HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-05-20 TOWN OF ITHACA PPRCQNNPI COMMITTPP MEETING iviay 4u , r VZ7 i R � 5 a . m At regular meeting of the Personnel Committee for the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York held at the Town Hall Board Room there were present: Members present: Supervisor Valentino , Councilman Wolff, Don Tenkate , Working Supervisor; Betty Poole , Deputy Town Clerk, Sunnnrt staff nrgcent: j iriith C: • I7raka Hi iman Pacni irrec Mnnariar Others attending : Stanley Schrier , Cleaner; Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk; Jonathan Kanter , Director of Planning ; JoAnn Cornish- Epps , Planner; Mary grvar.t Saninr Tvnict Called to order: Rs ? Q a m . Agenda Item . 10 : Approval of April 15 , 1997 minutes : Motion to approve minutes , Betty Poole ; seconded by Mr . Tenkate without rnrrartionc nr aririitinng Anemia Itam ft's • Ctnff to ha haarri • Nnna Agenda Item #A Consider edited copies for Committee Approval : '1 Annearanra Pnlir-v • The Committea disrussed why to have 3 policy for . . I 1 1 1 .. appea s rance . is wazi explained that cn � policy izi needed oecau5e or %Civil Service . The Committee wanted to add a statement about dress appropriate to the type of work employees do , FuNc approved y . Employee Assizoiance and Gmbuds Service : The Committee reviewed the drafted copy , since last meeting it was decided to combine these two policies , /. • to / . • / /1 I \ 1 / IM / 1 1 • / .• / Supervisor varenuno approved . Councilman vvo� rT would like a wording change in reference to explaining "self-referenceto Possibly this should be spelled out, clearer , so employees will know what to do . Councilman WVOIFF asked to have Uaven/rinv" taken nut of the third naranrnnh Cour?ci ! man Wolff might suggest some clearer language later . Other than some language changes , the substance of tha nnlir-v wag ar) nrnyeri Si inprnricnr Valentino wants emninvaac to he corntortabie calling CORC, idr het p , whe ever they need ' co . Supervisor Valentino wanted members to compare this revised manual to the nrininal mini-lal fnr tnnir_.c not r-nvararl that chni•ilrl has aririari • Thao C:nmmittaa reviewed what the procedure would be after the revisions of the manual were none GriQvnncg Procaduro : Supervisor Valentino wantad to review paragraph by paragraph . underline Temporary and Probationary Employees in second paragraph . rnl-Incilman Wolff asked for clarification if an emplovPP has a problem with their Supervisor should they still yo to their tiuperviziur whir the problem . Committee decided all problems should be discussed with the Supervisor , even if it is with the Supervisor . T iris will encourage open discussion between Supervisors and employees . Mr. Kanter made the statement that we don 't want to encourage employees going around their Supervisor . ivirs . Poole asked to have Pnlitiral Affiliation anri S% AYi iai ()riPntatinn nririari to the list of aYr--antinnc in thrno `exceptions paragraph . Committee members agreed to add them . Supervisor YOlpntlno asked about whether `ha nmhi_lr{ cnarSnn yvi { I halo tra erTtnloveU writing 0 lob the grievance . runs . crake stated tine will cheese w4h C. urt%,. . Paragraph 2 (cj take out the word 'jointly" . ivir . Kanter asked to have "defendant" rhannarj to " rasr�nnriant" Mm drake askari nlarifsratinn nn nrnr-ar� iira ? 1Nhn rineg the written ,. . - . . documentation go to? In Step 3 wording was changed to " . . .formally referred to the Town Ss� nPryicpr" . Mrs . Poole asked whether the documentation would go into the employee' s personnel file or grievance file? Supervisor Valentino explained that it will go into a fnrmal mrievance file And , if nnnlir_nhie , Civil .Rervir_.e PerSonnol Pile . The question was asated about how the County runs their hearings under Civil Service . There is a need to clarify how Civil Service affects the grievance procedure . Supervisor vaientino suygetited referencing section to of Lire Civil Service Law . Mrs . Poole asked whether our grievance procedure was an in house procedure? This procedure isn ' t a disciplinary action , but this procedure could rnme ahniit bar-as- ice of a riicrinlinary artinn Mrs . C_:nrnigh_ r'pps asked for clarification that if an employee feels they weren 't treated fairly internally , where do thev mn? Tn Civil Servira? Tho C.ommittea nearic mnra rinrifinntinn nn this matter . Step 3 ; SUpervISOr Valentin �!!rar?tar� the last gPntenra tq ct3tA an intArirr� r� anicir) n lo a that could be overturned by the Town Board . Changed to " . . has the option to make an interim de ision