HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-10-02 I TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1997 5 : 30 P . M. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York, held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York, there were present: PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Edward Conley , Councilman ; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; John Wolff, Councilman . ALSO PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; John Barney , Attorney for the Town ; ° Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning ; Alfred Carvill , Budget Officer. OTHERS: Bob Romanowski , City of Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners ; John Spence , SPCA * '- Liz Hilker, 255 Burns Road ; Town Justice Clarence Larkin ; Town Justice Raymond Bordoni . CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5 : 30 p . m . , and led ,- the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - PRESENTATION : TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN JUSTICES : Town Justice Larkin and Town Justice Bordoni showed a video tape on the New York State Majestory Association of the Town and Village Courts . Justice Bordoni - The video tape shows how funding from the courts supports the Town . Justice Larkin - The Town Court paid $ 104 , 000 to the State last year. We make every attempt to service the Town of Ithaca as best as possible . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board appreciates everything the Justices do . AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS : A. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT - See attached . Councilwoman Russell - I still have concerns about the portion of Burns Road and Coddington Road where there is erosion . There is only about one foot of the shoulder left. Superintendent Fred Noteboom - There are measures the Highway Department can take to deal with that erosion , but there are no plans to do so in the near future . It would be quite costly to do what needs to be done , however we will try to reinforce the edge of that area with gabion baskets . Councilman Klein - Is this a dangerous situation that needs immediate attention ? Superintendent Noteboom - There are delineators located there but they do not stop a car from running off the road . It is not any more dangerous than an open ditch , but it is not a good situation . Councilwoman Grigorov - What is the realignment of the Winner's Circle Trail ? TOWN BOARD MEETING 2 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Superintendent Noteboom - The trail is being realigned because it encroaches on personal property . Director of Engineering Daniel Walker - Is the erosion problem on Burns Road located in the County's right-of-way? Superintendent Noteboom - No . The excess flow of water last year caused the problems in that area . Director of Engineering Walker - The Town needs to talk to the County about the diversion of water flows into that area . Superintendent Noteboom - The Town Board will be informed about any solutions Be TOWN CLERKIRECEIVER OF TAXES - See attached . Co DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING - See attached . Councilwoman Harrison - On your report you mentioned , "construction activity has caused some filling of road ditches . . . " . Why was the cause of that, was there some failure of erosion control? Director of Engineering Walker - It was caused by travel across the ditch when the lots were being graded and the driveway culverts were put in . The ditch is fairly shallow. Mr. Noteboom and I have been watching the moving of that material . Councilwoman Harrison - Doesn't that mean there is a lot of sediment leaving the site? Director of Engineering Walker - No , not really. The water collects in the ditch and does not run off the site . It will create problems in the future if there is no road base drainage . There is not a lot of water flowing through that area because the main drainage ditch is behind the properties . Councilwoman Harrison - Does that ditch go anywhere? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes , but it is a very flat grade . It does not carry high volumes of water. It drains water off the road and the front yards of the properties . Superintendent Noteboom - One of the main concerns with the water collecting is that it does not allow water to come out from under the road . . That will eventually deteriorate the road . There will be a need to watch the sediment levels if there is a heavy rainfall . The developer will need to address sedimentation control . D. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING - See attached . Councilwoman Harrison - Where is the Walker Subdivision located on Coddington Road? (Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning pointed out the Walker's property on an enlarged map . ) Councilwoman Harrison - Where is the land the City of Ithaca would be purchasing at Lick Brook? (Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning pointed out on the enlarged map where the land is located . ) F. HUMAN RESOURCES - See attached . TOWN BOARD MEETING 3 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 G . FINANCIAL REPORT - Alfred Carvill - The financial statements as of September 30 ; show $642 , 000 in cash , $5, 167 , 000 invested principal cash , and $65 , 457 of investment interest. Total deposits are collateralized at $6 . 3 million , an excess of $520 , 000 over the total deposits . The Town 's year to date interest earnings are $221 , 000 , which exceeds the budget estimate by 24 percent. As of September 30 , cash positions coupled with fund balance estimates of all operating funds presents a conservative fiscal management picture . This fiscal minded attitude has enabled Department Heads and myself to present this Board with a practical and functional 1998 Tentative Budget that will continue to provide services to the Town of Ithaca community. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD : There was no one present from the public wishing to be heard at this time . AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS : Robert Romanowski - Items mentioned about the Fire Commissioner's financial report do not reflect the budget or what the Town of Ithaca contributes . The amount the Town contributes is determined by contract. 1 report the ongoing activities of the Fire Department. Fire Prevention Week is the week of October 6th . There will be many events planned for the public. There will also be a rededication of the fire fighter' s monument in the City Cemetery on Saturday, October 11 . This monument is for all fire fighters . There are presently four firemen buried in the plot near the monument. . The budget for the Fire Department was printed in the Ithaca Journal . The proposal is for a zero percent increase for all departments in the City of Ithaca . There are no layoffs planned , but there will also be no new fire fighters hired above the current roster. The Fire Department has 68 people . Sixty of those are on duty personnel , with 45 of them being paid fire fighters . There are three fire fighters on leave for disability. The other five people consist of the Fire Alarm Superintendent and office staff. There are 86 volunteer active or probationary fire fighters , and 10 pending fire fighters . This means that the Fire Department must absorb approximately three percent of salaries in contract services . There is a meeting scheduled with the Town Supervisor, Fire Department personnel , and the West Hill residents about the West Hill Fire Station on Tuesday October 21 , at 7: 00 p . m . at the station . Fire Commissioner elections were held last month . Commissioner Romanowski was elected Chairman for the period 1997- 1998. Supervisor Valentino - The Fire Department will absorb pay raises with the zero percent increase in the budget? Mr. Romanowski - Yes , along with the contractual services increase of 2 . 8 percent. This is a contract year for the Fire Department. This is the Mayor's budget. The budget still needs to go through Common Council . The Fire Department is working hard to get active volunteers . Our volunteer organization is exploring the possibility of having the Boy Scout/Girl Scout Council start an explorer unit to get young people interested in the fire service . TOWN BOARD MEETING 4 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 15 - PRESENTATION OF THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA TENTATIVE BUDGET: John Spence , SPCA - The SPCA has proposed a five percent increase in the cost of dog control for the Town of Ithaca in 1998 . The SPCA had discussions with Supervisor Valentino , and the Town Clerk about the licensing of dogs . At that time , the SPCA was asked to look at the Town of Ithaca's Dog Control Ordinance to see if there was anything that should be changed . There were conversations about the SPCA helping with problem situations on Town paths and walkways with dogs running loose and bothering people . After discussions with the SPCA staff, a few ideas were mentioned to pass along to the Town Board . The SPCA is not in the position to patrol those walkways on a regular basis , and the Town is not in a position to hire someone to do only that. If this is an ongoing problem maybe the signs should be checked on those pathways . ' The SPCA may be able to write an article in the Ithaca Journal outlining what people's responsibilities are in terms of dogs on leases and cleaning up after them . This would let people know that there could be penalties for infractions . These are inexpensive ways to get the message to the public. Councilwoman Harrison - Would it be reasonable to put on the signs a phone number to call if someone is disobeying the law? Mr. Spence - The Dog Control Ordinance says dogs have to be on a leash . The Animal Control Officers have the ability to write tickets or to deliver tickets to the dog owner if someone sees the ordinance is consistently being violated . People could call the SPCA , but the problem is getting the officer and dog in the same place at the same time . Councilwoman Russell - What about having an officer patrol the entrances to the paths or walkways in the Town of Ithaca? Then the officers could issue tickets to violators . Mr. Spence - That could be a possibility. Perhaps the SPCA could position an officer on the trails to appear at an appropriate time , such as weekends or during the week nights. The SPCA receives calls from people who have seen dogs not on a leash , but by the time the officers arrive there are no dogs . If the SPCA could make it effective it would be followed through . Councilwoman Russell - Saturdays and Sundays are the busiest days on the trails. Mr. Spence - Is there a particular pathway that the Town is concerned about? Councilwoman Russell - The South Hill Recreationway , Councilwoman Harrison - The South Hill Recreationway has more natural areas to protect. Councilman Conley - Does the sign in that area mention the leash law in the Town of Ithaca? Superintendent Noteboom - Yes , but the SPCA's phone number should be added to the sign . Councilwoman Russell - Issuing a few tickets to the owners would help a great deal . Councilman Klein - Particularly if it is a busy day and others observe the SPCA issuing tickets . It would tell others that the Town and the SPCA are serious about the law. Mr. Spence - Is it worth pursuing an article in the Ithaca Journal? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 OCTOBER 211997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 Councilman Conley - The article should mention that the Town wants this law to be enforced . Mr. Spence - In some urban areas , there is a lot of friction between dog owners and park joggers/bicyclists . In New York City' s Central Park dog owners want an area where they can take their dogs off a leash . Those type of dog issues get political . I will pursue planning for an article to appear in the Ithaca Journal . I will have an officer present on the trail on the next sunny Saturday . I will keep in touch with Supervisor Valentino about the situation . Town Clerk Noteboom - I will talk with the Town Justices about this and explain that the Town Board wishes to have the Dog Control Ordinance enforced through ticketing of owners whose dogs are not on a leash . Councilman Conley - At one time the Town Board discussed having dog parks . The Ithaca Journal made fun of the Town Board for considering such a thing , even though it was only being investigated as a possibility. Mr. Spence - Dog parks are popular in larger cities . The SPCA staff has discussed the terms of the contract. The contract does not say that the SPCA will let unlicensed dog owners know that they would be ticketed if their dog is not licensed . The last conversation with Pam Stonebraker indicated the Town had installed computers with special software that would generate delinquent notices . Our doing so was taken out of the contract. If the SPCA is going to be responsible to notify people who are in violation of licensing their dog it should be put back into the contract. Town Clerk Noteboom - The Town and the SPCA renew their contract at the end of the year. A lot of the information needs to be discussed . The Town needs to make sure that the notices generated by the software program complies with what is required by the Department of Agricultural and Markets. Councilwoman Harrison - What makes up the request for the five percent increase in the contract amount? Mr. Spence - The five percent increase represents the "cost of living . " The SPCA wanted to be as reasonable as possible . The SPCA has been financially troubled for a while . In 1997 , the SPCA passed a balanced budget, but that meant no pay increases for staff. The SPCA laid off one full time person and one part time person in order to balance the budget in 1997 . The SPCA would like to have a balanced budget in order to perform the services , and have a shelter that Tompkins County can be proud of. Councilwoman Harrison - Is the SPCA asking for the same increase from all their municipal contributors? Mr. Spence - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - The Tentative Budget has included the five percent increase for the SPCA . Town Clerk Noteboom - This is the first year in the last three years that the SPCA has asked for an increase of more than three percent. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : Councilman John Wolff - The Information Technology Committee will be meeting to gather information about the creation of the position for Records Management/Computer Technician . TOWN BOARD MEETING G OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Councilwoman Russell - The Cornell-Community Waste Management Advisory Committee (CCWMAC) has met frequently . New subcommittees were formed . They will be reviewing eight possible consultants . The interview process will begin soon , with a visit by one consultant applicant next week. A matrix to put all the information about the different vendors and technology into a viewable form is being formulated right now. The members of the committee will be taking part in putting the information into the matrix. Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee minutes will be ready next week. Some of the major topics discussed on September 25 , included a request for proposals from design consultants for the work on the highway facility at Seven Mile Drive . In Superintendent Noteboom's budget there are some capital improvement appropriations for improvements to the highway facilities . The Committee discussed in detail the paving of Caldwell Road next year. An extensive report was prepared by Bruce Britain , as a volunteer citizen , to outline some of the existing deficiencies on Caldwell Road . Most of them were quite reasonable . The Engineering Department is going to proceed with the preliminary design work. Wildflower Drive and Strawberry Hill Road are part of the Eastwood Commons project. Those roads are in poor condition with many drainage problems . The Eastwood Commons Residents Association has hired an engineering consultant to look at some of the problems . They are going to be contributing some materials towards the road construction . The Town Board received a letter from Tim Joseph in regards to the Warren Road sidewalks stating that as long as the County will be re-paying the road with shoulders it should accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists . Director of Engineering Walker - The only problem is with the width of the shoulders that are currently there . That width would not reasonably meet the bicycle standards . The current shoulder is up to the existing edge line , and it is in poor condition . Councilman Klein - The Town should draft write a letter to Bill Mobbs , County Highway Superintendent about our concerns for the Warren Road sidewalks . Superintendent Noteboom - I will be meeting with Mr. Mobbs tomorrow and will see if they have some plans formalized for sidewalks on Warren Road , Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee also discussed the repainting of the water storage tanks , the 1998 Budget, capital improvement monies , and storm water management. The Codes and Ordinances Committee appreciates the feed back on the draft revisions of the Zoning Ordinance . Supervisor Valentino - I am part of the committee interviewing people for the Director of Transportation position in the County . A decision about filling the position will be made next week. I have been elected to chair the Northeast Sub-Area Study Project. Meetings will be starting soon to initiate the project. AGENDA ITEM NO . 6 - REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES : No report presented . TOWN BOARD MEETING 7 OCTOBER 2, :1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 - REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE : a. Tim Joseph, Tompkins County Board of Representatives - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter related to the Warren Road Project. b. Shary J . Zifchock, Commissioner of Elections - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter about changing the polling place for the citizens at Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing . c. Maurice A. Dusky, Director Ellis Hollow Road Apartments - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter related to the change of the polling place for the citizens at Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing and decided to draft a letter to the residents that transportation services will be made available to the residents by a joint effort of the political parties . d . Karl L. Mount, Vice President, Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter from Karl L. Mount in regards to the Town of Ithaca Park, Recreation , and Open Space Plan , AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 - PRESENTATION OF THE 1998 SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION (SCLIWC) TENTATIVE BUDGET: Supervisor Valentino - I will recommend this budget with the conditions that all resolutions for the transfers of funds be given to the Treasurer well ahead of the SCLIWC meeting . We need to see the actual expenses , not what was budgeted . During the year it should be a high priority to monitor the budget for the actual costs of producing water in order to look at possible reductions . The Commission will not be reducing the water rates this year, but will work together to try and reduce it next year. With these conditions I will recommend the passage of the budget. Councilwoman Grigorov - The Tentative Budget does not show the salaries of the SCLIWC employees . Supervisor Valentino - The SCLIWC Personnel Committee has not decided what the wages of the individuals will be for 1998 . Councilwoman Russell - What are the numbers based on ? Supervisor Valentino - The personnel numbers are based on the thoughts of Kevin Kaufmann , Executive Director. SCLIWC gives merit raises , not "across the board" raises . Bolton Point has accrued $2 million in fund balance in less than five years . They were accruing $400, 000 a year, plus not having to pay debt service . They are accruing approximately $800 , 000 a year to fund balance . The Operating and Engineering Committee will be doing a total review of the capital projects as some proposed projects do not accurately reflect what they would cost. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE 1997 SCLIWC BUDGET: RIRAi�I111M�IlIilY10i1O1 TOWN BOARD MEETING 8 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 159: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that the governing Town Board hereby adopts the 1998 SCLIWC Tentative Budget as the 1998 Preliminary SCLIWC Budget, and be it further RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board at 6: 30 p. m. , November 6, 1997 in order that they may consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary SCLIWC Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Budget. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 12 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TOWN BOARD SALARIES FOR 1998 : RESOLUTION NO. 160: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts the 1998 proposed salaries for the Town Board. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE SALARIES FOR 1998 : RESOLUTION NO. 13: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves the said salaries for the Town of Ithaca employees for the year 1998 as presented by the Town Supervisor, and as filed in the Human Resource office. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 14 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN COMPENSATION TO THE CODDINGTON ROAD COMMUNITY CENTER FOR USE OF FACILITIES FOR 1998 : Town Clerk Noteboom - The proposed increase is based on the request from the Joint Youth Commission . The proposed resolution was prepared by the Attorney for the Town to use as a standardized form for increases in the contract. Supervisor Valentino - Are these amounts included in the Town ' s Tentative Budget? Town Clerk Noteboom - "Yes . " RESOLUTION NO. 162: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Conley that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca agrees to pay the Coddington Road Community Center the sum of $6, 284. 00 for the year 1998 payable in quarterly installments of $ 1, 571 . 00 as the fee payable to Coddington Road Community Center pursuant to the agreement between the Town of Ithaca and Coddington Road Community Center dated as of May 11 , 1992. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 9 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 15 - PRESENTATION OF THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA TENTATIVE BUDGET (CONTINUED) : Supervisor Valentino - The General Fund , "A Fund" is the only fund that has a tax rate . We are proposing the tax rate for 1998 to stay the same as 1997 , with no increases in taxes . The amounts shown for 1996 for the fund are "actuals . " Knowing the actual amount spent helps determine what the Town should budget for the next year. The final assessment numbers were was received from County Assessment, but they are still subject to change . There should be a significant reduction in the independent audit expense because of the information that Mr. Carvill can supply . This information will result in a decrease in the amount of time the auditors will have to spend here . The new budget format is generated from the new software program from Williamson Law Book. Councilwoman Harrison - On page 3 of the Tentative Budget, what is the $22 , 500 in the equipment line for the Town Engineer? Director of Engineering Walker - That is for additional design and GIS software for facility management. The computer work station would be approximately $9 , 000 , and the software would be approximately $5 , 000 . Also , there would be a new survey transmitter that would cost about $7 , 000 . Councilman Klein - Would these new purchases be deferred until the move into the new Town Hall ? Director of Engineering Walker - This will replace an existing work station . Councilwoman Harrison - The Town Clerk's budget showed no capital outlay. Would a new computer need to be purchased if there is a person hired for Records Management? Town Clerk Noteboom - That is being budgeted for in the shared services line item for computer equipment. We have only budgeted the Records Management/Computer Technician from the time that we would be in the new Town Hall because there is no space available for a new person at this location . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Personal Services - Records Management Line represent part of the salary for that person for part of the fiscal year? Town Clerk Noteboom - Yes , and that amount may be a little high . The amount includes employee benefits for part of 1998 . The Records Management line item expenses were cut in half for next year because it is hoped we will receive a $50, 000 grant from SARA through the Capital Projects Fund . The regular budget was decreased because we will not have enough time to do the preservation and inventory work with the work on the grant. In 1999 , those line item expenses will be restored to perform the ongoing Records Management program . Supervisor Valentino - On page 6 , $20 , 000 was placed in Public Safety - Contractural Expense for police protection around our schools . New legislation allows for the City Police to contract with a Town or Village outside the City for police protection around schools . I would rather contract for police TOWN' BOARD MEETING 10 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 protection instead of going through an annexation process . The police officers who attended the Drug Task Force meetings feel that something could be worked out. The City is predicting coverage at this time . If the Town wanted protection at both the Boynton and DeWitt Schools it would be equivalent to a police officer's time at one half. It is estimated that it would be approximately $ 19 , 000 for both schools to have protection . Councilwoman Harrison - What coverage would they get? Supervisor Valentino - The police would have jurisdiction to allow for a car closest to the scene to respond to any call . This means that the police would respond through 911 calls , and they would have full authority to operate on school premises . Councilman Klein - Would it make sense to contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for protection at the DeWitt School? Supervisor Valentino - The new Police Chief mentioned that, and I discussed it with Mayor Cohen . The general feeling is that the City police have dealt with more schools and are set up to handle more youth drug problems than the Village of Cayuga Heights police . The City police have put a lot of time and effort into dealing with youth drug problems . Councilman Wolff - Is drug testing now required? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - In the 1998 Budget Summary for the Highway Department, it looks as if there was quite a shift for funding towards Village of Cayuga Heights residences . More was being charged than previously, so less was going into the outside village account. Superintendent Noteboom - I think you are referring to the Storm Water Management that was added to the "A Fund . " Councilwoman Harrison - Looking at the summary of the 1998 Budget, the " B Fund" , (General Part Town Fund) shows the revenues and appropriations are significantly less . If that goes down substantially, then the part that is for the Village of Cayuga Heights increased substantially? Mr. Carvill - The Town of Ithaca' s Budget does not include any services for the Village of Cayuga Heights . Supervisor Valentino - The Village of Cayuga Heights has their own Highway Department. Town Clerk Noteboom - The General Fund is the portion of the Town that includes the whole town . The "13 Fund" and " DB Fund" , (Highway Fund) are portions of the Town that do not include the Village of Cayuga Heights . Supervisor Valentino - The " B Fund" and "DB Fund" are funded from sales tax money. Under the old process , the money was first put in the " B Fund" , then it was transferred to the Highway Fund . Now the money for the Highway (DB) Fund and the General Part Town (B) Fund" are budgeted directly as revenues and appropriations instead of being transferred . " B Fund" and " DB Fund" would need to be added together to see how it looked last year. Councilman Klein - The amount of money that is being raised in taxes for the "A Fund" shows only a $2 , 000 difference? Mal TOWN BOARD MEETING 11 OCTOBER 2. 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Councilman Klein - On page 8 , under the Dewitt Historical Society , why was it raised to $9 , 000 . Town Clerk Noteboom - The 1997 budgeted amount was $6 , 000 . To date we have only expended $4, 500. The information received from the Dewitt Historical Society included the request for $9, 000 for 1998. Supervisor Valentino - The Tentative Budget has these types of services shown at the agencies full request. We do not have to decide on those amounts at this time . The Board will be receiving letters and requests to review and make the appropriate changes . Town Clerk Noteboom - All contracts that are due December 31st are being reviewed now for consideration in November and December. Councilwoman Harrison - It is hard to know what is expended on the Parks and Recreation . Supervisor Valentino - That is one of the hardest to figure out. Town Clerk Noteboom - The Town receives 1 percent of the extra penny on sales tax for contributions to community services . The youth side of the Town 's actual expense of $22 , 420 is $8, 095, and the Town also receives another $6 ,445 for community services . The actual expense for the Learning Web will only be $2 , 000 of that $22 , 420 . We took a lot of time to evaluate these figures to determine what revenue goes where and what appropriation goes to which line item as they were not always segregated in the budget. The Conservation Corps in the " B Fund" went down from $7 , 700 to $5 , 526 because next year the Town will not host the program . One year Lansing hosts the program then one year Ithaca hosts the program . The amounts for youth services are what the Joint Youth Commission is requesting the Town budget for those programs . Mr. Carvill - In the new accounting system , the park items will be constructed to identify what it would actually cost to maintain them . Supervisor Valentino - Page 3, "B Fund", in the Tentative Budget under the Contract/Construction line item , the Town is setting up a dedicated savings account using most of the money not expended this year. If the money is not all used , the dedicated fund could be used for park and open space as opposed to going back into the "A Fund" for monies . This way the money can be tracked and be gaining interest. When the Town is ready to develop parks and open space there will be money to do so. Councilwoman Russell - What happens to the money that was left over from 1997? Mr. Carvill - That money goes into the dedicated fund . Councilwoman Harrison - Last year the Town budgeted $50 , 000 to work on trails , that has not been spent. This year the Town is proposing $50, 000 for some unspecified construction for the park and open space plan . I do not think that money should be diverted from the Purchase of Development Rights program . That is a separate conceptual issue . I would like to see the Town add additional funds for the Purchase of Development Rights program . I do not think $50, 000 to build trails and fund the Purchase of Development Rights program is a realistic way to implement the Park and Open Space Plan . The Purchase of Development Rights program should stand by itself as a specific line item in the budget. This program is not the same as constructing a park. TOWN BOARD MEETING 12 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Mr. Carvill - The " B Fund" which includes parks , is the leanest of all the Town' s funds . It is not revenue generating . It is fund balance that has accumulated for a number of years , but that has dwindled over the past three years . It is now approaching the point where it must be looked at realistically . Something needs to be revenue producing for these services . Councilwoman Grigorov - There are no revenues generated for the type of things Mr. Carvill is talking about? . Supervisor Valentino - The Town could receive grants for revenues . As we look at the budget we funded such things as storm water management and rehabilitation of the highway barns . I do not see where the Town has any extra money to fund other things beyond putting aside the money the Town did not spend last year. Councilwoman Harrison - What is the situation in terms of getting grants , matching funds , and the timing? Director of Planning Kanter - There would be several points during the year where the Town could apply for grants . There are several programs on the Federal level and some on the State level . If the Town had the public hearing on the Park, Recreation , and Open Space Plan at the Planning Board meeting next week, the plan could be presented to the Town Board for consideration of adoption at the December meeting . The Planning Board could start working on the Purchase of Development Rights program as early as next year. The Town could be in a position to apply for grants before the second half of next year. Councilwoman Harrison - Before one applies for a grant one needs to know that the Town has the money to match the amounts indicated in the grant. Supervisor Valentino - Usually there needs to be money dedicated . Director of Planning Kanter - To qualify for a grant the Town would need to show a commitment to match the local money. It helps to have a certain amount of money budgeted to match the grant. There also could be a budget amendment to create the matching money. Councilwoman Harrison - How much would these grants be? What would the local share be? Director of Planning Kanter - I am not sure at this point. Supervisor Valentino - If there is a really good grant program the Town Board could look at the budget to see if we can maintain the fund if the money was dedicated , or we could consider bonding to raise the money . Director of Planning Kanter - Both Federal and State programs have local matches of approximately 25 percent for grants . Councilwoman Harrison - Mr. Kanter is saying that substantial grants may be available, but they require a 25 percent match? Supervisor Valentino - That is correct. Councilwoman Harrison - The amount found in the budget is to match the actual amount in the grant? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " TOWN BOARD MEETING 13 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - The Purchase of Development Rights program can work as much or as little as the Town wants it to . What is proposed in the Park and Open Space Plan is a 20 year program for $3 . 5 million overall . The idea is to build money with the expectation that within the first few years the Town may not get anyone wishing to participate in the Development Rights Program . Councilwoman Harrison - Why wasn 't the $50 , 000 spent on building a trail this year? Superintendent Noteboom - The planning was not finished , and all the pieces did not fit together. Director of Planning Kanter - It is important for the Public Works Committee and the Town Board to set priorities of what projects need to be done . The main thing is to prioritize these projects . Supervisor Valentino - When the $50 , 000 was budgeted there were possibilities of the Town receiving donated lands . A lot of these priorities change depending upon what grants are available to fit the projects . This also gives the Town the flexibility to move quickly if a grant is received . Councilman Klein - Congress is working on reinstating funds to the ISTEA Project. The last notice included some type of agreement that every Congressman is to receive $ 1 million to spend in their districts . Maybe the Town should contact our Congressman and inform him that we have the Park and Open Space Plan to move forward on . Councilwoman Russell - Does the Town have an account that constitutes dedicated money while applying for these grants? Supervisor Valentino - The Board has a proposed resolution to set up that account. Councilwoman Russell - Do bonds satisfy the requirements of the grant? Attorney Barney - Normally, the Town would need to bond for capital costs . I am not sure that Purchase of Developments Rights constitutes capital cost. Supervisor Valentino - That is why the Town would be waiting until next year to sort things out. The Town could identify the fund at that time . Director of Planning Kanter - If the Town is successful in moving ahead with the Purchase of Development Rights, would the Town have enough flexibility in the General Fund to have a budget amendment or money shifted into it for the local match? Mr. Carvill - The General Fund would provide the funding . The Town has consistently generated no monies for the Highway Fund or the General Part Town Fund . Sales tax is estimated to be dropping, and there is a new formula that is coming out that would drop the sales tax even more . The Town budgeted only $70, 000 of sales tax revenue in the General Fund . The remaining $ 1 . 7 million will support the fire contracts , highway, and the " B" Fund . There are monies coming into parks and recreation . If there is a secured grant, and it is town wide, then we could appropriate some town wide money to help for town wide services . Supervisor Valentino - If the Town needed the money for a good project we could find the money in the budget to match the grant money. Councilwoman Harrison - Has anyone raised the issue of using salt in the area that drains into Six Mile Creek? TOWN BOARD MEETING 14 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Superintendent Noteboom - There have been previous discussions with the Conservation Board . This year we will attempt to address the issue . A product will be purchased to help lower the salt mixed into the water. I will gather more information for the Town Board to review. Councilwoman Harrison - In the Supervisor's Message , it mentions that "water and sewer units that had not been correctly assessed in the past have been added to the roll , and this is the first in the implementation of a "flat rate" so that everyone would be paying a more equitable share . " I think of a "flat rate" as meaning , regardless of how big a user, people paying the same amount for a unit. Is that what the Town is moving towards? Supervisor Valentino - That is based on consumption right now. Director of Engineering Walker - Eventually the rate would be flattened out so equal benefits are charged at an equal rate . Councilman Klein - Some of the Town ' s large users who are assessed units are based on consumption , and that is what we are looking to flatten out. Director of Engineering Walker - Larger users , such as Ithaca College or the Cayuga Medical Center are based on consumption . That consumption concept is an equitable amount of consumption , or the consumption equal to the average residential use for one unit. Attorney Barney - The consumption figures are translated into units , like so many gallons per unit. Director of Engineering Walker - The average household will use approximately 40 , 000 gallons of water every year. Effectively, 40 , 000 gallons of consumption will be equated as one unit. Councilwoman Harrison - With a flat rate people will be charged the same. amount for every unit used , whether one unit is used or one hundred units are used? Councilman Klein - Yes , on a decreasing scale . Councilwoman Harrison - People would get a bonus for using more water? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilman Klein - On page 3 , of the Water Fund Tentative Budget for the Debt Service , it shows zero , is that the inter-fund transfer being raised for the benefit assessment? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Mr. Carvill - There is a new budget fund called Debt Service Fund which has not been used before . That fund will be used to cover the payment of the bond principal and interest for the year. Councilwoman Harrison - On page 2 , of the Tentative Budget under the Sewer Fund for Capital Improvements , the Town is proposing "zero" this year. Last year $ 150 , 000 was proposed but none was spent. Director of Engineering Walker - The $ 150 , 000 was allocated for the expected charge from the City for Joint Sewer Capital Improvements . That is not in place yet, so rather than using false numbers we are going to wait to see what happens with the City . Then a budget amendment would need to be done . 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING 15 OCTOBER 2. 