HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1997-03-10 TOWN BOARD MINUTES 1 MARCH 10 1997 TOWN OF ITHACA TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 10, 1997 5 : 30 P. M . At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County, New York held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca , New York, there were present: PRESENT : Catherine Valentino, Town Supervisor; Carolyn Grigorov, Councilwoman ; David Klein , Councilman ; Ellen Harrison , Councilwoman ; Edward Conley , Councilman ; Mary Russell , Councilwoman ; John P . Wolff, Councilman , ALSO PRESENT : Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk/ Director of Administrative Services; John Barney, Attorney for the Town ; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering ; Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning ; Andrew Frost, Director of Building and Zoning ; Alfred Carvill , Secretary to the Supervisor. OTHERS : Bob Romanowski , 160 Bundy Road ; Tim Joseph , 772 Elm Street; Ray Wheaton , 310 West Green Street; Steve Savoca , 700 Warren Road; Frank Santelli , 115 West Buffalo Street; Carolyn Hoyt, 53 Brown Road ; Rosalind Grippi , Orchard Hill Road ; John Majeroni , 53 Brown Road; Catherine McNamara , 55 Judd Falls Road ; Lauren Stanforth , Ithaca Journal ; George Frantz, Assistant Town Planner, CALL TO ORDER : Supervisor Valentino called the meeting to order at 5 : 30 p . m . , and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . AGENDA ITEM NO 6 - REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS : Bob Romanowski - Tompkins County Fire Advisory Board : The 911 system should be operational by summer. There are some options being considered to build onto the Central Fire Station by buying the sport club next door or retaining the former Company Number 7 building . I will keep the Town Board informed on what type of decisions are being made . These decisions could have an impact the fire contract the Town has with the City because there of the money involved. The Career Firefighter' s test for both the Town and City will be June 7, 1997 . Councilman Conley - Who would someone contact if they were interested in taking the test? Mr. Romanowski - The Personnel Office at the City. Dr. Phillip Lempert and Dr. Robert Arleo donated $50. 00 towards the automatic defibrillator fund . Chapter " C " code enforcement discussions are ongoing . The program goal would be to conduct annual inspections of C -5 assembly spaces , public areas . The Ithaca Fire Department and the Building Department will be keeping the Town Board up to date on this program . J C TOWN BOARD MINUTES 2 MARCH 10 , 1997 The total number of employees is 67 . Of that; 45 Firefighters , 7 Lieutenants , 5 Assistant Chiefs, 1 Deputy Chief, and 1 Chief. One Lieutenant and three Firefighters are on disability . From January 1 , 1997 to February 28 , 1997 there were 12 structure fires , 4 vehicle fires , and 7 rubbage fires. This was only 5. 3 percent of fire calls the Fire Department responded to. There were 120 rescue and EMS calls. All other calls were hazardous conditions , service calls, malicious false alarms , malfunctions , and unintentional false alarms . The total for the months of January and February were 457 calls . Councilman Klein Is the administrative department of the Fire Department excluded from the contract between the City and the Town? Supervisor Valentino - The Town pays a portion of the administrative costs . Councilman Klein - The portion the Town pays relates to services the Town does not hire the City for? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Mr. Romanowski - .The Town pays a certain percentage of the cost. Councilman Conley - The City is reducing their personnel costs by using the Firefighters to do code enforcement inspections in the City . Mr. Romanowski - Anything pertaining to the Town would be passed along . Councilman Klein - Would inspections for places of assembly be done in the Town ? Mr. Romanowski - No , that is a function of the City right now. The Town is making decisions on the sprinkler system . Supervisor Valentino - Discussions with the Fire Chief resulted in closing the station on West Hill on a trial basis during the daytime. The Fire Department should be doing a review on how this trail period .is going . Could you check into this and bring a report back to the Board? Mr. Romanowski - "Yes . " AGENDA ITEM NO 5 m REPORT OF TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES : Supervisor Valentino - The Town received a bill for printing the tax bills of $ . 25 per bill . The understanding was that the Town would be billed $ . 08 this year, and $: 25 next year. Other Town Supervisors and Town Clerks had the same understanding . Tim Joseph - Tompkins County Assessment mailed a letter on July 29 , 1996 , to each Town saying TOWN BOARD MINUTES 3 MARCH 10 , 1997 what the charge would be . Could the Town Board explain why they thought the amount would be different? Supervisor Valentino - I do not remember receiving a letter. The budget estimate was for $ . 08 not $ . 25 . Mr. Joseph - I will look into this for any documentation of the cost change . Councilman Klein - Would the charges be the same for all the Towns? Mr. Joseph - Yes . It cost the County $ . 25 to produce each tax bill . The Assessment Office put in a budget request to have the County pick up the extra charge . The letter that was sent stated that he would ask, but unless the Towns heard otherwise it would be $ . 25 per bill . That request did not get very far during the budget process . Mrs. Noteboom - The tax bills are not just the Town' s bill , they are also the County's bills including the solid waste fees . Why should the Town absorb the full cost of the tax bills being printed when they represent both the Town ' s and the County' s taxes? Mr. Joseph - The Town Clerks are designated as Tax Collectors . It would be worth considering whether the County should do county wide tax collection . Mr. Walker - Does the Town send the County a bill for the share of the postage? Mrs . Noteboom - No , the Town absorbs the postage as well . Mr. Walker - The County did print the bills twice . Mr. Joseph - But the County did not charge twice . Attorney Barney - The Town did not charge for the overtime for tax preparation either. Supervisor Valentino - There was a lot of stress put on the staff. There needs to be better communication between the County and the Town . Mr. Joseph - Does the Town of Ithaca collect a franchise fee from Time Warner? Mrs . Noteboom - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - The Town usually receives approximately $26 , 500 for franchise fees from the gross receipts of cable hook ups . This year, Time Warner decided to deduct the fee from their real estate taxes . Attorney Barney - There is a section under law that pertains to the franchise fee . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 4 MARCH 10, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - There are tax payments at the County that cannot be cashed because it does not equal the exact amount Time Warner was supposed to pay because they deducted the franchise fee from the tax bill . Mr. Joseph - It amounts to a lot of money county wide. It makes the notion of having a franchise fee absurd if a franchise fee is billed and then received back as a credit for property taxes . Attorney Barney - The franchise fee is $26 , 500 . The refund would be about $265 . 00 , based on the statue that gives them the right to deduct the fee . Mr. Joseph - Does it give them the right to do it county wide? Can they deduct the franchise fee that they pay to the Town from their County taxes? Attorney Barney - I do not know about the County' s , but they can deduct the fee from the Town' s portion of taxes . Mrs . Noteboom - The County has to collect the exact amount property owners were billed . They are not allowed to collect any other amount. Time Warner sent a check that deducted the franchise fee amount from the payment. The County should send the check back and inform them they need to pay the full amount. Then a refund could be authorized if appropriate . Councilwoman Grigorov - Could the County charge a late fee? Mrs . Noteboom - No , there are provisions under the Real Property Tax Law that if a bill is being disputed with the proper agency , interest and penalties could be waived by the taxing authority. Councilman Klein - At the Public Works Committee meeting the Highway Superintendent mentioned that the Governor' s proposed budget eliminated $266 , 000 for the CHIPS funding. Is there something the County is doing or is there something the Town could do to help reestablish this? Mr. Joseph - That is a sizable sum of money . There is also a proposal to transfer the expense for educating pre-school handicapped children . That has always been a County expense . There is a board that decides what kind of treatment children receive, and the County pays the bill . The County has no control over what they receive, they only pay the bill . The bill paying and the control should be in the same place . This budget proposes shifting that over to the school district . By doing this transfer, the County looses their CHIPS funding . Councilman Klein - How has this affected the County' s budget? Was there a provision for CHIPS expenditures or education expenditures? Mr . Joseph - The County was counting on the CHIPS money for the 1997 budget . The State' s budget starts halfway through the year, so the County should receive some money. The education money for handicapped children was not in any departmental budget. It was just a general budget line , so that money is there for the County to use . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 5 MARCH 10 , 1997 ' 1 would like to comment as a citizen on the Town' s Sprinkler Local Law. I live in a cooperative where that law applies to the retrofit requirement. The cooperative researched how much it will cost and applied for a variance that was denied by the Zoning Board of Appeals. I do not think anyone has given serious thought to what it actually costs to put in a sprinkler system for buildings that are not on municipal water. After reviewing the numbers we found it not to be cost effective. We have two three-unit buildings . It would be more cost effective to demolish one unit and rebuild it to avoid retrofitting . The cost for retrofitting compared to rebuilding was about the same . Councilwoman Harrison - Why does having private wells versus municipal water matter? Mr. Joseph - There would need to be tremendous storage capacity with a back up power supply. If the power was out with a fire the back up power would come on . I urge the Town Board to modify the sprinkler law. The cooperative is neighbor to EcoVillage. They chose to build two unit buildings instead of the three and four unit buildings as planned to avoid the sprinkler law requirements . Getting sprinklers into buildings is a good idea . The law may affect eliminating fire walls. If EcoVillage built the four unit buildings there would be fire walls between all of them , instead they have duplexes with only a couple of feet between them . AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 - PERSONS TO BE HEARD • Ray Wheaton , Ithaca Fire Department - The Town Board will be considering the name change for the Judd Falls/Pine Tree Road . The Ithaca Fire Department would like to go on the record supporting the change because of the 911 emergency numbering . The change would make it easier for the Fire Department to facilitate necessary changes . The Ithaca Fire Department should be included in any discussions of the sprinkler law revisions because of staff problems and how they would respond to fire calls . The Fire Department has concerns for the safety issues of their personnel , and for the people who live in buildings with sprinkler systems . If there is a marked decrease in the strength of the sprinkler law it would be reflected in the Town ' s contract with the City based on how the Fire Department would need to be staffed and managed . The Fire Department would need to ask for more personnel to help serve the community. S upervisor Valentino - The Town Board was supplied with some information on the sprinkler law. There has been no formal discussion as of yet. The .Fire Department will be kept informed of any discussions . Rosalind Grippi - My husband and I wrote to the Town Board about the way the benefit assessment formula was applied to lot 9 in the Orchard Hill Development on West Hill . A letter was sent to the Board from John Andersson at the Tompkins County Department of Health , Division of Environmental Health who expressed his view of support. ( See attached . ) The sewer was not intended to go to Orchard Hill Road . Councilwoman Grigorov - How far does the sewer run ? f TOWN BOARD MINUTES 6 MARCH 10 , 1997 Ms. Grippi - The sewer runs between lots 9 and 10. The sewer would cross Dubois Road to Orchard Hill Road crossing Indian Creek Road for a right-of-way. In order to use the sewer we built the house high up for gravity flow. Part of the lot is not accessible to sewer, and it cannot be subdivided . Since there is no sewer to the other part of the lot we should only be charged for one water and one sewer unit. We do not have the three plus legal building lots as put forth on the tax assessment. That increased the sewer and water tax by 340 percent on the lot. The benefit formula acknowledges that the application would depend on the topography. The topography of lot 9 precludes the benefit of water and sewer, except for the western part where the sewer can be reached . Also , as Mr. Andersson mentioned in his letter the Town' s benefit formula pertains to " lot frontage served - with water and/or sewer" . Mr. Andersson observed that lot 9 has no street frontage served by the sewer. The Town uses the formula as three legal building lots . If we wanted to subdivide it would need to be approved to the Town through the public hearing process before considering it a legal building lot . All the lots in the Orchard Hill Development are large, and a sand filtered septic system was needed for those lots as they required a 250 foot diameter circle to fit. We believe it is unreasonable to impose the water and sewer tax on a hypothetical subdivision of 3 . 05 units when only one legal building unit actually exists . The topography makes the sewer inaccessible to the lower part of the land . There is no frontage on our lot served with sewer so the Town Board should adjust the water and sewer taxes . The Town Board should reconsider the benefit formula with respect to those goals . Mr. Walker - The formula was applied to this property as it had been written, . The formula was originally set up to take into account the standard R- 15 lot size , which is 100 feet of frontage . The formula was written that the first 250 feet of frontage was to be charged to 2 . 25 units . It is not frontage, but the average width of the lot that determines what the basic charge is . Sewer fronting on any lot can have access to the rest of the lot at any point. That is the basis of the number of units charged to that lot. It is a large parcel . The Town' s benefit formula does not take into consideration that these are large lots with limitations to the number of living units . The parcel in question is large e -15 zoning to technical ) be subdivided into three lots. The formula applied was enough under the R g y . 9 based on R- 15 zoning . In the past , when water and sewer was extended to an area the zoning would automatically change the area to R- 15 . This parcel is still R-30 . The subdivision was completed prior to any construction on the water and sewer. The subdivision was done approximately 15 years ago , and the water was put in the late 1980' s . Ms . Grippi - The water was not available to all the lots at that time . Mr. Walker - That is correct , but the water was extended part way down the road . The sewer was extended to meet Indian Creek Road . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 7 MARCH 10, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - Could you differentiate the formula because of having to pump up to a sewer? Mr. Walker - The Town does not have that type of formula . There are a number of lots along Taughannock Boulevard and East Shore Drive where the sewer was not put in . All those lots need to be pumped . Approximately 20 years ago , when the formula was written , the technology for pumping was limited . In the past few years there have been significant improvements in sewer pumps for individual homes. A sand filter septic system could cost approximately $ 10, 000 to $201000 . A sewage pump house system , including the pipeline to the sewer, may cost $4, 000 to $51000 . The formula puts development pressures on parcels because of the cost of benefit units calculated by frontage . The Benefit Assessment Committee has been considering modification of the formula . The committee and the Town would need to modify the formula and the way the law is written . There are certain valid reasons for limiting developments , such as limited density in some residential areas. The Town Board , within the formula , does have the authority to waive benefit assessment if a lot is not buildable. Councilman Klein - The Committee reviewed all the water and sewer protests that were submitted . The Committee is trying to calculate all the properties on an equal basis so everyone has a fair hearing. At a meeting on January 28 , 1997 , the Committee reviewed the Grippi parcel . The 3 . 05 units the Grippis were charged was not only because of a direct relationship to three units , it was also derived through the calculation of the depth of the lot . The Committee felt that no change to the Grippi assessment was needed . The Town Board will review several other parcels under protest for water and sewer assessment later, in this meeting . The Town Board does have the power to waive those charges . AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 = CONSIDER STREET NAME CHANGE FOR JUDD FALLS ROAD TO PINE TREE ROAD : Supervisor Valentino - Mr. Frost and I had several discussions with the Fire Coordinator and the Fire Chief. We are working with them to help set up the 911 emergency system : They were unanimous in wanting the name change of a portion of Judd Falls Road to Pine Tree Road . The Town received letters of concern from three businesses in the area ( Coyote Loco , Courtside Racquet Club , and a Computer Room tenant) . Catherine McNamara , Director of Purchasing at Cornell University, 55 Judd Falls Road ( in the back of East Hill Plaza) - We know what it takes to change the address . It took approximately two years to complete the address change when Cornell moved to this site . The cost would be significant to Cornell because of the program changes that interface with the outside world . The purchase order r TOWN BOARD MINUTES 8 MARCH 10 , 1997 programming connected to the system would need to be changed and modified . This would include a fairly significant amount of labor and time . We do not have the necessary resources to do that. Was the name change considered since that was a short segment of road? Supervisor Valentino - "Yes . " Ms . McNamara - The impact to a residences would not have the same financial impact that it would on a business . Councilwoman Harrison - The Town is trying to solve the numbering system on both sides of Route 366 and Judd Falls Road because the numbers are going in the opposite direction . This has been problematic for the Fire Department' s responses and the 911 emergency system . It appears that all the residential numbers need to be switched on Judd Falls Road north of Route 366 . All the residences would be impacted with this change. Ms. McNamara - Changing the numbers would not be any different than changing the street name for Cornell. If we need to change one then we have to change the other. Cornell had five months to plan for the previous change , but it took a while for people to identify the change . Would we have a significant lead time to do this name change? Supervisor Valentino - The 911 emergency system is supposed to be in place by August. Ms . McNamara - That would create a major impact of concern regarding cost. Councilman Klein - What would be the cost? Ms . McNamara - The previous cost of physical work was approximately $ 10 , 000 . That did not include any of the extensive labor. Our department does hundreds of thousands of transactions with the outside world . There are a lot of people this would involve . - didn ' t the Town Board change e the name of the north end of Judd Falls Councilman Wolff Why did 9 Road to North Judd Falls Road? It would be a change of address , but it would not be such an extensive burden for the residences at that end . Mr. Frost - The Fire Department dispatchers do not want to utilize north/south for the 911 emergency system . Councilman Wolff - I do not see why that would be a problem . Councilwoman Harrison - If this became South Judd Falls Road would there still be a problem? Councilman Wolff' s suggestion was to change Judd Falls Road to north? Councilman Wolff - That is correct . That way the businesses would not be affected . i i TOWN BOARD MINUTES 9 MARCH 10, 1997 Mr. Frost - The numbers would still be out of sequence. There needs to be a sequence of numbers. Councilwoman Harrison - What is the number sequence for the Judd Falls Road at Ellis Hollow Road ? Mr. Frost - It starts with 12 and 14 on the side of the Marine Midland Bank and Courtside Racquet Club , 1890 is Coyote Loco , and the gas station is 1000. Councilman Wolff - Would the numbers need to be changed anyway? Mr. Frost - The numbers would need to be changed regardless of the road change. East Hill Plaza is broken up into suite numbers . Ms. McNamara - Cornell University' s address does not have a suite number. We are just 55 Judd Falls Road . Councilwoman Harrison - Whether the Town Board changed the road name or not, the numbers will need to change anyway? Mr. Frost - That is correct. Judd Falls Road starts at Dryden Road with the numbers ascending towards Forest Home Drive . Councilwoman Harrison - If the Board changes the residential numbers of Judd Falls Road to Forest Home , would there be a need to change the business numbers? Mr. Frost - Yes , the businesses would need to be changed because those numbers would be out of sequence . Supervisor Valentino - There is no way around changing the numbers . Councilwoman Russell - The Town would be doing the change because of the 911 emergency response system . The biggest impact would be on business stationery. This could be mitigated with the Post Office giving them a grace period . Councilwoman Grigorov - Address changes by the Post Office are forwarded for a year. The phone books would not be changed until the fall . The addresses would be wrong until the new phone books come out . Mr. Frost - The Town local law requires that numbers be three inches high for quick identification . If the numbers are not in sequence it also makes it difficult. Councilman Klein - Would East Hill Plaza be renumbered ? Mr. Frost - Yes . The issue needs to be resolved by changing the road name prior to changing the TOWN BOARD MINUTES 10 MARCH 10 , 1997 numbers . Councilwoman Grigorov - The proposed resolution suggests that the name change be done within ten days . Should that be changed? Attorney Barney - The resolution should reflect the road name change to be done by July 1 st. Councilwoman Grigorov - Is there a need to do the road name change right away? Mr. Frost - The Fire Coordinator has been working with the phone company on the 911 emergency system . This is one of the issues they are waiting to complete . Councilman Klein - It might be helpful to talk to the Postmaster about giving these businesses one year of mail forwarding . When they set up the 911 emergency system in Chemung County the Postmaster directed all letter carriers that after the forwarding period had expired to return all mail that was improperly addressed . The letter carrier knew the street address and the person on the route , but the Postmaster directed the mail to be returned because of government regulations . That could create problems for people . Supervisor Valentino - That is one of the reasons the Town Board should make a decision as soon as possible . We need to help to get things moving along for the implementation of the 911 emergency system in July or August. Councilwoman Russell - When would the numbers be determined for the businesses? Supervisor Valentino - That is being worked out along with the road name change . Attorney Barney - When the Town Board decides to change the name or number of any street of a public place , the Town Clerk is required to make public notification within ten days thereafter. The resolution should be changed to say an effective date , and that within ten days after that date the Town Clerk is required to notify the people who would be affected by the change . Councilwoman Harrison - Notify what people? Attorney Barney - The law .requires the Town Clerk to notify the Board of Assessors , the Planning Board , the County Clerk, etcetera . Mr. Frost - There is a form from the Building and Zoning Department we use to notify people of the changes . Attorney Barney - The notice would say the name of the street has been changed and the number of your establishment has been changed effective July 1 , 1997 . A formal notification from the Town Clerk is required by law ten days after the change . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 11 MARCH 10, 1997 The Town Board was in agreement to change the road name as of ,July 1 , 1997 . RESOLUTION NO. 52: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the portion of road presently designated as Judd Falls Road lying north of the intersection of said road with Ellis Hollow Road and Pine Tree Road and south of its intersection with Route 366 (Dryden Road) be renamed from Judd Falls Road to Pine Tree Road effective July 1 , 9997; and it is further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 64 (9) of the Town Law the Town Clerk shall, within 10 days after the effective date of this resolution, notify the Tompkins County Division of Assessment, the Planning Board of the Town, the Tompkins County Clerk, the Tompkins County Engineer, and the Post Office Department of the United States of such redesignation; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer be directed to promptly arrange for a change in signage so that said segment of road is properly designated as Pine Tree Road rather than Judd Falls Road on the effective date; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor and all other officers of the Town be and each hereby is authorized and directed to take such additional steps as may be necessary to effectuate the change of name set forth above. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 20 - DISCUSS ACCEPTANCE OF WINSTON COURT WATER MAIN EXTENSION : Councilman Klein - Cornell University is developing a park with the Village of Lansing on Arrowwood Drive. The water line hooks up to the Winston Court area . This Board approved the extension with conditions like drainage improvements . Residents from both the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Town of Ithaca have concerns about the increase of water run off from the Arrowwood Development. Cornell Real Estate has engaged T. G . Miller' s Engineers , who were not the original engineers for the subdivision , to do an expanded water shed evaluation for Cornell 's property. At a meeting with Cornell and T. G . Miller, discussions included the plans and what would be happening . The Town should get a formal commitment from Comell to allow connection to the water in the opening canals. This would protect the Town ' s residences from the increased water run offs through mitigation measures Cornell would implement as soon as they are able to . That might be this summer. I i r TOWN BOARD MINUTES 12 MARCH 10, 1997 Councilwoman Grigorov - In the last paragraph of the letter from John Majeroni , it states "we ask that we not be required to place funds in escrow' This seems reasonable since the weather would not allow cooperation at this time. Councilman Klein - If this were another entity , the Town might ask for an escrow amount. The resources are paid for as long as the commitment is there . Supervisor Valentino - Have we decided what exactly needs to be done? Councilwoman Harrison - " No . " Supervisor Valentino - We need to define what "appropriate" is before the Town Board goes forward . It says the study should be finished by the end of March . That does not help the Board now, because we have not seen a study yet . John Majeroni - Without doing the study we had agreed to retain an extra one inch of water, which was another acre foot of water on the site. This would be easy to do and could be done if the Town Board wants it done. The work would not be done right away because of the winter weather. One of the problems with escrow is we do not know when the study would be done . Councilwoman Harrison - Where does the one acre foot come from ? Mr. Majeroni - We had a recordable report that was approved through the SEQR process in the Village of Lansing . Mr. Walker questioned some of the assumptions that the firm made . How high does the water have to stack up in a field before it starts to flow off compared to a lawn? An inch high on a field would do it. Mr. Walker - The original subdivision drainage study was done based on the four new lots that were being built. They neglected to look at this as a wide river during storms . This is a swamp area . There is standing water in the adjacent lands continuously . It has a narrow small drainage ditch down the middle that was put in when it was farm land . There is a significant amount of natural storage there . They went from a swampy wet field to a very defined four foot deep drainage ditch that sucks the water out very fast and covers the top of the road . This has happened four times in the past year. This last year has been very wet. There are big culverts that the County put in . I disagree that the drainage study was effectively dealt with because it did not take into account the loss of natural storage. I asked for a water shed evaluation for the whole 200 acres . They said they can not do that now. I then informed them to get some storage . We decided on one inch over the 11 acres . After the last meeting , it was understood storage was going to be built . Recently, I realized that they did not build it . Cornell said it was too expensive to build , so they decided to do the study. The study will be done to address the storage and retention . Councilman Klein - Cornell is committed to making these improvements . There may be a large I retention pond above the Arrowwood Development . Until the study is done and agreed upon , no TOWN BOARD MINUTES 13 MARCH 10, 1997 one really knows what will be needed or done . Councilwoman Harrison - The letter could slow a commitment to provide at least one acre for the storage? Mr . Majeroni - Yes , we would be happy to do that. A lot of things have happened in the last five years in this area . The Lucenti's have done a lot of building there. They have not done storm water retention. BOCES did a big expansion and did not do storm water retention . Cornell is the only one doing storm water retention . We are trying to do this project right. Attorney Barney - Is there a time frame for all of this occur? Could dates be added to when the study would be completed? Mr. Majeroni - The study is supposed to be done by March 31 , depending on the weather. Attorney Barney - What would be an outside date that this work would be done? Mr. Majeroni - The concern is that, if the structure is big enough we would need to go to DEC for the permit. That may take a few months . Supervisor Valentino - Would that effect the study? Mr. Majeroni - No , the study would be completed . Attorney Barney - There should be alternative dates , if the DEC permit is required there would need to be two extra months . Mr. Walker - If the retention holds over a million gallons of storage then a permit is required. If it is kept below grade and split up into separate structures there may not be a need for a permit. Mr. Majeroni - On the other side of the park a central facility was built with a beautiful pond the residents like. We have the same intention for the other side of the road . This would probably take a DEC permit. Part of the problem also has to do with the bedrock. There are many variables that would interfere with this. We could agree to have at least one acre foot of storage by August 1 . This could be done while waiting for the DEC permit process to be finished . Attorney Barney - There should be a time frame for something to happen there . Mr. Majeroni - Town Staff would be helping with this project to help address the run off. If the Town wanted to do something for the people down stream , maybe you would want to expand the pond at your cost. The cost would be marginal because work is already being done there . If the concern down stream is major, maybe there is something the Town could do . Mr. Walker - The Board needs to look at not just Cornell , but the Village of Lansing also . A letter TOWN BOARD MINUTES 14 MARCH 10, 199 t was sent to Donald Hartill , Mayor of Lansing , asking for a cooperative arrangement with the Town and the Village regarding water supply . The new water line provides water from the Sapsucker water tank at a higher pressure than what the Village could supply to that area . There could also be an interconnection for a loop back into the town' s Warren Road water main that supplies . BOCES . The Town had concerns about the potential impacts on the Town of Ithaca properties because of development occurring in the Village of Lansing . We want to improve our communications with the Village about development issues . Councilwoman Grigorov - Does the Town Board have to vote on this ? Councilman Klein - The Board needs to accept the water main . There is a technical requirement of certification by the owner or contractor that water lines have been constructed correctly. Mr. Walker - The Town' s portion of the water main would start at the back end of Winston Court north to Cornell University, and again to the east where it crosses into the Village of Lansing . This portion of the line is what the Town is being asked to dedicate . This has .been constructed on pressure tests and bacterial tests have been done. I do not have all the drawings yet and there has been no approval from the Health Department. Councilwoman Harrison - Does the Town charge the Village of Lansing for pumping ? Mr. Walker - No. We do not have a formal agreement with the Village of Lansing for pumping . They serve parts of the Town of Ithaca , such as Burleigh Drive to Uptown Road because of better pressure . They are part of Bolton Point with the pumping costs being shared by all the members. Bolton Point pays for the pumping . The Town of Ithaca also supplies water to the Town of Dryden through the same grid . Councilwoman Harrison - If the Town Board passes the resolution it would need to be contingent upon completion of whatever needs to happen for Health Department approval . Also , contingent upon receipt from Cornell University of a commitment to compete the study by the end of March , and to complete construction so water could be retained by August 1 st. Supervisor Valentino - The resolution should state , "for a minimum acre foot unless other retention structures are shown" . Attorney Barney - It should also include a time frame that could be extended with the consent of the Board . Mr. Walker - The hydrologic study may not show the need for an acre foot. The configuration might be different in some places . Supervisor Valentino - Things could be adjusted to go along by saying " appropriate" . Mr . Walker - This should mitigate the changes that have occurred on the four lots that were TOWN BOARD MINUTES 15 MARCH 10, 1997 developed . There are two buildings going up along with the Community Care Center expansion . Supervisor Valentino - What is happening to help the run off from the construction that is going on now? Mr. Walker - There are sediment erosion control devices which have not proven to be of a significant capacity to handle the big storms . Mr. Majeroni - The existing storm water retention is in place and the Community Care Center will be expanding as soon as the ground conditions will allow. RESOLUTION NO. 54: Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the water main extension from Winston Court to the Village of Lansing, Town of Ithaca line as shown on the easement map prepared by T. G. Miller, P. C. , dated March 3, 1997 subject to the following conditions: 1 . Approval of final construction details and performance to specifications by the Town Engineer. 21 Certification by the Tompkins County Health Department. 3. Receipt of a commitment from Cornell University in form and substance satisfactory to the Town Supervisor with the advice of the Town Engineer and the Attorney for the Town. By which Cornell University commits to completing a drainage study by April 11 1997, and constructing the appropriate drainage facilities in addition to those already planned for that would provide at least an additional one acre foot of water storage by August 1, 1997, unless the date is extended by consent of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca . A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 19 - DISCUSS POLICY REGARDING SECOND DWELLINGS IN EXISTING BUILDINGS : RESOLUTION NO. 53: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that Town Board of the Town of Ithaca resolves as follows: TOWN BOARD MINUTES 16 MARCH 10 , 1997 1 . In the event there is a need to establish that a particular property is a one-family dwelling and not a two-family dwelling and the building contains separate areas each of which meets the technical definition of a dwelling unit the following procedures shall be followed: A . Any evidence of a kitchen facility (e. g. , sink, stove, or refrigerator) or, in the alternative, any evidence of a bathroom (e. g. , toilet, tub, shower, or sink), shall be removed from the area under consideration so that there would no longer be complete living facilities for one family. B. The Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer may inspect the premises to confirm such removal. C. The owner of the property shall sign an affidavit and certification in form satisfactory to the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer to the effect that 1 . The facilities referred to above have been removed, 2. Said facilities will not be reinstalled without seeking a building permit or other approval from the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer, and 3. The area from the facilities were removed will not be used as a separate dwelling unit until the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer is notified and any required approvals, permits, or other certificates including a Certificate of Occupancy are obtained from the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer. D. Such affidavit shall be recorded, at the expense of the homeowner, in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office and indexed against the name of the then owner of the property. 2. The Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have the discretion to deviate in whole or in part from the procedure set forth above in those circumstances where the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer is satisfied that the objectives sought to be obtained by the foregoing procedures and compliance with the Code and Zoning Ordinance may be assured in some other manner. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 17 MARCH 10, 1997 Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 21 = CONSIDER THE VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF ASSESSMENTS . Supervisor Valentino = The staff reviewed the assessment rolls to bring everyone into the formula equally. The Village of Cayuga Heights has an assessment for two parcels of land by their waste water plant. The Village of Cayuga Heights has asked the Town to waiver that assessment. Under the Town' s formula they would not be eligible for that waiver. Mr. Walker - These properties are in the Town of Ithaca . Councilman Klein - If the property becomes the Village of Cayuga Heights they would not be on the Town' s tax roll , and they would not be charged for those benefit assessments. Mr. Walker - The waste water plant property is adjacent to the Village of Cayuga Heights . We have asked the Waste Water Treatment Plant to consolidate the two lots into one , and request that these lots be annexed from the Town . Councilwoman Russell - The letter sounds like the Plant is not responding to that request. Mr. Walker - The letter the Town received from the Village stated that they do not want to pay the bill . The Town bought the other parcel with the understanding of annexing it into the Village so it would not be Town property. Until that is done they will be assessed based on the way the formula is set up . The formula says all properties in the Town shall be assessed appropriately . Mrs. Noteboom - Was the Waste Water Treatment Plant mailed a tax bill with the number of units? Mr. Walker - "Yes . " Mrs. Noteboom - They will now be assessed 2 percent interest penalty on the tax bill because the bill was not paid by January 31 , 1997 . Councilman Conley - Should the Town Board tell them to consolidate the two parcels? Mr. Walker - "Yes . " Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board could waive this assessment if they choose to waive it, or we could tell the Village that we do not feel we should waive it because this is consistent with what is being charged throughout the Town . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 18 MARCH 10 , 1997 Mr. Walker - I told them they should annex these two lots . Supervisor Valentino - Since the Town Board will not be waiving this assessment for the Waste Water Treatment Plant , I will write an official letter to the mayor explaining the Town Board' s decision . Attorney Barney - The last time the Town did an annexation was when the City and the Town exchanged properties on East Shore Drive . The Youth Bureau was in the Town at the time . They took an estimated assessed value equation and said the Youth Bureau would be assessed for so much . Councilwoman Harrison - If this property , in the future , was no longer being used for a sewage treatment plant it could represent prime lake side property. This is an old plant that would require major financial investment over the years . It might not happen and they may end up with the Ithaca Sewage Treatment Plant. I do not think this piece of property should be taken off the Town' s tax roll . Councilman Klein - Does the annexation need to be done cooperatively? Attorney Barney - No , but it is much better done cooperatively. If the Village Board and the Town Board vote in favor of this , it would be subject to a permissive or mandatory referendum by the people involved . If the Village Board votes in favor and the Town Board votes against it, there is a proceeding that could be brought into the Supreme Court to work it out . It would be better to be cooperative so there would be no problems . Supervisor Valentino - The Town Board could tell the Village this is the formula , and that they need to pay their bill . Councilwoman Harrison - Since there are so many residences on the list requesting changes , the letter should include a short statement saying that we are in the process of reevaluating the benefit assessment formula . Supervisor Valentino will send a letter to Ron Anderson , Mayor for Village of Cayuga Heights stating that the Town Board decided not to waive the assessment on the two lots for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Councilwoman Russell - Mr. Anderson ' s wrote in his letter "We feel that there should be no sewer or water access charges assessed to these properties , as they will not be necessary to the operation of the WWTP . " Could this be clarified ? . Mr. Walker - The plant would still get the water benefit. Supervisor Valentino - The Benefit Assessment Committee worked very hard on these assessments to make sure they were accurate . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 19 MARCH 10 , 1997 AGENDA ITEM NO. 22 - CONSIDER POSSIBLE LAND ACQUISITION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED HOSPICARE/DEER RUN BIKEWAY AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR A GRANT FROM THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION , AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION TO IMPLEMENT BIKEWAY • Councilwoman Russell - Is the Town Attomey' s time included in the cost estimate? If it is not, is that covered by this grant? Mr. Kanter - Yes, it is covered under the estimate . That is not saying it could not be covered in the grant as well . The grant can cover acquisition costs and designs . There is a local match requirement for most of these grants . Town Staff time or cash contributions could go towards that local match . Councilwoman Russell - Do you have any idea about the AASHTO standards and the Town's potential liability regarding the construction of the bike paths ? Mr. Noteboom - Most of the Town' s roads are not designed to strict AASHTO standards . The Town could be liable . Councilman Conley - George Frantz said they would be constructing the bikeway with a . rough gravel and stone and oil , so skateboarders will not be able to ride on it. The two lots acquired could become part of the park system . They were interested in coming to a meeting to discuss these types of issues . Councilman Klein - Who will take the liability? Attorney Barney - Those are standards that the plaintiffs lawyers always bring up if there were a liability court action . Councilman Klein - Mr. Frantz has pointed out in his design study that the topography there is steep. There would be caution signs posted along the bikeway. Attorney Barney - The law does make a municipality the guarantor of the quality of the road . The municipality would only have to do what is reasonably proven under all circumstances . The construction of a road to AASHTO standards is a phenomenal cost that the Town could argue. Mr. Kanter - Mr. Frantz will speak to the Board about the designs . One of the things that is being proposed for design is a fairly long level stretch at the bottom of the slope . There would be approximately 100 feet of level grade before entering the intersection at Whitetail Drive . At certain intervals of construction in the steeper parks , we would propose a law to help meet ADA standards accessibility. The grade requirements for ADA are even more strict than AASHTO standards . Councilwoman Harrison - This would be a bikeway and a walkway? I TOWN BOARD MINUTES 20 MARCH 10, 1997 r Mr. Kanter - Yes , it would be a bikeway and pedestrian walkway . A meeting would be set up to discuss this matter further. Mr. Frantz - In 1987 and 1988 , the Town acquired a right-of-way along the northern boundary between the Chase Pond site and the Deer Run Subdivision . The idea was to have the trail run parallel to East King Road to Whitetail Drive , so people would bike on the street and walk on the side down Whitetail to the intersection . Long range planning in the Town presents the idea of a bicyclelpedestrian connection from the top of South Hill to the City in the ,vicinity of Ithaca College' s back entrance from Coddington Road . There is one lot in the Deer Run Subdivision that is yet to be built on , is Tax Parcel No . 44-1 -136. Planning staff discussed the appropriate way to acquire this lot as a more direct route from East King Road to the Deer Run Subdivision . There are problems trying to build a path in the Town of Ithaca because of the terrain . The original idea was to come from East King Road across Chase Pond down to Whitetail Drive . Planning staff also discussed taking a part of Tax Parcel No . 44- 1 - 136 , but then there would be sharp turns with a 10 percent grade . The final alternative is to cut diagonally across the entire lot. That would not eliminate the 10 percent grade , but it does eliminate the curves . Staff is trying to design this as close to the standards of American Association of State , Highway, and Transportation Officials (AASHTO ) for bicycle paths as possible . The first alternative gives the Town a path with a design speed of approximately 20 to 25 mph , which is not what AASHTO recommends , but which is as close as possible . We could also mitigate the bottom flat stretch of 100 feet. At the end of the flat stretch there will be a stop sign before the intersection . AASHTO recommended acquiring the entire parcel to build the bikeway through it. ' Councilwoman Harrison - What would be the method to separate the pedestrians and bicycles? Bicyclists will be going very fast . Mr. Frantz - The ten foot wide path would give two five foot lanes which should be adequate for both bicyclists and walkers . The oil and stone pavement creates a certain amount of noise for bicycle tires . That will help walkers hear the bicycles . The distance of what a bicyclist can see and what a pedestrian can see in this alignment is much greater than what is possible in other alignments . Councilman Conley - The difference between the two proposals is that one would require buying the whole lot, and the other would see if staff could work out something without buying the whole lot? Mr. Frantz - Yes , the idea is to leave part of the lot for building of a house . Councilman Klein - Part of the retaining wall at the bottom is on the lot that the Town would be purchasing ? Mr. Frantz - The retaining wall would be in the right-of-way of the street . The homeowner next door TOWN BOARD MINUTES 21 MARCH 10, 1997 - may allow us to grade back by the retaining wall . Councilman Klein - The Town may be better off without the retaining wall depending upon the construction that may occur. Councilwoman Harrison - Where is the Town with this project compared to the other bicycle and pedestrian plans? Mr. Noteboom - I do not think this project would be coming up this year. The Town could build a portion of this trail this year depending on whether the Town purchases the lot. The upper portion of the trail is there . Councilwoman Harrison - The Town could be awarded a grant knowing that we would get a reimbursement. The grant would be applied for if the Town Board agrees to it? Mr. Noteboom - "Yes . " Mr. Frantz - With all of the bicycle and pedestrian opportunities in the Town , this is one that the staff has enough pieces in place to start planning . The others have issues and problems that need to be resolved . Councilwoman Russell - Does the Town own the rest of the property for the right-of-way? Mr. Frantz - Yes , the Town owns the right-of-way from East King Road to Whitetail Drive . It is just a matter of acquiring Tax Parcel No . 44- 1 - 136 . Councilwoman Harrison - What would the Town do with the right-of-way that goes to Whitetail Drive? Mr. Frantz - It could be developed as a wood chip path . It could be a very valuable connection for all the houses that are located around the trail . RESOLUTION NO. 55: Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize the staff to pursue the acquisition of Tax Parcel No. 444436. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) TOWN BOARD MINUTES 22 MARCH 10 , 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 56 : Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes staff to complete and submit an application for grant funding through the National Recreational Trails Fund Act program, for the above described project, for an amount not to exceed $31, 200. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION CLAIMS AND NOTICE OF HEARING CONRAIL : Attorney Barney - Conrail brought separate actions over a four year period challenging the assessment of their properties in the State of New York. Several years ago , the Town of Ithaca opted to be included in the class action against big municipalities and little municipalities assessing entities for real estate service. Conrail has a proposal to settle the class action and if the Town does not buy into the settlement we have the right to contest . After reviewing the settlement, it will cost the Town some money. Conrail has paid over the four years into escrow the amount over and above what they actually owe . The first thing to do is to set up a fund to make sure that the Town will get paid . There will be payments made out of the fund to other municipalities over and above what. was originally collected as taxes. I am not sure whether the Town had collected 100 percent of what they billed , in any event Conrail will not have to pay 100 percent of what the total bill was first . The County has paid the Town 100 percent of what Conrail was billed . Conrail was only paying 90 percent of that. The difference would be a rebate from the Town to the County because the County paid the Town more than they should have been paid . Mrs . Noteboom - The Town has collected all the money from the County that we should have received . Attorney Barney - The settlement disclosure did not show whether the County would be preparing the initial warrant each year by billing at 100 percent of the Conrail assessment , or whether the court authorized them to bill something different? Mrs . Noteboom - The County prepares and sends all the Town' s franchise bills . The Town does not see them . We would need to ask the County for a copy of all the bills they sent to Conrail , and for a statement of how the bills were calculated . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 23 MARCH 10, 1997 Attorney Barney - It would cost approximately $3, 000 to $5, 000 to challenge the settlement. I do not think the Town should spend their money . Conrail indicated that they will not settle in any manner but this . The Town Board agreed not to contest the Conrail settlement as described . AGENDA ITEM NO . 14 - REVIEW AND ACCEPT FOR FILING THE 1996 COMPTROLLER' S ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT : Mr. Carvill - The Annual Financial Report was filed timely. I received confirmation of the report being filed and accepted by the State Comptroller' s Office on February 27 , 1997 . Preparation for review of the operating year 1996 is underway . The Independent Auditors will begin to audit the Town's books on March 24 , 1997. RESOLUTION NO. 49: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Grigorov that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the submission of the 1996 Annual Financial Report to the NYS Comptroller's Office as reflecting the financial activities and conditions of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1996. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 3 - REPORTS OF TOWN OFFICIALS • A. Director of Engineering - See attached . Mr. Walker - Shirley Raffensperger is on the Planning and Public Affairs Committee . The Committee is looking at the original agreement that was used to create the Intermunicipal Commission. The original agreement does not have a basis for allocation of capacity or ownership of the plant. There are no guarantees. Allocation is on a first come first serve basis . The Town has invested and paid for approximately half of the capital cost of the plant. Staff has recommended to the Commissioners to have the agreement memorialized for ownership capacity so the Town would always know what their investment is in the water system . Presented is a first draft of what the Planning and Public Affairs Committee has come up with . The Commission has not acted on this draft yet. Supervisor Valentino - All the different Town Supervisors have been interviewed and have gone through this draft. This seems like an agreement that could bring people together. It seems like a reasonable compromise . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 24 MARCH 10 , 1997 i Be Highway Superintendent an See attached . C . Director of Planning - See attached . Mr. Kanter - The Board was supplied with a copy of the Tompkins County Water Front Plan . I hope to schedule a full discussion of the plan at the April Town Board meeting . I would like to ask the Board to endorse or give official recognition to the report. Supervisor Valentino and I have worked with the County on this plan over the past year. The County and their consultants will give a presentation at the April 1 , Planning Board meeting . I would like to invite anyone who may be e2 interested to attend . ' Mrs . Noteboom - If several of the Town Board members plan to attend that meeting , it would be necessary to advertise in the newspaper that there is a possibility that more than a quorum of the Town Board would be present , and that no official action will be taken by this Board . Mr. Kanter - The Board was supplied with a copy of the Draft Park, Recreation , and Open Space Plan that staff has been working on for several years . There have been comments made by the Conservation Board , the Planning Board , and the Planning Committee . The staff has done several revisions and editing . We hope that the Town Board would review the draft and schedule this for possible discussion at the April , Town Board meeting . Discussions could include what the staff needs to do with the plan and what would be next in regards to public participation . There are some significant expenses ' outlined in the draft. They are being presented as options for direction on developing park preservation . Councilwoman Harrison - How does this draft relate to the draft that was presented to the Planning Committee? Mr. Kanter - Both drafts are similar, but the staff tried to incorporate a lot of the comments that were supplied by the Planning Committee . Councilwoman Harrison - How are discussions going with Ithaca College? Supervisor Valentino - Discussions with Ithaca College have been going well . We have talked about Ithaca College doing a special land use district. We talked about some of the trails passing through Ithaca College. They seemed to be willing to look further into this . Councilwoman Harrison - Were there discussions with Ithaca College about the South Hill Swamp in terms of conservation ? Mr. Kanter - Yes. At the last Planning Committee meeting it was indicated to Ithaca College that the Town will be doing the study of the South Hill Swamp area . It covers a great deal of wooded area with much of it extending into the Ithaca College property. As part of their plan development district process the Town would like to look at the overall natural areas that extend onto Ithaca College TOWN BOARD MINUTES 25 MARCH 10 , 1997 i property. This would be coordinated with the Conservation Zone Study . Where the Town places restrictions will be another problem with Ithaca College . They seem to be confined to the core of the campus and the surrounding area for future development. Ithaca College does not seem to have any heavy developments planned outside except for the idea of a southern road access to Danby Road . Ithaca College owns a parcel of land on East King Road which goes through the swamp area . We are discussing other options , and there will be another full report at the Planning Committee meeting . D. Director of Building and Zoning - See attached . Mr. Frost - The operating permit number inventory list that was marked for this agenda item belongs with Additional Agenda Item No . 1 , Sprinkler Law discussion . E. Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services - See attached . Councilwoman Russell - Since there is a change in the Games of Chance Lawwould the Town Clerk still be in charge of enforcement? Mrs. Noteboom - The State of New York would be in charge of enforcement . The New York State Racing and Wagering Board now has only one office . They used to have different regional offices . At the Associations of Towns meeting , it was explained the new law allows the State to take 2 percent of all the winnings. In order for the State to get the 2 percent, they needed to take over the enforcement. Councilwoman Harrison - Would that take away the Town' s legal liability? Mrs . Noteboom - Not in every respect . Enforcement meaning someone would go and inspect the raffle at the time the raffle is being held . The Town Clerk would still be responsible for all the licensing and reporting of any illegal operations . Enforcement means making sure that once they got their license they are conducting the raffle according to the law. Supervisor Valentino - The Town is looking to legalize some of these things , but there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered . A report will be given to the Board on any updates to legislation . F . Financial Report on See attached . Councilman Klein - The report shows two columns , principal invested and estimated earnings . Are these the month' s earnings or the year' s earnings? Mr. Cargill - The invested funds are what is outstanding at the present time . These were the only funds that the Town had invested . The interest earnings of $49 , 900 are for the entire year. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 26 MARCH 10, 1997 Councilman Klein - These earnings would increase those funds? Supervisor Valentino - That is correct . Mr. Carvill has identified interest that has never been credited to the Capital Projects Fund which now will be . AGENDA ITEM NO . 4 - REPORT OF TOWN COMMITTEES : Councilwoman Russell - The Recreation Partnership Board has split into subcommittees . They are meeting as a Finance Committee and as a Programming Committee . Councilman Conley - Supervisor Valentino appointed me to the City's Business Improvement District Committee. I attend a sub committee that considers the retention of business and the inventory of where businesses are . They are trying to get ready for the new director who would be arriving in April or May. They are working with businesses that are considered marginal in being able to stay open . Councilwoman Harrison - The Town and Cornell Transportation Committee as met and is looking forward to looking at the northeast study. Councilman Klein - What is the status of the northeast study? Mr. Kanter - The consultants have reviewed the area and bids are being formed . The decision will be made in May . The Oversight Committee has a representative from each municipality. Councilwoman Harrison - The Transportation Committee had a discussion about the bicycle connection for Summerhill Lane to the East Recreation Way . Cornell Engineering Club might be interested in doing this study. Councilman Klein - The Codes and Ordinances Committee has completed drafts of the zoning districts . After they review the drafts at the April meeting they will be distributed to other Boards and Committees for review and comment . The Committee is not making any decisions at this point. They are reviewing future areas of concern . The agricultural community would be helping the Committee with the agricultural zones . The Public Works Committee discussed the northeast drainage . Some residents did raise the issue of whether the Town should consider any drainage construction . Supervisor Valentino - The water problems in the northeast area have been going on for several years . We need to get the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Village of Lansing to work with the Town on solving these problems . The problems there have been getting worse . Discussions on this issue will continue after more information is gathered . Councilman Klein - The Highway Department is equipped to take care of water and sewer main breaks on an emergency basis . Bolton Point has contracted with a private contractor. In the past, the Town has been very satisfied with that. The Town is not under any obligation to hire the private TOWN BOARD MINUTES 27 MARCH 10, 1997 contractor. Mr. Walker and Mr. Noteboom want to keep the Town's workmen available as much as possible . This will require some additional purchase of equipment to keep the work crews fully operational . Mr. Noteboom will be supplying a list of equipment that would be required at the April meeting . Councilwoman Harrison - Is each Town responsible any water breaks within that town? Mr. Walker - "Yes . " Councilwoman Harrison - The Town would either pay Bolton Point to use for their contractor, or the town would use their own workmen ? Councilman Klein - That is correct. Either way the Town would have to pay. Mr. Walker - Using the Town's own forces is less expensive. Over the past few years, we have been building our capacity for repairing water and sewer emergency problems . Supervisor Valentino - Mayor Cohen , City of Ithaca ; Supervisor Schug , Town of Dryden and I meet biweekly to discuss the Joint Sewer Agreement. If it were up to us it would be all settled . We agree with the original agreement that we should be using the master meter sewer flows instead of using the water readings for calculations. They would be more accurate. At the next SJS meeting we will giving clear directions that we want them to move in that direction as quickly as possible . AGENDA ITEM NO 7 on REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCES : A. Thomas Brachko, Request for Support Official English Senate Bill 356 - See attached . The Town Board received a letter from Thomas Brachko requesting support on Official English Senate Bill 356 U . S . , New York, Town Official Language . , B. Information and Referral Service on See attached . The Town Board received a letter from the Tompkins County Information and Referral Services Director, Ed Swayze, about the services they offer to community members who need help for various reasons . co Kevin Kauffman , SCLIWC Executive Director - See attached . The Town Board received a letter from Kevin Kauffman , the Executive Director at Bolton Point, in regards to the in-house payroll system decision . D . NYSDOT, Public Hearing - Consolidated Rail Corporation Merger on See attached . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 28 MARCH 10, 1997 The Town Board received a letter from John Daly , Commissioner of State of New York Department of Transportation in regards to a public hearing on the potential impacts of a merger of the Consolidated Rail Corporation ( Conrail ) with another rail freight company. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 = ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF TOWN JUSTICE DOCKETS • RESOLUTION NO. 34: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby accept for filing by the Town Clerk, the dockets of Town Justice, Clarence Larkin as described and listed below, and be it further RESOLVED, the members of the Town Board, as required by law, shall sign and date the said dockets. Vehicle & Traffic Docket: Book F Dated: 6194 - 4196 Book G Dated. 4196 - 8196 Book H Dated: 8196 - 9197 Criminal Docket: Book C Dated: 9/95 - 1197 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 10 = CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FROM THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER UPGRADES AND SOFTWARE : Councilman Wolff - The Information Technology Committee has the need to keep people informed about issues , as well as keeping them informed about the decisions made . The Committee has created a report with a format that is self explanatory. Proposed resolutions have been created pertaining to specific details within the report. The report suggests what the Town ' s needs are . The first need is for standardization of the file directory system. As explained in the report the Committee submitted , October 1996 . The second need would be a standardized software program with the necessary upgrades of hardware . After the software is installed an adequate training program to make sure it is used the most efficiently and effectively by staff as needed . These steps need to be taken by the Town now. The Committee feels they have an adequate program . There are eight work areas where the actual equipment being utilized is not sufficient so some type of change in equipment is required . The TOWN BOARD MINUTES 29 MARCH 10, 1997 Committee found that by shuffling four computers those needs would be met. Purchase of four other computers would meet the other four needs . The suite consists of Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft Access data base program . There are a few things that need to be purchased as part of the software for Microsoft Office Suite. The Committee recommends Microsoft Office Suite , and this as standard software . This would allow for all staff members to be able to communicate with each other to share files . This software would also be transferable to the new Town Hall . It would not be obsolete for several years running . The criteria that the Committee looked at for the Microsoft Office Suite included price , use of ability and transferability of files , and support that this particular office would receive . The ability to mix files is why the Committee chose the Suite, as opposed to separate word processing , versus spreadsheet files . Other criteria is detailed in the Committee' s report of October 1996. A major part that comes into play with that is training. The Committee surveyed the staff to see what they are using now, and to what extent they would need to be able to operate programs at a basic literacy level . Staff members fall into different categories . The Committee outlined a training program that meets those needs . Purchase of power packs are necessary when the electricity is turned off. The power pack is a back up power supply to secure the safety of operations and to maintain the integrity of files. These power packs would be transferable to the new Town Hall . Councilwoman Grigorov - Is the power pack connected to one computer or to the whole electrical system? Councilman Wolff - There are different varieties. In this case, it would probably be for specific units . Mrs. Noteboom - There are five specific units needing power packs. Two accounting computers , the tax collection computer, the Town Clerk' s computer, and the payroll computer. Councilwoman Wolff - If the Town Hall was networked there might be a different type of power pack system for the actual server. In this case , the Town is looking for power packs for five computers only . In the second part of the report, the Committee made a distinction between recommended purchases versus special requests . Purchases that are general items are those which the Information Technology Committee has discussed , which fit into an existing program . A special request would allow Department Heads to put forward needs that are in addition to a program recommended by the Committee . Mr. Noteboom - There is going to be a pentium computer in the trailer at the highway garage that would have the CAD system on it. The new printer would allow us to print maps from the GIS system to use during actual field work on the highways and in the parks . Mr. Walker - Work orders would be printed at the Highway Department with larger drawings brought to Town Hall . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 30 MARCH 10, 1997 Supervisor Valentino - The work the Committee has done on the inventories , setting up the plans and training , and the research , are excellent . The Committee deciding things such as special requests for ink printers is a concern . Microsoft Office Suite is a coordinated software the Town needs . Excel and Word are the programs that the Town should be going with . The Town Board needs to determine things we are going tondo and move forward . Department Heads should decide what their specific needs are , considering the budget , as long as they are meeting the guidelines the committee set up . The -Town Board budgeted for these . It seems that we are going to the Committee and then back to the Town Board , The Board is micro managing things that we should not be micro managing . Councilman Wolff - That is why the Committee created the catch all area called " special requests" . The real purpose of it is to collect information so that people have an idea what is related to information technology. That is why we distinguish between the first group which is part of the program for consideration , versus the second set of items which are departmental decisions . The Committee does not want to stand in the way of those . To solve that dilemma the Committee decided to call it " special requests" . If there are questions from the Board it would be up to the Department Heads to justify them or explain them . Councilwoman Grigorov - Has every department reviewed this to make sure everything is compatible with their needs? Councilman Wolff - That is the general idea . That is part of the screening process of the Information Technology Committee . The Committee does not want to be in a situation where the Town Hall is micro managed. This would slow down the efficiency. At the same time, the Committee does want to establish policies and enforce them . In that regard the answer is yes. People who want to buy a computer should go through the Committee , then it is the Committee' s role to bring the issue to the Town Board for discussion . Supervisor Valentino - Once the Committee sets the criteria and the Town Board approves that, the Department Heads will know what that policy is . I cannot imagine that they would be purchasing something that would not fit the criteria that the Town Board set . Each department has their own representative on the Information Technology Committee . I think we are beginning to do to many things here that are getting in the way of what some of the Department Heads needs are planning that were budgeted for. This is not what the Town Board would ordinarily ever do . The Town Board would not be approving these ordinarily . Once we have budgeted for them and decided this is the criteria , the Department Heads would order and purchase them . Councilwoman Grigorov - Are the special requests something that this Board needs to vote on? Councilman Wolff - There is a question of equity . I do not see Supervisor Valentino' s concern , I do not see that happening as often as she is expressing . This is a one time thing to establish a software policy . The Town Board has never passed a resolution . We talked about them and planned for them while doing the budget . Now the Town is ready to buy them and set up a time , frame for implementation . I agree with the concerns of Supervisor Valentino , but I do not see the TOWN BOARD MINUTES 31 MARCH 10, 1997 committee going that far. The other concern is the issue of equity . Some departments have larger budgets with access revenues other departments do not. There needs to be some coordination for the purpose of planning . Councilwoman Harrison - The equity issues should come up during budget time? Councilman Wolff - Yes , as far as I know there was no budget that the Town Board created for computers . The Town Board created a budget for networking , not for the purchase of new computers and ongoing replacement of equipment. The October 1996 report included the networking . The purchase of four pentium computers would come out of the money set aside for computers in October. If it does, that budget was a reflection of a planned network. It could be used up by the Town meeting other needs . Supervisor Valentino - The Board did approve the networking . Money was set aside for training , upgrading computers , and for purchase of new computers . Mrs . Noteboom - The budget includes $80 , 000 the Committee recommended the Town Board put aside . Of that $80 , 000 , part of it is in the General Fund and part is in the Part-Town Fund under Shared Services Computer Supplies and Equipment. At the budget hearing , the Board said that they would put the money in shared services and not take it out of the individual departments except for a few small items. This was done to start considering purchases differently than what had been done in the past. There is a small amount in the shared services to hire a consultant. The majority is for materials and supplies . the Board chose to put the money aside until the Committee made their recommendations . Even though the money was in those shared service line items , it did not necessarily mean they would be spent . Councilwoman Grigorov - Does the Committee need additional authorization to spend it? Mrs. Noteboom - According to the procurement policy that was adopted by the Town Board in 1992 , purchases would need to go before the Board for approval . Mr. Carvill - The Board passed a resolution stating that if the Town was going to spend an aggregated amount of over $ 10 , 000 in a year for like materials or equipment that there must be a bid . Councilman Wolff - The Town Board needs to focus on the purchase of four computers , the upgrades for storage capacity , and improving the training of staff. Supervisor Valentino - I do not think the Town Board made a final decision that the Town was going to standardize with the Microsoft Office Suite , Excel , and Word . There should be a resolution stating that this is going to be the standard computer software the Town will be using to give each Department Head a direction that this is the standard . Councilman Wolff - There is a purchasing decision that goes along with the cost of $242 per user 1 ' TOWN BOARD MINUTES 32 MARCH 10, 1997 and the upgrades . Some people are using it and others are not. Mr. Walker - Microsoft Office Suite is on the two new computers , they both have Office Pro on them . The computer at the water and sewer office was purchased with Microsoft Office at approximately $2 , 000 less than the State bid . Councilman Wolff - Gail Kroll at Highway also has Microsoft Office Suite . Councilman Klein - The computers could be updated without purchasing licenses for all of them? Mr. Walker - I thought the Town could buy the updated license upgrades for less , but was informed that there is no upgrade license under the State contract. They have full licenses . We push our machines to the limit with what we have. We need to get the software and use it first, then when we have problems we should consider upgrading . The upgrading recommendations are based on the manufacturers recommendations. They generally are a lot higher than what we need based on the users and the usage . If someone is running word processing 80 percent of the time , with spreadsheet occasionally , they would not need 16 mega bytes of RAM . They could get by with 8 mega bytes of RAM to make it work. Councilman Wolff - The proposed resolution asks the Town Board to authorize the purchase of the computers. The purchases would be the cheapest available allowable within the law. The proposed resolution says the purchase of the software shall not exceed $9 , 500 . Mrs. Noteboom - That amount is for the software upgrades and for the training on all the computers . Councilwoman Russell - It seems like there are more computers in engineering than there are staff. Could this be clarified? Councilman Wolff - Some of the computers are dedicated to run peripherals . They are dedicated work stations even though they are not for a specific staff person . Mr. Walker - Some of these computers are used by student interns . There are days these computers are not running , but other days there are people waiting to use them . Councilwoman Russell - Is there an indexing program planned for the Town ? Councilman Wolff - There is going to be a standardized file directory system . There is an existing index, but people need to be trained to use the indexing . Supervisor Valentino - The indexing should be worked on through approval of the Town Clerk since she is designated as the Record Management Officer. The files need to be coordinated with her before indexing . Councilwoman Russell - We budgeted money for a consultant. How does the consultant fit into this TOWN BOARD MINUTES 33 MARCH 10, 1997 picture? Councilman Wolff - We budgeted for a consultant during the implementation of networking and for the proper use of the network. A lot of the need for a consultant was for skills not available through our staff, such as for training on the network and ongoing maintenance of the network. We would not want to use the money budgeted for a consultant to do something that we can do ourselves . We would need a consultant to help setup a network once we move into a new Town Hall . Mr . Kanter. - It was mentioned to start that earlier, before moving into the new Town Hall , so staff knows what needs to go into the network system . Mr. Walker - We are not fully utilizing the resources that are available to us . We have been solving problems as people have them , such as whether a computer has 8 mega RAM where it needs 12 mega RAM. The Accounting Department needs a multi user software package to share between the two people working in that department. Supervisor Valentino - The Accounting Department is going to use the Williamson Law Book upgrades , but they need a better computer. Mrs. Noteboom - Historically, the Administrative Department have been left behind when purchasing software and computer equipment. Mr. Walker is saying that someone who is on a word processing program might not need as much RAM . Administration has just as many specialized software programs , just different types than the other departments . We have the tax collection package, Town Clerk package , accounting software packages , specialized payroll services programs , etcetera . These programs are no less specialized , nor more important than the specialized programs in other departments . For Mr. Walker to say that someone in administrative services might not need a pentium computer with additional RAM is not true . We already have three specialized programs on the computers in the Town Clerk' s Office. If we add Microsoft Office Suite to that computer we might need the additional RAM to be able to run the Microsoft Office plus the specialized programs . The Committee has put a proposal to look at the different computers that are within the Town . People have different computer needs . People who are just using word processing , without the possibility of having some of the specialized programs , can have their computer replaced with one from someone who needs the pentium . There are four specific needs for new computers . Andy Frost does not have a computer. Accounting needs two faster computers to be able to run the new software , and to handle the word processing that would be integrated with that. With the new staff in accounting there will be a need for more correspondence and more spreadsheets . Rich Schoch at the Parks Department is still working with a 286 computer. He has been asking for a new computer for four years . 1: } TOWN BOARD MINUTES 34 MARCH 10 , 1997 I am not happy with this proposal as it relates to Records Management . I think Records Management has been left behind in this scenario . My opinion has been known to many people , but we still keep moving ahead . Records Management and creation of an index will not move ahead if the people do not have the computers to do the work they need to do . I believe we are moving forward to fast to consider Records Management in a way that will really benefit us in the long run when we move to a new building . Supervisor Valentino - There are decisions that the Town Board could make tonight on the software that is going to be standard , and the Microsoft Office Suite . We should feel comfortable to move forward to say that this is the standard the Town will be using . People will need to get trained on those new programs in order that the indexing and records management will work. Once these standards are set, the recommendations of getting individual computers could be handled the same way as they have been in the past. Councilman Wolff - This is like doing a puzzle , one piece cannot be done without doing the other. There is no point in buying the software if the computers can not be operated without the upgrades . Supervisor Valentino - The standard will be set as to what software the Town will be getting and using . The computers would be upgraded to those standards as the staff needs them . Councilman Wolff - The Committee should buy the upgrades as staff members need them an provide training to people as they need them . Mr. Kanter - If the Town does not do this all at once , then we are probably going to be in the same situation as we have been all along . A few people will do it, some won't , and if they are not made to do it , they will not do it. This is part of the whole purpose of getting people to training , to get everyone able to move ahead with it . I do not think half the staff should be using word perfect and the other half already using Microsoft Office. I have seen this organized in a nice way and commend the Committee in doing this . As a Department Head I do not have enough expertise in computers to knowwhat is going to run Microsoft Office. Having an outside group tell us how computers would work when using the new package has been helpful and valuable to know. The Town Board should listen to the Committee' s recommendation and move forward , or hire a consultant to tell us what the Town ' s needs are . Everyone is going in different directions . The Committee has provided opportunities and recommendations that the Town should move ahead with . The hardware upgrades are reasonable upgrades that are not that costly . A system should be implemented in a logical way . I would like to have a system to work right when the system is set up . Supervisor Valentino - If the Town set up Microsoft on the computers how does the training fit into this? It would be different for a lot of people than what they are using right now. Councilman Wolff - The training would be done at the same time . Once the training is done the software would be installed on their machine for use as soon as possible . Supervisor Valentino - The training would be done first , then the software would be added to their TOWN BOARD MINUTES 35 MARCH 10, 1997 computer? Councilman Wolff - The software could be installed anytime, so when the training is finished they could use it. It might be a good idea for people to install their own software as part of their training . Mr. Walker - I think we should buy the software and start using it. Councilman Wolff - The Committee discussed the minimal requirements to use the software, versus what is usable and efficient . Councilwoman Harrison - It seems that we would not be losing a lot by loading the software onto the machine and trying it. If the computer keeps crashing and it is clogging up , then RAM should be ordered . Supervisor Valentino - There has never been a resolution passed stating that Microsoft, Word , and Excel are going to the be standard software the Town . Training would be provided and the Town would purchase the upgrades so everyone is working with one consistent program . Councilman Wolff - We could actually start purchasing the RAM upgrades , start the training programs, get bids for the four computers , and purchase the licenses as necessary for those who need it. RESOLUTION NO. 35: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilman Conley that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the acquisition of four personal computers as recommended by the Information Technology Committee, subject to the Town of Ithaca Procurement Policy. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 36: Motion made by Supervisor Valentino, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the acquisition of the required site licenses for Microsoft Office Suite for up to twenty five computers, using the applicable purchasing procedures to acquire the software at the lowest possible price. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . TOWN BOARD MINUTES 36 MARCH 10, 1997 Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 37a Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the purchase of the computer hard drive upgrades as recommended by the Information Technology Committee. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 38: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the expenditures of funds as recommended by the Information Technology Committee for employee training to use Microsoft Office Suite computer software. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( Note: See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WATER/SEWER SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REGARDING REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS OF WATER AND SEWER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT CHARGES : Councilman Klein - Mary Bryant has developed a file on every compliant based from this year' s tax bills . The Benefit Assessment Committee discussed the complaints at length . There were some assessments which received significant increases such as the Grippis who made their case earlier during Persons to be Heard . Based on the calculations Erik Whitney , Assistant Engineer, did on the Grippi parcel , the discussions regarding their parcel the fact the Grippis can access the sewer even though it is on the up hill side , and under the terms of the present formula that lot is subdividable . Benefits assessed are not necessarily one unit per household . The Committee recommended no change to the Grippi2s assessment of 3 . 05 units for water and sewer. The Town mails out 4 , 500 tax bills . There are bound to have a few errors . In some cases , people TOWN BOARD MINUTES 37 MARCH 10, 1997 have been over assessed in benefits , and in some cases people have not been assessed at all . Much of this has to with manual checking . Town staff has reviewed the records very carefully. We try to apply the formula equally to everyone . A recommendation to change an assessment is being made if an error was made in the assessment , or for truly extenuating circumstances . Richard Perry's parcel was a subdivided parcel known as Shalebrook Farm. Part of the property has been subdivided . The owner has indicated that he would like to subdivide the rest of the farm and will be coming in for sketch plan review. He is benefitted by having the water and sewer there. Under the formula the assessment jumps up to 30 . 04 water and 31 . 99 sewer. It appears that he should have been assessed the higher amounts for a number of years. His assessment should have been near 30 units . Mr. Walker - Mr. Perry' s representative informed the Town that he is still farming 140 acres . In 1995 , the land was covered by an agricultural exemption because it was still an active dairy farm with more than $ 10, 000 in gross receipts. After they sold the dairy they lost their exemption because they did not have receipts of $ 10, 000. They were limited to two water units because they had two residences on the farm . They have to assessments of $4, 000 in water and sewer charges . That is just what they make with their crops now. The higher assessment would push the Perry' s to sell the land and break it up sooner than what they planned . Councilman Klein - The Committee feels that the calculations meet the present formula . The Committee feels that this was improperly adjusted previously. The formula does not address special districts for exemptions . Councilwoman Harrison - If someone lives in the Conservation District , should we be redoing the assessment? Mr. Walker - We are looking at it to see what the impact would be . If we change the assessment we would need to change everyones . Councilman Klein - Did you look at the development potential in the Conservation area? Mr. Walker - "Yes. " Councilman Klein - The Conservation District came after the formula . One paragraph in the formula gives the Town Board the right to vary the application of the benefit formula . Physical factors such as topography , lots split by municipality , etcetera , preclude utilization of the benefits otherwise available to the property owner. If you are in the Conservation Zone and cannot develop to the extent that the formula considers can be developed on R- 15 land , the Town does have a rationale basis to make an adjustment. The last paragraph could be flexible , but they are reduced for their potential benefit because of the Conservation Zone . Councilwoman Harrison - What would be the implications for future revisions of the benefit assessment formula? This is based on work that Mr. Walker did with the Committee to determine 6 � TOWN BOARD MINUTES 38 MARCH 10 , 1997 a rationale using the Conservation District as a basis . After looking at the whole formula , has the Town set a precedent by revising the assessment formula? Councilwoman Grigorov - The Town should charge everyone the same formula . Mr. Walker - There are different districts that are being proposed . The Conservation District is one that would limit development and density . The agricultural district is another that has limits . The lighting districts are no longer assessed . Councilman Klein - The Committee is also looking at whether we should be doing this on the basis of consumption . The very large water users are paying benefit units on the basis of consumption , and apparently they are paying less than their fair share . RESOLUTION NO. 39: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $3, 503. 6 6 ( 893. 60 for water and $2, 610. 0 6 for sewer) to be paid to Elsie McMillan, 812 Elmira Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman .Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoma Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 40a Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of $92. 6 6 for sewer to be paid to Roger McOmber, 1126 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( Note: See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 41 : Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 197. 64 ( 97. 60 for water and $ 100. 04 for sewer) to be paid to Elizabeth and Paul Salon, 251 Culver Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : i TOWN BOARD MINUTES 39 MARCH 10, 1997 Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 42: Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of sewer benefit charge in the amount of $99. 22 to be paid to Walter Schwan, 231 Coy Glen Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein, aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 43: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Wolff that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in the amount of $ 127. 20 to be paid to Robert Silsbee, Coddington Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note: See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 44: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in the amount of $378. 40 to be paid to Robert Silsbee, 915 Coddington Road, Ithaca, New York - 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , nay; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 45: Motion made by Councilwoman Harrison, seconded by Councilwoman Russell that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in TOWN BOARD MINUTES 40 MARCH 10 , 1997 r the amount of $ 152. 00 to be paid to Robert Silsbee, Burns Road, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 46 : Motion made by Councilwoman Russell, seconded by Supervisor Valentino that the Town. of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 162. 00 ( 80. 00 for water and $82. 00 for sewer) to be paid to Cal Walker, 105 Hickory Place, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO. 47 & Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 162. 00 (1 0. 00 for water and $82. 00 for sewer) to be paid to Rosalind S. Simson, 126 Burleigh Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye; . Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) RESOLUTION NO, 48 & Motion made by Councilman Klein, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that Town Board hereby accepts the recommendations of the Water Sewer Benefit Assessment Review Committee regarding the 1997 Water and Sewer Benefit Assessment complaints received as described in the report provided. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman TOWN BOARD MINUTES 41 MARCH 10, 1997 Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 12 - CONSIDER REFUND OF PENALTY AND INTEREST CHARGES FOR TAX BILLS POSTMARKED AFTER THE DUE DATE : The Town Board had a brief discussion in regards to refunding interest and penalties for tax bills post marked after February 1 , 1997. The Town Board decided not to refund those people affected . AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER PURCHASE OFFER RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF A NEW TOWN HALL : There is no new information to discuss . AGENDA ITEM NO . 15 = CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS : RESOLUTION NO. 50: Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Conley that based on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the review of the proposal specifications, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise to receive proposals from qualified Administrative Service Agencies and/or Financial Organizations for the administration and funding of a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to provide a long-term retirement program for those employees of the Town who would elect to participate. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO . 16 - CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE FOUR ' ADDITIONAL 175TH ANNIVERSARY HISTORICAL MARKERS : RESOLUTION NO. 51 : . Motion made by Councilman Wolff, seconded by Councilman Conley that upon the recommendation of the 175th Anniversary Celebration Committee, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the purchase of four (4) additional historical markers from Catskill Castings as specified in the original bid documents, and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Board also authorizes the development, printing, and distribution of a TOWN BOARD MINUTES 42 MARCH 10, 1997 historical booklet which describes and identifies the location of the said historical markers, and be it further RESOLVED, the cost and placement of the said historical markers, and the cost to produce and distribute the said historical booklets shall not exceed $6, 967. 00 to be expended from General Fund accounts A7550. 200 and A7550. 400, and be it further RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Fiscal Officer to make the following budget transfer for the purchase of the said historical markers and booklet: General Fund: To: A7550. 200 Celebrations - Equipment $5, 508. 00 A7550. 400 Celebration, Contractual $ 1 , 459. 00 From: A 1990. 400 Contingency $6; 967. 00 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 18 (A) = CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CONTACT THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGARDING THE LIGHT SITUATION AT ROUTE 13 AND EAST SHORE DRIVE INTERSECTION ENTRANCE RAMP AND 18 ( B ) CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF CALDWELL ROAD AND ROUTE 366 : The Town Board had a brief discussion on the recommendations from the Planning Board in regards to street lights at intersections . The Board will be discussing the matter further after more information is available . AGENDA ITEM NO 23 - CONSENT ITEMS : CONSIDER RESOLUTION APPROVING AND/OR AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING : RESOLUTION NO. 57 La) - 57 (e), 57 (h) - 57 {j, 1 & 2) : Motion made by Councilman Conley, seconded by Councilman Klein that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No. 23 (a) through 23 (e), and 23 (h) - 23 Uj) as presented or amended on the individual resolution. Agenda Item No. 23 (0 and 23 (g) are remove from consideration. TOWN BOARD MINUTES 43 - MARCH 10, 1997 A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously . ( Note : . See attached formal resolutions . ) ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 - DISCUSS POSSIBLE REVISIONS TO LOCAL LAW NO, 711988 A. " LOCAL LAW REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA The sprinkler system law revisions were on tonight' s agenda for discussion if time permitted . The sprinkler local law revisions will be on the April 7 , agenda . Please review the material and discuss it with the appropriate staff and interested individuals prior to that meeting . ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT RELATED TO SEWER PROBLEM : RESOLUTION NO. 58: Motion made by Councilwoman Grigorov, seconded by Councilwoman Harrison that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby approves payment of $65. 00 to Ms. Schririer to cover the cost of damages incurred. Payment to be made from the Risk Retention Fund Account Number R 1630. 400. A vote on the resolution resulted as follows : Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye. Motion carried unanimously. ( Note : See attached formal resolution . ) AGENDA ITEM NO. 24 - ADJOURNMENT : As there was no further business to come before the Town Board a motion was made by Councilman Klein , seconded by Councilwoman Harrison to adjourn . Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor Valentino adjourned the meeting at 10 : 47 p . m . Respectfully submitted , TOWN BOARD MINUTES 44 MARCH 10 1997 r. Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk/Director of ministrative Services **Next Regular Monthly Meeting - April 7 , 1997 at 5 : 30 p . m . ***Minutes Transcribed by Deborah Kelley. i fly OF 1p Co _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y 4 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No , 9 Acceptance Town Justice Dockets - Honorable Clarence Larkin Resolution No . 34 WHEREAS , Town Justice , Clarence Larkin has presented the dockets as described and listed below to the Town Board as required by Town Law; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby accept for filing by the Town Clerk , the dockets of Town Justice , Clarence Larkin as described and listed below; and be it further RESOLVED , the members of the Town Board , as required by law, shall sign and date the said dockets . Vehicle & Traffic Docket : Book F Dated : 6/94-4/96 Book G Dated : 4/96-8/96 Book H Dated : 8/96- 1 /97 Criminal Docket : Book C Dated : 1 /95 - 1 /97 MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , f+1�9,,97 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I r _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA _ �,� 2104- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 10 Authorization Acquisition of Four Personal Computers Resolution No . 35 BE IT RESOLVED , hereby authorizes the acquisition of four personal computers as recommended by the Information Technology Committee, subject to the Town of Ithaca Procurement Policy. MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 + 4aJ Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 10 Authorization to Purchase Microsoft Office Suite Software Resolution No . 36 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes the acquisition of the required site licences for Microsoft Office Suite software for up to twenty five computers , using the applicable purchasing procedures to acquire the software at the lowest possible price . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Q"' L Sid"" Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF1r ti 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 10 Approval to Purchase Computer Upgrades Resolution No . 37 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby approves the purchase of the computer hard drive upgrades as recommended by the Information Technology Committee . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p S° __ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA , zi 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 �4 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/10/97 Agenda Item No . 10 Approval to Expend Funds for Employee Computer Training Resolution No . 38 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby approves the expenditure of funds as recommended by the Information Technology Committee for employee training to use Microsoft Office Suite computer software . MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF Ip _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 33 . - 1 -7 . 