HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-09-08 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 8 , 1997 5 : 30 P. M. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York, held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York, there were present: PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Edward Conley, Councilman ; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; John Wolff, Councilman . ALSO PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning ; Judy Drake , Human Resource Specialist; Alfred Carvill , Budget Officer. OTHERS : Bob Romanowski , City of Ithaca Board of Fire Commissioners ; Matt Peterson , Ithaca Times; Becky Bilderback, Better Housing ; John H . Fennessey , Conifer Reality Corporation ; Tim Joseph , Tompkins County Board of Representatives . CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5 : 32 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . AGENDA ITEM NO . 6 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS : Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Commissioner - The Fire Commissioner's held budget meetings July 29 and August 25 , and the budget was submitted to the Mayor's office on August 7th . The Commissioner's insisted on a zero percent increase in the budget for the Fire Department, and possibly a four percent decreased budget. Things are tight in the City of Ithaca this year. Liel Nyes , a volunteer firefighter, attended the Arson Training School . He is a great asset to the fire service , and is an example of the type of people that the Town of Ithaca have to help in the investigations of fires . Eileen Abbey has been hired as an Administrative Assistant in the Financial Department at the Fire Department. This will relieve the Fire Chief from doing a lot of financial paperwork. The Resource Reallocation Review Committee ( RRRC) report includes certain items that are pertinent to the Town of Ithaca . Supervisor Valentino has a copy of this report. Station Six has come under a tremendous amount of scrutiny both for location , and access to other roads from the fire station . A general feeling of unease from people in the area is that the City wants to close Station Six even though it is new, because it is in the wrong place . Station Six is not going to close in the foreseeable future unless other arrangements are made . There are no immediate plans to close Station Six. The Station is opened on a part-time basis now. This is something that the Town of Ithaca has to work out with the City because of contract negotiations . The AmeriCorp Program , Federal government funding has not been approved for this year. This means funding is not there for the people who came in under the Bunker Program . The problem is with the International Association of Firefighters who initiated a grievance because people are being paid to be firefighters and they are not a member of the union . For this year, the Bunker Program is not being TOWN BOARD MEETING 2 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 renewed . That does not mean that the Bunker Program for volunteer firefighters has stopped , it is just this particular program to pay people will stop . Councilwoman Carolyn Grigorov - Was this program terminated on a local level or the federal level? Mr. Romanowski - The program was terminated on a local level because of the problems with AmeriCorp who take in programs other than the fire fighting aspects . There are a tremendous number of things that happen with it.. Fire fighting was one of the programs that the City of Ithaca had . The State says it is a model program for the country because of how it was administered , and how it was used in the City of Ithaca . There was controversy which had political overtones , so they decided not to renew the program for this year. Supervisor Valentino has a copy for the Town of Ithaca. Supervisor Valentino - Are you aware that on the Town's contract arrangement with the City that instead of paying a specified , amount every year, the Town pays a percentage of the City' s budget each year? For 1998 , the Town would be paying 31 % to the City of Ithaca . Mr. Romanowski - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - You should look closely for the adjustments to come through . Mr. Romanowski - I am familiar with the percentage rate because I helped create it while serving on the Common Council . I take my responsibilities seriously as a representative of the Town of Ithaca , and that is the reason why I wanted to talk to the Town Board every month . The Town pays a great deal for fire protection . Supervisor Valentino - It is approximately $ 1 . 7 million . Mr. Romanowski - Yes , that is out of an approximately $7 million budget: that the Fire Department has . Supervisor Valentino - I will be meeting with the Fire Committee on September 18th to arrange an agenda for a West Hill meeting about the number six fire station . This will allow the Town to talk to the residents on West Hill and look into the problem . Mr. Romanowski - I can tell the Town what the problem is , these people are saying the Fire Department cannot get there from here. There is no direct access onto the Taughannock Boulevard which is part of the fire district that Station Six protects , unless they come into Ithaca and go out through Cass Park. The second problem is trying to get to West Hill . They said the Fire Department could go through Mr. Perry' s farm which connects to Mecklenburg Road . That would have been a main road allowing quick access to the Mecklenburg Road area . The residents of West Hill want to talk to the Town of Ithaca about better access to the different protection areas . The West Hill residents want to talk to the Town about the water pressure in that particular area , and the manning of the station with enough people . OSHA requires two people on a vehicle to respond instead of a driver waiting for volunteers to show up . I can understand the safety issue. These are some of the problems the Town of Ithaca has in talking to the fire officials . I have discussed the legal aspects with Attorney Barney. Director of Planning Jonathan Kanter - The Mecklenburg Road to Bundy Road connector road is at a good point of being planned . The Planning Department has been talking to possible developers of the Perry farm and the Cerrache property. This seems like the time where an alignment for that road could be planned , although the connector road may not be built for several years . TOWN BOARD MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 - REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES . Tim Joseph , Tompkins County Board of Representatives - The County's budget meeting did not go well . The discussions were fine , but there were only about 25 people who showed up . A few months ago , I was asked what was happening with Warren Road as a Capital Project, Warren Road has been dropped as a Capital Project. The rebuilding of the road will not be done , and will not be discussed again . Warren Road will be repaved as part of regular ongoing maintenance , but that is all that is happening with that project. Councilwoman Ellen Harrison - The Warren Road project will not be done? Mr. Joseph - The project to rebuild Warren Road by adding drainage and sidewalks will not be happening . They are just going to resurface it. Councilwoman Harrison - Who' s decision was that to make? Mr. Joseph - It was the County's decision . The County said that the Town of Ithaca decided not to pay for the sidewalks so they dropped the project. Director of Engineering Daniel Walker - There were no representatives to say that the Town could pay for the sidewalks . Mr. Joseph - This is one of those projects where I keep coming here and hearing one thing from the Town staff and then another version from the County staff. Councilwoman Harrison - Where did the County hear that the Town would not pay for the sidewalks? Supervisor Valentino - I do not know. I do not remember the Town saying that we would not pay for the sidewalks. Director of Engineering Walker - This summer Town crews surveyed enough additional area so the Town could do underground drainage and sidewalks on the Warren Road portion of it. The Town has communicated with the County Engineering Department and the Highway Department to say this could be done as a joint project. The activities in my department have indicated that sidewalks and drainage would be done by the Town , like what was done on Mitchell Street several years ago . Mr. Joseph - I heard this from Scott Hamin , County Administrator, while discussing the Capital Projects . He may have misunderstood what the Highway Department told him , that it would not be this year, but not permanently . Councilman David Klein - The Town should share their thoughts on the Warren Road improvements with the County. Highway Superintendent Fred Noteboom - My impression was that Ward Hungerford indicated that they would widen Warren Road even if they did not do the drainage or sidewalks . They were looking at widening the shoulder for bicycles . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the County have a bicycle policy now? Mr. Joseph - "Yes . " TOWN BOARD MEETING 4 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2. 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - The County is not going to implement the bike policy on this issue? Mr. Joseph - The County's policy is that if they rebuild the road they would repave the road with wider shoulders . It may be possible that the misunderstanding is that the County is planning to repave Warren Road and widen the shoulders , but they are not calling it a Capital Project. They are going to use their regular operating budget. Councilwoman Harrison - The Town should write a letter to the County about where the Town of Ithaca stands in this. Supervisor Valentino - I talked to Beverly Livesay about the communications the Town has had with the County on different levels and different departments . Ms . Livesay stated that the phone communications need to be written down for future use . The Town' s Deputy Town Clerk has been to a meeting to discuss the tax bills for next year. The Town will be seeing something new on the bills that were a surprise , like the 25 cents per bill , which caught the Town off guard . This year, for any duplicate mailing the Town needs to do for the people who pay by installments the County is going to charge the $ . 50 each . The Town did not hear about this . until the contract was signed . The Town Clerks are also interested in talking to Williamson Law . Book about a software program they would like to use . AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS : A. Highway Superintendent - See attached . Councilwoman Mary Russell - Could you describe what was done on the underground drainage that was installed at the lower end of Snyder Hill Road? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - That was an open ditch we had trouble with in maintaining the shoulder for the past several years . The shoulder was gone and the ditch edge was at the pavement. The Highway Department decided to close the ditch by putting in catch basins and underground drainage pipes to carry the water. Councilwoman Russell - Did this have an impact on the flooding that was occurring? The retention pond was flooding out last year. Highway Superintendent Noteboom - The Highway Department did not change the amount of water or anything else was done . Councilwoman Russell - Flooding could still happen again ? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - It may be possible . The storm on November 8 , 1996 , seemed to hit worse in that area than any place else . It was overwhelmed with water. Supervisor Valentino - The Town is seeing erosion in other places which were not seen before because of the flood weakening things . Councilwoman Russell - What about Bums Road where the Highway Department had to shore up the side of the road? i TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Highway Superintendent Noteboom - That is another tight area . That goes along with the previous discussions . The Bums Road realignment disappeared from the schedule . Something is going to have to be done . Councilwoman Russell - Do you feel that it is reinforced enough to get through the next winter? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - "Yes . " B. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes - See attached . Councilman Edward Conley - The letter from True Insurance , is that of any subsequent problem for the Town of Ithaca? Town Clerk Joan Lent Noteboom - Yes . The Town Hall used to receive the mail by 10: 00 a . m . , which allowed the processing of payments (water and sewer or tax collection) to meet the statutory requirements for deposit. Currently, the Town Hall does not receive the mail until sometimes 3 : 00 p. m . . That does not afford the staff a lot of time to process the mail . Councilman Conley - Is it possible that the Town of Ithaca and Jerry True , or anyone , could pick the mail up at the Post Office? Town Clerk Noteboom - That would be a suggestion . Supervisor Valentino - The mail is sorted and comes from Warren Road , for staff to travel to Warren Road everyday would not be possible . Councilman Conley - Could the Post Office deliver the mail downtown and have staff pick the mail up at the downtown Post Office? Town Clerk Noteboom - That has not been looked into , but I would suggest that to Mr. True. Councilman Conley - I am looking for something that would be convenient for them as well as anyone i else that is having a difficult problem . Town Clerk Noteboom - They changed the whole route . It is not just the Town Hall and True Insurance, but the whole downtown route has been changed . Councilman Conley - It looks like Mr. Gatch was not thrilled with the True Insurance letter. Town Clerk Noteboom - " No . " Councilwoman Grigorov - There is a Post Office Consumer Relations Committee where people can express their opinions and concerns . Town Clerk Noteboom - Are you on that Committee ? Councilwoman Grigorov - "Yes . " Town Clerk Noteboom - When does that Committee meet? Councilwoman Grigorov - Usually , the third Thursday of each month , at noon , at the Post Office or the Tompkins County Trust Company offices . TOWN BOARD MEETING 6 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2. 1997 Councilman Conley - The City of Ithaca used to pick their mail up first thing in the morning , but that was before the Warren Road building was built. Councilwoman Harrison - In terms of statutory requirements , what happens if the mail comes in at 3 : 00 p . m . and it is locked up until the next morning for processing? Town Clerk Noteboom - That could be done , as long as the deposit is made within 24 hours . Councilwoman Harrison - We want the Post Office to be as efficient as possible . The Town is pushing this to be an enterprise and efficiency type of thing . This may be an inconvenience to some people, but it bothers me that the Town would join in a general complaint saying that we liked the way it used to be. We are all trying to be as efficient as we can . Town Clerk Noteboom - I do not mean the report to indicate we were joining in the complaint. 1 just wanted to show the Town Board the correspondence from Mr. True . I will be attending a meeting to see what other people have to say. I would like to ask them to consider it, but I am also attending this meeting to listen to any other altematives . Maybe all together there can be a solution to make everyone happy. This is going to be my approach to this meeting , it will not be to say that we need to have it one way . Councilman John Wolff - The Town should consider getting a locked box at the bank because there are certain types of correspondence that are time sensitive , such as payments . For example , the Town sends these bills out with a return address on them . The bills could be sent to a specific location , P . O. Box or locked box with a local bank where the Town has the accounts . Town Clerk Noteboom - That would be an idea to look into , but Tompkins County Trust Company charges a fee for each piece that they receive . Councilman Conley - If and when we get into the new Town Hall , would this fall into the same delivery area? Town Clerk Noteboom - I am not sure . I will find out from the meeting , and see how it works. Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board needs to understand issue . Mr. Gatch's letter states that a person would receive overtime . One of the reasons people receive overtime is because the Post Office Officials have cut their staff so much . If they maintain the staff to the efficient level of service that they used to have , they would run more efficiently. Councilman Conley - For the people who are inconvenienced by this new route , if possible , they should pick up their mail . That could be a possible solution . Town Clerk Noteboom - Mr. Gatch is not receptive to having a meeting , but this type of correspondence keeps going back and forth . I would like to attend a meeting to resolve these problems . Councilman Conley - I do not like Mr. Gatch' s response to Mr. True's concem . C. Director of Engineering - See attached . Engineering Walker - The contractors will be starting 24 hour operations on the Flood of En i Director g 9 Control Channel Project. There is a local contractor working with an out of town contractor. They have made an effort to contact different people in the area to see how they can minimize inconveniences to them during the operation . There will be excavation and trucking of materials during this project. TOWN BOARD MEETING 7 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 211997 Councilwoman Grigorov - Does the Storm Water Study and the Watershed Study include Cayuga Heights? Director of Engineering Walker - The upper end of Cayuga Heights to Triphammer Road is included in this study. Councilwoman Russell - Where is the fill going to go , at the McGuire Garden ' s site? Director of Engineering Walker - That was part of the fill permit the contractor already has . Councilwoman Russell - Is there a Department of Environmental Conservation wetland in this area ? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes . Tlvre are leveling the parking area. The extent of the fill is where that is located . The owner will be receiving cfushed stone to resurface the parking area . That should be done by the middle of the month . Councilwoman Russell - Is the pile of fill Ithaca College is creating from the digging of the slope just off of their driveway near Coddington Road going anywhere else? Director of Engineering Walker - The fill is supposed to stay on site . Ithaca College is going to grade that fill off. They started to fill that area when they were doing the park building and other projects . Ithaca College is trying to minimize drainage problems to people below. Councilman Klein - Are the student interns finished with the storm water survey? Director of Engineering Walker - Most of the field work is done , but there are a few more things that need to be completed . The Engineering Department is in the process of doing that. There are two students still working for the Town . Councilman Klein - The Village of Cayuga Heights has started some work on Triphammer Road near Kendall . Has there been contact with the Town about this? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - Yes , I received a call when they were looking for signs to borrow from the Town . There are some indications that they may need to borrow the Town's bulldozer to do some work. I have not seen any plans . The Village will be installing turning lanes , islands in the middle, and bicycle lanes . No plans have been submitted . Councilwoman Harrison - I thought those things were not going to be done until next summer? Director of Planning Kanter - They were going to start the drainage . Councilman Klein - Would there be any drainage that the Town could do? Director of Engineering Walker - No , the culverts under Triphammer Road are of good size , they should be adequate . Most of the problems are in the downstream areas where the channel may be clogging . D. Director of Planning - See attached . Director of Planning Kanter - The comments about the Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project draft Environmental Impact Statement from the Planning Board and the Town Board were mailed to Department of Environmental Conservation . The Town Board was supplied with a copy of that letter. TOWN BOARD MEETING 8 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 The next Transportation Committee Meeting scheduled for September 9th will be rescheduled for early October. Councilwoman Harrison - At the County Economic Development discussions one of the issues mentioned has to deal with the sales tax revenue . The Town' s policy in the Comprehensive Plan promotes the City as the place to be the commercial center for the County. The Town does not benefit economically from a purchase made from the Pyramid Mall . Are there any opportunities to discuss those type of issues , or has this come up at all? Director of Planning Kanter - Yes . Supervisor Valentino may recall some of that conversation as she was also involved in those meetings. There have been a lot of very general concepts discussed , and that was one of them . Wouldn't be nice if there was a way to structure this so that outlining communities could share in tax revenues? But that issue is not usually discussed . Councilwoman Grigorov - Any furniture sold in the City and delivered , the tax money goes to the municipality that the furniture is delivered to . (AMENDMENT PER TE3MTG. 10/2/97 - RESOL. 177 - DELETE PARAGRAPH) Councilwoman Harrison - All the tax money goes to that municipality? Councilwoman Grigorov - No, the State gets some . Councilwoman Harrison - Just the local share? Councilwoman Grigorov - That is correct. Supervisor Valentino - Former Town Supervisor Walter Schwan looked into this a long time ago when the Town was receiving low sales tax revenues . Part of the problem turned out to be that the name of the City and the Town were the same. Some of the revenues should have been credited to the Town instead of the City. That probably still happens from time to time. Councilwoman Grigorov - A sales tax return is either mailed or delivered to the City . F. Human Resources - See attached . Councilwoman Russell - The position entitled " Environmental Planner" , is that different from the position JoAnn Cornish left? Director of Planning Kanter - The Planning Department had two planner positions . These were looked at as different levels . Those levels do not mix well with the County Civil Service Classifications so we are trying to come up with two separate titles . One with a higher level and one at a lower level that would meet the County's requirements . Supervisor Valentino - We are discussing this with County Civil Service . AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER AN "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" : TOWN BOARD MEETING 9 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 15 p . m . . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . As no one from the public came forward to wishing to be heard , Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 6 : 16 p . m . . AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS (CONTINUE) ; F. Human Resources (continued ) - Councilman Klein - What was the nature of the Worker' s Compensation Evaluation that is mentioned in Judy Drake's report? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - The Town received a letter from our Workers Compensation agent who thought we could do different things in different areas . Ms . Drake and I will be working on a report for the Town Board to review. Councilwoman Grigorov - Was this an OSHA report? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - No , this was Level Safety, they help us keep our premiums and Workers Compensation down . Councilman Klein - Did they raise any serious issues? Supervisor Valentino - No , it was just a little confusing to look at. They say that the Town is doing okay, but made a few suggestions on how the Town could do a better job . Highway Superintendent Noteboom - The high workman compensation rating is partially due to the Town's mix up in reporting methods . The Town could have handled some of the cases differently, and would not end up with such a high rating . Supervisor Valentino - The Town' s rate for next year is going to be less because Ms. Drake is trying to clear up some of the problems from the past. It is not a negative thing , it is something that needs more sorting out. A report will be supplied to the Town Board after reviewing this . The Town Board was supplied with a new Personnel Manual . All the employees of the Town received it last Friday. There is a larger version in a loose leaf binder that is available in each Department. The employees felt that this was easy to read and a format that they can use . E. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached . Councilwoman Grigorov - Were you satisfied with the property at 241 Coddington Road receiving a Certificate of Occupancy? Director of Building and Zoning Andrew Frost - Yes . The road was relocated back to the way it was shown on the site plan . The landscaping plan was approved by the Planning Department. Director of Planning Kanter - Everything that was supposed to be done was done? Councilwoman Grigorov - After discussing this with a few neighbors , they are encouraged . They planted a few trees , but there is just gravel no grass . I do not think everything was done . i TOWN BOARD MEETING 10 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 24 1997 G . Financial Report - Alfred Carvill - The Town is in a great position for operation . There is $795 , 000 invested cash that will mature December 1 , with approximately $63 , 000 in interest. As of August 31st, the Town exceeded the budget by $27 , 000 in interest earnings . We have projected interest earnings of approximately $90 , 000 for the year. The Town has cash and securities invested at $5 . 5 million . The Town is collateralized at $6 . 6 million , we are adequately collateralized . Sales Tax Revenue which was budgeted at $ 1 . 7 million has received to date , $978 , 000 . Based on a projection of last year's sales tax revenue , the Town should exceed Sales Tax as budgeted by $25 , 000 or $30 , 000 . j There have been some achievements within the Accounting Department, and within each of the financial reports for each of the funds . The Trust and Agency Fund , which is the collateral account which holds all the employee deposits , payroll deductions , and other outside deposits ; such as guarantee of deposits for bids such as the Buttermilk Creek Road Project, has not been reconciled in approximately four years. I am pleased to report that all the cash in that fund is accounted for. All items that are in direct alignment as custodial are fully accounted for, both for whom the money is owed to and to employee benefits which are a third party agency . i The new accounting software has been fully installed with approximately 95 % of the software fully operational . I am quite happy about the new software , and even happier that it has not . cost the Town one dollar" for the new system . The accounting functions are ready to move into the new facility. We are a multi user in a shared network that has the capacity for five more users . The Town Clerk's office is also networked , and they are ready for expansion for multi user and network use . All the nine lighting districts , which were co-munglied in prior years have been segregated . This will bear truthful financial reporting in each lighting district. Highway Funds were in the Trust and Agency Fund for various project that the Highway Superintendent was collecting fees for, that has been isolated and accounted for within the Highway Fund . The Highway Superintendent has the ability to identify where the monies are . The planning fees are now working the same way as the Highway Fund . There was approximately $20, 000 in application and review fees that were in the Trust and Agency Fund . They have been isolated as to what project and what planning review has to be completed so the Planning Department can quickly identify who provided the Town with money and what monies need to be reimbursed . This fund is now known as " BP" Many hours have been reduced in the accounting area . Traditionally it took four hours each to reconcile end of month cash and end of month checking . Now it takes approximately five hours . Mark Cass attended New York State Comptroller' s Accounting School for three days . His attendance proved to be very beneficial for the Accounting Department. I am pleased with the outcome of where the accounting functions have gone and the software . I think the numbers are beginning to bear profitable reporting . Councilman Klein - With all the computers connected in accounting what type of safe guards are there to prevent unauthorized access? Mr. Carvill - There is a security access code and passwords for entering the program applications. I Those are only shared by two people. There will not be any shared networks of the financial records . TOWN BOARD MEETING 11 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Councilman Klein - The Town took advantage of software that we already had to get it properly installed? Mr. Carvill - The software the Town had was stripped off because of the licensing of who owned the software . Williamson Law Books decided that it was best to restructure the software and exchanged the software for their customers . The company has had the programmer on site to put the program on the system . The programmer continues to use data sites and testing sites for service . The Town of Ithaca is one of those test sites . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Clerk's office is continuing the upgrades at no cost, including the payroll and tax collection software . i Councilman Klein - At some point the Town would be paying licenses . Mr. Carvill - The Town has been paying annual support fees of approximately $ 1 , 000 . Supervisor Valentino - Ms . Drake is also experiencing efficiencies with the new program for payroll . The Town's assessed value numbers received from the County, has shown a loss of about $72 , 000 . There are some costs that are substantially higher than the past, such as the electric bill , but some things are not as high as they usually are . AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : RESOLUTION NO. 141 : Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby reappoint Joan Lent Noteboom, 1122 Danby Road, Ithaca, New York to serve as the Town of Ithaca representative on the Recreation Partnership Board with appointment ending December 31, 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) Councilwoman Russell - The Cornell Community Waste Management Advisory Committee is meeting tomorrow night. December is the target date for the conclusion of the committee' s work. There will be a lot of meetings between now and then . The committee has gathered a lot of information on waste disposal options, and now it a matter of evaluating the information and putting it into a form for review. Supervisor Valentino - I am impressed with the amount of information and work that the group has done with this project. It is amazing how this community has learned to become experts in some areas in a short period of time . Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee did not meet in August. The Codes and Ordinances Committee met on August 27th to review some site plans , special permits , and nonconforming uses . Mr. Kanter has mailed a reminder letter to the various Town of Ithaca Boards requesting their comments on the draft Zoning Ordinance . The Water and Sewer Special Benefit Assessment Committee has a meeting scheduled for September 11th , and they are making good progress . The committee has uncovered approximately 1 , 000 TOWN BOARD MEETING 12 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 connected units that have not been assessed for water and sewer. That should have a favorable benefit on the water and sewer rates for the units . i Supervisor Valentino - I attended a meeting of the Tompkins County Municipal Officers Association because they wanted me to consider being a board member. The next meeting of the Association will be Tuesday September 23rd at the McLean Fire Station . The cost of each meal will be $ 10 . 00 . The Association is changing membership so that each municipality will join and pay one membership fee . That means all the staff and members of the board can go to these meetings from time to time . The agenda for the meeting will be to discuss the Tompkins County Economic Development Strategy, municipalities participation in the Work Fare Program , progress for assessing fees for the Tax Bills , and the survey they mailed . The Association is trying to revitalize the program so municipalities will have better communication with each other and be able to coordinate ideas with one another. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 - REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE : A. Jonathan R. Mawdsley, South Hill Park - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter from Jonathan R . Mawdsley in regards to the South Hill Park. Councilwoman Harrison - In the letter there were some concerns about domestic animals getting into the natural areas . There have been discussions about education work being done for the people who live in the community about the damage loose dogs and cats can do . Director of Planning Kanter - The Conservation Board has applied for a grant to develop educational and public relation materials on that exact subject. Councilwoman Harrison - In this particular area or more generally? Director of Planning Kanter - More generally, but the Conservation Board would target areas like this one . Councilwoman Harrison - That should be mentioned in a letter to them . I am pleased to see students trying to get involved in the community . B. Ward A. Hungerford, Tompkins County Highway Manager - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter from Ward Hungerford in regards to the study of speed limit reduction along Floral Avenue (Route 13A) . AGENDA ITEM NO . 8 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD : There being no one from the public wishing to be heard , this section of the meeting was closed . AGENDA ITEM NO. 25 - CONSIDER REZONING REQUEST RELATED TO CONIFER REALTY PROPOSAL FOR MECKLENBURG HEIGHTS AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL FOR LOW TO MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES MECKLENBURG ROAD TAX PARCEL NO. 27-1 -13. 12: Councilman Klein - Since I have a material interest in this project I would like to withdraw from any discussion on this subject. I will leave the room during the discussion on this project. Councilwoman Harrison - What are you expecting from the Town Board at this time? TOWN BOARD MEETING 13 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - The only action the Town Board would be considering is whether or not to consider the rezoning , and whether or not to refer it to the Planning Board for recommendation . John Fennessey , Vice President of Conifer Realty and Home Properties of New York LP - I was here last January and presented a preliminary sketch plan of efforts to develop housing on Mecklenburg Road under a program sponsored by the New York State Department of Housing and Community Renewal ( DHCR) . The Town Board was kind enough to give Conifer a letter that was incorporated within the application to DHCR for funding . This project was selected for funding by DHCR this past June . DHCR gave Conifer permission to move ahead with the planning for this project. This includes rezoning of the property for what is being proposed . Conifer Realty has joined forces with Becky Bilderback of Better Housing for Tompkins County to do this as a joint venture . We are partners in this effort, and we felt that there is a lot of strength with Better Housing involved to help make this better housing . Better Housing is more familiar with the area and community . I have sent Mr. Kanter materials about the project which have been shared with the Town Board Members . The materials include a transmittal letter setting forth a sketch of what Conifer is proposing with the number of dollars involved , the number of housing units , the income limit of people that they would be serving and also a photograph of a project that Conifer would like to propose to replicate in Ithaca. The picture shows a project that Conifer has developed in Madison under the DHCR program . Conifer is happy with the design feature , and happy with its livability for families . I also included the Executive Summary that is associated with the housing market study. When I was here in January the housing market study was not completed . If Conifer could demonstrate that there is a sufficient market for what we want to do then we would submit an application . I have included a summary of the analysis that was done for this project on Mecklenburg Road . Mr. Kanter has the full copy of the housing market study that was done by Phoenix Associates. There is a letter from Better Housing which shows Conifer and Better Housing working together to try and make this project work for the County. The Architect has submitted a set of layouts and sketch plans for the proposed project. This evening we ask the Town Board for a favorable decision to recommend this project to the Planning Board for rezoning and subdivision approval . Conifer thinks this would be an exciting opportunity, unlike some other projects where financing comes in last, we have the financing before the approval . Becky Bilderback, Executive Director for Better Housing for Tompkins County, Inc. - Better Housing has worked throughout the years in one way or another to work with the County and the City for a variety of different housing projects , including some development for senior citizens . Better Housing feels the need for more family housing in the County. I work with the Housing and Home Task Force in the County to determine where we are in housing situations. Undertaking a major size family project has additional complications beyond what is involved with senior housing project. Better Housing felt that some expertise beyond our experience was important, Conifer can provide that. Better Housing is very careful about who they get involved with . Better Housing is a non-for-profit organization . There is a need for housing for families in these income brackets . This project is a real mixture between small units (one bedroom) , which could still be elderly or non elderly , up to three bedroom units . Better Housing has been very impressed . The architect, who is on this board has been impressed with the plans and design of the units . These units would be an attractive complex with a special population in mind . These people who are at the lower end of the income bracket. TOWN BOARD MEETING 14 SEPTEMBER 811997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - The information mentions recreation facilities , common house? Ms . Bilderback - There is a community room . Councilwoman Grigorov - Would there be any playing fields or outdoor recreation? Mr. Fennessey - There will be on site recreational equipment. I am not sure of the extent of the recreational equipment. DHCR requires a recreation area based on the number of units . There may be a court yard for small children and a basketball court for older children . DHCR requires a specific recreational area for the project. Normally, DHCR requires a play area for the range of population . This is the sketch plan that Conifer is using at this point. As we move from a sketch plan to a preliminary plan the play area would be identified . Councilwoman Grigorov - Who would be in charge of the upkeep? Mr. Fennessey - Conifer and Home Properties are a public corporation . We manage all our properties and are required to conform with the housing requirements for DHCR . Ms . Bilderback - From a business perspective, it needs to maintain a long financial longevity. The perspective from a tenant' s view will be that it remain a good living environment. Councilwoman Harrison - Suppose Conifer closes sometime in the future , what happens in those type of cases? Ms . Bilderback - There are two provisions built into the agreement. DHCR would reserve their right to step in and find local management, and Better Housing also retains the right of first option of refusal to take over the management if there is a problem . Mr. Fennessey - That is part of the Conifer and Better Housing joint investment agreement. Councilwoman Grigorov - What happens to the rest of the Cerrache land? Mr. Fennessey - Anthony Cerrache owns 95 acres of land on Mecklenburg Road . Conifer has a deal pending with Mr. Cerrache to buy half of his property . This first project would utilize approximately 9 acres . The question is what becomes beyond that? There are a few considerations . First Conifer has done primarily government assisted housing . We have done both single family assisted housing , as well as multiple family assisted housing . This project is for multi family assisted housing . Conifer does not have a specific plan for the balance of the site . I would say that they are talking to the Town's Planning Department on how the reserved area could have a road to pass through the property to connect to the adjoining property. Some of the land is to be dedicated to the municipality for recreational purposes. When some of those items become more clear then a plan would be evolved . Conifer is going to buy the property . It would be a high probability that Conifer would in the future develop a combination of multi family and single family homes there for some government assisted program . Councilwoman Harrison - The Board is not looking to rezone the rest of land , just the 9 acres? Mr. Fennessey - That is correct. Director of Planning Kanter - The 9 acre parcel is the only part that the Town Board is considering rezoning at this point. i TOWN BOARD MEETING 15 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 29 1997 Mr. Fennessey - Conifer cannot say what the plan is for the remaining land . If the 9 acres is rezoned now, maybe in the future the rest of the property could be rezone for the same use . The idea is to try and keep it as simple as possible . Councilwoman Harrison - The projects that Conifer and Home Properties have done so far are strictly limited assisted income or mixed ? Mr. Fennessey - I am not 100 % sure . We have merged with Home Properties in New York as Publicly Traded Real Estate Trust Company. They have properties that are now part of our whole group of properties . There is an 80/20 deal that people work through the New York State Health and Finance Agency. Eighty percent of the units are market rate , and 20 % are for low income households . Conifer has not done projects like that, but they are being considered . It requires an area with income that can support that type of mix, such as in the Westchester County area. It may be viable here , and Conifer would not be precluded from , doing that. The source of funding for that program is available under the same funding under low income households . Ms . Bilderback - Better Housing has two senior projects in Trumansburg . One has an income limit of $ 16 , 000 for one person , and the other has a $25 , 000 income limit. They are all subsidized . i Councilwoman Harrison - Is that not already established for this project given the fact that you already have the funding? Ms . Bilderback - Yes, that is why it is listed , and that is why we are talking about mixing the income. It is hard to say what will be available three or five years from now. Councilman Wolff - Does Better Housing select individuals for the assisted housing on how much income they make? Ms . Bilderback - "Yes. " Councilman Wolff - What if someone living has their income go up? (AMENDMENT PER TBMTG . 10097 - RESOL. 177 = Councilman Wolff - What if someone living there has their income go up?) Ms. Bilderback - Everyone living there needs to be certified annually. Councilwoman Harrison - In terms of the market study , there was some questions about whether students were included in the analysis , and how that would potentially effect the analysis . Do you know what the Phoenix Associates did? Ms. Bilderback - Phoenix Associates did not include Collegetown to the market study area. Councilwoman Harrison - What happens if Conifer was not able to rent the units to qualified people? What happens if there are not enough people wanting the apartments? Mr. Fennessey - The project would be in trouble. Conifer cannot rent to someone if they are not eligible because the tax credits would be sacrificed . Conifer has not experienced that problem , except near LaFargeville , New York. It was a farm home project that was difficult to fill , especially after the changes at Fort Drum . Conifer needed to get a waiver from the Farmers Home Administration to allow elderly people living in a family project. DHCR underwrites this project because they are the ones putting up the loan . They need to have a high degree of confidence based on their experience statewide . The Phoenix Associates has demonstrated sufficient market to support these 56 units . TOWN BOARD MEETING 16 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 24 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - Would this parcel be highly visible from the road ? Director of Planning Kanter - From different perspectives . It could be visible from East Hill like EcoVillage which is visible from there . It may be visible traveling eastbound on Mecklenburg Road , there would be a fairly open view of the site . This is an important issue that would need to be looked at closely . If this is referred to the Planning Board , they would need to get comfortable with a number of different perspective sketches of the site , along with a photographic analysis to get a better feeling of how this would be visible from the surrounding areas . Councilwoman Harrison - Would you be open to changing the external designs to make it less visible? Mr. Fennessey - In terms of color or in terms of design? Councilwoman Harrison - More in terms of color and height of the buildings . Director of Planning Kanter - Landscaping would be important because plantings would take a long time to grow. Mr. Fennessey - In terms of the footprint of inherent characteristics of the design , Conifer is not ready to do that because this design has been successful . The colors and planting could be different. Councilwoman Harrison - I am not sure of the topography of the site to know how much that would matter. Director of Planning Kanter - The site is adjacent to the Town/City boundary line . It is close to the developed portion of the City . Councilwoman Grigorov - Do you think the traffic would be a problem? Director of Planning Kanter - I think it would be an issue that would need to be addressed in the environmental studies . Councilwoman Russell - Do you feel that 56 units is a conservative number? Mr. Fennessey - Yes , based on the market analysis . Councilwoman Russell - I was interested to see that only eight of the 56 units are three bedrooms , yet you are considering this to be a family project? Mr. Fennessey - "Yes. " Councilwoman Russell - This project is being funded as a family project? Mr. Fennessey - "Yes . " Ms . Bilderback - There has been more demand for a two bedroom units than three bedroom units. Price would be part of it, each unit is nicely sized . One bedroom units are 650 square feet, two bedroom units are 850 square feet, and the three bedroom units are 1 , 000 square feet. Councilwoman Russell - Are you talking about demands for families? TOWN BOARD MEETING 17 SEPTEMBER 811997 APPROVED — OCTOBER 2o 1997 Ms . Bilderback - Yes . These units are a nice size . They are required to be these sizes by the State. There is not a situation whereby two children bedrooms are overcrowded because the bedrooms are small . The units are very livable . Supervisor Valentino - We find in this day and age that there are many single parents . The past shows working families working full time with low income levels with many people living in one room . To move into a two bedroom apartment would be quite a step up for their lifestyles. Director of Planning Kanter - Is there any opportunity, for changing the project to mixed? Mr. Fennessey - No , this is only what we are funded for, low income housing . Ms . Bilderback - Knowing that there are potential future developments , if this project is really successful , and if there is a . high demand for three bedroom units , there is the potential to build more units . Councilman Conley - These units would be rental units? Ms . Bilderback - "Yes . " Councilman Conley - How long is the rental period? Mr. Fennessey - Each tenant has a one year lease . Councilman Conley - Could these units easily be filled with student housing? Ms . Bilderback No , tax credit projects cannot be filled with students because these units cannot be funded by parents. A graduate student couple who have a few children would be eligible. If my son went to Comell and he was as a typical under graduate he would not be eligible. Councilman Conley - Are there any requirements of what a family is made up of? If three or four people wanted to live together and called themselves a family would they be eligible? Mr. Fennessey - No , not under the tax credit program . Director of Planning Kanter - There are specific definitions of what families are to qualify for living in these units . Ms . Bilderback - A few years ago I was approached by a developer who wanted to build a low income housing project on the South Hill . That point was brought up to him , about the student housing . That project fell through . Councilman Wolff - Looking at people's income for a certain number of years back would preclude a lot of students unless they have been graduate students for a long period of time . If people just quit their jobs and just show up and have no income because they are students , would that disqualify them ? Ms . Bilderback - The families would need to provide a tax return and current income levels to see if they qualify. Councilwoman Harrison - I do not have a problem including graduate students with children for this housing project. , TOWN BOARD MEETING 18 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 29 1997 Councilwoman Russell - What does the market study mean? Does the study say that these units could be filled by drawing families out of other units within the target area? The study is not projecting that the population is not going up , it actually is going to go down , and the number of households are expected to stay the same . (AMENDMENT PER TBMTG . 1012/97 - RESOL 177 - Change to read - Councilwoman Russell - What does the market study mean? Does the study say that these units could be filled by drawing families out of other units within the target area? The study is not projecting that the population is going up, it actually is going to go down, and the number of households are expected to stay the same. ) j Mr. Fennessey - I am not sure that I can clarify that statement without talking to the consultant. I Councilman Conley - Is there a way that the Executive Summary could be sent to the Town's Planning Board for their review? Supervisor Valentino - There is no sense sending this proposal to the Planning Board if the Town Board is not interested in resolving it. The Town Board needs to decide whether this proposal has merit and whether we could look favorable on the rezoning , or the Town Board could decide that this proposal does not have any merit. Then it would not waste anyone's time if the Town Board is not interested in the proposal . (AMENDMENT PER TBMTG . 1012197 - RESOL 177 - CHANGE TO READ Supervisor Valentino - There is no sense sending this proposal to the Planning Board if the Town Board is not interested in rezoning it. ) Director of Planning Kanter - If the Town Board decides to forward this proposal to the Planning Board it could be tentatively scheduled for the September 16th Planning Board Meeting . If the Town Board does not decide to forward this proposal then it would be canceled from the Planning Board Agenda . Councilwoman Russell - Page S- 1 in the Executive Summary states the population is not expected to grow, it is going to decline , and the number of households are going to stay the same . Where are these people going to come from to fill these units? Councilwoman Grigorov - What about all the people who are employed here and cannot get housing here? Councilwoman Harrison - The market study is not projecting the growth in the number of households . Councilman Wolff - Why do we think this market study is saying this is going be successful in terms of maintaining itself? Councilwoman Harrison - The creating of vacancies elsewhere would be problematic. Councilman Wolff - The market study does not address it, although on page S-2 it mentions that they need to capture 4 .6 percent of the single person households , and 9 . 0 percent of larger households to achieve full occupancy. In other words , the study does not address the concern that they are taking other tenants to fill this housing . Ms . Fennessey - It may be that other housing units would need to lost tenants to fill this . These people may not be living in suitable housing environments right now, they may be living in overcrowded conditions or living with their parents . (AMENDMENT PER TBMTG . 1012197 - RESOL 177 - CHANGE TO READ Mr. Fennessey - It may be that other housing units would need to lose tenants to fill j this. ) TOWN BOARD MEETING 19 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 211997 Councilman Wolff - This study would be more effective if that were demonstrated . Councilwoman Harrison - They have done a full study. The location is good and the need in general is there . I would like to make the move to ask the Planning Board to make a recommendation to the Town Board to consider rezoning the 9 acre parcel on Mecklenburg Road . Councilman Wolff - The memorandum specifies four separate boards for recommendations . Are those four separate boards a single recommendation that the Planning Department is suggesting that the Town Board make? Director of Planning Kanter - They are considerations . For instance , one question was whether the Town Board should consider a larger area for rezoning . The Board has already discussed that. Another is the environmental review which would start when the Planning Board begins to look at this proposal . The Planning Board usually asks the Town Board to consider how this should be a coordinated environmental review. This appears to be a Type I action and it would require a coordinated review with the different involved agencies . The Planning Board would be considered the better and more appropriate lead agency . The Town Board and the Planning Board should consider the broader future planning of a connection road through the area , and also a community park that could be formed in this area . (Mr. Kanter pointed out an enlarged map where the proposed location is on Mecklenburg Road , and where the potential connector road and community park could be located . ) Councilwoman Harrison - Why would the connector road not be just an extension ' of West Haven Road ? Director of Engineering Walker - There are mature woods and some slope areas that would preclude the West Haven Road extension . RESOLUTION NO. 149: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca refers a rezoning request to Planning Board for Mecklenburg Heights Affordable Housing Proposal. . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , not present during vote ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried . ( NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) Councilman Klein returned to the meeting after the vote . AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 - CONSIDER SEAR RELATED TO AN , "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" : RESOLUTION NO. 142: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 20 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE_: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 - CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN, "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" : RESOLUTION NO. 143: Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts the ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carved unanimously . (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 12 - CONSIDER REQUEST FROM THE ECOVILLAGE COHOUSING COOPERATIVE FOR ABATEMENT OF FEES FOR TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY: Director of Building and Zoning Frost - I suggested that EcoVillage write a letter to the Town Board . The Board was supplied with a copy of that letter. I informed EcoVillage that the only other request I knew of for an exempt from a temporary Certificate of Occupancy was for Cornell University for their tennis facility or polo facility, which was rejected . There are two letters the Board was supplied with . I am quite bothered by the statement on the August letter from EcoVillage that states "this represented a significant savings to the group which had appealed on the grounds of economic hardship due to tardy notice of the requirement. " They are referring to a variance requested from the State for the elevator. I have copies of their variance request, and there was no mention of the State findings or determinations that made any mention of the tardy notice . That is an offense to their suggestion of having the Town review their building plans two years in advance of the building permit application . Councilwoman Harrison - That is an interesting problem , not to say that anyone was tardy, but that is an interesting issue that they needed to get that point of design . Their architect was remise in not advising them of that. Director of Building and Zoning Frost - I have copies of the State variance. EcoVillage argued with the State , among other things , that they are not an area of public assembly of occupancy. That prompted some of the requirements that they are just part of an extension of one or two family residences by occupancy. EcoVillage appealed my decisions stating that it was an area of public assembly. The State agreed with me and stated that EcoVillage needed to put in a lift (not a true elevator) . EcoVillage completed the building recently, and received a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a cost of $300 that would be good for six months . When I issued the building permit to EcoVillage in July 1996 , a comment or condition of the building permit was that handicap accessibility must be provided to the building's interior by the way of an elevator or by obtaining a New York State variance . The issue of the need for the elevator was not in the building permit from July 1996. Therefore , it is up to the Town Board to waive the fee for the temporary Certificate of Occupancy if they want to . The State said that EcoVillage could put in a lift and did not give them any time frame . I agreed with the State that I would give EcoVillage up to two years to install the lift. That means every six months they must pay a temporary Certificate of Occupancy fee until the lift is installed . The local law of the Town to allow for TOWN BOARD MEETING 21 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2. 1997 temporary Certificate of Occupancy had a fee to encourage people in cases like this to do what they needed to do to complete the project. Councilwoman Harrison - In terms of the purpose and need for the fee will there be substantial additional inspection requirements required of the Building and Zoning Department so this is monitored? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - There will be some inspections . In the course of construction of the Common House there are measures to put in , a shaft for an elevator. EcoVillage has already constructed the building accommodating the mechanical part of the elevator once they purchase the elevator. Right from the start of the construction they have some of that work set up to just install the elevator mechanical . To finalize the project some plans would need to be reviewed and some more inspections would be needed . There is no reason to go to EcoVillage until it is time to inspect the installation of the lift. Councilwoman Grigorov - At one point the architect mentioned that EcoVillage was not going to use the upper floors . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - I have the State findings of EcoVillage . One of the comments made in the statement mentions that EcoVillage does not have an interior stairway between the two floors of the Common House , so they would not need to provide handicap accessibility. The rationale is that anyone handicapped or non-handicapped would need to go outside the first floor to the outside to go to the basement. Eliminating the stairwell in the interior building would eliminate the need for an elevator. Councilwoman Harrison - EcoVillage just needs the time to collect the money to do this . I am not sure I see any particular reason why the Town shouldn 't waive the fee in this particular circumstance . It does not seem that it is serving a purpose in this case . Attorney Barney - A temporary Certificate of Occupancy is a mechanism to allow people to get into a building before it is finished . Until the Town adopted the legislation authorizing a temporary Certificate of Occupancy the Town was not doing them with any statutory underwriting . Here the Town allows people to accelerate their occupancy even though the construction is not completed . The thought was the people would complete the construction without having to pay the temporary fees many times . The letter mentions Hospice. What does EcoVillage mean by the reference to Hospice? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The Town did waive a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Hospice. The Hospice building was constructed without an elevator. The building permit was issued without a comment of an elevator in their plans . I felt that there was no reason to charge them a temporary Certificate of Occupancy fee since the building permit did not mention an elevator. Hospice did receive State variances for several things . Councilwoman Russell - How much time has expired now? When is the two year dead line? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The two years start from the time I issued the temporary Certificate of Occupancy, which was in August. EcoVillage has two years from last August to get a permanent Certificate of Occupancy. Councilman Klein - I see this as a self imposed hardship . I was very offended by the letter because it is filled with so many statements such as they are forced by economic circumstances to appeal the Town's elevator requirement. It is not the Town 's elevator requirement, it is the State Building Code requirement. If it was the sprinkler system , that would be a Town requirement. Mr. Frost mentioned TOWN BOARD MEETING 22 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2 , 1997 that EcoVillage did not know about the issue of an elevator until the moment of commencement of construction . That is also untrue . EcoVillage did have a hearing with the State , it was decided that they could put in a wheelchair lift instead of an elevator. If the Common House already has the shaft for the lift it just needs to be installed . Forcing them to pay the penalty to keep the project opened should be an incentive to raise the funds to have the lift installed for compliance . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - I would have been more apt to exempt the fee if it is something that the Town participated in to cause the problem . Councilman Klein - The letters from EcoVillage show inaccuracies and a letter should be sent back to EcoVillage with the Town Board's recommendation . Director of Building and Zoning Frost read the September 2 , 1997 letter from EcoVillage to the Town Board . Councilman Klein - Are there 30 dwelling units there right now? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - "Yes . " Councilman Klein - That would be $ 10 a household every six months . Supervisor Valentino - I agree with Councilman Klein and Mr. Frost about not waiving the fee . It seems that EcoVillage is always asking the Town to waive something or change things . All other who pays fees on a normal basis are also looking for some type of relief. Maybe it is not totally fair to them , but it does get to be annoying because the Town is dealing with them on these kinds of issues . Beyond that annoyance , Mr. Frost' s assessment of not waiving this fee is fine . The rationale Mr. Frost used for it is good . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Town Board have to act? Attorney Barney - As a courtesy someone should respond back to EcoVillage . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The most troublesome thing is that the State variance does not make any reference to the delay of notice . Councilwoman Grigorov - The delay is that the architect did not tell them . A letter should be written making it clear everything they said was wrong . (AMENDMENT PER TBMTG . 