HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2014-04-28 Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board
Monday,April 28, at 4:30 p.m.
215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
* Study Sessions are meetings of the Town Board which generally focus on committee reports
and informational presentations. Time sensitive action items may be scheduled when needed.
Please contact the Town Clerk's office at 273-1721 or pterwilliggerAtown.ithaca.ny.us with any
Present: Herb Engman, Bill Goodman, Rich DePaolo, Tee-Ann Hunter, Pat Leary, Eric Levine
and Rod Howe
Staff. Mike Solvig, Judy Drake, Bruce Bates, Paulette Terwilliger and Susan Ritter
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order at 4:33p.m.
2. Review Draft Agenda for Regular Meeting—No comments
3. Committee Reports
a. Budget
Mr. Levine reported that the Committee looked at long-term debt and projections
and discussed impacts of the tax freeze from NYS. They are also looking at the
draft procurement policy and correspondence received regarding cuts to
discretionary spending and the topic of living wages. Agendas have gone out to
the Board.
Mr. Engman reported on a workshop he attended in Syracuse sponsored by the
Association of Towns for supervisors, mayors, counties and school officials. The
conference was well attended. It seems no one has any more information on the
tax freeze than we do and we are just going to have to wait until the regulations
come out before we know what is happening. Everyone at the conference agreed
that this is the wrong approach and the focus should be on unfunded mandates and
not tax freezes and tax caps. He added that Mildred Warner, the researcher from
Cornell presented there, and she was magnificent and a little more blunt about the
facts than she was at the AOT meeting in January. The facts are that there is very
little money to be saved from consolidation; it hasn't happened here or any other
place in the world and the studies are very clear. Research shows that shared
services are possibilities for savings,but even there, you have to consider the
work involved getting a shared services in place and the ongoing administration
costs when evaluating those possible savings. The only areas proven to provide
savings are the consolidation of police or fire services. Mr. Engman thought she
was fantastic and her message is so clear and research based with documentation
that he wrote on the comment cards provided that we should have her report to the
State Legislature. Mr. Howe added that they are working on that and we hope to
do that.
Mr. Engman also reported that this has been discussed at TCCOG and even the
most conservative member of the group is at the point of saying just do it; pass the
override and do what we need to do.
b. Planning Committee
Mr. DePaolo reported that the Committee again heard from Mr. Bates (applicant)
regarding the Troy Rd development proposal and they have stated a preference
against owner occupied residences; they had initially put them in there because
they thought the Town would like to see them, but now state that they would have
to be done with a different developer. At the Committee's request, Mr. Bates also
provided a preliminary traffic study that was presumably done to a degree that
would enable us to get a sense of traffic issues without us asking them to spend
the money on a full blown report because at this point they are not really in the
SEQR process but at the initial investigative point. They also provided some draft
PDZ language that incorporated some of the elements that were raised by staff
and the Committee during preliminary discussions. Mr. DePaolo noted that the
material was provide only a day or so before the meeting and there was a lot of it,
so the applicant(s)will be coming back at the next meeting and hopefully the
Committee will be able to make a recommendation to the Town Board as to
whether or not they should go further into the process for approvals.
The Committee also began looking at rental regulations and oversight ideas and
Mr. DePaolo thought that we are at a point where we need to get a sense of the
Board on whether to go forward with this idea.
c. Public Works Committee
Mr. Engman reported that the Committee discussed the need for additional salt
prior to 2015 because an awful lot of salt was used this year and we will have to
discuss getting more at the next meeting. They discussed the sale of surplus equip
to Newfield and a request to abandon an easement. These are routine issues that
will be coming to the Town Board in May. The Elm Street Extension slope was
interesting and Mr. Weber explained what has been done so far and noted that
much has been done with materials on hand.
d. Personnel and Organization
Mr. Goodman reported that the guest wifi policy was reviewed and most changes
from Mr. DePaolo were accepted and it will come to the Board in May for
approval. The Committee also continued looking at the wage survey which led to
discussions regarding the hire rate and job rate and thinking about stretching that
timeframe out further. The Health Consortium is looking at a Medicare
supplement insurance program which will be discussed when they have rates and
more details. The Committee also discussed the draft Diversity Statement which
will be coming to the Board also.
e. Codes and Ordinances
Mr. Goodman reported that they continued with the sign law revisions and they
are getting close. They also discussed and recommended a local law to amend
Site Plan requirements dealing with solar panels when a review is triggered by
site plan review. This will facilitate installations on roofs for non-residential
buildings that usually would have had to come in for PB approval and will speed
things up.
