HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1983-12-12 TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 12 , 1983 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , at 5 : 30 P .M . , on the 12th day of December 1983 , there were . ® PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor George Kugler , Councilman Shirley Raffensperger , Councilwoman Marc Cramer , Councilman Henry McPeak , Councilman Dooley Kiefer , Councilwoman Robert Bartholf , Councilman ALSO PRESENT : Robert Parkin , Highway Superintendent Lawrence Fabbroni , Town Engineer Jonathan Meigs , 235 Culver Road Gloria Howell , 120 Clover Lane Mary Call , Board of Representatives David Jennings , 136-3 Seven Mile Drive Representatives of the Media . Deborah Gesensway , Ithaca Journal PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS Supervisor ' s Report Sewer Project Supervisor Desch reported that all authorizations are in place to complete the bid documents for the initial segment of approximately $ 12 , 700 , 000 . A grant offer for this segment is due in March with construction start a possibility in June or July . The final AT report is expected by years end . We had an excellent meeting at EPA headquarters last Wednesday and expect the outfall design to be approved as a result . There is even a possibility we may get the rest of the project funded before October 1 , 1984 , Employee Health Insurance The Supervisor went on to say that sessions have been held with the ® employees and GHI to evaluate how the current coverage and rates compare with the State Wide Blue Cross /Blue Shield . Two years ago the GHI benefits had not yet grown to match the Statewide Plan but now the pendulem has swung the otherway . There is also a considerable savings to the employer . Transfers are strictly voluntary and may be made by the employees in January . Hospital Utilities Supervisor Desch reported that the County had accepted our proposal Of about one year ago on the matter of maintenance of the lines beyond the master meter . Individual meters will be installed in Town Board 2 December 12 , 1983 every building and the Town will apportion usage including loses on the basis of the master meter total and proportioned as determined by the individual readings . The Town plans to reinforce the water main to the hospital area should dovetail in schedule with plans for use of the old Biggs ccn plex . Design review will begin shortly with a public hearing perhaps in February to adopt an order authorizing the improvement . Broome Developmental Disabilities Supervisor Desch indicated that the Town had received a letter indicating a desire to locate a residential facility in the Town of Ithaca . This time it involves new construction . Our Engineering ® staff will be working with Mr . O ' Neil on possible sites . Social Services Advisory Council - 1984 Supervisor Desch stated that he had a letter fran Commissioner Brennan wherein he requests the names of people to serve on the new council . He suggested that a notice be put in the January Newsletter on this matter . Lucente Proposal The Supevisor went on to say that the staff is preparing a report on the proposal to convert the two unit dwellings on Sapsucker to four unit condomiums or apartments . In either event , a rezoning would be required . Since this was an area involving litigation sane years ago it may be desirable for the Town Board to provide the Planning Board sane guidelines before considerable time is involved by both Town bodies and the developer . He stated that he expected the matter to cane to the Town Board in early January . Revenue Sharing The program has been extended for three years at the same amount as previous authorization . We will get a slightly increased amount , due to some adjustments in our budget data that they have been misinterpreting in applying the formula . The major change in regulations has to do with handicapped employment and access provisions . The Newsletter outlines sane of the procedures we are required to follow . Town Engineer ' s Report Burns Road Project Town Engineer Lawrence Fabbroni reported that Common Council has approved the Burns Road Project . The letter of intent has been signed by the Supervisor now he stated he would be going to the City to get the Mayors signature . Northeast Transit Town Engineer Fabbroni reported that the Northeast Transit routes will be consolidated for the holidays , beginning December 19 and ending January 20 . Water Extensions The Town Engineer reported that the staff was preparing plans and contract documents for the water extension on West Hill . They will be ready for Board consideration at the year end meeting in December or January . Eastern Heights Park Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that the sledding hill at Eastern Heights Park had been fixed . We are now preparing the additional parking areas on Tudor . Highway Superintendent ' s Report Town Board 3 December 12 , 1983 Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin stated the highway crew was trying to get the equipment ready for plowing and cindering . They have been working on the catch basins in Eastern Heights and Forest Home . Also , cleaning ditches and installing private culverts . The Highway Superintendent went on to say that they have plowed once and cindered three times . Tree and brush work is being performed on the Snyder Hill area . Miscellaneous sign work and marking snow plowing routes . He stated that one signs had been installed for the one lane bridge on Burn s Road and Caldwell Road . Also , speed signs on Sapsucker . Supervisor Desch asked about insulation for the highway facility? ® Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that several proposals have been received . It is not practical to insulate the garage area . Basically the proposals recommend better insulation in the office areas and then turn back the thermostats in the garage , plus upgrading the ventulating system . Also , purchasing a steam cleaning machine