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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1999-02-08 OF IT TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA, N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING - February 8, 1999 5 : 30 p. m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 4 . Report of Fire Commissioners . 5 . 6 : 00 p.m . = PERSONS TO BE HEARD. 6 . Review of Correspondence : (Letters will be circulated to Town Board at meeting . ) a . Barry Stevens , Regional Traffic Engineer - Game Farm Road . b . Eastwood Commons Residents Association - Letter of Appreciation . c. Brent Cross , Village of Cayuga Heights = Letter of Appreciation . d . Frank, L. Rogan - Liquor License . 7 . PUBLIC HEARING : 6: 15 p. m . - To consider amending Local Law No . 1 /1996 , "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER" . 8 . Consider SEQR related to "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS . OF AGE OR OVER 9 . Consider adoption of "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIALTAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER" . 10 , PUBLIC HEARING : 6 : 30 p. m . - To consider a , "LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES" . TB Mtg , 2/8/99 Agenda Page 2 . 11 . Consider SEQR related to a , "LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR ' HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES" . 12 . Consider adoption of a , LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES". 13 . PRESENTATION : 6 :45 p . m . - HOLT Architects New Town Hall Design . 14 . Discuss sale of the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street. 15 . Consider approval of the 1998 Annual Reports of the Town Justices' . 16 . Consider setting public hearing date to consider a , " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CHECKS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN " . 17 . Consider payment of 1999 Town and County Tax Bill #2487 , for the property donated by Edwin A. Hallberg on East King Road . 18 . Consider approval of purchase of a loader and truck for the Highway Department. 19 . Consider approval of restructuring of the Highway/Parks and Engineering Departments , 20 . Consider approval of agreement with Conifer Realty regarding a water main extension on Mecklenburg Road . 21 . Consider "ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE PROVIDING OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITTED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW. " 22 . Consider water and sewer benefit assessment refunds . TB Mtg . 2/8/99 Agenda Page 3 . 23 . Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . b . BOLTON POINT 'WARRANTS . c. Town Board Minutes - 12/31 /98 , 1 /11 /99, d . Records Management Disposition Listing . = e . Ratification of submission SARA grant application . f. Spring Leaf & Brush Pick Updates. g . Appointment Tompkins County Youth. Board . h . Appointment Joint Youth Commission . i . Attendance - . American Farmland Trust Conference. j . Attendance - NY State Town Clerks Association Conference . k. Permanent Appointment - Director of Planning . 24 . Reports of Town Officials : n a . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . b . Highway Superintendent. c. Director of Engineering . d . Director of Planning . e . Director of Building/Zoning . f. Human Resources . g . Budget Officer. 25 . Report of Town Committees, 26 . Consider ADJOURNMENT. TOWN BOARD MEETING ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS February 8 , 1999 1 . Consider setting public hearing date to consider a , " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE 2 . Consider referral of the amendment to Section 46(b) . of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Board for recommendation . TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD FEBRUARY 8, 1999 5 : 30 p. m. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New Yor held at the Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street , there were' present: PRESENT: Cathy Valentino, Supervisor; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; Carolyn Grigoro Councilwoman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Ed Conley, Councilman (6: 10 p . m . ) . EXCUSED: David Klein , Councilman ; John Wolff, Councilman . PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ; John Barney, Attorney for the Town (excused @ 8 : 17 p. m . ) ; Daniel Walker, Town Engineer (5 : 47 p. m . ) ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent, Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Al Carvill , Budget Officer; Judith Drake , Human Resource Specialist. EXCUSED: Andrew Frost , Director Building/Zoning . OTHERS: Mike Koplinka- Loehr, Tompkins County Board of Representatives ; Bob Rowmanowski , Fire Commissioner; Doria Higgins , 2 Hillcrest Drive ; Elizabeth Harness, WHCU Radio ; Lauren Bishop, Ithaca Journal ; Doug Look, HOLT Architects; Charles Wilson , CR Wilson Engineering ; Anton Christiansen , HOLT Architects. Call to Order: The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5 : 30 p. m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda Item No 3 = Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives. Mike Koplinka- Loehr, Board of Representatives - The Electric Power Master Agreement between Tompkins and Tioga County will be signed within the next week. It will be an initial 2-4% savings . Other counties are able to join the agreement after the July 1 eligibility date. If we can secure other interest from other municipalities in the county the savings may increase . The Board of Representatives passed a resolution on sales tax. We have five years to remove th clothing tax. Once removed , we cannot restore the clothing tax. We will review it this year to see we would like to keep the tax. We are receiving increased pressure from the State Retaile Association and the Chamber of Commerce to remove the tax. The Board of Representatives passed a Funds for Offer Study. All. of Tompkins County will b mapped for underground offers . In March or April we will be doing a fly over of Tompkins County to update our GIS mapping system . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED The Board has started a Y2K public education committee for the community: This way some of the questions can be answered. The radio towers in Tompkins County have back- up generators, even though NYSEG says we are Y2K compliant. We would have replaced . and moved the towers ' in another year, and generators would have been purchased then but it was decided to buy them now. Tompkins County Area Development is working on a plan on long range economic development. It was due at the end of 1998, but it is taking longer than originally thought. A committee has been developed to examine the use of the old library , building . I am on the committee, and it looks as if the County could use half the library space. It is unclear. if we will be selling the building . The cable franchise negotiations are now being started . We are following them closely because of the public access . The Board of Representatives has received a small grant to look at the regional county airports . It will look at coordinating efforts of the regional airports to bring in more carriers . The idea of building a regional airport is twenty years away due to recent upgrades to the airports . Councilwoman Russell - Has anyone from the County been monitoring NYSEG to find out what they have done to be Y2K compliant? Mr. Koplinka- Loehr - We have had NYSEG report to our Information Management Council . They have told us, and given . back- up information indicating they have done internal assessments . NYSEG has run tests for the dates in question . The tests have been done, but there is no way to be 100% sure. Agenda Item No. 4 = Report of Fire Commissioners : Bob Rowmanowski , Fire Department - We had a fire fighter recognized and commended for saving an elderly woman from choking to death in December of 1998 . We had another fire fighter recognized and commended for his heroic efforts in rescuing people trapped on a second floor. balcony during a fire . The Fire Department held a recognition ceremony at City Hall for the fire fighters. The Fire Department is in the process of hiring three new fire fighters , plus an additional fire fighter to fill a vacant position . The City' s appeal for new fire code regulations and the application to create 83 or 84 dwellings was denied . Its impact on legislation such as sprinkler, alarm codes, public occupancy permits, and other codes has a negative effect on potential revenues for the city. The Board of Fire Commissioners received a $2 , 000 donation from the Eagles Club to support public education efforts for the Fire Department. Cornell University is developing a trench rescue project due to the Lake Source Cooling Project. The equipment for this will be coming. directly to the Fire TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Department. The 1896 Steamer Project is in the last stages of refurbishment. The truck will be moved from the old Number 7 Station to the Veterans Volunteer Firemen's site by horses with police escort. It is planned for March or April . The SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) replacement project is underway as the equipment we have is wearing out. The board felt this is a good project for Ithaca College to fund . The discussion of Ithaca College' s contribution for fire protection came up from Commissioner Jahn Commissioner Jahn reported that Common Council continually asks her about the issue . The Fir Commissioners asked the Fire Chief and a board representative to be present during the meeting between Mayor Cohen , Supervisor Valentino and President Williams. Supervisor Valentino - We have a meeting set up with President Williams , Mayor Cohen , Brian Wilbur and myself to go over their contributions . Mr. Carvill and I will draft a letter to the Mayor saying that we would like to begin the Fire Contract negotiations . We would like to outline in the letter the financial information we want from the City of Ithaca. Mr. Rowmanowski - The Fire Department would like to get additional firefighters and the breathing apparatus replaced . If we can get that out of the way, it will relieve the pressures on the Town and City. Councilwoman Grigorov - I watched the `Two In , Two Out" video . Being one or two people short means you are two or three minutes short of fighting the fire . Mr. Rowmanowski - It takes about 30 seconds to 1 . 5 minutes for a person to lose their life in a fire. Every minute counts. The OSHA requirements are complicating it . One person is not allowed to go in a fire alone. The fire fighters are saying if there are only two people there, they are not going to wait for two more people to arrive . People's lives are at stake if they wait . If that happens , we will be fined . Agenda Item No. 5 = PERSONS TO BE HEARD . Doria Higgins , 2 Hillcrest Drive - The Town Board can be forgiven for . voting for the Lake Source Cooling Project, The Town Board has the excuse of ignorance. For the Town Board to vote as they did is bad for our community. I fault the Town Board for not withholding Final Site Plan approval until the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) permit was strengthened . The City of Ithaca has to hand in their samplings monthly. Cornell University has to hand in the samplings once a year. This may be interfering with our drinking water. I cannot forgive the Town Board for removing Gregg Bell from the Planning Board . Mr. Bell was th one person on the Planning Board who spoke against Lake Source . Cooling . He . Was the one perso' who consistently asked for information on the project instead of voting approval on blind trust . Mr. Bell had far more expertise in planning and environmental matters than anyone on the Planning Board . For the Town Board to remove him from the Planning . Board was a dishonorable act against the democratic process. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, ,1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Ms. Egan from Cornell University recently stated it was legal for New York State Department . of . Environmental Conservation to issue the permit to Cornell because the 1998 , 303 list had not been published. The permit was signed January 21 , 1998. Two months later the 1998 list was published . There was a list in effect at that point . There was a 1996 DEC priority' s list in which Cayuga Lake was listed . It stated Bolton Point was threatened . Bolton Point would be threatened if the turgidity roblem becomes worse. he Environmental Impact Statement persuaded DEC to give the permit, despite their list . Their amplings were averaged from stations S11 and P4. They ignored the testing from Station P2 near Stewart Park. They averaged the samplings from stations S11 and P4 to get a number below NYS guidance for phosphorous . One was above and one was below. The average gave them a good figure. They used this figure to say Cayuga Lake was O. K. Cornell University ignored the sampling from Station P2 where the phosphorous levels are 50% above NYS guidance values . It is a bad situation and the Town Board needs to realize it . Cornell University has not been forthright in its statements. Thank you for listening and please do not do this again . Do not remove someone from the Planning Board because they disagree with the Town Board . Especially the person who is most informed and trying to get the most ' information . Supervisor Valentino - Is your group going to support the Town on the sewer project? Ms. Higgins - There are two groups. I am not a part of either. Supervisor Valentino - It is extremely important for you to learn the information about the project. It is going to significantly lower the phosphorous levels in the southern end of Cayuga Lake . It is an extremely important project for all environmentalists . I hope the community will work hard with us to make sure that the project happens. Ms. Higgins - I have spoken in great detail about the project with Larry Frabbroni . I was told it would reduce phosphorous levels by 50%. All percentages are based on current lake conditions . The contribution of Lake Source Cooling will leave up to 70% of phosphorous once the lake is cleaned . Councilwoman Russell -The water will be cleaner. Supervisor Valentino - Ms. Higgins , you have not said anything to the Town Board that we have not already heard . We looked at, researched , and studied Lake Source Cooling many times. To accuse the Town Board of not studying this issue is absurd and is an insult. Ms. Higgins - The board did its best. I accuse the board of ignorance . Supervisor Valentino - Ms . Higgins , that is even worse . The, Town Board has reviewed and researched it . You have not presented anything to the board that we have not heard for the last three and one half years. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 5 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Ms. Higgins - The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation said it was threatening the water and they should never have legally permitted this . Cornell . University, is saying it was, not on the list and it was. The Town Board would not have voted for this if you would have understood it . All the information in the Environmental Impact Statement about the contribution of phosphorous to the lake is in terms of percentages of what is present now. It has never said what it will be. There tas never been testing at the in-take pipe . There is an appendix in the back stating that if there is ny change in water quality, these percentages will differ considerably. The Environmental Impact tatement says if the phosphorous level is less the contribution of Lake Source Cooling will increase normously. I think the clean- up regarding the sewer is great and I support it . Attorney Barney - There are many people that sit on many boards in the Town of Ithaca. I have the privilege of being able to attend most of those meetings. Many of those peoples disagree individually or collectively from time to time with members of the Town Board . Mr. Bell was not removed from the Planning Board because he disagreed with the Town Board on Lake Source Cooling . Councilwoman Harrison - A number of people called the Town Board to lobby on behalf of Mr. Bell . The board discussed it . The people I spoke with , after our conversation , ended up understanding why he was not re-appointed . Agenda Item No. 6 - Review of Correspondence: Supervisor Valentino - (Correspondence circulated during meeting.) a. Barry Stevens, Regional Traffic Engineer - Game Farm Road (See Attachment #1 ). Councilwoman Russell - I was disappointed to see Barry Stevens turn down the request of the speed reduction on Game Farm Road . b. Eastwood Commons Residents Association - Letter of Appreciation . (See Attachment #2). c. Brent Cross, Village of Cayuga Heights - Letter of Appreciation . (See Attachment #3). d. Frank L. Rogan - Liquor License. (See Attachment #4). Additional Agenda item No 1 - Public Hearing Date: " LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46 W OF THE' TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE" : Councilwoman Harrison - I would like to discuss issues regarding the Water Resources. Ordinance, and policy questions. One question had to do with using a map versus criteria for definition of boundaries. We should plan some discussion time at the March meeting for this issue . Attorney Barney - We can have the Planning Board set a public hearing date on the ordinance. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 6 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Grigorov - I had the impression that changes of this type were to be made by staff members. Attorney Barney - Criteria needs to be set for the staff. The problem is that two of the situations recently seen are the technicalities of compliance. One is the building at Cornell . They have decided to come back before the Planning Board . The other problem is trying to persuade M Herzing to fix his lighting . Councilwoman Grigorov - If it is a hazard then we should be able to do something . Attorney Barney - It technically fits within the requirements . Councilwoman Russell - Is the Codes and Ordinances Committee going to revisit the issue? Attorney Barney - Yes . I propose that the Town Board consider immediately repealing the first five sections. Then the Codes and Ordinances Committee can revisit it . Resolution No 18 w Public Hearing Date "LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE': BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday, March 8, 1999 at 6:30 o 'clock p. m. , in order that the Town Board may consider a, "LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE". MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Additional Agenda Item No 2 - Refer Amendment to Section 46 (b) of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Board for Recommendation : Resolution No 19 Referral of Amendment to Section 46(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Board. WHEREAS, the governing Town Board adopted a resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for a public hearing to be held at their next regular meeting on March 8, 1999, so that th may consider a, "LOCAL LAW AMENDING SECTION 46(b) OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONIN ORDINANCE'; and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board wishes to receive comments and a recommendati from the Planning Board regarding the proposed local law; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 7 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does . hereby refer the proposed amendment to Section 46(b) of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Board for their comments and recommendation. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Supervisor Valentino. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, - aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye, Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 7 - PUBLIC HEARING: "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WIT LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6. 15 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6: 16 p. m. Councilwoman Russell - How much did this increase? Attorney Barney - It increased about $ 1 , 000. Agenda item No 8 - SEQR "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER." : (See Attachment #5) Resolution 'No. 20 - SEQR• Local Law Increasing, the Partial Tax Exemption for Real Property Owned by Persons with Limited Incomes Who are 65 Years of Age or Over. WHEREAS, this action is the enactment of a local law increasing the partial tax exemption for real property owned by persons with limited incomes who are 65 years of age or over; and WHEREAS, this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public hearing held on February 8, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts I and II for this action; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither . a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 8 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Harrison. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda item No 9 = Adopt, "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS O AGE OR OVER." : (See Attachment #6) Supervisor Valentino announced that she was signing a Certificat of Necessity in relation to this Loc Law. Resolution No. 21 - LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on February 8, 1999 at 6: 15 p. m. to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OFAGE OR OVER'; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that adoption of said proposed local law would not have a significant effect upon the environment and could be processed without further regard to SEAR, NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER'; a copy which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and it is further RESOLVED, that, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file said local law wi the Secretary of State as required by law. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 9 FEBRUARY 8 , ' 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 17 - Payment of 1999 Town/County Tax Bill #2487, for Prouerty Donated by t dwin A. Hallberg on East Kin Road: ttorney Barney - Mr. Guttman represents the Malloy brothers. The piece of property that the Malloy rothers are getting has gone through a tax sale. He would like us to get a deed from Joe Manos , ho was the tax owner of the property at the time before this issue is addressed . Supervisor Valentino - We can schedule this for discussion in March . Agenda Item No 20 - Aouroval of Agreement with Conifer Realty Regarding a Water Main . Extension on Mecklenburg Road: Daniel Walker, Town Engineer - I do not have a written agreement with Conifer. I do have a letter from John Fennessey and a letter from his contractor. They are prepared to pay $ 13 , 220 for 660 feet of water main down to their property. We are eliminating 600 feet of pipe that they would have to build to serve their property directly off the 12 inch main if we bring the water down Mecklenburg Road . My original estimate included 450 feet of water main and several hundred on their site to be = included in our package . Mr. Fennessey would prefer to build their line during the construction project. I had been looking for a contribution in the $30, 000 range, but by removing the 450 feet they would be building directly the $ 13, 200 contribution is a reasonable amount for them to pay the Town for the water main . Councilwoman Russell - Are they going to build 450 feet that the Town intended on building ? Mr. Walker - I think they intended to from the beginning . I misunderstood . I was expecting the Town to build it as part of the project . It is preferred they do their own work on their own site. Councilwoman Russell - The $30, 000 estimate included the work on their property. Mr. Walker - When I drew up the original design , I showed the water main extending from our public water main to the city line . We need to reinforce the West Hill system . It is a weak system . The pump station is also getting old . The City has suggested a pump station near the Oakwood Lane water tank. Bringing water to the City line would provide the second connection to the Trumansburg Road tank which supplies West Hill . We would be reinforcing service and improving fire flow to City properties along Oakwood Lane , Hector Street, and Parts of Warren Place . They are already being served off the town tank. If the system were to erupt, they would not have water. Councilwoman Russell - Where is the gap that will be filled in ? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 10 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker - The gap would be filled in by bringing a water main down Mecklenburg Road from the 12 inch water main that crosses West Hill , and connecting it to the city eight inch water main on Hector Street. Councilwoman Harrison - Who is building what portion according to the current plan ? Mr. Walker - The town would be building a water main connecting our twelve inch main to the city' eight inch main on Warren Place . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the cost? Mr. Walker - It will cost $ 137 , 000 . The developer has 450 feet of water main he is installing on his site that would tap the town 's water main on Mecklenburg Road . Councilwoman Harrison - It will cost $ 137 , 000 to do that length , but it will only cost $ 13 , 000 to do half of it? Mr. Walker - There is a difference in pipe sizes and location . The contractor quoted a price of $20 a foot to put in an eight inch water main across lots . This is an inexpensive area to work in . ' They would have a full easement and plenty of room . Restoration is very simple because it is a meadow. Councilwoman Harrison - Do they have permission to do that? Mr. Walker - Yes . They bought the property. One of the subdivision maps shows a potential easement they are negotiating with Sgrecci . Our water main is a twelve inch water main . I talked with the City and realized the incremental cost would be about $4. 00 a foot to increase to a twelve inch water main . The excavation would be the same. It would give us the best reinforcement of the system . Councilwoman Harrison - The difference in cost is not the size of the pipe . Mr. Walker - Our project cost would be about $ 170 , 000 . Councilwoman Harrison - I do not understand why the developer only has to pay $ 13 , 000 . Mr. Walker - I have a signed letter from the contractor saying they can do it for $20 a lineal foot . This is $ 15 less than my original estimate per foot . Councilwoman Harrison - How much less than your estimate will it cost the town ? Mr. Walker - My estimate is based on a contract worked on a road right-of-way. We have ; to p state wage rate and other overhead issues a government contract includes that the privat enterprise does not include . There is a big difference in cost . Councilwoman Harrison - Do we have any right to tell the developer where to put the line? TOWN BOARD MINUTES _ PAGE 11 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker - Since it will become a town owned water main we have some approval rights. . 