to ho roviaworj by the Tnwn Bonin at an FYar_t itiva Session fOr a final determination " . Superviscr Valentino asked if the respondent should have the right to i yarhally makes .hair rasa hefnra the Town Rnnrri ? The C:cmmittae agreed to have the Town guard 'near both sides of the yricvarrt.; e . ' upervisor Valentino stressed gnat 'Erie Town ooarri cL-, ri only (Hake a Roar deierrTtirlai.ivn based on the wri 't'ten documentation . Any now ir?fnrrratinn not written can ' t be r_lSed to make the determination . We need to add in Step 2 wording that explains that final determination will he has?ci on the written riockimentation only . Tnarefore , all written documentation needs to be Clear , and precise . Underline "ail" . Councilman Wniff a ¢kAri whether tha amnlnvaag will ha invitAri nr how will thaw know to nn to . . . . 1- . - I :. We Town ouaru rhleeiing . Supervisui vaienUnu zouyyeZiied writing a procedure for the Town. Board to use , so they know what the procedure is . Mrs . Noteboom asked iiiai 'Erie T own ooaiu Ue able to call in wiiriesses ii there are. arty . Site stressed that this isn ' t lust a ^ anartment r ' onri vg . Fmnlnyao nrnred , Ira that it can very well be an employee vs . employee situation . in reference to witnesses , Step i ring` ctatA '?hat *hp r)anartmant Haari ig to invactinata the rilunl- Ita _ Therefore talk '.p - 1 - - - . _ _ NO witnesses , if there are any . Supervisor Valentino stated " that the grievance procedure' s main purpose is to invACtirinta whathar nn amninvaa nac not been treaters fairly under the guidelines of the manual . The only things grievauie are items covered in the mnni iai" Sha aYnlainarl that if twn amnlnvaac ara rlicni itinrr than that is to ho coveieu uriuei We %1jllI iuuZPuetau1i Service rwi site yrievance procedure . The grievance procedure is for employees who feel they were not treated fairly under ON he guidennea ui Ene rersonriei Manual . i nereture , ina 't irns exp uriaiwn needs to be clarified better in tho niirnnce nararrrnnh . Coijinnilman Wolff suggested the following for the Purpose Paragraph : " A mriAvanre refarc to riic,� nr itAg nortaininn Oat to thin trantmant of nn amnlovoa under the previsions of applicable guidelines procedures and policies or the Personnel Manual and the laws" . Supervisor Valentino wants a gaining on now to deal with iris prucedure for all Department Heads and the Human Resources Manager. T'nis will holn keen everyone in line on now to handle the procedure . Algn ac nnrt of Atan ? tha nlaimnnt anri racnnnriant chnr_ ilri inrliiria written documentation from witnesses . Mrs . Drake will rewrite this procedure and 'bring it back to the June meeting fnr final annrnvni Ac a raminrior napes tn , • , . . NO .. , I ,) nave yuidennes iui i own coma 2 ) nave. informal training/discussion with Department Heads and Human Resources Nianager on how this should be implemented , Mr . Kanter would lot this aYnanr�larl to inr; lt_irio nthar mannnament nrnr_.arii irac . Mr . Wolff asked about exit interviews : Mrs . Drake stated that she does do exit interviews . ivir . vvoiiT asked to nave this 'topic addressed in lire T errninaiion or Employment Section . " All employees will haVe an exit interview with the Human Resources bianager" . i i rvrrs • ivuteuuorn asked w nave an interviewees De given a rersonner Manual and the Ethics I awi to review ThiS o ild them the npnnrtt inity to ask questions about them during the interiiews . Supervisor Valentino suggested addinrg. the F_ thicc Laws and Oisrdnsr. rra tat?mant as an ?xhibit. OVA need to have new employees sign a statement that 'they nave raceiveu a copy or the Personnel Menr� aJ Therafnr? , thaw r� n ' t deny rereivinn it Aitanrianra at Tnwn I; nnncnrari F ,_rnrtinn Supervisor Valentino explained why this policy was being addiesse . She ctrasS?d that all frinrtionc mi ict hava a cnarifiari ctnrt, ;%nri 5nicheol time i e r% m w o p . rTi . . Ournrnmee approved poncy . Supervisor Valentino asKed to nave members compare the revised manual to thy? , t irrant mini p in nrriar to mafra ci ira nll t_ha infnrmatinn iS inr_.ir_iAtzri bhp wouiu ime to nave Lola worrcrny cupy avanabie iuf Erie i own Board s Tirst review after the June meeting Personnel Committee meeting . Then have it reviewed by 1 A • • . • • • . . I to . T /\ ernpwyees . one vvuuiu race :u ► lave it in prace w, Erie r�uyuza own oucru rneetiny . Sr, pgnAsor Valentino asked to Nava tha naYi meeting Inns ar in hnnac of getting through what is left. ivext scheduied rneetiny vi =ersonnei June i I ig8i . ivieeiing adjourned : MOO a . m . Respertfi_Oly S