HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1982-10-04f
�.�oEaN o�� z�r.�it�c�
C�ctobcl- 4, 19&?_
�! t. a Spec i.a l, I�eeting of the 1 o��rri
�lc�'r:r:�,,.:i.r�s Cc.::_;.i`ty, T1c:��� Yor)c, helc� ut
S.�_.::��: _ S�t-.=���•f_, Ti�hac�:�., r?e�a York, at
C;�•tc�i��::.-_ , 19"t32, thetc: ��:�re :
i'i:i�,St?i�dT ;
F3��i;i�G�:' OI� ALLrr�7:AtvC`f�,
Bo��rd of the To�,m of Ittiac�; r
the Toi�rn OFf �ces at. ].26 East
5: 3 G P. P%:. , ot� ��he 4 th day a f
rdoe]_ llescl-�, Supei�.Ti_sor
G�::�rge Kug1_er, Co�zt-ic:.i_li.lan
H�nry AIcPe�k, Couricilma;l
T�:1<-�r.r. Cramer, Coulicilman
Shirley Ra:E�e.:-�spercYer, Cou:�cil�r�ornan
D<�vid J�nniric� s, Counci lm�� n
T�ooley �:iefer, Cou1-�cil�•�oman
Jvmes Ftaycucos, Toum At�torney
I,��.�,rreiice Fabbror�i, Ta�a1z Enqineer
It��preserltatives of the P�iedia:
Li.sa Besi.
i'�1�� Si.�y�rv�_sor led the as ;emblage in the Pl.eczge oi 1�1_l.egi�ncc�.
iZLL�V�:�r1� Q1, ri\:��'.'�v Ol' 1' .iC.LI1LS
�L11�3i�V 1_SOI" � S �:2�JU1 i
�._�. —�-----�.�__.. ...—..
�,as� It:haca ��_ke��Jay L.icc=�r.Se
Sup�:_rv::.sor Desc�� ��s�ta ted tha�t -the mai cer of nec,Yo-tia Linc� the
?��rmanei��. license ���ith Cornel_1 is sti.l_l up in the air_ . �;1.t:houqh as
«.�= z:. 4; ��J P.I��.. , Septembe_r_ 30 confer�ence cal]_ initi.atec� by John
���rr;ey and my� e�lf, the last cos�itested points were. wor3��ed out t,Te
s� _�.1..]. da not have, in our hands, � document .r_eady for signUf��i.r_e.
, c� .;�:;k� ma-ttc�1: s s•�=orse, Lehigh Valley as of October 1. is in the
1��.::��-�.:�i:; oF. a i�e�� ?�<=�nl;iuptcy p.r_or.eeding t��hecein the valid�_-ty o.f �h.eir
prE:��.�iou.s �Ffer c;:,mes into possible quesLion. I, the�_-efore, had no
ciioice but to set:zl�-c the matter ��ith LePlinh Valle1� by sendinc� �L-hent
a d��pos��.� of 1_0 0 of thc. purchase price subject to Cornell
co�:-�plc�tinc; th� arr..a�zc;ements for the license by Octaber )_1. , I'a�_ling
t.hi � c,,�:�pletion �z?7a SUJJ�E?C'i= to the acceptance of th� Lehig�l V�lley
TVust:c�e;, we woul.d i�llen pr_oceec7 to complcte tlie acquisit:i_on,
Bic�g_s Co�l;��i_r�`.__tT_t.i:liti_es
`l,?:��.�e sl-.il_t seems to be son�e coi�lusion an �Lhe pasil:i_on of ihe "�'o��m
c;n thc� m��t.�er af utiJ_i_ty juri.scii.c��ion at the Bic�g.s Complex. I �eant
;-.> r.�::tk.c :i..i� e]_ear i=1�e To��iz i_sn'-�. rec�uesting any-�hilic,. T^]h�t �•�e have
ci�:�E> j_s to respor�c� to the CUllllt�� and 1-Iospital, ancl our respon:;e
r.���:ll_y go� s to i.he l.irnit of_ ��ahat is reasonabl_e for the. pecp]_e ol
i:'r�.� To�an i=o acce��� �.znd tliis is fa.r mor_e than ou.r. responsibili�t�� of
f:h:� past, btz� ���e have eons:ic�e��ec� the mat:t.er in Iight. of the current
ti;it.u�:�t.ion, ful.ly tal�*i.ng inl=o accoupt the adn�inis,t��at�ive problen;s
-Lh--�i� �he ut_l.it-.ies uring to the otlier parti_e:> bu�c also reeocrni.z_�nc1
fL� tt:«�e 'I'o�an n�ecls . A c��re:�_u�_ a17d thor_ ouU}� rev_�_��t�a o C rn�� AugusL- 12
lc�; te�: ���i._t]_ reveaJ. the soundness anc� reaso:�ablcness c�f the `I'o�•�ns
pos:i.ti_on. The oi=her parti�s have �;;},ed tiie To��m to take over their
prir,ia=-y responsibi 1_ity for these- systems. '1'h.is is not po�;sih]_e,
t,T�, �3c.;_,'t: use the ��al.er or s��aer. I�t�n-Gottn�y anci Ilos��:i_tal tts��c�e i.s
mir..i_sc�u.le. ��Ih��t ha ; chan.g�c� to sugqest L-hat the `i'o���n �:���suinc the
rc:�.;:;,���.:i.b:i].ity".> 1I<<vc� we bough�i� tl7e Isi.gqs Co:::p.le>? Ohvi_o��s1y nat..
