HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-08-11 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 11 , 1997 5a30 P. M. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York, there were present: PRESENT: Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Edward Conley, Councilman ; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; John Wolff, Councilman . ALSO PRESENT: Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning ; Judy Drake , Human Resource Specialist, EXCUSED : Alfred Carvill , Secretary to the Supervisor. OTHERS : Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department; Linda Holzbaur, 249 Coddington Road ; Hanks Roberts , 253 Coddington Road ; Ken Ritter, 249 Coddington Road ; Donald Stephenson , 936A East Shore Drive ; Ruth Mahr, 103 Judd Falls Road ; Michael Villa , 250 South Clinton Street, Syracuse , New York; Bob Weid , 250 South Clinton Street, Syracuse , New York; Karl Heck, Tompkins County Planning Department; Mark Macera , 115 South Quarry Street; Christopher Lutz, 44 Buck Road , Lansing ; Barbara Thuesen , 201 Hampton Road ; Carl Sgrecci , 1130 Trumansburg Road ; Dick Perry, 1138 Trumansburg Road ; Shirley Raffensperger, 139 Pine Tree Road; City of Ithaca Mayor Alan Cohen ; JoAnn Cornish , Town of Ithaca Planner; Evan Monkemeyer, 123 East King Road . CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5: 32 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . AGENDA ITEM NO . 3 - MAYOR ALAN J . COHEN CITY OF ITHACA: City of Ithaca Mayor Alan Cohen - I am here to discuss two subjects tonight. One is the annexation of ` land near the Ithaca City School District property, and the other is the Cable Franchise negotiations . The Ithaca City School District has expressed interest in having the City of Ithaca take over the land between the Ithaca High School and Boynton Middle School . The School District is ready to move forward and commence with the actual proceedings for doing this . There are some concerns related to ' accomplishing this . One question deals with the two parking lots . These two parking lots are privately owned and do generate taxes. The Deebs gas station and house are next to it. The City is concerned that this area is a "hang out' for children from the high school . The solution to that may be to give the City jurisdiction beyond that border. If the City had jurisdiction it would make it easier for them to supervisor that area . i There are three parcels in question owned by the School District. I am here tonight to tell the Town Board what the discussions have been to date by the City, and answer any questions the Board might have . The Board of Education began discussing this approximately two years ago. Before that, Mayor Nichols had talked to the Board of Education . The City is trying to move forward with it. TOWN BOARD MEETING 2 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 The other item is the Cable Franchise negotiations . The City of Ithaca has bonded for moneys to hire a consultant to review the agreements and negotiate the franchise. I am here to ask the Town of Ithaca to consider contributing to the cost of the consultant. The consultant will cost approximately $ 100 , 000. AGENDA ITEM NO. 22 A - CONSIDER SEAR RELATED TO THE PURCHASE OF THE US POSTAL SERVICE BUILDING , 219 NORTH TIOGA STREET FOR USE AS A TOWN HALL SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM: AND AGENDA ITEM NO, 22 B - CONSIDER RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF THE US POSTAL SERVICE BUILDING, 219 NORTH TIOGA STREET FOR USE AS A TOWN HALL SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM : Supervisor Valentino - The Town of Ithaca has purchased the Post Office Building on North Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca for use as a Town Hall . Throughout deliberations of the Town Hall Committee , the Post Office Building kept coming to the top of the list as the best site . It is centrally located , it is accessible by public transportation , it preserves open space in the Town of Ithaca by making use of an existing building . Further more , it's acquisition would contribute to the preservation of an historic building and add to the vitality of the downtown business district. The main question all along was whether the building could be obtained within the cost restraints set forth by the Board and the public. Due to the patience and the diligence of the Town Officials who negotiated with Post Office Officials that question has been successfully resolved . I want to commend those Town Officials whose efforts were crucial to this outcome . Shirley Raffensperger, Chair Town Hall Committee - The Town Hall Committee had been meeting monthly over a period of a year. The Committee first reviewed the criteria that the Town Board setup for the establishment of a new Town Hall site . The Committee looked at scores of sites through paperwork and site visits . In November 1996 , the Committee sent a resolution to the Town Board recommending the Post Office site stating that there would be a lot of details to work out and a lot of negotiations . The Committee did not have any idea of how many negotiations there would be at that point. In April 1997 , the Committee endorsed the basic concepts put forth for the purchase of the Post Office building . The present scheme the Town Board is reviewing seems to be more favorable than what the Committee envisioned at that time . The Committee had recommended the Post Office site to the Town Board for a number of reasons. The building is a very sturdy building and it is of historic significance . It is a good looking building that I think the Town of Ithaca would be proud to have as a new Town Hall . The building has adequate space for both future needs and present needs . The building has parking that would provide both safety and convenience to Town staff and to the residents of the Town . Importantly, it is within the financial resources of the Town of Ithaca . As I understand it, the Town would not have to borrow any money for a new Town Hall . That is an accomplishment that the Town Board should be very proud to make . The purchase would not remove property from the tax rolls , and it would allow the Post Office to remain in a central location . The Town Hall Committee wants to thank the Town staff, Daniel Walker and Jonathan Kanter, for providing the Committee with very important resources to make these decisions . The Committee also wishes to thank City and County Representatives, the Town Board , and the Town Attorney who worked I TOWN BOARD MEETING 3 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 out the details of this agreement. Also , to Maurice Hinchey and his staff for intervening at very important times in all of these negotiations . The Town Hall Committee wants to specially thank Cathy Valentino , who attended all meetings of the Committee . Supervisor Valentino "stayed in there" to negotiate a fine proposal . At the first meeting of the Town Hall Committee , I told the Committee we were never going to find an ideal site given the Town's geography and the financial resources . Supervisor Valentino has come up with an ideal site . I am pleased to endorse it also . Barbara Thuesen , Town Hall Committee - It really looks like a win-win situation . No property is taken off the tax rolls , it could be done within the money that the Town has marked for this purpose , and it fulfills the criteria that you and the employees set up for a new Town Hall . A historic building would be saved . This is a good example of citizen involvement that paid off. The referendum was a positive reminder to our government representatives that you work for us , and it is the taxpayers money. I challenge you to continue to demonstrate your service commitment by completing a well rounded program of activities while holding the line on taxes , and keeping the goal of a good healthy balanced community. We sometimes have a lot of educational arrogance in our community. I say that as someone with a masters degree in education , I want to encourage the Town to continue a friendly attitude towards business with an eye on our economic health . The Town may have a small business base compared to the family property base , but it also carves the name " Ithaca" . With a high turnover in population most newcomers do not distinguish between the two governmental identities . I want to encourage you to reverse the slogan " Ithaca Tax - Hell for Seniors". Promote cooperation amongst the multi government layers that we have between the City, Town , Village, County, and the School District to ensure the total property tax burden begins to recede so people could use their money to care for their families and businesses . I hope that the Town of Ithaca will continue to preserve our cultural and historic resources to maintain and rediscover our own history from the time of the Indians , through the underground railroad up to the present. I want to encourage all citizens to stay involved and be aware of what is going on . I know it is hard with people working and having their family activities . Government can be advantageous if the individual citizens stay involved to address the concerns of our community. We have a test that we use in the Rotary Club , and it is called a four way test asking always : It is the truth , is it fair to all concerned , will it build good will and better friendships , and would it be beneficial to all concerned . Ruth Mahr, Town Hall Committee member - Presented a statement to the Town Board showing approval of the Post Office as a Town Hall , (see attached) . Supervisor Valentino accepted for inclusion in the minutes correspondence from the Conservation Board congratulating the Town Board on the purchase of the Post Office , (see attached) . Supervisor Valentino and the Town Board thanked Mrs . Raffensperger and the members of the Town Hall Committee for their efforts and hard work. RESOLUTION NO. 129: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above- referenced action as proposed and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. i A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : i s i i i AGENDA ITEM N0 . 22 A and 22 B To : llre lberS of t. I:le Bo8. rd , Itrly- i_:a- From C:t_tth Ilahr . [I; aber I',-,Tttl ffaII ?jl " i It.r1,�. G'c+. I am here tr. ape, ,}; in fa.-; nr of the a. rrlt.tisition , b _ the To?:*rt of It.ri� I_y. . o Is t. hr Fc-i frif:: e Bt.iiId invi On N . Tliiq ,�. 7f- rea3; , in the. r it• y for t-i -: a . = ri. ' o' -,Tn 71irot_il7riotlt otlr dellberation3 on the ToTe.Tri H;i. 11 i: ommittee - the p o ; t. I? ffice bt_lildin:r kept �_ �ituitiq to the top of the list - It. is ejlt- rg. 11�? 10Ge. t. ed : I i8 e. cce3sible b? Iii-trili % tL8. 213por t-8. t1o21 : lt• F+ re � r_. r'?r. ? ��p ?jl �Fr�- 1_ r In the Town by m-a. } inq 1_l�, r? of ;ajl bt.iilding . Furthermore it. � aeT-ti sit. ion ?.Trnlld rr,rit. Tiblit. e both t. n h13t. nric pre38ro;o;at. injl the _ ; Ill t : it..�. 11t. - lit the ijii ?:Tjif. omn r� 11sine �: ` ric= t . The ju:3. ill ie t of y � i �- 1 _ jl ty 8. 1 �ajl�J T;T;, T.:Triet.her the building ti could be ojbt;y. ined rrlthin the i_ ,33t. i_ ,i213t- r.y, t. �, � e 7ji - , forth by the B iard ;and b a the pi tilic . Lil_te to the pa. t1ejl[; F r"Id diligence pit 'j',-,T. f- + f- the �� Lt1C1�±. 18 ?:ThQ 21eQ �it. lrl, t. ad T.Tl t. h pory_ t. of f ice of t 'y. l � !I ',T r' i t-h.` r: I It-Ir �. r_. of the ' G� 1 T : 3. I , th; t. ha3 been �;tir_. r: p �. 3ft.ill r ? = el'vFd . I T,,e.jlt to commend nd t-tine; ? Tn??ri oft1C1;-:k13 Y1103P. of n ^ T? r _ " r .l _ i ,: to f I _ r t � Pre �_ tie. ,his ot.lt. r. nJile . OF 12V - TOWN OF IT HACA AGENDA ITEM N0 , 22 A and 22 B , 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273- 1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273- 1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TO : Cathy Valentino , Town Supervisor Town Board Members Shirley Raffensberger, Chair of Town Hall Committee Town Hall Committee Members FROM : Conservation Board DATE : August 1, 1997 RE : New 'Town Hall Congratulations on acquiring the downtown Ithaca Post Office building for the new Ithaca Town Hall ! This site is ideal from many perspectives , including conservation of open space and natural areas in die Town , and conservation of the social environment of our Town and community. The Town of Ithaca Conservation Board is pleased that Town administrative offices will remain in a central location in a lovely building, accessible to Town residents by public transportation , and continuing to contribute to the vitality of downtown Ithaca. The Conservation Board commends your diligent and successful efforts in negotiating for this site, and we look forward to the move. I i I i i I TOWN BOARD MEETING 4 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached .) T RESOLUTION NO. 930: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, authorizes the acquisition of land and building for a new Town Hall, authorizing the remodeling of same, authorizing the leasing of space to the United States Postal Service, and authorizing the expenditure of funds from the Town Building Reserve Fund for such purpose. Said resolution is subject to a permissive referendum. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD : Linda Holzbaur, Kenneth Ritter, Jane Roberts , William Roberts addressed the Town Board at length about their serious concerns with the planned apartment building at 237 Coddington Road owned by Orlando lacovelli . (See attached letter, Exhibit 1 . ) Andrew Frost, Director Building Zoning - Comments , (See attached , Exhibit 2 . ) Councilman David Klein - Comments , (See attached , Exhibit 3 . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 19 - CONSIDER RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY WETLAND EVALUATION OF MONKEMEYER/SOUTH HILL PARCELS PROPOSED AS PARK LAND , EAST KING ROAD : AND AGENDA ITEM NO . 20 - CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF LOCATION OF PROPOSED PARK ON SOUTH HILL, EAST KING ROAD : Director of Planning Kanter - At the last meeting , the concern of possible wetlands on this site had been raised . Ichthyological Associates , wetland consultants were hired to perform a preliminary wetland evaluation of the proposed park land on East King Road . The Planning Staff has provided the Town Board with the results from that study. The Town Board was also supplied with an addendum to the study, which is a correction . This clarifies the current Army Corps of Engineer's requirements for Nationwide Permits . Within the last year the size limitations for the General Nationwide Permits have changed . The addendum relates to that change . Each Town Board member received in their packet a summary of the wetland evaluation . Hopefully, the Board had a chance to look it over. It was determined that there is a very small pocket of probable federally qualified wetland in the northwest comer of the proposed park land . There is a map in the report that shows the wetland area . It is characterized as an area just under . 25 +/- acres , or 150 feet by 70 feet, which consists of surface water seeps and wetland vegetation . It was determined that this meets the three federal criteria of wetlands based on vegetation , soils , and hydrology. It is characterized as an isolated , small area . There were a number of other findings in the report which were quite interesting . AGENDA ITEM N0 . 10 ( EXHIBIT ill ) 11 August 1997 To the Board of Supervisors, Town of Ithaca In 1992, our South Hill neighborhood was involved in the negotiations surrounding a planned apartment building at 237 Coddington Road. At that time, this property had two standing buildings; a third was proposed. Variances were required for permission to build. The most disturbing aspect of this proposal was the plan to use the driveway to 253 Coddington Road, now owned by William Roberts and Jane Roberts, as the main entrance to the new building. The driveway serves as sole access to 243 Coddington Road (a student rental home) and the Roberts's home at 253 Coddington Road. Since purchasing their property in 1994 the Roberts family has been solely responsible for maintaining the roadbed (gravelling and repairing water damage) and for snow removal. The driveway also provides access to the property of 249 Coddington Road (which has a Coddington Road parking spot but no vehicular access to the backyard from that spot. ) Several families in the area expressed their concern about the use of this road for access to the new parking area. Among those concerns are the traffic conditions of the 200 block of Coddington which has no pedestrian walkways, many residential driveways and the entrance to Ithaca College; the driveway is used as an entrance to the South Hill Recreation Way by bikers, pedestrians and Ithaca College faculty, staff and students; and small children live along the drive. These conditions remain the same except that the Recreation Way has been magnificently improved and is therefore more popular and the neighborhood south of 237 Coddington Road has become more family-oriented. (In 1992 there were 5 children living south of 237; in 1997 there are at least 15 . ) Several. homes which were student housing in 1992 have been purchased or rented by families. After some meetings held by the Town of Ithaca, we agreed that Orlando and Ralph Iacovelli could indeed build their new apartment house but would be allowed no access through the 253 Coddington Road driveway except in an emergency situation. A chained or gated emergency exit would be constructed from the driveway to the parking lot of 237. The building is now nearing completion and it is apparent that our agreement is being violated. In the site plan approved in 1992, the south side of the new building was surrounded by lawn and plants. In reality, the entire south side of the building (which faces the 253 driveway) is gravelled. Also, an additional driveway area has been constructed parallel to the existing driveway. We have been told by the Planning and Building departments of the Town of Ithaca that this is handicapped parking for a laundromat. Handicapped residents of 237 Coddington will be allowed access to their spots from the 253 drive. In the five years of negotiation and planning, we were never informed that a laundromat with parking was part of the building plan. This "handicapped parking" area is built on a hill next to stepped apartment entrances. There are no walkways from this parking area to the building. Orlando Iacovelli has informed us that he is not allowed to put a chain or fence on this parking area. It is connected to the other parking areas with driveways. All visitors to this new building, including Orlando Iacovelli, Ralph Iacovelli, all construction vehicles, NYNEX and NYSEG trucks, Bolton Point Water trucks, appliance and carpet installers, prospective student tenants and workers coming to this site are already using the 253 drive even though the parking lot can be accessed by the drive at 237 Coddington Road. U K i A r c h i t e c t u P e 0 1 iJ1 AGENDA ITEM N0 . 10 ( EXHIBIT # 3 ) FAX MEMO,RA►NIDUM i To: Debby Town : of Ithaca From David F.. : Klein ; Srihject; . paraphrased state.*10t f 006 .1'own• Board meeting of 8/ 11/97 concerning the yo a. K prix .oar south hill : David Clei A stated that it appears from wh4t the neighbors have reported that the develop�r: , as� hot fu1. filled his . Ci u ,•sons rir and 4i the site restoration and landsca in that were < equirez>�ents of the. Pr act a aL :. The final site Ian 1~'a broiii. iiididates' the location teva P drawn up by l4ir. : . , , �f " aid; - parking areas. There are plant zn4ter19Ts Shown , along the par} r fat: and ear the building. What is not " d ' :a$ed on the ' " �n icated to 1? site play is clearly 11 tlm4ed.-t¢ be lawn. Andy Frost should me the be th'eut.. bf th4 proved site plan ' hie ' . Y 'j ' 5 - the parking lot and driveway are built ` : where shown n . the 'sit 1 : . ;. ., : . : � e p an anal , f . t�16 andscaping is in place as intended .b latia'<ng $paid...` Since the fall: PA ii!g �c on is almost here, any delay ill landscaping the projeef >is tzot acceptable, art�i any tei71 ` 0 certificate of occupancy that mi t b issued must be contingent upon the: Sitew bg completed without delay. I j TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 AUGUST 11,, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 There was a very well organized report given to the Town that went further than what the Town had asked for. The report included the surrounding areas of the Monkemeyer lands, which went beyond the park parcel boundaries . A number of small pockets of wetland areas were noted crossing the proposed road that circles the park land . Both the Planning Board , and Mr. Monkemeyer should take this into consideration before any further development is done on the remaining property. There was information provided on the rare vegetation on this site . This went beyond the scope of what the Town asked for with the amount of money agreed upon . There is a proposed resolution for the Town Board's consideration for the acceptance of the location of the park parcels based on all the information including the wetland report. Councilwoman Grigorov - Would it be a problem to have a park that avoided the wetlands? Director of Planning Kanter. - The Town Board would need to consider a few things. One is , after reading the wetland report, as well as having walked the site a number of times , the qualifying wetlands on the site are small and isolated . A number of the park development concepts which have been discussed by this Board could be done without impacting the wetland area . If the Town wanted to approve a higher level of development having some impact on the wetland that would be either minor alterations to the wetland areas with drainage , or filling in part or in whole; it could be done under the Nationwide Permit Process of the Corps of Engineers . That is really a notification process . The Town would have to do a more complete wetland delineation no matter how the park is developed on this site . The delineation would actually survey and stake out the wetland areas on the site . That is done so the Town could document what kind of alteration , if anything , could be done to the federally qualifying wetland area . It may not be impacted at all . The Town could do a moderate level of park development, such as a ball field , tennis court, basketball court, parking areas, picnicking areas , etc. , without impacting the wetlands at all . This would be a decision the Town Board would need to make . If the Board did a higher level of development a lot more clearing and drainage improvements would involve the wetland area in a simplified process . There is nothing in the Corps of Engineers regulations that would not allow that alteration to occur, but that would be a decision the Town Board needs to make . Planner JoAnn Cornish - The report indicated trees as vegetation that could be preserved . Certainly, anything on the site that could be preserved would be preserved . I have done some preliminary sketches related to grading . The Town could work with an environmentally sensitive site . If it were the Board's pleasure to preserve that small wetland area , that could be done . The Town could still develop, but not with the highest level of development which would best serve the community. Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board preferred the second park development scenario out of the three presented . Director of Planning Kanter - There are some benefits to the moderate level of park development because it is less expensive , it would require less drainage , and less grading . The second scenario could be moderately elevated by adding other things to the park without adding significant grading or drainage improvements . Planner Cornish - Once the Town Board accepts this as a park there could be a survey of the site to determine the type of park that will fit. Director of Planning Kanter - A wetland delineation should be done when entering into the preliminary design stages of the facilities for the park. f 1 i TOWN BOARD MEETING 6 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9 , 1997 Councilman Klein - The report mentions an area in the northwest comer of the Monkemeyer property with some grassy meadows that may be potential wetlands . The report does not indicate those areas or how they relate to the Town's park land . Where is the potential wetland area? Planner Cornish - The potential wetland area from the report is number 3 on the map . (Ms . Cornish pointed out on an enlarged map where the proposed park land and the potential wetland areas are.) The wetland area is actually in the middle of the park parcel , and there is some vegetation in other areas . Supervisor Valentino - I just received a letter during the Town Board meeting from Robert Wesley, which reads as follows : " I am writing concerning the proposed construction of a Town park on the property that Evan and Lenora Monkemeyer own that is west of the South Hill Unique Natural Area . Nancy Ostman and I looked at this area at the request of Phil Zarriello (Chair of the Conservation Board) . This Plan seems inadvisable to me for a number of reasons , among them are : 1 . The area is very shallow to bedrock; 2 . The average soil depth is probably four inches ; 3. To create a level area for playing fields would require a large amount of fill ; 4 . It would be more economical to do this on a more suitable site. This area , because of the above , is seasonably wet and small areas of permanent wetland were observed . Wetland regulations would make it simpler and more economical to use a more suitable site . Rare species occur here and the disturbance of their habitant should not be permitted , in addition there are several local and scarce plant species . Other situations , rarely , but do occur here , also occur nearby in the UNA . There are known to be from five to very few sites in New York State that have an area with such unusual character with regards to its natural features , seemingly they should be preserved . " Supervisor Valentino presented the letter to the Town Board to read . Councilwoman Harrison - This letter states that the rare plants are on the parcels being considered for park land? Supervisor Valentino - The letter states it "may occur. " Director of Planning Kanter - I am not an expert on rare plants , but for me to characterize this as part of a Unique Natural Area or an natural area that contains plant communities that should be preserved is preposterous . It is not a natural community. There may be some occurrences of rare plants , and the wetland report does indicate that Mountain Mint was found on the eastern most edge of the site that is adjacent to the South Hill Swamp Unique Natural Area . That area is well outside the park land boundaries . Councilwoman Grigorov - The site visit went far outside the Unique Natural Area . Director of Planning Kanter - I have talked to Phil Zarriello (Chair of the Conservation Board) and it was a mischaracterization that he asked Mr. Wesley and Ms . Ostman to look closely at this site . Mr. Zarriello asked them to look at the materials that were sent to various Boards to give their reactions or observations on this. TOWN BOARD MEETING 7 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 99 1997 Councilman Wolff -One of the things I was concerned about was that this was not a suitable site for development because of the bedrock. Director of Planning Kanter - The Planning Staff has looked at all of these aspects and have tried to factor them into the cost estimates . If the Town wants a park on the South Hill , all of these would be factored in . Planner Cornish - I have gone through several site plan reviews for Ithaca College and the bedrock is closer to the surface on South Hill . However, the bedrock could be broken down with machinery. When the land was farmed , while plowing the fields , it gave a good idea as to how close the bedrock was . Evan Monkemeyer, 123 East King Road - The bedrock is approximately 3 to 4 feet in most areas. On j top of the hill it is only a couple of feet. Supervisor Valentino - It is clear that the land has been disturbed for plowing and planting . Planner Cornish - In the western portion of Mr. Monkemeyer' s property there is a clear demarcation between what land has been disturbed and where the Unique Natural Area begins . This Unique Natural Area is lovely, however, it is clear that it does not start on Mr. Monkemeyer's property. It starts east of his property. Councilman Wolff - If the Town is considering developing this land for a park the Town should do this with their eyes wide open so there is a facility created that would be used and well liked . Tennis court and basketball courts would be all right with the bedrock. Director of Planning Kanter - The conclusion has been reached that this might not be the right place for a soccer field because of those type of things . If the Town Board enacts the proposed resolution accepting the location for park land , staff could go back to the Planning Board for final subdivision approval so these parcels could be officially subdivided from the other parcels . Councilman Klein - The proposed resolution is for the acceptance of the 1 . 8 +/- acre parcel location? Director of Planning Kanter - Yes , it is releasing the original 1 . 8 +/- acre parcel adjacent to the Montessori School . That portion was never conveyed to the Town from a previous subdivision . j ! Councilwoman Russell - Does the design of the park also include the preservation of drainage around the wetlands? Director of Planning Kanter - "Yes . " Attorney Barney - Under "AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED : " , letter "a" , should read "the specific surveyed locations , deeds , and abstracts showing good marketable title to each parcel to be assembled i as a community park' . RESOLUTION NO. 128: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby accepts the change in location of a 1 . 8 +/- acre parcel originally ! intended to be dedicated as a Town Park for another parcel on Owner's Land, and acceptance of the i location of a new 92. 5+1- acre park site on South Hill. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: j f i i I , i TOWN BOARD MEETING 8 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 21 - CONSIDER COMMENTS REGARDING CORNELL UNIVERSITY DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON THE PROPOSED LAKE SOURCE COOLING PROJECT: , Donald Stephenson , 936A East Shore Drive addressed the Town Board with his concerns related to this project and how it may affect the lake shore properties within the Town . (See attached Exhibit 4 . ) (AMENDMENT FROM TBM 9/8/97 - Councilwoman Harrison - I share Mr. Stephenson's concern for j protecting Cayuga Lake. However, the involvement of the panel of faculty including world expertise in lakes and planting, that the project has given me sufficient confidence not to oppose j r Director of Planning Kanter - The comments are a combined version from the Planning Board and Town Board , being the two involved agencies for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) . These comments have not been reviewed by the Planning Board yet. They are scheduled for the August 19th Planning Board meeting . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Conservation Board comment on this project? Director of Planning Kanter - The Conservation Board would be writing their own comments to submit because they are not an involved agency, they are just advisory. Phil Zarriello (Chair of the Conservation Board) has reviewed the DEIS . Planner Geri Tierney did most of the review of the large DEIS . After submitting the DEIS , it appears that Cornell University addressed the concerns . There were a few things Ms. Tierney felt needed more clarification . The main thing was outlined in the suggested comment letter regarding the visual impact. There would be a lot of clearing not only related to the buildings themselves , but for storing soils and other disposal materials . There would be approximately 14 acres +/- of land to be cleared on East Shore Drive. Councilwoman Grigorov - Would the land remain cleared? i Director of Planning Kanter - Some of the land would be revegetated . Comments in the memo deal j with revegetation hoping that native plant materials would be used because most of the slopes go through Renwick's Unique Natural Area . The feeling was to revegetate it with natural plant materials so invasive species would not change the habitat. After construction and revegetation a lot of the land would be returned to a vegetated visual condition . Part of this is to minimize clearing because it is not clear whether there are other alternate soil disposal sites . Also , there were concerns of soil disposal i areas getting closer to the disturbance of Renwick Brook down the slope . Councilwoman Harrison - How much of the site is Cornell proposing to clear of trees , opposed to shorter growing vegetation? Planner Cornish - It is quite a large area of trees . If people stand at Stewart Park, the whole slope is vegetated , clearing 14 acres would be a substantial amount. There is a thin band of vegetation between East Shore Drive and Route 13 . An important visual and sound buffer would be affected . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the DEIS make it clear where trees are compared to shorter vegetation once the project is done? If I j i & ENDA ITEM N00 . 21 ( EXHIBIT # 4 ) 2 Sept . 1997 Dear Town of Ithaca , Town Board : \ The following is my submission to the minutes of the meeting on 11 August 1997 . It is my understanding that there was a problem with the tape recording process of transcribing the minutes . This is a summary of what I said during " Persons to Be Heard . " As I have continued to look into the . situation I described , I feel it ' s only responsible to include some new information . Cayuga Lake smells offensively like sewage , in particular , excrement . Tompkins County Environmental Health took water samples in response to public complaint . They tested for " total coliform " and " fecal coliform " bacteria . In both cases , the results were intolerably high ( see 10e60W , Exhibit AJS .�orpocovv%'1 2 ) . As well as sampling the area between Stewart Park and East Shore Sailing , County Environmental Health tested the water at the Ithaca ' s Farmers ' Market . This area has waterfowl - - important because they also contribute coliform bacteria - - and is thought to be unaffected by sewage plant discharge . The fecal coliform count was 50 units . At Stewart Park , the count was 2550 . The threshold for more monitoring is 200 . A county administered bathing area may be closed :immediately if the count reaches 1000 . Fecal coliform includes E . coli . Cayuga Lake is polluted and Cornell ' s Lake Source t Cooling proposes to draw water off the bottom and stir up the surface nearby the two sewage discharges . This pipe dream rests on an ill - researched environmental impact statement that weighs in at 30 pounds of 1 , 200 technical pages . Did you know that : - Pollution in the forms of sewage and agricultural run - off collects on the bottom of the lake - No water samples were taken at the proposed location of the supply pipe - The water at Stewart Park smelled like " rotting sewage " according to a locally - appointed engineer , who ' s been in the sewage business for more than ten years - The foot of the lake was sampled for E . col i and other fecal bacteria this summer , and the results were too numerous to count ( Jerry Smith , operator of the Cayuga Heights Waste Water Treatment Plant , ran these tests ; Environmental Health found a count of 1600 at the sailing club ' s North beach ) - Bacteria have not been monitored along the shores of the lake ( the recent single tests excluded ) - The warmed discharge water would be released near the two largest sewage pipes , and be pointed at the municipal drinking water supply at Bolton Point ( see Exhibit B ) - The model is based on inputs so untrue to life that they involve a 4 mph wind blowing non - stop , and a current that never changes speed nor direction - - all year around ( see Exhibits C , D , and E ) - Lake source cooling has never been tried at this scale in fresh . water , anywhere - Toronto rejected lake source cooling plans - If every Ithacan poured a 55 gallon drum into the lake every hour of every day , this would not equal the flow of the Lake Source Cooling pipe This kind of " research " is inexcusable from a major research institution . If municipal projects failed to properly monitor the lake first , it is because we lacked the funding . This kind of planning is arrogant . If Cornell will be serious about reducing coal and Freon emissions , they shall offer to minimize campus cooling needs before sizing the project . ( Now that 7s jobs . ) Why else would Cornell want to replace 6 chillers and add 2 ? Is it because , as the Cornell Daily Sun reported , they want to change from semesters to quarters , and enroll as many students in the summer as the fall or spring ? Or because , as sources say , Cornell has some $80 million for a chemical laboratory whose chimneys aren ' t zoned for some place else ? If you are interested in experimentation , you will want time to study the document - - which is scheduled to disappear from public review on September S . Others will need adequate time to study it in order to have a proper opportunity to be heard . If you are concerned about Cayuga Lake , note : this date is also the close of the public comment period . A petition with 498 signatures - - in hand , to date is in circulation requesting an extension of 90 working days Cl to the public comment period on Cornell ' s Lake Source Cooling project . tof16 1 ` Y ` U G ,1 A 11 3ol� Po �a� L \ A K E \ , \ \ `\ S 1 1 \ + 0. 10 ug/I \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 S 10 ORES AREA OF \ LAKE SHOWN \ ApmXWATE erg IN SKETCH PROPOSED INTAKE `\ PIPELINE ^ 2 MI . ` \ KEY LOCATION \\ NOTES: +0 . 5 ug/I \`\ 1 . NUMBERS INDICATE CONCENTRATION \ I ABOVE AMBIENT CONCENTRATION. 1 mg/I: MICROGRAMS PER LITER, 2. CORMIX PROJECTIONS ASSUME A PROPOSED OUTFACE SIMPLIFIED GEOMETRY OF CAYUGA P2 LAKE IN THE REGION OF THE LSC PIPELINE � 500 FT, OUTFALL THEREFORE. PLUME PROJECTIONS ARE SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATIONS ONLY. ACTUAL CONDITIONS WILL CHANGE BASED LSC OUTFALL ON CURRENT FLOW AND DIRECTION, LAKE LEVEL AND INTERACTION OF OF THE PLUME WITH THE SHORELINE 0 16COO 2.000 METERS I i I APPROXIMATE SCALE 0 m s CORNELL UNIVERSITY L .N Stearns &W1P,�L uc ITHACA, NEW YORK 4 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS S SCIENTISTS LAKE SOURCE COOLING PROJECT uzENOVU, NEW YORK FIGURE 2 . 3 . 3 - 8D DATE : 3/97 JOB No.: 43187ZA APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF SRP DEIS PLUME IN SEPTEMBER i Ex 6; f A_ 22 I THRCR / SUM Beg l nn t ng Day No . 153 21 20 14 19 22 1 18 13 4 5 7 11 10 N 9 IKm : Figure 11 . Progressive Vector Diagram for 22 day period beginning June 2 , 1965 in the South End of Cayuga Lake . ' PETITION We , the undersigned , petition for an extension of 90 working days to the Public Comment Period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement ( DEIS ) on Cornell University' s proposed Lake Source Cooling Project, whereas this is reasonable and prudent due to : * the complexity of the project , * the length of the DEIS to be studied , * the absence of a significant portion of the public, and * the potential ecological and public health issues . Name Address Signature TOWN BOARD MEETING- 9 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - Yes , Cornell gave a good characterization of vegetation that is there . I Councilwoman Harrison •- It looks like a lot of parking and staging areas . Could Cornell find a site that is already cleared? i Planner Cornish - There are three areas they are proposing to clear. Two of those areas are fill and I staging . There could be some combination of those two areas . Councilwoman Harrison - Is Cornell proposing to stock pile the soil there , or would the soil be a permanent sediment there? I I S Planner Cornish - Cornell would be grading it off, but it takes approximately 20 years to revegetate with i trees . i Director of Planning Kanter - It might not be possible to get significant trees there , depending on the slopes and soil in that area . I Councilwoman Harrison - Did Cornell investigate other sites in the DEIS for staging areas? I Director of Planning Kanter - No , we tried to point out the consideration of an alternate site . ! i Director of Engineering Walker - The map shows the slopes starting out at 5 to 10 percent next to the road , and then to 20 to 30 percent below the railroad grade . It is a very steep slope . Other than the soil disposal areas they could bank it into the grade . They would not be able to access more than the i lower half of the checkered areas . They need to look into this at full depth as to what they could do . Planner Cornish - There are some plateaus on the site , but there are also some very steep slopes . Councilman Klein - How big is the heat exchange facility? Director of Planning Kanter - Approximately 50 , 000 square feet. Councilman Klein - Approximately 50 , 000 square feet would clear one acre , why would they need to clear 14 acres? Planner Cornish - It is a slope district, and some grading would need to be done for the building . Director of Engineering Walker - The building would be 50 , 000 square feet, but it would have a floor to ceiling height of approximately 30 feet for mechanical space . j Director of Planning Kanter - Yes , it would go well down under the ground , and there would be parking and access areas . Councilman Klein - A few people who live on the lake are concerned about what would happen if bacteria went through the valves spreading into the lake . That is a scary possibility. The project sounds like a good concept, but there are not any provisions in case this is not what it is supposed to in of the impact and the money Cornell is putting into this be . Is Cornell willing to abandon it . Thinking p y p g , what about the liability if something goes wrong ? I Councilwoman Harrison - It is an optimistic scenario as to what could happen . ! TOWN BOARD MEETING 10 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 99 1997 Supervisor Valentino - Some of the things that could happen are related to raw sewage levels in the lake . Councilwoman Harrison - There is a small concern for the temperature profile changing in the lake . The whole stratification of the lake has to do with temperature profiles , etcetera . That is what they are trying to model . A model is not perfect. I would be more concerned if the best scientific minds in this area did not care about it from an environmental perspective . They were not impressed with the consultants because they had to badger the consultants to do a quality report. In discussions with Cornell , they stated that they cannot guarantee anything . Director of Planning Kanter - I do not know the details . The DEC through related permits from State and Federal agencies will continue monitoring the process and the different lake conditions . Just like the sewer treatment plant, their permit would be warranted for certain levels being exceeded . Mrs . Noteboom - There are only a few cottages on East Shore Drive in the Town of Ithaca . Those residents purchased the properties assuming they would be able to enjoy the lake and the natural areas . They have Bolton Point, the Sewer Treatment Plant, the Marina , and other things that have developed since they bought their houses . Those residents are still paying the same taxes . I feel sorry for them if they have to deal with this odor. Is it fair for the Town not to think about how these things are affecting property owners who only want to enjoy the nature and the lake? That might not be possible anymore with this project. Supervisor Valentino - If the sewer plant was cleaned up , some of the other things would be all right. Councilwoman Harrison - What about the noise impacts? Director of Planning Kanter - That was addressed in the previous version of the DEIS as not bringing about a significant impact. The building would be designed in away to buffer fairly well the mechanical noises from the pump facility. The topographic and vegetated buffering around the building would be a site plan issue and would be addressed during site plan review. Mrs . Noteboom - What about during construction? Director of Planning Kanter - During construction is where a lot of the impacts would happen . They are identified as short term impacts . Noise and traffic impacts would be happening during the construction phases . Councilwoman Grigorov - How long would the construction period be? Director of Planning Kanter - The site work is probably 12 to 18 months . The pipeline itself would be a long process . The pipeline would interfere with a lot of streets and the traffic pattern . Councilwoman Harrison - In terms of the comments , could Cornell be pushed to consider alternative sites for all the potential facilities? What is the future usage of these areas once they have been cleared? Director of Planning Kanter - Any areas that are planned for revegetation are going to be opened ass . Item number six on page two , Recreational Access was addressed in the DEIS. They are not precluding any future recreational or public access . The DEIS states for current pursuable future use it will remain as it is now, marina and boating usage . If the Board feels that something more substantial , permanent, or specific should be done to ensure continued public access into the future , this would be a good time to include those comments . TOWN BOARD MEETING 11 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - Does the public have access right now or does that belong to the marina? Director of Planning Kanter - It is private public access . There would be more discussions with Cornell on the project for this site on rezoning . The comments will be compiled together after the Planning Board reviews them . There was a brief discussion about the building materials and the landscaping around the building . AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS : Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Commissioner - The City of Ithaca Fire Department's Budget is being prepared a month early this year. Guidelines from the Mayor mandates a four percent decrease and an eight percent decrease, including contractual increases for salaries. The Fire Department came up with a four percent decrease in maintenance , training , supplies , and new purchases . We also submitted a preferred budget that has a zero percent budget increase , plus the increase for contractual obligations. The contract has an additional $77 , 000 for salary increases . That is how much the City was asking the Fire Department to absorb . It is going to be real tough . The Town of Ithaca is in a better position than the City of Ithaca . The City is loosing revenue . Rapid Response Policy Evaluation . This is a change in the way the Fire Department goes about sending trucks and people to emergency situations . The Town of Ithaca had a meeting to express their concerns and provided their input. The committee' s report has been finished , but the final report has not been submitted yet. There was a meeting at the end of June to discuss the concerns regarding the West Hill Fire Station. The Chief had received a call from Supervisor Valentino inquiring about the status of rapid response , specifically on the West Hill Station . There were discussions about moving Engine 2 to the West Hill Station to have the Station opened full time . This is a Town concern because of the level of service for their dollars . Many residents on the west end of Town were concerned that their houses , apartment houses , the hospital , and the nursing home would not have the type of fire protection that they needed , especially with the way the construction is configured at the west end of Town for emergency vehicles to get through . Supervisor Valentino - They were provided with a construction schedule because there were concerns. When they knew that there was going to be problems they tried to make sure an emergency vehicle was on West Hill . Mr. Romanowski - That did not always happen . Supervisor Valentino - They were not always informed from the State . Mr. Romanowski - The information of when the train comes through is not always given on a timely basis either. That is why people felt it was important to have a vehicle on West Hill full time . The Ithaca Fire Department is going to have a Web page on computers for people to use to gather information from the department. Hydrant testing was done during July and August. They did locate some low flows and broken hydrants . TOWN BOARD MEETING 12 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Response statistics for the month of July: Town of Ithaca had one structure fire , and the City of Ithaca j had eight structure fires. Town of Ithaca had two emergency medical service calls, and the City of ! Ithaca had 31 calls ; The City of Ithaca had 23 total false calls (unintentional , malicious false alarms , and malfunctions) , and the Town had 3 calls . Cornell contributed to eight of the malfunction calls , and six unintentional calls . Ithaca College had four unintentional calls . The total of incidences for July was 12 calls . The Town of Ithaca has a very low percentage of the calls . I would like to thank the Town of Ithaca for helping to get 24 hour coverage on the West Hill Fire Station , Number 6 . j AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER A. "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND_ LOCAL LAW NO. 2/1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" CONTINUES : Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 15 p . m . . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . This agenda item was postponed until 7 : 07 p . m . i As no one from the public came forward wishing to be heard , Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7 : 08 p. m . i AGENDA ITEM NO. 12 - CONSIDER SEQR RELATED TO As " LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO 2/1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE RESOLUTION NO. 123: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 13 - CONSIDER ENACTMENT OF A. "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO. 2/1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS, USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" : RESOLUTION NO. 124: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No. 311997 a, "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO. 211976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS, USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES, AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE'; and be if further RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to advertise and file the said local law as required by Town Law. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : TOWN BOARD MEETING 13 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 14 - PUBLIC HEARING : TO CONSIDER A, " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" . Supervisor Valentino opened the public hearing at 6 : 30 p . m . The Town Clerk had proof of posting and publication . This agenda item was postponed until 7 : 09 p . m . As no one from the public came forward wishing to be heard , Supervisor Valentino closed the public hearing at 7 : 10 p . m . AGENDA ITEM NO. 15 - CONSIDER SEQR RELATED TO A. "LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" : RESOLUTION NO. 125: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 16 - CONSIDER ENACTMENT OF A. "LOCAL LAW_ TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" : RESOLUTION NO. 126: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No. 411997 a, "LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER'; and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to advertise and file the said local law as required by Town Law. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 - PUBLIC INFORMATION HEARING : TO MEET THE HUD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS IN APPLYING FOR THE SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY BLOCK GRANT: Karl Heck, Tompkins County Department of Planning Community/Economic Development Specialist - There have not been any changes with Housing and Urban Department (HUD) within the past month . HUD has authorized the previous multi-participants to submit their applications in advance with a notice of funding availability. This is different from last year, but whether, or not they would approve the others is something else . The Tompkins County Planning Department is in the process of working on that application . They hope to have it done within the next few weeks for submittal . Axiohm is conducting the first year project, so we would like to get the second year project going as soon as possible. The County would loan the money and they would pay it back as soon as possible . This is a $275 , 000 application , which includes a loan to Axiohm IPB . At this point, we are anticipating the grant deadline of early November for the actual notice of funding availability . Tompkins County has $ 100 , 000 available TOWN BOARD MEETING 14 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 to be applied to this grant. The County is looking for an economic development project to do , such as has been done in the past couple of years . Supervisor Valentino - This hearing meets the official requirements for the funding . AGENDA ITEM NO, 18 - CONSIDER REZONING REQUEST RELATED TO PIONEER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPOSAL FOR ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY, 1138 TRUMANSBURG ROAD : Michael Villa , Pioneer Development - We would like the Town Board to consider a zone change amendment to R- 15 for this parcel . The application stated this was to be a special land use district. Pioneer Development has a partnership across New York State and in the Northeast. The proposed project is an assisted living facility for the elderly , consisting of two buildings , one with 26 beds and the other with 36 beds . These buildings would be one story. Bob Weid , Supervisor of Pioneer Development - We are here tonight to ask the Town Board to consider the proposal for this assisted living facility, and also to receive some direction from the Town Board on how to proceed . As Mr. Villa mentioned the current zoning of the property is R- 15 , and we know that a project similar to this has gone through the Town Board before as a special land use district. We need direction from the Town Board , and to see how this process could be referred to the Planning Board . Pioneer Development is a development company based in Syracuse . We have four business units. We do office and industrial developments , retail development, hospitality (hotel/motel) , and senior living . As Mr. Villa mentioned , Pioneer Development has entered into a joint venture with a publicly traded company called Alternative Living Services (ALS) of Wisconsin . We have the ability to develop properties for ALS in the States of New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island . This particular prototype is called the Woven Hearts Facility. This is specifically designed for smaller communities such as Ithaca , as opposed to larger metropolitan areas such as Syracuse , Buffalo , and Rochester. Those areas require different facilities . They would be licensed facilities through the New York State Department of Social Services for adult homes . One of the facilities is assisted living in the sense of what the Board is used to . The other facility is a specialized assisted living facility where residents are in need of specialized help . These residents are suffering from Alzheimers or other forms of memory impairment. Director of Planning , Jonathan Kanter pointed out on an enlarged Zoning Map where the proposed project would be located (comers of Bundy Road and Trumansburg Road) . The proposed project would be on Richard and Mary Louise Perry$s farm . Councilwoman Grigorov - The materials mentioned there is a need for more assisted living facilities. Have you done a market study of Tompkins County to see if that is true? There has been a need , but a lot of things have been built. Mr. Weid - There was a market study done by ALS previously. The study determined the need for these types of facilities . Councilwoman Grigorov - Is this a report that you would have available? Mr. Villa - The version we have is not publicly available , but we can take portions out of that document and make them available . TOWN BOARD MEETING 15 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - That would be something the Board should know since we are talking about a zoning change . There have been changes in the last couple years for this type of situation . Mr. Weid - All the studies were done within the last six months . People come into the village or the Town , contact County agencies and existing facilities for current occupancy and vacancies . ALS feels there is a real need here. Councilwoman Harrison - In terms of zoning options and issues , if this seems a wise thing , one could do a special land use district, or put it into the Zoning Ordinance as a special permit use. The Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals could look at the data Councilwoman Grigorov is referring to , as well as site plan details . Where do we review landscaping and see how many emergency driveways they need? All of those issues could be addressed through a special permit process? Director of Planning Kanter -' "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - Is this whole parcel R- 15 right now? Director of Planning Kanter -Yes , and this would only be for 7 acres of the whole parcel . Councilwoman Grigorov - I think before the Town Board does a zoning change this proposal should go to the Codes and Ordinances Committee . It becomes easy to do when it is a special permit situation . Director of Planning Kanter - This would be an appropriate time to do that because the draft Zoning Ordinance revisions have been circulated . That type of thing has been discussed previously, but I do not recall what happened with that particular issue with nursing homes and adult homes in R- 15 and R- 30 . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the timing in terms of this project with the zoning revisions? Councilwoman Grigorov - This does not mean it has to be part of the whole Zoning Ordinance revision , but someone should study this proposal . This proposal could be considered separately with a special land use district. Attorney Barney - This proposal could be dealt with at Codes and Ordinances just as a single discrete action . Director of Planning Kanter - The Town Board was supplied with suggested revisions . This would be adding to the permissive uses . In this case the R- 15 would list this as a special approval use . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Town could study the special land use district for this proposal more carefully to see if the Town wants this proposal in this location . Councilman Klein - The Town Board could establish criteria for the granting of a special land use district. Attorney Barney - The Town Board could consider a special land use district in this particular proposal to allow Pioneer Development to move forward using the criteria developed as a potential town wide criteria in a R- 15 zone . Councilman Klein - What zones are nursing homes being allowed? TOWN BOARD MEETING 16 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 911997 Director of Planning Kanter - R-30 by special approval . This particular use is not listed in R-30 . Councilman Klein - Could this particular proposal be built anywhere in the Town under the current zoning ? Attorney Barney - It depends on the particular language . Councilwoman Harrison - This facility cannot be built in R- 15? Director of Planning Kanter - Not currently , although Lakeside Nursing Home is partially in R- 15 , but that predates the zoning change . Councilwoman Grigorov - What about the facility on Five Mile Drive? Director of Planning Kanter - That is R-30 by variance . Councilman Klein - In terms of the time frame , a special land use district would be faster because that section of the Zoning Ordinance does not really exist now. Councilwoman Harrison - Would this require a public hearing ? Attorney Barney - Yes , so would a special land use district. The Town Board decision at this point is whether this Board wants to create a situation where these facilities could go anywhere in R- 15 districts , or does this Board want to control the placement. If so , then the special land use district makes more sense . Councilwoman Harrison - The discussion of zoning should take place in the context of a full review of the zoning . The Board should discuss it related to what type of controls does a special permit give someone. Supervisor Valentino - How does the Town Board want to direct this project? Councilman Klein - I am in favor of this particular project in this particular location . It seems that the special land use district would be the better choice . Councilwoman Grigorov - Other people need to be informed if this is going to be a special land use district. Attorney Barney - The first step in creating a special land use district is to refer the application for rezoning from the Town Board to the Planning Board . Director of Planning Kanter - This application was alternatively for a special land use district or a zoning amendment in the R- 15 district. Attorney Barney - The Town Board should adopt a formal resolution to the Planning Board referring the matter for their consideration and ultimate referral back to the Town Board , with a recommendation . Councilwoman Harrison - The Planning Board would go into details with Pioneer Development about the assessment of need and the detail of what would be used for recreational space? Attorney Barney - The Planning Board would probably go through those issues , but this Board would be considering the same information . TOWN BOARD MEETING 17 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - If the Town Board decides to refer this matter to the Planning Board a coordinated environmental review would be done. In past cases, the Planning Board has been asked by the Town Board to handle lead agency status for the environmental review, and received input back from the Town Board . I have tentatively scheduled a session on this at the August 19th Planning Board meeting for sketch plan review, pending your decision as to what you would like to do . RESOLUTION NO. 127: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby refer the request from the Pioneer Development Company for rezoning the Woven Hearts Assisted Living Facility at 103 Bundy Road to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for their consideration and recommendation. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 23 - CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ON PARK LANE : RESOLUTION NO. 131 : Motion made Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts approximately 525 lineal feet of 8 inch PVC sewer main and appurtenances as public sewer, the details of which are shown on the subdivision plan and plans for sewer improvements. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 25 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FUNDS FROM THE NYS OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION , AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION FOR THE, "PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" : Director of Engineering Walker - The Town Board directed me to negotiate with the State Park authorities to receive a significant contribution from them for this project. The plans were worked through , and a few scenarios were discussed . One scenario was to specifically serve the park, but we need to serve all the residences in that area . The cost estimate for that portion was approximately $22 , 500 . Jesse Miller from the State park offices offered to participate in the cost and contribute $ 11 , 250 to the Town . Supervisor Valentino - Does this mean the Town is going to do the construction? Director of Engineering Walker " To run the sewer from the existing man hole to the park location would be $22 , 500. To serve other residences , sewer could run half way , but it would be deeper. Jesse Miller stated that he only wants to contribute to half the distance because it would be serving other people. There are four occupied buildings that are privately owned . The Town has a sewer at the north side of the abandoned railroad grade as part of the Route 13 reconstruction project. To serve those properties the sewer needs to be extended . That would be half way to the State Park connection hole . There are two scenarios , one for the sewer to be deep enough to serve all these properties, and one to serve the State Park only. The first numbers received from the State Park stated that their sewer needed to be TOWN BOARD MEETING 18 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 deeper because of the run they were making . They saw the cost figures and reevaluated them . The Town could raise it four feet and reduce the cost. The sewer was raised , and a cost estimate of $22 , 500 was made as opposed to approximately $30 , 000 which was the original cost estimate for the sewer. Councilwoman Harrison - The Town would end up spending $30 , 000 because we need it deeper in order to serve the other properties? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilman Klein - Which way does the sewer flow? Director of Engineering Walker - " North ." Councilman Klein - Is it deeper to accommodate the park? Director of Engineering Walker - No . There is an easement across the property rather than bringing the sewer to the road . Councilwoman Grigorov - Does the property owner have to pay the cost of bringing the sewer from his property to the main trunk line? Director of Engineering Walker . "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison -• Is the rest of the trunk line cost absorbed by the whole sewer district? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . ° Councilman Klein - If the Town made a straight line connection , the Town would not have to go as deep? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Suppose the Town does not do the park, but just the houses , would it be made 30 feet deep? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - What would it cost to do the extension to serve the park? Director of Engineering Walker - If the Town built it to a certain point by the man hole it would cost approximately $ 10 , 000 to $ 12 , 000 more to go to the park. Councilman Klein - Would this need to be redesigned? Director of Engineering Walker - This was a very simple design . The elevations were lowered a few times. Does the Board need to adopt a resolution to accept money as a contribution? Attorney Barney - The Board can , but a public interest order should be done first. I was under the impression that all the paper work was done at $25 , 000 for this public hearing notice. TOWN BOARD MEETING 19 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - I thought it was higher than that because the Town was asking for $20 , 000 from the State Park. Mrs . Noteboom - The original total of the order was for $25 , 000 on May 12 , 1997 . Attorney Barney - The Board could stop at $25 , 000 , but it would require another public hearing if it goes over $25 , 000 . { Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board could authorize $25 , 000 tonight, and have it come back if needed . j Councilwoman Harrison - What does accepting the contribution mean? There is nothing that indicates if they do not contribute the money the Town would not build the sewer. Attorney Barney - The public interest order says it is conditional on the acceptance of the contribution . Supervisor Valentino - This resolution would help identify what Mr. Walker has negotiated . Councilwoman Harrison - Is this included in the public interest order? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " i RESOLUTION NO. 133: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff j that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the funding of no less than $ 11 , 250 of the cost of Buttermilk Falls Road Sanitary sewer by the NYS Office of Parks and Historic Preservation. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman f Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - CONSIDER PUBLIC INTEREST ORDER FORA "PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW I RESOLUTION NO. 132: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Russell � that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, hereby adopts the Public Interest Order for the "PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOW AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNT, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW � This order is adopted subject to permissive referendum. A roll call vote on the resolution resulted as follows : i Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 26 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND j . i AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED I 1 1 i( TOWN BOARD MEETING 20 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 911997 AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW: RESOLUTION NO. 134: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Construction of Sewer Improvements at Buttermilk Falls Road, and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the project. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 27 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW: RESOLUTION NO. 135: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Construction of Water Improvements at Buttermilk Falls Road, and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the project. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 28 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY FOR THE INSTALLATION AND REPAIR OF UTILITIES IN THE COUNTY RIGHT-0F-WAY: Supervisor Valentino - This is an agreement that the Town renews yearly with the County. Director of Engineering Walker - The Town is supposed to , but the way this language is written this is a potential agreement until someone decides not to do it anymore . This agreement would allow the Town to work on our water and sewer projects , or highway drainage projects if they are related to it, within the County's road right-of-way. If the Town has a major project, such as building a new water and sewer system , the project would be for road crossing of a culvert pipe or repairing water and sewer blockage breaks . The County would agree to waive any special bonding of the projects . The Town would submit i plans for scheduled work prior to the work for their information . The Town would submit completed drawings of what was to be done for emergencies within two business days of that work. The Town ! would be responsible for any work done in their right-of-way . j RESOLUTION NO. 136: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman i Harrison that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on f behalf of the Town of Ithaca with any changes or amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) I t i TOWN BOARD MEETING 21 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 29 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR A PROJECT TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON , AND PAINT THE TOWNS WATER STORAGE TANKS : This agenda item was withdrawn from discussion . AGENDA ITEM NO . 30 - SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER AMENDING THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS ROAD , AND TO ERECT STOP SIGNS ON CULVER ROAD, AND JOHN STREET: Councilwoman Harrison - Where on Bums Road would this effect? Mr. Noteboom - The same side of the road that Bill Hilker's house is on , the south hill entrance . Mr. Hilker's side of the road is back 250 feet on the east side of the road . From Bums Road , it is five feet from the parking area back towards Coddington Road , approximately 250 feet. Councilwoman Harrison - Are people parking to use the Recreationway? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - This indicates that there is not enough parking for the Recreationway. Why doesn't the Town want people to park on Bums Road? Mr. Noteboom - There is a hazard right there because of the curve in the road . When cars park there, vehicles coming in and out of the entrance are confronted with a hazardous situation . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the Town planning to do to solve this problem other than telling people they cannot park there? Supervisor Valentino - The Town would ask the County to realign the road . Councilwoman Harrison - That does not help the use of the trail . People are not using the trail to be malicious , they want to enjoy the trail . Supervisor Valentino - There has been communication with the County to realign the road so it is safer. With the realignment there might be some additional parking provided to make it safer for people using the Recreationway . Mr. Noteboom - The Bums Road end by Coddington Road is being reworked to go between a house and a bam on Coddington Road . It would be in alignment with East King Road . Then the Town could use that end of the left over road on Bums Road as a parking area . Councilwoman Harrison - Have there been accidents on Bums Road because of where people have been parking? Councilman Conley - I almost hit a person getting out of his car. He never saw me coming and did not pay attention . Supervisor Valentino - There is not enough room for people to park completely off the pavement on Bums Road . TOWN BOARD MEETING 22 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Director of Engineering Walker - On the trail side there are four to five parking spaces that the shoulder was widened for. Councilwoman Harrison - Is the Town proposing "no parking" on both sides of the road? Mr. Noteboom - Yes , above the parking area . Councilwoman Harrison - There would only be room for four to five cars? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes . " Councilman Klein - Where would the overflow parking go? Mr. Noteboom - I do not know. No one made allowances for parking when the trail was built. There have been a lot of complaints received . Drivers feel they are having problems there . The Hilker' s feel pressured because there is parking in their driveway at all times . This was added to the agenda for the Town Board to consider. This is a very real issue , and I feel a tremendous amount of pressure coming in this direction on what l am going to do about this . I do not have the answer. Councilwoman Harrison - I agree. I think the Town Board needs to consider solving the root of the problem which has to do with people wanting to park there for a good reason . Supervisor Valentino - One problem is that people are parking there even if there are parking spaces where they could park legally off the road . Councilwoman Harrison - Would "no parking" on one side of the road be a step towards alleviating the problem ? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Having no parking" on one side of the road (on the up stream side) could be done on a trial basis . i Councilman Klein - Is there a way to create more parking spaces on the shoulder? Mr. Noteboom - No . Mr. Hilker owns most of that land on the south and southeast side . The other side of the road has a very steep drop off. Supervisor Valentino - The proposed resolution states, "parking to be prohibited on portions of Bums Road" . That would need to be revised to say only one side of the road . Attorney Barney - It says there should be no parking between the bridge and Six Mile Creek, and they cannot park 500 feet further west of the bridge . Does the Town allow parking on the bridge itself? Supervisor Valentino - " No . " Attorney Barney - Then it should state , " no parking from New York State Route 79 West to 500 feet west of the bridge over Six Mile Creek' . i i Councilwoman Harrison - Where is the 500 feet west of the bridge in conjunction to the trail ? i i TOWN BOARD MEETING 23 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 Mr. Noteboom - That would be east of the trail . The current "no parking" area is to protect the watershed land from people entering it. Attorney Barney - To include all of these it should state , "no parking from New York State Route 79 West to a point 800 from Coddington Road . " This would limit the first 800 feet of Bums Road from people being able to park on it. Director of Engineering Walker - The 800 feet would not reach the parking area that currently exists . Attorney Barney - Is this a true parking area? Mr. Noteboom - This is a parking area that the Town provided as a wide shoulder for parking . Councilwoman Harrison - Would the legal parking we are creating be on the north side? Councilman Klein - The current parking on the south side is what people are not happy with . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the prohibition from Route 79 to this 500 feet? Director of Engineering Walker - People were parking in this area and walking into the watershed lands. Councilwoman Harrison - That has nothing to do with the South Hill trail . That is illegal access to the watershed land that people are not happy about. How about no parking from Route 79 to 500 feet beyond the bridge , and then allow parking on the northwest side below the hill , and prohibit parking all along the south east side? Attorney Barney - The ordinance would be left as is , up to 500 feet west of the bridge is prohibited on both sides , and prohibit parking on the southeast side throughout Bums Road to Coddington Road . Councilwoman Grigorov - To park legally, all four wheels would need to be parked off the road? Director of Engineering Walker - "Yes . n Mr. Noteboom - Most likely the 500 feet would be the boundaries of the City's watershed area . Councilwoman Harrison - What about Culver Road? Mr. Noteboom - There have been a number of complaints about traffic control for Culver Road and the Poole Road intersection . There is poor site distance in this area . RESOLUTION NO. 137; Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next meeting of the Town Board on September 8, 1997, at 6: 15 p. m. , in order that the Town Board may consider an amendment to the Traffic Ordinance to prohibit parking on portions of Bums Road, and to erect stop signs on Culver Road and John Street. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion j carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) TOWN BOARD MEETING 24 AUGUST 11t 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 - CONSIDER POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL LAW NO. 12/19882 A "LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING THE FARES CHARGED BY AND OTHERWISE REGULATING TAXICABS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" : John Kadar - I was going to prepare a letter to the Town related to the City's increase in taxi fares to $ 1 . 25 . The City has done several increases over the last ten years . Preferably, we would like it raised $ 1 . 75 per call in the Town of Ithaca for longer distances . Supervisor Valentino - What are the current Town of Ithaca rates? John Kadar - The rates vary, but it is a $ . 50 initial charge and then a $ 1 . 00 per mile . Attorney Barney - Zone A is $5 . 00 . Councilman Klein - Are these the same rates from 1987? John Kadar - Yes . I would recommend an increase of $ 1 . 50 or possibly a $ 1 . 75 per mile. Councilwoman Harrison - Why should the rate be more than the City's rates? John Kadar - Increases in general would be a little higher. If it is a mileage charge it does not matter, but if it is a per call charge like a zone system , the distance traveled is greater by 50 percent and/or possibly 100 percent on certain calls traveled . The zones are a lot bigger in the Town than they are in the City. Supervisor Valentino - This item was on the agenda for the Board to hear from the taxicab owners for information and input before the Board makes a decision . The Board was not going to make a decision tonight. John Kadar - I could draft a letter and detail why the increase is warranted , and more specifically where we are looking for changes . Supervisor Valentino - If there is a problem with the law the way it is , the Board would appreciate your input on that also . A letter would be very much appreciated . AGENDA ITEM 31 - CONSENT ITEMS : CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : RESOLUTION NO. 138 (a) - 138 (l): Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 31 (a) through 31 (I) as presented on the individual resolution. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolutions are hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 32 - CONSIDER APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF REVISED TOWN OF ITHACA PERSONNEL MANUAL : TOWN BOARD MEETING 25 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - Three meetings were scheduled with the staff to discuss any concerns . The Board was provided with the recommended changes in the draft Personnel Manual from those meetings . Human Resource Specialist, Judy Drake correlated all the comments and added them to the draft manual . The hours of work for compensation was clarified for the employees . Workers at the Highway Department were concerned about how that worked , but it was clarified to them that this correlates with the State Labor Laws . Ms . Drake changed the paid meal period to "if necessary" because of the conditions. The employees need to get receipts . There were problems by paying the employees a set amount. Judy Drake , Human Resource Specialist - Employees were recording a full day's work instead of the Town reimbursing them for meals , we were paying them for their time . Making them get receipts for their food would be more equitable for every one involved . If people stop for meal periods that would be time off of work. Councilwoman Russell - Which employees does this effect? Supervisor Valentino - The meal period break is for the Highway workers when they have been working ten or eleven hours and need to get a meal . They could take a break, and the Town would pay for the meal with a receipt. This could also apply to people attending conferences . Director of Engineering Walker - This also effects the water and sewer workers . Supervisor Valentino - Vacation time was changed since the last meeting because we were trying to figure out how to get people into the cycle of January 1 st, to receive adequate vacation . Ms . Drake - I did an example of what was passed before and what is being proposed now. People would be getting more time every year instead of skipping a year with no time. It made it hard for employees to accrue the time on their anniversary date when everyone else was receiving the time on January 1st. It made it too long a period . The manual now proposes prorating how many months the new employees completed that first year for vacation time. Councilman Klein - How is the mileage rate set? Supervisor Valentino - The IRS rates are used . RESOLUTION NO. 139: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve and adopt the said policies and procedures defined in the revised copy of the Personnel Manual; and be it further RESOLVED, the policies and procedures in the said Personnel Manual shall be in effect August 11 , 1997 for all employees of the Town of Ithaca; and be it further RESOLVED, the said manual does not constitute a contract with the employees, but is a description of the policies and procedures for the employees to follow. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) TOWN BOARD MEETING 26 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 '. i I ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 (A, B) - SCLIWC BUDGET TRANSFERS : RESOLUTION NO. 140 (a) : Motion made Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that the attached budget transfers be made to the 1997 SCLIWC Budget. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : i Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE: Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO 1 - SCLIWC - APPROVAL CHECK IMAGING WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY: RESOLUTION NO. 140 (b): Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the use of Check Imaging with the Tompkins County Trust Company by the SCLIWC as outlined in the attached resolution. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows: i Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. (NOTE : Formal adopted resolution is hereto attached . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 - REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES : No report given . AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 - REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: A. Edward W. King, Resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter from Edward King resigning from the Zoning Board of Appeals . j B. Notice of Claims, JMS Ithaca Realty, Inc. - See attached . The Town Board would review the Notice of Claims from JMS Ithaca Realty, Inc. In Executive Session . i C. Robert R. Sprole, II, Chairman and CEO, Therm Incorporated - See attached . The Town Board reviewed the letter from Robert R. Sprole , ll , at Therm Incorporated in regards to an easement for the benefit of the Raponi property. Councilwoman Harrison - I received a phone call from someone who was raising issues about Forest Home Drive resurfacing . They were concerned about the use of oil and stone because of bicyclists. It is hard to bicycle on stones , it is very slippery . They said they would hate to complain because Forest Home has such a reputation of complaining , but it is now very noisy. Before the meeting , I discussed ' with Mr. Noteboom what roads get oil and stone versus other types of surfacing . I am not sure that the Public Works Committee talked this through or if they need to . Councilman Klein - The Board approves paving plan in January. Mr. Noteboom - The last cycle for surface treatment for Forest Home was oil and stone . Councilwoman Grigorov - Has Forest Home always been oil and stone? i i I TOWN BOARD MEETING 27 AUGUST 119 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 Mr. Noteboom - The area was paved at one point, but since then it has been surface treated with oil and stone . Supervisor Valentino - Was Forest Home done with oil and stone this year? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes. " Supervisor Valentino - I do not remember that being on the list. Mr. Noteboom - There are some areas in the Town where people have not appreciated the benefit of the lower cost for an oil and stoned road , so we have moved away from the process . Supervisor Valentino - Some of the residential areas should be looked at more carefully in the future . Councilwoman Harrison - Some people had some comments on the guard rails installed in Forest Home , which they think are ugly. Did anyone think about the aesthetics of this? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , we did . Councilwoman Harrison - Why was the guard rail down to the bridge? There are some guard rails in Cayuga Heights that are wood as opposed to metal . Could there have been something that was much more constrained next to the pump station? Supervisor Valentino - Maybe the Town ' s process was not 100 percent correct. The Town wanted to put the guard rail all the way up to the bridge because people have been crossing right next to the bridge on the road . This is dangerous when cars are crossing the bridge . The guard rail is situated there mainly because Cornell would not let the Town put the pump stations back farther where we wanted to put them . Cornell insisted the pump stations go where they are now. There was so much trouble with traffic hitting them . The guard rail was installed to protect those pump stations . Director of Engineering Walker - The pump stations were raised so salt and drainage did not go into the stations . There was a tremendous amount of maintenance on the control systems and heavy trucks were driving over the covers and making them collapse . They had to be replaced frequently. Councilwoman Harrison - How are aesthetics concerned at all in those types of projects? In discussions with these people it sounds as if it does not matter what the Town looks like. Things like this really matter. This is a potentially lovely area. We spent a great deal of time and energy trying to keep the bridge historic. It is also an issue with the guard rail at the down stream bridge. It seems to be making it harder for pedestrians to get to the pedestrian walkway because they need to go to the end of the guard rail . People are not using the pedestrian way, they are walking on the bridge because people would need to walk up Pleasant Grove to get onto the walkway. Councilman Klein - Was that done by the County or the Town? Director of Engineering Walker - It was the County' s design . There was a guard rail that went up Pleasant Grove Road , but it was eliminated . Mr. Noteboom - The County thought the guard rail was going to protect those pedestrians. That was the general concept. Councilwoman Grigorov - How high is this guard rail? TOWN BOARD MEETING 28 AUGUST 11 , 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9. 1997 Director of Engineering Walker - The rail is approximately 18 to 20 inches high . Supervisor Valentino - This guard rail is a lot smaller than other guard rails . AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : There were no Town Committee reports given . AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 - REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS . A. Director of Engineering - See attached . Be Highway Superintendent - See attached . Councilwoman Russell - When is the striping of West King Road going to take place? Mr. Noteboom - It should happen within the next few weeks . Councilwoman Russell - Is the Town striping for a bike lane? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes . " C . Director of Planning - See attached . Councilwoman Harrison - Is there a way to direct the lights in a better way for Cornell's Alumni Field Soccer so they have less of an impact? Attorney Barney - Cornell has a light that would block out the center, and better direct the light. The idea is that the light would focus on the field . Councilwoman Harrison - Is Cornell going to replace the other lights? Attorney Barney - Cornell is planning to replace Schoellkopf Field lights . They would be done in a way to have one-tenth of a foot candle on the field if people are 1 , 000 feet away from the center of the field . Cornell is trying to do everything that is reasonably possible . Councilman Klein - Was that proposal approved? Director of Engineering Walker - They received preliminary approval only. Attorney Barney - A gentleman spoke about the concern of the lights, and he mentioned one brand of lights that Cornell agreed to look into . Councilwoman Harrison Does the new proposed Zoning Ordinance address these types of lighting issues? Attorney Barney - "Yes . " j Councilwoman Harrison - I am sorry to hear JoAnn Cornish is leaving the Planning Department. When is she leaving? TOWN BOARD MEETING 29 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 Director of Planning Kanter - August 20th . A party has been planned for JoAnn on August 14th . The Board members are invited to attend . Councilwoman Harrison - What is happening with the discussions at Ithaca College for Institutional Zones? Director of Planning Kanter - Nothing at this point. D. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached . Mr. Frost - Did you see the letter from EcoVillage requesting a waiver of a temporary certificate of occupancy? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , the letter was received today. It was too late to deal with the letter at this meeting . E. Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes - See attached . Mrs . Noteboom - The individual who twice broke into Town Hall plead guilty to larceny and violation of parole . He will more than likely serve 8 to 15 years in prison . He plead guilty to offenses related to other businesses also . Last January, the State of New York enacted a new law related to Games of Chance . Now, instead of Town 's receiving three percent of each occurrence profit we would have gotten five percent. But since the time the Town passed a local law to allow Games of Chance by permissive referendum , the State has decided that the five percent would stay intact but the localities would not get any portion of that money. Administration of the Games of Chance , other than the original license fee will be a Town cost. No profit receipts will be realized . Supervisor Valentino - The Town does all the work and the State gets all the money. Attorney Barney - The State has some responsibilities for the enforcement. F. Human Resources - See attached . G. Financial Report - See attached . AGENDA ITEM NO . 33 = EXECUTIVE SESSION : Motion made by Councilman Klein , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to move into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began Executive Session at 9: 38 p . m , Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov to resume regular session . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began regular session at 9 : 55 p. m . TOWN BOARD MEETING 30 AUGUST 11, 1997 APPROVED - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 34 - ADJOURNMENT. As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilman Conley to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 9 : 56 p . m . Respectfully submitted , 5" 72;&& Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk **Next Regular Monthly Meeting - September 8 , 1997 at 5 : 30 p . m . `SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 at 5 : 30 p. m. ****Minutes Transcribed by Deborah Kelley. i OF 1r TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o¢� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Ir Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING August 11 , 1997 5 : 30 p. m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . 5 : 30 p.m. = Mayor Alan J . Cohen , City of Ithaca . 4 . Report of Town Officials : a . Director of Engineering . b . Highway Superintendent . c . Director of Planning . d . Director of Building and Zoning . e . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . f. Human Resources . g . Financial Report. 5 . Report of Town Committees , 6 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives. 7. Report of Fire Commissioners. 8 . Review of Correspondence : a . Edward W. King , Resignation from Zoning Board of Appeals . b . Notice of Claim , JMS Ithaca Realty, Inc . c. Robert R . Sprole, II , Chairman and CEO , Therm Incorporated . 9 . 