10/2/97 - RESOL 177 - CHANGE TO READ Councilwoman Grigorov - The delay is that the architect did not tell them . A letter should be written clarifying whatever may be wrong . ) Supervisor Valentino - The Town will write a letter to EcoVillage to clarify the record . Attorney Barney - A simple letter to EcoVillage that states the Town Board considered your request, and for several reasons the Town Board is unable to grant your request. RESOLUTION NO. 144: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Russell . that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby declines to grant the request for a waiver of the fees for the temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the community building at EcoVillage Cohousing Cooperative property. A vote on the motion resulted as follows : I TOWN BOARD MEETING 23 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 24 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached .) AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR COMPUTER INTERNET SERVICE : Attorney Barney - I had discussions with Ms . Tierney subsequently to the August 4th letter. Ms . Tierney will have more agreements for the Internet Services . . If the Town Board could give Supervisor Valentino the authority to sign an agreement for Internet Services , the language could be worked out later. Councilwoman Harrison - Has Cornell been approached to provide free intemet service for municipalities in Tompkins County? All employees at Cornell have access to intemet services. Councilman Wolff - That issue has been discussed . I know that one individual at Cornell would like to help out in some respect, but they are looking for very specific proposals . It is a lot of programming time and effort to be able to meet the needs of their students because of overloading . Councilwoman Harrison - If Cornell offers intemet services for each Town in Tompkins County compared to the thousands of people at Cornell , it would be pretty minor. Councilman Wolff - I have talked to people who have talked to Cornell and their sense is that Cornell is amenable to do it if the Town came up with a specific proposal and provided the resources and programming time to get this started . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board should go along with Attorney Barney's suggestion to sign the agreement at hand now, and look into Cornell services . The Town is paying on a monthly basis because there is no real savings to pay ahead of time. The current monthly rate is $30. 00 . 1 will discuss this issue with Cornell at the next meeting with them . Councilwoman Russell - Is the contract negotiable at all , or is the Town just going to sign on the standard agreement? Attorney Barney - Some of the contract is negotiable . Ms . Tierney has been doing the negotiations , and I need to talk to her further. AGENDA ITEM NO. 14 - CONSIDER CABLE CONSULTANT FRANCHISE AGREEMENT: Supervisor Valentino - The Town of Ithaca informed the City of Ithaca that the Town is not interested in spending a share of $ 100 , 000 on this consultant. Some of the information is not what the Town of Ithaca would be interested in . The City of Ithaca responded by saying that they would like the Town to be part of this because it gives us more power at the bargaining table . What if the City includes the Town for free? The City wanted the Town to attend the meeting with the consultants to see if there is something of value that would include the Town . I will attend the meeting with the consultants to see what they can offer the Town . Beverly Livesay telephoned and expressed her concerns because she was one of the people who put the County group together. She was not sure what direction the County was going in to help strengthen intermunicipal cooperation in a joint effort on negotiations . It does not seem to help the overall cause . I agreed with Ms . LivesayIs concerns . I would like to see the County Cable Commission represent the community. A lot of us are feeling some frustration because they decided to meet once every three months to negotiate a franchise agreement. Meetings on such a sparse schedule does not help . It seems like the County Cable Commission needs to get it back on TOWN BOARD MEETING 24 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 track. The Town is in the middle of this situation . I am not sure what the Town of Ithaca's role should be at this point. Councilman Wolff - The Town of Ithaca has been trying to foster intermunicipal cooperation through the Cable Commission . If all the municipalities are in this together there is a lot to be gained . Unfortunately, that process is going to be hampered for a lot of reasons . One is that the meetings are done less frequently which is a reflection of a lot of other things that are going on . In fact, the City, in a sense , has ignored those efforts and have chosen to go at it alone . The City has come to the meetings and asked the other municipalities to join this particular effort. It is as if there are two different agendas. One effort is hampering the other effort. The other side is to do this and do it well , and get a consultant who knows something about the services to be paid for by Time Warner Cable . This should be a provision of whatever Franchise Agreement is negotiated because there are a lot of things the Cable Commission just does not know. If the Town wants to get something done and done well , the Town should join the City in this effort. If the Town wants to maintain our goal of intermunicipal cooperation , it is going to take a lot of effort to bring the City of Ithaca to realize that. Supervisor Valentino - The Town of Ithaca has never officially joined the Cable Commission . The Town has been active . Part of the problem has been with the original structure and bylaws . Some of the communities should be looking at those and be concerned about them . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Cable Commission is initiated by the County? Supervisor Valentino - Councilman Wolff is the Town' s representative on this Commission . There were some municipalities that were interested in seeing something like this work. Councilwoman Harrison - V11hy is the City not part of this? I Councilman Wolff - The City is part of the Commission , but at the meetings they are quiet. Councilwoman Harrison - Is the City acting separately because of frustration with the way the Commission is not pushing forward? Supervisor Valentino - That is part of it. At this point, we are just informing the Town Board about some of the problems that need to be worked through . Under the Town Board' s direction , I am willing to be a partner on the consulting and see what it looks like for the Town of Ithaca. Councilman Wolff - The Town can do it conditionally upon the City going out of it's way to bring other municipalities in . For example , sometimes the Cable Commission is seen as an United Nations . It is an excuse for all the municipalities to criticize how the City Cable Commission conducts their business or utilizes their resources. Those are some very value based differences that could be bridged through policies . Supervisor Valentino - The Town' s primary concern is to serve -the residents of the Town of Ithaca in the best manner that we can , and to provide the best information to the residents on the services they need . Beyond that, keeping in mind that Intermunicipal cooperation is an important thing , the Town needs to try and keep the door open to work with other municipalities . AGENDA ITEM NO . 15 - CONSIDER 1998 CONTRACT WITH THE TOMPKINS COUNTY SPCA: Town Cleric Noteboom - I have a meeting with the SPCA representatives tomorrow at 2 : 00 p . m . to j present the contract. They will also present a report of the 1997 services that they have provided . TOWN BOARD MEETING 25 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Councilwoman Russell - I am concerned about unleashed dogs on the trails . It seems to be a continuous problem . Supervisor Valentino - The dog control ordinance will be discussed at the next meeting . AGENDA ITEM NO. 16 - CONSIDER POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL LAW NO. 12/1988 A, " LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING THE FARES CHARGED BY, AND OTHERWISE REGULATING TAXICABS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA Town Clerk Noteboom - The gentleman who attended the Town Board meeting last month who made a statement about the taxi fares was supposed to send the Board comments on what he wanted done . Unfortunately , his partner had a heart attack, so he has had to fill in at the business and has not had a chance to respond . Supervisor Valentino - This agenda item will be deferred . Councilwoman Harrison - What was the marked up papers that the Town Board was supplied with? Town Clerk Noteboom - The notes that the gentleman sent us at the last minute before the mail out, but nothing with explanations . Councilwoman Harrison - This is his request? Town Clerk Noteboom - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Has the City made the changes? Town Clerk Noteboom - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - The City has increased their fares . Councilwoman Harrison - For the next discussion on this , it would be nice to have the City' s information in the packet. AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 - CONSIDER PROPOSAL FROM HOFFMANN , O' BRIEN , LOOK, TAUBE CHIANG P. C . TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING BASIC SERVICES FOR RENOVATIONS TO THE ITHACA POST OFFICE BUILDING FOR A NEW TOWN HALL: Councilman Wolff - What are the additional services from the architects? Councilman Klein - There is a 15 page contract that the architect submitted which highlights the additional services . The standard agreement spells out a fee that the architect is paid , and there is also an amount for reimbursable expenses that are out of pocket costs such as blue printing . Then the basic services are described , then there is another list of additional services that are only paid if they are authorized by the client. Going into a project if you are aware that there are certain additional services that you want to buy up front then those costs may be negotiated . There is also contingent additional services that are acknowledged if the architect has to do some work outside the basic scope of work. Historically, a percentage of construction is often used as a bench mark because the smaller the cost of the project the higher the percentage tends to be , and then there is a range of project types from a warehouse that is very basic. If you can build acres and acres of warehouse space , then the percentage fee becomes much lower. For renovations of a historic building the percentage of fees are TOWN BOARD MEETING 26 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 going to be higher and the work is much more customized . The percentage is used as a bench mark, but then you also check to identify your tasks to see how that fits with the building rates , projected hours, and the like . I think they are looking at a fee that is less than 12 % for the cost of the construction . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the 9 . 6 percent? Councilman Klein - That is on top of the 28 . 8 % . The architects will do the preliminary design work, layout the spaces where everything will be , identify the mechanical systems , receive approval on what they are going to do , and they will give us a fairly detailed architect's cost estimate in terms of what it is going to cost the Town . For that work, they would be charging the Town 28 . 8 % . After that task is complete the Town would have a better handle on the budget. It is somewhat self serving because it is going to be based on the estimate they are going to prepare . They are proposing a fixed fee based on their estimate . If their estimate is on the high side , the bids come in lower and the Town would Opay a higher percentage. If the bids come in higher, the Town pays the lower percentage . The Town can decide to do this as a percentage . More clients and architects would rather know what their exposure is and work with that. I would rather know that I am getting paid a certain amount of money, and bill for my work by not having to worry about the bidding . Director of Engineering Walker - There are some advantages because there are a lot :of negotiations happening between the contractor and the architect. Councilman Klein - If the architect is going to get paid less money, they also have less incentive to save you money. He is going to get paid the same amount of money whether the bids come in at $ 1 . 1 million or $ 1 .2 million . Then he would expend some of his energy to make himself look good and try to save money. The prices of the bids have a lot to do with the construction activity in a given area and the time of year to go to bid . A fair amount of coordination is going to be required between the Post Office architect and the Town' s architect for the renovations . Under Project Scope , letter A , states "the renovations to approximately 10 , 500 square feet" . In reality the Town is going to renovate a lot more than 10 , 500 square feet, although the Town is going to spend what is in the budget. Director of Engineering Walker - The 10 , 500 square feet is basically the first floor. Councilman Klein - What I am concerned about is that they may come back after the schematic phase and say $ 1 .2 million will renovate 14 , 000 square feet, and they will want a higher fee because they would be renovating more space . I am not sure what their intent is . Director of Engineering Walker - If "approximately 10, 500 square feet" is taken out of the proposal and it just said "the renovations to the Downtown Post Office" , that statement would be corrected . The Town Board had a brief discussion on the programs for the new Town Hall along with storage facilities that the new Town Hall will need for records management. Councilman Klein - Under Scope of Services , letter C4 mentions Contract Administration . It does not mention Office Contract Administration , which is very time consuming . Director of Engineering Walker - Certifications of Payments to the Contractor includes the office work. Councilman Klein - When a job is under construction the contractor receives many phone calls , along with other tasks that need to be done . TOWN BOARD MEETING 27 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Attorney Barney - I think it is all right because the phrase includes "including" instead of " limited to". Director of Engineering Walker - Under Scope of Services , letter C6 should read "Assistance to Owner with permit applications . " The Town Board had a brief discussion on some revisions of the proposed resolution before voting on the approval of the resolution . RESOLUTION NO. 145: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the Supervisor to enter into a contract - with Hoffmann, O 'Brien, Look, Taube, & Chiang, P. C. , for ArchitecturaUEngineering Basic Services for Renovations to the Tioga Street Post Office Building to convert the building for use as Town Hall . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 18 - CONSIDER THE PROPOSED SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION 1998 BUDGET, AND SUGGESTED CHANGES TO THE AGREEMENT: Agenda Item No . 18 will be deferred to the October Town Board Meeting , AGENDA ITEM NO. 19 - CONSIDER THE 1998 WATER AND SEWER RATE SCHEDULES : Supervisor Valentino - The Commissioners have determined that they are not recommending a change in the fee schedule for this year, and that the fee schedule will be reviewed throughout the next year. I could not convince them to reduce the fees even though the Commissioners have $ 1 . 8 million cash for a $2 million budget. Director of Engineering Walker - The Town charges the residents for water and sewer. Bolton Point only charges the Town of Ithaca for water. The . Intermunicipal agreement is that the Town is going to pay a certain amount to the Commission . The Town is paying that much to the Commission , so if the rate is reduced the Town is going to be in trouble with other things . This is based on consumption . Supervisor Valentino - I could not convince the Commissioners to reduce the rate which would only effect the budget by $40 , 000 . They have agreed to review the budget, the transfers of money, and other things throughout the year. They are considering a reduction in the rate for next year. In discussions , the Commission mentioned the rough times they went through in the past to meet their payroll from time to time . It scares them to consider changing . AGENDA ITEM NO. 20 - CONSIDER THE 1998 TOWN OF ITHACA BUDGET PROCESS : Supervisor Valentino - There was a meeting scheduled for September 15th for the Town Board to discuss the budget process . How does the Board feel about the need for the meeting when the Town Board would be doing the budget at the October meeting? I do not feel the pressure like last year with the budget numbers and financial reports . We have a comfort level of how much the Town really has . As the Department Heads , Mr. Carvill , and I start working on the final numbers and deciding on things for the budget, a direction from the Town Board members on their priorities for the budget would be appreciated . TOWN BOARD MEETING 28 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Storm water management needs to have a substantial amount of money allocated to it because of the work that needs to be done . Residents were told that the Town would move forward on the storm water management. The upgrades of the Highway Barn need to be discussed with Mr. Noteboom . Those are the two priorities that I was looking at. The other priority is the Park, Recreation , and Open Space Plan , including discussions with Mr. Kanter on things that can be coordinated with the storm water management, trails , and drainage We need to see what possibilities could be linked together for those fundings . Another thing is the computer systems . Mr. Carvill mentioned some of the new software programs , employee training , and new computers that were purchased this year. The Town has spent a considerably lesser amount , than what was budgeted for to do the upgrades this year. Under State Contract the Town is able to get outstanding bargains on computers . The Town has three or four computers that are not up to the level of the new computers that have been purchased . I would like to have these computers purchased out of this year' s money, and then everyone would be on the same level to meet their needs . There may be some software that we could still buy to make them more compatible . I would like to have that taken care of this year and next year the networking can be budgeted for from the budget for the new Town Hall . Councilman Klein - What is the Town paying for the new computers? Mr. Carvill - Anything between $ 1 , 799 and $ 1 , 900 , for a Compac. If the Town buys a large quanitity the price would be reduced more . Councilman Klein - Would more licenses need to be purchased for Microsoft Office? Director of Engineering Walker - No , we would be replacing the old machines . Everyone has a computer on their deck right now. Councilman Klein - With the updated Microsoft Office? Councilman Wolff - There have been some technical problems because Microsoft keeps upgrading the package when they come on new computers . Supervisor Valentino - The new computers are coming with Windows 97 already loaded in at this price . These computers would put everyone on the same equal programming . Councilman Wolff - In the early summer there were discussions about a person who would take responsibility for coordinating a lot of computer implementation policies . Has that changed at all? Supervisor Valentino - We. have not done the job description . The salary number and title has only been done at this point. The Information Technology Committee should work on the job description of that person . A lot of emphasis needs to be on the records management portion . At this point, the Town Board has talked about the need for that and it has been included in the salary ranges for next year. The Town Board gave Supervisor Valentino some suggestions of what they would like to look during the 1998 Budget meeting . TOWN BOARD MEETING 29 SEPTEMBER 811997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 211997 ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER CANCELING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING SCHEDULED BY RESOLUTION NO . 121 /1997 : RESOLUTION NO. 156: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby cancels the Special Town Board Meeting on September 15, 1997 scheduled by Resolution No. 121 of July 7, 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carved unanimously. (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 21 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR A PROJECT TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON , AND PAINT THE TOWNS WATER STORAGE TANKS : Director of Engineering Walker - I have the specifications for two storage tanks to be painted . There is $200, 000 budgeted for the painting of the storage tanks . Town Clerk Noteboom - Have the specifications been filed? Director of Engineering Walker - Before they are advertised for bid the specifications will be filed in the Town Clerk' s office. Town Clerk Noteboom - It is my understanding that under statue the specifications must be in the Town Clerk' s office before the Town Board can approve this . How can the Town Board approve specifications they have not seen? Director of Engineering Walker - I can distribute them to the Town Board to review, and they can be approved next month . The Town would be water blast painting the exterior of the storage tanks , and brush scrapping any spots that are defective down to the bare metal . Then the tanks would be coated with a finish . The interior of the tanks will be sand blasted to a metal finish to take the paint off, but not a white metal finish . They will be coated with a wax coating system approved for water systems . It is a thick coating and is resistant to ice movement, and it is effective against corrosion . The two tanks that will be done are the Sapsucker Woods and the Ridge Crest Road tanks . Both of those tanks have less than 30 percent of the original paint still hanging on the inside of the tanks . The exteriors of the storage tanks are also bad . Last summer the Ridge Crest Road storage tank was emptied to clean all the loose debris out. The same thing was done to the Sapsucker Woods storage tank. Councilwoman Russell - Does the water actually change? Is there water going in and out of these tanks at all times? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes . The Ridge Crest Road storage tank has approximately a 15 percent turnover every day . The Sapsucker Woods tank has approximately a 30 to 50 percent turnover because it was feeding Dryden . Now it is 20 percent. Councilman Klein - The plan is to paint one storage tank a year? I Director of Engineering Walker - Yes , but the Town did not do a storage tank last year so the Town will do two tanks this year. It would be approximately $ 100 , 000 per storage tank. TOWN BOARD MEETING 30 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2. 1997 Councilman Klein - Would the storage tanks be painted this year? Director of Engineering Walker - The interior coating could be done this year, but the exterior coating will be done next year. The critical portions of the storage tanks are the interiors . Councilman Klein - When would this be ready to go out to bid? Director of Engineering Walker - It will be approximately a week before all the documents are ready to go . Councilwoman Grigorov - Could the last "resolve" of the proposed resolution state "that the Town Board authorizes the Town Engineer to approve the specifications . "? Director of Engineering Walker - Supervisor Valentino will enter into the contract. Councilman Klein - The Town Board cannot award the bid . Director of Engineering Walker - This is not an award this is to authorize this to go out to bid . These are two structures that are existing and in sound condition , but need to be repainted . Town Clerk Noteboom - That is correct, but under statue the Town Clerk's office is supposed to have plans and specifications prior to authorization to go out to bid . Mr. Walker stated that it was going to be approximately a week before the documents are prepared , and he has not checked with me as to what date and time would appropriate for the bid opening . It bothers me that Mr. Walker is setting a precedence of approving things before the proper documentation has been in the Town Clerk's office . I am the person that is responsible for those bids , and if they are not in the office the way they are suppose to be , even though Mr. Walker prepares them , I am responsible for them . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board will be meeting in October, and this agenda item will be deferred to that meeting . AGENDA ITEM NO. 22 - CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD OF BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUTTERMILK FALLS WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS : Director of Engineering Walker - The Town Board was supplied with a proposed resolution including a letter from the Finger Lakes State Park authorities . The State Park will process the Town's payment request for $ 11 , 500 as a contribution for the sewer. The bids were good , and the lowest bid was almost $40 , 000 under the estimated bid . The selected bidder has been working in the area and has done a lot of water and sewer projects for Cornell University and the Town of Lansing . Dean Shallish , is a small contractor out of Greene , New York. Both T. G . Millers and the City of Cheryl gave a good recommendation . John Helgram of Resource Associates who inspected the work for the Village of McGraw also gave a positive response . The bid price was $ 104 , 226 , the Town's estimate price was $ 143 , 000 . Councilman Klein - Could the prices be broken down into water and sewer? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes , the bid for sewer was $31 , 520 and water was $72 , 706 . Councilman Klein - What was the next low bidder? Director of Engineering Walker - That would be Rausseum Pipeline at $ 111 , 994. TOWN BOARD MEETING 31 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2 , 1997 Councilman Klein - Was the sewer amount what the State Park agreed to pay? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes , they are paying half of what it would cost. Town Clerk Noteboom - A further resolved should be added to the proposed resolution that this is subject to a permissive referendum . The deadline date for a petition under the permissive referendum does not end until Wednesday. Maybe the Board should not authorize the award of the contract until the permissive referendum deadline is over. Attorney Barney may have some language to be added to this effect. Attorney Barney - A statement such as , no petition for referendum is filed by September 10 , 1997 , the Town Board can authorize the award of the bid . " , should be added to the proposed resolution . Also , the Town Supervisor and the Attorney for the Town should approve the contract. RESOLUTION NO. 146: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that provided no petition for referendum is received by September 10, 1997, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorization the award of the contract for the construction of the Buttermilk Falls Water and Sewer Improvements to Dean Chalice Construction, Greene, New York, for the contract amount of $ 104, 226. 00, subject to the final approval of the contract documents by the Town Supervisor, Town Engineer, and the Attorney for the Town. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carded unanimously . (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 23 - CONSIDER INCREASE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT TO O' BRIEN AND GERE ENGINEERS FOR THE WATER SYSTEM MODELING PROJECT : Director of Engineering Walker - The proposed resolution identifies a request from the contractor to do additional work on the Water System Modeling Project. There were a number of pipes significantly higher than what was in the original proposal and scope . This is a reasonable request. With some of the communications between the City and Bolton Point there were some changes in the model . I am recommending that the Town Board approve this resolution . It would be a $ 1 , 525 additional cost for the Town . Councilwoman Harrison - Is that for the Town' s share? Director of Engineering Walker - This is for the Town' s model only, not the joint modeling . 1 held onto this request for a while because I checked the usability of the model , and it is working well . RESOLUTION NO. 147: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the increase in the total engineering fee for the Hydraulic Model of the Town of Ithaca Water System from $22, 000 to $23, 525, and authorizes payment of such additional amount be to appropriated from account F8340. 480. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) TOWN BOARD MEETING 32 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - CONSIDER SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A TRAILER MOUNTED VACUUM: Director of Engineering Walker - This is trailer mounted vacuum machine . As the Town maintains the sewer systems there is some debris in the sewers . This vacuum machine would allow us to clean the sewers without entering the sewer system . As the storm drainage systems increase in numbers there are catch basins that have silt and debris in them . This will clean those and a lot of valve boxes . In the past the Town needed to dig the valve boxes out to clean them . Supervisor Valentino - Was this specific item in the Engineering budget? Director of Engineering Walker - This was in the equipment budget line item . There was $5 , 000 in the line item for water and sewer, and it is approximately $40 , 000 for the machine . RESOLUTION NO. 148: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the specifications for the Trailer Mounted Vacuum System, and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the purchase of the Vacuum System . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; ., Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 26 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS TO HAVE CORNELL UNIVERSITY HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNING CLASS CONDUCT AN HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY FOR THE TOWN OF ITHACA: Councilman Klein - Is this a four year endeavor`? Director of Planning Kanter - It would probably be two to three years for the Town of Ithaca. There is another portion that would be separately done by Cayuga Heights if they desired to do so . The Town of Ithaca outside of Cayuga Heights would actually have three sections . It could be three semesters of work, or it could be advanced by doing some summer work. If it is three semesters it would be three years . It seems to be a good education opportunity for a class to do this project. Councilwoman Harrison - What kind of involvement does the DeWitt Historical Society have in this? Director of Planning Kanter - They would not have a direct role in terms of the project, especially in the historic overview portion of this , but they will certainly have valuable information that will help . Councilwoman Grigorov - Was the DeWitt Historical Society expecting to do this? Director of Planning Kanter - No . The historic portion would be a rough sketch of the history and context within the region . The existing conditions reconnaissance is to identify potentially specific properties within the Town itself. The intensive level survey is the individual historic reforms for those structures . By the time the project were done the Town would have site specific information that would allow people to see national register listings or State register listings . It would also give the Town of Ithaca Boards further information about each property while doing a SEAR review for environmental reasons . TOWN BOARD MEETING 33 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - What is the scope for historic designation? Is it possible that some of these homes get looked at and described? Do they need to concur in the designation? Councilman Klein - This will not go the next step to get property listed on the national register. This would just be an identification of property that in someone's opinion is worthy. Councilwoman Harrison - They would gather this information without entering the property , or would they get permission to enter the properties? Director of Planning Kanter - They would need permission from people to enter the properties . A lot of the work would be done from road surveys . There may be some occasions where they need to enter the property to look closer. Councilwoman Harrison - If , there was a property that seemed to make sense to be on the national or state register, who would do that? Councilman Klein - It is an expensive and time consuming process to prepare the documenation forms if someone wanted to . Director of Planning Kanter - You cannot force someone to have their property listed .