HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-11-06 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER-6, 1997 5 .30 P.M. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York, there were present : PRESENT: Catherine Valentino, Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman; David Klein, Councilman; Edward Conley, Councilman (arrived at 6 : 20 p .m .); Mary Russell, Councilwoman; John Wolff, Councilman . EXCUSED : Ellen Harrison, Councilwoman . ALSO PRESENT. Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk; John Barney, Attorney for the Town; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering; Fred Noteboom, Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning; Alfred Carvill, Budget Officer. OTHERS . Bob Romanowski, City of Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners; Holly Beermann, 388 Coddington Road; Yosh Ordy, 27 Chase Lane; Marilyn Kroner, Tompkins County Senior Citizens Council; John Young, 410 Triphammer Road; Dona Higgins, 2 Hillcrest Drive; Ann Kugler, 101 Pie View Terrace; Richard Berggren, 119 Williams Glen Road; L . Johnson, 401 East State Street; Carol Terrrzzi, 983 Taughannock Blvd; Margaret Dill, Human Services Coalition; Patrick Walkinshaw, 215 First Street; Joe Novelli, 457 Brooktondale Road, Dan Zrnder, 108 Park Lane, Chris Zrnder, 108 Park Lane . CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5 : 30 p .m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONER. Bob Romanowski, City of Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners - Congratulations to those who ran for office again . Supervisor Valentino, Fire Department personnel, Fire Chief, and the Deputy Fire Chief held a meeting regarding the West Hill Fire Station operations . Members of the public were also present. The meeting concentrated on the history of resource reallocations and the staffing solution of the West Hill Fire Station . The stated reason for partial staffing (5 p .m. to 7 a .m.) is the lack of manpower. The Fire Chief tries to put excess manpower at the West Hill Fire Station during the day. Common Council again refused to add more fire fighter positions this year . The Fire Department continues to work very hard to recruit volunteer personnel, however their commitment is hard to balance between work and home while trying to fill the necessary requirements of a firefighter. This is a situation I do not have any resolution for. The Fire Fighter' s monument was rededicated. Supervisor Valentino gave a great presentation, which was the highlight of all the speeches given at the ceremony. I will try to get a video of Supervisor Valentino ' s presentation to show everyone how good the speech was . The Commissioner' s award for 1996 was given to the entire "A" Shift" comprised of volunteer and career personnel, for their outstanding performance at the EcoVillage fire, and the following night 'in the unfortunate loss of the life of a policeman and civilian . The "A Shift" was extraordinary, and the Commissioners did not single out any one particular person, therefore the award was given to the entire "A" Shift. TOWN BOARD MEETING 2 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Commissioner Yahn will be investigating traffic issues on the West End, including emergency vehicle concerns . The Commissioners want to make sure, particularly since the staffing problem is an issue at the West Hill Station, that everything that can be done to ease emergency vehicle access to arrive at particular areas will be explored both with the City of Ithaca and the Department of Transportation along with Northfolk & Western, instead of Conrail . The Commissioners are concentrating on running a department with less personnel and less funds . It is a balancing act. Supervisor Valentino - The Fire Department does an amazing job with the staff they have, and the Town is aware of the problems at the West Hill Station . The Fire Department is doing the best that they can under the circumstances . Mr. Romanowski - The Town has a contract which requires them to spend a tremendous amount of money for fire protection. There is a new City Common Council with new faces and new thinking . AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1998 FUNDING FOR YOUTH SERVICES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE JOINT YOUTH COMMISSION . Holly Beermann, 388 Coddington Road - There have been some changes in the Joint Youth Commission programs for 1998 and the totals for the funding recommendation . There is a long standing history of "pass through" for youth recreation services for summer programs and summer playgrounds, such as the Pine Tree Road Community Center. The County allows the Joint Youth Commission to count that money for active use of common programs contracted through the Youth Bureau . The Coddington Road Community Center is a long standing program. They run a summer camp , which this year was expanded. With the help of the Youth Conservation Corp as pavilion was erected. The program expanded to older teens, and was very successful . The Joint Youth Commission had the Leaming Web program for four years . The reason the amounts of money look different is because some of the costs of the programs are being funded by the Village of Lansing. The Joint Youth Commission shares all the programs with the Village of Lansing, Village of Cayuga Heights, and the Town of Ithaca . The Village of Cayuga Heights passes their money directly to the Town of Ithaca, and those two municipalities (Town of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga Heights) share two thirds of the cost. The Town of Lansing shares in the last one third of the Joint Youth Commission budget. The Joint Youth Commission made a difficult decision regarding the Youth Conservation Corps . The Commission had a proposal that came from the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) to run a Youth Conservation Corp like one which has been successful with other municipalities . It is run slightly different than the Ithaca City Youth Bureau . The Joint Youth Commission looked at all the programs carefully and will be funding the Youth Conservation Corp through the EOC . If the Town of Ithaca has an idea for a project, they should request that project through the EOC for consideration for the Youth Conservation Corp . It was a difficult decision for the Joint Youth Commission because the Ithaca Youth Bureau was asking for $ 15 ,000 to run the Youth Conservation Corp . The Joint Youth Commission could not run both programs . The Commission saved approximately $ 10,000 by contracting with the EOC, so the extra money could be channeled through the Cooperative Extension to hire a part-time youth worker in order to reach youths . The Joint Youth Commission feels there are a lot of gaps in services for 11 to 14 year olds, such as programs for baby-sitting or how to manage themselves at home when they are alone . Supervisor Valentino - The City Youth Bureau did not provide transportation to the work site, but this program does . There are other children the EOC has not been able to reach before because of the lack of transportation . This gives another reason to go ahead with this program . With the transportation available to these youth, these programs would be more effective . TOWN BOARD MEETING 3 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Ms . Beermann - EOC and Comell Cooperative Extension will be helping out on the transportation as needed. Through those agencies the Joint Youth Commission is working with the County Youth Bureau on the transportation problems . The Joint Youth Commission would be increasing the number of youths served significantly by an estimate of 66 additional youths by changing the programs . Councilwoman Carolyn Grigorov - How would this effect the Ithaca Youth Bureau? Ms . Beermann - This program would have a significant effect in a number of different ways . It will have a significant effect on the youths that would be going there to get jobs . Those youths would need to be referred to the EOC or Cornell Cooperative Extension for their jobs, instead of going to the Youth Bureau youth employment service. The Youth Bureau will still have 15 jobs to fill . The rest of the jobs will be going to the Learning Web, EOC, or Cornell Cooperative Extension . I know this is a deviation from the past, but 12 to 15 years ago the Town hired their youths directly and never contracted with the City Youth Bureau to hire . There are still significant administrative costs associated with hiring youths . When the Joint Youth Commission was set up six years ago, they deviated away from the Town hiring their own youths for summer employment. Some of these youths could work in the parks or at highway. The Joint Youth Commission is paying a significant amount of money to do this . The hardest decision made was to give up the Youth Conservation Corp . It was a wonderful program for the past six years . There is enough need in the Town of Ithaca for the Youth Conservation Corp to work on the small neighborhood parks and playgrounds . There are many positive projects that they have done in the Town of Ithaca, such as trails and the pavilion at the Coddington Road Community Center. Councilman David Klein - How would the youths receive the word that jobs are available? Ms . Beermann - That would be something which needs to be worked out within the different agencies . They also would be going into schools to work with the youths . Supervisor Valentino - I attended the presentations by Ms . Beermann and the committee. They did an excellent, thoughtful, and thorough job starting this process . Councilwoman Mary Russell - Was this amount an increase from last year? Ms . Beermann - It is a small increase from last year. RESOLUTION NO. 179: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca approves funding and authorization to enter into agreements for Youth Services as recommended by the Joint Youth Commission. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1998 FUNDING FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE TOMPKINS COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS' COUNCIL, INC. : Councilman Klein - What was the increase bid request for this year? Marilyn Kinner, Tompkins County Senior Citizens Council - Fifty percent. TOWN BOARD MEETING 4 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - That is included in the proposed 1998 Budget. Attorney Barney - Could the Town be supplied with an agreement that articulates the services to be delivered? The agreement covers all the basic things like indemnity, but it does not cover what the services would be. Ms . Kroner - There used to be a State agreement that New York State matched the Town ' s funding. The Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council tried to incorporate some of the wording as provided by the Tompkins County attorney. Attorney Barney - The funding amount needs to be added to the agreement to show what the Town would be buying with their money. Supervisor Valentino - There was an increase this year. Earlier in the year the Board saw some numbers and statistics that showed the percentage of senior citizens in the Town of Ithaca. This amount is included in the Town ' s budget for next year. Councilwoman Russell - The number of Town residents participating in the programs, are they unduplicated counts, or are those numbers actually counting the same people? Ms . Kroner - There is approximately 10 percent duplication . That system has not been refined yet, and it is being worked on at this point. While doing a sample, it was found there was a 10 percent duplication in those numbers . Councilwoman Russell - I think it would be helpful for the Board next year to see the contractual estimates of participation rates with the Town of Ithaca and the City of Ithaca. RESOLUTION NO. 180: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves funding and authorization to executive an agreement with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council, inc. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1998 FUNDING FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Supervisor Valentino - The level of financial participation from the Town of Ithaca seemed to exceed what was originally thought it would be . Why should the Town be paying more money for essentially the same services? Lorriane Johnson, Director of the DeWitt Historical Society - For the past three years the Society had funding from the State of New York to provide educational services through a staff educator. That funding will be discontinued at the end of this year. The Society has managed to make up approximately $9,000 a year of the cut through private funding, however not all of it. That is the reason for the additional funding request for that position . The Society has increases of utilities and rent, and all of the over head costs that are not covered by any funding received from other sources . Councilwoman Grigorov - Did the State cut the funding in general? Ms . Johnson - No, it was a three year grant which cannot be reapplied for. That was to establish a new position for educator so the Society could do more outreach . The hope was to fund the entire position within three years, that was not possible. TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Attorney Barney - What did the Society ask the City of Ithaca to pay? Ms . Johnson - $ 15 ,000 on a $71 ,000 base . Councilwoman Grigorov - What is meant by $71 ,000 base? Ms . Johnson - There is core money of $71 ,000 . Councilwoman Grigorov - The City paid $ 71 ,000 last year? Ms . Johnson - Yes, and we are asking for an additional $ 15 , 000 . The utilities and rent are not fully paid for by County money. The Society has asked for additional monies for other projects . RESOLUTION NO. 181 : Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves funding and authorizes the execution of an agreement with the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1998 FUNDING FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY GADABOUT: RESOLUTIONNO. 182: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves funding and authorizes entering into an agreement for services with Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS" : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 15 p .m. . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public came forward wishing to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 17 p .m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 14 - CONSIDER SEOR RELATED TO, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS RESOLUTION NO. 184: Motion made by Councilman Conlev, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : I TOWN BOARD MEETING 6 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 15 - CONSIDER ENACTING A, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS": RESOLUTION NO. 185: Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No. 5 of 1997, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS ", and the Town Clerk is authorized and directed to file said local law as required by Town Law. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councihnan Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 35 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO ABANDON WILLIAMS GLEN ROAD AS A TOWN ROAD : Richard Berggren, 119 Williams Glen Road - I owned the upper end of Williams Glen Road at the time when the Town did not accept the upper end. I understand if the Town abandons Williams Glen Road it would then become a public road all the way through . That would make it more advantageous for fire equipment and snow removal . Twice in the past, the road was used to the end all the way through for emergency accidents blocking Route 96 at the water pump station . I feel it very essential to keep the complete road in operation . At the present time, I own the upper end . I would like to see the Town consider taking it over, but there is no way the Town can abandon a road they do not own. Councilman Klein - What do you refer to as the upper end? Mr. Berggren - It is the end closer to Route 96 . The Town map shows the Town ' s acceptance of the road except for the upper end of the road. How could the Town abandon something they do not own ? It has been a private road, and I have continued to maintain it and use it for many years. It was used as a road before I bought the property approximately 35 to 40 years ago . Supervisor Valentino - There is no way people could get to this part of the road to Route 96. Mr. Berggren - We get that way now. It depends on what the actual part of the road is . According to T. G. Miller & Son and Allen Fulkerson, that is the original road that was deeded to me. I am willing to have T.G. Miller & Son stake out where the road is supposed to be. Attorney Barney - The Town does not want the road. The Town has been working from a map as Williams Glen Road being a Town road, and the tax maps for the County show this as a Town road. The Town has since been made aware by Mr. Berggren that the upper end may not be owned by the Town . The Town needs to look into this matter further, and more information needs to be gathered. Supervisor Valentino - This agenda item will be deferred to the next Town Board meeting while the Attorney for the Town looks into this matter further. TOWN BOARD MEETING 7 NOVEMBER 6., 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 1. 1 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD : Dona Higgins, 2 Hillcrest Drive - I attended the West Hill Fire Station meeting, and I would like to let the Board know that I think it is absolutely outrageous that the Town would let the City cut services from the West Hill Fire Station from 7 p . m. to 7 a .m. . I think the Town has been too compliant with the City on many issues, but especially on this issue. West Hill has the Cayuga Medical Center which serves the entire County, and Lakeside Nursing Home. Both institutions are filled with sick people who cannot move easily, so there should certainly be 24 hour fire protection . For once, the Town of Ithaca should stand up to the City of Ithaca, and say it should have 24 hour service directly from the West Hill Fire Station instead of Green Street which takes 20 minutes . AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 - REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES . No report was given . AGENDA ITEM NO. 12 - REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE . A. Amy Humber, Town Historian - See attached. The Town Board reviewed a letter from Amy Humber regarding her resignation as the Town of Ithaca Historian. Be John A. Yntema, Conservation Board Member - See attached. The Town Board reviewed John Yntema ' s letter requesting consideration for reappointment as a Conservation Board Member for 1998 . C. Herbert Finch, Planning Board Member - See attached. The Town Board received a letter of resignation from Herbert Finch from the Planning Board. RESOLUTION NO. 183 : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town appreciates Mr. Finch 's dedicated services to the Town of Ithaca . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councihman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) D. Arnold J. Albrecht - Newsletter - See attached. The Town Board received a letter from Arnold J . Albrecht expressing his opinion on the great job that was done on the 1997 Fall Newsletter. E. Kirk M. Sigel, Zoning Board of Appeals vacancy - See attached. The Town Board reviewed the letter from Kirk Sigel expressing interest in serving on the Zoning Board of Appeals . TOWN BOARD MEETING 8 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8. 1997 F. State of New York - Department of Transportation - See attached. The Town Board received a letter from the Department of Transportation regarding a traffic light at Route 13 and 13A intersection . G. Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca - See attached. The Town Board received a letter from Cayuga Medical Center regarding manpower and the closing of West Hill ' s Fire Station Number Six on Trumansburg Road. AGENDA ITEM NO. 16 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER THE 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA _ LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION FINAL BUDGET: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 30 p .m. . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As there was no one from the public wishing to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 34 p .m . AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER A DECREASE IN THE WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 :40 p .m. . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As there was no one from the public wishing to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 42 p .m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 18 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : RESOL U77ON NO. 186: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a decrease in the water benefit assessment charge . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 19 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER A DECREASE IN THE SEWER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 :45 p .m . . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 46 p . m . AGENDA ITEM NO. 20 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SEWER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : RESOL UTION NO. 187: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a decrease in the sewer benefit assessment charge . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 9 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS . A. Highway Superintendent - See attached. Superintendent Noteboom - There are two speed zone areas for the Town Board to consider. One is near the Montessori School and one is on Mecklenburg Road related to the Conifer Realty project. There needs to be a petition from the Town Board requesting a speed zone reduction to below 25 MPH for the Montessori School. Councilwoman Russell - Are there other things that could be done in that area without it being an official school zone? Superintendent Noteboom - It is a County road. The County would have to agree to whatever the Town wants . Councilman Klein - This matter was discussed at the Public Works Committee meeting. Director of Planning Kanter - There have been discussions with the Planning Board to lower the speed limit in that area. The Montessori School is on both sides of the road with children crossing the road many times during the day. Supervisor Valentino - The Town could request that the County petition the State for a speed limit reduction in this area . Male member of the audience - I think the Town should not allow the school to be on both sides of the road with the children running back and forth . Director of Planning Kanter - Part of the Planning Board' s site plan approval for the school annex on the opposite side of the road was that the school officials would guarantee in writing they would monitor and supervise the children crossing the road at any time. If that is not the case, then it should be looked into . AGENDA ITEM NO. 21 - PUBLIC HEARINGS : TO CONSIDER THE 1. 998 ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS . AND AGENDA ITEM NO. 22 - CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE 1998 ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS : Forest Home Lighting District : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 50 p .m . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 51 p .m. RESOLUTION NO. 188: Motion made by Councilman Wolff. seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Forest Home Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 10 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Glenside Lighting District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 51 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 52 p .m. RESOLUTIONNO. 189. Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Glenside Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Renwick Heights Lighting District : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 52 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 53 p . m. RESOLUTION NO. 190: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Renwick Heights Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Eastwood Commons Lighting District : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 53 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 54 p . m. RESOL UTION NO. 1911 Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Eastwood Commons Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Clover Lane Lighting District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 54 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 55 p . m . TOWN BOARD MEETING 11 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 RESOLUTION NO, 192. Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Clover Lane Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Winners Circle Li2htina District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 55 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 :56 p .m. RESOLUTION NO. 193: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Winner 's Circle Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Burleigh Drive Lighting District : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 56 p . m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 57 p .m. RESOLUTION NO. 194 : Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Burleigh Drive Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) West Haven Road Lightine District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 57 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6: 58 p . m. RESOLUTION NO. 195: Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the West Haven Road Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) TOWN BOARD MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8. 1997 Coddineon Road Lighting District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 58 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 59 p .m . RESOLUTION NO. 196. Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Coddington Road Lighting District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Water Improvement Benefit District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 59 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication. As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7 : 00 p .m. RESOLUTION NO, 197: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Water Improvement Benefit District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Sewer Improvement Benefit District: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7 : 00 p .m. The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7 : 01 p .m. RESOLUTION NO. 198: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves and adopts the assessment roll for the Sewer Improvement Benefit District. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS (CONTINUE) : A. Highway Superintendent - Continuation : Supervisor Valentino - Is it the feeling of this Board that we should ask the County to petition for the Montessori School to become a school zone? Is there any down side for doing that? TOWN BOARD MEETING 13 NOVEMBER 6. 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Superintendent Noteboom - On East Shore Drive they wanted the Town to install lights with a crossing guard. They have their own crossing guard there, but they might request the Town to install lights . Would the Town want to request that the Montessori School do the same? Councilwoman Grigorov - The Planning Board thought that the Montessori, School took care of that already. The Montessori School did not envision the Town putting a light up . The lights need to be under supervision of the school at all times . Supervisor Valentino - Wouldn 't it be the County' s responsibility to put the lights up ? Superintendent Noteboom - No, it would be the Town ' s responsibility. Supervisor Valentino - The State could request that the Town install the lights . Councilwoman Russell - That area definitely needs more signage. Supervisor Valentino - Once it is made a school zone the fine for speeding, if ticketed, zone is $ 150 . The Justices do not make any concessions on those matters . Councilman Klein - Sometimes where there are postings of school signs, there are school hours listed. When the lights are flashing it means that the school is in session . Attorney Barney - A school zone speed time is set as statute for 7 a . m. to 6 p .m. . Superintendent Noteboom - The lowest a school speed zone could be is 15 MPH. RESOLUTION NO. 178: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca requests the .State of New York establish a school zone on East King Road in the vicinity of Montessori School. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) The Town Board decided to refer the speed zone changes for Route 79 west of the City and the Town boundary line back to the Public Works Committee for further consideration . AGENDA ITEM NO. 25 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL BUDGET: Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 7 : 05 p .m. . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public wished to be heard, Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7 : 06 p . m. . AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON THE 1998 TOWN AND COUNTY TAXES : RESOL UTION NO. 199: Motion made by Councilman Conlev. seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town oflthaca hereby authorizes and directs the Receiver of Taxes to add to the tax roll for 1998 the amount of 880, 688. 98 for the delinquent water and sewer charges, including penalties; and be it ficrther TOWN BOARD MEETING 14 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 RESOLVED, said delinquent amount is to become due and collectible as part of the tax bills for the Town of Ithaca which will be mailed to property owners on December 31 , 1997, and which will become due January 1, 1998. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 26 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 1998 FUNDING FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE HUMAN SERVICES COALITION : Margaret Dill, Director of the Human Services Coalition - I became the director of the Coalition approximately five years ago. In order to understand things in the County I attended all the public hearings of all the Towns . I understood at that time why one Town was different than another Town . The Town of Ithaca has been one of the supporters of the Coalition from the beginning. I supplied the Board with material from the Coalition to show programs and plans for next year and the future. The Coalition felt good to have Mr. Noteboom on the Board this year. The Coalition has an information and referral program for directory, volunteer guide, and phone service. The Health Planning Council has most recently done a long term care needs assessment, and presented it at Planning Committees . The Council gave information on what the needs assessment showed in terms of the needs for every age in the years to come . The Council does many things, such as promoting the Child Health Plus Insurance program which is for low income, not Medicaid, eligible children up to the age of 18 . The Council does some educational programs on health education issues . The basic program is the Human Service Planning which used to be called Planning Coordination. The Human Service Planning program gathers all the services together, both public and private. The Human Service Planning tries to provides ground work for as much coordination as can happen . The only way that could happen would be for people to have equal work and training. They put on training and technical assistance programs . They sometimes write grants with a group of agencies or for a group of agencies . They wrote an Appalachian Regional Commission Grant for all of Tompkins County collaborations this year. The grant approval looks good. The grant is for computer equipment for 25 agencies . Different ones will get different things . The aim is to get everyone ' s equipment to work together. People are working with three generations of computers hooked together right now. If the original person who did the hook up is not there, then other people do not know how to run the programs . They want people to have adequate communication equipment to get on the internet to collaborate training in service and referrals of clients . Supervisor Valentino - There is not an increase in what the Coalition is asking from the Town . RESOLUTIONNO. 200: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board approves funding and authorizes to enter into agreement with the Human Services Coalition . A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) TOWN BOARD MEETING 15 NOVEMBER 69 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBERS, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 35 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO ABANDON WILLIAMS GLEN ROAD AS A TOWN ROAD (CONTINUED) : John Young, 410 Triphammer Road - I own the property next to Mr. Berggren . Is there some question as to whether Williams Glen Road is a Town road or not? Attorney Barney - Yes . The only deed the Town has describes the road being the Town' s up to a point of about 150 feet away from Route 96, which would be the amount the Town would be abandoning. It is not clear whether the Town owns that section . Mr. Berggren was in earlier. He will be providing the Town with an abstract of title to the land. Mr. Young - Mr. Berggren does not have any easement there according to his deed. Supervisor Valentino - If you have some information on the deed of who owns the section of the road, could you please pass this along to the Town? Mr. Young - At one time this section of the road was owned by the Town, and the neighbors stated the Town erected barricades on either side of the road to block exits onto Route 96 . Attorney Barney - I would be interested in any information on this road. Mr. Young - Did Mr. Berggren explain why he is maintaining a road that does not lead to the original? Attorney Barney - Mr. Berggren mentioned in 1975 when it was conveyed that he owned everything beyond that. 4 The Town needs to look into this matter further to see who owns that section of the road. Mr. Young - I was trying to get my assessment reduced to reflect the fact that his property is not buildable. One neighbor explained that he lived there for years, that the Town installed a barricade to abandon that end of the road. Mr. Berggren knocked it over with his bull dozer, and put his own by pass in to continue on Route 96, with the idea that he had some type of floating easement that he could go anywhere. Attorney Barney - Please contact my office for further discussions . Supervisor Valentino - This matter has been deferred to the December Town Board meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 23 - REVIEW OF SEWER JOINT SUBCOMMITTEE BUDGET REPORT: Supervisor Valentino - Councilwoman Harrison, Director of Engineering Walker, and I have worked through this budget with the Town ' s other partners . Last year there was an 11 percent decrease, and this year there will be a 10 percent decrease since there is a healthy fund balance. Councilwoman Harrison and I would both recommend approval of this budget for 1998 . The 10 percent decrease of the budget will still keep the healthy fund balance. This material is for informational use only, so everyone knows what is happening with the other partners . AGENDA ITEM NO. 27 - CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION FINAL BUDGET: Supervisor Valentino - I recommend this budget with the understanding the Town will review the numbers for 44 next year by looking at the budget more closely including transfer of funds . This also may have some impact on the new consolidated water study. That committee will be starting sometime soon . The Committee will be composed of supervisors from each partner, Mayor Cohen, and a representative from Cornell University. All of TOWN BOARD MEETING 16 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 the leaders from each municipality will be meeting to see what can be done to move a consolidated water system forward. Next year' s budget may be impacted some by that study also . RESOLUTIONNO. 201 : Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the 1998 SCLIWC Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Final Budget. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 31 - SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE PLAN : Director of Planning Kanter - The Planning Board scheduled a second public hearing for the November 18th agenda . Hopefully, the Planning Board will come forth with their recommendations on the Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan . If the Planning Board does not come forth with their recommendations there will be enough time to pull the advertisement for the public hearing for the December 8th, Town Board meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 204.0 Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Wo ff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for a public hearing to held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday December 8, 1997, at 6: 15 o 'clock p. m. , in order that the Town Board may consider adoption of the Town of Ithaca Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 30 - CONSIDER TEEN COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT: Carol Terrizzi, 983 Taughannock Blvd. - The Town Board was supplied with a packet and letter about the project. There are some young people here tonight who would like to express their ideas regarding the use of this building. Councilman Wolff - Do you have a meeting space at this time? Ms . Terrizzi - We have a temporary meeting space in the basement of the Unitarian Church on Aurora Street. Members are from the community for youth projects through the Teen Community Center project. The goal is to set up a permanent teen center in downtown Ithaca . There have been meetings in the basement of the Unitarian Church for approximately a year, and it has been very successful with getting a lot of young people involved. There are approximately 25 active youths involved in planning and keeping the teen center going. Beyond that there are approximately 250 youths that have been reached through a variety of activities, both through open hours and sponsored events in downtown Ithaca . Most recently, they sponsored the Halloween Spook Fest, which brought a crowd of young people to the CSMA Annex for bands and costume contests . The youths are looking for a permanent site in downtown Ithaca, and we felt the Town Hall would be a perfect site for them, especially in terms of location . The Center has been looking for some time, but it is hard to find a good spot that would allow them to grow, and would be centrally located for young people to go after school . The current temporary meeting space is getting very crowded. Councilman Conley - Have you talked to groups other than the Town of Ithaca? TOWN BOARD MEETING 17 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 811997 Ms . Terrizzi - Yes, we have looked at several properties . Councilman Conley - Who would be involved in the teen center other than the Town of Ithaca? Ms . Temzzi - We have funding from the City of Ithaca through the Youth Bureau. That money funds our Staff Director position at $ 14, 000 . The teens do fund raisers themselves, and have been fairly successful in raising some money, but not a lot. Fund raising is an on going activity we pursue. The Center has plans to approach other funding agencies, but we are new and have not gotten that far. Councilwoman Grigorov - This is just an exploratory meeting . I think this seems like a great idea because they need a building and this is a building that would be vacant soon . Ms . Terrizzi - This item is only for discussion at this time. Councilman Wolff - I think this is a good idea . I do not believe it to be a reality to raise a yearly $77,000 budget, and to raise $43 ,000 a year through the community. Ms . Terrizzi - We have scaled back the current operating figures to approximately $50,000 . As the Center is increased with the impact of more youths, as they become involved, the chances for securing various kinds of funding will improve . Patrick Walkinshaw, Director of the Teen Center - A lot of the funding is not just from community solicitations. It is also the whole concept around the communities being a part of that. The idea is to have some small businesses associated. The whole business component is what the Center would be looking for. Councilwoman Grigorov - There are some teen centers in other cities that have been successful. Mr. Walkinshaw - Yes . We have visited a center in Camillus that has been operating for 25 years . It is approximately the same scale budget that we are asking for. The Camillus Teen Center has a Director and an Assistant Director in a three story building. They have pool tables, ping pong tables, quiet spaces, a performance space, etcertra. There is a center in Saratoga Springs that is called "Spa Ha", which has the same budget as the Camillus Teen Center. The City of Ithaca has included the Director' s salary in their budget for next year. There are several youths that come from the Town of Ithaca . This program is not just for the City' s youth . Town of Ithaca youth are second highest in use. We have four youths that are part of the Corp Planning Group that live in the Town of Ithaca . There are approximately 17 percent of the Town of Ithaca youth using the Center. The Center has a "drop in" space and a planning group that discusses events and activities the Center wants to have. The Center is developing by-laws because this center is a not-for-profit organization. Councilman Wolff - What is the size of the program? Mr. Walkinshaw - I am not sure at this point, the Center is growing . Most of this has been by word of mouth . There have not been serious discussions with schools almost the center because of the space available . The ideal vision is to have a center for teens to find out how they can get involved in the community, know what is happening in the community, and how to connect to other programs existing in the community. There have been discussions with youth workers about sharing a building so there could be a social worker available on site for teens . I see this as a place where teens could go to get active in events . Town Clerk Noteboom - What ages would this center include? TOWN BOARD MEETING 18 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Mr. Walkinshaw - The Center would be open to anyone under the age of 20 years . There have been some middle school youths who are 12 years of age, but the group that exists now is mostly 14, 15 , and 16 year olds . Councilwoman Russell - What are some of the activities that have taken place? Male from the Audience - We have done some various community service projects, including the Senior Citizen ' s Center. The Teen Center has done some cooking classes, yoga classes, and picnicking. There are some activities and events in the works . The Center is a place for youths to "hang out Councilman Wolff - Would there be certain times the activities are structured? Mr. Walkinshaw - There is a calendar of events for the teens at the center to get involved with . Councilman Wolff - If this building were used for the Teen Center, what type of arrangements is the Center looking for? Mr. Walkinshaw - We are not sure at this time because we have not seen the whole structure. Councilman Wolff - Would you want the whole building or just part of the building? Mr. Walkinshaw - We are not sure. We need to look into this further. Joe Novelli, 457 Brooktondale Road - The Center has discussed having musical areas, lounge areas, etceteras . Ms . Terrizzi - There are two parts of the program. One is the "drop in" hours which is something that a lot of young people use. There is also a Corp Planning Group that meets as part of the Teen Center who actually do the work running the Teen Center. In addition to those two activities, they hold events outside the "drop in" hours . Those are special events such as coffee houses, or other band events . We are reaching out to young people on three levels, such as "drop in" hours, Corp Planning, and large public events . In terms of using this space, it would primarily be used for "drop in" hours and Corp Planning, with the possibility of holding various public events . Councilman Conley - The most important thing would be to know how many support systems would be coming to this teen community center. Mr. Walkinshaw - The Center has been officially endorsed by the City of Ithaca. The Ithaca Youth Bureau, the Mental Health Association, and the Business Improvement District have all endorsed this project. The Mayor is very supportive of this project. He was the one who included the money in the budget for the center. There already seems to be definite City support . The Center will be approaching the County in their next budget cycle to request funds . This center will be serving the County' s youth . There is a definite need and there is definite support. Chris Zinder, 108 Park Lane - I have a 16 year old and two other younger children . As they have gone through the elementary school, there have been programs provided for the children which are level and accessible. An enrichment program at the Caroline Elementary School costs $5 . 00 . Any child can join . The program includes chess, art classes, computer classes, etc . . . The Youth Bureau has programs that serve the population up to the age of 12 years . My one child just started at the middle school and is in the enrichment programs after school for one day for an eight week period at $65 . 00 . From the time children enter the middle school there is very little for the children to do. Since this Center started it has been wonderful for my son . The Town has a great opportunity to contribute towards the teen population . TOWN BOARD MEETING 19 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - The Town will see what can be done, and will contact the Center. (AMENDMENT - TBMTG 12/8/97 - Supervisor Valentino - The Town will arrange for a time when members of the Center can tour the Town Hall building, and they will be contacted.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 28 - CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL BUDGET: Mr. Carvill - The General Fund Balance change was from $ 139,462 to $ 139,500 . No tax rate was needed. The tax rate was moved one thousandths of a penny from $ 1 . 255 per thousand to $ 1 . 256 per thousand town wide. The Part-Town Fund changes and the Highway Fund changes are reallocations for the Attorney for the Town expenditures to be shared amongst all the operating funds within the Town. The impact to that is zero. There is no levy of taxes for maintaining and supplying highway. The Town ' s Part-Town Fund, which includes parks and planning, is maintained by sales tax revenue. There is an expenditure to support our budget from the Town ' s appropriated fund balance or through the sales tax surplus. The Water and Sewer Fund Balances have changes impacting the attorney fees by using more of the fund balance. Changing the water and sewer rates will help the Town use less fund balance because it raises enough revenue from water and sewer benefits to pay most of the expenditures . In the Sewer Fund there is a little change by reducing the sewer benefit rate and increasing the number of units the Town would be expecting from revenues . As a result of expanding the revenues it will increase the Fund Balance approximately $50, 000 next year. The Fire Protection Fund is the one fund that has been impacted the most since the preliminary budget. The Town had budgeted for the Village of Cayuga Heights at $67, 000 for fire maintenance with that rate at $3 . 18 . Supervisor Valentino and I received official notice the Town of Ithaca ' s contract would be $92,000 with the Village of Cayuga Heights . Supervisor Valentino - The Village of Cayuga Heights purchased a new fire truck. Mr. Carvill and I reviewed the formula in the budget and decided the amount they have asked for is correct. It is a cost effective contract because it is a volunteer fire department that assesses the value for the are they protect. It does mean the tax levy would need to be raised by $ . 07 per 1 , 000 . That is an increase that we were not anticipating for the Part-Town Fund which is outside the Village of Cayuga Heights . The Fire Protection Fund tax rate will increase. Mr. Carvill - The rate was $2 . 08 in 1996, and in 1997 it was $3 . 08 . The 1998 Preliminary Budget was estimated to be $3 . 18 , but the Final Budget proposal is now $3 .25 . That would be a five percent increase from last year. Supervisor Valentino - Tax payers who have water and sewer will see an overall decrease in their bill . Tax payers that do not have water and sewer will see an increase because of the Fire Protection budget increase . Mr. Carvill - There is a summary outlining each fund, inclusive of the Lighting Districts showing what is raised expenditures in each of the funds and how much would be used out of the Fund Balance to help manage the operating funds . The amount the Town would be raising with the assigned tax rate is based on final assessments received from the County. The Preliminary Budget worked on a tax assessed value of $736 , 862, 000 . The Town received last week from the County, new tax assessment value of $736,552 , 000 . The Town lost $339, 000 of the assessed value that impacts the tax rate . That will be monitored very carefully next year. TOWN BOARD MEETING 20 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8. 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 202: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve and adopt the 1998 Preliminary Budget with the modifications as presented by the Town Supervisor and the Budget Officer as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye, Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached .) AGENDA ITEM NO. 29 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Director of Engineering Walker - I have been communicating with Bolton Point for more information and documentation . There is a need for approximately 3 ,000 square feet of storage space at Bolton Point. There is a list of materials which are being inadequately stored. This would be a design built type contract, which means the Town would not be designing the specifics of the storage facility. The contractor must meet building codes, obtain a building permit, and provide all the documentation . The pole barn will be approximately 40 feet by 80 feet, and 14 feet in height. The Town of Ithaca will be advertising the bid as the contracting agency. Councilman Klein - Is there a bid proposal ? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes . I have the standard agreement forms . The agreement outlines how the contract will be paid. The Town Board was supplied with a letter confirming that each member of the municipality agrees this capital improvement is appropriate, and no more than $75 ,000 should be spent on the project. RESOLUTION NO. 203(a) : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town of Ithaca Town Board consents to the construction of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) Material Storage Building (Pole Barn) as described in the specifications prepared by the Town Engineer. Cost of said Material Storage Building (Pole Barn) shall not exceed S75, 000. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) Attorney Barney - If the Town was to bid for this project, would there be enough there to bid? Councilman Klein - Director of Engineering Walker has reviewed the specifications . This is a very simple pole barn . Attorney Barney - When bidding this project, the bidders need to "play on the same field". Councilman Klein - There are written specifications which cover everything. This building would not have insulation, lighting, a heating system, or plumbing. Attorney Barney - What type of different design could come up with a bid sheet? Councilman Klein - A building that does not look any different. The difference may be wood column or laminated columns which may be 6 foot centers or 7 foot centers . Structural supports as columns and trusses would be the TOWN BOARD MEETING 21 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 difference. There should be a certification indicating the contractor would provide a set of engineering drawings suitable to file with the building department which would be the insurance to meet building code requirements . Town Clerk Noteboom - Would the bid documents include the bid bond and the bid certificate? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Town Clerk Noteboom - Would there be a bid deposit on this project? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes, a $50 bid deposit. RESOLUTIONNO. 203(b): Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town of Ithaca Town Board acting and contracting agency for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCL.IWQ hereby approves plans and specifications for the construction of a pole barn for a material storage building capital improvement, and authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 32 - CONSIDER SOLICITING REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR A HIGHWAY/PARKS FACILITIES STUDY . Councilman Klein - I mentioned previously at the Public Works Committee meeting Superintendent Noteboom has been the driving force behind getting some professional help on the Highway/Parks facility. The Public Works Committee put together this request for proposals to go out to the public for a project overview. (The Town Board was supplied with a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Town Highway/Parks Facility Feasibility Study.) There is a requirement for the consultant to work with the Public Works Committee and Superintendent Noteboom, and make periodic presentations to the Public Works Committee and the Town Board. Money has been budgeted in the Highway Fund for some improvements, and also for the study. The Town should advertise in many different out of town newspapers for project bids . Councilwoman Russell - How much money has been budgeted for the feasibility study? Councilman Klein - Approximately $6, 000 . Councilwoman Russell - Has the Town started to put money aside for the potential expansion? Superintendent Noteboom - Approximately $50,000 has been put aside at this time. Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee has asked firms to submit their qualifications, and how they would do the project for the Town . It should also include a fees proposal in a separate envelope. RESOLUTION NO. 205: Motion made by Councilman Klein. seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to solicit "Requests for Proposals " for a Highway/Parks Facility Study. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached. ) TOWN BOARD MEETING 22 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8. 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO, 33 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO RATIFY CANCELLATION OF HIGHWAY TRUCK PURCHASE . RESOLUTION NO. 206: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca ratifies and confirms the action of the Town Supervisor in canceling the order for the 1998 International Model 2674 6x4 dump truck submitted to Stadium International Trucks, Inc. , by reason of the breach of the agreement related to such order resulting from the non-delivery of such truck to the Town within the time provided. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : _ Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. (NOTE: The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 34 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO RATIFY APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY TRUCK FROM STATE BID : RESOLUTIONNO. 207: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby ratifies the purchase of one 1997 Ford LTS 9000 conventional tandem truck from Genesee Ford Truck Sales at a purchase price of $66, 676. 00 pursuant to the order issued by the Town Highway Superintendent related to same, dated October 21, 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached.) OTHER BUSINESS : Supervisor Valentino - Shirley Raffensperger and James Schug are on a committee working to change the SCLIWC agreement among the partners to bring it up to date to the needs are of the future consolidated water system. The changes are if there needs to be an expansion to the facility generated by outside users there will be an extra increment charged to those outside users to pay for the full cost of expansion to the plant. It would not fall on the current partners . The report is a general concept on what the commission is looking for. At this point, they are looking for each Board to say "Yes, this is good enough for the attorneys to draw up legal changes to the agreement to review at a later date. " The Commission wants to make sure people feel comfortable with the concept before asking the attorneys to make the legal changes . I need to look at the list for capital projects . The $2 . 55 for water includes an amount going into a capital project fund once the agreement is rewritten . The commissioners want to make sure the list of projects are the priority capital projects . The wording should say "future expansion of the plant for the current members would come out of the rate the Town is currently paying, not an additional fund. " Ms . Raffensperger, Director of Engineering Walker, and I have talked about this in length . Ms . Raffensperger is recommending this, and feels the Town would not get a better agreement from all five partners to move forward. Director of Engineering Walker - The Town was putting a significant capital investment into the plant, and had 50 percent of the capacity. The Town would probably never use all of the capacity in the next 20 years, but we do not want to have to invest in an additional capital improvement if capacity is not there for us . If one of the other partners expanded tremendously and used all of the capacity, and needed another capital improvement, the Town wants to make sure they do not get stuck with another bill . TOWN BOARD MEETING 23 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - The partners were not talking about a consolidated water system with the City of Ithaca and Comell University, no one will hit our capacity limit for at least 25 years . Current members do not have to expand the plant. If the partners begin selling water to Genoa or Ulysses, the plant would need to be expanded sooner. The partners want to make sure the expansion of the plant happens as a result of sales to outside users in which a fund would be set up for what we would be charging them. There are no problems among the partners . The problem I want to address is if Lansing is the entity that kicks us over into expansion and the Town of Ithaca still has plenty of capacity, the feeling is the Town of Ithaca should not have to pay for expansion generated by Lansing. Lansing does not agree. They think any expansion should be paid by all the partners the way it has always been . Director of Engineering Walker - If somebody uses up the capacity and that entity is the reason for the expansion they should pay for that expansion. The Town needs to protect their investment in the plant. There would not be any additional investment made until an expansion is needed. This is the only major change. The agreement is saying all members are going to act in good faith . If one of the members had not bought a higher share and needed 20 percent of the capacity and only paid for 10 percent of the plant, we are going to let them use it. The only time they would need to pay would be when the plant needs to be expanded. The Town bought half the plant which could produce 3 million gallons of water a day. If the Town never uses 3 million gallons of water a day the Town should never have to make another payment into the capital expansion of the plant. Attorney Barney - Assuming an outside user comes in and needs 2 million gallons per day, who is going to pay to build that extra million capacity? At that point, none of the existing partners reached their allocated limit. Director of Engineering Walker - The outside user would pay for that improvement. If there was a capital improvement required, it would be assessed in some way against the outside user that created that need for the capital improvement. Supervisor Valentino - The outside user would need to pay the cost of producing the water plus an extra increment which would go into the reserve fund to pay for the expansion at the time they would need it. Director of Engineering Walker - When the outside users start using the water they would build the capital replacement or capital improvement fund. That would work if they started using 100,000 gallons per day for the first few years and then expanded. If there were 3 million gallons per day by the outside user, then there would need to be an expansion . Supervisor Valentino - The Town would need to front the money, then the outside user would pay the Town back. I do not see any real harm in the Town Board deferring the final decision at this point. There is not going to be a lot happening through the Commission . The commission will be discussing the consolidated system, but that does not mean it has to be decided at this point. The biggest concern I have is there is no real protection for the Town absorbing additional costs for expansion. Councilwoman Grigorov - Along with not giving away anything that is not paid for. Attorney Barney - I would like to discuss this matter further with Ms . Raffensperger to get more familiar with this issue. Supervisor Valentino - This matter will be deferred to the December Town Board Meeting. There will be a meeting held with the Tompkins County Municipal Officers on November 19th at the Valley House. The main agenda item will be the Cable Franchise Program. Larry Moore wi11 be discussing ordinances for cell towers, right-of-way access, and communications . If anyone from this Board is interested, contact me as soon as possible to make reservations . TOWN BOARD MEETING 24 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 36 - CONSENT ITEMS : CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : RESOLUTION NO. 208(a 7Q), (i): Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 36 (a) through 36 (g) and 36 (1) as presented and/or amended by the Town Board on November 6, 1997. Consent Item No. 36(J) was deleted from consideration A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried. (NOTE : The formal adopted resolutions are hereto attached.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS (CONTINUE) : B. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes - See attached. Councilwoman Russell - I promised to convey some concerns from the people on Pine Tree Road and Honness Lane regarding Election night. They were very unhappy about the polling place for District 11 , where they had to go to Axiohm to vote. C. Director of Engineering - See attached. Councilwoman Grigorov - How long is the flood control? There is a terrific noise day and night from this project on West Hill because of the inlet work. Councilman Klein - They must be dredging at night . Director of Engineering Walker - They are dredging 24 hours a day. They stop at 7 : 00 a.m. Sunday morning and continue again Monday morning at 7 : 00 a .m. They are supposed to be done under contract by December 3rd, but they are hoping to be done by Thanksgiving. They have had a lot of down time with fire hydrant leaks needing to be repaired. There were two water main breaks today. One on Pine Tree Road. There are some strange water main configurations which need to be changed. Every time the Town gets into one of these water main situations we find some real insufficiencies . Councilwoman Russell - How serious were the breaks? Was service shut down? Director of Engineering Walker - Some services needed to be shut down . The one on Clover Lane, a small dead end road, was an eight inch water main installed when they did the transmission main . There is a four inch old cast iron main right next to it. The problem was the gate that connected the four inch pipe to the eight inch pipe. All the services on the four inch main were shut off to find the leak. The services are all on at this time. When they built the eight inch main, to save some money, they left the old main in place and left the connections on all the old ones . The main on Clover Lane is 9 feet deep which needs to be dug up to repair and connect the new main . The service on Pine Tree Road was a four inch main serving the Comell University Fish Hatchery. The pipe was 12 feet deep due to the road reconstruction . TOWN BOARD MEETING 25 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 D. Director of Planning - See attached. Councilwoman Russell - What will happen to the existing fuel pumps for the Big Al' s project? Director of Planning Kanter - They will be relocating the same fuel tanks . The fuel pumps will be a new set up with a canopy. The existing convenience store will be destroyed and a new store will be built. Councilwoman Russell - Would this increase the square footage? Director of Planning Kanter - The square footage would not be much more than the existing store. This project presents some opportunities to clean up some of the circulation and access problems that are existing. There are some major concerns with making sure lighting is done properly and physical aspects of the building are done right. Mr. Carvill - Does that change the zoning? Director of Planning Kanter - It is a business zone, but the gas station is not business zoned. It is an existing non- conforming use, but to rebuild it would require Zoning Board of Appeals approval. It should be an improvement for the site. Councilwoman Russell - The striping the State put on Route 96B does not allow people to turn into Big Al' s. It does not recognize the traffic pattern for turning there . Director of Planning Kanter - There should be discussions between the owner and New York State Department of Transportation to make sure the State will be happy with the new curb cuts . They have had some discussions regarding this . There will be some reviews following other projects such as the Mecklenburg Heights proposal. The Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project will be coming before the Town Board soon for zoning changes . It will be referred to the Planning Board for site plan approval . The Ithaca College Observatory will be coming to the Planning Board soon for review. E. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached. Director of Building and Zoning Andrew Frost - The Town ' s longest standing violation dates back to March 1994 for mixed occupancy in a Multiple Residence District on Forest Home Drive. The owners here installed a fire alarm system which was required by a State variance that was granted. The Building and Zoning Department inspected the Cayuga Medical Center for two and one half days. It was one of the most challenging fire safety inspections for October. The Town did not have any fire occurrences or emergency occurrences in October. F. Human Resources - See attached . G. Financial Report - See attached. Supervisor Valentino - The Revenue and Expense Summary is an attempt at trying to put a summary sheet together for the Board. The Fire Protection Fund and Lighting Districts were not included in this summary. A cash summary of the savings and checking accounts was also done. The investment report by funds, the summary TOWN BOARD MEETING 26 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8. 1997 of interest earnings, and the projected interest for the end of the year were all done. The Town ' s bank collateral is to make sure the bank is covering our investments adequately, and there are fund balances of the operating funds . Mr. Carvill and I have been working on this, and thought this would be good information to receive on a monthly basis without getting a whole report . Mr. Carvill - The Revenue and Expense Summary is a summary of what has been received year to date along with what the Town has received in excess of budgeted revenue or what remains to be earned. For example, the Town has earned 89 percent in the General Fund for what was budgeted for 1997 . The Town is anticipating between now and the end of December the remaining 11 percent. The Town has expended 72 percent of what the Town anticipated to spend. The remaining 28 percent will be expended on the remaining salaries and other expenses through the end of the year. There also is a projection of the fund balances . This is calculated by taking the beginning fund balance (or Town equity) adding the actual year to date revenue earned deduct actual year to date expenditures minus the committed funds for encumbrances . This provides the Town Board with an approximation of correct fund balances . This report also gives an indication of how much money we have, and how can we meet our Town and Community objectives . As of October 31 , 1997, in the General Fund, the Town had $275 ,000 ready cash available, and there is $475 ,000 commitment in investment. There are correlation between those equivalents and fund balances . There is $800,000 in cash equivalents that makes up a large part of the $700,000 fund balance. What is presented here are all the general operating funds . The lighting districts debt service will be presented next year. Supervisor Valentino - This summary report shows the Town Board what is happening in all funds . This is a summary report of what is in the monthly financial reports . Mr. Carvill - The Town has received it' s third quarter sales tax from the County, in the amount of $507,000 . The Town has received 85 percent of the budgeted sales tax revenue. Projections on the sales tax revenue with the anticipated fourth quarter, the Town should exceed budget by 9 . 5 percent. The Town should anticipate surplus of approximately $ 163 , 000, which would be received sometime in February. Councilman Klein - The Town just budgeted conservatively because sales tax has not changed. Mr. Carvill - There is a 17 percent increase in this distribution, and anticipating the need over what was anticipated in normal budget flows . In conversations with the County Finance Office, everyone questioned what base calculations the State rolled us back to . What are the reasons for this large distribution? Supervisor Valentino - The Town has used a five year average to help take care of the bumps and lumps . This does not mean the sales taxes have been flat. The County and the City did a projection of a three percent increase, and the Town does an average. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : Councilman Wolff - No report for the Information Technology Committee . I look forward to working on the new position for the technician staff member for the computer network and records management. Councilman Klein - There are a lot of computer companies in the Ithaca area that offer computer support on a contract basis . The Information Technology Committee could talk to these companies for a presentation on what they offer instead of hiring a full time person . Councilman Wolff - The Committee has looked into some of the companies, and it will be looked into further. TOWN BOARD MEETING 27 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - The Town is using some consulting services for what is being done. One of the things which needs to be done is a job description for the technician . Records Management would be a big part of the job, and the position might be a lower classification supplement than with some consultant. The Town is looking for what needs there will be. Councilwoman Russell - The Cornell Community Waste Management Advisory Committee (CCWMAC) has been working on compiling all information gathered from vendors on the criteria developed on the waste disposal systems they are considering. At the last meeting, the proposal to build a regulated medical waste incinerator was postponed and will not be considered further unless all other technologies the Committee is considering do not work out. The Committee is meeting regularly now to meet a December deadline. I am also involved with the consultant choice working group, and we are working very hard to find both a general consultant and an environmental consultant to help the Committee in the final stages . Councilman Conley - No committee reports . Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee will be issuing the minutes shortly, but a few things from the October 23rd meeting such as the Caldwell Road reconstruction needs to be discussed. One of the problems is the timing of Caldwell Road. In 1998, a lot of highway crews will be working on storm water management which seems like a difficult project to do. Once numbers are developed, Cornell University should be approached for a contribution toward the Caldwell Road reconstruction since it effects them the most. Director of Engineering Walker has promised the Public Works Committee, for the November meeting, a draft of the storm water management report . Hopefully, at the December or January meeting there will be a public meeting held on the storm water management . Codes and Ordinances Committee has spent a lot of time on Councilwoman Harrison ' s comments . There has been some conflict about locations of sexually oriented businesses . Attorney Barney did some research on the issue. The question is, does the Town Board wish the Codes and Ordinances Committee to look at drafting asexually oriented business amendment to the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance. The Town should be prepared in case this type of business comes to the Town of Ithaca . Supervisor Valentino - It is limited to what the Town of Ithaca can do. It would be important for the Town to look at what type of zones they should be in, and what kind of distances the Town wants to keep them from schools, churches, etc . . . There are some things which could restrict them. My feeling is to have the Committee review those issues . Councilman Klein - On the first amendment, they have some leeway. From the information Attorney Barney gave the Committee, it could be established as a permitted use in a heavy industrial zone. It does not mean the heavy industrial zone is fully occupied and owned by one business . Supervisor Valentino - The Codes and Ordinances Committee should also look into the cellular towers . Councilwoman Grigorov - No committee reports . Supervisor Valentino - The Northeast Subarea Committee will meet at New York State Electric & Gas building. It will be the first public meeting for people interested in joining the working committee to express their interests . The Mayor and Jim Schug have been meeting on the SJS Committee about changes in the agreement, they have made some progress . TOWN BOARD MEETING 28 NOVEMBER 6, 1997 APPROVED - DECEMBER 811997 AGENDA ITEM NO, 37 - EXECUTIVE SESSION : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell to move into Executive Session to discuss possible litigation . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began Executive Session at 9 : 50 p .m. . Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded Supervisor Valentino . to resume regular session . Motion carried unanimously. The Board resumed regular session at 10 : 30 p .m. . RESOLU77ONNO. 209: Motion made by Councilman Wow seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby denies the appeal under the Freedom of Information Law for the request to obtain draft Zoning materials as requested by Phyllis Baker. The Attorney for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to write a letter to Mrs. Baker explaining the reason for the said denial. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : (The formal adopted resolution is hereto attached) Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO. 38 - ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Conley to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10 : 33 p .m. . Respectfully submitted, Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk * *Next Regular Monthly Meeting - December 8, 1997 at 5 :30 p.m. * * *END OF YEAR MEETING - DECEMBER 31 , 1997 at 10:00 a.m. * * * *Minutes Transcribed by Deborah Kelley. Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 3 (a) Request to Establish School Zone on East King Road Resolution No . 178 BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby requests that the State of New York establish a "school zone" on East King Road in the vicinity of the Montessori School . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 a". I,+ /n&L, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 7 Approval of Funding and Authorization to Enter Into Agreements for Youth Services as Recommended by the Joint Youth Commission Resolution No . 179 WHEREAS , Holly Beermann , the Town of Ithaca representative on the Joint Youth Commission has presented the request for funding for youth services for the year 1998 as recommended by the Joint Youth Commission ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that such funding be approved , and that the Town of Ithaca enter into the contracts and sub-contracts with Tompkins County , the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau , the Learning Web , and Cornell Cooperative Extension to provide these services ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve the payment of $67 , 465 in the year 1998 as recommended by the Joint Youth Commission to provide the said youth services ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary agreements and subcontractor agreements on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with any changes or amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town to provide the said youth services ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Attorney for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to continue negotiations with the Tompkins County Attorney to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement for the removal of the indemnification provisions in all contracts and agreements with Tompkins County, MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye . Motion carried . DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 8 Approval of Funding and Authorization to Execute Agreement with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council , Inc . Resolution No , 180 WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council , Inc . provides programs and services to benefit the Town of Ithaca Senior Citizen residents ; and WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council , Inc . is requesting payment in the amount of $7 , 125 in 1998 to provide these said programs and services ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Town Board approve the said payment amount and enter into an agreement with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council , Inc. to provide these programs and services ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve the payment of $7 , 125 in the year 1998 to the Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council , Inc. to provide the said programs and services ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with the Tompkins County Senior Citizens' Council , Inc. to provide the said programs and services upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town as to any changes or amendments that may be deemed necessary. MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 9 Approval of Funding and Authorization to Execute Agreement with the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County Resolution No . 