5 :45 p. m . = Consider possible amendments to Local Law No. 12/1988 , a "LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING THE FARES CHARGED BY, AND OTHERWISE REGULATING TAXICAB IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA". 10 . 6 : 00 p. m . = PERSONS TO BE HEARD. TB Mtg . Agenda - 8/ 11 /97 Page 2 . 11 . 6 : 15 p. m. = PUBLIC HEARING : To consider a , " LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO , 2/ 1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE". 12 , Consider SEQR related to a , " LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO . 2/1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" . 13 . Consider enactment of a , " LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO , 2/ 1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" . 140 6 : 30 p. m. = PUBLIC HEARING : To consider a , " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER " . 15 . Consider SEAR related to a , " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" . 16 . Consider enactment of a , " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" . 17 . 6: 45 p. m. = PUBLIC INFORMATION HEARING : To meet the HUD requirements for the public participation process in applying for the Small Cities Community Block Grant . 7: 00 p. m . to 7 : 30 p. m . - Agenda Items No . 18 to No . 21 . 18 . Consider rezoning request related to Pioneer Development Company proposal for assisted living facility, 1138 Trumansburg Road . 19. Consider results of preliminary wetland evaluation of Monkemeyer/South Hill Parcels proposed as park land , East King Road . 20 . Consider acceptance of location of proposed park on South Hill , East King Road . 21 . Consider comments regarding Cornell University Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Lake Source Cooling Project. TB Mtg . Agenda " 8/ 11 /97 Page 3 . 22 . a . Consider SEQR related to the purchase of the US Postal Service Building , 219 North Tioga Street for use as a Town Hall , subject to permissive referendum . b . Consider resolution authorizing purchase of the US Postal Service Building , 219 North Tioga Street for use as a Town Hall , subject to permissive referendum . 23 . Consider acceptance of sewer improvements on Park Lane . 24 , Consider Public Interest Order for a , " PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-C OF THE TOWN LAW" . 250 Consider resolution accepting funds from the NYS Office of Parks , Recreation , and Historic Preservation for the , " PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12 - C OF THE TOWN LAW" . 26 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to advertise to receive bids for the construction of a SEWER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOWN AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997- BUTTERMILKS FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12- C OF THE TOWN LAW. 270 Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to advertise to receive bids for the construction of a WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE KNOW AS THE TOWN OF ITHACA WATER SYSTEM BENEFITED AREA - 1997 - BUTTERMILK FALLS AREA IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12- C OF THE TOWN LAW. 28 . Consider approval of agreement with Tompkins County for the installation and repair of utilities in the County right- of-way. TB Mtg . Agenda - 8/ 11 /97 Page 4 . 29 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to advertise to receive bids for a project to perform maintenance on , and paint the Towns water storage tanks . 30 . Set Public Hearing date to consider amending the Traffic Ordinance to prohibit parking on portions of Burns Road , and to erect stop signs on Culver Road , and John Street . 31 , Consent Items : Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Minutes - 7/7/979 7/31 /97 . b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Sale of Surplus Items at Tompkins County auction . e . Appointment Ethics Board member. f. Approval Town Justice Raymond Bordoni 's -Criminal Dockets . g . Authorization to extend employment period of Temporary Planning Intern . h . Amending Town Board Res . No . 235 (j) of 12/ 11 /95 - Security & Safety Procedures Policy. i . Amending Town Board Res . No . 96 of 4/ 11 /94 - Paid Meal Time. j . Amending Town Board Res , No . 64 of 4/7/97 - Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule . k . Regular Appointment - Director Building and Zoning . I . Regular Appointment - Assistant Zoning Officer/Building Inspector. 32 . Consider approval and adoption of revised Town of Ithaca Personnel Manual . 33, Consider ADJOURNMENT. Town Engineers Report for 8/ 11 /97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Construction activity has caused some filling of road ditches and the Town Engineer will work with Highway Superintendent to ensure that the developer cleans the ditches prior to completion of mass site earthwork. Monitoring of drainage and sediment control measures will continue. Ithaca College Construction of the J-lot improvements is in progress and sediment and erosion control measures are being monitored. The temporary class room installation site work is basically complete except for some final landscaping. Construction of the HSHP building will be monitored for stormwater management impacts. Ithacare Court Street Companies the, General Contractor, has continued with site construction . The Transition from Phase I to Phase II erosion and sediment control improvements is under way with as the mass earth work is nearing completion and the site drainage improvements are being installed. Relocation of the sewer main has . been completed. The water main under Danby Road will be installed after the old sewer is removed and mass earthwork is completed in the water main location. The Contractor has been very cooperative and is working to minimize drainage problems and keep dust under control . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive, Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been primarily stockpiling of material from road base excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project. Ithaca Vol . Vets, Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the planning board on October 29, 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed. The Town Engineer is monitoring the project. The bulk of fill is in place with more select fill to be placed for final top and grading . Williams Glen Road A fill permit for approximately 200 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading a residential lot with imported material . The Town Engineer is working with the owner to encourage final grading and seeding of the site as soon as possible. McGuire Gardens site, Elmira Road A fill permit for 250 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading of the parking lot. This work is to be completed by the end of August. I Town Engineer ' s Report 6 / 9 / 97 2 I WATER PROJECTS The master metering program for connections to the water transmission main is complete . The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on thelengineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area. Work has started on the replacement of 300 feet of the Transmission main near Slaterville Road. The pump to supply water from the City through the Pearsall Place pump station has been installed and is functioning to supply water to the South Hill from the City while the T-Main is out of service for the repair. SEWER The Town Engineering staff has completed plans for a short extension of sewer on Buttermilk Falls Road to serve the Buttermilk Falls State Park. This project has been requested by the Park as they plan to replace a septic tank system that serves the Bath House and Park Office . The current leach field is located adjacent to Buttermilk Creek. Finalization of these project plans is pending the completion of negotiations with the NYS Parks regarding cost sharing on the project. STORMWATER Development of the Town wide watershed evaluation is continuing. Base maps were developed utilizing the digital planimetric map, and field survey work has been progressing rapidly due to the efforts of the two t field crews made up of the Assistant Town Engineer and five student interns. C:I WM/NIMEMOSIERPT9707.REP I I III I Agenda Item 4b TOWN OF ITHACA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ' S JULY REPORT TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD , AUGUST 11 , 1997 Highway Superintendent During the month of July the Highway crews worked at hauling materials and finishing paving Pennsylvania Avenue , Kendall Avenue, and W . King Rod. We hauled in 1 ,030 tons of screened bank run , 572 tons of sand , 683 tons of # 1 stone , and 543 tons of # 1 &2 Stones mixed. Some of these materials were mixed together to produce the top pavement . We spent 796 . 5 hours of time , of which 59 where overtime . The overtime was necessary for finish the paving. The crews also worked at preparing roads for surface treating, which will be done in August . This includes patching roads, ditching, etc. Other projects include work around the barns , improving drainage , preparing to pave parking lot . Over 1 , 000 hours were spent on General Repair projects . Other work included preparing the Northview Road Tank Access Road and the Hungerford Water Tank Road for surface treating. These took 80 and 16 hours respectively. The crews worked 107 hours raising sewer manholes . Because of mower breakdowns, along with dryer weather, we were only worked 40 hours on road side mowing. Parks and Open Space Manager Park and trail mowings slowed down due to lack of rainfall . A total of 108 hours was spent mowing in July. Trimming of shrubs and trail canopies was begun, requiring 178 hours. Also several trail improvements , including installation of cedar rail fence, took 40 hours . Roundup was applied in advance of surface treating projects (where needed) for a total of 30 hours . The remaining nature trails were woodchipped. This took 86 hours . The Youth Conservation Corps . worked on improvements to Forest Home Walkway and South Hill Trail . Support and coordination for these projects required 54 hours of Park's staff time . Staining of Park furniture and other routine maintenance took 205 hours . I Agenda Item 4b August Projects 1 . Surface treating (started August 4) - 2 . Haul materials to pave Woodgate Lane and the Highway facility parking lot . 3 . Stripping center, lines of some roadways . 4 . Repairs to shoulders . 5 . Mowing rights-of-way. 6 . Cleaning ditches and pipe installation . 7 . Finish shrub and trail trimming. 8 . Completion of YCC projects . 9 . Continue staining and begin play structure sealing. 10 . Construct basketball court at Eastern Heights Park. ghk �I I I II - - Agenda Item 44c Planning Director's Report for August 11 , 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board . Health Sciences and Human Performance Building, Ithaca College The Planning Board granted Final Site Plan Approval at the July 15th, 1997 meeting for the proposed construction of a three-story, 91 ,000 + / - square foot building for the Health Sciences and Human Performance Department and associated site work, located on the Ithaca College campus, Residence District R- 15 , Cornell Food Compost Operation, Dryden Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Approval at the July 15, 1997 meeting for the proposed establishment of a food compost processing operation to consist of the mixing of 13 + / - tons per day of bedding / sawdust, manure, and food waste at the existing Cornell University Farm Service Complex, located at 751 Dryden Road, in Special Land Use District No . 9 . Cornell Alumni Field Lights, Campus Road The Planning Board considered a site plan and recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding special approval at the July 15, 1997 meeting for the proposed installation of four light poles of approximately 110 feet in height, each mounting up to 36 floodlights, at the Alumni Field, bounded by Campus Road, Wing Drive and Tower Road, Residence District R-30. A determination regarding environmental significance was postponed until the August 5, 1997 meeting pending receipt of additional information regarding the design of the light fixtures and the potential impact of the lighting on areas of West Hill and South Hill. Hallberg Subdivision, East King Road The Planning Board considered an application for Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the July 15, 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of a 2. 64 + / - acre parcel into four lots, located on the north side of East King Road opposite Ridgecrest Road, Residence District R- 15 . A decision was tabled until August. CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROJECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . Codes and Ordinances Committee : The revised draft of zoning districts and Executive Summary were completed and distributed to boards and committees for preliminary review. Comments are requested by September 12, 1997. The Committee meeting of July 16, 1997 was cancelled due to lack of a quorum . Additional review of the sections on site plan approval and special permits / approvals and initial review of the section on "Non-conforming Uses" are scheduled for review at the August meeting. Planning Committee : The Planning Committee held a public meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1997, at the Cooperative Extension offices on Willow Avenue for farmers and agricultural interest groups to provide input on possible measures to preserve important farmland and encourage farming within the Town. The meeting was very well attended . Discussion focused on the proposed purchase of development rights program, possible zoning revisions, and other issues . The Planning Committee met again on July 21 , 1997 for follow-up discussion regarding agricultural and farmland protection measures . The Planning Committee will be preparing a memo containing recommendations on proposed agricultural zoning measures to forward to Codes and Ordinances . Town of Ithaca - Cornell University Transportation Committee: The Committee met on July 8, 1997 for follow-up discussion regarding possible improvements on Caldwell Road being considered by the Town of Ithaca Highway Department and continued discussions on possible East Ithaca Recreationway connections . The Committee will meet next on September 9, 1997. Northeast Subarea Study: MPO staff prepared and distributed a revised Scope of Services to client committee members . Planning staff reviewed the revised Scope and sent minor suggested revisions back to MPO. A timeframe for hiring the consultant still needs to be established . Rural New York Grant Application : Planning staff assisted the Conservation Board in preparing a grant application for the 1997 Rural Grant Program for a "Natural Areas 2 i i i Protection Campaign . " This would be for public information campaign to im rove , P P the protection of local natural areas by raising awareness to potential threats to these areas from nearby suburban development. This would be an educational program that could include the ' preparation of brochures, posters, and news articles focusing on potential impacts such as domestic pets as predators on native wildlife, suburban runoff containing lawn care pesticides and other pollutants, invasive landscape plants, noise pollution, and off-road bicycles. TCAD Technical Committee : The Director of Planning has been asked to participate in the Technical Committee for the Tompkins County Economic Development Plan Initiative, which is being coordinated by Tompkins County Area Development (TCAD) . This is a follow-up to the Economic Alliance in 1996 . A kick-off meeting was held on July 23, 1997, that focused on the goals of the effort, and what kind of data collection and analysis will be necessary for a countywide economic development plan and strategy . Supervisor Valentino has been asked to participate on the Strategic Planning Committee of this same initiative . A joint meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee and Technical Committee is scheduled for August 11 , 1997. LWRP: The Director of Planning attended the first Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Planning Committee meeting on July 18, 1997. The meeting focused on the overall goals and objectives of the LWRP, and included a review of a draft Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to be sent out to interested consultants . The Draft RFQ is now being revised and will be distributed to consultants in the next couple of weeks . A consultant selection process will be initiated around the end of August. 1998 Budget Pro2osal : A preliminary proposal for the Planning Department' s 1998 Budget has been drafted and discussed with the Supervisor. This will be part of the overall initial budget discussions with the Town Board at upcoming meetings . Park , Recreation and Open Space Plan : Planning, Engineering and Highway staff met with representatives of the Deer Run Homeowners' Association on July 10, 1997 to discuss the draft Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan, and in particular, how elements of the proposed Plan might affect the Deer Run and South Hill area . It was a good exchange, and the Deer Run group came away from the meeting with a better understanding of the trail and park recommendations of the Plan . U .S . Census Bureau Street Map Update : Planning staff has reviewed draft street maps sent by the U . S . Bureau of the Census, that had been produced by the Bureau in preparation for the Year 2000 Census . Corrections have been indicated on the draft maps, and sent back to the Bureau of the Census . This is one of the first steps in the process of getting ready for the 2000 Census . Filename: 17p1an \ to nbd \ tpre0897.mem 3 i TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1997 YEAR TO DATE TYPE OF PERMIT YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1997 0 0 0 0 RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1997 1 50,000 8 615 ,665 RESIDENCES 1996 1 100,000 3 236,000 1997 2 286,000 3 461 ,000 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1996 2 220,000 17 2,494,930 1997 2 15,000 12 749458 RENOVATIONS 1996 1 2.000 10 176,738 1997 0 0 2 5,500 CONVERSIONS OF USE 1996 1 7,785 2 25,785 1 '997 1 30,000 10 373,507 ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1996 5 192,959 10 303 ,888 1997 0 0 3 8,455,000 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 7 174,500 ,MJBUSINESS 1996 2 57,000 11 722,652 1997 0 0 0 0 tGRICULTURAL 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 INDUSTRIAL 1996 0 0 0 0 1997 1 CU Pleasant Grove Apts Maintenance shops 665240 6 3 ,238, 109 EDUCATIONAL 1996 1 698,000 12 8,286,720 3 Storage buildings 18,610 l Sliding glass door 1_ MISCELLANEOUS 1997 4 195610 32 946,938 CONSTRUCTION 1996 1 3 386,000 16 482, 174 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 11 466,850 83 14,344,677 PERMITS ISSUED 1996 16 15663344 81 12,728,887 TOTAL FEES 1997 Il 1 ,070 83 129420 RECEIVED 1996 1 16 2,595 1 81 19.065 Date Prepared: August 1 , 1997 Dani L. Holford Building/Zoning Department Secretary I _ 2 _ TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 22 1 . 950 Danby Road (Axiohm) - renovate existing bathrooms. 2. 920 Coddington Road - picnic pavilion. 3 . 110 Maplewood Drive - 7 1 /2' xi 1 T wood deck. 4. 21 Chase Lane - 110 square foot room addition ( meditation room) . 5 . 1026 Hanshaw Road - convert portion of basement to dwelling unit. 6. 908 Danby Road - existing fourldwelling unit multiple residence. 7. Warren Road (Cornell Moakleyll House) - addition of exterior exit door. 8. 107 Tudor Road - enclosed porch & outside wood decks. 9. Dryden Road (CU) - addition to Chilled Water Plant 111. 10. 163 Snyder Hill Road - existing two-family dwelling. IL 919 Elmira Road - Turback's restaurant. 12. 210 DuBois Road - 936 square Ibot building addition. 13 . 107 Ridgecrest Road - detached 16 x 28 carport. 14. 1 Sanctuary Drive - new two-f Imily dwelling. 15 . 109 West Haven Road - 10 x 23 porch. 16. 107 and 108 Rachel Carson Way - new two-family dwelling. 17. 140 Whitetail Drive - new single-family dwelling. 18. 2 Sanctuary Drive - new two-family dwelling. 19. Danby Road (IC) - temporary modular classroom. 20. 152 Kendall Avenue - renovations to living room and building exterior. 21 . 1323 Mecklenburg Road - Eco Village community center - temporary. 22. Snyder Hill Road (CU) - 1 , 5001 square foot office building ( Baker Institute). TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 97 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 76 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 9 1 . 235 Coddington Road - propert y maintenance - abated. 2. 635 Elmira Road - fill - abated;, 3. 1440 Mecklenburg Road - property maintenance - pending. 4. 901 Taughannock Boulevard - building code - no violation found. 5 . 108 Sapsucker Woods Road - plroperty maintenance - no violation found. 6. 210 Enfield Falls Road - building code - abated. 7. 410 Winston Court - building code - abated. 8. 1026 Ellis Hollow Road - building code - no violation found. 9. 527 Warren Road - occupancy pending. From June 1997: 1 . 1408 Hanshaw Road - building code - abated. II From March 1997: 1 . 1469 Trumansburg Road - property maintenance - abated. 2. 1415 Trumansburg Road - property maintenance - abated. From Mav 1995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. I I _ rom March 1994: L 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/ 19/96 - variance granted - pending compliance with tire alarn TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 32 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 50 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 104 Uniform Building Code - 65 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 24 Fire Safety - 4 (2 businesses, I nursing home. I restaurant) Fire Safety Reinspections - 10 ( 4 churches, 4 businesses, l restaurant. I hotel ) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - I (house [electrical] ) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 648 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 641 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 2 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS I MEETING, 4 CASES. AGENDA ATTACHED TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE W DNESDAY, JULY 9AR99 GS F N 7: 00 P. M. By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, July 9, 1997, in Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR, Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca, N . Y . , COMMENCING AT 7 :00 P. M . , on the following matters : APPEAL of the Veteran Volunteer Firemen ' s Association , Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article VIII, Section 44 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to maintain two storage buildings with south side C. lot building setbacks of 13 .5 + feet (60 foot setback required) at 638 Elmira Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33 -3 -5 . 1 , t Light Industrial District. A 'special approval under Article XII, Section 54 may also be requested as the Association ' s use of o the property is nonconforming with said zoning district. c APPEAL of David Warden and Robin Botie, Appellants, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article V, Section I?4 20 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to maintain an accessory building with a height of 22 + feet (maximum 15 foot a height allowed) at 1341 Mecklenburg Road, on a portion of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28- 1 -23 . 2, Residence District R- 30, cAPPEAL of Ithaca College, Appellant, HOLT Architects, Agent, requesting a special approval from the Zoning Board of A Appeals under Article IV, Section 11 and 3 to construct the Health Sciences and Human Performance Building at the Ithaca College Campus on 953 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 - 1 -30. 2, Residence District R- 15 . A variance from o the requirements of Article IV, Section 1 I and 6 is also being requested, in order to create a building height of 70 feet (36 foot maximum height allowed). APPEAL of William Alberta, Appellant, requesting authorization from the Zoning Board of Appeals under Article XII , Section 54 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to enlarge a nonconforming building located at 751 Elm Street Extension, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28- 1 -29, Residence District R-30. Said building is nonconforming as it is ° located 25 . 5 feet from the road. right-of-way (30 feet setback required). Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 : 00 p.m . , and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person . Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S. Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: July 1 , 1997 Publish : July 4, 1997 II I I I I rn r � o r o rn r N 00 N O Cn N 00 M M — Vi � O �D N 'ct I O FO- AO O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V F 00 00 0 0 0 0 o W r WO O oo, oo, 00, 00 0 0 °o, 7, o p � 0 0 0 0 o N pcan o Oa � A ° 000000 F U o 0 0 0 00 vN 1 F U vi n W ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o V Z o vi o o N .4n, N ON O r oo r o N v) r 1 rn oo v 00 0000 C W 0 0 0 o M o M E n 0 0 0 o r o r z r rTl z 0 0 0 0 ri 0 O z 00 Law 00, oo, 0 00, oo, 0 °o, a 00, W u O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z D i N -° ° N 7 v ° Z C Q v Z O a 0 0 00, o V U� 00 v M O %0 N Z E- O L S z � O lei. Agenda No . 4 ( e ) FORM NO. 1002-N TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO., VICTOR, NV 1456* TOWN OF.- Ithaca YORK _-_ , 19.97-_ TO THE SUPERVISOR: Pursuant to Section 27, Subd. 1 , of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office, during the month above stated, excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law: LICENSE CATEGORY NUMBER OF LICENSES SOLD OR ISSUED _ COMMISSION COMMISSION TOTAL USED SENIOR (65 r / Military Disability) _ 1000 FISHING - SEASON 2 . 00 HUNTING (Small Game) BIG GAME (Deer and Bear) TRAPPING BOWHUNTING (Big Game License Required) MUZZLELOADING (Big Game License Required) SPORTSMAN FISHING - 3 DAY JUNIOR TRAPPING (Under 16 yrs.) SPECIAL SECOND DEER PERMIT (See Big Game Guide) TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC offices only) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - SEASON NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - SEASON (Shall Game) _ NON-RESIDENT BIG GAME (Deer ONLY) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - 5 DAY NON RESIDENT HUNTING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT MUZZLELOADING t NON-RESIDENT BOWHUNTING NON-RESIDENT BEAR TAG NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION NON-RESIDENT TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC olli as aay) JUNIOR ARCHERY (14-15 Years) LOST LICENSE ($5.00 Per Stamp Lost) JUNIOR HUNTING (12-15 Years) $ 3 , 00 ADD - TOTAL COMMISSIONS S 3 . 00 ---_10 _ Marriage Licenses No. 19 _.. lo No. . 28 @ 8 . 75 $ 97 - 90 _— Marriage Certificates @ _.4- Marriage Transcripts @ . 10 . 00 40 . 00 14 Tax Searches @ _� _ 83 . 70 S N- 3 Zoniuz Ordinansk8 @_�$ SG -—Subdivision- egu-1ari.nns 1 $3_1]0 28 . 50 A 1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 242 . 70 A 1010 — 1090 REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ INTEREST and PENALTIES $ A 2001 , PARK and RECREATION CHARGES _ A 2110 ZONING FEES $ A 2115 PLANNING FEES $ A 2530 GAMES OF CHANCE TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . LICENSE $.— FEE $ TOTAL A 2540 BINGO TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LICENSE $ FEE $ 10 . 00 TOTAL 10ADL A 2544 15 DOG LICENSE - 9PPoYfB-AND NEHTERfD 3450177 -K to 3450191 -F_@ 2 . 00 30 . 00 63 DOG LICENSE - HN5PAYf9-AND-HNNEJdTEREE - 97416 to 97478 S2 . 00 126 . 00 A1555 Enumeration ( 78 1 . 00 ) 78 . 00 A1557 SPCA Imp- and Fees 50 . 00 A 2545 OTHER LICENSES A 2555 — BUILDING PERMITS A 2590 OTHER PERMITS A 2655 MINOR SALES A 2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES TOTAL TOWN REVENUES TO SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 536 . 70 * Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for Games of Chance Licenses Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for State Share of Bingo Licenses Amount paid to D.E.C. for Conservation Licenses 30 . 00 Amount paid to COUNTY TREASURER for Dog Licenses 115 . 80 Amount paid to STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT for Marriage Licenses 112950 Amount paid to for Lottery Tickets mfr Amount paid to State for Sales Tax on Sete of Dogs A1556 SPCA Contract 361 . 20 ---------- * Received Payment of These amounts: TOTAL DISBURSED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1174 . 20 August 5 19 - 97 Ckt ns , �j� �� ; Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins , TOWN OF Ithaca Joan Lent Noteboom being duly sworn, says that she is the Clerk of the Town of Ithaca that the foregoing Is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her during the month above stated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law. Vol ry P a CI State to New York Subscribed and Sworn to before me thl egistration tl01SA5044003 �L` �ri1 Town Clerk ualified in Tioga Coun y 5th of August 1Ay � ,try Expires J < J Notary Public nv Preoare In duplicate. Remit orlainal to Suoervisor, retain co for Clerk's record. 77 OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� 2104^x- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Agenda Item No . 4(e) Town Clerk Monthly Report Presented : Town Board Meeting - August 11 , 1997 Town Clerk : The new Town Clerk software package from Williamson Law Book has been loaded on four computers within the Town Clerk' s Department . The program will allow processing of dog licenses , conservation licenses , marriage licences , bingo licenses , and all fees collected . Each portion of the program will provide a daily summary , and will automatically process the monthly report of revenues received . Staff is presently concentrating on learning the program , and making sure the conservation licence module is properly running for the beginning of the 1997/1998 licence sale season that begins August 11 . A computer has been placed on the front counter so that licences and fees collected can be processed and printed immediately. Prior to receipt of this software program forms were filled out by the customer by hand and then processed on a typewriter. The software is, on a network system so that different staff members can process work into the program at the same time. Purchase of the software and network was approximately $350 . 00 for each machine , opposed to the $ 1 , 000. 00 per machine that Williamson Law Book normally charges . The reduction in cost was realized by a cooperative negotiated effort between Williamson Law Book and staff from the Accounting Department and Town Clerk' s Department . Three additional modules will be loaded and included in the purchase price in the near future . The modules will allow the ability to process handicap parking permits , the water and sewer billing receivables , and the administration of the Town Clerk checking account . The checking account will automatically be updated upon daily processing of deposits . Records Mana eg ment: Staff completed the review of the Dunbar register, and the bonds and coupons . Disposition dates were determined with items being sorted and filed according to the procedures recommended by SARA . Respectfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk F > TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 w � TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town of Ithaca Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No . 4( F ) Human Resources Monthly Report for July 1997 Personnel : The 2 laborers hired in June , Toby Brown and Montague Mouillesseaux , started at the Highway Department July 7 , 1997 . 