1 do not think I can demand it must go into the road . The Town Board could refuse to accept it as a Town water main . Conifers option would be to 'put it in privately and have an easement arrangement. Agenda Item No 10 - PUBLIC HEARING : " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN . LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES." : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6:30 p. m. , and postponed the public hearing until 6:37 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and-publication. Agenda Item No. 20, Cont'd: Mr. Walker - Conifer is committed to spend $ 13 ,220 if we can enter into an agreement with them . I am asking the Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with the developer for the contribution to this water main , subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Town . Supervisor Valentino - This project is in a part of the Town that is in need of being fixed and replaced for fire protection reasons. It is old and in bad shape . The most compelling reason to do this is to have a redundant system for the town to serve West Hill. Councilwoman Russell - Do we feel comfortable with moving ahead on this before we have a real agreement? Mr. Walker - The Town Board is not authorizing construction for another month . We would like to set a public hearing and then the project specifications and plans need to be on file for 30 days. We would have this agreement by the next board meeting . Supervisor Valentino - We are setting the public hearing date and authorizing that the agreement be put in place. Mrs. Noteboom - The public hearing can be set for 6: 45 p . m . on March 8, 19994 Mr. Carvill - This is a capital project and it needs to be stated as such . Attorney Barney - It does not need to be in the public hearing . Supervisor Valentino - The money to construction this water main will come from the fund balance. Resolution No 22 - Aareement with Conifer Realty Mecklenburg Road Water Main Extension: WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to enter into an agreement with Conifer Realty for the purpose of receiving the amount of $ 13,220 from Conifer Realty as payment towards the construction costs of the Mecklenburg Road Water Main Extension; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 12 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct the Town Supervisor and Town Engineer to enter into an agreement with Conifer Realty, upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town, for the payment of $ 13,220 by Conifer Realty towards the construction of the Mecklenburg Road Water Main Extension. MOVED Councilwoman Grigorov, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulte as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 21 - Consider. "ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF TH PROVIDING OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT ARE TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA = 1999 - MECKLENBURG " ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTYq NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW." : Resolution No. 23 - ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE PROVIDING OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1999 - MECKLENBURG ROAD IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, held at 126 East Seneca Street, in Ithaca, New York, in said Town, on the 8th day of February, 1999, at 5:30 o 'clock P. M. Prevailing Time. PRESENT: Supervisor Catherine Valentino ABSENT: Councilperson David Klein Councilperson Carolyn Grigorov Councilperson John Wolff Councilperson Ellen Harrison - Councilperson Edward Conley Councilperson Mary Russell WHEREAS, a plan, report and map has been duly prepared in such manner and in such detail as heretofore has been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the creation and construction, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law of water system improvements to be known and identified as the Town of Ithaca Water Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, and hereinafter also referred to as "improvement`, to provide such water improvement including extensions, to the present Town water improvement, such water syste improvement to be constructed and owned by the Town of Ithaca, and WHEREAS, said plan, report and map have been prepared by Daniel Walker, P. E . the To Engineer, a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York and have been filed in the offi of the Town Clerk where they are available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the area of said Town determined to be benefded by said Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road shall be known as the Town of Ithaca Water System TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 13 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Benefited Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road and consists of the entire area of said Town excepting , therefrom the area contained within the Village of Cayuga Heights, and WHEREAS, the proposed Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement: - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road consists of the water 'improvements set forth below, and in the areas of the Town as set forth below, and as more particularly shown and described in said map, plan and report presently on file in the Office of the Town Clerk: Construction and installation of new 8" water main extensions on and near Mecklenburg Road, the water main itself to connect with the City of Ithaca water main at the . City line and to extend approximately 1800 feet along Mecklenburg Road to connect to an existing Town of Ithaca 12" water main, together with an approximately 500 foot 8" main running from the main along Mecklenburg Road across property owned by Anthony Cenache to serve the eastern 112 of Mr. Cenache's property. WHEREAS, the maadmum proposed to be expended by the Town of Ithaca for the aforesaid improvement is $ 150, 000; and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing to be employed by said Town of Ithaca consists of expenditure of current revenues and surplus funds from the Town of Ithaca Water System Benef►ted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road derived from revenues assessed against the properties which are deemed benefded by said improvement; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing for the purpose of considering said plan, report and map and the establishment of said Town of Ithaca Water System Benefited Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road, and the providing of said Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road therein, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 209-q of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A public hearing will be held at 126 East Seneca Street, in said Town, on the 8th day of March, ;1999, at 6:45 o'clock RK , to consider the aforesaid plan, report and map and the question of creating;, said Town of Ithaca Water System Benef►ted Area - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road and the providing of said Town of Ithaca Water System Improvement - 1999 - Mecklenburg Road therein and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof and concerning the same and to take such action thereon as is required by law. Section 2. The Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in The Ithaca Journal, and also to post a copy thereof on the Town signboard maintained by the Clerk, not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day designated for the hearing as aforesaid, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 209-q of the Town Law. Section 3. This order shall take effect immediately. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 14 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was upon motion of Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilperson Grigorov, duly put to a vote on a roll call, which resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino Voting Yes Councilperson Grigorov Voting Yes Councilperson Harrison Voting Yes Councilperson Conley Voting Yes Councilperson Russell Voting Yes The order was thereupon declared duly adopted. Agenda Item No 10 - PUBLIC HEARING: " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES. Supervisor Valentino resumed the public hearing at 6:37 p. m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. With no persons present to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6:38 p. m. Agenda item No 11 - SEOR• " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES." : (See Attachment #7) Resolution No 24 SEAR: Local Law Authorizing Payment of Cash in Lieu of Direct Payment of Premiums for Health Insurance Coverage For Certain Town Emolovees. WHEREAS, this action is the enactment of a local law authorizing payment of cash in lieu of direct payment of premiums for health insurance coverage for certain Town employees; and WHEREAS, this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, at a public hearing held on February 8, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts I and II for this action; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review A for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmen Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, absent during vote; Councilman Conley, aye. Motion carried. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 15 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Agenda item No 12 - Adoutlon • "' LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES." : (See Attachment #8) Councilwoman Grigorov - If PHP is not adequate for the employees , do we really want to pay their premiums? Att orney Barney - It is up to the Town Board . It should be left as a possibility. I was envisioning a situation that PHP policy is adequate for most people, but there may be someone who has a need for an outside specialist . They can get it through an indemnity plan . This is defining the types of situations that the Town Board might consider doing . It is subject to action by the Town Board on an individual basis . Councilwoman Grigorov - It shouldn 't be open to anyone looking for a better deal . Supervisor Valentino - We would be reviewing each case. They need to show proof that they have other coverage. It is a condition. The Town Board would only reimburse them up to the amount they are paying . Mr. Kanter - In section 3b, it has guidelines stating that any employee cannot come to the board expecting it. Attorney Barney - This is for those employees who are out of PHP area or not covered . There may be other - circumstances . The Town Board reviewing each case would leave room for that. Supervisor Valentino - In section 5c, shouldn 't it state "shall" instead of "may"? Attorney Barney - It would be the decision of the Town Board . Its stated that way because it leaves flexibility in the decision . Councilwoman Russell - I would like to leave it flexible. Resolution No. 25 - LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES: Supervisor Valentino announced that she was signing a Certificat of Necessity in relation to this Local Law. WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on February 8, 1999 at 6:30 p. m. to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES" and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 16 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Journal; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article (State Environmental Quality Review Act) it has been determined by the Town Board that adoption o said proposed local law would not have a significant effect upon the environment and could b processed without further regard to SEAR, NOW THEREFORE be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES"; a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and it is further RESOLVED, that, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file said local law with the Secretary of State as required by law. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 14 - Sale of Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street: Supervisor Valentino - We have found out It would cost $850 for an appraisal of this Town Hall . There are only two or three real estate brokers who handle commercial property. I suggest two or three of us set up interviews with these brokers . My understanding is that we are not required to do an appraisal , and we could a realistic selling price from the brokers . Councilwoman Harrison - We should get a price from each of the brokers before we select an agent . Supervisor Valentino - I think Mr. Kanter, Mr. Walker, Councilwoman Russell and myself should meet with the brokers , and then give the board a recommendation . Councilwoman Grigorov - Could the building be zoned residential? Mr. Kanter - It is in the Business Zone , but I can look into whether it could be zoned residential . Supervisor Valentino - We will need to check with the City to see what uses are allowed . Agenda Item No 15 - Approval of 1998 Annual Reports of Town Justices' : TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 17 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED -APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Grigorov = Has any consideration been given to alternating the nights the Justices' hold court? Supervisor Valentino - No. I found out there is some concern about equity in the courts and how to deal with it. On February 19 , the magistrates are having a dinner meeting where there is going to be a couple of interesting topics brought up. Some discussion might be done regarding "Judge shopping', and how we can coordinate together. There will also be a speaker on how to cooperate and coordinate with the Town Board . Raymond Bordoni , Town Justice - Judge Winthrop is the incoming President of the New York State Magistrates Association . He will be giving a talk on judges and town boards. Attorney Barney - What is Bail Poundage? Justice Bordoni - If you had to make $500 bail and you appear in court, you would receive your bail back, less 3%. Councilwoman Russell - Why doesn 't Bail Poundage show on Justice Larkin 's report? Supervisor Valentino - He may include it as a lump sum . We need to resolve the problem with the presentation of the dockets to the Town Board . Attorney Barney - Bail poundage is probably included in the number of what is sent to the State Comptroller. Supervisor Valentino - I will ask where it was included . Justice Bordoni , where do we stand on completing your dockets? Justice ', Bordoni - When we had the computer training session we asked if we would be able to run dockets on the software. They were supposed to find out, and we never heard back. We did not pursue the matter because it was the last thing on our minds. The former clerk was not ready for it and did ! not have time to learn the program . I have notes made from some inquiries . I called Albany and they said some towns require the dockets to be presented and some do not. Some towns require an annual report. The dockets show who committed the crime and whether or not they paid the fine! There has been some talk at the magistrates' level that they are going to do away with the dockets, because they area record that you could have if there wasn 't electronic records . Attorney Barney - Is there a state law that mandates the signing of the dockets yearly by the town board? Supervisor Valentino - Yes. We have always in the past signed the dockets . Attorney Barney - It is supposed to happen at the annual meeting at the end of the year. When it was manually done , the Justices would bring them to the December 31 meeting . . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 18 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - It was done last year. Mrs. Noteboom - Many of the dockets are considered permanent documents . Under Records Management and Public Information Law some of them are required to be kept forever. Binding them will help to preserve them . Town Law Section 31 , Powers and Duties of Town Justices , Requirements/Restrictions, "b", "the Town Justice at least annually, and as often as maybe require submit its dockets to members of the Town Board for examination audit". Supervisor Valentino - I would rather spend the money and have them . Resolution No 26 - Town Justice Clarence Larkin 1998 Annual Report (See Attachment #9) WHEREAS, Town Justice Clarence . Larkin has presented his 1998 Annual Report to the goveming Town Board as required by Town Law; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts for filing by the Town Clerk, the attached 1998 Annual Report of Town Justice Clarence Larkin. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilman Conley. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 27- Town Justice Raymond Bordoni 1998 Annual Report: (See Attachment #9) WHEREAS, Town Justice Raymond Bordoni has presented his 1998 Annual Report to the governing Town Board as required by Town Law, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts for filing by the Town Clerk, the attached 1998 Annual Report of Town Justice Raymond Bordoni. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 16 = Set Public Hearina Date: " LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CHECKS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN ." : Supervisor Valentino - Under the present law we need a local law authorizing anyone other than t Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor to sign checks on behalf of the Town . Occasionally there a times when the Supervisor and the Deputy Supervisor are away and ,checks need to be signed , understanding is we can write a law that would authorize someone , under the direction of th Supervisor, to sign checks . Councilman Conley - Can we have three people and only have two of the three sign the checks? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 19 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED, - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor, Valentino - Our checks only need one signature. Councilwoman Harrison - Does that mean the Supervisor, Deputy Supervisor and the additional person could sign checks at will? Attorney Barney - The Supervisor is the Chief Fiscal Officer, the only person authorized to sign a check. In her absence, the Deputy Supervisor can fill that role . The next level would be . to provide a third party in the absence of both . However, anyone who is authorized to sign the checks should be bonded . Supervisor Valentino - If I am not here to sign checks, we send a letter to Tompkins County Trust Company explaining the circumstances asking them to accept the third signature. Mrs. Drake - Supervisor Valentino , Mrs. Noteboom , and Mr. Carvill are bonded for $ 1 million . Everyone else are bonded for $25 , 000. Supervisor Valentino - We need to have it higher. Attorney Barney - They need to be bonded for the maximum amount of cash available at one given time. Mrs. Noteboom - The public hearing is set for March 8, at 6 : 15 p. m . Attorney Barney - It should be changed to authorize banking transactions and transfer of funds. Resolution No 28 - Public Hearing Date: "LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN".• BE /T RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday, March 8, 1999 at 6: 15 o 'clock 'p. m. , in order that the governing Town Board may consider a, "LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PERSONS OTHER THAN THE TOWN SUPERVISOR AND DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO AUTHORIZE BANKING TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN': MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda` Item No. 13 - HOLT Architects - New Town Hall Design : Doug Look, HOLT Architect - We are coming to the end of the design development phase . We have been working closely with Supervisor Valentino and Mr. Walker. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 20 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED The existing lobby will remain as is and be refurbished . Many of the changes have been to the court area . One of the things we were able to do was create two offices. A private bathroom/changing area has been included for the justices . We moved the public restrooms to make efficient use of the space . There will be a storage area available for the justices . There will be a service window for people paying fines. The previous plan included a built-in platform to raise the board area. It was to provide a raised are for the justice bench . Councilman Klein suggested a custom designed justice area that would have ramp leading to the raised area. It allows the existing space remaining the same. Another benefit o keeping it at the same level is that the space is more flexible. The Town Clerk' s area remained the same. There were some modifications to office locations . The general work area will have workstations within . The general conference area is smaller than before . The employee bathrooms are laid out differently. We are providing an accessible entrance off Buffalo Street. The main entrance is intended to remain the same. There is an entrance from the parking area . Councilwoman Harrison - Will it be a public entry? Mr. Look - It will be a public entrance when there are public functions in the conference area. It is primarily a staff entrance. Councilwoman Harrison - Will customers parking in the parking lot walk around? Mr. Walker - We want all public entrance to be through the Town Clerk's Office . Supervisor Valentino - Will there be a door closing off the work area from the conference room in case of night meetings? Mr. Look - Yes . There are not too many changes to the basement area . There is a new elevator within the existing elevator shaft. The unused 'space is foreseen as future conference area space and future storage . Justice Bordoni - Is it too late to consider a second board room ? Supervisor Valentino - It is too late to consider a second board room . Justice Bordoni - Most of the questions we have asked have been answered . When I saw the Marc 30th schematic design the court clerk area looked like 220 square feet . Mr. Look - It is small . Justice Bordoni - Would the office be big enough for two Court Clerks and equipment? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 21 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED Mr. Look - There is adequate space for two workstations. It is equivalent to a room that is 16x8. It is '- not overly generous in space. Justice Bordoni - Is there a way to increase the space? Councilwoman Harrison - Do you mean by decreasing the justice office space? Mr. Look - We are trying to balance the program needs with the pre-existing elements in the Structure. Supervisor Valentino - Will the staircase remain ? Mr. Look - The staircase is up and down . We need to leave it . It does not need to be going down , but you will want to maintain the access to the upper level . The space under the stairs could be used if it were blocked off. We have been striving to achieve two separate justice offices . Justice Bordoni - Did you contact the State to see what their design standards are? Mr. Look - We contacted the State in the schematic design stage and received their design standards. These are suggested standards for this level court. Justice Bordoni - What is the height of the Justice bench ? Mr. Look - It is six inches high . Justice Bordoni - The platform the justice bench is on should be at least 18 inches . The platform the witness chair sits on should be at least 12 inches . We do not have a security , officer in the court room . It puts us at a level where we are looking down . It is very important. Councilwoman Russell - Does it need to be handicap accessible? Mr. Look - It needs to be accessible by a ramp . Justice Bordoni - I did not see handicap access mentioned in the state information . Councilwoman Grigorov - It needs to be accessible . Justice Bordoni - Where will everyone sit with this set up? Mr. Look - We assume the furniture will be moveable . Supervisor Valentino - Staff will arrange the furniture on court evenings . Mr. Look - We can show how the courtroom will be set up . We have not worked out everything with the moveable furniture. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 22 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - What is the width of the boardroom ? Mr. Look - It is 33 feet. Supervisor Valentino - What is the width of the Justice area? Mr. Look - It is approximately 24 feet . - Councilwoman Harrison - How many people would the two conference rooms accommodate? Mr. Walker - The one conference room was set up for small committee meetings , not public meetings . The smaller conference room could sit 15 people and the larger could sit 30 , people. We are going to have the door into the office area lockable so that there is not access into the main office area . Councilwoman Grigorov - How many of the bathrooms need to be handicap accessible? Mr. Look - Each pair of bathrooms needs to have at least one handicap accessible . Single fixture bathrooms can be made unisex. Mrs. Noteboom - For the public bathrooms , will people need to go to the clerk' s office to get a key? How will we see what is happening? Mr. Look - We cannot solve that problem . Councilwoman Harrison - Will the bathrooms be accessible only by key? Will the Town Clerk have the key? Mrs. Noteboom - Yes . Supervisor Valentino - We can leave them unlocked at first . Then if there is a problem we can make . . changes. Mr. Look - Up to this point we have been talking about how to plan the spaces and how the program is distributed through the building . We have not shared the possibilities of the building . We have computer generated pictures of the building . There is a new ramp entrance to the Buffalo Street entrance. It is important that the character of the building remains . We would like to maintain th existing light fixtures . We may need to move the flag pole. Councilwoman Russell - Is there a railing around the top of the ramp? It looks like a modern railin It should be appropriate with the exterior of the building . Mr. Look - Yes , I agree . There are some fine details that we will need to work out. We are trying to show something simple and straight forward in the picture. We envision the lower portion of the ramp being solid with a railing . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 23 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED = APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Russell - What type of metal are the lamp posts made out of? Mr. Look - They are cast iron . Councilwoman Russell - Do they rust? Mr. Look - If they are maintained they will not rust . The developmental drawing of the main work area shows the potential work stations and the offices. These drawings try to balance doing something monumental while maintaining the public nature and keeping the cost down . Supervisor Valentino - What is the ceiling made of? Mr. Look - The rendering shows a curved vaulted ceiling made from a perforated metal panel with acoustic material above it . There are three or four sets of chandelier type lighting , as well as cove lighting . Councilwoman Russell - What is on the left wall? Mr. Look That wall is shown on a curve. It is opposite the main entrance. We thought it was a good opportunity to have a mural . We are showing an old map of the town . Councilwoman Russell - Where is the presentation board in the boardroom ? Mr. Look - The presentation board will be out far enough for the Town Board and general public to see the presentation . Councilwoman Harrison - Are we doing anything permanently to the room ? Mr. Look - We are not at that level of detail . We have talked about removable equipment . The room would need to be set up around the presentation . Mr. Carvill - Could there be a cabinet for the equipment to be stored in ? The equipment could rise out of the cabinet for the presentation . Mr. Look - It could be done that way. We envisioned moveable furniture . It is possible to mount an equipment cabinet on the wall . This is , the design development stage. We are still working out the details . Councilman Conley - Visitors coming into Ithaca may take the back entrance as a main entrance . Councilwoman Harrison - It concerns me that people will park in the parking lot and try to use the back entrance. Supervisor Valentino - There will be parking available for the public in front of the building . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 24 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Walker - The Post Office employees will park along their loading dock . We will have three public parking spaces and parking for Town vehicles . The employee parking will be on the far side of the parking lot. The City of Ithaca has agreed to maintain the' 10- 15 minute free parking on both sides of the building. This parking will serve most of our customers best. Councilwoman Harrison - How do you get to the Buffalo Street entrance from the parking lot? Mr. Walker - There is a walkway. Councilwoman Russell - Is there enough parking spaces for staff? Mr. Walker - With double parking there is . Mr. Look - It is important to have a subtle element , but a strong rear entrance . Mr. Walker - The public use of this entrance would be in the evenings when there are meetings . The door will be locked during the day. Mrs. Noteboom - If the door is going to be locked , why provide three public parking spaces in the back? Mr. Kanter - There needs to be some long term parking for the public . Mr. Look - The lobby adds historic value to the building . We are dealing with an existing building that is old and has some limitations . We are trying to do the best we can in that balance . This picture is a computer generated walk through of the main staff workroom . It gives you an initial idea of how the space might appeal . The details are being worked out. Councilwoman Harrison - What provides sound proofing for this type of shared space? Mr. Look - The is an acoustic tile ceiling and the offices will have sound absorption material . Councilwoman Harrison - How tall will the dividers be? Mr. Look - The fixtures and furniture are being handled separately. Mr. Walker - We are looking at 60-66 inch high partitions between the spaces. Mr. Look - This is not necessarily how the layout will be . We are trying to give you a general sen of how the space might feel . Councilwoman Harrison - How much space will there be between the judges and the tables? Mr. Look - It will be moveable furniture , so it will be as much space as needed . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 25 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Carvill - Will everyone at the boardroom table have a fair degree of vision ? Mr. Look - It will be accommodated through the types of furnishings that are selected . Mrs . Noteboom - Where do you envision the microphones , tape recorder, and copier? Mr. Look - It will be similar to what you have now. Mrs . Noteboom - I had envisioned built in cabinets behind the board table and the justice bench . The recording equipment and the copier could be stored there . When the boardroom was in use the cabinets could be opened and the equipment utilized . When the room was not in use the cabinets would be closed . During the times when the room was not used you would see this beautiful room with beautiful wood cabinets . It would be very attractive, and also very functional . Mr. Look - From the beginning we have tried to take advantage of what we have been presented . There is a lot of work to be done. We have tried to accommodate the program as best we could . We tried to balance all these factors. We are working against a hard cost .cap . All these ideas are wonderful and we would like to accommodate as much as we can within the budget . Supervisor Valentino - Things can always be improved as time goes on . Mr. Look - We are proposing a fantastic start. It gives you a very strong frame work to continue to build . The base construction cost is estimated at $ 1 , 638 , 000. We have projected that forward to a project cost that would be $ 1 , 992, 000. This does not include the furniture , equipment or anything for the archival vault and their associated mechanical electrical system . We are looking at a target date of May to June 1999 in terms of completing the construction document phase. We will be getting into bidding around the same time . The construction could start as early as June 1999 , with a completion date of late October or early November 1999. The board took a brief recess from 8:20 p. m. until 8:30 p. m. Supervisor Valentino - What is everyone's opinion thus far? Councilwoman Grigorov - I was glad to see the computer highlights of the inside of the building . Councilman Conley - I am very impressed , but I do not think the court clerks will have enough space, Supervisor Valentino - They will not need to have filing cabinets in their office area . Mrs. Noteboom - Currently, the justices have all their files in their homes . Those files will be inventoried . They do not . have a retention long enough to be keep them in the active office area. They can be put in the Records Management Center. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 26 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mrs. Drake - The area will also have two data entry typists , it should be a space for four people at . a one time. Councilwoman Harrison - They will need to share the space with the judges who have large offices . Mr. Walker - The bathroom facilities are taking up a lot of space . They have doubled in size. Councilwoman Grigorov - Are we required to have public facilities? Mr. Walker - I will check into it. Supervisor Valentino - We will need to work with HOLT to get more space for the court clerks . Agenda Item No 18 - Purchase of Loader and Truck for the Highway Department: Mr. Noteboom - These purchases were part of the budget I presented last year. We are replacing the loader and one truck. I presented how much it would cost, but it will be $3, 343 more than in the budget plan . The loader will cost $ 108, 735 and the truck will cost $89, 608 . It should state in the resolution not to exceed $ 109, 000 for the loader and not to exceed $90, 000 for the truck. Supervisor Valentino - Do we have the funds? Mr. Noteboom - Yes. Supervisor Valentino - Were these on the regular replacement schedule? Mr. Noteboom - Yes . Resolution No 29 = Acquisition of 1999 Daewoo Loader, 1999 Sterling Single Axle Truck Through New York State Bid: WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Highway/Parks Department's, 932 Loader and Mack Truck are scheduled to be replaced in 1999; and WHEREAS, the Highway/Parks Department budgeted for the purchase of a loader and a truck in the 1999 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has reviewed the State Bid options and feels that th Town will benefit from the purchase of a Daewoo Loader and a Sterling Truck single axle, which a listed on the State Bid; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the purchase of a new 1999 Daewoo Loader through the State Bid process at a cost not to exceed $ 109, 000.00. Funds for the said loader shall be expended from TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 27 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED w. APPROVED = MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED .m APPROVED the following appropriation line items; DB5130.200, B7140.200, F8340.200, and G8120.200; and be it further RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the purchase of a new 1999 Sterling Truck through the State Bid process at a cost not to exceed $90, 000. 00. Funds for the said truck shall be expended from the appropriation line item DB5130.200. MOVED Councilman Conley, SECONDED Councilwoman Grigorov. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No 19 - Restructuring.of Highway/Parks and Engineering Departments: Supervisor Valentino - The restructuring of the Highway and Engineering Departments was provided to the board member in the packets to ask questions. I would like it on the agenda again in March because we will have the cost numbers. Mrs . Drake - We have the money in the budget. Mr. Noteboom - There is no cost attached to the classification changes. Councilwoman Grigorov - What would be the cost? Mrs . Drake - We would have one position that we currently do not have a Mechanics Assistant. Mr. Noteboom - We have one laborer position to fill . Supervisor Valentino - We are looking at setting up something like a public works department for the town . The work has become to cumbersome with what we would like to do with the parks . The water and sewer repairs are now being done by the highway workers. It has grown beyond a Highway Department. We would have to draft a local law to set up a publics works department. We wanted the board to start thinking about it and call the staff if there are questions. Councilwoman Harrison - There will be a working supervisor and the laborers and mechanics will report to that person . This person would do the performance reviews and make recommendations? It will be important for people to know who their boss is. Mr. Noteboom - That portion is not necessarily going to change. We have people that are working as working supervisors, but are not classified in that position . We are going to end up with some shifting of people. We want to make sure we keep people cross trained . We are going to attempt to have each crew qualified to work on a water break or clean ditches. Councilwoman Harrison - Would people know who their boss is? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 28 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH A 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Noteboom - Yes. We hope to have a working supervisor that will be directly in line with the people. Councilwoman Harrison - Who will be the boss of the working supervisor? Mr. Noteboom - That part will be shifting . Rich Schoch is our Parks Maintenance Manager. When crew is working for parks he will be their supervisor. When they . are working on water/sew projects, Wayne will be the crew's direct supervisor. It will shift some as the crews move from water/sewer project to a highway project . Councilwoman Harrison - Who will do the performance review for a working supervisor? Mrs. Drake - I would assume the Working Supervisors would do a joint review, and then Mr. Noteboom would review them with the employees . Councilwoman Harrison - I like the flexibility idea , but I am sensitive to working for more than one person at once . There can be tensions between them . Mr. Walker - This is a working structure. The Parks Maintenance Manager, Deputy Highway Superintendent, and the Water/Sewer Maintenance . Supervisor are all working as one entity. They are all working under the general direction of Mr. Noteboom and myself. They are taking the jobs and making the work decisions . They all understand what the other is doing . If two are out sick, the other person is running the show. It has been working well . This type of a structure is very dependent on personalities . I will still be supervising the Water/Sewer Maintenance Manager from a technical standpoint. From a personnel standpoint it will be joint between venture between Mr. Noteboom and myself. Councilwoman Grigorov - It looks as if Mr. Noteboom and Mr. Walker are equally involved . Mr. Walker - We are unequally involved . From, a financial standpoint I am more involved because I have the water/sewer budget to worry about. We are looking at it as a team approach . We went through this last year at budget time when we allocated salaries for different functions, We had more money here than workers. That is because we had more work than workers . Depending on the time of year, if it is snowing hard , everyone is working on snow removal . Mr. Noteboom - When it comes to planning the repairs and building for the Town , Mr. Walker is n directly involved . Mr. Walker is directly involved with some of the technical points of design . W find a separation in groups. Supervisor Valentino - We are trying to address the reality of how we have been functioning . Mr. Walker - The Deputy Highway Superintendent is the main person responsible for getting the work done . Parks and Water/Sewer are working together. The working staff thinks of them as one person . If we had to assign one person physically, administratively to supervise the three working TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 29 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 -APPROVED APPROVED - APPROVED supervisors, I recommend it be the Highway Superintendent. We do not want to end up with a . situation like the City of Ithaca. If you work in water/sewer, you do not. work park facilities . We are trying to avoid that. Agenda Item No. 22 = Water and Sewer Benefit Assessment Refunds: Mrs. Noteboom - We have detail resolutions for Items 22a - 22r. Three refunds were added this evening. Mary Bryant has requested that Item 22d be removed from consideration because Mr. Walker needs to do some more review. I suggest the board pass a resolution to cover .them all rather than adopt them individually. Supervisor Valentino - When we revised the water and sewer assessments we realized that there was going to be things we missed on the tax rolls . The things we missed are minor. The . County put the pennies assessment on people that have water and sewer units. Mr. Walker - The Carmichael 's and Valentine' s have the landlocked back lot . We recalculated the properties in the Town , but the county computer calculated everything in a different manner that did not modify them correctly. Mary Taggert on Pine Tree Road was one where they had an apartment and they did not file their affidavit on time to reduce it to one unit . We are giving them the benefit of the doubt and are reducing it to one unit. It was a two unit house and they eliminated the apartment. Supervisor Valentino - We should not give them a refund until they complete the paperwork. We could approve it with the understanding they will not receive their refund until we are satisfied their paperwork is complete . Councilwoman Russell - Can you explain the Ithaca College parcels? Mr. Walker - They were charged both water and sewer. Many parcels were charged for both districts when they should only have been charged for water. Councilwoman Russell - 132 Coddington Road has water and sewer. Mr. Walker - They have water and sewer. They were charged for a big lot so they had 1 . 44 units, but they were also charged the "pennies" per thousand of assessed evaluation . The refund is $ 1 . 50 for both because they were charged for two districts. Mrs. Noteboom - The County put a section in the middle of the tax bill that showed percentage of change. If you look at the Town Tax Rate , which did not change from last year, it . shows a decrease of 2. 14%. It shows the water and sewer increasing 14% to 17% , when it was not changed . Mr. Walker - The percentages were the total levy change . - It was . not the individual billing change. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE . 30 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mrs. Noteboom - People think that is how much their bill was increased . One requirements of the Tax Payers Bill of Rights passed by the state legislature is that we must show on the tax bill the percentage of change on the entire levy. Councilwoman Harrison - Would it be worth explaining that in the newsletter? Mrs . Noteboom - It is a good idea. We received phone calls wanting to know what was going on . Mrs. Drake - Does every town have their own tax bill format? Mrs. Noteboom - We all agreed that we would help the County design the format to meet the requirements of the. law. We suggested the remittance stub and tax receipt be switched . We had several bills paid to Tompkins County instead of to us. I had to call the tax payer and have them make out a new check to the Receiver of Taxes. The way the bill reads , it does not specify who to make the bill out to . Mr. Carvill - Mrs . Noteboom and I have discussed the changes in the tax bills compared to what was passed in the budget. There have been big changes. I have not made any headway with the County on the fact that the tax roll does not match the budget. Mrs. Noteboom - The bills I send out do not equal what the warrant says I am supposed to collect: Resolution No - s. 31A )-3a) - Approval of Payments Water and Sewer Benefit Assessment Refunds: WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has presented the attached resolutions requesting the payment of refunds to the referenced property owners for overpayments on their 1999 Town and County Tax Bills for water and sewer benefit assessments; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed and discussed the said resolutions; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve the said resolutions authorizing refunds to the said property owners with the exception of the resolution for Jane Mead, Item No. 22(d), Tax Parcel No. 33. 445. 1 because the Town Engineer wishes to further review the proper unit charges; and be it further RESOLVED, the refund to Harry Taggert, Item No. 2201, Tax Parcel No. 57. 4 - 15 is to made only after Mr. Taggert has provided a written request of the refund. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted jafollows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman . Grigorov, ay , Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 30(a) • Ithaca College. Tax Parcel #41. 4- 12.2 and #41.442. 1 TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 31 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS; Ithaca College has requested a refund of water and sewer, benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 411442. 2 is 1 . 44 units for water and 1 . 44 units for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 . 44 units for water, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and 1 . 44 units for sewer, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per , thousand of assessed valuation, and has recommended that a refund is due on Parcel No. 411 - 142.2 for the Adval charge for water in the amount of $ 1 . 50, and that a refund is due on Parcel No. 411442.2 for the Adval charge for sewer in the amount of $ 1 . 50, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 41 . - 1 - 12. 1 is 1 . 71 units for water and 1 . 71 units for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 . 71 units for water, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and 1 . 71 units for sewer, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and has recommended that a refund is due . on Parcel No. 4 i . - 1 - 12. 1 for the Adval charge for water in the amount of $. 42, and that a refund is due on Parcel No. 41 . - 1 - 12. 1 for the Adval charge for sewer in the amount of $. 42, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcels, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes a $ 1 . 50 refund each for water and sewer benefit charges on Tax Parcel No. 41 . 442.2 and authorizes a $. 42 refund each for water and sewer benefit charges on Tax Parcel No. 41 . 442. 1 [TOTAL REFUND OF $3. 84], to be paid to Ithaca College, c% Gladys Ward, Office of VP for Business Affairs, Ithaca College, 325 Job Hall, Ithaca, New York 14850- 7008. Resolution No. 30(b): Peter Capalongo. Tax Parcel #46. 4=8. 1 and #46.- 1-8.2 WHEREAS, Peter Capalongo has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 46.4-8. 1 is 1 unit for water, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for water, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and has recommended that a refund is due on Parcel No. 46.- 1-8. 1 for the Adval charge in the amount of $1.96, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 46.= 1-8.2 is 1 unit for water, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for water, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and has recommended that a refund is due on Parcel No. 46. - 1-8.2 for the Adval charge in the amount of $109, and; TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 32 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes a $ 1. 96 refund for water benefit on Tax Parcel No. 46.= 1-8. 1 and authorizes a $1. 79 refund for water benefit on Tax Parcel No. 46.4-8.2 (TOTAL REFUND OF $3. 751 to be paid to Peter Capalongo, 365 E. King Road, Ithaca, New Yor 14850, Resolution No 30( c ): Russell S. Johnson, Tax Parcel #27.444. 11 WHEREAS, Russell S. Johnson has requested a refund of sewer and water benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for this parcel is 1 unit for water and - adval for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for sewer, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for sewer, and 1 unit for water, along with the Adval charge of $ 1 . 96, and has recommended that a refund is due . on Parcel No. 27. 4 - 14. 11 for the Adval charge for water in the amount of $ 1 . 96 and a refund is due for 1 unit of sewer in the amount of $75. 00. WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes a total refund of $76. 96, to be paid to Russell S. Johnson, 1304 Mecklenburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No 30(d): Boyd Pack, Tax Parcel #33.= 1- 19. 1 WHEREAS, Boyd Pack has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, parcels with water service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and; WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 33. = 1 - 19. 1 is assessed for $93, 0000 , and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 33. 4 - 19. 1 is $ 1 . 87 for water, a that the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00, and has recommended that a refund is due for a overcharge of water benefit in the amount of $52. 13 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the . Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of $52. 13 for water, to be paid to Boyd Pack, 218 Enfield Falls Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 33 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED Resolution No. 30(e): Francis Russell, Tax Parcel #33.- 1-20. 1 WHEREAS, Francis Russell has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for this parcel is Adval for water, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for water, along with the Adval charge of . 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water, and has recommended that a refund is due on Parcel No. 33. - 1 -20. 1 for the water benefit charge in the amount of $54. 00, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes a total refund of $54. 00 to be paid to Francis Russell, 230 Enfield Falls Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No. 30(f): Elsie Sheldrake, Tax Parcel #31-24.2 WHEREAS, Elsie Sheldrake has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; ' WHEREAS, there is an Ag Ceiling exemption of $70, 500. on this property, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 2 for water and 2 for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 10.30 units for water and 10.30 , units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 8. 30 water benefit units in the amount of 448.20 and that a refund is due for 8.30 sewer benefit units in the amount of $622.50 for the year 1999, and WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes refunds of $448.20 for water and $622.50 for sewer (total of $1. 070. 70. 1 to be paid to Elsie Sheldrake, 806 Elmira Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No. 30(g): Joyce Cox, Tax Parcel #42.- 1- 11 WHEREAS, Joyce Cox has requested a refund of sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water benefit units and has j determined that the correct number of units for this parcel is 1 unit for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for sewer, along with the Adval charge of . 02 yer thousand TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 34 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED of assessed valuation for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due on Parcel No. 42. 4-- 11 for the Adval charge in the amount of $1.41, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes a total refund of $ 1.41, to be paid to Haro and Joyce Cox, 348 Coddington Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No 30(h) • Wo C. Silvernail, Tax Parcel #54. =5-34 WHEREAS, W. C. Silvernail has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is . 50 for water and .50 for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 unit for water and 1 unit for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 50 water benefit units in the amount of $27. 00 and that a refund is due for 50 sewer benefit units in the amount of $37.50 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $27. 00 for water and $37.50 for sewer [total of $64.501, to be paid to W. C. Silvernail, 106 Bea verbrook Road, Toccoa, GA 30577. Resolution No 30(i) • Harry TagQert, Tax Parcel #57.