181 WHEREAS , the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County provides historical services to the Town of Ithaca; and WHEREAS , the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County is requesting payment in the amount of $9 , 000 in 1998 to provide these services ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Town Board approve the said payment amount and enter into an agreement with the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County to provide these services in 1998 ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve the payment of $9 , 000 in the year 1998 to the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County to provide historical services to the Town of Ithaca ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County to provide the said services upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town as to any changes or amendments that may be deemed necessary. MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 10 Approval of Funding and Authorization to Enter Into Agreement for Services With Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc . Resolution No . 182 WHEREAS , Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc. provides transportation services to Town of Ithaca residents who are 60 years of age and over and/or disabled ; and WHEREAS , Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc . is requesting payment in the amount of $9 , 560 in 1998 to provide these said services ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Town Board approve the said payment amount and enter into an agreement with the Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc . to provide these said services ; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board does hereby approve the payment of $9 , 560 in the year 1998 to Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc . to provide the said transportation services ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with Gadabout Transportation Services , Inc . to provide the said programs and services upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town as to any changes or amendments that may be deemed necessary. MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q�Q�� 1+ 'Vzi Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 12 ( c ) Resolution of Appreciation = Herbert Finch , Planning Board Member Resolution No , 183 WHEREAS , Herbert Finch was appointed to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board effective February 10 , 1992 , and has served continuously on the Board since that date ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Finch has also served the Town as a member of the Codes and Ordinances Committee ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Finch has chosen to retire from further service as Member of the Planning Board and of the Codes and Ordinances Committee effective October 21 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , during his more than five years of service , Mr. Finch has demonstrated an ability to balance the needs of the Town with the needs of development applicants; has intelligently and capably utilized and applied the planning processes of the Town ; has brought to his service an abundance of common sense and savior-faire ; and has , with wisdom and wit diligently attended to the business of the Planning Board and the Codes and Ordinances Committee in all its ramifications to the Town and its citizens ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca is indebted to Mr . Finch for his outstanding service as a Planning Board and Codes and Ordinances Committee Member and wishes to express its appreciation to him for his service ; Now , Therefore , Be It Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, on behalf of the Town , its citizens and residents , expresses its sincere gratitude to Herbert Finch for his diligent and exemplary service to our community . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q.n! I& 'VA&, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 14 SEQR : Local Law to Amend Local Law No . 5 , 1995 ( Sprinkler Law) , Relating to the Effective Date for Retroactive Installation of Sprinklers Resolution No . 184 WHEREAS , this action is the enactment of a local law to amend Local Law No , 5 , 1995 (Sprinkler Law) , relating to the effective date for retroactive installation of sprinklers , by changing the required date for retroactive installation of sprinklers to January 1 , 2000 ; and WHEREAS , this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board , at a public hearing held on November 6 , 1997 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form , Parts and II for this action ; now, therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and , therefore , neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form , nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk E � = Town Assigned Project ID Number Agenda Item No , 14 Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION o be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1 . ApplicanvSponscr: 2 Project Name : Coca aw amending e Town . of Ithaca Town Board Sprinkler Law relating to the effectiv ate for retroactive installation of 3. Precise location (street address, road Intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map),N / A sprin rs Tax Parcel Number: . 4. Is proposed action : NEW? EXPANSION ? MODIFICATION/ALTERATION ? X 5. Describe project briefly: (Include project purpose, present land use , current and future construction plans, and other relevant Items) : Enactment of a local law amending Local Law No . 5 , 1995 ( Sprinkler Law ) , relati g to the effective date for retroactive installation of sprinklers , by changing the required date for retroactive installation of sprinklers to January 1 , 20 0 (Attach secarate sheet( s) if necessary to adequately describe the prcoosed project.) Amount of land affected : Initially (0-5 yrs) .N4,cres (6.10 yrs) N / A Acres (> 10 yrs) N / AAcres How Is land zoned presently? N / A e. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions ? YES NO If no, describe conflict briefly : N / A 9. will proposed action lead to a request for new : Public Road? YES NO Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer? YES NO X 10. What Is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park/ Forest/Open Space Other Please Describe: N / A 11 . Does proposed action Involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local)? YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit/approval/funding : 12 Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval ? YES NO If yes, list agency name and permit/approval. Also, state whether It will require modification. N / A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW7FIev. #pilcant/Sponsor Name _(Print or Type) Catherine Valentino , Supervisor Ignature : y Date : November 6 1997 /92 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary.) A. Does proposed action' exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO If yes . coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 6? YES NO X If no , a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency , if any. C . Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following : (Answers may be handwritten , If legible) C1 . Existing air quality , surface or groundwater quality , noise levels , existing traffic patterns , solid waste production and disposal , potential for erosion , drainage or flooding problems ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C2. Aesthetic, agricultural , archaeological , historic, or other natural or cultural resources ? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C3 . Vegetation or fauna, fish , shellfish , or wildlife species , significant habitats , unicue natural areas , wetlands , or threatened or endangered species ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C4. The Town's existing plans or goals as officially adopted , or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources ? Explain briefly : ON ! �� 'V I i 1' i ( i ni nt, A � I fl �f?IlMllj �� II IM (A pa Ir gNA p Via! rt a r� P�?� w� �t r ail �d P> plgin briefly: None anticipated . C6. Long term , short term , cumulative , or other effects not identified in C1 - CS ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . D . Is there , or is there likely to be , controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts ? YES NO X If yes , explain briefly : E. Comments of staff X CB other attached . ( Check as applicable . ) PART . III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions : For each adverse effect Identified above, determine whether it Is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (le, urban or rural) ; (b) probability of occurring ; (c) duration ; (d) Irreversibility ; (e) geographic scope ; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed . Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. X Check here if you have determined , based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation , that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary the reasons ipporting this determin tion. Tbwn of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency Pre arer's Signature ( If different from Responsible Officer Catherine Valentino , Supervisor _ Name & Title of Responsible in Le//ad Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer Date : November 6 , 1997 Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 15 Enactment Local Law No . 5/ 1997 "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS " Resolution No , 185 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS" ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No . 5 of 1997 , "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS" ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file the said local law as required by Town Law. MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q""' LA 4w.". Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 13 TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO . _ OF THE YEAR 1997 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 . This Local Law shall apply to all parts of the Town of Ithaca outside the Village of Cayuga Heights . Section 2 . Local Law No . 7 of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1988 entitled " A LOCAL LAW REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA " as amended by Local Law No . 10 for the year 1988 , Local Law No . 10 for the year 1990 , and Local Law No . 11 for the year 1995 is further amended as follows : Section 4 , introductory paragraph , is amended by deleting the words " within ten years from the effective date of this ordinance " and inserting instead " by January 1 , 2000 , 11 i Section 3 . If any section of this Local Law shall be held unconstitutional , invalid or ineffective , in whole or in part , such determination shall not be deemed to affect , impair or invalidate the remainder thereof. Section 4 . This Local Law shall take effect immediately . Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda item No . 18 1998 Water Benefit Assessment RESOLUTION DECREASING WATER BENEFIT LEVY Resolution No . 186 WHEREAS , the current water benefit levy for the Town of Ithaca used for the purposes of calculating the water benefit assessment is $80 . 00 per unit ; and WHEREAS , said water benefit was established in November of 1991 ; and WHEREAS , the initial financing of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission facilities have now been paid in full ; and WHEREAS , there have been other savings in the costs of providing the water services since 1991 ; and WHEREAS , all of such savings justify in reducing the benefit levy for water facilities ; NOW , THEREFORE , it is RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a decrease in the water benefit charge from $80 . 00 per unit of water assessment to $54 . 00 ; and it is further RESOLVED , that there be no further benefit assessment for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Commission facilities ; and it is further RESOLVED , that said decreased assessment of $54 . 00 be the basis for determining the water benefit assessment roll for the year 1998 . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 20 1998 Sewer Benefit Assessment RESOLUTION DECREASING SEWER BENEFIT UNIT CHARGE Resolution No , 187 WHEREAS , the current sewer benefit unit charge for the Town of Ithaca used for the purposes of calculating the sewer benefit assessment is $82 . 00 per unit , of which $ 14 . 00 is the assessment applicable to the Town of Ithaca - Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Area and the balance relates to the Town of Ithaca Townwide Sewer Improvement Area ; and WHEREAS , said sewer benefit charge was last changed by an increase adopted in November of 1994 applicable to the tax years beginning January 1 , 1995 ; and WHEREAS , the number of benefitted parcels in the Town has increased ; and WHEREAS , the Town has extensively reviewed the number of benefit units attributed to various parcels in the Town , discovered a number of under-assessed properties , and has corrected such assessments resulting in a substantial increase in the total number of benefit units in the Town ; and WHEREAS , because of the increased number of benefit units it is possible to reduce the per unit benefit levy; NOW, THEREFORE , it is RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a decrease in the sewer benefit charge from $82 . 00 per unit of sewer assessment to $75 . 00 per unit ; and it is further RESOLVED , of said assessment , $ 14 . 00 per unit shall be the assessment for the Town of Ithaca - Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Area and $61 . 00 per unit shall be the assessment for the Town of Ithaca Townwide Sewer Improvement Area ; and it is further RESOLVED , that said decreased assessment be the basis for determining the sewer benefit assessment roll for the year 1998 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 J an Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 22 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts Resolution No's . 188= 198 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearings have been held to consider the 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts for the Town of Ithaca ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 1998 Assessment Rolls for the following Special Benefit Districts of the Town of Ithaca . Forest Home Lighting District : Resolution No. 188 MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Glenside Lighting District: Resolution No . 189 MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Renwick Heights Lighting District . Resolution No . 190 MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Eastwood Commons Lighting District. Resolution No. 191 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov TB Mtg . 11 /7/97 = Agenda Item No . 22 Resolution No's . 188- 198 Page 2 . Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Clover Lane Lighting District : Resolution No. 192 MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Winners Circle Lighting District : Resolution No. 193 MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Burleigh Drive Lighting District : Resolution No. 194 MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. West Haven Road Lighting District : Resolution No. 195 MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Coddington Road Lighting District : Resolution No. 196 MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein TB Mtg . 11 /7/97 - Agenda Item No . 22 Resolution No's . 188= 198 Page 3 . Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Water Improvement Benefit District. Resolution No. 197 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. Sewer Improvement Benefit District: Resolution No. 198 MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 24 Delinquent Water and Sewer Charges Resolution No . 199 WHEREAS , there is an amount totaling $80 , 688 . 98 owed to the Town of Ithaca for delinquent water and sewer charges , including penalties on properties within the Town of Ithaca for the billings of December 1996 through October 15 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , Town Law provides for the collection of these said monies as a lien against the property involved on the tax bill ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes and directs the Receiver of Taxes to add to the tax roll for 1998 the amount of $80 , 688 . 98 for the delinquent water and sewer charges , including penalties ; and be it further RESOLVED , said delinquent amount is to become due and collectible as part of the tax bills for the Town of Ithaca which will be mailed to property owners on December 319 1997 , and which will become due January 1 , 1998 , MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 26 Approval of Funding and Authorization to Enter Into Agreement With the Human Services Coalition Resolution No , 200 WHEREAS , the Human Services Coalition provides programs and benefits to Town of Ithaca residents ; and WHEREAS , the Human Services Coalition is requesting payment in the amount of $2 , 575 . 00 in 1998 to provide these services ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Town Board approve the said payment amount and enter into an agreement with the Human Services Coalition to provide these services ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve the said payment of $2 , 575 . 00 in the year 1998 to the Human Services Coalition to provide the said services ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with the Human Services Coalition to provide the said services upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town as to any changes or amendments that may be deemed necessary. MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Qai2nj� , + TXA-A6, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 27 Adoption 1998 SCLIWC Budget Resolution No , 201 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission ( SCLIWC) Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Budget ; now , therefore , be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the 1998 SCLIWC Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Final Budget . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 0, la� /n Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No. 28 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget Resolution No . 202 WHEREAS, the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has discussed and reviewed all modifications to the said budget as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 1998 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget with the attached modifications as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget, MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 0 ov 0 m v a z 0 m N Mw J 0 m 00 00 c v v m Cl) cn (n � m DD � D --i � � 0 c8 � O � O � v mmm i � mm z � x i o � � � � D � � � Dmv Dmu amD m � � � � � � � z m mmm �0 �, z O � 0 � b0 m � Z � -� -� _� IZt10D y -_� � 0 m a > O 0 Dim m a m< z z I (j) Cl) -tZ I !nom -< ZO no c mu z Nm m Ozz 0m zo < Om m 00 Dc a 0 0 D 0m F c 0 'a0m I � o � m � � z I Z � � � zv O g° Z ? O z0 ° z0 ° z o m Z0 v � 0z C) ; � 0z 0z ° (� z < M � - zin mcc 0 � m (a m � m m to =0 x m m Cl) m 10 °0 m 8 0 � o m 0 > O cA � � � L ( D DD m nz W W O D NDN n NJ , 8 N (p m O 0 O 000 O O � m p p p N Z0 O N � m 0tofA 69 69 69 (a 6969 69 (A ff) w to0ka mN M4 �W m �v a z z D SAW _OOD Aa Js N VO U1 � C U 00p -L (D ODp� A V �j0 OON mm 0 df co O ' V 0 0 ' (OD ' A w 0 ' 88 - 1 696969 69 (ft 6969 696% 69 69 (ft w to to t9 M r� a r d pp ((��1 ((pp m 3 a � 0CA OD � � 08 _ � p _ A N _OOD O (�1 (Jt bCH7J 0 0 0 N p8p 0 N � 0 9 8 8 � O 00) (0 ' V p0 ' (D O 000 do S9 69 40 69 69 to EA 6969 16969 69 69 40 -6969 n' N tp j (A� p�� .� (gyp tp 0 D mr-I O O A A aD A O N O OD O -� A N GD m r Hu C � 8w 8 § g � � o ° OM C� H r x r� r� H r- [DT1 r m O O O m m m m m z c 0 CO) v G) � cv M=l O m m CO NN O m 0 A CA CA wn po D o OAto vC . 4 cbo m z O m m 4 m -n J (7i C °o ca m o 8 69 69 m MEL _r m ; J _ 4 (O CA co O p O O fe 69 aMO J a z ou !� OD rm w rn Ll N N Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 29 Consent for Construction of SCLIWC Pole Barn Resolution No . 203 ( a) BE IT RESOLVED , the Town of Ithaca Town Board consents to the construction of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Material Storage Building ( Pole Barn ) as described in the specifications prepared by the Town Engineer. Cost of said Material Storage Building ( Pole Barn ) shall not exceed $75 , 000 . 00 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 29 Approval of Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Material Storage Building Capital Improvement Resolution No . 203 ( b) BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board acting and contracting agency for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission hereby approves the plans and specifications for the construction of a pole barn for a material storage building capital improvement , and authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 i Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 31 Public Hearing Date Parks , Recreation and Open Space Plan Resolution No, 204 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday, December 8, 1997, at 6: 15 o'clock p . m . , in order that the Town Board may consider adoption of the Town of Ithaca Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan . MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , . aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 (1, ZL4 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 32 Authorization to Solicit Requests for Proposal for a Highway/Parks Facility Study Resolution No . 205 WHEREAS , the Highway/Parks Department , along with the Public Works Committee , has prepared a Request for Proposal ( RFP) to complete a Feasibility Study to evaluate the existing facility and future expansion ; now , therefore, be it RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Highway Superintendent, the feasibility study be approved , and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise and receive RFP' s for the Highway/Parks Facility Feasibility Study. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No , 33 RESOLUTION RATIFYING CANCELLATION OF HIGHWAY TRUCK PURCHASE Resolution No . 206 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca solicited bids for a truck and snow plow in April of 1997 for delivery to be available for winter road plowing and ice removal in the Winter of 1997- 1998 ; and WHEREAS , Stadium International Trucks , Inc . was the apparent low bidder pursuant to a bid by which such bidder promised deliver in "90- 120 days" from delivery of the purchase order; and WHEREAS , on May 14 , 1997 the Town ordered the truck in accordance with said bid specification at a price of $65 , 486 . 00 ; and WHEREAS , 120 days from such order would have been approximately September 15 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , the truck was not delivered on September 15 , 1997 and , after additional inquiry, it was determined that the truck had not yet even been built by the r manufacturer and that the earliest possible deliver date would not be until mid= November, 1997 ; and WHEREAS , through conversations with the Town Highway Superintendent, the Town Deputy Highway Superintendent , and the Attorney for the Town the bidder could not guarantee that the truck would be delivered even in mid- November and admitted that it was very possible the delivery could be delayed well into the winter time ; and WHEREAS , the Town had an opportunity to purchase an existing truck on the state bid provided the Town issued a purchase offer for such truck no later than October 22 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor consulted with members of the Town Board regarding the above circumstances and concluded , with their assistance and with the assistance of the Town Highway Superintendent and the Attorney for the Town that it would be appropriate to cancel the order with Stadium International Trucks , Inc . for non -performance; and WHEREAS , pursuant to those discussions a letter of cancellation was forwarded to Stadium International Trucks , Inc . dated October 21 , 1997 ; r NOW, THEREFORE , it is TB Mtg . 11 /6/97 - Agenda Item No , 33 Resolution No. 206 Page 2 . RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca ratifies and confirms the action of the Town Supervisor in canceling the order for the 1998 International Model 2674 6x4 dump truck submitted to Stadium International Trucks , Inc. by reason of the breach of the agreement related to such order resulting from the non-delivery of such truck to the Town within the time provided . MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye: Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 2.22, LA r,- Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 34 RESOLUTION RATIFYING APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY TRUCK FROM STATE BID Resolution No . 207 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca is in desperate need of a dump truck and snow plow for use in the Town highway operations to maintain the Town highway road system , and in particular to provide snow plowing and ice removal services in the winter; and WHEREAS , the Town ordered such a truck over a year ago through the state bid process but when the truck arrived , it had not been built in accordance with the specifications required by the Town for safe operation of the truck on the Town 's hills; and WHEREAS , accordingly the Town canceled such order when it became apparent that the supplier of the truck could not modify it in a manner that would permit its use by the Town as specified by the Town and solicited bids for a truck; and WHEREAS , in April 1997 bids for a truck were received and a bid awarded to the apparent low bidder, Stadium International Trucks , Inc . for a new truck for delivery within 90= 120 days after the submission of a formal order; and WHEREAS , Stadium International Trucks , Inc. was unable to deliver said truck within the time period established by the bids and could not guarantee delivery of a truck in time to be available for the winter season of 1997-98 ; and WHEREAS , because of such non -delivery the order for the truck from Stadium International Trucks , Inc. was canceled by the Town Supervisor after consultation with several members of the Town Board and the Town Highway Superintendent and the Attorney for the Town , which cancellation has been ratified by this Board ; and WHEREAS , the main reason for canceling the International Truck contract was the fact that the truck had not yet even been built by the manufacturer and thus deliver in time to be useable in the 1997= 1998 winter season could not be assured ; and WHEREAS , the Town discovered a comparable Ford truck that had already been built and was immediately available to the Town , which truck could be purchased through the use of the state contract under the General Municipal Law provided that an order for the truck was delivered no later than October 22 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor consulted with several members of the Town Board and the Highway Superintendent and the Attorney for the Town regarding the TB Mtg . 11 /6/97 - Agenda Item No . 34 Resolution No . 207 Page 2 , need to submit an immediate order in order to assure the obtaining of the truck before the state contract for same expired ; and WHEREAS , as a result of such consultations an order was submitted to purchase a 1997 Ford Truck from Genesee Ford Truck Sales in Rochester, New York, at a purchase price of $66 , 676 . 00 pursuant to an order dated October 21 , 1997 so as to take advantage of the availability of such truck and its purchase under the state contract for such vehicles; NOW , THEREFORE , it is RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby ratifies the purchase of one 1997 Ford LTS 9000 conventional tandem truck from Genesee Ford Truck Sales at a purchase price of $66 , 676 . 00 pursuant to the order issued by the Town Highway Superintendent related to same , dated October 21 , 1997 , MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No, 36(a) =36(g) , 36(I ) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No. 208 (a) - (g ) , 208 ( i ) BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 36(a) =36(g) , and 36( i ) as presented and/or amended by the Town Board on November 6 , 1997. Consent item number 36 (h ) is deleted from consideration , and 360) is added for consideration . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman . Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 36 (a) Town Board Meeting Minutes = 10/2/97 Agenda Item No, 208 (a) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on October 2 , 1997 to the Town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the said minutes for the said meeting ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the said minutes as the official minutes of the Town Board for the regular meeting held on October 2 , 1997, MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 c Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No. 36 (b) Town of Ithaca Warrants Resolution No . 208 (b) WHEREAS , the warrant with the following numbered listing of vouchers has been presented to the Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said warrant has been audited for payment by the Town Board ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of the said vouchers as numbered and listed on the warrant : General Fund Vouchers: No . 111 &2091 , $54 , 513 . 59 General Part Town Vouchers : No . 1888-2040, $219148 . 00 Highway Fund Vouchers : No . 1900-2043 , $629384. 90 Water Fund Vouchers : No . 1887-2045 , $ 103 , 387 . 08 Sewer Fund Vouchers : No . 1890=2045 , $25 , 767 . 50 MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED: Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q., JA ni. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 36 ( c ) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No . 208 ( c ) WHEREAS , the warrant with the following numbered listing of vouchers for Bolton Point , Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) has been presented to the Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS , said warrant has been audited for payment by the Town Board ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of the said vouchers as numbered and listed on the warrant. Operating Fund Vouchers: No . 2213-2275 , $ 142 , 125 . 99 Capital Fund Vouchers : No . H48 , $ 1 , 071 . 60 MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q.2, LA Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 36 (d) Sewer Billing Refund , Account #S-859 Resolution No . 208 (d) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk' s office has determined that a sewer billing refund is due Evan and Carolyn Monkemeyer owners of the Summerhill Townhouses , 1026 Ellis Hollow Road , Account #S-859 because the bill was inadvertently paid twice; and WHEREAS , a credit to the said account would create undue confusion and additional paper work for both the Town staff and Mr. and Mrs . Monkemeyer; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that a sewer billing refund be made to Mr. and Mrs . Evan Monkemeyer in .- the amount of $67 .20. MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 36 (e) Creation of Civil Service Classification of Environmental Planner Resolution No . 208 (e) WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca established compliance under the New York State Civil Service Commission to qualify employment positions in the Town of Ithaca in accordance with Section 22 of New York Civil Service Law; and WHEREAS , one regulation of Civil Service Law is the creation of a position with approved job description before appointment ; and WHEREAS , the Director of Planning , the Human Resource Specialist and the Town Supervisor recommend creating the job classification of Environmental Planner; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby establishes the position of Environmental Planner in the competitive class pursuant to Section 42 of Civil Service Law; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve the attached job description for the said position and that such position will be classified in the Town ' s job classification N ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk is requested and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Personnel Office for processing by said office to obtain certification of the position as set forth . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER TOMPKINS COUNTY Department Planning , Town of Ithaca Classification Competitive Labor Grade N ( 14 ) Approved Bd . Res . 489 , 12 / 18 / 9 Revised 6 / 9 / 911 8 / 27 / 93 6 / 19 / 95 By HH , Commissioner of Personnel DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS : This is a mid - level professional planning position with the primary responsibility of carrying out the Planning Department ' s charge of protecting and planning for the wise use of natural resources in the County . The Environmental Planner is responsible for coordinating interdepartmental implementation of New York State ' s State Environmental Quality Review Act ( SEQRA) , as defined in local policy on SEQRA . The position initiates the design , development and implementation of various environmental projects , studies , reports , and plans for the Agency , and actively advises all Departments that may have projects with an environmental design component . The position provides direct assistance to individuals and private , nonprofit , and pubic organizations and municipalities in answering requests for environmental information . The Environmental Planner is also responsible for all environmental project reviews affecting County or Town facilities and interests . The County ' s Environmental Planner is the primary staff person to coordinate and iadvise the Environmental Management Council ( EMC ) ( a County- wide environmental advisory board with responsibility for advising the County Board of Representatives on environmental issues ) . A high level of interpersonal skill and diplomacy is required of an Environmental Planner since the position must advise and facilitate the work of a wide range of public interest groups who often have conflicting opinions . The Environmental Planner is responsible for supervising the work of the various clerical staff and hired interns , as well as , supervising the contractual work of consultants hired to perform work under various environmental programs . In the County Planning Department , the work will be performed under the general supervision of the Commissioner of Planning . In the Town of Ithaca , the work will be performed under the general supervision of the Director of Planning . A high degree of autonomy and independent judgment in performing work and developing internal and external programs will be allowed . The incumbent will perform all related duties as required . TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES : Provides professional technical support to all departments in implementing New York State ' s State Environmental Quality Review Act ( SEQRA ) ; Reviews site plans and environmental impact statements , and provides professional advice on environmental impacts ( in conformance with State , especially SEQRA and General Municipal Law Section 239 - 1 &m , federal , and local laws ) to municipalities , Planning Department staff , and other departments ; CONTI=D NEXT PAGE ENVIRONM IUAL PLANNER ( CONTIMI) ) TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES ( CONTINUED ) : #ovides technical support for the Planning department ' s local municipal planning program ; alyzes natural resources , land use , and demographic information , in support of various environmental programs of boards , departments and municipalities , by using the County ' s Geographical Information System , and prepares map products as required ; Encourages inter - agency cooperation with other departments , municipalities , and public /private /nonprofit officials by working to develop and implement plans related to environmental and comprehensive land use planning ; Makes both formal and informal presentations to advise , recommend and inform citizen advisory boards , legislative bodies , and public officials on environmental and land use programs and issues ; Serves as the environmental resources contact person for the Planning Department by responding to requests for environmental and land use information/ complaints about environmental problems from the public , community organizations , and County/Town government ; Produces written communication , such as newsletters , reports , program summaries , news releases , and technical memorandums for the public and various groups and individuals as appropriate ; Supervises the contractual work of the Planning Department staff assigned to' specific environmentally- related programs ( as assigned by the Commissioner of Planning or Director of Planning ) ; Prepares grant applications to private /public /nonprofit funding agencies for environmental programs , and administers the implementation of these various ` grant programs ; the County ' s Planning Department : Supervises the contractual work performed by consultants and contractors under the County forestry program and advises the County on forest management policy ; Administers the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ' s reimbursement program for the EMC , which requires the preparation of quarterly reports , annual work plans , and annual reports ; Coordinates and facilitates the work of the environmental management council ( EMC ) by providing professional environmental planning and administrative advice and support ; Prepares and administers the EMUS annual budget ; Acts as spokesperson for the EMC and , as required for the Planning Department , to radio , television and print media ; Supervises the work of , and develops the annual work plan for EMC clerical staff ; and Supervises EMC and Planning Department hired interns to work on environmentally- related projects . I In the Town ' s Planning Department : Coordinates the Towns Geographic Information System ( GIS ) ; Coordinates and facilitates the work of the Conservation Board and its Environmental Review Committee ; rticipates in the development review and plan review process ; and pervises interns to work on environmentally related projects . CONTI=D ON NEXT PAGE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER ( CONTINUED ) FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGEs SKILLSs ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS ; xcellent and extensive knowledge of natural resource policy and environmental planning principles and practices , including techniques associated with substantive analyses of environmental issues ; Ability to interpret a wide range of maps and aerial photography , as well as , the ability to use Geographical Information Systems to analyze data ; Excellent interpersonal and communications skills to work effectively with the general public , advisory boards , department heads , legislators , and local officials on issues that are frequently highly contentious ; Ability to develop and maintain good public and professional relations , work under tight deadlines , and display good professional and rational judgment in dealing with controversy ; Understanding of design , research and implementation factors in environmental and land use issues facing communities ; Ability to prepare and supervise contracts between the County and contractors implementing natural resource programs on behalf of the County ; Ability to apply statistical techniques to analyze environmental and land use data ; Skillful ability t,o use word processing , spreadsheet , database , and GIS or high precision ...mapping computer software ; Ability to interpret and evaluate scientific and policy related reports , federal , state , and local emrironmental regulations and statutes ; Ability to prepare concise , well constructed oral and written communications ; and Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the job . INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS : EITHER : ( a ) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a with a Masers of Science in natural resources or related field with concentration in environmental planning policy or land use policy planning , AND one year full - time paid ( or the equivalent part - time and/or volunteer ) experience in areas of federal , state or local governmental I environmental planning , or nonprofit or private sector environmental impact >` analysis ; OR ( b ) Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college with a _ Bachelor of Science in natural resources , environmental planning or related field AND three years full - time paid ( or the equivalent part - time and/ or volunteer ) experience in areas of federal , state or local governmental environmental planning , nonprofit or private sector environmental impact analysis ; OR ( c ) Any equivalent combination of training and experience as described in ( a ) and ( b ) above . SPECIAL REQUIREMENT • Possession of valid New York State driver ' s license . e13 . doc 0 Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No. 36 (f) Ratification of Provisional Appointment of Planner Resolution No , 208 (f) WHEREAS , the Civil Service position of Planner is currently vacant; and WHEREAS , the Selection Committee interviewed seven candidates for the position through the solicitation process since there was no civil service eligible list to select from ; and WHEREAS, the Selection Committee felt that Christine Balestra, possesses the necessary skills and experience to successfully perform the duties of the said position ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , on the recommendation of the Selection Committee the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the provisional appointment of Christine Balestra as a full time Planner, Classification L, at the hourly wage of $ 12 . 