1 have completed all of their paperwork for insurance , NY State and Local Retirement and have sent the County Civil Service office form 428 for each as required . July 23 , 1997 , 1 received JoAnn Cornish ' s letter of resignation from her Planner II position , effective August 20 , 1997 . 1 have started the preliminary work to find a replacement for her position . Per County Civil Service there is not an eligible list for the title of Planner. Therefore , we will need to advertise the position and provisionally appoint the chosen candidate . I have also discussed the possibility with Mr. Kanter, Director of Planning , of creating a position with a different job title . Regarding the position of Budget Officer , I have received correspondence from the State Civil Service Office in that presently the position will be classified as a competitive position . However, they mentioned that exempt classification might be possible . I have requested Steve Estes , Tompkins County Personnel Technician , to petition the State Civil Service Department for the exempt class status . The status on the classification of the Director of Engineering and the Director of Planning ; I wrote Steve Estes a letter requesting status of our request to petition the State for the positions to be classified non-competitive . I spoke with Mr. Estes in late July and asked him if he ever received my correspondence , since I had not received a letter back. Mr. Estes stated he did not respond and disregarded my letter because he felt it was a finished subject, since the State denied our request for an exempt classification . I explained our concerns and the discussion Supervisor Valentino had had with his Supervisor, Anita Fitzpatrick . During that discussion Ms . Fitzpatrick said she would tell Mr. Estes to once again petition the State , however, request the position be classified as non -competitive , since the State 's letter said they may be susceptive to that classification . II Deferred Compensation : The resolution approving switching deferred compensation companies was approved at the July Town Board meeting . I sent 2 copies of said resolution to Suzanne Slimbaugh of PEBSCO , so PEBSCO could send them on to the State Deferred Compensation Board for their approval for us to switch . Presently we are still waiting to hear back from the State Board or PEBSCO . Personnel Committee : The Personnel Committee has diligently been working on the revisions of the Personnel Manual , The Committee finished their review of the manual at the June meeting . The Personnel Committee sent their working copy to the July Town Board Meeting for the Town Board to review and ask any questions regarding the changes . In July, the Personnel Committee decided to cancel the July 15th meeting in order to hold 3 employee feed back meetings on the Personnel Manual . The committee then held a meeting July 29 , 1997 in order to discuss the items brought up at the employee feed back meetings . The committee decided to summarize the changes suggested and send them to the Town Board in August for their approval . The approved minutes from the June 17 , 1997 meeting are attached . Payroll : I sent to County Civil Service our Payroll Certification for the second half of 1997 , as required . The new payroll system is working well . Human Resources Office . Completed daily functions of the office including ; administering payroll , managing insurance needs , working with Worker's Compensation and meeting all Civil Service requirements . Also responded to requests by the staff and Department Heads , Respectfully Submitted By: Judith C . Drake Human Resources Specialist/Manager : enclosure i TOWN OF ITHACA ® PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING N41 JUNE 17 , 1997 At the regular meeting of the Personnel Committee for the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York held in the Town Hall Board Room there were present: Supervisor Valentino ; Councilman Wolff; Donald Tenkate , Working Supervisor; Betty Poole , Deputy Town Clerk. Support staff: Judith Drake , Human Resources Specialist Others attending : Stanley Schrier and JoAnn Cornish-Epps Call to order: 8 :22 a . m . The May 20 , 1997 minutes without corrections or additions stand approved . Agenda Item #3 Staff to be heard : None . Agenda Item #4 Final review of the Grievance Procedure: Councilman Wolff brought up that a line should be added about problems with their Supervisor still needed to be discussed with their Supervisor. Supervisor Valentino suggested a strong encouraging sentence to speak with their Supervisor and not go above them . "Including problems between the employee and their Supervisor". She also , suggested highlighting the not by underlining and bolding the "not" in Step 2 paragraph C " the Human Resources Specialist will not . . . ." Mrs . Poole asked about an " Executive Session " for the Town Board in Step 3 . Supervisor Valentino stated that it wasn 't always necessary to hold an executive session . After the corrections listed above , the committee approves this policy. Agenda Item #5 Continue review of the Personnel Manual , Ethics Law Supervisor Valentino explained that she decided to insert a paragraph or two and not the entire law since it is so long . Include a statement that the entire ' law is available in the Town Clerk's office for review. i Introduction Supervisor Valentino stated she will work on the introduction and that she wants to take the right to amend paragraph and include it in the introduction . Hours of Work Supervisor Valentino suggested : in standard hours section it should be worded " . . .which totals . . ." instead of " . . .which makes up . . ." . Supervisor Valentino mentioned flex schedules and night meetings . The Committee discussed that a flex schedule isn 't just based on night meetings . The Committee decided on changing the sentence to "With Department Head approval . some employees maybe required or request a flexible work schedule' . Supervisor Valentino asked about Compensatory Time off and whether it should be used up in 14 days . Supervisor Valentino wanted to clarify that employees are paid for Compensatory Time at straight time because it is accrued at time and a half. Should need to be clarified more in the Manual so it isn 't questioned later. Call Back Time Add a sentence referenced in the County blue collar contract about pyramiding time i .e . an employee is called back and works 2 hours , Only the 2 hours worked can be computed into hours worked for calculating overtime . Mr. cil stated as practice in the past all call back time was overtime , Mrs . Drake mentioned that call back time shouldn 't be limited to just the Highway Department. The Committee decided to change policy to include all employees by taking out "highway ' Weather Related Time Of Super isor Valentino asked for clarification on this section . Mrs . Drake stated that leave time will not be needed to be used for hours Town facilities were closed . Employees can flex if the facilities aren 't closed but the employee chooses not to come to work or use their leave balance . Councilman Wolff suggested taking out the last sentence of the first paragraph so it will read : "Flex Time maybe an option with the approval of the appropriate Department Head , to compensate for lost time when banked leave is not used ." Employee Benefits Section : Holidays : Supervisor Valentino questioned how long we have had 12 Holidays . The Committee discussed days off around Christmas and how it effects different departments . Supervisor Valentino said she would ask the Town Board about having the 24th of December added to the Holiday list. Possibly increasing the number of holidays from 12 to 13 or 14 . Mr . Shrier asked about the Holiday party . Committee said it would be rescheduled to a different day . i _ Vacation : This section has already been approved by the Town Board . Sick Time : Mr. Tenkate asked about the accrual of time past 120 days . He asked why cap accrual to only an additional 12 days . Why not let it just keep accruing without a limit. Mrs. Drake explained what the process is that is currently in effect The process is that if an employee is over 120 days January First , the balance is set back to 120 days and the employee starts accruing all over again and can only accrue up to only 12 extra days . It was clarified that the maximum accrual of 120 days which for 8 hour employees is 960 hours . Mrs . Cornish-Epps stated that if you are in your ' 50s and ' 60s you might have a higher chance of using your sick time . Mrs . Poole asked about a person who reached their maximum for 2 full years never took a sick day would they still only have the extra 12 days or would they have 24 extra sick days . Mr. Tenkate said it would only 12 extra sick days. Supervisor Valentino read the policy so we could all determine exactly what it allowed and what it limits . Councilman Wolff asked to define what the 120 days in the "bank" would be used for . We need to define how the benefit is to be used . Whether the Town is going to promote saving it for retirement Health Insurance premiums or if they are going to promote it as a benefit if an employee becomes ill and needs time off work to get well . Councilman Wolff said a person could have 2 banks . The first days could be the 120 days that would go toward your Health Insurance bank. The second bank would be the extra days to go into a "catastrophic illness bank" . Councilman Wolff is in favor of a no limit on sick accrual , but a limit of 120 days that can be used for Retirement Health Insurance premium . This will promote a "continue work ethic" and not a "use it or loose it' work ethic . However, this could be a financial problem for the Town . Supervisor Valentino explained that retirees using their sick to pay for health insurance is a big cost to the Town . Councilman Wolff stated that the Town doesn 't want to be so generous with this policy so that other benefits would minimized or scaled back. It was stated that it takes ten years of not using any sick time to reach the 120 days . Supervisor Valentino proposed that sick time accrual for the purpose of retiree Health Insurance is 120 days . Councilman Wolff asked about other employees donating sick time to others . Supervisor Valentino stated in the past the Town has allowed an employee to pay back sick time if they need some , rather than taking from other employees . Supervisor Valentino suggested dealing with this on a case by case basis . Mrs . Poole described the City of Ithaca ' s sick bank and their committee that decides who get the sick time. Supervisor Valentino stated opening it up to unlimited accrual is too worry some . Supervisor Valentino asked to cap it at some number. She suggested maybe 30 days or one months worth . If they use up the 30 days they will then need to dip into their 120 days banked . Supervisor Valentino wants it stressed that only 120 days will be allowed to pay for retiree 's Health Insurance premium . Mrs . Cornish= i Epps asked how disability plays into this . Mrs . Drake explained that if you are on disability you can use your sick time to get a full paycheck. Therefore , the 30 days will last longer than 30 days . Supervisor Valentino stated the Town Board might not want to go with 30 days but they might suggest an amount greater than 12 days . Councilman Wolff questioned how we define " retiree" . Supervisor Valentino asked to change Doctor's statement to documentation . We will accept prescription or some other type . Personal : Nn rhninno . . ., .,. .. .. .y ,, . Bereavement No change . Leaves of Absence : Supervisor Valentino asked when would the Board grant a paid leave . Mrs . Drake suggested making them use up their vacation and comp time first before unpaid leave starts . Supervisor Valentino stressed that vacation time and sick time cannot accrue while on the leave . Supervisor Valentino suggested changing title to "Unpaid l eave of Absence' . Mrs . Drake questioned the health insurance premium and by who it is paid . Supervisor Valentino stated that if an employee goes on a leave they will need to pay 100% of their Health and for Dental Insurance premium . Councilman Wolff asked about using Vacation and Sick time toward paying their Health Insurance . The Committee discussed when the employee is on unpaid leave but is using up Vacation and Sick time the Health would be coming out of pay but that time is used up then they will need to pay for insurance . Mrs . Drake asked about how to address the years of service . The Committee decided there would be a skip in their years of service . The employee wouldn 't get a credit for years of service if they weren 't serving . Supervisor Valentino asked why we had differentiated between types of leave , especially personal . Basically a leave of absence is a leave of absence . Councilman Wolff thought the personal type was treated differently than other types . He described "Personal" as a person who forgoes pay for the time off. However, their years of service and fringes stay the same . Supervisor Valentino suggested a time limit of a pay period or 2 weeks . The Committee agrees that personal equals no more than 2 weeks . Mrs . Drake asked about employees extending or decreasing their leave . The Committee suggested a minimum 2 week notification for a withdrawal or a request of an extension is required . The Committee decided to take out the "Type of Leaves" and leave it as just general leaves . New York State and Local Retirement Systems : No change . Health and Dental Insurance : No change . . i Disability : No change . Workers' Compensation : Supervisor Valentino asked if we needed to clarify this policy . The Town does want to keep their employees receiving full pay checks whenever possible so they do not suffer any undue hardships . Mrs . Drake wanted it stressed that the sick time paid back will be paid back at about 2/3rd the time . For example the amount of the check the Town receives divided by the employees hourly wage at the time of the accident. There were a lot of questions about what would happen if an employee is really badly hurt and is out for a long period of time . Mrs . Poole asked about the employee 's insurance coverage . More investigation in this is required by Mrs . Drake , Safety Equipment and training : Mrs. Drake stated that Mr . Noteboom is sending her the Town 's "Statement of Safety" to add to this section . Mr. Tenkate wanted it changed to "contact your immediate Supervisor and if the problem is unresolved then contact the Human Resources Specialist" . Retiree' s Health and Dental Benefit Plan : Mrs . Drake stated that we need to add a statement about the maximum 120 days of sick time . Travel and Training : Mrs . Drake added the exhibit of conference and travel expenses form . Mrs . Cornish-Epps and Supervisor Valentino liked the form because it really explains the expenses requested by the employee . Mrs . Drake asked about putting in ,amounts for meals allowed . Supervisor Valentino liked the form because it really explains the expenses requested by the employee . Supervisor Valentino said she would like it open since different areas are more expensive than others. Supervisor Valentino wants guidelines of when we will pay certain meals and from where the mileage begins . Mrs . Drake read this section from the County White collar contract. The Committee does want some guidelines added for when meals will be paid and that mileage will be paid from place of work or home which ever is closer to your destination . Personal Use of Town Vehicles : No change . Approved . Military Duty: No change . Approved . .. I Jury Du I ly : Mrs . Drake did request a copy OT the notice to report be attached to employees time card . This policy stands the same for part-time employees . If they need to report on one of their regular days we will pay them for that day . Mrs . Drake asked about a Saving Clause statement. Supervisor Valentino suggested including it in the Introduction . ' Uncrvinr VlAninn eztatAl wA orA ranri to czAnwl thic, to thA Tnwn Board in b � at _ n July and to set up the employee meetings . Meeting adjourned : 10 :30 p . m . Respectfully submitted Judith C. Drake , Human Resources Specialist i i CASEY & K t N G ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3 0 8 N . T IOGA STREET P. O . BOX 7 B 7 ITHACA , N . Y . 14851 EDWARD J . CASEY ( 1899-1967 ) TELEPHONE AR 3-5977 EDWARD W . KING AREA CODE 607 July 4 , 1997 David L . Stotz , Chairman Town of Ithaca ZBA 4 Evergreen Lane Ithaca , NY 14850 Re : My Resignation from ZBA Dear David , As I advised you in a telephone call some weeks ago , I find I must tender my resignation from the Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals due to the pressure of my work and the loss ( to the State of Florida ) of my long - time Secretary / Assistant . I have had a long and happy association with this Board , and I regret the need to terminate it , but I really must do so . Rather than leave the Board short - handed , I ' d like to make my resignation effective as soon as a replacement member is found . It would be most helpful if you would see that I am advised when the Town will commence advertising the vacancy - - as I have a couple of people in mind whom I would encourage to consider the post if either is at all interested . ( I have not mentioned or discussed this possibility to or with either of them , and feel that I should not do so until a search is officially under way . ) rSin e" c ewk : bs Edward Ki g , � 1997 - NOTICE OF CLAIM FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE .. � . . , �t � � +�'�� ,� AGAINST THE TOWN OF ITHACA ''' V� 1 TOMPHINS COUNTY, NEW YORK —r-ct-c � CLJ,L PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that JMS Ithaca Realty, Inc. d/b/a College Circle Apartments, the claimant herein, hereby makes the claim against the Town of Ithaca, in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, for property damage sustained by the claimant as hereinafter set forth. The claimant has offices at 1001 West Seneca Street, in the City of Ithaca, State of New York. The property damage complained of was sustained on the 10th day of July, 1997, at approximately 2 : 30 P .M. . The property damage was sustained at Apartment 413 and surrounding apartments and common and mechanical areas at College Circle Apartments, Route 96B, Ithaca, New York. The property damage was sustained by reason of a malfunctioning and/or unregulated pressure reducing valve, upon information and belief on King Road, causing a high over pressure in the water system of claimant' s property, which resulted in a sprinkler head in said property releasing a vast quantity of water into, over, and on claimant ' s property. . The property damage was caused by the negligence and want of care on the part of said Town of Ithaca in that the fire department serving the Town of Ithaca was testing the fire hydrants in the area, and failed to reset or check the said water pressure reducing valve during and/or after said fire hydrant tests. The nature and extent of the property damage sustained by the claimant was as follows : water damage to the claimant ' s real property and that of claimant ' s tenants. Dated : Ithaca, New York July 14, 1997 . JMS *cRealty, n . By : John Novarr, President Sworn to before me this L4 . day of July, 1997. BARB I Notary Pu l OW= Y yob No. 4907220 Qualified in Tompkins County Commission Expires Sept. 21 , 19 ' 7 Martin A. Shapiro Attorney for Claimant Suite 304 Clinton House Ithaca, New York 14850 Tel. (607) 273 -4044 BARNEY, GROSSMAN , DUBOW & MARCUS ATTORNEYS AT LAW FINAL JOHN C. BARNEY SENECA BUILDING WEST PETER G . GROSSMAN SUITE 400 DAVID A. DUBOW RANDALL B. MARCUS 119 EAST SENECA STREET WILLIAM J . TROY III ITHACA , NEW YORK 14950 FACSIMILE KRISTIN E. HAZLITT• (607) 279- 6841 ( 607) 272- 8806 ( NOT FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS) 'ALSO ADMITTED IN MARYLAND & WASHINGTON , D . C. July 11 , 1997 Mrs. Joan Lent Noteboom Town of Ithaca 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14860 Re : Novarr water damage claim - College Circle Apartments Dear Joan : I received a telephone call today from John Novarr, one of the owners of the College Circle apartments. He relates that a few days ago (I did not get the precise date) one of his sprinkler heads blew, causing damage somewhere between $ 1 ,000.00 and $ 10,000.00 to an apartment. Upon further investigation he discovered that the water pressure on the Town ' s mains serving these apartments was up around 200 pounds per square inch or greater, in some instances , allegedly because a' waste gate on one of the transmission mains in Route 96 was not fully closed after some hydrant testing or cleaning was done. Accordingly, he spoke to Bolton Point about the matter and was referred to the Town of Ithaca. From the brief description he gave me it is not clear to me whether either Bolton Point or the Town have any responsibility, in that I don ' t know what the standards are for sprinkler heads and if the standard by which they are governed in the Town of Ithaca requires them to withstand pressures equivalent to those that occurred, then it seems to me it' s John's problem rather than ours. On the other hand if his sprinkler heads were installed according to the appropriate standards and if indeed a mistake was made in connection with the transmission mains or the service mains, either Bolton Point or the Town of Ithaca may have some responsibility. In view of the foregoing I would suggest that the Town notify its insurance carrier of the potential claim , even in advance of receiving a formal notice of claim , so that if the insurance carrier wishes to make an investigation they have an opportunity to do so before the damage is repaired. July 11 , 1997 Page 2 By a copy of this letter I am also advising Mr. Kauffman, Executive Director of Bolton Point, that he may wish to do the same with Bolton Point' s insurance carrier. If indeed it was a Bolton Point employee that made the mistake , it appears it would be Bolton Point' s insurance company that would respond if there is any liability. I advised Mr. Novarr that if he wanted to pursue a claim he needed to file a formal notice of claim so you may be hearing from him in the next week or so. With best regards . Very truly yours, r JCB : bc cc : Mr. Dan Walker Mr. Kevin Kauffman 1 V July 25 , 1997 Dear Wayne , As we discussed yesterday in your office , here is a copy of my statement in response to the claim filed by Mr. Shapiro , representing Mr. Novarr. Chief Wilbur is firmly in support of full cooperation and disclosure for all concerned parties . Thanks , Cl'I'Y OF I I FIACA 1 : �4 °'_ 310 West Green Street Ithaca , New York 14850- 5497 t i y°o►.•.. . ,,,•��0� orrice or '1114e PIRG Cllll: r R�RATEO Telephone : 607/272- 1234 Fax : 607/272- 2793 MO To : Chief Wilbur Lt Parsons City Attorney Kennedy City Clerk Holcomb From : AC Van Benschoten Re : Claim for damages College Circle apartments Date : 07/20/97 1 am in receipt of copy of claim for damages filed by Martin Shapiro , of Counsel for John Novarr. Here is my understanding of what occurred : The Ithaca Fire Department was testing hydrants on the "Q" hydrant system on July 101 1997 . College Circle receives water from this system . The system is owned by the Town of Ithaca , IT. Water is supplied to the Town of Ithaca by the Southern Cayuga lake Intermunicipal Water Commission , SCLIWC . Because of the difference in elevation between the tank , located on Ridgecrest Road , and properties served , there are several pressure reducing valves on the system . One such set of valves is in a pit located on the 100 block of East King Road . The Ithaca Fire Department has a Standard Operating Procedure for conducting hydrant flow tests . The SOP involves notifying local media outlets and water providers the Friday before the testing is to occur. Such notification was made , including notification to the Town of Ithaca & SCLIWC , via fax . All firefighters are trained to open and close valves slowly , so as to safeguard against causing a condition known as "water hammer" in the distribution system . Ithaca firefighters were reminded to be especially attuned to very slow valve closings on the "Q" system , because of its design . When the testing occurred on July 10 , 1997 , Ithaca firefighters were accompanied by John Harding , a SCLIWC employee who is responsible for maintenance of the "Q " system . Harding observed Ithaca firefighters opening and closing valves . Harding did not comment that any valve was opened or closed more rapidly that a reasonable & prudent person would operate same . For reasons unknown , a pressure reducing valve at the East King Road PRV pit did not operate properly . The valves are designed to operate automatically as needed to regulate downstream and upstream pressures . Failure of the PRV to operate as intended did indeed cause higher than expected downstream pressures , causing damage to the College Circle property . As soon as Ithaca Firefighters were made aware of the problem , a call to the SCLIWC was immediately placed by Lt Parsons . While SCLIWC personnel were out in the field remedying the situation , Lt Parsons consulted by phone with Jack Rueckheim , Distribution Team Leader for SCLIWC regarding possible causes of the problem . AC Van Benschoten discussed the situation with Lt Parsons after Rueckheim 's call . The sense was that we , IFD , Ithaca Town , and SCLIWC should meet to resolve the problem . VanBenschoten followed up the next day , Friday , July 11 , by meeting with Rueckheim at the SCLIWC offices . From there , a call was placed to Wayne Sincebaugh , Ithaca Town Engineering office , to set up a time to meet at the PRV pit at East King Rd , to observe its operation . The date was set for Wednesday , July 16 , 1997 at 1 : 00 pm . The meeting took place as scheduled . Present were : Rueckheim & Harding , SCLIWC ; Sincebaugh & Chuck White , Ithaca Town Engineering ; and Van Benschoten , IFD . Rueckheim opened the hatch to the PRV pit and sampled the confined space atmosphere . It was safe for entry . Rueckheim & Van Benschoten entered down into the pit . Sincebaugh & White stood by topside . Harding , in radio contact , went to stand by to open a downstream , hydrant , to activate the valves . There are three (3) PRVs in. the pit . A two inch waterline PRV handles most of the usage . A four inch waterline PRV opens when downstream demand is greater and causes a drop in pressure that cannot be handled by the two inch line PRV . The third PRV is on the eight inch waterline . It opens only at elevated downstream demand levels , such as a fire hydrant flowing water. Rueckheim explained the working to Van Benschoten , and advised him how to look for and feel for each of the three PRV operating depending on the downstream flow demands . Rueckheim further stated that SCLIWC exercises each PRV on a quarterly basis and pulls each PRV off line every two years and rebuilds the valve in house at SCLIWC . Harding was radioed to open the hydrant . Rueckheim again pointed out the PRVs working and advised that the eight inch valve should rest automatically as the hydrant was shut down and the downstream flow decreased . Both Rueckheim and Van Benschoten observed that the eight inch PRV did not operate properly and the downstream pressure was surging . Rueckheim manually closed off the eight inch valve to decrease the flow downstream until pressures returned to normal levels . The test was conducted a second time . The second time all the PRVs operated as designed and automatically adjusted to the flows . It is my opinion , form first hand observation that the cause for the pressure surge on July 10 1997 during IFD flow testing was the same unknown cause that occurred during the first demonstration of the PRV on July 16 , 1997 . Ithaca firefighters were performing flow tests in conformance with IFD SOPs and generally recognized standards of performance . The firefighters actions were reasonable and prudent . Ithaca firefighters were not guilty of any acts of misfeasance , malfeasance , or non -feasance . Damage did occur to Mr Novarr' s property , however, liability for such damage should not be directed at nor be recompensated for by the Ithaca Fire Department THERN ;9 777 _ . FAX : 607-277- 5799 • TWX . 510 - 255 - 5875 • TEL . 607 - 272 - 8500 • P . O . BOX 20 • ITHACA , NEW YORK 14851 ROBERT R . SPROLE II LTOWN nn e ' e CHAIRMAN Q CEO 1� CSUJul y 15 , 1997 i 7 1995 OF rMACA Catherine Valentino Town Supervisor 126 E . Seneca St. Ithaca , NY 14850 Re : South Hill Trail Easement Dear Ms. Valentino : Confirming receipt of your July 9`h letter and our telephone conversation today regarding an easement for the benefit of the Raponi property . Please advise the Town Board that the Raponi easement has been an existence for a number of years, which allows access to his property . Several months ago as I recall , an attorney, representing a possible buyer of the Raponi property, contacted us to advise the possible sale of this property and if we would allow modifications to the existing easement. We advised him that we would change nothing in the existing easement and that it would have to pass to any new buyer in an "as is" condition. Please assure your Board that now and in the future Therm will not grant any new changes along this trail with out the consent and approval of the Town Board . I trust this letter clears any question on this matter. Sincerely, THERM, INCORPORATED Robert R. Sprole, II Chairman & CEO cc : Honorable Allen Cohen, Mayor City of Ithaca �ti . ' c: f Town of Ithaca- Ncw Town I Iall/PO It looks like a will win situation, no property taken off the lax roles and can be done within the money earmarked for this purpose; plus it fulfils the criteria you and the employees set up for a new town hall, and we save a historic building. An example Of citizen involvement plat paid Oft - the bipartisan referendum was a positive reminder that government represents and works for the citizens . That is the taxpayers money. I challenge you to continue to demonstrate your service corninitrnent by completing a well rounded program of activities, holding the line on taxes and the goal - a healthy balanced community. A friendly attitude toward business and our economic health, the town may have a small business base compared to family property base but it also carries (lie name Ithaca and with the high turnover in population most newcomers do not distinguish between the two governmental identities . ' (This community sometimes has an educational arrogance- tell story of Ithaca gun. I was so in love with my town that in the 50's when I first started traveling around the world people would ask where we were from Ithaca New York was interpreted as NYC, "no no" said I "upstate farm and lake country you know where Cornell U is" - :� . Cornell what?? Do you know what most people were able to identify? Ithaca Guns - a business of skilled craftsmen who marketed a very good product, they were known around the world. ) ` Recently Ithaca has been referred to as the "little apple" . Well this may be apple country, abut is becoming like New York City an improvement?T? Encourage you to help reverse that slogan "Ithaca tax hell for Seniors" . Cooperation among the multiple government layers we have here : city, town, village, county, and school district to ensure that tlie .TOTAL property tax burden begins to recede so people can use their own money to care for their families and businesses. ` Preservation of our historical resources that remain; to maintain and re-discover our own history, from the Indians, Underground railroad - the good and the bad. I encourage all citizens to stay involved and aware of what is going on. I know it's hard with working and family activities but the government will be advantageous if the individual citizens stay involved to address the concerns of our community. Keep asking: IS IT THE TRUTH? IS IT FAIR TO ALL CONCERNED? WILL IT BUILD GOOD WILL AND BETTE R FRIENDSHIPS? WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED? 8/ 11/97 from Barbara W Thuesen, 201 Hampton Rd [j.1. Tea : tiemberS cit the Board : Ttlwn of E' rr� Tm : Put. h 11a. hr . L1emtler . FUCIT.rn Hell t_ oliallt. t. ea , ' ['oTni r, t Itri_ir.e I ara here tc, ,_pea. 1; in favor Of the B. CVi31tion , Lo_ t.11e '1'O[1T1 of It.t1• tG9. , Of the Post. i! fT ] C ? B1.111d1Iig on 11 . Tinq ,i. St. irtrt. , 7I1 the rtilt. y, of Ithaca . tot u3e ;--k3 ;3. Town Hoall . Mroughout our deliberations oil the Tu- T,.T i Hill i7i.)Muittee , the post office buildincT }; ept. � omillq to the top of the list . It. is C- Emt. ralllr located - it is accessible br public transportation - it pre ° erve3 open space in the TOW21 by iasakinij ti-• e of an exi - tirvj building . Furthermore its a. rq,.ds- it. inn would ront. ribttt. e both to historic pre 'serva. t• ioll a. lid the Vitalit. of the dc*,TltciTvm buSille di3 trig= t. . The mails cp.le :. tion a. 11 alntijl Tj - whether the building Gould be obt•;filled within the cost i_ oll t. raint. =; met forth ter the FiDard and by the public . [due to the patience Rand diligence of Tomi oLtlCla. 