would save money . BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES REPORT Mary Call , County Board of Representatives remarked that the sale of the old hospital was a nice conclusion to a lot of long discussions . The developers will not go to the Town Planning Board with their proposals . EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY OF TRAILER AT 235 CULVER ROAD Supervisor Desch asked Mr . Jonathan Meigs , 235 Culver Road if he felt a years extension would be sufficient . Mr . Meigs responded that he hoped so . He went on to say that he hoped to get his house started in the Spring . Mr . Meigs stated that it had been a hard road with financing , its been hard on us and we appreciate your patience and hope you will be patient with us a little longer so we can get ourselves together . RESOLUTION NO , 188 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby grant Jonathan Meigs , 235 Culver Road , Tax Parcel No 31-1-6 , a one year extension on the building permit issued July 20 , 1982 for the construction of a single family residence , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that a one year extension be granted for the occupancy of the mobile home use for temporary housing . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . REAPPOIN NENT OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEMBER RESOLUTION NO . 189 Motion by Councilman McPeak , seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Edward W . King for a five year term on the Town of Ithaca Planning Board , beginning January 1 , 1984 . Town Board 4 December 12 , 1983 (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none) . APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RESOLUTION NO . 190 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Henry Aron as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the year 1984 , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Jack Hewett as First Vice Chairman and Edward Austen as Second Vice Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the year 1984 . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . REAPPOINTMENT OF PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RESOLUTION NO . 191 Motion by Councilman McPeak ; seconded by Supervisor Desch , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Carolyn Grigorov and Bernard Stanton , each for a seven year term on the Town of Ithaca Planning Board , beginning January 1 , 1984o (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . APPOIlNM NT OF CHAIRMAN - PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO , 192 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Bartholf , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Montgomery May as Chairman of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the year 1984 , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the appointment of Carolyn Grigorov as Vice Chairman of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the year 1984 . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING OF 1152 DANBY ROAD RESOLUTION NO . 193 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger , seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and hold a public hearing at 8 : 00 P .M . , on January 9 , 1984 , to consider Town Board 1 5 December 12 , 1983 the rezoning of Parcel No . 36-1-4 . 2 , 20 . 4 acres at 1152 Danby Road owned by Walter J . and Joyce Wiggins from R- 30 to Multiple Residence . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . DESIGNATION OF TOWN CLERK AS HANDICAPPED OFFICER RESOLUTION NO , 194 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , ® RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby designates the Town Clerk as the Officer responsible to coordinate efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Revenue Sharing Handicapped Regulations . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON 1984 TAX ROLL RESOLUTION NO , 195 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that delinquent Town of Ithaca water and sewer use bills in the amount of $8 , 622 . 50 ; Village of Cayuga Heights sewer rent charges in the amount of $ 6 , 824 . 80 ; and delinquent customer water service bill of $31 . 50 be added to the tax roll for 1984 , as a lien against the properties involved , and to become due and collectible as part of the tax bills for the Town of Ithaca which will be mailed to property owners on December 31 , 1983 , and which will become due in January of 1984 . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . COMPUTER PRINTER RESOLUTION NO , 196 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , WHEREAS , the capabilities of our present word processing system can be considerably enhanced by the purchase of a high speed printer , and WHEREAS , the Systems Analyst has reviewed several hardware configurations , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that an Epson FX-100 be purchased in an configuration suitable for use with our existing work processing system , and BE IT RESOLVED , that an existing computer workstation and the high-speed printer be relocated downstairs and be available for the primary use of our accounting staff , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that $ 1 , 200 be allocated for the purchase of the printer and all necessary interfacing . Town Board 6 December 12 , 1983 (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR COUNCILMAN JENNINGS RESOLUTION NO , 197 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , WHEREAS , Mr . David Jennings was elected to the Ithaca Town Board in November of 1981 , and served the people of the Town of Ithaca with distinction for two years , and ® WHEREAS , during his career of public service with the Town , Mr . Jennings pursued municipal affairs diligently and with a special interest and concern for our cotununity ' s youth , safety and fire service and was instrumental in establishing joint projects in these areas with the City of Ithaca , and WHEREAS , Mr . Jennings provided extensive . assistance in the selection of the Town ' s first computer system , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , on behalf of the people of the Town of Ithaca , express our appreciation for the dedication , wisdom , and statesmanship which David has provided us . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ADDITION TO THE EASTWOOD COMMONS LIGHTING DISTRICT Proof of posting and publication of notice to consider an addition to the Eastwood Commons Lighting District having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the public hearing . As no one present wished to speak , the Supervisor closed the public hearing . RESOLUTION NO , 198 Motion by Councilwoman Raffenpserger ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approve an addition to the Eastwood Commons Lighting District for a street light at Strawberry Hill Road . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . NEWSLETTER RESOLUTION NO , 199 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Nineteenth Town of Ithaca Newsletter as presented . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . S•9 -'Ft Town Board 1 7 December 12 , 1983 TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO . 200 Motion by Councilman Cramer , seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated December 12 , 1983 , in the following accounts : General Fund - Town Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23 , 765 . 14 General Fund - Outside Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 61034 . 96 Water & Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 30 , 114 . 70 Highway Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22 , 180 . 29 Lighting District Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 308 . 69 Parks Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 , 498 . 83 (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . BOLTON POINT WFRRANTS RESOLUTION NO . 201 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Bolton Point Warrants dated December 12 , 1983 , in the Operating Account are hereby approved , in the amount of $ 43 , 937 . 15 after review and upon the recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission , they are in order for payment . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PURCHASE ORDER PROCEDURE RESOLUTION NO . 202 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approve the purchase order system for the Town of Ithaca . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A LOCAL LAW GOVERNING UNSAFE BUILDINGS Proof of posting and publication of notice of a public hearing to consider the adoption of a local law governing unsafe buildings having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the public hearing . Supervisor Desch closed the public hearing RESOLUTION NO . 203 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , Town Board 8 December 12 , 1983 RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adjourn the public hearing to consider the adoption of a local law governing unsafe building until 7 : 00 P .M . , on April 9 , 1984 . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . TOWN BOARD MINUTES RESOLUTION NO . 204 Motion by Councilwoman Kiefer ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the minutes of the May 9 , 1983 , June 13 , 1983 , June 21 , 1983 , July 11 , 1983 , August 8 , 1983 , August 30 , 1983 and September 12 , 1983 Town Board meetings . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A NEW ZONING LAW Proof of posting and publication notice of a public hearing having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the public hearing . The Supervisor closed the public hearing . RESOLUTION NO . 205 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that the public hearing to consider the adoption of a new Zoning Law be ajourned until 7 : 00 P .M . , on February 13 , 1984 . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . END OF THE YEAR MEETING Supervisor Desch reminded the Board members that the Year End Meeting would be held on Friday , December 30 , 1983 , at 10 : 30 A .M . CITY YOUTH BUREAU Supervisor Desch stated that he had received a letter from the City of Ithaca Youth Bureau noting the resignation of Gloria Howell as the Town ' s representative on the Ithaca Youth Bureau . He went on to say that the letter stated a Mr . Albert Smith of 503 Utica Street was interested in filling the vacancy . The Supervisor stated that a Kathie Quillette of 249 DuBois Road had also expressed an interest in filling the vacancy . The Supervisor then asked the Town Clerk to contact Ms . Quillette and determine if she was willing to accept the appointment . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Town Board 9 December 12 , 1983 Proof of posting and publication of notice to consider the adoption of subdivision regulations having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the public hearing . RESOLUTION NO . 207 Motion by Councilman Cramer , seconded by Councilwoman Kiefer , WHEREAS , the Ithaca Town Board is duly designated lead agency for the environmental review of the Subdivision Regulations , and WHEREAS , the Town Board has determined that these Regulations are a Type I action pursuant to Local Law # 3 , 1980 , and ® WHEREAS , the Engineering and Planning staff have prepared a Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (D/LEIS ) , and WHEREAS , the D/GEIS considers the environmental issues at an appropriate scope and sufficient detail , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board accepts the D/GEIS as amended , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Engineering and Planning Department shall distribute copies of the D/GEIS to all affected agencies . (Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Bartholf voting Aye . Nays - none ) . As no one present wished to speak , the Supervisor closed the public hearing . After Board discussion , it was decided to adjourn the public hearing until the year end meeting . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned . lerk 17 9 7T