82 , based on a 37. 5 hour work week, charged to General Part Town account 88020 . 100, retroactive to October 27 , 1997 ; and be it further RESOLVED , that this appointment is provisional pending successful completion of the next civil service examination with a rating listed in the top three of the reachable candidates on the eligible listing . A twenty six (26) week probationary period applies commencing on date of hire . Full time benefits apply. MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 36 (g) Attendance at Human Resource Institute Conference Resolution No, 208 (g) WHEREAS , Cornell University is holding a conference for Human Resource Professionals at the Statler Hotel on Cornell University Campus on November 17= 18 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , this conference will assess some of the changes ahead and provide practical approaches for managing an organization 's human capital ; and WHEREAS , Judith C . Drake has asked to attend this local conference and feels it will be beneficial to the Town , (see attached authorization form approved by Mrs. Drake' s supervisor) ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve and authorize the attendance of Judith C . Drake at the Human Resource Institute Conference , November 17 and 18 , 1997 , at a cost not to exceed $200 . 00 to be charged to General Fund account A1430 , 410 , MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk TOWN OF ITHACA CONFERENCE/TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM EMPLOYEE NAME �y ol.c � DATE SUBMITTED DEPARTMENT BUDGET ACCOUNT J2 3L. `f/D TITLE OF CONFERENCE U . �-( owc � S7 A/ LOCATION OF CONFERENCEr,P DATE & TIME OF CONFERENCE : FROM _0.01 (,x, l/�/ 7 ?,304' 0 TO EXPECTED TIME TO LEAVE : EXPECTED RETURN TIME: FUNDING REQUESTED REGISTRATION FEE $ 195 ° OVERNIGHT ACCOMIDATIONS (If Required) $ TRAVEL ACCOMIDATIONS (If Required) $ *-, GE own Vehicle Using Personal Vehicle" ' miles @ $O .i per mile $ _ 'Odemeter readings may be requested, therefore notation of readings is suggested. MEALS : Per diem for all day or over night $ BREAKFAST @$5 . 00 per day $ LUNCH @$6 .00 per day $ DINNER @$ 16 .00 per day $ DITHER EXPENSES $ raj ,,ev�"1P A, .� TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUE '''�" . STED : $ S � 0 V' available Funding : $ 1vr\ � a n ;y-I G : mployee's Signature: Date : 9 (/4 7 ment Heads Signature: az Date : / evS 9 his form must be completed and approved prior to attending conference or traveling . PERSFORMXLS9/10/97 Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No. 36 ( i) 1997 Budget Transaction = Sewer Fund Resolution No . 208 ( i ) WHEREAS , this governing Town Board budgeted $545 , 000 in the Sewer Fund for "Waste Water Charges" payable to the City of Ithaca Joint Sewer; and WHEREAS , after the final 1997 "Joint Sewer Project" Budget was adopted the total amount due from the Town of Ithaca for its share is $512 , 607; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor recommends that the following budget amendment be approved and made thereby returning the unneeded budgeted funds of $32 , 393 to Unappropriated Fund Balance for the year 1997; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , this governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Chief Fiscal Officer and the Budget Officer to record the following 1997 Budget Transaction in the Sewer Fund , FROM : G960 Appropriations $32 , 393. 00 G81500400 Waste Water Treatment Charges $32 , 393 . 00 TO : G599 Appropriated Fund Balance $329393. 00 MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED: Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 116/97 Agenda Item No. 36 Q ) Deferred Compensation For I . R . C . Section 457 Plans Transferring From The State Plan To The Model Plan Dated (93/97) Resolution No . 208 (j ) WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca in December of 1993 established an "eligible deferred compensation plan for its employees by adopting the "Deferred Compensation Plan For Employees Of The State Of New York And Other Participating Public Jurisdictions" ("State Plan ") . As such , the Town of Ithaca appointed the New York State Deferred Compensation Board ("Board") as its exclusive agent to exercise on its behalf all of the power and authority conferred by both the New York State Deferred Compensation Rules and Regulations ("Regulations") as well as provisions , investment alternatives , etc. , expressed in the State Plan ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca decided to learn about other alternatives available for maintaining an "eligible" Deferred Compensation Plan as provided by Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code ("Section 457") and the Regulations ; and WHEREAS , Section 457 was recently amended by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 to require that all new eligible deferred compensation plans , established after August 20 , 1996 , provide that all amounts deferred and the income thereon be held in a trust , custodial account or annuity contract for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries ; and WHEREAS , the Board pursuant to Section 5 of the New York State Finance Law ("Section 5") had previously implemented a freeze effective August 20, 1996 on new adoptions of deferred compensation plans pending conforming amendments to State law, since prior provisions required amounts deferred and income thereon remain the sole property of the employer and subject to the general creditors of the employer until paid out ; and WHEREAS , Section 5 has now been amended to conform to the requirements of Section 457 : that all amounts deferred and the income thereon be held in a trust for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries ; and WHEREAS , the Board has further determined that lifting the freeze would be beneficial to local employers and their employees ; and WHEREAS , the Board , pursuant to Section 5 and the Regulations , including the proposed Regulations published in the State Register dated February 12 , 1997 , has promulgated the Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the Town of Ithaca TB Mtg . 11 /6/97 = Agenda Item No . 360 ) Resolution no . 208 (j ) Page 2 . (the " Model Plan ") and offers the Model Plan as amended and restated September 3 , 1997 for adoption by local employers ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca , pursuant to Section 5 and the Regulations , desires to adopt the Model Plan as amended and restated September 3 , 1997 in a form known as the Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the Town of Ithaca ; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts the " Model Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the Town of Ithaca as amended and restated September 3 , 1997" instead of the State Plan . AND , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca hereby desires , to the extent permissible , to allow those who were participating in the State Plan to continue their "investment fund (s) 71 within the State Plan , without additional contributions after Friday, March 2, 1998 as indicated in Section 10 . 2 of the State Plan . Those "investment funds" would be subject to the Regulations and the terms of the State Plan . AND , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca hereby officially terminates its affiliation , except as previously "RESOLVED" to the State Plan on Friday, February 27, 1998 and selects Monday, March 2, 1998 as its " Effective Date" per the timing requirements of Section 10 of the State Plan and the definition of Business Day, AND , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , after seeking and evaluating competitive proposals , selects PEBSCO as the Administrative Service Agency and Nationwide as Financial Service Organization . AND , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized to enter into appropriate contracts necessary to establish the " Model Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the Town of Ithaca as amended and restated September 3 , 1997" effective March 2, 1998 . Appropriate contracts , including trust agreements , are those defined in the Regulations and the Model Plan . In addition , contracts shall include TB Mtg . 11 /6/97 = Agenda Item No , 360 ) Resolution no . 208 (j ) Page 3 . those necessary to contract with PEBSCO and Nationwide , these latter contracts are limited to five years in duration by Regulation and shall be rebid after that time . Every contract or agreement entered into shall contain a provision that the agreement or contract is subject to the Regulations and the Model Plan , AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the deferred compensation committee, appointed by the Town of Ithaca in accordance with local law, which adopts the Model Plan , to act in lieu of the Board only to the extent permitted by the Regulations and the Model Plan shall have one or more of its members serve ex officio as trustee (s) . As such , each person so designated shall hold all amounts deferred and the income thereon in a trust for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 37 Executive Session - Freedom of Information Request Resolution No . 209 BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby denies the appeal under the Freedom of Information law for the request to obtain draft zoning materials as requested by Phyllis Baker; and be it further RESOLVED , the Attorney for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to write a letter to Mrs . Baker explaining the reason for the said denial . MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED: Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk r OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA n ,� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING November 6 , 1997 AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . Reports of Town Officials. a. Highway Superintendent b . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes c. Director of Engineering d . Director of Planning e. Director of Building/Zoning f. Human Resources g . Financial Report 4. Report of Town Committees . 54 Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 60 Report of Fire Commissioner. 7. 5 : 30 p. m. - Consider approval of 1998 funding for Youth Services as recommended by the Joint Youth Commission . 80 5 : 40 p. m. - Consider approval of 1998 funding for services provided by the Tompkins County Senior Citizens ' Council , Inc. 99 5 : 50 p. m. - Consider approval of 1998 funding for services provided by the DeWitt Historical Society, 10. 6 : 00 p.m . - Consider approval of 1998 funding for services provided by Gadabout. 11 . 610 p. m. - PERSONS TO BE HEARD . Town Board Meeting Agenda - 11 /6/97 Page 2 . 12 . Review of Correspondence : a . Amy Humber, Town Historian . b. John A. Yntema , Conservation Board Member. c. Herbert Finch , Planning Board Member. d . Arnold J . Albrecht on Newsletter. e. Kirk M . Sigel , Zoning Board of Appeals vacancy. f. State of New York - Department of Transportation . g . Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca . 130 6: 15 p.m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider, "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS". 14. Consider SEQR related to , "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS". 150 Consider enacting a , "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS". 160 6 : 30 p. m . on PUBLIC HEARING : to consider the 1998 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 1998 Southern a Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Final Budget . 176 6 :40 p.m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider a decrease in the Water Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 186 Consider resolution establishing the Water Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 190 6: 45 p. m . - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider a decrease in the Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 208 Consider resolution establishing the Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 21 . PUBLIC HEARINGS : To consider the 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts . 6 : 50 p. m. - Forest Home Lighting District. 6 : 51 p.m. as Glenside Lighting District. 6 : 52 p.m. - Renwick Heights Lighting District. Town Board Agenda - 11 /6/97 Page 3. 21 . PUBLIC HEARINGS= Cont' d : To consider the 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts . 6: 53 p. m. - Eastwood Commons Lighting District . 6 : 54 p. m. - Clover Lane Lighting District . 6 : 55 p. m. - Winners Circle Lighting District. 6 : 56 p.m. - Burleigh Drive Lighting District . 6 : 57 p.m. - West Haven Road Lighting District. 6 : 58 p. m. - Coddington Road Lighting District. 6 : 59 p. m. - Water Improvement Benefit District . 7 : 00 p.m. - Sewer Improvement Benefit District. 22 . Consider adoption of the 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts . 23. Review of Sewer Joint Subcommittee budget report . 24 . Consider approval of delinquent Water and Sewer Charges on the 1998 Town and County taxes . 250 7 : 05 p.m . = PUBLIC HEARING : To consider the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget. 260 7 : 10 p. m. - Consider approval of 1998 funding for services provided by the Human Services Coalition . h 270 Consider adoption of the 1998 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Preliminary Budget as the 1998 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Final Budget. 28. Consider adoption of the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget , 29. Consider approval of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission material storage building capital improvement. 30. Consider Teen Community Center Project , 31 . Set public hearing date to consider the adoption of the Parks , Recreation and Open Space Plan . 32 . Consider soliciting Requests for Proposals for a Highway/Parks Facilities Study. Town Board Meeting Agenda - 11 /6/97 Page 4 . 33 . Consider resolution to ratify cancellation of highway truck purchase . 34 . Consider resolution to ratify approval of purchase of highway truck from State Bid , 350 Consider resolution to abandon Williams Glen Road as a Town road . 36 . Consent Items : Consider resolutions approving and/or authorizing the following : ~` a. Town Board Meeting Minutes - 10/2/978 b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Water and Sewer Billing Refund . e. Creation of Environmental Planner classification . f. Ratification of Appointment - Planner. g . Attendance Human Resource Institute Conference. h . Bolton Point on Employee Appointments . i . 1997 Budget Amendment . j . Deferred Compensation on Transferring from State Plan to Model Plan . 37 . Consider EXECUTIVE SESSION . 38 . Consider ADJOURNMENT. Agenda Item 3a HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ' S MONTHLY REPORT, OCTOBER 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Highway Superintendent's I have been in contact with Tompkins County regarding the traffic signal at the Ellis Hollow Road and Pine Tree Road . They informed me that they had neglected to renew a service contract to maintain that light . It has subsequently been renewed and the traffic light should be working now . They did confirm that the light , when repaired, will continue to be a "demand" traffic light . The light , when not working properly, will default to a timed signal . Our main project worked on this month was underground drainage on Coy Glen Road. This -has consumed 598 . 5 hours of time, with 26 of those hours as overtime . We have used at least 340 feet of pipe and three catch basins . This project will be finished the last week of October. In October, we conducted our semi-annual brush pick-up . This fall it took 276 hours of time. There was a significant reduction in large quantity piles of brush. The newsletter has been very effective in informing the public. Along with the newsletter, we had an article published in the Ithaca Times and it was announced on a local radio station . General Repair projects took 1 ,036 . 5 hours of time . Some projects include building a system to mix salt and ICEBAN MAGic, Defensive Drive and OSHA trainings, putting down shoulders , and other small projects . Machinery maintenance took 248 hours of time. The crews worked 137. 5 hours of time repairing valve boxes, 36 . 5 hours of time on water service repairs, and 12 hours of sewer breaks . Parks and Open Space Manager Final mowing at all park and trail sites was completed , requiring 70 hours . Along with this , annual mowing of the water transmission lines and sewer rights-of-way was completed. This took 81 hours . The basketball court at Eastern Heights Park was paved , requiring 33 . 5 hours . Several tree and shrub planting jobs were done , totaling 57 hours . Leaf removal on all bikeways and walkways was done, along with other routine maintenance tasks . A total of 331 hours were spent. Several training sessions, totaling 49 hours , completed the month's work. Agenda Item 3a November Proiects 1 . Snow removal preparation and winterize mowing equipment . 2 . Finish Coy Glen Road . 3 . Leaf Collection--starting November 10, 1997. 4 . Cleaning Ditches 5 . Relocating Winner's Circle Trail 6 . Install basketball goal posts (Hainlink fence) and stripe court . 7. Late fall fertilization of all ball fields . 8 . Watering trees and shrubs until ground freezes . 9 . Park and trail leaf removal . 10 . Tree removals and chipping. ghk Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan Revisions Suggested by Planning Board at Oct. 7 , 1997 Meeting Staff was requested by the Planning Board to investigate and report back on the following suggested revisions : 1 ) Map 8 - 1 : Add the following areas for recommended Conservation Zoning (and/or 7. PDR) : Undeveloped land between 96B and Stone Quarry Road to protect steep slopes , control traffic growth , and protect aesthetics of proposed bike/pedestrian paths (CB ) Land north of new Ithacare facility on 96B to protect major vista (CB) Holly Creek headwaters and stream corridor that leads to Owl Gorge (CB) Land around Eldridge Wilderness Area, esp . gorge and stream corridor that lead to Six Mile Creek reservoir (CB) Private land along East side of Buttermilk Falls State Park (Lake Treman area) to serve as buffer (from Park border to 96B , north to West King Rd. ) (CB) Private land west of new park entrance at Robert H . Treman State Park (near intersection of Routes 327 and 13 ) (SP) Entire Sincebaugh property in Six Mile Creek area (SMCAC) Apgar property (below Recreationway) in Six Mile Creek area (SMCAC) Modify Map 8- 1 to clearly show boundaries of permanently protected lands (eg. , State Parks , nature preserves) within proposed Conservation Zones so that ( 1 ) the buffer areas on private lands can be clearly identified and (2) the impression is not created that a disproportionate amount of land is proposed for Conservation Zoning (CB) 2) Map 5 - 1 : Revise to show the proposed Woolf Lane to Cass Park path referenced on page 47 in the Plan to be located on the west side of Cayuga Medical Center (rather than on the east side) . (CMC) 3) Suggested text revisions : Add "conservation/protection of open space and natural areas " as explicit goal in Plan (CB) Investigate and reference the possibility of user fees to generate revenues to help pay for new park facilities (PB) Investigate and reference possible modification of the formula/mechanism to determine amounts to be collected for fees in lieu of parkland (this could also generate significant revenues to help pay for the costs of park facilities) (PB/PS ) Add explanation/clarification of the $ 38 per household per year estimate to pay for costs of Plan (that this is a worst case scenario assuming all elements of Plan are implemented and no outside revenues are available) (PB) Add as stated objective for Iacovelli Park that any development of Park be compatible with and sensitive to its unique setting within the Six Mile Creek Natural Area (SMCAC) Add to the list in Chapter 2 (Previous Park and Open Space Planning) the Town ' s report on "Six Mile Creek: A Heritage to Preserve" (SMCAC) Add reference that as Town looks at ways of preserving significant open space and natural areas , it is also reviewing overall zoning map to make sure that there are adequate/appropriate areas zoned for commercial, industrial and higher density residential development to accommodate a reasonable level of future growth (PB) Delete last sentence in third paragraph , page 14. There no longer is a waiting list for slip spaces at Treman State Marine Park (SP) Add reference that Town is also working on overall transportation plan that will include more on recommended areas for bike lanes/routes and sidewalks/walkways (PB) (CPA) [Timeframe : It is anticipated that revisions resulting from the above suggestions would be presented to the Planning Board at the November 18 , 1997 meeting. This will most likely require another public hearing and proper notification . This would still allow the Town Board to schedule a public hearing for their December 8 , 1997 meeting.] Comment Codes : CB - Conservation Board CMC Cayuga Medical Center CPA - Citizens ' Planning Alliance PB - Planning Board PS - Planning Staff SP - State Parks SMCAC - Six Mile Creek Advisory Committee Town of Ithaca Planning Department October 8 , 1997 2 TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1997 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1997 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1997 1 149,850 13 1 .396,015 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 4 376.000 1997 0 0 8 11222.000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1996 1 150.000 19 2.784.930 1997 2 51 ,343 16 136.573 RENOVATIONS 1996 0 0 14 249,058 1997 0 0 3 61000 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1996 1 3 .000 4 33 .785 1997 1 25 .000 16 758.313 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1996 2 110,000 16 597.088 1997 0 0 4 8.456.000 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 I Six Mile renovate winery/tasting 50,000 1 PRI 3 ,000 sq ft storage area 217,000 1 Reflex Sportswear wall partition 400 1997 3 267,400 11 444.600 BUSINESS 1996 0 0 12 723 .002 1997 0 0 0 0 AGRICULTURAL 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1996 0 0 1 20.000 1997 1 Cornell Women's Softball 50,000 9 157638, 109 EDUCATIONAL 1996 12 31 ,445 15 8.553 . 165 I Convert garage & build new garage 56,500 1 Storage area addition to garaz:° 3 .000 1 Detached garage 4 700 MISCELLANEOUS 1997 3 64.200 42 1 .060.348 CONSTRUCTION 1996 1 5.000 27 568.524 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 It 607,793 122 29. 117.958 PERMITS ISSUED 1996 7 299.445 112 13.905 .552 TOTAL FEES 1997 11 1 .265 122 22 .615 RECEIVED 1996 7 685 112 21 .770 Date Prepared: November 3 , 1997 Dani L. Hollord Building/Zoning Department Secretary - 2 - TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS :MONTH - 16 1 . 144 Coy Glen Road - shed with exterior deck. 2 . 1060 Danby Road - convert office into fourth dwelling unit. 3 . 123 and 124 Rachel Carson Way - new two-family dwelling. 4. Building 14, Pleasant Grove Apartments (CU) - conversion of a residential building into a maintenance shop - temporary certificate. 5 . 130- 132 Forest Home Drive - installation of fire alarm system. 6. 1060 Danby Road - add a fourth garage bay. 7. 119 Burleigh Drive - inground swimming pool . 8 . 118 Judd Falls Road - greenhouse. 9. 138 Indian Creek Road - 636 square foot room addition - temporary certificate. 10. 310 Winthrop - 10' x 12' storage building. It . 1 Sanctuary Drive, Apt. #2 - create recreation room in cellar. 12 . 112 Christopher Circle - building renovations and additions. 13 . 427 Warren Road - create second dwelling unit. 14. 156 Indian Creek Road - new roof section. 15 . 2 Max's Drive - new three bedroom modular home. 16. 930 Coddington Road - renovate house. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 151 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 128 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 8 1 . 121 Woolf Lane - zoning violation - no violation found. 2 . 605 Winston Court. #4 - building code - pending. 3 . Enfield Falls Road - noise - abated. 4. Five Mile Drive - fill - no violation found. 5 . 1415 Trumansburg Road - building code - no violation found. 6. 1447 Trumansburg Road - building code and zoning violation ( illegal apartment) - pending. 7. 30 Renwick Heights Road - building code and zoning violation ( illegal apartment) - pending. 8 . 162 East King Road - zoning - no violation found. From September 1997: 1 . 119 Woolf Lane - building code - pending. From August 1997 : 1 . 237 Troy Road - building code - pending. From July 1997: 1 . 527 Warren Road - occupancy - pending. From Mav 1995 : 1 . 1 152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994 : 1 . 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/ 19/96 - variance granted - fire alarm installed - exterior stairrnny pending. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 50 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 67 JirAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 99 orm Building Code - 78 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 18 Fire Safety - 3 ( 1 hospital, 2 businesses) Fire Safety Reinspections - I (multiple dwelling) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - 0 Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 909 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 925 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 2 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I MEETING, 3 CASES, AGENDA ATTACHED FINAL TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1997 7 : 00 P. M . By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, October 8 , 1997, in Town Hall . 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N. Y. , COMMENCING AT 7 : 00 P. M . . on the following matters : e APPEAL of Mike and Ann Elmo, Appellants, requesting variances from Article V. Sections 18 , 21 and 23 " and Article XIII, P Sections 57, 68 , and 69 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain two residential buildings on a Q parcel of land, with parking located in the front yard at 139 East King Road. Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 44-2 -21 o Residence District R-30. Said Ordinance prohibits two residential buildings on a parcel and restricts parking to the rear yard oniv. Said lot is also less than 200 feet deep . The second building, if approved, will have a 25 foot east side yard setback (40 feet required) . I? APPEAL of Cornell University Plantations. Appellant, Nancy Ostman . Agent, requesting variances from the requirements of P Article V, Sections 21 and 23 , Article VIII, Section 44 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, and Section 280A of New R York State Town Law, to be permitted to create, by subdivision , a parcel of land that does not front on a Town , County, or 0 State highway, located by Lick Brook, off of Elmira Road. Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 35- 1 - 7.2, Residential District R-30 and a Light Industrial Zone. a o APPEAL, of Jim Brown, dba AAA Cleaning Service. Appellant, requesting a variance from Article IV, Section 12 of the t Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to operate a janitorial service with outside employees from a residence Z located at 117B Honness Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 58-2- 39 . 11 , Residence District R- I5 . Said Ordinance provides Efor limited home occupations, but without outside employees. Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 : 00 p. m . , and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person . Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary. upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: September 29 . 1997 Publish : October 3 . 1997 1d _ 9a TOWN OF ITHACA B21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA, N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 3 (f) Human Resource Report for October 1997 PERSONNEL ISSUES : George Frantz , Jonathan Kanter and I conducted interviews with the top seven candidates that applied for the Planner position . Through much deliberation we determined that Christine Balestra demonstrated the necessary skills and knowledge for the entry level position . Christine's first day with the Town was October 27 , 1997 . I have started advertising to fill Geraldine Tierney's vacated position . The position title to be filled will be Environmental Planner if the creation of this title is approved of at the November Town Board Meeting . The rationallor a different job description than Planner (II) is that this new job description more appropriately fits the position . I have advertised for this position in the Ithaca Journal , Syracuse Herald , New York Times , American Planning Association Job On-line web site and at a college in Pennsylvania recommend by George Frantz . As of October 28 , 19971 have received 39 resumes from interested applicants . I accepted resumes up to October 31 , 1997 . George , Jonathan and I will start interviewing for this position in November. Geraldine Tierney has offered to come back a few hours a week for a few weeks to help train the new planning staff on the GIS . Therefore , at this time I am not sending a resolution to the Town Board to abolish the second Planner (II) position . By leaving this position open we will be able to have Geri come back on a short term , temporary basis to help train without the need to re-appoint her. . According to Civil Service as long as we have a position open that is the same as her title we can easily allow her to temporarily continue . As soon as the training is over I will be sending a resolution to the Town Board to abolish the position , so that there will only be the 4 full time planning positions . . PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The personnel committee chair and I discussed the committee since there were no issues to be discussed we decided to cancel the October and November meetings . However, we will be having a December meeting to discuss the future of the committee and set up a schedule of meetings for 1998. SEMINARS/TRAINING I have taken the opportunity to join the Human Resource Association of Tompkins County. This association is comprised of other Human Resource professionals from the area . The association meets every second Thursday of the month for luncheon seminars. October's seminar was on using the internet to 'find information related to the Human Resource field . I was able to obtain some web site addresses that will provide me with some very valuable information , i .e . " Department of Labor. CIVIL SERVICE Last month I told you that Supervisor Valentino was going to notify the Civil Service Regional Director in regards to petitioning to the Civil Service Commission for non-competitive classification for the Directors. Supervisor Valentino sent another correspondence first to the Commissioner of Personnel with carbon copies sent to Stuart Stine , Board of Representatives ; our Regional Director for Civil Service and John Barney, Attorney for the Town : . Due .to this last attempt, Supervisor Valentino received a phone call from the Commissioner of Personnel . During their phone conversation the Commissioner said that she would provide us with the documentation requested and would speak with Christine Marshall , Regional Director, about the classification of the Directors . ' Since that phone conversation I have written the Commissioner again for a specific date to pick up the documentation she stated we could have and the " status of the petition . Following my letter Steve Estes , T .C . Personnel Technician , informed me that the material was ready and that the Commissioner had directed him to petition to the State Civil Service Commission for non-competitive classification for the Director of Planning , Director of Engineering and Director of Building and Zoning . I am in the process of collecting more documentation for him to include in the petition that will be sent to the Commission in early November. SAFETY Fred Noteboom and I have been working on developing safety committees for the Town . This was one of the most highly recommended issues in the Safety and Loss Prevention Consultation and Evaluation . At this point we are looking for employees who would be interested in being on a Safety Committee . Our interest presently is to have a committee for Town Hall and one for the Highway facilities . In conjunction with the Evaluation , Fred and I have scheduled a Safety Training for the Town Hall employees on November 21 , 1997 . Through discussion with Supervisor Valentino , we have decided to, make this training be.. mandatory for the Town Hall employees . ,, . ' . HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE We have completed our United Way drive for 1998 . We did have a little increase in participation for 1998 over 1997 . 1 have scheduled a defensive driving course to be offered to the Town Hall employees for December 5, 1997. Almost all of the employees have signed up to take the course . This course will allow the participants a discount off their personal vehicle insurance and will also put alert and safe drivers behind the wheels of Town of Ithaca vehicles . To foster some team spirit and fun in light of Friday, October 31 st. , being Halloween , Supervisor Valentino and I organized a small party for that Friday afternoon . We provided Apple cider, donuts and prizes for the three best costumes . I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween . The office performed the every day needs and requests of the employees , Board members of the Town of Ithaca and S .C. L . I .W .C . . The daily requirements of the office included the processing of payroll , managing health insurance policies , managing Town liability insurance , managing Workers' Compensation claims , records management and being a liaison with the County Personnel Department. Respectfully Submitted By: Judith C . Drake Human Resources Specialist Agenda Item No . 3b) Town Clerk Monthly Report Presented : Town Board Meeting - November 6 , 1997 Town Clerk: The Election Map was revised to appropriately show the voting districts and the new polling places for 1997 . Full color maps have been provided to the Board of Elections , and each polling place . Arrangements for Election Day went smoothly. The machines were delivered on Thursday, October 30 , with the Machine Custodians preparing the machines the next two days . Election bags were delivered on Friday. On Wednesday, October 29 , 1 visited the Trinity Lutheran Church , 149 Honness Lane to introduce myself to Reverend Foote , and to show him how the polling place will need to be set up . All went well , and the church seems to be a very good location for District #4 . Reverend Foote is very pleased that the church is being utilized for this purpose . The Highway Superintendent ordered and received delivery of additional signs and numbers to aide in the identification of the location of the polling places . A special thanks to Fred Noteboom , Gail Kroll , Betty Poole , and Stanley Schrier for all their help during the election . Tax Collection : The Delinquent Water and Sewer Levy was prepared by Betty Poole for presentation and approval at the Town Board meeting . The Town Clerk reviewed the listing to delete collection on the tax bill of balances which were of insignificant amounts , ( i . e . less than $20 . 