1c; T?ho na alt. ated T.ri }. h po t. oftir= e offic,9. 13 Over the course cif h _t. r. vape"-. t : t.hy. t. has been successfully resolved . I want. tan commend those Town officials whose efforts were crucial to this o,_1ttGOlfte . ` OF 1p TOWN OF ITIIACA 21 g4 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TO : Cathy Valentino , Town Supervisor Town Board Members Shirley Raffensberger, Chair of Town Hall Committee Town Hall ColTUnittee Members FROM : Conservation Board DATE : August 7 , 1997 RE : Ncw Town Hall Congratulations on acquiring the downtown Ithaca Post Office building for the new Ithaca Town Hall! This site is ideal from many perspectives , including conservation of open space and natural areas in the Town, and conservation of the social environment of our Town and community . The Town of Ithaca Conservation Board is pleased that Town administrative offices will remain in a central location m a lovely building, accessible to Town residents by public transportation , and continuing to contribute to the vitality of downtown Ithaca. The Conservation Board conunends your diligent and successful efforts in negotiating for this site, : s and we look forward to the move. 1 1 PAGE 1 SIGNED STA'T' EMENT 126 East Seneca St . Ithaca , NY 14850 7 / 25 / 97 , 9 : 54am I am Daniel Richard Walker , date of birth 6 / 2 / 49 , social security number 059 - 40 -- 4714 , and I reside at 323 Halseyville Rd . Ithaca , NY 14850 , home phone number 607 - 387 - 6394 . I am married . I am presently director of engineering for the Town of Ithaca , located at the above Seneca St . Ithaca , NY address , and have been since March of 1990 . I am responsible for the town water and sewer program in the course of my duties as director of engineering . On July 10 , 1997 , the Ithaca fire department was flowing fire hydrants in the area of Stone Quarry Rd . and Danby Rd . area in the Town of Ithaca , NY . The reason this is done is part of an annual testing procedure for the fire departments to maintain their certification with ISO . This is a normal process that is done with our knowledge and the fire department is asked to take certain precautions such as opening and closing the hydrants slowly . The . fire department will flag hydrants that have problems . This part of the water system feeds off of the Ridge Crest water tank . It is a high elevation , so there is a preassure regulating valve on East King Rd . about one thousand feet from the intersection with Danby Rd . The Ridge Crest tank serves four different preassure zones . The preassure going into the preassure valve is about ninety pounds , and outlets a preassure of about sixty pounds . We try to maintain preassures of between fifty and one hundred pounds residential use . If �L t PAGE 2 SIGNED STATEMENT the water preassure exceeds one hundred pounds , the plumbing fixtures in residences could fail at pipe joints , and fixtures may leak . The Town of Ithaca owns the entire water distribution system . The water is supplied to the town by The Southern Cayuga Lake Inter Municipal Water Commission . The commission is also known as Boulton Point because our water treatment is at Boulton Point . There are five municipalities that jointly own the water plant and the distribution system that distributes the water to the five municipalities . Boulton Point sells water to the five municipalities . They are responsible for producing and delivering the water to the municipalities . The water runs off their main line to ' the individual towns at meter points . Once the water runs through the meter at the towns , it becomes the towns water . The water customers are customers of the towns , and the five municipalities are the customers of Boulton Point . Because each town does not want to have a full water staff , Boulton Point does things for the municipalities such as issuing water permits and doing plumbing inspections . Boulton Point maintains the preassure regulating valves . They do minor adjustments and repairs on the regulating valves . Major repairs are charged back to the municipalities . This maintenance and repair costs are included in the water rates they charge the towns . As the Town of Ithaca is the largest of the five municipalities , our town supervisor Catherine Valentino is the Treasurer of Boulton Point . All Boulton Point employees are on the books as Town of Ithaca Employees . The employees administratively work for Boulton Point , but Boulton Point does not have le standing in the ' J l ,. U ailk. J PAGE 3 SIGNED STATEMENT State , so the Town of Ithaca hosts the employees . The five municipalities jointly share in the overages and shortages of Boulton Point . Boulton Point exists as the five municipalities created it to run the water system . The municipalities respond to problems and complaints that occur where the water flows through their individual meters and beyond . Boulton Point will respond to problems and . complaints that occur on the main line that supplies the individual municipalities . Again the problem that occurred on 7 / 10 / 97 was the result of the fire department doing flow testing on their hydrants . A problem can occur with this flow testing if the hydrants are opened and closed to quickly . If the hydrants are opened or closed to quickly , it can cause the mechanical preassure valves to close to slowly which can cause an excessive preassure of water to residential customers that can go up to 180 to 200 pounds . The fire department does notify the town that they will do testing . On July 10 , 1997 there were Boulton Point employees that were doing some observation of the fire department flow testing as there have been prior problems with the fire department opening and closing hydrants to quickly . Boulton Point employees did not spend the entire test period with the fire department , they just observed for a short period of time and noted that the fire department appeared to be doing the flow testing correctly . There was a large problem with the fire department flow tests about four years ago . The fire department opened a hydrant to quickly that resulted in the opening of four preassure stations . As each preassure station opened , the ow increased again from PAGE 4 SIGNED STATEMENT the hydrant , and the fire department kind of panicked and quickly shut down the hydrants which resulted in damaging the preassure stations . The damage to repair costed in the area of five hundred to six hundred dollars . We did not charge the fire department for these repairs but we could have . The reasons we did not charge them included our desire to maintain a good working relationship with them . We did use this as a warning though in the event of future occurrances we could charge them for repairs . Due to this , we had meetings with the fire department regarding flow test procedures in line with NFPA section 291 - 1983 , and gave them verbal warnings about the flow testing problems . The fire system , such as the fire hydrants belong to the Town of Ithaca . The fire department employees are employees of the City of Ithaca fire department , The Town of Ithaca contracts for fire department services with the City of Ithaca , and pays in the area of one and one half million dollars a year for these services . On July 10 , 1997 it is apparent that when the Houlton Point employees were not observing the fire department flow tests , the fire department was opening and closing the hydrants to quickly . We found that they flow tested forty hydrants in six hours . This would indicate that they were opening and closing the hydrants much to quickly . They should only have been able to test twenty four hydrants during this six hour period if they were doing it correctly . I would prefer that they test at the rate of twelve hydrants in four hours , as by doing it this slowly , its lets the preassure in the water system equalize and prevents preassure valve problems and water PAGE 5 SIGNED STATEMENT preassure flow problems . Apparently the preassure in the lines to residential customers increased as the result of the fire department activity . . This alledgedly resulted in a water customer , College View Apartments , sprinkler system to fail resulting to water damage to the Apartments . There is no other reason for an increase in water preassure on 7 / 10 / 97 other than the fire department flow testing . There is no way to tell what the preassure was going into the Apartment system on 7 / 10 / 97 , although there was probably a surge due -to the above outlined fire department flow testing . On 7 / 10 / 97 we did experience a failure at a town temporary water supply area to a construction site which indicated a surge on that date . The fire department responded to this incident , as the sprinklers going off resulted in an alarm to the fire department . The fire department is supposed to check this sprinkler system twice a year . My understanding is the sprinkler system is supposed to withstand two hundred pounds of preassure . In terms of water damage at the College View Apartments , they have no claim against the Town of Ithaca . By signing the application for water service , the customer agrees that they are responsible for problems from the curb stop . The town notes that they try to maintain water service , but cannot guarantee a continous flow of water at all times , and cannot guarantee stable water preassure . The College View Apartments may have a claim for damages against the fire department due to their flow testing on July 10 , 1997 . If this incident had occurred after the meter area off the main line at '" one of the other four municipalities , it would be that individual PAGE G SIGNED STATEMENT municipalities responsibility to respond , just as the Town of Ithaca is doing in this case . The Town of Ithaca is the only one of the five municipalities that contract with the City of Ithaca for fire service , the other municipalities have their own arrangements for fire protection with other entities . I have read and understood the above six pages and they are true and complete and correct to the best of my 11 August 1997 To the Board of Supervisors, Town of Ithaca In 1992, our South Hill neighborhood was involved in the negotiations surrounding a planned apartment building at 237 Coddington Road. At that time, this property had two standing buildings ; a third was proposed. Variances were required for permission to build. The most disturbing aspect of this proposal was the plan to use the driveway to 253 Coddington Road, now owned by William Roberts and Jane Roberts, as the main entrance to the new building. The driveway serves as sole access to 243 Coddington Road (a student rental home) and the Roberts's home at 253 Coddington Road. Since purchasing their property in 1994 the Roberts family has been solely responsible for maintaining the roadbed (gravelling and repairing water damage) and for snow removal. The driveway also provides access to the property of 249 Coddington Road (which has a Coddington Road parking spot but no vehicular access to the backyard from that spot. ) Several families in the area expressed their concern about the use of this road for access to the new parking area. Among those concerns are the traffic conditions of the 200 block of Coddington which has no pedestrian walkways, many residential driveways and the entrance to Ithaca College; the driveway is used as an entrance to the South Hill Recreation Way by bikers, pedestrians and Ithaca College faculty, staff and students; and small children live along the drive. These conditions remain the same except that the Recreation Way has been magnificently improved and is therefore more popular and the neighborhood south of 237 Coddington Road has become more family-oriented. (In 1992 there were 5 children living south of 237; in 1997 there are at least 15 . ) Several homes which were student housing in 1992 have been purchased or rented by families. After some meetings held by the Town of Ithaca, we agreed that Orlando and Ralph Iacovelli could indeed build their new apartment house but would be allowed no access through the 253 Coddington Road driveway except in an emergency situation. A chained or gated emergency exit would be constructed from the driveway to the parking lot of 237. The building is now nearing completion and it is apparent that our agreement is being violated. In the site plan approved in 1992, the south side of the new building was surrounded by lawn and plants. In reality, the entire south side of the building (which faces the 253 driveway) is gravelled. Also, an additional driveway area has been constructed parallel to the existing driveway. We have been told by the Planning and Building departments of the Town of Ithaca that this is handicapped parking for a Laundromat. Handicapped residents of 237 Coddington will be allowed access to their spots from the 253 drive. In the five years of negotiation and planning, we were never informed that a laundromat with parking was part of the building plan. This "handicapped parking" area is built on a hill next to stepped apartment entrances. There are no walkways from this parking area to the building. Orlando Iacovelli has informed us that he is not allowed to put a chain or fence on this parking area. It is connected to the other parking areas with driveways. All visitors to this new building, including Orlando Iacovelli, Ralph Iacovell i, all construction vehicles, NYNEX and NYSEG trucks, Bolton Point Water trucks, appliance and carpet installers, prospective student tenants and workers coming to this site are already using the 253 drive even though the parking lot can be accessed by the drive at 237 Coddington Road. We cannot understand why handicapped parking is not installed in the completely horizontal and paved lots on the north and east sides of the building. We agreed in good faith during previous Town hearings to emergency access. A planned parking area for a laundromat which connects with existing parking lots is NOT emergency access. We also agreed that the new building would be surrounded by a lawn and landscaping. There is currently no exposed soil which could be lawn: it is completely gravelled. We have been told that the Planning department went through the 1992 stages of negotiation and that the Building department has not known about them. This is confusing and frustrating. How can our earlier agreements be protected if the current authorities are unaware of them? Although we agreed to having an apartment building next door, we did not agree to live in a parking lot which is in effect what has happened since the gravelling. When Orlando Iacovelli was asked what we should do if people in fact began to use this driveway, he told us that it was a job for the sheriff, not his responsibility. We know that this is a completely frivolous problem with which to bother the sheriff. We are appealing to the Town Board to support our request to have the new driveway and gravel parking area completely removed from the south side of the new building except for a small gated or chained emergency access as was agreed upon in 1992. Handicapped parking could be located elsewhere. We are concerned with the safety of the neighborhood children and pedestrian traffic. Linda Holzbaur Jane Roberts Kenneth Ritter William Roberts 249 Coddington Road 253 Coddington Road Ithaca N. Y 14850 Ithaca NY 14850 607/277-6300 607/256-4760 i .. . . ___. { A0 ,C/NN Kf( K�X/,Y R�9:;Cf� G. �` R^xh , �r � � � .�. � I �4 7- /8 R. A��`; rq- 7- 20 R o_ �67�'// 7> ?3/o/hA� k-4? jz9cov.4�-41all, 873) � � TAX PARC�� 5"'4 -7- � � ��°�, J �FokM ��y S .79 ° i�5 „ 396. �0 7oTNh � � ' rclfi'T ho.c � . 4iNc )qx P)q*Ca rl4 7- 4r R. o, o Ay9NOo 96 . 90' P//Vic V�BUR/�uni /'I lcp t/F (- veuc ICn9x 1 �z6 Z 448 3D / 1 a,3 97 �3 ` / Yr• ` ,� RcNJ SNP; ' R �nr 0tf kjq y 1 ?� 791, /&G �6 PAR 6 o 000 r _ Gh'N�F� A� HO TES "FFkFN 767194. `j RL)CrURk$ — � ST0F{ Y /Het . -/ $ -7 Coiv7aURS SNoUJ � !� 95�MNTI P9kTiq.; MASc�vtY ; ruNCj ok4ANDuX/Ic4EK coUc..' k/ gPP+QOX/ /✓IAA vsGS PRRr1x wooD 34-7 coCj�&416700* A0. =MQl 6 . /g UN / TZ 46 c�� S /o . DRA/NAGR' r /7 . v ocy4, 1. 4y H� FNZRcoJ�tiS X40 kit '� 17gNrti r�✓ 7 3� - B.sxi5 ' P'�Rx/NG SPA GAS Rcffs -M u kt r 11beLMIC .40'�R; 6k7ING Ccl1E/l'a st/swN - i- 07 ^i ' 9- 7- 4 . �; i G 477 NG ON 8�; ��I/VGS ./. PA��9lYC ORi F �NR ,� SITF )04 /14/ OFVjl�4 RS. D�SIGN�O l BAST ZC , �I�TRAN r}PAR7%'7� 'S � P, �C9*0o � , % 0 RBBRoNI _ �yYsP r M wtv or eWN 1 ? TNAC ,9 TOMPK/NS I /VFW YORK X7 Y,9Cj; /✓ Y. I y piPiz plK MONO \Ir� + 10 I /4I/ X rAG CC h / 7 g I' 4 �Rlc ,cJ Rr�Ol.H V '/�' �tH9F ,l � o . 41113 7�� 14J 3121 PI PE , Fa U O -4 Ook G. '�iiAc M co 0 v o � oo0 0OO 5CA [, f�- YiCHYf -K /' INP F J �1y OF IT� F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 12 SEQR : Local Law to Amend Local Law No . 2 , 1976 , by Clarifying Due Dates of Bills , Use of Current Unpaid Billing Information for Lien Purposes and to Extend the Time Before Supervisor May Terminate Service Resolution No . 123 WHEREAS , this action is the enactment of a local law to amend Local Law No , 2 , 1976 , by clarifying due dates of bills , use of current unpaid billing information for lien purposes and to extend the time before Supervisor may terminate service ; and WHEREAS , this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws ; and WHEREAS , the Town . Board , at a public hearing held on August 11 , 1997 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form , Parts I and II for this action ; RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and , therefore , neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form , nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : August 11 , 1997 Qat� I+ Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I � i ICJ i I I Town Assigned Project ID Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , NY ONLY PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1 . Applicant/Sponsor: 2. Project Name : LOca Law C1 rif in Da e Town of Ithaca Town Board f bills , use o current uniai �t1 Min lien purposes and to 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections , prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map ) : extend time befc re supervisor may terminate ser ice N / A Tax Parcel Number: 4. Is proposed action : NEW? EXPANSION ? MCCIRCATIION/ALTERATION ? _X 5. Describe project briefly : ( Include project purpose, present land use, current and future construction plans, and other relevant items ) : Enactment of a local law to amend Local Law No . 2 , 1976 , by clarifying due dates of bills , use of current unpaid billing information for lien purposes and to extend time before the Town Supervisor may terminate water service . (Attach secarate sheet( s) if necessary :o acecuately describe the prcposed project. ) Amount of land affected : Initially (0-5 yrs) Acres (6- 10 yrs ) Acres (> 10 yrs ) Acres N / A How Is land zoned presently? N / A 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions ? YES NO If no, describe conflict briefly : N / A 9. WIII proposed action lead to a request for new : Public Road? YES NO –X— Public Water? YES NO _ Public Sewer? YES NO 10. What Is the present land use In the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential Commercial Industrial _ Agriculture Park/ Forest/Open Space Other Please Describe : N / A 11 . Does proposed action Involve a permit, approval , or funding , now or ultimately from any other governmental agency ( Federal , State, Local ) ? YES NO V If yes, list agency name and permit/approval/funding : YS - 12. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval ? YES NO If yes, list agency name and permit approval . Also , state whether It will require modification. N / A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Appllcant/Sponsor Name-- ( Print / oorr Type ) : Signature : CQ '�'L � y--CC ��r,� a Date : 8 / 11 / 97 Rev. 8/92 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary. ) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes , coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 6? YES NO X If no , a negative declaration may be suoerseded by another involved agency ,, if any. C . Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following : (Answers may be hancivritten , If legible) C1 . Existing air quality , surface or groundwater quality , noise levels , existing traffic patterns , solid waste production and disposal , potential for erosion , drainage or flooding problems ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C2. Aesthetic, agricultural , archaeological , historic , or other natural or cultural resources ? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C3 . Vegetation or fauna, risrt , shellfish , or lwildlifa species , si5niricant habitats , unicue natural areas , wetlands , or threatened or endangered species ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C4 . The Town's existing Plans or goals as officiaily adopted , or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources ? ": ciain briefly : None anticipated . CS . Growth , subsequent deveicpment, or related activities likely to be induced by :he proposed action ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . Co . Long term , short ter.^ , cumulative , or other erects not identified in C1 - C5 ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy ) ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . D . Is there , or is there likely to be , controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts ? YES NO X If yes , explain briefly : E. Comments of staff X CB other attached . ( Check as applicable . ) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions : For each adverse etfect Identified above, determine whether it is substantial , large , important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (le , urban or rural) ; (b) probability of occurring ; (c) duration ; (d) Irreversibility ; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufffcient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed. Check here if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration . X Check here if you have determined , based on the information and analysis above and any supporting _ documentation , that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attacaMmients as necessary the reasons supporting this determinatio . Town of Ithaca Ton Board lar� Name of Lead Agency Prep er' s Signature ( If different from Responsible Officer; _Catherine Valentino , Supervisor Name & Title of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer (a �-�., � �^'�� Date : August 11 , 1997 Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency ° _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 4 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 13 Enactment : " LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO . .2/ 1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" Resolution No , 124 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider a , "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO . 2/ 1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE" ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No . 3/ 1997 a, "LOCAL LAW TO AMEND LOCAL LAW NO , 2/ 1976 BY CLARIFYING DUE DATE OF BILLS , USE OF CURRENT UNPAID BILLING INFORMATION FOR LIEN PURPOSES AND TO EXTEND TIME BEFORE SUPERVISOR MAY TERMINATE SERVICE"; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby directed to advertise and file the said local law as required by Town Law, MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Roll call vote carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 0,." J& W&., Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk Q1 _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273 - 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 15 SEQR : Local Law to Clarify Minimum Sewer Rents for Properties Without Metered Water Resolution No . 125 WHEREAS , this action is the enactment of a local law to clarify minimum sewer rents for properties without metered water; and WHEREAS , this is an unlisted action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to the enactment of local laws ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board , at a public hearing held on August 11 , 1997 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form , Parts I and II for this action ; RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed and , therefore , neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form , nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i Town Assigned Project ID Number Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY ONLY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION o be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1 . AppllcanuSponsor: 2. Project Name: Local Law to Clarify Minimu Town of Ithaca Town Board Sewer Rents for Properties without met red 3. Precise location (street address, road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc, or provide map) : N / A Tax Parcel Number: 4. Is proposed action : NEW? EXPANSION? MODIRCA7ON/ALTERATION ? X 5. Describe project briefly: ( Include project purpose, present land use, current and future Enactment of a locaf ` iaw` t o pc�gar1ly minim{lYte9'6 ver rents for properties withou metered water . (Attach secarate sheet( s) it necessar to adequately describe the prcccsed prciect_) Amount of land affected : Initially (0-5 yrs) Acres (6- 10 yrs) Acres (> 10 yrs) Acres N / A How Is land zoned presently? N / A 8. Will proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions ? YES NO If no, describe conflict briefly : N / A 9. Will proposed action lead to a request for new : Public Road? YES NO X Public Water? YES NO X Public Sewer? YES NO X 10. What Is the present land use In the vicinity of the proposed project? Residential Commercial Industrial Agriculture Park/ Forest/Open Space Other Please Describe: N / A 11 . Does proposed action Involve a permit, approval, or funding, now or ultimately from any other governmental agency (Federal, State, Local)? YES NO If yes, list agency name and permivapprovaUfunding : 12. Does any aspect of the proposed action have a currently valid permit or approval ? YES NO If yes, list agency name and permit/approval. Also, state whether It will require mod(flcadon. N / A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ppllcant/Sponsor NTa�m?7�e— ( Print or Type) : re , Date : 8 / 11 / 97 Rev. 8/92 PART II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary. ) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes , coordinate the review process and use the full EAF. B . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in 6 NYCRR , Part 617. 6? YES NO X If no . a negative declaration may be suoerseded by another involved agency , if any. C . Could proposed action result in any adverse effects associated with the following : (Answers may be handwritten , if legible) C1 . Existing air quality , surface or groundwater quality , noise levels , existing traffic patterns , solid waste production and disposal , potential for erosion , drainage or flooding problems ? Explain briefly: None anticipated . C2. Aesthetic, agricultural , archaeological , historic , or other natural or cultural resources ? Community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C3 . Vegetation or fauna, fish , shellfish , or wildlife species , significant habitats , unique natural areas , wetlands , or threatened or endangered species ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C4. The Town 's existing ;, fans or goals as offliciajly adopted , or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . CS . Growth , subsequent development, or related a cavities likely to be induced by the proposed action ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . Co . Long term , short term , cumulative , or other effects not identified in C1 - CS ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) ? Explain briefly : None anticipated . D . Is there , or is there likely to be , controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts ? YES NO X If yes , explain briefly : E. Comments of staff X CB other attached . ( Check as acolicable . ) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions : For each adverse affect identified above , determine whether it is substantial , large , important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (le. urban or rural) ; (b) probability of occurring ; (c) duration ; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scone : and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanatfcns contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed . Check here if you have identified one or more octentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. X Check here if you have determined , based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation , that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary the reasons supporting this determination. Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency Prepa(w" s Signature ( If different from Responsible Officer; Catherine Valentino , Supervisor Name & Title of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer �_ J �•� � �vv��-t? Date : August 11 , 1997 _ Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency fly OF 171 F a TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273- 1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 16 Enactment : " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" Resolution No . 126 WHEREAS , the properly advertised public hearing has been held to consider a , " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby enact Local Law No . 4/ 1997 a , " LOCAL LAW TO CLARIFY MINIMUM SEWER RENTS FOR PROPERTIES WITHOUT METERED WATER" ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby directed to advertise and file the said local law as required by Town Law. MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Roll call vote carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 oa Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF 1 T� TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o4$ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 18 Pioneer Development Rezoning Request Woven Hearts Assisted Living Facility Resolution No . 