacovelli has remarked, if you only know the right people, you can do anything you want in this town. Three of the four properties adjacent to our house are student rentals, one of those properties being Mr. Iacovelli 's 243 Coddington apartment buildings. We have no problems with these student neighbors. Mr. Iacovelli however is, frankly, a lousy neighbor. The building that he constructed at 243 Coddington is ugly and enormous. My husband, our neighbor and I had to address the Board of Supervisors in the summer of 1997 to force Mr. lacovelh to adhere to his previous promises. We are still trying to have him plant grass on the rubble fields he created around his newest building. (He claiuns that our privacy is better insured if the area becomes tall weeds.) We have also had problems with him concerning his property at 255 Coddington which we have tried to solve with him privately. It seems that the Klondike project and the promises of six years ago were shelved until a new Planning Board came along, a Board which disregarded our previous good faith understanding. They were sympathetic with Mr. Iacovelli's complaint that he has not been able to sell the house he built on the Klondike property. (I believe it has been less than a year since it was completed.) A cynical person would conclude that Mr. lacovelh never intended to sell this property. I doubt that there are many, if any, properties north on Coddmgton to the city-town line which are worth anywhere near the $ 120,000 he originally was asking for the house. It is now being offered at $ 110,000, still tens of thousands of dollars more than the other homes on the road. Developers and realtors know that houses worth much more than their neighbors do not sell easily. I am greatly disillusioned about town government and its supposed equal protection. Here we are, living next to an ugly and view blocking building because of our naive belief that we had carefully made the decision most sensible for the town and the neighborhood Little did that help us when Mr. Iacovelh decided not to honor his commitment, a decision which the Planning Board has supported A caveat to you: the more he gets, the more he wants: he will be b to pester all of us. Sincerely, Linda Holzbaur 249 Coddington Road Ithaca NY 14850 cc: The Town of Ithaca Planning Board ATTACHMENT # 5 LOCAL LAW NO . 3 FOR THE YEAR 1999 A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 , Purpose . Their are occasions when it is necessary for checks and other instruments for the withdrawal or transfer of funds from the Town' s general fund account and neither the Town Supervisor nor Deputy Town Supervisor is available to sign or otherwise authorize such transactions . Accordingly , this local law is intended to permit the appointment of other persons to effect such transactions in the absence , illness or other inability of the Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor to do so . Section 2 . Authority . This local law is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in Section 10 1 . (i) and , to the extent this local law supersedes the Town Law , Section 10 1 . (ii) d . (3) of the Municipal Home Rule Law . Section 3 . Supersession of Town Law . This local law, to the extent inconsistent with same , shall superseded the provisions of Sections 29 and 42 of the Town Law and any other provisions of the Town Law that are inconsistent with this local law and which may be superseded by local laws enacted pursuant Municipal Home Rule Law sections cited. above . Section 4 . Authorization Regarding Withdrawal of Funds . The Town Board , by resolution, may authorize any Town Councilperson or Councilpersons specifically named in the resolution, and the Town Budget Officer if specifically named in the resolution, to execute checks and other instruments for the withdrawal of town funds from any banking institution or other depository of such funds , when the Town Supervisor and Deputy Town Supervisor are absent or otherwise unable to act. Section 5 . Authorization Regarding Transfer of Funds . The Town Board, by resolution, may authorize any employee of the Town specifically named by name and position in the resolution, to authorize the transfer (but not the withdrawal) of funds from one Town account to another Town account in the same or different depository institution. Section 6 . Procedural Requirements of Resolutions . . No resolution permitted by this local law shall be effective unless adopted with the consent of the Town Supervisor and, if one is appointed , with the consent of the Deputy Town Supervisor. The casting of an affirmative vote on the resolution by the Town Supervisor and/or Deputy Town Supervisor shall constitute the consent of such individual to its adoption and no further documentation of the consent of such person shall be required . ATTACHMENT # 6 CQ . Bank-sig. 11, wp511 ith 11ocallaw, , 03111199 11 :23am Section 7 . Imposition of Conditions . The Town Board may impose such conditions upon such authority as it may deem necessary or desirable to protect the Town and its funds , including a condition that the person or persons so appointed be bonded under. the Town' s general fidelity bond. Section 8 . Invalidity . In the event that any portion of this law is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be. affected by such declaration of invalidity . Section 6 . Effective Date . This law shall take effect ten days after its enactment or upon the filing of same with the Secretary of State of the State of New York, whichever is later. 2 Town Assigned Project 1D Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1. Applicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Local Law Amending Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to Town of Ithaca Town Board Modify the Requirement for Planning Board Approval of Site Plan Modifications 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc, or provide map:) N/A Tax Parcel Number: N/A 4. Is proposed action: NEW? EXPANSION? MODIFICATION/ALTERATION? X nmcndmcntofOnlinance) 5. Describe project briefly: (Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant Items): Enactment of a local law amending the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to modify the requirement for Planning Board approval of site plan modifications. Said amendment would delete Subdivisions 4(a) through 4(f) of Section 46-b on page 48 of the current Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance. Attach separate sheets if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project.) 6. Amount of land affected$ N/A Initial) 0-5 rs Acres 6-10 rs >10 rs) Acres 7. How is land zoned presently? N/A 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? Yes NO If no, describe conflict briefly: . N/A 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road? YES NO X Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer' YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential _ Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park/Forest/Open Space Other Please Describe: N/A 11. Does proposed action involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local?) YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit/approvaUfunding: Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval? YES NO jjlft yes, list agency name and permittapproval. Also, state whether it will require modification. N/A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AppGcant/Sponsor Name (Print or Type) : Catherine Valentino, Supervisor, Town of Ithaca Signature and Date: C V� ATTACHMENT # 7 1 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT o be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes, coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B. Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.6 YES NO X If no a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency, if any. C. Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following: ( Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production and disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly : None anticipated. C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish, or wildlife species, significant habitats, unique natural area, wetlands, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C4. The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in Cl-059 Explain briefly: None anticipated. C7., Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) Explain briefly: None anticipated. D. Is there, or is there likely to be controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? YES NO,,2L, If yes, explain briefly: See Attached. E. Comments of staff X CB other attached. Check as applicable.) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ( To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large. important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its a settin (i.e. urban or rural), b probability of occurrin g, c d uraflo n• d irreversibility; (e) geographic scope, and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting material. Ensure that the explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately address. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. Check here if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on Attachments as necessary` the reasons supporting this determination. Town of Ithaca Town Board Li�t 1� Name of Lead Agency eparer's Signature(If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Name & title of Responsible Officer In Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer o K DATE: Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO . 4 OF THE YEAR 1999 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO MODIFY THE REQUIREMENT FOR PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 . The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca as readopted , amended , and revised effective February 26 , 1968 , and subsequently amended , be further amended as follows : A . Subdivision 4 of Section 46-b of said Ordinance is amended to read as follows : 114 . If at any time subsequent to the approval of the final site plan, the owner shall wish to change the site plan as approved , an application with the revised site plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance shall be submitted to the Planning Board for the Planning Board ' s approval . In reviewing such application for a modified site plan the Planning Board shall have all of the powers it has with respect to reviewing an original application for site plan approval and shall hold a public hearing on said application for modification of the site plan and shall make its decision on same within the time limits set forth with respect to an original site plan application. Notwithstanding the foregoing , if the modification involves (a) a movement or shift of a location of one or more buildings not more than two feet in any direction from the location shown on the final site plan; and (b) such shift does not alter proposed traffic flows or access ; and (c) such shift does not directly violate any express conditions (including , without limitation, buffer zones , setbacks , etc . ) imposed by the Planning Board in granting prior site plan approval , then such modification may be made without requiring approval of the modified site plan by the Planning Board . This waiver of the requirement of Planning Board approval is not intended to permit construction in violation of any other provision of the Zoning Ordinance including setback, side yard, and similar regulations , or the requirement to obtain a building permit in those circumstances when otherwise required by the terms of this ordinance . Section 2 . Applicability . This local law shall apply to all areas of the Town of Ithaca outside the Village of Cayuga Heights . ATTACHMENT # 8 ti amen46b.11 wp51/ith/locaUaw March 12, 1999 10:2 lain Section 3 . ' Partial Invalidity . If any provision of this law is found invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law which shall remain in full force and effect . Section 4 . This local law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State or ten days after publication of this local law or an . abstract or summary of same in the Ithaca Journal , whichever is later, 2 Agenda It C 01000000 Tom► Assigned Yrc jest 11) Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION To be completed by A > >licant or Project Sponsor) k3. pplicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name n of Ithaca Mecklenburg Road Watermain recise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map :) The North side of the Mecklenburg Road Rightway between the City Line and tthe Westhaven Road Intersection Tax Parcel Number: 2714 - 131 4. Is proposed action: NEW? EXPANSION ? X MODIFICATION/ALTERATION ? 5. Describe project briefly: (include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items): 1935 feet of 8" DIP watermain constructed between the existing 12" watermain at Westhaven Road and an existing City of Ithaca Watermain on Hector Street at the intersection with Warren Place. This watermain will reinforce the Town Westiiill water system by creating a new loop on the Trumansburg Road Tank Grid. It will also serve five additional Town parcels with existing homes. A 400 ' branch off the main watermain will be constructed to serve the approved Linderman Creek multiple residence project. Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project. ) 6. Amount of land affected: Initially 0-5 rs 30 Acres 640 rs >10 rs) Acres 7. How is land zoned presently? R15, Multiple Residence 8. Will . proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? Yes.X. NO If no, describe conflict briefly: 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road? YES NO X Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer? YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential X Commercial Industrial Agriculture X. Park/Forest/Open Space Other. Please Describe: Parcel to the north is formerly farmed land zoned for residential use, with one large lote with a residence. Four existing residential developed lots and one large undeveloped lot zoned residential are on the south side of Mecklenburg Road. Parcels to the west are current agricultural and the City of Ithaca is located to the south with a developped suburban residential land use. 11. Does proposed action involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State; Local?) YES_X NO If yes, list agency name and permit/approval/funding: Tompkins County Dept. of Health water supply approval 2. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval? YES NO_X yes, list agency name and permit/approval. Also, state whether it will require modification. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/Sponsor Name (Print or T LDat _Dan ie R.Signature and e: V V rn ATTACHMENT #9 r PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT To be completed by the Town; Use attachments as necessary) t Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR, Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law9 YES NO X If es coordinate the review rocess and use the full EAR Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.6 YES NO X If no, a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency, if any. C. Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following: ( Answers may be handwritten, if legible) Cl. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production and disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: None anticipated C2 Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: None Anticipated C3 Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish, or wildlife species, significant habitats, unique natural area, wetlands, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: None anticipated C4 The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: None Anticipated CS Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: None Anticipated C6 Long tern, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in Cl-059 Explain briefly: None Anticipated C7 Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) Explain briefly: None Anticipated D. Is there, or is there likely to be controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? YES NO X If yes, explain briefly: E. Comments of staff CB other attached. Check as applicable.) PART III = DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ( To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope, and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting material. Ensure that the explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately address. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. .X.Check here if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse en ' ronmental impacts AND provide on Attachments as necessary the reasons supporting this determination. Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency Pr parer's Signature(If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Name & title of Responsible Officer In Lead Agency Signature aof Contributing Preparer t4wt-,...c V/.4h"tiy DATE: u / lo �/ s Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Town Board Meeting 3/5/99 Agenda Item No. 20 Approval of Restructuring of Highway, Parks , Water and Sewer Activities Resolution No. . WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering with their staff conducted a Public Works Study (see attached ) to evaluate the work activities of the staff in relation to daily work load and supervisory authority; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering have devised a method of changing the organizational structure of daily activities to allow for a more effective , efficient and cooperative means of completing the Highway, Parks , Water and Sewer work, by creating cross trained work crews and supervisory staff; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent has experimented with this structure for several months in order to evaluate its feasibility; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent and the Director of Engineering determined that. this restructuring does provide a more efficient and effective means for completing the said work; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the " restructuring of the Highway, Parks , Water and Sewer work _ activities ; and be it further RESOLVED , the said work activities shall fall under the Highway Department with general supervision by the Highway Superintendent and under the direct cooperative supervision of the Deputy Highway Superintendent, Parks Maintenance Manager and Water and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor, (see attached proposed organizational chart) ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Human Resources Specialist is hereby directed to update the January 1 , 1998 , Town of Ithaca 'Organizational Chart. MOVED : SECONDED : DATED : March 5 , 1999 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Public Works Study Page 2 (See attached Organizational Chart - current structure) Work experience over the last few years has shown that the more all departments work together. M-Id the niore eve accomplish rvvith Toivn forces, the more logical it is to have specialized work crews for different functions, i. e ., parks, water and sewer, general repairs , and permanent improvements . The functional concept of this plan is to delegate each crew with a major work focus while allowing flexibility in shared staff and equipment between crews as priorities change and as workload demands . We shall continue striving towards cross-training all crews in all areas of work so that we can more easily shift personnel to maximize their effectiveness as projects demand. This includes cross- training of the �%-orking supervisors so that each one knows the other' s business and could step in and take over a different crew if required. Practicalitv shows, to accomplish work " in the field" there needs to be one person in charge of the work crew. This person can assign tasks to each crew member; assure that 1 the necessary equipment, tools and materials are on site; act on any problems that may arise during the project; and interact ��'ith the public as needed. This would free up the supervisors to prepare and plan work generated by the Public Works Committee that is relative to maintenance of all existing Town facilities : Our current structure does not allow for the long-term planning necessary to complete this work efficiently, This increased efficiency of staff and skills .could best be accomplished through the following crew structure : @ 1 Crew 1 - Primarily responsible for, but not exclusive to, new park and trail construction projects; park and trail maintenance; tree and brush removal in all Town right-of-ways, f trails and parks; landscape restoration; all right-of-wav mowing; seeding and planting jobs; and timely response to the public complaints and problems . Crew 2 - Primarily responsible for, but not exclusive to, preventative maintenance on Town road right-of-ways and permanent improvement projects including: road reconstruction; storm water mitigation; paving; other construction projects; ditching; CUEZMr r 511UulUerS; Si Jil 15LallaLloil Zulu ii n2CY; iiOt YutCiLiit ; % iii"rcrt other routine tasks like prompt responses to public complaints and problems, Crew 3 - Primarily responsible for, but not exclusive to, water and sewer maintenance and construction projects, rapid response to other emergency situations, and dealing 4 with public complaints and problems . F C t i L Public Works Study Page 4 cost sheets, employees' time sheets) , and assurance that safety rules are followed during the work day . Their Ieadership will instill a sense of pride in everyone' s work . With this crew structure in place there will be an opportunity to expand the role of upper management in the areas of project planning, more effective interaction with the public and the Town Board, 'closer coordination with other Town department' s, and better tracking of the numerous details of the Department's operation. The upper management team will keep track of progress in accomplishing all tasks with more frequent meetings between them and the gvorking supervisors to assess where manpower needs are and how to best facilitate getting the work done . This departmental structure will coordinate all activities through better communication. More time will be devoted to computerizing all facets of the operation, including tracking job costs, scheduling employee trauun.a, and improving time management. This proposal will allow finalization of neglected routine maintenance work. Lack of preventative maintenance will prove costlier in the future . The growth of the Town s infrastructure, the anticipated demands of the recently adopted Parks and Open Space Plan, the need for stormwater management, and the neglected repairs to our water lines, sewer systems, and roadtivays require the implementation of this organizational structure . This structure will enable us to be better prepared to provide the full range of public work services to our residents now -and in the future. TOWN O HACA Proposed Structure Town Board Town Supervisor Highway Superintendent I Director of Engineerin 1 Adm . Asst, 1 Pk Mntn Mngr. F 1 De u HS 1 W & S Mntn Su v 1 Asst. Town Engineer 1 Automotive Mechanic WORK F 1 Civil Engineer 1 Eng . Tech . 1 Automotive Mechanic Asst. 1 Working Su v. 1 Working Supv. 1 Working Su v. 1 HEO 11 HEO 1 2 MEO's 11 Laborer I 1 HEO F7 2 MEO's 1 Laborer c:\35highlhighwayladminisllorgchart.xls (proposed) Created 12/98 by ghk, revised 3/99 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC ASSISTANT TOMPKINS COUNTY Department Various Munic. & School Districts Classification Competitive Labor Grade F Approved Revised 5/21 /76; 5/ 12/91 ; 2/93 ; 1 /99 By BBP Risk Factor 3 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is the beginning level of automotive repair ' and maintenance work. The work involves responsibility for assisting an Automotive Mechanic in servicing, maintaining and repairing automotive equipment. The work is performed under the general supervision of the Highway Superintendent and under the direct supervision of the Automotive Mechanic in accordance with established policies and procedures. Work requiring more independence and responsibility is. given to the incumbent as his/her skill level increases. Does related work as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES : Services automobiles, trucks, bulldozers, graders, rollers, back hoes and other public works equipment with proper lubricants and replenishes gasoline, oil and water as needed; Inspects and services batteries; Checks and lubricates