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 Councilman Klein - What is the difference between Capital Improvements and regular Capital Improvements? Director of Engineering Walker - Regular Capital Improvements are improvements in the system outside the joint sewers , such as the Buttermilk Project. Councilwoman Harrison - Are there specific things in mind for what the $ 100 , 000 would be spent on ? Director of Engineering Walker - The replacement of the hospital sewer on the West Hill and other smaller projects. Supervisor Valentino - There is a back log on projects . It is hard for us to get a good concept of some of the water and sewer projects . Part of the delay on the sewer is that the City needs to buy a camera to look into the sewers to see what repairs are needed . On the water side , we are involved in the joint study. There will be a presentation on October 17 about some water improvements that we might want to make . It is nice to have inter-municipal cooperation , but sometimes it is a stop and go situation with the partners . We do not have the controls that we would like to have on these issues, especially when we want to be thoughtful and consistent. Budgeting for water and sewer has been difficult because of those problems. The Fire Protection Fund is the most worrisome part of the budget because of the shrinking assessment and the tax raise needed to generate the money . Fire protection was difficult to balance with Cayuga Heights and the City of Ithaca . A substantial amount of sales tax money was used as revenue in this fund this year to help control the increase . This is the only major part of the budget that shows an increase in the tax rate next year. The Town is projecting a $ . 13 increase for each $ 100, 000 of assessment for 1998 . Councilman Klein - When the Fire Protection Fund took a huge jump between 1996 and 1997 was that because our portion of the contract went from $830 , 000 to $ 1 . 6 million ? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , there were two big years for the jump because the Town was only paying 25 percent of the City's budget. The projection , which was done together showed that the Town was actually responsible for 31 percent of the City budget for our assessment. Next year, the Town would be at the full 31 percent level , the actual share of the City's fire protection based on the assessed evaluation . Councilman Klein - How does it compare to what the Town is paying the Village of Cayuga Heights? Supervisor Valentino - The Town has a formula with the Village of Cayuga Heights that is based on the Town's assessed value . The contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights is much more cost effective because their total fire staff are volunteers . This is part of the budget that the Town has the least direct control over. Last year, the Town of Ithaca had over $3 million in growth , but from the sale of homes and the declining assessment, the Town ended up with a loss of $ 1 million in assessment. Councilwoman Harrison - How closely is the Town built into the City's budget for fire protection , and how does the Town 's contribution fit in ? Supervisor Valentino - When the Town negotiated this contract we spent a lot of time going over the budget numbers . One thing we extracted from the City Comptroller was that the contribution Cornell University was making to the City Fire Department was going into the General Fund . The Town looked TOWN BOARD MEETING 16 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 at the City Comptroller's numbers and realized only appropriations were budgeted , and never any revenues . The Town was paying assuming the Town was receiving full credit for Cornell contributions . Mr. Carvill asked why the Town was not receiving any credit for interest on the investments . The City Comptroller is the investor for the City so there should be a nice amount in interest because the Town pays the City up front and early in the year. The City does not expend it all right away. Councilwoman Harrison - The Town pays the whole allocation in January? Supervisor Valentino - No , half of the payment is made in January, the other half is paid in July . Councilman Klein- Does the City extract personnel costs that are involved in code enforcement? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - No , because the Town has their own . Councilwoman Harrison - When is the contract to be re-negotiated? Supervisor Valentino - The year 2000 . If the Town Board is thinking of having their own fire department we would need to discuss that very soon . Councilwoman Harrison - Would the Town want to hire a consulting service to look into this issue? Councilman Klein - Approximately 10 years ago , the Town did look into this issue . Attorney Barney - The dollars did not work out last time . Councilwoman Harrison - If the Town is serious about this we should have a consultant look into it. By doing this , it puts the City of Ithaca on notice that we are looking hard at this and are concerned . Could we find approximately $ 10 , 000 to hire a consultant to look into this? Supervisor Valentino - We will need to look into this matter further in regards to hiring a consultant or doing the research ourselves . The Lighting Districts have been sorted out for their actual costs and assessments . These figures are more accurate . The Debt Service Fund shows the actual Town debt. Councilwoman Harrison - The Town is not paying for the water and the sewer out of the same sources of money but they are appearing in this account together? Mr. Carvill - The revenue is being raised in water and sewer funds individually with an offsetting appropriation expense as inter-fund transfer. The revenue is in this fund and the expense is paid to debt. Supervisor Valentino - When the SCLIWC raised the price of water from $2 . 50 to $2 . 55 , the Town of Ithaca absorbed that. When Mr. Carvill and I discussed the zebra mussel project, I did not like the way it was set up . It does not show in the budget correctly because the Town pays the SCLIWC $2 . 55 . SCLIWC pays on the Town's behalf even though the debt shows on our records . The way to identify it more clearly was not to have it be part of the $2 . 55 that the Town pays SCLIWC . The Town would pay SCLIWC the $2 . 50 , and pay the amount that the Town owes them for the zebra mussels as a separate payment. This would be traceable , so the Town would know when the debt is paid off. 6 Director of Engineering Walker - How does the Town pay the monthly bills to SCLIWC? TOWN BOARD MEETING 17 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Mr. Carvill - In the first quarterly remittance when SCLIWC sends the Town $250 , 000 , SCLIWC would receive $225 , 000 from water and $25 , 000 from the debt service fund . The $25 , 000 was exclusively for debt service . The Town is already down $ 100 , 000 with the $2 . 55 , so it is already reduced . Director of Engineering Walker - Is the Town still paying SCLIWC the $2 . 55 rate? Mr. Carvill - Yes , but inclusive of that $2 . 55 is the zebra mussel debt. Director of Engineering Walker - Is the Town showing part of the SCLIWC budget in our budget? Mr. Carvill - "Yes . " Director of Engineering Walker - The Town is obligated to pay them $2 . 55 per thousand according to the agreement. Attorney Barney - There will not be an automatic reduction when it is paid . Is the Town obligated to pay the $2 . 55? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , and the Town will be able to clearly track these numbers now. Director of Engineering Walker - I think it is confusing the issue because that is a SCLIWC debt, not a budget item for the Town . Supervisor Valentino - No , it is the Town's debt. Director of Engineering Walker - No , the Town is responsible for the debt if they cannot pay it. The Commission has elected to pay the debt out of the General Revenues . Supervisor Valentino - The debt is in the Town ' s bond book, and it is part of the Town 's debt. Attorney Barney - That is for the purpose of reporting under the State Comptroller. Supervisor Valentino - If things are not clearly specified it becomes a problem as time goes on . AGENDA ITEM NO. 16 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE 1998 ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT DISTRICTS . RESOLUTION NO. 163: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for the Public Hearings for the consideration of the 1997 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting ; Councilwoman Russell ; aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried . (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER A DECREASE IN THE WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : RESOLUTION NO. 164: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held to TOWN BOARD MEETING 18 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER 6, 1997 consider a reduction of the water benefit assessment levy for 1998. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman It Harrison , absent during voting ; Councilman Conley , absent during voting ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 18 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER A DECREASE IN THE WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT LEVY FOR 1998 : RESOLUTION NO. 165: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held to consider a reduction of the sewer water benefit assessment levy for 1998. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during voting ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . ( NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 19 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA BUDGET : Town Clerk Noteboom - The resolution should include the following amendments presented to the Board for the General Fund and Part-Town Fund for the Community Services portion . RESOLUTION NO. 166: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board accepted the amendments to the 1998 Tentative Budget for the 1998 Preliminary Budget. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , absent during voting ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . ( NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) RESOLUTION NO. 167: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing for the consideration of the 1998 Town of Ithaca Budget. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , absent from voting ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 20 - 1997 BUDGET TRANSFERS : A. NYS Retirement System - RESOLUTION NO. 168: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board approves the Budget Amendment providing Additional Funding for pay down of the outstanding amortized portion of the Town 's Annual NYS Employees' Pension Contributions - 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 19 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, absent during voting ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried . (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) B. Highway Fund - Forest Home Drive Bridge Work - RESOLUTION NO. 169: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board approves the Budget Amendment for repairs and replacement costs for Forest Home Drive ("Downstream') Bridge - 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) C. Planning Reserve Grant Development and Improvement - RESOLUTION NO. 170: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board approves the establishment of general purpose reserve grants, developments, and improvements - 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) D. Kendal Settlement Funds - RESOLUTION NO. 171 : Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board approves the establishment of cash reserve general purposes Kendal Assessment settlement reserve - 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 21 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR PROJECT TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON AND PAINT THE TOWNS WATER STORAGE TANKS : Councilman Klein - The Town was going to allocate $ 100 , 000 per year to paint two tanks , instead Mr. Walker felt that the Town would save money by bidding several tanks at one time. Director of Engineering Walker - Now we are at the point where four tanks need to be painted . There are eight primary bid items (four interiors and four exteriors) . The interior coating will be a petroleum wax which is approved by the National Sanitation Federation . The exterior will be an enamel high gloss . That is on the tanks now. RESOLUTION NO. 172: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the specifications and authorize bidding for maintenance and painting of steel water storage tanks. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: TOWN BOARD MEETING 20 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 22 - SEQR, THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: Councilwoman Harrison - Would this storage building be seen from the lake? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - What is the landscaping plan to try and minimize the environmental impact from the lake? Director of Engineering Walker - There is a building there now, and this building would be part of the other building . Councilwoman Grigorov - The new building would be seen from the lake instead of the current building ? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Then this would be an opportunity to improve the situation . Director of Engineering Walker - The color of the building will minimize the look. Councilwoman Harrison - Why isn 't there going to be landscaping to hide the building? Supervisor Valentino - There is a very steep slope where it would be placed . Councilwoman Harrison - Is the new building a very low building? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Couldn't trees be planted around the footprint of the building? Director of Engineering Walker - The new building would be located at the top of the slope that extends down to another slope that is approximately 15 feet lower than the building . It is primarily rock and shale fill that was put in when they built the plant. RESOLUTION NO. 173: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town of Ithaca hereby concurs with the findings of a negative declaration of environmental significance from the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission dated September 2, 1997 for the construction of the material storage building. A vote on the motion resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 23 - APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: TOWN BOARD MEETING 21 OCTOBER 2 , 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Councilman Klein - At the last Town Board meeting we saw some preliminary sketches for the building that were not sufficient to be able to seek proposals or bids . Director of Engineering Walker - It is what the Commission wants to send out for proposals . Councilman Klein - Was that what the Board saw last time? Director of Engineering Walker- "Yes . " Councilman Klein - I am not sure that I can support that. Supervisor Valentino - I thought the Town Board told them to modify the plans and specifications? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes . The specifications need to be tightened up . Supervisor Valentino - Based on that information , I agree with Councilman Klein that the Town Board should reject this resolution . Councilman Klein - The proposal shows no lights in the building . The plans need to be changed to add lights . SCLIWC has $2 million in their capital fund , they need plans and specifications that will identify what they are buying and building . Director of Engineering Walker - I think more work could be done on the package , and an adequate bid package could be achieved . Supervisor Valentino - The SCLIWC has an engineer who receives a good salary . They should not be using the Town of Ithaca' s Engineer at no cost to design these plans . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Town charge the SCLIWC for the Town Engineer's time? Supervisor Valentino - Not on projects like this . If the Commission wants the Town to design this , then they need to pay the Town for doing so . Director of Engineering Walker - I am trying to look out for the interest of the Commission and the Town of Ithaca. Supervisor Valentino - Some of the Commissioner' s feel this is not a good enough design . It does not meet the requirements needed . Mr. Kaufmann , SCLIWC Executive Director stated that money could be saved if it were done this way. Councilwoman Harrison - The minutes from the last meeting indicated Mrs . Noteboom raised the issue of having the specifications filed in her office before approval . The minutes state , "that the Town Board would approve the specifications and authorize the bid at the October meeting" . The Town Board does not have them , so the motion about SEQR needs to be withdrawn . Attorney Barney - As long as the Board makes a determination , I feel comfortable that the Town of Ithaca could be lead agency. Director of Engineering Walker - The reasoning behind this being called a Type II Action is that it is a minor improvement. This is a 3 , 200 square foot building , TOWN BOARD MEETING 22 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Councilman Klein - The information supplied to the Town Board is not what we expected . There needs to be specifications and plans that describe the project in more detail . Director of Engineering Walker - There has not been information from the other municipalities about agreeing on the expenditures for the capital improvements . Based upon the above discussion, the Town Board deferred the proposed resolution until further specifications are supplied from Bolton Point. AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - CORRESPONDENCE TO THE VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS RELATED TO THE SEWER LINE ODOR ON EAST SHORT DRIVE : Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board directed me to write a letter to the Village Board at the last meeting . I did not write a letter because Mr. Walker did some research and talked with Brett Cross at Cayuga Heights . The understanding is that the odor was mainly caused from dead seaweed . The Health Department concurred with that. There is not a problem with the sewer plant in Cayuga Heights . The seaweed washed up along the shore and created an offensive odor. The sewer plant is okay. Councilwoman Harrison - Has anyone corresponded with the people who brought the complaint? Director of Engineering Walker - The Town has had conversations with those people . Councilwoman Russell - Phil Zarriello (Chair of the Town's Conservation Board) felt that dying zebra mussels may also contribute to the odor problem . Director of Engineering Walker - There was not a lot of evidence that zebra mussels are in that portion of the lake . There were a few zebra mussels noticed on the Bolton Point intake system , but they are further up the lake . AGENDA ITEM NO. 25 - DRAFT PARK, RECREATION , AND OPEN SPACE PLAN AND CONSIDER REFERRAL TO THE PLANNING BOARD : RESOLUTION NO. 174: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board does hereby refer the Town of Ithaca Draft Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for their consideration. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS (CONTINUED) : D. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached . Director of Building and Zoning Andrew Frost - The Ithaca College Health Science building permit was issued , and we anticipate issuing the permit for the Music Hall soon . These are multi-million dollar projects . Councilwoman Russell - Will Ithaca College be starting construction soon? TOWN BOARD MEETING 23 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Director of Building and Zoning Frost - Yes , for the Health Science building . The Music Hall plans are in now, and by the end of the year construction may be started . Director of Planning Kanter - Are those projects being done by separate contractors? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - "Yes . " AGENDA ITEM NO. 26 - PARTICIPATION IN THE CITY OF ITHACA APPEAL OF DECISION OVERTURNING FIRE PROTECTION ORDINANCE : This agenda item will be discussed during the Executive Session . AGENDA ITEM NO. 27 - SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO EXTEND COMPLIANCE DATE FOR LOCAL LAW NO. 7 , 1988 , "REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" : RESOLUTION NO. 175: Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board approves the Public Hearing date for a Local Law extending the date for retroactive installation of sprinkler systems in the Town of Ithaca . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 28 - CONSENT ITEMS : RESOLUTIONS APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : RESOLUTION NO. 176 (b) - 176 tfl: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 28 (b) - 28 (t) as presented on the individual resolution. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) RESOLUTION NO. 177: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board hereby approves and adopts the minutes for the regular meeting held on September 8, 1997, as the official minutes for the said meeting, with amendments. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 30 - EXECUTIVE SESSION : Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to move into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began Executive Session at 9: 08 p. m . TOWN BOARD MEETING 24 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Klein to resume regular session . Motion carried unanimously . The Board resumed regular session at 9 : 35 p . m . AGENDA ITEM NO. 29 - DISCUSS COMMENTS RECEIVED RELATED TO THE DRAFT ZONING ORDINANCE REVISIONS . Councilman Klein - The Codes and Ordinances Committee received some comments on the draft Zoning Ordinance revisions . Councilwoman Harrison attended the last committee meeting and presented her comments . The Codes and Ordinances Committee is not trying to write policy . They are trying to work with planning staff and the attorney to put the framework of the ordinance together to reflect the Town Board's comments with the understanding that the draft ordinance will be scrutinized by many Boards and the public before the final adoption . There will be areas that will not be agreed upon . The part about the zones that were sent out for public review are somewhat set. For the most part they do reflect items that were touched upon in the Comprehensive Plan . Some of the other issues , particularly the map , will be more involved as to where things are located . Director of Planning Kanter - The Codes and Ordinances Committee at their next meeting will consider Councilwoman Harrison's comments in more detail . The Conservation Board 's comments were explored in detail . The Zoning Map revisions will also be discussed at the next meeting . Councilwoman Harrison - There is still some confusion between the role of the Planning Committee and the Codes and Ordinance Committee . Councilman Klein 's statement was that the Codes and Ordinances Committee is not there to set the policy, but in fact that is what has happened . I think it has happened for two reasons . Sometimes because there are things that the Planning Committee has not talked about at all . It would probably be a good idea for the Planning Committee to anticipate what is going to be coming forward and talk about the policy perspective , such as what needs to be seen in the Subdivision Regulations. The Site Plan Review issues were never discussed in the ' Planning Committee directly. That was something that the Codes and Ordinances Committee had taken on that has a lot of polices in it. I felt distressed that the Planning Committee was going to be the group to set the general policies , and the Codes and Ordinances Committee would be doing the drafting . The membership of that Committee is a different membership . The membership includes those who implement policies , so their perspectives are important to be workable . I also felt that some of the things discussed at the Planning Committee about the Conservation Zone went too far and were to drastic. That was beyond what the Planning Committee was supposed to be doing . On the other hand , that section found it's way into the draft Zoning Ordinance as it was brought forward . That may have been appropriate . In contrast, the Planning Committee did a lot of talking about the Agricultural District and what policies should be included there. I felt the draft from the Codes and Ordinances Committee bore much too little resemblance to the policies we had spent a lot of time talking about. Since then the Committee has talked a lot more about the Agricultural Zone . I am thinking that the Planning Committee would need to draft the Zoning Ordinance into specific language , otherwise we are likely to find it changed in terms of the policy implications when it goes to the Codes and Ordinances Committee . I feel like the discussions in COC go back to first principles , such as preserving agriculture , and is it fair to zone this way. I am feeling that maybe I am wasting my time with the Planning Committee because we are discussing things that did not get completely thought through by another committee , or somehow things are not working the way I thought was set forward . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Planning Committee does not set policy. They are trying to interpret the Town's plan . Councilwoman Harrison - The Town Board is the policy making group . TOWN BOARD MEETING 25 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - We need to work cooperatively with the Codes and Ordinances Committee because they sometimes have better solutions than, the Planning Committee does . The Codes and Ordinances Committee are closer to doing what the Town Board wants . The Planning Committee is trying to work the same way . Councilwoman Harrison - Does it make sense to take things like the policy ideas that we have come up with in the Agricultural Zone through the Town Board to the Codes and Ordinances Committee"? Why spend the time drafting very specific language if in fact the rest of the Board says this is not the right direction for this . For instance , we should come to the Town Board meetings and have a series of the revisions on the agenda each month . Some time should be spent at our meeting when the Reports of Committees are given for issues to be discussed . Then maybe they can be referred to other Boards or Committees for review. Councilman Klein - The Codes and Ordinances Committee has a majority of the Town Board on that committee . Those who are not on the committee are left out as to what is going on . I do not agree with the suggestion that the Planning Committee is charged with development of general policies. I agree with Councilwoman Harrison 's suggestion that the Planning Committee could filter their recommendations back to the Town Board . Then the Codes and Ordinances Committee would have the perimeters to draft the legislation for the Zoning Ordinance . This would slow the process down in terms of sequence , depending on the issues . Attorney Barney - There is another way it could be done . I have always found it difficult to draft in a vacuum . I recommended that the Codes and Ordinances Committee provide a draft. That draft may not be liked or be inadequate, but it is a point of beginning . Changes are made as needed to the draft throughout discussions . If there is a concept not acceptable , then the concept is taken out. If a concept is missing then something should be put in . Maybe we should continue along that way, but as soon as the first draft is finalized it can go to the Planning Committee , particularly for those areas of concern . Councilwoman Grigorov - That would mean that the Planning Committee would not look at it in the beginning . Attorney Barney - Comments or changes would be discussed at the next meeting . When that next draft is available for review the Town Board would be supplied with a copy. Councilwoman Harrison - My problem with that is it starts with "business as usual" instead of starting with what is trying to be accomplished . The Planning Committee tries to figure out what they are trying to accomplish with Agricultural Zoning , The Planning Committee is trying to do what they can to keep agricultural viable in the Town . There needs to be a process designed to achieve the goals , as opposed to starting with a piece of paper that often may not address our goals . I am not pleased , and that may be why I did not like the draft I have seen . It looked like business as it has been done rather than trying to implement the Comprehensive Plan , or consciously think about what is being attempted to be achieved through the Zoning Ordinance . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The Conservation Zone adoption followed the same process . We discussed the Planning Committee' s comments on that issue and there were many meetings to discuss goals . Councilwoman Harrison - The Conservation Zone is pretty much what the Planning Committee wrote . That came out of the same process I am talking about. TOWN BOARD MEETING 26 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Director of Building and Zoning Frost - That section was reviewed by the Codes and Ordinances Committee . Councilwoman Harrison - Yes , but the rest of the Zoning Ordinance did not come out the Planning Committee's conceptual approach . The Conservation Zone reads better because the committee spent an enormous amount of time thinking about what is being accomplished . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The Codes and Ordinances Committee did as well . That was an earlier example of a joint effort. Councilwoman Grigorov - Also , that particular area has been talked about so much . Councilwoman Harrison - There was the section of defining buildable land . We spent a lot of time talking about that by looking at different ordinances from different communities . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - Councilwoman Harrison ' s concerns are more about the Agricultural Zones , Councilwoman Grigorov - We are more concerned about the effect, and whether this zone is going to be what we want and accomplish what we want. Director of Building and Zoning Frost - That is what the Comprehensive Plan is for. Councilwoman Harrison - The Comprehensive Plan depends on things like the Zoning Ordinance to implement it. The Plan is a plan and it needs to be implemented by actions that the Town needs to take. Those actions involve things like the Zoning Ordinance , probably the biggest tool to implement the Plan . The point is that we need to use this opportunity , and we could do a whole lot more:. Councilman Klein - The Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations need to go hand in hand . A lot of the issues of buildable land , buffers , slopes , etcetera would be appropriate in the subdivision rights . Attorney Barney - I would see that as a site plan area . I am willing to put what the Board would like to see in the ordinance . Things like Agricultural Zones are sensitive areas that require more research . The original projection was to have a draft ordinance completed by the end of 1997 . That seems unrealistic. It may be 1998 before a draft zoning ordinance would be completed . I have worked on the last two Zoning Ordinances with the Town , and they have all failed for a variety of reasons . One of the main problems was that there was no one moving the process along . Everyone would have a chance to comment on the revisions , and as comments and changes come along they can be discussed and rewritten for the ordinance . This way the procedure is kept going until everyone is satisfied . Director of Planning Kanter - The Zoning Ordinance and the Agricultural Zones have a lot of different information from the original information . It has a lot of new permitted uses and special approval uses , which received a lot of positive comments . The part in question is the density and lot size provision that would not cut up large lots in an agricultural area. That is what we are focusing on in order to redraft that section . That would fit in nicely in the way the new zone is written . Councilwoman Harrison - What about the idea of trying to help focus the Planning Committee's agenda on the major issues that would be facing the Codes and Ordinances Committee? Councilwoman Grigorov - There is no secret as to what they will do next, it is already laid out. TOWN BOARD MEETING 27 OCTOBER 29 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - Part of the work should involve the internal workings of the Committees . Another option , the Committee's should have a meeting together to see what is going on at the same time . This way certain specific areas could be worked on together. Councilwoman Harrison - I have some reservations about the make up of the Codes and Ordinances Committee being appropriate to do policy development. I think that some of the members on the Codes and Ordinances Committee should not be involved with policy implementation because they are the people in charge of implementing it. I am not sure that someone from the Zoning Board of Appeals should be developing agricultural policy for preserving agricultural land for the Town of Ithaca . I am not enthusiastic about merging the two committees and charging the one committee for developing the policy and drafting the ordinance . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The Zoning Board of Appeals would also implement that ordinance and I don't think you can cannot separate them from developing an ordinance in a committee such as Codes and Ordinances Committee . Councilwoman Harrison - There is a difference between drafting and developing the policies , and then taking those policies and drafting them into law. I think that the Zoning Board of Appeals definitely belongs as part of the drafting of the language for the law and helping to understand that if it is written a certain way it makes it impossible to interpret. That is different than saying that the policy for the Town of Ithaca is trying to preserve agriculture . The policy in the Town of Ithaca is , in order to preserve agriculture we are going to do so much , or the policy would be to accommodate low income housing and in order to accomplish low income housing we are willing to give certain incentives and benefits . That is not the Zoning Board of Appeals charge . Supervisor Valentino - Just because someone sits on any Board and is charged with carrying out certain missions , I do not think that is a criteria for how we decide what their ability is for making judgments in other areas . People who are on the Zoning Board of Appeals , such as attorneys , who could serve on the Codes and Ordinances Committee very well because they have a very good and varied background . I do not think saying someone serves on a certain committee and because they deal with that it precludes them from making good judgments on some other committees . Councilwoman Harrison - I am not saying that these people do not have good judgments . I am saying if the Town wants to form a citizen 's committee to deal with rezoning the Town , then fine . Then there could be people from the community for various things , they do not have to be on this Board . That is not what is happening with the Codes and Ordinances Committee . What happened with COC was that people were put on the Codes and Ordinances Committee by virtue of the fact that someone is representing the Zoning Board of Appeals , someone is representing the Planning Board , and there are Town Board representatives . That is different they are there because they serve on that certain board or committee . If the Town was to form a group as we did for the Comprehensive Plan , it was a citizen committee with Town Board members on that committee . Those people were selected because they either represented a neighborhood association or had a particular skill to bring to the committee . If the Town wanted to form a citizens committee to advise about zoning that would make sense that would be difficult, but that is not what happened . The Town formed the Planning Committee with Town Board members and a few others , and formed the Codes and Ordinances Committee that already existed , and very legitimately for the Codes and Ordinances Committee role was to draft ordinances that it was a good idea to have someone there because they are on the Zoning Board of Appeals . Those are the people who have the law before them to make decisions . I would not necessarily say someone from the Zoning Board of Appeals is an appropriate person because they are on the Zoning Board of Appeals to decide on the policies of whether the Town Board wants a Conservation Zone or not. TOWN BOARD MEETING 28 OCTOBER 2, 1997 APPROVED - NOVEMBER G. 1997 Councilman Klein - I do not see the Codes and Ordinances Committee getting into the policy issues . There are bound to be some decisions that have to be made . There are certain circumstances that need to be stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance , but we are trying to follow some guidelines from the Comprehensive Plan . In some instances we refer to the Planning Committee for more direction . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the Town 's policy in protecting sensitive environmental things? I thought the discussion was for policy making . Director of Building/Zoning Frost - The Town Board should be discussing ways to put criteria in the Zoning Ordinance that results in conformance of standards that have been set forth by the Comprehensive Plan , Planning Committee , Town Board , and Planning Department. What needs to be done is to take the comments and changes from people and formulate them into a draft ordinance . Councilman Klein - The Codes and Ordinances Committee will be talking about site plan review, and will be working with the Planning Committee to implement a plan . Attorney Barney - As the comments or changes are received the Codes and Ordinances Committee will pass them along to the Town Board for discussion . The Town Board briefly discussed the Codes and Ordinance Committee meetings and decided that if four or more Town Board members were present at those meetings notification should be made to the Ithaca Journal . AGENDA ITEM NO. 31 - ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously . Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10 : 27 p . m . Respectfully submitted , Lr&mxr� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ** Next Regular Monthly Meeting - (THURSDAY) November 6, 1997 at 5 : 30 p. m . (Presentation of Final Budget) ****Minutes Transcribed by Deborah Kelley. OF I T�9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 �. 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Public Hearing Date Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 1998 Budget Resolution No . 159 WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC) have presented the 1998 SCLIWC Tentative Budget to the Town Board for their review; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the said 1998 SCLIWC Tentative Budget; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby adopts the 1998 SCLIWC Tentative Budget as the 1998 Preliminary SCLIWC Budget; and be it further RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board at 6 : 30 p . m . , November 6, 1997 in order that they may consider the adoption of the 1998 Preliminary SCLIWC Budget as the 1998 SCLIWC Budget. MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF ITl, F a TOWN OF ITHACA � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 12 1998 Proposed Salaries for Town Board Resolution No . 160 WHEREAS , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has reviewed the proposed salaries for the Town Board for the year 1998; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the following salaries are hereby proposed for the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1998 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the said proposed salaries as required by Section 108 of the Town Law. SUPERVISOR $25 , 750 . 00 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS (6) $ 6 ,200 . 00 Each MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk NMI OFIr F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 13 1998 Employee's Salaries Resolution No . 161 WHEREAS , the governing Town Board has reviewed the proposed salaries for the Town of Ithaca employees for the year 1998 as presented by the Town Supervisor; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the said salaries for the Town of Ithaca employees for the year 1998 as presented by the Town Supervisor, and as filed in the Human Resource office . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF 1P a TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 14 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN COMPENSATION TO CODDINGTON ROAD COMMUNITY CENTER FOR USE OF FACILITIES Resolution No . 162 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca has an agreement with the Coddington Road Community Center, Inc . ("CRCC") for the use of certain facilities owned by CRCC on Coddington Road , Ithaca, New York by the residents of the Town , and WHEREAS , the agreement provides for a stated level of compensation unless the parties agree to differing amounts , and WHEREAS , the parties wish to set the amounts for the year 1998 , NOW, THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca agrees to pay CRCC the sum of $6 ,284 . 00 for the year 1998 payable in quarterly installments of $ 1 , 571 . 00 as the fee payable to CRCC pursuant to the agreement between the Town of Ithaca and CRCC dated as of May 11 , 1992 , MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I E' MI TOWN OF ITHACA 2104~� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 16 Public Hearing Dates - Special Benefit Districts Resolution No . 