HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1983-07-11 TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING July 11 , 1983 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , at 5 ; 30 P . M *, on the 11th day of July , 1983 , there were : PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor ® Shirley Raffensperger , Councilwoman Marc Cramer , Councilman Henry McPeak , Councilman ® Dooley Kiefer , Councilwoman David Jennings , Councilman ABSENT : George Kugler , Councilman ALSO PRESENT : Robert Parkin , Highway Superintendent Lawrence Fabbroni , Town Engineer James V . Buyoucos , Town Attorney Helen Blauvelt , Town Historian Susan Beeners , Landscape Consultant PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS Supervisor ' s Re ort Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Project Supervisor Desch stated that although we are still awaiting the hard copy of the priority list , we have been informed through Sam MacNeil ' s office that we will be funded for the first segment of the project at $ 71000 , 000 of the total of $ 27 , 000 , 000 . This will be for the foundation and cap which involves placing some 1 , 700 50 - ton piles at 10 - foot spacing and constructing the integral cap that supports and forms the bottom of. the various tanks ; this segment will probably include the gravity main across Route 13 , and perhaps the influent sewer and pump station as determined through ® further discussions with DEC and Stearns & Wheler , We expect to attend an informational hearing in Cortland on July 27 at 2 : 00 P . M . , to make sure no reason develops to sidetrack our project ; comments made there on the new ® listing process will go to EPA . The new system makes us eligible for segmenting ; previously , only projects costing more than $ 40 , 000 , 000 could be funded in stages ; now the segmenting limit has been lowered to $ 24 , 000 , 0000 All of our documents were in Albany before July 1st , including our pretreatment plan . The SJS will be meeting next Monday night to further discuss the matter and the next phase of the Intermunicipal Sewer Use Ordinance development . 1984 BUDGET The Supervisor went on to say that the Town and the Bolton Point staffs are preparing their departmental budget 1984 . He stated that he would begin for his review in late July and along with our new Assistant Budget Officer , t � n `- ative over_ aII budget , _ � prepare the { 1Ced To c' i ! C Gi �iUlV . riL cOP,�.mF? I1tE? r Town Board Minutes - 2 - July 11 , 1983 that Revenue Sharing seems likely to be reinstated , perhaps for five years instead of three . He stated that his thinking was in terms of recommending that we set aside at least two years of Federal Revenue Sharing ( if the program is renewed again ) for the construction of the South Hill Fire Station . He then asked the Board to give this some thought . In our 1984 budget we will only consider one year ' s allocation and obviously expenditure of such funds will be contingent upon completion of our agreement with the City , although part of it may be needed for design before ® the last details of the agreement are worked out . TOWN HALL APPEARANCE ® The Supervisor noted that we now have a number of poster size color photographs of examples of the beauty of our community , both natural and man made . The Supervisor reminded that Board that with regard to Town Hall appearance , the first step was to improve the Board Room and the Court Room , Michael Ocello took the pictures , except for the autographed poster in the front hall , which was given to the Supervisor by his daughter last Christmas and they _ agreed that our Town Hall is a most fitting place to display it .. A new front lawn was installed today and now Susan Beeners has come up with a nice plan for our front yard which she and Larry Fabbroni will pass around for your comment . We are hoping to eliminate the modernistic sign which is considerably out of scale with our facility . So little by little , and at very modest cost , we are upgrading the appearance , as well as the usefulness of . our Town Hall , NEWSLETTER Supervisor Desch noted that in the past we have had a Newsletter in July but there seems to me to be insufficient reason to publish one , at this time . Once the Tentative Budget is released , then we will have sufficient important information . By then , we will also have a more definitive schedule on the construction of the sewer project . FRONT YARD IMPROVEMENTS Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni stated that the front yard has been a constant problem , with trash , dogs , etc . Susan Beeners has worked out a solution for traffic control on the lawn . ® Susan Beeners stated that a hedge or a fence was necessary to control traffic , both people and dog , across the front lawn . She stated that