Next month we will be looking at the issue of fire pits and campfires and then
outdoor wood boilers since the season is coming up again.
f. Other or Intermunicipal
i. Economic Development — Mr. Howe reported that the Committee is
focusing on the Inlet Valley corridor and they are starting with a very
small brainstorming meeting of business owners in the area followed by a
larger meeting with a broader selection of people.
ii. Lake View Cemetery—Ms. Terwilliger reported that there was a weekend
clean-up effort this weekend and turnout was very good. Things are
moving along and it is a huge undertaking but there are a lot of people
trying to help.
iii. TC IDA — Mr. Engman reported that we have received a check from the
TC IDA for tax breaks that were given to Emerson and when they closed
they had to pay some of it back; we got around $6K. The TC IDA did
hold $83K with the idea that if someone else came in they could use that
to help with the initial steps. To be sure, they asked the State authorities
who said they can't really say so the TC IDA is returning that money also
to the municipalities. The Town share is $1,690.45. One of the
suggestions is whether the taxing authorities be willing, on their own, to
make that available to the developer to help the developer get going. Mr.
Engman thought for that little amount, we might get a lot of public support
and good will from the developer if we said yes, use it on the trail part.
TC IDA would like a decision in the next 60 days. Discussion followed
iv. ERC — Mr. Goodman reported that there will be another event at Ithaca
Beer; looking at the end of May. Also, the farm tour is scheduled for
May 301h at 1 pm.
4. Consider approval of scoreboard at Valentino Field -- Moved up Item
TB Resolution No. 2014- 062: Approval of the addition of a scoreboard at Valentino Field
and authorization for the Town Supervisor to sign an amended contract with Babe Ruth
League regarding same
Whereas the Babe Ruth League has requested permission from the Town Board to erect an"old
style"manual scoreboard at Valentino Field to pursue the next level of competitions which
require a scoreboard, and
Whereas the Public Works Committee has reviewed the request and preliminary designs and
recommended that it be allowed, and
Whereas the League has agreed to cover all costs and do all of the maintenance required on the
scoreboard and representatives have met with the Building and Planning Departments preparing
for the necessary approvals, and
Whereas the Town owns the property and therefore must give permission for the scoreboard
prior to the approval processes, now therefore be it
Resolved that the Town Board does hereby grants permission to the Babe Ruth League to pursue
the approval process and if approved, authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign an amended
contract with the Babe Ruth League detailing the maintenance agreements with the League
which will be incorporated into the agreement in the years to follow which is approved at the
Town Board's annual meeting.
Moved: Rod Howe Seconded: Rich DePaolo
Vote: Ayes—Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Hunter, Leary, Engman and Hunter
5. 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing regarding a noise permit for three events at
LaTourelle on Danby Rd
Mr. Engman opened the public hearing at 5:30p.m.; there was no one present and the hearing
was closed. Mr. DePaolo abstained due to a working relationship with the applicant.
TB Resolution No. 2014 -063 : Noise permit for three events at La Tourelle on May 5th,
July 13t'` and September 5th.
Whereas the Town Board held a public hearing, duly advertised and posted, regarding a noise
permit application submitted by La Tourelle for events on May 5th, July 13th and September 5th ,
Whereas the Town Board has considered comments received by the public, now therefore be it
Resolved that the Town Board does hereby approve the noise permit application and directs the
Town Clerk to issue the appropriate permits to La Tourelle for the aforementioned events.
Moved: Tee-Ann Hunter Seconded: Bill Goodman
Vote: Ayes—Hunter, Goodman, Engman, Leary, Levine and How Abstention—DePaolo
6. Scenic Resources Inventory—Questions and Comments
Ms. Ritter explained that since she will not be at the next meeting where this is on the agenda for
acceptance, she wanted to be available to answer questions.
Mr. DePaolo asked if there have been any substantive changes since the last review and Ms.
Ritter responded that there were two views that were added to the local significance section
without going through the conservation committee again but they aren't controversial.
Discussion followed with Ms. Hunter asking what this will be used for and how the Town can
give it some weight or teeth to implement the protection we want during site plan review. Ms.
Ritter responded that it will be an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan and sets up the areas that
we want protected and can be pointed to by the Planning Board when making conditions and
requests during the SEQR process and if listed it may need mitigation and they would have a
little more authority to require mitigation.
Ms. Hunter asked if it would also be folded into the re-zoning process and be a basis for certain
zoning regulations and Ms. Ritter responded that would still have to be worked through. It
provides direction, similar to the Comprehensive Plan, but the actual recommendations would go
through the zoning process. Some things, such as colors, height etc. to protect scenic views, will
be factored into the new form based zoning and this will provide the basis for having those. She
added that it sounds like giving it more weight is a policy decision by the Town Board and Ms.
Hunter asked Mr. Engman if this could be put onto the agenda for a discussion on how to make
some of the recommendations into law to protect the scenic views. Mr. Engman responded that
can be done but it will be tricky and board members should review the inventory and discuss
what could be done.
Ms. Hunter added that if we are going to be creating new zoning and new neighborhoods, we
need to be careful we do not conflict, in scale, with the hills and the views because they can
easily be overwhelmed by built environments. Mr. Engman added that it brings up the question
of how smart growth and form-based zoning fit in with scenic resources and viewsheds and he
thought they were compatible but was not sure how they fit in together. The Board needs to
think about what the next steps are or could be.
