HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2016-01-25Ithaca Town Board Study Session January 25,2016 Agenda 1. Discuss Sewer Infrastructure/Pump Stations 2.Review Agenda 3.Committee Reports a.Personnel and Organization i.Employee Relations Committee b.Planning Committee c.Codes and Ordinances Committee d.Budget Committee e.Other 4.Discuss Draft Sign Law 5. Consent Agenda a.Approve Town board Minutes b.Town of Ithaca Abstract c.Appointment of Electrical/Code Inspector d. Approve Banking resolution Ithaca Town Board Study Session January 25,2016 Minutes Present: Bill Goodman, Supervisor; Rod Howe, Eric Levine, Pat Leary, Rich DePaolo, Pamela Bleiwas Absent:Tee-Ann Hunter Staff: PauletteTerwilliger,CreigHebdon,Mike Solvig,BruceBates,Sue Ritter,JudyDrakeand Susan Brock,Attorney for the Town I.Discuss Sewer Infrastructure/Pump Stations Mr.Goodman reminded theboardthatthisis aboutthe Transportation Corporations (TC)which came to light with the Amabel project which got final approval with a lot of conditions, one of whichis approvalby thisboardto acceptaTC. Mr.Goodman statedthatthe twoquestionshe wanted tofocus onwere whetherwe wantthese new developments tocreate theTCs with the understanding that they might go out of business and the town would have to then take over the TC or whether we want the town to take the responsibility from the beginning for this additional infrastructure and the other question is that Amabel will be coming in to this board in the next few months asking for some sort of commitment and we need to decide whether we are comfortablegoing aheadwith thatdecisioneven if we havenot yetmadeanysort ofgeneral policy on how we want to treat these in the future throughout the town and whether we are willingtotakeitona case-by-case basisorwhetherwe needtohavea general policyinplace before we decide on Amabel. Mr.Goodmanstated that one of thequestionswe havehad in thepast is how the infrastructure we have relates to the kindof development we havebeen envisioningunderour Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Hebdon and the Public Works Department have been working on getting us that information. Mr. Hebdonturned to the computerpresentationand explainedthathe took the Comp Plan boundaries for the different land uses and the current sewer mains and overlaid them which shows what we have where and anticipated density. Mr. Hebdon used the Mecklenburg Rd/ West Haven area where everything flows toward the City and said if anyone were to develop that area, how would theyprovide service? There are a numberof optionsso thequestionis dowewant to lookat this holistically anddevelopplans where we put the infrastructure in there to make it more desirable to a developer or do we want to simply have a plan so we knowwhat we want but then a developercomes in and theywant to do something different because it's more cost effective to them and how do you say no if it meets all standards but not for the future plans. Asking a developer to do something a certain way to accommodate future growth when it's not his future growth is difficult. Mr.Hebdon looked at the Amabel area on the computer models and showed the board the different interceptors and flows in the area. It might be better to have one big pump station to servetheentirearearather than abunchofsmalleronesforeach development.Headdedthat theexistingstationwasput there years agoto encourage commercial development andthatis why Ithaca Beer went there so it was a successful draw. Mr. Hebdonstated that there are certain areas the board should be looking at what would be needed to develop to the full potential of the Comp Plan. The board looked at the South Hill area and one issue there is the need for an easement for one of the identified development areasandthereis nothingsayingthatpersonhasto grantone to any developer. Mr.Howeaskedwhatareasareof concerna Mr. Hebdonsaid theTroy Roadarea is a problem with ROWs and there is a resident that won't grant an easement. Mr. Goodman went back to the Amabel area and Mr. Hebdon explained the systems and flows as they are now. Mr. DePaolo asked if any of our pump stations are at or near capacity? Mr. Hebdon responded that he thought we were doing ok right now, but that is one of the reasons theywant Amabel to have larger pipe thanwhat they are suggesting,so we can change out the pump to higher capacity if we need to or want to. Mr. Howe reminded the board that the cost estimate for maintenance is rather high and Mr. Hebdon explained that a two-man team has to check every pump station each week along with a regular maintenance schedule and repair and replacement of failing parts. Mr. DePaolo noted that Mr. Weber had indicated thatcost at about $200K a yearwhich is paid by everyone in the town. Mr. Goodman asked Ms. Brock to share what she found out from Saratoga County who have sewer districts and the Comptroller for Clifton Park. The County model doesn't work for us because their laws are different than town laws.The Clifton Park has had several TCs abandoned and they have never had to take one over with outstanding debt. Ms. Brock said we do have the ability to set up separate sewer districts or sewer improvement districts on top of our town-wideone to have the ability to charge the peoplewho live within that area whatever the costs area for the service that costs more than