HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1983-09-12LJ TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING September 12, 1983 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street., Ithaca, New York, at 5:30 P.M., on the 12th day of September, 1983, there were: PRESENT: Noel Desch, Supervisor George Kugler, Councilman Shirley Raffensperger, Councilwoman Henry McPeak, Councilman Dooley Kiefer, Councilwoman David Jennings, Councilman ABSENT: Marc Cramer, Councilman ALSO PRESENT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE James Buyoucos, Town Attorney Lawrence Fabbroni, Town Engineer Robert Parkin, Highway Superintendent Walter Schwan, 231 Coy Glen Road Beverly Livesay, Board of Representatives Herbert Monkemeyer, 1058 Danby Road E. L. Rose Gastanian, 1058 Danby Road Gloria Howell, 120 Clover Lane Martin Sheridan, American Community Cablevision Lyman Baker, 257 Pennsylvania Avenue Jean Baker, 257 Pennsylvania Avenue He L. Babcock, 262 Bundy Road Carol Babcock, 262 Bundy Road Representatives of the Mediae Jana Thorpe, WQNY The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS Supervisor's Report Sewer Proiect ® Super�iisor Desch reported that the priority list went to Washington witil the Ithaca Project above the funding line as a segmented project. He stated that we expect to get somewhere between $7-10 million for ® the first segment. EPA must make a determination on the State priority list by October 1. They are currently reviewing the design documents and that is expected to be completed in time for approval by October 1. He went on to say that we have been working closely with DEC staff and our legislative officers in both Albany and Washington to make sure any and all issues that could potentially delay our approval are resolved. The next SJS meeting is scheduled for Monday night, September 19, 1984 Budget The Supervisor reported that budget discussions with Town department heads has been completed and their recommendations submitted to him. Our current costs of operations have been extensively analyzed as well as projecting the impact of various increases, such as telephone, electric and health insurance. Our presentation will be on October 3 ar.C! i -.1 -le documents will be di.sti-libuted at that time, It is critical to ". f-.'i.�Gi:il :)?r�"' '_'l_ ,• �, c . lhap.. SO Li'OS�' Town Board Minutes -2- September 12, 1983 Supervisor Desch went on to say that the Town can expect a 30% increase in Blue Cross coverage on January 1, 1984. This would amount to a $238.18 increase for single coverage for a year and $552.96 for the family coverage. He stated that he would be proposing that the employees pick up one-half of future increases and the salary package will appropriately take this into account. Jail Study There is a meeting of the Jail Study Committee on Wednesday, September ® 14, 1983 at 1:30 P.M., at County Planning. The Town Board members are welcome to attend. The Supervisor stated that he had received a copy of a petition several Town of Ithaca residents have sent to Harris Dates opposing a jail in the Village of Lansing, near the airport. He stated that while he could understand the residents' concerns, he did not believe statistically that a security or safety problem occurs in immediate areas around county jails. Traffic between the jail and the court room downtown will be via Route 13, therefore, this is unlikely to have a significant impact on the Town of Ithaca. Mileage Reimbursement Supervisor Desch stated that the Town's current reimbursement allowance is'$.18/mile. He stated that he felt this was slightly out of date in terms of true cost. Cornell, for example is $.22 a mile and he felt that is is probably about right. Bolton Point is $.20. The Supervisor then proposed that the Town increase the mileage reimbursement to $.20 effective August 1. He noted this would cover the travel included in the voucher being processed this evening. Councilwoman Kiefer asked when the mileage reimbursement. was last raised; Supervisor Desch didn't know but said it was a long time ago. RESOLUTION NO, 123 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman Kugler, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorize the increase from $.18 to $.20 a mile for personal automomile mileage reimbursement effective August 1, 1983. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none), FALL CLEAN-UP DAY RESOLUTION NO. 124 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger, ® RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby designates October 11, 1983, as Fall Clean-up Day in the Town of Ithaca. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none)'. REFUND ON WATER BILL Supervisor Desch stated that water customers, whose meters the Bolton Point meter readers had not been able to read for quite sometime, received estimated bills on the high side to get the peoples' attention. After receiving an appropriate response from Mr. Bierman, the meter reader was able to read the meter and get an accurate reading, Town Board Minutes -3- September 12, 1983 RESOLUTION N0, 125 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman McPeak, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes a refund in the amount of $237.13 for water and $28.46 water surcharge for a total refund of $265.59 be paid to Harold Bierman, 109 Kay Street, Ithaca, New York. Account Number 184--0203564. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). Councilwoman Kiefer stated that last month, the Town received a letter from a Mrs. Krantz regarding the odor problem at Eddydale Farms, she asked if there had been any response? Supervisor Desch stated that the letter from Carl Burgess, Tompkins County Health Department, read to the Board at last month's meeting, has taken care of the odor problem. Town Engineer's Report Town Engineer Lawrence Fabbroni reported that he had been working with the Attorney on the Letter of Credit agreements for the Professional Building and Commonland security. He stated that the Forest Home walkway was approximately 2/3 complete, from the foot of the bridge to Warren Road hill. He went on to say that more than one-half of the landscaping material ordered under the SBA Grant had been delivered and installed. The bikeway at Maple Avenue and Game Farm Road' is approaching completion. Mr. Fabbroni stated that the Town had received $1,000 from the County for drainage. After a long discussion with the committee, it was decided we will purchase $2,000 in binwall rip -rap and stockpile. Perhaps Jim Ray will see his way clear next year so that there will be more money for drainage. The purchase of busses for. the Northeast Transit is now down to the point of deciding what type of vehicles to purchase and what type of management is needed. There is money available to purchase two vehicles for Northeast Transit and one for East Ithaca. He went on to say that as the Supervisor had reported, we are taking care of last minute details on the sewer application. Hopefully we will know by October 1st where we stand. The Town Engineer went on to report that Mike Ocello had completed the West and South Hill surveys and had now started the East Hill survey. He stated that he expected to be able to discuss a package of water ® and sewer improvements, with the Board, sometime this winter. Peter Lovi is updating the Subdivision Regulations and the Burns Road Environmental Impact Statement along with various computer requirements. Many things are still under investigation, based on the meeting with the committee plus an IBM seminar scheduled for September 20th. He stated that he expected it would be two months before he would be coming to the Board with a proposal. Councilwoman Raffensperger remarked that on the drainage problem, she got the impression that the difficulty was deciding should the money be used for preventive emergencies and not repairs of catastrophes. TOwn Engineer Fabbroni responded, for example, in Forest Home you y`±. fifty feet* down stream away from the problem and you can't find the source of the problem. You can't distinguish suburban from urban. As for the City, they have money for big stream problems, but the stream behind the Grand Union store, they might not have money. Councilwoman Raffensperger said that if the Town hopes this assistance pro-7ram will coiit <_nue, we should press for a broader perspective.. Town Board Minutes Councilwoman Kiefer regarding the water -4- September 12, 1983 asked about a letter received from Ann Schwarting tank in Eastern Heights,. Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that he had support for the project to send with the However, we will not be receiving the grant increase in jobs in relation to the projects. Supervisor Desch commented getting off the ground with form and size it will take. Town Attorney's Report requested a few letter of ARC grant application, as we could not show an that within the next year Cornell will be it Biotechnology Center so we'll know the Town Attorney James Buyoucos reported that the Commonland Agreement for escrow funds, submitted by the developer, has been extensively revised The agreement is now as tough as it could be and still be reasonable. He stated, we have to be very particular. He also spoke about the Professional Building Agreement and its relation to Route 96 relocation. He pointed out that our Agreement. has to do with providing access to the Professional Building not from the highway, but through hospital lands. The site approval for the extension of the Professional Building had a stipulation that $25.,000 be put in escrow. The $25,000 would be the doctors contribution if the road is built under the agreement. If the. State does not build the road it is up to the County to settle difficulties with the hospital and reach an agreement on the road. The Town is under no obligation to build the road. The Planning Board resolution recommended a, two year, agreement, however he reported that he planned to extend it 'to three years and possibly four years. Councilwoman Raffensperger question the $25,000 contribution, to whom? Town Attorney Buyoucos responded, to whomever builds the road, if the State does not build the road. The Town Attorney went on to speak of two zoning matters at which Councilwoman Raffensperger requested an update, saying that the David Mintz court case, involving the house being too close to the boundary line, had been resolved. He stated that it had been a very tough case and that he had come to the conclusion then that we should sit back and wait. Therefore, he advised both sides and let them proceed on their own and after two years the case was resolved. Mr. Buyoucos reported on the Article 78 Proceeding against Alfred Eddy. The Zoning Board of Appeals limited Mr. Eddy from selling certain things, including pop. The Board reheard the appeal of Mr. Eddy and said go ahead and sell pop. An appeal was filed by a non-resident neighbor. Attorney Buyoucos argued for the Zoning Board ® of Appeals, and the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal, thereby allowing Mr. Eddy to sell pop. The Board of Zoning Appeals seemed to be reversing themselves, however, they made a correct decision apparently, as a result of this they now have control over the things Mr. Eddy can sell at his stand on the Elmira Road. Highway Superintendent's Report Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin reported that 72 miles of Town road have been completely surface treated. Stone Quarry Road,,Js now three-quarters paved. The Game Farm Bikewaystill needs to be to with crusher run and then blacktopped. XPed Town Board Minutes PERSONS TO BE HEARD -5- September 12, 1983 Walter Schwan, 231 Coy Glen Road, stated that he wished to comment on Alfred Eddy's so called market