Turning back to the document itself, Mr. Engman asked if there were any questions or comments
on it and reminded the Board that the public was extensively involved in this and it has been in
the works for years. Ms. Ritter added that some scenic views such as Bostwick Rd are in an Ag
Zone which we are lowering the density allowed in Ag Zones so some protection is given to the
views through or Comprehensive Plan. Mr. DePaolo added that scenic views are subjective and
some views that we have now were probably not that nice years ago but are now part of the
landscape; such as the Ithaca College A&E center with the tall spire, eventually that will become
part of the landscape but now it is very conspicuous.
TB Resolution 2014 - 064: Adopt Consent Agenda
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the
following Consent Agenda items:
a. Approval of Town Board Meeting Minutes of 4-7-2014
b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract#1
c. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract#2
d. Appointment of Conservation Board Member
Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Tee-Ann Hunter
Vote: ayes—DePaolo, Hunter, Levine, Leary, Howe, Goodman and Engman
TB Resolution 2014 - 064a: Approval of Minutes of April 7, 2014
Whereas, the draft Minutes of the April 7, 2014 meetings of the Town Board have been
submitted for review and approval, now therefore be it
Resolved, that the Town Board hereby approves the submitted minutes as the final minutes of the
meeting April 7, 2014 of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca.
TB Resolution No. 2014 -064b: Town of Ithaca Abstract
Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for
approval of payment; and
Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now
therefore be it
Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in
total for the amounts indicated.
VOUCHER NOS. 5213 - 5286
General Fund Town wide 45,478.64
General Fund Part Town 1,687.63
Highway Fund Part Town 32,535.89
Water Fund 11,158.82
Sewer Fund 5,611.19
Fire Protection Fund 265,092.00
Forest Home Lighting District 54.38
Glenside Lighting District 21.57
Renwick Heights Lighting District 28.74
Eastwood Commons Lighting District 37.29
Clover Lane Lighting District 4.99
Winner's Circle Lighting District 7.46
Burleigh Drive Lighting District 17.38
West Haven Road Lighting District 68.95
Coddington Road Lighting District 40.10
Trust and Agency 6,126.00
Debt Service 150.00
TOTAL 368,121.03
TB Resolution No. 2014 -064c: Town of Ithaca Abstract
Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for
approval of payment; and
Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now
therefore be it
Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in
total for the amounts indicated.
VOUCHER NOS. 5287 - 5317
General Fund Town wide 73,860.08
General Fund Part Town 1,693.33
Highway Fund Part Town 3,997.99
Water Fund 3,527.62
Sewer Fund 2,012.19
Forest Home Lighting District 164.75
Glenside Lighting District 41.63
Renwick Heights Lighting District 59.56
Eastwood Commons Lighting District 146.00
Clover Lane Lighting District 16.94
Winner's Circle Lighting District 57.01
Burleigh Drive Lighting District 54.45
West Haven Road Lighting District 173.17
Coddington Road Lighting District 103.29
TOTAL 85,911.01
TB Resolution No. 2014 - 064d : Appointment of Conservation Board Member
Be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby appoints the following
individual to the Conservation Board to fill a vacant seat, the term ending December 31,2015:
Michael Bennett 645 Sheffield Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
7. Board Comments, Official's Reports and review of Correspondence
Mr. Goodman reported that he has been in touch with the gentleman with the school bus
honking complaint and he has talked to the school bus garage and the driver has been talked
to but he is still doing it and it happens throughout the neighborhood, not just his house. The
next step might be contacting the School Board.
Mr. Engman reported that the Rocco Lucente Way signs are up and they look wonderful and
look great with the regular green sign.
Mr. Weber reported that we are getting $10 K for road repairs due to the harsh winter.
Mr. Engman reported that the group of 14-municipalities has submitted the request to engage
in negotiations to Time Warner Cable but it has been 2 months with no response and the
feeling is that since they look like they are going to be taken over by Comcast, that they are
probably not going to deal with it. Mr. Lavigne from the City contacted a lawyer who had
sent us an offer to engage in the negotiations and came to the same conclusion we did; that it
wasn't necessary to hire outside help right now but we should notify Comcast that because
the City has a clause in their contract that they have to approve any transfer of ownership,
and they should be aware of it and someone should start negotiating with the group.
Mr. Bates reported that he has been getting complaints regarding early deliveries to Cayuga
Ridge and they have contacted the administration to resolve it but he is waiting to see if they
take care of it. Mr. DePaolo asked what we would do and Mr. Bates responded that we
would ask the Sheriff to enforce our noise ordinance.
Mr. DePaolo added that there was a really large party on Kendall Ave over the weekend and
Mr. Goodman said he heard they arrested over 100 people.
The meeting was closed at 6:01 p.m.
Paulette Terwilliger
Town Clerk