ihmittorl hy : Judith C . Drake , Human Resources i'v1anager i Agenda Item 5 Town of Ithaca Information Technology Committee 's Monthly Report Town of Ithaca Town Board, July 7, 1997 Current Issues The software training on Windows and Microsoft Office was completed. Town staff is still in the transition phase . We have set a target date of September 1 , 1997, for all employees to use Microsoft Office Suite exclusively. Some Information Technology Committee (IT) members reported that, due to technical problems, it will be a slow process . The IT Committee discussed and solicited the services of a local internet access company. It received quotes from three companies and selected Lightlink. The committee also decided that the Town should continue with just three mailboxes . One in the Town Clerk' s Office (downstairs) , one in Planning Department (upstairs) , and on at the Highway Department (106 Seven Mile Drive) . This will serve all Town Department' s adequately. Gail Kroll informed the Committee that the Auctioneer needs a list of articles for the September Auction by August 8 , 1997 . The Committee decided to ask the Board for sealed bids for the three surplus computers the Town currently has. If there is no interest , we would like to send them to auction . PURCHASES The hardware needed to run the new software (Microsoft Office Suite) has been purchased, installed, and they are working fine . Due to an oversight, another round of purchases is being considered to accommodate the needs of the Town Justices, The Highway Department purchased a network hub so that the "trailer" (which houses two Engineering employees and one Highway employee) and the Highway office will be linked. The Accounting Department is currently in the process of upgrading the Accounting Package . This will be installed around June 23 , 1997. Future Issues The IT Committee continues to discuss a Web Page . Most members have discussed this with their respective Department and are compiling a list of items to be considered for web publication . . John Wolff indicated that we need to decide what must be on the page initially and what will eventually be added to the page as the Town uses of the web. We will send the initial list to the Board for their approval . Some IT members expressed concern about putting full sets of minutes on the page. The Committee acknowledges that we also need policies and procedures for the Web Page, along with internet access . We will work on these as soon as possible. There was a discussion about hiring a Computer Administrator. There are a large number of technical needs that are not being adequately met by our current resources. This person might also be available for updating a Web Page, trouble shooting, and any other issues related to computer work. The IT Committee is preparing a full memorandum on this subject that will be made available to the Town Board for consideration during the budget process . glik .. .�' Poo CITY OF ITHACA 310 WEST GREEN STREET ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 OFFICE OF TEL (607) 272-1234 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS FAX (607) 272.2793 Catherine Valentino , Supervisor Town of Ithaca Monday July 7 , 1997 Report of Fire Commissioners 1 . Ithaca Training Center improvements continue . Other Fire Departments and outside agencies are using the center for a " users " fee . 1998 projects are - rope rescue area - draft site- confined space tunnel- hazardous materials simulator and utility improvement . 2 . Agreements were signed by all companies . This will create more activity within each company to recruit hopefully . 3 . Fire Police training was given to over 30 candidates June 30 , 19970 One of own career people is a NY State instructor. 4 . Uniforms are being purchased for active volunteers . $ 50 dollars coming from recruitment and retention budget line . 5 . Good news : semi - automatic external defibrillators have arrived at i Fire Central . They will be placed on each Fire apparatus . ASAP . 6 . Fire Prevention week October, 1997 . Events are being planned . 7 . 911 is very close to be on line . There will lots of promotion . 