127 WHEREAS , the Pioneer Development Company have presented ' a proposal to the Town Board requesting a zoning change to construct the Woven Hearts Assisted Living Facility on 103 Bundy Road , since assisted living facilities are not currently permitted uses in the R- 15 Residence zone ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed and considered the request from the Pioneer Development Company as proposed , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby refer the request from the Pioneer Development Company for rezoning to construct the Woven Hearts Assisted Living Facility at 103 Bundy Road to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for their consideration and recommendation . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 44 f OF rT� F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� n o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX ( 607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 20 Acceptance for the Change in Location of a 1 . 8± Acre Parcel originally intended to be dedicated as a Town Park for Another Parcel on Owner' s Land , and Acceptance of the Location of a new 12 . 5± Acre Park Site on South Hill Resolution No . 128 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Planning Board , on June 18 , 1996 , discussed a sketch plan for the proposed Ithaca Estates subdivision (Tax parcel No . 43- 1 -3 . 32 ) , including discussions regarding park land reservation for that subdivision , as well as the possible change in location of a 1 . 8± acre proposed park site adjacent to the Montessori School ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Board , on September 17 , 1996 , discussed a revised sketch plan for Ithaca Estates Subdivision , with additional discussion on possible park sites ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Board , on December 3 , 1996 , discussed a proposal by Evan Monkemeyer to change the location of the proposed 1 . 8± acre park site adjacent to the Montessori School to another location on South Hill ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca draft Park , Recreation and Open Space Plan recommends the assemblage of at least 10 acres for a community park to be located on South Hill ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Board , on December 3 , 1996 , recommended that the Town of Ithaca Town Board pursue the proposed change in location of the above mentioned 1 . 8± acre proposed park parcel in conjunction with the proposed 24 . 12± acre Ithaca Estates Subdivision and 10 percent park land dedication (2 . 5± acres) to create a contiguous larger community park area ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Town Board , on December 9 , 1996 , agreed in concept with the above recommended approach ; and WHEREAS , staff has met a number of times with the owner of the above referenced parcels , and is satisfied with the new proposed community park area shown on the plan entitled Concept Sketch " , dated 3/ 10/97 , revised 3/26/97 and 5/ 10/97 , by Ryan Survey, and as shown in more detail on the survey maps entitled " Proposed Park Lands , Part of Military Lot 85 , Part of Military Lots 85 & 86 , and Part of Military Lot 86 , " all dated 5/23/97 , and i TB Mtg . 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No , 20 Resolution No . 128 Page 2 . WHEREAS , the Planning Board , on May 20 , 1997 , again discussed the proposed change in location of the 1 . 8f acre park site in combination with the location of a new 12 . 5± acre park site to include the 1 . 8± acre relocated park land , and the Planning Board adopted a resolution at that meeting recommending that the Town Board accept the location of the new South Hill Park site , and WHEREAS , the Planning Board granted Preliminary Subdivision Approval at the July 1 , 1997 meeting to split off the three parcels proposed as park land from Tax Parcel No ' s , 43- 1 -3 . 2 , 43- 1 - . 34 , and 43- 1 - 3 . 32 , and WHEREAS , the Town Board authorized an expenditure of funds to conduct a preliminary wetland evaluation of the proposed park land and the surrounding proposed future road right-of-way, in order to determine whether there may exist on the proposed park site any state or federally regulated wetlands that might constrain the future development of that site as a Town park, and WHEREAS , the Town hired Ichthyological Associates to conduct the above- mentioned preliminary wetland evaluation ; and WHEREAS , Ichthyological Associates has completed the preliminary wetland evaluation and submitted a final report (dated July 24 , 1997) to the Town , which in summary , indicates that there are no state- regulated wetlands present on the site , and that there is a small , isolated area ( approximately 150 feet by 70 feet , or just under one-quarter of an acre) that meets the federal three- parameter definition of a wetland , which would be subject to Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) regulation , and WHEREAS , the above- referenced wetland evaluation indicates that since the majority of the proposed park land is upland , and the identified wetland area is small and isolated , it is probable that any wetland area to be altered can be kept to less than one acre , and thus eliminate the requirement for pre-discharge notification to the ACOE , and also allow the site to be developed under the ACOE ' s Nationwide Permit Program , and WHEREAS , staff has adequately demonstrated that there are a number of park development options which could be accomplished by the Town without significantly altering the identified wetland area . TB Mtg . 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 20 Resolution No . 128 Page 3 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED : 1 . That the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby finds that the originally proposed park site adjacent to Montessori School , as it currently exists , would be better suited for future uses other than as a Town park ; and 2 . That the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby finds that the proposed change in location of the proposed park site presents an opportunity for the Town of Ithaca to establish a community park on South Hill as recommended in the draft Park , Recreation and Open Space Plan ; and 3 . That the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby finds that the proposed relocated 1 . 8± acre park site as part of the proposed new 12 . 5± acre community park site on South Hill , as shown on the plan entitled " Concept Sketch " , dated 3/ 10/97 , revised 3/26/97 and 5/ 10/97 , by Ryan Survey , is an appropriate location for a community park in the Town of Ithaca . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED : That the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby accepts the above described location of the 12 . 5 +/= acre park site on South Hill , based upon the following conditions . Said conditions to be fulfilled prior to the originally proposed 1 . 8± acre park site being released by the Town of Ithaca for sale or non - park purposes . a . the specific surveyed locations , deeds , and abstracts showing good and marketable title for each parcel to be assembled as a community park be submitted in a form acceptable to the Attorney for the Town of Ithaca and the Director of Planning for the Town of Ithaca . b . that Final Subdivision Approval be granted by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board in order to split off the parcels required for the assemblage of the community park . C . that a legal right of way (or permanent easement) be secured from King Road East to the proposed Town park site , subject to approval by the Attorney for the Town , the Director of Engineering for the Town and the Town Highway Superintendent . TB Mtg . 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No , 20 Resolution No . 128 Page 4 . d , that all of the other conditions and requirements of the Preliminary Subdivision Approvals granted by the Planning Board on July 1 , 1997 , be met prior to formal acceptance of the park land by the Town Board , and those additional conditions and requirements are herein incorporated as additional conditions of the Town Board ' s acceptance of the location of the proposed South Hill park land . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 1 OF I T TOWN OF ITHACA 210¢4- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 8/ 11 /97 AGENDA ITEM NO . 22 (a) SEAR : PURCHASE OF U . S . POSTAL SERVICE BUILDING Resolution No . 129 WHEREAS , this action is the approval by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca for the purchase of the U . S. Postal Service Building and conversion to Town Hall facility with approximately 5000 square feet of space leased back to the U . S . Postal Service for a Postal Store , subject to permissive referendum , and WHEREAS , this is an - unlisted action for which the Town Board is legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review, and WHEREAS , the Town Board , on August 11 , 1997 , has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I and II prepared by the Town Engineer, and additional materials relative to the purchase of the Tioga Street Post Office . Building , and WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has recommended a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to .the action . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above= referenced action as proposed and , therefore , an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; ' Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 ; 1997 naom Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk L L j� J m Rev . 10 / :C Town of Ithaca Environmental Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Located in the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County ONLY PART I - Project Information ( To ' e c3mpieteod � y .Applicant or Projec ` Sponsor ) 1 . Aoo iicant / Soonsor : 2 . Project Name : w N o f t rPAC A I ? UILLLASe of Lt5RS c t l Co p , AJ6� j S . Precise Location ( Street Acdrass and Road Intersections , prominent landmarks , etc . or provide mao ) : 1 rt4AK A A31 _ I ax Parcel Number : ? . , = Is cosad act'. cn : C ; Jc ! C < `^ CDIFiCAiICN / -� LTE? ', iiCN Descr-� e Project 3riefly ( Include proiec ' purpose , arose .^. ; , and use , current and future cons'rUction ] laps , and other relevant items ) : � CtEC4ASC ol= u5 P5 BUtLD / AjC - 4. F ,es /0AJ 77b -7--0 wA� A4UL Cc C . T y Z of O/ c£ [x45E Tu S PS - LT l SoO o t I ( Attach separate sheer( s ) i f necessar•; tc aCa ,uataly describe the proposed or *ct . , Amount of Land Affected : Initially (0 - 5 yrs ) r Acres ( 6 - 10 yrs ) Acres C > i 0 yrs ) Acres How is the Land Zoned Presently ? Goat mee c 14c, 3 . `dill proposed action comply with existing zoning or other existing land use restrictions ? YES NO If no , describe conflict Sr' ef'y : proposed action lead to a request for new Public ;Road ? YES NO i pC Pubiic 'Water ? YES I NO Public Sewer ? YES C NO KI I 10 . What is the present land use vin the vicinity of the proposee project ? C Residential Commercial CIndustrial Agricui `: ,re Park / Forest /Coen Soace Other Please describe : �� 5r oFF � cat= 1 1 . Does proposed action involve a oermit , aoorovai , or fencing , now or ultimately from any other governmental agency j (Federai , State , Local ) ? YES NO If yes , list agency name and permit / aoorovai /funding : i t,xS Pa C 2v ( ca. i i 120 Does anu asoect of the or000sed action have a currentiu valid permit or aoorovai ? YES C NO KI If yes , list agency name and permit / aoorovai . Also , state whether that permit / approval will require modification . i I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROYIDED ABOYE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOVLEDGE iicant oasor Name (Print cr Type) : =0W r4 p F I T-H ) CA 1 g� C l/LJ l Si natur , PART 11 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by the Town ; Use attachments as necessary.) A. Does proposed action exceed any Type I threshold in o NYCRR , Part 617. 12 or Town Environmental Local Law? YES NO X If yes . coordinate '.he review orccess and use the full EAF. B . Will proposed action receive coordinated review as provided for unlisted actions in o NYCRR , Part 5017. 6? YES NO X If no . a necative dec! araticn rnav be sucerseded by another involved agency . if any . C . Could proposed action result in any adverse affacts associated with the following : (Answers may be hanc,vritten , if legible) C1 . Existing air quality , sur'ace or yroundwa: er quality , ncisa levels , existing traffic patterns , solid waste production and disposal , potential fcr erosion , drainage or 'acciing problems ? Explain briefly : Q 0 C2. Aesthetic, acrid; Rural . archaeological . 'nistcr. c . or ether nar.: rai or ouitural rescurces ? Community or neighborhood character? Exclain brietly : k) oA3 E q- NTIC .4 PA- TTZ - C3 . Vegetation or fauna , Is ; , snoilfish , or ,viic ! ifa scecies , sicmiiicant ;;^ acitats , unique natural areas , wetlands , or 'threatened or endarcered scenes ? Ziain dr, efly : / v c) C The Town's existing plans or •ycals as o ;; C: ally adcctec , or a chance in use �. r ntens ; ry of use of land or other natural resources ? =: = iain , rie ly : CS. Growth , sucsecuent development, or reia: ed ac:;vities ' ikeiy :o be induced by :he prc ^ esed acticr ? Explain briefly : O Long _ - C5 ? explain briefly : Co . on term , short ter„� , cumulative , or „ ;� . _ r ��aca not ic .. r, t� fted in C1 0 f. C7. Other impacts (incluc :a, g changes in use of either quantity or type of energy) ? Explain briefly : D . Is there , or is there likely to be , controversy reiatad to potential adverse environmental impacts ? YES NO >� If yes , explain brie 's. E. Comments of staff CB other attached . ( Check as acolicable . ) PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by the Town of Ithaca) Instructions: For each adverse effect Identified above, determine whetter it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should ce assessed in connection with its ;a) set^ ng (le. urban or rural) ; (b) probability of occurring ; (c) duration -, (d) irreversibility ; ( e) geographic scope : and (f) magnituce. if necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials . Ensure that explanations contain sufficient tetaii :o show :hat all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed . Check here if you have identified one or more 'potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the full =.4F and/cr precare a positive declaration . Check here if you have determined , based on the infcnmaticn and analysis above and any supporting documentation , that the proposed action ;VIL'_ NC T result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attac:vhments as necessar/ the yeas ^ supcorting this determination. Town of Ithaca Town Board Name of Lead Agency Precarer' s Signature ( If different from Responsible Officer) Catherine Valentino , Super-\risor Name & Title off Responsible /Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Contributing Preparer CAI--~ -gut x, L Date : August 11 , 1997 Signature of Resoonsible Officer in Lead Acencv qty OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA n � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 22 (b) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND BUILDING FOR A NEW TOWN HALL, AUTHORIZING THE REMODELING OF SAME , AUTHORIZING THE LEASING OF SPACE TO THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE , AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FROM THE TOWN BUILDING RESERVE FUND FOR SUCH PURPOSE Resolution No . 130 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York held at the Town Hall , at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , in said Town , on August 11 , 1997 , at 5 : 30 o ' clock p . m . , Prevailing Time . The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Valentino , and upon roll being called , the following were PRESENT: Supervisor Catherine Valentino Councilman David Klein Councilwoman Carolyn Grigorov Councilwoman Ellen Harrison Councilman Ed Conley Councilwoman Mary Russell Councilman John Wolff WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has found that the present Town offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , are grossly inadequate for the needs of the citizens of the community , the staff of the Town , and the Town Board ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has investigated a number of possible sites and buildings for possible use as a new Town Hall ; and WHEREAS , the Town , after a great deal of investigation and review of various proposals and sites , has authorized the negotiation of a contingent purchase agreement for the purchase of property owned by the United States Postal Service located at 213 North Tioga Street in the City of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York , for the purposes of remodeling a portion of the building for use as a new Town Hall ; and TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 130 Page 2 . WHEREAS , the United States Postal Service is willing to transfer the building and property to the Town for a nominal sum in exchange for the right to use approximately 5200 square feet of the building space for use as a post office for the next twenty years ; and WHEREAS , it is reasonably foreseeable that the Town , because of increases of staff , services , storage capacity and other factors , will need to occupy all of the space in the building in 'twenty years , but the Town does not presently need all of the space ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board retained the architectural firm of HOLT & Co . for the purposes of analyzing the costs of remodeling the current building on said site for use as a Town Hall and Town staff offices at a cost that was reasonable to the Town Board and the taxpayers of the Town of Ithaca ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has received the report of such architectural firm indicating that the building may be renovated at a price and upon terms that the Town Board believes to be appropriate ; and WHEREAS , the acquisition of the property and the remodeling of the building for use as a new Town Hall has been determined to be an " Unlisted Action " pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the laws and regulations of the Town of Ithaca , the implementation of which as proposed , the Town Board has determined , will not result in any significant environmental effects ; and WHEREAS , it is now desired to authorize the acquisition of such property , the remodeling for use as a new Town Hall , the leasing of approximately 5200 feet of space to the US Postal Service , and financing of such capital project; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as follows : Section 1 . The Town of Ithaca acquire premises known generally as 213 North Tioga Street , Ithaca , New York , for the purposes of remodeling a portion of the building for use as a Town Hall for the Town of Ithaca on such location at a purchase price of $ 1 . 00 plus granting to the US Postal Service the right to , at its expense , remodel and occupy approximately 5200 square feet of space for a post office , all in accordance with the terms of the purchase offer presently under negotiation between the Town and the US Postal Service , the terms of which having been reviewed by and discussed among the members of the Town Board . TB 11tg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 130 Page 3 . Section 2 , The Town of Ithaca , subject to the contingencies set forth in said purchase offer and other contingencies relating to obtaining necessary approvals including , if a referendum is held , the approval of the voters of the Town of Ithaca , hereby authorizes the expenditure of up to $2 , 000 , 000 . 00 , for the acquisition of such property , the remodeling of the existing building on said property , the equipping of the building for use as a new Town Hall , and the payment of all costs incident thereto , including closing costs , architects fees , consulting fees , attorneys fees , bidding costs and any other related costs , all of said actions being hereinafter collectively referred to as the " Project" and all of such actions being authorized pursuant to Section 220 of the Town Law . Section 3 . $2 , 000 , 000 . 00 is estimated as the maximum cost for Project . Section 4 . The plan for the financing the Project consists of (a) The expenditure of all of the funds in the "Town Building Reserve Fund" established in September of 1993 and estimated to be approximately $ 1 , 832 , 000 . 00 as of the date of this resolution , for all of the costs of the Project; and (b) The expenditure of up to $ 150 , 000 . 00 , or such lesser amount as equals the difference between $2 , 000 , 000 and the total expended from said Town Building Reserve Fund , from current funds of the Town in the Town ' s of Ithaca' s budget for 1997 , which funds are hereby appropriated therefor, and which funds , if the same are not expended during the current calendar year, are to be added to the Town ' s Building Reserve Fund for expenditure as needed in connection with the Project . Section 5 . Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-c of the General Municipal Law, as amended , the Town Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca be and such Supervisor hereby is authorized and directed to expend from the "Town Building Reserve Fund" of the Town of Ithaca , duly established by resolution in September of 1993 , all of the principal and accumulated interest in said reserve fund , presently amounting to approximately $ 1 , 832 , 000 ( plus any amounts subsequently deposited in said account, but in no event in excess of $2 , 000 , 000) for the costs of the Project upon receipt of appropriate and valid requisitions for sums for same . Section 6 , The Town Supervisor is authorized to execute a lease with the United States Postal Service on behalf of the Town for the leasing of up to 5250 square feet of the space in the building at 213 North Tioga Street at a nominal or no rent , but providing for the Postal Service to pay its allocable share of utilities and other substantial costs of operating the building related to the operation of the Postal Service . 1 TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 130 Page 4 . Section 7 . Within 10 days after the adoption of this resolution by the Town Board , the Town Clerk shall , as set forth in Section 90 of the Town Law , post and publish a notice which shall set forth the date of the adoption of this resolution and contain an abstract of this resolution , concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof . Such notice shall specify that such resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum . Section 8 . If no referendum is requested , or if requested , a referendum is held and the referendum approves the resolution , this resolution shall be published in full by the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , together with a notice in substantially the form prescribed by Section 81 . 00 of said Local Finance Law , such publication to be in the Ithaca Journal , a newspaper published in the City of Ithaca and having a general circulation within such Town . Section 9 . This resolution shall take effect immediately , unless a referendum is requested , in which event it shall take effect , if approved at such referendum , upon such approval . Section 10 . This resolution is adopted subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Town Law Section 220 and General Municipal Law Section 6-c . The question of adoption of the foregoing resolution was , upon motion made by Supervisor Valentino , and seconded by Councilperson Klein , duly put to a vote on a roll call , which resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino Voting : Aye Councilman Klein Voting : Aye Councilwoman Grigorov Voting : Aye Councilwoman Harrison Voting : Aye Councilman Conley Voting : Aye Councilwoman Russell Voting : Aye Councilman Wolff Voting : Aye The resolution was thereupon duly adopted . Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk t ' 4 OF 17, F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA �� ' zi o4$ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273- 1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-5035 ENGINEERING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No . 23 Acceptance of Sewer Line on Park Lane Frandsen Subdivision Resolution No . 131 WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board , on July 1 , 1997 , granted Final Subdivision Approval for lots A6 and A7 of the Frandsen Subdivision section 4, for which preliminary subdivision approval was granted by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board on July 8 , 1986 , as shown on the subdivision plat entitled " Subdivision Plat, Frandsen Subdivision , Section 4" prepared by R. James Stockwin , P . L. S . , dated June 11 , 1997; and WHEREAS, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board acting as Lead Agency in environmental review, has made a negative determination of significance; and WHEREAS , The Developer has completed construction of the sewer improvements, as bounded by the deed description provided ; and WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has inspected the sewer improvements , and received record drawings and certifications from the developers Engineer that the improvements have been constructed to the Town of Ithaca specifications; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca accepts approximately 525 lineal feet of 8" PVC sewer main and appurtenances as public sewer, the details of which are shown on the subdivision plan and plans for sewer improvements. MOVED: Councilman Conley SECONDED: Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : August 11 , 1997 d L3:7 /A&Xoclrs� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA 21 O¢`� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No. 24 Public Interest Order - Sewer System Benefitted Area - Buttermilk Falls Resolution No. 132 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, in the City of Ithaca, New York, on the 11th day of August, 1997 , at 5 : 30 o'clock p. m, prevailing time. PRESENT: Catherine Valentino, Supervisor David L. Klein , Councilperson Edward Conley, Councilperson Carolyn J . Grigorov, Councilperson Ellen Z. Harrison , Councilperson . Mary Russell , Councilperson John Wolff, Councilperson ABSENT: None In the Matter of the Proposed Sewer Improvement in the Town of Ithaca, PUBLIC INTEREST Tompkins County, New York, pursuant to Article 12-C of ORDER the Town Law to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area ----------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, a plan , report and map has been duly prepared in such manner and in such detail as heretofore has been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the creation and construction , pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law of sewer system improvements to be known and identified as the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area, and hereinafter also referred to as " improvement" , to provide such sewer improvement including extensions, to the present Town sewer improvement, such sewer system improvement to be constructed and owned by the Town of Ithaca, and TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 132 Page 2 . WHEREAS, said plan , report and map have been prepared by Daniel Walker, P . E. , the Town Engineer, a competent engineer duly licensed by the State of New York and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk where they are available for public inspection , and WHEREAS, the area of said Town determined to be benefitted by said Town of Ithaca Sewer System Improvement - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area shall be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area and consists of the entire area of said Town excepting therefrom the area contained within the Village of Cayuga Heights, and WHEREAS, the proposed Town of Ithaca Sewer System Improvement - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area consists of the sewer improvements set forth below, and in the areas of the Town as set forth below, and as more particularly shown and described in said map, plan and report presently on file in the Office of the Town Clerk: Construction and installation of new 8" sewer main extensions running southerly from the terminus of the City of Ithaca sewer line at the City-Town line on Margaret Rumsey's property approximately 400 feet to the septic tank at the Buttermilk Falls State Park along Buttermilk Creek. WHEREAS, the maximum proposed to be expended by the Town of Ithaca for the aforesaid improvement is $25 , 00000; and 1 WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing to be employed by said Town of Ithaca consists of expenditure of current revenues and surplus funds from the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area derived from revenues assessed against the properties which are deemed benefitted by said improvement including a one-time contribution from the State of New York of $ 11 ,250 to be used toward the cost of such project as the New York State Buttermilk Falls State Park is one of the principal beneficiaries of the project; and WHEREAS, said maximum estimated cost is not greater than 1 /1 0th of 1 % of the full valuation of taxable real property in the area of the Town of Ithaca outside of any villages; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the cost of the aforesaid improvement, after deducting the contribution towards same from the State of New York, shall be borne by the real property in said Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area by assessing, levying upon and collecting from the several lots and parcels of land within said Benefitted Area, outside of any village, which the Town Board shall determine TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 132 Page 3 . and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvement, an amount sufficient to pay the costs of such improvement in the year in which constructed; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid improvement has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the laws and regulations of the Town of Ithaca, the implementation of which as proposed, the Town Board has determined will not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca duly adopted an order on May 129 1997 calling a public hearing upon said plan , report and map including an estimate of cost and the question of providing sewer improvements to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area, on the 9th day of June, 1997, at 7: 30 o'clock p. m . , Prevailing Time, at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, in the City of Ithaca, New York; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly posted and published as required by law; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the place and at the time aforesaid and all persons interested in the subject thereof were heard concerning the same; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the improvement to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement - 1997 as Buttermilk Falls Area; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1 . It is hereby determined that it is in the public interest to establish said Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area and to make the sewer improvement hereinafter described and such sewer improvement is hereby authorized. The proposed area hereby determined to be benefitted by said Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area is all of the Town of Ithaca outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights. Section 2. The proposed improvement shall consist of construction and installation of new 8" sewer main extensions running southerly from the terminus of the City of Ithaca sewer line at the City-Town line on Margaret Rumsey's property i i TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 132 Page 4 . approximately 400 feet to the septic tank at the Buttermilk Falls State Park along Buttermilk Creek, together with related facilities at an initially determined maximum estimated cost to said benefitted area of $25 , 000. 