her suggestion would be to install an antique fence which would also upgrade the appearance . Ms . ® Beeners proposed a cast iron fence , 42 " high , with alternating 92 " wide panels of a different , but similar slow style with a gate for access to allow for mowing . The fence will need to be sandblasted and painted . ( Copy of proposal attached to official minutes ) . Ms . Beeners went on to say that she also proposed the repair and repainting of the glass over the front. entrance and the planting of shrubs in the front yard . She noted that the cost for the entire project would be $ 1 , 550 . She commented that we have a talented summer work group who would be able to perform the work . Supervisor Desch remarked that this is an existing fence , of the type dating from the same period as the building ; therefore , we are not paying much for the material , mostly labor . The fence will be of greater value than the cost . C' �>> i ! ctlP?a : ; .! . Pea t` ' .�to b ` painted ? i . _ t;. ould nee. . Town Board Minutes - 3 - July 11 , 1983 Supervisor Desch responded , by being sandblasted , the paint should last six plus years . Councilman Jennings asked if a . gate was necessary ? Susan Beeners responded that a gate is necessary because the grass will need maintenance , plus you will need the gate in order to get inside to pick up trash . Susan Beeners noted that with a barberry hedge , a few kicks ® will destroy it . RESOLUTION NO . 83 4P Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the purchase and installation of a cast iron fence , 42 " high with alternating 912 " wide panels of similar design to be sandblasted and painted , plus a 30 " wide gate , and RESOLVED , that the Board authorizes the repair and repainting of the existing glass sign over the front entrance , and BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board also authorizes the planting of shrubs in the front yard , total cost for all three project will be $ 1 , 550 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Town Engineer ' s Report Northeast Transit Town Engineer Fabbroni said there are hard decisions to be made with respect to vehicles , now that there is money to purchase some . The Committee tends to prefer transit -van type to beefed - up school bus type vehicles . He went on to say that he imagined that some kind of long range budget would be forthcoming . { Stone Quarry Road The Town Engineer noted that the Stone Quarry Road project was --coming along very well . Improvements are being made to ®� the culverts and crossings before avin P g He noted that a severe washout led to a foundation problem on West King Road and that the Highway Departments fast response prevented a ® major slippage and loss of roadway . South Hill Drainage Together with the City , we may begin to look at the design work on the South Hill drainage by the end of the year . It now appears that a 1985 date for construction is more likely than 1984 . Burns Road Bridge The Engineer stated that Burns Road will be discussed later in the agenda ; however , he wished to alert the Board , that there may be a need for minimal soils consulting advice . It will be more of a confirmation of the way we are proceeding . Town Board Minutes - 4 - July 11 , 1983 . Landscaping Grant The Engineer stated that he is still waiting on the landscaping grant for parks . There is a good chance the program will be extended beyond October 1st . The grant was to start July 1st and end October 1st , Eastern Heights Park Mr . Fabbroni noted that there are ongoing discussions on the ® Eastern Heights Park project and it will be discussed at the August . 2nd Parks Committee meeting . Hopefully , we will have a recommendation for the Town Board at the August meeting . SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Town Planner Peter Lovi reported that this program began today at 7 : 00 a . m . , and that there is a good group if kids , with a wide range of skills - e . g . , two with artistic talent are working with Mike Ocello , Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that the Town received 150 applications ; 80 were interviewed and we hired 30 . He went on to say that the CETA Program seems to have given us all we asked for , so that there is also a brush cutting crew and more office crew . Monday through Thursday are workdays and Friday is used for regrouping and planning . He stated that the _resolution for consideration tonight_ brings us up to date with the specific number of workers hired and the hourly rates to be paid . RESOLUTION NO , 84 Motion by Councilman Cramer , seconded by Councilman Jennings , WHEREAS , the availability of Work/ Study funds , CETA 1983 age emphasis , and SYEP skills have all resulted in adjustment of suitable work tasks and crews since the general enabling resolution for