163 BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for Public Hearings to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6, 1997 , at the following times , for the consideration of the following 1997 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts. 6 : 50 p . m . - Forest Home Lighting District 6 : 51 p . m . - Glenside Lighting District 6 : 52 p . m . - Renwick Heights Lighting District 6: 53 p . m . = Eastwood Commons Lighting District 6: 54 p . m . = Clover Lane Lighting District 6 : 55 p . m . = Winners Circle Lighting District 6 : 56 p . m . = Burleigh Drive Lighting District 6 : 57 p . m . = West Haven Road Lighting District 6 : 58 p . m . - Coddington Road Lighting District 6 : 59 p . m . - Water Improvement Benefit District 7 : 00 p . m . - Sewer Improvement Benefit District MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk } } I I OF 1 P� 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-5035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 17 Public Hearing Date - Reduction Water Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 Resolution No . 164 BE IT RESOLVED ; the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6 , 1997 , at 6 : 40 p . m . , in order that the Town Board may consider a reduction in the Water Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge from $80. 00 per unit to $54 . 00 per unit for the year 1998 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , absent during vote ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i OF I r Co TOWN OF ITHACA �� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 18 Public Hearing Date - Reduction Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 Resolution No . 165 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on November 6 , 1997 , at 6 : 45 p . m . , in order that the Town Board may consider a reduction in the Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy Unit Charge from $82 . 00 per unit to $75 . 00 per unit for the year 1998 . MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFIr _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA }. 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No , 19 (a) Amendments to 1998 Tentative Budget for the 1998 Preliminary Budget Resolution No , 166 WHEREAS , the governing Town Board has reviewed and approved the attached proposed amendments to the 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget to be included in the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor and the Budget Officer are hereby authorized and directed to make the attached amendments to the 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget to be included in the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . DATED: October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk YOUTH BUDGET Agenda No . 15 9 1998 YOUTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGETING YOUTH SERVICES - GENERAL FUND (A) 1998 1998 1998 Offsetting Revenue Actual Appropriation Tentative Preliminary Budget County State Town Description Code Budget Amount 2350 Youth 3820-Youth Expense Coddington Rd. Comm. Center 'Annual Contract A7140.401 $ 61300.00 $ 61284.00 $ - $ - $ 6,284.00 'Summer Playground A7320.404 $ 4,900.00 $ 41891 .00 $ 19130.00 $ - $ 31761 .00 City of Ithaca-Youth Bureau 'Recreation Partnership A7320.401 $ 152,205. 00 $ 152,205. 00 $ - $ - $152,205.00 'Summer Playground A7320.402 $ 7,795.00 $ 71795.00 $ - $ 71795.00 $ - $160, 000. 00 $ 160, 000. 00 Municipal Summer Jobs A7320.403 $ 13, 600.00 $ 99806.00 $ 31028.00 $ - $ 61778.00 Cornell Cooperative Ext. A7320.405 $ 61000.00 $ 19, 658. 00 $ 81589.00 $ - $ 11 ,069.00 Learning Web A7320.406 $ 20,200. 00 $ 15 , 975. 00 A8989.402 $ 69700.00 $ 61445.00 $ 26, 900. 00 $ 227420. 00 $ 71445.00 $ 69880.00 $ 8,095.00 tai Youth Services $217,700.00 $ 223,059.00 $ 20,192.00 $ 14,675.00 $188,192.00 o 0 YOUTH SERVICES - GENERAL PART TOWN FUND C Conservation Corp. - EOC B7140.405 $ 71700.00 $ 51526.00 $ 21763.00 $ 21763.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1 % Sales Tax Eligibility 1998 1998 1998 Revenue Actual Appropriation Tentative Preliminary Budget 1289 Sales Tax Town Description Code Budget Amount Expense Gadabout A8989.401 $ 91600.00 $ 91560.00 $ 69006.00 $ 31554.00 Learning Web "` A8989.402 $ 61700.00 $ 61445.00 $ 61445.00 $ - Senior Citizens Council A8989.403 $ 109000. 00 $ 79125.00 $ 3,571 .00 $ 31554.00 Total Community Services $ 26,300.00 $ 239130.00 $ 16902100 $ 71108.00 Learning Web-A8989.402 Provides Eligibility for Youth Services Revenue and 1 % Sales Tax Revenue Pagel 9-23- 1997 1 : 14PM FROM TC YCUTH BUREAU 607 274 5313 P_ 3 Sheed Town of Ithaca Proposed youth Budget Available funds in 1998 _ _ DFYMEC IDFYNthSrvl County Town Tax Total Town of Maca r $ 6,624 $ 5,8451 $ 141205 $ 26,835 $ 53,509 Cayuga Heights $ 19171 $ 120351 $ 50750 $ - $ 7_956 --- Municipal Jobs (MJP) $ 3,000 $ 31000 $ 6,004 - -! - $ 79795 $ 61880 $ 22,955 $ 29,835 $ 67,465 1998 Funding Recommendations _ DFYMEC DFYIYth Srvi County Town Tax Total Summer Playground - $ 7,795, ( $ 7,795 Coddington Rd_Com Ctr. $ 11130 $ 19130 $ 21260 Learning Web $ 618801 $ 71445 $ 89095 1 $ 22,420 . f cr) s- + lck � .i c� or D �� • �un $ 2,763 $ 2,763 $ 5,526 sac _ - - - - . Youth Employment IYB t I I S 31028 $ 69778 $ 9,806 - Cornell Coop F - ( S 8,589 $ 11 ,069 . $ 19.658 $ 7,795 $ 61880 $ 227955 $ 29435 $ 67,465 Total amount to be appropriated $67,465 I otal Revenue $67,465 Town Tax $ 292835 1 n TO _ r t H J i .�- -� 3000 , oD Page 1 9-23- 1997 1 : 14PM FROM TC YOUTH BUREAU 607 274 5313 P. 2 T. ahtok6s;t 6 »EA i YOUTWIL-UREAU >ito sifldszig. A, -301 Nhr6s s Dates nTIve i September 23 , 1997 f Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk Town of Ithaca ; 126 East Seneca St. Ithaca, NY . 14850 j { Dear Joan, please find enclosed the 1998 Proposed Youth Budget for the Town of Ithaca. If these recommendations are accepted by the Town for funding in 1998 the following agencies will receive funding: I t I=rning Web $229420 EOC $ 5 ,526 1YB. t Youth Employment $ 9 ,806 Comell Co9p Ex t- $ 19 -658 $57 ,410 - - Coddington Rd. CC $ 2,260 Cti�m=er Playground $L7 -7951 Total $67 ,465 If you have questions please do not hesitate to call. I Sincerely, f Karen Coleman Program Management Specialist , r Sheet1 AGENDA ITEM NO 15 TOWN OF ITHACA REVIEW OF TAXES PAID ON TOWN PROPERTY GENERAL FUND 304Sep-97 ACCOUNT TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY INCREASE CODE 1012/97 1118197 (DECREASE) A1920.401 $ 200.00 $ 19600.00 $ 19400.00 SUMMARY REC'R OF TAXES HIGHWAY GARAGE $ 11380.24 TOWNWIDE PUMP STATIONS 172.72 TOTAL $ 1 . 552. 96 TOWN OF ITHACA AMENDMENT TO PROPOSED TENTATIVE 1998 BUDGET GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ACCOUNT TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY INCREASE CODE 1012197 1118.197 (DECREASE) B8020, 1 00 $ 182,300. 00 S 173, 979.00 ( $ 81321 .00) i qty OF I T� TOWN OF IrTHACA 21 o¢� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 19 (b) Public Hearing Date - 1998 Town of Ithaca Budget Resolution No . 167 WHEREAS , the Budget Officer and the Town Supervisor have presented the 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget to the Town Board for their review; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the said 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget and amended the said budget ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby adopts the 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget as amended , as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget; and be it further RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board at 7: 05 p . m . , November 6, 1997, in order that they may consider the adoption of the 1998 Town of Ithaca Preliminary Budget as the 1998 Town of Ithaca Final Budget . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried . DATED : October 2 , 1997 - Q-a, J.'+ � i Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk r I M � jj�Zy OF I T�9 TOWN OF ITHACA 4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 20 (a) BUDGET AMENDMENT Providing Additional Funding for Pay Down of the Outstanding Amortized Portion of the Town ' s Annual NYS Employees' Pension Contributions - 1997 Resolution No . 168 WHEREAS , the Town has received the 1997 Preliminary Annual NYS Employees' Retirement billing . This billing includes current charges of $31 , 693 and $61 , 837 of unpaid amortized prior period contributions , and WHEREAS , the bill is due 12/15/97 . The remaining portion continues to be amortized annually within the current portion of each years cost at an interest rate of 8 . 75°/x, and WHEREAS , the attached supporting schedule is a pictorial of the total interest costs that the Town will continue to incur over the remaining pay down period . The illustration also provides total estimated savings resulting from the pay out of the principal balance of $61 , 837 due , and WHEREAS , in view of the substantial savings to be realized and that the Town is currently financially able to provide additional financial funding in the 1997 Budget , the following Budget Transfers are recommended : FROM : A599 Appropriated Fund Balance $51106 . 00 TO : A9010 , 800 Retirement $59106 . 00 FROM : B599 Appropriated Fund Balance $8 , 363 . 00 TO: B9010 . 800 Retirement $8 , 363 . 00 FROM : DB599 Appropriated Fund Balance $5 , 032 . 00 TO : DB9010 , 800 Retirement $5 , 032 . 00 FROM : F599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 634. 00 TO : F9010 . 800 Retirement $ 634 . 00 FROM : G599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 634 . 00 TO : G9010 . 800 Retirement $ 634 . 00 and , I I Agenda Item No , 20 (a) Resolution No . 168 Page 2 . WHEREAS , this governing Town Board has determined it to be financially prudent for the Town and its employees to payoff in full the remaining portion of the Town ' s retirement contributions due ; now , therefore , be it RESOLVED , this governing Town Board does hereby approve the required budget transfer for additional funding in the 1997 Budget to pay the 1997 Annual NYS Employees ' Retirement Billing which includes current charges of $31 , 693 and $61 , 837 of the unpaid amortized prior period contributions; and it is further RESOLVED , that the Chief Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized and directed to record said transfers to the accounting records of the Town . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, absent during vote; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . DATED : October 2 , 1997 oeavv J Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I�i�1111 e I}i 4 OF 1p 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,y� �o4�- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 20 (b) BUDGET AMENDMENT Repairs and Replacement Costs Forest Home Drive (" Downstream ") Bridge - 1997 Resolution No , 169 WHEREAS , the Town Highway Superintendent has received a voucher from Tompkins County requesting payment of $70 , 000 for repair and replacement costs for the Forest Home Drive (" Downstream ") Bridge , and WHEREAS , funding for these costs was provided in the 1996 Highway Budget. Since vouchering was delayed by Tompkins County, these unexpended 1996 appropriations were returned to Fund Balance at December 31 , 1996 , and WHEREAS , the Town Highway Superintendent has reviewed all related work completed and recommends that payment be made to Tompkins County, and WHEREAS , since funds are residing in the Town ' s Highway "Fund Balance" the Highway Superintendent is seeking the approval of the Town Board to amend the 1997 Highway Fund Budget as prescribed : FROM : DB599 Appropriated Fund Balance $70 , 000 TO : DB5112 . 455 Forest Home Bridges $70 , 000 and , WHEREAS , the Town Board finds this request proper and approves said amendment to the 1997 Highway Fund Budget; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board directs the Chief Fiscal Officer to record this transaction to the 1997 Financial Records for the Highway Fund . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : October 2 , 1997 _ J n Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I P� F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,I,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 20 (c) ESTABLISHMENT OF GENERAL PURPOSE RESERVE GRANTS , DEVELOPMENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS - 1997 Resolution No . 170 WHEREAS , this governing Town Board has appropriated funds in the General Part- Town Fund 1997 Budget of $50 , 000 for construction costs in Account No. 67140 . 402 , and WHEREAS , it is the desire of this Town Board to set aside some General Purpose moneys for securing grant funding , future development funding within the Town of Ithaca and other prospective Town improvement moneys , and WHEREAS , a review of the General Part-Town Fund Budget shows that these funds remain unexpended . The Town Supervisor, recognizing the need for such funding , has examined the available cash and other related resources , while it is concurred with the Town Budget Officer that funds are at minimal operative levels , accompanied with a limited Fund Balance , both agree upon the importance for such future funding ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , this governing Town Board does hereby direct and authorize the Chief Fiscal Officer to set aside a sum of moneys , not to exceed $50 , 000 , from the 1997 operating General Part-Town Fund into a segregated account entitled , "GRANTS , DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT RESERVE FUNDS" . MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1'r _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� 21 044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 20 (d) ESTABLISHMENT OF CASH RESERVE GENERAL PURPOSES kENDAL ASSESSMENT SETTLEMENT RESERVE - 1997 Resolution No . 171 WHEREAS, this governing Town Board appropriated contingency funds in the 1997 General Fund Budget for unexpected expenditures , and WHEREAS , since the Town Board has taken financial measures in the 1997 operating General Town Budget insuring available cash for unexpected expenditures , the Town Supervisor recommends to this Town Board that "all 99 remaining contingency funds (A1990 . 400) be segregated into a general cash reserve entitled "GENERAL PURPOSES KENDAL ASSESSMENT SETTLEMENT RESERVE WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor suggests that these funds are to be used for unanticipated legal claims and for payment (s) related to the respective pending certiorari action ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Chief Fiscal Officer to set aside all remaining contingency funds (A1990 . 400) from the 1997 General Fund Budget into a segregated account entitled , "GENERAL PURPOSES KENDAL ASSESSMENT SETTLEMENT RESERVE" . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : October 2 , 1997 Qiai, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1P a TOWN OF ITHACA �,� �04�- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 21 Consider Approval of Specifications and Authorize Bidding for Maintenance and Painting of Steel Water Storage Tanks Resolution No , 172 WHEREAS, several Town of Ithaca steel water storage tanks are in need of interior and exterior maintenance and painting, and; WHEREAS, The Town Engineer has prepared specifications for the maintenance and repainting of the water storage tanks, and; WHEREAS , Maintenance of existing facilities is considered a Type II action under SEQR and requires no further review, and WHEREAS, The estimated cost of the Repairs is $ 100, 000 per tank and the Town water maintenance fund has a total of $200, 000 budgeted for the 1997 fiscal year and has proposed a budget of $200, 000 for the 1998 fiscal year, which would allow for the painting of up to four tanks, at a total cost not to exceed $400, 000, and ; WHEREAS, The it is anticipated that a contract let for maintenance during 1997 would not be completed until 1998, now, be it; RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby approves the painting specifications and authorizes the advertisement for bid and receipt of bids for the maintenance and painting of up to four steel water storage tanks in the town of Ithaca with funding to be provided from account F8340. 481 `Tank Painting and Maintenance", with a provision in the contract documents allowing the painting of the fourth tank as an option , executed upon the availability of funds. MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 J n Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk OFIr _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 ' TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 22 Concurrence of SEAR Determination for the Construction of a Materials Storage Building at the SCLIWC Water Treatment Plant Resolution No. 173 BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does here concur in the determination of the Southern Cayuga Water Commission that there is no significant environmental impact for the construction of a materials storage building at the SCLIWC Water Treatment Plant, MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously . DATED: October 2, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �zy OF I r _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 '1( o TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 25 Referral of the Draft Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan to the Planning Board Resolution No . 174 WHEREAS , the governing Town Board has reviewed and discussed the draft Town of Ithaca Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board does hereby refer the said draft Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan to the Planning Board for their consideration and comments . MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 Q., L ' _ Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk { i OF I T� a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273--8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 27 Resolution Setting Public Hearing Date for Local Law Extending the Date for Retroactive Installation of Sprinkler Systems Resolution No . 175 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca adopted a local law, Local Law No . 7 of the year 1988 , which , among other matters , required sprinkler systems to be installed in certain existing buildings within ten years after the date of the adoption of the Local Law, or by July 11 , 1998 ; and WHEREAS , a recent Supreme Court case involving the City of Ithaca's fire detection ordinance has held invalid insofar as it requires retroactive installation of fire detection systems in existing buildings ; and WHEREAS , the City of Ithaca is appealing said decision to the Supreme Court Appellate Division , Third Department ; and WHEREAS , it will take several months for the Appellate Division to render its decision ; and WHEREAS , there is a possibility that an adverse decision in the City of Ithaca case will impact the enforceability of the Town ' s sprinkler ordinance insofar as it requires sprinkler systems to be installed in buildings that were in existence at the date of the adoption of the ordinance ; and WHEREAS , it seems unfair to require people to complete those installations while the City of Ithaca lawsuit is still pending ; and WHEREAS , it would be appropriate to consider extending the time for compliance with Town of Ithaca sprinkler law to a date subsequent to the date an anticipated final decision in the City of Ithaca case is rendered , NOW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing it is i TB Mtg . 10/2/97 Agenda Item No , 27 Resolution No . 175 Page 2 . RESOLVED , that a public hearing be held at 126 East Seneca Street , in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York , on the 6th day of November, 1997 , at 6 : 15 o 'clock p . m . , to consider a Local Law entitled "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE SPRINKLER LAW RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR RETROACTIVE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLERS , " to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof and concerning the same , and to take . such action thereon as may be deemed appropriate by the Town Board ; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to cause the appropriate notice of public hearing to be published and posted as required by law, prior to the date of the public hearing . MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No' s , 28(b)-28 (f) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No' s , 176 (b)- 176 (f) BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 28 (b)-28 (f) as presented on the individual resolution . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 I Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk OF 1P _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA X41 Y o4 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (b) TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS Resolution No . 176 (b) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . General Fund Vouchers : $ 74, 876028 General Part Town Vouchers : $ 18 , 190 . 58 Highway Fund Vouchers : $ 93 , 215961 Water Fund Vouchers: $ 41 , 051 .26 Sewer Fund Vouchers : $ 136 , 718.37 Lighting District Vouchers : $ 11146 . 