2 Resolution No . 39 WHEREAS, Elsie McMillan has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated ; and WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 2 for water and 2 for sewer based on the benefit formula and the Agricultural Exemption status of the parcel , and that the assessment for 1997 was for 13 , 2 units for water and 33 $ units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 11 . 17 water benefit units in the amount of $893 . 60 , and that a refund is due for 31 . 83 sewer benefit units in the amount of $2 . 610 . 06 ; and WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $3503 . 66 , ($893 . 60 for water and $2 , 610 . 06 for sewer) to be paid to Elsie McMillan , 812 Elmira Road , Ithaca , New York 14850 . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : March 10, 1997 Ion we I Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF I T� a TOWN OF ITHACA 1 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 27 . = 1 - 12 Resolution No . 40 WHEREAS, Roger McOmber has requested a refund of sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS, the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and. has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1 , 13 for water and Adval for sewer based on the benefit formula, and that the assessment for 1997 was for 1 . 13 units for water and 1 . 13 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 . 13 sewer benefit units in the amount of $92 . 66 , and ; WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of $92 . 66 for sewer to be paid to Roger McOmber , 1126 Trumansburg Road , Ithaca , New York, 14850 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1 P� TOWN OF ITHACA �,� 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 321 - 1 =8 Resolution No . 41 WHEREAS, Elizabeth and Paul Salon have requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is Adval for water and Adval for sewer based on the benefit formula , and that the assessment for 1997 was for 1 . 22 units for water and 1 . 22 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 , 22 water benefit units in the amount of $97 . 60 , and that a refund is due for 1 .22 sewer benefit units in the amount of $ 100 . 04 , and ; WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 197 , 64 , ($97 . 60 for water and $ 100 . 04 for sewer) to be paid to Elizabeth and Paul Salon , 251 Culver Road , Ithaca , New York 14850 , MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 29 . =7- 13 . 1 Resolution No . 42 WHEREAS, Walter Schwan has requested a refund of sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is Adval for . water and 2 for sewer based on the benefit formula, and that the assessment for 1997 was for A v I units for water and 3 . 21 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 . 21 sewer benefit units in the amount of $99 , 22 , and ; WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of sewer benefit charge in the amount of $99 . 22 , to be paid to Walter Schwan , 231 Coy Glen Road , Ithaca , New York 14850 , MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : March 10 , 1997 JJLAX Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �Zy OF I T$y _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y 04 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 47 . - 1 - 11 . 2 Resolution No . 43 WHEREAS , Robert Silsbee has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated for 1996 and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1 , 16 for water and Adval for sewer for 1997 based on the benefit formula , and that the assessment for 1996 was for 2 .75 units for water and Adval units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 .59 water benefit units for 1996 in the amount of $ 127 . 20 . WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in the amount of $ 127 . 20 , to be paid to Robert Silsbee , Coddington Road , Ithaca , New York 14850 . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF IT, ` TOWN OF ITHACA 21 � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 SOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 471 -2-3 Resolution No , 44 WHEREAS, Robert Silsbee has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 6 . 07_ for water and A v I for sewer based on the benefit formula and limitation for development due to site constraints for construction , and that the assessment for 1997 was for 10 . 81 units for water and Adval units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 4 . 73 water benefit units in the amount of $378 . 40 , and ; WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in the amount of $378. 40 to be paid to Robert Silsbee, 915 Coddington Road , Ithaca, New York 14850 , MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, nay; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Motion carried . DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk t1 F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,p� 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 48 . = 1 - 14 . 62 Resolution No . 45 WHEREAS , Robert Silsbee has requested a refund of water benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated for 1996 , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is Adval for water and Adval for sewer for 1997 based on the benefit formula , and that the assessment for 1996 was for 11.2 units for water and Adval units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 . 9 water benefit units for 1996 in the amount of $ 152 . 00 . WHEREAS, taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water benefit charge in the amount of $ 152 , 0 to be paid to Robert Silsbee , Burns Road , Ithaca, New York 14850 . MOVED : Councilwoman Harrison SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA �,� 2i o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 53 . - 1 = 15 . 14 Resolution No . 46 WHEREAS , Cal Walker has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1 for water . and 1 for sewer based on the benefit formula , and that the assessment for 1997 was for 2 units for water and 2 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 water benefit unit in the amount of $80. 00 , and that a refund is due for 1 sewer benefit unit in the amount of $82 . 00 , and ; WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 162 . 0 ($80 . 00 for water and $82 . 00 for sewer) to be paid to Cal Walker, 105 Hickory Place , Ithaca , New York 14850 . MOVED : Councilwoman Russell SECONDED : Supervisor Valentino Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFlp _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Benefit Assessment Refund Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 72 . = 1 - 1 . 194 Resolution No . 47 WHEREAS, Rosalind S . Simson has requested a refund of water and sewer benefit charges on the basis that assessments were incorrectly calculated , and ; WHEREAS , the Town Engineer has reviewed the claim for a refund and has determined that the correct number of units for the parcel is 1 for water and 1 for sewer based on the benefit formula , and that the assessment for 1997 was for 2 units for water and 2 units for sewer and has recommended that a refund is due for 1 water benefit unit in the amount of $80 . 00, and that a refund is due for 1 sewer benefit unit in the amount of 82 . 00 , and ; z I WHEREAS , taxes have been paid in full for the affected tax parcel , now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes a refund of water and sewer benefit charge in the amount of $ 162 . 00 , ($80 . 00 for water and $82 . 00 for sewer) to be paid to Rosalind S . Simson , 126 Burleigh Drive , Ithaca , New York 14850 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov, aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan ent Noteboom , Town Clerk �° 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y - TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 11 Acceptance Recommendations Water/Sewer Benefit Assessment Complaints Resolution No , 48 BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby accepts the recommendations of the Water Sewer Benefit Assessment Review Committee regarding the 1997 Water and Sewer Benefit Assessment complaints received as described in the report provided . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan eent Noteboom , Town Clerk W C) N N (D 01 03 V 0) > > 1 I I I I I I t p N G7 N � I I I I I I I I � > 9 4I N J m N w N m Z r o CA + m m r m m m 0 m N-eee (0 N vii d m N y m m m v m m m m m 2 7 a m 7 H H j S m 3 0 T m F o T m `� T S n '� m =i H o o m > Cr m o O m 'm O 9 m n -' ro c m C O O < m c > cn cn o m m m G_ m m a m Z m -I ree m 1 I o < < 2 r fo 0 0 m V y 3 m s m m m m n a m r; 0 0 m _ - CJ (U m < O O' cm F 4+ < O O m m V o w (n m m m '� o m s ?r - (A D o' c c o 3 Z Z mm ° -( CD T m 0 m < Z S S m w m m O N N V Z eeee N N y m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 o mmm H fJ d N N V Z m = (D N � N N d — N y m m 0 0 0 0 ° o 0 0 0 oDm a „ nj m s0a w m G) O < p m n T F to ee. G) eeJ a3 ec 9 m V m m (D V (D T p l I N) CL 1 m� V (� r c m m a I ➢" V m I ( li o ° O a I Te O � S < N m I O I emV am w $ � av M eee. aam as 7m m Cr CD I m ° 0 � ' w '. ° w = m O � 3 m a m n _ ^ m fl o a 0 m a m a 3 0 0 0 > ree ° F S ° a ° ° m m m Z m ? ` O O w 0 x ° O x O O. m : O 9' m as � m 3 � ma ° � a v (m N 40 m°- n a° a °- °2. ° M ° O j 7 a m D ma ° a- 0 (D CL w m ? mn ? °- s mm m 0 (p 0 �c a O O m 0 < y °- m w 0 ' a o c m e ? a m m r. � g '� T F F (D m m m m O m 0 7 m S m w a m eeb w ° 3 ? 05 m (� w 7 r0 0 0 =_ C . m > � �. 3 moo � o aa � � m ` (7w N (gym w rF a ° m o ? mco om D 3 � � � a ' m' m ° � 0 z0 00no o � � 3 = 0 30ao o0 = � 3 < m < vu to 0 m 3 F 3 v � ? F H a V = co c: 3 °m m D oo � 3 e x m mm � eeee D D � d V w p. : V f. I :: am I a m a 3 V 1 0 m V 0 O < st O V v c V ^. 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ID O' N O c tD m I m O '" m O a c- •< o z c9' m ° SL I, l m 3 � ` '0 > ° F r► m a2- m �- m o` I F _a F ^ aF° m an 3 o w m 'm m aaom c vn a me °c c _aT �. ac; 8 a Ln 3 c m � m m o. 2m m a 3 m - • � m w .c o AaTO 11 a 9 m ° m mm � o ' On pz � om _ a@mn0o m 3 Omomw ? a' s `j3 c3 a0 cn m Z ° m T % � 3. m Q. ° � m Cm m m 3 o c � 3 N � o �, > >• 3j O ° > m 2w R° F 7 m n 7 Coco oiv <n " _ a � ' cZ $ Za o . c mo $ m n memao o � o. a II C m I 3 n, o ` o cc a ? m (p I m > a ++b�� o. ., a cc h o. m D ITS rn 7 < I m C co m m (.7 G N '� NS N t m O > M 7 m m W ID II W T V W a m m c 3 m C m m a o ? a C me m me < � > m z CL " cm c " z V m O C ? 0 7 N m O V O O I p m I ro V �zy OF l p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� 2104- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 14 1996 Annual Financial Report Resolution No . 49 WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor , Fiscal Officer has submitted the 1996 Annual Financial Report , including the Notes to Financial Statements to the NYS Comptroller' s Office by the deadline of February 28 , 1997 as required by Town Law; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed and discussed the said report ; and WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has properly advertised the availability of the said report for public inspection at her office as required by Town Law; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the submission of the 1996 Annual Financial Report to the NYS Comptroller' s Office as reflecting the financial activities and condition of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1996 . MOVED : Supervisor Valentino SECONDED : Councilwoman Grigorov Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 axa �- jj- Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/10/97 Agenda Item No . 15 Approval of Proposal Specifications and Authorization to Receive Proposals 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Resolution No , 50 WHEREAS , in the interest of the employees the Personnel Committee has requested that the Town of Ithaca receive proposals for a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan which would provide a long-term retirement program for those employees who would elect to participate ; and WHEREAS , the attached Proposal Specifications detail that any company submitting a proposal must be a qualified Administrative Service Agency and/or Financial Organization as related to the administration and funding of a plan that would satisfy the requirements of an "eligible state deferred compensation plan " , under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , and any other provisions of law, and the regulations issued thereunder; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the proposal specifications provided and feels they meet the rules and regulations that determine an eligible deferred compensation plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , based on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the review of the Proposal Specifications , the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise to receive proposals from qualified Administrative Service Agencies and/or Financial Organizations for the administration and funding of a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to provide a long-term retirement program for those employees of the Town who would elect to participate . MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously . DATED : March 10 , 1997 (1, Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF 1 P� TOWN OF ITHACA �,� zi o4� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 16 Authorization to Purchase Historical Markers Resolution No . 51 WHEREAS , as part of the commemoration of the Town of Ithaca' s 175th Anniversary in 1996 twenty four markers were purchased for placement within the Town ' s boundaries to describe certain historical places and events ; and WHEREAS , Cornell University and Ithaca College made donations to the Town of Ithaca to help offset the cost of the purchase and placement of the said historical markers ; and WHEREAS , at year end 1996 the budgeted line items Celebrations Equipment , A7550 . 200 ; and Celebrations Contractual , A7550 . 400 within the General Fund that were charged with the purchase and placement of the said historical markers had an unexpended balance of $5 , 508 . 35 and $ 1 , 459 . 35 respectfully; and WHEREAS , the 175th Anniversary Celebration Committee is recommending that the Town of Ithaca purchase an additional four (4) historical markers , and produce a booklet which describes and shows the placement of the said markers in order to promote the history of the Town of Ithaca; now therefore be it RESOLVED , upon the recommendation of the 175th Anniversary Celebration Committee the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the purchase of four (4) additional historical markers from Catskill Castings as specified in the original bid documents , and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board also authorizes the development , printing , and distribution of a historical booklet which describes and identifies the location of the said historical markers ; and be it further RESOLVED , the cost and placement of the said historical markers , and the cost to produce and distribute the said historical booklets shall not exceed $6 , 967 . 00 to be expended from General Fund accounts A7550 . 200 and A7550 . 400 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Fiscal Officer to make the following budget transfer for the purchase of the said historical markers and booklet : TB Mtg , 3/ 10/97 Agenda No . 16 Res . No . 51 Page 2 . General Fund : To : A7550 . 200 Celebrations - Equipment $5 , 508000 A7550 . 400 Celebration , Contractual $ 1 , 459 . 00 From : A1990 . 400 Contingency $6 , 967 . 00 MOVED : Councilman Wolff SECONDED : Councilman Conley Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i l OF I T� TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� 2' 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 17 Renaming of a Portion of Judd Falls Road Resolution No . 52 WHEREAS , the County , of Tompkins with the cooperation of various officials from the Town of Ithaca and other municipalities , is attempting to establish a 911 emergency response plan ; and WHEREAS , in the process of establishing such plan the present designation as Judd Falls Road of the road running south from Route 366 to the intersection with Mitchell Street and Ellis Hollow Road creates confusion , because of the discontinuity of the road at its intersection with Route 366 ; and WHEREAS , the street number designations of some of the establishments along such portion of Judd Falls Road are inconsistent with the manner in which street numbering occurs elsewhere in the Town and County; and WHEREAS , with the realignment of the intersection at Mitchell Street and Ellis Hollow Road which occurred a few years ago , there is more continuity with such segment of Judd Falls Road with Pine Tree Road to the south than there is with the remaining portion of Judd Falls Road to the north of Route 366 ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board finds that , to enable emergency responses to be more timely along such segment of road , renaming the road is in the best interests of those enterprises located thereon and is in the best interests of the Town as a whole ; NOW , THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , that the portion of road presently designated as Judd Fall Road lying north of the intersection of said road with Ellis Hollow Road and Pine Tree Road and south of its intersection with Route 366 (Dryden Road) be renamed from Judd Falls Road to Pine Tree Road effective July 1 , 1997 ; and it is further RESOLVED , that pursuant to Section 64 (9) of the. Town Law the Town Clerk shall , within 10 days after the effective date of this resolution , notify the Tompkins County Division of Assessment , the Planning Board of the Town , the Tompkins County Clerk , the Tompkins County Engineer , and the Post Office Department of the United States of such redesignation ; and it is further i TB Mtg . 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item no . 17 Resolution No . 52 Page 2 . RESOLVED , that the Town Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer be directed to promptly arrange for a change in signage so that said segment of road is properly designated as Pine Tree Road rather than Judd Falls Road on the effective date ; and it is further RESOLVED , that the Town Supervisor and all other officers of the Town be and each hereby is authorized and directed to take such additional steps as may be necessary to effectuate the change of name set forth above . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 1p _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA n 4- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 19 Procedure for the Elimination of Second Dwelling Units in Existing Buildings Resolution No . 53 WHEREAS , the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the "Code" ) and the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance") both define a "dwelling unit" substantially as living quarters "providing complete living facilities for one family" , and WHEREAS , there are a number of circumstances when a two-family dwelling consisting of two dwelling units is converted to use as a single family dwelling unit; and WHEREAS , there are also circumstances when a second dwelling unit has been created that is not in compliance with applicable Code requirements and there is a need for establishing the procedures for the removal of such second dwelling unit to return the property to conformance with the Code ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board wishes to enunciate a policy to assist the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer when dealing with circumstances such as those set forth above , NOW, THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , as follows : 1 . In the event there is a need to establish that a particular property is a one-family dwelling and not a two-family dwelling and the building contains separate areas each of which meets the technical definition of a dwelling unit the following procedures shall be followed : A. Any evidence of a kitchen facility (e . g . , sink , stove , or refrigerator) or, in the alternative , any evidence of a bathroom (e . g . , toilet , tub , shower , or sink) , shall be removed from the area under consideration so that there would no longer be complete living facilities for one family . B . The Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer may inspect the premises to confirm such removal . TB Mtg , 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item no . 19 Resolution No , 53 Page 2 . C . The owner of the property shall sign an affidavit and certification in form satisfactory to the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer to the effect that 1 , the facilities referred to above have been removed ; 2 . said facilities will not be reinstalled without seeking a building permit or other approval from the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer; and 3 , the area from the facilities were removed will not be used as a separate dwelling unit until the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer is notified and any required approvals , permits or other certificates including a Certificate of Occupancy are obtained from the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer . D . Such affidavit shall be recorded , at the expense of the homeowner, in the Tompkins County Clerk' s Office and indexed against the name of the then owner of the property . 2 . The Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have the discretion to deviate in whole or in part from the procedure set forth above in those circumstances where the Building and Zoning Enforcement Officer is satisfied that the objectives sought to be obtained by the foregoing procedures and compliance with the Code and Zoning Ordinance may be assured in some other manner. MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 LZ CL, 1,47 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I �Zy OF I r TOWN OF ITHACA ,y� 2104}- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 20 Acceptance Water Main Extension Winston Court Arrowwood Resolution No . 54 BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board accepts the water main extension from Winston Court to the Village of Lansing , Town of Ithaca line as shown on the easement map prepared by T. G . Miller , P . C . , dated March 3 , 1997 subject to the following conditions: 1 . Approval of final construction details and performance to specifications by the Town Engineer . 2 . Certification by the Tompkins County Health Department . 3 . Receipt of a commitment from Cornell University in form and substance satisfactory to the Town Supervisor with the advice of the Town Engineer and the Attorney for the Town . By which Cornell University commits to completing a drainage study by April 1 , 1997 , and constructing the appropriate drainage facilities in addition to those already planned for that would provide at least an additional one acre foot of water storage by August 1 , 1997 , unless the date is extended by consent of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca . MOVED : Councilman Klein SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I � �1y OF 1 r TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 22 Authorization for Town Staff to Pursue Acquisition of Property to Construct Bikeway Connection for Proposed Hospicare/Deer Run Bikeway Resolution No . 55 WHEREAS , the Town intends to construct a bicycle and pedestrian path to connect the residential areas in the vicinity of East King Road with the Deer Run neighborhood and ultimately the City of Ithaca , and has acquired through its park and open space dedication mechanism portions of the necessary right- of-way for said path , and WHEREAS , a bicycle and pedestrian path , and connecting walkways in the proposed locations would serve as a safe and convenient off- road connection between homes in the South Hill area , and WHEREAS , the estimated total cost of the improvements described above is $62 , 400 , and WHEREAS , acquisition of Tax Parcel No . 44- 1 - 136 is necessary to construct the bikeway connection within the recommended alignment , and WHEREAS , the recommended alignment for the bikeway connector would result in a superior facility in terms of design and utility to users , compared to the alignment possible over existing Town right-of-way, and at a substantial savings in terms of overall project costs , NOW, THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize the staff to pursue the acquisition of Tax Parcel No . 44- 1 - 136 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Wolff Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 J04 Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i �tiy OF I T� F _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA . 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 22 Authorization for Town Staff to Proceed with National Recreational Trails Fund Act Grant Application Resolution No . 56 WHEREAS , the Town intends to construct a bicycle and pedestrian path to connect the residential areas in the vicinity of East King Road with the Deer Run neighborhood and ultimately the City of Ithaca , and has acquired through its park and open space dedication mechanism portions of the necessary right-of-way for said path , and WHEREAS , a bicycle and pedestrian path , and connecting walkways in the proposed location would serve as a safe and convenient off- road connection between homes in the South Hill area , and WHEREAS , the estimated total cost of the improvements described above is $62 , 400 , and WHEREAS , funds are available on a competitive basis to municipalities through the National Recreational Trails Fund Act for construction of recreational trails , and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Town Board intends to commit to funding a local match of up to $31 , 200 or 50 percent of the total project cost , NOW , THEREFORE , be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes staff to complete and submit an application for grant funding through the National Recreational Trails Fund Act program , for the above described project , for an amount not to exceed $ 31 , 200 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Russell Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 OLIa i I, J04 Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET, ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (a) -23 (e) , 23 (h )-23 (j) Consent Agenda Items Resolution No's . 