00 ) . Those water/sewer customers who sent in their payments after the due date of October 15 , had their payments returned with a notification the amount would be added to their tax bill in January. Notification was made to all customers on the printed water and sewer bill sent in September and in the latest Newsletter. Preparations are underway for the 1998 Tax Collection cycle . We are finalizing a policy and procedures manual to aide in the daily operations . Records Management : Additional information has been received from the State University of New York , State Education Department , New York State Library , Division of Library Development about a grant the Town may be eligible to receive for the proper care , accessibility , and conservation/preservation of records . The maximum grant amount would be $25 , 000 . These funds could be used in conjunction with the funds hoped to be received from SARA for the records storage center in the new Town Hall . Town Clerk - Monthly Report Presented - 11 /6/97 Page 2 . This grant application deadline is December 5 , 1997, with the grant cycle beginning July 1 , 1998 and ending June 30 , 19996 A meeting has been scheduled with Lorraine S . Johnson , Director of the DeWitt Historical Society for Friday, November 7 . At this meeting the grant requirements and application will be reviewed to determine whether or not our needs would qualify for these grant funds. If so , it will be necessary for the Town Engineer, and HOLT Architects to provide drawings and information to include in the grant application . In the meantime, I will be contacting several persons and agencies across the State who have done this type of project to obtain price quotes and specifications. Respectfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Fonsl No. 1002-N TOWN C_ERK% MONTHLY REPORT 1nLUAMSON LAW BOOK 001 VW70f. NY 145U TOWN OF &haca . NEW YORK (Month) September 19 97 Agenda # 3.13 TO THE SUPERVISOR: Pursuant to Section 27, Subd. 1 , of the Town Law, 1 hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office, during the month above stated, excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law: LICENSE CATEGORY NUMBER OF LICENSES SOLD OR ISSUED COMMISSION COMMISSION TOTAL USED SENIOR (65 + / Miltery Disability) FISHING - SEASON HUNTING (Small Game) BIG GAME (Deer and Bear) TRAPPING BOWHUNTING (Big Game License Required) MUZZLELOADING (Big Game License Required) SPORTSMAN FISHING - 3 DAY JUNIOR TRAPPING (Under 18 yrs.) SPECIAL SECOND DEER PERMIT (See Big Game Guide) TURKEY PERMIT (Avai abgi at9E-O-Wiiees-on" NON-RESIDENT FISHING - SEASON 3. NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - SEASON (Small Game) NON-RESIDENT BIG GAME (Deer ONLY) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT MUZZLELOADING NON-RESIDENT BOWHUNTING NON-RESIDENT BEAR TAG NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION NON-RESIDENT TURKEY PERMIT (AVAAS Al Dec oft" only) JUNIOR ARCHERY (14-15 Years) LOST LICENSE (35.00 Per Stamp Lost) JUNIOR HUNTING (12-15 Years) - - S MADD - TOTALCI M MISSIONS i 7 Marriage Licenses No. 34 to No. 40 8 . 75 $ 61 . 25 Marriage Certificates 3 Marriage Transcripts @ 10 - 00 30 . 00 3 Tax Searches @5 . 00 , Misc . Conies $ 3 . 80 18 _ 80 1 ( omprehencive Plan ,& 12 . 00 • 6 Inning nrciinanroc 2R - 50 76 . 00 2 Sub Regs . @3 . 00 , 1 Sign Ordinance @3 . 00 , 1 Noise Ordinance @1 . 00 , Postage $3 . p88 . 55 A 1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1010 — 1090 REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ INTEREST and PENALTIES S A 2001 PARK and RECREATION CHARGES A 2110 ZONING FEES $ A 2115 PLANNING FEES $ A 2530 GAMES OF CHANCE TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . LICENSES FEES TOTAL A 2540 BINGO TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . 9. . Z7. . . . . . . . LICENSES FEES TOTAL 9 . 27 A 2544 13 DOG LICENSE - BPRYeD-AM0TtEtfffREt3 New 3450203 - 3450215 02 , 00 ? 6 - no 55 DOG LICENSE - t "sP*YEf3-ANBt1NNaffERESgenewaI s 22 - 00 A I S 5 5 Eanmerarion — 68 @1 - 00 6R fill A 2545 —. OTHER LICENSES A 2555 BUILDING PERMITS A 2590 OTHER PERMITS A 2655 MINOR SALES A 2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES TOTAL TOWN REVENUES TO SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 421e82 Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for Games of Chance Licenses Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for State Share of Bingo Licenses ' Amount paid to D.E.C. for Conservation Licenses Amount paid to COUNTY TREASURER for Dog Licenses 108 . 75 Amount paid to STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT for Marriage Licenses . 78o75 Amount paid to Ag & Markets fortmnFl-Tickets Dog Licenses 27 . 00 Amount paid to State for Sales Tax on Sale of Dogs A1S56 SPCA Contract 323 . 25 ' Received Payment of these amounts: TOTAL TOTAL DISBURSED . . . . _. . . I/ � 19 __ n�m `b- Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins TOWN OF Ithaca - Joan Lent Noteboom being duly sworn, says that s he Is the Clerk of the Town of I I that the foregoing Is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her �ttrrtpgiq,t ve stated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law. NOTARY P Subscribed and Sworn to before me this . STATE AR NEW Town Clads EW YORK 3 day of September t9 97 046 46 427 ary Pub��Q�-�/ Prepare In duplicate. Remit original to Supervisor, retain copy for Clerk's record. GP z /4n� / ' Agenda No . 3B cnMOMvtM0Ocn1�% O) CO r r O O 00 O CD O CD O O O r r O OqcT r N r� Cn (C) Cn M c�C CA N M d M M T M O4RT O rn O r� O 0) O r� O O O CD r� CD N r T O T Eft Eft Eft Ef) Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft t4 Eft T� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O N CO 00 q' CD CD O CD N � Q to 00 t� O M M Cn Cn M M cc M Q T T T T r T T T r T N co T Ln C N O Q U J O ° Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft N r Cn 00 r O f� 1� M 00 Cn Cn O co CD 00 Oq�T Nr� M C LO T T N CA N r N O N r m N N N O Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft O a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O W O � 00 M CD O N N CL LC) LO CA N N t: n T T T T n T ~ O D LO cm CL MRD a) O O r CO c. Y LL � CL N L CT O ° Efl Eft Eft Eft EA Eft ER Eft Eft Eft Eft Eft 0 U N O CD O m ti O M Ln LO N 0 cu OD O O Cn CA m O N CD N r N to N N M O O M I� m Cn r M M N I� M CD CD 0 O N N N � U LO M rt � qc�- M M M M M M CD cr) a.Q Q � U Eft Et Eft Eft EfEt Et EA ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C13 0In 0 01%� 000 00 t 06 C0O M Q) r� rn 00 0 0 T I� a) LO r� rnaorncDcornrcoCDT rn LO C T W Q tT O Eft 164. Eft 1 Eft Eft V3) 169, 164 1 Eft to i& Eft O W O CC•) m tn O O O Cn Cn 0 T O MCDOMOOc7o � CD � r O LL N CD 0) r� O CD O N N CC) O CD Ln CD O N T CD O M 4T CD O r M T r T r T N T N T N N co O N r U Q c 3 ° Ef? Eft Eft Efl Eft Ef) Eft Eft Eft Eft EA 69 H a� C13 a� 0 rn CZ U) C) o O cCa a D I O U ° 0 a) C —) U. l2 � —) l < ImOZO >- AGENDA 3E FORM NO. 1002- N TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT WILLIAMSON uw BOOK CO.. v1CrO1L NY 14561 TOWN OF Ithaca NEW YORK (Month) October , 1997 TO THE SUPERVISOR: Pursuant to Section 27, Subd. 1 , of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office, during the month above stated, excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law: LICENSE CATEGORY NUMBER OF LICENSES SOLD OR ISSUED COMMISSION COMMISSION TOTAL USED SENIOR (65 + / Military Disability) 1 , 00 FISHING - SEASON 1000 HUNTING (Small Game) 1000 BIG GAME (Deer and Bear) 1000 TRAPPING BOWHUNTING (Big Game License Required) 4 , 00 MUZZLELOADING (Big Game License Required) SPORTSMAN 2 . 00 FISHING . 3 DAY JUNIOR TRAPPING (Under 16 yrs.) SPECIAL SECOND DEER PERMIT (See Big Game Guide) 1 , 00 TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC offices only) 1000 NON-RESIDENT FISHING - SEASON NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - SEASON (Small Game) NON-RESIDENT BIG GAME (Deer ONLY) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT MUZZLELOADING NON-RESIDENT BOWHUNTING NON-RESIDENT BEAR TAG NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION NON-RESIDENT TURKEY PERMIT (Aved&W r DEC alrces onr/) JUNIOR ARCHERY ( 14-15 Years) LOST LICENSE ($5.00 Per Stamp Lost) JUNIOR HUNTING ( 12-15 Years) S 12 , 00 ADD - TOTAL COMMISSIONS Cr' S 12 . 00 7 Marriage Licenses No. 41 to No. 42 @ 8 . 75 $ 17 . 50 Marriage Certificates @ 1 Marriage Transcripts @ 10 . 00 10000 3 Tax Searches 0 $ 5 , 00= $ 15 . 00 10 NSF checks 0 $ 11 00= $ 110 . 00 Misc Copies= $ 2 . 60 170 . 60 i Zrtning_Ordinances 2 S8 . 50= S17 , 00 1 Agrirultttre Report 2 $ 2 . 00= $ 2 . 00 1 Sub . Regulation @ $ 3 . 00= $ 3 . 00 1 Open Space Plan @ $ 9 . 00 1 Comp . Plan @ $ 12 , 00 210 . 10 A 1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ A 1010 — 1090 REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ INTEREST and PENALTIES $ A 2001 PARK and RECREATION CHARGES A 2110 ZONING FEES $ A 2115 PLANNING FEES $ A 2530 GAMES OF CHANCE TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . LICENSES FEE $ TOTAL A 2540 BINGO TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LICENSES 210 . 00 FEES 14 . 74 TOTAL 224 . 74 A 2544 1111 DOG LICENSE - SPAYED AND NEUTERED Rpnpr- al c (a S2 _ 0171 206 . 00 '$_ DOG LICENSE - 1450716 to 7450741 2 S2 . 00 56 . 00 A1555 Enumeration - 131 @ $ 1 . 00 131 . 00 A1557 SPCA Impoundment Fees 150 . 00 A 2545 OTHER LICENSES A 2555 BUILDING PERMITS A 2590 OTHER PERMITS A 2655 MINOR SALES A 2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES TOTAL TOWN REVENUES TO SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 977 . 84 Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for Games of Chance Licenses Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for State Share of Bingo Licenses 7 l S _ nn Amount paid to O. E.C. for Conservation Licenses 15 ? nn Amount paid to COUNTY TREASURER for Dog Licenses o 1 6T85 Amount paid to STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT for Marriage Licenses 22 . 50 Amount paid toDept . Ag_ 5 Markets for T 2IEVA Dog Licenses 69 . 00 Amount paid to State for Sales Tax on Sale of Dogs A15S6 SPCA C'nntrarr 628 . 15 ' Received Payment of these amounts: TOTAL DISBUR1SE/D . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . $ 2381 . 34 November 4 1997 ..AO u ,, Vic ivt.CC cT Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins TOWN OF Ithaca Joan Lent Noteboom being duly sworn, says that She is the Clerk of the Town of Ithaca that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by h during the month above stated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law. AnO401301 pp �--� Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ..� �LxK'Ct+� — Town Clerk 4 day of / Notary Public Prepare in duplicate. Remit original to Supervisor, retain copy for Clerk's record. d M r 9q . ,y4/644 ya17 �Ja Town Engineer ' s Report for 11 /6/97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Construction activity has caused some filling of road ditches and the Town Engineer will work with Highway Superintendent to ensure that the developer cleans the ditches prior to completion of mass site earthwork. Monitoring of drainage and sediment control measures continues . Ithaca College Construction of the J-lot improvements is nearing completion and sediment and erosion control measures are being monitored. Construction of the HSHP and the Music Center building improvements continue to be monitored for stormwater management impacts . Ithacare Court Street Companies , the General Contractor, has continued with site construction. The transition from Phase I to Phase II erosion and sediment control improvements is under way as the mass earth work is nearing completion and the site drainage improvements are being installed . The water main boring under Danby Road and water service installation has been completed and a recommendation to accept the watermain will be made to the Town Board after as-built drawings and test results are received by the Town Engineer. The Contractor has been very cooperative and is working to minimize drainage problems and keep dust under control . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive, Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been primarily stockpiling of material from road base excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project. The site has capacity remaining and will be used for stockpiling. and disposal of material dredged from the flood control channel under the Corps of Engineer' s rehabilitation project. Ithaca Vol . Vets, Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the Planning Board on October 29, 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed . The Town Engineer is monitoring the project. The bulk of fill is in place with more select fill to be placed for final top and grading . Final Grading of the site has not been completed . TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 11 / 6 / 97 PAGE 2 FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL REHABILITATION PROJECT Phase II of the Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel rehabilitation project is underway under a Corps of Engineers Contract with Ludtke Engineering . The project consists of removing an average of approximately 6 feet of sediment from the channel between the Fish ladder and the State Street Bridge . The contractor is excavating in the channel with a barge mounted crane with a clamshell bucket. The material is being loaded into barges and then transferred from the barges to trucks by a second crane . Excavated material is being transported to the Lower Treman Park for use as fill and topsoil for a planned day use area adjacent to the new entrance road. The contractor is using the existing active fill site on Five Mile Drive as a dewatering site and disposal site for excess excavated material up to the limits of the current fill permit. The site has been prepared for use as a dewatering and storage site with the construction of a temporary earth dike. The project schedule for the cleaning is fairly aggressive with a 24 hr, 3 shift work plan . to allow project substantial completion by the end of November. WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on the engineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area. The Buttermilk Falls Road Water Main replacement construction started the week of October 14. SEWER The Buttermilk Falls Road Sewer extension construction started the week of October 14 . TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 11 / 6 / 9 PAGE 3 STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation is continuing . Base maps were developed utilizing the digital planimetric map, and field survey work has been substantially completed due to the efforts of the two field crews made up of the Assistant Town Engineer and five student interns . Processing of the field data and development of the watershed model for the Northeast Ithaca area is underway . The model will result in recommendations for drainage improvements that will be incorporated into the 1998 work plan. A preliminary evaluation of the data and watershed analysis indicates that infrastructure improvements for stormwater management will be primarily capacity improvements for the existing road drainage system . Some stormwater detention may be recommended prior to additional development of the area. The Town Engineer is evaluating the large undeveloped parcels in the area for potential stormwater management facility sites . Prior to finalization of a stormwater management plan of work for the Northeast area, the draft plans will be reviewed by the Town Board and the public will have an opportunity to review the plan. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments at a public meeting to be scheduled. C:I RPTSENCRI ERPT9 710. REP process . The next Planning Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 1997. Town of Ithaca - Cornell University Transportation Committee : The Committee met on Monday, October 6, 1997. The agenda included follow- up discussions on possible Caldwell Road improvements, Maple Avenue improvements (including possible paved shoulders for bicyclists and pedestrians) , and a report on road width of Pine Tree Road (formerly Judd Falls Road) . The next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 1997. _ Northeast Subarea Study: The Client Committee met with the selected consultants on October 17, 1997 to discuss study organization , timeframes, etc. Emphasis was placed on the process for establishment of the Working Group, which will play a key role in the public participation process . It is anticipated that the Working Group will consist of between 12 and 15 representatives of key stakeholder groups, and will meet at least monthly. A public information meeting is tentatively scheduled for the evening of Thursday, December 4, 1997. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program ( LWRP) : A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was sent out to consultants to determine interest in the LWRP . The LWRP Planning Committee met on October 23, 1997, to review the responses to the RFQ received from nine consulting firms . Top candidates in each of the study component areas (program coordination, land use plan, waterfront management plan, scenic resources, and environmental review) were identified , and will be asked to come in for interviews . The consultant selection process should be completed during November . Filling of Vacant Planner Positions : Interviews for the entry-level Planner position were completed, and the position has been offered to and accepted by Christine Balestra (refer to Consent Agenda Items for appointment) . The other vacant Planner position is proposed to be reclassified under the County Civil Service system as "Environmental Planner" (refer to Consent Agenda Items) . That position is in the process of being advertised . Interviews of potential candidates will be scheduled in the beginning of November . New York Planning Federation Conference Saratoga Springs : The Supervisor, Planning Director, and two Planning Board members will be attending the New York Planning Federation Annual Institute in Saratoga Springs , N . Y . , from October 26th through 29th . Highlights of the conference will be provided in the December Planning Director' s report. Filename: 17p1an \ townbd \ tpre 1197. mem 3 Agenda Item #3d Planning Director' s Report for November 6 , 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board. Carroccia Subdivision, 104 Enfield Falls Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the October 7, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of + / - 17. 14 acres into two lots, + / - 14:62 acres and + / - 2 .515 acres in size respectively, Residence District R- 30 . Recommendation to the Town Board Regarding the Draft Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan The Planning Board held a public hearing at the October 7, 1997 meeting to consider a recommendation to the Town Board regarding the draft Town of Ithaca Park Recreation and Open Space Plan (March 10, 1997) . After hearing numerous public comments regarding the Plan, the Planning Board requested that staff consider certain revisions to the Draft Plan, and report back to the Planning Board (refer to attached list of "Revisions Suggested by Planning Board at Oct. 7, 1997 Meeting" ) . The Planning Board has tentatively scheduled a subsequent public hearing for the November 18, 1997 meeting to consider possible revisions to the March 10th Draft Plan and a recommendation to the Town Board regarding the Plan . Cayuga Professional Center, Site Plan Modification, 1301 Trumansburg Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval at the October 21 , 1997 meeting for proposed site modifications to include new entry pavilions at the existing building facing Trumansburg Road, the addition of new landscaping beds, plantings and granite curbing along the existing parking lot, the addition of lighting in the planting beds, and replacement of the existing sign along Rt. 96, Business District "A" . Babcock / Lick Brook Subdivision, NYS Rte . 13 / 34 / 96 The Planning Board granted Final Subdivision Approval at the October 21 , 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of 63 .22 + / - acres into two lots , 26 . 81 + / - acres and 36 .41 + / - acres in size respectively, with the 26 . 81 + / - acre parcel to be conveyed to Cornell University as a Natural Area, LI Light Industrial District and R-30 Residence District. Big Al' s Hilltop Quikstop, 1103 Danby Road The Planning Board considered a sketch plan at the October 21 , 1997 meeting for the proposed reconstruction of Big Al' s Hilltop Quikstop, to include demolition of the existing fuel pump and convenience store and construction of new fuel pump islands with canopy and a + / - 3,330 square foot convenience store, new curbing and entrances, new parking areas, and replacement of the existing post sign, Business District "C" . CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . SEOR Reviews for Zoning Board :oard : Three additional SEQR reviews for the Zoning Board were completed, including ( 1 ) a follow-up SEQR review of the Babcock / Lick Brook Subdivision that had been reviewed by the Planning Board ( described above) for a variance to create a lot without frontage on a public road; (2) variances to permit two residential buildings on the same lot, as well as parking and lot depth variances, 139 East King Road, Residence District R-30, Mike and Ann Elmo, Appellants; and (3) variance to permit an existing cleaning service to continue as a home occupation with outside employees from a residence located at 117B Honness Lane, Residence District R- 15, Jim Brown ( AAA Cleaning Service) , Appellant. Codes and Ordinances Committee : The Committee met on October 15, 1997 and continued review of comments regarding the draft revised Zoning Ordinance sections that had been submitted by various boards and committees . The next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 1997, and will include the following possible agenda items : additional discussion of comments received on the revised Zoning sections, a further revised Agricultural Zone, the overall process for Zoning map revisions, the addition of a new Lakeshore Residential Zone, and a further revised section on Site Plan Approval . Planning Committee : The Planning Committee met on October 22, 1997, and discussed a draft Agricultural zone with further revisions, which will be forwarded to Codes and Ordinances for consideration . A preliminary discussion was also held on possible amendments to the Town of Ithaca Subdivision Regulations to determine how revisions in that document can be coordinated with the Zoning Ordinance revisions currently in 2 D HERBERT FINCH cor 904 Coddington Road Ithaca , New York 14850 - 6022 ( 607 ) 273 - 8706 October 7 , 1997 Mr. Fred Wilcox , Chairman Town of Ithaca Planning Board 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , New York 14850 Dear Fred , This is my formal resignation to take affect after the last Planning Board meeting in November. As I reported to you earlier , J - „ << i Elise . and I have bought a condominium in Baltimore where we :, expect to spend . the coldest winter months each year, l f4 I have enjoyed my almost six years on the Board and I have ' :.learned a great deal . My association with other members of the Board and with the Town planning staff have been a source of considerable satisfaction to me and , through this letter, I wish to ,, express my thanks and gratitude to them . I will look forward to following the actions of the Board in the paper and to seeing the , '•'a a t a: '.. •,. h . It . results ” of good planning as we continue to live in the community , LL � Because of , various : commitments involving the new property III, £; ' � and ,: some other health ' related activities , I am not sure how many jmore : of the meetings : between now and the first of December I will Fe{ a'� +•�4 ' f'� . -* beJ; able to make, but • I -will �. attend all I can . �•Fd �ta:s of a&* - ., � '. , Gyx�y t?� �rr } ,•• v Sincerely , t�sd. '•'s h .. Herbert Finch ; , , � . •, " ✓cc Jonathan . Aanter r J • r 1' 11' J .to Amy Humber 608 N . Aurora St. October 3 , 1997 Ithaca, NY 14850 Town Clerk 126 E . Seneca St. Ithaca, NY 14850 . 4 Dear Town Clerk: I have held the title of Town Historian of Ithaca for more than a decade now and no longer {:` ' `;; '',; wish to occupy that position . I offer for your consideration an individual whose abilities j and interests make him the proper candidate to succeed me . The person I have in mind is N% Nor ° . Geoffrey Morse, who. works as a Library Assistant on the reference desk at the Tompkins r � ' Id 1: 4 `. .County Public Library and volunteers at the Dewitt Historical Society. Mr. Morse is a lifelong . + ( resident of the area though his residence is not in the Town of Ithaca . He is interested in I to Not ,t ,. arc hival. work and local history research . I asked him if he would accept the position, and said yes: You may contact him at the library, 272 -4557 , or home, 273 -3378 . 1 IN t x ` :waited .to give up the title of Town Historian until I found an individual I 'm sure you will find . r . ,,, . < , t �-o , 4 e perfect candidate , IN y i n, Sincerely, . . yCJ' T t ^ NNN, F t-1.1 . ') 11 • ♦ • ,��" ` v;A}' l"i$^ 3N`F F , .Iol =Q t jt` h > � my , u ber VI o No °µxc ''` ♦� i5''CCx qY:.n .`. No IN 3 C.•S r� Not I » �• ?1 o.r IN III IN IN No I NI NN � : _ TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL El 4^b 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 4j 1p 10 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273=1747 ZO G 273 83 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal ) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE = "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS" . Location of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk' s Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8 , 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ; 19 Not ry �lic r BETTY F. .4E NOTARY PUBLIC ' STATE OF NEW YORK # 4646 427 gtyOFIp TOWN OF ITHACA zr< ,�• 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6 , 1997 , at 6 : 15 O'clock p . m . , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York in order that they may consider a Local Law entitled , "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS" , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , all citizens at the aforementioned time and place shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition to the said local law. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk ' PUBLIC HEARING ,. .: October 14 , 1997 NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that ' the 'Tov1n : Board, of a the flown of • Ithaca.:.will+.•hold:%o�public PUBLISH : October 14, 1997 heap, at`the`'re ' ular�meek." ing :-o?, the rTown9 Board idn November•!6 e.1.997`-'ot '6: 13"� ` 'o'clock'' m:;;" a('diie�•47owri ' Holl,126 East Seneca, Street; , '. Ithaca;:New '';YorkF;ln'S.ordet ' .' i that they 'may'conider'a' Lo' cal " Low "entitled,�!i. Af LOCAL . : LAW';1AMENDI,NG;i THE . SPRINKLEf{ LAW;:.REIfTING: O . THE:i• EFFECTIVE !PA , FOR% RE,TR0 IGT;I;.. 0" . , .'; L S',T q;LrL'A �kl ' Q:'' N' n O , , ; SdRINKLER3'',�and F' `Is I L Nis is TCE, ,,;all citizens ;of orer�enttoned ' time � an' f ?place ,shall ' e",6 fht, opportiinily to':voicefheirapt" proval ;gr1foppositto nrtotIh `� . �5ald I PLEASEE$EURTHEtRi' (' ., `TICE, .in&idual;::witfi 'vis ' " impairments,'. hebring ' impoire ' ments or, other,special needs;; Cwill , be ,'piciVided hssil ; : ;' • , 4 fance, as; necessary, "upon rt j,quesl,;;Personi`desiring assist;: tonce'musfrmo $-`oi request;; not less?thpn ?48i'-hours: ppr�ior`' .to the time;of;the?public•fiear-' .1 4 I , 1tioon: lent•NoteboomI ` ? wri Clerk: October 14,: 19971:- '.: OF 1 T� TOWN OF ITHACA , � zi p 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York ; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal ) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE = 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL BUDGET, and 1998 Town Board Salaries . Location of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk's Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8 , 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14 , 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1� day of C� (qz- & 8 . NQ 11 y Pu lic BETTY F. POOLE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORI( # 4646 427 OF I P F TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� ' 2104- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a PUBLIC HEARING , Thursday, November 6 , 1997 , at 7 : 05 p . m , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York to consider the adoption of the 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA PRELIMINARY BUDGET as the 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL BUDGET; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , the Town Board Salaries in said Preliminary Budget are set as follows : Town Supervisor $25 , 750 Town Board Members (6 at) $ 6, 200 each and ; PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded . the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said budget; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , said Preliminary Budget is available at the office of the Town Clerk, 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca, New York where it may be inspected by any interested person during normal business hours , Monday through Friday, 8 : 00 a . m . to 4 : 00 p . m . ; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request . Persons desiring assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk October 14, 1997 � . PUBLISH : October 14, 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE , PLEASE TAKE : NOTICE, that' . the Town Board • of, the Town of Ithaca will hold a PUBLIC - HEARING -Thu,rsday, Novem ber 6;% 1997 at 7.05 ' p.m . at • the!Town 'Holl;1126. East Sen- eco . Street, 1 ,Ithaca,; N .Y, to consider the:'adopption of the 1998, TOWN :"•OF ITHACA PRELIMINARY:` BUDGET as the' 11998 � 'T.OWN OF ITHACA FINAL' BUDGET; and ` PLEASE :.TAKE.; FURTHER NO- TIC,E ,.;,athe.. Town . Board Salaries `'in ' said Preliminary , Budget are set as follows: Town' Supervisor, - $25,750 . Town Board Members )6 at) 46-200 ;each'. " tiaraot , ,,:?u, ,. •; ,.;.:?' ' l .a . ,,: PLEASE :.TAKE ;FURTHER ;NO- ` 4 ,TICE';;at. :�the`eaforementioned ime;+and "pI cez;all',j;citiiens:: Shall:be'affor`ded the,opportu• :r jpityto:voice;tfie'ir,;approval or ; opposition of 'said budget; an C PLEASE TAKE FURTHER ' NO- TICE;' soid Preliminary Budget. ts':dvailabW- at the office of �;the-16wn'1 Clerk; :126 East , ,-Seneca Street;'• Ithaca; ; New" Ir,,York+ where jt' tmay . be .. in- '�,specte& by: ;any;r interested fr,persorr±during °".normal ' busi- . ?'ness 4hours, , MMonday through i Ftidoy;; '8 :00'.. a.m. ;.to 4:00 ; .PLEASE. JAKE: FURTHER : NCt- 1TICE,'• individuals ';with "visual' ' uampairments;` hearing' impair= 4 iments'oc other' special needs,.' will? bg t provided :with - assis• : once ',as• necessary, upon ,re•* questsPersonsL' esiring.,assis• ! tgnce ..musII ' make:. ;;request; ; <:noh'lessAh , '48% hours;prior ; to •iheaime:ofahe;public hear•' 'eta: " ;•; goon ent Noteboom PTown Clerk ;October_ 1 '4, .1997- �1y OF 17V 2 TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� zi o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - 1998 ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS Location of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk' s Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8, 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 0. ( �&V/ e , 9 97 r tar '' l"Wic 99 PETTY F. POOLE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK # 4646 427 OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA 21 4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a PUBLIC HEARING , at the following times , Thursday, November 6, 1997 , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York , for the consideration of the following 1998 ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS : 6 : 50 p . m . - Forest Home Lighting District 6 : 51 p . m . - Glenside Lighting District 6 : 52 p . m . - Renwick Heights Lighting District 6: 53 p . m . - Eastwood Commons Lighting District 6 : 54 p . m . - Clover Lane Lighting District 6 : 55 p . m . - Winners Circle Lighting District 6 : 56 p . m . - Burleigh Drive Lighting District 6 : 57 p. m . - West Haven Road Lighting District 6 : 58 p. m . - Coddington Road Lighting District 6 : 59 p . m . - Water Improvement Benefit District 7: 00 p . m . - Sewer Improvement Benefit District and ; PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , at the aforementioned times and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of the said assessments ; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk October 14 , 1997 PUBLISH : October 14, 1997 40., '.OF 'ITHACA� PUBLIC HEARING' NOTICE ' PLEASE' TAKE .NOTICE; that the town 1 Board, of the Town e of Ithaca will . holdto PUBLIC .. HEARING at the ' ' following =- times, •, .Thursday, ' Novembers i 6, 1997,1 at the. Town Hall;•i 126• • 'East .:: Seneca Street,; .Ithaca , New York, for the consideration of the followingg 1998; ASSESSMENT ` ROLLS . • FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT • DIS. I TRICTS:A i; . . .: ; 'r.' . • ,- 6150 p.m: Forest . one lighh - District .•;' b:51, p:mt ,Glenside;Libhting - District::,;; , -, , 6:32;.0"m .,'' Renwick Heights: ' Lighting `,District ' ' " ` 6 : d3• : .:p': m: ';,Eastwoodri; Commons; Lighting' District 6 :54`;!`p: m ? Cloverti Lone ' Ligghting?Distri' Y' `t; 1% I + . 55} p.m: �V\(inners :Girds, �s'ligkiting"sQistFict;'�i> ';` •: �� ' ' •: "6156' 1p'm ' ` Burleigh '`Drive °• LightingDistrict; ii. i•rv :Ki". . . . !6:57 p;ni'.%West Haven 96ad . ;, . ligghting : District.1i." ' G • 6:58 .fp.m :.Coddington Road Lighting :District " ; - • 6 : 5.9;'.:. p': m .. '•Wafer '' Im - t. pr ove ment'Benefit,District - i 7 : 00`• •;p'im ;+.. ' Sewe'r ' Im ; proyement4Benefit District = PLEASE• TAKE :FURTHER .NO ` :'lTICVx';cit?the"afore'mentioned times'?and • place: all citizens. ;yshall,•be'afforded the' opp art u y.to;Joice•I eir approval or ?oppo'sition'sof the said assess;` cents;tOD(1"'t�''':4t:F;; Y:: !,.,'• PLEASE .TAKE ,4 FURTHER NO f,TICE�!ndividuals , with .%visual . jlmpairments hearing 'imp6ir; smentsror;other.'special :needs,' "will?!b'e�provided°with?crisis ; N b - . lance as :necessary, iupon re;: quest7Feisons'desging assis-., j,tor1c6."must,:'make a?• request' ,,not''1ess,1th6n,-48: hoursprior to,1tKe-'time'of the public hear•1. loans�Lent:-Noteboom. .Town 4Clerk°;',' j'Ocv, '. .; '. 1997 I �1y OF 1 r TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper , ( Ithaca Journal ) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - 1998 SEWER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY UNIT CHARGE Location. of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk' s Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8 , 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Town Clerk , Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this . day of 9�. ary P blic �. POO9.E NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF E4 YORK # 4646 �1y OF 1 T� TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6 , 1997 , at 6 : 45 p . m . , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York in order that they may consider a reduction in the Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge from $82 . 00 per unit to $75 . 00 per unit for the year 1998 , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , all citizens at the aforementioned time and place shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition to the said charge , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of. the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk October 14 , 1997 PUBLISH : October 14 1997 Futauc;HEARIN(aS ; +. _ s rlii:MOTICE. -, ; d .i iI TOWN'OF.+ITHACA- PLEASE-`TAKE° NOTIC E,�-that the Town Board of the Town of Ithoco,rwill • hold a public he6rin it , t."the','regular:'meet- t iri9 - o� ek.- Townt Board on Novamberl6 •;1997,';at 6:45 pp m , at;;fhe ;Towm oll,r'126 East! ;Seneca sStreet,-`. Ithaca, Ne. rkontorder: that,jthey may:consider;.a•'arisdudion in the':Sevier%BenefiPAssessment levy % Unit !Chdige '.'from ! ($82 :OOxpp'eer-unitto••$75.00 per, urnt 'Fortthei eac 1.9,98,11 r � : i PIEASE TAKEwFURTHER , NlG TICE;+r a ;cifizeris . alr'the aforeinentioned`I%time;r-fond s pldce; shall 2 . r d the i.'opportunily`to;voice their ap• provolo�:;.opposition ,to', the ppppppsad�chargge, and ° r PLEASE 7AKt jFURTHER�NO :' TILE s in ividu ith visual', impcirments ear "IM it menu or�otherisoecial'n 4 eds:A r.r wall �fe', provided Twdh 'b'ssis s. .; ,lance"';as3necessary, . upon 4 er.: r quest:• Persons'desinn ;• ossis•.f m tgnce ;m"ust- ake"'o: request; not less 'thon 48 . hours prior. to the time, of the' public hear; Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk October ,, 14, 1997 OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� n o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York ; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal ) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - 1998 WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY UNIT CHARGE Location. of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk's Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8 , 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this . , day ofB246- 91_L_• N ar, blic 4 A19 � E f. POOLE NpTARY E YORK STATE OF N # 4646 427 OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6 , 1997 , at 6 : 40 p . m . , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York in order that they may consider a reduction in the Water Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge. from $80. 00 per unit to $54 . 00 per unit for the year 1998 , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , all citizens at the aforementioned time and place shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition to the said charge , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make a .request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . PUBUC HEARING Joan Lent Noteboom NOTICE TOWN' OF ITHACA Town Clerk PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the town board of the Town. October 14 1997 of. Ithaca ' wlll hold a public r hearinngg at the regular meet. Ing oF' the Town Board on NoveWfer 6; 1997; a16:40 E m:; (it the -Town Hall, ; 12.6 East.,,Seneca ' Street,' Ithaca, New ,York . in order that they may- consider a reduction in *8; - Benef!t Assessment PUBLISH : October 14, 1997 re�yy' uUnit ',Charge . From $80.00 �bq� nif,4o +$54.00 per+ unif For..the ;year•; 1998, and .' S; :+ • : . _ PLEASE'iTAKE: FURTHER NQ IITICE, oU ; ;citizens ot,?the , aforementioned hmexand Icce shall be affords .tfie'ti c� •r aa7 ;:1 OPPortUrllty f0 VOICe rhelr, ap•'i prowl%yorcoppo'sitloq ro'' the; ald charggekand y tPLEASE TAICEyFURTHER NQ ' lndIv! uols' with -visual flmpgirments,"hearing impoir , ments onather'"special needs;`; wlllrkieprovided; with , assis• ' stance :as•;necessary, . upon.;re• Ca 1:guestPersona desirng',assis- ;tonce= mus&ztnake* a request ; ,not lessl'than ,48 jhours •p rior t to,ihe timeof the public hear; °Joan lent'Noteboom'. . s ` x ' I' Town Clerk October+l 4 oil.1997 OF 1P F TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273 - 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York ; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal ) : PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE = 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION (SCLIWC ) PRELIMINARY BUDGET as the 1998 SCLIWC Final Budget . Location of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk' s Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : Thursday, October 8 , 1997 Date of Publication : Tuesday, October 14, 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this / ' -day of 9 97 , NotAry Nblic am 0 BEM Fe oo« NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK 4 4646 427 OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA It �,� 21 044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a PUBLIC HEARING , Thursday, November 6 , 1997, at 6 : 30 p . m . , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York to consider the adoption of the 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION ( SCLIWC) PRELIMINARY BUDGET as the 1998 SCLIWC Final Budget ; PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of the said budget ; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , said Preliminary Budget is available at the f office of the Town Clerk, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York where it may be inspected by any interested person during normal business hours , Monday through Friday, 8 : 00 a . m . to 4 : 00 . p . m . ; and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , individuals with visual impairments , hearing impairments or other special needs , . will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request . Persons desiring assistance must. make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk October 14 , 1997 PUBLISH : October 14 , 1997 . TOWN Of ITHACA PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE;. that:. : the Town Board of the ' Town ! �oF 'lthaca ' will hold q;PUBLI,C „ HEARING;' Thursday, Novem: %er 6„° 1997, 'at: 6: 30 p:m .;' 'ot the Towri Hall,` 126 East= Seneca4' Street; Ithaca New York to' consider' the adopption 'of the`:1998 'SOUTHERN CA„ Y U:G A zA'A KE I N T ER'- MU. NIC, IPXJ L WATER ION ' ' (SCLIWC)COMMISS PRELIMINARY "' - BUDGET ' as `.the1,998SZLIWC- ,inl Bud ev 1. .4 gg :PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO­' TILE, akthe ,aforementioned;, 'dime ^.and :`p.lacw !"oll,,fcitizens. shall'be afforded tlie, oppohu- nity to.'voice Iheir, opproval or op'positiori i'of'Jh said' bud- nd P.LE ASE, :TAKE" FURTHER•: NO•' TILE said Preliminary Budget ' ris:'available` `at '.the office of I.the; Town.9Clerk; - .126;East. SenecgT`Street; Jthaca; New. ;,York p ere it mays, e.; in-: itspected i`. any.:interested person'; duringg: normal '; busi• : onda ;•mess ,hours : My ',throvg h : FrI` di r, 'B:OO;:. a:m ., ' to pp m and ' LE E":1 FURTHER I:TICE-O,Qividualswith;visual. } ;impairments w earing impairs.: menfs4or- 6ther special needs;ri, swill '} be ' provided with ' gssis-., 1 r',tance -as necessary, upon re,?