00. The method of financing of said cost shall be by application of a $ 11 ,250 contribution of the State of New York towards such costs, and the balance by assessments in the year of construction levied upon and collected from the several lots and parcels of land deemed benefitted from said improvement and located in said Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount of the benefit which the improvement shall confer upon the same. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the estimated expense of the aforesaid improvement does not exceed 1 /10th of 1 % of the full valuation of the taxable real property in the area of said Town outside of Villages and , therefore, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 13 of Section 209-q of the Town Law, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required for such improvement. Section 4. Pursuant to subdivision 6(d) of Section 209-q of the Town Law, the Town Clerk is hereby directed and ordered to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be duly recorded within 10 days of the date of adoption in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, which when so recorded , shall be presumptive evidence of the regularity of the proceedings and action taken by the Town Board in relation to the aforesaid improvement. Section 5 . It is hereby further determined that all of the cost of the aforesaid improvement shall be borne wholly by property within the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefitted Area - 1997 - Buttermilk Falls Area, being the entire area of the Town outside of .the Village of Cayuga Heights. Section 6. This order is adopted subject to permissive referendum. The question of adoption of the foregoing resolution was, upon motion made by Councilperson Ed Conley, and seconded by Councilperson Mary Russell , duly put to a vote on a roll call , which resulted as follows: Supervisor Valentino Voting Ave Councilperson Klein Voting &ALee Councilperson Conley Voting .&Ve Councilperson Grigorov Voting Ave Councilperson Harrison Voting Ave i TB Mtg . 8 / 11 / 97 Resolution No . 132 Page 5 . Councilperson Russell Voting Ave Councilperson Wolff Voting Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted . The undersigned, Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a public interest order duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca on August 11 , 1997, Joan Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p F � TOWN OF ITHACA 210¢$ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No, 25 Acceptance of Funds from the NYS Office of Parks and Historic Preservation for the Construction of Buttermilk Falls Sewer Improvements Resolution No. 133 WHEREAS, The Town Board has authorized the establishment of the Sewer Improvement area to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefited Area - 1997 = Buttermilk Falls Area in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and ; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the Sewer improvements , WHEREAS, the Town Board has requested that the NYS Parks fund the portion of the project that directly benefits the Buttermilk Falls State Park and the town . Engineer , has determined that the estimated cost to construct the sewer line . to serve the State Park property is approximately $22 , 500 and the State Park Engineering Staff has offered to pay Half that cost, or $ 11 ,250, NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, hereby accepts the funding of no less that $ 11 , 250 of the cost of the . Buttermilk Falls Road Sanitary sewer by the NYS Office of Parks and Historic Preservation , MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED: Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I " TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No. 26 Approval of Contract Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Construction of Buttermilk Falls Sewer Improvements Resolution No, 134 WHEREAS, The Town Board has authorized the establishment of the Sewer Improvement area to be known as the Town of Ithaca Sewer System Benefited Area - 1997 = Buttermilk Falls Area in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the Sewer improvements , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Construction of Sewer Improvements at Buttermilk Falls Road , and authorizes the advertisement forbids for the project. MOVED: Councilman Wolff SECONDED: Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk f OFIP TOWN OF ITHACA 21 og� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No. 27 Approval of Contract Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Construction of Buttermilk Falls Water Improvements Resolution No, 135 WHEREAS, The Town Board has authorized the establishment of the Water Improvement area to be known as the Town of Ithaca Water System Benefited Area - 1997 = Buttermilk Falls Area in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the Water improvements, NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Construction of Water Improvements at Buttermilk Falls Road , and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the project. MOVED: Councilman Conley SECONDED: Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino, aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i i OF 17, F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No . 28 Approval of Agreement Installation and Repair of Utilities in County Right-of-Way Resolution No, 136 WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed and considered and agreement with Tompkins County for the installation and repair of utilities in the County right-of-way; now, therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with any changes or amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman . Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 45 f OF 17, F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �0,¢� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No. 30 PUBLIC HEARING DATE Amendment to the Traffic Ordinance Resolution No. 137 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Town Board on September 8 , 1997, at 6: 15 p . m . , in order that the Town Board may consider an amendment to the Traffic Ordinance to prohibit parking on portions of Burns Road , and to erect stop signs on Culver Road and John Street, MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman . Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; . Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom, Town Clerk P OF 1P a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y STOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No's . 31 (a)-31 ( 1) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No' s . 138 (a)- 138 (1) BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 31 (a) through 31 ( 1 ) as presented on the individual resolution . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , ayes Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly U 1 P� TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (a) Approval Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolution No . 138 (a) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on July 7, 1997 , and for the Special Town Board meeting held on July 31 , 1997 to the Town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meetings ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes for the regular meeting held on July 7 , 1997 , and for the special meeting held on July 31 , 1997 as the official minutes for the said meetings . MOVED: Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman . Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED: August 11 , 1997 �J Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I ' I OF 1P� F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2104}- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (b) Town of Ithaca Warrants Resolution No . 138 (b) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . General Townwide Vouchers : No . 1515- 1656 , $25 , 489 . 872 General Outside Village Vouchers : No . 1515- 1652 , $5140411 . Highway Vouchers : No . 1514- 1650 , $ 132, 309 . 80 . Water District Vouchers No . 1517= 1632 , $ 17 ; 042 . 22 . Sewer District Vouchers: No . 1 .518- 1645 , $ 136 ,421 . 05 . Forest Home Lighting District Vouchers : No . 1503 , 1597; $368. 881 Glenside Lighting District Vouchers : No . 1503 ; 1597 ; $ 142072 . Renwick Heights Lighting District Vouchers : No : 1503 , 1597 ; $ 198 . 48. Eastwood Commons Lighting District Vouchers : No . 1503 , 1597; $395 . 648 Clover Lane Lighting District Vouchers : No. 15037 1597; $451884 Winner's Circle Lighting District Vouchers : No , 15032 1597 ; $ 129 . 96 . Burleigh Drive Lighting District Vouchers : No . 1503 , 1597; $ 1600586 West Haven Road Lighting District Vouchers: No . 15039 1597 ; $535 .66 . Coddington Road Lighting District Vouchers : No . 1503 , 1597 ; $315 . 96. Fire Protection Fund Vouchers : No , 1539 , 1646 ; $ 10, 526 . 340 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 — Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1A TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (c) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No . 138 (c) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers. Operating Fund Vouchers : No . 2042=2053, $56 , 936086 No . 2055-2107, $52 , 440 . 78 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers : No . H44 , H45 ; $6 , 325030 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison } Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Qtelc�r*,.) JOA IAImr� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk ID OF I P� F° 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273--8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (d) Sale of Surplus Items Resolution No . 138 (d) WHEREAS , the Highway Department has purchased a new grader to replace a 1966 grader; and WHEREAS , the Highway Department has purchased a new super duty truck to replace a single axle dump truck, and WHEREAS , the Engineering Department is replacing a 1989 Jeep with a 3/4 ton pick up truck, and WHEREAS , the Highway Department and Engineering Department would like to place a 1985 Ford F700 Dump Truck, and a 1966 Gailion T-500 Grader, a 1989 Jeep , an air compressor, a Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, a large safe, a surplus refrigerator, . and a typewriter in an auction in September; now therefore be it : RESOLVED , that a 1985 Ford F700 Dump Truck, a 1966 Gailion T-500 Grader, an air compressor, a Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, a large safe , a surplus refrigerator, and a typewriter be placed in an auction with the money from the sale going into the Sale of Equipment ( DB2665) account; and be it further RESOLVED , that a 1989 Jeep be placed in the auction with the money from the sale going into the Sale of Equipment (A2665 ) account . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p a TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 STOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8111 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (e) Appointment Ethics Board Member Resolution No, 138(e) WHEREAS , a vacancy exists on the Town of Ithaca Ethics Board ; and WHEREAS , Debra Gregg , 107 Troy Road , Ithaca, New York 14850 has requested appointment to fill the vacancy; and WHEREAS , the Interviewing Committee interviewed Mrs . Gregg on July 16 , 1997 and determined that Mrs . Gregg possesses the qualifications and qualities the Town Board is seeking to fill the said vacancy; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Mrs . Debra Gregg to fill the vacancy on the Ethics Board for a term of office commencing effective immediately upon adoption of this resolution through December 31 , 20029 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 i — Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No , 31 (f) Acceptance Town Justice Raymond Bordoni 's Criminal Docket Resolution No . 138 (f) WHEREAS , Town Justice , Raymond Bordoni has presented the Criminal Docket as listed and described below to the Town Board as required under Section 31 (b) , of Town Law; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby accept for filing by the Town Clerk the Criminal Docket of Town Justice , Raymond Bordoni as described and listed below; and be it further RESOLVED , the members of the Town Board , as required by Town Law shall sign and date the said dockets. Criminal Docket Book G 9/96-6/97 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk { 9 fly OF 1p a TOWN OF ITHACA 2104� 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 ; TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING 8/ 11 /97 AGENDA ITEM NO , 31 (g) AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND EMPLOYMENT PERIOD OF TEMPORARY PLANNING INTERN Resolution No . 138 (g) WHEREAS , Benjamin Helber has been employed by the Planning Department as a temporary Planning Intern during the summer of 1997 , whose term of employment, as currently authorized by the Town Board , is scheduled to terminate during the week of August 11 , 1997 , and WHEREAS , Mr. Helber has demonstrated a high level of competence and enthusiasm on the projects to which he has been assigned , and WHEREAS , the Planning Department has a number of high priority projects that will be continuing past the summer which would benefit from the continuing involvement of Mr. Helber, such as additional work on the GIS system , development reviews for the Planning Board and Zoning Board , and adjustments to the Benefit District Committee' s parcel database , among others , and WHEREAS , Mr. Helber has indicated interest and availability in extending his internship with the Planning Department , and WHEREAS , the Planning Department budget contains sufficient funds to cover the cost of extending Mr. Helber's internship through approximately the middle of October, 1997 , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the Director of Planning to extend the term of employment of Benjamin Helber as a temporary Planning Intern , at an hourly wage of $8 . 00 based on 35 hours a week, from August 11 , 1997 through approximately October 10 , 1997. The total wages to be added to the $3 , 600 previously authorized by the Town Board is not to exceed an additional $2 , 300 , and will be charged to Account # B8020 . 110 , Benefits are limited to the temporary status of this position . I TB Mtg. 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No. 31 (g) Resolution No . 138(g) Page 2 . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1r F 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 210¢ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y tOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (h ) Amendment of Town Board Resolution No . 235 (J ) of 12/11 /95 Security & Safety Procedures Policy Resolution No . 138 (h ) WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee has reviewed the Town Board Resolution Number 2350) , passed 12/ 11 /95 , which details the policy on cash handling , and office and building security, and WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee feels this policy is affective , but it does not relate to all employees of the Town and therefore should be amended ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Town Board Resolution Number 235 (J ) is hereby amended to list the security and safety procedures that would effect all Town of Ithaca employees ; and be it further : RESOLVED , the Town Board authorizes the Human Resources Specialist to make the said amendments to the Security and Safety Procedures Policy and include the amended version in the Personnel Manual , MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 oan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 1 I 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 ( i) Amendment of Town Board Resolution No. 96 of 4/11 /94 Paid Meal Time Resolution No . 138 (i) WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee has reviewed Town Board Resolution Number 96 , passed 4/11 /94 , which specified that during emergency situations employees would be paid for taking a meal period in place of being reimbursed for the cost of their meals ; and WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee is recommending an amendment to the said resolution that would change the method of payment or reimbursement for meal times . The change would require employees to accurately record time on their time sheet to allow them to be. reimbursed for their meals either through petty cash or accounts payable; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee , Town . Board Resolution Number 96 of 4/11 /94 , shall be amended and changed to read : " Employees called back to work in emergency situations may be reimbursed for meals , if receipts are provided by the employee . '; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board authorizes and .directs the Human Resources Specialist to make the said amendments to the Paid Meal Period Policy and include the amended version in the Personnel Manual , MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ;. Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 foan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273--8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (j ) Amendment of Town Board Resolution No. 64 of 4/7/97 Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule Resolution No , 1380) WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee recommended to the Town Board to approve and adopt Resolution Number 64 of 4/7/97 , which updated the vacation accrual schedule and carryover allowed , and WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee Chair and the Human Resources Specialist have reviewed the said resolution , and are recommending to the Town Board that amendments be made to the said resolution giving vacation allotments on January 1 st rather than on the employee' s anniversary date; now therefore be it RESOLVED , on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee Chair and the Human Resources Specialist, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, the Town Board hereby authorizes an amendment to Town Board Resolution Number 64 of 4/7/97 , Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule to have all vacation allotments given January 1st instead of having the first years allotment given on the employee' s anniversary date; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Human Resources Specialist to amend the said vacation policy and include the amended version in the Town of Ithaca Personnel Manual , MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk TOWN OF ITHACA 1] 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 (k) Regular Appointment of Director of Building and Zoning Resolution No . 138 (k) WHEREAS , Andrew Frost has worked for the Town as the Building Inspector and Zoning Officer since August 18 , 1986 and June 12 , 1995 was provisionally appointed to Director of Building and Zoning due to Civil Service compliance; and WHEREAS , Civil Service classified said title as competitive , and required an exam to be taken ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Frost has successfully completed the competitive exam for Director of Building and Zoning ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Andrew Frost to the salaried , full time position of Director . of Building and Zoning , with no probationary period required due to years of service in said title ; and be it further RESOLVED , the annual salary for the said position shall be $44, 353 for the year 1997 , job classification Q . Full time benefits apply . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 1P a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 8/ 11 /97 Agenda Item No . 31 ( 1) Regular Appointment of Assistant Zoning Officer and Building Inspector Resolution No . 138 (1) WHEREAS , Keith L. Christoffersen has worked for the Town of Ithaca provisionally as the Assistant Zoning Officer and Building Inspector since June 2 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Christoffersen has successfully completed the competitive examination to be considered a regular full time employee rather than a provisional employee; now therefore be it z RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Keith Christoffersen to the regular full time position of Assistant Zoning Officer and Building Inspector, retroactively effective August 4 , 1997 , with 16 weeks of probation remaining , in which employment status will be determined ; and be it further . RESOLVED , the 1997 hourly wage for the said position shall be $ 14. 10 , in jab classification M , with full benefits . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 r Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 3 f i 8 OF I r� F TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� ' n o4`� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y $ OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item No , 32 Approval and Adoption of Revised Personnel Manual Resolution No . 139 WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee has reviewed the March 10 , 1986 Personnel Manual that was amended by Town Board Resolution August 13 , 1990 and July 12 , 1993 , and WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee is recommending to the Town Board to approve and adopt the revised copy of the Personnel Manual ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve and adopt the said policies and procedures defined in the revised copy of the Personnel Manual ; and be it further RESOLVED , the policies and procedures in the said Personnel Manual shail . be in effect August 11 , 1997 for all employees of the Town of . Ithaca , and be it further RESOLVED , the said manual does not constitute a contract with the employees, but is a description of the policies and procedures for the employees to follow. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED: Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i �Zy OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA ,,�� � 210,¢^ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item Additional No , 1 SCLIWC Budget Transfers Resolution No . 140 (a) WHEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission ( SCLIWC) approved the attached budget transfers at their meeting held on August 7, 1997 ; and WHEREAS , Town Law requires that proper budget transfers be made prior to the over extension of budgeted appropriated line items ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Fiscal Officer acts as the Treasurer of the SCLIWC , and the Town of Ithaca Town Board acts as the administrative authority for the SCLIWC and must approve the said budget transfers ; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that the attached budget transfers be made to the 1997 SCLIWC Budget , MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 46 i i Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission O� I Regular Meeting 7/ 3 / 97 Agenda Item No. 71 Authorization to Transfer Funds From Operations Savings to Capital Checking VVI EREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission has been previously authorized to spend monies for the purpose of the Master Meter Project-, and WHEREAS, the final 10% of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission's share ($ 5 , 163. 20) of the cost of this Master Meter Project is due to the Town of Ithaca; and WHEREAS, the funds for this 10% need to be transferred from Operation Revenue to Capital Projects Fund; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commission of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission hereby authorize and direct staff to transfer $5163120 from 1990.400 Contingency to 9950. 900 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Further staff are directed to make the appropriate adjustment to Account 630 Due to Other Funds and 202 Super Savings to effect the final transfer in Capital Projects Fund to facilitate the warrant submitted this date to the Town of Ithaca. MOVED: SECONDED : (Attendance: ) . DATED: Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Meeting 8/ 7 / 97 Agenda Item No. 085 Authorization to Transfer Funds From Appropriation Lines SW 8310. 101 to SW 8340. 101 WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission acknowledges that the 1997 Budget was originally to include the Technical Service Assistant's pay to come out of the SW 8310. 101 , Administration Personnel Services line at the beginning of 1997; and WHEREAS, the Commission has recently determined that the Technical Services Assistant is now working for the Distribution Department; and WHEREAS, the Commission agrees that these funds should now come out of the SW 8340. 101 , Distribution Personnel Services line; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioners of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission hereby authorize staff to transfer $ 10,691 . 00 from Operations SW 8310 . 101 Personnel Services, to Operations SW 8 34 0 . 10 1 Personnel Services. MOVED: Commissioner Valentino SECONDED: Commissioner Anderson Ayes: Conneman, Cleveland, Hartill, Lipinski, Newman, Raffensperger, Schug. Nays: none.) DATED: August 7, 1997 Lawrence R. Parlett Commission Secretary Administration Department Leader Awl, X1 `1 cc. Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Meeting 8 / 7/ 97 Agenda Item No. 086 Authorization to Transfer Funds From Operations SW 9950. 900 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund, To Capital Projects Fund WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission acknowledges the completion of the Slaterville Road transmission-main replacement, and progress in the SCADA project in 1997 ; and WHEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission staff expects to pay invoices totalling $39 ,740 . 00 by December 31 , 1997 as budgeted in SW 9950. 900 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund; and WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission acknowledges receipt of a 12 " Bermad Model Pump Control Valve to replace the Parco Valve at the . Water Treatment Plant, at a cost of $ 5 ,410 . 40; and WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission also acknowledges receipt of supplies for the Valve installation, at a cost of $914 . 90; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , that the Commission does hereby direct staff to transfer $46 ,065. 30 from Operations SW 9950 . 900 to Capital Projects Fund to pay for the above said costs. MOVED: Commissioner Valentino SECONDED: Commissioner Raffensperger Ayes: Conneman, Cleveland, Hartill, Lipinski, Newman, Raffensperger, Schug. Nays: none.) DATED: August 7, 1997 Lawrence R. Parlett Commission Secretary Administration Department Leader OFlp TOWN OF ITHACA zi o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 8/11 /97 Agenda Item Additional No . 1 SCLIWC - Approval Check Imaging with Tompkins County Trust Co. Resolution No . 140 ( b) WHEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission ( SCLIWC ) approved the attached resolution authorizing use of Check Imaging with the Tompkins County Trust Company at their meeting held on August 7 , 1997 ; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Fiscal Officer acts as the Treasurer of the SCLIWC , and the Town of Ithaca Town Board acts as the administrative authority for the SCLIWC and must approve the said authorization to use Check Imaging with the Tompkins County Trust Company; now, therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the use of Check Imaging with the Tompkins County Trust Company by the SCLIWC as outlined in the attached resolution . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman GrigoroV, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : August 11 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 47 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 073 Regular Meeting 7/ 3/ 97 Agenda Item No. 73 Resolution Authorization use of Check Imaging with Tompkins County Trust Co. WHEREAS, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission has been notified by the Tompkins County Trust Company to receive monthly check images and WHEREAS, staff has recommended the use of check images in lieu of the original check to the Budget and Finance Committee on June 5 , 1997 and WHEREAS, the Budget and Finance Committee has favorably considered the staff recommendation and WHEREAS, the original checks will be kept at Tompkins County Trust Company, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that, pursuant to Section 99-b of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, whenever Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (the "Municipality) is required to receive, retain and/or produce for examination or audit a canceled check or checks drawn on the bank accounts of the Municipality, the Municipality, its officers and employees are hereby authorized to receive, retain and/or produce check images in lieu of canceled checks drawn on the bank accounts of the Municipality, provided, that such images show both sides of the canceled checks, and that such check images shall be considered the equivalent of original canceled checks for purposes of record keeping and auditing requirements, and be it further RESOLVED , that the Municipality implement the check imaging practices authorized by the preceding resolution for any purpose authorized by the statutes, rules and regulations of the State of New York as may be applicable to the Municipality from time to time, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Commissioners of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission hereby authorizes the implementation of the new check imaging system. MOVED: SECONDED: (Attendance: ) , DATED: DOF17pv7 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal ) : "ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT PARKING ON PORTIONS OF BURNS -� ROAD AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS ON JOHN STREET AND CULVER ROAD" . Location . of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk's Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Date of Posting : August 15 , 1997 Date of Publication : August 18, 1997 azrl.�. Town Clerk, Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of S , 19,2. a >� 0 totary Public Mary J. Saxton Notary Public State of New York Registration #01SA504400 Qualified in Tiogs Cou t luy Commisslon Expires i C r PUBLIC HEARING , NO- 'TICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of , Ithaca will hold" a public hearing at the regular .meet- ing 'of the'.' Town Board on September 8, 1997, at 6: 15 p m., at the Town Hall, 126 East . Seneca' Street, Ithaca, - New York in order that they ma consider on, ORDI- NANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA TO PROHIBIT ' PARKING ON PORTIONS . OF ::BURNS ROAD. AND TO ESTABLISH STOP SIGNS , ON JOHN' STREET AND CULVER ROAD. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER, NOL all citizens - at ' the .TICE, ."aforementioned time .. and .:' place shall be afforded - the ' opportunity to ,voice, their,op•; proval- or, opposition . to the said ordinance, and . ' PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- ' ,TICE, individuals :with visual .. impairments', hearing 'impair- ments or other special needs,; will be- provided 'witK.'assW, Lance as necessary, . upon; re- , quest. , Persons' desiring assis 1 tance ' must make a .request ot less than 48 ' hours prior . `rito the time of the public hear, 1 on .•• lent ' Note boom T o w n C I e r k . _ August 18, 1997 '