If i�}i�i_e �a,=�.re somc 7-eason for tlle To�•,,n to tane avc�i� the b.�ggs
Comp1_e}:, ttlen obviousl_y tl�e situacion �•�ould chari:�c�o
To�m Board Minutes
October 4, 1982
I �•�ould Zl�o 1_i.ke �to poi.nt out tlZ�.t tl,`� '1'o�•an h<.is r�oL- becn slo�, i_z�
sett:�nq forth .its p�:..ition on ti��is nta(.ter. `_Chc� .Couni.y i:ir_�st raised
tl�ie issue last year but ciid riot se��; �arth � posi�i.on ui�til Jur�e oI
tt�it; ycar.. The '1'o�,:n B�ard. ear.ef�ully coi�tisicicred the rn�at�ter a.7�c�
ac �.�;.� iri �ltlgust .
t•,'e c.f course, a�-e rnor_e� L.liaii }�appy to pu�st�e tl-,.e mat,'cer furci7�.;-, but
GL this point, it is uz> to t_he Cottnty or_ t.7��e I�ospi-i�al ta irii_tiat.e
t}7e ci=i`:CLiS:��.ioiis. Qu? �� f_ran}:7_y, the pos:i.-l.i.on �•�e pr_o��ose is very
sirnpJ_e and easy to adrn�_i,ist.er. It rner_e1.y requires us to wor}�
closely toge-thez c.ri a coz�itinued basis. `i'l��is wc� d.o in so ma?;� oth� r
a;�c:��s, �•�hy r.o� liere?
Cot�ar�onlands Px:r�jer.t
.��i.r�����_vi.so� I:�� �,c:h t•fcnt on to ;ay that the� Plar.ning l3oard is holdir�g
��u)_�?._tc hcs:�r-=ings an the Commonland. }?r_oject tomorr_Q�,� �veniny at 7:3Q
P.I��. At some poirit, the To�•�n �3o3rd �vil_1 L�corne iri��oivec� in tiz�
�o�Tenants being sc�t forth to nianage the comnon ai:ea. Dep^nding an
fi.h.e a.c�ioi� -ta};en by the the Planni.ng }3oar.d, it may ue �ppr_opriate
ia,= ��he To��n Board -to meet later in Oc�tober, so keep thi.s iiz r<<a.nd.
F'o.rest ilc�r:!e P�la�tters
Yc��i have in your list of_ background n-�a�c>rial, a pr�posed resolu-tion
�.-r-.�rn Lhe Public L�7or_ks Comrnittee -to cansi�er a o�ie-wa.y t� �:Efic
syst�r; on a tra_a_l ba�is, this should be adaed t�� toni,ht's Age�zda
as Item r16. 4Je �-ai7_1 have a repor� on thi.s shoi�i�]_y and consider
th�� .resolution at th�:It t�i_rne.
�i''i}c� r>�.:,emez��l-., oii tlle Carmir_hacl i�atLer, h��s been sett:J_ed. aild se�,:er
c-,-~1: no��� be tiecl iilta �the ad.jacent proper �,y on i��cln t=y ��e Place.
`C�o�;i.� :�.ctorliey's Repox-t
F c�;_ e:� i. I I orne
`i'UT:iil A��O�I�E'� ��?c11T�E`S BL1��OL1CClS Stcit2C�. tha�i tr`i� S1CJI7('C� E`� �2ICie17t j�dl�£'I"S
��;E�re c:oming �rorn Calum Cannichael, �who is a.br_o��d and ta'cir�c� h:is
t? r.le .in rc turn_�ng t.he papers . 4Je h�ve ar� ac�reement irom P�ir .