the normal service provided. The town would need Comptroller approval for anything over the threshold charged in a year whichis approximately$750 and isset by the Comptrollereach year. Insummary,if the Board decides which way they want to go as a policy, it can be done. Mr. Hebdon asked Ms. Brock to explain what the 5-year span he keeps hearing about is and Ms. Brock responded that the TC is supposed to operate for a minimum of 5 years but at the end of that 5 years, the people running the TC can go away and the stock,which has been in escrow, transfersto the town. The Town can requirebonds and other kindsof guarantees during that first 5 years to ensure that adequate money exists for maintenance and operation during the first 5 yearsso thatif anything happened and theywalked awayearlierthan the5 years,that money would be there for the town to use when they are required to step in. Mr.Goodman added that the town has to approve the rates the developer is charging to makesure they are charging enough to cover anticipated expenses and Ms. Brock added there is also a mechanism to increase the ratesduring the5 years if experienceshows enough is not beingcharged. Ms. Leary stated that the issue raising this whole discussion is Amabel needing something in the shore-term so the choices are to let them go ahead with their own TC,and a concern was whether allowing them to do it would set a precedent but it sounded to her like it wouldn't and we could do thison a case by case basis;Ms. Brockagreed. Ms. Learywenton to say that is soundslike the quickest way to do this would be to allow Amabel to create their own TC with the alternative beingwe do our ownbuildingof infrastructure.Mr.Hebdon responded thatthereare a coupleof points to be made; if we allow them to build it, we have to make sure theybuild it to the specificationsthat we want since in all likelihoodwe will be takingit over in 5 yearsthatwe don't want to have to retrofit to our standards and the other thought is we do it ourselves to our standardsandjust bill themfromthebeginningwith theoverlayor say no,we aren't going to accept a TC and this isn't buildable at this point in time. Those are the choices he sees as available. Ms. Learystated that she is in favor of whatever makes this happenfor Amabel as long as it doesn't tie our hands in the future by setting a precedent,which Ms.Brock doesn't think is the case. But, the larger issue is howdo we want to go forward; do we private developments with this kind of model in the future or do we continue with building sewer extensions ourselves to areas that we have identified as areas that we want to develop. She thought we should continue doing what we have done before and bond for sewer extensions rather than essentially privatizing our sewer system in the future because it sounds like we are putting the costs of the sewers onto any new developments that come in and therefore we are raising the cost of housing for future residents and she didn't think we should have a public sewer system for the fortunate residentswho were here in the 60's -80's who were able to buy or develop housing and have another system or more costly development for future residents. Ms. Leary felt that water and sewer service are the core functions of a town and if we know,based on the decisions we made in the Comprehensive Plan that we want certain areas developed, then that is how we should proceed by putting our sewer systems to those areas without putting it entirely upon new homeowners in the future because it will increase the cost of housing in the future. Mr. Goodman asked Ms. Brock if we could, from the beginning, do a sewer district overlay so the charges would be charged to those benefitting from it and Ms. Brock responded that we could. She added that at one point the town did have different and numerous sewer districts and the town at some point decided to move to one district and she does not know why that was done. Mr. Hebdon responded that it is his understanding that each sewer district was charged differently and it became a nightmare for whoever was doing the billing to figure it out and the board had to vote on each district's rate so we moved to one district where everyone paid the same. Mr. Levine stated that there is another option for the Amabel area which is to build a town installed pump station that would invite other development also and Mr. Hebdon responded there is, but that would take some research and easements and other steps. Mr.Goodman responded that the area near Amabel is the Open Space area and the places we have identified for higher development are generallyuphillfromthe sewer linesand can dependon gravityfeed but the inlet valley needs pump stations. Mr.Levine stated that it seems to him that for Amabel, based on the question of how much other developmentis going to be there and how hard it is going to be to do pump stations there as well as Amabel being ready to go, that having them put in their own pump station might be the way to go; but the larger question of policy as far as the town or individualdevelopers doing it, on the one handwe want to serve the most peoplewith the fewest pump stations but on the other hand we want to recoup themost expensesas possible in building those and we haven't really seen any real numbers on that so we don't know how much.He reiterated