HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1983-06-13 TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 13 , 1983 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , at 5 : 30 P . M . , on the 13th day of June , 1983 , there were : PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor ® George Kugler , Councilman Shirley Raffensperger , Councilwoman Marc Cramer , Councilman Henry McPeak , Councilman Dooley Kiefer , Councilwoman David Jennings , Councilman ALSO PRESENT . James Buyoucos , Town Attorney Robert Parkin , Highway Superintendent Lawrence Fabbroni , Town Engineer Doug Gale , 110 Park Lane Beverly Livesay , Bd . of Reps . David Me Bates , 14.0 Forest Home Dr . Mary Call , Bd . of Reps . Margaret J . Thomas , 101 Park Lane Lidia Merzor , 103 Park Lane Judith Hughes , 220 Eastern Heights Patrick Hughes , 220 Eastern Heights H . Padamsee , 103 Skyvue Road I . Padamsee , 103 Skyvue Road Mike Heath , 111 Burleigh Drive Robert H . Schwarting , 112 Park Lane Isadore Blumen , 112 Warren Road Shirley K . Egan , Cornell University Virginia Langhans , 111 Halcyon Hill R . W . Langhans , 111 Halcyon Hill Irving Lazar , 145 Forest Home Drive Brice Brittain , 135 Warren Road Douglas Brittain , 135 Warren Road Frank Shipe , 236 Forest Home Drive Andrew McElwee , 123 Judd Falls Harriett Brittain , 135 Warren Road W . L . Brittain , 135 Warren Road Ruth Me Mahr , 103 Judd Falls Road Ann McAdams , 2 The Byway ® Alan McAdams , 2 The Byway Mary Blumen , 122 Warren Road Charles Trautman , 235 Forest Home Roger W . Gamson , 233 Forest Home ® Representatives of the Media * Mark Schultz , Syracuse Post - Standard Renee Starzyk , WVBR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . REPORT OF TOWN OFFICIALS Town Board Meeting - 2 - June 13 , 1983 Supervisor ' s Report Assistant Budget Officer Position Supervisor Desch stated that the Town had received over 50 applications for the Assistant Budget Officer position . The Personnel Committee plus the Town Clerk and the Town Engineeer interviewed 10 candidates selected by the Supervisor out of the list of applicants . Following the interviews , the field has been narrowed down to 3 or 4 and ® the screening process is continuing . The Supervisor went on to say that there are also a few later inquiries that involve highly qualified people , so it may be desirable to call the screening committee together . ® Supervisor p Desch stated that the salary , etc . , is to be a Town Board decision , and he will have the Town Clerk call each Town Board member before our July meeting . He noted that his goal was to have the person on -board no later than July 15 , to initiate the 1984 budget planning process . Bond Closing Supervisor Desch went on to report that the Town Clerk and he held the bond closing in New York City on June 2 . In spite of some last minute logistical problems , the closing went well . He stated that while they were at the Bond Counsel ' s office , they heard the results of three municipal sales , all of which were significantly less satisfactory than ours , even though the credit ratings and duration were similiar . While ours was 7 . 1 % the others were above 8 . 5 % . He went on to say that our Financial Consultant , David Allardice did an excellent job on the whole process . The Supervisor noted we do , however , need to revise the budget since we did not anticipate permanent financing ( we had planned to roll over the BAN ' s ) ; we now have to show the bond proceeds . 1983 BUDGET AMENDMENT RESOLUTION NO , 64 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the . Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the following amendments to the 1983 Budget : increase estimated Water Fund Revenues and increase Water ® Fund Appropriations by $ 173 , 088 . 41 ; increase estimated Sewer Fund Revenues and increase Sewer Fund Appropriations by $ 432 , 717 . 15 , Total Budget Amendment $ 605 , 805 . 56 . ® ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Eastern Heights Park Supervisor Desch noted that a number of Eastern Heights residents have expressed concern about Town plans for improvements in the park . Town Board members are invited to attend the June 21st Planning Board meeting to hear about these concerns . Pending the outcome of these discussions , it may be appropriate to consider the matter at the July Town Board meeting . Mr . Robert Schwarting has asked for a few minutes to address this subject and he stated that he would now give him the floor since Mr . Schwarting has another commitment to make . Town Board Minutes - 3 - June 13 , 1983 Mr . Schwarting stated that he understood the Planning Board had heard from the Homeowners Association . He went on to say that he . felt the absence of understanding was a big problem . He felt that many could and would approve the park when they knew the Sheriff would be enforcing the law . A park in this area has the potential for degradation , as the Sheriff is not able to enforce the law now in regard to parking . He went on to say that he felt the Planning Board and the Homeowners Association should work together for a suitable solution . ® Douglas Gale then read the minutes of an open meeting of the Eastern Heights residents held on June 8 , as follows : ® " ( 1 ) There was a. unanimous feeling that the residents of the area had not been adequately consulted regarding the plans for the park off Tudor Road . Considerable concern was expressed about the proposed park to be located off Tudor Road in Eastern Heights . ( 2 ) The group voted unanimously to request that the Town Board defer all action on the park until the residents of Eastern Heights had been consulted and given an opportunity to express their views and concerns . ( 3 ) The Eastern Heights Homeowners Association was revived and agreed to serve as a vehicle for communication between the Board and the residents of the area . ( 4 ) A vote regarding the proposed park was taken of the residents attending the meeting . Eight households were completely opposed to the Town ' s plans and voted to stop work on the park and leave it " as is " . Sixteen households voted for an alternative plan that called for the completion of the playing field , a track around the field , wider buffers surrounding the park , two unconnected parking areas , and perhaps one or two tennis courts . One household voted for the Town ' s plan which calls for extensive development of the park . ( 5 ) The virtually unanimous feeling of the people attending the meeting was that the residents of the area were best served by either no further development of . the park or by an alternative plan that drastically scaled down the Town ' s original plan . " Supervisor Desch thanked Mr . Gale for his presentation . ® Zoning Board of Appeals Supervisor Desch stated that an Article 78 Proceeding has ® been filed on the matter of the Zoning Board ' s decision to allow the sale of " soft drinks " at the Eddy Stand on Route 13 . The Town Attorney is preparing the defense on the matter currently scheduled to be held in June . Town Board Minutes The Supervisor went on to say that the Agenda inadvertently omitted reference to approval of Town Board minutes . However , there are a number of them that have been ready for approval for sometime , so he stated that he would suggest that this be accomplished before we adjourn . Town Board Minutes - 4 - June 13 , 1983 Coddington Road Community Center Supervisor Desch noted that we now have the official decision of the Board of Directors that the Center will close . He stated