^7 f` quest.; Persons desiring :ossis is C�tonce, must : make a "' request t,nof les's than ; 48 " hours, pprior>_ iro fhe,time of the public pear-:.:: Ing Octobn "1;4, 1997 " 7" ` FINAL ; T Q W N B U D G E T ]Fan 1 9 9 8 T OWN O F I T HACA 2 N COUNT Y O F T O M P K I M S VILLAGE W I T H I N T OWN VILLAGE O F CAY U GA H E X GH T S C E R T I F I CAT I O N O F T OWN C L E R K I JOAN LENT NOTEBOOM , TOWN CLERK , CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE 1998 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 6 , 19970 Signed : Dated : November 17 , 1997 Agenda Item No. 15 7rOWN SUPERVISOR' S BUDGET MESSAGE FOR 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA BUDGET The good news is that the tax rate for the General Townwide Fund will not increase for 1998. We have been able to , "hold the line", on taxes for two years. The assessed value for properties within the Town of Ithaca had a net decrease of a little over $ 1 million this year, although we ' had over $3 million in growth changes. . The decrease in assessment is due to downward adjustments , mostly in the housing market. This trend will probably continue for several years and is a concern for the future. Sales tax receipts continues to be the largest source of revenue for the Town of Ithaca. Proposed changes by the State could become a serious problem in future years . We are proposing a reduction in the Water Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge from $80 . 00 per unit, to $54. 00 per unit, a decrease of $26 . 00 per unit. The Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge is proposed to be reduced from $82 . 00 per unit to $75 . 00 per unit, a decrease of $7 . 00 per unit. This has been accomplished by reducing debt and not incurring new debt. Also , water and sewer units that had not been correctly assessed in the past have been added to the roll . This is also the first step in the implementation of a "flat rate" so that everyone will be paying a more equitable share. The Fire Protection Fund will incur an. increase in the tax rate from $3 . 05 per thousand of assessed valuation , to $3 . 18 per thousand of assessed valuation . On a home assessed for $ 100, 000 there will be a tax increase of $ 13 . 00 for the year 1998. Again , the net loss of $ 1 million in assessed value has a negative impact on this part of the budget. This rate would be $3 . 68 per thousand of assessed valuation if we did not use sales tax money to help offset this cost. What is new in the 1998 Town of Ithaca Budget? We propose the additional funding of $50 , 000 for Storm Water Management. This has become a very high priority since the flooding in 1996 . We have budgeted $6 , 000 to conduct a feasibility study for improvements to the Highway Barns , and $50 , 000 for construction of those projected improvements . TOWN OF ITHACA , NEW YORK SUMMARY OF FISCAL BUDGET BY FUND FOR 1998 APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED AMOUNT TO BE REVENUE FUND BALANCE RAISED BY TAX A GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE $ 11518 , 961 . 00 453 , 865 . 00 140 , 334 . 00 924 , 762 . 00 B GENERAL FUND PART TOWN $ 767 , 474 . 00 569 , 463 . 00 198 , 011 . 00 DB HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN $ 11286 , 624900 1 , 171 , 900 . 00 114 , 724 . 00 F WATER FUND $ 11730 , 969 . 00 11106 , 600900 160 , 009 . 00 464 , 360900 G SEWER FUND $ 11603 , 232 . 00 11239 , 484 . 00 -234 , 431 . 00 598 , 179 . 00 SF FIRE PROTECTION FUND $ 1 , 869 , 432900 247 , 400 . 00 -6 , 580 . 00 1 , 628 , 612 . 00 TOTAL TOWN $ 81776 , 692 . 00 41788 , 712 . 00 372 , 067900 31615 , 913 . 00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS SL1 FOREST HOME LIGHTING DISTRICT $ 21100 . 00 2 , 100 . 00 SL2 GLENSIDE LIGHTING DISTRICT $ 850 . 00 850 . 00 SL3 RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTR$CT 1 , 10100 300900 800 . 00 SL4 EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTJICT 2 , 200 . 00 11300 . 00 900 . 00 SL5 CLOVER LANE LIGHTING DISTRICT $ 300 . 00 300900 SL6 WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHTING DISTR$CT 750 . 00 150 . 00 600 . 00 SL7 BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRI $T 900 . 00 100600 800900 SL8 WEST HAVEN ROAD LIGHTING DISTR$CT 3 , 200 . 00 -409 . 00 31609 . 00 SL9 CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHTING DISTR$CT 1 , 900 . 00 100000 1 . 800 . 00 R RISK RETENTION FUND $ 3 , 700 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 -7 , 500 . 00 V DEBT SERVICE FUND $ 11019 , 129 . 00 11018 , 600900 529 . 00 GRAND TOTAL $ 91812 , 821 . 00 51818 , 512 . 00 366 , 637 . 00 3 , 627 , 672 . 00 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -A ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT TOWN BOARD PERSONAL SERVICES A1010 , 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 34 , 920 . 00 36 , 000 , 00 37 , 200 . 00 31 , 20030 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 34 , 920600 361000 . 00 37 , 200 . 00 311200 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1010 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11864650 2 , 500 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 10000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11864 . 50 21500600 11000600 1 , 000 . 00 TOTAL TOWN BOARD 36 , 184 . 50 38 , 500 . 00 38 , 200 . 00 38 , 200600 JUSTICES PERSONAL SERVICES A1110 , 100 PERSONAL SERVICE 55 , 406 . 56 64 , 549 , 00 661000 . 00 66 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 55 , 406 . 56 64 , 549400 66 , 000900 66 , 000 . 00 EQUIPHRHT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1110 . 200 EQUIPMENT 174 . 94 400900 500000 500400 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 174 . 94 400400 500 . 00 500000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1110 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 21500 . 00 11000 , 00 11000 . 00 A1110 . 401 PROPERTY RENTAL 0000 41200 . 00 41200 . 00 41200 . 00 A1110 . 403 SEMINARS / CONFERENCRS 40 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000000 11000000 A1110 . 405 LAWBOOXS / SHRD SUPPLY 81139 . 47 41068673 41000000 41000000 A1110 . 408 POSTAGE 0 . 00 0000 800000 800800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 8 , 179 . 47 11 , 768 . 73 11 , 000000 11 , 000000 TOTAL JUSTICES 63 , 160 . 97 76 , 117 . 73 771500 . 00 77 , 500 . 00 SUPERVISOR PERSONAL SERVICES A1220 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 17 , 113 . 90 20 , 000 , 00 25 , 800 . 00 25 , 800 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 17 , 113 . 90 20 , 00030 25 , 800600 25 , 800 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1220 . 200 EQUIPMENT 128 . 95 11000 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 128 . 95 11000600 500 . 00 500600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1220 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11919 . 40 MOM 400000 400400 A1220 , 410 CONFERRNCRS / MILEAGE 0 , 00 11500000 11000 , 00 11000400 A- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -A AMENDED RECOKKBNDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A1220 . 420 PUBLICATIONSJDUBS 0 . 00 300 . 00 100900 100600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL RXPRRSR 11919 . 40 2 , 500 . 00 11500600 11500000 TOTAL SUPERVISOR 19 , 162 . 25 23 , 500 . 00 27 , 800 . 00 27 , 800900 ACCOUNTINGIBOOXXRRPING PERSONAL SERVICES A1316 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 0 . 00 0800 25 , 633400 25 , 633900 A1316 . 101 PERSONAL OT 0600 0600 11100400 10100000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 . 00 0900 26 , 733 . 00 26 , 733 . 00 TOTAL ACCOUNTING / BOOXXRRPING 0 . 00 0000 26 , 733 . 00 26 , 733 . 00 INDBPERTRRT AUDITORS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1320 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11 , 285819 51000000 2 , 500900 21500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11 , 285 . 19 51000400 2 , 500 . 00 21500 . 00 TOTAL INDEPENTRNT AUDITORS 11 , 285 . 19 51000 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 TAX COLLECTION PERSONAL SBRVICBS A1330 . 100 PERSONAL SBRVICBS 14 , 517 . 72 18 , 394 . 00 19 , 400900 19 , 400400 A1330 . 102 PERSONAL SERVJOTJTMP 0 . 00 1 , 000600 700 . 00 700600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 14 , 517 . 72 19 , 394 . 00 20 , 100 . 00 20 , 10030 EQUIPKRNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1330 . 200 RQUIPKBNT 0 . 00 . 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL RQUIPKENTJCAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1330 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 31321 . 53 11000000 11000 . 00 11000000 A1330 . 401 PRINTINGIPOSTAGR 0 . 00 3190030 41300 . 00 41300900 A1330 . 410 CORFRRRHCRS / KILBAGR 0 . 00 11000 . 00 800 . 00 800 . 00 A13301420 PUBLICATIONS / DUES 0600 100000 100 . 00 100 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 3 , 321 . 53 6 , 000 . 00 6 , 200 . 00 6 , 200 . 00 TOTAL TAX COLLECTION 11 839 . 25 251694 . 00 261600 . 00 26 , 600 . 00 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES A1340 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 74 , 840 . 88 62 , 989 . 00 45 , 600 . 00 45 , 600 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 74p840088 62 , 989900 45 , 600 . 00 451600 . 00 RQUIPKRNTICAPITAL OUTLAY A1340 . 200 RQUIPKRNT 11825 . 00 300 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL RQUIPKRRT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 11825 . 00 300900 500400 500800 CONTRACTUAL RXPRNSB A1340 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 61463 . 11 2 , 000 . 00 11000100 1 , 000 . 00 A1340 . 410 CONFRRENCRS / KILEAGR 0 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 6 , 463 . 11 4 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 A- 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 —A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL BUDGET 83 , 128 . 99 67 , 289 . 00 49 , 100000 49 , 100 . 00 TOWN CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES A1410 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 72 , 529 . 53 77 , 741000 87 , 400 . 00 87 , 400000 A1410 . 102 PERSONAL SERVICES—OT 0 , 00 11500 . 00 500000 500000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72 , 529 . 53 79 , 241 . 00 87 , 900 . 00 87 , 900 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1410 , 200 EQUIPMENT 302 . 99 500800 500 . 00 500400 TOTAL EQUIPMRNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 302 . 99 500 . 00 500000 500600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1410 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11297610 21400 . 00 21400 , 00 21400 . 00 A1410 , 410 CONFERENCES / MILEAGE 0400 1 , 500600 11000800 11000000 A1410 , 120 PUBLICATIONS / DUES 0 . 00 200 . 00 100000 100000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11297 . 10 41100000 3 , 500 ..00 3 , 500 . 00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK 74 , 129 . 62 83 , 841600 91 , 900400 91 , 900600 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1420 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EIPENSBS 22 , 043 . 95 35 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 22 , 043 , 95 35 , 000600 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000900 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 22M3 , 95 35 , 000 , 00 2030030 20 , 000 . 00 PERSONNEL PERSONAL SERVICES Al13MOO PERSONAL SERVICES 31 , 675 . 38 38 , 74430 39 , 500 , 00 391500 . 00 A1430 . 102 PERSONAL SERVICES—OT 0 , 00 885 , 00 100100 100600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 31 675 . 38 39 , 629 . 00 39 , 600 . 00 39 , 600 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1430 . 200 EQUIPMENT 8 , 50 100 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 8 . 50 100 . 00 2 , 00030 2 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1430 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 21862 , 66 100400 100000 100000 A1430 , 110 CONFERENCES / MILEAGE 0 , 00 750 . 00 11100400 1 , 100800 A1430 . 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUBS 0 , 00 550900 500000 500400 A1430 , 121 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0000 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 A1430o422 EMPLOYER MEDIATION SERVICES 0 . 00 0 , 00 11500400 11500 . 00 A1430 . 425 WELLNESS / HEALTH 0 , 00 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 A1430 , 430 PAYROLL SERVICES 0 . 00 21200 . 00 11000 . 00 1300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 862466 51600 . 00 6 , 700 . 00 6 , 700 . 00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 34 , 546 . 54 45 , 329 . 00 48 , 300 . 00 48 , 300 . 00 ENGINEER PERSONAL SERVICES A- 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 14 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A1140 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 153 , 572 . 29 161 , 606000 167 , 600100 161 , 600600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 153 , 572 . 29 161 , 606 . 00 161 , 600 . 00 167 , 600900 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1440 . 200 EQUIPMENT 11963 . 30 23 , 896 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 TOTAL RQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 , 963 . 30 23 , 896400 221500 . 00 22 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1410 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 21158964 61150000 31000 . 00 31000 . 00 A14409104 VEHICLE HAINT . 154 . 69 750 . 00 800000 800 . 00 A1440 . 406 CIVITAS STUDENTS 822 . 58 41500600 7 , 50030 71500 . 00 A1440 . 410 CONFRRENCE / SCHOOLS 378 . 00 21500 . 00 11000600 11000000 A1440 . 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUBS 0000 867 . 00 800000 800000 A1440 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0 . 00 15030 150400 150 . 00 A1440 . 440 SAFETY / TRAINING 0 . 00 500000 500400 500 . 00 A1440 . 450 GASOLINE 11880 . 29 2 , 34731 11800400 11800800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5 , 994 . 20 18 , 364 . 37 15 , 550000 15 , 550600 TOTAL ENGINEER 167 , 529 . 79 203 , 866 . 37 205 , 650000 205 , 650400 ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY kl150 . 200 EQUIPMENT 171 . 02 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 177 . 02 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1450o4OO CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 11870 . 00 0 . 00 0400 A1450 . 401 SUPPLIES 31679467 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000400 A1450 . 402 ELECTION INSPECTORS 111556 . 40 81220 . 00 81200 . 00 81200 . 00 A1450 . 403 ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS 0 . 00 0 . 00 2 , 200 . 00 21200600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 15 , 236 . 07 10 , 090900 12 , 400 . 00 12 , 400 . 00 TOTAL ELECTION MACHINE CUSTODIANS 15 , 413 . 09 10 , 39030 121700 . 00 12 , 700 . 00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES A1460 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 0 . 00 0000 15 , 000000 15 , 000000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 . 00 0000 15 , 000 . 00 15 , 000 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1460 , 200 EQUIPMENT 1 , 495 . 00 45030 200 . 00 200000 TOTAL RQUIPHRNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 11495 . 00 450600 200 . 00 200 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1460 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 457971 11000 . 00 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 A1460 . 404 CONSULTING SERVICES 0 . 00 41175 . 00 0600 0000 A1460 . 405 PRRSERVATION/ RESTORATION 0400 31000 . 00 31000900 3 , 000 . 00 A14604410 CONFERERCRS / NILRAGR 0000 11000800 750 . 00 15030 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 457 . 71 91175 . 00 6 , 250 . 00 6 , 250000 TOTAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT 1 , 952 . 11 91625 . 00 21 , 450 . 00 21 , 450 . 00 A- 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 BUILDINGS / TOWN HALL PERSONAL SERVICES A1620 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 , 439 . 42 15 , 60030 16 , 600 . 00 16 , 600 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 14 , 439 . 42 15 , 600 . 00 16 , 600 . 00 16 , 600400 HQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1620 . 200 EQUIPMENT 300 . 00 11500000 500600 500000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 300 . 00 11500 . 00 500000 500600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1620o4OO CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0000 21000 . 00 11000 . 00 11000000 A1620 . 409 WATER / SEWER 0000 500000 300600 300 . 00 A1620 . 410 ELECTRIC 12 , 294 . 01 13 , 450 . 00 16 , 300900 16 , 30030 A1620o4ll MECHANICAL MAINT / RRPAIRS 0600 51000000 21300 . 00 21300 . 00 A1620 . 412 BLDGS / GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 3 , 637 . 59 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 284 . 00 1 , 284 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL RXPRNSE 15 , 931 . 60 22 , 450 . 00 21 , 184 . 00 21 , 184400 TOTAL BUILDINGS / TOWN HALL 30 , 671 . 02 39 , 550600 38 , 284 . 00 38 , 284 . 00 CENTRAL COME SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1650 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 500600 500 . 00 500000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 , 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1650 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPBN 0 . 00 41050 . 00 41000600 41000000 A1650 . 401 MAINTERANCR / REPAI 0 . 00 500000 500400 500000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 40550 . 00 41500 . 00 4 , 500 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL CORM SYSTEMS 0400 51050800 5 , 000 . 00 51000100 CENTRAL STOREROOM RQUIPHRNT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY A1660 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 11000800 0600 0600 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 11000000 0000 0000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1660 . 400 CONTR-OFFICE SUPPLY 0 . 00 3 , 885 . 00 41700 . 00 41700000 A1660o420 MINUTE SUPPLIES 0600 780600 0000 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPRNSR 0 . 00 4 , 665400 4 , 700 . 00 4 , 700 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL STOREROOM 0 . 00 5 , 665 . 00 41700 . 00 4 , 700 . 00 CENTRAL PRINT & MAIL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1670 . 200 COPIER / POSTAGE MB 11339 . 37 600 . 00 0000 0000 A1670 . 201 COMPUTER PAYMENTS 21088 . 00 0 , 00 0000 0 , 00 A1671 202 COMPUTBR /ACCESSOR 21198 . 00 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 51625 . 37 600 . 00 0900 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1670o400 COPIER SUPPLIES 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 11000000 11000000 A- 5 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 —A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A1670 . 401 COPIER MAINTENANCE 0 . 00 2 , 875 . 00 31000000 3 , 000 . 00 A1670 . 402 COPIER PAPER 0000 11250000 11000600 11000000 A1670 . 407 POSTAGE METER 31142097 0000 21500 . 00 21500400 A1670o4O8 POSTAGE 61452 . 06 6 , 450400 31200 . 00 31200 . 00 A1670 . 409 LEGAL ADS 21632 . 92 31500 . 00 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 A1670 . 412 NEWSLETTER 2 , 535 , 70 51500000 51000 , 00 51000400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPBNSE 14 , 163 , 65 21 , 575 . 00 18 , 200000 18 , 200 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL PRINT & MAIL 20 , 389 . 02 22 , 175 . 00 18 , 200 . 00 18 , 200600 CENTRAL DATA PROCESS EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A1680 , 200 EQUIPMENT / HARDWAR 0000 12 , 725900 6 , 200 . 00 6 , 20030 TOTAL RQUIPMRNT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 , 00 12 , 725600 6 , 200 . 00 61200400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A1680 , 400 MATERIALS / SUPPLIE 0 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 21900 . 00 21900 , 00 A1680 , 401 MAINTENANCE / RRPAI 0 . 00 51100000 2 , 500 . 00 21500000 A1680 , 402 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 5 , 710900 31100000 31100 . 00 A1680 , 403 EDUCATION / TRAINIA 0400 520 . 00 300 . 00 300600 A1680 . 404 CONSULTING SERVIC 0 . 00 20 , 450900 10 , 000600 10 , 000 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL BXPHNSR 0 , 00 37 , 840900 18 , 800000 180800000 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESS 0 . 00 50 , 565900 25 , 000600 25 , 000 . 00 SPECIAL ITEMS A1910 , 400 UNALLOCATED INSURANC 67 , 388 . 05 72 , 000900 15 , 000600 15 , 000000 A1920 . 400 MUNICIPAL ASSOC DUBS 11100 . 00 1 , 100400 11200 . 00 11200000 A19204401 TAXES / ASSM ' T ON PROP 0 . 00 207 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 21600900 A19409400 PURCHASE OF LAND 0 , 00 12 , 500 . 00 0000 0 . 00 A1989 , 400 MISCELLANEOUS 18 . 19 0400 0000 0000 A1990 . 400 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT 0900 24 , 667 . 00 14 , 000 . 00 14 , 000000 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 68 506 . 84 110 414 . 00 321800 . 00 32 , 800 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 661 143 , 73 858 , 231610 112 , 417 . 00 112 , 417 . 00 PUBLIC SAFETY POICE / CROSSING GUARDS PERSONAL SERVICES A3120 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 8 , 312 , 46 9 , 003 . 00 91500000 91500000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 8p342 , 46 9 , 003 . 00 91500000 91500 , 00 ROUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A3120 . 200 EQUIPMENT 130 . 65 150000 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 130 . 65 150000 0 , 00 0600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3120 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2 . 16 100100 100900 100000 A3120 . 450 CITY POLICE CONTRACT 0 . 00 0400 20 , 000400 20 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 . 16 100 . 00 20 , 100 . 00 20 , 100 . 00 A- 6 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -A AKENDED RECOKKENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL POICE / CROSSING GUARDS 81415 . 27 9 , 253 . 00 29 , 600 . 00 29 , 600 . 00 TRAFFIC SAFETY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3310 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 198 . 54 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 , 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 198054 300 . 00 300 , 00 300 . 00 TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY 198854 300 . 00 300600 300 , 00 DOG CONTROL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3510 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES _ 22 , 508 . 00 17 , 366 . 00 18 , 300900 18 , 300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 22 , 508 , 00 17 , 366 . 00 18 , 300 . 00 18 , 300600 TOTAL DOG CONTROL 22 , 508 , 00 17 , 366900 18 , 300900 18 , 300 , 00 ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A3520 . 400 OTHER ANIKAL CONTROL 41287 , 00 21545 , 00 MUM 2 , 700 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 4 , 287 . 00 2 , 545 . 00 2 , 700800 21100000 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 4 , 287 , 00 21545 , 00 2 , 700600 2 , 700900 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 35 , 468 . 81 29 , 464 . 00 50 , 900 . 00 50 , 900 . 00 TRANSPORTATION SUPERINTENDENT HIGHWAYS PERSONAL SERVICES A5010 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 58 , 459 , 00 64 , 69830 70 , 000 . 00 70 , 000 . 00 A5010 . 102 PERSONAL SERVICES-OT 880 , 12 500000 500 . 00 500600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 591339 . 12 65 , 198900 70 , 500 . 00 70 , 500 . 00 RQUIPKRNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A5010 , 200 EQUIPMENT 4 , 553 . 41 2 , 000900 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . Q0 TOTAL BQUIPKBNT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 , 553647 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A5010 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11446 , 86 11531 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 A5010 . 410 TRAINING/ SAFETY 4 , 307 . 91 0400 0000 0 . 00 A5010 , 411 CONFERENCES / KILRAGB 0000 11000000 11000000 11000900 A5010 , 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUES 0000 500 , 00 500 , 00 500600 A5010 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0000 150 . 00 1 , 500600 1 , 500 . 00 A5010 . 440 SAFETY TRAINING 0 . 00 500 , 00 500800 500800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5 , 154 . 77 3 , 687 , 00 51000000 5 , 000 . 00 TOTAL SUPERINTENDENT HIGHWAYS 69 , 647 . 36 10 , 885 . 00 18 , 000 . 00 78 , 000400 HIGHWAY GARAGE EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A- 7 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 —A AMENDED RECOKKENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A5132 . 200 EQUIPMENT 4 , 831 , 13 6 , 000 . 00 51000 . 00 50000 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 4 , 831613 6 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A5132 . 409 GARAGE WATER / SEWER 0 . 00 11000000 500600 500400 A5132 . 410 GARAGE ELECTRIC 12 , 603 . 24 8 , 000 . 00 16 , 000900 16 , 000800 A5132 . 412 BLDG / GROUNDS KNTHCE 11 , 086 . 72 900000 0 . 00 0 . 00 A5132 . 413 POLR BARN WATER/ SEWER 0000 500000 200000 200000 A5132 . 414 POLE BARN ELECTRIC 0 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 21000 . 00 21000000 A5132 . 415 TELEPHONE 21840 . 29 31600 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 41000600 A5132 . 416 GARAGE KAINTRNANCR 0 . 00 32 , 000900 261000 . 00 26 , 000 , 00 A51326417 POLE BARN KAINTRNANCE 0 . 00 11000000 11000600 11000000 A5132 . 418 FEASIBILITY STUDY 0 , 00 0 . 00 61000600 6 , 000900 A51324440 CONST / IKPROVBKBNTS 0600 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000400 50 , 000000 A5132 . 460 STORK WATER KANAGEKENT 0 . 00 0000 500000000 50 , 000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 26 , 530 . 25 100 , 500000 155 , 700000 155 , 700 . 00 TOTAL HIGHWAY GARAGE 31 , 361 . 38 106 , 500600 160 , 100 . 00 160 , 700 . 00 STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A51829400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 33 , 802 . 91 32 , 000 . 00 31 , 200 . 00 31 , 200 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 33 , 802 . 91 32 , 000600 371200 . 00 311200 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 33 , 802 , 91 32 , 000 . 00 31 , 200 . 00 37 , 200900 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 134 , 811 . 65 209 , 385 . 00 2751900 . 00 275 , 900 . 00 CULTURE AND RECREATION PLAYGROUNDSIRECREATION CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7140 . 401 CONTRACT 10 , 440 . 00 61073 . 00 61284 . 00 6 , 284600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 10 , 440 . 00 6 , 073 . 00 61284600 61284 . 00 TOTAL PLAYGROUNDS / RECREATION 10 , 440 . 00 6 , 013 . 00 6 , 284600 6 , 284 . 00 YOUTHIAGRD PROJECTS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7320 , 401 RECREATION PARTNERSHIP 160 , 541 . 00 1521205 . 00 152 , 205 . 00 152 , 205 . 00 A7320 . 402 SUMMER PLAYGROUND 2 , 575 , 00 11195 . 00 71795 . 00 11195 . 00 A7320o4O3 MUNICIPAL SUMMER JOBS 41653 . 00 13 , 600900 91806 . 00 91806900 A7320s4O4 CODDINGTOR RD COMMUNITY CENTER 43 , 130 . 57 61804 . 00 41891600 41891000 A7320 , 405 STIPEND JOBS / TRANSPORTATION 0 . 00 41166 . 00 19 , 658 . 00 19 , 658 . 00 A7320o4O6 LBARNG WEB / YOUTH WORKS 0 . 00 20 , 205 . 00 15 , 915600 15 , 975 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 210 , 899 . 57 204 , 175 . 00 210 , 330 . 00 210 , 330 . 00 TOTAL YOUTH / AGED PROJECTS 210 , 899 , 57 204 , 17530 210 , 330 . 00 210 , 330 . 00 HISTORIAN CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A-8 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A7510 . 400 DEWITT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 0 . 00 61000000 91000 . 00 91000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 61000 . 00 91000000 9400000 TOTAL HISTORIAN 0 . 00 61000000 91000000 9 000 . 00 CELEBRATIONS EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY A7550m200 EQUIPMENT 10 ,696 . 65 5 , 508900 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 10 , 696 . 65 51508 . 00 0 . 00 0000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A7550 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 790665 11459 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 790 . 65 1 , 459800 2 , 500900 2 , 500600 TOTAL CELEBRATIONS 11 , 487 , 30 6367 . 00 21500 . 00 2 , 50030 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION 232826 , 87 223 , 815 . 00 228 , 114 . 00 228 , 114 . 00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A8989 . 400 HOSPITAL BUS 0 , 00 0000 0000 0800 A8989 . 401 GADABOUT 0 . 00 9 , 280600 91560600 91560900 A8989 . 402 LEARNING WEB 0 . 00 61445900 61445 , 00 6 , 44530 A8989 , 103 SENIOR CITIZEN COUNCIL 0 , 00 4 , 750 . 00 71125 . 00 71125 . 00 A8989 . 404 HUMAN SERVICES COALITION 0 . 00 3 , 925 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 2 , 600 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 241400 . 00 25 , 730900 25 , 730 . 00 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 . 00 241400 . 00 25 , 730 . 00 25 , 730 . 00 TOTAL ROHR AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 , 00 241400 . 00 25 , 730 . 00 25330600 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER BENEFITS A9010300 NYS RETIREMENT 20 , 763 . 88 17 , 623 . 00 14 , 900 . 00 14 , 900000 A9030 , 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 40 , 045 . 13 431850 . 00 46 , 900 . 00 461900 . 00 A9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 12 , 350 . 12 15 , 401 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 A9048300 EMPLOYEE DISPUTE SER 0 , 00 800 . 00 0 . 00 0400 A9055 . 800 DISABILITY INS . 11478 . 80 41883 . 00 2 , 700900 21700 . 00 A9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSUR . 62 , 615617 69 , 286 . 00 88 , 200 . 00 88 , 20030 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 137 , 253 , 10 151 , 843 , 00 163 , 900 , 00 163 , 900 . 00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS A9901 , 900 TO CAPITAL RESERVE 160 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 A9901 . 904 TO RISK RETENTION 10 , 000400 21000900 2 , 000600 21000 . 00 A- 9 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A9901305 TWA HALL 0 . 00 25 , 809000 0400 0 . 00 TOTAL 110 , 000 . 00 21 , 809 . 00 20000000 21000800 TOTAL TRANFHRS TO OTHER FUNDS 110.1000 . 00 27 , 809 . 00 20000 . 00 2 , 000600 TOTAL IRTERFUND TRANSFERS 110 , 000 . 00 27 , 809 . 00 2 , 000000 21000000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11311 , 510616 1 , 524 , 947 . 10 11518 , 961900 11518 , 961900 { A- 10 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-A ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVRNUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES A1001 RRAL PROPERTY TAXES 8921810 . 00 926 , 611 . 00 924 , 762 . 00 924 , 762 . 00 A1081 IN LIRU OF TAXES 4 , 348 . 66 40185400 41300 , 00 4 300 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 897 , 158 , 66 930396 . 00 929 , 062 . 00 929 062 . 00 HEAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS A1090 INTEREST & PENALTIES 14 , 382 . 31 13 , 425 . 00 14 , 300 . 00 14 , 300 , 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 14 , 382 . 31 13 , 425 . 00 14 , 300 . 00 14 , 300 . 00 NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS A1120 NON- PROP TAX / COUNTY 353 , 581 . 18 136 , 525 . 00 70 , 000000 70 , 000 . 00 TOTAL NON- PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 353 , 581 . 18 136 , 525900 70400. 00 70 , 00030 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME A1255 TOWN CLERK FEES 21016 , 70 21100 . 00 11900600 11900000 A1260 PERSONNL FEES- SCLIWC 0400 31500900 900600 900400 A1270 SHARED SERVC CHARGES 370 , 45 0000 0 . 00 0000 A1289 COMMUNITY SERVICES - It SALES TAX 0600 16 , 220 . 00 16 , 022 . 00 16 , 02230 A1555 DOG ENUMERATION FEES 66730 11100600 11000000 11000000 A1556 SPCA CONTRACT 0000 0600 41600000 41600 . 00 A1557 DOG IMPOUNDMENT FIRS 0 . 00 0000 11000 , 00 11000400 A2189 ENGINEERING FEES FOR SERVICES 0 , 00 2 , 250 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2400400 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 31054915 25 , 110 . 00 27 , 422 . 00 27 , 422 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES A2350 YOUTH / RRC SRRVJCO 21978 , 79 160458000 20 , 192 . 00 20 , 192600 TOTAL INTRRGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 2 , 978 . 79 16 , 458900 20 , 192900 20 , 192 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY A2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 41 , 689 , 28 35 , 000 , 00 56 , 000 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 41 , 689 . 28 35 , 000 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 56 , 000 . 00 LICENSES AND PERMITS A2540 BINGO LICENSES 201 . 42 0000 700600 700 . 00 A2544 DOG LICENSE APPRTMNT 61167 , 32 81000800 11900600 11900000 A2555 BUILDING PERMITS 40 , 50 0000 0900 0 . 00 A2590 OTHER PERMITS 12 , 00 0000 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 6 , 421 . 24 81000000 2 , 600 , 00 2 , 600 . 00 FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 FINRS , FEES , FFTD BAIL 33 , 450 . 31 43 , 000 , 00 44 , 000000 44 , 000400 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 33 , 450 , 31 43 , 000 , 00 44 , 000800 44 000 , 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS A2655 MINOR SALES 3 , 00 0900 0000 0 . 00 A- 11 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 2 -A AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 A2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 0 , 00 51000000 21000 . 00 11000 . 00 A2680 INSURANCR RECOVERIES 4 , 669 . 04 6 , 240 . 00 11800600 1 800 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY 6 COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 4 , 672 . 04 11 , 240 . 00 31800000 3300 , 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES A2701 REFUND / PRIOR YR B%PS 5 , 305 . 65 0000 0000 0000 A2705 GIFTS 6 DONATIONS 4 , 000000 0000 0000 0800 A2770 MISCELLANEOUS 2 , 174 . 53 10500000 0 . 00 0 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 12 , 080 . 18 1 , 500 . 00 0000 0 . 00 STATE AID A3005 MORTGAGE TAX 153 , 601 . 50 135 , 000 , 00 132 , 000 . 00 132 , 000 . 00 A3820 YOUTH 8 AGING AID 45 , 301 . 50 14 , 615 . 00 14 , 615 . 00 14 675 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID 198 , 909 . 00 149 , 675400 146 , 675 . 00 146 675 . 00 INTRRFUND TRANSFERS A5031 OTHER FNDS-ACCOUNTRG 0 . 00 23 , 820 , 00 0000 0600 A5031 / B INTRRFUND TRANSFER - PART-TOWN 0600 0400 61869 . 00 61869 . 00 A5031 / DB INTRRFUND TRANSFER - HIGHWAY 0 . 00 0 . 00 6 , 869 : 00 6 , 869 . 00 A5031 / F IRTERFURD TRANSFER - WATER 0 . 00 0 . 00 25 , 419 . 00 25 , 419 . 00 A5031 / G INTRRFUND TRANSFER - SEWER 0 . 00 0900 15 , 419 . 00 25 , 419900 A5032 OTHER FUNDS-ENGIREER 0 , DO 27 , 900 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL INTRRFUND TRANSFERS 0 . 00 51 , 720 . 00 64 , 576 . 00 64 , 516 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 11568 , 371 . 14 1 , 421 , 509900 11378 , 627 . 00 1 , 378 , 627 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 1901866 . 98 102 , 438 . 10 140 , 334900 140 , 334 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 113111510 . 16 11524 , 947 . 10 1 , 5181961 . 00 11518 , 961 . 00 A- 12 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 6 , 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -B ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERMENT SUPPORT ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 45 , 013 . 17 50 , 000600 200000600 20 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 45 , 013 . 17 50 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 000 . 00 TOTAL ATTORNEY 45 , 013 . 17 50 , 000000 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000t00 BUILDINGS CONTRACTUAL RIPRNSR 81620 . 405 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 204612 0600 0000 0000 81620 . 410 UTILITIES 425 . 22 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 629 . 34 0600 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL BUILDINGS 629 . 34 0600 0 . 00 0 . 00 CENTRAL CORM SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 816509200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 200 . 00 500000 500400 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 200400 500 . 00 500600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81650 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPEN 0 . 00 2 , 550900 0 . 00 0 . 00 B1650 . 401 MAINTENANCE / RRPAI 0400 500 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 3450900 0900 0600 TOTAL CENTRAL CORN SYSTEMS 0400 3 , 250 . 00 500 . 00 500000 CENTRAL STOREROOM EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 81660 . 200 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 200 . 00 500900 500400 TOTAL RQUIPKRNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 . 00 200400 500600 500200 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81660 . 400 CONTRACT . - SUPPLIES 0 . 00 11500 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 41000000 B1660 . 420 KINUTE SUPPLIES 0 . 00 21500400 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 41000800 41000900 41000000 TOTAL CENTRAL STOREROOM 0 . 00 41200600 4 , 500 . 00 4 500 . 00 POSTAGE KETRR EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY B16709201 EQPT-COPIRE , COKP 17 , 383 . 50 0 . 00 0 . 00 0200 B- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1- B AMENDED RRCOKKRRDRD ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL RQUIPKRNT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 11 . 383650 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE B1670 . 400 COPIER SUPPLIES 0 . 00 21500400 0000 0400 B16706101 MAINTENANCE / REPAIRS 0000 21500000 0000 0000 B1670 . 402 COPIER PAPER 0 . 00 1 , 250000 0 . 00 0 . 00 81610 . 405 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11828053 0 . 00 0400 0400 81670 . 406 COPIEE SUPPLIES 21125 . 64 0000 0200 0000 B16704107 EQUIP . KAINTBRANC 11070895 0600 0 . 00 0000 B1670 . 407 POSTAGE METER 0 . 00 0400 21500600 2 , 500 . 00 81670 . 408 POSTAGE 0660 61450000 0000 0400 B1670s408 POSTAGE 0 . 00 0 . 00 3 , 200 . 00 31200 . 00 B1670 . 409 LEGAL ADS 21615 . 57 51000000 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 000 . 