= 1- 15 WHEREAS, Harry Taggert has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1 unit for water and 1 unit for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 2 units for water and 2 units for Se wer, and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 water benefit unit in the amount of 54. 00, and that a refund is due for 1 sewer benefit unit in the amount of $75. 00 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 f sewer [total of $ 129. 00] to be paid to Harry Taggert, 109 Pine Tree Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, Resolution No 30(i) • Philippe Baveye Tax Parcel #57. 44. 155 and 57.44. 171 WHEREAS, Philippe Baveye has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 35 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, parcels with no roads or undeveloped lots with water and/or sewer service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water and $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for sewer, and WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 57. - 1 -8. 155 is assessed for $2200. and 57. - 1 -8. 171 is assessed for 1500. , and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 57.- 1-8. 155 is $0. 04 for water and $0. 04 for sewer, and that the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for an overcharge of water benefit in the amount of $53.96 and that a refund is due for an overcharge of sewer benefit units in the amount of $74.96 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 57.44. 171 is $0. 03 for water and $0. 03 for ' sewer, and that . the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for an overcharge of water benefit in the amount of $53.97 and that a refund is due for an overcharge of sewer benefit units in the amount of $74.97 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcels, now therefore be it RESOLVED, . the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of 553.96 for water and $74. 96 for sewer for Parcel ' No. ' 57.44. 155 and authorizes refunds of $53.97 for water and $74.97 for sewer for Parcel No. 57.4-8. 171 . (TOTAL FOR THE TWO PARCELS IS $257.861 to be paid to Philippe Baveye, 108 Tudor Lane, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No. 30(k): Meneguita Gonzales. Tax Parcel #57.- 1-8. 172 WHEREAS, Menequita Gonzales has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, parcels with no roads or undeveloped lots with water and/or sewer service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water and $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for sewer, and, WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 57. - 1 -8. 172 is assessed for $2400. , and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for Parcel No. 57.44. 172 is $0. 05 for water and $0. 05 for sewer, and that the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for an overcharge of water benefit in the amount of $53.95, and that a refund is due for an overcharge of sewer benefit units in the amount of $74. 95, for the year 1999 and; TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 36 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, . the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of $53. 95 for water and $74.95 for sewer for Parcel No. 57.44. 172 /TOTAL $128. 901, to be paid to Menequita Gonzales, 106 Landmark Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850, Resolution No 30(1) • Deborah A. Valentine, Tax Parcel #58.-2-22. 11 WHEREAS, Deborah A. Valentine has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charg on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, this is a property without access to public water and sewer, the land is undeveloped acreage, vacant, no buildings, no street frontage , no road, and no access to water and sewer. WHEREAS, parcels with no , roads or undeveloped lots with water and/or sewer service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water and $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for sewer, and; WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 58. =2-22. 11 is assessed for $3000. 00, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct charge for the parcel is $0. 06 for water and $0. 06 for sewer, and that the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for an overcharge of water benefit units in the amount of $53. 94 and that a refund is due for an overcharge of sewer benefit units in the amount of $74. 94 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $53. 94 for water and $74. 94 for sewer TOTAL OF $ 128688 J to be paid to Deborah A. Valentine, 120 Pine Tree Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No. * o 30(m) • Leland Carmichael. Tax Parcel #58.=2-22. 12 WHEREAS, Leland Carmichael has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges o the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, this is a property without access to public water and sewer, the land undeveloped acreage, vacant, no buildings, no street frontage, no road, and no access to water an sewer. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 37 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, parcels with no roads or undeveloped lots with water and/or sewer service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for water and $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation for sewer, and; WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 58. "2"22. 12 is assessed for $ 11, 600, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct charge for the parcel is $0.23 for water and $0.23 for sewer, and that the actual charge for 1999 was $54. 00 for water and $75. 00 for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for an overcharge of water benefit units in the amount of 53. 77 and that a refund is due for an overcharge of sewer benefit units in the amount of Minnow $74. 77 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $5177 for water and $74. 77 for sewer (TOTAL OF $128. 541 to be paid to Leland Carmichael, 122 Pine Tree Road, . Ithaca, New York 14850 Resolution No. 30(n): Cornell University, Tax Parcel #62.44.22 WHEREAS, Cornell University has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1.5 for water and 1.5 for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 32 units for water and 32 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund Is due for 30.5 water benefit units in the amount of 1647. 00, and that a refund is due for 30.5 sewer units in the amount of $2287.50, for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $ 1. 647. 00 for water and $2.287.50 for sewer /TOTAL OF $3. 934.501 to be paid to Cornell University, c% S. B. Ashley Management Corp. , Box 1015; 95 Brown Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No. 30(0) Peter Fortunato. Tax Parcel #54.= 1=3 WHEREAS, Peter Fortunato has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is one (1) unit for water and one (1) unit for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 1 .20 units for water and t TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 38 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED 1 .20 units for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for .2 water benefit units in the - amount of $ 10. 80 and that a refund is due for $.2 sewer benefit in the amount of $ 15. 00 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $ 10. 80 for water and $ 15. 00 f sewer [TOTAL OF $25. 80] to be paid to Peter Fortunato, 172 Pearsall Place, Ithaca, New Yo 14850, Resolution No 30(x) • Kenneth Strike, Tax Parcel #57.- 1-8. 170 WHEREAS, Kenneth Strike has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, parcels with water and service not currently available shall be assessed an annual charge of $0. 02 per thousand of assessed valuation, and; WHEREAS, Tax Parcel No. 57. - 1 -8. 170 is assessed for 1500. , and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sewer benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is adval for water and adval for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for one ( 1) unit for water and one ( 1) unit for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for one ( 1) water benefit unit in the amount of $53. 70 and that a refund is due for one (1) sewer benefit in the amount of $74. 70 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $53. 70 for water and $74. 70 for sewer [TOTAL OF 128. 40] to be paid to Kenneth Strike, 106 Tudor Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Resolution No 30(a) • Village of Cayuga Heights, Tax Parcel No. 18.44. 1 WHEREAS, the Village of Cayuga Heights has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessment units were incorrectly calculated, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has - reviewed the request for a reduction of water and sew benefit units and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcels is one (1) unit f water and one (1) unit for sewer, and that the assessment for 1999 was for 3. 04 units for water an 3. 04 units for sewer, and has recommended that a refund is due for 2. 04 water benefit units in th amount of $ 110. 16 and that a refund is due for 2. 04 sewer benefit units in the amount of $ 153. 00 for the year 1999, and; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel, now therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 39 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes refunds of $ 110. 16 for water and $ 153. 00 for sewer [TOTAL OF263. 16] to be paid to Village of Cayuga Heights, C/O Brent Cross, 836 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. Agenda Item No. 23 = Consent Items: Resolution No 's. 31(A)=31(i) - Consent Agenda Items. BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 23(a)-23(b), 23(d)-23(h), 23(j)-23(k) as presented. Consent Agenda Items No. 23( c ) and 23(1) will be considered separately. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 31(A ) - Town of Ithaca Warrants. WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. Vouchers No. 32- 131 GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE. $ 19, 332. 05 WATER FUND: $ 12, 666. 4 7 GENERAL FUND PART TOWN: $ 1, 619. 12 . SEWER FUND: $ 4, 540. 08 HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN: $27, 932. 34 LIGHTING DISTRICT FUNDS: $ 1 , 143. 88 MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye, Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 31 L) - Bolton Point Warrants. WHEREAS, the following numbered vouchers for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have been presented to the governing Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 40 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 811999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers. Voucher No. 847=851 $ 5, 32757 Voucher No. 1 -9 $ 65, 087. 42 Voucher No. 852-869 $ 8, 01795 Voucher No. 1146 $ 61 , 132063 Voucher No. 870 $ 594000 Voucher No. 47-52 $ 2, 844. 12 Voucher No. 872 $ 11509268 MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the moti resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigoro , aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 31( c ) - Records Management Disposition Listing. (See Attachment #10) WHEREAS, the Records Management Officer has determined that the attached listing of outdated and duplicate copies of records are eligible for disposition according to the State Archives and Records Administration (SARA), Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU= 1; and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor, Records Management Officer (Town Clerk), and the Human Resources Specialist have reviewed and approved the disposition of the said records; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Records Management Officer to dispose of the records as described in the attached. listing according to the procedure developed by SARA. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 31(D) - Ratification of SARA Grant Application. WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca completed another records inventory in the summer of 1998 in preparation for the move to a new Town Hall in the fall of 1999; and WHEREAS, a needs assessment during the inventory indicated the necessity of housing records in a controlled, organized and environmentally secure environment; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca has committed funds to design and construct a Recor Management Center in the new Town Hall that meets the necessary environmental requirements f these records; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca had the opportunity to apply for $44, 976 in funding through the New York State Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund, (LGRMIF) to aide in TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 41 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED the cost of the purchase of a Spacesaver High-Density Movable Shelving System for the new Records Management Center; and WHEREAS, the deadline for consideration of applications to the LGRMIG . was February 1 , 1999; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby supports and ratifies the submission of the grant application to the LGRMIF requesting $44, 976. 00 in funding for the purchase of a Spacesaver High-Density Movable Shelving System for the new Records Management Center. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye, Councilwoman Grigorov, . aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 31Lej - Spring Brush and Leaf Collection. WHEREAS, the Highway/Parks Department provides yard refuse disposal services for the Town of Ithaca residents; and WHEREAS, twice annually the Highway/Parks Department will collect brush and leaves from roadsides; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the spring brush and leaf collection by the Highway/Parks Department will commence on April 19, 1999, until finished. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 31(Gl - Appointment Town Representative Tompkins County Joint Youth Commission. WHEREAS, a vacancy exits for a representative from the Town of Ithaca on the Tompkins County Joint Youth Commission; and WHEREAS, Diana Jayne, 206 Westview Lane has been attending the meetings of the Joint Youth Commission since March of 1998; and WHEREAS, Ms. Jayne has expressed an interest in being appointed as a Town of Ithaca representative on the said commission; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby request that the Tompkins County Board of Representatives appoint Diana Jayne to serve as the Town of Ithaca . representative on the Tompkins County Joint Youth Commission for a term beginning immediately upon appointment through December 31 , 1999. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 42 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 j APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 31(F) w Recommendation of Re-Appointment Tompkins County Youth Board, WHEREAS, Gale Smith of 930 Coddington Road, has been a Town of Ithaca representativ on the Tompkins County Youth Board since February 1996; and WHEREAS, Mr. Smith 's appointment on the said board expired on December 31 , 1998; and WHEREAS, Mr. Smith has indicated that is willing and interested in continuing to serve as a Town of Ithaca representative on the said board; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, the goveming Town Board does hereby request that the Tompkins County Board of Representatives re-appoint Gale Smith to serve as a Town of Ithaca representative on the Tompkins County Youth Board for a term beginning immediately upon appointment through December 31 , 2001 . MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Resolution No 31(h) ADDroyal of Attendance New York State Town Clerks Association 1999 Conference. WHEREAS, the New York State Town Clerks Association will be holding their 1 /h Annual Conference in Syracuse, New York on April 25-28, 1999 and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk believes this conference will provide essential training and information regarding the functions of the Town Clerk's office, including updates of any state law changes associated with the duties and responsibilities of the said office; now, therefore, be if RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby approve the attendance of Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk; Deputy Town Clerk, Mary Saxton; and Deputy Town Clerk, Debby Kelley at the referenced conference on April 25-28, 1999, at Syracuse, New York. ; and, be it further RESOLVED, the expenses for attendance at the said conference shall not exceed $ 1500. 0 for registration, lodging, meals, and travel to be charged to the General Fund, appropriation fin Town Clerk, Conferences/Mileage, A1410, 4104 MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motio resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 43 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Resolution No 31(i) - Regular Appointment of Director of Planning WHEREAS, Jonathan Kanter has worked for the Town as the Town Planner since May 31, 1994 and June 12, 1995 was provisionally appointed to Director of Planning due to Civil Service compliance; and WHEREAS, Civil Service classified said title as competitive, and has Nrequired an exam to be jaken; and WHEREAS, Mr. Kanter has successfully completed the competitive exam for Director of Planning; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the permanent appointment of Jonathan Kanter to the salaried, full time position of Director of Planning, with no. probationary period required due to years of service in said title; and be it. further RESOLVED, the 1999 annual salary for the said position. shall be $59, 617. 79, job classification (S). Full time benefits apply. MOVED Councilwoman Harrison, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on . the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. In Attendance - American Farmland Trust Conference. Councilwoman Russell - I am unable to go. Mr. Kanter suggested a member of the Agricultural Committee should attend with Mr. Frantz. Mr. Kanter - It would be an unspecified person at this point. Councilwoman Grigorov - What about a member of the Planning Board? Mr. Kanter - The Planning Board is not as directly involved . I suggested an Agricultural Committee member because they are directly involved in promoting the program . We are not sure that someone will want to attend . Resolution No. 32 = ATTENDANCE AT AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION EASEMENTS, MARCH 28-30, 1999, PERRYSVILLE, OHIO WHEREAS, the Town Board has adopted an updated Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan (December 1997), and said Plan identifies the preservation of farmland as an important priority for the town, and TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 44 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED WHEREAS, the Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan proposes a voluntary Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program to further the goal of preserving farmland, and the Town Board is actively pursuing the implementation of such a PDR program, and WHEREAS, the American Farmland Trust is holding a conference on "Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements: The Next Generation, " on March 28th through March 30th, 1999, i Perrysville, Ohio, which will provide programs and workshops on purchase of agricultur conservation easements, and in particular, how to set up and run a program, and WHEREAS, it will be beneficial to the Town to send the Assistant Town Planner and a To Board member to this program, and WHEREAS, the current Planning Department budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose, NOW THEREFORE BE /T RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner, and a Agriculture Committee member or a Planning Board member, at the American Farmland Trust Conference to be held on March 28th through March 30th, 1999, in Perrysville, Ohio, at a cost not to exceed $900. 00, which includes registration (2 @ $ 112000 = $224. 00), accommodations for two nights including some meals (2 U $276. 00 = $552. 00), additional meals (2 @ $30. 00 = $60. 00), and other miscellaneous travel expenses ($50. 00 +A), charged to Account 88020. 403. MOVED Councilwoman Russell, SECONDED Councilwoman Harrison. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. c. Town Board Minutes - 12/31 /989 1 /11 /99. Supervisor Valentino - I would like to consider the minutes separately. The 12/31 /98 minutes , on page 6, we talked about Gregg Bell ' s appointment . My recollection was that Councilwoman Harrison gave a very nice scenario about the decision . This does not seem to reflect that . On pages 1 and 2 , the minutes talk about the court clerk . We may need to have the letter Justice Larkin wrote as an attachment. I looked at his letter and it specifically says that he has decided to create the position of assistant court clerk. Mrs. Noteboom - It was not presented to the Town Board as correspondence . I would need to mak a reference in the minutes that the Supervisor requested the letter be an attachment to the To Board Minutes . The letter was presented in Executive Session . It was not presented in an op session of the board . Supervisor Valentino - The 1 /11 /99 minutes can be approved . Resolution No. 33 - Town Board Minutes. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 45 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED -APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED =APPROVED WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has presented the minutes for the regular meeting held on January 11, 1999, to the governing Town Board ' for their review and approval for filing; and WHEREAS, the governing Town Board has reviewed the said minutes; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, the governing Town Board does hereby approve for filing the minutes for the regular meeting held on January 1 i , 1999 as written. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 24 - Report of Town Officials. a. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes. (See Attachment #11 ) Mrs. Noteboom - The In Lieu of Taxes bill was sent, and has been received from Ellis Hollow. The Ithaca Elm Maple Housing states they must send me the numbers from HUD by February 28. Last year we received it in August . I would like to propose to the Town Board they consider the possibility of renegotiating the agreement to put in a clause for receiving interest and penalties if they do not submit the numbers needed to send them a bill . Councilwoman Harrison - What leverage do we have? Mrs. Noteboom - We will need to discuss it with Attorney Barney. The Federal Government wants to make sure these places maintain their eligibility, but they need to show they are doing things properly. By not submitting the numbers in a timely manner, they are not properly administrating their facilities . b. Highway Superintendent. (See Attachment #12) Mr. Noteboom - I included in the packet the evaluation on the Renwick Heights Bridge. We would like any comments that you may have about this bridge as we are told about these types of projects late. The County makes these decisions . They bring it up and . then they do final design . We do not have input until after final design . We would like to have input before the final design is presented . Councilwoman Harrison - I wondered about the bicycle accommodations for this bridge. Mr. Noteboom - I have a couple of problems with it also . One is lighting and the other is the narrowness of the bridge . They specifically mentioned that there will be a bicycle and pedestrian access on the bridge over a course of time At the same time they are saying they do not feel they should accommodate for it. Supervisor Valentino - I think we should send them a letter stating we are not going to pay our share unless we are satisfied with the design . We told them we were not satisfied with the Forest Home TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 46 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Bridge. The East King Road bridge is unacceptable. We need to tell them we are dissatisfied about our other bridges and that we want to be included in the design planning . Councilwoman Harrison - Do they do a good job protecting the water during construction ? Mr. Walker - They have sediment and erosion control in the plans. Mr. Noteboom - It will be in the final design stage . They have to meet all the requirements of th State . Councilwoman Russell - I was concerned about the aesthetics of the bridge. Mr. Noteboom - That is one of our points of concern . They plan building it this year. Supervisor Valentino - We do not have anything in our budget for a bridge . Mr. Noteboom - We heard about this bridge early enough to include it in the budget . They are receiving funding , but we paying for the administrative funding . We_ have tentatively set an information meeting on March 3, at 7 : 30 p. m . at the Dewitt School for the Warren Road project. Mr. Walker - We are drafting a letter to be sent to the residents . c. Director of Engineering. (See Attachment #13). Councilwoman Russell - Where do we stand on snow removal compared to last year? Mr. Noteboom - It is easier this year than last . I would rather wait until winter is over to compare. Besides that one week in January, it has not been that bad . d. Director of Planning. (See Attachment #14). Mr. Kanter. - The transportation grants will be coming up soon. The application deadline is April 1 . We are starting to put together a proposal for the Hannah Pew Trail . We will have it on the agenda for the March meeting for authorization to pursue and submit the grant . The Payment of Development Rights Program PDR , we are starting to talk with a farm family in the community. It is a little early in the project and there will be a grant application for it in June . Th Federal Preservation funds have not been authorized yet. It is in the Federal Budget Proposa There are no funds currently available, but the State program has funds available . Supervisor Valentino - We had a meeting with the City of Ithaca about the parcel that is partly in th Conservation Zone. The property has been put up for sale . The city would like to preserve that piece of property and wants the Town to join them in purchasing it . We felt there was no need for us to rush into it at this point . Under the present planning , there are many restrictions as to what a buyer could do with it . We told the City that we do not have the money to purchase the property. TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 47 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVE - APPROVED Any extra money the Town has we are putting towards PDR. One scenario we talked about was including that parcel in the conservation zone. We thought it might be difficult to do right now. Mr. Kanter - We could do it as part of the Comprehensive Zoning Map change. p Councilwoman Harrison - Did the board discuss it? Mr. Kanter - It became a recommendation in the adopted Park and Open Space Plan , Councilwoman Harrison - The board is on record as wanting to do that. Mr. Kanter - The City expressed more concern in doing it right away. Councilwoman Grigorov - Which committee from the City is interested? Mr. Kanter - It is the new Natural Area Commission . Councilwoman Harrison - Where are we on the Conservation Zones of South Hill and Coy Glenn ? Mr. Kanter - The Conservation Board talked about it at their last meeting . They are putting together the draft report they have been working on .. They : are still working on the boundary recommendations. It should be ready in March or April for the Codes and Ordinances Committee to review. Councilwoman Harrison - I would like to suggest that we try and do those and not wait for the entire zoning ordinance. We should move on the conservation districts that are . ready. Mr. Kanter - It could be done that way. We could do the Sincebaugh property, and possibly the adjacent areas to the State Parks . e. Director of Building/Zoning. (See Attachment #15)6 f. Human Resources. (See Attachment #16). Mrs . Drake - The process to hire the typist for the Court Clerk is going very slow, Supervisor Valentino - Has Justice Larkin come in and looked at any of the applications? Mrs. Drake - The County has sent me about twenty Keyboard Specialist applications . When people take the exam , there is a questionnaire asking if they would opt for a full . time and/or part time position in the different municipalities . The applications I have received shows everyone willing to accept a part time position in the Town of Ithaca. I have picked four or five of them - to be reviewed . I have left several messages for Justice Larkin to call me back and he has not called back. I will try again tomorrow. If I have not heard anything by Wednesday I will start calling to see if people are interested . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 48 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Supervisor Valentino - We had a meeting with Justice Larkin and told him we would look at the situation in other towns . Mrs . Drake did pull that information together and I went over it . It was hard to assess because they give us different information in different ways. Justice Larkin referenced the Town of Dryden where he says they have two full time court clerks. Their clerks work 30 hours a week and they are considered full time. It is only two hours less tha what we have with our full time person and the typist. When we looked at the other municipalitie their hours and their workload , we could not see a consistent pattern that would justify hiring anothe full time clerk . Justice Bordoni feels there is not a need for another full time clerk . My determinatio and recommendation is that we are adequately staffed within the court system of the town . Mrs. Drake - We are the only town that has part time typists. The Town of Dryden stated - they could not believe that the Town of Ithaca could get by with what they we have . Their town is extremely overworked . We talked with the court clerk from Groton . 'She thought she had plenty of time to do what she needed to do . She is a part time court clerk for the Village and Town of Groton . g. Budget Officer. (See Attachment #17): Mr. Carvill - There are two investment reports for January 31 . There was an access of $4 million that was invested in time deposits on behalf of the Town . On January 31 , business Certificates of Deposits matured . The second report explains that the money has been circulated in the last week and now is invested up to $7 million . Mrs . Noteboom came to me and we found a vehicle by which you will see a $2 million Certificate of Deposit. Those are present tax collections that I have invested instead of their being in the Receiver of Taxes account not earning interest at a maximum market rate. The Town will benefit by $3600 in interest earnings . The Receiver of Taxes will be compliant and turn over those funds to the County by February 14 . We utilized our monies to maximize our benefit. I wanted the board to see what thirteen days interest earnings could mean to the Town . The Town Board appropriated $30 , 000 in 1998 and in the same resolution the board appropriated an additional $50 , 000 to be moved in 1999 for the lacovelli Park. The money has been moved and has . come out of the General Part Town Fund . Fiscally, I cannot imagine the Town building a park for $80, 000. Some of this money could be used towards some of the needs the Town Board has been addressing and Mr. Kanter has been pursuing regarding open space. Right now there is $80 , 000 to spend on this park. I am asking the board for direction as to how we want to spend some money when to assist in the Open Space grants. Councilwoman Grigorov - Are you saying we should forget the park? Mr. Carvill - We have accepted land with a commitment to build a park, but it does not say t amount of money to be used . In looking towards this year, I asked Mr. Noteboom if we were going to build a park that would cost that amount . Could we allocate some of the money towards our open space reserve? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 49 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Mr. Kanter on I think there are a couple different issues . One is how long will it take to develop lacovelli Park according to the estimates of what could be done there, and when . That is how the $80, 000 came about. It did not mean all of it would be done in 1999, although that is what the capital project and the budget was set up for. It is very early in the design stages and we have not gone out to the community to see how they want that park developed . Supervisor Valentino on I received a phone call from a resident on Juniper Drive. They are circulating a petition because there is some opposition to the basketball court at that park. I assured the resident from Juniper Drive that there will be ample opportunity for the public . to respond to designs for the park and to receive their comments. We will set up a public informational meeting . Councilwoman Harrison on Do you want to schedule a community meeting before the design is started? There is always a feeling in the community of "look how far they have gone without our opinion". Supervisor Valentino om There are some serious issues that people are raising about the student apartment. There are concerns as to whether it fits into the neighborhood character. We should have a preliminary design for them to respond to . Mr. Kanter on We could show a drawing of a site without specifically identifying objects . Then we can ask the public to comment . It may turn out they do not want anything other than a sitting area. Councilwoman Harrison - We need to make an effort of getting - people other than those who are opposed to the meeting . Councilwoman Russell no This issue reflects some things that happen every time you think about putting active recreation facilities in the park. Neighbors are concerned that the active recreation facilities will attract the undesirable element. Supervisor Valentino on I have received complaints regarding the noise heard from the basketball court at Eastern Heights . It is in a quiet neighborhood . Some issues I heard are worth listening too. Mr. Kanter - The development for lacovelli Park was outlined in the Park, Recreation , and Open Space Plan . The plan is not brand new. It identified placement of a basketball court and picnic areas . Councilwoman Harrison - There is enough of a design outline for the neighborhood people to react to. Supervisor Valentino on We should start organizing a neighborhood . meeting to receive feedback. Mr. Noteboom on How do we move ahead on some of the things identified in the Parks , Recreation and Open Space Plan ? Where do we start? Much of the plan needs board attention ? We need progress in sequence . TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 50 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED y Supervisor Valentino - That is what we are going to do on our Capital Projects Planning Committee. We need to be flexible enough to change some of them . Our opportunities may change . We need to organize a game plan . Mr. Kanter -The March agenda should include setting up the additional $50 , 000 for the PDR program . Whether it comes from the $80, 000 for lacovelli Park, or we need to figure out where e it can come from . Mr. Carvill - The money can come from the General Fund because this does not include Cayug Heights . The cash flow in the General Part Town Fund is limited until the first quarter sales to revenue comes to the Town . The ability to have the money would be constrained before then because of our daily operations. In the second quarter of the year we could look towards it . We received our fourth quarter sales tax check for 1998 . It was $480 , 000 and $92 , 000 of it was for the General Part Town Fund , and $226, 000 was to complete the rest of the funding for the Highway Fund . To our surprise, we are unable to budget any sales tax monies to assist with the general town wide operations . We were fortunate enough to receive this surplus $92 , 000 to distribute to the General Fund . It has given us a healthy start for 1999. We budgeted $70 , 000 , and as it turned out we have an excess of $92 , 000. Supervisor Valentino - We also received more mortgage tax money than anticipated . Agenda Item No 25 - Report of Town Committees : Councilwoman Harrison - The Water Resources Committee had a good meeting with Attorney Barney, Mr. Walker and Mr. Kanter. There were policy issues that we need to discuss as aboard . I can mention them and then put it on as an agenda item in March . There are three pieces to this ordinance . One piece is riparian buffers along streams and water courses . We are calling the second one a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permit. It is an extension of what Mr. Walker reviews in a lot of site plans regarding water quantity issues , and also when looking at water quality issues. A third piece we call "good housekeeping" . In general , that no one should deposit waste into streams . We are trying to determine if these should be part of the Zoning Ordinance or whether they should pass as separate ordinances . I suggest the Storm Water Permit be folded into the Zoning Ordinance as part of the site plan review. The riparian buffer could also be part of the Zoning Ordinance , but suggest we consider it as something separate . The "good housekeeping piece makes sense as separate ordinance. We also discussed defining the water course along which . we will require riparian buffers. Shou they be defined by reference to a specific map? There is a map in the Town of Ithaca that shows a the water courses. The other direction could be by establishing criteria . A water course would be defined for this approach . A map sounds nice and neat . The other side of the issue is the slop TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 51 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED factor and the accuracy of whether 50 feet might not be accurate on the map. Was the map an issue of importance in the EPOD? Councilwoman Grigorov - Yes. We had a map that showed the shadowed areas . The map gives people something to look at. Criteria might be easier to use for the ordinance. It is more appropriate than a map. Councilwoman Harrison As we move forward we are going to see people building structures that deal with storm water. If theses structures are built in a commercial development it is the owners job to maintain them . If they are being built as part of a subdivision or housing , then there is the question of maintenance. Is maintenance something the Town would take over? Financially it is something we need to be aware of and think about. Mr. Noteboom - A good example is Eastern Heights. From Park Lane the drainage does not look bad but further down the problem gets worse. It is an example of what should have been done years ago. Councilwoman Harrison - What point in our history should we have dealt with it? Mr. Noteboom - 1968 . Mr. Walker - We made it worse because a developer helped out the neighbors . . They put a diversion .pipe in to move the flow of water off their land . That brought all the water to one point . Councilwoman Russell - We had a meeting with Dean Smith and the community representatives who made it to the COWMAC II level regarding the incinerator. Progress has been slow in implementing the recommended technologies . They have advertised for a Bio Safety Engineer to be part of the project. Dean Smith is starting to appoint the project team and has come up with a list of proposed names. Unfortunately, a couple of the people are incinerator proponents and are not supportive of alternative technologies . There is no one else being brought in from the outside who seems to be interested in the alternative technologies . A consultant was brought in from Winnipeg , Canada. He is from the Canadian facility that uses this technology. He gave a . report to the Vet School . The Dean made it clear that he was not going to share this report with us . It gives us cause for concern . The biggest area of concern is that the Dean would like to replace the current incinerator with a new crematory incinerator while the implementation phase of this project goes on . The idea is that this project is going to take so long to implement that they will need a new incinerator. I am not convinced that is the case. Mr. Kanter - Would the State Construction Fund be involved in funding this? TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 52 FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED = APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Councilwoman Russell I do not know. I wanted to . discuss with you what you thought the process would have to be to replace the incinerator with a crematory incinerator. It is not clear that it is a process that could happen as quickly as they think it can happen . Mr. Kanter - If it is to be done through the State Construction Fund , there have been statements made to the public that nothing would happen without going through the appropriate environments process. If Cornell University were to do it they would have to go through the Town 's full revie 1. process. If it were considered a temporary facility, the Construction Fund would not hav involvement with funding it. Councilwoman Russell - It will cost $ 1 . 5 million . We are afraid that will divert the possibilities of the .implementation of technologies . We are going to have a meeting to discuss this issue at the end of the month with the Dean and Cornell staff. Councilwoman Grigorov - Have you discussed it with those concerned? Councilwoman Russell - There was negative feedback at the last meeting . The Dean knows there is a lot of concern . Councilwoman Grigorov - We had the first meeting of the intermunicipal organization formed to talk about the water shed . Supervisor Valentino - I have a resolution to hire Craig S . Fuller as a SCLIWC Distribution Operator. The Commission approved this appointment at their last meeting . It is our responsibility as the employer to also approve the hiring of Craig S. Fuller, Resolution No 35 - Authorization to Hire Craig S Fuller as Distribution Operator Trainee: WHEREAS, a Distribution Operator Trainee position became vacant when Craig Ballard issued his resignation letter, and WHEREAS, there is a certified list of eligible applicants on file at the Tompkins County Personnel Office, and WHEREAS, Jack Rueckheim, the Distribution Department Leader has interviewed applicants eligible for hire per New York State Civil Service Standards, and WHEREAS, Jack Rueckheim recommends the appointment of Craig S. Fuller to fill t vacancy, and WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga . Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIW unanimously approved the hiring of Craig S. Fuller to the said position retroactive to his first day work on February 1 , 1999; now, therefore be it TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 53 FEBRUARY 8, 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED - MARCH 8, 1999 - APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby affirm the action of the SCLIWC to hire Craig S. Fuller in the Distribution Operator Trainee Position, to begin his probationary period on February 1, 1999. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on. the motion resulted as . follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Bolton Point (SCLIWC) completed their year end budget transfers . Mr. Carvill worked with them last year and showed them they needed a resolution to complete them . The funds they need to transfer are correct, but they did not have the proper resolution . The Commission gave me authority to have the proper resolution presented before the Town Board . The resolution calls for the transfer from one account to another in the amount of $22 , 794. 91 . Resolution No 34 - SCLIWC Budget Transfers - 1998 Closing Entries: (See Attachment #18) WHEREAS, there were certain budget appropriation line items in the 1998 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) Budget which were over extended; and WHEREAS, the Town Law requires that the proper budget transfers be made prior to the closing of the 1998 SCLIWC Budget so that no appropriated budget line item is over extended; and WHEREAS, the SCLIWC approved the attached listing of 1998 Budget Closing Transfers at their February 4, 1999 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Fiscal Officer acts as the Treasurer of the SCLIWC, and the Town of Ithaca Town Board acts as the administrative authority for the SCLIWC and must approve the said 1998 SCLIWC Budget Transfers; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that the attached budget transfers be made to the 1998 SCLIWC Budget. MOVED Supervisor Valentino, SECONDED Councilwoman Russell. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye, Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilwoman Harrison, aye; Councilman Conley, aye. Carried unanimously. Agenda Item No. 26 = ADJOURNMENT: Councilwoman Russell , seconded by Councilwoman Harrison to adjourn . Carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10: 16 p. me e otfully su , )Le sp oan Lent Noteboom , TOWN BOARD MINUTES PAGE 54 , FEBRUARY 8 , 1999 APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED = MARCH 8, 1999 = APPROVED - APPROVED - APPROVED Town Clerk *NEXT REGULAR MEETING - March 8 , 1999 at 5 : 30 p. m . "`* Minutes Transcribed by Carrie L. Coates. �fi , ;. JAN i9 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 333 EAST WASHINGTON STREET SYRACUSE , N . Y. 13202 THOMAS A. BOEHM JOSEPH H . BOARDMAN ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR COMMISSIONER January 6, 1999 Ms . Catherine Valentino Town Supervisor 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Ms. Valentino : RE : GAME FARM ROAD In response to your September 2 letter, our Traffic Engineers have completed another review of Game Farm Road. That review included an on-site visit by a traffic supervisor when Cornell University was in ' session, an analysis of the previously gathered speed limit study data, an accident search, and a careful assessment of the information in your letter. Based on that review, we have determined that a lower legal speed limit should not be established on Game Farm Road at this time. However, if additional development should take place, our position could change, and we encourage you to resubmit a request if this occurs. Your continuing interest in this matter is very much appreciated. Very truly yours, l 0 000 C Barry A. �tev s, P. E. Regional Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENT # 1 4l „ .;` I it �• �' , �i 1f�/' ivy " ;, - i'`a .IAN __ 7 PI EASTWOOD COMMONS RESIDENTS ASSOCIABON January 5 , 1999 Fred Noteboom, Highway Superintendent Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Mr. Noteboom : Now that the road-drainage project in Eastwood Commons has been completed, the Board of Directors of the Association has commissioned me to tell you how much we are enjoying our new roadways and the new style curbing that adds so much to their appearance and usefulness . We are also enjoying considerable peace of mind from the knowledge that our greatly improved appearance is underlain by a well-designed and functioning drainage system. All of us who watched the various stages of this installation take shape acquired a high degree of respect and admiration for the care and competence that went into the work at each phase. Our residents are particularly appreciative of the consideration and courtesy all of your work crews showed in coping with our numerous goings and comings during construction. Road-building where a substantial portion of the population uses the roads during the day calls for a high degree of caution. Your workmen met this challenge superbly: they obligingly moved machines in operation and slowed or halted the transport of materials to give us safe and relatively easy passage from and to our homes . Your timely warnings of when roads and driveways would be completely blocked were very helpful, too . It is clear to us that the planning of this project was well-rounded, to take account not only of the engineering aspects but of the probable dislocative effects on the people involved as well. We thoroughly appreciate the benefits we enjoyed during the construction period, now enjoy, and will continue to enjoy through your foresight. Sincerely, EASTWOOD COMMONS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, INC . Margaret Woods, Secretary to the Board of Directors cc. Catherine Valentino, Town Supervisor Post Office Box 6403 Ithaca , New York 14851 (607 ) 277 -3232 ATTACHMENT # 2 VdIngE of (Wilragugn Etg #s MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD Telephone ITHACA, N.Y. 14850 607-257-1238 Ail�� __._ __ • _ Office Hours 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. January 6, 1999 JAN _ 7 IM9 Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca St. Ithaca, NY 14850 RE : N . Triphammer Road Improvement Project ( NTRIP ) Dear Cathy: The above referenced project is nearly completed, with only minor landscaping to be done in the Spring. The Village is very proud of the finished product and also pleased with how well the project went. Since most of the work was performed by our own DPW crew, the Village was able to realize considerable savings on the cost of the project. This was a significant project for us to undertake, and therefore we could not have completed without some help from other municipalities that have specialized equipment or skills that we don't have. The project was a good example of how the concept of Intermunicipal Cooperation really does work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Town of Ithaca Highway Dept, for their support on this project. They helped us throughout the project with various equipment that we would have otherwise had to contract. In particular I would like to recognize the effort of Jeff Hulbert who put in a long , hard day's work on your grader when he was helping us during the base stabilization phase. Fred Noteboom and his staff are always very helpful , and we look forward to working with them in the future. Hopefully we can be of assistance to them also. Sincerely, tent A. Cross, Superintendent of Public Works pc: F . Noteboom , T/I Superintendent of Highways R. Anderson , VCH Mayor file: c:winword\pw010699. doc ATTACHMENT # 3 i i I 823 Danby Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone 607-277-6691 Fax 607-277-6683 Mg I January 8 , 1999 _ I To Whom It May Concern, As per Section 64 , Subdivision 2a, notice is hereby given to the Town of Ithaca, that Frank L. Rogan has applied for a liquor license at the location of Moakley House, Cornell University Golf Course . Sincerely, Frank L. Rogan ATTACHMENT # 4 r 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 Town Assigned Project ID Numtx;r Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION To be completed by A DDlicant or Pro'ect S onsor) (1. pplicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Local Law to Amend Local Law # 1 , 1996 - Increasing Partial n of Ithaca Town Board Tax Exemption for Real Property Owned by Persons with Limited Incomes who are 65 Years of Age or Over 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map:) N/A Tax Parcel Number: N/A 4. Is proposed action: NEW? EXPANSION? MODIFICATION/ALTERATION? X Amendment of Ordinance) S. Describe project briefly: (Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items): Enactment of a local law to amend Local Law #1 , 1996, increasing the partial tax exemption for real property owned by persons with limited incomes who are 65 years of age or over. Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project.) 6. Amount of land affected: N/A Initiall 0-5 rs Acres 6-10 rs >10 rs) Acres 7. How is land zoned presently? N/A 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoom ', t .f � ,.. . tions? Yes NO If no, describe conflict briefly ` 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road? YES NO X Public Water , s x t a r jwer? YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of tt t �r � , „t, i' .,a Industrial Park/Forest/ t s _ Commercial Agriculture O f Please Describe: N/A F-Y 'to..,c'� y v� �,.' .< w <yc r,y.♦y .x a '..4ar . 1,1 119 Does proposed action involve a permit, approval ' ` r t� s �` � = n ` ? .,;7y s 7m any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local?) YES NO X yes, list agency name and permidapproval/fundml " ter'` ` ° .y..r per �,,. -...•.a.-.++,.,....•-„-v-. ' 2. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a cut =: _ YES NO yes, list agency name and permittapproval. Also, st ;;,;, cation, N/A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/Sponsor Name (Print or Type): Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Town of Ithaca Signature and Date: ATTACHMENT #5 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR, Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes, coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.6 YES NO X if no, a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency, if any. C. Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following: ( Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production and disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources:' Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish, or wildlife species, significant habitats, unique natural area, wetlands, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C4. The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly: None anticipated. CS. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in C1-059 Explain briefly: None anticipated. C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) Explain briefly None anticipated. D. Is there, or. is there likely to be controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? YES NO X If yes, explain briefly: See Attached. E. Comments of staff X CB other . attached. Check as applicable.) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ( To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope, and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting material. Ensure that the explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately address: Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. Check here if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on Attachments as necessary the reasons supporting this determination. r Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency Ffeparer's Signature(If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Name & title of Responsible Officer In Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer (j - DATE: nature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency ri TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO, 1 OF THE YEAR 1999 A LOCAL LAW INCREASING THE PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOMES WHO ARE 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : SECTION 1 . The provisions of Local Law No. 1 of the year 1971 of the Town of Ithaca as amended by Local Law No. 2 of the year 1977 , Local Law No. 5 of the year 1980, Local Law No. 2 of the year 1982, Local Law No. 4 of the year 1983 , Local Law No. 2 of the year 1987 , Local Law No. 4 of the year 1990, Local Law No. 3 of the year 1991 , Local Law No. 2 of the year 1994, Local Law No. 2 of the year 1995 , Local Law No . 1 of the year 1996, and Local Law No . 1 of the year 1997 are hereby further amended to read as follows : 1 . This law is enacted pursuant to Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York as amended through Chapter 571 of the Laws of 1996. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, real property located in the Town of Ithaca, owned by one or more persons, each of whom is 65 years of age or over, or real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, shall be partially exempt from taxation by said Town for the applicable taxes specified in said Section 467 based upon the income of the owner or combined incomes of the owners. A person otherwise qualifying for such exemption shall not be denied such exemption if such person becomes sixty-five (65) years of age after the appropriate taxable status date and before December 31 of the same year. Such partial exemption shall be to the extent set forth in the schedule following : ANNUAL INCOME OF OWNER PERCENTAGE ASSESSED OR COMBINED ANNUAL INCOME VALUATION EXEMPT OF OWNERS FROM TAXATION Up to and including $ 19,500.00 50% More than ' $ 19,500. 00 but less than $20,500.00 45 % $20,500.00 or more but less than $21 ,500.00 40% $21 ,500.00 or more but less than $22,500.00 35 % $22,500.00 or more but less than $23 ,400.00 30% ATTACHMENT # 6 Taxexemp.99, wp5l UthVocallaw, February S, 1999 4:23pm $23 ,400.00 or more but less than $24,300.00 25 % $24,300.00 or more but less than $25 ,200.00 20% $25 ,200.00 or more but less than $26 , 100. 00 15 % $26, 100. 00 or more but less than $27 ,000.00 10% $27 ,000.00 or more but less than $27 ,900.00 5 % This partial exemption provided by this law shall, however, be limited to such property and persons as meet the conditions , qualification, exclusions and limitations set forth in Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York. This local law shall be administered in accordance with said section of the Real Property Tax Law as now adopted and as it may be amended from time to time, and the provisions of said section shall be applicable to the j effectuation of the exemption provided for in this local law. 3 . Application for such exemption must be made by the owner, or all of the owners of the property on forms prescribed by the State Board of Equalization and Assessment of the State of New York (or any successor agency) to be furnished by the appropriate assessing authority and shall furnish the information and be executed in the manner required or prescribed in such forms, and shall be filed in such assessor' s office on or before the appropriate taxable status date . 4. Any conviction of having made any willful false statement, of the application for such exemption shall be punishable by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($ 100.00) and shall disqualify the applicant or applicants from further exemption for a period of five (5) years. 5 . This local law shall become effective as set forth below and shall apply to assessment rolls prepared on the basis of taxable status dates occurring on or after March 1 , 1999. With respect to assessment rolls. prepared on the basis of taxable status dates prior to March 1 , 19997 the partial exemption allowed hereunder shall be limited to qualified properties, to those persons otherwise qualified under, and to the amounts permitted by, Local Law No . 1 of the year 1971 . and its amendments as in effect from time to time prior to the effective date of this local law. SECTION 2. This local law shall take effect immediately. 2 Town Assigned Project ID Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION To be com pleted by A pplicant or Project Sponsor) 1. Applicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Local Law Authorizing Payment of Cash in Lieu of Direct own of Ithaca Town Board Payment of Premiums for Health Insurance Coverage for Certain Town Employees .7 Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map:) N/A Tax Parcel Number: N/A 4. Is proposed action: NEW? EXPANSION? MODIFICATION/ALTERATION? X Amendment of ordinance) 5. Describe project briefly: (Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items): Enactment of a local law authorizing payment of cash in lieu of direct payment of premiums for health insurance coverage for certain Town employees. Attach separate sheets if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project.) 6. Amount of land affected: N/A Initial) 0-5 rs Acres 640 rs > 10 rs) Acres 7. How island zoned presently? ' N/A 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions? Yes NO If no, describe conflict briefly: N/A 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road? YES NO X Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer? YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park/Forest/Open Space Other. Please Describe: N/A 11. Does proposed action involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local?) YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit/approval/funding: . Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval? YES NO yes, list agency name and permit/approval. Also, state whether it will require modification. N/A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/Sponsor Name (Print or Type): Catherine Valentino, Supervisor, Town of Ithaca Signature and Date: .a.Z4,,, -2 ATTACHMENT # 7 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary) F oes proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR,. Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes, coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B. Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR, Part 617.6 YES NO X If no, a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency, if any. C. Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following: ( Answers may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production and disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish, or wildlife species, significant habitats, unique natural area, wetlands, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: I None anticipated. C4. The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly. None anticipated. j C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: None anticipated. C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in C1-059 Explain briefly: None anticipated. C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) Explain briefly: None anticipated. D. Is there, or is there likely to be controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? YES NO,,2L, If yes, explain briefly: See Attached, E. Comments of staff X CB other attached. (Check as applicable.) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ( To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting(i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope, and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting material. Ensure that the explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately address. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. Check here if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on Attachments as necessary the reasons supporting this determination. Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency parer's Signature(If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Name & title of Responsible Officer In Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer t . C,(; t�u �, � .� � ,d .k;G >ti ('� "i- DATE: Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO . 2 FOR THE YEAR 1999 A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF DIRECT PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN TOWN EMPLOYEES Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 . Recitals : (a) The Town of Ithaca provides health insurance coverage for its employees through a managed health care plan known generally as " PHP " (b) The Town pays a portion of the premiums for the employees for such health insurance coverage . (c) In certain instances , the medical coverage provided by PHP is either inadequate or unavailable because of pre-existing conditions , residency of the employee , availability of specialized medical services , or other reasons . (d) The Town would like to provide a mechanism to allow such employees , under certain circumstances , to obtain other medical insurance coverage and receive the Town' s contribution toward the cost of such coverage in cash . (e) Providing this alternative benefit to Town of Ithaca employees is beneficial to the Town in maintaining certain employees in the employment of the Town that have been outstanding employees for the Town, and also permits the Town to hire new employees who might otherwise not accept employment with the Town because of the type of health insurance coverage provided by the Town. Section 2 . This law is enacted pursuant to Section 10( 1 ) (ii)(a)( 1 ) of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York and is intended, to the extent inconsistent . therewith, to supersede the provisions of General Municipal Law Sections 92-a and 93 , Civil Service Law Article 11 (Sections 160 through 170) , and Town Law Section 27 . Section 3 . At the option of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , the Town of Ithaca may make cash payments to an officer or employee of the Town who chooses not to be covered under the Town' s health insurance plan subject, however, to the following limitations : ATTACHMENT X68 hl healthin. 11 Wp5111thlLocallary, , 02105199 4:25pin (a) The amount paid by the Town to the employee shall not exceed the cost to the Town of providing health insurance coverage if the employee had chosen to be covered by the Town ' s available health insurance plan . (b) The Town Board first finds that the particular circumstances of the employee are such that the utilization of the Town' s health insurance plan is either unavailable to the employee , or would not provide appropriately adequate coverage for the employee or the employee ' s family , or other good cause exists in the view of the Town Board which warrant cash payment in lieu of payment of health insurance premiums . (c) No payment shall be made to an employee until the employee notifies the Town in writing that the employee chooses not to participate in the Town' s health insurance plan. Section 4 . The option to make the payments in lieu of cash pursuant to this Local Law shall be effected solely by resolution of the Town Board and shall be in the sole discretion of the Town Board , Section 5 . The payment of cash in lieu of health insurance premiums provided for in this Local Law may be made subject to such conditions as the Town Board may impose . Such conditions may include , but are not necessarily limited to : (a) A requirement that the employee obtain health insurance from another source and provide to the Town copies of bills or other evidence satisfactory to the Town of the existence and maintenance of such other health insurance . (b) If the Town' s health insurance plan is modified in a manner that eliminates the problem causing the employee to decline coverage under the Town' s plan, payments may cease if the employee is otherwise eligible for and able to be covered by the Town' s then existing plan. (c) If the employee obtains substantially equivalent health insurance benefits from another source at a cost less than the cost of the Town' s health insurance plan, the cash payments to the employee may be reduced proportionately to such lesser cost . Section 6 . An employee receiving payments pursuant to this Local Law shall be fully responsible for any income taxes that may be payable with respect to such payments , and the 2 healthin. 11 Wp5111thlLocallaw, , 02105199 4:04pm Town may withhold any amounts required by any applicable tax laws , federal or state , that relate to or require such withholding on payments of such nature . Section 7 . For the purposes of this Local Law the term "employee " shall include all past, current and future employees of the Town of Ithaca who are eligible under the Town' s policies for payments of all or a portion of their health insurance premiums , and any past , current, or future officers of the Town that are otherwise eligible for partial or complete health insurance coverage . Section 8 . In the event any provision of this local law is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity . Section 9 . This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State . 3 TOWN of ITHACA Agenda # 1 5 TOWN COURT 126 E. SENECA STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 January 31 , 1999 Annual Report for Raymond Bordoni ' s Town of Ithaca Court for 1998_ Cases: Number of cases closed 11106 Number of cases open 366 Arraignments for other courts 18 Charges transferred to County Court 18 Total cases 11508 Fines and Fees : Criminal , Motor Vehicle $381110 . 00 Surcharges $ 101575 . 00 Civil , Cert . of Dispo . , Small Claims Court $ 277 . 23 Bail Poundage $ 160 . 50 Sent to State Comptroller $49 , 122 . 73 Bail Received : $ 111700 . 00 I Additional Activities : Probation given : Bench Trials held : Arraignments held : Dismissals granted : Bail Monies returned : Motion Hearings held : Weddings conducted : Arrest Warrants issued : Search Warrants issued : Orders of Protection issued : Conditional Discharges given : Small Claim Court Trials held : Certificates of Disposition issued : Restitution monies provided to victims : Commitments for Imprisonment issued : Eviction Proceedings and Hearings held : Former Judge WallenbeckIs cases researched , bail monies returned and restitution monies paid to victims . Respectfully submitted , .Jscs .•� �iz cc��n,,c.. RAYMOND BORDONI Town Justice AnnRep98 ATTACHMENT #9 ?j TOWN OF ITHACA COURT CLARENCE LARKIN , JUSTICE Agenda 126 E SENECA STREET , ITHACA NY 14850 January 27 , 1999 . q RE : YEARLY REPORT TOWN OF ITHACA COURT CLARENCE LARKIN , JUSTICE Activity for my portion of the Town of Ithaca Court for 1998 is as follows : Number of cases closed : 1725 Number of cases open : 1704 Arraignments for other Courts 78 Total cases 3507 FINES AND FEES Criminal , Motor Vehicle $ 127 , 535 . 00 Surcharges 29 , 2.80 . 00 Civil 713 . 75 Sent to State Comptroller : $ 157 , 528 . 75 Bail Received $ 48 , 550 . 00 Additional Activities Arrest Warrants issued ; Search Warrants issued ; Orders of Protection issued ; Conditional Discharges given , Probation given ; Jail terms given ; Bench Trials and Jury Trials held ; Motion hearings ; Felony Hearings , Dismissals ; Weddings Respectfully , Clare Ace Larki Town Justice ATTACHMENT 49 AGENDA ITEM NO , 23 J Outdated Record Disposition Listing February 8, 1999 Records disposed of INVENTORY RECORD RECORD DISPOSITION TOTAL WORKSHEET DESCRIPTION DATE DATE QUANTITY Location : Town Clerk 's Office H a Folder # 1 Application for Handicapped Parking permits Expired 1995 12/31 /98 Folder #2 Water & Sewer Correspondence 03/20/90 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 z Folder #3 Water & Sewer Billing errors & corrections 11 /16/89 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 y Folder #5 Town of Ithaca Abstract of Audited Vouchers 1992 12/31 /98 o Folder #6 Dog Control Service Reports 1994 - 1995 12/31 /98 Folder #7 Ag & Markets Dog Owners Renewal Listing 01 /01 /94 - 12/31 /95 12/31 /98 Folder #8 NYS Equalization Assessments 1994 - 1995 12/31 /98 Folder #9 Affidavit of Posting & Publications 1992 12/31 /98 Folder # 10 Town Clerk's Monthly Reports 01 /92 - 12/92 12/31 /98 Folder # 11 Annual Ethics Disclosure Statements 1992 12/31 /98 Folder # 12 Freedom of Information Requests 05/ 16/90 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 Folder # 13 Tax Searches 01 /01 /92 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 Folder # 14 Copies - Purchases Orders 02/ 18/92 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 Folder # 15 Correspondence = Dog Nuisances 07/15/91 - 09/03/92 09/03/98 Folder # 16 Polling Places Accessibility for the Handicapped 03/27/86 4/30/87 04/30/93 Folder # 17 Notification of Liquor Licenses Renewals 1993 - 1995 12/31 /97 Folder # 18 City of Ithaca Correspondence Re: Transit 3/21 /96 03/21 /97 Consignments Locations Folder # 19 Correspondence Re: Town Board Minutes Index 1985 12/31 /97 Budget Proposal Folder #20 Correspondence Re: Property Title for Tax Map 06/26/91 - 07/25/91 07/25/97 Parcel 35 . -2- 12 Outdated Record Disposition Listing February 8, 1999 Records Disposed of INVENTORY RECORD RECORD DISPOSITION TOTAL WORKSHEET DESCRIPTION DATE DATE QUANTITY Location : Town Clerk's Front Office Files Folder #21 Stuart Brown Assoc. Agreement with Town to 04/20/92 04/20/98 assist in preparation of Comprehensive Plan Folder #22 Central N . Y. Copiers Maintenance Agreement 02/21 /91 - 02/28/92 02/28/98 Folder #23 FBM Office Equipment Maintenance Agreement 02/01 /91 - 01 /31 /92 01 /31 /98 Folder #24 J & S Enterprises Power Sweeping Service 01 /01 /91 =21 /31 /91 12/31 /97 Contract Folder #25 Tompkins County Office for the Aging Agreement 09/01 /75 - 12/31 /75 12/31 /81 Folder #27 NYS Board of Real Property Services Notices of 05/21%91 - 08/09/95 08/09/98 Residential Assessment Ratio Folder #28 Burlelgh Dr. Lighting District - Correspondence , List 03/27/91 - 08/ 12/91 08/12/97 of Tax Parcel Numbers , Copies of Resolutions Bundle # 1 Copies - Renewal Dog Licenses 01 /01 /95 - 12/31 /95 12/31 /98 Bundle #2 Copies - Original Dog Licenses 01 /01 /95 - 12/31 /95 12/31 /98 Bundle #3 Copies - Replacement Tag Order Forms 01 /01 /91 - 12/31 /95 12/31 /98 Bundle #4 Phone Message Books 12/ 10/96 - 11/ 17/97 11 /17/98 Requisition Books 04/25/91 - 11 /04/92 11 /04/98 Cash Receipt-Books 03/1097 - 08/12197 08/12/98 Bundle #5 Copies - Sporting Licenses Applications 1980 - 1992 12/31 /98 Bundle #6 Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Bank Statements 09/17/90 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 Town Clerk's Receipt Book 09/ 17/90 - 02/25/92 02/25/98 Tax Collection - Correspondence 12/21 /90 - 07/23/92 12/31 /98 Outdated Record Disposition Listing February 8, 1999 Records Disposed of INVENTORY RECORD RECORD DISPOSITION TOTAL WORKSHEET DESCRIPTION DATE DATE QUANTITY Location : Town Clerk's Office Folder #29 Copies - State Aid Vouchers for Administration and 12/31 /82 - 01 /16/91 01 /16/97 Enforcemen for Fire Protection & Building Codes Folder #30 Copies - Office of State Comptroller 10/ 11 /91 - 04/29/93 04/29/95 Correspondence Re: Report of Examination , Installment Purchase Contracts Folder #31 Copies - NYS Dept . of Environmental Conservation 10/10/90 - 04/01 /92 12/31 /98 Correspondence Re : Mining Permits , Ithaca Flood Protection Control Rt . 96 Improvement , Reimbursement Funding for CAC , Inspection of Ithaca Flood Protection Project. Folder #32 Copies - NYS Office of Parks , Recreation & Historic 03/ 15/91 - 05/12/95 05/ 12/96 Preservation Corresposnence Re: Preserving Open Space in New York , Annual Reports, DKE House Listed on National Registers-of Historical Places Folder #33 Speed Limit Reduction Requests 11 /05/84 - 12/31 /92 12/31 /98 Correspondence = NYS Dept . of Transportation Traffic & Safety Division Notice of Order Folder #34 NYS Office for the Aging Recreation Program for the 07/01 /87 - 06/30/79 immedi e ly Agreement Outdated Record Disposition Listing February 8, 1999 Records Disposed of Folder #35 Bank Collateral 1989 - 1992 12/31 /98 1 cu . ft. Folder. #36 Copies of Automated Data Processing Committee 1996- 1997 1 /99 memos and minutes Outdated Record Disposition Listing February 8 , 1999 Records Disposed of INVENTORY RECORD RECORD DISPOSITION TOTAL WORKSHEET DESCRIPTION DATE DATE QUANTITY Location.. B-612 Town & County Tax Receipts 1992 12/31 /98 1 cu . ft . Water & Sewer Billing . & Trial Balance Reports 1991 1992 12/31 /98 1 cu . ft . Paid Vouchers - 1992 12/31 /98 3 cu . ft . Water . Billing Stubs , General Fund Bank Statements/ 1 /92 - 12/92 12/31 /98 1 cu . ft . Cancelled Checks/ Checks Stubs Town Clerk's Cash Book 1984 - 12/92 12/31 /98 Vacation Requests 1991 - 1992 12/31 /98 Folder , Becker-Wells Liability Insurance 1989 : 1992 12/31/98 . Folder Receiver of Taxes Reconciliations 1992 12/31 /98 Folder Town & County Tax Appointments 1992 12/31 /98 Folder Tax problems involving water & sewer 1992 12/31 /98 Folder Benefit Assessment Refunds 1992 12/31 /98 Folder Water & Sewer Deliquent applied to 1992 Town & 1992 12/31 /98 Folder County Taxes Unit Taxes 1992 12/31 /98 Folder Inventory Worksheet For Local Government Records NOTE: See accompanying instructions before tilling out this form ..• „ _ ` a. Government Namme be De artment c. Unit TEL . r , c• � 2. 2.. Contact person b. Phone Number J . Record Series Title ; . Varying Record Series Title 5. Location a. Building � ( r\ b. Floor C. Room d. Cabinet orShetf e. OrasverotBoz { f�10 ci CL: . ��� r ( ; + 1 a , C� Q -ro S q . . 3 . Data Span 7. Arrangement ❑ Alphabetical ❑ Numerical ❑ Chronological • ; F rom: / I ° �� 9 �, ( ❑ Alphanumeric Other(Specify) s 3 . Format ❑ a. Bound Volume e. Plans and Drawings❑ g ❑ he Computer Output RIIIi CLab. Folders or Loose Paper ❑ f. &laps Specify: 1 i ❑ c. Card File ❑ g. Computerized Records ❑ 1. Optical Disk t� ❑ . Other ❑ d. Micrefor:,i Specify: Specify: 9 . Other Format? ❑ Yes No 10. Other Copies? Yes ❑ No 11 , Total Quantity �- i `,Vhat Format ? Held by: p -r I e Cie. l cu. feet . 2. Record Still Being Created? Yes No 13. Annual Accumulation 14. Reference Frequency ❑ ❑ cu. feet / or 1 T, r+. uJi • S. ?I or Essentiai? �.� o. Archival ? 17. Poor Condition ? i • q„ ❑ Yes No r7 Yes ( No I ❑ Yes OZNO ,estricted or Confidential? [] Yes NO r Source or regulation : : 9 . Description of Record Series "q C e p 1 % s G '1 f R Q 3 PKr�a s nj rG�•C 'S C e � � ��S" V �r , G Ct �• �� �• Y i �" eta � • C, { Ple s bf / ctg1 (r .Ia. rCJ Lov- r s y I C. , P / .mss 6 rr ;Iocswrc� Q. ¢_pvr I-s j. woe tGSf1� ¢3S i { r 20. Purpose of Record i 121 . Appraisal or Other recommendation with comments : i 22. SARA Schedule Iten No, or description Dw"' p 1 SPOS ' r 23 . Pocord retention 24. Official Copy ? ❑ Yes ;Wo a. Total Retention I be In Oflica C. In Storage 25. Sample copy of record attached? [j Yes o Name of person doing inventory �•, . 26b. Date ; :a .� York State A; .gives and Records Administration Local Government Records Bureau LCRB -5 is Inventory Worksheet For Local Government Records F' NOTE See accompanying instructions before fining out this form � c. Unit b, De I Unit . a. Government Name art I +.. a, Contact person b. Phone Number ' I �h t• i. d Series Title 19 4� g Record' Series Title , P S ell :• L ion a- Building / = I b• Floor I C. Room d, Cabinet orS `e,7 e. Drawer or Box LL; CLk Date Span 7, ArrangelMdrit ❑ Alphabetical ® Numerical ❑ Chronological . From: l . 19 a �� la 1 � a I ❑ Alphanumeric ❑ Other(Specify) J — 3. Format ❑ a- Bound Volume ❑ e. Plans and Drawings ❑ •h. computer Output lob. Folders or Loose Paper F1 f. hfaps Specify: ❑ c. Card File ❑ g . Con pu:erized Records Q L Optical Disk 1 � ❑ j, Other S. ❑ d. tific:efAli Specify: Specify: l �. Other Format? [] Yes ❑ No 10. 06ther Copies ? El Yes ❑ No 11 . Total Quantity What Format? Held by: - t c� f cu. feet.01 got t2. Record Still Being Created? 13. Annual Accumulation 14, Reference Frequency ❑ Yes ❑ No I cu. feet 15 'I or Essential? c. Archival? 17. Poor Condition ? '° ❑ Yes [� No ❑ Yes 17gNo ❑ Yes No - � , �o� , .� • � l 04 t8, Restricted or Corfidential? ❑ Yes 05No Source or regulation : 19. Description of Record Series e � + � s ° • 1 , 4G-rCt po 5 4- 14- sv� �x�t's S - s �. � S e 0 s $ Copies osr lo1 4 a c, f, of i ,� , s ►, �.a-�-s fQ,) rc; 1t C o of e s 64 1 a14 a -¢- J'.l L 0 r, CLOP I 20. Purpose of Record �2 �' e c e r• c•e g ji2 raisal or Other recommendation with comments : A Sched ule Item No . or description flu - ( /U C, l. b,ss1 fo • CI�J I45 , Cgq '� ��* rm? 3 . 1�? 23 . Record retention I 24. Official Copy? ❑ Yes No a. Total Retention b• in Office c. In Storage 25, Sample copy of record attached? C) Yes [ No .5a. Name of person d ;. ing inventory 1 26b. Date ,l,•Zti...