HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1983-03-21 TOWN OF ITHACA SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MARCH 21 , 1983 At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County , , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , at 12 : 00 P . M . , on the 21st day of March , 1983 , there were : PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor . ® George Kugler , Councilman Shirley Raffensperger , Councilwoman Marc Cramer , Councilman Adak Dooley Kiefer , Councilwoman David Jennings , Councilman ABSENT : Henry McPeak , Councilman ALSO PRESENT : Lawrence Fabbron , Town Engineer Peter Lovi , Town Planner James Buyoucos , Town Attorney Robert Schultheisz , 106 Troy Road Robert L . Anderson , 110 Auburn St . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance . ADOPTION OF A LOCAL LAW AMEtNJDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRIC '.l.' FROM A RESIDENCE DISTRICT R15 A PhRCEL OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA , TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST KING ROAD DESIGNATED ON THE CURRENT TAX ASSESSMENT MAP OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ON PARCEL NO , 44 - 1 - 493 Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to consider a local law amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca by changing the zoning classification to Multiple Residence District from a Residence DistrictR15 a parcel of land in the Tow: of Ithaca , Tompkins County , New York located on the north side of East King Road designated on the current tax -assessment map of the Town of Ithaca on Parcel No . 44 - 1 - 4 . 3 having been presented by the Town Clerk , ® the Supervisor opened the public hearing . Councilwoman Raffensperger referring Section 3 . B . , asked why Town Board approval was needed to cut brush . The question ® is , is this consistent or should the Planning Board be given the authority ? Councilman Jennings asked why the Town Attorney had written the paragraph this way ? Town Attorney Buyoucos responded that it was immaterial to him . He had no objection to changing the wording from Town Board to Planning Board as the proper authority to grant the consent on the cutting of trees and shrubbery on the 6 acre buffer zone . It was the sense of the Board that tti*is change be made . Councilwoman Kiefer referred to Section 2 . A . which sys that the Town Board Resolution of February 7 , 1983 , which " constitutes findings , definitions and statements of for the amendment of purpose this law , " is attached . She notes that there is no such attachment , but that she wishes to refer to Resoltitlol't . Town Board Minutes - 2 - March 21 , 1983 Councilman Jennings questioned the sentence " The time within which such building permit shall be effective may be extended , if good cause is shown , by the Town Planning Board " . Does it also need to be approved by the Town Board ? Councilwoman Kiefer , referring to Page 6 , Section D , said the language sounds as if the Town Board must okay Planning Board extensions of building permit time and contrasted this with the poroposed legislation , Page 3 , last sentence . Supervisor Desch responded no , the Town Board does not need ® to approve the extension of a building permit . Councilwoman Kiefer referred to Page 6 , Section 1 . C . v . , of the February Resolution which says that the proposed local law should include provisions with respect to the future use of the access driveways ; she asked is there language n the Local Law that deals with this ? Supervisor Desch responded yes , Section 3 B , subparagraph 2 . Councilwoman Kiefer said that only says the driveway won ' t be built until there is a permit ; it does not deal with future use . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she felt some additional language should be incorporated in the local law . Councilman Cramer questioned , if the developer is seeking additional property , won ' t the owner need to come back with new plans ? Supervisor Desch responded , yes . Town Engineer Fabbroni suggested that the language in Section 3 B , subparagraph 2 , could be tidied up to include a reference to the Town Board Resolution of February 7 , 1983 . It was agreed to change the last word in that paragraph , " section " to " Town Board Resolution " . Town Attorney Buyoucos asked if anyone felt inhibited by the intent of the preservation of the buffer zone or road ? No one present stated that they felt inhibited . O Mr . Buyoucos went on to note that Mr . Manos has an option to acquire adjacent land to the north of this section . The Resolution of February 7 , 1983 , in no way is intended to deprive the applicant from obtaining this land . The ® Planning Board said Mr . Manos may acquire the land , but there is no guarantee that the road could go beyond the present north boundary . ® LOCAL LAW NO . 3 - 1983 Motion by Councilman Cramer , seconded by Councilman Jennings , LOCAL LAW NO . 3 - 1983 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT FROM 'A RESIDENCE DISTRICT R15 A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF ITHACA , TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK , LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST KING ROAD DESIGNATED ON THE CURRENT TAX ASSESSMENT MAP OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA ON PARCEL NO . 44 - 1 - 4 . 3 . Town Board Minutes - 3 - March 21 , 1983 SECTION 1 . CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT . DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL , A Multiple Residence District is hereby established encompassing the parcel consisting of about 30 acres of land located on the north side of East King Road and designated on the current tax assessment map of the Town of Ithaca . as Tax Parcel 44 - 1 - 4 : 3 more particularly described in Schedule A entitled " Description of Parcel on the north side of East King Road which is established by this Local Law as a ® Multiple Residence District . " SECTION 2 . LEGISLATIVE BASIS AND PURPOSE OF THIS LAW , A . RESOLUTION This Local Law has been enacted pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Town Board on February 7 , 1983 , . a copy of which is attached hereto . Provisions of said Resolution constitute findings , determinations and statements of purposes for the enactment of this law . Be TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT . a . Article IX of the current Zoning Ordinance ( adopted February 12 , 1968 , effective February 26 , 1968 ) sets forth the procedure for the establishment of the Multiple Residence District- and authorizes the Town Board to establish a Multiple Residence District by defining the boundaries thereof , approving the general site plan and imposing any modifications and additional requirements as the Town Board may determine . SECTION 30 MODIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS . A . The provisions of paragraph " A " , " B " , AND " C " of the Resolution referred to above which is attached hereto contain modifications , conditions and requirements relating to the rezoning of the subject parcel into a Multiple Residence. District and its development by the construction thereon of multiple family units . The aforesaid paragraphs " A " , " B " , AND " C " are incorporated into this Local Law and made a part hereof as if they had been set forth in the body of the text rather than an Appendix thereto and they shall apply to the rezoning and the development of the subject parcel except as they may be specifically modified or added to by subsequent provisions of this Local Law . ® Be PROVISIONS AS TO THE 6 ACRE PARCEL BUFFER ZONE ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL ; CONTAINED IN SAID RESOLUTION , ARE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS : ® 1 . The provisions of Section 1 . C . i . are expanded to include the requirement that no trees or shrubbery shall be cut unless the owner of the parcel has obtained the duly authorized consent of the Town Planning Board . The owner shall give a written notice of at least 4 weeks to the Town Engineer or such other person or agency of the Town as the Town Planning Board may designate requesting the consent of the Town Planning Board and setting forth the management practices which would require such action to be taken . The Town Planning Board shall review the request and act promptly in giving or denying its consent . 2 . The driveway referred to in Section l . C . ii . , shall not be constructed until a building permit has been obtained from the Town Engineer in accordance with the provisions of the Town Board Resolution concerning this matter . Town Board Minutes - 4 - March 21 , 1983 3 . The Town Planning Board may require the owner of the subject parcel to submit information and documents from time to time in order to determine that thre is compliance with the requirements of this law . C . In accordance with the provisions of Section l . D . , of the said Resolution , it is provided that no buildings and residential units in excess of those approved by the Town Planning Board shall be permitted and that the construction , ® development and use must comply in all respects with the site plans and conditions of approval and rezoning adopted by the Town Planning Board and the Town Board and no variance in the construction development and use of the parcel shall be permitted except as may be permitted by the Town Planning Board with the approval of the Town Board , SECTION 4 . RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONING . A . The sovereign power of the Town to enact and amend the Town ' s Zoning Regulations is not affected by the enactment of this Local Law . Without limiting the foregoing declaration , the Town , at the option of the Town Board , may review the status of the development of , and the extent of construction of improvements on , the subject parcel and other factors reasonably affecting the area and community within which the subject parcel is located , the protection and enhancement of the Town ' s . physical and visual environment and to promote the government , protection , and the health , safety and well -being of the inhabitants or property in the Town , and , at its option , the Town Board may amend the Town Zoning Regulations by changing the classification of the subject parcel or any portion therof , to a Residential R15 or such other district as the Town T Board may determine . Be The Town now makes a legislative finding that the present owner would reasonably require a period of forty - eight ( 48 ) months from the date of enactment of this law to commence and complete the construction of the improvements on the project . C . Any building permit issued subsequent to the enactment of this law may be revoked or modified at the . option of the Town Planning Board if ( i ) construction of the project has not been substantially commenced prior to the expiration of eighteen ( 18 ) months from the date of enactment of this law , or ( ii ) if such construction has not ® been substantially completed at the expiration of the forty - eight ( 48 ) month period commencing with the enactment of this law . The time within which such building permit shall be effective may be extended , if good cause is shown , ® by the Town Planning Board , SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST KING ROAD WHICH IS ESTABLISHED BY THIS LOCAL LAW AS A MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Ithaca , County of Tompkins , State of New York , being a part Of Military Lots 89 and 99 ( Old Town of Ulysses ) and described as follows : Town Board Minutes - 5 - March 21 , 1983 Beginning at a point on the northeasterly boundary of the existing King Road East ( County Road No . 179 ) said point being the following two courses and distances from the intersection of the northerly boundary of the existing King Road East and the westerly boundary of the existing Troy Road ; thence ( 1 ) north 82 " 02 ' 47 " west 1081 . 53 feet and thence ( 2 ) westerly and northwesterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 975 . 0 feet , a distance of 211 . 07 feet to the point and place of beginning of the premises intended to be described herein ; thence ( 1 ) Northwesterly on ® a curve to the right having a radius of 975 . 00 feet a distance of 235 . 12 feet ; thence ( 2 ) north 55 ° 49 ' 33 " west along the said northeasterly boundary of the existing King Road East a distance of 1731 . 85 feet to a point on the division line between the property of Schuylkill Investors , Inc . , on the east and the property now or formerly owned by Cornell University on the west ; thence ( 3 ) north 90 18 ' 00 " east along said division line a distance of 455 . 00 feet to a point ; thence the following fifteen courses and distances through the property now or formerly owned by Schuylkill Investors , Inc . : ( 1 ) North 570 01 ' 43 " east , a distance of 221 . 09 feet ; thence ( 2 ) South 790 16 ' 23 " east , a distance of 327 . 73 feet ; thence ( 3 ) North 850 47 ' 58 " east , a distance of 177 . 48 feet ; thence ( 4 ) South 160 55 ' 39 " east , a distance of 96 . 17 feet ; thence ( 5 ) South 530 58 ' 21 " east , a distance of 163 . 22 feet ; thence ( 6 ) South 480 57 ' 27 " east , a distance of 225 . 40 feet ; thence ( 7 ) South 230 01 ' 32 " east , a distance of 217 . 31 feet ; thence ( 8 ) South 390 37 ' 09 " east , a distance of 708 . 82 feet ; thence ( 9 ) South 670 50 ' 59 " east , a distance of: 122 . 00 feet ; thence ( 10 ) South 340 54 ' 43 " east , a distance of 234 . 14 feet ; thence ( 11 ) South 370 07 ' 34 " east , a distance of 268 . 40 feet ; thence ( 12 ) South 520 52 ' 26 " west , a distance of 40 . 00 feet ; thence ( 13 ) North 370 07 ' 34 " west , a distance of 293 . 00 feet ; thence ( 14 ) South 380 30 ' 36 " west , a distance of 208 . 19 feet and thence ( 15 ) South 250 27 ' 00 " west , a distance of 126 . 43 feet to the point of beginning , containing 300566 acres of land . For further description , reference is hereby made to a map of King Road Development Corporation made by Erdman , Anthony Associates , Consulting Engineers , Rochester , New York , dated May 15 , 19730 Supervisor Desch called for a roll call vote . ® Councilman Cramer Voting Aye Councilman Jennings Voting Aye Councilwoman Kiefer Voting Aye ® Councilman Kugler Voting Aye Councilwoman Raffensperger Voting Aye Supervisor Desch Voting Aye Local Law No . 3 - 1983 , was thereupon declared duly adopted . AUTHORIZE TOWN ENGINEER ' S ATTENDANCE AT WORKSHOP AND CONFERENCE Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that Spring APWA Conference is being held in Rochester , New York from April 20 to April 22 , 1983 covering such topical municipal concerns as computer applications , equipment maintenance , landfills , roadside Town Board Minutes - 6 - March 21 , 1983 drainage , claims prevention and methodologies for consultant services selection . Prior to this conference , the " Public Works Administration for Small Communities " workshop will be . offered April 19 and 20 , 19830 He went on to say that he would be pleased if the Town Board would authorize his attendance at the conference and workshop . An approximate cost of $ 300 was mentioned . RESOLUTION NO . 34 ® Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes the attendance of the Town Engineer , Lawrence Fabbroni at the Spring APWA Conference to be held in Rochester , New York from April 20 to April 22 , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Engineer is hereby authorized to attend the " Public . Works Administration for Small Communities " workshop to be held April 19 and 20 , 1983 . ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . LEAD AGENCY - REVISION OF TOWN SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Supervisor Desch noted that the important question is whether the Town Board wishes to retain their prerogative as lead agency as prescribed by Local Law # 3 - 1980 , or turn the authority over to the Planning Board . The only problem that might arise is the Town Board making modifications after Planning Board approval . Councilwoman Raffensperger questioned , designation does not give them final approval . Supervisor Desch responded , only in SEQR . Councilwoman Kiefer stated that there was some tradition that the agency who has approval authority ( Town Board ) is usually the lead agency . She felt that in this case the Town Board clearly has approval authority and therefore must take ultimate responsibility . Therefore she believes the Town Board should be the lead agency , but she suggests that the Town Board , having asked the Planning Board to analyze and make suggested changes in the subdivision regulations , ® should also delegate the preparation of an EIS to the Planning Board , since they are best equipped to do the work . ® Town Planner Peter Lovi responded , the Town Board would have to take the responsibility . Supervisor Desch asked if the Planning Board would conduct the scoping session and the overview of the SEQR ? Peter Lovi responded , that he felt the Town Board could not delegate the scoping session to the Planning Board , if they are going to be the lead agency . Town Attorney Buyoucos agreed , saying that if the Town Board is going to be the lead agency , they must hold the scoping session . The Town Board can ask the Planning Board to make an indepth study , however , the public hearing needs to be held by the Town Board . Town Planner Lovi stated that the Town Board , not the Planning Board would then decide on topics to be discussed . Tree scoping session will determine the areas to be looked , t . Town Board Minutes - 7 - March 21 , 1983 Councilman Cramer stated , based on what he has heard , we the Town Board have to pass judgement if we are to act as the lead agency . Supervisor Desch answered , that is right . This also facilitates administrative efficiency . Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that it was unclear to her what we are administering to the Planning Board ? Supervisor Desch responded , the Town Board will be the lead ® agency . The Town Board will hold the scoping session . Out of the scoping session will come direction and what is required of the Planning Board and staff in the way of focus for the DEIS . Town Attorney Buyoucos asked who are you going to have a scoping session with ? Supervisor Desch responded , County Planning Department and the County Health Department and other affected agencies . Town Attorney Buyoucos noted , after the scoping session you should decide what direction the Town Board wants to go . Do you want the Planning Board to look over the regulations , or do you want the Planning Board to hold the public hearing and act as lead agency ? Peter Lovi responded , the Town Board will be lead agency and hold the public hearing on the scoping session . The Planning Board can draft tl-ie subdivision regulations . RESOLUTION NO , 35 Motion by Councilman Cramer ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby declares itself lead agency in the matter of the revision of subdivision regulations , and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the Planning Board be designated to review and propose revisions to the subdivision regulations and prepare the DEIS : ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . ® Councilwoman Kiefer remarked that she was not convinced that that Town Board needs to hold the scoping session . The Town Board is causing the DEIS to be prepared by the Planning Board and the Planning Board can call a scoping session . ® Supervisor Desch responded that the Town Board will conduct the scoping session , they do not need to chair the meeting But as lead agency they have the responsibility to conduct the meeting . Supervisor Desch asked if there was any problem with the time frame of April for such a meeting ? Town Engineer Fabbroni responded , you will need time for the lead agency to make a determination of significance on the subdivision regulations and the EAF . The Planning Board said they would be lead agency , now the Town Board says they ill be lead agency . The time frame questions needs to be discussed with the Planning Board . Town Board Minutes - 8 - March 21 , 1983 Councilwoman Kiefer remarked that she was prepared to act today to find that an EIS is necessary based on the Planning Board ' s analysis to date which states that the amendment of subdivision regulations is a Type I action with potential for significant environmental impace and which therefore recommends that an EIS is necessary . REZONING - PARCEL NO . 6 - 44 - 2 - 9 Supervisor Desch reported that the Planning Board had met on ® March 10 , 1983 and held a public hearing to consider the rezoning of Tax Parcel No . 6 - 44 - 2 - 9 from Residence 15 District to Multiple Residence District . ( Robert Schulteisz ® proposal ) . The Planning Board classified this as an unlisted action under SEQR and recommended against the rezoning request . The Town Board needs to schedule a public hearing to consider the rezoning . RESOLUTION NO , 36 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will meet and conduct a public hearing at 7 : 00 P . M . , on April 11 , 1983 , to consider the rezoning from Resident 15 District to Multiple Resident District , Tax Parcel No . 6 - 44 - 2 - 9 Schulteisz proposal ) . ( Robert ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , Kiefer and Jennings voting Aye . Nays - none ) . Councilwoman Raffensperger requested that the Town Board members receive a copy of the Planning Board minutes which dealt with the Robert Schulteisz proposal , before the April 11 , 1983 Town Board meeting . Supervisor Desch asked that a map showing nearby parcels of land also be made available . Supervisor Desch asked if there was any further business . Councilwoman Kiefer , referring to the March _, 1983 , bulletin of the Association of Towns , asked if the Town of Ithaca had returned the survey questionnaire on revenue sharing . Supervisor Desch said we had , and Councilwoman Kiefer asked ® for a copy . Councilwoman Kiefer reminded Board members of the upcoming Cable TV Franchise rate increase request and asked if the ® Clerk or any Board member whose files go back a ways would check for a copy of the Town Franchise , Councilwoman Kiefer mentioned that at the last regular Board meeting the minutes of September 13 and December 30 , 1982 were acted upon , but that there had been confusion over which meetings were under consideration , which version of the December minutes were being voted on , and whether we were following our Guidelines . Town Board Minutes - 9 - March 21 , 1983 Supervisor Desch said there had been confusion , that he had spoken with the Clerk , and the Clerk was preparing a report to the Board to give us a . chance to correct the confusion . It should be ready for our next meeting . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was duly adjourned . ® / T 'n 'C-lerk " Aft