garden and fruit stand. He went on to say that he had no ax to grind and no quarrel with the Town Board, the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Schwan stated that he had done a lot of research. He had read the minutes of the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals hearings in June and July 1981. He stated that he felt some things in the process could be improved. There is no clear statement as to who will be notified of an action in the Town. The law says the legal notice in the newspaper is sufficient, however, he stated that he did not know who reads the legal adds in the newspaper every day, and he doesn't believe just a legal notice is good enough. He went on to cite the Eddy case, where ® 22 people were notified of the Town Board and Planning Board hearing, ® however, only 6 notices were set when the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on the latest variance. Mr. Schwan went on to say that as to residential vs. non-residential complaints, he considered filing one to support Mrs. Sheldrake, but he did not file an appeal because after talking with his attorney, he found out he would need to invest $500 in up -front money and the appeal could run as high as $1,500. Mr. Schwan said it behooves the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to be right. Soda pop is a principle. Not many people have $500 readily available. He stated that he had served on the Planning Board from 1965 - 1969 at which time there was an attorney on its we were all layman and felt a need for the attorney. Mr. Schwan suggests that it would be very useful for the Town Attorney or one of the partners to attend every meeting. He went on to say that every time the Zoning Board of Appeals meet somebody is asking for a variance and that legal council i.s needed. He stated that he,wondered if Mr. Buyoucos had been at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting when they heard Mr. Eddy's request for a variance to sell pop, if the Board would have reversed themselves. Ile stated that he believed Mr. Eddy based his appeal on hardship. Mr. Schwan stated that he did not understand how selling soda pop will help with his reported $950 electric bill. He stated again that he felt the Town Attorney or his partners should attend all Zoning Board of Appeals meetings and suggested in addition that he should attend Planning Board meetings every time there is a request for a variance. Mr. Schwan stated that he understood from a couple of Town Board members that they did not even know there was an Article 78 Proceeding, and he said before there is a decision to have the Town Attorney defend the Zoning Board of Appeals, it should have been reviewed by the Town Board, Supervisor Desch stated that it was; he reported on the Article 78 Proceedings at the March meeting. He went on to say that the beauty of the word processor is that we can send out more notices easily. Perhaps we could use postcards. Attorney Buyoucos said with regard to the Eddy decision: the Chairman ®of the Zoning Board of Appeals was absent; he added that if he, as Town Attorney; had been present (believes it was an unusual case) he would have asked the basis of the appeal. He stated that the Zoning Board of Appeals had been advised that if they have something on the agenda that needs an attorney at the meeting, they are to let him know. He stated that he has been called in the past, and has.solved problems for the Zoning Board of Appeals. He went on to say that he has advised the Chairman and the members of the Board that they may call him at any time. Mr. Buyoucos noted that the City of Ithaca, the Town of Dryden and other towns do not have an attorney at every meeting, if something is controversial, they adjourn the meeting. 'Mr. Buyoucos then asked the Town Engineer if cards are being sent out to inform neighbors of a public hearing? Thi 'I'�>��;n Engineer responded that letters are being sent to neighbors �rh{, within 200' of a variance. Town Board Minutes -6- September 12, 1983 Councilman Jennings noted that the new Zoning Ordinance says the notice must be posted on the property. Councilwoman Raffensperger asked what was the policy on the Town Attorney defending the Town against an Article 78 Proceeding, in the past we have always authorized the Town Attorney to defend the Town in such proceedings. ® Supervisor Desch stated that the subject of the Town Attorney defending the Town was brought up when he reported on the Article 78 Proceeding, although we didn't vote on it. Councilwoman Kiefer asked if the Town Board has the power to not approve defense of the Zoning Board of Appeals by the Town Attorney in an appeal. She stated that she felt the Town Board was negligent in ® not voting, however, she was under the impression that there was no choice in the matter to defend or not to defend. Mrs. Kiefer then suggested that the question of who receives., notices of a public hearing on variance cases be referred to a Town Board committee. Supervisor Desch said that is a good idea. Mrs. Kiefer asked if we presently notify renters in apartment houses or is it"just owners of record? Town Engineer Fabbroni answered, the owner of record receives the notices. He added that we don't put the burden of notification on the applicant, although we could. He continued, only the owner of the apartment house would receive a notice. 