-on the national register. I am not sure about the State register. There are some differences between 'the two. It does not make sense to nominate a property for the national register unless someone is interested in having it listed . Attorney Barney - Would the Town be contracting with Barbara Eberts or Cornell University? Director of Planning Kanter - In the sense of contracting there will be two people that the Town will be dealing with . One is Barbara Eberts who is going to be coordinating and teaching classes . The other one is Lynn Cunningham who works for Historic Ithaca. She would be doing the $800 piece for the historic overview. That will be a very short term project. RESOLUTION NO. 150: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes funding to commence a survey of Historic Resources in the Town of Ithaca through the Historic Preservation Planning Program at Cornell University. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 27 - DISCUSS SECTION 46B OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING ORDINANCE RELATED TO SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS : Councilwoman Grigorov - This is to allow developers to make minor changes . This was discussed in the Codes and Ordinances Committee . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the context of this section the Town Board is supposed to be looking for? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The lacovelli project prompted this discussion . TOWN BOARD MEETING 34 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - There were too many misunderstandings with Mr. lacovelli . There needs to be more clarification of this section . Councilwoman Harrison - It sounded like the plan that was approved for Mr. lacovelli was not tight enough to be interpretable . Councilwoman Grigorov - There are specifications in here that he would be allowed three parking spaces , but at the end it is not intended to permit any other violations . Councilwoman Harrison - What does that mean? Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The ordinance just came from College Circle when that was developed . There were changes that occurred at College Circle and then the ordinance was changed . Supervisor Valentino - Should there be some type of review of this section? Councilwoman Grigorov - "Yes . " Director of Building and Zoning Frost - With lacovelli again? This section of the law :(Section 46B, Subparagraph 4 a-f) describes things that the owner could do without going back to the Planning Board . If those parking spaces he proposed on the south side of the building were not in the required yard set back, he could have put up to three parking spaces in and not have to go back to the Planning Board . Councilwoman Russell - Would that be changing the traffic flows? Director of Building and Zoning Frost . No , they were not permitted to be traffic flow through , which was made very clear from the start. That would have been cornered off so people could not gain access onto Coddington Road . Any access to the parking spaces would be part of those parking spaces . If there were no chain people could get out and continue through the driveway . Councilwoman Grigorov - If that area became gravel instead of trees and grass as a buffer, that would be a violation . Councilwoman Russell - I did suggest the change of having it be adjacent parking space . Supervisor Valentino - Are you looking for some direction from the Town Board to the Codes and Ordinances Committee? Councilwoman Grigorov - "Yes . " Director of Building and Zoning Frost - The Town Board is talking about two vehicles and two parking spaces, not multi vehicles . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board needs to have further discussions on this section of the Zoning Ordinance . Maybe the communication of the interpretation should be thought more out. It is not only changing the language , but maybe it is how the Town communicates with each other internally that needs to be clarified . i Councilman Klein - The Codes and Ordinances Committee has been revising the Zoning Ordinance. There have been some parts of this section changed . Section 46B , Paragraph 4 , Subparagraph C has been changed to $20 , 000 . The Committee talked about Subparagraph B , how many parking spaces TOWN BOARD MEETING 35 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 that are really affected? It is more a percentage of parking spaces . Moving three parking spaces at East Hill Plaza has less impact than moving three parking spaces at Mr. lacovelli's . Director of Building and Zoning Frost - "Can eight parking spaces be moved and not effect traffic flow" be put into that wording? I cannot see how the change or relocation of a parking space does not effect it. Councilwoman Grigorov - It is adjacent as Councilwoman Russell was saying . Also , it does not directly violate any express conditions including without limitations , buffer zones , setbacks , etc. , imposed by the Planning Board , so that would open interpretations in different ways . Does this section need to be changed? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , this needs to be sorted out. Councilwoman Harrison - The site plan was not very clear. Councilman Klein - If the site plan had been more finished it would have had less left to the imagination . Director of Engineering Walker - There was nothing left on the site plan for imagination , it very specifically showed the location of the driveway coming off the back of the building going directly to the road . It was perpendicular to the road and perpendicular to the parking lot. Councilwoman Harrison - Would this allow the Town to change the driveway? Attorney Barney - " No. " Councilwoman Harrison - Changing the driveway is not permitted? Attorney Barney - That is correct. Director of Building and Zoning Frost - What type of alterations effecting the site less than $ 10 , 000 would not apply? Councilwoman Harrison - It cannot alter proposed traffic flows , and clearly changing the driveway alters the traffic flow. Director of Building and Zoning Frost - Fifty percent of the driveway that runs along the neighboring property and goes to Coddington Road is still there . That has not changed . The Town Board was looking at a site plan from a 90 degree angle with approximately 10 linear feet of driveway. I do not see that. Nothing has changed . They are still accessing Coddington Road in the same exact location today as it was on the site plan , and as it was when Mr. lacovelli made the change. Director of Engineering Walker - It was not the Coddington Road access that was in question . It was the access to that person' s driveway, and the impact on the residences around it. That is what the Planning Board reviewed . The Planning Board condition may not have been specific, there was more implication there as far as the impact on the neighbors . Councilwoman Harrison - Should this be discussed in the context of the revised Zoning Ordinance? Councilwoman Grigorov - It has been discussed by the Codes and Ordinances Committee . TOWN BOARD MEETING 36 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 28 - CONSENT ITEMS : CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : The Town Board pulled Consent Item Nos . 28 (a) , 28 (g) , and 28 (h) were pulled for further discussion . RESOLUTION NO. 151 (a) or 151 (h): Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 28 (b) - 28 (t), No. 28 (1) - 28 (k) as presented on the individual resolution. Consent Agenda No. 28 (a) is amended as noted on the individual resolution, and No. 28 (g) - 28 (h) shall be considered separately . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) A. TOWN BOARD MINUTES - 8111 /97 : Councilwoman Harrison - Page 8 , Agenda Item 21 of the August 11th Town Board Meeting where Mr. Stephenson addressed the Town Board and expressed his concerns relating to that project. I would like to add the following statement "I share Mr. Stevenson's concern for protecting. 4 Cayuga Lake. However, the involvement of the panel of faculty at Cornell University including world wide expertise in lakes and plantings , has given me sufficient confidence not to oppose the project. " RESOLUTION NO. 152): Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and adopts the minutes for the regular meeting held on August 11 , 1997 as the official minutes for the said meeting with the following addition as noted above A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) i G . CREATION OF CIVIL SERVICE POSITION FOR BUDGET OFFICER: Councilman Klein - Would this give the person the right to write checks? Supervisor Valentino - We have to do that. Councilman Klein - Does the Town Board also need to make a resolution to increase bonding ? Town Clerk Noteboom - Mr. Carvill , Supervisor Valentino , and Town Clerk Noteboom are bonded for $ 1 million each . Councilman Klein - Would this do away with the need for the Deputy Supervisor to be present to sign checks if the Town Supervisor is not available? Supervisor Valentino - We could do that. We would not change the current procedures that are being used internally . It does give Mr. Carvill the right to sign checks if the Deputy Supervisor and the Town Supervisor are not available . At this point we are not looking at changing the day to day checks and j balances the Town has been doing . TOWN BOARD MEETING 37 SEPTEMBER 89 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 153: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the creation of Civil Service Title Budget Officer. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE : A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) H . PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT OF BUDGET OFFICER : RESOLUTION NO. 134: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby ratifies the provisional appointment of Budget Offices. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 29 - CONSIDER ITEMS FOR FALL TOWN OF ITHACA NEWSLETTER: Supervisor Valentino - If anyone has anything for the newsletter they can forward it to Mr. Kanter. Councilwoman Harrison - When would the newsletter be mailed? Director of Planning Kanter - On or about October 1st. We would like to have articles in by the end of this week. Councilwoman Harrison - Would the newsletter include revisions of the Zoning Ordinance? Director of Planning Kanter - Not this newsletter. Councilman Conley - Would the newsletter reflect the requirements for mail boxes for the snow plowing season? Supervisor Valentino - That will not be in this newsletter. Director of Planning Kanter - The big feature article will be about the new Town Hall . Councilman Wolff - Could the newsletter include a list of elective candidates? Attorney Barney - No , we are not allowed to do that. The newsletter will reflect the Polling Places and the changes . Councilwoman Harrison - Could that article reflect what residents would be voting for? Town Clerk Noteboom - There will be an article about bingo and what they would be voting on . ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO . 1 - CONSIDER POSSIBILITY OF A 2. 5 +/- ACRE TOWN PARK ON EAST KING ROAD OPPOSITE THE INTERSECTION WITH RIDGE CREST ROAD : Director of Planning Kanter - This is a very conceptual plan at this time , and the Planning Department wanted to get feedback from the Town Board on how to proceed with this . The site in question is on TOWN BOARD MEETING 38 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 East King Road . It is directly opposite Ridge Crest Road , and it is the Mano property that was recently acquired by Ed Hallberg . Mr. Hallberg proposes to subdivide the property for building lots . Mr. Hallberg has suggested the possibility of donating all , or a large piece of that site to the Town for park land . The total site is 2 . 5 acres . The site adjoins a portion of the Town' s planned trail that would go behind the property. It is the trail that was planned around Sauders Road which was going to connect East King Road with Deer Run into Whitetail Drive . There are various tax benefits that Mr. Hallberg thinks he may be able to obtain if he donates this to the Town of Ithaca . If Mr. Hallberg is able to do that the Town would certainly want to consider that possibility. One question is whether this is an appropriate site to look at as possible park land as a supplement to the Town's other 12 . 5 acre site that would become the South Hill Community Park? Councilwoman Harrison - Would that be suitable for this site with the topography? Director of Planning Kanter - It is quite level on about two-thirds of it closest to East King Road . It then starts to slope down moderately to the Deer Run lots . It has been largely filled and was a site of the former residential development that was started . There are foundations for houses left on the site. There are some negatives in terms of some debris left on the site , but it is not substantial . It is something that could be cleaned up . There seem to be some good possibilities for some active facilities such as tennis courts , basketball courts , etc. . They would be in the middle of this residentially developed area. The Deer Run lots are directly behind it, Chase Farms is located on the other side of East King Road . There is enough room for some things , but not enough room for a ' ball field . This could give the Town flexibility on how the Town designs the larger park. There will be some grading and drainage issues on the wetland area that has been identified . If the Town wanted to plan some tennis courts on the upper area closer to the resident population and leave the lower part for some other things there would be more room to work with . Supervisor Valentino - It may save the Town money as far as clearing the land and setting it up which would be required on the other site . Director of Planning Kanter - Another concern is realigning the trail . This proposal would actually bring the trail more directly up to East King Road through the park itself. Otherwise we would need to find some way of connecting the trail to the South Hill Community Park. One possibility would be connecting a sidewalk to East King Road . It would not be desirable to put the Town's trail through the South Hill Unique Natural Area. Councilwoman Harrison - What is there in the way of play facilities in Chase Farm and Deer Run? Highway Superintendent Noteboom - There is Troy Park at the bottom portion of this area . There is a little playground facility , but not very much else . Councilman Conley - There is some open space at Troy Paris for volleyball . Director of Planning Kanter - Chase Farm does not have any play facilities . Councilwoman Grigorov - The trail system was supposed to meet their park needs . The Town Board was interested in pursuing the possibility of a 2 . 5 acres park site on East King Road , and the Planning Department will work on the proposal . ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO THE DESIGNATION OF 1997 POLLING PLACES : TOWN BOARD MEETING 39 SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 211997 The Town Board had a brief discussion on the changes in Polling Places . This will be added to the newsletter. RESOLUTION NO. 155: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca approves the change of designation of 1997 Polling Places. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT. Director of Engineering Walker - The material storage building would probably be a pole bam . It will be a 40 foot by 8 foot building . It would be a very basic building . This is not going to be the final specification document. The Commission approved the specifications and sketch that the Town Board was supplied with for a metal covered wood framed building . The Commission does not have the legal standing to accept contracts and conduct public bidding . Town Clerk Noteboom - Is the Town of Ithaca going to collect the contracts for Bolton Point? Director of Engineering Walker - Yes , the Commission has approved the expenditure of up to $75 , 000 to build this building out of their Capital Project Fund . The Commission has requested that the Town of Ithaca act as a contracting agency for the project to complete the design , bidding , award , and completion phases of the project. Each municipality must approve the capital improvement. There should be two it resolved' sI) on the proposed resolution . The first resolve should be that the Town of Ithaca as a member of the municipality of SCLIWC approves the expenditure of $75 , 000 for the Capital Improvement of a material storage building . Attorney Barney - The second resolve should read that the Town of Ithaca' s share is up to 50 percent of the funds in the Capital funds. Is this being paid for out of surplus funds? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . ° Attorney Barney - There is no need for a referendum . Town Clerk Noteboom - Another resolve should be added that SCLIWC should reimburse the Town for any advertising expenses related to the advertisement for bids . Director of Engineering Walker - That is part of the cost being expended . The Town Board had a brief discussion on what services the Town of Ithaca does for SCLIWC . Town Clerk Noteboom - If the Town of Ithaca is going to be the agency to take care of the bidding I would like to see the documents to make sure the Town meets the requirements of bids being received , dated , and timed . Director of Engineering Walker - The process of this bidding would be the same as the Transmission Main Repair. TOWN BOARD MEETING 40 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Town Clerk Noteboom - The Town Clerk's Office will be the ones to handle the bids by making sure that the bids are in my office for dates and times . Mr. Carvill - What was the original cost the Commission was talking about expending? Director of Engineering Walker - That was $60 , 000 . The $75 , 000 is the maximum figure the Commission wants to expend . Attorney Barney - What is the time frame the specifications would be done? Director of Engineering Walker - Right now the Town of Ithaca needs to receive authorization from all the other municipalities to sign off on this . That may take approximately a month to do. Attorney Barney - You will be bringing specifications back to the Town Board to approve before going out to bid? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Attorney Barney - The Town Board should add one resolve to the proposed resolution , that the Town of Ithaca approves the expenditure of funds for the storage building not to exceed $75 , 000, the Town of Ithaca acts as the contracting agency. Town Clerk Noteboom - Is the Town Board approving that they are approving the contract specifications? Attorney Barney - No , the title should be changed to approve the Capital Improvement authorization to spend funds . Town Clerk Noteboom - Does the Town Board need to approve the specifications and authorizations at the October meeting ? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " j Councilman Klein - Would this storage building have electricity? Director of Engineering Walker - The Commission was not going to have lighting in the building , but there should be lighting in the building . This building needs to meet building code requirements . Councilman Klein - Where is the building going to be constructed at? Director of Engineering Walker - The building will be constructed behind the water plant on an existing concrete pad . Councilman Klein - Would the building be visible from East Shore Drive? Director of Engineering Walker - No , it would be visible from the lake . Councilman Klein - Would a SEQR be done? Director of Engineering Walker - 99 No . " TOWN BOARD MEETING 41 SEPTEMBER 811997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2 . 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - How would this project be taken to bid unless there is an environmental review? Attorney Barney - A SEQR should be done before authorizing the bid . Director of Engineering Walker - I would like the approval of the Capital Project and the $75 , 000 expenditure . Attorney Barney - The SEQR process would relate to that. Director of Engineering Walker - The Town of Ithaca would be leading off all five municipalities . Attorney Barney - The Town of Ithaca will do a SEQR process as the lead agency. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO . 6 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOW TEMPORARY USE OF TOWN PROPERTY AT THE INLET: Director of Engineering Walker - The channel is being dredged . They have set up a staging area along the side of the bank, and have dredges on the barge going down the channel . All the floating material is put on to the barge that gets hauled to the staging area to put on trucks . The trucks want to drive to the fill site to keep them off the road by using the inlet valley parcel that the Town is trying to acquire from the County. Councilwoman Harrison - What is the area like that they want to drive across? Director of Engineering Walker - It is just meadow lands and wheat. It is hard gravel that could be driven across . It is right next to the railroad bed . Town Clerk Noteboom - What about liability? Director of Engineering Walker - The contractor needs to maintain his own liability insurance. Attorney Barney - The Town does not own the property yet. The contractor should be told that the Town does not object to this . The Town Board is making a motion to express to the contractor, the City of Ithaca , and the County that the Town does not object to the contractor using the roadway. Councilwoman Harrison - The resolution would need to be specific because we do not want them to drive all over the site. Attorney Barney - That is correct. Councilwoman Harrison - What happens if the contractor does some damage to this property? Director of Engineering Walker - The contractor will restore any damage that is done , and the Town will receive a commitment letter from the contractor. The contractor has already written a letter to the County that they would restore any damages . RESOLUTION NO. 157: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby expresses permission for temporary use of Town property at the Inlet. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 42 SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVED - OCTOBER 2, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO . 7 - AMENDING RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF LAND AND BUILDING FOR THE NEW TOWN HALL: RESOLUTION NO. 158: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the resolution referred to above is hereby amended by deleting Section 8 in its entirety. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: A formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO . 4 - EXECUTIVE SESSION : Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison to move into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition , potential litigation , and personnel matter. Motion carved unanimously. The Board began Executive Session at 10: 31 p . m . Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilman Wolff to resume regular session . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began regular session at 10: 46 p . m . AGENDA ITEM NO . 30 - ADJOURNMENT. As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilman Klein , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously . Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10: 47 p . m . Respe tfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk **Next: Regular Monthly Meeting - CrHURSDAYI October Z 1997 at 5 : 30 p. m . (Presentation of Tentative Budget) ***Regular Monthly Meeting - CrHURSDA ) November 6. 1997 at 5 : 30 p. m. (Consideration of Final Budget) ***Minutes Transcribed by Deborah Kelley. i fly OF 1p (I TOWN OF ITHACA �.� 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 4 Appointment Recreation Partnership Board Resolution No . 141 BE IT RESOLVED , the governing Town Board does hereby appoint Joan Lent Noteboom , 1122 Danby Road , Ithaca , New York to serve as the Town of Ithaca representative on the Recreation Partnership Board ; and be it further RESOLVED , said appointment shall commence immediately upon adoption of this resolution through December 31 , 19975 MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: September 8 , 1997 j) � Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFlp TOWN OF ITHACA ,t,� �o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 10 SEQR : Ordinance Amending the Ordinance Regulating Traffic and Parking in the Town of Ithaca to Prohibit Parking on Portions of Burns Road and to Establish Stop Signs on John Street and Culver Road Resolution No . 142 WHEREAS , this action is the adoption of an ordinance amending the ordinance regulating traffic and parking in the Town of Ithaca , to prohibit parking on portions of Burns Road and to establish stop signs on John Street at its intersection with Park Lane and on Culver Road at its intersection with Poole Road ; and WHEREAS , this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to. act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the adoption . of local ordinances ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board , at a public hearing held on September 8 , 1997 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form , Parts I and II for this action , RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and , therefore , neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form , nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unani sly. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk DATED : September 8 , 1997 i �I Town Assigned Project ID Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review FINAL SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , NY ONLY T 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION ( To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) pplicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Town of Ithaca Town Board Adoption of ordinance amending the ordinance regulating traffic & parking in the Town of Ithaca to prohibit parking on portions of Burns Rd . & to establish stop signs on John St. & Culver Rd. 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map:) a) Prohibit parking on northwest side of Burns Rd. from NYS Rt. 79 west to a point 500 feet west of the bridge over Six Mile Creek, & on the south east side of Burns Rd. from NYS Rt. 79 west to Coddington Rd. b) establish stop signs on John St. at its intersection with Park Lane and on Culver Rd. at its intersection with Poole Rd . Tax Parcel Number: 4. Is proposed action: NEW ? . EXPANSION ? MODIFICATION / ALTERATION ? X (Amendment of Ordinance) 5. Describe project briefly : (Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items): Adoption of an ordinance amending the ordinance regulating traffic and parking in the Town of Ithaca to prohibit parking on portions of Burns Road and to establish stop signs on John Street and Culver road. Affected locations are listed in #3 above. ( Attach separate sheet(s) if necessary to adequately describe the proposed project. ) 6. Amount of land affected: Initially (0-5 yrs) Acres (6-10 yrs) Acres (> 10 yrs) Acres N/A 7. How is land zoned presently ? N/A ill proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions ? X NO If no, describe conflict briefly : 9. ill proposed action lead to a request for new: Public Road ? YES NO X Public Water ? YES NO X Public Sewer ? YES NO X 10. What is the present land use in the vicinity of the proposed project ? Residential _X_ Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park / Forest / Open Space X Other Please Describe: 11 . Does proposed action involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local) ? YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit / approval / funding 12. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval ? YES NO X If yes, list agency name and permit / approval. Also, state whether it will require modification. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Sponsor Name (Print or Type) : Catherine Valentino , Supervisor, Town of Ithaca Signature and Date : C Rev. 8197 fn:SEAF.XLS i PART If - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary.) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO If yes , coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 6? YES NO X If no . a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved a enc , if any. C . Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following : (Answers may be handwritten , If legible) C1 . Existing air quality , surface or groundwater quality , noise levels , existing traffic patterns , solid waste production and disposal , potential for erosion , drainage or t1coding problems ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C2. Aesthetic, agricultural , archaeological , historic, or other natural or cultural resources ? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C3 . Vegetation or fauna, fish , shellfish , or wildlife species , significant habitats , unique natural areas , wetlands , or threatened or endangered species ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C4. The Town' s existing 'plans or goals as officially adopted , or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources ? plans briefly : None anticipated . C5 . Growth , subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . Co . Long term , short term , cumulative , or other erects not identified in C1 - CS ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . WID , Is there , or is there likely to be , controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts ? YES NO X If yes , explain briefly: E. Comments of staff X CB other attached . ( Check as applicable . ) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse affect Identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (le, urban or rural) ; (b) .probability of occurring; (c) duration ; (d) Irreversibility ; (e) geographic scope ; and (f) magnitude. if necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanaticns contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration . Check here if you have determined , based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation , that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary the reasons supportin this determ ' ation. Town of Ithaca Town Board ►�✓ Name of Lead Agency Pr parer's Signature ( If different from Responsible Officer, Catherine Valentino , Supervisor Name+& Title of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer I/L 1 Date : Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency OFIp _ _ a TOWN OF ITHACA ,y� �o4^� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 ?TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 11 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD Resolution No. 143 WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for a public hearing to be held by said Town on September 8, 1997 at 6: 15 P. M. to hear all interested parties on a proposed ordinance entitled "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD"; and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Ithaca Joumal ; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on said date and time at the Town Hall of the Town of Ithaca and all: parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed ordinance, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the Implementing Regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act ) it has been determined by the Town Board that adoption of said proposed local law would not have a significant effect upon the environment and could be processed without further regard to SEAR, and WHEREAS, the Town Board is authorized to adopt such ordinance pursuant to Town Law Section 130 and Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1660; NOW , THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts said ordinance . entitled "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD"; a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution ; and it is further TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda Item No. 11 Res. No. 143 Page 2 . RESOLVED , that , pursuant to Section 123 of the Town Law, the Town Clerk is directed to (a) Enter such amendatory ordinance into the minutes of the Town Board; (b) Publish such amendatory ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the Town and file the affidavit of such publication in the Town Clerk's Office; and (c) Enter a copy of such amendatory ordinance into the Town 's "Ordinance Book" maintained by the Town Clerk pursuant to Town Law Section 30 ( 1 ) . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED: Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. ROLL CALL VOTE: Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ORDINANCE AMENDING TIll_; ORDINANCE IZ13G (JLA'1 'ING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN ' THE TOWN OF I ' ITIACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD Pursuant to Section 130 of the 'Town Law of the Stale of'' New York , and Section 1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the Slate of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County , New York, does ordain and enact as follows : Section I . Territory Affected . This ordinance sh , 111 be applicable to all territory within the ' Town of 1111 ,X. 1 outside, of the. incorporated Village, of Cayuga I leights . Section 2 . Amending of Prior Ordinance . The Ordinance Amending and Restating Ordinance Regulating 'Traffic and Parking in the 'Town of Ithaca, adopted by the Town Hoard February 10, 1992 , and amended by the Town Board April 13 , 1992 , December 12 , 1994, August 12, 1996 , and June 9 , 1997 , is hereby further amended as follows : (a) Section 3 entitled " Parking Vehicles " , subparagraph (m ) is amended to read as follows : " (nl ) On the northwest side of Burns Road from New York State Route 79 west to a point 500 feet west of the bridge over Six Mile Creek ; and on the southeast side of Burns Road front New York Stale Route 79 west to Coddington Road . " ( b) There is hereby added to the list on Schedule A relating to stop signs the following entries : " Oil John Street at its intersection with Park Lane " " On Culver Road at its intersection with Poole Road " Section 3 . Effective Dale. This ordinance shall be effective 10 days after publication and posting in accordance with Section 133 of the Town. Law . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk PUBLISH : September 16 , 1997 ADOPTED : SEPTEMBER 8 , 1997 i flyOFlp F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 12 Ecovillage Cohousing Cooperative Request for Abatement of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Fees Resolution No. 144 BE IT RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby declines to grant the request for a waiver of the fees for the temporary Certificates of Occupancy for the community building at the Ecovillage Cohousing Cooperative property. MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk F i �1y OF I T� F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 214 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 `1 0 i OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 1 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 i Agenda Item No. 17 i Authorization for Contract with Hoffman O' Brien Look Taube & Chiang , P. C. t for Architectural/Engineering Basic Services for Renovations to the Tioga Street Post Office Building to Convert the Building for use as Town Hall Resolution No, 145 WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has approved the acquisition of the existing Tioga Street Post Office Building for use as the Town Hall , and; i WHEREAS, HOLT&C , P . C . has been selected by the Town Board as the Architect for the j New Town Hall , and ; WHEREAS, HOLT&C, P . C . has provided a proposal for provision of Architectural and Engineering Services for a Fixed Fee (Stipulated Sum) of $28 , 800 plus reimburseables, plus consulting fees for 9. 6% of the agreed budget; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into a contract with HOLT&C, P. C . for the Architectural Services in accordance with the above proposal , such agreement to be approved by the Town Supervisor with the advice of the Town Engineer and Attorney for the Town ; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Board at this time authorizes only the expenditures under such contract for the Schematic Design Phase with further payments to be as subsequently authorized . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED: Councilman Wolff t Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; . Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 1 i OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA �� Z1044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No. 22 Authorization for Award of Contract for the Construction of Buttermilk Falls Water Improvements and Buttermilk Falls Sewer Improvements Resolution No. 146 WHEREAS, The Town Board has authorized the establishment of the Water Improvement area to be known as the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefited Area - 1997 = Buttermilk Falls Area in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and; WHEREAS, The Town Board has authorized the establishment of the Sewer Improvement area to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefited Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area in the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New. York, and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the Water & Sewer improvements, and ; WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, approved the plans and specifications . for the Construction of Water & Sewer Improvements at Buttermilk Falls Road , and authorized the advertisement for bids for the project. WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca has received bids for construction of the Buttermilk Falls Road Water and Sewer Improvements on September 3, 1997, and ; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the bids and qualifications of the bidders for construction of the Buttermilk Falls Road Water and Sewer Improvements and has determined that the Low Bid of $ 104, 226. 00 by Dean Chalice Const. is a responsive bid by a qualified contractor and recommends the award of . this contract to Dean Chalice Const. . I TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda No, 22 Resolution No. 146 Page 2 . NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That provided no petition for referendum is received by September 10, 1997, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the award of the contract for the construction of the Buttermilk Falls Water and Sewer Improvements to Dean Chalice Construction , Greene, New York, for the contract amount of $ 104,226. 00, subject to the final approval of the contract documents by the Town Supervisor, Town Engineer, and the Attorney for the Attorney. MOVED: Supervisor Valentino SECONDED: Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i s I 1 i I t t OF 1 r TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� �o,¢'� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No. 23 Amendment of Engineering Services Agreement with O' Brien and Gere Engineers , Inc. for a Hydraulic Model of the Town of Ithaca Water System Resolution No. 147 WHEREAS, the Town Board on 8/12/96 approved the proposal submitted by O'Brien and Gere Engineers, Inc. by letter dated July 24, 1996, for development of a hydraulic model of the Town water system with an engineering fee for this service not to exceed $22,000, and; WHEREAS, the work performed by O' Brien and Gere to complete the Hydraulic model for the Town of Ithaca water system exceeded the original scope of work identified in the original proposal as described in a letter Dated April 2 , 1997 from Richard Gell , P . E. to Daniel Walker, P. E. , Town Engineer, and ; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the request and concurs that additional work was required to complete the Model, and ; WHEREAS, the Town engineer has recommended increasing the total fee for engineering services by $ 1 , 525 . 00 to a total contract amount of $23, 525 . 00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby approves the increase in the total engineering fee for the Hydraulic Model of the Town of Ithaca Water System from $22 ,000 to $23, 525 , and _ authorize payment of such additional amount, and be it further RESOLVED, funds for this project be appropriated from account F8340.480. MOVED: Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8, 1997 ' Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA .�,� �04�- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No, 24 Approval of Bid Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for a Trailer Mounted Vacuum System Resolution No. 148 WHEREAS, The Town Engineer has determined that to assist in the maintenance of certain portions of the Town's infrastructure, there is a need for and has recommended the purchase of a Trailer Mounted Vacuum System suitable for cleaning Catch Basins, Sewer Manholes and Water Valve Boxes, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has prepared specifications for a Trailer Mounted Vacuum System , and ; WHEREAS, the 1997 Water and Sewer Equipment budgets included funds for the purchase of this equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the specifications for the Trailer Mounted Vacuum System , and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the purchase of the Vacuum System, MOVED: Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 1997 P , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 PrOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No , 25 Referral of Rezoning Request to Planning Board for Mecklenburg Heights Affordable Housing Proposal Resolution No. 149 BE IT RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby requests that the Planning Board make a recommendation to the Town Board concerning the rezoning request from Conifer Realty for the Mecklenburg Heights Affordable Housing Proposal for low to moderate income families, Mecklenburg Road, Tax Parcel No. 27- 1 - 13. 12 , 9 +/- acres; and be it further 4 RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Planning Board to act as Lead Agency for SEQR for this project. MOVED: Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED: Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; . Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. (Councilman Klein absent during discussion and vote due to declared conflict of interest) . DATED : September 8 , 1997 I Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA 21 044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No. 26 Authorization for Funding to Commence a Survey of Historic Resources in the Town of Ithaca Through the Historic Preservation Planning Program at Cornell University Resolution No , 150 WHEREAS , The Town of Ithaca is endowed with a number of historically significant structures, many of which have yet to be fully documented , and WHEREAS, The Town is desirous of protecting and preserving the historic resources within its boundaries, and WHEREAS , The Historic Preservation Planning Program at Cornell University has the resources and expertise available with which to carry out a survey of historic resources of the Town of Ithaca to the standards and in the format specified by the relevant state and federal historic preservation agencies, as part of its teaching program , and WHEREAS The Historic Preservation Planning Program at Cornell University anticipates that it will incur costs for materials , photocopying , transportation and labor of up to $6 , 000 over the anticipated four semesters of the proposed project, (which includes $ 1 ,500 that would have to be funded by the Village of Cayuga Heights) , or up to $ 1 ,500 per semester, and WHEREAS , To expedite the proposed project the Historic Preservation Program has recommended that the historic overview portion of the proposed survey of historic resources be done outside the Program, and has recommended that Lynn Cunningham be authorized to complete said historic overview, at an additional cost not to exceed $800, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the Historic Preservation Planning Program at Cornell University to commence work on a historic resources survey of the West Hill portion of the Town of Ithaca, or other portion of the town to be agreed upon by the Town Planning staff and the Cornell Historic Preservation Planning Program , under the direction of the Town Planning Department, at a cost not to exceed $ 1 , 500 for the Fall 1997 semester, to be charged to Account No. B8020 .406 , and be it further RESOLVED , that the Planning Department is authorized to arrange the completion of the historic overview portion of the above referenced historic resources survey by Lynn Cunningham , or other qualified person , at an additional cost not to exceed $800 , to be charged to Account No . B8020 . 406 , and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that funds in the following amounts: $500. 00 from Account No. B8020. 101 (Board Members) , $800. 00 from Account No. B8020.403 (Conferences/Mileage), and $ 1 ,000.00 from Account No. B8020.408 (Publications/Dues/Fees) , be transferred to Account No . B8020.406 (Planning Study) to fund the above-referenced survey work during Fall 1997; and be it further i 0 TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda Item No. 26 Res, No, 150 Page 2. RESOLVED, the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with the appropriate entities to effectuate the above resolution. Moved: Councilman Wolff Second: Councilwoman Harrison Date: September 8, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 4 3 3 i 1 t OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA #TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No's . 28 (b) -28 (f) , 28 (i )-28 (k) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No's . 151 (a) - 151 (h ) BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 28 (b) =28 (f) , No . 28 ( i)-28 (k) as presented on the individual resolution . Consent Agenda No . 28 (a) is amended as noted on the individual resolution , and No . 28 (g) -28 ( h ) shall be considered separately. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell DATE : September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk r I OF 1p F° 9 TOWN OF ITHACA A,, �04 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (b) TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS Resolution No . 151 (a) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . General Fund Vouchers : No . 1657= 1763 , $31 , 318 . 85 General Part . Town Vouchers : No . 1657- 1756 , $ 110542 . 10 Highway Fund Vouchers : No . 1661 = 1764, $65 , 870 . 71 Water Fund Vouchers : No . 1660- 1741 , $40, 400. 20 Sewer Fund Vouchers : No . 1658= 1745 , $795015 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell DATE: September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1 T� TOWN OF ITHACA 21 ' p Yo 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � h. TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (c) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No , 151 (b) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . Operating Fund Vouchers : No 2054=2116 , $57, 658930 No . 2120-2161 , $35 , 415 , 30 Capital Projects Vouchers : No . H47, $36 , 420. 00 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell DATE : September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. L Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFlp 9 TOWN OF ITHACA �,� �o�~� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 9/8/97 AGENDA ITEM NO. 28d, APPROVAL FOR TOWN STAFF TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES , AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION UPSTATE CHAPTER CONFERENCE Resolution No. 151 (c) WHEREAS , the American Planning Association (APA) Upstate Chapter is cosponsoring the Conference on Sustainable Communities with the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Upper Susquehanna Coalition from September 17th through 19th , 1997, in Owego , New York, and WHEREAS , the conference will provide programs and workshops on a number of current planning , transportation and water quality issues , and WHEREAS , it will be beneficial to the Town to send several of its staff to this program , and WHEREAS , because of the proximity of the conference, the cost of attendance will be nominal , since overnight accommodations will not be needed , and attendees will travel together in a town vehicle, and WHEREAS , the current Planning Department budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning , George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner, and Ben Helber, Planning Intern , at the APA Upstate Chapter Conference on Sustainable Communities in Owego , New York, from September 17th through 19th , 1997 , at a total cost not to exceed $400. 00, , which includes registration , meals and other expenses , charged to Account 88020 . 403 , MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell, aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED: September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 17v TOWN OF ITHACA 21 � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 9/8/97 AGENDA ITEM NO . 28 (e) APPROVAL FOR TOWN STAFF AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS TO ATTEND NEW YORK PLANNING FEDERATION ANNUAL INSTITUTE Resolution No . 151 (d) WHEREAS , there are many new developments impacting the planning field regarding land use , zoning and other regulatory issues , and WHEREAS , the New York Planning Federation ( NYPF) is holding its 1997 Annual Institute from October 26th through October 29th , 1997 , in Saratoga Springs, New York, which provides programs and workshops on a number of current planning and zoning topics and basic training for planning and zoning board members , and WHEREAS , it will be beneficial to the Town to send staff and members of the Planning Board to this program , and WHEREAS , the current Planning Department budget includes sufficient funds for this purpose , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning , and Fred Wilcox and Gregory Bell , members of the Town Planning Board , at the NYPF 1997 Annual Institute from October 26th through October 29th , 1997, at a cost not to exceed $ 1 , 600 . 00 , which includes registration , accommodations, meals , and other travel expenses , charged to Account B8020 . 403 ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Board does hereby also approve the attendance of Supervisor Catherine Valentino at the said conference at a cost not to exceed $400 . 00 paid from General Fund Account A1220 . 400 ; and it is further RESOLVED , the Attorney for the Town , John C . Barney may attend as a registrant of the Town of Ithaca and subsequently reimburse the Town for those costs . TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 (e) Res . No. 151 (d ) Page 2 . MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i r OF 1p F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 WN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 9/8/97 AGENDA ITEM NO . 28 (f) APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFER TO REIMBURSE CORNELL UNIVERSITY FOR SUMMER WORK STUDY POSITION Resolution No . 151 (e) WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorized various departments to hire work study students under Cornell University' s Community Work Study Program , and WHEREAS , the Planning Department approved Taber Sweet to work under the work study program during the Summer of 1997 , and WHEREAS , the work study agreement between the Town of Ithaca and Cornell University requires the Town to reimburse Cornell for a 25 percent share of the gross wages earned by the work study employee , and WHEREAS , Cornell University has submitted a bill to the Town for reimbursement in the amount of $622 . 03 to cover the Town 's 25 percent share , and WHEREAS , the Planning Department Budget contains sufficient funds to cover that reimbursement, NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that funds in the amount of $622 . 03 be transferred from Account No . B8020 . 110 (Student Interns) , to Account No . B8020 . 410 (CIVITAS Interns) . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell DATE : September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF IT� TOWN OF ITHACA �,� zi o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 ( i) 1997 Budget Transfers Resolution No , 151 (f) WHEREAS , compliant with standard budgetary practices established and required by the NYS Comptroller' s Office and Governmental Accounting Auditing and Financial Reporting Standards the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town of Ithaca has reviewed all over expended appropriations for all operating funds for the period 1 /1 /97 to 8/22/97 ; and WHEREAS , this review has disclosed certain over expended appropriations requiring a transfer of funds from other under expended appropriations . These expenditures and the required budget transfer(s) are presented for the Town Board's consideration and approval : GENERAL TOWN-WIDE FUND From : All 10 , 400 Town Justices - Contractual $ 1 , 665 . 51 A1110 , 405 Town Justices = Lawbooks/Supplies $29000800 To : Al 110 ,200 Town Justices - Equipment $3 , 665 . 51 From : A1340 . 400 Budget - Contractual $ 263 . 02 To : Al 340 , 200 Budget - Equipment $ 263 . 02 From : A1430 , 421 Personnel - Employee Education $ 426 . 63 To : Al 4306400 Personnel - Contractual $ 132 . 05 A14300410 Personnel - Publications/Dues $ 192 . 36 Al 430 , 421 Personnel - Employee Education $ 102 . 22 From : Al 680 , 400 Central Data Processing $ 1 , 442 . 50 Materials/Supplies To : Al 680 , 403 Central Data Processing $ 1 , 442 , 50 , Education/Training From : Al 450. 200 Election - Equipment $ 300 . 00 Al 460 , 200 Records Management - Equipment $ 450000 Al 460 , 404 Records Management - Consult Services $ 1 , 223 . 00 To : Al 450 . 400 Elections = Contractual Expenses $ 1 , 973 . 00 TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (i) Res . No . 151 (f) Page 2 . From : A5010. 420 Transportation $ 378870 Publications/Dues To : A5010 . 410 Transportation $ 378 . 70 Training and Safety From : A5132 . 416 Highway Garage - Maintenance $2 , 973. 64 To : A5132 . 410 Highway Garage - Electric $2 , 452 . 46 A5132 . 412 Highway Garage - Bldg ./Grounds $ 521 . 18 GENERAL PART-TOWN FUND From : B1650. 401 Central Comm Systems $ 298 . 75 Maintenance/Repairs To : B1650 . 200 Central Comm Systems $ 298 . 75 Equipment From : B1680 . 401 Central Data Process $ 1 , 020 . 00 Maintenance/Repairs To : 131680 . 403 Central Data Process $ 17020 . 00 Education/Training From : B16800400 Central Data Process $3 ,294 . 09 Materials/Supplies 81680 . 404 Central Data Process $4 , 032 . 00 Education/Training To : 131910. 400 Unallocated Insurance $7 , 326 . 09 From : B80100400 Zoning - Contractual $ 339021 To : B8010. 102 Zoning - Personal Services - OT $ 30 . 92 680100405 Zoning - Miscellaneous $ 210 . 79 68010 . 420 Zoning - Publications/Dues $ 97050 From : B1990 , 400 Planning - Contingency $3 , 909000 B8020 . 400 Planning - Contractual $ 157019 To : B8020 . 405 Planning - Miscellaneous $ 157 . 19 139050 . 800 Planning - Unemployment Insurance $39909 . 00 r TB Mtg, 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 ( i ) Resolution No . 151 (f) Page 3 . HIGHWAY FUND From : DB5110 . 499 Transportation $ 471 . 99 Contractual = General Repairs To : D131320 . 400 General Government Support $ 471 . 99 Independent Audit From : DB5110 . 499 Transportation $ 1 , 228 . 28 Contractual - General Repairs To : DB14206400 General Government Support $ 1 ,228 .28 Town Attorney From : DB5112 . 453 Permanent Improvements $209699 . 39 Regular Roads To : D131910 . 400 General Government Support $20 , 699 . 39 Unallocated Insurance From : DB5112 . 453 Permanent Improvements $ 1 , 442 . 67 Regular Roads To : DB5112 . 499 Transportation $ 1 , 442 . 67 Permanent Improvements From : D135130 .202 Machinery $ 261 . 41 Equipment - Small To : DB5130 . 200 Machinery $ 261 . 41 Equipment = Large From : D135130 . 460 Machinery $ 1 , 171 . 69 Vehicle Maintenance To : DB5130 . 203 Machinery $ 1 , 171 . 69 Equipment - Backhoe From : D65140. 101 Brush & Weed $ 127 . 83 Temporary Employment To : D135140 . 102 Brush & Weed $ 127 . 83 Personal Services - OT From : D135140 . 430 Brush & Weed $ 1 , 952 . 09 Drug Testing TB Mtg . 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 ( i) Resolution No . 151 (f) Page 4 . To: DB51408400 Brush & Weed $ 747 . 71 Contractual DB5140. 401 Brush & Weed $ 778 . 06 Safety/Uniforms D135140. 409 Brush & Weed $ 426832 Advertising From : D135140. 430 Brush & Weed $ 588 . 00 Drug Testing To: DB90500800 Employee Benefits $ 588 . 00 Unemployment Insurance WATER FUND From : F8340 . 485 Transmission Distribution $29072 . 41 Tank Security To: F1320. 400 General Government Support $29072 . 41 Independent Auditing From : F8340 . 485 Transmission Distribution $ 382 . 80 Tank Security To : F13800400 General Government Support $ 382 . 80 Fiscal Agent Fees From : F8340 . 485 Transmission Distribution $ 1 , 911049 Tank Security To: F1420 , 400 General Government Support $ 19911 . 49 Town Attorney From : F83406485 Transmission Distribution $3 , 634 . 30 Tank Security F8340 . 487 System Telemetry $ 1 , 589 . 60 To : F1910, 400 General Government Support $5 , 223 . 90 Unallocated Insurance From : F8340 . 487 Transmission & Distribution $ 498 . 75 System Telemetry To : F8310 . 200 Home and Community Services $ 498 . 75 Administrative - Equipment TB Mtg , 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 ( i ) Resolution No . 151 (f) Page 5 , From : F8340 . 487 Transmission & Distribution $ 530 . 99 System Telemetry To : F8340. 471 Transmission & Distribution $ 530 . 99 Line Maintenance From : F8340 . 487 Transmission & Distribution $29021069 System Telemetry To: F8340. 490 Transmission & Distribution $29021 . 69 Refund - Water From : F8340 . 487 Transmission & Distribution $ 247 . 60 System Telemetry To : F8340 . 499 Transmission & Distribution $ 247. 60 Miscellaneous SEWER FUND From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $2 , 072441 Capital Improvements To: G1320 . 400 General Government Support $22072041 Independent Audit From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $ 817 .20 Capital Improvements To : G1320 . 400 General Government Support $ 817 . 20 Fiscal Agent Fees From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $2 ,210 . 78 Capital Improvements To : G1420 , 400 General Government Support $2 , 210 . 78 Town Attorney From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $4 , 132 . 48 Capital Improvements To : G1910 . 400 General Government Support $42132 . 48 Unallocated Insurance TB Mtg. 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 ( i ) Resolution No . 151 (f) Page 6 . From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $ 498 . 75 Capital Improvements To : G8110 . 200 Home and Community Services $ 498 . 75 Administration - Equipment From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $ 163946 Capital Improvements To : G81109410 Home and Community Services $ 163 . 46 Administration = Utilities From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $ 18 , 401630 Capital Improvements To : G81208480 Sanitary Sewers $ 18 , 401 . 30 Repairs & Maintenance From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $3 , 130 . 98 Capital Improvements To: G8120 . 490 Sanitary Sewers $3 , 130898 Refund - Sewer Benefited From : G8120 . 483 Sanitary Sewers $ 360 . 04 Capital Improvements To : G8120 . 499 Sanitary Sewers $ 360 . 04 Miscellaneous and , WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed these transfers as recommended , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board approves the said budget transfers ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Chief Fiscal Officer to record these year end budgetary transfers and other operating budgetary transfers deemed necessary to the Town ' s 1997 budget . TB Mtg. 9/8/97 Agenda No . 28 (i) Resolution No , 151 (f) Page 7. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell E i Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; i Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. r DATED: September 8, 1997 J an Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk t fly OF I r a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 280) Transfer of Money for Basketball Court Eastern Heights Park Resolution No. 151 (g) WHEREAS, the Town Highway Department has begun construction of the Eastern Heights Park Basketball Court, and WHEREAS, monies where provided and set aside to pay for the construction of this basketball court; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent is requesting that the following budget amendment (inclusive of August interest earnings) be approved: FROM : Appropriated Reserve Balance (B511 ) $ 10, 321 . 33 TO: Appropriations ( B960) $ 10, 321 . 33 Parks Construction - Contractual ( B7140. 402) $ 10, 321 . 33 NOW , THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this governing Town Board does hereby approve the said budget amendment and directs the Chief Fiscal Officer to record this budgetary change to the General Part-Town Fund, MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I T� TOWN OF ITHACA �� �0�~� 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No, 28 (k) NYS Association of Town Superintendent of Highways 68th Annual Conference Resolution No . 151 (h) WHEREAS, the New York State Association of Town Superintendent of Highways annual meeting is being held on September 23 through September 26, 1997; and WHEREAS, Highway Superintendent, Fred Noteboom wishes to attend the said conference; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the goveming Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the attendance of Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent at the said conference; and be it further RESOLVED, the cost of attending the said conference shall not exceed $500. 00, and shall be expended from General Fund , Account A5010. 411 . . MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� n o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (a) Approval Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolution No . 152 WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on August 11 , 1997 to the town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meeting ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes for the regular meeting held on August 11 , 1997 , as the official minutes for the said meeting with the following addition on Page 8 , Agenda Item No . 21 ADDITION : Councilwoman Harrison = I share Mr . Stevenson 's concern for protecting Cayuga Lake. However, the involvement of . the panel of faculty at Cornell University including world wide expertise in lakes and plantings, has given me sufficient- confidence not to oppose the project. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell DATE: September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFlp TOWN OF ITHACA �,� n o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 918/97 Agenda Item No. 28 (g) Creation of Civil Service Title of Budget Officer Resolution No. 153 WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor has the authority under Town Law to appoint a Budget Officer, and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor and the Town Board have determined their is the need for the Town of Ithaca to have this title and position ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor has requested that the New York State Civil Service Commission classify such title and position in the Exempt class ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the creation of the title and position of Budget Officer; and be it further RESOLVED , that the appointment to such position shall be provisionally classified as competitive , pending jurisdictional classification in the Exempt class by the New York State Civil Service Commission . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov DATE: September 8 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFlp TOWN OF ITHACA 21 � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 28 (h ) Provisional Appointment of Budget Officer Resolution No . 154 WHEREAS , the Town Board pursuant to Civil Service Law and Town Law has created the position of Budget Officer; and WHEREAS , under Civil Service Law, the Town Supervisor has the right to appoint a candidate to this position , with such appointment being provisional pending jurisdictional classification in the Exempt class by the NY State Civil Service Commission ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor does recommend the appointment of Alfred Carvill to the provisional position of Budget Officer, effective September 9 , 1997 , and does give Mr. Carvill the additional authorization to sign checks , do bank transfers and all other required banking .transactions ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. does hereby ratify the appointment of Mr. Carvill as a provisional full time , Budget Officer, at the annual salary of $44 , 000 , in the job classification (Q) , exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act ; and be it further RESOLVED , the salary for said position shall be paid from General Fund- Budget Personal Services Al 3404100 ; and be it further RESOLVED , that Mr. Carvill has the authorization to sign checks , do bank transfers and all other required banking transactions on behalf of the Town Supervisor. MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 �!2QQrcrrnti__ /can Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i zyOFlp TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� ' zi o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Additional Agenda Item No , 2 Change of Designation of 1997 Polling Places Resolution No . 155 WHEREAS , on April 7 , 1997 the Town Board adopted Resolution No . 