00 B1670 . 410 CONTRACT PRINTING 0 . 00 11500000 11500000 11500 . 00 B1670 . 4ll COMPUTER SUPPLIES 11015 . 53 0000 0000 0 . 00 B1670o420 MINUTE SUPPLIES 10 . 16 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 8 , 727 . 58 19 , 200 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 TOTAL POSTAGE KRTRR 26 111 . 08 19 , 200400 11 , 200 : 00 11 , 200 . 00 CENTRAL DATA PROCESS EQUIPHENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 81680 . 200 EQUIPHENT / BARDWAR 0 . 00 12 , 125 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 TOTAL RQUIPHERT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 0000 12 , 725 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 3 , 700600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81680 . 400 KATRRIALS / SUPPLIR 0 . 00 41000600 1 , 700 . 00 11700 . 00 81680 . 401 KAINTENANCR / RRPAI 0 . 00 51100 . 00 21100900 21100600 81680 . 402 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 51170000 61000 . 00 61000900 81680 . 403 EDUCATION / TRAIRIN 0000 520 . 00 11500000 11500 . 00 B1680 . 404 CONSULTING SRRVIC 0 . 00 20 , 450900 5 , 000 . 00 51000600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 35 , 240 . 00 16 , 300 . 00 16 , 300 . 00 TOTAL CENTRAL DATA PROCESS 0000 47 , 965 . 00 20 , 000900 20 , 000400 SPECIAL ITEKS 81910 . 400 UNALLOCATED INSURAR 0 . 00 0 . 00 11900 . 00 71900900 81990 . 400 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT 0 . 00 28 , 970 . 00 10 , 000000 10 , 000400 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 0 . 00 28 , 970 . 00 11 , 900 . 00 17 , 900 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 71 , 753o59 153 , 585 . 00 74 , 100 . 00 74 , 100600 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 85680 . 400 NORTHEAST TRANSI 0 . 00 1 , 640 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 1 , 640 . 00 0 . 00 0400 TOTAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 0 . 00 1 , 640 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0400 11640 . 00 0000 0400 B - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 - B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11106 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 CULTURE AND RECREATION SAFETY EQUIPMENT / UNIFORMS PERSONAL SERVICES B7140 . 101 PER SRRV / MAINTENANCE 42 , 743411 56 , 140000 55 , 100 . 00 55 , 100 . 00 B71406102 PER SRRV / CONSTRUCTH 481514 . 44 49 , 858 . 00 52 , 000600 52 , 000 . 00 87140 . 104 CONSERVATION CORP 691620 0400 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 92 , 015 . 35 105 , 998900 1071100 . 00 107 , 100900 ROUIPHENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY B7140 . 201 LARGE EQUIPMENT 16 , 976099 171000 . 00 211000 . 00 21 , 000 . 00 B7140 . 202 SMALL EQUIPMENT 982 . 76 4 , 000600 41000800 41000400 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 17 , 959 . 15 21 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE B7140 . 401 CONTRACTUAL / MAINT . 10 , 486 . 54 22 , 965918 23 , 000 . 00 23 , 000 . 00 B71404402 CONTRAC / CONSTRUCTION 11498 . 92 50 , 000 . 00 50 , 000000 50 , 000 . 00 87140 . 405 CONSERVATIONCORP YCC 71087 . 18 6 , 994 . 00 51526 . 00 51526000 871401407 DONATION-YCC PAVILIN 91912 . 82 249 . 71 0600 0 . 00 87140 . 408 CONFERENCES / MILEAGE 0 . 00 500000 500000 500000 81140 . 410 HONORARIUM - 0 . 18 0 . 00 0400 0000 87140 . 411 SAFETY EQUIP / UHIFORMS 0 . 00 0900 21000600 21000 . 00 B7140 . 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUBS 0 . 00 100000 100000 100 . 00 B7140 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0000 400000 0000 0000 87140 . 440 SAFETY/ TRAINING 0 . 00 11000 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000900 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 34 , 985 . 28 82 , 208095 82 , 126 . 00 82 , 126 . 00 TOTAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT / UNIFORMS 144 960 . 38 209 , 206 . 95 214 , 226 . 00 214 , 226 . 00 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION 144p960 , 38 209 , 206995 214 , 226 . 00 214 , 226 . 00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONING PERSONAL SERVICES B8010 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 92 , 579 . 50 95 , 483900 105 , 000000 105 , 000400 B8010 . 101 BD MEMBERS PERS SBRV 11715400 3 , 900 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 94 , 294450 99 , 383 . 00 108 , 000 . 00 108 , 000000 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 880106200 EQUIPMENT 851 . 99 1 , 200 . 00 100 . 00 100600 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 851 . 99 11200 . 00 100800 100 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE B8010 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 11350 . 00 0000 0 . 00 B8010 . 401 PRINTG / PHOTO PROCESS 0 . 00 11500600 500 . 00 500000 B8010 . 403 CONFERENCES / MILEAGE 488 . 22 21000 . 00 11000900 11000600 880104404 VEHICLE MAINT- Z . O . 270 . 30 300 . 00 500000 500800 88010 . 405 MISCELLANEOUS 11200 . 70 117800 0 . 00 0 . 00 B- 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 - B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 88010 . 420 PUBLICATIONS / DUBS 0 . 00 150100 300 . 00 300 . 00 88010 , 440 SAFBTY/ TRAINING 0000 11000000 500 . 00 500000 B8010 . 450 GASOLINE 679 . 27 636 . 61 600 . 00 600 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2 , 638 . 49 7 , 053461 3 , 400 . 00 3 , 400600 TOTAL ZONING 91 784 . 98 107 , 636 . 61 1111500000 1110500 . 00 PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES B80209100 PERSONAL SERVICES 140 , 848 . 08 164 , 51630 173 , 979 . 00 173 , 979900 B8020 . 101 BD MRMRBER PIES SRRV 91050000 8 , 856 . 00 81600 . 00 81600900 B8020 . 107 CAC PERSONNEL 225 . 00 0000 0000 0 . 00 88020 , 110 STUDENT INTERNS 10 , 427 . 04 6 , 890 . 00 70000400 7 , 000900 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 160 , 550 . 12 180 , 262 , 00 189 , 579 . 00 189 , 579 . 00 EQUIPMRNTICAPITAL OUTLAY B80209200 EQUIPMENT 8 , 661 . 49 3 000 . 00 10500000 11500000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 8 , 661 . 49 3 000 . 00 1 , 500 . 00 11500400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 88020 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 1 , 000 . 00 11000900 11000 , 00 88020 . 401 PRINTG / PHOTO PROCESS 0000 11750 . 00 21000000 21000100 B8020 . 402 SOFTWARE 0 . 00 900 . 00 11500000 11500 , 00 880208403 CONFBRRNCES / MILEAGE 21980 . 47 4 , 000 . 00 4 , 500400 41500 . 00 B802Oo4O4 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 5 . 18 300 . 00 400000 400000 B8020 , 405 MISCELLANEOUS 61301 . 07 564 . 25 0 . 00 0000 B8020 . 406 PLANNING STUDY 31369 . 45 121800 . 00 15 , 000400 15 , 000600 B80200407 CONSERVATION BOARD 21001 . 58 5 , 500 . 00 21000400 21000 . 00 B8020 . 408 PUBLICATION / DURS / FBB 0 . 00 21850400 11800 . 00 21800 . 00 B8020 . 410 CIVITAS- INTERNS 271 , 23 0400 0000 0 . 00 B8020 . 450 GASOLINE 132441 531 . 52 500 . 00 500 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 15 , 061 39 30 , 195 . 77 29 , 700 . 00 291700 . 00 TOTAL PLANNING 184 , 273 . 00 213 , 457 . 77 220 , 779 . 00 220 , 779 , 00 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 282 , 057o98 321 , 09438 332 , 279 . 00 332 , 279 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYER BENEFITS 89010 . 800 HYS RETIREMENT 12 , 046 . 26 12 , 566600 12 , 100 . 00 12 , 100 . 00 B903Oo8OO SOCIAL SECURITY 25 , 890 . 70 19 , 50230 301700 . 00 301700 . 00 B9040 , 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 61729 , 52 4 , 509 . 00 111500 . 00 111500 . 00 89050 . 800 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURNC 0 . 00 31432 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 31000 . 00 89055 , 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 734 . 04 11395 . 00 11600 . 00 11600900 B9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURNC 49 393 . 44 53 , 032 . 00 79 , 100 . 00 79 , 100 . 00 TOTAL BHPLOYRE BENEFITS 94 , 793 . 96 104 , 436 . 00 138 , 000 . 00 138 , 000900 INTRRFUND TRANSFERS B- 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -B AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TRANFBRS TO OTHER FONDS 89901 . 900 HIGHWAY FUND 1 , 0011370 . 00 844 , 003 . 00 0000 0000 B9901 . 901 ACCOUNTING 0800 41705000 61869600 61869000 B99014904 RISK RETENTION 0000 21000000 21000400 21000000 89901 . 905 TWH HALL 0000 16 , 292 . 00 0400 0000 TOTAL 1 , 001 , 370 . 00 867 , 000 . 00 8 , 869 . 00 81869000 TOTAL TEMPERS TO OTHER FUNDS 11001 , 370 . 00 867 , 000 . 00 8 , 869900 8 , 869 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1 , 001 , 370900 867 , 000 . 00 81869 . 00 8 , 869900 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11594 , 935 . 91 1 , 656 , 962 . 33 767 , 474 . 00 767 , 47430 B- 5 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN FOR 1998 ( ADOPTRD NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -B ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES B1030 JUDD FALLS SIDEWALK 1 , 610 . 10 1 , 523 . 85 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 11610810 1 , 523 . 85 0000 0 . 00 NON- PROPERTY TAR ITEMS B1120 NON- PROP TAX/ COUNTY 1 , 308 , 00030 1 , 408 , 000 . 00 419 , 000600 419 , 000000 B1170 TV FRANCHISE TAX 26 , 591060 26 , 500 . 00 26 , 000000 26 , OOO . 00 TOTAL RON- PROPRRTY TAX ITEMS 1 , 334 , 591 . 60 1 , 434 , 500 . 00 4450000800 4451000 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME B2110 ZONING FEES 401160 . 25 30 , 000900 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 82115 PLANNING BED FEES 13 , 755 . 51 80000600 10 , 000000 10 , 000400 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 53 , 915 . 16 38 , 00030 401000000 40 , 000000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES B2350 CONSERVATION CORPS 61914 , 00 3 , 491 . 00 2 , 763 . 00 2 , 763 . 00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 61914600 3 , 497 . 00 21763 . 00 2 , 163 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 82401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 12 , 224 . 99 18 , 000 . 00 81000800 81000000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 12 , 224 . 99 18 , 000600 8 , 000000 81000000 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS B2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 81000400 4 , 000400 41000000 B2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 11609052 51120600 3 , 700 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 11609 , 52 13 , 120 . 00 71700 . 00 7 , 700 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 82705 GIFTS & DONATIONS-YC 10 , 000000 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 82770 MISCELLANEOUS 0600 200 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 10 , 000000 200000 0 . 00 0000 STATE AID B3001 STATE AID PER CAPITA 66 , 041 . 00 66 , 000 , 00 66 , 000 . 00 66 , 000 , 00 B3089 CAC-DRC REINBURSEMEN 11960 . 00 0 . 00 0400 0000 83897 BABA GRANT 95 . 74 0 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID 68 096 . 14 66 , 000 . 00 66 , 000 . 00 66 , 000 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 11488 , 962 . 11 1 , 514 , 84035 569 , 463900 569 , 463 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 105 , 973 . 20 82 , 121 . 48 198 , 011 . 00 198 , 011 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 11594 , 935 . 91 1 , 656 , 962 . 33 767 , 414 . 00 767 , 474900 B- 6 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET — HIGHWAY FOND PART TOWN FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 —DB ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 91 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT INDRPRNDANT AUDITING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB1320 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPEN 0 , 00 0000 0900 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0000 0900 0600 TOTAL IRDBPBNDAHT AUDITING 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0900 21000000 21000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0600 2 , 000 . 00 21000000 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 0 . 00 0 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000100 SPECIAL ITEMS DB1910 . 400 UNALLOCATED INSURAN 0 . 00 0 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 0Q TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 0 . 00 0000 22 , 000600 22 , 000 , 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 0 . 00 0 . 00 24 , 000000 24 , 000 , 00 TRANSPORTATION GENERAL REPAIRS PERSONAL SERVICES DB5110olOO PERSONAL SERVICES 124 , 140 . 39 125 , 320900 1411800600 141 , 800000 DB5110 , 102 PERSONAL SERVICBSJOT 5 , 562 . 61 61400800 6 , 400400 61400000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 130 , 303 . 06 131 , 12030 148 , 200 . 00 148 , 200 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5110 , 450 GAS , OIL , DIESEL 81142 , 18 91000 , 00 91000000 91000 . 00 DB5110 , 451 ROAD REPAIRS 80 , 141 . 01 981553 . 50 98 , 000 . 00 98 , 000400 DB5110 . 461 MISC TOOLSJSUPPLIES 0 . 00 21300 . 00 61000000 61000 . 00 DB5110 . 499 MISCELLANEOUS 3 , 809 . 21 4 , 300 . 00 0400 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 92 , 692 , 40 114 , 153 . 50 113 , 000 . 00 113 , 000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL REPAIRS 222 , 995 . 46 245 , 813 . 50 261 , 200 . 00 261 , 200 . 00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES DB5112 . 100 PERSONAL SBRVIC 21 , 669 . 80 60 , 000 . 00 801000 . 00 80 , 000000 DB5112 , 102 PERSONAL SBRVIC 21520 , 26 11900400 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 DB- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -DB AMENDED RBCOMMBNDBD ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 30 190 . 06 61 , 900 . 00 82 , 000 . 00 82 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5112 . 450 GAS , OIL , DIESB 51823 . 93 51807 . 50 51000800 51000000 DB5112 . 453 REG . RD . PERM . 119 , 598 . 13 213 , 251 . 89 195 , 000600 195 , 000 . 00 DB5112 . 454 CHIPS 40 , 000800 40 , 000000 40 , 000000 40 , 000600 DB5112 . 461 RISC TOOLS / SUPP 0 . 00 11500000 11700900 11700600 DB5112 . 499 RISC 1 , 776 . 28 0 . 00 0 . 00 0900 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 221 198 . 94 260 , 559 . 39 241 , 100 . 00 241 , 700 . 00 TOTAL PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS 257 , 389 . 00 322 , 459 . 39 323 , 700 . 00 323 , 700 . 00 MACHINERY PERSONAL SERVICES BB5130olOO PERSONAL SERVICES 24 , 230916 27 , 040000 46 , 500 . 00 461500 . 00 DR51304102 PERSONAL SRRVICRS / OT 2 , 281 . 41 5 , 000600 51000 . 00 51000600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 518 . 17 32 , 040 . 00 51 , 500000 51 , 50030 BQUIPRBNT / CAPITAL OUTLAY DB5130 . 200 EQUIPMENT - LARGR 314 , 183 . 13 213 , 346 . 13 1651000 . 00 165 , 000 . 00 DB5130 . 202 RQUIPMBNT- SMALL 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21500 . 00 21500 . 00 DB51304203 EQUIPMENT - BACRHOR 0800 90 . 000800 0100 0800 TOTAL RQUIPMRNT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 314 , 183 . 13 365134613 167 , 500 . 00 167 , 500600 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5130 . 450 OIL , GREASE , FLUIDS 11521 . 14 21400900 21400 . 00 21400900 DB5130 . 460 VEHICLE RAINT / PARTS 41 , 926 . 26 60 , 137 . 70 60 , 000000 60 , 000 . 00 DB5130 . 461 RISC TOOLS , SUPPLIES 9481 , 80 12 , 019899 12 , 000 . 00 12 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL RIPRNSB 58 535 . 20 14 , 557 . 69 74 , 400600 74 , 400000 . TOTAL MACHINERY 399 , 836 . 50 471 , 943 . 82 2931400 . 00 293 , 400 . 00 CLEANING 99RVICBS PERSONAL SERVICES OB51406100 PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 381 . 16 40 , 000 . 00 421000 . 00 421000 . 00 DB5140 . 101 PERS SERV / TEMP BMPLY 0 . 00 91180 . 00 0 . 00 0100 DB5140sl02 PERSONAL SRRVICBS / OT 153 . 53 0600 200 . 00 200 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 534 . 69 49 , 180600 42 , 200 . 00 42120030 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5140 . 400 CONT BXP / MATERL , SUPP 31260 . 68 3 , 000 . 00 31000 . 00 3100030 DB5140 . 401 SAFETY EQPT / UNIFORMS 0 . 00 31000 . 00 61000000 61000 . 00 DB5140 . 409 ADVERTISING 0 . 00 500 . 00 11000000 11000600 DB5140 . 410 CORFBRBRCBS / MILEAGE 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500400 DB5140 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0 . 00 51000 . 00 0000 0000 DB5140 . 440 SAFETY / TRAIRING 0600 11000600 11000 . 00 1 , 000400 DB5140 . 450 CLEANING SERVICES 0 . 00 0 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 51000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 3 , 260 , 68 13 , 000 . 00 16 , 500 . 00 16 , 500000 TOTAL CLEANING SERVICES 29 , 195 . 31 62 , 180 . 00 581700 . 00 58 , 700800 SNOW REMOVAL DB- 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -DB AMENDED RECOKKENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 PERSONAL SERVICES DB5142 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 25 , 208 . 77 301500 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 36 , 000 . 00 DB5112 . 102 PERSONAL SRRVICRS / OT 24 , 542 . 33 34 , 000 . 00 32 , 000 . 00 32 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 49 , 751010 64 , 500 . 00 68 , 000 . 00 68 , 000 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB5142 . 450 GAS , OIL , DIESEL 41713 . 72 71000000 7 , 000 . 00 7 , 000 . 00 DB51429152 SALT 35 , 129 . 40 55 , 000000 52 , 000900 52 , 000 . 00 DB5142 , 453 SAND 426 . 90 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 DB5142 . 461 KISC TOOLS / SUPPLIES 939 . 58 4 , 200 . 00 4 , 200 , 00 41200900 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 41 , 209660 68 , 200 . 00 65 , 200 . 00 65 , 200 . 00 TOTAL SHOW REMOVAL 90 , 960 , 70 1321700 . 00 1331200 . 00 133 , 200600 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1 , 000 , 977 . 03 1 , 235 , 156 . 71 1470 , 20030 11070 , 200900 ROME AND COKKUNITY SERVICES FEKA AID PERSONAL SERVICES DB8160 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 653 . 31 0000 0 . 00 0900 DB8760 . 102 PERSONAL SERVICES / OT 729 . 30 0 , 00 0400 0600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 27 , 382 . 61 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB8760v4OO CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 46 , 427 . 79 108 . 00 0 , 00 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 46 , 427 , 79 108000 0000 0000 TOTAL FRKA AID 73 , 810 . 40 108600 0900 0000 FHWA AID PERSONAL SERVICES DB8761 , 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 71614 . 24 0 . 00 0000 0900 DB8761 , 102 PERSONAL SERVICES / OT 489 . 38 0600 0600 0600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 8 , 103 . 62 0900 0600 0 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE DB8761 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 11 , 858 . 61 0600 0000 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 11 , 858 . 61 0400 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL FHWA AID 19 , 962 . 23 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL HOKE AND COKKUNITY SERVICES 93 , 772 . 63 108000 0 . 00 0600 RKPLOYER BENEFITS RKPLOYSR BENEFITS DB9010 . 800 HYS RETIRBKENT 13 , 185 . 02 14 , 446 . 00 16 , 755 . 00 16175530 DB9030 . 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 22 , 419 . 16 26 , 000400 281300 . 00 28 , 300900 DB9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 26 , 263 . 20 41 , 863 . 00 52 , 100 . 00 52 , 100 . 00 DB- 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -DB AHENDRD RBCOHMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 DB9055 . 800 DISABLILTY INSURANCE 682 , 24 1150730 11100 . 00 1 , 100 . 00 DB9055 , 801 DISAB , SETTLEHBNT 31300000 0000 0600 0600 DB9060 , 800 GROUP HEALTH INSURNC 54 , 302 . 45 54 , 382 . 00 84 , 100 . 00 84 , 700 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYER BENEFITS 120 , 152 . 01 138 , 198 , 00 183 , 555 . 00 183 , 55530 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS DB9901 , 900 GENERAL FUND 0 . 00 41105 . 00 61869 . 00 61869 . 00 DB9901 , 904 RISK RETENTION 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 00030 DB99016905 TWA HALL 0 , 00 35 , 805 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL 0 . 00 42 , 510 . 00 81869 . 00 81869600 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FONDS 0 . 00 42 , 510 . 00 81869 . 00 80869000 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 . 00 42 , 510 . 00 81869600 8 , 869 , 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11214 , 901 . 73 11415 , 972 . 71 1 , 286 , 624 . 00 1 , 286 , 624 . 00 DB- 4 f TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - HIGHWAY FUND PART TOWN FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 6 , 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -DB ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08 / 31197 1998 1998 NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS DB1120 NON - PROPERTY TAXJCOUNTY 0 . 00 0 . 00 1 , 028 , 800 . 00 1 , 028 , 800 . 00 TOTAL NON- PROPERTY TAX ITEMS 0000 0 . 00 1 , 028300 . 00 1 , 028 , 800 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES DB2300 SRVCS OTHER GOVRNMNT 11132 , 00 13 , 255 . 00 10 , 000600 10 , 000000 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 7 , 132 . 00 13 , 255 . 00 100000 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY DB2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 121461 , 03 71500000 20 , 000600 20 , 000600 DB2402 CAP R8SJINT 6 HARKS 1110036 0 , 00 0 . 00 0400 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 14 , 161 . 99 7 , 500 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000000 SALE OF PROPERTY 6 COMPENSATION FOR LOSS DB2665 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 33 , 021 , 00 24 , 000900 5 , 000 . 00 5 , 000 . 00 DB2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 11 , 575 . 53 3 , 680 . 00 18 , 100 . 00 180100400 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY A COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 44 , 596 . 53 27 , 680 . 00 23 , 100 . 00 23 , 100 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES DB2705 CULVERT FEES 0 . 00 0000 11000600 11000200 DB2706 EXCAVATION FEES 0600 0000 11000000 11000000 DB2770 RISC-RBIMBURSBMHNTS 554 , 68 3 , 000 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 551 , 68 31000 . 00 21000600 2 , 000 . 00 INTRRFUND REVENUES DB2801 INTRRFUND REVENUES - CHARGEBACXS 0 , 00 0000 40 , 000600 40 , 000000 TOTAL INTRRFUND REVENUES 0 . 00 0000 40 , 000400 40 , 000 . 00 STATE AID DB3501 CHIPS 46 , 365 , 52 46 , 000600 48 , 000000 48 , 000 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID 46 , 365 , 52 46 , 000 . 00 48 , 000 , 00 481000 . 00 FEDERAL AID DB4960 FBMA AID 108 , 944 , 00 0600 0000 0000 DB4961 FHWA AID 30 , 000 , 00 0000 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL FEDERAL AID 138 , 944 , 00 0 . 00 0900 0 . 0_0 INTRRFUND TRANSFERS DB5031 FROM GEN PART-TOWN 1 , 001 , 310 . 00 934 , 003 . 00 0000 0900 TOTAL INTRRFUND TRANSFERS 1 , 001 , 370 , 00 934 , 00330 0400 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 11253 , 724 , 72 11031 , 438 . 00 111711900 . 00 1 , 171 , 900 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 38 , 822 . 99 384 , 534 . 71 114 , 724 , 00 114 , 124 . 00 DB - 5 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 2 -DB AKENDED RBCOKKENDBD ADOPTED REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL REVENUES 8 OTHER SOURCES 1 , 2141901 . 73 11415 , 972 . 71 1 , 2861624 . 00 11286 , 624 . 00 DB- 6 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WATER FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -F ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT INDRPERDANT AUDITING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F1320 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EVEN 0000 0900 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0400 0 . 00 21000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 TOTAL INDEPENDANT AUDITING 0600 0000 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000900 BOND / BAN PRIX & INT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE P1380 . 400 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 , 00 0000 0000 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0000 0000 0000 TOTAL BOND / BAN PRIM & INT 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F14209400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0 , 00 4 , 000 . 00 40000 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0600 0000 4 , 000600 40000000 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 0 . 00 0000 41000000 41000900 SPECIAL ITEMS F1910 . 400 UNALLOCATED IRSURAN 0000 0 . 00 5 , 600 . 00 5 , 600 , 00 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 0 . 00 0 , 00 5 , 600600 51600600 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 0 . 00 0000 11 , 600 . 00 11 , 600000 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES WATER ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES F8310 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1 , 948 . 70 4 , 033 . 00 4 , 200 . 00 4 , 200 . 00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1 , 948 , 70 4 , 033 . 00 4 , 200 . 00 41200000 RQUIPMRNTICAPITAL OUTLAY F8310 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 0800 500000 500000 TOTAL EQUIPMERTICAPITAL OUTLAY 1 , 00 0 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F8310 . 400 CONTRACTUAL MEN 0 . 00 11500100 600900 600000 F8310 . 410 UTILITIES 391 . 76 500000 900 . 00 900 . 00 F- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 - F AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11106 / 97 1996 08131197 1998 1998 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 391 . 76 2 , 000 . 00 11500600 10500000 TOTAL WATER ADKINISTRATION 2o340 , 46 6 , 033 . 00 6 , 200 . 00 6 , 200 . 00 TRARSKISSIONIDISTRIBUTION PERSONAL SERVICES F8340 . 100 PERSONAL SIR 13 , 773936 24 , 702600 26 , 200900 261200 . 00 F8340 . 101 PERSONAL SIR 12 , 043 . 44 15 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0400 F8340 . 102 PERSONAL SER 337 . 77 51000600 0600 0000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 26 , 154 . 57 44 , 102 . 00 261200 . 00 26 , 200600 RQUIPKRRTICAPITAL OUTLAY F8340 . 200 EQUIPMENT 1558 . 72 17 , 500 . 00 13 , 250 . 00 13 , 250 . 00 TOTAL RQUIPKBNTICAPITAL OUTLAY 1 , 558 . 72 17 , 500400 13 , 250 . 00 13 , 250 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE F8340 . 400 CORTR-KATERI 0 . 00 500600 500000 500000 F8340 . 401 CONFERENCES / 0000 750 . 00 11000000 11000000 F8340 . 404 VEHICLE HAIR 11506 . 17 11250800 11000600 1 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 410 ELECTRIC 531670 . 66 55 , 000 . 00 32 , 000 . 00 32 , 000 . 00 F8340 . 420 PUBLICATIONS 0000 150000 150000 150 . 00 F83404430 DRUG TESTING 0000 150000 150000 150400 F8340 . 440 SAFETY / TRAIN 0 , 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 F8340 . 470 REPAIRS TO L 78 , 12739 55 , 051940 401000000 40 , 000600 F8340 . 471 LINE KAINT- S 0 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 251000 . 00 F8340 . 480 CAPITAL IMP / 22 , 91435 57 , 445919 40 , 000000 40 , 000400 F8340 . 481 TANK PAIRTIN 0 . 00 2001000 . 00 200 , 000 . 00 2001000 . 00 F8340 . 485 TANK SECURIT 0 . 00 10 , 000000 0 . 00 0000 F8340 . 486 TANK / PUMP ST 15 , 202 . 43 10 , 000 . 00 0000 0000 F8340 . 487 SYSTEM TELEM 0 . 00 10 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0000 F8340 . 488 SAFETY IKPR / 0000 10 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0900 F8340 . 489 MASTER KETIR 261 , 245 . 72 113 , 236 . 68 0 . 00 0600 F8340 . 490 REFUND - WAT 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 F8340 . 499 KISCELLANEOU 11688648 250 . 00 0500 0600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 434 , 356 10 549 , 089 . 27 340 , 100 . 00 340 , 100 . 00 TOTAL TRARSKISSIOR / DISTRIBUTION 462 , 069 39 611 , 291 . 27 319 , 550 . 00 379 , 550 . 00 COKKOR WATER SUPPLY CONTRACTUAL ERPRNSE F8350 . 471 BENEFIT CHG TO B , P 1191941 . 63 0 . 00 0600 0 . 00 F8350 . 472 BOLTON PT WATER CH 943 , 653 . 01 630 , 000 . 00 6661000 . 00 666 , 000 . 00 F8350 . 473 CITY OF ITHACA WATER SUPPLY 186 , 560 . 14 2001000 . 00 1601000 . 00 160 , 000 . 00 F8350 . 474 CORNELL WATER SUPPLY 0 , 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 00030 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1 , 250 , 154 , 78 860 , 000 . 00 856 , 000 . 00 856 , 000 . 00 TOTAL COMMON WATER SUPPLY 1 , 250 154 . 78 860 , 000 . 00 856 , 000 . 00 856 , 000 . 00 TOTAL HOKE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 1 , 714 , 564 63 1 , 477 , 324 . 27 1 , 241 , 750 . 00 1 , 241 , 150 . 00 EMPLOYER BENEFITS F - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1-F AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS F9010 , 800 NYS RETIREMENT 11433 . 26 11051000 1 , 100600 11100000 F9030 , 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 21129 . 04 3 , 730 . 00 21500600 21500000 F9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6 , 20030 965000 11900800 11900000 F9055 , 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 60 . 72 116000 100400 100 , 00 F90606800 GROUP HEALTH INSURRC 1 , 22035 1 , 322 . 00 1 , 700 . 00 1 , 700400 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 11 , 04337 7 , 184400 7 , 300 . 00 7 , 300 . 00 DEBT SERVICE SERIAL BONDS PRINCIPAL F9710 . 600 PRINCIPAL 207 , 525 . 00 212 , 025 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 207 , 525 . 00 212 , 025 . 00 0000 0600 INTEREST F9710 . 700 INTEREST 216 , 560 . 41 202 , 211 , 00 0400 0000 TOTAL INTEREST 216 , 560 . 41 202 , 211 . 00 0600 0000 TOTAL SERIAL BONDS 424 , 085 . 41 414 , 236 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 424 , 085 , 41 414 , 236 . 00 0 . 00 0000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS THANFERS TO OTHER FONDS F9901 . 900 TO CAPITAL RESERVE 0 . 00 500 , 000800 0200 0000 F9901 . 902 GENERAL FUND 0 . 00 71205 . 00 25 , 419 . 00 25 , 419 . 00 F9901 . 903 ENGINEER 0 . 00 13 , 950900 0 . 00 0000 F99014904 TO RISK RETENTION 0 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 21000900 2 , 000600 F9901305 TWA HALL 0 . 00 74 , 641 . 00 0600 0000 F99016906 HIGHWAY FUND 0 , 00 45 , 000000 0 . 00 0000 F9901 . 907 DEBT SERVICE 0 . 00 0000 442 , 900900 442300400 TOTAL 0 , 00 644 , 297 . 00 470 , 319900 470 , 319 , 00 TOTAL TRANFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 0000 644 , 297 . 00 470 , 319 . 00 470 , 319 . 00 TOTAL INTRRFUND TRANSFERS 0 . 00 644 , 297 . 00 470 , 319 . 00 470 , 319 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2 , 149 , 693 . 81 2 , 543 , 041 . 27 11730 , 969 . 00 11730 , 969 . 00 F - 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET — WATER FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBBB 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 —F ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAKES F1031 WATER BENEFIT AD VALOREM 0 , 00 11236 . 46 61280900 6128030 F1032 WATER BENEFIT UNITS 5131530 . 96 536 , 617 , 92 458 , 080000 458 , 080000 F1033 BOLTON PT BENFT CHGS 90 , 960 . 00 94 , 697 . 28 0400 0000 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 604 , 490 . 96 632 , 551 . 66 464 , 360400 464 , 360 . 00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME P2142 METERED WATER SALES 11267 , 648 . 83 1 , 276 , 730 . 00 110491000 . 00 1 , 049100030 F2144 WATER SERVICE CHRGES 31488 . 10 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 F2146 WATER SBVC SURCHARGE 59 , 552 . 74 0900 0400 0 . 00 F2148 PBNALTIRS /WATER RENT 21934 . 23 14 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 F2193 INVOICED REPAIRS / SRV 0 . 00 0000 5 , 000. 00 51000600 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 11333 , 62330 11292 , 730 . 00 1 , 081 , 000 , 00 1481 , 000 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES F2378 SERVC TO OTHER GOVTS 137 , 968 . 92 10 , 000 . 00 0000 0600 F2379 SCLIWC — SLATERVILLB 0000 40 , 000000 0000 0600 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 137 , 968 . 92 50 , 000600 0 . 00 0000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY F2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 41 , 494 . 26 30 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 41 , 494 . 26 30 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 25 , 000 . 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS P2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 1 765 . 02 11500 , 00 600oQQ 600400 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 1 , 765 , 02 11500800 600 . 00 600 , 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES F2701 REF OF PRIOR YES SIP 39 , 838 . 95 0000 0 . 00 0 . 00 F2770 MISCELLANEOUS 152 . 26 0 , 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL MISCBLLARBOUS LOCAL SOURCES 39 . 991 . 21 0 . 00 0000 0 , 00 TOTAL REVENUES 21159 , 334 , 27 21006 , 781 . 66 11570 , 960 , 00 1 , 570 , 960 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE — 9p640 , 46 536 , 259 , 61 160 , 009 . 00 160 , 009900 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 21149 , 693 . 81 21543 , 041 , 27 11730 , 969 , 00 11730 , 969400 F- 4 TOWN OF ITBACA FISCAL BUDGET - SEWER FORD FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED BECOMMERDED ADOPTED SCREDULB 1 -G ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERMENT SUPPORT IRDBPBNDANT AUDITING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1320 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPER 0000 0 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 00030 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 0600 2 , 000 . 00 2300 . 00 TOTAL INDBPBNDANT AUDITING 0000 0000 2 , 000 . 00 2300 . 00 BONDIBAN PRINC & INT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1380 . 400 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 . 00 0000 0000 0000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 , 00 0600 030 0 . 00 TOTAL BOND / BAN PBINC & INT 0 . 00 0000 0800 0600 TOWN ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G1420 . 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0900 0 . 00 4 , 000800 41000000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 0400 41000 . 00 4 , 000400 TOTAL TOWN ATTORNEY 0 . 00 0000 41000000 41000000 SPECIAL ITEMS G1910 , 400 UNALLOCATED INSUBAN 0 . 00 0000 41500800 40500000 TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS 0 , 00 0400 41500000 40500600 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 0 . 00 0000 10 , 500 . 00 10 , 500400 ROME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PEBSORAL SERVICES G8110 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 11948870 4 033 . 00 4 , 200 . 00 4 , 200100 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1 , 948 . 70 41033900 40200400 4 , 200 . 00 EQUIPMENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY G8110 . 200 EQUIPMENT 0 . 00 0000 500900 500600 TOTAL EQUIPMENT/ CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 , 00 0 . 00 500400 500800 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8110 , 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0000 11000000 600 . 00 600 , 00 G8110 , 410 UTILITIES 662 , 91 550000 900000 900000 G- 1 TOWN OF ITBACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -G AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06197 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 662 . 91 11550000 11500000 11500 . 00 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 21611061 5 , 58330 6 , 200 . 00 61200400 SANITARY SEWERS PERSONAL SERVICES G8120 . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 161422 . 12 24 , 703 . 00 26 , 200 . 00 26 , 200 . 00 G81206101 PERSONAL SERVICES 16 , 012 . 84 15 , 000000 0800 0 . 00 G8120 . 102 PERSONAL SERVICESIOT 3 , 035 . 51 5 , 000 . 00 0000 0900 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 35 , 471 . 01 44 , 703900 26 , 200600 26 , 200 . 00 EQUIPKBNTICAPITAL OUTLAY G8120 . 200 EQUIPMENT 627 . 09 17 , 250 . 00 13 , 50030 13 , 500 . 00 TOTAL EQUIPKENT / CAPITAL OUTLAY 627 . 09 17 , 250 . 00 13 , 500 . 00 13 , 500 . 00 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8120 . 400 CONTRIKATRRIALS , SUPP 0 . 00 500000 500 . 00 500 . 00 G8120 . 401 CONFERRNCESJKILEAGR 0 . 00 750600 800000 800400 G8120 . 404 VEHICLE MAINTRNCJGAS 0 . 00 11250 . 00 12 , 500. 00 12 , 500 . 00 G8120 . 410 POWER & LIGHTS 10 , 630 . 12 10 , 000600 15 , 000000 15 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 420 PUBLICATIONSIDUES 0 . 00 150100 150100 150 . 00 G8120 . 430 DRUG TESTING 0 . 00 150800 150000 150000 G8120 . 440 SAFRTYITRAINING 0 , 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300400 G8120 . 480 REPAIRS & KAINTBNANC 61 , 181 . 49 25 , 540000 45 , 000 . 00 45 , 000000 G81209481 JT SRWR TRANSMISSION 163 , 425 . 00 165 , 000 . 00 1651000 . 00 165 , 000900 G8120 , 482 VCH PAYMENT 125 , 100 . 00 130 , 000 . 00 130 , 00030 130 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 483 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 . 00 1501000 . 00 0000 0000 G8120 . 484 REG CAP IMPROVEMENTS 0 . 00 50 , 000000 100 , 000400 100 , 000600 G8120 . 486 N . B . SEWER REHAB . 19 , 790 . 00 39 , 790 . 00 20 , 00030 20 , 000 . 00 G8120 . 490 REFUND - SEWER HERE 0400 0400 0 . 00 0 . 00 G8120 . 499 MISCELLANEOUS 3 , 191 . 64 150 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 383 , 918 . 25 513 , 580 . 00 4890400800 489 , 400 . 00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS 420 , 016 . 41 635 533 , 00 529 , 100 . 00 529 , 100 . 00 JOINT SEWER PROJECT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE G8150 . 400 WATER TREATKNT CHR 539 500 . 00 545 , 000 . 00 441 , 213 . 00 447 , 213 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 539 , 500 . 00 545 , 000 . 00 447 , 213 . 00 447 , 213400 TOTAL JOINT SEWER PROJECT 539 , 500 . 00 545 , 000 . 00 447 , 213900 447 , 213 . 00 TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 962 , 128 . 02 1 , 186 , 116 . 00 982 , 513 . 00 982 , 513 . 00 EMPLOYER BENEFITS EMPLOYER BENEFITS G9010 . 800 NYS RETIREMENT 1 , 433 . 25 1 , 051 . 00 11100400 11100600 G9030 . 800 SOCIAL SECURITY 21164 . 18 31129 . 00 21500400 2150030 G9040 . 800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1 , 440 , 00 965 . 00 11900600 11900800 G9055 . 800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 60 . 12 116 . 00 100000 100400 G- 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -G AMENDED RHCOMMHRDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 G9060 . 800 GROUP HEALTH IHSURHC 1 , 220 , 75 1 , 322 . 00 11100600 1 , 700 . 00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 12 , 919 . 50 1 , 183 . 00 1 , 300 . 00 7 , 300 , 00 DEBT SERVICE SERIAL BONDS PRINCIPAL G97104600 PRINCIPAL 311 , 415 . 00 372 , 975900 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 377 , 475 . 00 312 , 915 . 00 0600 0 , 00 INTEREST G9710 . 100 INTEREST _ 258 , 268 , 36 159 , 304900 0 . 00 0400 TOTAL INTEREST 258 , 268636 259 , 304 . 00 0000 0800 TOTAL SERIAL BONDS 635 , 743 , 36 632 , 279 . 00 0900 0 . 00 BAN ' S PRINCIPAL G9730 . 600 PRINCIPAL 43 , 000 . 00 172 , 000 . 00 0600 0 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 43 , 000 , 00 172 , 000 . 00 0600 0 , 00 INTEREST G9730 MO INTEREST 11 , 256 , 15 61842 . 00 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL INTEREST 11 , 256615 61842 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL B A R ' S 54 , 256 , 15 178 , 842 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 689 , 999 . 51 811 , 121 . 00 0000 0000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANFBRS TO OTHER FUNDS G9901 , 901 GENERAL FUND 0 , 00 7 , 205 . 00 25 , 419600 25 , 419 . 00 G9901 . 902 ERGIRRER 0 . 00 13 , 950600 0800 0 . 00 G9901304 RISK RETENTION 0 , 00 31500 . 00 2 , 000900 21000 . 00 G99016905 TWA HALL 0400 64 , 255 . 00 0600 0400 G9901 , 906 HIGHWAY FUND 0 , 00 45 , 000 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 G9901 , 907 DEBT SERVICE 0 , 00 0 . 00 575 , 500 . 00 5751500 . 00 TOTAL 0 . 00 133 , 910 . 00 602 , 919 , 00 602 , 919 , 00 TOTAL TRAAFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 0 , 00 133 , 910 . 00 602 , 919 . 