that he would like to see two sewer rates, not twelve. One for pump served and one not regardless of where you are, but maybe thatis arbitrary and everyone should just paybut hedidn't thinkhehad enough information to make that decision. Mr.DePaolothoughttheboardneededthatcost analysisandto alsosee howmuchcapacitywe have assuming we are only going to allow the gravity systems and how would that be sufficient to serve the housing units over the next 30 years. Mr. Hebdon responded that they could look at theCompPlanand fullbuildout andsee what that wouldmean. The programsare out there to do it, it is finding the time to do it. Ms.Bleiwasaskedif therewasanyreasonthis had togo forward quicklyand Ms.Rittergave a synopsisof theAmabelprojectandwherethey are at in the approval processrightnowand Ms. Brock added that she needs to knowwhich way this isgoing because it is her project and her funding and it has been up in the air for a bit now. Mr. Howe stated that he would like to move forward with Amabel but we need more data, as outlined, for the bigger policy decision. Mr.Goodman stated that it sounded like the board would like to move forward with Amabel without the policy beingin place and added thatheis more comfortable withletting them do the TCfor nowratherthanthe towntakingon the responsibility fromthebeginningandwe can take it over ifitgoes under and decide toeither continue running itasaTCor fold it intothe existing district butat thispoint,hewas more comfortable having themdoitat thispoint. Hewenton to saythatin termsof thelarger question andthe budgetary implications andcapacityissues,he suggested thePublic Works Committee andor the Planning Committee takea lookat thoseto try and come upwith some information because this information will alsobe needed when wegoto rezonecertain areas and we will need to know the implicationsof costs to build. Mr. DePaolo added that this developmentwas fairly far along in the process with a lot of time spentby Ms. Brockand Ms. Ritterbeforethis issuewas discovered so it isa special case,but the questionis what do we do in theinterimasfar as projectsthatcomein in themeantimebecause we are in this transitionperiod while that information is gathered, discussed and decided on and do we look at new projects on a case-by-case basis because there will be others while the research and policy making decisions are being done. He also asked Mr. Hebdon if the Amabel developer had agreed tobuild the TCto town specifications and Mr.Hebdon responded that there will need tobe some changes to what shehas drawn because shehasalotof angles andwe want it straight to limit the resistance.He added that they have not taken a hard look at everything because it has been in limbo and she didn't want to invest in the Engineering costs without a better idea of the outcome of this discussion. Ms. Brock stated that the town could absolutely condition their approval of a Transportation Corporation being formed to being to the standards the town specifies. Mr. Levine talked to Mr.DePaolo's statements saying he thought the town should look at these on a case-by-case basis because if there is another option that is within reason or there is potential for a lot of development and a larger, single pump station would be better than numerous smaller ones, then we would want to consider that. Mr. DePaolo responded that the question is whether we say no pump stations for a period of time before a number of them happen before we realize we don't want them or don't want them as proposed and we are stuck with them. That is a pitfall. Mr. Levine said he wouldn't like to see them come off the table because that would severely limit development and Ms. Learyagreed and it comes down to costs and whether it is fair to put the cost on new development and their residents only or the town as a whole because the town as a whole benefits eventually. Mr. Hebdon stated that from the Public Works point of view, he didn't want to say that they are for or against pump stations but wanted the board to be aware that there are significant costs involved and they would like to know how they are supposed to look at developments and the future.What is realistic in certain areas and what are those costs. 2.Review Agenda - Mr. Goodman reviewed the draft agenda and a few items were added as possibilities. 3.Committee Reports a.Personnel and Organization - Ms. Bleiwas reported that they discussed a new fee schedule for Planned Development Zone and Escrowfunds for them; Fire Inspectionsfor the college dormitories and whether the town can just have the State do them; there was also some review of civil service lists and other things to catch her up her as a new board member. b.Employee Relations Committee - Ms. Bleiwas reported that they discussed a comment saying we need a no smoking policy but we actually have one which led to a discussion on whether to adopt a local law to address smoking on town property to include parks but the enforcement and penalties seemed harsh and the committee felt it was best to handle it at a policy level and refer smoking in the parks to Public Works Committee. They discussed the Employee Health and Wellness reimbursements and it is done at 50% to a maximum of $250 and it has been referred to the Personnel Committee to review for possible increase since it has been the same since 