8 .There is a decrease in active personnel . We need a Fire Explorer Post ! There are 6000 plus youth at IHS . If only 1 percent could become fireman volunteer, career manpower worries would be reduced greatly 9 . Station Seven still empty . Company Sevens belongings are being stored at the Veteran Volunteer Firemen building . A� c By liaison BFC Lyman Baker, Chairman CC : BFC minutes 'An Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Program' bier Recycled Paper The . Jane 26 , 1997 Environmental Collaborative Mr. Evan Monkemeyer Ithaca Estates Realty E»Wronmental 123 King Road East r Consu(ung Ithaca New York 14850 and: : : F.Na; lral:Resource P/a ning Dear Evan : t On June 10, 1996 , "ferry Roswick and I conducted a site walkover of the Ithaca > ?;_ I Estates property. The purpose of this inventory . was to determine if any of the species listed in the "Tompkins County Environmental Management Council and Cornell Plantations report titled " Unique Natural Areas of Tompkins County" r , .. . (hereafter referred to as the UNA) for the area identified as I"T-8 (South Hill Swamp) occur on your property. In the course of conducting this site walkover, we also identified the vegetation community types present on your property. As 1 have discussed with you previously, aerial photographs of the site clearly .1 Lid l show that the entire property has been farmed in the past. Since the cessation of farming, the property has become dominated by a shrub thicket (which is one of iaa Low # f the vegetation community types listed in the UNA). A few small patches of ►., , . . meadow (also identified in the UNA) were noted within the shrub thicket, but they were rather insignificant and most occurred within the mowed roadway qo through the property. The dominant species on your property include gray dog- ��� wood (Cornus foemina) and arrowwood ( Viburnum recognitum), which are very ;.. ... . . common in abandoned agricultural fields throughout New York State. fz One vegetation community type that we did not find on your property is wet- s��`�z land. We noted a few sedges (Carex species), but these occurred in tire ruts in J the mowed roadway that winds through the site. We did not notice anything that Lod . would qualify as a wetland under Federal or State jurisdiction. :Regarding my qualifications for this type of work I have Bachelors and Masters r �1iY �r degrees in Botany and, over the past 20 years, have conducted vegetation inven- .I tories (including rare species searches) in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Con- i. K }h necticut, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Texas. For the past 10 years, I have conducted wetland delineations and assessments in Maine, [ New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massa- chusetts, and Puerto Rico. I have worked extensively with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Buffalo and New York districts, and have never had a wet- 4::1yfC: 4 4'�rRdtil t� 4i ,: j� }'=:: 309 Palmer Drive ■ Fayetteville, New York IN 13066 ■ 315.637.3701 ■ email breuter887 ® aol.com Mr. Evan Monk meyer June 26, 1997 page 2 land delineation rejected by either district. I believe my education and professional experience in plant ecology and wetlands adequately address my qualifications to conduct a vegetation inventory of your property, including the identification of wetland community types. If you have any questions concerning the results of the site review, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Barbara C. Reuter President cc: Terry Roswick i William H . Proctor & Son 3244 Agard Road Trumansburg , NY 14886 607 - 387 - 6826 ESTIMATE May 5 , 1996 Proposal submitted to : Work to be performed at : Mike Barrett same 113 Hill Crest Drive Ithaca , NY 14850 277 - 6235 Description of work to be performed : To clean approx . 660 foot of ditch on Cliff Street side of road . Spread and compact an average of 4 " of lime stone crusher run on approx . 860 ' of road . Road will be crowned 3 " to shed water to new ditch and off "r6'JM on lower side . All waste from ditch to be disposed of on site , t a or the sum of $ 3950 . 00 + tax . yment to be made as follows : 502, kluwn ; 50 % upon completion . Estimate includes : Material and ibor as required in accordance with the above specifications . All material is guaranteed to be as specified . All work to be completed in a wor ),; mantike manner acem ding to standard practices . Any alteration or deviation f. row, above specifications . involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders , Land will. become an extra charge over and above the estimate . All agreements; contingent upon strikes , accidents or delays beyond our control. . Owner tc:, carry fire , tornado and other necessary insurance . 