00 602 , 919 , 00 TOTAL IHTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 . 00 133 , 910 , 00 602 , 919600 602 , 91930 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11665 , 041 , 03 21138 , 330 . 00 1 , 6031232 . 00 1 , 603 , 232 . 00 G- 3 I TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET — SEWER FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 —G ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAIRS G1030 SEWER BENEFIT UNITS 470 , 105460 506 , 235 . 52 480 , 841 . 00 480 , 841000 G1031 SEWER BENEFIT CHG — PLANT 100 , 130 , 00 104 , 224696 110 , 599 . 00 110 , 599000 G1032 SEWER BENEFIT AD VALOREM 0 , 00 1 , 873 . 90 6 , 739 . 00 6 , 739 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAIES 510 , 835 60 612P334 , 38 598 , 179400 598 , 179800 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME G2120 SEWER RENTS 11005 , 493 . 85 900 , 000 . 00 775 , 000 . 00 7751000 . 00 G2121 SEWER RHNTSICORNRLL 262 , 427 . 85 2561500 . 00 420 , 000 . 00 420 , 000 . 00 G2128 PRNALTIESISRWHR RENT 81094 , 01 71860 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 G2214 SWR COST RECOVICORNL 0600 1 , 951 00 11884600 11884 . 00 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME 1 , 276 , 015 11 1 , 166 311 00 1 , 216 , 884 . 00 1 , 216 , 884 . 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES G2378 SRRVC TO OTHER GOVTS 12J25 , 00 0 . 00 0000 0400 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES 12 425 , 00 0600 0600 0 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY G210l INTEREST & EARNINGS 28 020 33 21 , 000 00 22 , 000 . 00 22 , 000 . 00 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 28 , 020 33 21 , 000 00 22 , OOO . OQ_ 22 , 000 . 00 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS G2680 INSURANCR RECOVERIES 178 . 84 480000 600 , 00 600900 TOTAL SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS 118 , 84 480600 600 . 00 600 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES G2770 MISCELLANEOUS 0 . 00 200 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES 0600 200000 0600 0400 TOTAL REVENUES 11887 , 475 . 48 1 , 8001325 . 38 11831 , 663 . 00 11837 , 663 , 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE — 222 , 128 , 45 338 , 004o62 —234 , 431400 —234 , 431 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 11665 , 047 . 03 21138 , 330 . 00 11603 , 232 . 00 11603 , 232 . 00 G- 4 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RISX RETENTION FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVRMBBR 6 , 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 14 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131197 1998 1998 GBNRRAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT RESIDENT CLAIMS CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 81630 , 400 RESIDENT CLAIMS 0 . 00 3 , 275 . 00 1 , 200100 11200800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 3 , 275 . 00 10200600 1 , 200000 TOTAL RESIDENT CLAIMS 0000 3 , 275 . 00 1 , 200 . 00 1 , 200900 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 0 . 00 3 , 275 . 00 1 , 200000 1 , 200 . 00 PUBLIC HEALTH WELLNESS / HEALTH CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 84510 , 400 HOSPITAL /MEDICAL ATTENTION 0 . 00 31275 . 00 11000000 11000400 84510 , 425 WELLNESS / HEALTH 0000 0000 11500000 11500000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 3 , 275 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500 , 00 TOTAL WELLNESS / HEALTH 0000 3 , 27530 21500 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH 0000 3 , 275 . 00 2 , 500 . 00 2 , 500000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0000 6 , 550 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 R- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RISE RETENTION FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-R ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 USE OF MOREY AND PROPERTY 82101 INTEREST & EARRINGS 0 . 00 100 , 00 11200 , 00 10200000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0600 100 . 00 11200000 11200400 INTERFUND TRANSFERS R5031JA INTBRFUND REVENUE - GENERAL 21000 . 00 21000400 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 R50311B INTBRFUND TRANSFER - PART-TOWN 21000 . 00 21000900 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 R5031 / DB INTERFUND REVENUE - HIGHWAY 21000900 21000 . 00 21000 , 00 21000 , 00 R5031JF INTERFUND REVENUE - WATER 31500400 31500900 21000 . 00 21000 . 00 R5031JG INTERFUND REVENUE - SEWER 3 500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 MUM TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 13 , 000 00 13 , 000600 100000600 10 , 000000 TOTAL REVENUES 13 , 000800 13 , 100 . 00 111200 . 00 11 , 200 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 13 , 000 . 00 - 61550000 -11500 . 00 - 7 , 500 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 6 OTHER SOURCRS 0600 61550 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 3 , 700 . 00 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FIRE PROTECTION FOND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -SF ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131197 1998 1998 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTUAL EIPENSR SF3410 . 491 CITY OF ITHACA PAY ' T 830 , 522 . 50 11661 , 045400 117771300 . 00 11777 , 300 . 00 SF3410 . 492 VILLG OF CAYUGA HGTS 65 , 323 . 00 66 , 578000 92 , 132 . 00 91 , 132 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 895 , 845 . 50 1 , 727 , 623 . 00 1 , 869 , 432900 1 , 869 , 431 . 00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION 895 , 845 . 50 1 , 727 , 623 . 00 1 , 869 , 432 . 00 1 , 869 , 432 . 00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 895 , 845 , 50 1 , 727 , 623 . 00 1 , 869 , 432 . 00 1 , 869 , 431 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 895 , 845 . 50 11717 , 623 . 00 11869 , 432 . 00 11869 , 432 , 00 SF- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FIRE PROTECTION FUND FOR 1998 ' ( ADOPTED ROVRMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SF ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SF1001 FIER PROTECTION TAI 11536 , 609 , 00 11536 , 60930 1 , 6281612 . 00 1 , 628 , 612 . 00 SPI081 IN LIEU OF TAXES 6 , 446 , 15 6 , 235 . 00 61400400 6 , 400 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 1 , 543 055 . 15 1 , 542344 . 00 11635 , 012900 1 , 635 , 012 . 00 NON-PROPERTY TAI ITEMS SF1120 NOR PROPERTY TAI 164 , 779 . 00 164 , 779 . 00 225 , 000 . 00 225 , 000600 TOTAL NOR-PROPERTY TAI ITEMS 164 , 779400 164 , 779 . 00 225 , 000000 225 . 000 . 00 USR OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SF2401 INTEREST d EARNINGS 3 l74 . 17 20 , 000 . 00 16 , 000000 16 , 000000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 3 , 174 . 17 20 , 000400 16 , 000 : 00 16 , 000600 TOTAL REVENUES 11711 , 008 . 32 1 , 727 , 623 . 00 11876 , 012 . 00 1 , 876 , 012 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE -815 , 162 . 82 0600 -6 , 580 . 00 -61580000 TOTAL REVENUES 8 OTHER SOURCES 895 , 845 . 50 11727 , 623 . 00 1 , 869 , 432 . 00 11869 , 432 . 00 SF - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FOREST HOME LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1-SL1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131191 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL1 - 5182 , 40000NTRACTUAL EIPENSES 0 . 00 2 , 225 . 00 2 , 100 . 00 2 , 10030 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0600 2 , 225 . 00 2 , 100 . 00 2 , 10030 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0 . 00 21225 , 00 2 , 100 . 00 2 . 100000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0 . 00 2 , 225900 2 , 100 . 00 21100400 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0000 21225 . 00 2 , 100900 21100 . 00 SL1 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - FOREST NONE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SL1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131 / 91 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAKES SL1 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 21180000 21100000 21100 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0600 21180 . 00 2 , 100 . 00 2 , 100 , 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL1 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 0 . 00 45600 0 , 00 0400 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0000 15600 0 . 00 0600 TOTAL REVENUES 0 . 00 21225 . 00 21100900 21100900 APPROPRIATED FOND BALANCE 0 . 00 0 . 00 0000 0 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 6 OTHER SOURCES 0 . 00 2 , 225 . 00 21100 , 00 21100 . 00 SL1 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GLENSIDE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVRKBBR 61 1997 ) AMENDED RRCOKKENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1-SL2 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EIPENSR SL2 - 5182 . 40000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0000 850000 850400 850000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 850 . 00 850800 850000 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0 , 00 850 . 00 850600 85030 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0 . 00 850 . 00 850 . 00 850000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 850800 850000 850600 SL2 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - GLENSIDE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -SL2 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED RBVRNUBS 1996 08131191 1998 1998 HEAL PROPERTY TAXES SL2 - 1001 HEAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 83030 850000 850600 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0600 830 . 00 850000 850 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL2 - 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 0 , 00 20 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0 . 00 20 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0 . 00 850 . 00 850000 850000 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0400 0600 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 0000 850000 850000 850000 SL2 - 2 t f a TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 - SL3 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 91 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL3 - 5182 . 1000ONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 1 , 190 . 00 11100600 1 100 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0900 11190 . 00 1 , 100600 1 , 100000 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0000 1 . 190000 11100600 11100 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0 , 00 11190000 1 , 100 . 00 1 100 , 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0600 11190400 11100000 11100800 SL3 - 1 TOMB OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - RENWICK HEIGHTS LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 6 , 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-SL3 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 30 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 860 . 00 800600 800000 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 , 00 860 . 00 800 , 00 800000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL3 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 0600 30 . 00 0000 0600 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0600 30 . 00 0600 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0 . 00 890900 800800 800600 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCR 0 . 00 300400 300400 300 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 0 . 00 1 , 190 . 00 1 , 100800 1 , 100600 SL3 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RRCOMMERDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1- SL4 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131191 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL4- 5182 , 40000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 3 , 325 . 00 2 , 200400 2 200 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 3 , 325 . 00 21200 . 00 2 200 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0000 3 , 325 . 00 2 , 200900 2 , 200 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0400 3 , 32530 2 , 200 . 00 2 200 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0000 31325 . 00 21200900 2 , 200 . 00 SL4 - 1 NNINNIN TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2- SL4 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08 / 31197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL4- 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 2 . 250 . 00 900000 900 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0000 2 , 250 . 00 900 . 00 900 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL4 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 0000 15 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0 . 00 75900 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0000 21325 . 00 900000 900000 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0 . 00 11000600 1 , 300 . 00 1 , 300900 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 0 . 00 31325 . 00 21200900 2 , 200900 SL4 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CLOVER LANG LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 14L5 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL5 - 5182 . 10000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0900 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0 . 00 300900 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0600 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 I SL5 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CLOVER LAHR LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2 -SL5 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL5 -1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0000 285 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0600 285600 300 . 00 300 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL5 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 0900 15000 0000 0600 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0800 15000 0 . 00 0400 TOTAL REVENUES 0900 300 . 00 300000 300 . 00 APPROPRIATED FOND BALANCE 0 . 00 0800 0400 0000 TOTAL RRVRNUES & OTHER SOURCES 0 . 00 300900 300 . 00 300 . 00 SL5 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -SL6 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL6 - 5182 , 10000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0 . 00 865 . 00 750000 750 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0 . 00 865 . 00 750000 750 . 00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0600 865 . 00 750400 750000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0600 865400 750 . 00 750600 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 865 . 00 750 . 00 750400 SL6 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WINNER ' S CIRCLE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-SL6 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL6- 1001 HEAL PROPERTY TAXES 0000 640 . 00 600000 600 . 00 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 640400 600800 600600 USE OF MORRY AND PROPERTY SL6 - 2401 INTEREST A EARRINGS 0000 25 . 00 0 . 00 0000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0800 25 . 00 0 , 00 0400 TOTAL REVENUES 0 . 00 665 . 00 600 . 00 600 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0400 200 . 00 150600 150600 TOTAL RRVRRURS & OTHER SOURCES 0400 865 . 00 750000 750 . 00 SL6 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 1 -S0 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SL7 - 5182 , 10000NTRACTUAL EXPENSES 0000 960000 900000 900 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 960 . 00 900400 900000 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 0 . 00 960000 900 . 00 900900 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0000 960000 900000 900000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 , 00 960900 900 . 00 900400 SL7 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - BURLEIGH DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-SL7 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08 / 31197 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL7 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 945 . 00 800 . 00 800200 TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0 . 00 945000 800000 800000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL7 - 2401 INTEREST & EARNINGS 0400 15 . 00 0800 0900 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0000 15000 0000 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0600 960 , 00 800000 800900 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0000 0400 100900 100600 TOTAL REVENUES 4 OTHER SOURCES 0900 960 . 00 900900 900000 SL1 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGRT - WBST HAVEN ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTRD NOVRMBRR 61 1997 ) ANRNDHD RRCOKMRNDRD ADOPTRD SCHRDULR 1-SL8 ACTUAL BUDGRT BDDGRT BDDGRT APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 97 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STRRRT LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL EXPRNSR SL8 - 5182 . 1000ONTRACTUAL R%PRNSRS 0 . 00 3 . 190 . 00 3 , 200900 MUM TOTAL CONTRACTUAL RXPRNSR 0900 3 . 190 . 00 31200600 3 , 200 00 TOTAL STRRRT LIGHTING 0 . 00 3 . 190900 3 200 . 00 3 200 00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0900 3 . 190 . 00 3 , 200 . 00 L20030 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 31190 . 00 3 , 200 . 00 3 , 20030 SL8 - 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - WEST HAVEN ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1991 ) AMENDED RECOKMSNDSD ADOPTED SCHEDULE 24L8 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131191 1998 1998 REAL PROPERTY TAXES SL8 - 1001 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0000 2 , 090800 3 , 60930 MOM TOTAL REAL PROPERTY TAXES 0000 21090 . 00 3 , 609 . 00 3 , 609 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL8 - 2401 INTEREST 6 EARNINGS 0000 100000 0800 0 . 00 TOTAL USE OF KOREY AND PROPERTY 0600 100600 0000 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0000 21190900 3160930 31609 . 00 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0000 11000000 -409000 -409000 TOTAL REVENUES 4 OTHER SOURCES 0000 3119030 31200900 31200 . 00 SL8 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGBT - CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTHD NOVRNBHR 61 1991 ) ANHNDHD RHCONMHNDHD ADOPTRD SCHHDULH 1 - SL9 ACTUAL BDDGHT BUDGHT BUDGHT APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08131 / 91 1998 1998 TRANSPORTATION STRRHT LIGHTING CONTRACTUAL H%PHNSH SLM182 . 1000ONTRACTUAL HXPRNSHS 0000 1 , 885 . 00 11900000 10900 . 00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL H%PHNSH 0 . 00 11885900 11900000 11900 . 00 TOTAL STRHHT LIGHTING 0000 1 , 885 . 00 11900000 1 , 900000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0000 11885 . 00 11900000 11900000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 1 , 885 . 00 11900000 11900600 SL9- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - CODDINGTON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHRDOLR 2- SL9 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATHD REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 RBAL PROPERTY TAXES SL9- 1001 RBAL PROPERTY TAXES 0600 1 , 725 . 00 1 , 800900 10800400 TOTAL HEAL PROPERTY TAKES 0600 11725 . 00 1 , 800600 10800 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SL9- 2401 INTEREST A EARNINGS 0 . 00 40000 0000 0000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 0 . 00 40 . 00 0000 0000 TOTAL REVENUES 0 . 00 11765900 11800200 11800500 , APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 0 . 00 120000 100600 100600 TOTAL RRVRNURS & OTHER SOURCES 0000 11885000 11900400 11900000 SL9 - 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - DEBT SERVICE FORD FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RBCOMMENDBD ADOPTED SCRBDULB 1 -V ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FISCAL AGENT FEES CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE V1380 . 400 FISCAL AGENT FIBS 0 . 00 0000 21000400 21000900 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 0000 0600 21000000 21000 . 00 TOTAL FISCAL AGENT FBBS 0000 0000 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 0 . 00 0000 2 , 000 . 00 2 , 000 . 00 DEBT SERVICE ( SERIAL BONDS ) $ 1 , 967 , 000 WATER & SEWER IMP / 1916 6 . 00 % PRINCIPAL V97109601 $ 158 , 000 SNYDER HILL RD 0000 0 . 00 51000000 51000000 V9710 . 602 $ 40 , 000 SOUTH HILL WATER EKT 1 2ND 0 . 00 0000 11500400 1 , 500 . 00 V9710 . 603 $ 345 , 000 SLATERVILLB RD / SEWBR PORTION 0 . 00 0000 11 , 500 . 00 11 , 500600 V9710 . 604 $ 792 , 000 SOUTH HILL / SBWBR PORTION 0000 0000 251500000 25 , 500000 V9710 . 605 $ 85 , 000 SOUTH HILL RKT 11 1SEWER PORTION 0 . 00 0 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 3 , 000 . 00 V9710 . 606 $ 102 , 000 SOUTH HILL BKT 11 / SIWIR PORTION 0000 0 . 00 31500 . 00 3 , 500 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0 . 00 0 . 00 50 , 000000 50 , 000000 INTEREST V9710 . 701 $ 158 , 000 SNYDER HILL RD . , 1976 6 . 00 $ 0 . 00 0000 0000 0000 V9710 , 701 $ 158 , 000 SNYDER HILL RD 0 . 00 0000 330 . 00 330 . 00 V9710 . 702 $ 40 , 000 SOUTH HILL WATER E%T1 1 2ND 0 . 00 0000 99000 99000 V9710 . 703 $ 345 , 000 SLATBRVILLB RD / SEWER PORTION 0000 0000 759 . 00 759 . 00 V97106704 $ 192 , 000 SOUTH HILL / SIWER PORTION 0000 0000 1 , 683 . 00 11683900 V9710 . 705 $ 85 , 000 SOUTH HILL RKT 11 / SEWER PORTION 0 . 00 0400 198000 198400 V9110 . 706 $ 102 , 000 SOUTH HILL BKT 11 / SIWIR PORTION 0000 0 . 00 231 . 00 231 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 0 . 00 0600 3 , 300 . 00 3 , 300 . 00 TOTAL $ 1 , 967 , 000 WATER & SEWER IMP / 1916 6 . 00 % 0 . 00 0 . 00 53 , 300 . 00 53 , 300 . 00 $ 602 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1916 7 . 101 PRINCIPAL V9720 , 601 $ 429 , 828 STORE QUARRY/ WBST RING RD 0 . 00 0 . 00 211300 . 00 21 , 300 . 00 V9720o6O2 $ 171 , 172 TOWNWIDR SEWER BBNEFITTBD 0000 0800 8 , 100 . 00 8 , 700 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0 . 00 0600 30 , 000 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 INTEREST V9720 . 701 $ 429 , 828 STORE QUARRY/ WRST KING RD 0 . 00 0 . 00 756 . 00 156 . 00 V- 1 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 -V AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 V9720 . 702 $ 171 , 172 TOWNWIDE SEWER BENEFITTHD 0 , 00 0000 309 . 00 309900 TOTAL INTEREST 0400 0000 1 , 065 . 00 1 , 065 . 00 TOTAL $ 602 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1976 7 . 10 % 0600 0000 31 , 065 . 00 31 , 065 . 00 $ 2 , 830 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1986 830 $ PRINCIPAL V9730 . 601 $ 550 , 000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1984 0 , 00 0 . 00 30 , 000 . 00 301000 . 00 V9730o6O2 $ 2 , 100 , 000 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 0000 0000 110 , 000400 110 , 000800 V9730o6O3 $ 180 , 000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PORTION 0 , 00 0000 100000900 10 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0000 0400 150 , 000600 150400600 INTEREST V9730 , 701 $ 550 , 000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1984 0000 0600 171340 . 00 17 , 340900 V9730o7O2 $ 2 , 100 , 000 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 0600 0 . 00 63 , 580 . 00 63 , 580 . 00 V9730 , 703 $ 180 , 000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PORTION 0 . 00 0000 5 , 780 . 00 5 , 780 . 00 TOTAL INTEREST 0600 0000 86 , 700 . 00 861700 . 00 TOTAL $ 2 , 830 , 000 PUBLIC IMP 11986 80801 0 , 00 0 , 00 236 , 700 . 00 236 , 700 . 00 $ 2 , 580 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1989 7 , 30 % PRINCIPAL V97109601 $ 479 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / FIRST SERIES 0000 0000 261600 . 00 161600 . 00 V9740 , 602 $ 500 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / SHCOND SERIES 0600 0600 261600 . 00 261600 , 00 V9740 , 603 $ 143 , 982 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / FIRST AUTH 0 , 00 0 . 00 81400600 8 , 400 . 00 V9740 , 604 $ 112 , 018 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / SIC AUTH 0600 0 . 00 51600 . 00 51600 . 00 V9740 , 605 $ 11 , 000 CODDINGTON RD SEWER 0 , 00 0000 1 , 400 . 00 11400000 V9740 , 606 $ 384 , 000 1987 SEWER IMP / FIRST SERIES 0000 0000 19 , 600 , 00 19 , 600000 V9740 . 607 $ 9501000 1987 SEWER IMP / SRC SERIES 0000 0000 51300000 51 , 800900 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0000 0600 140 , 000 . 00 140 , 000 . 00 INTEREST V9740 . 101 $ 479 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / FIRST SERIES 0 , 00 0 . 00 211082 . 00 21 , 082 . 00 V9710 , 702 $ 500 , 000 1987 WATER IMP / SRCOND SERIES 0 , 00 0000 21 , 082600 21 , 082000 V9740 , 703 $ 143 , 982 OLD SOUTH RILL WATER / FIRST AUTH 0 , 00 0900 61658900 6 , 658 . 00 V9740 . 704 $ 112 , 018 OLD SOUTH HILL WATER / SEC AUTH 0 . 00 0600 41438 . 00 41438900 V9740 . 705 $ 11 , 000 CODDINGTON RD SEWER 0 , 00 0000 1 , 110 . 00 1 , 110000 V9740 , 706 $ 384 , 000 1987 SRWER IMP / FIRST SERIES 0 . 00 0 . 00 15 , 534 , 00 15 , 534900 V9740 . 707 $ 950 , 000 1987 SEWER IMP / SEC SERIES 0 , 00 0 . 00 41 , 856 , 00 41 , 85630 TOTAL INTIRRST 0400 0000 111 , 760400 111 , 760000 TOTAL $ 2 , 580 , 000 PUBLIC IMP / 1989 7 . 30 % 0 . 00 0000 251 , 760900 251 , 760 . 00 $ 4 , 465 , 000 PUBLIC IMP BOND / 1991 6 . 625 % PRINCIPAL V9750 . 601 $ 2 , 337 , 000 TWN WATER BEHIFITTRD AREA 0 . 00 0 , 00 104 , 000 , 00 104 , 000000 V9711 , 102 $ 2 , 128 , 000 TIN OF ITHACA BR111ITTE1 AREA 0 , 00 0 . 00 96 , 00030 96 , 000 . 00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0000 0000 200 , 000 , 00 200 , 000400 INTEREST V9750 , 701 $ 2 , 337 , 000 TWN WATER BENEFITTID AREA 0 , 00 0 , 00 114 , 547400 114 , 547900 V9750 . 702 $ 2 , 128 , 000 TWN OF ITHACA BENRFITTED AREA 0 . 00 0 . 00 105 , 735 , 00 105 , 735 , 00 V- 2 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET SCHEDULE 1 —V AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED APPROPRIATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED 11 / 06 / 97 1996 08 / 31 / 97 1998 1998 TOTAL INTEREST 0000 0000 120 , 28230 220 , 282 . 00 TOTAL $ 1 , 465 , 000 PUBLIC IMP BOND / 1991 6 . 6251 0 . 00 0 . 00 420 , 282 . 00 420 , 282 . 00 3300 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB PRINCIPAL V9760 . 601 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1991 6 . 001 0 , 00 0000 6 , 46630 61466 . 00 V9760 . 602 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1992 6 . 008 0 . 00 0000 6 , 466 . 00 61466 . 00 V9760 . 603 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1993 5 . 008 0600 0400 6 , 444 . 00 61444000 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 0400 0000 19 , 376 . 00 19 , 376 . 00 INTEREST V9760 . 701 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1991 6 . 008 0 . 00 0 . 00 1161630 11616 . 00 V9760o7O2 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1992 6 . 00 % 0400 0400 1 , 616 . 00 11616900 V9760 , 703 $ 100 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 1993 5 . 00 % 0900 0 . 00 1 , 414600 11414900 TOTAL INTEREST 0000 0 . 00 4 , 646 . 00 4 , 646 , 00 TOTAL $ 300 , 000 ZEBRA RUSSELL SIB 0000 0 . 00 24 , 022'. 00 24 , 022 . 00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ( SERIAL BONDS ) 0 , 00 0 . 00 11017 , 129600 1 , 017 , 129 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 0 . 00 0000 11019 , 129 . 00 11019 , 129500 V- 3 TOWN OF ITHACA FISCAL BUDGET - DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR 1998 ( ADOPTED NOVEMBER 61 1997 ) AMENDED RECOMMENDED ADOPTED SCHEDULE 2-V ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES 1996 08131197 1998 1998 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY V2401 INT 6 EARNIWATRR 94 . 03 0000 200 . 00 200000 TOTAL USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 94 . 03 0600 200600 200600 INTERFUND TRANSFERS V5031JF INTERFUND TRANSFER - WATER 0 , 00 0000 442 , 900 . 00 442 , 900000 V5031 / G INTBRFUND TRANSFER - SEWER 0400 0 . 00 575 , 500600 575 , 500 . 00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 . 00 0 . 00 1 , 018 , 400 . 00 1 , 018 , 400 . 00 TOTAL RHVRNUES 94 . 03 0000 1 , 018 , 600 : 00 1 , 018 , 600000 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE - 94 . 03 0400 529 . 00 529 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES 0 , 00 0 . 00 11019 , 129600 11019 , 129 . 00 V- 4 (000oo ° OO � � S $ N �-7 v00 � 3ti W Nq � 0 O � RCN � � (6 � QOO' OC� a� r r r IT v z Oa i E O OC IL to 6% (a 6% 6% (a 0 6%. % to (a EA m % % r- v rn Og P . M (o0 } (D 00 00 v ° 00 rn � OO (° � � 88 N � 0 v v J � W lz IL (fl % fa % 6% (fl 69 (fl fA 690 % 6% to EA 0 C) Orn v rn O $ N � oN o N0 00 ((00 v ° co 0) � Otn > a N � �m 0 J a CO N v v z z . I N 6969 61) (f) 6% 6% W69 6 � � m c° Q) � f. p - 4. � Z O (V O 0 00 00 Qo 00v v Q� pp W V V N N NO V, ON mm 0) N 8m (N Z Q 0) 0) (0 MT 01 to m 0) v 0 0 � � 000 a aaQ mm LL Um LL 00 000 U W O a 8 m w O W � a as � g w � 0 a a� I a > 0) w o vow mw � � (nw � z za z U zU zU 0 z0 z Oz w O z o oz o 0z Wp Oz W06 z ag z a Z ag � o , Q. i z LL J W LL Q' U. R W F' W H F- LL 00 ° p 0 � 000 w p0 �u0 � w p0 � zZO w � o z a �cz w ocz � a W � z It » Q zIL F. z z a 3 a5 a I�w a = CL � � mtnv� d � CL z a LL >w a lL >a U) 03 tu az � o J aw 0 a w 3 a w � � m a w � � � fez ~ Ow wo Wo zz Wo zzz �++ � Z W Qa aQ aQ mm aQ mmm zz Quo ° zw � z az ww OR www Qz � a a � a � QQ (L y� F— Um � Q Q0 Q � � � ¢ o U) NW N N T� M is (O V� a IL � • O li Von Ir CL 69 0 0 } 0 Q rn QD Z ao '° E J 4ra W CL 0 o 'm > 8 _ z LLW � F� N 6 W Efl fA C) ,_ = an 1� J�mw rn Ozo v p o w U U 00 v Za v v U O W CO) O a O w a um 0 W _ p Q z C7 IL j > WX O 2 Z r a O a } ~ � Q LL, a LL O O an a 0 La 'qJ g a OF1r� ° 9a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA, N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) I , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , New York, do hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and exact copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Ithaca at a regular Town Board meeting held on the 6th day of November 1997 , and that the same is a complete copy of the whole of such resolution . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and the Corporate seal of the Town of Ithaca , New York this 13th day of November 1997 . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 28 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget Resolution No . 202 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has discussed and reviewed all modifications to the said budget as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer; now , therefore , be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the 1998 Preliminary Town of Ithaca Budget with the attached modifications as presented by the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 1,+, / Yr. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk . QQ CC � �sn i t 1 �� _. ��' r _ - ;; ,� . - _ , , t � . is — � ---- - - - — - � i " : . . � . . - - - - u� •: a 0 O � C ° , t-4 z � r a H rr b 0 O d H 0 r7 47 x W (D o' y O y O C a � rrn� D fD N � � H CD - O a CD C O e • SOUtlj���C COD 0 d J v tb � CD P CrQ CD y z O ( unis . 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Town Board Members From : Joan Noteboom, Town Clerk Date : October 2 , 1997 This page 1 of 7 replaces page 1 for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission ' s 1998 Tentative Operating Budget that was submitted to the Town of Ithaca for s the October Meeting. Thank You . g i - i (D CO Oo O O (D N N N N N rJ N N co C On Z ° X Do O w � p (DO W WwwJw vrncncnAW WC) C Z � DXm Z '{ - 1 O = -� 0000000 ofEnno (On � OVOAoo � 3 3 o Z vODU) � r r � 7mo r nm --iM0 > M0 � Kwom :5; w5wWZ 3 oo o T m 0 O O iz x c o o o D T r � m D 2 m a D - aD mppo = v 0 Z VCi v zm > XcKz �o 70 nmOcmX -{ OZm 70 C T � = cnm v _ ?) m2OD � (n � �7 < m � mcn Z NxC � m m cn m z � � nm � v -_ m ;u WWMOXQm—I m mD � C � O mm � D0 � � 0 C T' TOm � � mgD a mmN m � N n n m - O m y Z N U)i Z0zK 0 zim m � � 7o y -4 m - � ZZZZc osn =cm � C� Dm Z mC O -, O mo � Z -{ mK -{ „ 0 . -4 Noz ar r vZi � � . Zmmmu m m mCc) C U) � m � � 0 � � Zi m cn G) cn m z T 0 C m z 0 J AN 00 P6 0 00 co �4 Ln N N � 4�6 � W � - _ D .� v N A A A O 0) co co � %4 -P6 (D A 0) Cn W N CNn Et co -• O V 0) a) O - V (D co N CD O Q) OD -+ O Q) V N O A A (n A (D CO 0 0 (A) N 0) N W QI V O (D O — N N A ( ) 0) V (D 0) CO (n "'' 0) V - O W CD -+ V W O UI (n A (D co (n O -Ph (n W 0) CO 0 O Cn O O N 0) O O �4 O 0 O n 3 N O (D J J � �- J Z -� W W V O (D O N (D W W N O (D N N v CO W W coo v O W -+ N J W O Cn (n Oo (n (n O 0) (n d N v m . V V V V V O O O W J 0 J Cn CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 '� O O O J N W N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m O O (D (D (D O O (ND O O O O 0) � O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z C O D Z C > n = D m F. J f m m (A) 0 F. A Cn (n 0) O N V N W N A W (�D V (L -D D . w (a co w rn rn oo (n V o m O A co co N (D O A (D co 0o In (D � O O O O N V O Cn N O G7 0) D m C co OD O O 0 V (n W 00 OD 0 (D N O O 0) (D O O x G) Z o D G) O M K a U c - m -+ W W OD V M (D N W O W -4 -' (D D) 3 G) O O (D (D V Oo Oo co O (O W O O --+ O O W -+ W (n CO Gn N ,.y m O 0) V V (n O) Cn (D _ _ _ _ _ O O O -+ (n N O O (D V ,-' (D W O O V V A -' Q1 -' (^) N (A) (n A W rJ 0 0 0 0 co O � Z to J O O (D (D N W O Co O O O Cl ( i O 0) O (D O O (D O ? 0 0 0 W O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD fD O 0 O CD 3 _ d N N � 3 � (D W W (n V V V -. 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Y. 14850 1P 'j TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273- 1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS . TOWN OF ITHACA ) I , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , New York, do hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and exact copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Ithaca at a regular Town Board meeting held on the 6th day of November 1997 , and that the same is a complete copy of the whole of such resolution . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , 1 have hereunto set my hand and the Corporate seal of the Town of Ithaca , New York this 13th day of November 1997 , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca i i Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No , 27 Adoption 1998 SCLIWC Budget Resolution No . 201 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Budget; now , therefore , be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the 1998 SCLIWC Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Final Budget . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : November 6 , 1997 Q.n,. ia� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 1 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET 1THACA, NEW YORK 14850 November 14 , 1997 Kevin M . Kauffman , P. E . Executive Director Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission PO Box 178 Ithaca , NY 14850 Dear Kevin , Enclosed is a certified copy of a resolution enacted by the Town Board on November 6 , approving and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the construction of the pole barn . Please note that the resolution instructs me to advertise for the bids . Therefore , would you be so kind as to let me know the date and time that you wish to have the bids received and opened so that I can prepare the formal advertisement. It is necessary under statute that the advertisement be published ten days prior to the bid opening . Also , it will be necessary for me to receive copies of the bid documents prior to the publication date so that they will be available to hand out to prospective bidders . Should you have any questions or need further clarification , please do not hesitate to contact me . I look forward to your prompt submission of the materials requested . Sincerely, a -vV zj l tj) ;Xrh'\ , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk JLN cc : Catherine Valentino , Treasurer i i Town Board Meeting 11 /6/97 Agenda Item No . 29 Approval of Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Material Storage Building Capital Improvement Resolution No . 203 BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board acting and contracting agency for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission hereby approves the plans and specifications for the construction of a pole barn for a material storage building capital improvement , and authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: November 6 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk o � 'VU ltltftlgU/y��� t I ei `�aBOLTON POINT hglop f(WfiFT SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL VGA •. �TSYSTN TOWNS OF DRYDEN • ITHACA • LANSING — VILLAGES OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS • LANSING .-% , � n MACA, I.J. (607) 277-0660—FAX (607) 277-3056—E-MAIL SCLIWC @aol.com - MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 178 Ithaca , N .Y. 14851 October 23 , 1997 SHIPPING ADDRESS: 1402 East Shore Drive James F . Schug, Supervisor Ronald E . Anderson, Mayor Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Town of Dryden Village of Cayuga Heights 65 East Main Street 836 Hanshaw Road Dryden, NY 13053 Ithaca, NY 14850 COMMISSIONERS: `Catherine Valentino, Supervisor Donald Hartill, Mayor Town of Ithaca Village of Lansing GEORGE J. CONNEMAN 126 East Seneca Street 2405 North Triphammer Road Chairperson Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 JEANNINE KIRBY Vice Chairperson CATHERINE VALENTINO Jeannine Kirby, Supervisor Treasurer Town of Lansing P O Box 186 RONALD ANDERSON Lansing, NY 14882 CLEVELAND 0NALD HARTIU Re : Pole Barn Project -- Material Storage Building -- Request for Authorization to &E"R'Y TEPHEN LIPINSKI Expend Commission Funds H. MICHAEL NEWMAN SHIRLEY RAFFENSPERGER Honorable Supervisors and Mayors : JAMES SCHUG The Commission has budgeted and approved the above referenced project. This project is scheduled to be bid and completed later this year. To assure anyone who may be KEVIN M , KAUFFMAN concerned, that there is no objection to the Commission expending the funds necessary Executive Director to complete this project, the Commission request that you and your governing board authorize this expenditure up to a maximum of $75 , 000 . All that the Commission LAWRENCE PARLETT requests at this time is for you to sign at the bottom of this letter and return it to the Administration Commission. If you determine that more formal action is needed by you or your JACK RUECKHEIM municipality, the Commission asks that you take such action. Distribution The pole barn design footprint measures 40 by 80 feet and will provide 14 feet of clear ProducTtion HIS PAUL N height inside the structure . It will be erected over the existing decant tank and adjacent concrete slab located just West of the gravel roadway downhill of the treatment plant. The Commission staff has proposed and justified this project for years. The Commission agreed that the time is now right to complete this project . The Town of Ithaca Engineering Department has taken on the responsibility to complete this project before the end of the year . If more information is needed before you can provide this authorization, I would be happy to provide whatever you need. Excellence in water quality and customer service t i Supervisors and Mayors October 23 , 1997 page 2 of 2 Thank you for your cooperation. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, KevinM. Kauffman, P .E. Executive Director Municipal Authorization to Expend Funds on the Pole Barn Project - Material Storage Building . By signing below, I am authorizing the Commission, on behalf of the municipality I represent, to expend up to $75 , 000 on the above referenced project. J3 97 Date Representing the following Municipality: