HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-04-07 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 7, 1997 5 : 30 P . M . At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York, there were present: PRESENT : Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov , Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Edward Conley , Councilman ; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; John P . Wolff, Councilman . ALSO PRESENT : Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services ; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning ; Alfred Carvill , Secretary to the Supervisor. OTHERS : Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department; Brian Wilbur, Ithaca Fire Department; Lauren Stanforth , Ithaca Journal ; Eric Klein , Cornell University ; Beverly Livesay, Tompkins County Board of Representatives ; Scott Whitham , Cornell University; Nelson Eddy, Ithaca ; Alfred Eddy, Ithaca; Stephen Eddy, Ithaca ; Gail Eddy , Ithaca ; Michael Yehl , Adams Theisen and May Attorneys at Law, Clinton House ; Alex Leam , Ithaca Times , CALL TO ORDER : Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5 : 32 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . AGENDA ITEM NO 3 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS • A. Director of Engineering - See attached . Be Town Highway Superintendent - See attached . Co Director of Planning - See attached . Councilwoman Russell - What is happening with the South Hill Park site? Mr. Kanter - That was to be scheduled to be considered at tonight' s meeting , but some things have not been worked out with the applicant. I will keep the Board informed about any new information . D. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached . Mr. Frost - The Building and Zoning Department mailed out letters to 37 property owners who were at the meeting relating to drainage issues in the northeast. The Building and Zoning Department TOWN BOARD MINUTES 2 APRIL 7, 1997 offered its services to do inspections of sites and buildings for homeowners who wish to improve drainage around their homes . There were several responses from the letter. d E. Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services - See attached . Councilwoman Harrison - Did the representative from SARA help clarify any issues for the Records Management? Mrs . Noteboom - Yes . All departments are going to work on a standardized directory for the GIS system that will work with the Records Management Program . Department Heads who attended the meeting received input on how the Records Management Program would work for their staff. F. Financial Report - See attached . AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : Councilman Wolff - There is nothing to report from the Intermunicipal Cable Commission . The Information Technology Committee has submitted a monthly report. A more detailed report could be provided if people were interested . The Information Technology Committee is making Records Management a priority with the creation of a standardized file directory. The rest of the priorities are continuing as outlined . Councilwoman Russell - There is no report from the Recreation Partnership . Cornell University Incinerator Project meetings are ongoing . Councilman Klein - Mr. Kanter has prepared an executive summary of the zoning revisions that includes the draft section dealing with the various zones . The Codes and Ordinances Committee discussed and reviewed the draft zoning revisions . Several of tonight's agenda items reflect the Public Works Committee's projects. One has to do with the temporary closure of the East Ithaca Recreationway, The Public Works Committee discussed property acquisition in the Deer Run area . It was hoped that the Town could acquire a building lot in this area to shorten the recreation path , and to make it accessible to bicyclists . However, the building lot was sold to someone hoping to construct a home on the lot. Supervisor Valentino - Since this building lot was sold a grant that was being applied for to help offset costs for construction of this recreation path has been withdrawn . It is important that when something happens that cancels a project the next meeting minutes reflect what happened . Councilman Klein - Some agenda items tonight will be to consider additional equipment purchases for the Highway Department for emergency water and sewer repair equipment. There will also be } TOWN BOARD MINUTES 3 APRIL 7, 1997 a bid package for a new truck. The truck purchased last year has been returned because it did not meet the Town ' s specifications . The Public Works Committee reviewed the possible water and sewer extension to the Buttermilk Falls Park including the Ithacare water tie ins . The Water and Sewer Benefit Committee is going to look at some options the Town might have in reworking the benefit formula . Councilwoman Grigorov - Is it less expensive to serve one person with a lot of water? Mr. Walker - There are two components to the benefit formula . The benefit assessment leans towards returning capital expenditures and debt based on the infrastructure . This depends on the peak load . Larger users create a larger demand . Large users might not be consistent at a high level , but they need to be provided enough infrastructure for their maximum demand . The capital improvements have no real reduction because of their size . The consumption of water can be a fixed cost no matter how much water is produced . The Town' s biggest cost for water production is energy to pump the water, so there is no real reduction in the cost per gallon of water. Councilman Klein - The Committee discussed what benefit assessments should be assessed on Buttermilk Falls State Park. The park would be a peak user during the summer, An annual basis of use for the park is not that large , but the cost of the extension is expensive . This Board should set the assessments as they see fit , AGENDA ITEM NO 6 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS: Bob Romanowski , Ithaca Fire Department - A donation of $25 . 00 for the defibrillator was received . The Fire Chief attended the National Fire Academy in Maryland , to give a report on the Strategic Analysis of Community Risk Reduction . Fires account for only five to six percent of all Fire Department business, and 60 to 80 percent of these are EMS calls . Reducing community risks would directly relate to reducing EMS calls . Chief Wilbur will be speaking later regarding the Sprinkler Ordinance . Would it be possible to charge a fee for false alarms , code enforcement, and some of the other related items? The Fire Department is considering the existing charges for permits and other fees to help find a way to reduce the operating' costs of the Fire Department, - - Four new fire fighters have been hired to replace three recent retirees, and one Lieutenant who will be retiring in June . The Fire Department is seeking approval from the Civil Service Commission to fill the position of Administrative Assistant for Financial Matters . This is a bookkeeper position to help Chief Wilbur and others in the head office . The Fire Department and the Public Safety Department are running into a tremendous budget crunch , whether it is in the County or a municipality, money seems to be the driving force. Elected TOWN BOARD MINUTES 4 APRIL 7 , 1997 officials are reluctant to raise taxes , but when there are salaries , fringe benefits , and the cost for equipment there does not seem to be enough money. AGENDA ITEM NO 5 - REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES : Beverly Livesay - Has the Town received a response from Stephen Whicher about the tax bill printing? Supervisor Valentino - There have been discussions with Mr. Whicher. Tim Joseph was to follow up on this issue . There was supposedly a letter sent to all the municipalities outlining the increased cost , but some of the municipalities did not receive the letter. The only letter we have is the one where Mr. Whicher was going to ask the County Board not to increase the cost of the tax bill printing this year. Ms. Livesay - By the time the Committee received this information there were no provisions for the County to pay , so the charges were billed to each municipality . The Town had not been charged the real cost previously because the County was not able to identify those costs because of the new computer system . Each municipality should have received an answer. Supervisor Valentino - I am not concerned about the increased cost because it did not seem like an outrageous amount to pay. The biggest concern was the communication and the way this issue was handled . When the Town Clerk's left their meeting last fall they felt this would be taken care of. The other municipalities also understood the printing of bills would not be increased this year. Ms. Livesay - David Squires explained the taxes received from municipalities are rounded off. Any money in the fund gets left in the fund . Mr. Squires thought all the municipalities would be charged out of that fund . I think he was working on ways not to have the Town charged the additional amount . Supervisor Valentino - I have talked to Mr. Squires about the assessment. His understanding is that there is a better way to approach the Town' s budget concerns , and there are things that we need to look at. Ms. Livesay - The County continues to work on the Blue Cross issue by helping in the negotiations between the Cayuga Medical Center and Blue Cross/Blue Shield . Supervisor Valentino -The representatives from Blue Cross/Blue Shield stated that Cayuga Medical Center would still honor the Town' s contract. There is not a lot of Town employees on the Blue Cross plan . The Town employees on the PHP program are doing fine with their contract. This issue needs to be discussed with the Human Resource Specialist further. Ms. Livesay - The County is working on welfare reform which would impact the community and other municipalities . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 5 APRIL 7 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino - Has the County decided about selling the Town the parcel of land in the Inlet Valley area? Ms . Livesay - My understanding was that the Town had already been told about that decision . Attorney Barney - I received a telephone call from Mr. Tyson indicating that the Town would be hearing back, and that everything would be all right. Ms . Livesay - The attorneys need to work out some perimeters . Attorney Barney - The price for the parcel should be for the back taxes . All the details have not been worked out. We should be hearing from them soon . AGENDA ITEM NO . 7 as REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE.• A. NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation as See attached letter. The Town Board received a letter from John Clancy, Regional Director of the New York State Office of Parks , Recreation , and Historic Preservation , informing the Town that Commissioner Bernadette Castro has adopted the Final Master Plan for Allan H . Treman State Marine Park. The Commissioner' s decision and the Statement of Findings reflect the agency' s commitment to provide safe and enjoyable recreational opportunities , while assuring protection of the park' s natural and cultural resources . Councilman Klein - Does this letter affect the issues Dora Higgins has addressed ? Councilwoman Grigorov - Yes , the park entrance . Mr. Kanter - The State adopted the Master Plan which includes the proposed new entrance . The Town has not heard what the City may be doing . The City needs to decide whether they want to transfer the Festival Lands to the State or not . B. Coyote Loco Restaurant and Cantina, Liquor License - See attached letter. The Town Board received a letter from Coyote Loco Restaurant and Cantina stating that an application has been submitted for renewal of their liquor license as required by the State Liquor Authority. OF C. John A. Yntema, Town Web Site - See attached letter. The Town Board received a letter from John Yntema regarding a web site for the Town . Councilman Wolff - The Information Technology Committee is in the process of gathering TOWN BOARD MINUTES 6 APRIL 7 , 1997 information for a Web Site , Supervisor Valentino - I will send a letter to Mr. Yntema outlining the Committee' s proceedings . D. Landmark America, Affordable Housing Proposal, Danby Road on See attached letter. The Town Board received a copy of a letter mailed to David Trost , Development Coordinator for Landmark America from Supervisor Valentino and Mr. Kanter. The letter referred to Landmark America' s proposal for affordable housing on Danby Road . Councilwoman Russell - Did Landmark America present a proposal of this type before? Mr. Kanter - Yes, the same company , the same type of proposal , but a different location . Councilwoman Russell - Would this proposal be located on the corners of King Road and Route 96B ? Mr. Kanter . "Yes . " Councilwoman Russell - Would Landmark America be building within the commercial zone , or avoid the area? Mr. Kanter - When the Codes and Ordinances Committee discussed this last year, the suggestion was to shorten the commercial zone area to allow more space for a multi -family development . This would lower the densities in the back part adjacent to the State Park providing more room for a buffer area . Councilwoman Russell - Has Landmark America purchased the parcel yet? Mr. Kanter - I do not think they have purchased the parcel . They probably have an option to purchase . AGENDA ITEM NO 8 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD : There being no one present to be heard , this segment of the meeting was closed . AGENDA ITEM NO 9 = CONSIDER POSSIBLE REVISIONS TO LOCAL LAW NO. 7/1988. "A LOCAL LAW REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN .BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" : Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Frost and I discussed the Sprinkler Ordinance , and the retrofit requirement is the only area which may need to be changed . I i TOWN BOARD MINUTES 7 APRIL 7, 1997 Mr . Frost - Depending on how this Board votes or how this whole thing plays out , virtually all the buildings could be exempt from retrofit . There are not many multi two story buildings with common corridors in the Town of Ithaca . The memorandum is mainly for the Board to review. Further discussions on all items noted is my intention . Someone going from a room or an apartment to directly outside is less of a risk than someone going through an interior corridor. Someone could jump out a window on a second floor. As the code allows a maximum distance of 14 feet from the window to the ground surface. Two story buildings have less of a risk than three story buildings . The primary measure is to be able to go from a room or an apartment directly outside , versus having to use a corridor. Corridors are presumed to have common walls with different dwelling units . Councilwoman Harrison - Was the concept of not requiring retrofits for buildings of no more than three dwelling units where individual apartments open directly to the outside , except two stories , your idea? Mr. Frost - There is nothing magical about these numbers . For example , a window is supposed to have egress for a four square foot opening . There are some people that might not be able to get out of a four square foot window. Councilwoman Harrison - Why would one even have any kind of threshold for the number of units if they open to the outside? If motels and hotels were exempt, would they need to hook up? Mr. Frost - The lowest common denominator is that small buildings would be under an operating permit to have the sprinkler system retrofit with three units or more . This is where we need to start. This is what the law says. Two story buildings would be the smallest buildings the Town would see with multi residents . The simplest type of building to comply with the law would be a three-unit building of two stories. Councilwoman Harrison - From the point of risk, what difference does it make how many units open to the outside and are not more than two stories? Is five units more risky than three units? Mr. Frost - Yes. There would be more people, and the potential for more people to be at risk. For a smaller number of people , the risks would be smaller. The risk would increase with more people living in these units . Councilwoman Grigorov - Did the Longhouse Cooperative , Inc. have two stories? Mr. Frost - The Longhouse Cooperative, Inc. has two stories . The inventory list provided shows the buildings needing to comply with the present ordinance and how many dwelling units there are . All the buildings in the Town are two stories , except for the Ithaca College Towers . The Warren Road Apartments are two stories with a basement level, actually three levels . The code allows residential buildings limited to two stories. They can go to three stories if they are more than 10 years old . New York State has even relaxed some of the requirements where a maximum of two stories are allowed . Councilwoman Grigorov - This only applies to retrofitting not to new construction? TOWN BOARD MINUTES 8 APRIL T , 199T Mr. Frost - That is correct. All new buildings , except one and two-family residences , will be required to install sprinkler systems. We are not proposing any changes to that requirement. The Town has not seen any new townhouses since this legislation passed because the sprinklers would need to be installed . Councilwoman Russell - Some of the items listed specifically mention the installation of smoke detection systems , others do not . Could you please clarify this issue? Mr. Frost - That is up to this Board to decide . My opinion would be to keep the sprinkler system in place . The only real consideration is the financial one . There is nothing in my mind to justify changing the law. Sprinklers would improve life safety and improve the ability for Fire Departments to deal with the buildings , as well as the safety of the fire fighter. Councilwoman Russell - Do you think smoke detection systems are always appropriate? Mr. Frost - Individual smoke detectors are the same as smoke detection systems . The City of Ithaca has a smoke detector law that provides smoke detection systems . They are similar to a fire alarm system where there are pull boxes. In most of the new buildings, under current State code , a smoke detector is installed throughout the building to sound without pull boxes . There are different levels of smoke detection systems . In the case of hotels and motels , I would suggest a smoke detection system because there are a lot of transient people and the risks are higher. State code has changed in the past couple years , .and all new buildings should have smoke detectors in all the bedrooms and always outside bedrooms on each floor level of the building . The key thing with smoke detection is early warning . If the Town were to consider changing the ordinance , I would recommend strict smoke detection regulations . Councilwoman Grigorov - Would the level of expense be lower with smoke detectors versus sprinkler systems? Mr. Frost - Expensive systems are going into the City' s new buildings . Councilman Klein - If the system was centrally wired with a read out panel it would get more expensive . Mr. Frost - Under current law smoke detection systems would have a direct line for multi dwellings . The question is how far does the Board want to go . Councilman Conley - Does new construction need retrofitting to be wired in? Mr. Frost - Yes , but the Town' s sprinkler law would still require sprinklers to be installed . Councilwoman Grigorov - Would it be possible to leave the law as it is? The reason the Board was considering changing the law was for certain exemptions that seem unreasonable or a hardship for the owners. Are there guidelines for the Zoning Board of Appeals to make exemptions from the law TOWN BOARD MINUTES 9 APRIL 7, 1997 for cases of hardships? Attorney Barney - The law has that now. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declined to make very many exemptions . Councilwoman Harrison - Economics should not be the grounds for granting a hardship? Is the Zoning Board of Appeals allowing exemptions to be granted strictly on the basis of the applicants? Attorney Barney - It is a combination of economics, taking into account, the adverse effects of safety. It is not truly an economic argument. The Zoning Board of Appeals looks at what is lost when the sprinkler system is not installed . Alternatives could be accomplished in another fashion , such as smoke detectors for situations of less water power. The Zoning Board of Appeals has approved , in a few situations , exceptions from the complete requirements because the cost was tremendously excessive . They came up with other alternatives for the applicants . Mr. Frost - If the Zoning Board of Appeals grants one appeal then they need to grant others . Councilwoman Grigorov - Then there would be people trying to figure out new ways to build to avoid compliance with the Sprinkler Ordinance . Mr. Frost - This Board may want to consider setting up a committee with the Building and Zoning Department , the Fire Department , and other interested groups to help modify the law. The committee could start analyzing this issue on a more technical basis . Councilwoman Harrison - The operating permit list supplied to the Board consists of the property name , the number of units on the property , and the owner. What is the expiration column for? Mr. Frost - This is a list used within the office to do safety inspections and renew permits without making up a new list. Councilwoman Harrison - This list does not tell the Board which units have sprinklers or not. Mr. Frost - This is an inventory list that is utilized in the office . Councilman Klein - Would this cover all the properties that would require sprinklers? Mr . Frost - Yes , except restaurants . There is a retrofit requirement for restaurants . The Cayuga Medical Center, Lakeside Nursing Home , and College Circle Apartments have sprinklers . Councilman Klein - Does the Maplewood Apartments have sprinklers? Mr. Frost - No , they are exempt. Councilwoman Harrison - Why is Maplewood Apartments exempt? TOWN BOARD MINUTES 10 APRIL 7 , 1997 Mr. Frost - When Maplewood Apartments was approved the Town went to court because they are manufactured housing . New York State specifically states that you cannot be more restrictive on manufactured housing . Councilman Klein - Does the manufactured house get approval at the factory? Mr . Frost - Yes . The court told the Town that we cannot require sprinklers at Maplewood Apartments , Councilman Klein - Maplewood Apartments would be exempt from the retrofit? Mr . Frost - Yes , they would continue to be exempt . Maplewood Apartments are single story buildings that open to the outside and that are without corridors . The east tower of the Ithaca College Towers is fully sprinkled and the west tower is scheduled for retrofit installation this summer. The Ithaca College Towers would be required to retrofit regardless of what the Town decides to do with the Sprinkler Ordinance . Councilwoman Harrison - Was there a reason to require all College University dormitories with more than 30 units to retrofit? Mr. Frost - New York State code requires buildings with more than three stories and more than 30 sleeping rooms to have sprinklers. There might be a single story with 30 sleeping rooms , that would still need sprinklers based on State code . Supervisor Valentino - The committee would be directed to review things that need to be done , and report back to the Town Board . Councilman Klein - The continuing problems would be in the areas where no public water is available . Mr. Frost - It is often those properties that are the furthest from the fire department and harder to respond to . Chief Brian Wilbur, Ithaca Fire Department - The idea of a small working group would be a good idea because this is a very technical topic with a lot of perimeters . The false alarm rate for the Ithaca Fire Department is approximately 50 percent of the calls . These calls are either malfunction or unintentional alarms . The New York State rate over the past ten years is approximately 28 percent . The National rate puts Ithaca approximately triple for false alarms . One thing to be accomplished this summer is to convene a false alarm task force. Hopefully, someone from the Town would be able to participate because part of the false alarm calls are in the Town . Fire protection systems and smoke detection systems are a critical component of the over all picture. The Committee needs to look at what is happening in Ithaca , and come up with a balanced solution to maintain an appropriate level of life safety. At the same time , we need to make sure that the TOWN BOARD MINUTES 11 APRIL 7, 1997 adequate resources are available for everyone . The number of false alarms is primarily related to smoke detection systems. Sprinklers rarely give the fire department a false alarm. This is a complex problem with a number of elements . A small working group to discuss this topic would be a great way to go. Councilman Conley - Should the committee be a combination of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca? Chief Wilbur . "Yes . " Mr. Frost - Have you had any doubts raised regarding the City' s smoke detection law? Chief Wilbur - The law has not been used long enough to show a particular trend . Over the next year or so there would probably be a trend and statistical appearance would be noticed . Supervisor Valentino - Would someone from the Fire Department be willing to serve on the committee? Chief Wilbur - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Frost, Councilman Klein , and a member from the Fire Department will make the small committee to start reviewing the sprinkler law. If there are further recommendations , the committee can come back to the Town Board for further discussions . AGENDA ITEM NO 23 - DISCUSS TEMPORARY CLOSING OF THE EAST ITHACA RECREATIONWAY: Scott Whitham , Project Manager for the Former Refuge Disposal Site - This project was in front of the Town Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals in 1995 . This is in the orchards at Cornell University' s Precinct 7 . This project would be below the Library Annex and is the former disposal site for Cornell University. This is an Unique Natural Area for the County. There is a very unstable steep slope to the Recreationway that has been there for a number of years . The project is to stabilize the slope with fill and vegetation. There is a swale running along the, north side of the Recreationway. We would need to install approximately 680 feet of conduit to carry the storm water to the west. Some excavation work would need to be done on the east for the wetlands storm water. Conceptually, this is a fairly simple project. The contractors will be working on the steep slope to stabilize it, and on the Recreationway to install piping for staging while they work on the slope . The Board was supplied with a draft proposed schedule for the project describing how long it would take to complete . The project is out to bid , so there has been no award or contractor assigned at the present time. A site visit of the Recreationway with Town Officials and contractors will be arranged. 0 TOWN BOARD MINUTES 12 APRIL 7 , 1997 Councilman Klein - When are the bids due? Mr. Whitham - April 9 , 1997 . The project should start the week after getting the contract in order. Supervisor Valentino - The major concern is that the East Ithaca Recreationway is going to be closed . Councilman Klein - The Public Works Committee discussed this issue . Cornell University is expecting the project to be completed in approximately five weeks? Mr . Whitham - It would take approximately six weeks to complete the project depending on the weather . This should be a short simple project. Cornell University is working with the Natural History Department to do the plantings for the wetland areas . The plantings would be done in the fall . Councilman Klein - Would the people using the trail be safe while the construction is being done? Mr . Whitham - The trail would not need to be closed for the entire time . We need to give the contractor flexibility in terms of the timing for this project . While working on the slope there is a fear of things rolling down to the Recreationway . Councilman Klein - Would the contractor be regrading the slope? Mr. Whitham - Yes , it , is very steep . They are going to bring the toe of the slope closer to the Recreationway for stabilization . One of the biggest concerns is the weather. Councilwoman Grigorov - Who has the authority to closing the trail ? Mr. Noteboom - Cornell University has the right to close the trail at anytime. Councilman Klein - Is Cornell University under a license? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Would Cornell University be .informing the public prior to closing the trail ? Mr. Whitham - Yes , in the newspaper. Councilwoman Grigorov - Cornell University does not plan to close the trail and open the trail , and then close the trail again? Mr. Whitham - No . That would be confusing to the public. Councilman Klein - Rich Schoch was concerned about the public' s reaction to the closing for a six- TOWN BOARD MINUTES 13 APRIL 7, 1997 week period of time . The safest method would be to close the trail during the construction period . Supervisor Valentino - Could the trail be posted " closed" well in advance so people would know the construction would be going on? Mr. Walker - Other trails would still be available for use. Mr. Whitham - The work would not be started until summer because Cornell University is still accepting bids . Supervisor Valentino - Would there be moving equipment in this area? Mr. Whitham - Just on the Game Farm Road side . Mr. Kanter - The preference would be to keep the west end open . Mr. Noteboom - The closed sign could read that only a portion of the trail would be closed for thru traffic. Mr. Whitham - Having the west end open would not affect the construction . Mr. Kanter - What considerations are being made to repair anything that might happen to the trail ? Mr. Whitham - Any damage to the trail would be restored by the contractor. Cornell University plans to walk the trail with the contractor to video tape what condition the trail is in before construction begins . Mr. Noteboom - The Highway Department resurfaced this trail last year. The trail must be restored to its original condition after the work is completed . Mr. Whitham - If the contractor needs to bring equipment in , they may be able to bring it in from the top . The cost of repairs will be high and the contractors will know that. RESOLUTION NO. 67: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca reluctantly consents to the closing of the eastern half portion of the East Ithaca Recreationway for the period of July 7, 1997 until approximately August 12, 1997, in order that Cornell University may conduct a project to make repairs and construct a sedimentation basin, and install sedimentation protection facilities along the said trail, and it is further RESOLVED, the governing Town Board hereby requests that Cornell University provide early notification to - community residents by publicizing the trail closing through the local media, and by placing signs along the trail at least one month prior to the actual closing of the trail; and be it further TOWN BOARD MINUTES 14 APRIL 7, 1997 RESOLVED, Cornell University hereby agrees to provide a complete restoration of the said frail should any damage occur during the said project. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 26 - CONSIDER PROPOSED REZONING (AG TO R-'15), EDDY PROPERTY ON MECKLENBURG ROAD : Attorney Michael Yehl , representing Alfred and Nelson Eddy - The Eddy' s are requesting a rezoning of a parcel of land they own on Mecklenburg Road , Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 27 - 1 - 14 . 2 . The Board received a petition on behalf of the Eddy' s with a cover memorandum from Mr. Kanter explaining the issues involved . The parcel of land is approximately 98 acres , and is zoned agricultural . The Eddy' s are unable to use this land for any agricultural purpose . They are looking to list this property for sale , and make a transaction .: The Eddy' s found during the research to sell this property, that the land should be zoned residential . Using this property for possible residential development seems to be the best and most economically feasible . I have applied , on the Eddy' s behalf, to change the zoning from Agricultural use to R- 15 . This property was reviewed last year for a development known as. Saddlewood Farms . This request has nothing to do with that previous proposal which was withdrawn . The Eddy' s wish to sell this property because it is becoming a tax burden for them . If the property could be rezoned from Agricultural to R- 15 , then the Eddy' s could sell to another person . The person who purchases this property may come before the Board , -at some point, to submit a development application or subdivision application . All the Eddy' s want to do is rezone the property for marketing purposes. If it is not, the Town may receive the land for back taxes . Councilwoman Grigorov - Could the property be used for R-30? Attorney Yehl - The way the zoning law is written , the property does have the same use as R-301 If a potential buyer wants to subdivide the property, they would need to have it rezoned from agricultural to residential . The neighboring properties to the north and to the east are already zoned R- 15 . Councilman Klein - Is any part of the Eddy property not zoned agriculturally? Mr. Kanter - A small eastern portion is zoned R- 15 . i I TOWN BOARD MINUTES 15 APRIL 7, 1997 Attorney Yehl - Most of the 98 acres is zoned agricultural . Mr. Kanter - The requirements for residential zoning relates to clustering this property, but not as a traditional subdivision . An applicant could submit a conventional subdivision plat in the agricultural zone, and it would be legal under the R-30 lot size requirements without zoning changes . If the developer wanted to cluster housing units on the site , they would need to get a rezoning to some residential . Councilwoman Harrison - What is the status for water and sewer utilities? Mr. Walker - The current R- 15 zone follows the pressure zone for the West Hill that is fed off the Trumansburg Road water tank. There is a new water main that comes from Trumansburg Road , crosses Bundy Road to below Perry Lane , to Mecklenburg Road , and moves to West Haven Road . When water and sewer lines were extended in the past to areas where water now serves , they were automatically zoned R- 15 . The Saddlewood Project was for the western portion of the Eddy property, and they were considering installing a pump station and another water storage station for the West Hill . Councilman Klein - Was the Saddlewood Project going to use the whole parcel ? Mr. Walker - Yes , but the upper part was going to be reserved for open space . Councilwoman Harrison - What about sewer for the property? Mr. Walker - Currently, sewer is available almost to the intersection of Mecklenburg Road . Councilman Conley - How large is the piece of land the Eddy' s want to rezone? Mr. Kanter - The Agricultural zone is approximately ( 83 +/-) acres . Councilman Klein - The small parcel in the middle of the Eddy' s property is Glenn Hubbell ' s property. Did Mr. Hubbell submit an application for a subdivision? Mr. Walker - Yes . The land would be zoned R- 15 for the subdivision that was approved by the Planning Board . Attorney Yehl - The Eddy' s are willing to address the water and sewer concerns knowing they are major problems for the West Hill area . If the Board was going to consider this proposal further, the Eddy' s would be willing to talk with Mr. Kanter and Mr. Walker to work out some type of arrangement, so the water pressure issues were addressed to help alleviate those concerns. The Eddy' s are just looking to rezone this property so they can move on . Councilwoman Harrison - Under the current zoning scenario this property is zoned R-30? TOWN BOARD MINUTES 16 APRIL 7, 1997 Attorney Yehl - That is correct. Councilwoman Harrison - If someone submitted an application that included clustering , the zoning could be changed ? Councilwoman Grigorov - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - The Town has discussed the desirability of maintaining the agricultural uses on West Hill . How a zone change of this parcel would relate to those overall intentions is not clear to me . Would the Town want to look at this request in the broader context of rezoning the whole area by redrafting the Zoning Ordinance? Is there tremendous pressure for this? This zoning is not precluding the Eddy' s from selling the property for residential development. I would like to look at this in a bigger context while reviewing the zoning ordinance . Councilwoman Grigorov - Theoretically, the Eddy' s could put 127 lots on this property with the present R-30 zoning . Attorney Yehl - The Eddy' s have spoken to several real estate professionals in the area . Given the subdivision approval the Planning Board gave the Hubbell ' s , this parcel would be marketed better as R- 15 rather than R-30 . Councilwoman Grigorov - Would the Eddy' s want to use cluster or have more density? Attorney Yehl - At this point, there are no definite plans for development. The Eddy' s feel the highest probability of finding someone to buy and develop this property is to have the property zoned R- 15 versus R-30 . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board usually does not rezone a parcel without a specific plan being submitted . Attorney Barney - There has been generic rezoning when water and sewer lines were extended to an area that permitted a reduced size of lots because septic systems or wells were no longer considered . The Town has not rezoned a property without a submitted proposal within the past ten years . Mr. Walker - The last major extension was the Inlet Valley, and no rezoning was done for that project. .Councilman Klein - When the Board reviewed the Saddlewood Farms Project , the Eddy' s made some good arguments about this parcel not being viable for agricultural use . To leave a small portion as agricultural land surrounded by residential development seems intrusive . The property should not be changed to R- 15 , but maybe R-30 would be better. Mr. Kanter - The EcoVillage site developing to the south is under the R-30/SLUD . It is surrounded TOWN BOARD MINUTES 17 APRIL 7, 1997 by residential . EcoVillage' s future phases would need to address the water problems . Councilman Klein - If anyone wanted to develop a higher density of R- 15 , they would need to address the water situation . Attorney Yehl - The Eddy' s are willing to help address some of the water situations . Attorney Barney - What are the Eddy' s willing to help with , the use of money? Is this what is being said? Attorney Yehl - The Eddy' s could help develop some type of water tower on West Hill to help increase the water pressure . If the Board was willing to go with R- 15 , that could be a possible condition to the rezoning . Councilman Klein - A potential problem would be if the Eddy' s are approved RA 5 against the Agricultural District, there would be no buffer. R-30 or clustering subdivisions would need to provide some transitional area to the Agricultural District. Attorney Yehl - This is the way the property is zoned now. Even if the changes were made , there is no potential buyer for this property at this time . There is no development proposal , or anyone to discuss a project plan with . The Eddy' s feel that the best way to market this property is to rezone it R- 15 versus R-30 . R-30 would be better than Agricultural , but RA 5 would make it more marketable for the Eddy' s . Councilman Conley - Is there a time frame for rezoning this property to follow a master plan? Mr . Kanter - Codes and Ordinances Committee is looking to complete the zoning revisions and analyses of mapped areas could be made. Within that framework, some kind of recommendation for this area would be at the end of the year. The Planning Committee is also looking at the agricultural areas in conjunction with that project. Attorney Barney - The textural part would be done by the committees, by the end of the year? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , this would give the Town a better handle on the Agricultural lands . Attorney Yehl - Unfortunately , this would leave the Eddy' s land still zoned as agricultural without being able to put the property on the market . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Eddy' s could put the property on the market as R-30 . If someone wanted to use the clustering concept , they could propose a zoning change . Attorney Yehl - The Eddy's are trying to attain the ability to have the property R-15 or R-30 lot sizes. The Eddy' s are here with the idea of presenting a proposal to discuss, or for you to refer it to the Planning Board to discuss this matter further. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 18 APRIL 7 , 1997 Supervisor Valentino - It does make sense to send this proposal to the Planning Board if the Town Board does not have the desire to change the zoning without a specific plan . The Town Board needs to decide what their feelings are on' this proposal . This is not land being currently used as farm land , and it is surrounded by R- 15 . Zoning this residential would not be totally out of the question . The Town Board has not zoned something without a specific proposal submitted . The land could be advertised as being developed R-30 . Attorney Barney - The Eddy' s cannot advertise the property to be developed as a cluster. If someone submits a plan and this Board is responsive , rezoning could be approved with a particular proposal in mind . In the meantime , the Eddy' s have the right to develop the land as R-30 lots . Councilman Klein - If the property is marketed properly and honestly , there would not be any d obstacles to over come . While revising the Zoning Ordinance , the maps would also be revised . Supervisor Valentino - If someone has interest in this property , the planning staff would be willing to work with them on a proposal . RESOLUTION NO. 69: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby acknowledges receipt of a petition from Alfred and Nelson Eddy, 1310 Mecklenburg Road, requesting a zoning change for their property from Agricultural to Residential R15, and be it further RESOLVED, in view of the current status of the overall rezoning within the Town of Ithaca, and the desire to make zoning changes in a cohesive manner rather than in a piece meal manner, this governing Town Board does not feel that it is appropriate to rezone the said property from Agricultural, and be it further RESOLVED, this governing Town Board makes this decision without prejudice regarding a renewal of an application for a specific plan in the future. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 = CONSIDER ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM , AND CONSIDER ENTERING INTO A SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ITHACA YOUTH BUREAU FOR THE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM , AND AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 - CONSIDER ENTERING INTO A SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH THE LEARNING WEB FOR THE TOMPKINS COUNTY i TOWN BOARD MINUTES 19 APRIL 7 , 1997 YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM : Councilwoman Grigorov - At the present time is the Town paying in advance? Mrs . Noteboom - The Accounting Department is reviewing spread sheets to figure out which contracts are being paid . Some contracts have agencies with low funding , so they need payments in advance . The Town is waiting for a bill from the Learning Web , as part of the review. Supervisor Valentino - The contracts are being put together for what programs need to be paid and what has already been paid . Mr. Carvill - Contracts paid in the first month of each quarter would place a hardship on the Town because the Town does not have January' s tax levy money to adequately provide payments on a timely basis . The standardization of timing the beginning and ending of the quarter is essential to these contracts , so they should be paid near the end of the January. Supervisor Valentino - Last year the Learning Web had cash flow problems due to changes from being a part of the County to going independent. They asked the Town for assistance. I do not think the Learning Web needs to continue with that practice . The Coddington Road Community Center likes to receive payments in advance . There might be two programs requesting payments in advance. The Town needs to identify which programs need to be paid in advance so the Town is not left in a financial hardship situation . Mr. Carvill - Who are the providers of this service , the County, the City, or the Town? Attorney Barney - The Town is the provider of the services . The Town subcontracts with other agencies to provide the services . The Town pays for those services ; and gets reimbursed 50 percent of the Town' s cost. Mr. Carvill - The Town subcontracts with County agencies to provide services to Town of Ithaca residents? Attorney Barney - The services are performed by the County. The County reimburses the Town part of the cost . Supervisor Valentino - The Town receives reimbursement through the County agency for services , and the Town subcontracts the actual services to the Youth Bureau , the Learning Web , and the City. This may change with Governor Pataki 's proposals . RESOLUTION NO. 59: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigoroy, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement and subcontractor agreements on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with any changes and amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town; and be it further TOWN BOARD MINUTES 20 APRIL 7 , 1997 RESOLVED, the Attorney for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to continue negotiations with the Tompkins County Attorney to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement for the removal of the indemnification provisions in all contracts and agreements with Tompkins County. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 12 - ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF TOWN JUSTICE DOCKETS : This item will be on the Town Board agenda at. the May meeting . AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER APPOINTMENT TO THE AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE • RESOLUTION NO. 60: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby reappoints the following individuals to serve 'as members of the Town of Ithaca Agricultural Committee for the Term of Office indicated. John Bokaer-Smith Term of Office: April 7, 1997 - December 31, 1998 Jennifer Bokaer-Smith 120 East York Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (Shared Seat) Nelson Eddy Term of Office: April 7, 1997 - December 31, 1997 430 Bostwick Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Jamie Baker Terms of Office: April 7, 1997 - December 31, 1997 380 Bostwick Road Ithaca, NY 14850 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) TOWN BOARD MINUTES 21 APRIL 7, 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 14 - CONSIDER REQUEST BY THE ITHACA VETERAN VOLUNTEER FIREMEN ' S ASSOCIATION TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO ALLOW " GAMES OF CHANCE" IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA , The Town Board received a letter from Harold Perry , President of the Ithaca Veteran Volunteer Firemen' s Association , to consider adding a referendum to the election in November 1997 , to allow " games of chance" in the Town of Ithaca . ( See attached letter. ) Mrs . Noteboom - The Town Board needs to consider whether to allow " games of chance" in the Town of Ithaca. If so, this Board would need to instruct the Attorney for the Town to write the proper language for the referendum in November. Councilwoman Grigorov - Are the " games of chance" laws very extensive? Attorney Barney - This Board chose not to allow the " games of chance" approximately a year ago. A rumor was heard in the law that the Town Clerk' s responsibilities have, changed in terms of supervision . That is true in respect to " bell jars" . This is not true with the respect to other games . The " bell jars" seem to be regulated by the State directly rather than through a municipality. Checking the proceeds and receiving the funds for " bell jars" would now go through the State . I could draft some legislation if the Board wants to do this . Supervisor Valentino - " Games of chance" conducted by organizations such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts having raffles , where would the Town stand ? Attorney Barney - Right nowthose raffles would be illegal in the Town of Ithaca . If the Town Board authorizes these raffles to be legal , there would still be the application process , licensing process , and a qualified person to supervise the event. Once this Board authorizes this , the Town would get a benefit from the proceeds . Councilman Klein - When the Veteran Volunteer Firemen Association asked for this last year, it was too late to put on the election ballot . Supervisor Valentino - The Town was not sure what the implications of enforcement would be . The " bell jars" are not a problem anymore . Councilman Conley - The "bell jars" are like slot machines , but people open tickets. The State has made these legal . The Moose Club and the Elk' s Club are moving out of the City, and would like to move into the Town of Ithaca , and they would like to conduct along with the " games of chance" . The City does not have an inspector, and they allow all the " games of chance" through the City Clerk' s Office . Attorney Barney - The City could delegate the inspection process to the Sheriff. An officer of the club needs to present a descriptive report of these raffles , along with the application forms. The TOWN BOARD MINUTES 22 APRIL 7, 1997 person responsible for these raffles would have their back ground checked to make sure there is not a record of crimes . Councilwoman Russell - Does 60 percent of the club' s income come from " bell jars" specifically , or from all the games? Councilman Conley - The Eagles make approximately $2 , 200 a month from the " bell jars" alone , and the Elks make approximately $ 1 , 000 a month from the " bell jars" . Councilwoman Russell - Has the Town Clerk changed her opinion from last year because of the work load it would present to her, especially on the " bell jars" ? Mrs . Noteboom - All the licensing would be the Town Clerk' s responsibility; the applications , the investigation of people applying , and the monthly reporting to the State Racing and Wagering Board . I get three or four calls a month asking if the Town of Ithaca allows raffles . I explain to them that the Town does not, and it would take a referendum of the people for approval . They would still need to fill out an application . All raffles held in the Town would have to have been approved by the proper license and application . If there is an illegal raffle operation happening in the Town of Ithaca , it is the Town Clerk' s responsibility to report that illegal operation . Councilman Klein - If this referendum is passed , all legal gambling would be allowed in the Town of Ithaca . Mrs . Noteboom - Any organization applying for a license that passes the requirements , would be allowed a license . Licenses would be issued to non profit organizations only . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board could approve a local law to allow a referendum in November. If the referendum passes , the Town of Ithaca would be responsible for enforcement of the games other than the " bell jars" . Mrs . Noteboom - There would be more paper work involved if this is approved . The Town Board directed the Attorney for the Town to draft appropriate, legislation for the referendum submitted . A public hearing would be set up in June to discuss this matter further. AGENDA ITEM NO. 25 - DISCUSS DRAFT TOWN OF ITHACA PARK, RECREATION . AND OPEN SPACE PLAN . Supervisor Valentino - The Board needs to decide about how the public and other committees will receive this draft for review. This needs more discussion on this process , not on the merits of the draft itself. Councilwoman Harrison - Who has reviewed this draft? TOWN BOARD MINUTES 23 APRIL 7, 1997 Mr. Kanter - The Planning Board , the Conservation Board , the Planning Committee , and the Town Board has reviewed this draft . The Planning Staff is asking the Town Board to formally accept the draft plan to submit copies to other entities for the public review process to begin . The Public Works Committee has seen pieces of the plan , but not the whole draft. This Board received materials on the proposed Purchase of Development Rights Program in terms of cost options for the Town . Supervisor Valentino - If the Town Board accepts this as a draft proposal , the document could be passed to various groups and to the public for comments? Mr. Kanter - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - The public should be aware that this is not a final document, but a discussion draft document only . Where does the process go from here? Mr. Kanter - Public information meetings would need to be arranged , after it was determined who would sponsor the meetings . Would the Town Board like to be the actual group holding the meetings? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , the Town Board should be the sponsor. Councilman Conley - There are different types of plans proposed in different parts of the Town . Mr. Kanter - Should the Town Board hold a series of meetings in different areas? Councilman Conley "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - The Board should consider presenting a forum of particular discussions . Would the Town get enough reaction in general ? One of the sad realties is the people who come are the people who are unhappy. Some of those people who come might look at the draft and not want to spend the money, but the people who are in favor of things do not come to express their feelings. The Town has heard from people who want neighborhood parks. However, the fear is that people would see the neighborhood park in the draft and think things are taken care of, so they would not come to express their feelings . We should invite different people to meetings to discuss their feelings with the Town . Supervisor Valentino - Meetings would be set up for each section of the Town . Additional meetings could be arranged if needed . Mr. Kanter - Executive summaries of the meetings would show information received about the plan . There are two types of Executive Summaries . A short one page flyer explaining the basic concept , or a five-page flyer summarizing the highlights of the draft. The Planning Staff is considering presenting a slide presentation to consolidate the mapping , show park scenes , and show facilities being considered in the draft. This would give the public an idea of what the Town is talking about. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 24 APRIL 7, 1997 The Town Board reached a consensus that the draft is in an appropriate format to share with the public. Councilman Conley - It would be helpful if Board Members could attend these meetings . Councilwoman Grigorov - The Town Board should be at all these meetings . Supervisor Valentino - Assistant Town Planner George Frantz will be producing an agenda to see who would be speaking and presenting the draft plan to the public. Should the Town be charging for copies of the draft to people who are interested ? Mr. Kanter - No , not at this point , it might discourage people from reading the draft . Mrs. Noteboom - There needs to be a resolution authorizing waiver of the fee because the Town has a local law that requires charging a per page copy . Councilman Conley - Would the draft be available at Town Hal ? Mr. Kanter - There would be a number of things done. There is a distribution list with names of who to send a copy to . Approximately 100 copies would be mailed out from that list. Mr. Walker - What would be an estimated reproduction cost per copy? Mr. Kanter - It would be an estimated cost of $7 . 00 or $8 . 00 per copy. Supervisor Valentino - The draft needs to be available for people to obtain a copy. Attorney Barney - The Board should consider authorizing the Planning Department to have printed a certain number of the draft to distribute free . If more are needed beyond that amount, the Town Board should reconsider charging for a copy. Councilman Conley - How many would be sent through the listing distribution ? Mr. Kanter - There is no exact numbers at this point, but it would be sent to the neighborhood associations and different groups interested . It could be between 50 to 100 copies . The copies would go to the County Planning Department, adjacent municipalities, the City Planning Department, several State agencies , etcetera . Councilman Conley - The Planning Department should have 100 copies to start , and then see how far they go . Supervisor Valentino - A list should be produced to see how many copies would need to be mailed . More copies could be acquired after looking at the printing costs : TOWN BOARD MINUTES 25 APRIL 7, 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 68: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the governing Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and the Planning Department staff to expend up to $ 1 , 000. 00 for a reasonable number of copies of the Draft Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan for distribution to the public at no cost. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 15 - CONSIDER SETTING DEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF VOUCHERS : RESOLUTION NO. 61 : Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the following schedule for the remainder of the year 1997 as the last date by all vendors, staff, and other service people to submit voucherslinvoices to the Accounting Department for presentation to the Town Board on the Abstract Date: Processing Voucher/Invoice Cut Off Date **For Abstract Date Wednesday, April 30 Monday, May 12 Wednesday, May 28 Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 25 Monday, July 7 Wednesday, July 30 Monday, August 11 Wednesday, August 27 Monday, September 8 Monday, September 22 Thursday, October 2 Monday, October 27 Thursday, November 6 Wednesday, November 26 Monday, December 8 Friday, December 19 Wednesday, December 31 "Abstract date is synonymous with Town Board meeting date. And, BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, vouchersfinvoices must be submitted no later than 12:00 p. m. on the Processing Voucher/Invoice Cut Off Date; and it is further RESOLVED, any emergency or extraordinary voucherslnvoices will be considered as deemed appropriate by the Chief Fiscal Officer and the Purchasing Agent. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 26 APRIL 7 , 1997 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 16 - CONSIDER MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE 1997 BUDGET FOR PRIOR YEARS CAPITAL PROJECTS : The Town Board had a brief discussion on the modifications and amendments of the 1997 Budget for prior years Capital Projects . RESOLUTION NO. 62: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the said budget transfers: General Fund - FROM: A599 Appropriated Fund Balance $25, 809, 00 TO. A9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $25, 809. 00 General Part Town Fund - FROM: B599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 16, 292. 00 TO: B9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $ 16, 292. 00 Highway Fund - FROM: DB599 Appropriated Fund Balance $35, 805. 00 TO: DB9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $35, 805. 00 Water Fund - FROM: F599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 741642, 00 TO: F9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $741642. 00 Sewer Fund - FROM: G599 Appropriated Fund Balance $641255. 00 TO: G9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $641255. 00 Capital Projects Fund - TOWN BOARD MINUTES 27 APRIL 7 , 1997 TO: H5031 Interfund Transfers $216, 803. 00 TO: H878 Capital Reserve Balance $216, 803. 00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board directs and authorizes the Chief Fiscal Officer to record such transfers to the Accounting/Budget records of the Town of Ithaca. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 17 CONSIDER RESCINDING TOWN BOARD RESOLUTION NOm 57 (J -11 OF MARCH 10, 1997 RELATED TO A WATER AND SEWER BILLING REFUND : Supervisor Valentino - A letter was sent to Bolton Point stating the decision should be made by the Town of Ithaca on refunds or credits . Bolton Point needs to give all recommendations to the Town of Ithaca for decision making . Mr. Walker - This refund was considered because the remote reader would read lower than the actual meters. The meters are read every five years by a Town of Ithaca staff person or a Bolton Point staff person . That person noticed the remote reader was 158 , 000 gallons higher than what the actual meter was . I question whether or not the remote reader was wrong because this facility is a horse farm and they have a significant use for water. I am monitoring their quarterly bills and the meter will be read every quarter. If their actual consumption is lower than what the meter was the Town might want to consider a refund for part of a year. The last two water billings were added to the tax bills because the bills were not paid for the water and sewer. Bolton Point staff made the decision to issue a refund for the prior four years without discussing this with the Town . RESOLUTION NO. 63: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board does hereby rescind Resolution No. 57 U4) adopted on March 10, 1997. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) TOWN BOARD MINUTES 28 APRIL 7 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO . 18 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE VACATION ACCRUAL AND CARRYOVER SCHEDULE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PERSONNEL MANUAL • RESOLUTION NO. 64: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the updated Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule as presented and approved by the Personnel Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, the said updated vacation section shall be added to the Town of Ithaca Personnel Manual as a replacement for the current vacation section. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 19 - CONSIDER PURCHASE OFFER RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF A NEW TOWN HALL : Supervisor Valentino mentioned this agenda item would be discussed during the Executive Session . AGENDA ITEM NO 20 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A BACKHOE AND AIR COMPRESSOR FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO BE UTILIZED FOR WATER AND SEWER REPAIRS : RESOLUTION NO. 65: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that on the recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Highway Superintendent, for reasons of efficiency and economy and pursuant to the authority conferred by Subdivision 5, Section 103 of the General Municipal Law it is determined by this governing Town Board that there is a need for standardization in the purchase "of the backhoe for the Highway Department; and be it further RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the specifications for a new Case Backhoe be accepted; and be it further RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the specifications for a new air compressor be accepted; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise to receive bids for the new Case Backhoe and an air compressor; and be it further TOWN BOARD MINUTES 29 APRIL 7, 1997 RESOLVED, after discussion with the Town Accountant, funds will be distributed for the purchase of the said backhoe and air compressor, as follows: FROM: F8340. 470 (Repair Lines) $301000. 00 FROM: F8340. 471 (Line Maintenance - Scheduled) $ 15, 000. 00 TO: F9901 . 906 (Interfund Transfer Highway Fund) $45, 000. 00 FROM. G8120. 480 (Repairs and Maintenance) $45, 000. 00 TO: G9901 . 906 (Interfund Transfer Highway Fund) $45, 000. 00 TO: DB5031 (Interfund Transfers from Water & Sewer) $90, 000. 00 TO: DB5130. 203 (Equipment - Backhoe) $901000. 00 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 21 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A TRUCK FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 66: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilman Conley that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the specifications for the new dump truck, snow plow equipment, and dump box/material spreader be approved, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise and receive bids for the new dump truck, snow plow equipment, and dump box/material spreader. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO 22 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF OPEN BURN PERMITS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA: TOWN BOARD MINUTES 30 APRIL 7, 1997 Mr. Frost handed out information from New York State in regards to open burn permits . One copy is a DEC law that is handed out at the front desk of the Town Hall relating to burn barrels . The DEC prohibits open burning in barrels in municipalities that have a population of more than 20 , 000 people. The Town of Ithaca has less than 20, 000 people . This Board discussed the issue last year and they did not want to encourage people to use burn barrels . Councilman Klein - The burning in a barrel is legal in the Town of Ithaca? Mr. Frost - Yes, because the Town is under 20, 000 people. People have contacted the Building and Zoning Department wanting to know if they could do open burning . There was a property on Kendall Avenue where the Fire Department responded to an open burn situation . There were discussions with the owners about the hazards of open burning . I do not have the authority to tell people they cannot burn . I did not tell the owner he could burn . If a fire breaks were to get out of control , the Town could be partly responsible for what happens. There were many brush and grass fires around the County over the weekend . There was a fire on Trumansburg Road near Indian Creek Fruit Farm. The fire was extinguished quickly , but it could have been worse due to the wind . Currently, the Town has a Tompkins County Sanitary Code that would provide limited restrictions of burning . Among those restrictions , any burning within the City or the Village within an eighth of a mile peripherally of the City or Village . However, 360 feet from the City line the Tompkins County Sanitary Code would not entirely prohibit such burning . Councilwoman Grigorov - Is this for the whole County? Mr. Frost - " No . " Councilwoman Harrison - There was information received from Tompkins County EMC , and the Town declined to distribute it. It was feared that people would know open burning was legal most people think it is illegal . Mr. Frost - The City Fire Department Burn Policy mentioned the Town . There is a section in the building code that deals with open fires and open burns. The code provides requirements of having fire extinguishing equipment on site when there is a burn . The fire should be attended at all times . There is a limited ability to regulate this from building code . Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Town have the ability ,to pass an open burn ordinance within the Town of Ithaca? Mr. Frost - Through discussions with the Tompkins County Planning and The Legislative Commission , it was learned the Town does have the ability to enact more restrictive laws . There is a law that was passed in the State Assembly twice , but it cannot get through the Senate . The Town has the authority to enact a law to prohibit open burns in the Town of Ithaca . Councilwoman Harrison - The bill that passed the Assembly states "this bill will allow counties and local governments the flexibility to enact stronger provisions' . Does the Town already have this 4 TOWN BOARD MINUTES 31 APRIL 7, 1997 provision ? Mr. Frost - The Town has the right to have this law. Attorney Barney and I will be reviewing this further and draft an ordinance . AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - CONSIDER SENDING COMMENTS TO THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION REGARDING ADEQUACY OF THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LAKE SOURCE COOLING PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT : Mr. Kanter - The Planning Board asked the Planning Staff to review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement ( DEIS ) . If appropriate, the Planning Staff will be sending any relevant comments to DEC by April 21 , 1997 . Councilwoman Harrison - Sterns and Wheeler stated that the DEIS looks very good . Staff will need to make sure that all the alternatives have been looked at accordingly. Mr. Kanter - This is what the Planning Staff will be doing . The Planning Staff will make sure all the appropriate conclusions have been done for decision making . The Planning Staff will be looking at specific sections. The Conservation Board is reviewing the DEIS for environmental reasons. There is a copy of the DEIS in the Planning Department for anyone wanting to review it. Would the Town Board like to have the Planning Staff review the DEIS for comments , and be provided copies of the comments? There are two involved agencies for this project, the Planning Board and the Town Board . Both Boards would be dealing directly with certain approvals that would be required for this project. This review would be more for development review and environmental review consideration . Supervisor Valentino - Why is the time frame so short? Mr. Kanter - There is a mandated time frame under the State Environmental Review Quality Act for making a determination of completeness of a DEIS . This is the stage this project is at now. The Town Board authorizes the Planning Staff to review the DEIS and submit comments if needed . AGENDA ITEM NO. 27 - CONSIDER ENDORSEMENT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY WATERFRONT PLAN . Councilwoman Harrison , Councilwoman Russell , Councilwoman Grigorov, and Councilman Wolff attended the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan slide presentation at the Planning Board Meeting on April 1 , 1997 . Councilwoman Harrison - One conservation issue raised was that there was nothing in the plan referring to the water quality , preservation , and protection . The Waterfront Plan mentioned parks provide economic opportunities. Peter Trowbridge stated that controlling erosion and sediment with TOWN BOARD MINUTES 32 APRIL 7 1997 participating entities would be referred to the appropriate board . How are the sediment and erosion issues going to be addressed in the City and throughout the County? Mr. Walker - The County has a program for erosion control to look at sources of bank erosion in the Six Mile Creek Watershed above the water supply. Councilwoman Russell - Is money available to the public for that? Mr. Walker - Repairing 100 or 200 feet of banking is critical . The biggest part of the watershed is not Six Mile Creek because it does drain into the inlet. There are no programs looking at the Cayuga Inlet Watershed at this point. Part of the problem is the nature of the flood control channel . The channel is broad , wide, and deep enough to allow recreational use, but it is too big to keep itself clean. Under flood conditions the channel flushes itself, but under normal conditions it is a trap for sediments and nutrients . Councilwoman Harrison - Is there anything the Town could do to promote intermunicipal awareness of the water quality protection issues? Mr . Kanter - Discussions at the Planning Board presentation are one way to do that. The Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan could be pursued if grants come through the State . The original purpose was actually limited , it was not to look at the regional aspects of the watersheds an drainage issues . Water quality is one of the major attractions of the lake . It would need to b enhanced along with everything else. This plan provides an inventory that lists all the work that has been done by various people and organizations with possible waterfront ideas . The focus groups listed the priorities of what the public would be interested in . Councilwoman Harrison - What is there to assure people that the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan would not be oriented toward development proposals? Mr. Kanter - There is specific criteria and requirements from the State as to what the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan includes, such as the water quality protection and public access . This would be a joint application from the City, the Town , and from other surrounding waterfront communities . This is something the County has always been interested in , but they did not have much authority to do anything . This plan could be dealt within a legal sense. Councilwoman Harrison - Would this be an enforceable plan? Mr. Kanter - If the plan was adopted by the individual municipalities . The Planning Board presentation mentioned that intermunicipal agreements could pursue things outside municipal boundaries , such as usage on the lake and drainage issues . Councilwoman Russell - Some people looked at this plan for regulations to control the noise levels of the lake . The Town Board should be sure that this is going to happen before promising people it will . ii TOWN BOARD MINUTES 33 APRIL 7 , 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - This Board would not be able to promise that this plan would regulate noise levels . That would depend on the other municipalities . Attorney Barney - I do not think the other municipalities could regulate the noise control . The lake is a water way governed by State regulations . The State might be able to regulate noise levels on the lake . Mr. Kanter - The noise control would only be one issue . Another issue would be what kind of boats would be permitted on the water since it would be available for a lot of people to use . The aspect of the overall usage of the lake should be considered . Councilwoman Grigorov - Would the noise get worse? Councilwoman Russell - The Cayuga Lake Association is concerned about noise levels on the lake. Councilwoman Grigorov - Does this plan deal with that? Councilwoman Russell - No. This Board should be clear about who has the authority to regulate the lake with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan , RESOLUTION NO. 70: Motion made by Councilwoman Gngorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby finds that the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan is consistent with and supportive of the goals of the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan (September 9993); and be it further RESOLVED, that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca endorses the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino, aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 28 - CONSIDER CHANGING THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED MONKEMEYER-MONTESSORI PARK. AND CONSIDER THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOCATION OF A NEW SOUTH HILL PARK . This proposal was deleted from the agenda due to a lack of information . AGENDA ITEM NO. 29 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND TOWN BOARD MINUTES 34 APRIL 7 , 1997 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR THE BUTTERMILK FALLS WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS : Mr. Walker - This project would provide improved water service and an extension of the sewer service to the lower Buttermilk Falls State Park. The Park currently has a bath house and an office building. These buildings drain into a septic system on the banks of Buttermilk Creek. State Park Officials discussed a few years ago renovations and improvements to the park office . They wanted to connect to the public sewer if possible. When Route 13 was being reconstructed , the Town took advantage of having the road pavement removed . The State contractor extended the water across the intersection to the Buttermilk Falls Road , and had the sewer cross the City line . The most expensive part of the extensions have already been done . This proposal is to build approximately 400 feet of sewer through the cut in the railroad grade south through the Rumsey properties to the State Park's existing septic system . The State Park would be extending and replacing the sewer to make the connection . The Rumsey's have agreed to give the Town easements through their property for the sewer lines . None of these properties are currently served by sewer. This would serve three additional parcels plus the State Park. Water is currently available and terminates near the State Parks . That line is an old six-inch cast iron pipe that is in poor shape . The Town had to replace a break under the railroad grade last winter, and that cost approximately $3 , 000 to repair. The water quality is very poor because of the rusty condition of the pipe . The Town has an opportunity to connect to a metered area . Some of the water coming from the City is not metered. The Town installed a strong system as part of the Inlet Valley Project. An eight-inch main could be extended to the State Park and serve the two State Park buildings . The buildings are considered Town customers, but are supplied under the City' s water main . The water supply would come through the meters so there would be an accurate record of all the water flowing into the system . There is not a master meter on this line , and there is probably a significant amount of leakage the Town is not monitoring . Part of the water main would be replaced and there would be approximately 400 feet of extension . Councilwoman Harrison - Is this part of the Town ' s Capital Improvement Plan ? Mr. Walker - This project was identified on the plan . Councilwoman Harrison - Where does this project rate on the priority list? Mr . Walker - The State Park Officials would like to eliminate a septic system that the Health Department wants them to replace . The repair of the water main is a high priority because of the poor condition of the existing pipe. The total project cost would be approximately $ 110 , 000 for the extensions , not the repairs . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 35 APRIL 7, 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - How much would the repairs cost? Mr. Walker - Approximately $68, 000. The Public Works Committee and the State Park Officials want to see if the State could contribute money towards this project . Negotiations are in process and details would be available for the public hearing meeting . The major project for the Town is the improvement of water pressure on West Hill off of Mecklenburg Road . The Joint Water System Evaluation is sponsored by the City with the Town participating . The Town should receive a list of tapping projects, including the East Shore Drive water main that would reenforce the Town' s water system . Capital Project opportunities need to be updated based on opportunities to share costs with the City and other ,Municipalities . The Town Board had a brief discussion on the Capital Improvement Projects priority list . This will be on the May Town Board Meeting for a public hearing and further discussion . All available information would be supplied to each member for review before the next meeting . AGENDA ITEM NO. 30 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR THE TRANSMISSION MAIN REPAIR AT SLATERVILLE ROAD . Mr. Walker - The Town has a 16-inch transmission main that provides water to South Hill . The section between Slaterville Road and Winner' s Circle has failed three times in the past six years . Each time this section fails the erosion is aggressive for soils to connect to the pipe. A consultant did soil boring and tests of this area. There is a 300-foot section that is in a very corrosive condition . The consultant' s recommendations , and Bolton Point concurred , that the best way to fix the line is to replace it . The line would be replaced with a 16-inch Ductile Iron Pipe with a polyethylene encasement that would protect the pipe from soil erosion . There would be additional drainage around this , and special selected stone fill around it to protect it. This would cost approximately $30 , 000 , and would be paid by Bolton Point because they maintain the transmission main . The Town would be the contracting agency as we were on the master meter project. This would have a negative impact on the Town' s budget. The SCLIWC approved this at their last meeting , but the Town Board has to authorize the advertisement for bids . RESOLUTION NO. 71 : Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca acting as the contracting agency for the S. C. L. I. W. C. , hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Transmission Main Repair at Slaterville Road, and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the project. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 36 APRIL 711997 ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 31 - CONSENT ITEMS : CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : Councilman Conley and Councilman Wolff were appointed by the Town Board to the Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review for Consent Item No . 31 ( h ) . RESOLUTION NO 's. 72 La) - 72 0 : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 31 (a) through 31 (1) as presented or amended on the individual resolutions. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolutions . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO 1 - CONSIDER RESOLUTION INCREASING THE SECOND NOTICE FEE FOR THE UNPAID BILLINGS ON THE 1997 REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL • RESOLUTION NO. 73: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that based on the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes, this governing Town Board does herein adopt an increase from $ 1 . 00 to $2. 00 additional penalty per tax parcel for the Notice of Unpaid Taxes as allowed under Real Property Tax Law, Section 987. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO . 2 - CONSIDERATION OF DESIGNATION OF S. C. L. I .W. C . AS LEAD AGENCY FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF THE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT MODIFICATION : Mr. Walker - The SCLIWC represents the five municipalities for applying to New York State to allow the Town to withdraw more water from Cayuga Lake than what is currently allowed . The Town could i i RON mom TOWN BOARD MINUTES 37 APRIL 7, 1997 take six million gallons of water a day out of the lake up to nine million gallons a day. The SCLIWC would like to have the Town ' s withdrawal permit modified to allow nine million gallons of water per day to be taken out of the lake . DEC has stated a SEQR action would be required for review. At the last commission meeting , the SCLIWC agreed to be the lead agency and asked each municipality to concur with them . Attorney Barney - Have all five municipalities agreed they could act as lead agency? Supervisor Valentino - All five commissioners agreed at the meeting . The proposed resolution is to make sure the Town is following the agreement as written to give approval to the commissioners . RESOLUTION NO. 74: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby concurs with the designation of S. C. L. 1. W. C. as lead agency for environmental review on the action of amending the NYSDEC water supply permit to increase the withdrawal limitation for the Bolton Point Water source, to the limitations of law. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( NOTE : See attached prepared resolution . ) Supervisor Valentino - The Board was supplied with a copy of a draft proposal to allocate the capacity of the Bolton Point Water Treatment Plant among the municipal parties of the Agreement of Municipal Cooperation . This is for discussion only of changes in the agreement that Shirley Raffensperger and the committee has worked on . They are not asking for specific approval . The Committee wants to know if the Town is comfortable enough with what is in the draft for them to pursue more specific terms and details . Each municipality had detailed discussions with the staff at Bolton Point for moving forward on this concept. The SCLIWC agrees that this is a workable solution to detailed problems that we have had in the past . Councilwoman Harrison - This would be on a first come first serve basis? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - To some extent, this would encourage some member municipalities to develop quickly? Supervisor Valentino - Yes , except if extensions are built. Those municipalities would be responsible for that cost instead of the other municipalities who did not call for the extension . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 38 APRIL 7 1997 Councilwoman Harrison - The Sewer Joint Subcommittee discussed protection of long term growth needs . To reserve the capacity for long term development would be a different approach ? Supervisor Valentino - " Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - Why should the Town look at these differently in terms of proposals? Supervisor Valentino - The City is not involved in this project. This is a different group of people with different concepts from what the City does . The City, in regards to the Joint Sewer, is in the mode of protecting what they feel they need to protect. The five SCLIWC needs to approach their concepts of how to do things . The concepts of how we deal with each other is different . Mr. Walker - The table provided shows the capital investment made by each municipality over the past 20 years of the bonds . The bonds are paid off now. These allocations are based on the total capital investment that each municipality has made . The table shows that the Town of Ithaca has put in 53 percent for the capital plan , the Town of Dryden 4 percent , the Town of Lansing 9 percent , the Village . of Cayuga Heights 15 percent, and the Village of Lansing 19 percent . The capital investment of the benefit assessment to each municipality was based on the consumption of different times of use. The Town was paying 60 percent for the first ten years , then the Village of Lansing started using more water. The Town has 3 . 5 million gallons of water to use . . In the year 2020, the Town would be using 24 percent of the whole capacity. If the Town needs to do an expansion , the capital improvement cost would be charged against the users using the allocations . This would be a situation to buy in after starting use of the water. The Town would allow people to use the water before paying . If there were any expansion of the Town of Dryden or the Town of Lansing a connection fee would be assessed . A capital fund would be started based on these connection fees . It is the responsibility of the municipality to pay or not pay in over the years for the capital investment. Supervisor Valentino - Most municipalities want to invest money in bonding . Mr. Walker - There are only five customers that can buy water from SCLIWC right now. These members are not limited to directly selling water to outside people . Attorney Barney - The agreement mentions the water to be used and sold within their jurisdiction . Cornell University is a Town customer. The Town could sell to Cornell , but it comes out of our funds . Supervisor Valentino - After discussions with the five partners there is some merit to this . It needs to be discussed further. The Committee asked the commissioners if they could pursue this in more detail to work out the trouble zones . Councilwoman Russell - Could this be set up so the outside users within the new municipalities pay up-front rather than after the expansion ? Mr. Walker - If the Town sold to outside users , we could probably collect a premium rate and set it I TOWN BOARD MINUTES 39 APRIL 7 , 1997 aside as capital reserve for future expansion . The Town could also request another municipality to buy into the commission . The other municipality being the City of Ithaca . Supervisor Valentino - That is something the Committee is talking about. The five partners should be thought of first. The language needs to define what is expected from everyone for future expansion before bringing in other municipalities . The Committee needs to get things in order with the current five partners before allowing more partners in . _ The Town Board had a brief discussion on the Draft Proposal from the Planning and Public Affairs Committee. The Town Board is concerned about the fairness of the allocation process as far as the Town of Ithaca is concerned . Supervisor Valentino and Mr. Walker will be discussing the concerns of the Town Board with the Committee . AGENDA ITEM NO. 32 - EXECUTIVE SESSION : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov , seconded by Councilwoman Russell to move into Executive Session to discuss potential litigations and property acquisition . Motion carried unanimously. The Board began Executive Session at 10 : 10 p . m . Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison to resume regular session . Motion carried unanimously . The Board resumed regular session at 10: 36 p . m . AGENDA ITEM NO. 33 - ADJOURNMENT : As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilwoman Harrison , seconded by Councilman Wolff to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10 : 40 p . m . ORespeJ c tfull snuU fitted , X ►� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services Next Regular Monthly Meeting - May 12 , 1997 at 5 : 30 p . m . "t*Unutes ,Trahscribed by Deborah Kelley. I I �1y OF I Thy ELI 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 210¢4- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No's 10 & 11 1997 Youth Services Agreement with Tompkins County Subcontractor Agreement = Summer Employment Program Subcontractor Agreement - Learning Web Resolution No . 59 WHEREAS , it is necessary for the Town of Ithaca to enter into an agreement with Tompkins County in order to participate in the Tompkins County Youth Services Program ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor and the Attorney for the Town have reviewed the proposed agreement with Tompkins County for the Youth Services Program , the subcontractor agreement for the Summer Employment Program sponsored by the Ithaca Youth Bureau , and the subcontractor agreement with the Learning Web ; and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor and the Attorney for the Town agree with the conditions and terms of payment in the said agreement and subcontracts with the exception of the indemnification provisions provided the same can be changed by the Town Supervisor and Attorney for the Town ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement and subcontractor agreements on behalf of the Town of Ithaca with any changes or amendments as may be deemed necessary upon the advice of the Attorney for the Town ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Attorney for the Town is hereby authorized and directed to continue negotiations with the Tompkins County Attorney to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement for the removal of the indemnification provisions in all contracts and agreements with Tompkins County. MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Q, S,4 Kt -,7" Jo Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk qty OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA 214 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 j 0 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 13 Reappointment Agriculture Committee Members Resolution No . 60 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby reappoints the following individuals to serve as members of the Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee for the Term of Office indicated . John Bokaer-Smith Term of Office : April 7 , 1997 - December 31 , 1998 Jennifer Bokaer-Smith 120 East York St , Ithaca , NY 14850 ( Shared Seat) Nelson Eddy Term of Office : April 7 , 1997 - December 31 , 1997 430 Bostwick Road Ithaca , NY 14850 Jamie Baker Term of Office : April 7 , 1997 - December 31 , 1997 380 Bostwick Road Ithaca , NY 14850 MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i i OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 15 Processing Vouchers/Invoices Cut Off Date Resolution No . 61 WHEREAS , in order to facilitate a more efficient and timely method for processing vouchers/invoices for the monthly abstracts it is necessary to establish a cut off date for submission of vouchers/invoices by vendors , staff, and other service people ; and WHEREAS , the Accounting Department has determined . that approximately one week is needed to properly prepare the vouchers/invoices for approval of the Town Board at their monthly meeting ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby adopt the following schedule for the remainder of the year 1997 as the last date by all vendors , staff, and other service people to submit vouchers/invoices to the Accounting Department for presentation to the Town Board on the Abstract Date : Processing Voucher/Invoice Cut Off Date " For Abstract Date Wednesday , April 30 Monday, May 12 Wednesday, May 28 Monday, June 9 Wednesday , June 25 Monday, July 7 Wednesday, July 30 Monday, August 11 Wednesday, August 27 Monday, September 8 Monday, September 22 Thursday, October 2 Monday, October 27 Thursday , November 6 Wednesday, November 26 Monday , December 8 Friday, December 19 Wednesday , December 31 " Abstract date is synonymous with Town Board meeting date . And , BE IT FURTHER , RESOLVED , vouchers/invoices must be submitted no later than 12 : 00 p . m . on the Processing Voucher/Invoice Cut Off Date ; and it is further RESOLVED , any emergency or extraordinary vouchers/invoices will be considered as deemed appropriate by the Chief Fiscal Officer and the Purchasing Agent . Agenda Item No . 15 Resolution No . 61 April 7 , 1997 Page 2 . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) SS : TOWN OF ITHACA) I , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, New York , do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and exact copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the said Town of Ithaca at a regular Town Board meeting held on the 7th day of April 1997 , and that the same is a complete copy of the whole of such resolution . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Corporate seal of the Town of Ithaca , New York this 8th day of April 1997 . J an Lent Noteboom Town Clerk , Town of Ithaca i qty OF 1P 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 16 Budget Amendments/Modification - Capital Project Resolution No . 62 WHEREAS , effective September, 1993 the governing Town Board established the "Town Building Reserve Fund" , under Resolution No . 255 . Compliant , initial funding was provided and appropriated in subsequent years ; and WHEREAS , in October , 1996 a separate bank account was established in the sum of $ 160 , 000 . However , all other "Town Building Reserve Fund" monies remained on deposit in a pooled money market account ; and WHEREAS , for the years 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , and 1996 interest earnings were not reasonably accounted for as "Town Building Reserve Fund" monies , unallocated reserve fund interest earnings has been estimated to be $216 , 803 . 00 ; and WHEREAS , it is the desire of the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca to account for these earnings by amending the 1997 Budget . This budgetary action facilitates the movement of these monies to the "Town Building Reserve Fund " . General Fund - FROM : A599 Appropriated Fund Balance $25 , 809 . 00 TO : A9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $25 , 809 . 00 General Part Town Fund - FROM : B599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 16 , 292 . 00 TO : B9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $ 16 , 292 . 00 Highway Fund - FROM : DB599 Appropriated Fund Balance $35 , 805 . 00 TO : D139901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $35 , 805 . 00 i Agenda Item No , 16 4/7/97 Resolution No . 62 Page 2 . Water Fund - FROM : F599 Appropriated Fund Balance $74 , 642 . 00 TO : F9901 . 905 Transfer = Capital Reserve $74 , 642 . 00 Sewer Fund - FROM : G599 Appropriated Fund Balance $64 , 255 . 00 TO : G9901 . 905 Transfer - Capital Reserve $643255 . 00 Qapital Projects Fund - TO : H5031 Interfund Transfers $2163803 . 00 TO : H878 Capital Reserve Balance $216 , 803 . 00 NOW , THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the said budget transfers ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board directs and authorizes the Chief Fiscal Officer to record such transfers to the Accounting/Budget records of the Town of Ithaca . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF IT� a TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y SOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 17 Rescinding Resolution No . 570- 1 ) of 3/10/97 Water Billing Reimbursement = Account #4472 Resolution No . 63 WHEREAS , the Town Board on March 10 , 1997 adopted Resolution No . 570- 1 ) to authorize a water billing refund in the amount of $558 . 00 for Account No . 4472 to David Dolph , 1457 Trumansburg Road ; and WHEREAS , since the adoption of that resolution it has been determined that the issuance of a refund for the said water billing may not be consistent with the Town of Ithaca policy regarding water billing refunds for previous periods of more than one year, and because there is a question as to the validity of the issuance of this particular refund for any water billing period ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby rescind Resolution No . 57 (j- 1 ) adopted on March 10 , 1997 , MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 LA -W'U� Ln Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �zy OF 1 r a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 18 Approval of the Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule Resolution No . 64 WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee has developed and approved an updated vacation accrual and carryover schedule for the Town employees ; and WHEREAS , the Personnel Committee has recommended that the Town Board approve and adopt the said schedule for inclusion in the Town of Ithaca Personnel Manual to replace the vacation section in the current Personnel Manual ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby adopt the updated Vacation Accrual and Carryover Schedule as presented and approved by the Personnel Committee; and be it further RESOLVED , the said updated Vacation section shall be added to the Town of Ithaca Personnel Manual as a replacement for the current Vacation section . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk oflp _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 41 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 20 Authorization to Receive Bids for the Purchase of a Backhoe and Air Compressor - Highway Department Resolution No. 65 WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Highway Department presently owns a 1994 Case Backhoe with several attachments ; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent recommends that the Town make its own emergency water and sewer break repairs versus using outside resources ; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent has determined purchasing a different model and/or make backhoe would not be cost effective since the attachments are not interchangeable ; and WHEREAS , for reasons such as handling and operations of the equipment , attaching variou .D buckets , and other implements , it is the desire of this governing Town Board to purchase an additional backhoe of the same make as the one presently owned by the Town of Ithaca ; and WHEREAS , the governing Town Board also desires purchasing an air compressor to help with watE? r and sewer breaks ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Public Works Committee and the Highway Superintendent , for reasons of efficiency and economy and pursuant to the authority conferred by Subdivision 5 , Section 103 of the General Municipal Law it is determined by this governing Town Board that there is a need for standardization in the purchase of the backhoe for the Highway Department ; and be it further RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent , the specifications for a new Case Backhoe be accepted ; and be it further RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent , the specifications for a new air compressor be accepted ; and be it further RESOLVED ,, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise to receive bids for the new Case Backhoe and an air compressor; and be it further t i 1 Agenda Item No . 20 Resolution No , 65/ 1997 Page 2 . RESOLVED , after discussion with the Town Accountant , funds will be distributed for the purchase of the said backhoe and air compressor, as follows : FROM : F8340 . 4.70 ( Repair Lines) $30 , 000 . 00 FROM : F8340 . 4.71 ( Line Maintenance- Scheduled) $ 15 , 000 . 00 TO: F9901 . 906 (Interfund Transfer Highway Fund) $45 , 000 . 00 FROM : G8120 . 480 ( Repairs and Maintenance) $459000 . 00 TO : G9901 .906 ( Interfund Transfer Highway Fund ) $451000 . 00 TO : DB5031 (Interfund Transfers from Water & Sewer) $90 ,000 .00 TO : D135130 . 203 (Equipment - Backhoe) $909000 . 00 MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : April 7 , 1997 Lan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk t i qty OF 1 r� a TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y o4 STOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 21 Authorization to Receive Bids for New Dump Truck , Snow Plow Equipment , and Dump Box Material Spreader Resolution No . 66 WHEREAS , the Highway Department was scheduled to replace one dump truck , snow plow equipment , and dump box/material spreader in 1996 ; and WHEREAS , the money has been budgeted , encumbered and ordered for the purchase of one dump truck , snow plow equipment , and dump box/material spreader in 1996 from the State Bid ; and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent has canceled the said order because the truck did not meet the specifications and would like to have the monies returned to the Highway Fund Account No . DB5130 . 200 ; and WHEREAS , the Town still needs to replace one dump truck, snow plow equipment , and dump box/material spreader; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent , the specifications for the new dump truck , snow plow equipment , and dump box/material spreader be approved ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise and receive bids for the new dump truck , snow plow equipment , and dump box/material spreader. MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk t i 1 OF 1 P� TOWN OF ITHACA 21 044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 23 Consent of Closing East Ithaca Recreationway by Cornell University Resolution No . 67 BE IT RESOLVED , the governing Town Board reluctantly consents to the closing of the eastern half portion of the East Ithaca Recreationway for the period of July 7 , 1997 until approximately August 12 , 1997 , in order that Cornell University may conduct a project to make repairs and construct a sedimentation basin , and install sedimentation protection facilities along the said trail ; and it is further RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby requests that Cornell University provide early notification to community residents by publicizing the trail closing through the local media , and by placing signs along the trail at least one month prior to the actual closing of the trail ; and be it further RESOLVED , Cornell University hereby agrees to provide a complete restoration of the said trail should any damage occur during the said project . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 C ort�t Jan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p 9 TOWN OF ITHACA � �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 jrr Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 25 Authorization of Printing Draft Park, Recreation & Open Space Plan Resolution No . 68 BE IT RESOLVED , the governing Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and the Planning Department staff to expend up to $ 1 , 000 . 00 for the publication and printing of a reasonable number of copies of the Draft Park , Recreation & Open Space Plan for distribution to the public at no cost. MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 CL, Lz TA111DI Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF rTl. TOWN OF ITHACA 210�4- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Rr Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 26 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Petition Zoning Change Alfred and Nelson Eddy , 1310 Mecklenburg Road Resolution No . 69 BE IT RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby acknowledges receipt of a petition from Alfred and Nelson Eddy, 1310 Mecklenbug Road , requesting a zoning change for their property from Agricultural to Residential R15 ; and be it further RESOLVED , in view of the current status of a review of the overall zoning within the Town of Ithaca , and the desire to make any zoning changes in a cohesive manner rather than in a piece meal manner , this governing Town Board does not feel that it is appropriate to reWne the said property from Agricultural ; and be it further RESOLVED , this governing Town Board makes this decision without prejudice regarding a renewal of an application for a specific plan in the future . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 0,,, L 7 �n. can Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 27 ENDORSEMENT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY WATERFRONT PLAN Resolution No . 70 WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Department of Planning has coordinated the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan , which is a strategic plan for the southern end of the Cayuga Lake Waterfront , to promote the scenic , historic and recreational assets of the area ; and WHEREAS , representatives from Tompkins County, the City of Ithaca , Town of Ithaca , Cornell University, and the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce have participated in an Oversight Committee responsible for overseeing the preparation of the above- referenced Plan ; and WHEREAS , three public workshops were held during the formulation of the Plan to solicit public participation and comment , and these public workshops formed the basis for the Plan ' s recommendations and priorities ; and WHEREAS , among other elements , the Waterfront Plan includes an analysis of potential public access to Cayuga Lake , which is included as an important strategy in the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan ( 1993) ; and WHEREAS , the results of the Plan have been summarized in a document entitled , "Tompkins County Waterfront Plan , " January 1997 ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Board , at a meeting held on April 1 , 1997 , has reviewed the above= ref erenced Plan , and has recommended that the governing Town Board endorse the said Plan ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board reviewed and discussed the Plan at a meeting held on April 7 , 1997 ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby finds that the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan is consistent with and supportive of the goals of the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan (September 1993) ; and be it further f TB Mtg , 4/7/97 Agenda No , 27 Resolution No . 70 Page 2 . RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca endorses the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk f t OF I P� 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21o44- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 30 Approval of Contract Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Transmission Main Repair At Slaterville Road Resolution No . 71 WHEREAS , the Staff at the S . C . L. I . W. C . and the Town Engineer, concerned by the frequency of repair and evidence of pipe line corrosion on a portion of the Transmission Main , have investigated the condition of the Transmission Main located just south of Slaterville Road , and with the assistance of the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association , have determined that approximately 300 feet of the transmission main is in poor condition due to corrosive soil conditions , and have recommended replacement of this portion of the Transmission main with new 16 " Ductile Iron Pipe protected by a polyethylene encasement , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of the Transmission Main repair, and ; WHEREAS , The S . C . L. I .W . C . , at a Commission meeting on April 3 , 1997 , has authorized the expenditure of commission funds to repair this portion of the Transmission Main , and has authorized the advertisement for Bid , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca acting as the contracting agency for the S . C . L. I . W. C . , hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Transmission Main Repair at Slaterville Road , and authorizes the advertisement for bids for the project . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 ne��U Jar1+ or�c'�:U � J an Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I r _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (a)=31 ( i ) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No's , 72 (a) -72 ( i) BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 31 (a) through 31 ( i) as presented or amended on the individual resolution . MOVED: Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p a TOWN - OF ITHACA 0 4- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (a) Approval Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolution No . 72 (a) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the regular meeting held on March 10 , 1997 , to the Town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meeting ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes for the regular meeting held on March 10 , 1997 , as the official minutes for the said meeting . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Q,� L /)qUX1cr�,s. Joan Lent Notaboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 1 -P TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (b) Town of Ithaca Warrants Resolution No . 72 (b) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . General Townwide Vouchers : No . 932- 981 , $25 , 149 . 04 . General Outside Village Vouchers : No . 373 403 , $ 14 , 847 . 42 . Highway Vouchers : No . 567- 598 , $ 141026 . 26 . Water District Vouchers : No . 228-243 , $312 , 696 . 45 . Sewer District Vouchers : No . 236-250 , $ 141 , 542 . 590 Special Lighting District Vouchers : No . 44-46 , $ 1 , 146 . 88 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk f OFIr TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (c) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No . 72 (c) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . Operating Fund Vouchers : No . 1750= 1829 , $ 115 , 963 . 33 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Qa2 �z LA IAA�r� - Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk f i fly OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA �� 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (d) Budget Amendment - Human Services Department Resolution No . 72 (d) WHEREAS , the Human Services Department has spoken to the Accounting Department regarding the need for additional funds to meet the needed publication expenditures for the operating year 1997 ; and WHEREAS , based upon this discussion and the up and coming publication purchases the Accounting Department finds this request to be reasonable and practical ; and WHEREAS , the Accounting Department recommends the following budget transfer: General Fund FROM : A1990 . 400 Contingent Account $300 . 00 TO : A1430 . 420 Personnel , Publication/Dues $300 . 00 NOW , THERE= FORE BE IT , RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the said budget transfer ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board directs and authorizes the Chief Fiscal Officer to record such transfer to the Accounting/Budget records of the Town of Ithaca . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : . April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1T1. TOWN OF ITHACA 21044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (e) Designation of 1997 Polling Places Resolution No . 72 (e) WHEREAS , in conformity with Town Law it is necessary that the Town of Ithaca designate the names and addresses of Polling Places for voting within the Town of Ithaca ; and WHEREAS , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca wishes to be in compliance with the Election Law; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board does hereby designate the following list by Districts of Polling Places , as the official Designated Polling Places for the year 1997 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the said Designated Polling Places are all in compliance with the Election Law and are accessible to the handicapped . District # 1 - West Hill Fire Station , 1242 Trumansburg Road District #2 = Veteran Volunteer Fireman ' s Association , Inc . , 638 Elmira Road District #3 - South Hill Fire Station , 965 Danby Road District #4 - Trinity Lutheran Church , 149 Honness Lane District #5 = Hasbrouck Apartments Community Center, 121 Pleasant Grove Road District #6 - B . O . C . E . S , 555 Warren Road District #7 = Cayuga Heights School , Corner East Upland & Hanshaw Road District #8 - Boynton Middle School , 1601 North Cayuga Street District #9 - B . O . C . E . S . , 555 Warren Road District # 10 = Axiohm , 950 Danby Road District # 11 - Trinity Lutheran Church , 149 Honness Lane MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 JoAn Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i OF 1 T� _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (f) Records Management Disposition Listing Resolution No . 72 (f) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk/Records Management Officer has determined that the attached listing of outdated and duplicate copies of records are eligible for disposition according to the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU - 1 ; and WHEREAS , the Supervisor and Department Heads have reviewed and approved the disposition of the said records ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct the Records Management Officer/Town Clerk to dispose of the records as described in the attached listing according to the procedure developed by the New York State Archives and Records Administration . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein ; aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 L+ 9 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i i w � NAG N N O � 0 nm m m rt rt vxiz H• x H x w (D d d d O h O H K . . cu P- cn (D w £ £ £ 0 Ft O"' (D (D (D (D F-' (D W F—' N (D rt C) n a/ H 1-' 7U n n H rU0 0 -- n0 0 b7lOW (D 0 0 • n0 t34 t-0 .IPN [NJ WwG C'7LTJ FS '0 '0 (D O G £ O J 0 G '0 n O '0 to O w '0 a to n (D H- H- (D '0 a G G m G £ 9 H- • n H- rt G Fs F— lO lO lO lO lO lO H n 0 '0 (D (D Ft H- a a F H- (D n (D n (D x H- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U, U) H- (D r0 n (n n rt ri) w (D cn w H• 0 H d n 0) (j) h N n (D n x rt G U, 0 �J w H �U w I I N (D (D O £ O (D I N ' O I rt (D iQ rt H- H- I--'- F-'- H- H- w H rt 1 '0 Fl G (D G x (D F- 0 (1) H- G G G G G G ' o H H- C-4 H W w 7s o Fs '0 (D n (D G n 0 U) rU O G G G G G G (D O 0 0 0 0 0 0 H- n ::Y, rt a0 t--h0 (D ::I rt rtrt rtrt rt in z H £ G G w G a, G LQ O w P. (D a tQ Fs Cn (D (D (D (D (D (D G G a U' ct H• U) U) G r Ui G G (D (D 0 n] rt ( ) FJ H- (h �', rt '0 (D G H- Ftt rt rt rt rt rt rt I h H• bD -- H- O C1 w (n 0 OJ (D 0 a W rt 0 w w w w w w w 0 F-j (n G 0 �j rt h rU 0 k-h H- 0 U) F1 1-0 "0 'o '0 '0 '0 H (D G (D (D a (D cn w o w rt 0 (D (D (D (D (D (D O 0 rt Lo £ w H (D rt G Fl M (D � x (n Co (n (n (n U) £ 0 a (D (D � H. 0 n H a- s rt a w G n w n rt "0 F n H c 0 �:r Q rt Fl (D n �5 H G t-0 z H. a b7 In yJ (D �l7 'U O U) (D 10 (] FY 0 0 0 n h C W FS (D d 0 rt (n G (] w d o 0 (D (D '0 0 O '0 H- u- N 5 0 C d 0 0 �t W N (D (D H• (D G (D H G (n H- FS (D "0 0 5 �:j a (n w o w Fl m o J 0 rt H- rt (D (D rt (D I-' Cu F-h U) a H in Fs G �j G G rt rt G (D a r� w rt rt H- G a -' CO of m m o (D o o d CL U) U] F-h J H- U) (n 0 In lO l0 to lO l0 N O lO Ol F-1 F ' W N O O O O O LTJ H- Ooao O, rn Ou \ \ Go \ l01-' \ O loIO03 OJJ H rt �A Ol Ol XA J h' N O l0 OD \ l0 \ \ \ \ \ \ Im 0 H• 1 1 \ X�h I OODIO 0000 N 7o 0 F ' F ' OD \ 1- A I \ I W to (IP SIP N lO d �J lO l0 J OD lfl F' I l0 F-j \ \ \ \ \ \ OD m l0 OD \ (n N lO to lO to lO l0 t + to J w 1� 1 -� 1 \ of rn rn rn rn rn H- N lO O l0 W OD N W rt lO \ H• N � \ iQ lfl F� H F-' I N N F ' FJ N O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 im\O lO lO l0 N O l0 \ N W N W W N F-' F--+ h'lO lO J lO \ \ Go l0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H (n (D N W (`J N l0 l0 W O O W 0 0 0 0 0 0 h7 a \ ()-i H lO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O w W to to to to to to to l0 to H rt J J Ol J J J J J J y (D H 0 z N y n N O G 0 G H H F-h H rt . rt 747 t ' H (D ml r z F ` � o o M (D :j of H K rn C) n n n w n d 7d �:rz �:r �:y �34m0 ►- a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo r� r� v (D w (D /(D (D a 11 � z ay �y m1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 v� (D 774 (D 774 774 774 w 7w x (D z F'4 z:r h Z�r Z�r Cr Fl n z U] Cr N m F F-' F-I h-+ F-' F- N N N w m m h' F_l Q. 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F' Ul 0 w G �:j � to m of Cn J�:b N W Ah 6l (n O �1 M H O t0 774 G rt rt (D w (n O N N (n to O t0 LQ O to CJ (n W to N (D Hl J H• U) 774 kG 0 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 747 ;;UU Ul z 1-' F-' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'TJ > t=] H- Q0 Q0 to tQ Ok�o to G H n rt �I �1 J m J G �l m 'J CrJ O H• (n J�h 1-' O m (D m to F-' F ' F ' F-' F� F-I W (n Cn CL 70 0 1 1 1 1 I -�l �1 m (n (.n (n �A w w N m 0 0 W to 747 F _j F-1 F-' F-A F X�b ( n N t0 to O X�3b m F-' m m t0 W N �.I t0 t0 t0 t0 to J O 1 (n -j J�b to m J (n O (n I I I tl OD J m �1 _� 1 I I F-' I I I I I I I I I W Cn m H• t0 m O to l0 F-' F-I m F-' F-a F-' F ' F-' F_A F-' O W O U1 -Q -�110 (n (n (nFP W W N6lN � a!bbN rt 4�:b (n to to F� (n m N 61 m F -3 H• m F-3 Ol m JA O � O m W N G W F_A F-A H d CJ to t0 t0 lD l0 t0 N �J H l0 m m m m co H Ul Cn H rn M cn (D (xi w (D t=] n1 a a O w to w H rt 0) rt • H (D (D H O z N 0 H n O FA • H H �h H rt F-G i i I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 m ~O 5C 5C N x x x x 8 x H O �_jcn Cn a�), ,A &1�2b ,nCa a xt� co . . F rr U) z w w w co In o� o I I w I I I I I w rt C=] ;U ( n N 4�2b � X�b X�b 1 O • • HFc I N N FY � a Q m H H n7 C w H n w H ;U H CJ :c1 o a o o o (n m a H H a n o H o a to O a a s✓ 7J O 7U (D O O mm rt O, n it ro Co rt (D rt (t F� E O ` C (D O H rr �4 H (D O (D 0 5-.: co n N a n d Fj- o (D (D a (D (D �J �J n n G rt (D c n E �:l c m �:j 0 n O 0 t3' m m m 0 n �:5 a Fl FS ::1 O o o n n m m Imo- H_ ::3 7o 7u m o W NW N- N n �san (n n N �ja �j o n P - ;JC4 (D 'O n (D Ftd I✓ to F✓ a a iz) H N H a (D w N Ft "0 m G £ rt F� n ro O rt o 1 rt (D a M (D 0 (D rt n ro F-'• N rt �l U) (n (D (A H I-h ro N- c rt cn n h a n H (D Co O F� (D to (a O rt tl n H > Q. G n O (n (D (D I m p 7S' rt pq' F-�• n tom• F� 0 F•'- c F-'• m I x O w tj m o m � cn � h T O a 5 \ �:5 N- rt 'a a 0 m • z a N �:j m G O m o F i m W rt �J H- m F✓ m W ro N m n m 0, U m 0 ((DD 0) H, Ui U) £ �,`' `Q � d 1 Io w O n H n N rt n d O O �3 m a (D G rt 7� O Z3 ;U Imo- H O �:j rt c �g N- m m 'U rt O O n F-'• F- 0 rt rt m U' rt rt F-'- N• a a rt n h O s✓ to �:l rt �j ` C O Q. n 'do n �ja �j o cn rt rt (n o nZ�r Fa- rr (D w n a ' C O a a m �J N• N- N- U) rt ul rt n h \ 7d Q rt h n 0 O a 0 O o 'Z3 '0 a F- N (D m rt `C a y N N N Fl ;U 0 l_c o ' o 'z3 Q. 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O 41 =3 � A% - i i I o n o wZDcA2WDC» 2a-) Z mN c < m N. � ^� S � � :a C(? M �'• < ? ill I to rt 3 C3 to 3 =' .7 Q �, S Q I O P) w � = sv � -o 3 O u� '� � �' `DSVCn � I � `< su � —I 5 3, (D = r —i 2 `< cn - r I C wJ rol. Q. o o o Q r— D cn o p -�+. ► n (�D ¢; ( O M 0 (ODD ( �_ � CD 0 Wn L. O v� T•' � n � -,. uy � � Z rD0 � � cn n N e N U tn O p Q z �/j Sv Al I p .C-r (�D �� ^� w a1 ty I 0 � i n O I � I p I � CTStn -Ph 4�14 wCJ !V r ^� ^� .� r.) -� 0 Q _r N N Iw o O Cotz) toC.^. tot^ tototot � � O � tototo (DtoCOc ,gyp .A A P -• -P .A .PO •AO v W OW W W CA) IN) iCD Lt I I i t t I I I .A PWGJN � � � N " , : Om JD - 10 N 3 tO to CQ ty tQ CO CD tO tO CD rp rfl (o tD G� G� G� 'd I D N �, I I � I 0 1W O d I I i i OF 1P _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (g) PARTICIPATION IN CORNELL SUMMER JOB NETWORK WORK STUDY PROGRAM = PLANNING DEPARTMENT Resolution No . 72 (g ) WHEREAS , the Planning Department has budgeted funds to cover the cost of having student interns and has traditionally participated in the Cornell University Work Study Programs to provide students with valuable work experience while the Town of Ithaca has received valuable technical support from the students ; and WHEREAS , the Summer Job Network Program (formerly CIVITAS ) provides student interns at a cost to the Town of 25% of the full employment expense for these students , paid by the Town as reimbursement to Cornell ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize the Planning Department to participate in the Cornell University Summer Job Network Work Study Program for the year 1997 , at a cost not to exceed $2 , 500 . 00 , which will be transferred from General Part Town account 88020 . 110 , Student Interns , and charged to General Part Town account B8020 . 410 , CIVITAS Interns . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 -+7Z L.A Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk it OF 1p 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2Z104�- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 (h ) Appointment Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review Resolution No , 72 (h ) WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review will hold their review proceedings on Tuesday, May 13 , 1997 , from 3 : 00 p . m . to 6 : 00 p . m . , at the Tompkins County Assessment Office , 128 East Buffalo Street , Ithaca , New York; and WHEREAS , it is necessary that the Town Supervisor appoint two members of the Town Board to attend the said proceedings as Town of Ithaca representatives; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Supervisor hereby appoints Councilman Edward Conley and Councilman John Wolff as the Town of Ithaca representatives on the Tompkins County Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review on May 13 , 1997 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Tompkins County Division of Assessment . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 CLJ, Am�,, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk f OFIp a TOWN OF ITHACA 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 W Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item No . 31 ( i ) Recommendation of Reappointment Tompkins; County Neighborhood Advisory Committee , Solid Waste Center Resolution No . 72 ( i) WHEREAS , James M . Niefer, 102 Brandywine Drive , Ithaca , New York has served as the Town of Ithaca representative on the Tompkins County Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Solid Waste Center for the past three years ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Niefer' s term of office on the said committee expired on December 31 , 1996 ; and WHEREAS , Mr. Niefer wishes to be reappointed as the Town ' s representative on the said committee ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby recommend to the Tompkins County Board of Representatives that Mr . James M . Niefer be reappointed to serve as the Town of Ithaca's representative on the Tompkins County Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the Solid Waste Center, for a term of office through December 31 , 1999 , MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1991,7, lan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF1P TOWN OF ITHACA 21 o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Additional Agenda Item No . 1 Increase Second Notice Fee = Unpaid Real Property Taxes Resolution No . 73 WHEREAS , Real Property Tax Law , Section 987 , authorizes the Receiver of Taxes to mail a "notice" to each owner of real property upon which taxes remain unpaid on the tax roll to which his or her warrant relates ; and WHEREAS , the said Section 987 allows the Town Board , by, resolution , to charge a fee to provide for the expense of mailing the said notice of up to $2 . 00 per notice ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca in prior years has charged a fee of $ 1 . 00 for mailing the said notice to offset the cost of postage and administration ; and WHEREAS , the Receiver of Taxes has determined and recommended that the charge of $ 1 . 00 per notice is insufficient to cover the said expenses ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , based on the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes , this governing Town Board does herein adopt an increase .from $ 1 . 00 to $2 . 00 additional penalty per tax parcel for the Notice of Unpaid Taxes as allowed under Real Property Tax Law, Section 987 . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Jo Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 17, 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2MI04�- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA, N . Y. 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 4/7/97 Agenda Item Additional No . 2 Designation of S . C . L. I . W. C . as Lead Agency for the Environmental Review of the Water Supply Permit Modification Resolution No . 74 WHEREAS , The S . C . L. I . W. C . is considering making application to the NYSDEC to amend the current water supply permit to increase the allowable daily withdrawal from Cayuga Lake , and ; WHEREAS , The NYSDEC permit agent has determined that a modification of the withdrawal permit would constitute an unlisted action requiring review under SECIR , and ; WHEREAS , The S . C . L. I . W . C . has requested concurrence of lead agency status for environmental review from the member municipalities ; RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby concurs with the designation of S . C . L. I . W . C . as lead agency for environmental review on the action of amending the NYSDEC water supply permit to increase the withdrawal limitation for the Bolton Point Water source , to the limitations of law . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : April 7 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I t �1y OF 1 P� _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� Z1044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING April 7, 1997 5 : 30 p. m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . Reports of Town Officials : a . Director of Engineering . b . Town Highway Superintendent . c . Director of Planning . d . Director of Building and Zoning . e . Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services . f. Financial Report , 4. Report of Town Committees . 5 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 6 . Report of Fire Commissioners , 7 . Review of Correspondence : a . NYS Office of Parks , Recreation and Historic Preservation . b . Coyote Loco Restaurant and Cantina , Liquor License . c . John A. Yntema , Town Web Site . d . Landmark America , Affordable Housing Proposal , Danby Road . 8 . 6 : 00 p. m . - PERSONS TO BE HEARD . 9 . 6 : 15 p . m . = Consider possible revisions to Local Law No . 7/ 1988 , a LOCAL LAW REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . TB Mtg . Agenda April 7 , 1997 Page 2 . 10 . Consider entering into a contract to participate in the Tompkins County Youth Services Program , and consider entering into a sub-contract agreement with the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau for the Summer Employment Program . 11 . Consider entering into a Sub- Contract agreement with the Learning Web for the Tompkins County Youth Services Program . 12 . Acceptance and approval of Town Justice Dockets . 13 . Consider appointment to the Agriculture Committee . 14 . Consider request by the Ithaca Veteran Volunteer Firemen ' s Association to enact legislation to allow "games of chance" in the Town of Ithaca . 150 Consider setting deadline date for submission of vouchers . 16 . Consider modifications and amendments to the 1997 Budget for prior years Capital Project . 17 . Consider rescinding Town Board Resolution No . 57 (j - 1 ) of March 10 , 1997 related to a water and sewer billing refund . 18 . Consider approval of the vacation accrual and carryover schedule to be included in the Personnel Manual , 19 . Consider purchase offer related to acquisition of a new Town Hall . 20 . Consider approval of specifications and authorization to receive bids for the purchase of a backhoe and air compressor for the Highway Department to be utilized for water and sewer repairs . 21 . Consider approval of specifications and authorization to receive bids for the purchase of a truck for the Highway Department . 22 . Consider authorization to draft an ordinance to establish rules and regulations for the issuance of Open Burn Permits in the Town of Ithaca . 23 . Discuss temporary closing of the East Ithaca Recreationway. TB Mtg , Agenda April 7 , 1997 Page 3 . 24. Consider sending comments to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding adequacy of the Cornell University Lake Source Cooling Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement , 25 . Discuss draft Town of Ithaca Park , Recreation , and Open Space Plan . 26 . Consider proposed rezoning (Ag . to R15) , Eddy property on Mecklenburg Road . 27 . Consider endorsement of Tompkins County Waterfront Plan . 28 . Consider changing the location of the proposed Monkemeyer- Montessori Park , and consider the acceptance of the location of a new south hill park . 29 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to accept bids for the Buttermilk Falls Water and Sewer Improvements . 30 . Consider approval of plans and specifications , and authorization to accept bids for the Transmission Main Repair at Slaterville Road . 31 , Consent Items : Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Minutes - 3/ 10/97 . b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c. BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Budget Amendment - Human Services Department . e . Designation 1997 Polling Places . f. Records Management Disposition Listing . g . Authorization to participate in Cornell Summer Job Network, Planning . h . Appointment Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review. I . Recommendation of Appointment Neighborhood Advisory Committee , Solid Waste Center. 32 . Consider = EXECUTIVE SESSION . 33. Consider ADJOURNMENT , ADDITIONAL ITEMS 1 . Consider resolution increasing the second notice fee for the unpaid billings on the 1997 Real Property Tax Roll . r Town Engineer ' s Report for 3 / 7 / 97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Continued to monitor drainage and construction activity by the developer to ensure compliance with the subdivision approval . Ithaca College Reviewed proposed drainage evaluation being developed as the campus masterplan is being updated to include the proposed Ford Hall additions and related parking lot plans . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive , Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been limited to stockpiling of material from utility excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project , and final grading and site restoration is expected to occur in 1997 . Sediment control fencing is being maintained around the fill .area . The contractor has been keeping the roadway clean . Ithaca Vol . Vets , Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the Planning Board on October 29 , 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed . The Town Engineer is monitoring the project . Had meeting with. Contractor to review rough grades . Bulk of fill is in place with more select fill to be placed for final top and grading . Williams Glen Road A fill permit for approximately 200 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading a residential lot with imported material . Final grading and seeding of the site will be completed when weather permits . r Town Engineer ' s Report 4 / 7 / 97 2 WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineering staff is continuing to work with the Bolton Point staff to implement the master metering program for connections to the water transmission main . Work has been substantially completed , with remaining work itemized on a punch list , including site restoration work being the major element to complete . The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on the engineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area . Bench marking of the system models is focusing on possible fire flow analysis and should be completed by mid - April . The Town Engineering Staff has completed plans for a replacement of the aging, and '- inadequate water main that serves Buttermilk Falls State Park . The replacement line will connect to the new watermain at the intersection of Buttermilk Falls Road and Rte . 13 and will run to the City line near Spencer Street , replacing a 6 " watermain that is over 70 years old . SEWER Plans for the replacement of the controls for Forest Home pump stations number 1 & 2 have been completed and the equipment has been ordered . Town staff will install this equipment when it arrives . Installation of the monitoring station on Hanshaw Road has been completed except for some final site restoration which will be completed in the Spring . Installation of this monitoring station is part of the Northeast Sewer rehabilitation plan which has been requested by the Village of Cayuga Heights . The Town Engineering staff has received 3 portable flow monitors and has installed them in manholes on the Village line . Data collection has begun and flows will be monitored over an extended period of time to develop a database to identify infiltration problems in the Town system . The Town Engineering staff has completed plans for a short extension of sewer on Buttermilk Falls Road to serve the Buttermilk Falls State Park . This project has been requested by the Park as they plan to replace a septic tank system that serves the Bath House and Park Office . The current leach field is located adjacent to Buttermilk Creek . Town Enc1ineer ' s Report 417197 3 STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation is continuing . Base maps are being developed utilizing the digital planimetric map , and field survey work will begin when weather permits and continue through the summer with utilization of student aids . BENEFIT ASSESSMENT The townwide water and sewer benefit assessment review has been completed and a list of changes is being prepared to transmit to County assessment . The Benefit Assessment Committee is evaluating the impact of the current benefit assessment on large parcels and is considering options to modify the assessment formula bases on current development potential . The County ' digital tax parcel maps have been provided to the Town by the County Assessment Office , and development of a database utilizing the GIS is proceeding . CAYUGA INLET REHABILITATION PROJECT BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS The Corps of Engineers is planning to repair Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel from the State Street Bridge up to the drop structure and fish ladder . Work is proposed to include removal of approximately 100 , 000 CY of sediment , placement of rock rip rap bank protection and removal of gravel from the Coy Glen grade stabilization structures . A contractor has apparently been selected for the first phase of channel stabilization and the project was scheduled to begin in March . No work has been started to date . C : \MEMOS\ERPT9703 . REP Agenda Item 3b HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ' S MONTHLY REPORT, MARCH 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING, APRIL 7, 1997 Highway Superintendent Due to the unusually warm weather in March, the Highway crews have stared some Permanent Improvement projects . These include Brandywine Drive, Maplewood Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Burns Road. The total hours worked on Permanent Improvement projects was 442 hours . We worked 98 hours to finish Brandywine Drive . This does not include lawn restorations . We put in underground drainage (pipes and catch basins) on this project. The Highway crews cleaned ditches and repairs/put in piping and catch basins on Maplewood :Drive. This took a total of 176 hours of time. Due to a collapse in the shoulder of the Burns Road, the crews put in gabions to reinforce the shoulder. This took 96 hours . We have started preparing for paving by replacing culvert pipes across the road on Pennsylvania Avenue . We have spent 72 hours this month on this project. The Highway crews finished up some long overdue tree trimming along the roads this month. This took 100 hours . We will continue to work on trimmings to keep road ways safer. Although the month was warmer, we worked 236 hours on snow removal. This total include 78 . 5 hours of overtime . We used 165 tons of salt . The fire station parking lots (within the Town of Ithaca) were salted four times and plowed twice . We worked 650 hours of time on General Repair work. The bulk of the work was hauling materials for summer work. There were other miscellaneous jobs done too . The crews worked a total of 316 . 25 hours on machinery/vehicle maintenance. This includes , at times, two people working together on machinery maintenance . We worked a total of 14 hours on water projects which include : lawn restorations and clean ups after water main breaks . Sewer projects consumed 68 hours of time which include inventorying supplies, repairs to pump stations , installing flow meters , and sewer cleaning using the sewer jet rodder. We also assisted the Village of Cayuga Heights with the sewer jet rodder . April Highway Projects 1 . Brush and leaf collection starting April 14, 1997 , 2 . Work on Pennsylvania Avenue. 3 . Work on Eastern Heights Drive. 4 . Ongoing regular maintenance . Parks Manager Snow removal required only 38 hours this month, and tree removals required 10 hours . Spring clean ups were begun earlier than usual given the warm weather. A total of 59 hours were spent . ' Bark mulch was added to the bases of our play structures as we do every year to maintain adequate fall protection. This took 76 hours . A variety of workshop proj act ects, totaling 77 hours , were worked on in between outdoor ivities . Several seminars were attended and routine maintenance, totaling 375 hours, completed the month of March. April Park Projects 1 . Prepare grounds maintenance equipment. 2 . Begin landscape restoration work. 3 . Finish spring park and trail clean ups . 4. Continue wood chipping park nature trails . 5 . Town-wide Brush and leaf collection starting April 14, 19970 6 . Install new nets for Taretyton Park soccer goals . T Put new John Deere mower and landscaping trailer into service. r Agenda Item #3c Planning Director' s Report for April 7, 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board . Paleontological Research Institution Addition, 1259 Trumansburg Road The Planning Board granted Final Site Plan Approval at the March 18, 1997 meeting for a 6,000 + / - sq. ft addition to the existing PRI building at 1259 Trumansburg Road, Cornell University Subdivision, 581 Warren Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the March 18, 1997 meeting for lot line modifications to an existing lot at 581 Warren Road, Residence Distrcit R-15 . The lot contains an existing house. The former driveway to Warren Road has been abandoned, and a new driveway has been constructed on the recently completed Arrowwood Drive . Montessori School Annex, 117 East King Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary Site Plan Approval at the March 18, 1997 meeting and approved a recommendation to the Zoning Board regarding Special Approval for the proposed conversion of a single-family house and garage into a two-classroom school facility to accommodate up to 20 students, along with the construction of a new driveway, bus unloading area, parking spaces, and walkways, located at 117 East King Road, directly opposite the existing Montessori School, Residence District R- 15 . Proposed Commercial Building, Ron Seacord, 701 -709 Elmira Road The Planning Board considered a Sketch Plan at the March 18, 1997 meeting for the proposed construction of a 21 ,000 + / - square foot commercial building, to include retail uses on the main floor and a roof contracting business on the lower level, with parking and landscaping, to be located at 701 -709 Elmira Road, in an existing Business "C " District. The site is located just south of the Seven Mile Drive intersection on the east side of Elmira Road. Hubbell Subdivision, 1308 Mecklenburg Road ' r The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval at the April 1 , 1997 meeting for the proposed subdivision of an 11 . 3 + / - acre parcel into two lots, 9 . 9 + / - acres and 1 .4 + / - acres, for the purpose of creating a new building lot, located at 1308 Mecklenburg Road, just opposite West Haven Road, Residence District R-15 and AGAgricultural District. Recommendation Regarding Tompkins County Waterfront Plan The Planning Board approved a recommendation to the Town Board at the April 1 , 1997 meeting to endorse the Tompkins County Waterfront Plan. This is on the Town Board' s April 7th agenda for consideration (see Agenda Item No . 27) , CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . SE OR Reviews for Zoning Board : Two SEQR reviews for the Zoning Board were completed: ( 1 ) a request for a height variance to permit the construction of a 30 foot X 60 foot accessory building with a building height of 18 + / - feet (15 feet maximum permitted) , 153 East King Road, Residence District R-30 (James Bruno, Appellant); and (2) a request for a variance to permit four dwelling units in an existing building where only two are allowed, 167 Kendall Avenue, Residence District R-9 (Lawrence Iacovelli, Appellant) . Codes and Ordinances Committee : A draft package of all revised zoning districts has been compiled, and is being reviewed by the Committee in order to get the draft in shape to distribute to other boards and committees for review and comment. An Executive Summary of the recommended zoning changes is also being prepared . PlanniniZ Committee: The March meeting of the Planning Committee was cancelled. The Planning Committee is considering inviting farmers and agricultural interest groups to a public meeting to obtain input on possible measures to preserve important farmland and encourage farming within the Town. A date has not been determined . The Planning Committee will meet again on April 14, 1997. Park Recreation and O]en Space Plan Update : Refer to Agenda Item No . 25 for April 7th Town Board meeting. Town of Ithaca - Cornell Universitv Transportation Committee : The Committee met on March 10, 1997 to discuss Judd Falls Road intersections and a possible bike / pedestrian trail extending from Summerhill Lane to the East Ithaca Recreationway . The Committee' s next meeting is scheduled for April 14, 1997. r t Northeast Subarea Study: Staff reviewed and rated ten proposals for the Northeast Subarea Study that were received by the Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council from consultants in response to the RFP that was sent out, and participated in the consultant selection committee meeting held on April 1 , 1997. The selection committee agreed to invite four consultant teams for interviews that will be held during the week of April 14th , Newsletter: The Town of Ithaca Newsletter was completed and mailed on April 1 , 1997. Copies of the Newsletter have been provided to Town Board members . Thanks to all for cooperating to get the Newsletter out in a timely manner. Ithacare Groundbreaking: A number of Town officials attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ithacare facility (now known as "Longview") that was held at Ithaca College on March 12, 1997. Black Diamond Trail : Staff met with representatives of State Parks and the City of Ithaca to discuss the planning of the proposed Black Diamond Trail that would connect Taughannock Falls State Park in Ulysses with Alan H. Treman _State Marine Park in the City of Ithaca and Buttermilk Falls and Robert H. Treman State Parks in the Town of Ithaca . Also discussed was the 1983 tripartite agreement between the State, City and Town regarding the location and construction of the trail . It was agreed that a series of meetings with elected officials and the public would be a good way to get this long- awaited project underway. Specific route alignments, land acquisitions and designs need to be worked out by the State . South Hill Park Site : Staff has been working with Evan klonkemeyer on identifying a potential community park site on South Hill that would include an exchange for the 1 . 8 + / - acre parcel next to Montessori School that was originally supposed to have become a Town Park, as well as the park reservation for Mr . Monkemeyer' s proposed subdivision on East: King Road . It appeared that an acceptable proposal had been agreed to at the staff level. This issue was supposed to have been considered at the April 1st Planning Board meeting, but had to be cancelled because Mr . Monkemeyer changed his mind at the last minute about the area proposed as parkland. A letter has been sent to Mi . Monkemeyer urging him to submit a revised park plan that will meet the Town' s needs so that the matter can be brought before the Planning Board and Town Board for consideration . Filename: I files \ townbd \ tpre0497 . m em Agenda TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1997 YEAR TO DATE : TYPE OF PERMIT ; YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT : # AMOUNT ; SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1997 : 0 0 0 01 ; RESIDENCES j 1996 0 0 : 0 0 ' ! SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED i 1997 0 0 2 180,000 RESIDENCES 1 1996 ' 0 0 1 36,0001 I 1 1997 0 0 ; 0 0 : I • ; TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES I 1996 . 15 2,274,930 15 27274,930 ' 1997 : 0 01 4 36.558 ' RENOVATIONS ; 1996 2 43 ,053 5 88,738 ' j 1997 1 Add second dwelling unit 21500 1 2,500 , CONVERSIONS OF USE 1996 , 0 O 0 0 . 1 Sunroom 30,000 1 30,000 1997 ; ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT 1996 ' 2 15,795 ; 2 15 ,795 j 1997 1 200,000 ! 1 200.000 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES 1996 , 0 01 0 0i j 2 Axiohm 36;000 1 Six Mile Creek Vineyard 5 ,000 j 1 1 Purdy Dental 100,000 j 1997 4 14 1 ,000 i 4 141 ,000 j, BUSINESS i 1996 2 374,0001 5 474,000 ; p ; p 04 1 ; 1997 . 0 i : $ AGRICULTURAL 1 1996 0 0 ' 0 01 i 1997 0 01 0 01 INDUSTRIAL 1 1996 ' 0 0 0 U 1997 , 0 0 0 O 1 EDUCATIONAL 1996 . 0 01 1 261 ,0001 ! MISCELLANEOUS i 1 Add 4th garage bay 1 ,500 i 2 Change windows 12,500 ; i 1 Accessory building 27,000 i j ! 1 Change door to window 3 ,000 , 1 Add exit door 91600 1 Demolish portion of building 5 000 i i 1997 7 58,600 , 11 91 ,825 : CONSTRUCTION 1996 ' 0 0 ' S _ 24,814 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 14 432, 100 ; 24 _ 681 ,883 : PERMITS ISSUED 1996 21 2.707,778 34 3 , 175 .277 TOTAL FEES 1997 14 1 ,005 24 19535 RECEIVED 1996 21 720 34 1 ,815 Date Prepared: April 2, 1997 Dani L. Holford Building/Zoning Department Secretary . 2 . TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 10 1 . 1553 Slaterville Road - outside platform decking. 2 . 1018 Hanshaw Road - remodel kitchen. 3 . 612 Elmira Road - convert building to light hazard industrial use. 4. 117 Roat Street - bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen addition. 5 . 115 East King Road - utility room addition. 6. Comell University Precinct 7 - storage mezzanine. 7. 316 Siena Drive - renovate master bedroom and bathroom. 8. 309 Roat Street - repair porch overhang. 9. 950 Danby Road - renovations to building's main lobby. 10. 113 Clover Lane - screen porch and renovations. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 30 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 29 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 4 . 1 . 327 Winthrop Drive - building code - pending 4/9/97 ZBA. 2. East Hill Plaza - building code - pending. 3 . 1469 Trumansburg Road - property maintenance - pending. 4. 1415 Tnunansburg Road - property maintenance - pending. From January 1997 : 1 . 491 Five Mile Drive - property maintenance - pending. From December 1996: 1 . 139 Ridgecrest Road - building code - pending. From October 1996 : 1 . 225 Coddington Road - building code and occupancy - abated and $ 150 fine. From Mav 1995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994 : 1 . 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/19/96 - variance granted - pending compliance. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 7 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 25 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 69 Uniform Building Code - 34 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 16 Fire Safety - 11 (4 multiple residences [8 buildings and 52 units], 2 restaurants. I church, 1 gas station, 3 businesses) Fire Safety Reinspections - 6 (3 multiple residences, 2 churches, 1 health club) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - 2 (Ithaca College trash cans) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 0 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 217 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 229 _ TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE. 1996 - 3 ZONZG BOARD OF_aPPEALS 1 MEETING. 3 CASES. AGENDA ATTACHED TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY , MARCH 12 , 1997 7 : 00 P. M . By direction of the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday, March 12 , 1997 , in Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, (FIRST Floor, REAR Entrance, WEST Side), Ithaca. N . Y ., CONIMENCING AT 7 :00 P . M ., on the following matters : APPEAL of the Paleontological Research Institute, Owner, Warren Allmon, Agent, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article V , Section 21 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to construct a 6,000 square foot addition to the o northeast side of an existing museum/research institute, with a north side lot line setback of 35 ± feet (40 feet required) at 1259 Trumansburg Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-3 -3 . 1 , Residence District R-30 . APPEAL of James Bruno, Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article V , Section 20 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to construct a 30 foot x 60 foot accessory building with a building height of 18 - feet ( 15 foot 0 height limit) at 153 East King Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 44-2 -6 , Residence District R-30 . APPEAL of Lawrence Iacovelli, Appellant, requesting a variance from the requirements of Article III, Section 4 of the Town of C Ithaca Zoning Ordinance, to be permitted to create a building with four dwelling units, whereas only two are allowed, at 167 R. Kendall Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 54-4-25 .2, Residence District R-9 . A modification of a previously granted variance from November 10, 1978 permitting, with conditions, three dwelling units may also be requested. Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time, 7 :00 p .m ., and said place, hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs, as appropriate, will be provided with assistance, as necessary , upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated: March 5 . 1997 Publish : March 7 . 1997 as r1i I = 1 o vi a .� N en 1 I I Q Q 1 — 6. ! I I i I F O i I O iF i I i I ►'--'1 C . O I O O O pI ENO I' F WQ c I ! I � I ! Q L • I 1 0 0 0 r O 1Y�li i O r O �. Oi O r O O 1 I ' W ;IM ii Q Q Z I . . I: I Z v U LT, Q Im Ace 0 CD U Q ; v Em* i Z O I I ! Z O O Gi I i � Liz N O 00 r = 6m a : NO w ' v , ' w F . i I . i ! � I � Lt � i ! i I 1 i i 1 i O • cn v. O ' Oi CI CI cq Z L x y I i i o o , o o 0 o : o , o . : W Lr� ! tt� : W� ' oc v o : co) — i I — ED I I I I I 1 ' I i _ f Z i X11 � I � u Agenda Item No . 3 ( e ) FORM NO. 1002-N TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT WILLIAMSON LAW 900x CO., VICTOR, NY 14564 TOWN OF Ithaca NEW YORK (Month) March . . 1997 TO THE SUPERVISOR: Pursuant to Section 27, Subd. 1 , of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office, during the month above stated, excepting only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law: LATEGORY NUMBER OF LICENSES SOLD OR ISSUED COMMISSION COMMISSION TOTAL USED + / Military Disability) 2 . 00 Small Game) BIG GAME (Deer and Bear) TRAPPING BOWHUNTING (Big Game License Required) MUZZLELOADING (Big Game License Required) SPORTSMAN FISHING - 3 DAY JUNIOR TRAPPING (Under 16 yrs.) SPECIAL SECOND DEER PERMIT (See Big Game Guide) TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC offices only) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - SEASON NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - SEASON (Small Game) NON-RESIDENT BIG GAME. (Deer ONLY) NON-RESIDENT FISHING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT HUNTING - 5 DAY NON-RESIDENT MUZZLJLOADING NON-RESIDENT BOWHUNTING NON-RESIDENT BEAR TAG NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION NON-RESIDENT TURKEY PERMIT (Available at DEC an"S aNy) JUNIOR ARCHERY ( 14-15 Years) LOST LICENSE ($5.00 Per Stamp Lost) JUNIOR HUNTING (12-15 Years) S 2 . 00 ADD - TOTAL COMMISSIONS t* S 2 2 Marriage Licenses No. 7 to No. 8 @ 8 . 75 $ 17 . 50 Marriage Certificates 2 Marriage Transcripts @10 . 00 20000 A 1255 TOTAL TOWN CLERK FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 39 . 50 A 1010 — 1090 REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ 30 - 00 INTEREST and PENALTIES Char R Turned Fees 30 . 00 A 2001 PARK and RECREATION CHARGES A 2110 ZONING FETES $ A 2115 PLANNING FEES $ A 2530 GAMES OF CHANCE TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . LICENSE $ FEE $ TOTAL A 2540 BINGO TOWN SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LICENSES FEE $ TOTAL A2544 20 DOG LICENSE 1450125F to 3450144K 0 $ 2 00 40 . 00 71 DOG LICENSE - U 97 - 157 to 97 - 299 0 $ 2 . 00 146 . 00 SPCA Tmpoundment Fees 80 . 00 A 2545 OTHER LICENSES A 2555 BUILDING PERMITS A 2590 OTHER PERMITS A 2655 MINOR SALES A 2770 OTHER UNCLASSIFIED REVENUES Tax Searches 9 n' $ 5 . 00 10000 Zoning Ordinance 2 @ $ 8 . 50 17 . 00 1`11 r+ C Conies _ __ 8 . 85 i (mmprah nsive Plan 1 0 $ 19 00 12 . 00 Entl ernrinn 93 0 $ 1 On 9 '1 . 00 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES TO SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 476 . 35 Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for Games of Chance Licenses Amount paid to SUPERVISOR for State Share of Bingo Licenses Amount paid to D. E.C. for Conservation Licenses 26 . 00 Amount paid to COUNTY TREASURER for Dog Licenses 155 . 42 Amount paid to STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT for Marriage Licenses 29 - 50 Amount paid tcIIept - of AgriCUl tore sd3(r1dufflw Yfd( m '10 - 00 Amount paid to State for Sales Tax on Sale of Dogs SPCA Contract 473 . 58 Received Payment of these amounts: TOTAL DISBURSED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1183 . 85 ADril 2 • 19 97 Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins , TOWN OF Ithaca Joan Lent Noteboom , being duly sworn, says that s he Is the Clerk of the Town of Ithaca that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and Moneys received by her during the month above stated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law. n Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ,� ,� c-.� Town Clark — day of 19 — Notary Public Prepare in duplicate. Remit original to Supervisor, retain copy for Clerk's record. 1 . Agenda Item No . 3(e) TOWN OF ITHACA RECEIVER OF TAXES March 1997 , Monthly Report 1997 Tax Warrant - Town of Ithaca Total Town Warrant , Paid to Town Supervisor $ 33822 , 520 . 81 Miscellaneous Payments to Town Supervisor 2/5 Interest Receiver of Taxes Checking Account-Jan . $ 618 . 52 3/ 17 Installment Service Charge Fees 568 . 00 3/31 Interest Receiver of Taxes Checking Account -Feb . 2 . 14 TOTAL MISC . PAYMENTS TO SUPERVISOR : $ 19188 . 66 1997 Tax Roll Installment Payments Total Number of Installment Payments : 568 Total Collected - Installment Payments : $ 641 , 080 . 30 Total Collected - ($ 1 . 00 Fee Per Installment) : $ 568 . 00 Total Installment Service Charge Paid to Tompkins County Budget and Finance : $ 32 , 054 . 05 March : (As of 3/28) Taxes Collected : $ 32 , 310 . 57 Interest & Penalties Collected : ( Included above) $ 633 . 56 1997 In Lieu of Taxes Due : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $ 1 , 500 . 79 Ithaca Elm - Maple Houses , Inc . $ 81837 . 96 TOTAL IN LIEU OF TAXES DUE : $ 10 , 338 . 75 Received : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $27 , 411 . 15 (Town Portion - $ 1 , 500 . 79 , School Portion - $ 19 , 812 . 87 , County Portion - $6097 . 99) * In Lieu of Tax from Ithaca Elm - Maple Houses , Inc . , West Village Place , is unknown until received in April/May . Payment based upon gross basic rents , calculated by HUD . Receiver of Taxes 3/97 Monthly Report' ` Page 21 _ 1997. Tax Warrant - Tompkins County Total County Warrant: $ 41204 , 728076 2/4 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 11500, 000600 2/6 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 1 , 0001000 . 00 2/ 14 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 40 , 000 . 00 2/28 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 75 , 000000 3/17 Payment Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 50 , 000800 3/31 Payment Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 25 , 000600 BALANCE DUE TOMPKINS COUNTY : 3/31 /97 $ 1 , 514 , 728 . 76 Miscellaneous Payments To Tompkins County 2/25 Installment Service Charges $ 32 , 054 . 05 3/31 Interest - Receiver of Taxes Checking Account - Feb . 306 . 04 TOTAL MISC . PAYMENTS TO TOMPKINS COUNTY : $ 32 , 360. 09 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREV ffHACAt NEW YORK 1685® Agenda Item No . 3(e) Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Monthly Report - Presented April 7 , 1997 Town Clerk : Staff reviewed the inventory of Handicap Parking Permits to remove outdated and/or those issued on a permanent basis . New regulations regarding the permits only allow issuance for up to five years . Those which have been issued permanently in previous years (some as far back as 1978) , will be cataloged for reference if needed . Town Clerk staff prepared for mailing the first newsletter of the year. In just two days they labeled and sorted 5 , 000 for distribution . A special thank you to my staff for putting forth the extra effort to get the job done in a short time frame , and for a job well done . Records Management : The Inactive Storage Center (cellar) was reorganized . Items ready for disposition were cataloged and listed on the Disposition Listing . Work begins on reorganizing and sorting the outdated records for the previous Town Justices ' . Suzanne Etherington , Regional Advisory Officer, New York State Archives and Records Administration ; and JoAnne Rydzynski , from the SARA Local Government Technology Unit visited Town Hall on Friday, March 28th to provide guidance and information about how records management fits into the Geographic Information System , (GIS ) . Approximately fifteen staff members attended the presentation . Suzanne and JoAnne answered questions related to a standard directory , ownership of records , retention of records , and SARA Is recommended guidelines for electronic files management . Receiver of Taxes : Deputy Betty Poole attended the monthly meeting of the Tompkins County Town Clerk/Receivers luncheon on Wednesday , March 26 , for the Receiver. The Receivers decided at the meeting to write a letter to the Tompkins County Division of Assessment regarding the following suggested changes to the tax bills : Removing "address correction requested " on the bills . Spelling out "Solid Waste Fee" . Using different colored paper for each Town . Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes Monthly Report = 4/7/97 Page 2 . The Receivers have agreed to visit the Town of Lansing Receiver' s office to view their Town Clerk , Tax Collection , and Water Billing software supplied by Williamson Law Book . All agreed we should seriously consider changing the present tax collection software to Williamson 's as it seems to be a more " user friendly" program . The Towns of Dryden , Danby, Groton , and Ithaca are withholding payment to Tompkins County for printing of the 1997 Tax Bills until the $ . 25 per bill can be justified . Correspondence from the Division of Assessment indicated they would consider absorbing the additional cost of $ . 17 per bill upon approval and recommendation of the appropriate committee , (see attached copy) . Confirmation of the committee' s decision . was never received prior to the Town budget process . Respectfully submitted , Joan Lent Noteboom Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes . ,os,�T�'�.o t' [ ' vision of Assessment Y y r w ♦ 11 0 128 East Buffalo Street Stephen F . Whichor Director 1 � r . 1 � July 29, 1996 i '• \l,E,r. ,,. , �." t ;al'oi Sccep�lnskI Town Clerk 5 1 $30 D,gnby Road Ithaca, NY NY 14850 � y1 . Z . � j ��•r •i1:,w+{ V � w Dear Carol : rr 1 am writing to follow up on our meeting of July 25 , 1996 at which 1 advised you that unless the County Board of Kupresentatives allocates funds to cover the municipal share of roll and bill processing costs, there will be an increase in charges to each municipality from $ . 08/ parcel to $.25/ parcel. The $ .25/bill charge reflects only the cost of paper, toner, binders and estimated maintenance on the printers. No charges for statT time or initial equipment expense are included in the charge. it shmild ho. noted that the cost for a private sector vendor to provide the same service would be approximately $ 1 . 00 per parcel and that the Lansing and Newfield School districts have contracted with the Assessment Departmont to produce their rolls and bill at a charge of $ 1 .30 per purucl . 'Phis increase In cost is being brought about because the rolls and bills will no longer be produced by a heavily subsidized county mninfraene processor . Instead, all future rolls and bills will be processed by the County Assessment Department on our local area 1 'C network. While this will result in an increase in directly attributable costs, it will also allow for rolls and bills which are easier for the taxpaver to understand, more off etent for the collector to process, and will accommodate installment payments. In addition, this move should reduce the future cast and provide trnit•e, flnxihility for changes which may he required by legislation or simply deuired by the taxpayers or municipalities . As i mentioned tit our meeting, I have included a request for increased funding to cover the municipal portion. 'Ibis request will be reviewed by the Board ' s Goverrt tit ent Operations and Administration (00A) Committee. Since you mentioned your concern regarding the inadequacy of the municipal collection package 1 should note that it is my understanding that Mr. Squires has requester! 11juding to cover an update of the municipal collection soliware and would like to address your group in the near future. His request will also be presented to tho GOA committee. In closing 1 would like to sincere ) thank ou for so graciously welconlin trio to our meeting, not shooting tho Y Y S Y S Y g+ 1; messenger and for buying both me and Dean lunch . I look forward to working with you . Sincerely, Stephen F. Whicher Director SFW/o1c c ; Mary Oltz Mall Address: ^ Tel : 607-274-5517 COUrtIIOU-se Fax: 607-274-5507 Ithaca , Now York 14850 S r fly OFIr F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 7 , 1997 Agenda Item No . 3e Human Resources Monthly Report for March 1997 Personnel Welcomed Ken Seamon as a new Highway Laborer , March 20 , 1997 . Records Management Organized files to go for disposition for April 1997 Town Board . Meeting and organized files for future years disposition . Deferred Compensation Finalized proposal specifications for Deferred Compensation Plan and advertised for proposals . These proposals are due to the Town Clerk by May 1 , 1997 . Personnel Committee Meeting March 18 , 1997 Approved February 25 , 1997 minutes ( see attached ) . Had last discussion of Vacation section before approving to send it to the Town Board , Introduced Camille Tischler , the Town ' s Ombudsperson from the Community Dispute Resolution Center . She went over some items in the Personnel Manual for clarification . The committee reviewed the following corrected draft copies for final changes before they are included into the working copy of the Personnel Manual ; - Sexual Harassment Policy - Employee Assistance Program - Drug and Alcohol Policy - Hours of Work - Probationary Period Driving Record There was continued open discussion of a dress code policy . Pavroll Continuing to work with DataRite to correct items on their system to meet our needs . Also started entering employee data into the new in house payroll system from Williamson and Lawbook Company . Human Resources Office Completed daily functions of the office including administering payroll , managing Insurance Policies , working with Worker ' s Compensation Claims , meeting all Civil Service requirements and requests , and all requests by Town of Ithaca employees . Respectfully submitted by Judith C . Drake , Human Resources . FINAL TOWN OF ITHACA Personnel Committee Meeting February 25 , 1997 8 : 15 AM At the regular meeting of the Personnel Committee for the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , there were present : Members Present : Supervisor Valentino , Councilman Conley , Donald Tenkate , Working Supervisor , Betty Poole , Deputy Town Clerk . Staff- Support Present : Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk / Director of Administrative Services and Judith Drake , Human Resources . Members excused : Councilman John Wolff Others attending : Dani Holford , Senior Typist , Zoning ; JoAnn Cornish - Epps , Planner and Mary Bryant , Senior Typist , Engineering . Call to order at 8 : 15 AM . Agenda Item # 3 : Staff to be heard - none . Agenda Item # 4 : Finalize vacation section . Vacation Carryover Discussion : Supervisor Valentino discussed that 1 . 5 carryover was not the intent of the Town Board per February 10 , 1997 Town Board discussion . Their intention was to allow a carryover of . 5 and not the 1 . 5 times . This is a correction of intent by the Town Board so that staff will take their vacation instead of letting it ride on the books . The Committee decided it would be best not to have a cutoff of when to use the carryover up by i . e . June 30th . Personnel Committee will recommend to the Town Board to have whole year to use up carry over . Supervisor Valentino expressed that some adjustment can be worked out for under staffed departments so that those employees effected won ' t lose their time , if they are over . 5 at the end of the year . Any such adjustments will be put in writing and approved by the Town Supervisor and Department Heads , Proposed Entitlement : Allotments will be given the first of January based on years of service completed as of January 1st . Employees will be getting one day or week a year sooner than the old allotment table . i . e . 15 days granted after completed 5 years of service instead of 6 years completed . New employees are allowed to use vacation time after their 26 week probationary period . However that time used is borrowed time that they will be given after completing their first year of service . Supervisor Valentino and Committee are planning to have the vacation section approved by the Town Board in 1997 but start effective 1 / 1 / 98 . However new hires will start after approved by the Town Board . Mrs . Drake stressed that time off requests are required and have to go into Personnel files for records management for 6 years from date filed . Agenda Item - # 5 : Review of options for Deferred Compensation Program . Supervisor Valentino suggested looking into other companies other than - Copeland . Will need to request proposals from qualified companies . To be put on Town Board agenda for March meeting : Request for Proposals of a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan . Agenda Item # 6 : ( to be discussed after other agenda items if time permits ) . Agenda Item # 7 : Review Town Board approved Retiree ' s Health / Dental= Benefit Plan . Mr . Donald Tenkate commented that a person at the Highway Department is worried about losing sick time or not having it used advantageously after retirement . The policy now is interpreted as Retirees who have used up their sick time get a better benefit than those who haven ' t . Supervisor Valentino stated there wasn ' t a set policy for retiree ' s so the Town Board wanted to set up a specific policy so it would not be based on a person - by - person basis . Mr . Tenkate suggested using 500 of sick time to pay premium then the Town of Ithaca pays the other 500 of the premium . This suggestion was to have the same percent of sick time used that other retirees ( without a sick *ime balance ) are required to pay based on years of service and the Town pays the balance of the premium . Right now if a Retiree has sick time , they are using that to pay 1000 of the health insurance premium . Then after the sick balance is used up , they pay a percentage of the premium based on years of service with the Town of Ithaca paying the balance of the premium . Supervisor Valentino suggested taking the policy back to the Town Board to consider the plan as a whole and figure the impact it will have on the Town . Agenda Item # 8 : Procedures for review of draft documents . Supervisor Valentino would like to follow the following steps after . the Personnel Committee has a good draft copy of the Personnel Manual completed . s 1 ) Personnel Committee has an approved Draft Copy . 2 ) Send to the Town Board for discussion and draft approval . 3 ) Circulate Draft approval to Town employees . Set up discussion and input meetings . 4 ) Personnel Committee - discussion of employee ' s input from the meetings . Establish recommendation to the Town Board . 5 ) Send Final Draft to the Town Board for Final copy approval . Mrs . Cornish - Epps , Mrs . Holford and Mrs . Bryant felt the employees will appreciate the chance to discuss the manual before it is finalized and approved by the Town Board . Agenda Item # 6 : Review of Draft copy of Employment and General Information Policies . Supervisor Valentino and John Barney , Town Attorney , will put together a more formal introduction . The following subjects were discussed and approved by the Personnel Committee : Fair Emplovment Practices Anti - Harassment Policy Smoking Policy - Councilman Conley asked about a smoking designated area for the new Town Hall . Drua and Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedure - add a see exhibit line . Americans with Disabilities Act Pay Periods Part Time Employment Temporary Employment Weather Related Time Off Procedures Emergency Closing Procedures Performance Reviews Salaries . The following subjects are to be brought back to the Personnel Committee with corrections made for approval . Sexual Harassment Policy - change " going to grievance procedures " to " go to the Community Dispute Resolution Center " . Employee Assistance Program - Change " Human Resources Specialist " to " Community Dispute Resolution Center . " Drug and Alcohol Policy - add " or possession " and " Failure to report any criminal conviction will be a major infraction and grounds for an immediate disciplinary action . " Hours of Work - several corrections in wording and add a sub - section about a Flex - time definition . Probationary Period - add statement about promotional employees probationary period . Driving Record - add line about occasional drivers of Town Vehicles . Dress code - considering putting in some guidelines . Mrs . Cornish - Epps asked to have the policy tightened up so that it wouldn ' t allow ambiguity . Supervisor Valentino suggested, as a committee we discuss what attire bothers us and others so we have a better idea what items may be considered inappropriate . Supervisor Valentino expressed that Camille from the Community Dispute Resolution Center may be coming to our next Personnel Committee meeting . During that meeting she should be able to help us with the wording about Grievances Procedures . Supervisor Valentino will be going over with the Department Heads which staff is on Flex - Time . Supervisor Valentino asked Mrs . Drake to do a memo detailing the difference between exempt status for the Fair Labor Standards Act and exempt status for Civil Service since there .is still some confusion about the difference . Mrs . Drake suggested that there are topics that need to be added to manual . Examples are : Flex - time definition , Civil Service , Meal . Time , Break Periods , Time Cards and Attendance at Town Sponsored Functions . There was some discussion about what goes in a new employee packet and a need for a separate manual for Department Heads . Supervisor Valentino would like to see the Personnel Manual completed by July 1 , 1997 and approved and in place no later than January 1 , 1998 . Meeting adjourned by Supervisor Valentino at 10 : 15 AM . Respectfully Submitted , L 744 Judith Drake , Human Resources COPY CIL New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation tv Yaw sTATE Finger Lakes Region — PO Box 1055 , Taughannock Park Road , Trumansburg , New York 14886-0721 607-387-7041 FAX 607-387-3390 Commission Chair: Bernadette Castro, Commissioner Bever!y Anania John C. Clancy, Regional Director Commission Members: Rowland Stebbins III James Wyckoff March 7 , 1997 Clay Granoff D Linda Jackson MR I I X997 Mr . Jonathan Kanter TOgVN OF ITNACA Town Planner 1 PLANNING, ZONING, ENGINEERING Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca Street Ithaca , , New York 14850 Dear Mr . Kanter ; Commissioner Bernadette Castro has adopted the Final Master Plan for Allan H . Treman State Marine Park . This action is based on the content of the Final Plan and Final Environmental Imnact Statement ( FEIS ) and the required Statement of Findings issued under the State Environmental Quality Review Act . The Commissioner ' s decision and accompanying Statement of Findings reflect the agency ' s commitment to provide safe and enjoyable recreational opportunities , while assuring protection of the park ' s natural and cultural resources . A copy of the Findings Statement is enclosed for your records . Thank you for participating in the process to develop the Master Plan for Allan H . Treman . If you have any questions , please feel free to call Sue Poelvoorde at 607 387 - 7041 . Very truly yours , FINGER LAKES STATE PARKS , RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION REGION �06 0 �I o�John C . Clancy Regional Director TBL / JGZ / sp Enclosure An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Agency 0 rnntec cn recyc,ee caeer t t , ATX)* New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation 518474-0456 The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Human Resources Aernadette E J Agency Building 1 , Albany, New York 12238 518-474-0453 Fiscal Management ro 518.474-0061 Commissioner TDO: 518-4864 899 AGENCY DECISION AND STATEMENT OF FINDINGS ACTION : Adoption of a Master Plan for Allan K . Treman State Ma.*:ne Park The New York State Office of Parks , Recreation and Historic Preservation has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on the Final Master Plan, dated July 31 , 1996 , for Allan H . Treman State Marine Park, City of Ithaca , Tompkins County . By the authority vested in me in State Parks , Recreation , and Historic Preservation Law , I do hereby adopt the Final Master Plan for Allan H . Treman State Marine Park . My decision is based on the attached Findings Statement and the content of the FEIS , which have been prepared according to the provisions of Part 617 , the regulations implementing Article 8 of Environmental Conservation Law-the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Bernadette Castro Commissioner Date / An equal Coperunity/Af irmative Ac:: : � Agency • . printed on recyclee cane• STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW FINDINGS STATEMENT October 23 , 1996 Pursuant to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 , the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation ( OPRHP) as lead agency . makes the following findings . ACTION : Adoption and Implementation of a Master Plan for Allan H. Treman State Marine Park NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF FINAL MASTER PLAN AND EIS : July 31 , 1996 1 . The requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 6171 implementing Article 8 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been met. 26 Consistent with social, economic, and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives , the Allan H. Treman State Marine Park Final Master Plan and its implementation will minimize or avoid adverse environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable through mitisative measures identified in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process. 3 . OPRHP's master planning process for Allan H. Treman State Marine Park included a public information/scoping meeting , a draft EIS (DEIS) , public and agency comments , and a final EIS (FEIS) . FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS in the Final Plan/FEIS relied upon in adopting the Final Master Plan for Allan H. Treman State Marine Park are: 4. Allan H. Treman is a 93- acre state park located in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County . The park provides access to Cavuga Lake, the second largest of the Finger Lakes , from the south shore. The park consists of the largest inland marina in New York state accommodating 413 boats . In addition to the marina, the park also provides boat-launching' facilities , picnic areas , and significant open space along the Cayuga Lake shoreline for passive-recreation use. 5 . Allan H. Treman is a significant recreational resource serving a dual role--one as a regional marina facility serving patrons from areas across New York state and several northeastern states and the other as a local park for City of Ithaca residents . The state park was developed as a component of a large recreation- area project for the City of Ithaca that included city recreation facilities , the state park, and an arts theater. 6 . The need for improved and expanded public access to New York State's freshwater resources has increased -steadily over the years . Existing operations and resource management issues along with a demonstrated need to provide long-term guidelines for water-based recreational opportunities at the park were the basis for developing the Master Plan. 1 7 . The alternatives evaluated included a ranee of alterations to the boating and day-use recreational programs from no change to major rehabilitations and additions of facilities such as building access roads , parking lots , and picnic shelters on the land north of the marina basin to expand the availability of picnic areas , adding a 58 - slip seventh pier, and relocating the park entrance road. For each recreation activity evaluated the alternative selected for inclusion in the master plan ranged from no change to moderate changes in park design. S . The Final Master Plan for Allan H. Treman State Marine Park provides recommendations for operating , maintaining , and protecting the natural, cultural, and recreational resources in the park. The plan proposes improvements to all recreation programs provided at the park. The level of change recommended for most of the programs focuses on upgrading the facilities to make them safer and more environmentally sensitive related to the park's location along Cayuga Lake. The proposed improvements include : a. Relocating the park entrance and entrance road; b . Modifying the two main parking areas to improve vehicle and pedestrian flow and to increase the amount of green space by reducing asphalt surface area; c. Relocating the marine-sewage pumpout station and adding a second station along the southeast bulkhead inside the marina basin; d. Renovating the main comfort station to add a shower facility to each side of the building. e. Developing a trail system that provides environmentally-sensitive access to the natural areas in the park and maintains a safe pedestrian connection between Allan H. Treman, Cass Park, and the Hanear Theatre. f. Addine a small number of tables and grills in the picnic areas in the park and constructing a small toilet facility in the main picnic area that will be available year-round : g . Adding five floating docks to the marina basin to serve transient day-use boaters ; h. Designating , managing; and protecting the natural areas ; i. Constructine an additional maintenance storaee building ; and j . Upgrading the landscaping in the park using native vegetation. 9 . The master plan is intended to guide future management and operation of the park over the next decade. Implementation priority will be given to the master plan elements that improve access , interpretation, and preservation of the natural areas of the park and correct health and safety issues . Upgrades to the roads and parking areas will be scheduled when the black-top surfaces need to be repaved. The completion of each plan element is dependent on sufficient funding and priority ranking among the competing programs and projects within the Office of Parks. Recreation and Historic Preservation. 10. Allan H. Treman State Marine Park is bisected by 15- acres of land owned by the City of Ithaca. For several years OPRHP has worked with the City to transfer jurisdiction of the land to the State. The master plan recommends that OPRHP continue to pursue the transfer and identifies how the land will be utilized for recreational purposes in the future. Under the Allan H. Treman master plan the 15± acres will be accessible to the public and remain largely undeveloped. Approximately 8 acres of the parcel will become part of the park's preserved natural area; 5 .5 acres will be maintained as lawn for picnicking , walking , relaxing in the park; . 34 acre will continue to be paved park roadway; .5 acre will be used to expand the marina basin if the expansion is needed in the future, if not the land will remain as lawn and rip-rapped marina basin shoreline; and the remaining 1 + acre will be landscaped with vegetation matching the natural area of the park. 11 . Implementation of the Final Master Plan will result in considerable benefits to the natural areas in the park identified as biologically significant in the flora and fauna studies . Under the existing situation, there are no designated natural areas nor is there a resource management plan to assist park staff in monitoring and managing the areas . The master plan, however, provides some basic recommendations for management and calls for preparing and implementing a plan for the designation and protection of the wetland, meadow , and floodplain forest areas located in the northernmost portion of the park, including the City of Ithaca land. The management plan for the natural area will be completed with the assistance of experts in biological resource identification and management and will precede any work activities in the protected area. The master plan also calls for the implementation of an interpretive/educational program and shoreline erosion protection along the Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel . 12. The plan will result in local and regional recreation benefits through the modest increase in capacity of the park associated with the reconfiguration of the boat-launch parking area, the development of a trail system and interpretive program, and the addition of a small number of tables and grills in the picnic areas . The improvements will provide improved services at the park and are expected to have beneficial social impacts on the region, but the impact on the area's economy will not be noticeable. 1 � . Relocating the park entrance and entrance road and realigning the parking rows in both main lots will improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic conflicts in the park and at the Hangar Theater/Cass Park area. Redesigning the park roads will result in the net loss of . 03 acre of lawn area. The boat-launch parking area reconfiguration will alter approximately one acre of area along the north side of the existing lot that is currently pavement. grass , and trees . The surface area of asphalt pavement in the seasonal -marina parking lot will be reduced from . .5 acres to 2 .5 acres by the proposed reconfiguration plan. The number and size of planted islands in the parking lot will be increased to ensure long- term survival of plant species . 14. The plan proposes an additional 40 boat slips to the marina if there is a demonstrated demand in the future for public dock space that cannot be provided by the private sector. Prior to any decision on the marina expansion proposal , the agency will conduct a needs and demand assessment. Should the findings from that assessment identify a significant demand for public docks at Alfa.n H Treman, the expansion proposal will be considered through a supplemental environmental review . This review will involve interested and involved agencies and persons. The review documents will include the results of additional water quality monitoring within the c marina basin. It will also address the impact of the additional boats on the water quality of the marina and Cayuga Lake. Safety and economic impacts will also be evaluated. The plan recognizes the importance of regionwide assessments of water quality trends in the Cayuga Lake basin and calls for an interagency task force to more closely examine the potential impacts of all pollutant sources on the water quality of Cayuga Lake, especially the southern portion of the lake basin. Additionally , the plan calls for establishing a water quality monitoring program for the marina basin. 15 . Classification of Allan H. Treman under the New York State Park Land Classification System is a _ Marine Park and the classification will remain the same. 4 4enda b r • :v Catering Coyote March 11 , 1997 Town Clerk Town of Ithaca 129 East Seneca Street To Town Clerk: This letter is to notify you that El Coyote Loco Inc. OBA Coyote Loco Restaurant and Cantina is submitting an application for renewal of our liquor license as required by the State Liquor Authority. Thank You . Sincerely: G Krist Ostlund I Coyote loco Restaurant and Cantina 1876 Judd Falls Road Ithaca , New York 14850 607 4774806 t YNTEMA lie, 993 DANBY ROAD ITHACA , NEW YORK 14850 - 5719 (tel . 607- 272 - 7864 ) email : XYZYX @aol .com 12 March 1997 Ithaca Town Board Town Hall 126 E. Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 Mss /Sirs : As a recently appointed member of the Town Conservation Board , I am interested in learning more about how the local governments function . It seemed like the best place to start would be at the IthacaNet web site , so I tried that . Imagine my surprise in discovering that the Town of Ithaca is one of only two towns in Tompkins County, which does not have its own web site . Enclosed are printouts of some of the IthacaNet pages , giving an indication of what's available through IthacaNet - - and by omission , what is not. Through the IthacaNet web site , it is possible to access much information about the County and its population , the City, the other Towns , and many of the Villages , but not about our Town . It would seem a matter of some urgency for the Town of Ithaca to establish its own web site , within the greater IthacaNet site , as other towns have done , both as a matter of : providing information to prospective businesses and to people wanting to move here ; for interaction with other local government entities ; or , if nothing else , simply as a matter of being "with it" in this information age . My understanding from Planner Geri Tierney is that the Town is indeed considering such a web site . I hope forward progress on this is a high priority for the Town of Ithaca, and that the Town Board will make the necessary resources available to accomplish this goal . Sincerely , ohn A . Ynte a encl . : multiple " IthacaNet & . Governments Local. 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This Web site is sponsored by the County and contains information about County departments, organizations and affiliates. This page is relatively new and is subject to significant changes over the next few months, so stay tuned, and feedback is always welcomed. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­ . - - - Information Currently Available . 199; Tompkins County Directory of Services Offered Directory of Countv Departments and Affiliate agencies Board of Representatives Agenda Minutes Board Members Notes Consumer Protection Civil Service announcements Public Information "TCTV' Tompkins "County News" newsletter <Yj^:,Airport Information= Employee Only Information This page is restricted to employee use only If you are new to Tompkins County you may wish to visit another web site sponsored by a local community organization "IthacaNet'•. The IthacaNet pages contain more information about the Tompkins County area, area features, events of local interest, and local businesses. IthacaNet can be found at http: / / iNrww.ithaca. nv.us . And of course, visit the home pages of our local higher education institutions Cornell University, Ithaca Collecre. and Tompkins Cortland Community College If you are looking for another site not listed hereon our page, try using the Altavista search engine . We hope to also be providing other information such as Announcements, Proceedings of the Board of Representatives and its committees, Budget and other government information; and general infonnation about the Count;. You are welcomed to provide feedback on our efforts bvmail to Web\Master .. Web Server. l;saoe Statistics suhordinate as updated Daily ° ° a o ° 8 Departments and Programs • Ithaca Pcii ce Department • Youth Bureau Oize to Otie Program City Staff • City Common Council • Common Council • Common Council c +fm+ ::efs • Common Council Mi_lites Boards and Commissions e Board and Commission Calendar and Meetings • City, of Ithaca Regular Meetings a. : frama : ;taiitefcruizu; • Meetings • .1%'fa:•c6_ Meetings Regulations • Obwining a N-f �wr a;:.eLic_•t1se • A guide to on -street p-z •{if�� in Ithaca • ' ,oise :-• :::_ u:ji cn poli cies in Ithaca • Ithaca c;~,v11m1tS • " Smoke :ettctcr" Ordinance • F_ zt rim �:^^cYiy `�tztintenznceOrdinance r .. • �Jt, -,tr�_t Par• i::3 Ordinance • Proposed ^ :a endzf 'arkin . Permit System Feedback Comments about the City= pages can be sent to: , 1=12 : �2ilj - Page maintained by the Ithaca City= Clerk' s Office Last modified 28 Feb 1997 bk Go to the ti?a�c r Community Information Server OF1P � n C (D 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 March 25, 1997 David Trost, Development Coordinator Landmark America 223 W. Curtin Road Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823 Re: Affordable Housing Proposal, Danby Road Dear Mr. Trost: Thank you for your interest in pursuing the possible development of a mixed affordable / luxury apartment complex on Danby Road in the Town of Ithaca (referenced as "The Reserve at South Hill") . The Town of Ithaca recognizes the need for and is supportive of the development of affordable housing within its boundaries, and has included areas in its Comprehensive Plan to accommodate the higher densities needed to support affordable housing. The proposed site on Danby Road appears conceptually to be one which would be appropriate for affordable housing, subject of course to a full evaluation of the specific components and environmental impacts of your proposal. In addition, the mixture of affordable and luxury / market rate units appears to be a particularly attractive aspect of your proposal. The site currently contains a mixture of zoning, including MR Multiple Residence, Business "C " and "D " (commercial ), and Residence R- 15 (single-family residential). The MR zone allows multi-family development of the type that you are proposing. In a recent zoning analysis of the subject parcel conducted by the Town of Ithaca Planning Department and the Town' s Codes and Ordinances Committee (Draft 9 / 25 / 95), it was recommended that the commercially-zoned portions of the site be reduced in size to encourage a small-scale neighborhood commercial center, and that the MR-zoned portions be reconfigured to (1 ) provide more appropriate development areas and (2) provide a larger buffer between the proposed development areas and the State' s Buttermilk Falls Park located adjacent to the site on the west. From the preliminary concepts that you described about your proposal at our meeting on March 12, 1997, it appears that your development concept could fit in very well with the above-referenced zoning recommendation . The Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan (September 1993) includes as one its primary goals the promotion of the availability of diverse, high- quality, affordable, and attractive places for people to live, and in particular recognizes the need for David Trost March 24, 1997 Page 2 - affordable housing in the town. A recommended action in the Comprehensive Plan is to ensure that adequate amounts of suitable land are zoned to meet these housing needs . The current MR zoning on the subject site reflects that the Town has taken action supporting the goal of affordable housing. In addition, the subject area is served by public water and sewer systems, further reflecting actions on the part of the Town to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the type of development described above. We look forward to learning more about the details of your proposal, and to work with you as you advance the proposal through the Town of Ithaca' s development approval process . Sincerely, Ca r' e Valentino, Supervisor Town of Ithaca xc: Town of Ithaca Town Board r ,i