88 All inclusive of Voucher No' s 1765 - 1885 MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2, 1997 r Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF IT� 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 28 (c) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No . 176 (c) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . Operating Fund Vouchers : No . 2117-2171 , $57 , 603097 No. 2172 -2212 , $41 , 787. 49 MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ,- Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 1 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I OF IT� 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 28 (d) Records Management Disposition Listing Resolution No , 176 (d) WHEREAS , the Records Management Officer has determined that the attached listing of outdated and duplicate copies of records are eligible for disposition according to the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU- 1 ; and . WHEREAS , the Supervisor, Budget Officer, and Department Heads have reviewed and approved the disposition of the said records ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Records Management Officer to dispose of the records as described in the attached listing according to the procedure developed by SARA. MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk H ' H Q U Z O v C r w z Q Q � CU O CO 47 N I� O O O O O O O O O 0) - O LU OW f` 0 (3) Mm TCfl CDI*� CAr� I� CU M C) IL }- T- Nrr NO NOOr N N Q QQ N Nr*� mco ON NNr* r to E 00 O r r 0000 Or ' Or 0 0 Cfl T N O O O m M 0_0 T T O M co c Q r O O O O N w' a) a) Tom= rCD a) TMM 00Nm rN C0 00000 O m 0 CACA GAO CA O W Q = N O N N � N O OO = N OO N 0co Nf� NCO 00 NNINr Cn00 00 r r 0000 0 r O r 0 r cc 0 0 CL N o 0 c 3 �' Lo (D -ac m cn O o E v II O N +- m �, m 0 c O Q �- mo O c � c v c U c a a> U N a . CO v N E ,2 E Y 0 i` 0 c ❑. +. c to Q N o U o Ew? g © v0 v > vC� c Q c E .v N v L cn Q. N -a V) mo cn O W CIT 411 O � � v � w N Lw v�iU � U o � � !— 0. Oto `4 > �. �. N = O N (� — t4 0 0 (U Q e avi Y v U v 0 0 O N O c w C4 c O E O O , ' '- U. oq (U u i N o � a = cQC N .o -� � •N � ow L) CL m CL 0 23 U o Z U o o am o i a � o cr la � c O �.CL 0 � 000 aaiaio � E � 0EooUo �oo ° p �jc � N � E ; �. 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H . ..i . .r . ..n . ..n . n. r . .r . .- . .-r . ..i . .•r � . r . .r . .r . ..n . .r . .r . .. . ..r . ...i C4 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrr o O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o\ o, OWN c4S o, o` c�\ o, CN c, c� cN o, G1 � c\ CN C\ rn o, G1 rn c*N c4S o\ CN N N fV N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N a� .0 L 0 U y U � � � L � � 3 •y cQ r� CON � a a DC� MrZ 00 � M 'L Vr M N N-. z O N n ON a\ 0 aoi M" C" cc ca m + w, rte+ •v1 O O U O O O O p CN ON C\ L Q N N N N a� D O U � �j 0 � r i L Sheet1 i" MEMORANDUM DATE : 21 -Aug-97 TO : JOAN NOTEBOOM TOWN CLERK ` �U FROM : AL CARVILL 0 TOWN ACCOUNTANT/BUDGET OFFICER SUBJECT : TOWN OF ITHACA TRUST and AGENCY FUND UNUSED CHECKS DESTROYED THE FOLLOWING UNUSED TRUST and AGENCY FUND CHECKS FOR ACCOUNT NO. 05-201 -002604 HAVE BEEN DESTROYED: SEQUENCE NO. 8437 - 8500 PLEASE NOTE THIS IN YOUR RECORDS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MANY COURTESIES. 1 WITNESSES: DATE: Page 1 f i qty OF I r 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 10/2/97 AGENDA ITEM NO . 28e APPROVAL FOR CONSERVATION BOARD MEMBERS TO ATTEND NEW YORK STATE CONFERENCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT Resolution No . 176 (e) WHEREAS , attendance at conferences on environmental issues has proven to be a valuable educational experience for the Town 's Conservation Board members, and WHEREAS, the New York State Association of Environmental Management Councils and New York State Association of Conservation Commissions is holding their 1997 Conference on the Environment on October 17 - 19 , 1997 , in Port Jefferson , New York, and WHEREAS , it will be beneficial to the Town to send a member of its Conservation Board to this conference , and WHEREAS , the current Conservation Board budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ,. that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Elizabeth DeProsse , member of the Conservation Board , at the New York State Conference on the Environment on October 17 - 19 , 1997 , at a cost not to exceed $335 . 00 , which includes registration ($55) , lodging ($89 per night) , meals ($81 ) and - other expenses , charged to Account B8020. 407 , MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2, 1997 JJoan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF1r F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04^� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 10/2/97 AGENDA ITEM NO , 28 (f) AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND EMPLOYMENT PERIOD OF TEMPORARY PLANNING INTERN Resolution No . 176 (f) WHEREAS , Benjamin Helber has been employed by the Planning Department as a temporary Planning Intern during the summer of 1997 , whose term of employment, as currently authorized by the Town Board , is scheduled to terminate on October 10 , 1997 , and WHEREAS , Mr. Helber has demonstrated a high level of competence and enthusiasm on the projects to which he has been assigned , and WHEREAS , the Planning Department has a number of high priority projects that will be continuing past the summer which would benefit from the continuing involvement of Mr. Helber, such as additional. work on the GIS system , development reviews for the Planning Board and Zoning Board , and adjustments to the Benefit District Committee's parcel database , among .others , and WHEREAS , extending Mr. Helber' s temporary employment would be beneficial to the . Town since there is one current vacancy and one pending vacancy in the Planning Department, and WHEREAS , Mr. Helber has indicated interest and availability in extending his internship with the Planning Department ,. and WHEREAS , the Planning Department budget contains sufficient funds to cover the cost of extending Mr. Helber' s internship through December, 1997 , NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the Director of Planning to extend the term of employment of Benjamin Helber as a temporary Planning Intern , at an hourly wage of $8 . 00 based on 37. 5 hours a week, from October 10 , 1997 through December 31 , 1997, the total wages for which are not to exceed an additional $3 , 000 . 00 , to be charged to Account # B8020 . 100 , i Benefits are limited to the temporary status of this position . TB Mtg . 10/2/97 Agenda Item No , 28 (f) Resolution No , 176 (f) Page 2 . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk 1y OF 1 '" TOWN OF ITHACA � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 10/2/97 Agenda Item No. 28 (a) Approval Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolution No . 177 WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on September 8 , 1997 to the Town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meeting and requested that the following amendments be made ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes with the following amendments for the regular meeting held on September 8 , 1997 , as the official minutes for the said meeting . AMENDMENTS : Page 8 - Delete Paragraph 10 : Councilwoman Grigorov - A sales tax return is either mailed or delivered to the City. Page 15 , Paragraph 9 , Change To : Councilman Wolff - What if someone living there has their income go up? Page 17 , Last Paragraph , Change To : Councilwoman Russell - What does the market study mean ? Does the study say that these units could be filled by drawing families out of other units within the target area? The study is not projecting that the population is going up, . . . . . Page 18 , Paragraph 3 , Change To : Supervisor Valentino - There is no sense sending this proposal to the Planning Board if the Town Board is not interested in rezoning it . Page 18 , Paragraph 11 , Change To : Ms . Fennessey - It may be that other housing units would need to lose tenants to fill this . Page 22 , Paragraph 6 , Change To : Councilwoman Grigorov - The delay is that the architect did not tell them . A letter should be written clarifying whatever may be wrong . t TB Mtg, 10/2/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (a) Resolution No. 177 Page 2 . t MOVED: Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: October 2 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i 'E s I i I OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING Thursday, October 2 , 1997 5 : 30 p . m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order . 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . 5 : 30 P.M . = PRESENTATION : Town of Ithaca Town Justices 4 . Reports of Town Officials : a . Highway Superintendent . b . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . C , Director of Engineering . d . Director of Planning . e . Director of Building/Zoning . f. Human Resources . g . Financial Report . 5 . Report of Town Committees . 6 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 7 . Report of Fire Commissioner. 88 6 : 00 p. m . = PERSONS TO BE HEARD . 9 . Review of . Correspondence : a . Tim Joseph , Tompkins County Board of Representatives . b . Shary J . Zifchock, Commissioner of Elections . c. Maurice A. Dusky, Director Ellis Hollow Road Apartments . d . Karl L. Mount , Vice President , Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca . TB Mtg , 10/2/97 Agenda Page 2 . 10. Presentation of the 1998 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (SCLIWC ) Tentative Budget . 11 . Set date for Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the 1997 SCLIWC Budget . 12 . Consider approval of Elected Officials Salaries for 1998 . 13 . Consider approval of employee salaries .for 1998 . 14 . Consider resolution authorizing increase in compensation to the Coddington Road Community Center for use of facilities for 1998 . 15 . Presentation of the 1998 Town of Ithaca Tentative Budget . 16 . Set date for Public Hearings to consider the 1998 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts , 17 . Set date of Public Hearing date to consider a decrease in the Water Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 186 Set date of Public Hearing date to consider a decrease in the Sewer Benefit Assessment Levy for 1998 . 199 Set date of Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the 1998 Town of Ithaca Budget . 20 , Consider 1997 Budget Transfers . a . NYS Retirement System . b . Highway Fund = Forest Home Drive Bridge Work . c. Planning Reserve Grant Development and Improvement . d . Kendal Settlement Funds . 21 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to advertise to receive bids for a project to perform maintenance on , and paint the Towns water storage tanks . 22 . Consider SEQR related to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission material storage building capital improvement . ME TB Mtg , 10/2/97 Agenda Page 3 . 23 . Consider approval of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission material storage building capital improvement . 24 . Discuss correspondence to the Village of Cayuga Heights related to the sewer line odor on East Shore Drive , 25 . Discuss draft Park , Recreation , and Open Space Plan and consider referral to the Planning Board . 26 . Consider participating in the City of Ithaca appeal of decision overturning Fire Protection Ordinance . 27 . Consider setting Public Hearing date to extend compliance date for retroactive requirement of Local Law No . 7, 1988 , " REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . 280 Consent Items: Consider resolutions approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Meeting Minutes = 9/8/97 . b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Records Management Disposition Listing . e . Authorization for attendance of Conservation Board members at Conference on the Environment , Port Jefferson , NY, October 17= 19 , 19974 f. Extension of employment , Temporary Planning Intern . 29. Discuss , time permitting , comments received related to the draft Zoning Ordinance revisions . 30. Consider ADJOURNMENT. Agenda Item 4 a HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ' S MONTHLY REPORT, SEPTEMBER 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, OCTOBER 2 , 1997 Please note that the following report included hours for projects worked on between September 1 and September 24 , 1997 . Again this month we have had relatively little rain so the Highway crews have been able to work 488 . 5 hours of time on Permanent Improvement projects . Of this total, 43 hours were spent putting in catch basins on Snyder Hill Road . Also, 268 . 5 hours of the 488 . 5 hours were spent on Coy Glen Road installing underground drainage . So far, 360 feet of pipe has been installed along with 2 catch basins . Other projects worked on include paving the Highway Facility 's parking lot, cleaning ditches , patching roads, and hauling gravel from the Inlet . These projects consumed 901 . 5 hours of time . Machinery repairs and maintenance used 270 hours this month. Water and sewer projects consumed 144 hours of time. Projects include installing water service at 348 Coddington Road, fall protection on water tanks , clean up at water break sites , repairs to sewer pump stations, etc . Highway crews worked 105 hours of time putting in underground drainage on East Ithaca Recreation Way, Other Parks projects include paving the Basketball Court at Eastern Heights Park. This took 49 hours . Still remaining to be done is installation of the two goal posts, stripping, benches, establishing lawn around the blacktop , and installation of cyclone fence around part of the court to keep balls from rolling down the bank . Park and trail mowing is winding down for the season, requiring only 70 hours for the month . All eight play structures were inspected, repairs and upgrades made, and we began applying sealer to touch-up weathered wood. A total of 199 hours were spent on this maintenance. Several Fall plantings were done for water jobs and we planted a non-mowable bank above the site of our basketball court at Eastern Heights Park. These plantings took 66 hours. Various routine maintenance tasks , totaling 246 hours, completed Park's work effort for September. Agenda Item 4 a October Projects : 1 . Two separate safety trainings (defensive driving and OSHA safety training) . 2 . Brush pick-up starting October 14 . 3 , Finish Coy Glen underground drainage . 4. Completion of the basketball court . 5 . Final park and trail mowing, along with T-mains and sewer easements . 6. Leaf removal in parks and trails . 7 . Plantings at Forest Home Walkway. Also topdress the walkway with stone dust. 8 . Realignment of Winner' s Circle Trail, 9 . Tree removal and trimming at water tanks . 10 . Put down shoulders 11 . Various ditching. 12 . Prepare for winter operations . ghk Agenda Item No , 4(b) Town Clerk Monthly Report Presented : Town Board Meeting = October 2 , 1997 Town Clerk : Several downtown business owners attended a meeting with Ed Gatch , Postmaster/Ithaca and Tim Bohen , US Postal Service Customer Service Representative on September 12 , 1997 . The group had a tour of the Warren Road Post Office and then they convened to discuss the mail service time change . An explanation of the steps that were used to make the change to the Seneca Street route was made . The two main reasons cited by Mr. Gatch for the change were 1 ) the new route does not require overtime thus saving the PO money and 2) there are more businesses in the West End than there are in the Central Business District. On September 15 , 1 spoke to Mr. Bohen to thank him for attending the meeting and to apologize for my having been unable to attend . We discussed the route change and he explained that they were looking at all possible options to deliver mail in a more timely manner. They responded to the meetings conclusions by starting the carrier 'h hour earlier, and curtailing some non preferential mail to get the carrier on the street earlier. They are also inspecting the route to see if some additional changes will be beneficial . Since these changes have been made our mail has been delivered a few hours earlier each day. We are very pleased with the results of the communications with Mr. Bohen and Mr. Gatch . Contact was made with agencies the Town has yearly contractual agreements with for youth services , animal control services , and historical services to receive their funding requests for 1998 . Their reports and requests will be provided to the Town Board at the November meeting . The Deputy Town Clerk's did an excellent job in researching the minutes and contracts for information about the lighting districts . The research is necessary so that we can determine what entities the Town should be receiving payments from for their portion of the lighting charges . During the month of October further review will be made and catalogued . Upon this review, the information will be provided to the Budget Officer for any necessary amendments to the 1998 Budget , and to the Attorney for the Town to begin any applicable revisions to the contracts . TC Monthly Report - 10/2/97 Page 2 . Receiver of Taxes : On September 10 , Betty Poole , Deputy Clerk and I attended a meeting of the Town and Village Clerks , and some County personnel to discuss the 1998 Tax Collection process . Mr. Steve Whicher, (Assessment office) explained the implementation plan for the STAR (School Tax Relief Program ) . There are two programs under STAR . The enhanced program is available for property owners who are over 65 , reside in their own homes , and make less than $60 , 00 . All applications for the enhanced program must be made annually. Property owners who qualify for the current aged exemption program will automatically qualify for the enhanced STAR program . The enhanced program will be phased in over four years beginning with the 1998 school tax. In 1998 , the value of the exemption will be $ 12 , 500 ; in 1999 , $25 , 000 ; in 2000 , $37, 500; and $50, 000 in 2001 . Applications for 1998 must be received in the Assessment Department prior to March 1 , 19980 For all other taxpayers , the basic STAR program will be available for the primary, owner occupied residence . The basic program will require a one-time application (with no income limitation ) , and will be phased in over three years beginning with the 1999 school tax. In 1999, the exemption will be $ 10 , 000 ; in the year 2000 , $20 , 000 ; and in the year 2001 , it will be $30 , 000 . (See attached brochure . ) During the meeting several items were discussed and agreed upon , including : 1 . Changes to the tax bill format . 2 . The Post Office will continue to put on the "sticker" when there is a change in a mailing address , and the Receivers will forward the address change to Assessment . 3 . Information received from escrow agents (First American and TransAmerica) are not consistent - bills can come back with payments as a memo bill , original bill , or computer printout . The Receivers asked that these agents be consistent in their format. A meeting is to be set up with representatives of these companies to review these issues . 4 . Tax bill numbers are the same for the tax roll order and bill order sort . Assessment is working on the possibility of a one line cross reference for tax rolls and bill . ( i . e. , sort by owner-alpha , street order, parcel , bill number) 5 . The Supervisor or Mayor of each municipality needs to sign off on the levy amount . The sign off sheet should contain the words "These amounts are subject to change based on Real Property Tax Law. . . . A letter of explanation will be sent if there is a change in the "signed-off" amounts . Assessment needs the worksheets by 12/1 /979 TC Monthly Report " 10/2/97 Page 3 . 6 . Each municipality will receive and review copies of the bills before the final bills are printed . As long as there is not an increase in the charges to the individual municipalities , there is interest in having "tabbed" bills (bills would be delivered ready for mailing) . 7 . Every few years , Assessment will need to purchase new equipment and software which is used exclusively for tax bills . Example , the cost of the "tabber" will be amortized over five years as a charge to the municipality. 8 . The cost for producing the tax bills is $0 . 25/bill (only the City pays $0. 50 because they require 2 separate installment bills) . The County pays for the hardware and labor. Installment surcharge is the County loss of the time value of money. 9 . When the final tax roll is delivered next July , each municipality will also receive a CD containing the new Taxpayer interface program (for FREE) . TownsNillages will need to have computers with a CD- ROM in it . 