31 (e) designating by districts the names and addresses of the 1997 Polling Places for voting within the Town of Ithaca; and WHEREAS , it has been determined by the Board of Elections and the Town Clerk that the number of people registered to vote within District # 11 , at the Trinity Lutheran Church , 149 Honness Lane is more than the facility can effectively accommodate ; and WHEREAS , District # 10 , at Axiohm , 950 Danby Road has sufficient space to accommodate the additional number of registered voters from District # 11 , as well as the registered voters already assigned to vote at that location ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board does hereby designate the amended list by Districts of Polling Places as the official Designated Polling Places for the year 1997 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the said Designated Polling Places are all in compliance with the Election Law and are accessible to the handicapped . District # 1 - West Hill Fire Station , 1242 Trumansburg Road District #2 - Veteran Volunteer Fireman ' s Association , Inc. , 638 Elmira Road District #3 = South Hill Fire Station , 965 Danby Road District #4 - Trinity Lutheran Church , 149 Honness Lane District #5 - Hasbrouck Apartment Community Center, 121 Pleasant Grove Road District #6 = B . O . C . E. S . , 555 Warren Road District #7 - Cayuga Heights School , Corner East Upland & Hanshaw Road District #8 - Boynton Middle School , 1601 North Cayuga Street District #9 = B . O . C . E . S . , 555 Warren Road District # 10 = Axiohm , 950 Danby Road District # 11 - Axiohm , 950 Danby Road TB Mtg. 9/8/97 Agenda Additional No, 2 Res . No . 155 Page 2 . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF I ry F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA �,� n o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Additional Agenda Item No . 3 Cancellation - Date for Special Town Board Meeting Resolution No , 156 WHEREAS , the governing Town Board adopted Resolution No . 121 on July 7 , 1997 , to set the date for a Special Town Board Meeting to be held on September 15 , to consider the 1998 Priority Work Plan , and the 1998 Town Budget; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor has determined it will not be necessary to hold the said special meeting as there will be sufficient time at the regular meeting of the Town Board in October to discuss the said work plan and budget; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board does hereby cancel the said Special Town Board Meeting as scheduled by Resolution No . 121 of July 7 , 1997 , MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ;.- Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item Additional No. 6 Permission for Temporary Use of Town Property at the Inlet Resolution No. 157 WHEREAS, DNG Industries Inc. has requested permission to construct a temporary access road across a portion of Tax Parcel 31 -2=6 immediately west of the Lehigh Valley Rail Road R. O.W . (right-of-way) in the Town of Ithaca in order to facilitate transporting spoil between the dredging site and the permitted fill site on Five Mile Drive; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca is currently in the process of acquiring this parcel from Tompkins County but does not actually have title to this property; and WHEREAS, DNG Industries Inc. proposal includes a commitment to full site restoration at the completion of the project and the proper Certificate of Liability Insurance; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby express to DNG Industries Inc. , the City of Ithaca, and Tompkins County no objection to the construction and usage of a temporary access road across a portion of Tax Parcel 31 -2-6 within the limits of the proposal submitted by DNG Industries ; Inc. MOVED: Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED: Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : September 8 , 1997 �C Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 SOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item Additional No . 7 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND BUILDING FOR A NEW TOWN HALL Resolution No . 158 WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca on August 11 , 1997 adopted a resolution authorizing the acquisition of land and building for a new Town hall , authorizing the remodeling of same , authorizing the leasing of space to the United States Postal Service , and authorizing the expenditure of funds from the Town Building Reserve Fund for such purpose ; and WHEREAS , said resolution directed the Town Clerk to publish the resolution in full if no referendum was requested ; and WHEREAS , said requirement to publish the resolution in full is not applicable in the circumstances where no .bonding is required ; and WHEREAS , it is anticipated that no bonding will be required in connection with the . proposed project , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of . the Town of Ithaca that the resolution referred to above is hereby amended by deleting Section 8 in its . entirety. MOVED: Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein. , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Roll call vote carried unanimously. DATED : September 8, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 1T� TOWN OF ITHACA FINAL ,`,� 2i o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING September 8, 1997 5 : 30 p. m. AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3. Reports of Town Officials : a . Highway Superintendent. b . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . c. Director of Engineering . d . Director of Planning . e . Director of Building/Zoning . f. Human Resources . g . Financial Report. 4 . Report of Town Committees . 5 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 6. Report of Fire Commissioners . 7 . Review of Correspondence : a . Jonathan R . Mawdsley, South Hill Park. b . Ward A. Hungerford , Tompkins County Highway Manager. 8. 6 : 00 p. m. - PERSONS TO BE HEARD, 9 . 6 : 15 p. m. - PUBLIC HEARING : To consider an , " ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . TB Mtg . Agenda - 9/8/97 Page 2 . 10. Consider SEQR related to an , " ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . 11 . Consider adoption of an , " ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . 12 . Consider request from the Ecovillage Cohousing Cooperative for abatement of fees for temporary certificates of occupancy . 13 . Consider approval of contract for computer internet service . 14 . Consider Cable Consultant Franchise agreement . 15 . Consider 1998 contract with the Tompkins County SPCA. 16 . Consider possible amendments to Local Law No . 12/ 1988 a , " LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING THE FARES CHARGED BY, AND OTHERWISE REGULATING TAXICABS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . 17 . Consider proposal from Hoffman O ' Brien Look Taube & Chiang , P . C . to provide Architectural/Engineering Basic Services for renovations to the Ithaca Post Office building for a new Town Hall . 18 . Consider the proposed Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 1998 Budget, and suggested changes to the agreement. 19 . Consider the 1998 Water and Sewer Rate Schedules . 20. Consider the 1998 Town of Ithaca Budget Process . 21 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to advertise to receive bids for a project to perform maintenance on , and paint the Towns water storage tanks . 22 . Consider acceptance and award of bid for the construction of the Buttermilk Falls Water and Sewer Improvements . TB Mtg . Agenda - 9/8/97 Page 3 . 23. Consider increase of contract amount to O ' Brien and Gere Engineers for the Water System Modeling Project. 24 . Consider specifications and authorization to advertise to receive bids for the purchase of a trailer mounted vacuum . 25. Consider rezoning request related to Conifer Realty proposal for Mecklenburg Heights Affordable Housing Proposal for Low to Moderate Income Families , Mecklenburg Road , Tax Parcel No . 27- 1 A 3 . 12 . 26 . Consider authorization of funds to have Cornell University Historic Preservation Planning class conduct an historic resources survey for the Town of Ithaca . 27 . Discuss Section 46B , of the Zoning Ordinance related to Site Plan Requirements, 28 . Consent Items : Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Minutes - 8/11 /97 , b. TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Authorization for attendance of Planning staff at 1997 Conference on Sustainable Communities ( Upstate NY Chapter American Planning Association ) , Owego, NY, September 17- 19 , 1997 . e . Authorization for Attendance of Planning staff and Planning Board member( s ) at New York Planning Federation 1997 Annual Institute, Saratoga Springs , NY, October 26-29, 1997 . f. Authorization of Budget transfer to reimburse Cornell University for Summer Work Study Intern . g. Creation of Civil Service Position for Budget Officer. h . Provisional appointment Budget Officer. i . Consider Budget Transfers to Cover Overdrafts . j . Consider Appropriation of Funds for Eastern Heights Basketball Court. k. Authorization for attendance to the New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways 68th Annual Conference 9/23/97 thru 9/26/97 . 29. Consider items for fall Town of Ithaca Newsletter. 30 . Consider ADJOURNMENT. f �1y OF 1 P� TOWN OF ITHACA 21 ¢^k- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Additional Agenda Items 1 . Consider possibility of a 2 . 5+/= acre Town park on East King Road opposite the intersection with Ridge Crest Road . 20 Consider amendments to the Designation of 1997 Polling Places , 3 . Consider canceling Special Town Board Meeting as scheduled by Resolution No . 121 / 1997 , 4. Consider EXECUTIVE SESSION . 5 . Consider approval of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission material storage building capital improvement . 60 Consider authorization to allow temporary use of Town property at the inlet . Agenda Item 3a HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ' S MONTHLY REPORT, AUGUST 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, SEPTEMBER 8 , 1997 Highway Superintendent ' s This month the Highway crews worked 1 ,226 hours of time on General Repairs. This includes 82 hours of overtime. Some of the projects include paving the Highway facility's parking lot, repairs/upgrades to the building, ditching and patching roads. A large pile of gravel from the Inlet Valley project was given to the Town . The Highway crews are in the process of removing this gravel from Five Mile Drive and stock piling it on the Tutelo Park site for future use . So far this has taken 45 hours of time . In August, the Highway crew worked 420 hours on Permanent Improvements projects . This includes putting in underground drainage in the lower end of Snyder Hill Road (by Cornell University' s horse barns) . We spent 34 hours on that project alone. Other projects include hauling materials and ditching. Thirty-two hours were spent cutting brush and 267 hours of time were spent on vehicle maintenance. The Highway crews worked 12 hours at Halcyon Hill Road water shut-offs, 19 . 5 hours on a water main break on Slaterville Road, and 52 hours preparing fall protection for the . water tanks . Park and Open Space Manager' s Park and trail mowing required 68 hours for August . Along with this, support of the Youth Conservation Corps work at South Hill Trail took 34 hours . Additional barricades and fencing were installed to deter bicycles from entering unauthorized areas of the surrounding watershed. The crews also installed five benches , hand-clipped the trail canopy and cleaned up some areas . Tree and shrub trimming were completed . This took an additional 60 hours. Lawn restorations were performed at several sites, totaling 24 hours . Play structure maintenance and repairs were begun, taking 68 hours thus far. Staining of park furniture was completed, and routine maintenance totaling 252 hours completed Parks ' work efforts for August . Agenda Item 3a Projects for September 1 . Final pavement on parking lot at Highway facility and basketball court. 2. Ditching 3 . Shoulder maintenance . 4. Mowing water and sewer Rights-of-Way. 5 . Underground drainage on Coy Glen Road 6. Fall plantings and finish lawn restorations . 7 . Finish play structure repairs 8 . Install drainage pipe at Game Farm Trail. 9 . Continue regular ground' s maintenancee ghk l - - i �Zy OF 1P _ TOWN OF ITHACA �,� 2i o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Agenda Item No , 3(b) Town Clerk Monthly Report Presented: Town Board Meeting - September 8 , 1997 Town Clerk : Jeffrey B . True , True Insurance has corresponded with us regarding the recent change in the delivery of mail from mid- morning to mid-afternoon by the US Postal Service . Mr. True asked that he be allowed to name the Town of Ithaca in his negotiations with the US Postal Service , (see attached) . Staff has determined that the delivery time change has created a problem with the processing of many items , such as water bills . Also , the change may inhibit the timeliness of deposits during Tax Collection . Hopefully, the Ithaca Postmaster will eventually be receptive to a meeting to discuss a solution for all concerned . The Town Clerk software package from Williamson Law Book is up and running . Representatives of Williamson are in the process of customizing several of our reporting needs , . (dog enumeration , SPCA contract) . Upon completion of the adjustments this software will enable us to . process daily transactions in a more timely manner. Most importantly, this software will allow us to better serve our customers . Al Carvill and I have reviewed individual revenues and. appropriations as a prelude to preparation of the 1998 Budget . This process included correspondence with agencies the Town of Ithaca has contractual agreements with to request submission of their funding requests for 1998 . The preparation of a calendar and a procedures manual for contractual youth services , senior citizen services , etc . has been finalized . The manual makes for easier processing of claims to the County and the State . The voting machines have been serviced and cleaned for the upcoming elections . We have been informed that it is very important to find another storage place for the machines . They are presently stored at the Highway facility. The machines gather dust at this location which may .cause breakdowns . We expect to plan for a dust free storage area in the new Town Hall : Town Clerk Monthly Report Agenda Item No . 3 (b) Page 2 , Records Management : Staff continues to do an excellent job in sorting through the files in preparation for the final inventory before our move . Disposition of outdated records will increase for the next several months in order to "scale down " the volume of records . Deputy Mary Saxton will be working with staff in the upstairs offices to help them prepare their files and properly record them for disposition . Tax Collection : During my absence , Betty Poole , Deputy Town Clerk attended the monthly meeting of the Tompkins County Town Clerk's Association on August 27. At the meeting a resolution was enacted strongly urging the Tompkins County Board of Representatives to purchase the Williamson Law Book Tax Collection program , ( see attached ) . There were also discussions about the recent correspondence from Steve Whicher, Division of Assessment about the contract and charge to the towns for printing of the tax bills . The members of the Association suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Whicher requesting a more formal agreement . Also , the question was asked if the Town 's had actually agreed to pay $ . 25 per bill because of the confusion in the past year. The note at the bottom of the informal agreement supplied by Mr. Whicher is a concern . That suggests that we would be charged $ . 50 per bill for installment billings . The Association will be again discussing these issues at their next meeting . Correspondence has also been received from the New York State Tax Receivers and Collectors Association regarding the "Star Bill " recently enacted by the New York State Legislature . The bill includes a provision that, "we will have to send receipts to taxpayers with escrow accounts within three weeks of payment of taxes by Banks/Tax Services" . This will result in additional expense for mailing of these receipts , but it will enable the taxpayer to check to see if special districts , exemptions , etc , are correct . In the past , the original detailed bill and the receipt were sent to the escrow agent . The Star Bill also allows most municipalities to extend the interest free period by up to five business days for persons receiving the Senior Citizen Exemption , upon a formal resolution allowing so by the applicable Town Board . The Star Bill changes will be effective beginning the 1999 Tax Collection season . Respectfully submitted , AJ I P -�I � Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk , Receiver of Taxes - 9T 12 : 18 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7571 Pa02 July 1 , 1997 Mr . Edward Gatch , Postmaster Ithaca Main Post Office 757 Warren Rd . Ithaca , N . Y . 14850 Re : Change in delivery time on Ithaca City Route 3 Dear Pd : For as long as I can remember - - over 15 years - - we have received our daily mail mid - morning . This was , and remains , very important to us because so many of our customers need to communicate with us in wrxCing ( i . e . changes to coverages , premium payments , signed requests for additional information , etc . ) . By receiving the mail earlier rather than later in the day , we have the ability to process the paperwork in a timely and appropriate manner . If something is incorrect , we have time to fix it . if something is missing , we have time to get it . If something needs to be forwarded in order to keep insurance in force , there is time to notify the Company . Recently , we were told that it was " more efficient " for the carrier to start at the other end of Seneca Street ( West end) and proceed eastbound reaching our office at approximately 1 : 30 PM ( in practice it has been well after 2 : 00 PM many days ) . Since our office closes at 4 : 30 PM this leaves us very little time to open , sort , distribute and then actually process the mail . Already our high level of customer service has been impaired - - things are not getting done as before . Thus I am formally asking you to return us to where we have been for years - - a midmorning mail delivery time . This is important to us and know you will carefully consider this request . I will call you soon to discuss this in more detail . Sincerely , Jerome B . True , Jr . T `�y TRUE INSURANCE V. "= ��}= ` ' ' 124 SENCC,A WAY • ITHACA , N .Y. 14850 • (607) 2'13 7511 - 97 12 : 19 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7571 P003 SUPERVISOR QATONER SERVICE, SUPPORT ITKA(A% POST OFFICE 0 UNITEDSUTES POSTAL SERVICE July 101997 Change In delivery time Jerome B . True, Jr. True Insurance 124 Seneca Way Ithaca NY 14850 Thank you for your letter of July 1 , 1997 regarding the change in delivery time on City Route - 3. As you are aware, your location on a carriers line of travel determines the time of day you receive your mail . The carriers line of travel is determined by a number of factors. These include, 1 - An evaluation of mail volumes. 2- Work hours required . A : 3- Number of delivery points. 4- Types of delivery points; e. g. business, institutions, residential, etc. . 5- Most efficient use of energy and equipment. In designing routes in this manner, it is inevitable that some customers will receive earlier mail delivery than others. However, it is also the most cost-efficient way to ensure that we get the maximum productivity for every dollar we spend. While we cannot provide early delivery to everyone, we carefully review each route periodically to ensure that mall is being delivered as efficiently as possible. In this way, we can control our costs, which means savings for you and other customers. 757 WARREN RD ITHArANY 14650" c0n266-moo Fix: (807)26643571 - 9T 12 = 19 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7571 P . 04 i i ! . 2 _ After careful review of City Route - 3 , it was found that we were using overtime daily, and the carrier was retracing his line of travel in order to deliver the route. By changing the line of travel we are now able to get the route done in 8 hours, and the route is shorter. As 'a result we are able to deliver the mail more cost effectively. We apologize if your delivery is later than it has been. However, I have checked with our delivery supervisors, and they have assured me that you will be getting your mail in a timely fashion , at approximately the same time each day. If you should have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (607) 266-05669 Respectfully submitted, 1:A4 ti Glaaol^ Frank Podufalski cc; File 4 ' AUG - 22 - 97 01 : 58 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7371 P . 02 August 21 . 1997 Mr. Edward Gatch, Postmaster Ithaca Main Post Office 757 Warren Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 Re: Reperose to Frank Podufalski's 7/ 10/97 letter Dear Ed, I aim writing to agaiti ask that you return City Route #3 to the way it. was delivered for the past 17+ years - a rnid morning delivery time. Since our original letter to you dated 7/ 1197 and Mr Podufalski's response of 7/10/97 I have talked personally with the following busi nesseS/otgani zations : Jagat Sharma Architect 312 E Seneca St Larry June Metropolitan personnel Systems 312 E Seneca St Melvin Mitchell Ithaca Dental Lab 213 E Seneca St David Barr Advest/JS Barr 211 E Seneca St Nick Lambrou Beam Travel 134 E Seneca St Tom Pine Race Office Equipment 130 E Seneca St Joan Lent Notebcxmi Town of Ithaca 126 E Seneca St Debbie White Sprague & Janowsky 121 E Seneca St Adrienne North Harris Beach Wilcox 119 E Seneca St Sandy Small Barney Grossman Dubow 119 E Seneca St Bill Shaw Attorney 109 E Seneca St Mike Costello Attorney 109 E Seneca St Charles: Currey Attorney 109 E Seneca St John Ward Attorney 103 W Seneca St Karen Silverstein Attorney 103 W Seneca St David Gersh Attorney 103 W Seneca St Pat Button Tlieisen & May 103 W Seneca St Alice Varga Women's Community Bldg 100 W Seneca St Every one of the above is in agreement that tic current nud afternoon delivery time is creating many severe problems - essentially not allwing them to process important matters on a timely basis. Thcy all wish a return to the long established and well working prior system. TRUE INSURANCE :< 124 'JAY • I' I ' I IAC A I� 'i. 1 .18500 • ( 607) 117 3 ,01511 AUG - 22 - 97 01 : 59 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7571 PM03(0001� 'Thus, on behalf of all of the above, we are requesting a formal meeting with you personally at a mutually comvient time and location in downtown Ithaca . I have been assured that reptesentatives from all of the above businesses/organizations will be at the meeting. FA, this is a very important issue for all of us and 1 knew you will want to hear what these folks have to say. t will give you a call Shortly to arrange the meeting tune. Thanks for your serious consideration of this matter. Sincerely, J NB. cc:: Entire i .isl 1111] f PHR 99 a . r . ?•� : P � • l TRUE INSURANCE All , . .: • Sr' .4.w rl " - 7 • ..rte• taw : AUG - 22 - 97 01 : 59 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7571 P . 04 08-21 1997 10154At9 1 • -- Joi-iN A, WART) ATTOMNAY ANb COVNOlUfAw Ar LW THE CLINfO\ }-IOU=•e - SIIITE 200 109 ,%T3T SENKA :MIEET ITHACAl NEW YORK 1A550 JOHN A. VAILD 46071J72aMG • ALSO ADMITTED 10 TAX ( 6071 2/74482 CALIFORNIA AND IDAHO August 21 , 1997 Postmaster US Post Office 757 Warren Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Ra. Mail Delivdry-Clinton House Dear Postmaster. Several months ago there was an apparent change in the mail delivery service to the Clinton House. Mail previously was received in the mild to late morning hours, rarely beyond 1 1 :00/ 11 : 30. Now our mall is coming In between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon which presents major inconveniences within my office. With midammoming mail delivery , we are able to respond on a same day basis in many Instances. With mid-afternoon delivery this is not possible. Further, a number of my clients make payments on their bills by mail which allows my office to make a deposit on the same day, usually when someone from the office is out for their lunch hour. Please return morning mail delivery to the Clinton House as soon as possible. We tried the afternoon, and it just creates a hardship for us. Thank you for your assistance In this matter. t e t )ly y ors, Joh . Ward JAW/anb 4 TOTAL P . 02 - 23 - 97 02 : 27 PM TRUE INSURANCE 607 273 7371 P002 ZMUNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE August 25 , 1997 Mr. Jeffrey B . True True Insurance 124 Seneca Way Ithaca NY 14850 am in receipt of your letter dated August 21 , 1997 relating to a change in our delivery pattern for our residential and business customers the length of Seneca Street, Mr. True, first, let me make you aware of the fact that City Route 3 has 117 businesses on it. You only refer to 18. Our job is to serve all, not a select few. It was explained to you, fully, via phone and also by letter why the changes were necessary. Our business is no different than any other. We must all be efficient and cost effective yet provide a level of service that all customers deserve. The key operative word here is "all" . The changes were made to do just that. The changes were approved by me and will stand as made. must decline your invitation to meet. It would serve no useful purpose to meet with a select group and rehash issues that appear to be biased and self serving. As was explained to you, there may be changes made in the Spring, if our city routes are inspected and found to be in need of adjustments. Whether or not your city route will be affected is unknown at this times would also like to address another issue that was brought to my attention. If in fact it is true, I find that your intimidation of a letter carrier on the street is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The carrier is just doing what he/she are told and do not have the authority to discuss my policies with you or any other customer. It is my hope, that this was just an isolated incident and will not occur again. Since you have not presented any new information that would be to the mutual benefit of all of City 3's customers I see no further need to keep going over information that we are both aware of and has been fully discussed. "~r P ATCH POS ASTER .75 WARREN RD ITHACA NY 14850-9998 TOWN . OF . DRNBY ID : 607 - 277 - 0559 AUG 29 ' 97 15 : 51 No . 002 N002 TOMPKINS COUNTY TOWN CLERKS ASSOCIATION - August 27, 197 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE CURRENT WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK TAX COLLECTION PROGRAM FOR ALL TOMPKINS COUNTY TAX COLLECTORS By Betty Poole: Seconded by Alice Laue WHEREAS, the Tompkins County 'Town Clerks Association met on Wednesday, August 27, 1997 and discussed the Williamson Law Book Tax Collection Program, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Town clerks present at the above referenced meeting unanimously approve of the Williamson Law Book Tax Collection Program, and WHEREAS, David Squires of the Tompkins County Budget & finance Office ltas reported to the Town Clerks that 'Tompkins County cull purchase the Willitunson Law Book Tax Collection Program for the Tompkins County Town Clerks/1'ax Collectors, and WHEREAS, Tompkins County agrees to pay for the purchase of the Williamson l,aw Book flax Collection Program, Support License, Training and Maintenance Agreement at no cost to the Towns, RE now be it 'OI.VED, that the Tompkins County Town Clerks strongly urge Tompkins County to purchase the Williamson Law Book Tax Collection Program fbr the Town Clerkstfax County. Collectors of Tompkins A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Carried Unanimously Colleen Pierson - Town of Croton Susanne Lloyd & Bamhi Hollenbeck - Town of Dryden Alice Laue - 'Town of Enfield betty Poole - Town of )tliaca Katherine Crance - Town of Newfield Marcia Georgia - Town of Ulysses Carol Sczepanski - Town of Danby Absent an Kim Case of tlie Town of Caroline but approves of the purchase of the Will Law Book Tax Collection Program as long as there is no charge to the 'town. TOWN . OF . DANDY 1U : bU ( - 1 ( ( — U55J HUb 1J " J ( l � : �) l NO . UU1 r . UJ Town Justices (507) 86&663 j "" 1 ems" OUWb P003 Arland I., Hew % Town of Groton supervisw (607) eeeawoz Akan I, nN>artder • Teresa M. Robinson e pn1erc•rrrent odlae (007) 008-442e D� .GA d wn To Clerk (807) 89005035 90 E. Samar. Sr. + Act. � ` calleM D. Ph"= Nurrrlber BO 'o 0 ' � �� 11uperintendent of HiShwo Yff (tig7) 09&3110 s ` tall 1� Lohnd E. Corneiiut �CO0M1� '' Councliman +Eltor d L SO"4a Gordon C. V@nBeme xhq DatiN J. Carey Dbnald N. Palmer August 28 , 1997 Mr . 5teph• n F . Whicher Director Division of Assessment 126 East 8uffelo Street Ithaca , NY 14850 Dear Steve ; On Wedneoday , August 27 , 1997 , the Tompkins Association held their buei nessr Count meeti nr� f ra Ithaca" y Town Clerk $ One of the tG►picts discussed was between the toPI smsnt Department your proposed written contract of * 025 end the Towns regarding the sum bills . per tpx bill for the production of laser printed tax On behalf of our Towns , C , Association is requestinthe Tompkinse County Town Clark ' s ,justification of the cost of theme t $ x bill chaasaemg�t include In additiont we would lik• C1 $ ri. fication of the Towns . Bt the bottom of the P$Ae ° Installment bills * hall be note the rata Of $ u25 per bill ( S . 5o for 2 installments ) • , charged at We look forward to your early reply _ Sincerely . Colleen D , Pierson Acting Secretary Tompkins County TOWN Clerk ' s Associatioh 40C Carol Sczepanski . President Tompkins County Town Clerk ' s Association P. O. Box 38 • 101 Conger Boulevard • Groton, NY 13073 - 0036 . i' Y.r'1.;y •' : .. .— .-r�r ..., ..... � B . ' Tax BiII Charges :�' � ..... As I indicated in my memorandum of June 10 , 1997 , the charges for tax bills will remain $ . 25 per bill for this year. Some supervisors have requested a written contract to assure that there is a clear. understanding between all parties . In response , I have attached a brief contract that should be signed and returned to this office . If you have any questions do not hesitate to call . C . Certiorari Actions : Several municipalities requested that I provide a listing of pending certiorari actions so that budget reserves can be created for any potential settlements . I have attached a list of all certiorari actions pending in the county . I am looking forward to seeing you at our September meeting , 4. i <.ya x . t N � . .. . , M1 r s4 ' . rd 1. t•' .r Ifr J! NW Division of Assessment 2 August 18 , 1997 O _ or Division of Assessment 128 East Buffalo Street Stephen F. Whicher Director The (City/TownNillage) of agrees to pay the Tompkins County Assessment Department the sum of $ . 25 per tax bill * for the production of laser printed tax bills . Payment shall be due within 30 days of delivery of the roll , bills and copies . Name Title * Note : Installment bills shall be charged at the rate of $ . 25 per bill ($ . 50 for 2 installments) . Mail Address. Tel : 607-274-5517 Court House Fax: 607-274-5507 Ithaca , New York 14850 1 1 1 I Fonts No. 10d2-N TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO., VICTOR, NY 14564 TOWN OF Ithaca NEW YORK (Month) August . 19_9.7 TO THE SUPERVISOR: Pursuant to Section 27, Subd. 1 , of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all lees and r 1 d by me in i connection with my office, during the month above slated, excepting only such fees and moneys the applic do t of which are otherwise provided for by law: f LICENSE CATEGORY NUMBER OF LICENSES SOLD OR ISSUED COMMISSION COMMISSION TOTAL USED SENIOR (65 ♦ / Military Disability) 7 . 00 FISHING - SEASON 1. 000 I IUNT ING (Small Game) _ 1 400 BIG GAME (Deer and Bear) TRAPPING BOWHUNTING (Big Game License Required) B a 00 MUZZLELOADING (Big Game License Required) 1 600 SPORTSMAN 1A . 00 I FISHING - 3 DAY C JUNIOR TRAPPING (Under 16 yrs.) SPECIAL SECOND DEER PERMIT (See Big Game Guide) TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC offices only) 4 * 50 NON-nESIDENT FISHING - SEASON NON-RESIDENT HUNTING . SEASON (Small Game) NON-RESIDENT BIG GAME (Deer ONLY) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - 5 DAY 1600 NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - 5 DAY _ NON-RESIDENT MUZZLELOAUING NON-RESIDENT BOWHUNI ING -----�- 1 NOWRESIDENT BEAR TAG f NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION I' NON-RESIDENT TURKEY PERMIT IAvoneweal DEC omcesonly) JUNIOR ARCHERY (14-15 Years) LOST LICENSE ($5.00 Per Stamp Lost) . JUNIOR HUNTING ( 12- 15 Years) _ S f3 . 5 U ADD - TOTAL COMMISSIONS C:�P S 38 , 50 I _ D Marriage Licenses No. __may to No. -i3 @ ff • 75 $ 43 . 7 r' - I Marriage Certificates 2— Marriage Transcripts @ IU . UO 25 , 0,1 3 Ta1< Searches @ 5 . 00i_ MisC _ Copl.ets 80 --1 Golsprelien�.[ve I .nn @ 12 , UU . 1 'Zoning Ord . @ $ 8 . 50 , 1 Subdivision Reg , @ S3ii_ /I 14 • 5O ( Sign Ord . @ 3 . 00 , 1 Ret dj Cheek Change @ $ 15 . 