01.) , workers are fil :lly covered by Workman ' s Compensation Insurance , Note : This estimate may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days . Authorized Signature The above prices , specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted . You are authorized to , complete this contract as specified , payment will be made as outlined above . thorized Signature / company name -'- Date of acceptance To : Kathy Valentino , Town of Ithaca Town Supervisor and Town Board Members From : Owners of Residences on Hillcrest Drive , Town of Ithaca Date : July 2 , 1997 We the Undersigned are owners of residences on Hillcrest Drive , a privately owned and dead - end road a mile south of the hospital . Our only entrance/exit is on Route 96 , the "Trumansburg Road . " There are eight houses on the road . At this time , the owners of four of those houses are living elsewhere , though one of them will be returning next year. Richard Berggren (who resides on nearby Williams Glen Road ) is the present owner of the road as well as two small pieces of land on the road . But the present owners of the residences on the road and their predecessors on the road have been responsible for the maintenance of the road , including yearly snowplowing , for at least the past sixty-five years without any aid from Mr. Berggren or previous owners of the road . According to NYS Consolidated Laws Service 17A p . 326 , § 315 , "Credit on private road . Any person living upon a private road ma be credited on account to his highway taxes in any year an amount equal to the value e t e work which the town superintendent may deem necessary to be done in such year upon such road . . . . " Hillcrest Drive has been a town - approved subdivision since at least June 21 , 1932 (the date of the earliest map we have so far been able to locate ) . For at least sixty -five (65) years the owners of property on this road have paid Town taxes which have included monies for highway and road maintenance without receiving any compensation for such maintenance of our road . " Today , we the undersigned are joined in asking the Town to at least give us partial compensation for the sixty - five years of taxes paid by us and our predecessors on the road , by having the ditch along the west side of the road cleared out and the road graded . rye ) vcv + Attached is an estimate made last yearsby William Proctor for this project . Because we are not able to afford this much - needed maintenance work we ask the Town ( under the mandate of § 315 ) to either perform the work or to pay for the work being done . Respectfully yours , Doria Higgins , owner and resident 2 Hillcrest Drive . . . . . . . . 16606 * 6 Celia Bolyard , owner and resident 13 Hillcrest Drive . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoda & Michael Barrett , owners and residents 113 Hillcrest Drive �G. t . . /. u. . .66�Z Steve & Liza Lempke , owners and residents 15 Hillcrest Drive s ` gandi Smith , owner 1111 Trumansburg Road ( 1 Hillcrest Drive ) . . . Jill Hartz & Richard Hershkowitz , owners 6 Hillcrest Drive . 0a I?� � . uer ��`� Ann Pendleton & Guillaume Julian , owners 10 Hillcrest Drivefth". Pt" at`1. . . 1,: f(4V '� � " t`A``' 6 � tt�r � � Nellie Fisher , owner 11 Hillcrest Drive _Ls 6y p: . . SI ! k ): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Though we remember with deep appreciation in a winter several years ago , when a neighbor of ours was dying , that Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent , kindly assured us that in a snow emergency he would definitely get us snowplowed and our neighbor- to the hospital if necessary . 6 ve ✓ AGENDA ITEM N0 , 13 BARNEY , GROSSMAN , DUBOW & MARCUS ATTORNEYS AT LAW C. BARNEY SENECA BUILDING WEST #ER G . GROSSMAN SUITE 400 D A. Duaow 1 19 EAST SENECA STREET RANDALL B . MARCUS WILLIAM J . TROY III ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 FACSIMILE ( 607) 272- 8806 KRISTIN E. HAZLITT' ( 607 ) 273- 6841 ( NOT FOR SERVICE OF PAPERS) 'ALSO ADMITTED IN MARYLAND a WASHINGTON , D. C. Town Board Meeting 7/7/97 Report on South Hill Trail Easement July 2, 1997 TO: HONORABLE CATHERINE VALENTINO AND MEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD : At the last Town Board meeting you asked for us to review the easement for the South Hill Trail given by Therm, Inc. to answer the question of whether the Town had an exclusive right to control use of the easement area or whether others might also be permitted rights in the property. We have concluded that the Town does not have exclusive rights and that the owner of the parcel may grant others the right to cross the area, provided the grant to others does not interfere with the use of the easement premises by the Town for trail and water and sewer purposes, The above conclusion is based upon several provisions of the document: 1 . The specific grant of the