that he had , therefore , obliged the committee appointed at the last meeting to proceed with the development of a recommendation concerning the future of this property . Sewer Project Priority Status ® Mr . Desch stated that the 1984 priority list will be published by the end of June . Although signs are encouraging , funding pressures statewide are heavy since the ® new list will be the last year of the 75 % federal funding . The review of our project design documents is proceeding very rapidly at DEC and the comments so far have been of very minor consequences . We have an item on the agenda concerned with the Sewer Use Ordinance . This is by way of a conceptual report . The matter will be taken up in detail by the Special Joint Subcommittee , The Local Law adopted by the Town for our collector project is being used by DEC and the joint owners of our project as the model . He went on to say that we expect to be one of the few projects in the state to have our pretreatment program concept approved prior to the July 1 , 1983 deadline . Stearns & Wheler Master Wager Plan The Supervisor stated that now that all the Board members have had a chance to review the final draft of the Master Plan and we have decided on a course of action with regard to the design of certain improvements , that he would like to suggest that we officially accept the report . As a footnote , we have already paid the bill , so that means we have , in reality , accepted it . STEARNS & WHELER MASTER WATER PLAN RESOLUTION NO , 65 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the Stearns & . Wheler Master Plan dated February ® 1983 , forwarded by cover letter dated April 18 , 1983 . Councilwoman Kiefer asked if the Master Plan had been indexed , as she had requested ? ® Supervisor Desch responded , the critical elements have been indexed . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Town Engineer ' s Report Northeast Transit Town Engineer Lawrence Fabbroni stated that Northeast Transit had finished the last twelve months with a 22 % increase over the corresponding year . He went on to say . that he hoped the new ARC Grants would allow for the purchase of new vehicles . Town Board Minutes - 5 - June 13 , 1983 Eastern Heights Park The Town Engineer encourages all the Board members to attend the June 21st Planning Board meeting which will consider the Eastern Heights Park . He stated that all residents in the Eastern Heights area plus key persons have been notified of the meeting . He went on to say that the Town plan has not been presented to the residents , their opposition stems mainly from heresay . Mr . Fabbroni noted that the movement against the park started with two or three disgruntled ® persons . We will start anew now that the homeowners association has been revived and hopefully we will come around to a useful type discussion . ® Sumner Youth Workers Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that they had advertised for one week for Summer Youth Workers and had received over 70 applications . We will now follow through with brief five - minute interviews . Mr . Fabbroni went on to say that Michael Ocel. lo was involved with photographing scenic areas around Town and then poster size prints ( @ $ 28 . 00 ) will be framed for display in the Town Hall , Supervisor Desch stated that he had picked out eight prints , then . passed them to the Board members for their review . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she had been reading the County Planning Board minutes regarding Route 96 and alternate routes . She asked the Town Engineer if he would , from time to time , inform the Board of any important changes or decisions - - and in particular , if he would explain the proposal for expansion of the Professional Building , the new access road , and the " Adleman Plan " . Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that new plans had been forwarded to DOT for their consideration , which will give the Hospital and Professional Building better access . Councilwoman Kiefer requested Engineer Fabbroni to bring a map and update the Town Board on this and Route 96 at the next meeting . Highway Superintendent ' s Report ® Stone Quarry Road Superintendent Robert Parkin stated that the Highway crew has been spending most of its time on the Stone Quarry Road ® Project . We have had full crews there for two weeks . The banks have been stabilized and the guard rails have been Nook installed . Everything has been completed except the end section where a header and catch basin need to be installed . Supervisor Desch asked the Highway Superintendent when he planned to start paving on Stone Quarry Road ? Superintendent Parkin responded in August . Mr . Parkin went on to report that the seeding of Eastern Heights Park has been started , as has the dozer work on the ballfield . The Highway crews have started the mowing of road sides and hot patching . Also , painting of cross walks , stop bars , etc . Councilman Jennings asked about trench liners in ditches for sazety wa. lis for the s �_ 1�,er_ anti questioned if anyone had Town Board Minutes - 6 - June 13 , 1983 though about putting together a list of safety equipment ? He suggested the use of Revenue Sharing Funds , Town Engineer Fabbroni responded that this is an area we definitely would like to address . Councilman Jennings added that he understood that Revenue Sharing money will be available again this year . He went on to say that he knew this was a busy time but we should begin to think about . the use of this money . COMMITTEE REPORTS Cable TV Committee Councilwoman Kiefer stated that in March , the Committee received a copy of the proposed TV Franchise , then April 1st they received a revised draft . Since the last Town Board meeting , the Cable Committee has held six meetings and will be meeting again tomorrow noon . Hopefully we will be finished with the text and turn it over to Jean Swartwood for typing in the next two weeks . She stated that there were some questions on the text that would need to come to the Board for clarification . Mrs . Kiefer stated that Peter Grossman was going to have someone go over the financial information furnished by ACC . She stated that she thought to of the gross revenue was sufficient . Councilwoman Kiefer went on to say that tonight ' s agenda item ( number 10 ) was premature as it was too soon to set the date for a public hearing . Supervisor Desch asked Mrs . Kiefer about setting the date now for a public hearing at the August meeting ? Councilwoman Kiefer responded that it was not realistic to set the date for a public hearing until we are ready . Supervisor Desch responded that he just wanted to make sure the TV Franchise review did not drag . Councilwoman Kiefer remarked that Peter Grossman had been terrific - both available and very helpful . Town Attorney James Buyoucos stated that he planned to check over the TV Franchise when it is completed , to make sure it is okay . He went on to say that a lot of water has gone over the bridge and with what I have read , I am not sure ® what our powers are . He stated that he had told Peter Grossman to go ahead and proceed on the basis of what current regulations provide for . ® Councilwoman Kiefer remarked that on June 9th , ACC had hosted a luncheon for the employees of Challange Industries , who repair the converters for ACC . Fifty to sixty people attended the luncheon . Codes & Ordinance Committee Councilman Cramer reported that the committee had met in May and reviewed the Unsafe Building Structures Ordinance , The Ordinance has now been revised again and ready for attorney review . He went on to say that he would like now to place this item on the July Agenda for a public hearing . Town Board . Minutes - 7 - June 13 , 1983 Town Attorney Buyoucos stated that in July he would be working on the Zoning Ordinance and the Sewer Use Ordinance , plus his office staff would be scheduling their vacations . He went on to say that he would rather not set a date for a public hearing , especially with respect to what Dooley Kiefer has just said , he would not be ready . He doesn ' t see great urgency for this , law , and suggests he might get to it for August . Parks & Recreation Committee Councilwoman Raffensperger reported that the Parks & Recreation Committee had met and discussed the Eastern Heights Park and the problem with the adjoining property owners , particularly the ballfields , the entrances and use versus misuse . The interest was occasioned by the planting of the buffer . Letters had been sent to the owners regarding the buffer zone . There are differences of opinion among Eastern Heights residents . Because of the substantial differences of opinion , , the Committee recommended that the Planning Board schedule a meeting on the Eastern Heights Park , Mrs . Raffensperger went on to say that the Committee had discussed posting part of the Park Use Ordinance at the Parks , so that all inquiries would come to Town Hall employees and not to the park workers . Mrs . Raffensperger went on to say that the Small Business Administration will grant funds for work on parks and recreation areas . The deadline for applications was May 27th , and that Susan Beeners had put together a list of trees and shrubs needed in two days , so that our application would go in on time , and the Supervisor submitted it . FUNDS FOR PARKS AND RECREATION AREA DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION NO . 66 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Jennings . WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca wishes to participate in the part of the Federal Jobs Bill in which the Small Business Administration will grant 100 % funds for work on parks and recreation area development , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that the Town Engineer and Town Supervisor be authorized to make application for funds through the New York State Office of Parks and Recreation with first priority on park and municipal sites and second priority on public rights - of -way . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . I Public Safety and Youth Committee Councilman Jennings reported that a new . record had been set by having a 7 : 00 A . M . , meeting . We discussed the recommended criteria for fire service . Town Engineer Fabbroni and Town Planner Peter Lovi did a long study on the criteria adopted for this . Councilman Jennings then read the Criteria for Fire Safety Service for the n�'owri of Ithaca . I . The response of fire and / or life safety service shall be Q l � Y i_ r .L lr S _ltU � tiCri wit. Pin the City and the Town tc equ pr: c:' nt anti a : ticipa ted personnel . Town Board Minutes - 8 - June 13 , 1983 II . The City and the Town shall begin joint efforts to improve the ISO fire ratings for all areas within both municipalities consistent with current and planned improvements in municipal water supplies , life safety and property loss exposures , and density of population . III . The City and the Town shall begin joint efforts to plan for a fire station on South Hill at a location 300 feet south of the Ithaca College entrance on Danby Road . ® IV . The City and the Town shall continue joint efforts to plan and provide for a fire station on West Hill , V . The City and the Town shall form appropriate Council and Board subcommittees to recommend the implementation of a Joint City / Town Fire Protection District , VI . In the intervening period between the current fire service arrangements between the two municipalities and the formation of a Joint Fire District , the Town of Ithaca should be represented on the Board of Fire commissioners , e He went on to say that Number I treats everyone the same , II all areas should pay the same rate , III - there is a general consensus for a need for a fire station on South Hill , IV - recognizes that both the City and Town are sensitive to fire protection on West Hill and the need for continued study , V - recognizes that there is now no permissive legislation in the State to permit joint fire districts , and VI - states that we would like to be officially represented . CRITERIA FOR FIRE SAFETY SERVICE FOR TOWN OF ITHACA RESOLUTION N0 , 67 Motion by Councilman Jennings ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approve the Criteria for Fire Safety Service for the Town of Ithaca as presented by the Public Safety and Youth Committee , Councilwoman Raffensperger asked what was the magnitude of financial commitment ? ® Councilman Jennings responded that this is criteria and does not represent financial commitment . In the short - term , costs will be similar to now ; in the long run , actual costs might come down . Supervisor Desch responded that t the City needs a fire i station on South Hill , a trade - off could be arranged for the mutual benefit of both the City and the Town . Councilwoman Kiefer noted that there were no dates mentioned ; she asked if the Committee had considered a timetable for the implementation of the joint fire district ? Councilman Jennings responded , general timetable . If the Committee becomes active , possibly this term of legislature or the next term . September or October a year from now for implementation . Councilwoman Kiefer recalled that the statement of charges to this Committee at the start of 1983 called for development of a timetable of decision points . Councils i�n n Jennings responded that the . .Ztough i nTOr oration on Revenue Sharing to they tua ttimetiablehave Town Board Minutes - 9 - June 13 , 1983 Supervisor Desch stated that he felt everything would fall into place with both the City and Town Budgets , Councilman Jennings also noted that the Town ' s cintract with the City is up at the end of this year ; there may be a one -year renewal . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . ® Councilman Jennings noted that at the last Fire Commission meeting the report for April showed 128 alarms , of which : 36 medical , 18 calls at Ithaca College and 24 calls at Cornell University . Generally the response is three trucks to a box alarm because of the hose change . REPORT OF COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES County Representative Mary Call reported that the County passed a Resolution for Stream Maintenance ; $ 10 , 000 was put in the County budget ; however , a total of $ 393 , 000 has been requested by the Municipalities , so there is a need for prioritizing . She noted that she and Representative Livesay had toured the Forest Home work . area with Engineer Fabbroni , County Representative Beverly Livesay stated that she was interested in the proposed resolution before the Town Board on the use of the Old Hospital . She went on to say that she was still trying to get the Board of Representatives to say if they will sell the property and under what criteria . She stated that she felt the Town Zoning Board , the Town Board and the Hospital Corporation were the most interested parties in the sale of the old hospital , pointing out that Town Zoning is important with regard to what the buildings could be used for . Supervisor Desch asked when the jail report would be out ? Mrs . Call said the County Board get it last week ; one possible site is in the Town . Mrs . Livesay suggested that County Planning be called for a copy . that County Planning be called . Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that it has been over one and one - half years since the County Planning Department came to the Town Planning Board , He stated that there needs to be continued dialog . Supervisor Desch stated that once a specific proposal for the old hospital is ready , the County Planning Board should come to the Town Planning Board with the proposal . Beverly Livesay stated that she felt the County Board should { draw up plans on what portion of the old hospital they wish to sell and what portion it wants to keep . Councilwoman Kiefer asked for a report about the Industrial Pretreatment Committee , especially the June 11 meeting . Supervisor Desch said that will come up with Agenda Item # 7 , Sewer Ordinance enforcement process . Town Board Minutes - 10 - June 13 , 1983 ONE -WAY CIRCULATION PLAN - FOREST HOME Supervisor Desch stated that the Board has two resolutions on the one - way circulation plan in their folders . Most of the letters received from the area residents , in response to the Newsletter , were in opposition to the one-way plan . Only five persons outside Forest Home responded . No one raised the issue of the $ 2 , 000 expense . Supervisor Desch said it was surprising how many Forest Home residents expressed relative satisfaction with the current situtation . ® He went on to say that he noted an undercurrent in the comments : the one - way plan would take the pressure of congestion off the area , so there is no importance to do a by - pass . But , he commented , the County has effectively stopped all work on Route 13 so that they can spend tiem on the bypass route . He stated that he felt the situation was going to get worse in the next five years , ( e . g . , because of growth , such as increased water sales _ i_n _ Lansing ) . The bottom line is we will lose more_i we 7don ' t try than if we do try and interim solution . He noted that there will be a need for more winter maintenance , and there will. be some inconvenience . Councilwoman Kiefer noted that the Supervisor was speaking for himself and not the Board members - - she wants the visiting public to understand that not all Board members necessarily support the trial . Lambert Brittain , 135 Warren Road , stated that he was not speaking for the Forest Home Improvement Association . He went on to say that the vote , two to one against the experiment does not say that we are happy with the present condition , we still need the by -pass and we are not against looking for other solutions . Irving Lazar , 145 Forest Home Drive , stated that he felt as a temporary measure , the Town should install rumble strips on both side of the bridge . He said that an increase in traffic on Caldwell Road would be had . He questioned , why should the Town need to put in more money to keep Caldwell Road open ? He went on to say that shortly , there will be a need to install three traffic lights . David Bates , 140 Forest Home Drive , pointed out the problem of traffic turning from Judd Falls Road onto the jughandle , you will have traffic backed up farther and the intersection will need to be improved . He felt this would be a costly venture if the one - way trial is done . Isadore Blumen , 122 Warren Road stated that he had two questions . Given Cornell ' s intransigence , how will you handle traffic to and from Cornell ? And secondly , is the problem of safety . There is an increasing number of accidents on Route 366 . Does this one -way scheme help any of these problems ? What about increased traffic at Route 366 and the Parking Lot , also Route 366 and Judd Falls , plus increased traffic by the parsonage ? You are trying to handle a difficult problem . I prefer my suggestions , also there are other alternatives . However , he stated that he felt more signage will not help . Shirley Egan , Cornell University Counsel , stated that she was there to represent Cornell ' s interests and that she did not have a lot to say , except to express reservations with the one -way circulation plan . She stated that she could see problems with the corner by the jughandle and the Plantations . Ms . Egan went on to say that she did want to Town Board Minutes - 11 - June 13 , 1983 see the trial period * limited to three months so that it could end before winter is upon us . However , she stated that she wished to go on record that the Plantations and the jughandle are private roads . , Cornell University reserved the right to alter or close their road at any time . Mrs . Ann McAdams spoke , saying that the Chair stated that he did not want to hear all the old arguments about fast traffic , etc . However , she felt the old arguments were all pertinent . Andrew McElwee , 123 Judd Falls Road , sent the message that he would like to see the one -way circulation plan tried to see how it will work . Until it is tried , you can ' t say it E ® won ' t work . In addition , he believes if Cornell would assign employees to A & B lots for parking , some connecter traffic would be removed . Irving Lazar stated that he cringed at the thought of the experiment . He wondered what criteria one would use to evaluate the experiment . , Supervisor Desch could give no specifics . Frank Shipe , 236 Forest Home Drive , stated that he was concerned with the statement from the Cornell representative that they reserve the right to stop traffic or alter the road when ever they felt it was necessary . Shirley Egan then read the following letter dated June 13 , 1983 , addressed to the Supervisor . Dear Noel : We understand that the Town Board will consider a temporary one -way routing of traffic through some portions of the roads in Forest Home at its meeting this evening . The University has given this matter thought and has a position it wishes to add to the record of the Board ' s deliberations . The University understandably has some reservations about the one -way plan as it has been presented to us . Because of our concern over the protection of the Cornell Plantations ; the possible increase in usage of Plantations Road and the " jughandle " connector with Judd Falls Road ; and the safety consequences of such usage on roads which are private and not designed as public thoroughfares , it is our preference that the one - way scheme not be implemented . However , we are 0 eritirely willing to see the plan implemented for a three month trial period , ending before the beginning of the winter maintenance season . During this time traffic counts ® and other professional analysis should be conducted and made available to the University on a regular basis . However , this willingness is predicated upon the clear understanding that Plantations Road and the jughandle , like any other University roads , are private and can and may be closed , altered , or otherwise controlled by the University at any time . It is , of course , the University ' s intention that Plantations Road and the jughandle would remain as they are at present for the duration of the trial period and in all likelihood for the immediate future as well . The University continues to be willing to meet , discuss , plan and cooperate for the mutual benefit with the Town Board and the Town ' s staff on this and other matters . Thank you very much for this opportunity to be heard . Town Board Minutes - 12 - June 13 , 1983 Very truly yours , Shirley K . Egan Associate University Counsel Ms . Egan then stated again , that she would like to go on record that the Plantations and the jughandle were the property of Cornell University and that other people are not giving up their property . . Supervisor Desch stated that he did not forsee any heavy ® traffic on Plantations Road , though there will be heavy use of Caldwell Road . We could put up 4 -way stop signs on the corner of Caldwell Road and Plantations Road . He went on to say that he did not agree with Mr . Bates about pressure on Route 366 and Judd Falls and he did not think it would be costly to improve the . intersection . He stated that the curve in Forest Home is a problem , however , proper control of the speed over the bridge would solve the problem . He added that the one -way scheme is probably the only way to address Forest Home pedestrian needs ; alternatives would involve the taking of private property - - unless Forest Home residents form a sidewalk district . CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF NEW ZONING LAW Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to consider the adoption of a new Zoning Law having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the public hearing . The discussion then went back to the One -way circulation in the Forest Home area , and the Supervisor asked the Engineer to comment . Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni stated that the one -way circulation is attempting to solve the problem of the different speed of bicyles , pedestrians and cars - - whenever you can separate movements at different sppeds , safety is improved . He went on to say that there was a six to one difference of possible collision points on the one - way for the Pleasant Grove - Forest Home intersection - - the one -way would lessen the potential for collisions . He went on to point out improvements to blind spots , problems at the intersection by the minister ' s house and ® pollution . He stated that he had tried to look at the whole thing objectively . He stated that he thought people would see an element of quality of life if there was a pedestrian and bicyle way . Town Engineer Fabbroni concluded that it ends up to be what are you willing ( each person ) to give up to help solve a problem . He went on to say that a by - pass is the only real solution ; he can forsee the Forest Home problem growing , with increased traffic ( similar to North Triphammer Road ) . This one -way scheme puts pressure back on Cornell . Cornell has had a master plan on the books for 15 years . ( e . g . , connection of Schoellkopf Drive to lot B . The jughandle is only a safety valve for Cornell . i Ruth Mahr , 103 Judd Falls Road , remarked that Forest Home j bears a disappropriate burden of East Ithaca traffice ; the one -way doesn ' t alter that She pointed out that you are putting into the same basket , pedestrian safety and one -way traffic . I don ' t like that marriage .. Pedestrian traffic can be separated from vehicle traffic . We came to the Board a year ago with a proposal for traffic safety . The Board Town Board Minutes - 13 - June 13 , 1983 promised the community not to implement the one -way plan unless the community voted for it . The Board promised , in good faith , to continue working for the by - pass . Mrs . Mair said she personally had voted to try the one -way plan , so that we could see the actual results ; but this should be coupled with asking the State to lower the speed on Judd Falls Road and with continuing work on a by - pass . Roger Garrison , 233 Forest Home Drive , stated that he was not aware of the proposed one -way traffic plan when he purchased the property at 233 Forest Home Drive . He stated that he felt the one -way would only make things worse . Everybody drives very cautiously now , the one -way would only make traffic worse . ® Councilman Jennings stated that he thought the one -way circulation consideration started last fall or summer after the County said there would be no further consideration of the by - pass . He stated that he asked if one -way would be feasible , and asked this to be looked at because there are no alternatives . He noted that he felt this was done with the intention of protecting a delicate part of the Town . There is no sense in making the bridges two way as the roads can ' t be widened . We didn ' t plan to increase traffic on Plantations and I don ' t think it will . I was in favor of this , felt it was time to protect the Forest Home area . The intent was to reduce traffic , because we can ' t improve the roads , only try to reduce traffic . The people are convinced we .need a by - pass , but apparently don ' t think there is a need to implement the one - way . We do need a by - pass but that is out of the Town ' s hands . If traffic counts are not reduced for Forest Home , then the one -way experiment would not be a success . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that she recollected that the Public Works Committee asked the Staff to look at one -way traffic . She felt the Staff had done a good job , and had given us all something to react to . She had traveled the roads to try to evaluate the plan ; she had also been influenced by the many Forest Home letter . She stated that as a result there was no way could she vote to implement this , even on a trial basis . As a footnote she added that she has heard talk about the golf course situation north of Forest Home : Cornell would like to expand its course , and the Country Club may be having difficulty financially maintaining its course . Were Cornell to acquire part or all of the other course , the layout could be realigned , and then suddenly there may be space for a close - in by - pass , as had been proposed years ago ! Councilman McPeak stated that he had traveled the road for 22 years . He had talked to people who lived there and travel the roads , plus the letters received . He stated that tie intended to vote to not try the one -way circulation . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she was chairman of the committee that asked staff to draft a plan . The committee was asked by the people for bikeway , safety , etc . The taking of property was not desirable , the only way was to ask the Town Board to ask the staff to look at the one -way traffic scheme . The County said it was not interested in building the by - pass . She stated that she could not vote for the implementation of the one -way because of the letters received . I regret it , wish we could have a .trial period as I thought the one -way would help . Councilman Kugler stated that he was sorry to see so very little support . We have to take action and gather data . I will , therefore , vote for a trial period for the one -way circulation . . Town Board Minutes - 14 - June 13 , 1983 Councilman Cramer thanked the Forest Home residents who came to speak and stated he was voting against the one -way circulation because from his point of view , this does nothing for the circulation problem in Forest Home . Regardless of the commitment , we will press for the by -pass . County Representative Livesay said she wished to comment on the County ' s position with regard to a by -pass , but Supervisor Desch said this was not the time . ® Town Engineer Fabbroni remarked , we are down to money and politics , there is technical information to substantiate the by -pass . ® Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that there was a very cleat indication that the County is not the least bit interested in helping the Town . Once again , Representative Livesay asked to comment , and Supervisor Desch said not now . ONE -WAY CIRCULATION PLAN FOR FOREST HOME RESOLUTION NO , 68 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilwoman Kiefer , WHEREAS , the Town Board , at the request of the Forest Home Improvement Association ( FHIA ) , has erected children warning signs , annually painted pedestrian crosswalks , and instituted traffic stop controls at key community intersections , and WHEREAS , the Town Board has , by Resolution , adopted a policy with regard to the East Ithaca Circulation Study in December 1981 favoring an alternate route avoiding Forest Home , and WHEREAS , the Town Supervisor referred attached suggestions for possible additional walks - to improve pedestrian flow , as offered by certain representatives of the FHIA in the spring of 1982 , to the Public Works Committee , and WHEREAS , the Public Works Committee reviewed the FHIA proposed walks in conjunction with the minimal existing rights - of -way ( some 30 ' ) , the expense of bridge crossings , the mid - block crossings , and the private property taking ® over the properties of Bronfenbrenner , McIsaac , Bruun , Masterman , Bloom , McElwee , Lazar , Forlano , Bates , Shipe , Cornell University , to name a few , and ® WHEREAS , the Public Works Committee concluded that , along with other problems such as blind intersections , increasing traffic , etc . , stated over the years , the so - called one -way system should be reexamined as a way of dealing with the bulk of problems within the existing rights - of -way , and WHEREAS , the Public Works Committee directed the Town Engineer to present a packet of materials detailing the one -way solution to the FHIA , and WHEREAS , the Town Engineer presented the attached packet of materials to the FHIA on November 30 , 1982 , outlining all problems , solutions , and status of solutions offered over the years , including the pros and cons of the one -way systems , complete with key intersection of roadway segment details with a subsequent memorandum report to the Town Board Decemue r 3r 1. 9 8 2 , and a Town Board Minutes - 15 - June 13 , 1983 WHEREAS , the Town Board asked for community - wide comment on the one -way proposal through the Town Newsletter dated April 22 , 1983 , and WHEREAS , the response from users of the existing circulation routes through Forest Home and a significant number of Forest residents has been negative , and WHEREAS , the FHIA and some Forest Homers individually have expressed a dislike for the inconvenience , speed , ® maintenance , uninterrupted flow , sign clutter , mail box relocation , etc . , associated with a one -way , or a wish to leave things as they are , or a wish to affect Cornell University or Tompkins County policies in a way that would produce a Forest- Home by - pass , or a wish to discuss something other than traffic and pedestrian safety in Forest Home for a change , and WHEREAS , Cornell University has endorsed the East Ithaca Circulation Study and the County of Tompkins has tabled further consideration , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that existing highways , traffic control , and pedestrian facilities and opportunities be maintained as is in Forest Home until such time as a by -pass or alternate route around the community is developed . The Supervisor called for a roll call vote . Councilman Cramer Voting Aye Councilman Jennings Voting Nay Councilwoman Kiefer Voting Aye Councilman Kugler Voting Nay Councilman McPeak Voting Aye Councilwoman Raffensperger Voting Aye Supervisor Desch Voting Nay The Resolution was duly adopted . PUBLIC HEARING - NEW ZONING LAW Supervisor Desch suggested a discussion of the timetable for the Zoning Ordinance and asked Attorney Buyoucos to speak to this . County Representative Livesay asked for recognition , ® reminding the Supervisor that she wished to address the Board and asking when she might do so . Supervisor Desch suggests Mrs . Livesay set up a meeting for ® the Board with appropriate County planning . Councilwoman Kiefer stated she would like to hear what Representative Livesay has to say . Supervisor Desch stated there is a long agenda , and that would take all night . He refuses . Mrs . Livesay asked whom Supervisor Desch wants to meet with , and when . Supervisor Desch responded , whomever she wishes . Representative Livesay said that rather than arrange a meeting , she may write the Town Board a letter with what she would have said , and will send copies to the County Board , so that if anyone disagrees , they can say so . Town Board Minutes - 16 - June 13 , 1983 FIRE ALARM ( The Town Board meeting was interrupted by a false fire alarm . ) Attorney Buyoucos reported that he . had just begun going over the Zoning Ordinance , and has many charges on just the first three pages . He will devote some time each day to the Zoning Ordinance from now on , but can ' t say when he ' ll be done . ® Councilwoman Raffensperger read her letter of June 8 , 1983 to Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni on Zoning Law revisions : ® I mentioned to you some time ago my concern that the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance do not include a requirement for increased lot size for newly constructed two - family houses , along with new " performance " standards . The old pattern of a house . with one primary unit and an apartment , limited in size and configuration , seems to be fading , although still occasionally desired . Replacing that is increased pressure for two - family units , equal or more equal in size , different in purpose , stressing both the ability of the lot to accomodate the resulting activities and the adjoining neighborhood to accept this type of use . Recent variances and requests for variances convince me that we now must address this problem in the Zoning Ordinance revision . Previous revisions have suggested 25 , 000 square feet lots for two family structures ; perhaps 22 , 500 would be more reasonable in already laid - out subdivisions . Such a requirement , possibly others , seems reasonable to consider , i . e . , we might wish to establish some uniformity in standards , other than lot size , for two - family conversions and new- construction , Councilwoman Kiefer said the Zoning Board of Appeals minutes of May 11 , 1982 references a Zoning Board of Appeals resolution acknowledging the same concern . Councilman Kugler and Attorney Buyoucos also noted the increase in the number of variance requests , probably because of economic dictates . Supervisor Desch suggested we take this up at our July meeting . Supervisor Desch , speaking to the Town Attorney ,, interm of your review of the Zoning Law , what do you suggest is the best approach in handling the revisions ? Town Attorney Buyoucos stated that he Zoning Law be sent to the Board members in suggested ectionsY, a after his review so that Board members can reread the revisions he ' suggests , Councilwoman Kiefer asked the Town Attorney if it would be possible for him to devise a way to highlight his changes . RESOLUTION NO , 69 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adjourns the Public Hearing on the new Zoning Law until July 11 , 1983 at 7 : 00 . pbma , at the Town Hall , 126 East Seneca tr. eet , Ithaca , at which time thev will hear all persons for :.jr against iQ Zonis g Law . Town Board Minutes - 17 - June 13 , 1983 ( Desch , Kugler , . Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - None ) . Councilwoman Kiefer questioned if the Planning Board was looking at Solar Access to elaborate the little amount that is now in the new Zoning Law ; she asked the Supervisor to ask the Planning Board if they will give this information to the Town Attorney and when can the Board expect to receive their recommendations . ® OLD HOSPITAL USE Supervisor Desch noted that the Board had on the table , a ® resolution which makes reference to the old hospital . We have received twenty - two letters in response to our add , in the Ithaca Journal , for Town residents opinions on the moving of social services to the old hospital . Seventeen letters were against moving social services to the old hospital_ and five were for the move . He went on to say that the level of response was not too good . Councilman McPeak stated that he had received several phone calls and none of the callers were in favor of the move . Supervisor Desch went on to say that his main concern was that this is a County matter . He stated that he felt the Town Board should not deal in generalities , they should only deal with a specific plan . He noted that he did not think the Board was in a position to take a stand on this issue , and suggested that the Board not take a stand . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that the move of social service agencies is a specific proposal . She went on to say that she brought up the issue only because she had received so many comments from persons who were against the move . Supervisor Desch responded that he was not sure that the responses from the add showed any trend . Councilwoman Kiefer responded that her analysis of responses differed from the Supervisor ; she thought a 5 to 1 ratio seemed fairly clear that people were . against the move of social services type operations to the old hospital , and that we could be guided by this input . Supervisor Desch responded that it was clear that the box ad did not pay for itself . ® Councilwoman Kiefer , talking to the Town Supervisor , responded that you did suggest and the Board voted to go along with the box ad , and the Board would then be guided by ® the response . The response to the add seems clear , it seems wrong to ignore the responses . Supervisor Desch stated that the response letters suggest how he will vote . Councilman Jennings noted that about a year ago somebody suggested we pass a resolution on natural gas deregulation . He felt we had no jurisdiction and that matter and should not consider such resolutions because people will think we have control over things we cannot control . He doesn ' t think we should pass this resolution , we should leave the old hospital to the County Board . Councilman Kugler stated that he felt the Town Board was dabbling in County government . Town Board Minutes - 18 - June 13 , 1983 Councilwoman Raffensperger noted that we ran the Box Add and said we would vote on it . She doesn ' t think we should be giving carte . blanche to the County . Councilman Cramer remarked , we are concerned with resolutions and box adds , our concerns should be with our problems , water and sewer , not social services . RESOLUTION NO . 70 ® WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca , with a population of 16 , 022 , is the largest Town in Tompkins County , and WHEREAS , the City of Ithaca currently serves well as a convenient central location for various services for Town of Ithaca residents , and . WHEREAS , it is the responsibility of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca to be concerned about the health and welfare of the Town ' s residents , - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca recommends against moving County social service agencies such as the Department of Socaial Services and the Office for the Aging away from the City of Ithaca to the old hospital complex in the northwest portion of the County , as not being in the best interest of the majority of Town residents . The Supervisor called for a roll call vote . Councilman Cramer Voting Nay Councilman Jennings Voting Nay Councilman Kiefer Voting Aye * Councilman Kugler Voting Nay Councilman McPeak Voting Aye Councilwoman Raffensperger Voting Aye Supervisor Desch Voting Nay The resolution was defeated . * Councilwoman Kiefer stated that the Town Board had placed the box ad in the Ithaca Journal and asked for input from the Town residents , which was received . The great majority of the letters received were opposed to the move . The Town Board looks foolish to imply that we will take a position and then refuse to do so . County Representative Mary Call asked if the responses would be forwarded to the County ? Supervisor Desch responded that he would direct a letter to ® Harris Dates or the Planning and Public Works Committee and include the responses . LOCAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW RESOLUTION NO . 71 Motion by Supervisor Desch , seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the appointment of Supervisor Noel Desch and Councilman George Kugler to serve on the Local Board of Assessment Review for the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday , June 14 , 1983 , from 5 to 7 P . M . ( Desch , �; iiQ LEr , Raffens erg e " Cramer , 1 rPeak , Kiefer and 7 Nays Town Board Minutes - 19 - June 13 , 1983 AWARD BID ON THEODOLITE Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni noted that six bids had been received ranging from a low of $ 7 , 049 . 50 to a high of $ 9 , 900 . The high bid was bid on manufacturers list price . Supervisor Desch asked the Engineer if he was comfortable with the low bidder without field testing the particular model ? ® The Town Engineer responded , yes . Councilman Jennings asked if the instrument used a laser ? ® Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , this instrument uses laser on distance . He went on to note that when you get into distance measurement accuracy , you weeded out the marginal instruments . RESOLUTION NO . 72 Motion by Councilman Kugler ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , WHEREAS , on June 13 , 1983 , bids were received for a new theodolite - electronic distance measuring device combination or a total station with accessories , and WHEREAS , Carl Heinrich Company , 711 Concord Avenue , Cambridge , Massachusetts , 02138 , was the apparent low bidder on a Topcon GTS - 2 - 06 Total Station with accessories meeting or exceeding all specifications , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca accepts the low bid of $ 7 , 049 . 50 from Carl Heinrich Company , 711 Concord Avenue , Cambridge , Massachusetts , 02138 , for a Topcon GTS - 2 - 06 Total Station with accessories as completely detailed in the bid dated June 9 , 19830 ( Desch , Kugler , Raf. fensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . SEWER USE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT PROCESS Supervisor Desch stated that things were moving along with the pretreatment program , there was a meeting on Saturday . The review process has led up to a point to where the local law we adopted a few years ago is being used by the State as a model . There are still some pieces that need to be worked on with the City . The City will be taking care of the sewers and Bolton Point the water . The concept we are pursuing would involve a person who will be an employee of the SJS , this will give us a quicker response . It is proposed to create a new position with regard to inspection and enforcement . There are to be a number of monitoring stations , to check flow , and which will have campling capability . Councilwoman Kiefer asked for a report on the Saturday meeting . Councilman Kugler referred Councilwoman Kiefer to the extensive press coverage . Town Board Minutes - 20 - June 13 , 1983 Councilman McPeak , the Town ' s representative to the Pretreatment Committee , reported that thirty - six people had attended the public informational hearing at the City of Ithaca on Pretreatment . There was concern about who will monitor what . We don ' t want each municipality having a dog catcher . At present , the City does approximate montly sampling . THere is a _ feeling that -industry should be responsible for its own monitoring . The meeting was more informational than anything else . He noted that a representative from Stearns & Wheler had also attended the ® meeting . Councilwoman Kiefer asked who would pay for continuous monitoring ? Councilman McPeak responded , industry should pay . Supervisor Desch added that there will be two levels of monitoring , meter control stations and also sampling . Councilwoman Kiefer asked if it would be continual monitoring ? Supervisor Desch responded that this has not been settled Yet , that was the reason for input from the public . Also , it needs to be decided who will do the sampling . He went on to say that he was not happy with Industry taking their own samples . Councilman McPeak noted that this was like the chicken watching the fox . Councilwoman Kiefer asked if Cornell were included in this , and was assured they were . TOWN HISTORIAN CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO . 73 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes Helen Blauvelt , Town Historian to attend the Lake Ontario Achives Conference in Rochester , New York , June 17 and 18 , 19830 ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and ® Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . AII14UAL REPORT OF TOWN MILEAGE RESOLUTION N0 , 74 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the Annual Report of Town Mileage , present total mileage being 39 . 76 miles , as prepared and presented by the Highway Superintendent Robert Parkin . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . SCHEDULE OF HIGHWAY REPAIRS / IMPROVEMENTS Supervisor Desch noted that the big items were Stone Quarry Road aI"d E IPA. StreelC Extension . r Town Board Minutes - 21 - June 13 , 1983 RESOLUTION NO , 75 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approve the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds . ( Copy of the Agreement attached to the Official Minutes ) , Councilwoman Raffensperger asked if it was known that Stone ® Quarry Road was going to cost so much ? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , the amount is less than we expected . Councilman Jennings asked if anything was going to be done with the railroad tracks ? Supervisor Desch responded , next year . Town Engineer Fabbroni added that where we were last October is where we are now because of drainage problems and a change of engineers in the City . Councilman Jennings said his concern was that in coming down hill , the road is out of site . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . WATER BILL REFUNDS RESOLUTION NO , 76 Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman McPeak , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes a refund in the amount of $ 63 . 89 for Water , $ 7 . 67 Surcharge and $ 38 . 63 Sewer for a total refund of $ 110 . 19 to be paid Roy Colle , 121 Pine Tree Road , Ithaca , New York , by reason of the customer misreading his water meter . Account No . 170 - 0154464 , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes a refund in the amount of $ 13 . 55 for Water , $ 1 . 63 Surcharge and $ 8 . 46 for Sewer for a total refund of $ 23 . 64 be paid to Harold M . Vann , 102 Haller Boulevard , Ithaca , New York , by reason of the customer misreading his water meter . Account No . 162 - 0111089 . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . SALARY INCREASE FOR PARK WORKER Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni reported that Larry Stanton has now worked for the Town for over two years . He started as a temporary employee then went to full time , so his annual year comes up in the summer . He stated that he is proposing that Mr . Stanton ' s employment be continued for the next twelve months as a temporary full - time employee until such time as he completes his high school equivelence test . RESOLUTION NO . 77 'lotion Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , Town Board Minutes - 22 - June 13 , 1983 WHEREAS , Larry Stanton has served the Town in a punctual , efficient , and capable manner for over two years , and WHEREAS , Mr . Stanton at times has accepted added responsibilies related to coordinating peak summer employees and performing many one -man tasks , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that Mr . Stanton be continued for twelve months as a temporary full - time employee with all benefits except New ® York State Retirement at a rate of $ 4 . 20 per hour through July 1 , 1984 , or until such earlier time that a more complete employee review is appropriate . Councilman Jennings noted this is a 12 % increase . Supervisor Desch responded that it was a big increase , however , Mr . Stanton had come to us and worked for very low wages for a long time . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . TOWN OF ITHACA WARRANTS RESOLUTION NO , 78 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilman Jennings , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated June 13 , 1983 , in the following amounts : General Fund - Town Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 68 , 602 . 85 General Fund - Outside Village . . . . . . . : $ 11 , 033 . 44 Highway Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 42 , 299 . 56 Water & Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 513 , 580 . 30 Parks Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 , 208 . 89 Lighting Districts Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 232 . 21 Fire Protection Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 105 , 326 . 00 Councilwoman Kiefer noted that she did not see an Ithaca Journal bill for the box ad we ran asking for input on moving Social Service Agencies ; since that ad ran with a serious word error which the Journal now corrected , although requested to , she does not believe we should pay for the additional two runs . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . BOLTON POINT WARRANTS RESOLUTION 79 Motion by Supervisor Desch , seconded by Councilman Jennings , RESOLVED , that the Bolton Point Warrants dated June 13 , 1983 , in the Operating Account are hereby approved , in the amount of $ 73 , 768 . 83 after review and upon the Town Board Minutes - 23 - June 13 , 1983 recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission , they are in order for payment . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , McPeak , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . MINUTES Supervisor Desch asked if the Board wished to defer the Minutes to another time ? Councilwoman Kiefer said she had inquired about the omission of Minutes from the mailed agenda last week and had been told by the Town Clerk that the Supervisor had suggested not including them because the agenda was so lengthy . Councilwoman Kiefer believed action should be deferred , and others agreed . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned . Ask wm-C-ler