00 , Postage — $3 . 00 162 . 55 II A 1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ r A 1010 - 1090 REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ INTEREST and PENALTIES $ - A 2001 PARK and RECREATION CHARGES A 2110 ZONING FEES $ A 2115 PLANNING FEES $ A 2530 GAMES OF CHANCE TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . LICENSE $ FEE $ TOTAL A 2540 BINGO TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LICENSES FEE $ 24447 TOTAL 24 • 'I 1 22 . 00 A 2544 11 DOG LICENSE - $ AY�6Y1i1JL'C1VY�Tf5f8@LY Rla5T1147 gL5f17 (17 2 C7 9U r. 54 DOG LICENSE - °U���AIf ° FYKINIJ�`)Y'��fX @ � 2 00 105 . 00 A1555 numeration 65 @ $ 1 . 00 65 . 00 1- U . 1111 A1557 SPCA Impound Fees A 2545 OTHER LICENSES A 2555 BUILDING PERMITS A 2590 OTHER PERMITS A 2655 MINOR SALES A 2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES f - 1 I TOTAL TOWN REVENUES TO SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 392 . 02 " Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for Games of Chance Licenses - - --- " Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for State Share of Bingo Licenses Amount paid to D.E.C. for Conservation Licenses 606250 _ 105 . 87 Amount paid to COUNTY TREASURER for Dog Licenses 56 . 25 Amount paid to STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT for Marriage Licenses 30 . 00 Amount paid to AF 6 Markets for L`bliXOrYoTAN Dog T,iceuses Amount paid to Slate for Sales Tax on Sale of Dogs SPCA Cuittra.ct _30 - A1556 A Received Payment of these amounts: TOTAL DISBURSED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1498 , 27 September 2 1997 l! .� _.,r, L, . .. � .. 1_ ;' .,� ��. ,.",r Supervisor Catherine Valentino STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins TOWN OF Ithaca. Joan Lettt' Noteboom being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the Town of Ithaca that the foregoing Is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her during the month abo4ptated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law. Subscribed and Sworn to before me Ihls a Town Clerk x111 JOAn Lent Notebdofrtl , day of f I LILL V � cri5 (_iz Notary Public Prepare in duplicate. Remit original to Supervisor, retain copy for Clerk's record. % . . . . _ . . . .. ... . . .... -. ._. ...... . _. . .,. .. . ....__ .. .1. . . I _._ ._ . . . ..... . . . . N iAMOrna�oo � rnc`�o C) 03 � N000 � � MT � � d~ � f� CA rn rn I� O rn 00 CD O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 000000000 O CL Q cl LO � 0m M M M w m M 0 T T T T T T T T T N L T c LO a U J 0) O Efl 611 6,110 to EA ffl ER to Efl Eli 0 cy) �0 rn � O 00 w w O � (h c lA r N U) N r OT N 000 m < N M a d9 K3 Ef3 f!3 E!3 �F? EA EA Eli E,9 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O T C\j ' O tLO 00 M (D N 0 OT O 1 ,) 0 j � L U. � Q VJ Y CE: E Q L CEli Efl Efl El? (l3 El3 fA ffl Ef3 Eft 0 U N O 00 0 m f� O M l\1 F- 0000Lq rnU� ONIO 0R ULO CMql gl* v mcMM M Q Q M U n" EA Efl EA Efl Eli EA Eli Elk Eli Efl U) 0 000000000 O :- 000000000 O Sri .- ri Qi t; ri 00 Sri 00 ELO rn ao rn co co rn r co n :1 LO c T W Q 0 to (fl Eli to Eli Eli 69 Ef? Eli Efl O N M � OMO00D00I N LL N w m r� o w O N N 00 I LO CDONTCDOMql CO T T T T T T N T N T N N T U Q c 0 Eli tl� El3 Eli Eli Eli EA 6s a� c° cn (D a`) � p rn co E E E o t (D oa 0 Y 7 _ ( ) c 0) > > > U O N Co () OZ0 >- Town Engineer ' s Report for 9/8/97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Construction activity has caused some filling of road ditches and the Town Engineer will work with Highway Superintendent to ensure that the developer cleans the ditches prior to completion of mass site earthwork. Monitoring of drainage and sediment control measures will continue . Ithaca College Construction of the J-lot improvements is nearing completion and sediment and erosion control measures are being monitored. Construction of the HSHP and the Music Center building improvements will be monitored for stormwater management impacts. Ithacare Court Street Companies , the General Contractor, has continued with site construction. The Transition from Phase I to Phase 11 erosion and sediment control improvements is under way as the mass earth work is nearing completion and the site drainage improvements are being installed. Relocation of the sewer main has been completed. The water main and other utilities under Danby Road are scheduled for installation in September. The Contractor has been very cooperative and is working to minimize drainage problems and keep dust under control . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive, Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been primarily stockpiling of material from road base excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project. The site has capacity remaining and will be used for stockpiling and disposal of material dredged from the flood control channel under the Corps of Engineer' s rehabilitation project . Ithacs Vol . Vets, Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the planning board on October 29 , 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed. The Town Engineer is monitoring the project. The bulk of fill is in place with more select fill to be placed for final top and grading. TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 9 / 8 / 97 Williams Glen Road -2- A fill permit for approximately 200 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading a residential lot with imported material . The Town Engineer is working with the owner to encourage final grading and seeding of the site as soon as possible. McGuire Gardens site, Elmira Road A fill permit for 250 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading of the parking lot. Final inspection of the site restoration and permit closeout will be completed by september 15 . FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL REHABILITATION PROJECT Phase II of the Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel rehabilitation project is underway under a Corps of Engineers Contract with Luedke Engineering . The project consists of removing an average of approximately 6 feet of sediment from the channel between the Fish ladder and the State Street Bridge. The contractor will be excavating in the channel with a barge mounted crane with a clamshell bucket. The material will be loaded into barges and then transferred from the barges to trucks by a second crane. Some of the excavated material will be transported to the Lower Treman Park for use as fill and topsoil for a planned day use area adjacent to the new entrance road. Approximately 15 ,000 cubic yards of the excavated material will be used to improve the athletic field at Buttermilk Falls State Park. The contractor will be using the existing active fill site on Five Mile Drive as a dewatering site and disposal site for excess excavated material up to the limits of the current fill permit. The site has been prepared for use as a dewatering and storage site with the construction of a temporary earth dike. The project schedule for the cleaning is fairly aggressive with a 24 hr, 3 shift work plan, to allow project substantial completion by the end of November. WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on the engineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area. Replacement of 300 feet of the Transmission main near Slaterville Road has been completed. The Buttermilk Falls Road Water Main replacement has been bid and a recommendation of contract award will be presented to the Town Board at the September 8 Meeting . ii TOWN ENGINEERS REPORT 9 / 8 / 97 SEWER The Buttermilk Falls Road Sewer extension has been bid and a recommendation of contract award will be presented to the Town Board at the September 8 Meeting . NYS Parks has agreed to a cost share of $ 11 ,500 for the sewer by a letter dated August 28 , 1997 . STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation is continuing. Base maps were developed utilizing the digital planimetric map, and field survey work has been progressing rapidly due to the efforts of the two field crews made up of the Assistant Town Engineer and five student interns . Processing of the field data and development of the watershed model for the Northeast Ithaca area is underway . The model will result in recommendations for drainage improvements that will be incorporated into the 1998 work plan. OIRPT.SENGRIERPT97108.REP 3 Agenda Item #3d Planning Director's Report for September 8 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board . Russo' s Garden Center, 1059 Danby Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary Site Plan Approval and approved a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval at the August 5, 1997 meeting for the proposed construction of a retail garden center to consist of a + / - 4,320 sq. ft. store, six greenhouses ( each 21 ft. X 48 ft.) totalling 6,048 sq . ft. , outside nursery storage and display areas, parking and other appurtenances, Business "C" District. The Planning Board then granted Final Site Plan Approval for this project at the August 19, 1997 meeting. Cornell University Alumni Field Lighting, Campus Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and approved a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals at the August 5, 1997 meeting for the proposed installation of four light poles each approximately 110 feet in height, each mounting up to 36 floodlights at the Alumni Field, Residence District R-30 . The approval included conditions for the installation of appropriate shields to focus light downward to the field and minimize spillage of light into the sky and across to West and South Hill. [Note : The Zoning Board of Appeals considered this proposal at their August 13, 1997 meeting. A decision was tabled until a later meeting. Cornell will be retrofitting the existing lights at Schoellkopf Field with deflecting shields . Documentation of the change in light spillage after installation of some of these fixtures at Schoellkopf will be provided to the ZBA to demonstrate how the impact of the proposed lights at Alumni Field can be minimized. ] Cornell University Women' s Softball Field, Pine Tree Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary Site Plan Approval and approved a recommendation to the ZBA for the proposed construction of a softball field and appurtenant facilities to be located on the north side of Reis Tennis Center off Pine Tree Road, Residence District R-30 . The Planning Board then granted Final Site Plan Approval for this project at the August 19, 1997 meeting. Westmount Subdivision (Forest Home Walkway) , 206 Forest Home Drive The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the August 19, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of + / - 74 sq. ft. from a + / - 0 .8 acre parcel to be conveyed to the Town of Ithaca for consolidation with the existing Forest Home Walkway, Residence District R- 15 . Upon purchase of 206 Forest Home Drive, the new owners discovered that their survey showed that the Forest Home ' Walkway encroached slightly on their property. To avoid liability problems, the new owners agreed to donate this + / - 74 sq. ft. area to the Town . Ithaca College, Ford Hall Addition (James J . Whalen Center for Music) The Planning Board granted Final Site Plan Approval at the August 19, 1997 meeting for the proposed construction of a 65, 000 + / - sq, ft. addition to Ford Hall to house additional classrooms, practice studios, rehearsal rooms, a 250 seat recital hall, and other facilities for the Ithaca College School of Music, Residence District R- 151 Woven Hearts of Ithaca, Assisted Living Facility, Trumansburg and Bundy Road The Planning Board considered a sketch plan for the proposed construction of a 62 bed assisted living facility to be known as Woven Hearts of Ithaca, including two buildings with parking, landscaping and other site improvements, to be located on 6 . 8 + / - acres at the intersection of Trumansburg and Bundy Road, Residence District R-15 . This project was discussed at the August 11 , 1997 Town Board meeting, and was referred to the Planning Board for a recommendation on rezoning. The Planning Board will also consider subdivision and site plan approval at future meetings . Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement The Planning Board considered draft comments prepared by Planning staff regarding the Lake Source Cooling Draft Environmental Impact Statement . Comments from the Town Board and Planning Board will be incorporated into a single letter to NYS Department of Environmental Conservation . CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . 2 SEOR Reviews for Zoning Board :oard : Four SEQR reviews for the Zoning Board were completed . Three were follow- up SEQR reviews of projects that had been reviewed by the Planning Board (described above), including Cornell University Alumni Field Lighting, Cornell University Women' s Softball Field, and Russo ' s Garden Center. The fourth was a request for authorization to add a fourth dwelling unit to an existing multiple dwelling (the building is non-conforming since residential uses are not permitted in Business zones) , located at 1060 Danby Road, Business "C" District, Evan Monkemeyer, Appellant. Codes and Ordinances Committee: The Committee met on August 27, 1997 and reviewed sections of the Zoning Ordinance on site plan approval, special permits / approvals and non-conforming uses . Planning Committee : The Planning Committee will be preparing a memo containing recommendations on proposed agricultural zoning measures to forward to Codes and Ordinances . The -next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for September 15, 1997. Town of Ithaca - Cornell University Transportation Committee : The Committee will meet next on September 9, 1997. Northeast Subarea Study: The Client Committee is scheduled to meet on September 12, 1997 to discuss the next steps for getting the study underway in the fall . Contract details are being worked out with the selected consultants (Community Dispute Resolution Center for the public participation elements; Creighton Manning for the technical aspects) . TCAD Technical Committee : The Director of Planning attended a joint meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee and Technical Committee of the Economic Development Plan Initiative on August 11 , 1997. The "mission statement" of the Initiative is to "prepare an economic development plan for public and private sector activities to move the local economy toward greater vitality, stability, diversification, and equity in a manner which fosters cultural richness and ecological integrity . " (Refer to attached outline from TCAD, 8 / 11 / 97) . Newsletter: Staff is getting ready for the preparation of a fall newsletter. Possible articles might include a report on the Post Office /Town Hall project, an update on the draft Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan, announcements regarding fall leaf and brush pickup, tax collection procedures , etc. Articles or suggestions should be submitted to the Planning Department as soon as possible . The target for distribution of the newsletter is late September / early October, Filename: 17p1an \ townbd \ tpre0997.m em 3 #inessansion, retention and attraction Mission Statement Prepare an economic development plan for public and private sector activities to move the local economy toward greater vitality . stability , diversification , and equity in a manner which fosters cultural richness and ecological integrity . The plan should: • define projects for the near term, as well as those to meet longer range objectives , with the goal of sustaining economic opportunity for the coming ,generations . • support the development of employable skills and opportunities across the wide spectrum of personal ability . • focus on strategies which increase the earning power of all county residents . • expand efforts to retain existing businesses and supporting their development. • serve as a guide for the on - going allocation of economic development funds , including methods for evaluating development initiatives . • help fill gaps in current economic deVC.. opment services , avoid duplication , and foster synergy among local development efforts . Product Goals • Background Report:- present quantitative data and analysis ; qualitative information and analvsis . • Issues & Strategies Report: develop a broad spectrum of economic goals ; set priorities ; assess feasibility and evaluate proposed strategies . • ED Action Plan: develop selected strategies into project proposals complete with implementation design ; the plan components should work together and reflect a unified direction/theme for economic development (e. g, a natural resource focus plaved out through various water related strategies) • Evaluative Models: cost/benefit ( or effort/accomplishment) models to evaluate existing and proposed programs for effective use of scarce resources . Tompkins County Area Development 200 East Buffalo Street, Suite 102A ED Plan : ytission . Products . Schedule Ithaca, New York 14850 August 11 . 1997 Pale l (607) 273-0005 • fax: (607) 273-8964 Preliminary Schedule . Activities may overlap . Stage/Nlilestone Comments Date Draft Background Report Analysis of statistics and September 15 , 1997 existing reports Round 1 - Study of Develop through iterative Sept/Oct 1997 - economic issues and process involving focus evaluate and prioritize the: strategies groups and analysis . For first round during the last Round 1 go broad . two weeks of October, 1997 November recess Ntartha Armstrong on leave November, 1997 Round '. -Study. of A closer study of issues and December, 1997 , January , economic issues and strategies , building on February 1998 strategies Round 1 Final Background Report Complete by the end of-the Nlarch 1 , 1998 study phase allowing information to be added as the process evolves Draft Report: Will include preliminary March 15 , 1997 Issues & Strategies strategy evaluations Final Report: This may incorporate the April 15 , 1997 Issues & Strategies Background Report Draft ED Action Plan Delineate implementation of June 15 , 1998 priority strategies Final ED Action Plan The final plan will be July 15 , 1998 adopted by the TCAD board and recommended to the County board for acceptance or adoption The evaluative models will be researched and developed during the course of the planning process . Assistance may be sought from: Committee members ; Cornell faculty/grad student; consultant ; Empire State Development Corp . edcoms\ors anization\ missionS . 97 ED Plan : Mission , Products , Schedule August 11 , 1997 Pase 2 TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1997 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY AT"1'ACHED 1997 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1997 2 447,500 10 1 ,063 . 165 RESIDENCES 1996 I 140.000 4 376.000 1997 3 467,000 6 928,000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 17 2,494,930 1997 0 0 12 74.458 RENOVATIONS 1996 3 69,000 13 245 .738 1997 0 0 2 5.500 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1996 1 5 ,000 3 30,785 1 '997 2 2815000 12 654,507 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1996 1 46.000 11 349,888 1997 0 0 3 8,455 ,000 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 1 Courtside wall partitions 2,700 8 177,200 BUSINESS 1996 1 350 12 723 ,002 1997 0 0 0 0 WGRICULTURAL 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1996 1 20,000 1 203000 1997 0 0 6 3,238309 e EDUCATIONAL 1996 1 235,000 13 8,521 ,720 MISCELLANEOUS 1997 0 0 32 946,938 CONSTRUCTION 1996 4 38,550 20 520,724 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 8 1 , 198,200 91 15,542 ,877 PERMITS ISSUED 1996 13 553 ,900 94 13 .282,787 TOTAL FEES 1997 8 2,425 91 149845 RECEIVED 1996 13 1 ,235 1 94 20.300 Date Prepared: September 3, 1997 Dani L. Holford Building/Zoning Department Secretary - 2 - TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 25 I . Warren Road (Cornell Moakley I-louse) - existing lodge for university goll' course. 2. 1157 Danby Road - renovations and 190 square foot building addition. 3 . 103 and 104 Rachel Carson Way - new two- family dwelling. 4. 355 Stone Quarry Road - residential addition and renovation. 5 . 107 Hillcrest Drive - existing two- family dwelling. 6. 202 Pine Tree Road - remodel bathroom . 7. - 12. 1026 Ellis Hollow Road ( Units 1 -8) - replace wood stoves with natural gas stoves. 13 . 301 Coddington Road - existing two- family dwelling. 14. 346 Warren Road - greenhouse addition. 15 . 1 1 19 Danby Road - 16' x 28' inground swimming pool . 16. Danby Road ( IC East Tower Dorm) - automatic sprinkler system . 17. 1462 Slalerville Road - existing church. 18 . 909 '1•aughannock Boulevard - existing two-family dwelling. 19. 1304 Mecklenburg Road - new single-family dwelling. 20. 531 Elm Street Extension - extend detached garage. 21 . 241 Coddington Road - new 6 unit apartment building. 22. 118 Winston Drive - renovate kitchen. 23 . 555 Warren Road ( BOLES) - 864 square foot single- family dwelling/elder cottage. 24. 426 Winthrop Drive - rerool' over existing roof. 25 . 1 1 1 Northview Road - 12' x 44' garage extension. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 122 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 94 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 5 1 . 1322 Hanshaw Road - building code - no violation lound. : 2. 114 Burleigh Drive - noise - no violation found. 3 . 19 John Street - property maintenance - pending. 4. 237 Troy Road - building code - pending. 5 . 412 Winston Court (Apt. #C4) - building code - abated. From July 1997: 1 . 1440 Mecklenburg Road - property maintenance - abated. 2. 527 Warren Road - occupancy - pending. From Mav 1995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994 : 1 . 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/ 19/96 - variance granted - pending compliance with fire alarn TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 37 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 54 - 3 - OTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 81 Uniform Building Code - 59 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 17 Fire Salety - 2 ( 1 church. I nursing home) Fire Safety Reinspections - 2 businesses Fire/Emergency Occurrences - I ( multiple residence (clectriclI ) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 729 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 739 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 2 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1 MEETING. a CASES. AGENDA ATTACHED TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS F1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1997 7 : 00 P. M . By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, August 13 , 1997, in Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N . Y . , COMMENCING AT 7 : 00 P . M . , on the following matters : q APPEAL of Cornell University, Appellant, Scott Whitham , Agent, requesting a special approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article V, Section 18 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to construct a women ' s softball 8 field with related facilities at 240 Pine Tree Road, ,Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 60- 1 -6 , -8 .2 , Residence District R-30 . APPEAL of Cornell University, Appellant, Scott Whitham , requesting a special approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article V, Section 18, Subparagraph 3 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to construct four 120- 140 foot light 4 poles on the Alumni Soccer Field on the Cornell University Campus, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63 - 1 -8 . 2, Residence o District R-30 . A variance from Section 18, Subparagraph 10 of said Ordinance is also requested, which limits the height of a structure to 30 feet. p APPEAL of Evan Monkemeyer, Appellant, requesting a special approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article pVII, Section 33 of the Town-of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to construct a garden center/nursery with a combined floor area exceeding 10 ,000 square feet at 1061 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43 - 1 -3 .2, Business District C . An approval to serve food to the public as a supplemental business is also requested, along with variance requests from Sections v 36 and 38 to permit the outside display and storage of goods, which is otherwise prohibited. Additionally, a variance from Section 5 .03 - 1 of the Town ' s Sign Law is also requested to permit the placement of a sign with decorative appendages, having an area of 145 square feet + (50 square foot sign limit). o APPEAL of Evan Monkemeyer, Appellant, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII , o Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to add a fourth dwelling unit to an existing multiple ro dwelling located at 1060 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 39- 1 - 15 .2, Business District C . Said building is 0 M nonconforming since residential uses are not permitted in business zones. Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 :00 p. m . , and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person . Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S. Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated : August 5 , 1997 Publish : August 8, 1997 9� TOWN OF ITHACA 1621 4 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA, N . Y. 14850 \ � jy � O TOWN CLERK 273- 1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273- 1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 9/8197 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 ( F ) HUMAN RESOURCES MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 1997 Personnel : On August 19 , 19971 conducted an exit interview with JoAnn Cornish- Epps , Planner, who has taken a planning position with the City of Ithaca . This has left a planner position open within the Town . We are able to openly recruit candidates for this position since there is not an eligible list available from Civil Service . 1 have placed an advertisement for a Planner position in the Ithaca Journal , Ithaca Times , Syracuse Herald and have listed the position on Cornell University's internet. Already we have received in a some resumes . The candidate chosen for this position will need to be provisionally appointed since the next exam for this title won 't be given until Novemberof 1998 , Supervisor Valentino , Mr. Kanter and I have also been discussing the option of creating a position titled Environmental Planner. We have not finalized any decisions as of yet. Deferred Compensation : I have contacted Suzanne Slimbaugh , from PEBSCO to check on the status of switching to PEBSCO from The Copeland Company. Ms . Slimbaugh told me that the State Deferred Compensation Board has approved the required documents . However , due to the State complying with the Federal changes it will be at least the second or third week in September before PEBSCO will receive all the documentation they need from the Board in order to start the next process . She explain that the next process , unfortunately , can also be time consuming . We discussed that it might be as late as January of 1998 before PEBSCO is able to do informational meetings with the Town of Ithaca Employees . I will keep you informed of any changes that may arise . It was to my understanding that this process was going to be lengthy one , especially with the changes in the State Plan being made at the same time . Personnel Committee : There was not a personnel committee meeting held in August of 1997 . 1 have spent many hours doing the last editing of the Personnel Manual before sending it out to be printed . In house I made copies of the manual and put them in notebooks for all the departments heads for their offices . The employees will be receiving a copy of the manual printed like a booklet for their personal reference . These copies are scheduled to be received by the employees with their paychecks September 5 , 1997 . Workers' Compensation : The Town was required to undergo a Safety and Loss Prevention Consultation and Evaluation , under the direction of the NY State Compensation Insurance Rating Board . I received the evaluation August 11 , 1997 from James Cary , from Lovell Safety Management Co . . At this point we have six months (February 11 , 1998) , to make the improvements recommended by Mr . Cary in his report. Within 60 days after February 11 , 1998 , the State Insurance Fund will have to conduct an inspection to determine if the required actions have been implemented . They have 45 days after their inspection to provide the Town with a copy of their compliance report. I have spoken with the State Department of Labor to make sure that we are cooperating in all aspects as required , since this process is so specific time wise . They have assured me , that so far we have done everything that was required of us . Mr . Noteboom and I have discussed the report and will be meeting with Supervisor Valentino to make our suggestions . The Department of Labor explained that this is the first year such evaluations have been required so it seems to be a learning process for all involved , including the Department of Labor. Human Resources Office : I have continued with the general day to day operation and requirements of the office . I also feel I try to be available to the Department Heads and employees for any concerns or needs that may arise . Respectfully Submitted By : Judith C . Drake Human Resources Specialist SOME ' 603 E . Seneca St. # 11 i n�� ; 1 4 097 1 Ithaca, NY 14850 6, ( 607) 273-8832 August 12, 1997 Dear Sirs and Madams, I recently learned of a residential subdivision and city park proposed for the land atop Ithaca' s South Hill . As a graduate student at Cornell University and resident of the city of Ithaca who has studied the fauna of this. area, I am very concerned about the possible severe environmental impacts of this subdivision, park, and associated increased human traffic on a fragile and unique natural area . South Hill Swamp, as this area is known, has been known to ecologists, botanists, ornithologists, . and entomologists as an outstanding local natural area for over one hundred years . Part of this truly unique natural area has been protected as a nature preserve by Cornell University for nearly forty years . 6 South Hill Swamp is a DEC-listed wetland . South Hill Swamp has been listed and mapped by the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council as a " Unique Natural Area" . South Hill Swamp contains the only example of an intact Pine Barrens community (a globally rare ecosystem ) in the entire Cayuga Lake basin . South Hill Swamp is one of the few nesting places in Tompkins County for the Prairie Warbler ( Dendroica discolor ), a ground-nesting bird rare in New York State which is easy prey for cats and dogs associated with housing developments . South Hill Swamp is home to 15 species of plants listed as " rare " or " scarce" by the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council . Many of these species are also listed as endangered, threatened, or rare by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and many are found nowhere else in Tompkins County , South Hill Swamp is home to many small and rare species of plants which could easily be trampled by the increased foot traffic which inevitably accompanies residential and recreational development projects . In order to adequately address these concerns about the degradation of this important natural area, and to mitigate adverse environmental impacts if development is to be permitted, I believe that the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process with its extensive environmental review procedures and opportunities for public comment must be followed for ally development, whether a park or a subdivision , which occurs in this area . I have enclosed a packet of information on South Hill Swamp which I urge you to consider in any decision regarding the fate of this area . Sincerely, _ t Jonathan R. Mawdsley Graduate Student Department of Entomology Cornell University aitd Executive Director, New York Student Environmental Action Coalition enclosures cc : Tompkins County Environmental Management Council Tompkins County Planning Department City of Ithaca Planning Department Ithaca City Council i INFORMATION PACKET ON SOUTH HILL SWAMP Compiled by Jonathan Mawdsley 1 . ) Evaluation of South Hill Swamp from Unirltte Natural Areas of Tompkins County, Tompkins County Environmental Management Council, 2 vols . loose-leaf, 1990 . 2 . ) Evaluation of 5 . 7-acre Cornell preserve at South Hill Swamp by Nancy Ostman, Cornell Plantations Natural Areas Program , 3 . ) Evaluation of South Hill Swamp by Tufts, C . E . 1976 . A Preliminary hiventory of some Unigite Natural Areas itt Torttpkiiis Cot.utty, New York . Masters Thesis, Cornell University . 195 pp . 4 . ) Notes on the unique flora of South Hill Swamp from Wiegand, K . M . and Eames, A . J . 