1988.There was a comment about smoking cessation drugs not being covered under our health insurance or under the Wellness program and that will be referred to the Own Your Own Health under the Consortium and the town will reimburse for them.Cable tv and lights in the lobby were both turned back on.There was a comment submitted about fumes in the building during construction and the committee discussed it and now has it on their radar for future instances. Mr.DePaolo asked about why the no smoking policy stating that the Tobacco Free Tompkins County had been working with the Town for a while to align our policy with theirs and he didn't know why it would go to Public Works Committee and asked if it was thought it was a maintenance issue or is it a town-wide issue and Ms.Bleiwas responded that the town buildings were covered under the existing policy with maybe a little more communication tothe employees but they felt the policy met the goals of having very limited smoking areas at the buildings but beyond employees,such as patrons of town parks is a Public Works Committee topic and whether it should be added to the Parks and Recreation Policy. c.Planning Committee -Mr.DePaolo reported that they heard from Mr.West regarding transect calibration as form-based zoning relies on transects to determine densities and he gave the Committee a very interesting overview of that process using Google Earth.They did not get too in depth,but they are trying to determine what types of buildings in what quantities in proximity to what properties will achieve the densities that they require to meet the mixed use goals identified.Mr.DePaolo reminded members there is a Charette meeting Tuesday thru Thursday at 630 at the Comfort Inn and Suites.Mr.DePaolo went on to report that there has been an inquiry regarding the possibility of purchasing some development rights to some of the Eddy property at the Inlet Valley Corridor and the Committee decided it was a good first step to determine what the development rights are worth and what it would cost so they referred a request to proceed with an evaluation to the Town Board.The deer fence at Cornell property and a little bit about the Maplewood redevelopment was discussed.Mr.DePaolo noted that the Chainworks EIS is in and it is large and we are going to be reviewing that as an involved agency with some being more involved than others but it will be a big job. d.Codes and Ordinances Committee -Mr.Goodman reported the committee discussed the revisions to the code regarding keeping chickens and the big issue seems to be what to do about roosters and guinea hen where they were initially thinking of prohibiting them,residents who live out in the country and less densely populated areas thought that was not right.The committee is thinking about allowing some based on the size ofa parcel and setbacks along with the zone.There will be some controversy with some residents either way.Mr.Goodman stated the committee also worked on the draft solar law and there are different sections for each size; residential,medium and large and that should also be coming to the town board in the next month or so. e.Budget Committee -Mr.Levine reported that the agenda has gone out and they meet this Wednesday. f.Public Works -Mr.Howe reported that they will keep the same schedule.They discussed a Shared Services contract with NYS DOT on a regional level and they want to make some changes to the boilerplate language and Mr.Weber will work with Ms.Brock on that.They also discussed the request for a speed limit reduction on E.King Rd and the committee was in favor of passing that on to the County through the Town Board.They discussed the sewer pump stations andMr.Hebdon willbedoinga presentation onthat tonight.Mr.Howe reported that theytalkedabouttheForest Home Walland LaBella willbe presenting options. 4. Discuss Draft Sign Law -postponed due to time constraints and recording. 5.Consent Agenda TB Resoiution 2015 -019;Adopt Consent Agenda Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the following Consent Agenda items: a.Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract b.Approval of Provisional Electrical and Code Enforcement Officer c.Approve Banking Authorization Form Moved:Rod Howe Seconded:Eric Levine Vote:Ayes -Howe,DePaolo,Goodman,Leary,Levine and Bleiwas TB Resolution 2016 -019a :Town of Ithaca Abstract Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment;and Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now therefore be it Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. VOUCHER NOS.37-118 General Fund Town wide 190,604.30 General Fund Part Town 13,310.89 Highway Fund Part Town 142,525.70 Water Fund 47,229.80 Sewer Fund 27,280.91 Sapsucker Water Tank Replace 582.87 Forest Home Lighting District 244.18 Glenside Lighting District 81.76 Renwick Heights Lighting District 104.66 Eastwood Commons Lighting District 202.95 Clover Lane Lighting District 24.53 Winner's Circle Lighting District 68.36 Burleigh Drive Lighting District 84.02 West Haven Road Lighting District 278.56 Coddington Road Lighting District 164.53 Trust and Agency 1,672.92 TOTAL 424,460.94 TB Resolution 2016 -019b:Provisional Appointment of Electrical &Code Enforcement Officer Whereas,Charles Bruner,part time Electrical &Code Enforcement Officer (E&CEO)is retiring February 20,2016 and