transmissions, differentials, and rear axle housings; Repairs flat tires, mounts tires on wheel rims and inflates tires to recommended pressure; Inspects and replaces light bulbs and electrical switches; Assists Automotive Mechanics with more complex automotive repair and maintenance activities; Drives fuel truck to perform fueling and lubrication at work sites; FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Working knowledge of the tools and equipment used in motor vehicle and public works equipment; Working knowledge of automotive lubricating methods; Skill in the use and care of automotive and public works equipment servicing tools and equipment; Ability to determine by inspection of automotive equipment the need for grease, oil, water, and gasoline; Ability to assist in making minor mechanical repairs; Ability to understand and follow simple oral and written instructions; Ability to work well with others; Ability to lift heavy objects; Ability to perform activities involving considerable strenuous effort; Dexterity; Willingness to use and operate potentially harmful equipment, tools and machines; Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS : None . SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS : Must possess and maintain a New York State Drivers License Class A or B with Tank, Hazardous Materials, and Air Brake endorsements are required at the time of application . 1 /90. a:a32 .doc ATTACHMENT # 11 ..fig ENGINEERING AIDE TOMPKINS COUNTY Department Town of Ithaca Classification Competitive - PJC Labor Grade Approved Revised By AF. Commissioner of Personnel DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS This position provides support and assistance on engineering and public works projects. The incumbent assists in the development, implementation, maintenance, and compliance of monitoring projects for the Public Works and Engineering Departments. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Director of Engineering, with direct supervision under the Assistant Town Engineer. The incumbent will perform all related duties as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES Assists with all types of surveys including photogrammetric, construction, property, topographic, traffic, route, and hydrographic; Assists in construction inspection to ensure proper implementation of plans, specification, regulation and codes; Assists with material and construction testing in the fields and/or lab; Assists in the preparation of plans and documents for Engineering projects; Assists in Engineering computation and design. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE. SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Ability to perform basic mathematical calculations; Ability to read and understand engineering drawings and specifications; Ability to understand and interpret complex oral and written information; Ability to use microcomputers and engineering software programs; Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma with an emphasis on math and science. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Must possess and maintain a valid New York State drivers' license with a clear driving record. E24 ATTACHMENT # 12 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G702 Page 1 or 2 Pages TO (OWNER): Town of Ithaca PROJECT: 40'x96' Timber Pole Frame Bldg APPLICATION NO: 1 Distribution to: 126 E. Seneca St. at the Town of Ithaca Highway/ _OWNER Ithaca , NY 14850 Parks Facility PERIOD TO: 01 /08/99 _ ARCHITECT _CONTRACTOR VIA (ARCHITECT): ARCHITECT'S FROM (CONTRACTOR) : Fingrlakes Construction Co. PROJECT NO. : 10269 Old Rt 31 West Clyde, NY 14433 CONTRACT FOR: . CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AIA Document G703, is attached . CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY 1 , ORIGINAL CONTRACT .SUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $37,732.00 Change Orders approved in ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS 2. Net change by Change Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.00 previous months by Owner 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE. . . , . . . . . . . . 11 $37 ,732.00 TOTAL $0 .00 $0 .00 4. TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE , $37 ,732 .00 a AQ pro ved this Month (Column G on G703) ,y3 No. Date Approved 5. RETAINAGE: � a. 0 % of Completed Work $ 0200 x (Column D + E on G703) b. 0 % of Stored Material $ y (Column F on G703) Total Retainage (line 5a + 5b or w TOTALS1 $0 .00 $0.00 Total in Column I of G703) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 .00 Net change by Change Orders $0.00 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 . . . . .. $37 ,732.00 (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, 7 . LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior Certificate). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0 .00 completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $37 ,732 .00 paid by the -Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were 9. BALANCE TO FINISH , PLUS RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0. 00 issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown (Line 3 less Line 6) herein is now due. State of: . NEW YORK County of: WAYNE CONTRACTOR: Fingerlakes Construction Co. Inc. Subscribed and sRoirn to be omr da of Janua 1999 ,996ert B ' resident Notary Public: THERESA L PALONE By: Date: � - � - My Commission expires: tary Public - State of Newyork NO. O1PA5003680 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FQfCPAWEW AMOUNT CERTIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my.rwei tilgnfViiffi ; q In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from amount applied for.) data comprising the above application , the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the ARCHITECT: best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated , the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and By: Date: the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED . This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AIA DOCUMENT G702 - AI'I'LICA"ZION AND CERTIFICAI'E FOR PAYMENT - MAY 1983 EDITION - AIA - 1983 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OFARCFIITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N . W ., WAS[ IINGTON , D. C. 20006 G702- 1983 Town of Ithaca CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G703 Page 2 of 2 Pages AIA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing APPLICATION NUMBER: 1 Contractor's signed Certification is attached. APPLICATION DATE: 01 /08/99 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. PERIOD TO: 01 /08/99 Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: A B C D E F G H ------WORK COMPLETED------ MATERIALS TOTAL % BALANCE RETAINAGE SCHEDULED FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD PRESENTLY COMPLETED AND (G/C) TO FINISH ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK VALUE APPLICATION STORED STORED TO DATE (C - G) NO. D+E NOT IN D ORE D+E+F 1 . 40'x96'x14' Open Front Storage 37 ,732 .00 0 .00 379732 .00 0.00 37 ,732.00 100 .0% 0 .00 0.00 37,732.001 0.00 37 732.00 0.00 37 732 . 00 100.0% 0 .001 0.00 AIA DOCUMENT G703 - APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT - MAY 1983 EDITION - AIA-1983 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G703-1983 Agenda No. 32(a) 1999 TAX COLLECTION RECEIVER OF TAXES February 1999 - Monthly Report Presented March 8 , 1999 1999 Tax Warrant - Town of Ithaca Total Town Warrant (Levy) : $398169978 . 51 General Fund Levy - $ 904 , 636 . 00 Water Fund Levy - $ 392 , 874 . 10 Sewer Fund Levy - $ 513 , 964975 Fire District Levy - $ 19-918 , 800 . 00 Lighting Districts Levy - $ 16 , 200 . 00 Delinquent W/S - $ 70 , 603 . 66 Total Payments for Warrant to Town of Ithaca Supervisor: $3 , 816 , 978 . 51 TOTAL WARRANT BALANCE DUE : $ -0- ,Miscellaneous Payments to Town Supervisor. 2/08/99 Receiver Checking Account - Balance Forward from 1998 collection . $ 34 . 10 2/28/98 Receiver Checking Account - Interest Jan . 662 .48 2/ 16/99 Receiver Cert. Of Dep . Interest 1 31655 . 56 3/08/99 Receiver Checking Account - Interest Feb . 1 . 89 Total : $ 49354 . 03 13/8/99 Int. & Penalties on Tax Bills — February: $ 1 , 229 . 65 Total No . of Tax Bills on Warrant: 5 , 124 Total Tax . Bills Processed : 4 , 487 1999 In Lieu of Taxes Due : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $ 1 , 629 . 13 Ithaca Elm-Maple Houses , Inc. $ 2 , 681 . 05 TOTAL IN LIEU OF TAXES ESTIMATED TO BE RECEIVED : $ 4 , 310 . 18 Received : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $29 , 013 . 75 (Town Portion - $ 1 , 528 . 75 , School Portion - $21 , 381 . 96 , County Portion - $6103 . 04) *In Lieu of Tax Elm-Maple Houses , Inc. , is unknown until received in April/May. Payment based upon gross basic rents , calculated by HUD . ATTACHMENT # 14 Receiver of Taxes - Monthly Report Presented 3/8/99 . Page 2. Total Tompkins County Warrant: $ 4, 123930715 ' Warrant Payments to Tompkins County: 2/08/99 1St Payment - 1999 Warrant $ 800 , 000 . 00 2/17/99 2"d Payment - 1999 Warrant 21000 , 000 . 00 3/05/99 3rd Payment - 1999 Warrant 140 , 000 . 00 Balance Due Tompkins Co. Warrant: $ 1 , 183,307 .75 Misc . Payment to Tompkins County: 2/ 18/99 First Installment Services Charges $219367 . 89 3/08/99 Interest Receiver Checking Acct. $ 561431 Agenda Item 32 (a) TOVPN C L E RK ' S M ONT H L Y REPORT TOWN OF ITHACA , NEW YORK FEBRUARY , 1999 TO THE SUPERVISOR : PAGE 1 Pursuant to Section 27 , Subd I of the Town Law , I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office during the month stated above , excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law : 1998 SPORTING LICENSES 1999 SPORTING LICENSES 1100 5 MARRIAGE LICENSES NO . 99002 TO 99006 43 . 75 AGRICULTURE REPORT COPY AERIAL PHOTOS 1 MISC . COPIES 1480 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW I MARRIAGE TRANSCRIPT 10 . 00 NOISE ORDINANCE RETURNED CHECK — CLERK RETURNED CHECK— TAXES 1 RETURNED CHECK— W&S 15 . 00 1 OPEN SPACE REPORT 9000 1 POSTAGE 3 . 00 1 SIGN ORDINANCE 3 . 00 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 8 TAX SEARCH 40 . 00 WATER & SEWER SEARCH 4 ZONING ORDINANCE 34 . 00 A1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES 160 . 55 A 15 5 5 92 DOG ENUMERATION @ $ 1 . 00 92 . 00 A1556 SPCA CONTRACT 437 , 38 A1557 SPCA IMPOUND FEES A2530 1 GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSES 10000 BINGO LICENSES BINGO FEES A2540 TOTAL A2540 A2544 92 DOG LICENSES @ 52900 184 . 00 Paid to Supervisor for General Fund 883993 Paid to NYS DEC for 1999 Sporting Licenses 12 . 00 Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 138 . 12 Paid to Ag & Markets for Dog Licenses 21 . 00 Paid to NYS Health Department for Marriage Licenses 56 . 25 Paid to State Comptroller for Games of Chance Licenses 15 . 00 Paid to State Comptroller for Bingo Licenses Total Disbursements 19126 . 30 MARCH 1 , 1999 ✓�GtZ�n.y SUPERVISOR STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF TOMPKINS , TOWN OF ITHACA JOAN LENT NOTEBOOK , being duly sworn , says that she is the Clerk of the TOWN OF ITHACA that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her during the month above stated , excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law . Subscribed and sworn to before me this Mary I Saxton { "` Notary public, State of New Yolk Town Clerk Registration A01SA5044003 Qualified in Tioga Coun MY Commission Expires �q Notso Pub c/Councilman o� OF ITS' Agenda 32 ( a ) TOWN OF ITHACA 821 4P 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA, N . Y. 14850 4e' TOWN CLERK 275-1721 HIGHWAY 2731668 PARKS 2738036 ENGINEERING 2731747 PLANNING 2731747 ZONING 273.1783 FAX (607) 2731704 Memorandum DATE: March 3, 1999 TO: Joan Lent Noteboom FROM : Lisa B. Titti CC: Town Board RE: Network/Record Management reports to Town Board • Completed and submitted SARA Inactive Record grants. Applicants will be notified in early June. • Completed Planning Peer to Peer Network. • Completed Awareness and Risk Assessment portion of Town Hall's Y2K computer hardware/software project. • Working in conjunction with SARA Region 6 representative, developing a file management workshop for Town Hall support staff. This presentation is being offered to address basic file management issues within Town Hall along with SARA guidelines for record management. This presentation will be held at Town Hall in April and .other. local municipality will be invited to attend. i 4 'y 1: • S': I F ` 4 r; W A.` Agenda Item 32b HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT'S MONTHLY REPORT, FEBRUARY 1999 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, MARCH, 1999 Storm Water Management Program: The federal government is currently finalizing regulations for Storm Water Management in smaller communities--known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Phase II Rule. This proposed rule is designed to comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act and to further protect our waters from pollutants . The NPDES program was established as a fundamental regulatory mechanism for the Clean Water Act (CWA) . The initial focus of NPDES was on industrial and municipal waste water . Studies showed that storm water runoff from urban and agricultural areas, construction sites, land disposal and mining are now the leading cause of water quality impairment. Although storm water run off originates from diffuse sources, it is often discharged through separate storm sewer or other conveyances. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was required to develop a comprehensive phased program to regulate storm water discharge under the NPDES program. Phase I was issued in 1990 for communities with population of at least 100,000. Phase II regulations which will affect smaller communities are expected to be issued in 1999 . Tompkins County will be affected by Phase II. Our permit application needs to be submitted 3 years, 90 days after the regulations of Phase II are issued . Our program will have to be developed and implemented within five years after permit issuance. The objective of Phase II regulations are to provide a comprehensive storm water program that designates and controls additional sources of storm water discharge to protect water quality . The EPA believes that this frame work will facilitate and promote watershed planning as a frame work for implementing water quality programs . Our Storm Water Management program will have to meet the requirements of six minimum control measures. These minimum requirements are: 1 . Public education. 2. Public involvement/ participation. 3 . Illicit discharge detection and elimination. 4 . Construction site controls. 5 . Post construction control . 6. Pollution prevention/ good housekeeping for municipal operation. Bridges : Tompkins County is going to be working on Burns Road Bridge this summer. The bridge seat is rotating because of soil instability. This work will be completely paid for by the County . They will have the bridge closed about one month. We have received maintenance agreements from Tompkins County regarding the Renwick Road bridge. The federal and state governments will cover 95 % of the cost. ATTACHMENT # 15 Agenda Tten 32c Town Engineer's Report for 3/8/98 Town Board Meeting GENERAL The Town Engineer has been working with the Highway Superintendent and staff to develop a restructuring of the Highway/Parks working staff to improve delivery of high quality public works projects. This plan was first presented to the Town Board at the February meeting and will be discussed at the Board meeting. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sterling House and Cottage, Tnunansburg Road at Bundy Road The Town Engineer has monitored the site and the erosion control system is working well. EARTH FILL PERMM No earth fill permits were issued during February. WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the Integrated Water Supply Committee consisting of representatives of the City, the S.C.L.I.W.C. and Cornell University Utilities. Committee members representing S.C.L.I.W.C. have been working to prepare an updated Agreement for Municipal Cooperation that has been under review by the current members. Once the current commission approves the draft changes for current members, a proposal for revision to include the City and Cornell University will be prepared. Once a memorandum of understanding or an agreement has been put in place, the Development of a capital improvement plan and schedule will be finalized. The Town Engineer's staff has been working on the development of the design and construction documents for the replacement of the Warren Road water main. The replacement proposal is to replace the watermain completely and relocate it to the west side of the Right of Way outside the pavement and shoulder. This work is being coordinated with the County plans to reconstruct Warren Road in 1999. A public information meeting to review the proposal was scheduled for March 3 , 1999 at the Northeast Elementary School. SEWER PROJECTS The Town Engineer's staff has completed the engineering report covering the inspection and recommendations for replacement of the Warren Road sewer main. The Town Engineer's staff has prepared plans and specifications to reline the sewer main. This work would take advantage of the County plans to reconstruct Warren Road in 1999. Staff has been working to improve our sewer maintenance maps and data base by inputting information from the current paper record drawings into Arc View electronic files. The three members of the SJS are currently reviewing a proposal for utilizing excess capacity in the IAWWTF to accept sewage flows diverted from the Village of Cayuga Heights wastewater treatment plant. This would relieve the conditions at the VCH plant and allow additional sewage flows from the Village and Town of Lansing to be treated. A joint application for funding from the Environmental Bond Act was submitted by the SJS, Village of Cayuga Heights, the Village of Lansing and the Town of Lansing, proposing an intermunicipal solution to improving the VCH plant, the IAWWTF and various collection systems. Phosphorus reduction in the discharges from the two Waste Water Treatment Plants was a major component of the proposal. The Lake Street sewer main is being evaluated for capacity as a town collector and also as a potential transmission main for sewage flows from Cayuga Heights and the Northeast Ithaca Area. Construction of the Lake Source Cooling pipelines to Cornell along Lake Street may provide an opportunity to improve portions of the sewer main at a significant cost savings, if done in conjunction with the LSC project. The Town Engineer's staff is developing a plan to take advantage of this. ATTACHMENT # 16 Agenda Item # 32(d) Planning Director's Report for March 8 1 .999 Town Board Meeting . DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board. February 16 1999 Meeting: (Cancelled due to lack of agenda items) March 2, 1999 Meeting: Wonderland Motel - Sign Variance, 654 Elmira Road: The Planning Board issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a sign variance proposed at the Wonderland Motel located at 654 Elmira Road in order to replace the existing sign, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33-3-6, Business "C" District. Nayana, Inc. (Wonderland Motel), Owner/ Applicant; Joanne Austin, Pac Sign Co., Inc., Agent. Section 46-b Zoning Ordinance Amendment: The Planning Board issued an affirmative recommendation to the Town Board regarding enactment of a local law amending Section 46-b of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance pertaining to site plan requirements. Modification of Condition Regarding Owner-occupancy - Klondike Subdivision, 315 and 309 Coddington Road: The Planning Board granted approval for the modification of Condition 2(d) of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the Modification of Klondike Subdivision, granted on March 30, 1993, to delete the owner-occupancy restriction for Lots 1 and 3 (i.e., Tax Parcel No.'s 534 -24. 1 and 53-1 -24.3), located at 315 and 309 Coddington Road just north of Juniper Drive, R-15 Residence District. Orlando Iacovelli, Owner/ Applicant. Cornell University - Reis Tennis Center Squash Court Addition, 230 Pine Tree Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals .regarding Special Approval for the proposed construction of a one-story 8,325 + / - square foot addition to the rear of the Cornell University Reis Tennis Center, to house six (6) indoor squash courts, said Center located at 230 Pine Tree Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcels No. 60-1 -8.2 and 60-1 -9. 1 , Residence District R-30. Cornell University, Owner/ Applicant; Robert Blakeney, Agent. Cornell University - Campus Road Reconstruction, Between Tower Road and Caldwell Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary Site Plan Approval and issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed reconstruction of Campus Road, between Tower Road and Caldwell Road, to consist of rebuilding and realigning that portion of Campus Road, modification of the entrances to B Lot parking area to reduce the number of curb-cuts on Campus Road, modification of the intersection at Caldwell Road, addition of bicycle lanes, revision of the sanitary and storm sewer system, and installation of lighting and landscaping. The project site is located off of Dryden Road (Route 366), Tax Parcel No's. 63-1 -212, 63442163-1 -111 63-1 -393, 67-1 -10.2, and ATTACHMENT # 17 Conservation Board's report on the South Hill Swamp area may be ready for distribution to COC in time for the March 17th meeting. Northeast Subarea Transl2ortation Study (NESTS): The Client Committee met on February. 5, 1999, and the Working Group met on February 11th and 12th, 1999, and prepared their preliminary recommendations for areawide transportation improvements. A summary report o`f those draft recommendations was prepared by the consultants and distributed to the public in preparation for the February 25th public meeting, which was held at the DeWitt Middle School. , Highlights of the draft recommendations include: (1 ) enhanced transit service with peripheral park-and-ride lots; (2) an expanded bicycle facilty network; (3) initiation of design / feasibility studies to identify locations for several new roadway corridors to reduce traffic in existing neighborhoods, and reservation of rights-of-way for those future roads; (4) referral of localized ,problems (e.g., specific intersection improvements, bus pulloffs, etc.) to municipalities for implementation of solutions; (5) implementation of selected improvements, such as traffic ' calming measures in neighborhoods; (6) livability principles to be . implemented on a regional scale; and (7) initiation of a countywide freight movement study. Copies of the Working Group's "Summary of NESTS Draft Recommendations" are available upon request through the Planning Department. The next meetings of the Working Group and Client Committee are tentatively scheduled for March 4, 1999, and March 5, 1999 respectively, where work will begin on finalizing study recommendations. The target for study completion is the end of March 1999. Town of Ithaca - Cornell Transportation Committee: The Committee is scheduled to meet on March 3, 1999. Agenda items will include: an update of work on implementing the Plantations Master Plan, an update on the NESTS study, follow-up on the County's Trail /Corridor Study, discussion of Caldwell Road/Campus Road Reconstruction plans, an update on plans for Maple Avenue improvements, and a description of the TEA-21 grant application for the Wm. and Hannah Pew Trail. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP): The Director. of Planning attended the February 4, 1999 meeting of the LWRP Planning Committee, which included a review of the focus group meetings held on January 27th and 28th, 1999. The next meeting of the LWRP Planning Committee is scheduled for March 12, 1999. Trinity Lutheran Church Bikeway: The Public Works Committee discussed revised preliminary plans for a proposed bicycle/ pedestrian path through the Trinity Lutheran Church property linking Honness Lane with Westview Lane (providing better connectivity to Grandview Park) and providing a link to the existing East Ithaca Recreationway and the proposed Wm. and Hannah Pew Trail. Preliminary estimates indicate a cost of approximately $45,000. The PW Committee directed staff to formalize discussions with the Church to try to obtain an easement for the path, and to begin discussions with neighbors regarding the location and design of the path. Iacovelli Park: The Public Works Committee discussed preliminary plans for Iacovelli Park (off Coddington Road) that were prepared by Planning staff. While plans show the possibility of a lawn area, walkways, benches, play structure, a basketball court, and landscaping, the Public 3 Agenda #32e. TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1999 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1999 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1999 1 BOCES - no foundation 30,000 1 309000 RESIDENCES 1998 10 0 3 2152000 1999 0 0 0 0 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1998 . 0 0 0 0 1999 2 337000 3 629000 RENOVATIONS 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1998 1 800 1 800 1999 0 0 0 0 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 1 1,500 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 0 In 1999 1 Best Western Motel Bldg A dt D modifications 3509000 2 868,804 BUSINESS 1998 1 1005000 1 100po 1999 0 0 0 0 AGRICULTURAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 CU Golf Pro Shop 2209000 1 2209000 EDUCATIONAL 11998 1 5699500 1 569500 1 Stiffen flocs 19300 1 Demolish small building 150 MISCELLANEOUS 1999 2 19450 2 19450 CONSTRUCTION 1998 4 36,848 8 70,548 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1999 7 6349450 10 19183,754 PERMITS ISSUED 1998 7 707,148 14 9552848 TOTAL FEES 1999 7 19235 10 22130 RECEWED 1998 7 1,100 14 19585 Date Prepared: March 5, 1999 Dani I . Holf3rd Buil"g/Zoning Department Secretary i ATTACHMENT # 18 3 From Felmun 1998: 1. 803 Coddington Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) 2. 611 Elmira Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant)hillm 122L l 10 Winston Drive - budding code (illegal apartment) - pending (building vacant) 7• 1. 1447 Tnnnansburg Road - building code and zoning violation (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) From 1997: 1 , 119 Woolf Lane - building code - pending. From May 1995: 1. 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 6 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 8 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 93 Uniform Building Code - 43 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 12 Fire Safety - 26 (17 professional offices, 6 businesses, 2 day care, 1 vet hospital) Fire Safety Retinas - I (public assembly) FirdEmergency O=ffcncm - 7 (4 houses [3 fireplacelchimney, 1 electrical], 3 college dorm rooms) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 4 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 170 TOTAL FIEIA VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 151 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I MEETING, 2 CASES, AGENDA ATTACHED January 1999 field visits broken down . These numbers were not shown on the original January monthly report. Submitted to you for your information . AL FIELD VISTTS THIS MONTH - 77 Building Code . 40 Law and Zoning Inspections - 12 Fire Safety - 12 (4 apartments [18 units], 3 businesses, 2 churches, I senior housin& I restaurant, 1 public assembly) Fire Safety Reinspectious - 6 (1 nursing home, i apartmeat, 2 businesses, 2 public assembly) Fire/Emwgea<y Occurrences - 5 ( 1 storage building [ wood stove], 2 houses [wood stove], 1 college dam [cooking], 1 construction site [heater)) Fire Occurrence Reinspec'tions - 2 (houses) TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 77 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 93 Town Board Meeting 318/99 Agenda Item No. , 32 ( f ) Human Resources Specialist Report for February 1999 • Helped Town Clerk' s Office finish collecting taxes for the January 31 , 1999 deadline . • Met with Charlie Gibson and Ev Griffith from Ithaca Agency to evaluate the agreed values for the Town Hall , Highway Garage and Post Office . Both Dan and I reviewed the value estimates and agreed on the following changes: Town Hall From : $ 530 ,000 To : $ 3609000 Highway From : $ 932 , 000 To: $ 5809000 Post Office From : $4 ,600 ,000 To: $2 , 300 ,000 This changes the total agreed blanket value for buildings and contents to $4 , 120 ,282 instead of the $7 ,026 , 550 previously proposed . • Betty Poole and I have conducted 1 interview so far for the part time typist position . We have another interview schedule for the first week of March . • There have been 2 resignations submitted in February. - Karen Van Etten , Senior Typist (Planning and Engineering ) , last day will be March 12 , 1999 . - Christine Balestra Lehman , Planner, will be working part time until her position is filled , starting March 13 , 1999 . The recruitment for these two positions has already begun . .;r • . I met with Beth Fuller, TC3 , Diane Bradac, Tompkins County, and Shelly Michelle-Nunn , City of Ithaca , to begin developing intermunicipal training for the late spring or early summer. The first training seminar being developed is on Communication . • 1 have been in contact with Wealth in Wellness , which is a program under PHP which helps develop wellness programs for organizations . The first step will be to have the employees complete a needs assessment questionnaire. From that they will make a recommendation on what programs the Town should start with and what areas to work into . My goal is to start with a Spring Shapeup program . • Completed the day to day operations of the office . ATTACHMENT # 19 TOWN OF ITHACA Agenda # 3 2� REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1999 FUND DESCRIPTION GENERAL GENERAL HIGHWAY WATER SEWER 'OWN REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET $ 11338, 770 $ 673, 963 $ 1 , 329, 100 $ 118539574 $ 11767, 481 ACTUAL 19098, 865 141382 27 803 400 313 603, 781 _ OVER (UNDER) $ (239, 905) $ (659, 581 ) $ (1 , 301 , 297) $ (1 , 453,262) $ (1163,699) % EARNED 82. 080% 2. 134% 2. 092% 21 . 597% 34. 161 % % UNEARNED 17. 920% 97. 866% 97. 908% 78. 403% 65. 839% EXPENSE BUDGET $ 19550, 030 $ 7841981 $ 134331750 $ 119470526 $ 118468155 y ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE 202, 209 1501113 331047$ 205, 138 1881721 OVER (UNDER) $ (1 , 347,830) $ (634, 868) $ (1 , 102, 272) $ (1 ,742,3881 $ (13657, 434) % EXPENDED 13. 045°x6 19. 123% 23. 120% 10. 533% 10. 222% % UNEXPENDED 86. 955% 80. 877% 76.880% 89. 467% 89. 778% N ° ESTIMATED UNRESERVED FUND BAL BEGINNING BAL@ 111 /99 $ 8700005 $ 257, 778 $ 438,247 $ 6531146 $ 113708032 ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE 11098, 865 14, 382 27, 803 400,313 603,781 LESS: EXPENSES . 197, 246 127, 298 159, 470 1878978 173,721 ENCUMBRANCES 41963 221905 172, 008 17, 160 15,000 CURRENT FUND BAL ADJ - - - - ENDING BAL@2/28/99 $ 1 766661 $ 121 957 $ 134 572 $ 848t320 $ 13785, 092 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND @2128/99 $ 284,580 $ 146, 070 $ 348107 $ 938 061 $ 492,676 INVESTMENTS @2128/99 $ 1 ,541 ,600 $ - $ 751900 $ - $ 1 , 300,000 TOWN OF ITHACA REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1999 FUND DESCRIPTION RISK FIRE LIGHTING DEBT TRUST & PLANIREVIEW RETENTION PROTECTION DISTRICTS SERVICE AGENCY APPLICATIONS REVENUE BUDGET $ 151200 $ 11942,427 $ 161204 $ 911 ,958 $ - $ - ACTUAL 14, 065 1 925 832 16, 218 307,347 - - OVER (UNDER) $ (1 , 135) $ (161595) $ 14 $ (604,611 ) $ - $ - • EARNED 92. 5% 99. 1 % 100. 1 % 33. 7% 0. 0% 0 .0% • UNEARNED -7. 46% -0.9% 0. 1 % -66. 3% 0. 0% 0.0% EXPENSE BUDGET $ 26, 000 $ 10944, 200 $ 161204 $ 913, 915 $ - $ - ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE 194 - 3 432 307 341 - - OVER (UNDER) $ X251806) $ (1 , 944, 200) $ (121772) $ (606, 574) $ - $ - • EXPENDED 0. 748% 0.000% 21 . 178% 33. 629% 0. 0% 0.0% • UNEXPENDED 99. 252% 100.000% 78. 822% 66. 371 % 0. 00% 0. 00% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING BAL @1 /1 //99 $ 44,094 $ 12, 077 $ 554 $ 7536 ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE 14, 065 119253832 16, 218 307, 347 - - LESS: EXPENSES 194 - 31432 3071341 - - ENCUMBRANCES - - - - - ENDING BAL @2128/99 $ 57, 965 $ 1 937 909 $ 13 340 $ 71542 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND @2128/99 $ 171965 $ 736 $ 13, 340 $ 42 $ 15, 854 $ 10, 223 INVESTMENTS @2128/99 $ 40 000 J1931 , 000 $ - $ 7 500 TOWN OF ITHACA REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1999 FUND DESCRIPTION - =RESERVE CAP PROJ CAP PROJ CAP PROJ TWN HALL HWY STORAGE IACOVELL PK REVENUE BUDGET $ - $ 117000000 $ 509000 $ 80,000 ACTUAL 71403 1 , 727, 525 51 ,040 80, 373 OVER (UNDER) $ 7, 403 $ 27, 525 $ 1 , 040 $ 373 • EARNED 0. 000% 101 . 619% 102. 081 % 100. 467% • UNEARNED 0. 000% 0 . 000% 0. 000% 0. 000% EXPENSE BUDGET $ - $ 11700,000 $ 50,000 $ 80, 000 ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE - 79, 706 37,732 80j374 OVER (UNDER) $ - $ (1 , 620, 294) $ (12,268) $ 374 • EXPENDED 0. 000% 4. 689% 75.464;6 100. 467% • UNEXPENDED 0. 000% 95. 311 % 24.536% 0. 000% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING BAL @1 /1 //99 $ 257,327 ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE 71403 12727,525 51 ,040 80, 373 LESS: EXPENSES - 79, 706 371732 - ENCUMBRANCES - - - - ENDING BAL @2/28/99 $ 2641730 $ 116470819 $ 13, 308 $ 801373 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND @2/28/99 $ 730 $ 473819 $ 51 , 040 $ 501074 INVESTMENTS @2128199 $ 264,000 $ 1 ,600,000 $ - $ 30, 300 TOWN OF ITHACA CASH SUMMARY OF SAVINGS and CHECKING FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1999 FUND AMOUNT GENERAL - OPERATING $ 2839696 GENERAL - HIGHWAY 84 GENERAL = KENDALL RESERVE 800 GENERAL PART-TOWN = OPERATING 1459629 GENERAL PART-TOWN = GRANTS, DEV & IMP RES 442 GENERAL PART-TOWN, REVIEW FUNDS 100223 HIGHWAY - OPERATING 3399001 HIGHWAY = EQUIPMENT RESERVE 199106 WATER 145, 179 SEWER 4929676 CAPITAL PROJECT BUILDING RESERVE 730 CAPITAL PROJECT TOWN HALL 47,819 CAPITAL PROJECT HWY STORAGE SHED 519040 CAPITAL PROJECT IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PK 50,074 RISK RETENTION 179965 FIRE PROTECTION 736 FOREST HOME LIGHTING DISTRICT 21154 GLENSIDE LIGHTING DISTRICT 894 RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT 11208 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT 10968 CLOVER LANE LIGHTING DISTRICT 450 WINNER'S CIRCLE LIGHTING DISTRICT 844 BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT 882 WEST HAVEN RD LIGHTING DISTRICT 39085 CODDINGTON RD LIGHTING DISTRICT 1 ,855 TRUST & AGENCY 15,854 DEBT SERVICE 42 TOTAL $ 1 ,624,436 Pagel TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS GENERAL FUND 12110/98 90 415% 3110199 209000 238 12111 /98 189 415% 6118199 21 ,600 539 2118/99 32 412% 3112199 190001600 4, 196 2/18199 53 413% 4112/99 5009000 31482 TOTAL $ 195419600 $ 89454 GENERAL PART-TOWN FUND 12/10/98 90 415% 3110199 52,500 623 TOTAL $ 52,500 $ 623 HIGHWAY FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6/18199 759900 17893 TOTAL $ 75,900 $ 19893 WATER FUND 212/99 34 410% 3/8/99 7259000 37218 TOTAL $ 725,000 $ 31218 SEWER FUND 12/17/98 172 4.85% 6/7199 11003000 21317 ` 2/2/99 34 410% 3/8199 1 ,200,000 5,327 TOTAL $ 19300,000 $ 79644 CAPITAL PROJECT RESERVE FUND r: 12/17/98 81 4.80% 318199 62,000 670 2/2199 97 413% 5110199 202,000 29574 TOTAL $ 264,000 $ 670 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS .. CAPITAL PROJECT FUND = TOWN HALL 12/11 /98 95 4.75% 3118199 450,000 59641 2/4199 (A) 67 4.75% 4112199 500,000 41420 2/18199 81 416% 5110199 6509000 69962 TOTAL $ 19600,000 $ 17,022 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND = VINCENZO IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PARK 12/10/98 90 415% 12/7198 $ 309300 $ 360 RISK RETENTION FUND 12/17/98 81 4.80% 3/8199 $ 409000 $ 432 FIRE PROTECTION FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6/18199 $ 129000 $ 299 1 /28199 32 410% 3/1199 19000,000 41178 1 /21199 46 4.60% 318199 7509000 49408 2/18199 214 4.75% 9120199 169,000 41772 TOTAL $ 19931 ,000 $ 13,657 DEBT SERVICE FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6/18199 $ 71500 $ 187 TOTAL INVESTED PRINCIPAL @2/28199 $ 618429800 TOTAL ESTIMATED INTEREST EARNINGS @2/28199 $ 58,687 NOTE An THIS "CD" IS INVESTED AT M & T BANK, ITHACA Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF ITHACA SUMMARY OF INTEREST EARNINGS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING FEBRUARY 28, 1999 FUND EARNINGS GENERAL $ 10 ,883 GENERAL - KENDALL RESERVE 17 GENERAL PART-TOWN 19133 GENERAL PART-TOWN - OPEN SPACE RESERVE 39 HIGHWAY 968 HIGHWAY = RESERVE 75 WATER 49274 SEWER 81716 CAPITAL PROJECT - RESERVE 7,403 CAPITAL PROJECT TOWN HALL 14,500 CAPITAL PROJECT HWY STORAGE SHED 430 CAPITAL PROJECT IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PK 8 RISK RETENTION 65 FIRE PROTECTION 6. 32 COMBINED LIGHTING DISTRICTS 18 DEBT SERVICE 6 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE EARNINGS $ 49, 167 BUDGETED 1999 148,400 EARNINGS OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ {99,233} PERCENT OF BUDGET EARNED 33% Pagel TOWN OF ITHACA PROJECTED INTEREST EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBUARY 28, 1999 DESCRIPTION EARNINGS TOTAL YEAR TO DATE EARNINGS AS OF 2128199 $ 49, 167 ADD: INTEREST TO BE EARNED FROM OIS CD's 58,687 TOTAL PROJECTED EARNINGS $ 1879854 LESS: BUDGETED 1999 EARNINGS 1489440 EARNINGS OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ (40,546) PERCENT OF EXCESS TO BUDGET =27% Page 1 , TOWN OF ITHACA REVIEW OF , BANK COLLATERAL AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 1999 SAVINGS and CHECKING $ 10624,436 INVESTMENTS 618429800 TOTAL CASH ON DEPOSIT $ 81467,236 FDIC INSURANCE 200,000 FMV COLLATERAL ON DEPOSIT (A) 7,425, 151 OVER (UNDER) COLLATERALIZED $ (842,085) (A) BANK COLLATERAL SECURING ALL CASH DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS HELD AT TOMPKINS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY AND M & T BANK IS HELD IN AN ACCOUNT AT THE DEPOSITORY IN THE SOLE NAME OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA, NOT STREET NAME. Pagel November 2 , 1998 Donald F . Smith , Dean College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University Ithaca , New York 14853 Dear Don : We appreciate the thought you have put into the next steps for implementing CCWMAC ' s recommendations . We share your desire to see this project move ahead as quickly and efficiently as possible in a way that is consistent with those recommendations . We know it is important to maintain community support during this next phase and agree with you that the best way to assure that support is through continued , effective community involvement . We endorse your proposal that CCVM proceed immediately to hire appropriate staff and to assemble a project team . In addition , we suggest that : - CCVM do all in its power to expedite the permit process ; - CCVM carry out the consultant ' s recommendations with respect to the operation of the present incinerator ; and - 11CCWMAC - 21 form a work group to monitor the performance and operation of the current incinerator and to help CCVM in its proposed evaluation . We understand that your mention of an interim incinerator was only an example of a possible solution to the immediate incinerator problem and believe it is premature to consider an interim incinerator until the current incinerator has been evaluated and options considered . Regarding community participation , we believe that effective participation will include ample opportunities for an exchange of all relevant information , timely discussion , and meaningful input into policy decisions . Consistent with the July 15 CCWMAC agreement , we recognize that " when the [ Cornell ] Project Team is formed CCVM will meet with the team and agree on the form that continued involvement will take . " Our present thinking is to suggest regular meetings with the Cornell project team , approximately monthly , and additional meetings for in - depth discussion as necessary . We believe this level of involvement is essential in order for us to participate meaningfully in policy discussions , as you have proposed . We would also suggest that we have opportunities to meet with New York State officials in matters relating to permit issues . X1,1 ATTACHMENT # 21 r We are prepared to assist in helping to move the process , along in any ways that we can , we are optimistic that the working relationship and trust that developed among all parties over the past two years can and will continue as we work together to move this innovative project to a successful conclusion . Yours truly , Ed Cope Brian Eden Maria Iannacome - Coles Dooley Kiefer Beverly Livesay Ruth Mahr ,,Mary Russell Stan Seltzer Copy : CDRC