<,•.,. tae.. Y Nev York St_ta A.rc^ ives and Records ' c•„inistrat :on Local Government Records Bureau LGR3 5 RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING Inventory Record Record Disposition - Total Worksheet Description Date Date uanti File CFO1-7A Location . Planning Dept, Drawer 1 Copy Final Dev. Rev. Application Lot 62 On Marcy Ct. 1996 1998 Copy Receipt from County Clerk for SD 1996 1998 Copy Dev Rev Appl. #444450 Copies Deer Run S/D Phase Three-B Marcy Ct. 1996 1998 CopyFinal Dev Rev Appl. 137/139 Whitetail Dr. 1995 1998 Original Letter From G . Frantz 1995 1998 Copies Map Survey Lot 8 Phase Three-B 1995 1996 Original Letter from. Hallberg 1995 1996 Original Maps Deer Run S/d Lot 7 & 8 (2 org. left) 1995 1998 Copy Final Affidavit of Ownership 139 Whitetail 1995 1998 Copy Final Affidavit of Ownership 137 Whitetail 1995 1998 Original Fax to Dave Burbank No Date 1998 Copy Eng Memo Deer Run Lot Line Mod. 1997 1998 Copy Adopted Resolution Deer Run III-A 1989 1998 Copies Tax Search Request Form & Tax Certificate 1992 1998 r' RECORDS . DISPOSITION LISTING Final Misc. letters re: Deer Run S/d 1992 1998 Prelim & final S/D Plat Requirements Deer Run 1992 1998 Copy Deer Run Cluster S/D EAF 1987 1998 Copy Agreement 1993 1998 Copy Seaf DeerRun Phase 111 1992 1998 Copy Prelim & Final S/d Plat Requirements No Date 1998 Copy Contract Document for Deer Run S/D 1991 1998 Copy Planning Board Attendance 5/18/93 1993 1998 Copy Misc. . correspondence 1993 1998 Copy Dev Rev. Deer Run S/D 1993 1998 Copy Affidavit of Ownership #444456 & 64 1993 1998 'C. & L No Date 1998 Copy Final Deer Run S/D Plat Phase III 1989 1998 Copies- SEQR Deer Run Phase III 1991 1998 Copies Tompkins County . Dept. of Health S/D Plans 1987 1998 Copies Misc. correspondence Deer Run Mod, 1991 1998 Copies Adopted Resolution Deer Run 1991 1998 Copy P.B. Minutes 12/3/ 1991 1998 Copy Notification of Land S/D Map Filing 1992 1998 Copy Planning Board Attendance 1991 1998 Copy Affidavit of Posting and Publication 1993 1998 Copy Offering Plan No Date 1998 2 RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING Final Affidavit of Service by Mail 1991 1998 Copy Map Upper Whitetail Drive 1992 1998 Photos Deer Phase III-B No Date 1998 Adopted Resolution Deer Run S/d 19874989 1998 Copy Full EAF 1989 1998 Copies Map Deer Run/ Chase Pond 19894993 1998 Copies Misc. Letters regarding Deer Run 19904993 1998 Copies Misc. Memos regarding Deer Run 1992 1998 Copy of Notification of Land S/d Map ' 1992 1998 Copy Planning Board Minutes 11/5 1992 1998 Original Posting & Publication 1991 1998 Original Transmittal Letters 1991 1998 Excerpt P. Q. Minutes 1991 1998 Copy Planning Board Sign In Sheet 1991 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1991 11998 Copy Dev Rev Application 1990 1998 Copy Attendance Sheet 10/3/89 1989 1998 Copy of Exhibit A & B Deer Run 1987 1998 Copy First Amendment to the Offering Plan 1987 1998 Copy Letter regarding Deer run Investors 1987 1998 Copies Misc. Letter regarding Deer Run S/d 19874989 1998 Excepts copies P.B. Minutes March 17, 3uly 7 1987 1998 Copy construction cost estimate 1987 1998 Adopted Resolutions Deer Run 19874988 1998 Copy SEAF Deer Run 8/D Final 1987 1998 3 RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING Copies Map Final Plat Phase IA 1987 1998 Original Misc. Letter regarding water service 1987 1998 Copy Part II Eaf 1987 1998 Copy NYS Approval of Plans 1989 1998 Copy Full EAF Deer Run 1988 1998 Copies Adopted Resolution Planning Board 198748 1998 Copy Misc. Correspondence Deer Run 1987 1998 Copies P.B. Agendas 1987 1998 Copies P.B. Public Hearing Notices 1987 1998 Original Letter of Transmittal 1987 1998 Excerpt October 20, minutes 1987 1998 Copy Map Deer Run 1989 1998 Copy of Appeal for height variances for Deer Run 1987 1998 Original letter to Ed. Hallberg re Height Variance 1987 1998 Copy Planning Board Meeting Attendance 1987 1998 Affidavit of Posting and Publication 1987. 1998 Newspaper Clipping of P.B. Meeting 10/20/87 1987 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1987 1998 Copy Planning Board Attendance Sheet 1987' 1998 Affidavit of Posting and Publication 7/7/ 1987 1998 Newspaper Clipping PB mtg. 7/7/ 1987 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1987 1998 Copy PB Attendance Sheet 2/3/87 1987 1998 Affidavit of Posting and Publication 1987 1998 Newspaper Clipping PB Mtg. 2/3/87 1987 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1987 1998 Original Eng. Memo Deer Run 1991 1998 Copy Misc. Letters Deer Run 1990 1998 4 RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING Copy completion Water Supply improvement 1990 1998 Copy Technical Provision water Piping 1990 1998 Copy Architectural control 1990 1998 Copy Map final Plat. Stage 2 1988 Copies request for waiver Deer Run 1988 1998 Copies Deer Run S/D 1987 1998 Copies Misc. Correspondence 1987 1998 Copy Appeal Deer Run Investors 1987 1998 Original Letter Dept. of Health Sewer Ext. 1989 Affidavit of Posting and Publication 1988 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail - 1988 1998 Copy East Hill Plaza Misc. Letters 1978 1998 Copies of Maps East Hill Plaza 1982 1998 INACTIVE FILES RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING T-Burg Rd. Fire Station Copy Environmental Assessment 1987 1998 Copy Lease between Town & City 1989 1998 Copy SBA Request Special Approval 1987 1998 1 cubic ft 5 CF07D Affidavits of Service by Mail 1989 4991 1998 Copies of Maps 1991 1998 PRI Copy Misc. Letters regarding PRI 1996- 1997 1998 Copy of Check for Dev Rev 1997 1998 Copy Misc. Letters in regard to Route 96 1984 1998 Copy Misc. Correspondence- regarding Mayers School 1986 4987 1998 Copy Misc. Correspondence regarding Odd Fellows 1986 4987 1998 Copy 1259 'rrumansburg Rd . Misc. Correspondence 1994 1998 Copy Misc. Letters Cayuga Cliffs 1992 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1992 1998 Copy Misc. Corresp. Re: Fisk S/D 1991 - 1992 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1991 1998 Trumansburg Rd. Boces, Misc. Correspondence 1986 1998 Copies Hospital , Misc. Corresp. & Memos Lake Shore West 1984 1998 Copy Environmental Assessment Form Lake Shore West 1984 1998 Copies Coresp. , transmittals, memos 1985- 1986 1998 Copies Letters regarding STAR helicopter NO DATE 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1985 1998 Letters & memos re : Old Power Plant 1991 1998 Copies Biggs Building. Letters & Memos, transmittal 1986- 1990 1998 copies sign application and permit 1987 1998 Affidavit of service by mail 1985 1998 CopyComm . Living Phamplet re : developmentally disabled 1983 1998 transmittal form 1987 1998 - G RECORDS DISPOSITION LISTING copies ZBA appeals 1987 1998 Professional Bldg. Copies Misc. Letters & Memos 1997 1998 Copies Checks for dev rev. 1997 1998 Copies Indian Creek Retirement Communitytransmittals, letters 1989 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1989 1998 Biggs Complex Copies letter regarding Biggs Complex 1985 - 1987 1998 Original letter regarding Biggs Complex 1986 1998 copy 1283 T-Burg Rd. Copy letter regarding elderly nutrition 1986 1998 copies letters regarding hospital right of way No Date 1998 Misc. copies of letters, transmittals, memos regarding old hospital 1985 1998 misc , originals letters regarding old hospital 1985 1998 T.C . Daycare Misc. copies letters 1985 1998 original Affidavit of service by Mail 1985 Misc . copies Letters regarding Kyong Development 1985 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1985 1998 Original letter from Bob Leathers 1985 1998 Tompkins Co . Professional Building copies letters 1991 1998 Affidavit of service by Mail 1991 1998 Sign Review Indian Creek Antiques misc . original letter 1988 1998 Indian Creek copy of memo 1989 1998 Copies Classen Home Letters 1995 1998 Copies of receipt for Dev Rev 1995 1998 Original transmittal letter 1995 1998 Copies of letters regarding Tilitz S/D 1995 1998 Original letter regarding Westfield S/D 1995 1998 Copies of letters regarding Willet S/D 1995 1998 Copy Access to Willet parcel 1994 1998 Ithaca Child Care Center copies letter 1987- 1988 1998 7 original transmittal Hertel S/D original letters, transmittal 1985 4986 1998 copies letters regarding Hertel S/D 1985 4986 1998 copies correspondence Fairway Drive 1986 4989 1998 original transmittals 1985 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail 1991 1998 Fogelsanger S/D copies of correspondence 1991 - 1993 1998 copy of letter from Frank Liquori re 506 Warren Rd . 1988 1998 copies correspondence regarding Axtell property 1990 1998 Affidavit of service by Mail 1990 1998 copies of letters regarding 122 W. Have Rd. 1990- 1992 1998 Rocco Lucente Dev. Copies correspondence Sapsucker woods Rd. 1968- 1982 1998 Original correspondence regarding Sapsucker Woods project 1974 1998 Copies 01' correspondence regarding Winners Circcl S/D 1989 1998 original letter in regards of Drake S/D 1986 1998 copies of correspondence Drake S/D 1988 1998 1 cubic ft CF07C Westwood Hill II original conservation logs 1995 1998 copies of letters regarding Westwood Hill 1995 1998 Originals Affidavit of Service by Mail 19864988 1998 Original Phone Conversation logs regarding Westwood 1987 4995 1998 Copies letters regarding Westwood Hills S/D 1986 4994 1998 Copies correspondence regarding Nusbaum S/D 1978 1998 Affidavit of Service by mail 1980 1998 copies of correspondence regarding Marion S/D 1978 4980 1998 originals letters regarding Marion S/d 1980 1998 Originals Affidavit service by Mail 1986 1998 original correspondence re: Edgewood S/d 1986 1998 . original transmittals regarding Edgewood S/D 1986 1998 copies transmittals re: Baker S/D 1991 1998 8 original letters regarding Winners Circle S/D 1988 4989 1998 Copies correspondence regarding Winners Circle 1988 4989 1998 Affidavit of service by Mail 1988 4989 1998 Chaffee S/D original correspondence 1984 1998 Affidavit of service by Mail 1984 1998 Copies receipts, correspondence Re: Foote S/D 1994 1998 Original Memo, conservation logs, letters 19904994 1998 Copy of Letters regarding Foote S/D 1979 1998 Original transmittal 1979 1998 Original correspondence regarding Commonland 1983 1998 Copies correspondence regarding Commonland 1987 1998 Weisburd S/D Memo, Letters _ 1982 1998 Original Letter Re: Commonland 1982 1998 Copies Letters 1982 1998 Copies letters re: water supply approval 1982 1998 Copies Memos Larry Fabrom 1982 1998 Copies of memos, letters 1982 1998 Original memos Re Commonland 1982 1998 original transmittals, memos Commonland 1982- 1983 1998 Copies Letters, memos Commonland 1983 1998 Affidavit of service by Mail 1985 1998 Commonland copies of Release from Lien of Escrow Agreement 1983 4985 1998 Original correspondence regarding Commonland 1987 1998 copies correspondence regarding commonland 1987 1998 Eastern Heights original correspondence 1969 4978 1998 Eastern Heights copies letters 1969- 1978 1998 118 Snyder Hill Affidavit of Service by mail 1991 1998 Dr. Lowe S/D Memo 1992 1998 copy Petition in regaurd of 1018 Danby Rd. 1987 1998 881483Taughannock Blvd P&P, Affidavidt of Service by Mail 1991 1998 Texas Lane, original transmittel, affidavit of service by Mail 1979 1998 9 original bus route for NET copy memos re: subdivision 1979 1998 Original P&P, affidavit of service by Mail 1992 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail, P&P 1988 1998 Original Orchard Hill Rd. transmittel 1980 1998 OriginalCayuga Lake Estates transmittels 1990 1998 CF07-B Park Lane Extension Affidavit of Service by Mail, transmittels 1986- 1988 1998 Quick Subdivision Original transmittels 1995 1998 Park Lane Ext. Original Letter, copies transmittels 1995 1998 Frandsen Dev. orginal transmittel 1993 1998 Pennsyvania Ave S/D P& P orginal & Affidavit of service by Mail 1985 1998 Original transmittels regarding Pleasant Grove Apts 1996 1998 copy of memo from Maceras to P . B . 1990 1998 original memos, transmittels re : Franciamore 1976 4986 1998 Original P& P, Affidavit of service by Mail 1986 1998 Original Transmittels memo regarding Zelaway Sawyer Ridgeway S/D 1986 1998 Original memo re : beeler-Anderson from GF 1997 1998 Original Transmittel re: 1207 Hanshaw Rd. 1996 1998 original memo Lickbrook from Gf 1997 1998 original transmittel re St. Catherine Church of Siena 1995 1998 Salem Drive original Affidavit of Posting and Pub. 1983 1998 copy of memos concerning Lucente Sapsuckerwoods apts. 1992 1998 original transmittels 1992 1998 Mile Dr. Tax Parcel # 33 -34 .2 copys memo 1992 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail, P&P, copies 1991 1998 original letter Finger Lakes Tractor 1987 1998 Paul Jacobs original transmittel regarding Park 1985 1998 copys of letters regarding Park 1986-88 1998 Original of misc. correspondence regarding Higway dept. 1979 1998 P&P, SMaff 1991 1998 Southwoods letters of transmittels 1988-89 1998 copies correspondence Re: Southwoods 198849 1998 10 - Original Motessori conversation log 1995 1998 Copies. receipt & Check regarding Montessori Site Plan_ 1994 1998 SpringWood P & P, Affidavit of ser. by Mail 1987 1998 Original Transmittels Re : SpringWood II 1988 1998 Copy of Site Plan Map 1987 1998 E. King Rd Monkemeyer Misc. Correspondence copies 1971 -78 1998 P & P, Affidavit of service by Mail 1982, 1986 1998 copy Agenda 1980 1998 Affidavit of Posting & Publication 1980 1998 Copies of letters regarding WTKO Towers 1970 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail, P & P 1990 1998 Copy of Letters regarding Max Drive 1990 1998 Copies letters regarding Ceracche Property 1990 1998 Copies of Survey Map 1380 Mecklenburg Rd. . 1997 1998 Construction Management Phamplet 1990 1991 Original Transmiltels Lakeside Development 1988-89 1998 Copys letters regarding Lakeside Development 1988-90 1998 Affidavit of Service by Mail , P & P 1992 1998 11 Outdated Records Disposition List Records to be Disposed of February 1999 Location: Human Resources Department Record Disp. Total Record Description Date Date Quantity Car Fringe Letters 11 /92 11 /98 Planning/Zoning Board Personnel Records pre-1992 12/92 12/98 Personnel Correspondence (misc. ) ' 82 '92 12198 Vacation Carryover `91 12/98 Bids/Insurance Renewal 191 12/98 Insurance Renewal - 1992 Policy yr. 12/92 12/98 FICA/Medicare Deductions Wksheets Bolton Point (vouchers) 12/93 12/98 NYS monthly Retirement Reports 12193 1 /99 NYS DOL Unemployment Ins, Billing 12/92 1 /99 Keyboard Specialist 2/96 2/99 PHP Health Ins. Bills (copies) 1997' 2/99 BC/BS Health Ins Bills (copies) 1997* 2/99 Retiree Health Ins. Worksheet 1997* 2/99 *1 yr. Disp. 5 cu. ft. 7/16M Agenda Item No. 24(a) 1999 TAX COLLECTION RECEIVER OF TAXES January 1999 - Monthly Report 1999 Tax Warrant - Town of Ithaca Total Town Warrant (Levy) : $3,816 ,978.51 General Fund Levy - $ 904, 636 . 00 Water Fund Levy - $ 392 , 874 . 10 Sewer Fund Levy - $ 513 , 964. 75 Fire District Levy - $ 19918 , 800 . 00 Lighting Districts Levy - $ 16 , 200 . 00 Delinquent Charges - $ 70 , 603. 66 1 / 14/99 Payment: Town of Ithaca Supervisor - $ 7509000 . 00 (Tax Bill Receipts : . 1 /1 - 1 /13) 1 /21 /99 Payment: Town of Ithaca Supervisor - $ 8001000 . 00 (Tax Bill Receipts : 1 /13- 1 /21 ) 1 /26/99 Payment: Town of Ithaca Supervisor - $ 600 , 000 . 00 (Tax Bill Receipts : 1 /21 - 1 /25) 1 /28/99 Payment: Town of Ithaca Supervisor - $ 1 , 000 , 000 . 00 (Tax Bill Receipts : 1125 - 1 /28) 1 /29/99 Payment: Town of Ithaca Supervisor - $ 666 , 978 . 50 (Tax Bill Receipts : 1 /27 - 1 /28) = TOTAL WARRANT BALANCE DUE : $ -0- 12/31 /98 Balance Receiver Checking Account - $34 . 10 ( Interest 6/98A2/98) Total No . of Tax Bills on Warrant: 5 , 182 Total Tax Bills Processed as of 2/2/99 : 4 , 970 1999 In Lieu of Taxes Due : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $ 1 , 389 . 27 Ithaca Elm-Maple Houses , Inc. $ 2 , 910 . 73 TOTAL IN LIEU OF TAXES ESTIMATED TO BE RECEIVED : $ 4 , 300 . 00 " In Lieu of Tax Elm-Maple Houses , Inc. , is unknown until received in April/May. Payment based upon gross basic rents , calculated by HUD . Total Tompkins County Warrant: $ 4, 123935815 ATTACHMENT # 11 01 / 29 / 1999 15 : 52 : 27 TOWN OF ITHACA TAX COLLECTION TRIAL BALANCE 01 / 29 / 1999 ORIGINAL WARRANT $ 7 , 940 , 286 . 26 ADJUSTMENTS 50 . 99 ADJUSTED WARRANT 7 , 940 , 337 . 25 1ST INSTALLMENTS 298 , 534 . 34 SVC CHARGES 14 , 926 . 78 FULL PAYMENTS 51129 , 144 . 92 PENALTIES 0 . 00 2ND NOTICE FEES 0000 TOTAL COLLECTIONS $ 51442 , 606904 TOTAL OUTSTANDING $ 21214 , 125 . 09 V 'TOWN Cl_. JC LZ .K ' S MON '1.' I-11-. 3C LZL•' 1� 01L'l.' TOWN OF i1'1lACA , NEW YORK JANUARY , 1999 TO 'r11E SUPERVISOR : PAGE 1 Pursuant to Section I7 , Subd I of the Town Law , 1 hereby make the rollowing statement of all revs and moneys received by me in connection with my office daring the month stated above , excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law: 1998 SPORTING LICENSE' S 1999 SPORTING LICENSES 1000 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES NO . 99001 1'0 99001 8 . 75 AGRICULTURE REPORT COPY AERIAL PHOTOS MISC . COPIES 11 . 20 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW MARRIAGE orRANSCR 1 P'T 1 NOISE ORDINANCE 1100 RETURNED CHECK — CLERK RETURNED CHECK—TAXES RETURNED CIIECK— W&S OPEN SPACE REPORT POSTAGE SIGN ORDINANCE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 10 TAX SEARCH 50 . 00 WATER & SEWER SEARCH 2 ZONING ORDINANCE 17 . 00 A1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES 88 . 95 A1555 69 DOG ENUMERATION @ $ 1 . 00 69 . 00 A1556 SPCA CONTRACT 343 . 20 A1557 . I SPCA IMPOUND FEES 100 . 00 A2530 GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSES . BINGO LICENSES BINGO FEES 39 . 90 A2540 TOTAL A2540 39690 A2544 69 DOG LICENSES @ $ 2 . 00 138 . 00 Paid to Supervisor for General Fund 779 . 05 Paid to NYS DEC for 1999 Sporting Licenses 13 . 00 Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 117 . 30 Paid to Ag & Markets for Dog Licenses 30 . 00 Paid to NYS Health Department for Marriage Licenses 11 . 25 Paid to State Comptroller for Games of Chance Licenses Paid to State Comptroller for Bingo Licenses Total Disbursements 950 . 60 FEBRUARY 1 , 1999 C�Lkcte 14 .( 0,VJtZ ,ar , SUPERVISOR STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF TOMPKINS , TOWN OF ITHACA JOAN LENT NOTEBOOK , being duly sworn , says that she is the Clerk of the TOWN OF ITBACA that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Koaeys received by her during 'the month above stated , excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law .nn Subscribed and sworn to before me this n,oy pMary, J. S of New York Town Cleat m ~` !egistration d01SA5044003 day of -. 0.6rLtarr, 19 )uallfledIn Tinge Com •mnisslon Expires � . Agenda Item 24b HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT`S MONTHLY REPORT, JANUARY 1999 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, FEBRUARY, 1999 Highway Work for the Month During January we saw a " flurry" of snow removal from roads. We spent 1,536.75 hours of time on snow removal . This includes 699.75 hours of over time. We used approximately 800 tons of salt. The annual Christmas Tree pick up was conducted this month. Along with other tree and brush removals, this took 230 .5 hours of time . The Highway/ Parks Department' s crews worked 455 hours of time on General Repairs. These projects include: building an addition to the salt storage shed for storage of small equipment that does not need to be in heated space, patching roads, training, hauling material, etc . Vehicle and equipment maintenance took 165 hours of time . Parks and Trail Work for the Month Routine maintenance took . 60 hours of time. This includes park inspections and maintenance, wood shop work, and training. The bulk of the Parks and Trail work of the month was in snow removal. We spent 164 hours of time clearing snow from trails and park parking lots. One winter projects is to work on wood shop projects. This month we worked on building nesting boxes for blue birds. This took 24 hours of time. Water and Sewer Work for the Month There where at least 13 water breaks that the crew repaired during January. Most of . 1 . 1 1 . l Tr _ . � l . ] 7 [ it r 1. T .own Dry .l . ._ Li Luse urealks were ill 'Lhe IN'o LhedJl area, anLL Lllree Ul LlheSe V�' ele lin L1lC' own Uf UCII. We spent 400 hours on repairs to water breaks, with 178 of those hours as over time. There were two sewer blockages that the crews had to attend to. This, . along with other valve and confined space entry work, took 146.5 hours of time. Of that time, 34 hours were over time hours. ATTACHMENT # 12 Agenda Item 24b February Projects 1 . Snow removal, as needed . 2. Hauling material . 3 . Addition to salt storage shed . 4. Regular maintenance . 5 . Wood shop projects . 6 . Project planning. f i E I i i Agenda 2 4L Town Engineer's Report for 2/8/98 Town Board Meeting GENERAL Craig Ballard was hired to fill the vacant Engineering Technician position, and he started work on January 25, 1999. Craig was most recently a distribution operator at Bolton Point and has a 1VICET certification. He also has considerable experience in general construction and utility construction inspection and is a welcome addition to the Engineering staff. The Town Engineer has been working with the 11ighway Superintendent and staff to develop a 4 restructuring of the Highway/Parks working staff to improve delivery of high quality public works projects. This plan will be discussed at the Board meeting. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sterling House and Cottage, Tnunansburg Road gat Bundy Road The Contractor has not worked on the site for the past several weeks due to a winter shutdown. The Town Engineer monitored the site during the recent thaw and rain event and the stormwater management system was working well. EARTH FILL PERNMS No earth fill permits were issued during January. { i . WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the Integrated Water Supply Committee consisting of fr representatives of the City, the S . C.L.I.W.C. and Cornell University Utilities. The O'Brien and Gere Engineers Comprehensive Water System Evaluation report, issued in October 1997 has provided a recommendation on.phow the three separate water systems could be connected and operated as one system and how this maybe a way to reduce water supply costs for our customers. The Committee has been meeting frequently and during January will be meet twice to develop a draft agreement for implementation g of an integrated system. Engineering staff of the three systems met several times to discuss the technical aspects including development of a capital improvement plan and operating plan. These meetings will result in an implementation schedule and budget that will be incorporated into the anticipated Agreement for Municipal Cooperation that will join the water production and transmission capabilities of the region. L s The Town Engineer' s staff has completed the engineering report covering the inspection and e recommendations for replacement of the Warren Road water main. This is an old cast iron water main with a history of frequent breaks. The existing main is also along the edge of.pavement in the existing shoulder of Warren Road, and will be under the pavement for the rehabilitated roadway in many locations. The replacement proposal is to replace the watermain completely and relocate it to the west side of the Right of Way outside the pavement and shoulder. This work would be coordinated with the County plans to reconstruct Warren Road in 1999 . 1 1 I 1 TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 2/8/99 PAGE 2 SEWER PROJECTS The Town Engineer' s staff has completed the engineering report covering the inspection and recommendations for replacement of the Warren Road sewer main. A video inspection has been completed, and confirms that the sewermain has numerous joints with root intrusion and other defects. Based on this information the Town Engineer is preparing a proposal and recommendation to replace and/or reline the sewer main. This work would take advantage of the County plans to reconstruct Warren Road in 1999 . Staff has been working to improve our sewer maintenance maps and data base by inputting information from the current paper record drawings into Arc View electronic files. The three members of the SJS are currently reviewing a proposal for utilizing excess capacity in the IAWWTF to accept sewage flows diverted from the Village of Cayuga Heights wastewater treatment plant. This would relieve the conditions at the VCH plant and allow additional sewage flows from the Village and Town of Lansing to be treated. A joint application for funding from the Environmental Bond Act was submitted by the SJS, Village of Cayuga Heights, the Village of Lansing and the Town of Lansing, proposing an intermunicipal solution to improving the VCH plant, the IAWWTF and various collection systems. Phosphorus reduction in the discharges from the two Waste Water Treatment Plants was a major component of the proposal. The Lake Street sewer main is being evaluated for capacity as a town collector and also as a potential transmission main for sewage flows from Cayuga Heights and the Northeast Ithaca Area. Construction of the Lake Source Cooling pipelines to Cornell along Lake Street may provide an opportunity to improve portions of the sewer main at a significant cost savings, if done in conjunction with the LSC project. The Town Engineer' s staff is developing a plan to take advantage of this. STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation is continuing. The Town Engineer has reviewed the draft proposal for the Water Resources Ordinance and has meet with the. Water Resources Ordinance Committee to provide technical assistance. TOWNHALL The Town Hall final design is now back on track after finalization of the purchase of the Tioga Street Building. The Architect has been given comments on the preliminary design and is developing a final design and contract document schedule that will allow us to move ahead with construction as soon as the Post Office has completed their work. A design development report is being completed by the Architects and will be presented arthe February 8 Town Board Meeting. G I R PT SE N G R I E R P T 9 9 0 2 R E P Agenda Item # 24(d) a?