the 2016 budget includes filling the E&CEO position atfulltime40 hours per week;and Whereas,the Director of Code Enforcement and Human Resources Manager interviewed 9 candidates from theopen recruitment forthe position;and Whereas,this would be a provisional appointment that requires the appointee to be one of the top three reachable candidates from the next civil service exam for the said position;and Whereas,the Director has determined that Dana Magnuson possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position and recommend appointment retroactive to January 28, 2016; now, therefore be it Resolved,the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the provisional appointment of Dana Magnuson as Electrical/Code Enforcement Officer,retroactive to January 28,2016;and be it further Resolved,thisisa40 hours a week position,atthe hourly wage of $26.72,which is an estimated annual salary of $55,577.60,from account number B8010.100,inJob Classification "E",with full time benefits;and be it further Resolved,the said appointment isa provisional appointment pending the results from the next civil service examforthis position. TB Resolution 2016 - 019c;Approval for Appropriate Officials to Sign Tompkins Trust Company Authorization Paperwork Whereas the Tompkins Trust Company hasbeen designated the Official Bank of theTownof Ithaca and requires a corporate form be signed by all signatories for each account acknowledging the Board has authorized such signatories, now therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board does authorize the Officials listed below to be signatories on the accounts listed below. TOWN OF ITHACA BANK ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT NO.TITLE SIGNERS 01-11-124708 RECEIVER OF TAXES D.Kelley,M.Solvig,W.Goodman 01-21-002965 TOWN CLERK P.Terwilliger,D.DeAugistine, W.Goodman 01-11-148038 CONSOLIDATED DISBURSEMENTS W.Goodman, R. Howe,M.Solvig 05-21-002604 TRUST &AGENCY FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe.M.Solvie 11-21-002604 RISK RETENTION FUND W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 12-21-002604 GENERAL FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 20-21-002604 GENERAL FUND OUTSIDE VILLAGE W.Goodman, R. Howe,M.Solvig 21-21-002604 HIGHWAY FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 22-21-002604 HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 23-21-002604 WATER FUND W. Goodman, R. Howe,M.Solvtg 24-21-002604 SEWER FUND W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 25-21-002604 DEBT SERVICE FUND W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 26-21-002604 FIRE PROTECTION FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 27-21-002604 LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 30-21-002604 OPEN SPACE PLAN RESERVE W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 45-21-002604 GENERAL PURPOSE BENEFIT RESERVE W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 48-21-002604 SEWER SJC FUND W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 59-21-002604 INLET VALLEY CEMETERY W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 76-21-002604 CASH RESERVES -LAND PRESERVE MAIN RESERVE W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 77-21-002604 CASH RESERVES -LAND STEWARDSHIP RESERVE W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 49-21-002604 CAP PROJ-GATEWAY TRAIL W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 65-21-002604 CAP PROJ -PINE TREE ROAD PEDESTRAIN IMPRVMNTS W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 66-21-002604 CAP PROJ-HANSHAW ROAD WALKWAY W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 73-21-002604 CAP PROJ -WHITETAIL DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 78-21-002604 CAP PROJ -SAND BANK ROAD RECONSTRUCTION W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 79-21-002604 CAP PROJ -WINNERS CIRCLE RECONSTRUCTION W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 80-21-002604 CAP PROJ-CHRISOPHER CIRCLE WATER TANK W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 81-21-002604 CAP PROJ-CODDINGTON ROAD WATER MAIN W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 82-21-002604 CAP PROJ-SAPSUCKER WOODS WATER TANK W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 83-21-002604 CAPPROJ-HONNESSLANEIMPROVEMENT W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 84-21-002604 CAP PROJ -MARCY COURT IMPROVEMENT W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 06-21-002604 T&A-NEXTEL SITE LEASE SECURITY DEPOSIT W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 09-21-002604 T&A-ITHACA TOWERS LLC OPTION ESCROW W. Goodman, R. Howe,M.Solvig 10-21-002604 T&A-INDEPENDENT WIRELESS ONE CORP.W.Goodman,R. Howe,M.Solvig 15-21-002604 T&A-PLANNING DEPOSITS W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 42-21-002604 T&A-EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 47-21-002604 T&A-STORMWATER COALITION OFTC W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 55-21-002604 T&A-ON LINE PAYMENT COLLECTIONS W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 56-21-002604 T&A-CAYUGA LAKE WATERSHED W.Goodman,R.Howe,M.Solvig 14-33-903988 LAKE VIEW CEMETERY ESCROW-PERPETUAL W.Goodman,M.Solvig 14-33-903996 LAKE VIEW CEMETERY ESCROW-FERRIS W.Goodman,M.Solvig Meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Submitted by erwilliger,Town Clerk