1926 . The Flora of the Cayuga Lake Basbi, New York . C . U . Ag . Expt. Station Mem , 92 : 1 -491 5 . ) Map showing South Hill Swamp (labeled " South Hill Marsh" ) from Dudley, W . R . 1886 . The Cayuga Flora . Andrus & Church, Ithaca . 132 pp . + maps . 6 . ) Article on South Hill Swamp , Ostman, N . 1983 . Protecting A Small Natural Area : A High-risk Enterprise . The Cornell Plantatiots 39 ( 2 ) : 19-20 . 7 . ) Article noting botanical importance of South Hill Swamp . Ostman, N . 1991 . Securing Natural Areas . Cornell Plantations 46 (3 ) : 3-7 . i 1 I T = 8 Tompkins County South Hill Swamp Unique Natural Area SlteCode . IT - 8 Surveyor IFRW, NLO I Town 11thaca Ownership 1private USGS Quad 11thaca East La t / I o n g 10420 024' N 0760 029' W Parcel Number 43 - 1 - 4 , 44 - 1 - 1 Location N of East King Road ; approx . 0 . 6 miles E of junction Rt. 96131 E . King Road . Access easiest from pipeline right of way ; follow it N 100 yds to swamp edge . Greater part extends E and NE from this point. Cover Type Upland forest , wetland forest , old field forest, wet meadow, meadow, shrub thicket Site Description This area includes swamp white oak forest, -mixed coniferous and hardwood forest with pitch pines , shrubland and open meadow. Significance Known for almost 100 years as one of the most interesting botanical sites in the county . A rare community with numerous rare or scarce plant species , suggesting that rare floras of the Coastal Plains , is found here . Rare birds and insects are also reported for the area . Physical Characteristics of Site Size ( A ) 60 Elevatlon 1250 to 1270 ft . Aspect INA To o Feature Nearly flat upland depression Water Bodies Geology Glacially scoured hilltop . Slope ( % ) Topographic Moisture ® Flat ® Crest ® Inundated ( Hydric ) ® 0 to 10 ❑ Upper Slope ® Saturated ( Wet - mesic ) ❑ 10 to 35 ❑ Mid - slope ® Moist ( Mesic) ❑ Over 35 ❑ Lower Slope ® Dry - mesic ❑ Vertical ❑ Bottom ® Dry ( Xeric) i 1 Site Code : IT - £3 Page 2 Soils ( see appendix for list of soil names ) Soil type : % area EcA 5 % Vbb 15 % LnC 25 % LnD 15 % LaC 15 % MaB 5 % LtB 5 % Vegetation Plant Communities List oak- hickory forest, mixed oak forest , hickory -white ash forest , white oak swamp forest , pine - maple old -field forest , sugar maple - basswood -white ash Descrlptlon of vegetatlon . ( Communities , Slgnillcant / Unusual Features , Species , Age , Structure , etc . ) Rare or Scarce Species Present Presence of Rare or Scarce Specles : Yes Flora Genus & species Rare\ Scarce Comments Pinus rigida Scarce Lyonia ligustrina Rare Aronia arbutifolia Scarce Prunus susquehanae Rare Quercus coccinea Scarce Malus coronaria Scarce Viola fimbriatula Scarce Carex folliculata Scarce Carex glaucodea Rare Linum virginianum Scarce Hedyotis caerulea Scarce Platanthera flava Scarce Nyssa sylvatica Scarce Aronia melanocarpa Scarce 1 Site Code : IT - 8 Page 3 Genus & species Rare\ Scarce Comments Carex incomperta Rare Fauna Genus & species Rare\Scarce Comments Dendroica discolor Scarce Prairie Warbler 1 Site Code : IT - 8 Page 4 Conservation Evidence of Disturbance and Potential for Recovery The area known as Chase Pond was severely disturbed by development in the early 1970's . The pipeline divided the swamp. Adjacent Land Use Residential , subdivision development , rental Threats to Site Development , altered drainage of swamp Vulnerability of Site to Visitors Very vulnerable in some parts. Trampling could destroy small species . Special Conservatlon / Management Needs The prairie warber is threatened by neighborhood pets . Protective Ownership Unknown Adequate Buffer DEC Wetland DEC Wetland DEC Mapped Protection Yes Site Code 0 Acreage `=u Other Comments on Conservation Summary of Special Features ® Rare\ Scarce Plants ® Rare \Scarce Animals ® Rare\ Scarce Communities ❑ Unique Geology ® High Quality of Example ❑ High Esthetic Qualities Comments • `'.�'Ol�� �;� I� �:S.r 'a �• ( � r1, (' �I �II i�Palf<.�!II '_IC_2-1 ; IIk •} � �a! - -�Ilf iT ItFI1 TrT yJ�1 (� i-�3.`y1/ 1. >,*=tit A �`_ 1 'Q �`J•'/���►y�wG-�{fl��U' /J'+.(u18 '!/ � • „ .i. �l�e�`�.--tY4JA' 1 'lS A4 .Ji•`� 11� \ 1 r • : J •h� -- ��f.�•�. I 1 J' t J J- •. i1�1 —1-r- � as— I _ • ^ Ili f?U ` I Il ((e r� _° _ ) . 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It is about 2 miles from the Commons to E . King . Rd . Turn left onto King . Check your odometer . It is 0 . 8 miles to two white candy -cane - like pipes on each side of the road marking the natural gas right of way . Park on the side of the road and follow the gas right of way on the north ( left ) side of the road . It is about 600 feet to the South Hill Swamp . The swamp is off to the right when you get to the low area on the trail ( it is obvious ) . There is a light foot path heading into the swamp , just before the low area . Or ( and more properly ) the Cornell access is a 25 foot strip alongside a fence 0 . 1 miles further east on King Rd . next to a small gray building with a light green roof . The strip runs on the west side of the fence , between the fence and the light post . It is 760 feet to the boundary ( fenced ) of the swamp . South Hill Swamp is only 5 . 71 acres . Most of the area is bounded by a fence . Vegetative Characteristics The Preserve consists of an open area , a brush covered field , and a swamp forest . The bluets , dwarf cherry , Aronia , and many sedges are found in the open area . Maleberry , deerberry , and several common shrubs form a dense cover which gradually integrades with the swamp forest . Here are found white oak , swamp white oak , azalea , and the rare button bush . Black oak , chestnut oak , and red maple are also found in the wooded section . The Preserve was established to protect a remnant of the once extensive swamplands on South Hill . The area is characterized by Ellery and Mardin soils which are extremely poorly drained , but high in organic content . South Hill Bog represents perhaps the northern - most example of a coastal prairie plant association ; the area largely resembles ( on a small scale ) the coastal plain of New Jersey . Several plants add to the uniqueness of the bog including pitch pine , prairie willow , New Jersey Tea , and Bluets . i SOUTH HILL SWAMP - 5 . 7 acres 2 N SUDD fr1L�S FDl.FST NOME T.'✓F 3 �T oy 4�SI✓A� P � o p O , r 1. . .i •%' ^�� ���° ♦ \ C LL.J �I✓, \ \ ,-1/l � 'ter.\ • . �d \ � � � .� vya • Tank IN 'I fol to If offl2 NN VNN INN NI QPalQy �ca l 5crrv�y / / ll ;' � . � �'�,•-\� � �, �' l 1 �� I \_� \ Ohl N ; Quadrdny ) ; ', I i ( l ;IN %L. I1: Q0s� lip 3 � 96 tit IT - 8 : SOUTH HILL SWAMP Site Description : Natural forest , forest brush , wooded wetlands . Elev . 1250 - 1270 ft . Area : 57 a . Location : N of East King Road ; approx . 0 . 6 mi . E of junc . Rt . 96B , E . King Road . Access easiest from pipeline right of way ; follow it N 100 yds . to swamp edge . Greater part extends E and NE from this point . Ownership : CU , Pr . i Man-made Changes : Past logging , pasturing , farming , draining . Clearing and drainage disruption by pipeline on W , Beacon Hills construction to E . Some trash dumping in past . Fencing . Natural Features : _Geology : Bedrock of Sonyea group shales exposed on Beacon Hill Property . Soils : LnC , LnD , VbB , EcA , TeA , LtB Water bodies : Water table is exposed in form of small shallow ponds , dry in summer . Drains into both Inlet and 6 Mile Creek . Vegetation : White oak-n . red oak - hickory , swamp white oak , pitch pine . Unique combination of western and coastal plain species . NYSPNP - 9 species . Andrews ' # - 22 , 10 - some rare species sphagnum moss . * Ragged fringed orchis ( Habenaria lacera ( Michx . ) R . Br . ) , *yellow star grass ( Hypoxis hirsuta ( L . ) Coville ) , *pine weed , orange grass ( Hypericum gentianoides ( L . ) B . S . P . ) , 'arrow- leaved violet ( Viola sagittata Ait . ) , * dwarf cherry ( Prunus pumila subsp . susquehanae ( Willd . ) Clausen ) , * red chokeberry ( Pyrus arbutifolia ( L . ) Ell . ) , *swamp white oak ( uercus bicolor Willd . ) , *burr oak ( uercus macrocarpa Michx . ) , *bluets ( Houstonia caerulea L . ) , *maleberry ( Lyonia ligustrina ( L . ) DC . ) , *pussytoes ( Antennaria fallax Greene ) , ' frostweed aster ( Aster pi - losus Willd . ) , huckleberry ( Gaylussacia baccata ( Wang . ) K . Koch ) , *buttonbush ( Cephalanthus occidentalis L . ) , ' four- leaved milkweed ( Asclepias quadrifolia Jacq . ) , black chokeberry ( Pyrus melanocarpa ( Michx . ) Willd . ) . Some of species accounts from Clausen ( 1969 ) . Best j example of pitch pine woods in county . Fauna : Normal for area . *Prairie warbler ( Dendroica discolor Vieillot ) only current breeding ' locality known for county ; ruffed grouse ( Bonasa umbellus L . ) , black and white warbler ( Mniotilta varia L . ) , ring - necked pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus L . ) . Large numbers of white - tailed deer . Activities : Botanical research , nature study , hiking , hunting , trail bike riding . Reason for Selecting Site : Known for almost 100 years as one of most in - teresting botanical areas in central New York . Comments : Cornell owns 5 . 7 acres of the swamp , Includes area with dwarf cherry and maleberry , the most unusual plants there , but includes only half swamp and little of the oak - pine wet hummocks to N . The whole swamp and pitch pine woods totals some 50+ acres and should be preserved . It 3 97 IT - 8 : SOUM HILL S[dAMP ( continued ) is unique . Both Beacon Hills and the pipeline right of way have de - graded the area - if Beacon Hills becomes active and implements its full development plan , the swamp will be severely affected . f I i I I 4 THE FLORA OF THE CAYUGA LAKE Pi :\ sIN 461 Cltacrophylhun procumbens Veronica virginiea Agastache nepetoides Goliumn pilosumn ( sandy bank) Agastache scrophulariaefolia Campanula atnericana Veronica Anagallis-aquatnca, var. latifolia South Hill.— Besides the number of interesting though scattered species in the general region of South Hill , there is a particularly interesting colony of rare plants in or near South Hill Marsh . Some of these plants suggest the light-acid-soil floras of the Coastal Plain and the Southern States, and the woodland about . the marsh has much the appearance of the scrub-oak barrens of eastern Massachusetts. The reason for this affinity is not clear. The soil is chestnut and noncalcarcous. The following unusual plants are found on South Hill : Carex hirta ( north slope ) Linumt virginianum Carcx incomperta Viola sagittata, var. ovata Carer glaucodea Leonia ligustrina Carex folliculata Onosmnodho n hispidissrmumt ( north I uncus marginatus slope ) Habenaria flava, var. virescens Veronica Atagallis-aquatica , var, lati- Rosa setigera ( north slope ) folia ( north slope ) Aronia arbutifolia, var. atropurpurea Houstonia caerulea Amelantchier intermnedia Antenttaria occidentalis Primus susquehanae Antennaria Parlinii Ravines.- The most characteristic topographical peculiarity of the Cayuga Lake Basin is the extensive ravine formation. Botanically the ravines are very interesting, and they furnish a large number of . plants not generally found elsewhere. Of these, Draba arabisans, Saxifraga aizoides, Primula mnistassinica, and Pirnguicula vulgaris, are noted as relics of the postglacial migration and are now known elsewhere in New York State only in very isolated localities, though they are frequent in high northern latitudes. Tile more important unusual plants are as follows : Woodsia ilvensis 4 Aplectrunt hyemale Woodsia obhtsa . Epipactis repens, var. ophioides Thelypteris Goldiana Epipactis tessellata Thelypteris hexagonoptera Populits tacannalnacca Thelypteris Phegopteris Cerastium nutans Athyriwn angustifoliunt Clematis verticilloris Athyriunt acrostichoides Ieffersotia diphylla Camtptosorus rhizophyllus Adhnnia fungosa Pellaea atropurpurea Corydalis sempervirens Cryplogramma Stelleri Corvdalis ourea Selaginella rupestris Draba arabisans Bromus Kahnii Sisvmbrium brachycarpot Poa splvestris Ca-rdannine parviflora Oryzopsis pungens Arabis lyrata Po nicumn umnbrosnun Parnassna caroliniana Panicumt Boscii Saxifraga aizoides Carex Careyana Agrimonia rostellata Carer Iamesii Agrinnonia mtollis Carer 1•11illdeno h Agrimionia parviflora Carer oligoearpa Annelonchier amabilis Carer Woodh Desmnodiunt marilandicum Cypripedimn parpffiorum, var. pubes- Lespedeza procumnbens cells Geranium carolinianunt Triphora trianthophora Geranium Bicknellii f !D h M cl _ d' b •� � 5 W v / - i v r Cool `n n ca r ui bi f pia I , w Cd b ti 3 I O. 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' x y1.r r1"(, 11" �/y - '�'•(y(,1 • • • • • • //T.4�I.M I .t . ii ,N ���NK:� �r L i' I? ����""( ((�' I 1t 1�1L] ' > 'F . • � X 1 , } 1' jJ y..9t',•e { ( y�) '� t !r�j, v � '1•}iS.1 4 )t � � \ ';/„' • w O a C G7 :3 D 0 CD i y r 0 o w r 6 r O b p G ^ UI CD O O N wi u C 55 - -, CD G r m p O r, � (n( rt tA ;97a CD w Po En _ _ i (� c ° - x � CL w u, O r p (D - Q - - w ° o o cn r o - r- r- (�D �+ o 6 c p o" o m p C (D c. CD P 'o ° m o Cct < G U w O '~U r (rD � � � < � (D z S. � o � d (D rn a O � � n tip � (n ; P �. � � P � G � C n a cY � � o n � (D (° b (n cr r-' `- G .'�-- G '7 (D < w O �-'� n (DOR "t C3. �' uc4 r.. r '-'3 r w r r* r r w r r o r + (n < < m C � G P w m G G r w ° n- r o w n (D '+ w o o p P o o = r C ro w (n w Q (� ccn f? P P w w n oa 0O r n_ r t7 ,'p w p o o r y U4 p P U° r �. . . (n P 0 0'a Q p C w _ w P (n -� N% A^� • � f] rpmq OrQ (~n (� o = C? U4 w b r . w p P w . . r o `C P r- ri (n n d �( < rC-r w cn S.Z. � n > w 7 'S _O . OG. "�} `.1 ,Y .7- ' .� p) a. CD �. C �. .n- . (D r` (D .:,� QR O r, (n r (n To � w r � G1 (D o �' o C rr a w o w ' ' f1 C�7 w O w P P w d b r n (D r o otvD n w s 1 wn p Y r 'o - a r o (ri r a' o C Q b w o Q. ^� � n � S � � � n � w ° ° , °CD ° � � rn (,-Dn ] ww � a � w w - ma p CT' w CD G G O 'y O �' 'y [], r+ O Cl (/I r (n f-- w,y �-� O. � n (D r G O '� v, ti r G' G r d n (("D r w o 'D' '� x C O 0 r' CD (Ga CL a O �. C1. 0CD r N r CD ti N p (wn o "� p w W w m r G u C O O (ZD r CD(n n w w P U°. ° ° ^L) (D ry r ; p r o 'O r Ci o C (n ° W (n ((q r w ti (En r r+ ,- CD (D `-G 7 cn O C]. w C1. C (lD 7 -•, w �' �. m '-' < O r .-< r CD O rn p Cry n o ova ° v m P aka �`` ova G C� ° rn m n (wn o w r m - = C 7 �. P n h r G ^'t r r r r (m C a (n v o w o (n w r rD cn 'G .. r .=+ C1. R r-' (D `y P � r r+ rr t� Q. r M r cl fl In ^. r G O n r [n rt O cn v r O (D - n r w s c o o p ]r r w r CD CD J� P ' ` n r J r r r < G CO r S2 y r O = C O (n cn Q. ^' G O r C3. -( En• O, O - _4-I__ . .. o C o' f , o p t , - m :-, CD G G .� O r r w w ° O O a (D n co 1 ' p r < p w r C p n CD C a l F r U r n _ c , r L5 0 o o G ^ P M n n r _� O 6 UQ (n = r -....,• _ t., �� Z Y c ? r n oa p r � = o r r (n r can v ] n (D > ? ,_ r '�. ��}:� .... .{ f � . ate` � .. -�• �•�. A Division of Public Works E ' TOMPKINS COJ:.l UNTY }HIGHWAYS A William J . Mobbs Ward Hungerford Commissioner of Public Works . . ; , A y r Highway Manager August 12, 1997 Mr. Barry Stevens Regional Traffic Engineer NYSDOT 333 E . Washington Street Syracuse, NY 13202 Re : Reduced Speed Limit Study, Town of Ithaca Dear Barry ; Unclosed is a "Town of Ithaca resolution with form TE 10 ( map attached) requesting an area speed limit. The documentation was originally generated in November 1995 , but apparently got misfiled . The TE 10 form is dated to show when the documentation was forwarded to my office . The Octopus project has undoubtedly impacted traffic on Floral Avenue ( Rt 13A), because it is no longer directly connected to Rt. 96 and 89, since the original request ( 11 /95 ) . The need or benefit for extending the 30 MPH along Rt. 13A , reducing the existing 45 MPH , is not apparent to me . Hopefully your study can demonstrate whether changes are warranted along Rt. 13A . Please let me know if 1 can be of any assistance . Sincerely, Ward A. Hun` te d Highway Manager WAH/ssh file : ithasped cc : William J Mobbs, Commissioner of Public Works Joan Lent'Noteboom , Clerk, Town of Ithaca ,., 170 Bostwick Road , Ithaca, NY 14850 607 - 274-0300 FAX 607 - 272-8489 51997 f 96 i CITY OF ITHACA 10B EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE: 607/ 274-6550 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT FAX: 607/ 274-6558 H. MATTHYS VAN CORT, DIRECTOR 607/ 272-7348 HERMAN SIEVERDING, AICP, DEPUTY DIRECTOR TO : Cable Refranchising Committee Judy Boggess Dick Cogger John Efroymson Richard Entlich Jean Finley Mariette Geldenhuys Rick Gray Ray Schlather Cathy Valentino FROM : H. Matthys Van Cort Director of Planning and Development SUBJECT: Cable Refranchising DATE : August 4, 1997 Enclosed is the Cable Consultant Topic List prepared by Judy Boggess and my notes on our July 16th meeting. Also enclosed are calendars for August, September and October. I would appreciate your indicating your availability so that I can use the information to schedule the dates for the Committee to meet with the two consultant finalists . Rose Tucker, from my office, will be calling you to follow- up regarding your schedule. As we agreed at our July 16th meeting, I will talk with Cathy Valentino to see whether she can join us as a full partner at the interviews. I will invite representatives of the other Tompkins County jurisdictions . Enclosures cblesch Printed on Recycled Paper 'An Equal Opportunity Employer will, ,n Affirmative Action Program' 0A 0 C X00 �R�R11TE� CITY OF ITHACA 106 EAST GREEN STREET ITHACA , NEW YORK 14850 DEPARTMENT OF TELEPHONE: 607/ 274-6550 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT FAX: 607/ 274-6558 H. MATTHYS VAN CORT, DIRECTOR 607/ 272-7348 HERMAN SIEVERDING, AICR DEPUTY DIRECTOR TO: Cable Refranchising Committee FROM: H. Matthys Van Cort Director of Planning and Development SUBJECT: Meeting Notes DATE: July 29, 1997 The following are my notes on our meeting of July 16, 1997. In attendance were: Judy Boggess, John Efroymson, Jean Finley, Mariette Geldenhuys, Rick Gray, Ray Schlather, Thys Van Cort • Report by Members • Committee Membership • Matrix prepared by Boggess • Meeting Schedule • Cable Company Property Taxes Reports by Members Van Cort reported that he had talked with Cathy Valentino , Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca, regarding the possibility of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca forming a partnership for the negotiation of the new Cable Franchise. Van Cort said that Valentino had expressed strong interest in forming such a partnership and that she would try to come to our future meetings. Van Cort has her schedule and said that he would set meeting times in the future when all members could attend. Finley said that she had talked to Richard Entlich as had been requested at the June 26th meeting of the Committee. He is interested in joining us , and it was agreed that he would be a good addition. Finley said that she had talked with Van Cort about adding Harvey Gitlin to the Committee. Van Cort said that he felt it would be more appropriate to leave the Committee composition as it is now, at least until we know whether the Town of Ithaca is willing to join us as a partner in negotiations. If the Town does join the City, there should be room on the % J* Printed on Recycled Paper Committee for their representation from the "Town as well as the m members who now sery e. The Committee agreed to this approach, leaving the' Committee with its present composition until the issue of Town/City Partnership has been resolved Boggess said that she believed new members of the Committee should be added if they have skills or knowledge which would be of use during the upcoming refranchising process . Th suggestion. erefore, the consideration of new members should be `content dri ven ' . The Committee concurred with this Matrix Boggess walked the Committee through the matrix of proposals which she had prepared. After some discussion, it was decided that one List of Tasks should be prepared and that the two finalist consultants should be asked to make a presentation to the City, including the cost for carrying out each of the listed tasks. Boggess agreed to prepare a revised list of tasks which Van Cort said lie would distribute to Committee members for their continent. Schedule Van Cort said that Cathy Valentino is available on alternate Wednesdays and he said he would circulate a schedule to all Committee members to try to choose a day of the week which would be convenient with all. This could be distributed with the List of Tasks which is to be sent to the consultant. Comments on the list of Tasks should be returned to Van Cort at the Planning and Development Department by fax or Email. Van Cort said that he would send a letter to the consultants explaining the Committee 's next steps. It was decided that Van Cort should ask Cathy Valentino to bring any other people she wished to include in the process to the meeting when the consultants are interviewed. The date for the consultants ' interviews will be scheduled by Van Cort. Schlather suggested that the members of the Inter-Municipal Cables Commission be invited to loin us. It was decided that an invitation should be sent to Ben Curtis , all Town Supervisors in Tompkins County, the Mayors of all villages and Barbara Mink as Chair the County Board of Representatives so that they will be given an opportunity to become partners with the City (and hopefully the Town) in the upcoming Franchise Negotiations. Van Cort said that he would talk with Cathy Valentino in the hope that the City and the Town could reach an agreement on partnership before the presentation by the consultants and the City and Town could jointly invite the other jurisdictions to become apart of the negotiation team. Schlather said that it was his understanding that some members of Common Council had reservations about his serving on this Committee because of previously having represented a cable access user in a criminal proceeding who might now sue the City. Schlather said that if it were the wish of Council that lie not serve, he would be more than happy to resign from the Committee. Efroymson said that there was a strong majority on the Council who wanted Schlather on the Refranchising Committee and all members of the Refranchising Committee reiterated their wishes that he remain on the Committee to assist the City in this effort. 61716 2 July 17 , 1997 {c, Cable Consultant Topic List ;. Legislative Review l � Review provisions of the Cable Communications Policy Act, review of the Telecommunications Act and related FCC decisions . Customer Information Survey of customers and focus groups to identify community needs . Plant Technical audit, planned changes to plant and changes to programs and services. Accounting, Financial Analysis Financial analysis, franchise fee payment review and review of local property tax "deduction . Compliance Review `review for compliance with existing franchise including payment of all tees. PEG LPEG analysis, development of not for profit access management organization. I-NET Institutional network and expanded community needs. New Agreement New franchise and agreement franchise renewal negotiation. Municipal Ownership Strategic and long-run plans of the community , competitive options . Consultant Fee Payment of consultant fee by Time Warner. ECOVILLAGE COHOUSING COOPERATIVE 100 Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca, NY 14851 -0025 1 1 11997 Board Town of Ithaca Steve Gaarder, 126 East Seneca President Ithaca , New York 14850 Jay Jacobson, Vice-president Dear Friends '' Bill Webber, Secretary SusanMcGreivy, This letter represents an appeal from the Treasurer imposition of a three hundred dollar ( $ 300 . 00 ) fee. every six months for a period of two years for a series of temporary certificates of occupancy . The Number of the present Certificate is : 4894 . The certificate contains the following provision : Note : This certificate expires January 31 , 1998 pending installation of a vertical wheelchair lift meeting CABO /ANSI A 117 . 1 - 1992 and Chapter XX of ASME A17 . 1 - 1993 as per New York State Variance petition # 387 - 96 . 55 . We begin by giving the Board some of the history behind. this request . In 1996 , the EcoVillage Cohousing Cooperative Incorporated ( EVCC ) was forced by economic R circumstances to appeal the Towns elevator requirement for handicapped access . Although the Town had had copies of the architectural drawings of the proposed Common House for some two or more years prior to the issuance of a building permit , it was : only at the moment of commencement of construction that EVCC was apprised by the Town that the - ' ' Common House would have to have an elevator to come into compliance with State requirements on handicapped access . At this point , it was economically impossible for EVCC to pay for a redesign of : the Common House into a single story building . Thus EVCC appealed the matter to the state . After ' a sympathetic hearing , the State granted EVCC variance # 387 - 96 - 55 . This variance downgraded the elevator requirement to a vertical wheelchair lift . This represented a significant savings to the group which had appealed on the grounds of economic hardship due to tardy , notice of the requirement . Nonetheless , even with the downgrade to a A Way of Living for the 21st Century wheelchair lift , it was estimated that it would eventually cost EVCC between twenty and thirty thousand . dollars . This was and is a figure which is well beyond the ability of over two thirds of EVCC households to meet at this time . Most of the households in EVCC are already at mortgage maximum . Thus the funds were going to have to be obtained through a cash assessment . The imposition of this surprise cost was clearly going to force some households to sell their shares in EVCC . The elevator was Making an already unexpectedly expensive project more unaffordable for those with lesser means . In these circumstances EVCC sought an extension of time in which it could gather the funds together to purchase the elevator . We were granted an extension of two years , which we appreciate . Shortly thereafter EVCC experienced a fire which has had significant additional financial impact on some of the neediest families . In these circumstances these fees create a hardship of their own , raising the cost of the elevator by over $ 1 , 200 . 00 . Moreover , it seems ironic that the Town would grant an extension based upon economic hardship and then make the circumstance of that extension even more economically burdensome . In light of these circumstances EVCC is requesting a waiver of these fees . d We have been apprised that hospicare , which is also being required to put in an elevator under these same statutory requirements , has not been assessed the $ 300 . 00 bi - annual fee during the time period which . they have been given to . come into compliance . The fee waiver . was apparently granted because the Town granted them a building permit apprising them that -. 2an elevator was not required when it was . While our , circumstances are not identical , they . are certainly similar . Therefore it is our hope we -, will ' receive a similar waiver of these ` fees while ., !we gather together the funds to come into pompliance . . Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter . Respectfully , Steve Gaarder President EVCC cc : Andrew Frost o + i 1 ECOVILLAGE COHOUSING COOPERATIVE 100 Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca, NY 14851 -0025 a vxF,f �a 1 1997 Town Board Steve Gaarder, Town of Ithaca 'E President 126 E . Seneca Street ' ,i`i4 6UI DNNGF/ZONING Jay Jacobson, Ithaca , New York 14850 Vice-president Bill Webber, Dear Friends : Secretary Susan McGreivy, Treasurer we of the Ecovillage Cohousing Cooperative would like to correct some potential misconceptions that could arise from our recent letter requesting a .waiver of the temporary CO fee . It was not our intent to suggest in any way that Mr . Frost is responsible for the late notice of the need for a lift . To the contrary , he has been very supportive and facilitated the granting of the delay , which we appreciate very much . ely , teve Gaa der President , Ecovillage Cohousing Cooperative � a cc : Andrew Frost A Way of Living for the 21st Century Town Board Meeting 9/8/97 Agenda Item No . 9 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD Pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and Section 1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County , New York, does ordain and enact as follows : Section 11 Territory Affected. This ordinance shall be applicable to all territory within the Town of Ithaca outside of the incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights . Section 2. Amending of Prior Ordinance . The Ordinance Amending and Restating Ordinance Regulating Traffic and Parking in the Town of Ithaca, adopted by the Town Board February 10, 1992 , and amended by the Town Board April 13 , 1992 , December 12 , 1994, August 12, 1996 , and June 9, 1997 , is hereby further amended as follows : (a) Section 3 entitled " Parking Vehicles " , subparagraph (m) is amended to read as follows : " (m) On the northwest side of Burns Road from New York State Route 79 west to a point 500 feet west of the bridge over Six Mile Creek; and on the southeast side of Burns Road from New York State Route 79 west to Coddington Road. " (b) There is hereby added to the list on Schedule A relating to stop signs the following entries . " On John Street at its intersection with Park Lane " " On Culver Road at its intersection with Poole Road" Section 3 . Effective Date . This ordinance shall be effective 10 days after publication and posting in accordance with Section 133 of the Town Law. f - BARNEY , GROSSMAN , DUBOW & MARCUS ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOHN C. BARNEY SENECA BUILDING WEST PETER G . GROSSMAN SUITE 400 DAVID A. DUBOW RANDALL B . MARCUS 1 19 EAST SENECA STREET WILLIAM J . TROY III ITHACA , NEW YORK 14850 FACSIMILE KRISTIN E . HAZLITT• ( 607 ) 273 - 6841 ( 607) 272 - 8806 ( NOT FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS) 'ALSO ADMITTED IN MARYLAND ` & WASHINGTON , D . C. August 12, 1997 Mrs . Joan Lent Noteboom Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Re : Amendment to Traffic Ordinance Dear Joan : Enclosed is a revised traffic ordinance changed to reflect the discussions at the Town Board meeting on August 11 , 1997 . I believe this is now in the form to be presented at the Town Board meeting on September 8th. If you need anything further on this matter, give me a call . With best regards . Sincerely yours , JCB : sls Enclosure �1y OF 1P F TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� �10,¢�• 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 1P Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, (Ithaca Journal) : "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . Location . of Sign Board. Used For Posting : Town Clerk's Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : August 15 , 1997 Date of Publication : August 18, 1997 Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this Ada Y of �• a Vary Public Mary J. Saxton Notary Public, State of Now Registration #0 $A Qualified In Tloga Cou t my Commission Expires ,. '' ruBUC HEARING; O•.` . . . ) ..;.NICE TOWN OF ITF�A . . T PLEASE.TAKE Nam ; that;. the Town.Board , ofdhe Town Ithoca • will hold: a: ,public . hearin at the *re gular,meet- ing' :ot the,' Town Board on September 8; 1997, at 6: 15 ` at 1he -Town' .Hall, 126 ast . Seneca Street, `. Ithaca, ? New ' ,york in orderfliot they ! , ; ...ma consider. on; ,. ORDI- : NANCE `AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING : :i `TRAFFIC AND PARKING.- IN ' ;,, . .THE TOWN .OF ITHACA TO , ; '''PROHIBIT ` PAWNG' ON : .'.;':?;; 5:! PORTJONS :., OF `I'iBURNS 'Y,40ROAD ANQ . T.O • ESTABLISH7: STOP ' .* SIGNS "ON ` JOHN% STREET ANDCULVER'ROAD: a.;, s<'* -i:PLEASE:•:TAKE • FURTHER. NO • . : r•• "�' TICE'' '"all ''::cifizen '�;yj,�? the ' ' late sh II beaaffo dedthe d P {,%o rtuni fo ,yoice;theira ' F. PPo tY P prova t r�ikr , l. or.•t oppositionc,fo .j fhe;L ' -: x h said ordinance ' and `.f 't:•;� ;=: �,;; ,iy PLEASE BAKE' FURTHER N4't s u1TIGE individuals w!th;'waual„ id =: �?S'�yt;+3tnpairmenfs; hearmg �lmpair= ! o4 .other special negds(�' will c bee provided:•wifh,;,pssis e . . fpnce .aa ' necessary...upoh',re - € �u;: , ;quesl.tiPersons'±desiring. assjs s �;jf,; ti}ftapce. .must; make : a :requesl•t s riot less'r'thon"48 : hours prior , to,thej�img of the pybJic hear king. ti :rte � :`7 ,�. oan'�"ylenf �' Notsbooi ; ,1. •� ,Abgust : 18,w 1997 ' fly OF 171 _ TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA . PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Town Board on September 8, 1997 , at 6 : 15 p. m . , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York in order that they may consider an , "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE , all citizens at the aforementioned time and place shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition to the said ordinance , and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, individuals with visual, impairments, hearing impairments or other special needs, will . be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk August 15 , 1997 PUBLISH : Monday, August 18, 1997