75 to 100 notices are being sent out now and even with the computer you still have to take the time to decide who will receive the notices and update the information. He went on to say that he felt cases that warranted 1000 or more notices, the burden of sending the notices should be put on the applicant, with the owner being required to meet all legal requirements and show proof that they met these requirements. T Peter Lovi, Town Planner added that on a controversial issue, you would have the list of names of the people who attended an earlier hearing. Councilwoman Raffensperger commented to the staff that, with regard to the 1981 Eddy rezoning, there apparently was a list. County Board of Representatives Report County Representative Beverly Livesay reported on the search for a new jail site. She stated that the Board really wanted a more active consideration of City sites, as it was apparent the Tompkins County ® Planning Board had not looked at many. She noted that many on the County Board are mentioning the Tin Can site in the Town of Ithaca. ® Supervisor Desch responded that he had a number of concerns regarding this site. He went on to say that he was not sure there was adequate room for the jail and the Sheriff's administrative offices at this location. Mrs. Livesay responded that the (footprints) for the one -storey ample parking. Mrs. Livesay completely surrounded by roads, at first it seemed bad for this parcel contained 22 acres. The plans, building, fit on the parcel lerc�_ i�i..n went on to say that the area is this will make it better even though reason. Mrs. Livesay added, there is also a parcel behind the Elmira Road, on the west side. Town Board Minutes -7- September 12, 1983 Town Engineer Fabbroni remarked that when the new Wastewater Treatment Plant is built, the site adjacent to the sewer plant on the south side of Route 13 will be freed up. The Town Engineer went on to say that the Markles Flat site seemed so highly used by the neighborhood for recreation that it did not seem to be a good place for the jail. Mrs. Livesay added, the Markles Flat site is the closest site to the Court House, Mrs. Livesay went on to say that quite a few people are interested in using the old hospital building. Also, that the County budget was tallied up today, estimated to be $33,000,000, up from the $30,000,000 asked for last year. The amount to be raised,by taxes would be almost $7,000,000, last year was just over $5,000,000. She went on to say that she heard that the big reserve the County had has dropped from 5 million to $3.8 million. She stated that each segment of the budget will need to be looked at closely. Cable TV Committee Report Councilwoman Kiefer reported that the Committee has met four times since the last Board meeting: on August 16, with Mr. Sheridan; on August 22, when the franchise language was finished and then given to the Town Clerk; on September 8, when Mr. Sheridan surprised us by saying that ACC was thinking of withdrawing the proposed franchise and replacing it only with new rates and references to State and Federal law; and on September 12, when Newsletter language was developed and given to the Town Clerk, Mrs. Kiefer stated that the committee's next meeting will be held on September 16th, at which time Martin' Sheridan will bring along a technical staff person to discuss operations in the Town of Ithaca. She noted that when she delivered the wording for the Newsletter to Mr. Sheridan, he had shown her a map he had on his wall and then proceeded to explain to her how easy it would be to wire the cable around the City of Ithaca. Councilwoman Kiefer noted that the Committee has asked ACC for financial reports and is still waiting. She, added that the company has no idea how many commercial or private buildings they serve, which makes it difficult to estimate the effect of some rate changes! Councilwoman Kiefer reported that the Committee would be meeting September 22 to plan the September 26 public informational meeting, for which Town residents should be well-prepared by the Newsletter. Codes & Ordinance Committee Report ® No report was presented, as Chairman Cramer was absent due to illness. Parks and Recreation Committee Report Councilwoman Raffensperger reported that the Committee had met last week and firmed up proposals for the 1984 budget. Public Safety and Youth Committee Report Councilman Jennings reported that the Committee had tie r—i meeting with the City on the extension of the fire contract and firmed up the basis for the contract. Supervisor Desch added that he had written Mayor Shaw, suggesting the Town might be agreeable to a 2 year extension provided there is some formal 'Town of Ithaca representi�tion on the City Board of Fire Commissioners, Mr. Jennings noted that out o� the $1.8 million total budget; $1.4 million is for personnel:;; he said they have 11 full-time firemen, i.e, , 44 full-time paid people or lr-�%und-the-clock. coverage. ;{, a:;.so reported that the plans fcX. the arkH aL10'1 C v Town Board Minutes 48 Councilwoman Raffensperger asked when will overall cost of the proposed fire station? September 12, 1983 get a projection on the Supervisor Desch responded, the cost will be around one-quarter of a million. Councilman Jennings reported that the Youth Bureau did not meet last month because the various Committees are reviewing their individual proposals. Supervisor Desch added that he had met with Bob Cutia on the proposed 1984 Youth Bureau budget. Personnel Committee Report Supervisor Desch said it had not yet met. He noted Councilman Cramer is ill, and asked Councilwoman Kiefer if she was free this week. Mrs. Kiefer said she would only be away for 2 days next week (Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20); she jokingly offered to resign from the Committee if that would' help him schedule ameeting.; to which Supervisor Desch said no. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST RESOLUTION NO. 126 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman Kugler, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the Account Clerk Typist, Sally Alario attendance at the 1983 Fall Training School for City and Village Officials at Grossinger, New York, September 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1983. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). Councilwoman Kiefer asked if it would be possible for both Personnel Committee and budget planning purposes to have a list of who attended what seminars this year and the cost of same? Supervisor Desch answered yes. ATTENDANCE AT NEW YORK STATE PLANNING INSTITUTE RESOLUTION NO, 127 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman McPeak, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the attendance of Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman, Henry Aron, Zoning Board of Appeals Second Vice Chairman, Edward Austen and Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary, Nancy Fuller at the New York Federation Planning and Zoning Institute Seminar to be held October 16, 17, and 18, 1983, at Grossinger, New York. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). IBM LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE SEMINAR RESOLUTION NO. 128 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman Jennings, Town Board Minutes -9- September 12, 1983 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the attendance of Assistant Budget Officer, Connie Allen, Town Clerk, Jean Swartwood; Town Engineer, Lawrence Fabbroni and Town Planner, Peter Lovi at the IBM Local Government Executive Seminar in. Albany, New York, on September 20, 1983. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). ® ACCEPTANCE OF WATER DISTRICTS 4 AND 5 IN THE TOWN OF LANSING RESOLUTION NO. 129 ® Motion by Supervisor Desch, seconded by Councilman Kugler, WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has formed Town of.Lansing Water District #4 to serve the new Morse Borg Warner manufacturing plant on Warren Road and completed the water system improvements to serve the district, and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has formed Town of Lansing Water District #5 to provide a one million gallon storage reservoir to serve the District #4 users, an interconnection with the Village of Lansing system serving the Research Park area, improved fire flows in adjacent areas, and potential domestic needs of additional districts, and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing in accordance with the intermunicipal .water supply and transmission system agreement with the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden and the Villages of Cayuga Heights and Lansing, has agreed to pay their proportionate share of the costs of operation and maintenance and principal and interest in the manner set forth in the intermunicipal agreement and as provided in the approved annual budget of the Commission, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the adoption of this resolution by the Towns of Ithaca, Dryden and Lansing and the Villages of Cayuga Heights and Lansing shall constitute a supplement to the I ntermunicipal agreement acknowledging the connection of the facilities of Town of Lansing Water Districts #4 and #5 to the facilities of the Commission. Councilman Jennings questioned, does our accepting Districts 4 and 5 have any financial responsibility, in other words, are we taking on any financial responsibility? Supervisor Desch responded no, it is totally Lansing's responsibility. ® Councilwoman Kiefer noted that District 4 includes Morse Chain, what does District 5 cover? ® Supervisor Desch responded that District 5, which includes the new one million gallon reservoir, is primarily for the future, District 5 adds no new customers; its only a tank. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). CONSIDERATION OF LOCAL LAW GOVERNING UNSAFE BUILDINGS Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to consider the adoption of a Local Law governing Unsafe Buildings having been presented by the Town Clerk, the Supervisor opened the public hearing. �J n LJ Town Board Minutes -10- September 12, 1983 Supervisor Desch asked the Clerk where the version of the local law for consideration is. No one had it. Councilwoman Kiefer reminded him that it went from Codes & Ordinance to the Town Attorney for legal review; she said apparently it is still there. She cautioned about rescheduling another hearing until we can be sure we will have the language ready. RESOLUTION NO. 130 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilman Jennings, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adjourns the public hearing on Unsafe Buildings until 7:00 P.M., on October 3, 1983. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, and Jennings voting Aye. Nays none. Abstaining - Kiefer). VEHICLE PURCHASES 4 Town Engineer Fabbroni handed out the Town of Ithaca inventory list of highway machinery and equipment and reported that it is time for routine purchase of a salt/cinder spreader but in addition one of the pick-up trucks is not fit for the road for many more days. He went on to say that by purchasing a automobile we will be able to free up a pick-up. He stated that he is hoping to purchase a used automobile. Councilman Kugler remarked that he worried about purchasing used vehicles because of what salt does to the bodies. Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that that was the problem with the 175 Ford and they have learned since they purchased vehicle #9 and #10 that if the vehicles are not housed in a heated garage they do not rust as fast, He went on to saythat it was necessary to rent a car for two months this summer for te-survey crew and that he hadn't had a truck available for his use for quite some time. Supervisor Desch remarked that flexibility is limited when vehichles are not available. Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin reported that the highway crew had been running around Town picking up parts, etc., with the 10 -wheelers because the Engineering Department field crews had all their pick-ups. Councilman Jennings asked why someone had not looked into the possibility of leasing a vehicle for three or four months in the ® summer instead of tying up this amount of money. Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that the difference between a good ® used car and a new small car was very small. Mr. Parkin responded that an Dodge Omni would run between $7,000 and $7,500 now. Councilwoman Raffensperger added, and you are talking about $4,000 to $5,000. Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that he would love to have a new car but for our needs he couldn't see it, we will only be putting on about 5,000 miles a year. The Supervisor asked if anyone had any problems with the purchase of two automobiles? No one was against the purchase of the two automobiles. RES01"UTION NO. 131 :_ LUUI"IC :. i.P.'Otii l,? ?:3,_ -f [I:Di r = 7 Town Board Minutes -11- September 12, 1983 WHEREAS, funds were appropriated in the 1983 budget for the acquisition of Highway Equipment and Machinery, of which there now remains unexpended the sum of $18,056, and WHEREAS, the 10 -Year Highway Equipment Replacement Plan (HERP) correctly shows the need to replace a 1974 salt/cinder spreader in 1983, and WHEREAS, the 10 -Year HERP called for the purchase of an additional cinder truck in 1982 with Town Board having resolved to delay such ® purchase indefinitely, and WHEREAS, the.10-Year HERP calls for replacement of presently obsolete, structurally and mechanically defective, 1975 double -cab pickup in ® 1983, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that the Highway Department be authorized to purchase and bid as may be required by law from time to time as separate purchases, the following: 1) A new salt/cinder spreader. 2) A new or used automobile for use of the Town Engineer and parks personnel to free the use of Truck #10, a 1980 Dodge Club Cab pickup, for highway department use. 3) A new or used automobile for use of engineering and planning for field surveys, project inspections, and construction management to free the use of Truck #8, a 1966 Ford pickup for peak highway department use, e.g., sign replacement, parts pick-up and, FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, to trade-in or dispose of by sale, the 1975 double -cab pickup, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the gross amount of all purchases before tradein not exceed $15,000 total. Councilman McPeak asked how much the salt/cinder spreader would cost? The Highway Superintendent responded $4,900. Councilman McPeak remarked you are getting close to having enough money left to purchase a new automobile. Councilman Jennings asked what will happen to the cars on nights and weekends? ® Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that he would park his in his garage and Michael Ocello would park his car along side of his house. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak and Kiefer voting Aye. Nays - ® none. Abstaining - Jennings). COUNTY YOUTH BOARD VACANCY Councilman Jennings stated that he had been looking for some time for someone to replace him on the County Youth Board. John Doris has the qualifications and will make an excellent reprsentative for the Town. Mr. Doris is project director for NYS training institute for child protection services. RESOLUTION NO, 132 Motion by Councilman Jennings; seconded by Councilman Kugler, RESn:LVE:D, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby appoints aS COl1nt Y n C. Lec t k -:iv.__ i s 3.l.. c:. Town Board Minutes -12- September 12, 1983 (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON TV CABLE FRANCHISE Councilwoman Kiefer stated that the Committee suggest setting the public information meeting for 7:00 P.M., on September 26, 1983. Supervisor Desch said his suggestion of 6:00 P.M., was because of the ® Commission meeting the same night and he and Councilman Kugler would have to leave early. He suggests 6:30 P.M. Councilwoman Raffensperger reminded the Board that the hearing was not a Public Hearing but an Informational Public Hearing, Councilwoman Kiefer said. she would rather have the hearing set for 6:30 P.M. rather than 6:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO, 133 Motion by Councilwoman Kiefer; seconded by Councilman McPeak, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and conduct an Public Informational Meeting at 6:30 Pam., on September 26, 1983 to consider amendments to the TV Cable Franchise. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF NEW ZONING LAW i Supervisor Desch said the scheduled Public Hearing on the Zoning. Ordinance would not be held since the legal review is still not complete. He asked Town Attorney James Buyoucos for his predictions as to when the Zoning Law would be ready for the Board's review. Town Attorney Buyoucos stated that he did not have a prediction; he went on to say that if he didn't have the Commonland Agreement and the Professional Building Agreement he could work on the Zoning Law. However, he has already turned over three things to other people. Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she felt the scheduling of a public hearing for the first meeting in December was a realistic date. RESOLUTION NO, 134 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger ® , RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adjourns the public hearing on the new Zoning Law until 7:30 P.M., on December ® 12, 1983. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none) . NEWSLETTER Supervisor Desch stated that the draft Newsletter was complete. He stated that the Board members also had a copy of the TV information that the Cable TV Committee wished to have added to the Newsletter. He went on to say that all the material presented will not fit on the two pages. He felt that the information on the Fall Clean-up was critical, the paragraph on the Water Commission was semi -critical, water .meter reading information was critical and the the information �r - Town Budget was also important. Town Board Minutes -13- September 12, 1983 Councilwoman Raffensperger questioned if most of the TV Cable Franchise information that was written for the Newsletter would not be presented at the Informational Public Hearing and therefore, it would be redundant. She stated that she felt information on the Burns Road project was critical. She also thinks anything longer than two pages won't be read. Councilman Jennings remarked that he has seen no statement on the long range plans for parks and next year is the final year of the 10 -Year Plan. Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she planned to ask the Town Board to hold a Public Hearing in February on the plans for the coming year. ® Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she felt it was an interesting Newsletter as it stands, she wondered about a separate special edition of the Newsletter just on the TV Cable Franchise, Supervisor Desch suggested that the articles on the Sewer Plant, Bond Sale and landscaping could be removed and the article on the Commission Budget shortened. Councilman Jennings asked how many copies of the Newsletter get sent. The Town Clerk said 3,400 @ 9.51 she stated that she believes four sheets of paper can be sent at the rate. Councilman Jennings stated that he didn't see any reason to cut out any of the articles. He suggested that the two page Newsletter be sent and that the information on the TV Franchise be edited to fit into an additional two pages. He went on to say that there should be an article on the proposed use of revenue sharing, particularly the money to be used for the proposed fire station. Councilwoman Kiefer ageed to edit the TV article into two sheets and turn it in by Wednesday, September 14, REVIEW OF FINDINGS AND DECISIONS FOR BURNS ROAD FEIS Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she could not find a single word in the Statement of Finding about intersection improvement. Supervisor Desch suggested rewarding Finding #1 to include this. Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she felt Finding #3 should acknowledge who stated that the bridge needs repair. is Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that we spoke to the State Inspectors.. ® Councilwoman Kiefer suggested adding that source of information to #3. Councilwoman Kiefer then questioned #8, asking how the City had I ndicated their intent? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded, verbally by the Superintendent of Public Works, Councilwoman Kiefer suggested adding the attribution to the source of information to #8. Councilwoman Kiefer handed out a memo to the Board members suggesting the wording' be changed to say Town action is contingent upon affirmative action by Common Council because of the impact on the City's 60' dam. Town Board Minutes -14 September 12, 1983 Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that this is not a black and white option. Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she still has an uneasy feeling, she still thinks it would be prudent to include references to this possible impact. RESOLUTION NO, 135 Motion by Councilman McPeak; seconded by Councilman Jennings, The following statement of findings has been prepared pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). These findings have been prepared by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, ® acting as lead agency in the environmental review of the Burns Road realignment proposal. A draft environmental impact statement on this project was filed on July 11, 1983, the final environmental impact statement was filed August 29, 1983. These findings shall be on file in the offices of the Town Clerk and Town Engineer, FINDINGS: 1. The present alignment of Burns Road and its intersection.with Slaterville Road are traffic hazards and endanger the safety of travelers. 2. Accident statistics collected from the Tompkins County Sheriff's l4Ne'C11TRO.uVW1F.*'• .. ....+�....aRr.-e.. _ _ office state that of 12 accidents occurring on Burns Road from 1980 to 1983, 7 took place on or approaching the bridge crossing the Six Mile Creek, 3. The existing bridge over the Six Mile Creek is in serious need of repair as indicated on site by State Inspectors and will be rebuilt by Tompkins County, 4. Given that the bridge needs to be rebuilt, it makes a great deal of sense to relocate the road so that the approaches to the new bridge are as safe as possible. 5. The Town Engineering staff has prepared an alignment which provides for smooth vertical and horizontal curves approaching a new bridge across the Six Mile Creek, 6. This alignment will be considerably shorter and straighter than the existing road. 7. The embankments for this roadway can be constructed largely.from native material. This will reduce the cost of the project and ® eliminate the need to truck in large quantities of fill. 8. This new alignment will cross lands presently owned by the City of Ithaca. The Superintendent of Public Works has indicated orally the City's intent to exchange rights -of -ways with the Town in order to maintain a driveway to their siltation pond and police department firing range. 9. The Town has conducted a thorough environmental review and distributed a draft environmental impact statement to all. affected agencies for their comment. 10. Comments have been received from several interested parties and have been incorporated in a final environmental impace statement. 11. The concerns of all interested parties have been given due consideration in the preparation of this F/EIS. 12 . Given the m_l.ti gation and revegetation measures outlined in tlir "he eO t ti" g �LYc �.i- it) -71d, :<�li nm:�;. _ c_:i, I,., r• ;, � l Town Board Minutes -15- 1 September 12, 1983 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca has determined that it is in the best interest of the people of the Town and in keeping with the Highway Master Plan an the Comprehensive Plan of the Town to accomplish the upgrading of the Burns Road corridor, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the statement of findings presented for the Burns Road Relocation Final Environmental Impact Statement and hereby directs the Town Engineer to complete the construction documents and upon receipt of the Lettter of Intent of the City of Ithaca expressing their ® concurrence with the exchange of lands to commence construction of the project. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak and Jennings Voting Aye. Nays - ® none. Abstaining - Kiefer). PROPOSED USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to consider the proposed use `of Revenue Sharing Funds having been presented by the Town Clerk, the Supervisor opened the public hearing. Supervisor Desch reported on the following revenues and proposed usages: REVENUES Interest earnings $ 11,400 *Reallocations 25,000 New entitlement (1984) 90,600 Total $127,000 *Balance from the East Ithaca Circulation Project that will not be needed for the next 2 - 3 years. PROPOSED USE Records Restoration $ 2,000 Highway Barn Insulation 5,000 In-house Computer 15,000 Drainage 15,000 Burns Road/Slaterville Road 25,000 South Hill Fire Station 65,000 Total $127,000 ® Councilwoman Raffensperger questioned the amount of $250,000 that is estimated to be the cost of the fire station what would be included? Supervisor Desch responded, eight bunkers and a meeting room. Councilwoman Raffensperger asked if this would be shared with an else? yone Supervisor Desch responded possibly, however, we have come to the conclusion that a fire station is needed with or without City help. Councilman Jennings added, it sounds like a lot of money but it is not. Supervisor Desch added that it depends on the site. We should know the total amount to be spent well before the $65,000 figure is spent. Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she was a little uncomfortable al"_ocating $65,000 for a project that we do not have a total figure .. 1 (Et r') ill �.'r� f� liC > j_ i:�i1F]�: .�_ .. �� ' jl > `(� l i.QI i,, �t .�-S -- t' 111 C7 E_5 a•.,. ii.•.:1LlOi1 O� � } Toxin Board Minutes -16- September 12, 1983 Supervisor Desch responded that he was pretty confident there would It be any land acquisition cost. He went on to say that the $65,000 would complete the design work. With respect to a South` Hill Fire Station, Councilman Jennings reported the estimate is $25/sq, ft., so that we could get 10,000 sq. ft. (100' x 100') for $250,000. He noted that if there is heavy insulation, the cost would be $30-35/sq. ft.. With respect to In-house computing, Councilman Jennings stated that of the $151,000, approximately 1/3 is for software. Heremarked that he and Councilman Cramer had met in May and felt thiswas an appropriate amount, but many things can happen to change this. They wish not to move on this till February or March because of the fast -changing market. Town Engineer Fabbroni added that there were some questions of support services for software; this prompted us to ask Albany for their opinion of what was needed. Councilwoman Kiefer suggested putting more dollars into Records Restoration if it's been working well to date. Supervisor Desch said it has, but he doesn't.know if that would burden Dr. Blauvelt, Supervisor Desch closed the public hearing, noting that we will now proceed to put the numbers into the budget. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAL LAW ON SENIOR CITIZENS EXEMPTION RESOLUTION NO, 136 Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and conduct a Public Hearing at 8:15 P.M., on November 10, 1983 to Consider an amendment to the Local Law on Senior Citizens Exemption. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none) . SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 137 ® Motion by Supervisor Desch; seconded b Councilman loran Kugler, RESOLVED, that the Town. Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and conduct a Public Hearing at 8:30 P.M., on November 10, 1983 to consider the adoption of Subdivision Regulations. Planner Lovi commented that there was a notice to do this in May, 1983, and it has come up since then. He suggested it would be useful to deal with this even before the Zoning Ordinance, Councilwoman Kiefer asked if the legal review will be done in time for us to have the revised Subdivision Regulations before a November hearing. She reminded the Board of the unnecessary expenses for all the legal ads for Zoning Ordinance hearings which have had to be repeatedly adjourned. Town Clerk Swartwood reported that Codes & Ordinance Chairman Cramer succests a November hearing. L' Z Town Board Minutes -17- September 12, 1983 TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO. 138 Motion by Councilman Jennings; seconded by Councilman McPeak, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated September 12, 1983, in the following amounts: General Fund _ Town Wide ................:.....$ 24,614.36 General Fund Outside Village .......... .....$132,200.25 Water & Sewer Fund ............................$ 76,440.46 Highway Fund..................................5 78,988.27 Lighting Districts. Fund .......................$ 230.83 Parks Reserve Funds ...........................$ 11,637.79 Fire Protection Fund ..........................$ 72,054.00 (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). BOLTON POINT WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO. 139 Motion by Councilman Kugler; seconded by Supervisor Desch, RESOLVED, that the Bolton Point Warrants dated September 121 1983, in the Operating Account are hereby approved, in the amount of $545,510.86 after review and upon the recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, they are in order for payment. (Desch, Kugler, Raffensperger, McPeak, Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye. Nays - none). ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned. 1