summer temporary help of the Town Board passed May 9 , 1983 , and WHEREAS , the work crews are now a five -person survey crew including artist and draftsman , a five - person construction crew , a five - person brushcutting highway crew , a four - person maintenance crew , a four - person landscaping crew , and ® four - and - a - half - person rece tionist - t office payroll support team , P ypist - research - administrative assistant NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the ® Town of Ithaca approves and hereby does approve the rollowing part - time positions , hourly wages , terms of employment , and payment accounts for Summer 1983 effective July 11 , 1983 , unless otherwise stated : 10 30 Summer Youth Employee Program ( SYEP ) ; $ 2 per hour first 60 hours , $ 5 per hour remaining 30 hours ( if perfect attendance for first 60 hours ) ; effective payment accounts - a ) 10 SYEP - 2 Water and 2 Sewer b ) 4 SYEP - Park Construction c ) 3 SYEP - Highway Brush Cutting d ) 6 SYEP - Park Maintenance e ) 6 SYEP - Park Landscaping Construction f ) 1 SYEP - Town Hall Renovation Town Board Minutes - 5 - July 11 , 1983 2 . 1 Part - time employee ; $ 2 per hour first 60 hours ; $ 5 per hour remaining 30 hours ( if perfect attendance for first 60 hours ) ; effective payment account - Town Hall Renovation 3 . 1 Part - time employee ; $ 5 per hour up to 40 hours per week , July 5 through September 12 ; effective payment account Park Landscaping Construction 4 . 8 CETA employees ; Tompkins County Employees ® 5 . 1 Part - time highway employee ; $ 5 . 75 per hour for 40 hours per week , June 6 through September 30 ; effective payment account - Highway Items I , II , or IV as appropriate . ® Councilwoman Kiefer asked about # 2 . Engineer Fabbroni said that this is the same as # 1 ( f ) , with part listed in each of two categories , since this person worked for us last summer and can be hired for more than the minimum number of hours . Councilman Jennings asked how many workers are 14 or 15 , and questioned if there aren ' t special safety rules that apply for these ages ? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , yes . This year we have only one that . young , and she will work in the offices everybody on maintenance old enough to operate the lawn mowers , last year we only had one person . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Town Planner Lovi reported that the Town Planning Board had . passed the Subdivision Regulations on to Codes & Ordinance Committee . As for Six Mile Creek , events in the community - - i . e . , the tragic death of the Ithaca High School Senior Class President in a swimming accident at the reservoir have over taken . Highway- Superintendent ' s Report Paving Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin reported that the ® highway crews have started hot patching and shimming on West Hill . Also , started shimming on Stone Quarry Road in preparation for resurfacing . ® IIe went on to say that the crews have been mowing the road sides and they. are getting a lot of brush work done , even with vacations . We are also hauling and stockpiling stone for surface treatment . He then informed the Board that the new 4 - wheel drive truck had arrived , as you can see from the Warrants . Town Historian ' s Report Town Historian Dr . Helen Blauvelt read the following report for the year ending December 31 , 1982 . She noted that it was a little late , however , the Board had been so busy making history that there was no time earlier on our year ' s agendas for her to give her report . Major projects this year : Town Board Minutes - 6 - July 11 , 1983 ( I ) The Ithaca School District asked me as Town Historian to find , interpret , and prepare for teacher use , historical records of the Town of Ithaca for teachers of the new State 4th grade History Curriculum ( Teaching with Historical Records ) . I did . This included : records . a ) Xerox copies of Town of Ithaca historical b ) A slide show of Records of The First Fifty Years of Ithaca History . ® c ) Participation in a videotape of The History of the Commons , our business center . ® ( II ) I attended 53 state , regional and local meetings on local history . ( III ) I gave invited presentations on local history to half of these meetings ( 26 ) . ( IV ) Some progress was made on the inventory of Town of Ithaca Records of historical interest . ( V ) A small number of records and artifacts of Town of Ithaca business and family records and artifacts were collected . The Annual Report is on file in the Town Hall . The Town Historian then thanked the Town Board for the $ 500 budget which allowed her to attend the various workshops . Councilman McPeak remarked that the Town was lucky to have someone of the caliber of Dr . Blauvelt as Town Historian , Supervisor Desch agreed