57 (a)-57 (e) , 57 (h ) -57 (j , 1 &2) BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the resolutions for Consent Agenda Items No . 23 (a) through 23 (e) , and 23 (h ) -23 (j) as presented or amended on the individual resolution . Agenda Item No . 23 (f) and 23 (g) are removed from consideration . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye. Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk fly OF 1P F _ a TOWN OF ITHACA �,� 2i 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 OWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1753 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (a) Approval Town Board Meeting Minutes Resolution No . 57 (a) WHEREAS , the Town Clerk has presented the Town Board Meeting Minutes for the special meeting held on February 3 , 1997 , and for the regular meeting held on February 10 , 1997 to the Town Board for their review and approval ; and WHEREAS , the Town Board has reviewed the minutes for the said meetings ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes for the special meeting held on February 3 , 1997 , as the official minutes for the said meeting ; and be it further RESOLVED , the Town Board does hereby approve and adopt the minutes for the regular meeting held on February 10 , 1997 , as the official minutes for the said meeting with the following amendments . Agenda Item No 9 - Persons To Be Heard : Page 5 . Second Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) - Mrs . Higgins indicated that Mr . Kanter researched and gathered comments from Thys VanCourt which stated , "The City' s Director of Planning did confirm that both the State and the City are interested in a future transfer of the Festival Lands to the State , if a mutually acceptable agreement can be worked out" . Mrs . Higgins indicated that this is not the most decidedly accurate statement , but it is one that many people have made . Third Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) - Ms . Higgins referred to Mr . Kanter' s statement in the Planning Director' s report, which indicated that Mr . VanCourt had stated , "that the City is not an involved agency" . Mrs . Higgins mentioned that the lawyer at Albany DEC who deals with SEQR procedures and whose job it is to decide who is an involved agency. Page 6 . First Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) - Mrs. Higgins referred to Common Council ' s comments made on August 6 , 1993 about the new entrance road which could involve the possible transfer of the City lands which stated , "They express their TB Mtg , 3/ 10/97 Agenda 23 (a) Resolution No . 57 (a) Page 2 . concerns about the lack of justification for an impact of the proposed ex aR nded ap rking lots and the relocated entrance road" Second Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) - Mrs. Higgins stated that Common Council is the entity that makes these decisions , not Mr. VanCourt , Third Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) = Mrs. Higgins stated that this is irrelevant to the Water Front Project , Fourth Paragraph - (Amendments in bold type . ) - Councilwoman Harrison - I talked with Pam Mackesey to better understand what actions Common Council might take . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 oxr� Ir& /rL Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OFIr _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� ' 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (b) Town of Ithaca Warrants Resolution No . 57 (b) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Ithaca Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . General Townwide Vouchers : No . 884- 931 , $21 , 654 . 64 . General Outside Village Vouchers : No . 358- 372 , $25380 . 05 . Highway Vouchers : No . 526- 566 , $33 , 925 . 03 . Water District Vouchers : No . 203-218 , $ 13 , 410 . 55 . Sewer District Vouchers : No . 217-228 , $ 13 , 372 . 93 . Special Lighting District Vouchers : No . 41 - 43 , $ 19146 . 88 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i � i OF 1 T� _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (c) Bolton Point Warrants Resolution No . 57 (c) WHEREAS , the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment ; and WHEREAS , the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers . Operating Fund Vouchers : No . 1688= 1702 , $65 , 492 . 081 MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 n Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk j qty OF 1p TOWN OF ITHACA 21 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (d) Reappointment of Board Member, Cayuga Medical Center Corporation Resolution No . 57 (d) BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby reappoint Leonard Bisk , 202 Blackstone Avenue , Ithaca, New York 14850 to serve as the Town of Ithaca' s representative on the Cayuga Medical Center Corporation as a board member, for a term of office commencing April 1 , 1997 through March 31 , 19990 MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i i �zy OF 1P TOWN OF ITHACA 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (e) Approval to Participate in Cornell University CIVITAS Work Study Program Resolution No . 57 (e) WHEREAS , the Engineering Department has budgeted the necessary funds to cover the cost of participating in the Cornell University Work Study Programs to provide student interns with a valuable work experience while providing the Town of Ithaca with valuable technical support ; and WHEREAS , the CIVITAS program provides for the hiring of student interns at a cost to the Town of 15%-25 % of the full employment expenses for these students ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve participation in the Cornell University CIVITAS Work Study Program for the year 1997 ; and be it further RESOLVED , the cost of participating in the said program shall not exceed $4 , 500 , and will be charged to General Fund Account , Engineer CIVITAS Students - A1440 . 406 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 loan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk �1y OF 1T� 9 TOWN OF ITHACA 1 � 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (h ) Appointment of Laborer Resolution No , 57 ( h ) WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca currently has a position vacant for a Laborer; and WHEREAS , the selection committee interviewed eight candidates for this position and feels that Kenneth D . Seamon , Jr. , possesses the necessary skills and experience to successfully perform the duties outlined ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , that on the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the appointment of Mr . Seamon to a full- time Laborer position , in the labor class pursuant to Section 43 of the Civil Service law, at an hourly wage of $8 . 00 effective March 24 , 1997 . A twenty six (26) week probationary period applies after which time a performance review will be performed to determine employment status . Full benefits apply. MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff, aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Q., L - mLeWN� Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk OF 1 T� TOWN OF ITHACA ,1,� �04$ 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 Town Board Meeting 3/10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 ( i) SCLIWC Budget Transfers = 1996 Closing Entries Resolution No . 57 ( i) WHEREAS , there were certain budget appropriation line items in the 1996 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission ( SCLIWC) budget which were over extended ; and WHEREAS , Town Law requires that the proper budget transfers be made prior to the closing of the 1996 SCLIWC Budget so that no appropriated budget line item is over extended ; and WHEREAS , the SCLIWC approved the attached listing of 1996 Budget Closing Transfers at their January 9 , 1997 meeting ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca Fiscal Officer acts as the Treasurer of the SCLIWC , and the Town of Ithaca Town Board acts as the administrative authority for the SCLIWC and must approve the said 1996 SCLIWC Budget Transfers ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that the attached Budget Transfers and Closing Entries be made to the 1996 SCLIWC Budget . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley, aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Qzn�� In Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk 0 0 0 o / 0 Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Transfer of Funds for Approval at the 1 /9/97 Commission Meeting DR CR SW 8330.419 Buildings & Grounds 28,000.00 SW 83409201 Dist. Equip, SW 8340.212 Dist. Tools Equip. Parts - -- - . 287000400 568.22 SW 8310.202 Vehicles SW 8310.433 Travel/Schools 568.22 500.00 SW 8310.405 Auditor/Attny. 500.00 SW 8310.437 Data Processing 1 ,300.00 SW 8310.411 Printing & Postage SW 8320.433 Source Travel/Schools 1 ,300.00 1 ,000.00 SW 8320.222 Maint. T & V Lines SW 8330.433 Prod. Travel/Schools 1 ,000.00 1 ,500.00 SW 8330.215 Treatment Supplies SW 8340.212 Dist. Equip, 1 ,500.00 200.00 SW 8340.224 Dist. Meters SW 8340. 101 Dist. Personnel Services 200.00 250.00 SW 8340. 102 Dist. Overtime 250.00 331318.22 33,318.22 i i Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Year-End Closing Transfers to the �n� IFf 1996 Operating Budget ` ) DR CR SW 8330.419 Buildings & Grounds 5,163.20 SW 8340.201 Dist. Equip, SW 8310.404 Gas & Oil 5,163.20 648. 34 SW 8310.403 Natural Gas 648. 34 SW 8330.419 Buildings & Grounds 1 ,237. 13 SW 8330.418 Equipment Maint. 1 ,237 . 13 SW 9060.800 Health Insurance 6,379. 17 SW 9010.800 State Retirement 6 ,379. 17 13 ;427e84 13 42 7.84 r 1 / 31 /97 OF I T TOWN OF ITHACA ,y� 2104 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 230) Water Billing Reimbursement - Account #4472 , 1457 Trumansburg Road Resolution No . 570- 1 ) WHEREAS , representatives of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have determined that a water billing refund is due David Dolph owner of the property located at 1457 Trumansburg Road , Water Billing Account # B - 4472 due to the reconciliation of the remote water meter being much lower than the original meter readings since 1991 ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that a water billing refund be made to David Dolph , 1457 Trumansburg Road , in the amount of $558 . 00 . MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10, 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk i gob SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE WATER COMM . 1402 EAST SHORE DRIVE ITHACA , NY 14850 February 12 , 1997 Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca St . Ithaca , N . Y . 14850 Re : Account # 4472 , 1457 TRUMANSBURG RD Dear Joan Noteboom : A refund is due on this account . because the customer has been reading the remote since they hooked — up in 1991 . The meter reading was much lower than the remote reading . The refund is $ 418 . 80 for water , $ 88 . 46 for Towns water portion and $ 50 . 74 for penalties . The total is $ 558 . 00 . Please send to : LINNA DOLPH 1457 TRUMANSBUR-G RD ITHACA NY 14850 •r /h/� n� Yud Bower , Accounts Receivable O O O O Cl O O O O O O O CO co O O (D O N U) U7 U) t0 U) U) U� O O O lD CD 00 00 (D (D (D N (3) O O U) O O O O O O O N r` O (n M M N O N C7 M V t7 th (r) c7 C7 C7 N qT N v N N (N O U) (f) l() t(7 di 69 V! 69 69 69 6% (0l V) V> V3 V> fig 69 V). 6% U% 69 6A O O O O O O O (D O O O O ca 00 O CO N r M O O O U) U7 (A (A O O O (D (C) (h M O O r (D f` U) (n U) to U) U1 U7 (C) U) U) 4 7 4 4 C7 (h (D r` M r` p V) fH 6% 6F? fA 6A V3 V> (4 Vj� 6% 64 V). Vl V). 69 60) 69 69 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N Q U) m U) U) U) O O O O O O O O O U) U) U) U) U) (D r U') (n O U7 (6 U7 U) U7 6 U) 00 C) CD r O O (D N 0) N N at N N N N N N N M N Ce) N N N N v to 9T 'Q V3 63 6t,3 V3� V3 fA 6R Lek 6H Vi fA V) V! V% W. W. V3 V). 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U% 69 64 7 C E O O 00 O O O U7 O O O N m r O O 0 v � 00 00 'C co (D O U7 U7 O N U) U7 U) co r O r• (h co (h U) co 0 > O O (6 r� cr r tD m CD r n r U) <f N 6 V m co >I (h m O U) U) to V U) co M m qt n N N (") qT 0 O E cc V3 Vl V3 6% fR cu w cu ♦ • ♦ > 0 u N cu J � N (U O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O O C O O C ` — O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 N O O CO CO � O N U7 fD co (D �" O O N O U) m (/l 3 N N r r Ch U7 (D (Ni r� 'K r` r 0 N r h r N — r r � N N N r N N r (h N N r r r � a @ 'C O C L CO L Q) Ln CO y � C C r N (0 N N O _a E } V m co 0 t0 U7 U) M) Ln � '? v CO) (h N N r r N Q N 0 7 Z O m a) m 0) m m m 0) C) m m m m m m O I-O O L m O �•�`, O O > > T r` L) C m (D (h N m CD M N m m N m m m m M C a U) ♦ S . C .L.I.W . C . 1402 FAST SHORE DR, ITHACA N. Y. 14850 ADJ TSEN7 TO ACCOUNT ACCOUNT # _ ` Z_` DATE PREPARED : MkXFE : k) &W a a \ o ;) TOWN!`,TII LAGIJ : Sl:FN10E ADDRESS : U CORRECTED/BILLED FOR -MONTHS ivLAII. TO LINE SIZE: 3 U UNITS : i_ 0YY5 , t 17mmods4b SPL CUFT � � WATHRI WS SW SWS ARREARS PENALrY FEE ORiGAINAL BILL // / - 13y � yon � y.J . 37I 1 � r I tRPL CTED BILL UCH �1 ' ! j ► -'cam , I L ' ! i� ? `� i DIFT i. ~NCL: i JU _J 1 �•�, �'� ` J V �I�' �) ( v .'-- / 7 -_ 1p TOTAL AMOUNT ACTUALLY MVED S � TOTAL AMOUNT ALREADY PAID S i ! i 9 Z ,- f, AMOL:�1` ` DLIE Cl CR�E`Dff S — � � .;�� G iLZ jrc S" iPENALTY NTW DUE DATE . i TiASON FOR / f ! ' •( �� .,.+ ., 1. ( ' I AD:IZ.j� s � : r ;' �. �� Yt�'r i,'ik, � /`� .= � �C �rl^u /f J -1 �J --,/��'1 � � � i%.,r"i„ t 4 C:+� i T �,i �.��4 \ � ( .i / i✓ r .v t1 7D NOTE, TO TOWN OF VILLAGE: PR!:1=_lA By APPIWVED .BY: ti D.t iT lE7i�1IC:IP ti TTY : CO R?S1 ,I`G. S? / t✓P.EDIT i�. ICII'.��i 3T�,': C�-\PZ Tj Vj f G��LS ; � 3 `C` C 'WATER .— --- �V TERS <L : WS S <e SEWER O "T7 vr7" om —1-- .?C VV LLt .b S� 'S �� -- -- - -- SWS s -- --- O O O O O Cl O O O O O O co co O O to (o N to to to to to to to O O O (0 (D N t0 (D CD CD N O O O to O O O O O O O N r� O U) r) ch N O N r) ce) IT CO co r) r) r) M r) v N v N N N O to to V) to 60 64 6% 64 U30 69 64 b4 V) fA H 69 69 69 VA 6 % bH 69 FR - O O O O O O O Cl Cl O O O co co co CO N T r) O O O to U7 to to O O O to Co r7 r) O O r tD 1O to to to to to to 6 to U) to � st � ? 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N ` O O (D co O N to (D c0 (D U N N T r r) U. tD N h V t` r C6 N r In r r r N N N r N N r m tV N r T r w ce) cu II C O_ cn r A O j) to y CO a c N c T N ri E 6 N E } V II (0 CD to to to to to v V v r) r) N N r r Q Q) Q ` Z m D Q) � O) C` Q) Q) Q) Q) a1 Q) @ T r ` = r r [(1 b to r� U cI (P CD r) C4 C (n N 0) co N m r) to co a c c r �' T C D t Q fill (n � C7 � OF 1p 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item No . 23 (j ) Water Billing Reimbursement - Account # 13 -252 , 6 Hillcrest Drive Resolution No . 570 -2 ) WHEREAS , representatives of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have determined that a water billing refund is due R . Gary Hartz owner of the property located at 6 Hillcrest Drive , Water Billing Account # 13-252 due to the incorrect reading of the meter which created an adjustment and a credit ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize and direct that a water billing refund be made to R . Gary Hartz, 6 Hillcrest Drive, Ithaca , NY , in the amount of $212 . 89 . Carried unanimously. MOVED : Councilman Conley SECONDED : Councilman Klein Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . DATED : March 10, 1997 0 .0w% � Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk I to UUmeeieipi� BOLT ON POINT�����o WATER = SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION '•. /TSYSTEM y :' TOWNS OF DRYDEN e ITHACA a LANSING — VILLAGES OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS a LANSING NACA, N (607) 277 -0660—FAX (607) 277-3056—E-MAIL SCLIWC @aol .com MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 178 Ithaca, N .Y. 14851 SHIPPING ADDRESS: March 3 , 1997 1402 East Shore Drive Ithaca , N .Y. 14850 Joan Noteboom, Town Clerk Town of Ithaca 126 E . Seneca St. COMMISSIONERS: Ithaca, N . Y. 14850 GEORGE J. CONNEMAN Chairperson Re : Acct # B-252 , (6 Hillcrest Dr.) JEANNINE KIRBY Vice Chairperson Dear Joan : CATHERINE VALENTINO Treasurer I would like to ask for a refund on the above account be made. The customer RONALD ANDERSON had read the meter incorrectly, which created an adjustment and a large credit. JEFFREY CLEVELAND The refund is $- 177 .99 for water and $-34 . 90 for the Towns Water ONALD HARTILL portion. The total is $-212 . 89 . STEPHEN LIPINSKI H . MICHAEL NEWMAN Please send to : R. Gary Hartz SHIRLEY RAFFENSPERGER 6 Hillcrest Dr. JAMES SCHUG Ithaca, N. Y. 14850 KEVIN M. KAUFFMAN Thank you, Executive Director LAWRENCE PARLETT Administration Judy Bower, Accounts Receivable JACK RUECKHEIM Distribution PAUL TUNISON Production Excellence in water quality and customer service i OF 1T� _ 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,p 21 04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 4j*' 0 TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273-1704 Town Board Meeting 3/ 10/97 Agenda Item Additional No . 2 Reimbursement for Sewer Repair Doreen Schriner, 940A East Shore Drive Resolution No . 58 WHEREAS, during a failure of the Town Sanitary Sewer force main , it was necessary to pump out the sewage pump chamber at 940A East Shore Drive; and WHEREAS , Doreen Schriner, the resident at 940A East Shore Drive has submitted a bill in the amount of $65 . 00 for pumping of the chamber; now therefore be it RESOLVED , the Town Board hereby approves payment of $65 . 00 to Ms . Schriner to cover the cost of damages incurred . Payment to be made from Risk Retention Fund Account Number R1630 . 400 . MOVED : Councilwoman Grigorov SECONDED : Councilwoman Harrison Supervisor Valentino , aye ; Councilwoman Grigorov , aye ; Councilman Klein , aye ; Councilwoman Harrison , aye ; Councilman Conley , aye ; Councilwoman Russell , aye ; Councilman Wolff , aye . Carried unanimously. DATED : March 10 , 1997 Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk o fly OF 1P a TOWN OF ITHACA ,�� ' n 044- 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y. 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN BOARD MEETING March 10 , 1997 5 : 30 p . m . AGENDA 1 . Call to Order . 2 . Pledge of Allegiance . 3 . Reports of Town Officials : a . Director of Engineering . b . Town Highway Superintendent . c . Director of Planning . d . Director of Building and Zoning . e . Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services . f. Financial Report . 4. Report of Town Committees : 5 . Report of Tompkins County Board of Representatives . 6 . Report of Fire Commissioners . 7 . Review of Correspondence : a . Thomas Brachko , Request for Support Official English Senate Bill 356 . b . Information and Referral Service . c . Kevin Kauffman , SCLIWC Executive Director. d . NYSDOT , Public Hearings - Consolidated Rail Corporation Merger, 8 . 6 : 00 p . m . = PERSONS TO BE HEARD . 9 . Acceptance and approval of Town Justice Dockets . 10 . Consider recommendation from the Information Technology Committee for the Town ' s policy and guidelines for the purchase of computer upgrades and software. Town Board Mtg . Agenda " 3/ 10/97 Page 2 . 11 . Consider recommendations of the Water/Sewer Special District Assessment Review Committee regarding requests for refunds of water and sewer benefit assessment charges . 12 . Consider refund of penalty and interest charges . for tax bills postmarked after the due date . 13 . Consider purchase offer related to acquisition of a new Town Hall . 14 . Review and accept for filing the 1996 Comptroller's Annual Financial Report . 15 . Consider authorization to solicit Requests for Proposals for Deferred Compensation Plans . 16 . Consider authorization to purchase four additional 175th Anniversary Historical Markers . 17 . Consider street name change for Judd Falls Road to Pine Tree Road . 18. a . Consider recommendation to contact the New York State Department of Transportation regarding the lighting situation at Route 13 and East Shore Drive intersection entrance ramp . b . Consider installation of street lights at the intersection of Caldwell Road and Route 366 . 19 . Discuss policy regarding second dwellings in existing buildings . 20 . Discuss acceptance of Winston Court water main extension . 21 . Consider the Village of Cayuga Heights request for waiver of assessments . 22 . Consider possible land acquisition for construction of proposed Hospicare/Deer Run Bikeway, and authorization to apply for a grant from the New York State Office of Parks , Recreation and Historic Preservation to implement bikeway. . 23 . Consent Items : Consider resolution approving and/or authorizing the following : a . Town Board Minutes - 2/3/97 , 2/ 10/97 . b . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS . c . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS . d . Reappointment of Board Member - Cayuga Medical Center Corporation . Town Board Mtg . Agenda - 3/ 10/97 Page 3 . 23 , Consent Agenda Items : Continued . e . Authorization to participate in Cornell Summer Job Network . f. Approval of Attendance - NYS Wetlands Forum . g . Appointment Temporary Planning Intern . h_. Appointment Highway Laborer. I . Approval SCLIWC Budget Transfers . j . Approval to issue Water/Sewer Billing Refund . 24. Consider ADJOURNMENT . ADDITIONAL ITEMS : (Time Permitting) 1 . Discuss possible revisions to Local Law No . 7/1988 a , " LOCAL LAW REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA" . (This will be on the April 7 , agenda if there is not enough time to consider it at this meeting . Please review the material , and discuss with the appropriate staff and interested individuals prior to that meeting . ) 2 . Consider request for reimbursement related to sewer problem . 3 . Consider Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action Claims and Notice of Hearing , Conrail . Town Engineer ' s Report for 3 / 10 / 97 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Sanctuary Drive Continued to monitor drainage and construction activity by the developer to ensure compliance with the subdivision approval . Ithaca College Reviewed proposed drainage evaluation being developed as the campus masterplan is being updated to include the proposed Ford Hall additions and related parking lot plans . EARTH FILL PERMITS Five Mile Drive , Immaculate Conception Filling at the site has been limited to stockpiling of material from utility excavations . The contractor plans to remove stockpiled material as fill is needed on the project , and final grading and site restoration is expected to occur in 1997 . Sediment control fencing . is being maintained around the fill area . The contractor has been keeping the roadway clean . Ithaca Volunteer Vets , Elmira Road The Association received site plan approval from the Planning Board on October 29 , 1996 for an enlarged parking area on the property with additional fill to be placed . The Town Engineer is monitoring the project . Williams Glen Road A fill permit for approximately 200 cubic yards of fill has been issued for regrading a residential lot with imported material . Final grading and seeding of the site will be completed when weather permits . Town Engineer ' s Report 3 / 10 / 97 2 WATER PROJECTS The Town Engineering staff is continuing to work with the Bolton Point staff to implement the Master Metering Program for connections to the water transmission main . Work has been substantially completed , with remaining work itemized on a punch list , including site restoration work being the major element to complete . The Town Engineer is continuing to work with the City Engineer and SCLIWC member municipal engineers on the engineering evaluation to include the entire water infrastructure for the area . O ' Brien and Gere has completed the hydraulic model of the Town of Ithaca distribution system , which is being combined with adjoining municipalities to create a regional model . Evaluation of the water systems is proceeding to identify weakness and strengths in the adjoining systems that might be improved by joint operations . Bench marking of the system model will be completed in the near future . The Town Engineering Staff is completing plans for a replacement of the aging and inadequate watermain that serves Buttermilk Falls State Park . The replacement line will connect to the new watermain at the intersection of Buttermilk Falls Road and Rte . 