10. The tax collection software will be changed this year to the product by Williamson Law Book, Co . The program will be delivered in October with training provided in November. There will be a one time charge for installation and training (the County will pay for the license) . The program will be rewritten for any change in the tax bill format . We have asked that there also be a program adjustment to eliminate duplicate labels for mailing (when the same person owns more that one parcel) . Records Management : We have received the Grant Application and Reference Materials from the University of the State of New York Education Department . Work will be begin on the grant application for the construction of the Records Management Center in the new Town Hall immediately. Respectfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Records Management Officer Town Engineer ' s Report for 10/2/97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Construction activity has caused some filling of road ditches and the Town Engineer will work with Highway Superintendent to ensure that the developer cleans the ditches prior to completion of mass site earthwork. Monitoring of drainage and sediment control measures continues . Ithaca College Construction of the J-lot improvements is nearing completion and sediment and erosion control measures are being n1O ►l ► torcd . Constr=6011 Of the I ISI 11' and the Music Center building improvements continue to be monitored for stornlwater management impacts. Ithacare Court Street Companies , the General Contractor, has continued with site construction. The transition from Phase I to Phase II erosion and sediment control improvements is under way as the mass earth work is nearing completion and the site drainage improvements are being installed. The water main boring under Danby Road was started September 24 . The Contractor has been very cooperative and is working to minimize drainage problems and keep dust under control . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive, Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been primarily stockpiling of material from road base excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project. The site has capacity remaining and will be used for stockpiling and disposal of material dredged from the flood control channel under the Corps of Engineer' s rehabilitation project. Ithaca Vol . Vets, Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the Planning Board on October 29, 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed. The Town Engineer is monitoring the project. The bulk of fill is in place with more select fill to be placed for final top and grading. Final grading of the site should be completed by the end of October. TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 10 / 2 / 97 PAGE 2 FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL REHABILITATION PROJECT Phase II of the Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel rehabilitation project is underway under a Corps of Engineers Contract with Ludtke Engineering . The project consists of removing an average of approximately 6 feet of sediment from the channel between the Fish ladder and the State Street Bridge. The contractor is excavating in the channel with a barge mounted crane with a clamshell bucket . The material is being loaded into barges and then transferred from the barges to trucks by a second crane . Excavated material is being transported to the Lower Treman Park for use as fill and topsoil for a planned day use area ad_illCCnt to the new entrance road . I Ile contractor is using the existing active fill site on Five Mile Drive as a dewatering site and disposal site for excess excavated material up to the limits of the current fill permit. The site has been prepared for use as a dewatering and storage site with the construction of a temporary earth dike . The project schedule for the cleaning is fairly aggressive with a 24 hr, 3 shift work plan, to allow project substantial completion by the end of November. WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on the engineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area. The Buttermilk Falls Road Water Main replacement has been awarded and a Notice to Proceed will be issued after construction contract documents have been executed . The anticipated start of construction will be the week of October 14 . SEWER The Buttermilk Falls Road Sewer extension has been awarded and a Notice to Proceed will be issued after construction contract documents have been executed . The anticipated start of construction will be the week of October 14 . TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 10 / 2 / 97 PAGE 3 STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation is continuing . Base maps were developed utilizing the digital planimetric map, and field survey work has been substantially completed due to the efforts of the two field crews made up of the Assistant Town Engineer and five student interns . Processing of the field data and development of the watershed model for the Northeast Ithaca area is underway . The model will result in recommendations IOC drainage improvements that will be incorporated into the 1998 work plan . A preliminary evaluation of the data and watershed analysis indicates that infrastructure improvements for stormwater management will be primarily capacity improvements for the existing road drainage system. Some stormwater detention may be recommended prior to additional development of the area. The Town Engineer is evaluating the large undeveloped parcels in the area for potential stormwater management facility sites. Prior to finalization of a stormwater management plan of work for the Northeast area, the draft plans will be reviewed by the Town Board and the public will have an opportunity to review the plan. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and snake comments at a public meeting to be scheduled . C.I RPTS ENGR I ERPT 9709.REP Agenda Item #4d Planning Director's Report for October 2 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board . Welch 2 Lot Subdivision, 427 Warren Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the September 2, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of 1 .5 + / - acres into two lots, 0. 96 + / - acres and 0 .52 + / - acres in size respectively, Residence District R- 15 . Cornell University Central Heating Plant Addition, Dryden Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval at the September 2, 1997 meeting for the proposed construction of an addition approximately 36 ft. X 36 ft. in area and 66 feet high, at the southeast corner of the Cornell University Heating Plant, to house equipment to reduce exhaust stack particulate emissions, located on the south side of Dryden Road, LI Light Industrial District. Hospicare Site Plan Modifications, 172 East King Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval at the September 2, 1997 meeting for the proposed modification of parking facilities and entrance drive, site lighting, paths, and landscaping at the existing Hospicare facility, located at 172 East King Road, Residence District R-30 . Walker Subdivision, Coddington Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the September 16, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of 113 + / - acres into three lots, 16. 6 + / - acres, 39.5 + / - acres, and 56.64 + / - acres in size respectively, with the 16 .6 acre parcel to be conveyed to the City of Ithaca for consolidation with its adjacent watershed lands, located on the north side of Coddington Road approximately 1 ,300 feet east of Updike Road, Residence District R-30 and CD Conservation District. Babcock / Lick Brook Subdivision, NYS Rte. 13 / 34 / 96 The Planning Board granted Preliminary Subdivision Approval at the September 16, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of 63 . 22 + / - acres into two lots, 26.81 + / - acres and 36 .41 + / - acres in size respectively, with the 26 .81 + / - acre parcel to be conveyed to Cornell University as a Natural Area, LI Light Industrial District and R-30 Residence District. Modification of Condition, Balcolm / Pearson Two-lot Subdivision, 1035 Hanshaw Road The Planning approved a modification of a condition at the September 16, 1997 . meeting for the previously approved Balcolm / Pearson Subdivision, to extend the requirement for consolidation of one of the lots with that of an adjacent landowner for an additional one year . Mecklenburg Heights Sketch Plan, Mecklenburg Road The Planning Board considered a sketch plan for the proposed development of 56 apartment units in seven buildings on a 9 . 12 + / - acre site on Mecklenburg Road adjacent to the Town of Ithaca /City of Ithaca boundary, R-15 Residence District. The request for rezoning of the proposed housing site was referred to the Planning Board by the Town Board for a recommendation. CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROJECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . SEOR Reviews for Zoning Board : One additional SEQR review for the Zoning Board was completed . This was a follow-up SEQR review of the Cornell University Central Heating Plant addition that had been reviewed by the Planning Board (described above) . Codes and Ordinances Committee: The Committee met on September 17, 1997 and began a review of comments regarding the draft revised Zoning Ordinance sections that had been submitted by various boards and committees . In addition there was a general discussion on whether portions of the revised Zoning Ordinance could be strengthened to address recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, whether more specific guidelines might be added to the Site Plan Approval section to better control impacts on sensitive environmental features . It was agreed that the next meeting agenda, scheduled for October 15, 1997, would include the following. additional discussion of comments received on the revised Zoning sections, a further revised Agricultural Zone, the overall process for Zoning map revisions, the possible �� 2 addition of a new Lakeshore Residential Zone, and a further revised section ..on Site Plan Approval . In addition, if time permits, Agenda Item No . 29 for the October 2, 1997 Town Board meeting will further address comments received on the draft Zoning Ordinance revisions and the overall process related to the completion of the draft Zoning Ordinance revisions . Planning Committee : The Planning Committee met on September 15, 1997, and discussed recommendations on proposed, revised agricultural zoning measures. A draft concept outline was prepared and forwarded to Codes and Ordinances . The Planning Committee agreed to draft a more specific proposed Agricultural Zone, using the concepts that had been agreed upon and a model zoning provision from the book, Holding Our Ground : Protecting America's Farms and Farmland . The Committee also discussed the overall draft revised Zoning sections that had been circulated for review . There was discussion regarding whether the Zoning revisions adequately addressed recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan . In addition, specific comments focused on (1 ) the suggestion that residential use should be allowed in commercial zones to encourage a mix of uses, and (2) a suggestion that the concept of "target areas" for commercial zones being shown on the Zoning map be dropped because this would require the same level of analysis that the actual rezoning to commercial would entail, but an applicant would still have to go through the entire rezoning process anyway. The next Planning Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 22, 1997. Town of Ithaca - Cornell University Transportation Committee : The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for Monday, October 6, 1997. The agenda will include follow-up discussions on possible Caldwell Road improvements, Maple Avenue improvements (including possible paved shoulders for bicyclists and pedestrians), and a report on road width of Pine Tree Road (formerly Judd Falls Road) . Northeast Subarea Study: The Client Committee met on September 12, 1997 to discuss the next steps for getting the study underway in the fall . Supervisor Valentino was elected to chair the Client Committee . Contract details are being worked out with the selected consultants (Community Dispute Resolution Center for the public participation elements; Creighton Manning for the technical aspects) . The next important step is to identify potential stakeholders who might be appropriate to serve on the study Working Group. A "kickoff" meeting that would include the Client Committee and consultants is tentatively scheduled for October 17, 1997. Draft Park , Recreation and Open Space Plan : Staff has compiled all of the comments received during the summer on the Draft Plan, including summaries of the public information meetings held this summer. [Those comments are provided in the Town Board packet under Agenda Item No . 25. 1 The Town Board will be asked at the October 2nd meeting to formally refer the Draft Plan to the Planning Board for a ._ 3 recommendation, and a Public Hearing has tentatively been scheduled (pending Town Board referral) for the October 7th Planning Board meeting. Planning staff will be preparing an environmental assessment of the Draft Plan, pursuant to SEQR, and anticipates that a Public Hearing could be scheduled in December for Town Board consideration of adoption of the Plan . [There can be further discussion of this under Agenda Item No . 25 at the October 2nd meeting. ] Newsletter: By the time this report is distributed, the Fall Newsletter will have been completed, printed and mailed . Planning staff coordinated the preparation of the Newsletter, and appreciates the cooperation of all who contributed to its preparation . A new mailing list was created, utilizing, in part, the GIS tax parcel database . Recruitment for Vacant Planner Position : The Planner position has been advertised and posted as an entry level planning position . After receiving and reviewing numerous resumes, approximately eight- candidates have been asked to come in for interviews, scheduled to be completed by October 3rd . Hopefully, the position will be offered to one of the candidates soon after that, which will be subject to the Town Board' s approval possibly at the November 6th meeting. [Note: The second Planner position will be vacated as of October 17, 1997, with the announced resignation of Geri Tierney. That vacancy will be advertised soon. We are proposing to reclassify that position as "Environmental Planner. " This will be discussed with the Town Board at a future time. ] American Planning Association Upstate Chapter Conference Owego, N .Y. : Several Planning staff attended this excellent local planning conference on Sustainable Communities in Owego, N .Y. The conference was co-sponsored with the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Upper Susquehanna Coalition . Program themes focused on transportation and watershed planning. Specific sessions attended included topics such as: wireless communications, farmland protection / forested stream buffers, site development examples (Carousel Pavilion Outlet Mall in Johnston City), the New York City watershed protection program, wetlands regulations / threatened and endangered species, downtown strategies, traffic calming, transit issues, and storm water runoff protection. Program handouts are available in the Planning Department for those who would like to review them. Filename: 17p1an\ townbd \ tpre1097.mem 4 i # 4 ( TOWN OF ITHACA Aapnda REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1997 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR it OF PERMITS AMOUNT 4 AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1997 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1997 2 183 .000 12 1 .246. 165 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 4 376,000 1997 2 294 ,000 8 1 .222.000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1996 1 140,000 18 2.634.930 1997 2 10.772 14 85 ,230 RENOVATIONS 1996 1 3 .320 14 249.058 1997 1 500 3 6,000 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1996 0 0 3 30.785 1 '997 3 78,806 15 733 .313 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1996 3 137,200 14 487,088 1997 1 1 .000 4 87456.000 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 8 177,200 BUSINESS 1996 0 0 12 723 ,002 1997 0 0 0 0 AGRICULTURAL 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1996 0 0 1 20,000 1997 2 12,350,000 8 15 ,5889109 EDUCATIONAL 1996 0 0 13 8,521 ,720 2 Inground swimming pools 30.000 1 Add full building fire alarm 4,500 I Extend natural gas piping for clothes dryer 60 1 Gazebo and decks 49000 l 10' x 12' storage building 650 1 Finish cellar space 10.000 MISCELLANEOUS 1997 7 49.210 39 996, 148 CONSTRUCTION 1996 6 42.800 26 5639524 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 20 12,967,288 111 28,510, 165 PERMITS ISSUED 1996 11 323 .320 105 13,606, 107 TOTAL FEES 1997 20 6,505 111 219350 RECEIVED 1996 11 785 105 21 ,085 Date Prepared: October 1 , 1997 Dani L. Holford Building/zoning Department Secretary - 2 - TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 13 L 117 East King Road ( Montessori School ) - conversion ofsingle-tamily dwelling into a school building. 2. 210 Forest Home Drive - remodel kitchen and add 126 square foot new space. 3 . 135 Ridgecrest Road - new roof on family room. 4. 614 Coddington Road - extend natural gas piping for clothes dryer. 5. 1415 Trumansburg Road - (existing) carport to habitable space conversion. 6. 110 Woolf Lane - new single-family dwelling. 7. 10 Fairway Drive - 10' x 12' storage shed. 8 . Pine Tree Road (East Hill Plaza) - 233 square foot storage building. 9. 1113 East Shore Drive - new single-family dwelling. 10. 14 Lisa Lane - 430 square foot building addition. 11 . 112 Pinewood Place - renovate existing bathroom . 12. 337 Stone Quarry Road - renovate space to add office and bathroom. 13 . 239 Coddington Road - add fourth dwelling unit to existing building. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 135 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 105 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 5 1 . 142 Indian Creek Road - building code - no violation found. 2 . 938 East Shore Drive - property maintenance - abated. 3 . 119 Woolf Lane - building code - pending. 4. 700 block Elmira Road - zoning violation - abated. 5 . 122 Haller Boulevard - property maintenance - no violation found. From August 1997 : 3 . 19 John Street - property maintenance - abated. 4. 237 Troy Road - building code - pending. From July 1997: 1 . 527 Warren Road - occupancy - pending. From MU 1995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994 : L 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/ 19/96 - variance granted - pending compliance with fire alarn TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 42 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 62 . 3 . TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH . 81 Uniform Building Code - 59 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 18 Fire Safety - 3 ( l school, 2 businesses) Fire Safety'Reinspections - 0 Fire/Emergency Occurrences - 1 ( IC dorm [electrical]) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR 1.0 DATE, 1997 - 810 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 815 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 2 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, , 1996 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I MEETING, 3 CASES, AGENDA ATTACHED I TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FINAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 10, 1997 7 : 00 P. M . By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, September 10, 1997, in Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, ( FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N . Y . , COMMENCING AT 7 : 00 P . M . , on the following matters: APPEAL of William L. Hildreth , Appellant, requesting variances from Article V, Section 20 and 21 of the Town of Ithaca o Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain a storage building/garage within the required front yard and within 6 feet of a side lot line at 1415 Trumansburg Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-2- 1 . 1 , Residence District R-30 . Storage buildings o are required to be located in rear yards only. Garages, when located in the front yard, must be located at least 30 feet back from the road right-of-way line, and must be at least 15 feet from a side lot line. R APPEAL of Cornell University, Appellant, Hugh Bahar, Agent, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article VII [ , o Section 44 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain an industrial building with a height of 66 ± V feet (25 feet height limitation ), at the Cornell Central Heating Plant on Dryden Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63 - 1 - 0 8 . 