with Councilman McPeak , The Town Historian commented on the old cemetery on Bostwick Road , noting that a resident of the area asked about burial there . She stated that she was having a wonderful time trying to discover the old records - - that although the Town mows it , we don ' t know why ; we don ' t know who owns it ; it ' s not on the tax maps . COMMITTEE REPORTS ® Cable TV Committee Councilwoman Kiefer reported that the committee had met on June 14th and finished going over the franchise text . ® Therefore , Jean Swartwood put the franchise on the word .processor . Mrs . Kiefer reported that she and Peter Grossman Oak and ACC Manager Martin Sheridan had met on July 7th , ( Councilman McPeak was out of town ) to go over Mr . Sheridan ' s major questions , some of which are policy questions which the Town Board must discuss , i . e . , length of franchise renewal period , size of franchise fee this is 1 % of ACC ' s gross revenues ; currently the c City( currently Ithaca is 3a ) ; customer refund policy ( interest on deposits ? ) I tree - cutting policy ( notification of homeowners ? ) ; two - step rate increase ( with second step contingent upon addition of new satellite channels ) . Town Board Minutes - 7 - July 11 , 1983 Councilwoman Kiefer reported that ACC had just gotten City Zoning Board of Appeal approval to mount a 7 - meter dish on the roof of their building in the City . She said that the next Town of Ithaca Cable Committee meeting will be at 12 : 00 noon on Wednesday , July 13 , to review the word processor version of the franchise , and to begin financial and rate discussion . Martin Sheridan of ACC is on vacation until July 25th , therefore , the next scheduled meeting with him is set for August 3rd at 1 : 30 p . m . , to go over all the franchise text . Councilwoman Kiefer went on to say that it was a mistake to set the date for a public hearing at this meeting ; she suggested having an informational meeting in September with residents . ® Supervisor Desch .questioned holding a public hearing on August 22nd , Town Attorney James Buyoucos suggested the public hearing be an informational hearing . The law should be completely ready before the public hearing . Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that he felt the 29th of August would be the best date . RESOLUTION NO , 85 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town . of Ithaca will meet and conduct an informal informational public meeting . to discuss an amended TV Franchise at 7 : 00 P . M . , on August 29 , 1983 and to hear all persons in favor of or opposed to said amended TV Franchise . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Codes & Ordinance Committee Councilman Cramer reported that the committee had received the Subdivision Regulations from the Planning Board and would be meeting on Monday , July 25th at 4 : 00 P . M . , at which time the committee would be reviewing the Subdivision Regulations . He went on to say that the committee planned to hold a second meeting and hopefully would be able to report to the Board either late September or early October . He therefore , recommended against scheduling a public ® hearing on these regulations yet . RESOLUTION N0 . 86 ® Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and conduct a Public Hearing at 7 : 00 P . M . , on September 12 , 1983 to consider a local law governing unsafe buildings . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Parks and Recreation Committee Councilwoman Raffensperger reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee had met in June . The primary discussion was on the Eastern Heights Park , and the meeting was attended by many concerned residents . It was a large meeting with a. great diversity of points of view . By the nc' of the meeting , �•;e came to understand each others Town Board Minutes - 8 - July 11 , 1983 concerns . The Planning Board recommended to Parks & Recreation Committee to go ahead with the revegatation plans for 1983 . She went on to say that the Parks Committee approves of that plan which will make use of federal funds , •�„_ and will meet again at 12 : 00 noon on August 2nd to review the Planning Board recommendations . The Parks Committee will make a recommendation to the Town Board in August . Public Safety and Youth Committee ® Councilman Jennings reported that a preliminary meeting had been held with Ithaca College to discuss a location for a fire station on South Hill . He went on to say that he would ® have a lot more to tell the Board after he meets at noon tomorrow with Supervisor Desch and Mayor Shaw . He noted that 20 % of the alarms come from Ithaca College and Cornell University , Councilman Jennings went on to say that he and Ed Olmstead had met and walked around the territory of the Town looking for a suitable location for a fire training building . He went . on to say they had looked at property on the west side of Route 13 south of the railroad tracks . There is about 3 . 