} P- Planning_Director's Report for February 8 1999 Town Board Meeting F-- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board. January 5, 1999 Meeting: (Cancelled due to lack of agenda items) January 19, 1999 Meeting: Cornell University Wilson Lab/Synchrotron Addition, Dryden Road: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the 000 s proposed construction of a one-story, +/ - 4, square foot addition to the Wilson a Laboratory/ Synchrotron facility at Cornell University, located off NYS Route ' 366 / Dryden Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 634-8.2, Residence District R-30 . Cornell University, Owner / Applicant; Jeremy Moore, Agent. rf PRI Museum of the Earth - Lead Agency Status, 1259 Trumansburg Road: In response to a request from the N.Y.S. Dormitory Authority to assume lead agency status for the environmental review of funding for the proposed Museum of the Earth proposal at the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI), the Planning Board instead proposed that the Board should be lead agency and that the environmental review ; Town of Ithaca Planning g cy should be initiated when plans of sufficient detail are available to begin the site plan review and approval process. The Dormitory Authority and PRI have concurred with this approach, and the Dormitory Authority has withdrawn its request to be lead agency. Nomination and Election of Vice Chairperson: The Planning Board nominated and elected Eva Hoffmann to continue as Vice Chairperson for 1999. ` February 2 1999 Meeting: Cornell Universi ty Golf Course Pump House, Warren Road and Bluegrass Lane: The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan . Approval and issued an affirmative recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed construction of a 20 X 20 foot + / - enclosed structure, with a gable height of 12 + / - feet, to house a potable water pump station on the Cornell University Robert Trent Jones Golf Course, located off of Warren Road and Bluegrass : Lane on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 684-9, R-30 Residence District. Cornell University, Owner/ Applicant, D. Randall Lacey, University Engineer, Agent. t. } ATTACHMENT # 14 t f i. EcoVillage SLUR Amendment and Future Development, Mecklenburg Road at Rachel Carson Way: The Planning Board considered a referral from the Town Board regarding a possible Special Land Use District (SLUD) amendment to be applied to the overall EcoVillage property, and a follow-up sketch plan discussion for the proposed Second Neighborhood Group development, located off of Mecklenburg Road at Rachel Carson Way (a private drive), on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No's. 2&1-26.2 and 2&1 -26.8, is consisting of a total of 174.29 +/- acres. EcoVillage at Ithaca, Owner/ .applicant; Rod Lambert, Agent. Planning Department Annual Report for 1998: The Director of Planning presented the Planning Department's Annual Report for 1998 to the Planning Board . } CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS ; P t The following are accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past F. E month. SEOR Reviews for Zoning Boards Two additional SEQR reviews for the Zoning Board were done since the January report, including (1 ) the Cornell University Wilson Lab / Synchrotron Addition and (2) the Cornell University Golf Course Pump House, both described above as January 19th and February 2nd Planning Board agenda items. Codes and Ordinances Committee: The Codes and Ordinances Committee met on January 20, 1999, and discussed the following: (1 ) the Committee' s work plan for 1999, including a timetable for completion of the comprehensive zoning revisions (with adoption estimated at the end of 1999); (2) process for revising the zoning map; and (3) review of the revised draft section on non-conforming uses. e The next meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Committee is scheduled for February 17, 1999, Proposed agenda items include review of the most recent draft of the revised k. zoning chapter regarding special regulations (and also review of the section on general ;. provisions, if ready); continuation of discussion regarding possible revisions to the '- zoning map; and a status report by the Water Resources Ordinance Committee. Northeast Subarea Transportation Study (NESTS) : The Client Committee met on January 8, 1999, and the Working Group met on January 21 , 1999. Significant progress has been made in the consultant's modelling efforts and the Working Group' s evaluation of alternative solutions and preliminary recommendations . The Director of e Planning has been involved in meetings of a sub-committee looking at neighborhood livability, which has become a primary concern of the study. That subcommittee has prepared a draft report with recommendations to improve livability through such means as traffic calming, land use planning options, transit accessibility, etc. The 2 E. r Director of Planning is also involved in a subcommittee reviewing proposed consultant contract extensions to accommodate the extended timeframe of the study. The next meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for February 11 , 1 999 . A final public meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday evening, February 25, 1999, (time to be determined) at the DeWitt Middle School. The next Client Committee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for February 5, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. . Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) : The Director of Planning attended the January 7,, 1999 meeting of the LWRP Planning Committee, which primarily dealt with organization of the planned focus group meetings intended to get early public input on important issues for the waterfront. The Director of Planning attended two focus group sessions on January 27, 1999: one on environmental issues; the other on recreation and historic preservation issues. East shore and west shore focus groups were also held on January 28, 1999 (but not attended by the Director of Planning) . The next meeting of the LWRP Planning Committee is scheduled for February 4, 1999 . Planning Intern: Resumes were reviewed and several interviews were held with prospective candidates for the Planning Intern position. Eva Chiamulera, a graduate of Cornell's Landscape Architecture program and currently enrolled in Cornell' s Historic Preservation program, was selected and hired for the Intern position . Eva has excellent skills in project design, AutoCAD and GIS, and will provide assistance primarily with park and trail designs, working closely with. the Engineering and Highway Departments. It is also hoped that she can assist with compiling information from the historic resources survey, done in the fall of 1997 and 1998. New Town Hall Plans: HOLT & C and Thomas . Associates met with representatives of the Town to discuss coordination of the Town and Post Office portions of the Town Hall project. Planning staff will be coordinating the City and State reviews relating to the historic significance of the Post Office building (listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places) . Based on the estimated timeframe of the architects, plans are tentatively scheduled to go to the City Landmarks Preservation Commission at their March 2nd meeting and to the City Planning and Development Board at their March 16th and March 23rd meetings. It is anticipated that plans will be sent to the State Historic Preservation Office within that same time period. Trinity Lutheran Church Bikeway: Planning staff has prepared preliminary plans for a proposed bicycle / pedestrian path through the Trinity Lutheran Church .property linking Honness Lane with Westview Lane (providing better connectivity to Grandview Park) . It is hoped that the Town can coordinate construction of the path with the Church's construction of their new parking lot (which is adjacent to the path) in Spring 1999. Plans were presented to the Public Works Committee at their January 26th meeting, and will be revised by Engineering and Planning staff. Cost estimates 3 • n Will follow. It is hoped that neighborhood meetings can be initiated in early 1999, followed by the preparation of detailed plans. Annual Rej2ort for 1998: The Planning Department' s Annual Report for 19.98 was completed and accepted at the January 25, 1999 special Town Board meeting. 1999 Priority Work Plan: The Planning Department's Work Plan for 1999 was drafted and presented to the Town Board at the January 25th meeting. Filename: 17p1an\townbd\tpre0299.mem 4 Agenda #24e. TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1999 g YEAR TO DATE fa TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT H SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1999 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 -0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1999 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1998 . 3 215,000 3 215,000 is W: 1999 0 0 0 0 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 Repair fire damage 299000 1 29,000 w. 1 . RENOVATIONS 1998 0 0 0 0 t 1999 0 ' 0 0 0 ? CONVERSIONS OF USE 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 C' bj ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 Modify multiple dwelling 19500 1 17500 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1998 0 0 0 0 1999 1 CMC fixed base MRI unit 518,804 1 518,804 BUSINESS 1998 0 0 0 0 F e' > 1999 0 0 0 0 ' AGRICULTURAL 1998 0 0 0 0 w� 1999 0 0 0 0 R t : r INDUSTRIAL 1998 0 0 0 0 ::: 1999 0 0 0 0 EDUCATIONAL 11998 0 0 0 0 } MISCELLANEOUS 1999 0 0 0 0 CONSTRUCTION 11998 4 339700 4 33,700 s TOTAL NUMBER OF 1999 3 5499304 3 549,304 z' s - PERMITS ISSUID 1998 7 248,70Q 7 248,700 '" TOTAL FEES 1999 3 895 3 895 {- RECEIVED 1998 7 485 7 485 � K Dated Prepared: February 4, 1999 r:< ii Dani L. Holford Buildingaoning Department Secretary ATTACHMENT # 15 2 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 11 1 . 113 Pine View Terrace - 13' 5" x 12' 9" sunroom addition- 2. 322 Blackstone Avenue - existing two family dwelling. 3. 106 Seven Mile Drive - 40' x 96' storage building. 4. 22 Saunders Road - new 28' x 42' modular home with 20' x 20' attached garage. 5. 1027 Elmira Road - propane storage tanks. 6. 131 Pine Tree Road - 16' x 14' study addition. 7. 805 Coddington Road - 24' x 32' garage with an 8' x 12' connection to the house. 8. # 1 Bella Vista Drive - residential care facility - temporary. 9. 172 Ridgecrest Road - interior building renovations. l0. 26 Chase Lane - 522 square foot addition and remodel for bedroom and studio. 11 . Dauby Road (IC) - replacement of a greenhouse. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 11 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 11 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 3 1 . 983 East Shore Drive - building code - no violation found. 2. 1028 Ellis Hollow Road - building code - pending. 3. 116 Woolf Lane - building code - pending. From December 1998: 1 . 18 Lisa Lane - building code - pending. 2. 1020 Danby Road - building code - pending. From November 1998: 1 . 244 Bundy Road - building code - pending. From October 1998: 1 , 123 Honness Lane - occupancy - abated. 2. 210 Sapsucker Woods Road - building code - pending. From Maj.1.9 98: 1 . 339 Stone Quarry Road - building code & unsafe vacant building - pending. _ 2. 155 West Haven Road - building code - pending. 3. 220 Haller Boulevard - building code - pending. From April 1998: 1 . (Therm) 703 Hudson Street Extension - noise - pending anticipated 1/99 resolution. From March 1998: 1. 124 Haller Boulevard - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment occupied by family member) From February 1998: 1. 803 Coddington Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) 2. 611 Elmira Road - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) 3 From January 1998: 1 . 110 Winston Drive - building code (illegal apartment) - pending. (building vacant) From October 1997: t 7 Trurnausburg Road -building code and zoning violation (illegal apartment) - pending. (apartment vacant) ber 197 Woolf Lane - building code - pending i From May 1995 : i 1. 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994: 1 . 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/19/96 -. variance granted - fire alarm installed - exterior stairway pending. (1/30 199 completion) i TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 3 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED;YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 5 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) Uniform Building Code - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) Local Law and Zoning Inspections - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) J Fire Safety - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) Fire Safety Reinspections - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) EI TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - (TO BE DETERMINED IN FEBRUARY) TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1"8---93 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1999 - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1998 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1 MEETING, 1 CASE, AGENDA ATTACHED i y x s 1 i TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 13. 1999 7 :00 P.M. By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, January 13 , 1999, in Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N.Y., COMMENCING AT 7 :00 P .M.. on the following matters: APPEAL of Ithaca College, Appellant, Mark Darling, Agent, requesting a variance from the requirements of Town of Ithaca Local Law #7, 1988 - "Requiring Sprinkler Systems to be Installed in Buildings," to be allowed to construct a 6,000 + square foot pole, barn building without a sprinkler system, on the Ithaca College Campus,. approximately 750 feet southeast of the intersection of Coddington Road and Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No , 41 - 1 - 11 , Residence District R45 . Said building is to be used for new compost facility. Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 :00 p.m., and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto . Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S . Frost . Director of Building and Zoning 273- 1783 Dated: January 6, 1999 Published: January 8, 1999 Town Board Meeting 218199 Agenda Item No., 24 ( f ) Human Resources Specialist Report for January 1999 DISABILITY INSURANCE : Disability insurance has been provided by Continental Assurance Company (CNA) - through the Boothroyd Agency ( Reidman Insurance ) since February 1986 . In 1995 the rates where increased from $9 .28 per employee per month to $ 12 . 06 ' per employee per month due to high claims . As part of the initial commercial insurance request for proposals one of the insurance agents , Becker-Wells Insurance , asked to also submit a proposal for disability insurance . From that interest I contacted Ithaca Agency and Robert Boothroyd to ask for proposals so that we would have at least three to consider. Becker - Wells' proposal came in at $8 .46 , Ithaca Agency at $4 . 85 and CNA reduced their rates to $ 5 . 00 per employee per month . After discussing the rates with Charlie Gibson , lthaca' Agency, it was decided to continue with CNA through Robert Boothroyd , at the $5 rate . Charlie and I felt that the fifteen cent difference per person per month was not enough of a substantial savings to go through the process of switching companies . The disability insurance. will be reviewed on the same schedule as the commercial insurance , every three years . The main reason for CNA reducing the rates so drastically is. due to low claims :. for the past three years . In 1998 the Town paid CNA $ 10 , 082 . 16 ($2 , 068 .08 through employee contribution ) and CNA paid out in claims to the employees $2 , 312 . 00 . This results in a profit for CNA, in an amount of $7 , 770 . 16 . The $7 . 06 rate reduction is an estimated savings of $5 , 932 for 1999 . COMMERCIAL INSURANCE : Dan and I met with Charlie Gibson , and Ev Griffith , Technical Service Manager, from Ithaca Agency to address the property values listed on the insurance . Dan and I will be meeting with Charlie and Ev in February to discuss what Ev has calculated the property values to be . Fred and I also met with Charlie Gibson to review what items should be listed on the Inland Marine . policy. The Property Coverage includes coverage on items that would not need to be listed under the Inland Marine policy that we have previously had to list. Damage to the dump trucks would now be covered under the Automobile policy instead of the Inland Marine policy. This change would mean that we are not paying for the value of the trucks twice . ATTACHMENT 416 I have also asked Charlie to provide a quote on possible changes to the Public Officials Faithful Performance Bond policy. Presently Cathy, Joan and Al are insured for $ 1 , 000 , 000 . It was discussed that this amount may be too low since the 1999 budget is over $ 10 ,000 , 000 . The other change discussed is that the Deputy Town Supervisor should also be included since that person has the same check writing capabilities that the Town Supervisor has . In January 1999 there have been 4 vehicle accidents reported . 1 / 13/99 : Damage to a tow truck that was behind one of our Mack truck's during snow plowing , no damage to our vehicle . 1 / 14/99 : A car slid into one of our truck's during snow plowing and left the scene , no damage to our vehicle , no claim made to date by the car owner. 1 / 15/99 : During plowing , the wing of our 1997 Ford truck #4 , hit black top and the wing snapped off and hit the box and cab of the truck. This incident created extensive damage to the truck. It has been determined that this accident was not due to unsafe driving practices , but to poor road and weather conditions . 1 /15/99 : During plowing , snow or ice hit a parked car causing damage to the rear passenger quarter panel . PERSONNEL MATTERS . On January 15 , 1999 , there was a bad snow storm and Supervisor Valentino closed Town Hall . However, we did go ahead and hold Mike Ocello' s retirement party that night at the Lehigh Valley House . January 25 , 1999 , Craig Ballard started as the Water and Sewer Engineering Technician I . Chuck White has transferred his work to Town Hall as the Civil Engineer. W-2 's and 1099 ' s were processed and mailed by January 26 , .1999 . The Payroll Certification for January through June 1999 has been signed and sent to the Tompkins County Civil Service / Personnel Office for approval by the Commissioner of Personnel . Joy and I spent time as needed helping the Town Clerks office collect and post tax bills . TOWN OF ITHACA REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1999 FUND DESCRIPTION GENERAL GENERAL HIGHWAY WATER SEWER PART-TOWN REVENUE BUDGET $ 183381770 $ 6731963 $ 103291100 $ 1 , 853,574 . $ 1 , 767, 481 ACTUAL 913, 129 91325 9,879 3981805 600,679 OVER (UNDER) $ _ (425,641 ) $ (664, 638) $ (1 ,319, 221 ) $ (114541769) $ (111663802) % EARNED 68. 2% 1 . 4% 0.7% 21 . 5% 3410% % UNEARNED 3148% 98.6% 99.3% 78.5% 66. 0% y EXPENSE H a • • BUDGET $ 1155080390 $ 7845981 $ 114331750 $ 119471526 $ 1 ,846, 155 ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE 761108 109, 469 253, 215 93, 243 54,907 y OVER (UNDER) $ .Ll'j4731931 ) $ (675, 512) $ (111806535) $ (1 , 854, 283) $ (1 ,791 , 248) % EXPENDED 4. 9% 13. 9% 17.70%o 4.8% 3.0% v % UNEXPENDED 95. 1 % 86. 1 % 82.3% 95.2% 97.0% ESTIMATED UNRESERVED FUND BAL BEGINNING BAL@ 1 /1 /99 $ 8708005 $ 257, 778 $ 438,247 $ 653, 146 $ 1 , 370,032 ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE 913, 129 91325 90879 398, 805 6008679 LESS: EXPENSES 76, 108 861564 758107 78,243 54,907 ENCUMBRANCES 4,763 221905 - 151000 156000 CURRENT FUND BAL ADJ - - - - ENDING BAL @1 /31 /99 $ 11702, 263 $ 157,634 $ 373,020 $ 958, 707 $ 1 ,900,804 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND @1 /31 /99 $ 121581096 $ 381162 $ 165, 606 $ 938,061 $ 11532, 447 IIJVESTMENTS @1 /31 /99 $ 647}000 $ 100 000 $ - $ $ 272 000 n•,,.� 1 ..F � TOWN OF ITHACA REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31 , 1999 _ FUND _ DESCRIPTION RISK FIRE LIGHTING DEBT TRUST & PLANIREVIEW RETENTION PROTECTION DISTRICTS SERVICE AGENCY APPLICATIONS REVENUE BUDGET $ 158200 $ 119424427 $ 16,204 $ 911 , 958 $ - $ - ACTUAL 14,041 1 ,925, 210 16, 202 1031522 - - OVER (UNDER) $ (1 , 159) $ (17, 217) $ (2) $ (8081436) $ - $ - % EARNED 92. 4% 99. 1 % 100. 0% 11 . 4% 0. 0% 0. 0% % UNEARNED 0. 0% 0.0% 0. 0% 0.0% 0. 0% 0.0% EXPENSE BUDGET $ 261000 , $ 1 ,944, 200 $ 168200 $ 9138915 $ - $ - ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE - - 21288 1031516 - OVER (UNDER) $ {261000) - $ (119441200) $ (13, 912) $ (810, 399) $ - $ - % EXPENDED 0. 0% 0.0% 14. 1 % 11 .3% 0. 0% 0. 0% % UNEXPENDED 100, 00% 100. 0% 85. 9% 88.7% 0.0% 0. 0% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING BAL01 /1 //99 $ 440094 $ 12,077 $ 554 $ 71536 $ = $ - ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE_ 14,041 11925, 210 161202 1031522 - LESS: EXPENSES - - 2,288 1031516 - ENCUMBRANCES ENDING BAL 01 /31 /99 $ 582135 $ 119371287 $ 141468 $ 7, 542 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND 01 /31 /99 $ 188135 $ 169, 114 $ 16, 756 $ 42 $ 291 $ 6,334 INVEST �9 $ 40 000 $ _ 117000 $ - $ 7,500 $ �� TOWN OF ITHACA REVENUE and EXPENSE SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31 , 1999 FUND DESCRIPTION CAP PROJ CAP PROJ CAP PROJ CAP PROJ RESERVE TM HALL HWY STORAGE IACOVELL PK REVENUE BUDGET $ - $ 107008000 $ 501000 $ 801000 ACTUAL 71058 1 , 7221504 501754 802373 OVER (UNDER) $ 71058 $ 221504 $ 754 $ 373 % EARNED 0.0% 101 . 3% 10105% . 100. 5% % UNEARNED 0.0% 0. 0% 0. 0% 0.0% EXPENSE BUDGET $ - , $ 117001000 $ 501000 $ 801000 ACTUAL & ENCUMBRANCE - _ 79, 706 371732 - OVER (UNDER) $ - $ (1 ,620 294) $ (121268) $ (80,000) • EXPENDED 0. 0% 0.0% 0. 0% 0.0% • UNEXPENDED 0. 0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE BEGINNING BALQ1 /1 //99 $ 2571327 ACTUAL and ACCRUED ADD: REVENUE 7,058 117220504 501754 80, 373 LESS: EXPENSES - 793706 - - ENCUMBRANCES ENDING BAL @1 /31199 $ 264, 385 $ 1 ,6421798 $ 50;754 $ 80, 373 CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH ON HAND @1 /31 /99 $ 202,385 $ 6841798 $ 154 $ 73 INVESTMENTS @1 /31 /99 $_ 62,000 $ . 958000 $ 501600 $ 30, 300 Deln, 1 s TOWN OF ITHACA CASH SUMMARY OF SAVINGS and CHECKING FOR THE MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1999 FUND AMOUNT GENERAL - OPERATING $ 1 , 158,096 GENERAL - HIGHWAY 84 GENERAL - KENDALL RESERVE 798 GENERAL PART-TOWN - OPERATING 38, 162 GENERAL PART-TOWN • GRANTS, DEV & IMP RES 440 GENERAL PART-TOWN, REVIEW FUNDS 6,334 HIGHWAY - OPERATING 165,606 HIGHWAY = EQUIPMENT RESERVE 99083 WATER 938,061 SEWER 11532,447 CAPITAL PROJECT RESERVE 2020385 CAPITAL PROJECT TOWN HALL 684,798 , CAPITAL PROJECT HWY STORAGE SHED 154 CAPITAL PROJECT IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PK 73 RISK RETENTION 18, 153 FIRE PROTECTION 1690114 FOREST HOME LIGHTING DISTRICT 21703 GLENSIDE LIGHTING DISTRICT 1 , 106 RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT 11503 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT 29558 CLOVER LANE LIGHTING DISTRICT 518 WINNER'S CIRCLE LIGHTING DISTRICT 1 ,038 BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT 11122 `NEST HAVEN RD LIGHTING DISTRICT 31883 CODDINGTON RD LIGHTING DISTRICT 29326 TRUST & AGENCY 291 DEBT SERVICE 42 TOTAL $ 4,9401879 i Pagel TOWN OF ITHACA SUMMARY OF INTEREST EARNINGS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1999 FUND EARNINGS GENERAL $ . 1 ,839a GENERAL - KENDALL RESERVE 17 GENERAL PART-TOWN 416 GENERAL PART-TOWN - OPEN SPACE RESERVE 39 HIGHWAY 491 HIGHWAY - RESERVE 75 WATER 2,948 , . SEWER 51697 CAPITAL PROJECT - RESERVE 71058 CAPITAL PROJECT TOWN HALL 9,480 CAPITAL PROJECT HWY STORAGE SHED 144 CAPITAL PROJECT IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PK 8 RISK RETENTION 41 FIRE PROTECTION 10 COMBINED LIGHTING DISTRICTS 2 DEBT SERVICE 6 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE EARNINGS $ 289270 BUDGETED 1998 148,400 EARNINGS OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ (1209130) PERCENT EARNED IN EXCESS OF BUDGET -81 % Pagel TOWN OF ITHACA PROJECTED INTEREST EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1998 DESCRIPTION EARNINGS TOTAL YEAR TO DATE EARNINGS AS OF 1131199 $ 289270 ADD: INTEREST TO BE EARNED FROM O/S CD's 31 ,483 TOTAL PROJECTED EARNINGS $ 59,753 LESS: BUDGETED 1999 EARNINGS 1309200 EARNINGS OVER (UNDER) BUDGET $ (70,447) PERCENT OF EXCESS TO BUDGET m540/a Page 1 TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS GENERAL FUND 12/10/98 90 4,75% 3110/99 209000 238 12/11 /98 189 415% . 6118199 219600 539 12/30/98 42 415% 2/10/99 1001400 556 12/30/98 42 4.85% 2110199 525,000 2,971 TOTAL $ 667,000 $ 41303 GENERAL PART-TOWN FUND 12/10/98 90 4.75% 3/10/99 529500 623 12/30/98 42 4.86% 2110199 1009000 566. TOTAL $ 1529500 $ 11189 HIGHWAY FUND 12111 /98 189 415% 6/18199 75,900 1 ,893 TOTAL $ 759900 $ 1 ,893 SEWER FUND 12117198 53 4.85% 218/99 172,000 11228 12/17198 172 435% 617199 100,000 27317 - -- TOTAL $ 2729000 $ 31545 CAPITAL PROJECT RESERVE FUND 12/17198 81 420% 318199 629000 670 TOTAL $ 627000 $ 670 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31 , 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS ) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS :.. CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - TOWN HALL 12/11 /98 59 4.75% 218/99 366,000 27849 12/11 /98 95 4.75% 3118199 4509000 59641 12117/98 53 4.80% 218199 142,000 19003 TOTAL $ 958,000 $ 97493 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - HIGHWAY UNHEATED STORGE SHED 12130198 42 415% 2/10/99 $ 50,600 $ 280 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - VINCENZO IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PARK 12110/98 90 4.75% 1217198 $ 309300 $ 360 RISK RETENTION FUND 12117/98 81 4.80% 318/99 $ 409000 $ 432 FIRE PROTECTION FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6/18/99 $ 12,000 $ 299 1 /28199 32 410% 311199 110007000 4, 178 1 /21 /99 46 4.60% 318/99 750,000 41408 TOTAL $ 1 ,762,000 $ 89885 DEBT SERVICE FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6118199 $ 79500 $ 187 TOTAL JNVESTED PRINCIPAL @1 /31 /99 $ 490709300 . TOTAL ESTIMATED INTEREST EARNINGS @1 /31 /99 $ 31 ,483 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 8, 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS GENERAL FUND 12/10/98 90 415% 3110199 20,000 238 12/11 /98 189 4.75% 6/18199 21 ,600 539 , 12/30/98 42 415% 2/10199 100,400 556 12/30/98 42 4.85% 2110199 525,000 2,971 212199 14 4.70% 2116199 29000,000 31656 TOTAL $ 216679000 $ 71959 GENERAL PART-TOWN FUND 12/10/98 90 4.75% 3110199 52,500 623 12130/98 42 4.85% 2110199 100,000 566 TOTAL $ 1529500 $ 19189 HIGHWAY FUND 12/11 /98 189 415% 6/18/99 75,900 19893 TOTAL $ 759900 $ 1 ,893 WATER FUND 212!99 34 4.70% 3/8/99 . 725, 000 3,218 TOTAL $ 725, 000 $ 31218 SEWER FUND 12/17/98 53 4.85% 2/8199 172,000 19228 12/17/98 172 4.85% 617199 1009000 21317 212199 34 4.70% 318/99 1 ,2001000 51327 TOTAL $ 114729000 $ 89872 CAPITAL PROJECT RESERVE FUND 12/17/98 81 4.80% 318199 629000 670 TOTAL $ 62,000 $ 670 Page 1 ot2 TOWN OF ITHACA INVESTMENT REPORT BY FUND FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 8, 1999 ACQUISITION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY , INVESTED ESTIMATED ( DAYS) RATE DATE PRINCIPAL EARNINGS CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - TOWN HALL 12/11 /98 59 415% 218199 366,000 21849 12111198 95 415% 3118199 4509000 51641 12/17198 53 4.80% 218199 142,000 11003 214199 (A) 67 4.75% .4112199 500 ,000 41420 TOTAL $ 958, 000 $ 97493 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - HIGHWAY UNHEATED STORGE SHED 12/30/98 42 4875% 2110199 $ 50,600 $ 280 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - VINCENZO IACOVELLI NEIGHBORHOOD PARK 12/10/98 90 4*75% 1217198 $ 309300 $ 360 RISK RETENTION FUND i 12/17/98 81 4.80% 318199 1407000 $ 432 FIRE PROTECTION FUND 12111 /98 189 4.75% 6/18199 $ 127000 $ 299 1128/99 32 410% 311 /99 11000,000 49178 1 /21199 46 4.60% 318199 7509000 49408 i TOTAL $ 11762,000 $ 89885 DEBT SERVICE FUND 12/11 /98 189 4.75% 6/18/99 $ 7,500 $ 187 TOTAL INVESTED PRINCIPAL @08199 $ 79277,800 TOTAL ESTIMATED INTEREST EARNINGS @218199 $ 471965 NOTE A: THIS "CD" IS INVESTED AT M & T BANK, ITHACA Page 2 of 2 go - t , ,y . ;,) w. ?a P. f,• 11 t( •V•' i�,.�•'� i��.:j ' •• re!, w••I 1. opt w. ic Poo t ,, t, kr , . 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