13 and will run to the City line near Spencer Street , replacing a 6 " watermain that is over 70 years old . SEWER Plans for the replacement of the controls for Forest Home pump stations number 1 & 2 have been completed and the equipment has been ordered . Town staff will install this equipment when it arrives . Installation of the monitoring station on Hanshaw Road has been completed except for some final site restoration which will be completed in the Spring . Installation of this monitoring station is part of the Northeast Sewer rehabilitation plan which has been requested by the Village of Cayuga Heights . The Town Engineering staff has ordered additional flow monitoring equipment to allow us to proceed with other monitoring and infiltration control elements as part of this program . The Town Engineering staff is completing plans for a short extension of sewer on Buttermilk Falls Road to serve the Buttermilk Falls State Park . This project has been requested by the Park as they plan to replace a septic tank system that serves the Bath House and Park office . The current leach field is located adjacent to Buttermilk Creek . Town Engineer ' s Report 3 / 10 / 97 3 STORMWATER Development of the Townwide watershed evaluation has been started by the Town Engineering Staff . The Northeast Ithaca Area including Cayuga Heights is being addressed first due to the numerous requests for assistance that have been received from residents in this area . An informational meeting was held on February 25th at the Dewitt Middle School auditorium . The meeting was attended by over 80 residents that provided the Town with significant input regarding drainage and flooding problems in the Northeast Ithaca area . A summary report of the meeting is attached to this report . BENEFIT ASSESSMENT The Townwide water and sewer benefit assessment review is nearing completion . The benefit assessment committee has been meeting to review assessment questions and grievances and will be making recommendations to the Town Board at the March board meeting . The County Digital Tax Parcel Maps have been provided to the Town by the County Assessment Office , and development of a database utilizing the GIS is proceeding . CAYUGA INLET REHABILITATION PROJECT BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS The Corps of Engineers is planning to repair Cayuga Inlet Flood Control Channel from the State Street Bridge up to the drop structure and fish ladder . Work is proposed to include removal of approximately 100 , 000 CY of sediment , placement of rock rip rap bank protection and removal of gravel from the Coy Glen grade stabilization structures . NYSDEC as the maintenance agency has been asked to provide spoil sites for the project . The project was scheduled to be let in November with work completed by December 31 , 1996 , but high bids have resulted in an indefinite delay of the project . A possible construction start may occur in late Winter or early Spring . There has been no activity on this project to date other than the Town Engineer has received proposed grading plans from the Finger Lakes State Parks staff showing how fill from the project would be used on the Robert H . Treman park site and the Buttermilk Falls Park athletic fields . The plans include provision for sediment and erosion control . C : \r4EM0E \ERPT9702 . REP DRAFT TOWN OF ITHACA PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING A Public Information meeting was held February 25 , 1997 at 7 : 00 P . M . in the Dewitt Middle School Auditorium , 560 Warren Road . Approximately 75 to 80 people attended the meeting . Items on the Agenda were addressed as follows . 1 . Introductions - Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor Mrs . Valentino introduced David Kline , Town Councilman , Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent , John Barney , Attorney for the Town , Dan Walker , Town Engineer , Jonathan Kanter , Director of Planning , Ronald Anderson , Village of Cayuga Heights Mayor , and Brent Cross , Cayuga Heights Village Engineer . She then explained that the Town Board had sponsored this public information meeting as an opportunity for the residents of the Northeast Ithaca Area to meet with representatives of the Town to both express existing concerns regarding stormwater management and have the Town representatives explain what was being done by the Town to address these concerns . 29 overview of Existing Watershed Conditions in the Northeast Area - Dan Walker , Town Engineer Mr . Walker presented a brief description of the Northeast Ithaca watershed area including a base map showing watershed delineations and drainage patterns . The locations of developed areas and remaining open areas were identified , as were the Dewitt Pond detention area and the principal Renwick Brook Watershed . 3 . Description of current drainage projects and maintenance plan - Fred Noteboom , Highway Superintendent Mr . Noteboom described current drainage projects including the improvements to the Dewitt Pond and culvert installation on Brandywine Drive . He also briefly described several ditch and culvert projects that have been tentatively planned for this construction season including , completion of the Brandywine Drive culvert installation , Additional improvements to the Dewitt Pond outlet structure , installation of a catchbasin on Maplewood Drive to equalize flows in road ditches on both sides , drainage improvements on Texas Lane near the walkway , increase size of drainage structures on the south side of Christopher Lane , general ditch cleaning and replacement of various culvert pipes . i Town of Ithaca Public Information Meeting DeWitt Middle School Auditorium - - 2 / 25 / 97 4 . Opportunity for public input on needs and concerns regarding drainage and stormwater management in the Northeast - Catherine Valentino , Town Supervisor Mrs , .Valentino opened the meeting for public comment , and over 30 residents expressed concerns about current problems that have worsened over the past few years . Residents also expressed concerns about potential problems in the future if additional development occurs in upstream areas in the future . Mrs . Valentino invited attendees with drainage and flooding problems to come to the watershed map at the front of the auditorium and mark the areas of concern . Many of the respondents took this opportunity to identify their homes and problem areas on the base map . Areas that have significant problems include : - - The Lexington Drive area , especially houses on the north side of the road with yards that receive significant flows of water from the Village of Lansing Uptown Road area . Problem areas were also noted on the eastern leg of Lexington Drive where drainage from the built up area to the east drains across the north end of Burleigh Drive and through several yards . - - Winthrop Place and the west end of Winthrop Drive in the Village of Cayuga Heights where the two streams overtop banks and culverts frequently and leave significant amounts of debris in yards , along with flooding yards and basements . Complaints include observations of water backing up at Triphammer Road due to poor channel capacity downstream on the Kendall property . - - The north side of Winthrop Drive and the south side of Burleigh Drive which have a stream along the rear lot lines that drains a significant watershed to the east . This stream has seen - significant flow volumes and frequency of flooding in the last few years . Much of this increase is attributed to the development east of Warren Road including the Convenient Care Center and the Arrowwood development in the Village of Lansing . - - The north side of Texas Lane where yards back up to a major tributory of the Renwick Brook that has increased in size and flow significantly over the past few years . Concerns include flooding of buildings and damage to yards due to streambank erosion . - - The west end of Christopher Lane where increased flows have eroded ditch banks and the streams and ditches have high flow rates and very high velocities . Damages have included flooding of basements , damage to yards and retcaining walls and freguent , flooding of the roadway . 2 Town of Ithaca Public Information Meeting DeWitt Middle School Auditorium - - 2 / 25 / 97 - - Brandywine Drive where houses and yards have been flooded from high water in the road ditches and from overland flows from the east . Drainage problems from water flowing off of the Northeast Elementary school grounds and play fields have increased significantly over the past few years , especially after the parking loop was improved . - - The east end of Winthrop Drive which has experienced flows causing flooding from the Warren Road area . - - Areas on Muriel Street which have deep ditches and high flows causing safety problems and flooding of some homes . - - The Salem Drive , Maplewood Drive , Birchwood Drive and Pinewood Drive area which has frequent basement flooding problems due to high flows in the road ditches . These problems have increased significantly over the past several years , and the increase is coincident with the development of the Briarwood Drive subdivision by the Lucente ' s . Development of Briarwood included installation of road ditches and several major drainage ditches which has increased runoff significantly . - - The area of 1408 and 1410 Hans haw Road where flows have increased and small culverts under a private road and into the County road drainage system have not been adequate to handle water causing flooding of yards and basements . Mrs . Valentino concluded the public comment period with thanks to the respondents and she indicated that the Town of Ithaca plans to be pro - active in developing a stormwater management plan and will work cooperatively with adjacent municipalities to minimize and reduce impacts of development . 5 . Discussion of future directions for stormwater management in the Northeast Ithaca Area - Dave Klein , Public Works Committee Chair Mr . Klein addressed the future plans of the Town of Ithaca regarding watershed management , and began by explaining that he has firsthand experience with the flooding problems in the area since he lives on Winthrop Drive and is downstream of the areas that are being developed as Arrowwood Drive . He explained that the Town does not have direct control over development that is occuring in the Village of Lansing , but that the Town Board and the Town staff are working with the Village to encourage Cornell ( the owner of Arrowwood ) to provide an appropriate drainage evaluation and implement measures to reduce stcrmwater runoff impacts . 3 Town of Ithaca Public Information Meeting DeWitt Middle School Auditorium - - 2 / 25 / 97 The Town has set development of a stormwater management plan as a number one priority . This includes drafting a stormwater Management Ordinance which is scheduled to be enacted this year . The ordinance will provide an additional level of review and drainage control above the authority that is currently available to the Planning Board during site plan and subdivision reviews . Work has already started on the inventory and drainage analysis part of the Stormwater Plan and will continue agressively . through the next few months . The stormwater planning process will need to be a cooperative process to be most effective as the watersheds extend across political boundaries and include areas in the Village of Cayuga Heights , the Village of Lansing and the Town of Dryden as well as the Town of Ithaca . The Town is aware that there are a number of chronic trouble spots that need immediate improvement . The Town of Ithaca Highway Department will continue to address these problems on a short term basis as the comprehensive drainage plan is being developed . As the stormwater plan is developed a number of actions may be proposed including possible drainage improvement districts , plans for improving existing drainage systems with maintenance plans and access easements , and possible additional drainage structures or retention structures . These improvements will probably be implemented as a capital plan . The Town Board will keep the public informed on the progress of stormwater management in the Town of Ithaca with reports in the media and future public meetings . C : \ADMZN\DRA11VAGE\NEDRMTG . REP/3 /5/97 - 10 : 46 4 Agenda Item 3b Town of Ithaca Highway/Parks Department Monthly Report , February 1997 Town of Ithaca Town Board Meeting, March 10, 1997 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Because of the mild weather this month, the Highway crews were able to concentrate on tree removal. This has not been done for several years and there are many trees that have died and needed to come down. These endeavors consumed 261 hours of time this month. Along with tree removal, the crews are "stock piling" materials for the construction season ahead. To date, we have hauled in 420 tons of stone for surface treating roads ( 1st and la stone). Fine Crusher Run and Crushed Bank Run were also stock piled. 520 and 75 tons respectively. This, along with other projects such as patching roads and miscellaneous projects around the facility, took 971 . 5 hours. There were several occasions roads needed to be salted and plowed. This took 570 .5 hours of time, with 129 . 5 of it overtime hours . We used 354 tons of salt and salted the fire stations (West and South Hill) three times . We worked 227 . 5 hours on vehicle/machinery maintenance. This included 11 . 5 hours of overtime . The totals include our mechanic ' s time and one other employee. Because of the nature of work, many times two people are needed to work on machinery. We have been working on rebuilding our bull dozer. We have put a new blade, several bushings, and radiator on it so far, and the engine has to be rebuild. We continue to utilize our newest employees to work on Water and Sewer projects . These projects include cleaning sewers, maintaining the equipment, and water break assistance. These projects used 122 hours of time . There were four water breaks and the Town crews helped with repairs on tow of them. Those breaks were at: 1442 Hanshaw Road, 123 E. King Road, 203 Snyder Hill Road, and 219 Judd Falls Road, March Highway Projects 1 . Weather permitting, clean out ditches throughout Town. 2 . Snow removal, as necessary. 3 . Complete annual inventories of equipment and materials . PARKS AND OPEN SPACE MANAGER Continued mild weather in February required fewer than normal hours for snow removal, a total of 58 . 5 . This allowed us to get other jobs done . Agenda Item #3c Planning Director' s Report for March 10 , 1997 Town Board Meeting DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The following are actions that were considered by the Planning Board, Paleontological Research Institution Addition, 1259 Trumansburg Road The Planning Board considered granting Final Site Plan Approval at the February 18, 1997 meeting for a 6,000 + / - sq. ft addition to the existing PRI building at 1259 Trumansburg Road, and tabled their decision until the March 18th meeting, pending receipt of comments from the New York State Historic Preservation Office regarding the historic significance of the building, Residence District R-301 South Hill Complex, Temporary Office Trailer, 930 Danby Road The Planning Board granted Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed placement of a 24 ft. by 60 ft, temporary office trailer and construction of a temporary parking area adjacent to the existing building at 930 Danby Road, said placement to be a temporary modification of the site plan for the proposed South Hill Complex for which Final Site Plan Approval was granted on 12 / 12 / 95, "I" Industrial District. The approval of the temporary trailer was for a period of 24 months. [Note: The March 4, 1997 Planning Board meeting was cancelled due to a lack of completed applications ready to be considered by the Planning Board . There will be a full agenda scheduled for the March 18, 1997 meeting.] CURRENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROTECTS The following are significant accomplishments or issues that have been dealt with over the past month . SE OR Reviews for Zonin Board :oard : One SEQR revie�v for the Zoning Board was completed: (1 ) a request for special approval to permit the construction of an addition to the existing Paleontological Research Institution building at 1259 Trumansburg Road (Warren Allmon, Agent for PRI) . Codes and Ordinances Committee : A draft package of all revised zoning districts has been compiled, and will be reviewed at the March 5, 1997 Codes and Ordinances consultant proposals are due by March 21st, after which a Client Committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss consultant selection. Cornell Veterinarian School Incinerator: Meetings of the Cornell-Community Waste Management Advisory Committee (CCWMAC) continue . The current focus is on work groups that have been assigned specific tasks (e. g., waste inventory and analysis, waste minimization, document and information management, State University Construction Fund-Cornell relations, permit procedures, options, and criteria) . Chase Pond / Hospice Trail: Planning staff completed an analysis of alternative bicycle /pedestrian trail alignments for the proposed Hospice / Deer Run Trail, which includes the possibility of acquiring a vacant lot in the Deer Run Subdivision to connect the right-of-way for the proposed Chase Pond / Hospice trail directly with Marcy Court and Whitetail Drive. This would be a shorter, more direct alignment for the pedestrian and bicycle trail and could be combined with additional drainage improvements. The proposal was discussed at the February 27, 1997 Public Works Committee meeting, and as a result of a positive recommendation, will be on the agenda for the March 10th Town Board meeting (see agenda item no . 22) . The agenda item also includes a request for authorization to apply for a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to help fund the trail project. Tompkins County Waterfront Study: Staff attended a presentation of the Tompkins County Waterfront Study on February 21 , 1997 at the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce. The new Chairman of the New York State Canal Commission attended the presentation, which included an introduction and overview of the study, a slide presentation by the Oversight Committee' s consultant, and a question and answer session. Subsequently, the "Tompkins County Waterfront Plan" (January 1997), a report summarizing the goals, objectives and recommendations of the study, was published by the sponsoring agencies, and each agency received multiple copies for distribution. A copy of the 'Plan" is attached for Board member review. It is possible that the Town Board, as one of the sponsoring agencies, will be asked to endorse the 'Plan" at the April 7th meeting. Newsletter: The Planning Department will be responsible for co odinating/ preparing the upcoming issue of the Town of Ithaca Newsletter, which is due to be distributed on or around April 1 , 1997. Inlet Valley Parcels : Representatives of the Town and City attended a meeting coordinated by Tompkins County on February 25, 1997, to discuss the acquisition of the Inlet Valley parcels off of Five Mile Drive . Delays in the acquisition process appear to be a result of a lack of the pertinent information getting to the necessary County officials . Hopefully, this meeting got the process back on the right track. 3 I i I C (DPY FINAL Action Summary of Town /CU Transportation Committee Meeting February 3 . 1997 Attending : Harrison , Raffensperger, Brittain . Lance , Wendt, Dicke , Kanter, Hoffman , Gutenberger, Ostman . action summary by Harrison 1 . Rte. 366 in vicinity of Judd Falls Rd . to Caldwell Rd . The documents provided by DOT which updated accident histories after installation of the stop signal were reviewed . Noted that DOT appears to believe that Caldwell now may meet criteria for signals and that they are concerned about bike accident rate there and are considering signage for bikes as well as the signage requests we made on 366 . They noted that lightina situation is between N-YSEG and the Town and that they would cooperate re installation. Kanter reported that town is working with NYSEG on this and that he had not yet heard more from DOT re 366 signage. The potential closing of JF Rd between 366 and Tower Rd was discussed. We agreed that a test evaluation of the closing would be a good idea. Must wait until Tower Road reconstruction is complete ` . expected by end of summer 97 (otherwise it would not be a good test since that road is in such poor condition . Note : As I write this summary I realize that the improved connection between Tower and Caldwell will likely not be done for this test. Also , when will the upstream bridge be under construction ? Are these significant problems ?) . Also will need to arrange with DOT for traffic signal installation during the test at Caldwell, Tower and JF . We need to collect baseline data this April to compare to post-closing counts . April works because students are still here . Brittain will look into traffic counts he believes were done at upstream bridge . The potential to use volunteers to do some bike and pedestrian as well as tuming mvt counts was discussed. We decided to write to DOT (Kanter and Harrison to draft and send) requesting : Phase I: review of Caldwell Rd -/') 66 including traffic signal , intersection improvements , bike lane marking , other signage' and to request similar review for Tower. In addition we will ask for a review of speed limits on 366 with a request to consider lower and consistent limit from Varna to JF Rd South . Phase II: Cooperative effort of DOT, Town, MPO and Cornell to do test closing of IF Rd N from 366 to Tower Rd. We will develop criteria defining "success" of test and will arrange for traffic counts (cooperative effort) to measure impacts . The "before" counts need to be made this spring while students are on campus . April is the month of choice . During the fall test period. traffic signals will need to be in place at Caldwell , Tower and JF . Town will also check on legal issues . ' Tower Road reconstruction is planned from 366 to Campus Rd . 30' paved surface comprised of 2 x 10' lanes and 2 x S bikelmies with bus pullout. The sharp curve will also be softened . Z A letter dated 2 / 7 / 97 was received by Kanter and Harrison from DOT which responded to our previous letter about Caldwell Rd at 366 . They will be installing intersection warning signs on both Route 366 approaches as well as bicvcle waming signs on the approaches as soon as their schedule permits . 1 I I TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF BUII.DING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1997 YEAR TO DATE ' TYPE OF PERMIT ' YEAR # OF PERMITS AMOUNT ( # AMOUNT SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1997 0 0 , 0 0 RESIDENCES 1996 : 0 01 0 0 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1997 0 0 2 180,000 RESIDENCES 1996 0 01 1 3600 1 1997 : 0 0 0 01 (TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES 1996 0 0 ! 0 0 1997 1 79000 ! 4 36,558 RENOVATIONS 1 1996 2 302000 3 45,685 , 1997 0 0 0 01 1CONVERSIONS OF USE j 1996 ' 0 0 0 0 1997 ; 0 0 0 0 ' ADDITIONS TO FOOTPRINT I 1996 ' 0 01 0 0 1997 0 Oj 0 0 MULTIPLE RESIDENCES ! 1996 . 0 0 :1 0 0 i 1997 0 0 ; 0 0 15 IBUSINESS 1996 ' 1 ,000 ; 3 100,000 1997 , 0 0 0 0 � ( AGRICULTURAL 1996 0 01 0 0 1997 : 0 0 0 0 IfNDUSTRIAL 1996 0 01 0 0 1997 : 0 0 0 0 ( EDUCATIONAL 1996 . 0 O 1 261 ,000 ( MISCELLANEOUS 1 Repair porch overhang 21000 1 Farm pole barn 91000 I I I 1 Demolish and build boat house 18,6251 I i i i I j 1997 3 291625 4 33 ,225 iCONSTRUCTION 1996 ' 4 19,9007 S 24,814 TOTAL NUMBER OF 1997 4 36,625 !1 ] 0 2492783 ' PERMITS ISSUED 19961 7 64,900 13 467,499 ( TOTAL FEES 1997 ' 4 145 ; 10 503 RECEIVED 1996 ' 7 255 13 1 ,045 ' Date Prepared: March 3 , 1997 Dani L. Holford Building/Zoning Department Secretary - 2 - TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED THIS MONTH - 8 1 . 125 and 126 Rachel Carson Way - new two-family dwelling (replaced a temporary CO). 2. East Hill Plaza - renovate tenant space. 3 . 117 and 118 Rachel Carson Way - new two-family dwelling (replaced a temporary CO). 4. 301 Roat Street - renovate first and second floors. 5 . 230 Pine Tree Road - Cornell's six outdoor tennis courts. 6. 167 Ridgecrest Road - interior renovation. 7. 104 Penny Lane - finish office and laundry room in basement. 8 . 289 Hayts Road - family room and bedroom addition. TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 20 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 26 INQUIRIES/COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED THIS MONTH - 2 1 . 1305 Hanshaw Road - property maintenance - no violation found. 2 . 1028 Ellis Hollow Road - building code - abated. From January 1997 : 1 . 491 Five Mile Drive - property maintenance - pending. From December 1996 : 1 . 139 Ridgecrest Road - building code - pending. From October 1996: 1 . 225 Coddington Road - building code and occupancy - pending Town court trial. From Mav 1995 : 1 . 1152 Danby Road - zoning and building code - pending legal action. From March 1994: 1 . 132 Forest Home Drive - building code - pending state hearing on 9/ 19/96 - variance granted - pending compliance. TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 3 TOTAL COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATED YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 13 TOTAL FIELD VISITS THIS MONTH - 70 Uniform Building Code - 37 Local Law and Zoning Inspections - 10 Fire Safety - 18 ( 13 multiple residences [52 units], 2 day care. 2 churches. 1 hotel) Fire Safety Reinspections - 3 ( 1 church, 1 senior citizen housing, 1 day care) Fire/Emergency Occurrences - 1 (wood stove) Fire Occurrence Reinspections - 1 (wood stove) TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 148 TOTAL FIELD VISITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 156 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS THIS MONTH - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1997 - 0 TOTAL SIGN PERMITS YEAR TO DATE, 1996 - 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1 MEETING, 1 CASE, AGENDA ATTACHED FINAL TOWN OF ITHACA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 12 , 1997 7 : 00 P . M . By direction_ of the Chairman of ^. e Zoning Board of Appeals NOTICE IS :HER_3Y GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ithaca on Wednesday , February 12 , 199 % , in Town :. all , 126 East Seneca Street , ( FIRST Floor , REAR Entrance , WEST Side ) , Ithaca , N . Y . , COMMENCING AT 7 : 00 P . M . , on the following matters : APPEAL of the Paleontological Research Institute , Owner , Warren Ailmon , Agent , requesting a special approval under Article VI , n 18 of the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance , to be permitted to cons =ruct a 6 , 000 ± square foot addition to the northeast side of an existing museum/ research institute at 1259 Trumansburg Road , V Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No . 24 - 3 - 3 . 1 , Residence District R- 30 . C Said Zoning Board of Appeals will at said tire , 7 : 00 p . m . , and said place , hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto . Persons may appear by agent or in person . Individuals with visual or hearing impairments or other special needs , as appropriate , will be provided with assistance , as necessary , upon request . Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing . Andrew S . Frost Director of Building and Zoning 273 - 1783 Dated : February 3 , 1997 Publish : February 7 , 1997 Agenda Item No . 3(e) Town Clerk/Director Administrative Services Monthly Report - Presented March 10 , 1997 Town Clerk : The Town Clerk and Human Resource Specialist attended the NYS Association of Towns Annual Meeting , February 16 - February 19 . The Town Clerk attended the following sessions : The Department of State and Town Clerks - Information about the business and licensing services provided were explained . The Division of Local Government would be the main department the Town would use as they provide training and technical assistance to local municipalities . Freedom of Information Law Update - The Executive Session process and updates related to the processing of minutes were provided . Presentation by the NYS Racing & Wagering Board - The State legislature enacted a new law on January 9 , 1997 regarding Games of Chance/Raffles . The law provides for the Racing and Wagering Board to now act as the enforcement agency for Games of Chance and Raffles . Town Clerk ' s will not longer be responsible for enforcement . Also , included in the new law is that the State will now receive 2% of the proceeds received from Games of Chance and Raffles to cover the cost of the enforcement by the State. However , Town Clerk' s will still be responsible for the licensing of Games of Chance and Raffles . The amount of the award of Bingo prizes has been increased to $3 , 000 per session , and a single prize amount has been increased to up to $ 1 , 000 under the new law. The Bingo Admission Fee has been raised from $ 1 . 25 per person to a rate of $ 1 . 00 to $5 . 00 per person to be determined by the agency conducting the game . The Town Clerk' s Role in the Assessment Process - Instructional review of the assessment process based on the Town Clerk 's responsibilities of public notice , public records , State reporting , and the Board of Assessment Review, The 175th Anniversary Celebration Committee met to review the status of the placement of the historical markers . The Committee also reviewed the number left to be purchased , and the context of those markers . A resolution has been prepared to authorize the purchase and placement of four additional markers , and to request funding for the development and printing of a commemorative booklet. Records Management : Staff continues to work on disposition of records identified for disposal as of 12/31 /96 . Updates to the contracts and easements file , and Town Board appointment file are underway . The Records Management Officer has began preparations for a cooperative effort from all departments to integrate the records management program and the GIS system . Agenda Item No . 3(e) TOWN OF ITHACA RECEIVER OF TAXES February 1997 , Monthly Report 1997 Tax Warrant - Town of Ithaca Total Town Warrant , Paid to Town Supervisor $ 32822 , 520 . 81 Miscellaneous Payments to Town Supervisor 2/5 Interest Receiver of Taxes Checking Account $ 618 . 52 (January) TOTAL MISC . PAYMENTS TO SUPERVISOR : $ 618 . 52 1997 Tax Roll Installment Payments Total Number of Installment Payments : 568 Total Collected - Installment Payments : $ 6419080 . 30 Total Collected - ($ 1 . 00 Fee Per Installment) : $568. 00 Total Installment Service Charge Paid to Tompkins County Budget and Finance : $ 32 , 054 . 05 February: (As of 2/271 Taxes Collected : $ 103 , 930 . 33 Interest & Penalties Collected : 11028 . 99 TOTAL COLLECTED - As of FEBRUARY 27 , 1997 : $ 1047959 , 32 1997 In Lieu of Taxes Due : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $ 17500 . 79 Ithaca Elm - Maple Houses , Inc . $ 81837 . 96 TOTAL IN LIEU OF TAXES DUE : $ 10, 338 . 75 Received : Groff Associates , Ellis Hollow Elderly Housing $27 , 411 . 15 (Town Portion - $ 1 , 500 . 79 , School Portion - $ 19 , 812 . 87 , County Portion - $6097 . 99) * In Lieu of Tax from Ithaca Elm - Maple Houses , Inc . , West Village Place , is unknown until received in April/May . Payment based upon gross basic rents , calculated by HUD . Receiver of Taxes - 2/97 Monthly Report Page 2 . 1997 Tax Warrant - Tompkins County Total County Warrant : $ 41204 , 728 . 76 2/4 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 1 , 500 , 000 . 00 2/6 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 1 , 000 , 000 . 00 2/14 Payment : Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 40 , 000 . 00 2/28 Payment: Tompkins County Budget & Finance - 75 , 000 . 00 BALANCE DUE TOMPKINS COUNTY : 2/28/97 $ 11589 , 728 . 76 Miscellaneous Payments To Tompkins County 2/25 Installment Service Charges $ 329054 . 05 i TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 10 , 1997 Agenda Item No . 3e Human Resources Monthly Report for February , 1997 Personnel Advertised for highway Laborer position . Payroll Ran our first payroll via modem to DataRite of Central N . Y . Reviewed with Alfred Carvill the Williamson and Lawbook Company ' s package for Payroll and Accounting . This package would allow us to do in - house payroll and integrate it with Accounting . Deferred Compensation Plan Had meeting with Sue Slimbaugh , Area Director for PEBSCO , Deferred Compensation Plan Administrator . Discussed the process for requesting bids for a 457 Compensation Plan , Conferences Went to the Association of Towns Conference February 16 - 19 in New York City . Attended informative sessions on " Corrective and Progressive Discipline " , " Review of Civil Service Procedures " , " Overview of Human Resources Rules and Regulations " and " Update on Employee ' s Benefits for New York State and Local Retirement Systems " . Attended an all day New York State and Local Retirement Systems Conference in Binghamton , New York , February , 26 , on benefits . Personnel Committee Meeting February 25 , 1997 Approved January 21 , 1997 meeting minutes ( see attached ) Had an open discussion of the Vacation Section . Decision made to ask the Town Board to approve the " Request for proposals for a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan " . Reviewed the Retiree ' s Health Insurance Policy . Developed a process for approving the Personnel Manual . Started reviewing / editing working copy of the Personnel Manual . Human Resources Office Completed daily functions of the office including administering payroll , Insurance Policies , Workers Compensation Claims , Civil Service Requirements and any request by Town of Ithaca employees . Submitted by Judith Drake , Human Resources . I I i i 1 TOWN OF ITHACA Personnel Committee Meeting January 21 , 1997 8 : 15 AM At a regular meeting of the Personnel Committee for the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York held at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , there were present : Members Present : Supervisor Valentino , Councilman Conley , Councilman Wolff and Donald Tenkate , Working Supervisor . Members excused : Betty Poole , Deputy Town Clerk Staff Support Present : Judith Drake , Human Resources , Joan Lent Noteboom , Town Clerk / Director of Administrative Services . Others attending . JoAnn Cornish , Planner Call to order at 8 : 15 AM Approval of October 16 , 1996 minutes . Supervisor Valentino made sure everyone had the same understanding for Call Back Time . Agenda Item # 3 : Staff to be heard - none . i Agenda Item # 4 : Approval of 1997 meeting dates : One correction - changed February 18th meeting to February 25th . All other dates approved . Supervisor Valentino will be unable to attend the August meeting . Agenda Item # 5 : Progress report Personnel Manual : Discussed Personnel Manual as to what has been edited and what topics haven ' t been discussed as yet . Decided topics ready for draft form are : Employment Policies : Anti - Harassment Policy Sexual Harassment Policy Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedures - Town Board approved . ( policy will be added as a whole to the manual ) . Smoking Policy Employee Assistance Program General Information Policies : Hours of Work - including compensatory and call back time . Part time Employees . Temporary Employees . Probationary Period . Driving Record . Weather related time off ( Town Board approved 1994 ) Performance Review . Salary . Grievance Procedure Policy - ( Add Community Dispute Resolution Center ) . Discipline and Discharge . Termination of Employment . Supervisor Valentino , Mrs . Noteboom and Mrs . Drake will review Draft and bring copy to February 25 , 1997 meeting . Decision made we need to start discussions on the Employee Benefits and Miscellaneous Sections . These sections include the following topics : Employee Benefits Sections : Holidays , Vacation , Sick Time , Personal , ( will add Family Leave ) , Bereavement , Leave of Absence , Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 , Retirement , Health and Dental Insurance , Health and Dental Benefit Plan for Retirees ( Town Board approved 1996 ) , Disability Insurance , Worker ' s Compensation Insurance , Safety Equipment and Training , Miscellaneous Section : Employee Workshops and Seminars , Mileage Reimbursement , Personal use of Town vehicles , Military Duty , Jury Duty , Right to Amend . Meetina Discussion : Under topic of " Termination of Employment " - Addition of a line detailing that employee ' s who have not completed their first full year of service are not eligible for vacation accrual pay . Also , if a new employee has borrowed any vacation time , then they will have that time computed to a dollar amount based on their present hourly wage , and it will be deducted from their last pay check . There was no change in the Holiday Section . Any new employee using vacation time before completing their first year of service is determined to be borrowing that timeo from a futuristic allotment . This borrowed amount will show on their pay stub as a negative balance until the employee has completed their first year of service . There is a need to change vacation wording so that it is accrued on the first of January instead of the employee ' s anniversary date - per 1995 Town Board Resolution . Supervisor Valentino proposed additional accrual of vacation time on the first of July . This would allow people hired in the first half of the year their extra week or day earlier , instead of having to wait a whole year . Regular vacation allotments would still be given on the first of January . All agreed that accruing on each individuals anniversary date is cumbersome for payroll . Need to decide on annually , semi - annually or monthly accrual . Personal Days : Add wording about proper use of this benefit , not to be used in conjunction with vacation . Example are Doctor ' s appointments , Lawyer meetings , Banking etc . Supervisor Valentino would like a section added about Family Leaves, Sick Time : Maximum accrual is now 960 hours . Donald Tenkate requested allowing Sick Time to keep accruing since there are employees who have reached the maximum , but are not anywhere near retirement . The suggestion was made to . allow Sick Time to accrue , but to add a stipulation line to the Retirement Section . " At time of retirement the maximum amount of sick accrual that can be used toward Health Insurance premiums is 960 hours . " The Town Board will need to decide on a " grandfather date " . Personnel Committee is proposing - January 1 , 1997 . Mrs . Noteboom suggested adding a line requiring employees to submit a Doctor ' s statement to the Human Resources off ice after being on sick leave for 3 to 5 consecutive days . This would be an alert indicator since disability starts after an employee has been out on sick leave for 5 consecutive days . Requested Agenda Item for February Meeting - Discussion of the process to be completed after the Personnel Committee has a draft form of the new Personnel Manual . Mr . Donald Tenkate requested a review of the Retiree Health Insurance topic . Councilman Wolff added Agenda Item # 6 : Information Technology Committee ' s proceedings . IT Committee wants to standardize software and then provide training for all current staff . Councilman Wolff proposed adding to the miscellaneous section a topic of the required level of basic literacy for computer usage . Discussion concluded that after Town Board approves what the IT Committee is proposing something should be added at that time to the Personnel Manual . All discussed adding a topic of Internet Protocol . IT Committee is drafting a memo to go out on Internet Protocol for the present time . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 AM . Respectfully Submitted , 4 X2_- Judith Drake , Human Resources . " Next regularly scheduled meeting is February 25 , 1997 fly OF IT . 9 TOWN OF ITHACA ,�,� �04� 126 EAST SENECA STREET , ITHACA , N . Y . 14850 � Y TOWN CLERK 273-1721 HIGHWAY 273-1656 PARKS 273-8035 ENGINEERING 273-1747 PLANNING 273-1747 ZONING 273-1783 FAX (607) 273- 1704 TOWN OF ITHACA REPORT OF INVESTED FUNDS FOR THE MONTH ENDED FEBRUARY 28 , 1997 ACQUISTION TERM ANNUAL MATURITY PRINCIPAL ESTIMATED DATE ( DAYS) % RATE DATE INVESTED EARNINGS GENERAL FUND 02/ 10/97 21 5 , 10 % 03103197 $3 , 805 , 631 . 58 $ 11 , 321 , 75 GENERAL FUND PART TOWN 02121 /97 46 5 , 10 % 04108197 201 , 000 . 00 11309885 HIGHWAY FUND 09109/ 96 203 5 , 50 % 03131197 100 , 000000 3 , 050 . 55 01127197 39 5 , 15 % 03/ 07197 3503000400 11952 . 71 02/ 10/ 97 25 4 , 50 % 0310 ;197 35 , 000 . 00 109 . 38 WATER FUND 01 / 15/97 61 5 . 25 % 03117197 2031000600 11805085 02/21197 48 5 , 10 % 04110/ 97 240 , 000 . 00 11632400 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND 09110196 202 5 , 50 % 03/ 31 / 97 5139000900 153831 . 75 12/ 23/ 96 180 5 , 35 % 06/ 21197 208 ,444 . 05 51575 . 89 02/ 10/ 97 49 5 , 15 % 03/ 31 / 97 164 , 000 . 00 1 , 149 . 59 02104/ 97 62 5 , 20 % 04/ 07/97 691 ,40117 61191088 TOTAL ESTIMATED EARNINGS $ 49 , 931 . 20 FEB 3 1997 16732 Cedarwood Circfe �„ � , ,, A Cerritos , Calif ornia ��„��7� 4.:4b , s . �°' � -- -- January 24 , 1997 . � . �� ,RS �:^ ' Honorable Town Councilmembers Town Council New York State REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OFFICIAL ENGLISH SENATE BILL 356 U . S . , NEW YORK , TOWN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE NO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS Dear Councilmembers : Languages are an asset in life , having studied six myself . Still , practicality in government is as important as in business . A common language in government will reduce operation cost , unite people , and increase communication . As you may know , on August 1 , 1996 , the U . S . House of Representatives passed H . R . 123 English as the Official Language of our Federal Government . If your governing board favors protecting English , please consider establishing English as the official language of your town and supporting Senate Bill 356 , by resolution , or election , as Suffolk County , New York will do next November . A sample resolution is enclosed on the opposite page . Enclosed is a list of 180 groups - - 82 organizations and 98 government agencies that support English , including the Western New York Association of Counties . In another issue that affects all taxpayers , last June , the U . S . Conference of Mayors passed a unanimous resolution endorsing taxed education for illegal aliens . If you disagree with this policy , please voice your opinion . Upon request , a copy of the conference resolution , and a sample rebuttal will be sent . Sincerely , /L Thomas Brachko Vic / yo Information and Referral Service 9 (607) 272 -9331 m � a 313 North Aurora Street, Ithaca, NY 14850-4201 r ®UMAN l9y � \ERVICA TIOM Q�" Office: ( 607) 273 -8686 y �_04i e 11WF0 PS MEMORANDUM TO : Town and village officials FROM : T. C. Information and Referral Director, Ed Swayze SUBJECT : Helping your community members find help Tompkins County Information and Referral Service (I &R) is a program of the Human Services Coalition . Each year I& R answers thousands of calls from people who are experiencing some difficulty in their lives, or who simply need information about the services our county affords. The range of questions runs from adoption issues to zoo visits, and includes food and nutrition, divorce and separation, passports; help for refugees and day care for children and seniors. Trained volunteers answer the I&R line from 8 : 30 to 5 :00 Monday through Friday . The I&R phone service is free of charge . Anyone is eligible to call with a question . Although we find that people and agencies in Ithaca find us quite readily, and while many find our listings in the phone book, we worry that some who could benefit from our service might not know about us. Since I&R must make a big impact on a very small budget, there is little money for advertizing. This forces us to be creative in our outreach efforts. We accept that challenge, which leads us to ask town and village officials to help in our efforts. You can help us do a better job of reaching people in the rural and suburban areas of the county by displaying our posters in your offices and meeting places, and by referring callers to us when appropriate . We often get calls from people who need town and village services, so we try to keep up-to-date on who to call in each municipality . By the same token, you may get calls from residents in your town or village that require services beyond the scope of local government. When you ' re not sure how to answer the question or who to refer the caller to, we invite you to refer them to us. We don ' t try to solve problems for people, but we can help them sort out the issues and suggest where to go next as they work toward their own resolution. We maintain the most comprehensive database of general community resources in the county, and we also try to help people find services in surrounding counties if that seems appropriate . I have enclosed a poster and several brochures that describes what we do . I hope that together we can help people find the information they need to maintain good health and strong families. Please call with any questions you have about our work in Tompkins County . When you need help finding help A UNITED WAY AGENCY 0� qSOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION TOWNS OF DRYDEN • ITHACA • LANSING — VILLAGES OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS • LANSING HACA, N (607) 277 -0660—FAX (607) 277 -3056—E-MAIL SCLNVC @aol .com MAILING ADDRESS: Memorandum P. O. Box 178 Ithaca , N .Y. 14851 February 12 , 1997 SHIPPING ADDRESS: To : Cathy Valentino; Town of Ithaca Supervisor 1402 East Shore Drive From : Kevin Kauffman, Executive Director Ithaca, N .Y. 14850 Re : In-House Payroll System Decision Thank you for updating the Budget and Finance Committee about the above referenced decision on February 6 , 1997 . The purpose of this memorandum is to request that the Town of Ithaca COMMISSIONERS' meet specific performance criteria with its in-house payroll system . For the benefit of all Town of Ithaca employees; I believe it is reasonable to expect consistently accurate payroll reports and GEORGE J . CONNEMAN a direct deposit program that is equivalent to the present service provided by Data Rite. Chairperson JEANNINE KIRBY On February 6 , you learned that the Town of Ithaca had used the company ADP for its Vice Chairperson contracted payroll services up until the time the former payroll clerk (Pat Punger) implemented CATHERINE VALENTINO an in-house payroll system . The decision to switch back to a contractor provided payroll service Treasurer in 1996 was supported by the Commission staff. This support was enhanced by the wider RONALD ANDERSON potential for Commission employees to participate in the direct deposit payroll program. Although implementation of the present contract with Data Rite was delayed and mistakes have JEFFREY CLEVELAND been made, the Commission staff is generally satisfied with the present payroll system DONALD HARTILL contractor. STEPHEN LIPINSKI Your decision to switch. in May 1997, to a new in-house system, even though it provides us with H . MICHAEL NEWMAN free software; is concerning . The reasons for this concern are illustrated as follows : SHIRLEY RAFFENSPERGER The previous in-house system, although administered by former Town of Ithaca payroll staff, JAMES SCHUG required an inordinate amount of Commission staff time to assure accuracy. • The previous in-house system required an inordinate amount of Commission staff time with our auditors to correct inaccuracies by the Town of Ithaca payroll staff. KEVIN M . KAUFFMAN The previous in-house system limited the number of banking institutions that would allow Executive Director direct deposit to the TCTC and TEFCU . Direct deposits to TEFCU required Town of Ithaca LAWRENCE PARLETT payroll staff to hand-carry a check to West Hill. Administration With a new Town of Ithaca staff, I am confident that accuracy will not be as serious a problem with a new in-house system and I am still concerned over the direct deposit issue. I understand JACK RUECKHEIM that there is a fee charged by the TCTC for transferring funds to other institutions for an in- Distribution house system . I believe that this fee should be included in the cost of providing an in-house system and you should consider eliminating the running of checks to individual banking PAUL TUNISON institutions . The cost of this TCTC fee should be easily absorbed by the cost savings expected Production with a new in-house system . Thank you for your time in considering this request . If you would like any further information, please give Larry or me a call . cc : Commission Department Leaders Joan Noteboom - Ithaca Town Clerk Excellence in water quality and customer service r• v w w: i FM 2 41997 4cueoa STATE OF NEW YORK P! PLANNING, W N�GTFNGINEERINt; DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALBANY, N . Y. 12232 JOHN B . DALY GEORGE E . PATAKI COMMISSIONER GOVERNOR February 18 , 1997 The New York State Department of Transportation will be conducting hearings on the potential impacts of a merger of the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) with another rail freight company. As you know, the movement and cost of rail freight is an important element in the state's transportation system and its economic development. Attached is the hearing notice with instructions on how to participate in the hearings either by submitting written testimony or presenting oral testimony. I urge you (as well as the individual members of your organization) to take advantage of the opportunity to provide input that will assist the New York State Department of Transportation in developing a unified state position on a proposed Conrail merger. These hearings are intended to provide the users of Conrail and the general public with the opportunity to express their concerns before any merger proposal goes before the Surface Transportation Board, which is the federal authority that will grant final approval. I look forward to hearing from you either in writing or at one of the upcoming hearings . Sincerely, Daly Commissioe State of New York Department of Transportation NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS On Impacts of a Possible Conrail Merger DATES : March 6, 1997 March 7, 1997 March 13, 1997 CITIES : Albany, NY Buffalo, NY New York, NY LOCATIONS : Empire State Plaza, Buffalo & Erie County Oval Room Meeting Room 3 , Public Library, 2nd Floor 44th Floor Concourse Level Lafayette Square One World Trade Center TIMES : Starting 10 a. m. Starting 10 a. m. Starting 4 p .m. CON'TAC T ; Laura Eisler Kurt Felgemacher Chris Rodrigues 518-474-6178 716-847-3241 718 482-4526 The New York State Department of Transportation will conduct three hearings on the potential impacts of a merger of the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) with another rail freight carrier. With over 2000 miles of track, Conrail is currently the primary rail freight carrier in New York, serving all the State's major cities . Conrail's potential merger with another company will potentially have significant impacts on New York. It may affect the State's economy by altering competitive relationships and available services. The Department of Transportation seeking input from the State's shippers, receivers, businesses, public officials, and other interested parties as to the pacts a rail merger may have on their operations and municipalities. Testimony will be utilized to develop a State position to be presented to the United States Surface Transportation Board . The Board is responsible for the final approval of all rail mergers in the nation and may impose conditions on any merger plan, including ordering the divestiture of lines to competing rail companies. The Department encourages the submission of written testimony presenting personal views or those of organizations. The opportunity for oral testimony, along with written submission, is also available. To present oral testimony at one of the hearings, please notify the contact person for the hearing site you wish to attend. This should be done at least five business days before the scheduled hearing date. Two written copies of any oral testimony provided will be required by the Department. The hearing sites are accessible to people with disabilities. Please advise when making reservations if a sign language interpreter, assisting listening system or any other accommodations will be required to facilitate participation in the hearing . For security purposes, attendees at the World Trade Center must carry a photo I . D . Written testimony will be accepted until March 15 , 1997 . If you submit written testimony only, you may bring it to the hearing or send two copies to : James Utermark, Director Freight and Economic Development Division New York State Department of Transportation 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12232-0875