7 acres of land , a triangular shaped piece . There is no hydrant service now , however , it could be extended . He stated that if someone had a suggestion on a possible location , to please let him know . He also noted that the City was interested in negotiating a fire contract , per a letter just received by the Supervisor . Councilwoman Kiefer asked what had happened to the proposal of using Markles Flats for the Youth Bureau activities ? Councilman, Jennings responded that he had suggested this several times to the City , however , no action has been taken . Personnel Committee Supervisor Desch reported that there has been no further action by the Personnel Committee except the two agenda items , # 9 and # 10 to be acted upon tonight . Councilwoman Kiefer said she had concerns about Personnel Committee procedures , and will bring them up at that time . ® REP:ORT OF COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES County Representative Gust Freeman stated that he did not have a report to make tonight . The media has covered the ® last meeting pretty well , and we will not have a meeting until tomorrow . Supervisor Desch noting that Cornell had said " no ” to locating a new County jail near the Tompkins County Airport , asked Mr . Freeman if he had any idea when Jim Mason ' s committee report would ld be ready . Mr . Freeman responded that the report will be given to the full Board ( Representatives ) at the end of August . Town Engineer Fabbroni questioned why the committee was so Specific , why wasn ' t the committee looking at a broader territory ? He noted that the cost of land was less crucial than if it had utility services . Town Board Minutes - 9 - July 11 , 1983 County Representative ' Freeman responded that they are only looking at the two pieces of property the County owns . Supervisor Desch added , plus these two parcels have facilities . Councilwoman Raffensperger asked why the easiest way out is to locate it in the Town of Ithaca ? When will the County talk to the Town ? ® Mr . Freeman responded that he didn ' t feel the County would ever talk to the Town . Supervisor Desch asked Mr . Freeman , when do you feel the ® Town should go on record ? Representative Freeman responded , now . Supervisor Desch stated that he would write to Mr . Mason asking his committee to present . their report and recommendations to the Town . Representative Freeman questioning the Summer Youth Workers Program , asked how many of the applicants were below 18 years of age ? Peter Lovi responded , easily the majority of the applicants were below 18 . Out of 150 applicants received , about 100 were from persons under age 18 . . MM Mr . Freeman noted that the idea of the program was work for 14 , 15 , and 16 year olds . Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that the major stumbling block with the youth workers is the use of mowers , trimmers , etc . , all points that Councilman Jennings has brought up before on safety . ASSISTANT BUDGET OFFICER POSITION Supervisor Desch stated that after the initial interviews by the Personnel Committee , four persons emerged at top contenders . He went on to say that he then interviewed again the four persons and had decided that Connie Allen was the best possible choice . RESOLUTION NO . 87 ® Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby ® approves the appointment of Constance Allen as Assistant Budget Officer beginning July 1 , 1983 , at a salary of $ 19 , 000 . Councilwoman Kiefer questioned the role of the Personnel Committee . She went on to say that the Personnel Committee along with the two staff persons held the first round of interviews but were not involved in any follow- up interviews and made no recommendation to the Board . Supervisor Desch responded that as he indicated previously , the position reports directly to the Supervisor . There were sixty applications he screened them down to ten which the Personnel Committe interviewed . There were then four final candidates any one of the four could have done the job . Since this position reports to the Supervisor , he made the Inal selection . If a person reports directly to the Board then the Comr.littee would report to the Board . I don ' t think it i _; appropriate in this particular case as the person will n, port directly to the Supervisor and not the Town Board . Town Board Minutes - 10 - July 11 , 1983 Councilwoman Kiefer pointed out that she had been told that , in the past , comparable decisions had not been left up to one person , e . g . , in the hiring of an Assistant to the Engineer . She went on to question the Supervisor as to why a decision was made with out interviewing other applicants . She stated that the Supervisor had said there would be another interviewing session as he had received more applications with very good qualifications . Supervisor Desch responded , applicants for the second batch ® of interviews were not available in a satisfactory time frame ( two weeks ) . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that of the four final people who ® could do the job , the only person the Supervisor picked asked for more than the $ 16 , 000 salary range that was set for the position . It makes sense to choose a qualified person in the $ 16 , 000 range which we had money budgeted for , but the Supervisor is suggesting that we hire a person who asked for more money . Mrs . Kiefer stated all candidates had been asked if they had any problem with the salary range and only the person whom you propose to hire wanted more money - - infact , $ 21 , 000 ! Supervisor Desch responded that we are hiring a person with extensive experience with municipal accounting . A new person would not be able to produce for four or five months . Councilwoman Kiefer then suggested that the salary of $ 19 , 000 be held for two years with no raises . Supervisor Desch said this was not in the agreement and would not be fair ; also Mrs . Allen was assured that she would be eligible for a raise on January 1 , 1984 . Councilwoman Raffensperger remarked that since the Supervisor is bringing a recommendation to the Board for approval , she had no problem with the process nor the selection . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - Kiefer ) . PERMANENT SALARY INCREASE FOR ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST Supervisor Desch reported that Sally Alario has been doing increased work and had been receiving half the difference ® between her salary and that of Cynthia Schoffner , this having been granted by a previous resolution giving her the difference on a temporary basis . The proposed resolution would make the salary increase permanent . ® RESOLUTION NO , 88 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a permanent salary increase from $ 14 , 000 to $ 15 , 300 for Sally Alario , Account Clerk Typist , for the remainder of the year 1983 . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she was concerned that some of the salaries were perhaps getting out of scale with others . She stated that she was asking the Personnel Committee to look into the problem to make sure we are not been unequitable with other staff members . Town Board Minutes - 11 - July 11 , 1983 Supervisor Desch responded that equity did not have too much to do with salary increases , but you need to look at responsibility in determining salary ranges . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she thought the Personnel Committee was going to look at all people including the new position . Supervisor Desch reminded Mrs . Kiefer that the Personnel Committee had approved the job descriptions for all the ® personnel in the Finance Office . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings ® voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that last year at budget time we dicussed addressing the salary increases as part of the budget process this year , for 1984 . Supervisor Desch agreed this was correct . CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF NEW ZONING LAW Proof of posting and publication notice . of a Public Hearing to consider the adoption of a new Zoning Law having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supevisor opened the public hearing . Town Attorney Buyoucos remarked that you can tell where he is on the review of the Zoning Ordinance , as he stated he had just spent the previous hour revising the first paragraph of the proposed Zoning Law , Supervisor Desch asked the Town Attorney , if we adjourn to August 8th will you be ready ? Town Attorney Buyoucos responded that would help but he did not know what emergencies would be forthcoming . Councilwoman Kiefer asked what we will be doing at our August 8th meeting if it ' s not ready ? Councilwoman Raffensperger asked if we will be . paying for still another legal ad ? Councilwoman Kiefer brought up the idea of solar access ® being included in the new Zoning Law , Supervisor Desch responded that in 1981 the Town Board directed the Planning Board to include solar access in the ® new Zoning Law . He went on to say that he would be glad to write to the Planning Board to remind them of this fact . Councilwoman Kiefer explained that rather than waiting for eventual adoption of a revised Zoning Ordinance , she is talking about the Town Board adopting a simple policy statement on Solar Access . Supervisor Desch said there is one . Councilwoman Kiefer asked the Town Clerk for a copy , saying if there is one , fine ; if not , she ' ll bring it up again next month . RESOLUTION NO , 89 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , Town Board Minutes - 12 - July 11 , 1983 RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adjourns the public hearing on the new Zoning Law until 7 : 00 P . M . , on August 8 , 1983 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . BURNS ROAD PROJECT ® Peter Lovi , Town Planner presented a narrated color slide show on the proposed Burns Road project . ® Supervisor Desch asked what was the total distance of the realignment ? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , 1 , 450 feet . The existing alignment is close to double that amount . Supervisor Desch then questioned the distance of the intersection . The Town Engineer responded , by Route 79 , about 500 feet . Peter Lovi continued saying the EIS review of the project is subject to comments by agencies which are directly affected by the project . Essentially , the timetable is 15 days to challenge designation of the Town Board as lead agency , and 30 more days to comment on the draft , i . e . , till August 26 . The Town Board could have the FEIS by the end of August . b1r . Lovi then reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement . ( Copy attached to the official minutes ) . He pointed out that the problems to be address are : ( 1 ) site distances at approaches , ( 2 ) inadequacy of bridge structure , and ( 3 ) inadequacy of landing area . As to a timetable , it is desirable to get fill in place this fall so it can stabilize , so the construction can be done in 1984 . Councilwoman Raffensperger referring to page 12 , stated that something needs to be done to say where traffic will be going . We aren ' t going to just build a parking lot and leave the cars there . There will be traffic to and from South Hill on Burns Road ; if traffic is thereby taken off Giles Street , etc . , where will it go instead ? Councilwoman Kiefer asked Mr . Lovi if in the month between the DEIS and the FEIS , he intended to make the Species Lists ® more site - specific ? Mr . Lovi responded yes ; the vegetation list is quite accurate , but we will be checking with the EMC and the bird ® club . Councilman McPeak asked what kind of a price are we talking about ? Supervisor Desch said Tompkins County pays for the highway . Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , fill is what is important , and we have budgeted $ 20 , 000 for the project . The source of gravel will have to be addressed . It is still possible to do the job for this price . Councilman McPeak asked about the gravel in Forest Home ? Town Board Minutes - 13 - July 11 , 1983 The Town Engineer responded , that he is well aware of it , however , we are looking for a closer source . Councilwoman Raffensperger asked , what kind of a real overall cost are you talking about ? The $ 20 , 000 doesn ' t include any intersection work , or in - kind services by the highway department . Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , $ 50 , 000 . ® Councilman McPeak asked , what are we going to do with the existing road ? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , abandon it and then give ® it to the City , for use as access to the dam and to pistol range . Councilman Cramer asked if the Town had a commitment from the County to build the bridge ? Supervisor Desch responded yes , as far as the 5 - Year Plan is concerned . Mr . Fabbroni noted that the money has supposedly been allocated for the design work on the bridge , and that once the position is tied down , they would move ahead with bridge design work . County Representative Beverly Livesay added , the money is there , the only thing that could kick it back a year would be to have something happen to another bridge . RESOLUTION N0 , 90 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca accepts the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Burns Road Realignment , with a 15 day lead agency comment period and a 30 day environmental . impact comment period or a total of a 45 day comment period . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . RELOCATION OF ELECTION DISTRICT # 8 ® Supervisor Desch stated that the Town had received numerous complaints about the location of Election District # 8 in the Tin Can , with complaints ranging from parking , access , heat , etc . Jean Swartwood has been researching the possibility of ® moving the district polling place . She was able to move the district to the Boynton Middle School , with a pledge of cooperation from the principal . RESOLUTION NO , 91 I Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Kiefer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the relocation of Town of Ithaca Election District # 8 from the Community Service Center ( Tin Can ) to Boynton Middle School effective July 1 , 1983 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . PERSONS TO BE HiEARD !qo one present wish to speak . Town Board Minutes - 14 - July 11 , 1983 WATER BILL REFUND RESOLUTION N0 . 92 Motion by Councilman Jennings ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes a refund in the amount of $ 11 . 56 for Water , $ 1 . 39 Surcharge , for a total refund of $ 12 . 95 .be paid to Warren T . ® Johnson , 1444 Hanshaw Road , Ithaca , New York , by reason of a malfunctioning meter recording and transmitting unit . Account Number 184 - 0204909 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . WATER TAP REFUND RESOLUTION N0 , 93 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , WHEREAS , on July 17 , 1979 , Leo Deeb of 522 East Shore Drive , Ithaca , New York , paid $ 80 . 00 for a Water Tap Permit for a Car Wash he proposed to build at this location , and WHEREAS , Mr . Deeb no longer intends to build said Car Wash , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a refund , to Leo Deeb , in the amount of $ 80 . 00 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . REFUND - WATER AND SEWER BENEFIT RESOLUTION NO , 94 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , WHEREAS , James A . and Mary F . Sanderson , 3 Lisa Lane , Ithaca , New York , Parcel No . 71 - 1 - 9 . 11 were charged for 2 units of water and 2 units of sewer , and ® WHEREAS , the basement contains no cooking facilities , only a bedroom and bathroom , which is occupied by the owners son , ® NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves a refund in the amount of one benefit unit for water at $ 52 . 00 and one benefit unit for sewer at $ 50 . 00 , total refund of $ 102 . 00 . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she had a correction on the January 10 , 1983 minutes on the Defense of Public Officers Law , page 11 . The Town Clerk stated that she would research the letter mailed to the Boothroyd Agency which Per . Buyoucos referenced in his remarks to the Board and correct as necessary . Town Board Minutes - 15 - July 11 , 1983 Councilwoman . Kiefer also gave a correction to the February 7 Minutes ( page 13 ) . , dealing with Commonlands : Attorney Buyoucos said . . . . we still_ need a discription of : ( 1 ) total -- number of development units , and ( 2 ) what comprises Phase I . Attorney Buyoucos concurred in this correction . RESOLUTION NO 95 Motion by Councilman Jennings ; seconded by Councilwoman Kiefer , ® RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the minutes of the January 10 , 1983 ( upon correction ) , January 26 , 1983 , February 71 1983 ( as ® corrected ) , March 7 , 1983 , March 211 1983 and April 11 , 1983 . ( Desch , ' Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO , 96 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated July 11 , 1983 , in the following amounts : General Fund - Town Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 27 , 560 . 64 General Fund - Outside Village . . . . . . . $ 7856 . 44 Highway Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $ 116 , 345 . 78 Water & Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 333 , 730 . 49 Parks Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 , 198 . 98 Lighting Districts Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 303 . 03 ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO , 97 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , ® RESOLVED , that the Bolton Point Warrants dated July 11 1983 , in the Operating Account are hereby approved , in the s amount of $ 41 , 768 . 54 after review and upon the recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission , they are in order for payment . ( Desch , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . ARTICLE 78 PROCEEDINGS Councilwoman Raffensperger , referring to an Article 78 Proceeding , asked if it was proper for the Town Attorney to inform the Board of a pending Article 78 Proceeding ? Supervisor Desch responded that he had informed the Board of a pending Article 78 Proceeding at the last Town Board meeting during the Supervisors ' s report - - it had been brought agai : st the Zoning Board of Appeals by Mr . Eddy in regard to sort, drink sales . . v , Town Board Minutes - 16 - July 11 , 1983 TOWN ATTORNEY ' S COMMENTS Town Attorney James Buyoucos stated that he had commenced his review of the proposed Zoning Law . However , he wished to remind the Board that up until December 23rd , he had devoted all his time to Commonlands and the Declaration and Covenants for this project and the Manos project . Also , pressure was put on him to complete the proceedings and documents for the sewage treatment plant . ® Supervisor Desch noted that we will not be through amending the Zoning Law when it is finally adopted . ® ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned . C, - Clerk