17 -8 . 2, Light Industrial District . PAPPEAL of Evan Monkemeyer, Appellant, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII , n Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to add a fourth dwelling unit to an existing multiple dwelling located at 1060 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 39- 1 - 15 .2 , Business District C . Said building is nonconforming since residential uses are not permitted in business zones. Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 : 00 p. m . , and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person . Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request . Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: September 3 , 1997 Publish : September 5 , 1997 I " `z A a z a a o r W z W 90 V: to C N J IJ ON O W 1+ 00 rz n O O O O O C O O O O O w � y y o o °c ° c o 0 0 00 C7% p 7 c (A 0 0 o b c o 0 0 0 0 �f 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O 0 CA *M M� °-4° J J O O cn *3 O O J O O O O c.n w O O O O w O O O O CA .tn — > 00 m A "j l"7 •oo t � O Vo 00 P Vt 00 00 -O no � O � 00 N O Vj 00 N O J 00 J ./Mai T O J O O O O O O O Lt N O �. � 1 4 o Z °o n v NA wn NA o o v o Z n o 0 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C o 0 0 0 0 oil z 0 o 00 a n -3 J (T1 N O O O ut J O O O O u, O O r ,� 7 O O O O O O O O O V1 oil O p oz mi O O VJ O y O O Vi C O u, O O O O O O Z G O O O O O O O O O Z O O O O C O O O O O O CN O O mi � y N _ n O N W fd x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W y J ON w IJ J W y A L oc to C W 00 J to J W .P W W 00 N �O J o N 00 N O Vl J �O l.n C C O C w C O U N :Imp CD CD % F' 1� TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273- 1721 HIGHWAY 273- 1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273- 1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 10/02/97 AGENDA ITEM NO . 4 (F) HUMAN RESOURCES MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1997 Personnel Issues : In September I advertised for the Planner position in the Ithaca Journal , Ithaca Times , Syracuse Herald , APA Job On -line web site , SUNY colleges job opportunity web site , and with Cornell University ' s Career Placement Office . Jonathan Kanter and I have reviewed all the resumes/applications received and have scheduled interviews . The selection committee for the Planner position consisting of Jonathan Kanter , George Frantz and myself , will be interviewing 8 candidates for this position in the last week of September . Geraldine Tierney has also officially turned in her letter of resignation effective as of October 17 , 1997 . 1 will be sorry to see Geri leave , but am happy for her for setting out and achieving her goals . I will begin to more officially advertise for this open position in the beginning of October . The selection committee would like to fill the Planner position first . During a meeting with Supervisor Valentino and Jonathan Kanter , I suggested that now would be the best time to determine whether the Town should reclassify the Planner II position . The job title and description from the County that the three of us determined would best described the duties that were performed by JoAnn Cornish -Epps is the Environmental Planner title and job description . Therefore , I will be advertising for this position in October . Due to two meetings held with the staff that are expected to answer incoming phone calls for the different departments , I formally wrote up policies and procedures for phone and office coverage . Supervisor Valentino , Department Heads and I all feel that there should be no need for further meetings on this subject with the staff. Personnel Committee : There was not a personnel committee meeting held in September. September 5 , 1997 every employee signed for and received a copy of the Personnel Manual . The consensus from the employees was that they were happy with the way the manual was printed . They were also happy to have it completed and available to them . Each department has a notebook version available to the employees in larger print. Deferred Compensation : I have received in the mail a copy of the effective October 1 , 1997 revised State Model Plan . Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code was amended by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 that requires all eligible deferred compensation plans , by January 1 , 1999 , provide that all amounts deferred and the income thereon be held in trust for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries . The previous version the Plan provided that all amounts deferred remained the sole property of the employer , and subject to the claims of the employer's general creditors , until they are paid out. With this change , employees will look more favorably at participating in this opportunity the Town provides . Payroll : On September 5 , 1997 1 had a meeting with a sales representative from ADP , a payroll processing company . This meeting was held basically to give me an idea of what they offered for future reference . I explained that presently the Town and I was happy with the in -house program and was not looking to make any changes . Seminars/Training : I attended a morning session held by the Human Resources Association of Tompkins County on "Avoiding Discrimination when Hiring " . This session was presented by John Peterson the Regional Director of the New York State Division of Human Rights . He made a lot of very valuable points about applications . He also told me that even though we require a valid driver's license for some positions we can not check the driver's license until we have formally made an offer of employment . However , we can make the offer contingent on the person having a valid driver's license . Workers' Compensation : Fred Noteboom and I met to review the Lovell Safety Management Safety and Loss Prevention Consultation and Evaluation . We have discussed and have submitted to Supervisor Valentino our recommended changes . On September 22 , 1997 Ed Czyz , from State Insurance Fund came in to audit our gross salaries for the 7/1 /98- 7/ 1 /99 billing . Sheetl TOWN OF ITHACA ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS NYS EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 1997 FUND ACCOUNT ALLOCATED BUDGETED OVER CODE 1997 1997 (UNDER) PAYMENTS PAYMENTS BUDGET GENERAL TOWNWIDE A90100800 229729400 17,623.00 (5,106.00) GENERAL PART-TOWN 89010.800 20,929,00 12,568X0 (89363.00) HIGHWAY DB90104800 19,478.00 14,446.00 (5103200) WATER F90100800 10685.00 1 ,051 .00 (634.00) SEWER G90100800 1 ,685000 1 ,051 .00 (634.00) TOTAL TOWN PORTION $ 669506.00 $ 46,737.00 $ (19,769.00) BOLTON POINT SW90100800 27,024.00 TOTAL 1997 LIABILITY $ 93,530.00 DUE 12/15197 Page 1 Sheet2 TOWN OF ITHACA ESTIMATED INTEREST SAVINGS PAYDOWN OF TOTAL AMORTIZED BALANCE YEAR ANNUAL YEARLY ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL CURRENT PAYDOWN PAYDOWN INTEREST INTEREST PAYMENT RATE I RATE PAYMENT 1997 61 , 837 . 00 0. 179 11 , 068. 82 0.0875 51410.74 1998 50,768. 18 0. 179 91087. 50 0. 0875 41442.22 1999 419680.67 0. 179 71460. 84 0. 0875 32647. 06 2000 34,219.83 0. 179 62125.35 0.0875 29994.24 2001 281094.48 0. 179 5, 028. 91 0. 0875 21458.27 2002 23, 065. 57 0. 179 4, 128. 74 0. 0875 21018.24 2003 181936. 83 0. 179 3, 389. 69 0.0875 11656.97 2004 15, 547. 14 0. 179 21782 .94 0. 0875 11360. 37 2005 12, 764.20 0. 179 21284. 79 0.0875 12116.87 2006 10,479. 41 10,479.41 0. 0875 916. 95 $ 61 , 837 .00 ACCUMULATED INTEREST $26, 021 . 92 ADJUSTED '97 INTEREST DUE TO EARLY PAYDOWN 11545. 93 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST SAVINGS $241475.99 2007 0 0. 179 0 2008 0 0. 179 0 2009 0 0. 179 0 2010 0 0. 179 0 2011 0 0. 179 0 2012 0 0. 179 0 2013 0 0. 179 0 Page 2 Sheet2 2014 0 0. 179 0 2015 0 0. 179 0 2016 0 0. 179 0 2017 0 0. 179 0 2018 0 0. 179 0 2019 0 0. 179 0 2020 0 0. 179 0 Page 3 Sheet3 TOWN OF ITHACA BUDGET TRANSFER PROVIDED ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR PAYDOWN OF THE OUTSTANDING AMORTIZED PORTION OF THE TOWN'S ANNUAL NYS EMPLOYEES' PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS 1997 WHEREAS: THE TOWN HAS RECEIVED THE 1997 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL NYS EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT BILLING. THIS BILLING INCLUDES CURRENT CHARGES OF $31 , 693 AND $61 , 837 OF THE UNPAID AMORTIZED PORTION OF PRIOR PERIOD CONTRIBUTIONS. WHEREAS: THE CURRENT PORTION OF THIS BILLING IS DUE 12/15/97. THE REMAINING PORTION CONTINUES TO BE AMORTIZED ANNUALLY WITHIN THE CURRENT PORTION OF ACH YEARS COST AT AN INTEREST RATE OF 8.75% WHEREAS: THE ATTACHED SUPPORTING IS A PICTORIAL OF THE TOTAL INTEREST COSTS THAT THE TOWN WILL CONTINUE OVER THE REMAINING PAYDOWN PERIOD. THE ILLUSTRATION ALSO PROVIDES TOTAL SAVINGS RESULTING FROM EARLY PAYOUT OF THE PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $61 , 837 . WHEREAS: IN VIEW OF THE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS TO BE REALIZED AND THAT THE TOWN'S IS FINANCIALLY ABLE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE 1997 BUDGET, THE FOLLOWING BUDGET TRANSFERS ARE RECOMMENDED: FROM: A599 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 51106. 00 TO: A9010. 800 RETIREMENT 51106. 00 FROM: 8599 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 80363. 00 TO : B9010. 800 RETIREMENT 81363.00 FROM: DB599 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 5, 032.00 TO: D139010. 800 RETIREMENT 51032.00 FROM: F599 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 634. 00 TO: F9010. 800 RETIREMENT 634.00 FROM: G599 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE 634.00 TO : G9010. 800 RETIREMENT 634.00 WHEREAS: THIS GOVERNING BOARD HAS DETERMINED IT BE FINANCIALLY PRUDENT FOR THE TOWN AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO PAYOFF IN FULL THE REMAANING PORTION OF RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS DUE Page 4 Sheet3 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT THIS BOARD APPROVES THE REQUIRED TRANSFER FOR ADDITONAL FUNDING IN THE 1997 BUDGET. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT THE CHIEF FISCAL OFFICER IS DIRECT AND AUTHORIZED TO RECORD SAID TRANSFERS TO THE ACCOUNTING RECORDS OF THE TOWN. Page 5 Civil Service : Supervisor Valentino and I have been tiwurking with the Tompkins County Personnel Department on the classification of 1.he Director of Planning and Engineering for several months . At the present time we have exhausted our efforts at the! County level and are moving towards informing our regional representative from the State Civil Service Division of our attempts to petition the State Civil Service Commission for non-competitive classification . We are in hopes there is some way our regional representative can help us with this process . Human Resources Office : As you may know it is once again time for the United Way fund raising drive . Supervisor Valentino , Joy Daley and myself will be working on this years drive for the Town . Included with the next pay checks will be contribution cards and a letter from Supervisor and I asking employees to donate . I performed the everyday needs of the office including processing payroll , working with liability insurance for the Town , Workers ' Compensation claims , records management and being a liaison with County Personnel . I also responded to requests of the Town employees/Department Heads , Bolton Points employees and Supervisor Valentino . Respectfully Submitted By : Judith C . 6nr,oRLOe Human Resources ..Specialist/Manager Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca July 31 , 1997 Ms . Catherine Valentino Supervisor Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca Ithaca , NY 14850 RE : Town of Ithaca Park , Recreation and Open Space Plan Dear Ms . Valentino , I appl:eciated the opportunity to meet with Town Planner , George Frantz to discuss in more detail the above plan and the implications on our patients and services . George suggested we put our conclusion in writing to you : 1 . The Bicycle /walkway around the hospital would be of great concern because the hospital grounds are an integrated part of the healing atmosphere . Patients are wheeled out to these areas , usually by family or with staff , for a breath of fresh air on stretchers , in wheelchairs , walking and often with support equipment . Patients often take to our paths and gardens to think and contemplate their situations with family or close friends . This is the great recuperative benefit of our serene , beautiful setting . It is our suggestion that the northern half of the conservation zone be deleted . Our suggestion is to use the Paleontological Research Institute , Black Diamond Trail ( on our Property ) and Indian Creek Road , or our old road from the former steam plant to our newer one to bypass most of patient and high traffic areas . 2 . Also of great importance is the safety of not only our patients , visitors , staff and the county staff but our public on bicycles and walking . Every day Dates Drive and our internal roads are full of delivery trucks , buses , Gadabout and ambulances . Additional significant traffic is also created by staff and clients of the Center , County and businesses on campus 3 . A third concern of equal importance to our community and patients is our continued ability to develop additional services on our campus . Since we have only one direction in which we can do this and it is east , we are concerned about the impact of restrictions resulting from a conservation zone . Our steam plant 101 Dates Drive Ithaca , New York 14850- 1383 607. 274 .4011 607. 274 . 4527 fax Affiliated with Cornell University M•ra;�,; u11atr . located in this area can potentially provide not only heat , but be a conduit for other utilities to the future facilities . There are already utility connections down to Route 89 . Route 89 may be an important community access for our future services . In addition there is a large flat area , in the northeast quadrant , parallel to the Black Diamond Trail and part of which the old steam plant was located . For these reasons these areas are prime for facilities , access and we do not believe meet the conservation criteria in the above plan . I would be pleased to meet again for discussion and/or to do a walking tour of the involved areas . C d Iy , � L . ounit� v i e President pc : George Frantz , Town Planner t Tompkins County 199T BOARD ' OF REPRESENTATIVES Courlhuusc Ithaca , N . Y . 148511 1 ' r September 1. 4, 1997 Dear Cathy , I talked to Bill M.obbs about the Warren Rd . Project . He repeated that the Town had decided not to pay for sidewalks. Without the sidewalks, the curbs and storm sewers are not necessary. The county is planning to repave the road, including paved shoulders, but without the other elements this is a normal repaving job and does not require a capital project. Please pass this on to Board members and relevant staff. Sincerely, Tim Joseph �t► two* Rec ycled paper TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Shary J. Zifchock 28' East Uufrttlo Sti•eetr+ Elizabeth W. Cree Ueuu►c -atic Commissioner 1th:ica, Neiv 'Yurk 14850 Republican Commissioner (607) 274-5522 (607) 274-5521 September 18 , 1997 Joan Noteboom , Town Clerk Town of Ithaca 126 E. Seneca St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Joan: We received this letter today from some concerned citizens from Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing regarding the change in their polling place. We are forwarding this letter to you for ati answer as we feel it is the Town of Ithaca that determines the polling places . We feel this is something that the Town of Ithaca should be made aware of. Xce , � Shary J . Zifchock Commissioners of Elections aRecycled paper The undersigned people do not want the polling place changed from Ellis Hollow Community enter to the Lutheran church on Honness Lane . Many of the undersigned have no transportation , thus would not be given the priviledge of voting in the elections . Please give us the reason for the change . l , Vv Lp ryes ,� �e Ellis Hollow Road Apartments j 1 ! � 1026 EUis ul x� Ma - ca, 1�`�sd,'' � ' � (607) 2734020 September 18 , 1997 t,` Mrs . Rosalinda Lamberty � . � , Director , Multifamily Housing U . S . Dept . of HUD = `. . 465 Main Street Buffalo , New York 14203 - 1780 Sub ] : Voting at Ellis Hollow Road Apartments Dear Mrs . Lamberty : We have received a request signed by thirty of our tenants concerning their voting at Ellis Hollow Road Apartments . Sixty - five tenants had no objection to voting at. the Lutheran church . We assume that a copy was sent to your office . As you know , most senior citizen housing complexes are not designated voting centers . In response we would like to state the facts and the reasons we reached this decision . We have been displeased with the public voting at Ellis Hollow from the very start . One of our major concerns had to do with the large number of autos coining and going in our parking area , which presented a hazard to everyone . The other had to do with the crowds of people in our front hall area rushing in and out . Both of these conditions posed a very high degree of risk for accidents and injury to occur on our property , putting us in jeopardy with our liability Insurance coverage . As you know in these cases , everyone gets sued . We surely do not need that type of trouble . In addition , our entry doors had to be opened at 5 : 30 AM in the morning and locked at 10 : 00 PM or later depending on late voters . Our office door also had to be open these hours to enable the Board of Election staff access to our phones . This subjected our office to the threat of theft of various office equipment , fax , copy machine , calculators , typewriter , computers , etc . by citizens coming in to vote late at night . The office entry door is not visible from the community room . There is also an exit door in the office to the outside which could be left .-unlocked by someone for later entry into ' the building . we have felt very uncomfortable with this situation for some time as it allows access to the entire building . Another problem is the extremely heavy voting machines . They damaged and crushed our carpeting and the floor tile coming in and going out , not to mention the dirt and debris brought in by the voting public which we must clean up . We were not compensated in any manner for any of these problems . Id The problem that brought this matter to a head was the fact that we were informed that the Board of Election pays others for the use of their facilities , but they have never offered Ellis Hollow any compensation . That is not fair . When we were out of town attending to the needs of an elderly aunt , a quarterly water and sewer bill for Ellis Hollow Road Apartments came due . I rushed down to pay it the next morning - a few hours late . Ellis Hollow was penalized approximately $ 500 for a late fee . Nothing was said of the free use the Town has had of our facility for approximately- 21 years . We feel that they have been totally unfair in this matter . The East Hill Plaza next door to us has had several empty store fronts available with abundant parking , which the Town or Board of Elections could have rented for the one day of voting . They appear to have chosen a Lutheran Church several blocks away . We are not delighted with their choice , the plaza would have been better and closer for our tenants , but the owners of the Plaza would have demanded compensation . The Town evidently feels that the church is centrally located and have made their choice . Several weeks ago Mrs . Betty Poole of the Town of Ithaca offices , called us about other matters and at that time we discussed the voting situation . I told her that it would be acceptable to resume voting at the Ellis Hollow Road Apartments and to please inform the other parties in her office . Apparently the Town or the Board of Elections had already decided to change the voting location to the Lutheran Church located at 149 Honness Lane . Because the Town has made this decision , we are more ' than happy to go along with it for all of the reasons stated above . w ' I am sorry that we have thin '- ., unhappy voters , but I am sure we can work it out with car pooling and rides offered from both the Democratic and Republican parties here in Ithaca . If the tenant is housebound and not able to leave their apartment readily , they are eligible to use the absentee voting ballot . If you have any questions , please call me . Yo s truly , • 7 Maurice A . Dusky Director CC : C . Valentino , Town Supervisor.',/ Board of Elections W . Dubrowsky , HUD