C�ri»i.chnel's z�ttor.ney arid th� attorncy has acceptcd our check. ��Je
�lso receivec� , the court or�dcr tod�y, so there is nothing no�>> to
��revet��L us f.r_om ta}�ing posession of the land and conullencin� ��ork on
tl-�e se�,�er extens�_on.
Plar..ni.ng I�oard T�uthorizat:ion t.o Rec1ui_re Cluster Devel.opmept
`I'��e To���ri l�ti�orney continuec� Zei�L-h ano-�her matter. ile was�presen�.inq
a T�c�solution for considexa�f:ion hy the iown Board. It r-elated -to
t;ir� po�ver oi the Town Board. to authorize the Plat�ning Board to
c?�zi�c�. Toc��n zoni�zc� regulations in conn�ct:�on ��ai.�th the approval of.
s�_i1�e..i_,>_i_sion �l�ts ���ith cert�in 1.;ntitationa. This no;�er �,�as grar�ted
to th� Town Poar.d by the Si�-te Legislai�ure many years ago. The
provisi.ons ��rere modified in Sect.�_on 2�1 of_ thc �l'O�•71? L��� �ti�her_e they
cciZii_i=ue as amei�d�d .
Tn 1��55, the 3'o�ai� Boar_d �uthorized �the P1ann.i.ncj I3oa.rd, in
accorc).�izzce c��ith Secti.on 2�1, to confir-m or make ze�isonable chznges
t-.o the zon.i_nr, re�ula-ci�ns �ehr�Tz approvinc3 a p].a�t> (see mi?�ut.es oi
i�:�vember 3, 1955) . Tliis �-esoluL-icn was incor��orateci ii� the
subd�vision rcgu]_ations ado�ted and a��p��oved on tfaxcn 24, 1956.
lhe COnst_�i.uti0]"la)_=�! �� of tli��t p�r_tion of Sectio�-i 281 was douutec� }�y
riic;;iy ��GCc�tl:�(? �JOWC.-' C �O C�1c1110E-i zoning Zi�iV.'S �adS V(> ;LE'C� 117 trl� `j'p�'7p
E�o�.rd and could no;� k�e delec�aLed, The St�:ite I��:� was subsequent:ly
cha:lg�cl m��te�-ial7_y, ?n sorne respects, i_izcludiiig a provision th��t
the PI_a�.n:�ng I�oard cou.ld modi.fy applicable zoning regul_ations but
oiily uncler cerl�ain _li_rnitcci cor�c�it.a_ons.
1}.G ��' �71"UV1SlOriS c"zY'E'
un�t:� .
particul�rly r_elevan�t to perrni_tting clustere<�
To�m Board Minutes
- 3—
October 4, 1982
In .1982, tt�ie Legis:l_atur.� f_u�_Lher amenclecl Section 281 t:o aJ_loti,i ].ocal
go��e,�ni��c; bodies, i_n thei.r cliscreL_ion, to autlzoriLe P:Lanzzinc� F3oar_cis
+_o r.ec�u'.: e cluster aevelopmen� u�luer certain condiL-ions and
]:imi��,ti_ons. 'l,his }�ras been i-efc-�.r_l�ed to as I��iand.ato.r_y ClusL-eri.ng,
but tl�ic, authox�i;y is discre�ioriary ���ith the Pl�nninc� �oar_d, �_f
autl�ar:i.zed by thc, 7'own Boarci, �incl must� be exerc_i_sed wit�hin -t_he
l:tmi�ations aiic� conditians of Secti_on 2.B:t. �.nci any atll�>>- condit:i_olls
ir,:posed by the Towil I3oard. The 19z�2 am��ncii:�ent fur�he.r_ p�-ovidc�d
tl�_tri=. if_ tl�le P].anni_na �oard ���as gi.ven the poc��r to r_equi.re an o��mez:
ui_ �_a_T,d to submit an applica-tion �ahir.h reFl�cted rn��difir.ztions
(i.E�,, r�qui.red r.lusLering}, the Tocon Yoar_d sl�all require thc
F'1_anz:inq F�oaz���i ta adapL rules ancl regulations setting �o1-�Yi th�
cri_i�e.r_i�:i which the� Planning Poarcl �l:all consider. � All t}�ii.s i�, set
foi �,1�� :iil tl�e 19�2 arnendli�e.nt, portio�;s of �aliich �aere reaa ta the
Tc�4,,�i �oard .