easement is of a " permanent right of way " to construct and maintain " a recreational trail and appurtenances " to be used by the Town and general public " for recreational purposes and for underground water and sewer lines only. " 2. Paragraph 8 of the easement restates that " the property shall be used for recreational, sewer and water purposes only . . . " ry` r 3 . In paragraph 2 of the easement the grantor expressly reset d theunderlying fee : title � ., y to " the easement area, "subject to, the rights and pnviTeges herei granted Ito the Town. `' Clearly the Town was granted less than the fee title to the property, thereby reserving rights oilier than those expressly conveyed to the Town for the continuing use of (or subsequent conveyance by) the original grantor. Thus conveyance to another of the privilege to cross the easement area for access to a private home, for example , would be a right that was retained by and could be conveyed by the original grantor. However, while title was retained, the exercise of title privileges is subject to the rights granted to the Town. Thus, for instance, it would be July 2 , 1997 Page 2 incompatible with the rights granted to the Town for the Owner to construct and maintain some sort of four lane boulevard along the trail. This clearly would be inconsistent with the grant of an easement for " recreational trail" purposes. 4. Interestingly, there are a couple of provisions in the easement document which strengthen the Town' s ability to exert some control over other uses that may be granted: (a) Paragraph 3 requires the Town, when doing any work, to normally restore the property to its state pre-work except it states "Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing shall prevent the Town from installing a trailway, planting vegetation within the easement area, excavating or modifying the terrain within the easement area, and making modifications and changes to the property over which the Trail itself. actually passes without being obliged to restore such property to the prior condition. " (b) Paragraph 8 states the "Town agrees that the Town' s rules and regulations regarding trails shall apply to the trail contained within the easement given by this instrument. " While these provisions do not prohibit other uses of the easement area, they clearly circumscribe other uses and are the underpinning for our conclusion that uses inconsistent with trail uses may not be granted. OF 11, TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREE= T , ITFIACA , N . Y . 14850 'I OWN CLERK 273- 1721 1IIGI IWAY 273- 1 G56 PAIIKS 273- 8035 ENG114ECIIING 273- 1747 PLANNING 273- 1747 ZONING 273- 1703 FAX (60) 273- 17U4 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I , Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn , say that I am the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York ; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca and the notice has been duly published in the official newspaper, ( Ithaca Journal) : PUBLIC NOTICE , PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance clarifying the applicability of R-30 regulations to non-agricultural activities in agricultural districts . Location of Sign Board Used For Posting : Town Clerk's Office 126 East Seneca Street Ithaca , NY 14850 Date of Posting : June 16 , 1997 Date of Publication : June 18, 1997 Town Clerk , Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ' - day of l' 1 •, . , 19 �',Z . Notary Pub lic Mar is Notary Public, State of INew yorh Reglstratlon #01SA5044003 Qualliled in Tloga County My Commission Explres - 6 r:� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF ITHACA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearin� at Ilse regular meel- Ing of lire Town Board on July 7, 1997, of 6: 15 m. at Ilia Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Illiaca, New York in order Thal' they may consider an amendment to Ilia Zoning Ordiance clarifying the ap- plicability of R-30 regulations to nonagricullural activities in agricultural districts. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE, all citizens at the aforementioned time and place shall be afforded Ilia opportunity to voice their op- , 1 provol or opposition to the said amendment, and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE, individuals with visual impairments,, hearing impair- ments, or other special needs, will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desir- ing assistance must make a request not less than 48 hours Pnor to the lime of The public hearing. Joan lent Noteboom Town Clerk June 1 1$ 1997