�l,re� To�an I�tiorney said i:.h.a� the proposed resolutic�n c•�as itztended to
bri..nq tiie 1955 au�:hoz��_zation in 1.inc�� with al_1 the �bov� amendments
aT��ci also to give a rnore speci�i.r de }cription of thc :I_ands to tahich
Lh� }�J_anni.rl; F3oar.ds po��rers would app7_y.
Tn� 13oa.rci discussed cer�tain aspec'cs oF the proiaosul azzd �.�uest�_vned
-tnc `I'otaii 11t-tori�iey about its applicau_� 1_i_t.y
Gc�unc:ilc��oraan Kiefer ��,�as in-te.rested ta }cno�•.T to:�y -L-he res�]_ution
exrluded multiple residc�nce cii�i.ri_c�s. T11e TO�dil I�ttorney saic�,
undev�l_oped mu-tliple r_esidential c�istrict.s ���e�-e noL- on the zoning
ma.p e�:cep-� aftc�� they �eerc es�tablished and approved. The
r�,:�so1.u-�:.�_on appli�d �o al1 residential �iistr_icts.
''1' �7 � `I' O �•721
lncc., t:i.I7c�.
SuperC�isor suc�gested t.haL �L-l�e Boarci i-i�..r,1�Jers study the
so th�it discussiori CJLIZC{ be concinued lat�r in the
�� In reply _to �� questi�r_ by Superviso�.' D�sch, the To��;n Attorney said
th��-� �Ze��rings must b-� hcld by t.he P.l_anninr �c>�r_d.
To�:7n Enqzne�-.r' s R.eport
7.'o��:-n L•:ngineer_ La��lre_zce rabbroni s-Lated that c•�or}, h� s been completed
on the snoulders oi Snyder Hill Ro�zd and Sapsucker L•�Toods Roac�.
L��+or:� ilas begun oiz t11e culver�s on S'GOIl� Quarry Road �:s well as �lor}�
r�E1T7r dozle on the playfield:; at Eas�ern Hei�hts Par}c.
Tlie `�'o��m Lngineer r�otecl -chat h� had receivc� verbel perrnissiorl to.
tuke -i^he fence. do�•Jn oi1 tllc P�iaple I�ver�ue Bik�way.
Th�^ L'armich��1 easc;r,ent problern be�ing solved, �ae are no�a in a
posi_�io�� ta enter_ th� site and. hopF:�rul]_y con��plc�te the se�•�er z�rojec�
ir� �T� eigni� nc�ur day.
The 'i'o��r�i Lngin�er ulso no-�.ed tl�.a'-
�:� �.o l: o:i= ��:�i_me both in Preparing
to -L-}-,e Publ.�c.
�zrvrr.�;ul. sF.��z�ac
i���7o�.�il�r. �:o��r No �
ti the CoTnmonla.nd Yrojcct is ta};inr
rn�.i�eria]. and ,ho;�Jing �the mareria_l
A'IOi.i��;� by Supe�vi.sr�r- llesch; seconded by Cc�uncilm�n Ci�111�Y"�
Ri�SOI,VED, f:hat the '.C'a��m �3oard of_ ��-�e To�an of: Ithaca ���ill_ meet and
cc�nduct a public h�arinq aL 6:15 p.11l., on r,�ov���mber_ ��, 19�2, zt i�he
ToT.�n l.tall, 1?_6 I;ast fier�eca. Street�, Ithaca, 1.�;ec�� Yo.rlc to coilsi_der tl-��
proj�oseci use of appr:�.�.ir:l�it.c�ly $1. 9, OOU . 00 in L�nused Reve�nuc Siia.r_ i,ng
Fu?�c�.s far Entitlemc'Ili. I�eriocl Tu�clv:�, Oetc,b`�- l, 19F30 �o Septe�T:ber
3G ,].9f;1 and appro,:irnately $�l , OOG .OU oi Federal Rc�venue ShariricJ
To��,m Board Minutes
October 4, 1982
Ft�nds for Entitl.emei�t Period I�'ourteen, Octob�3- l, 1.9&?_ -L-o Sept�:ml�er.
30, 19H3, and to hear a).1 �_nterested persc�z�s i.n tavol� of or opposc.d
�o thG allocation.
f Lc:SCi�, ICugleJ. , P.afsensper_ge�-, CY'�3.Ii:ci'i � P�CI��_�:)ti� I�J.E:f"C_'Y' c'3.IlC� i7�1"1111I1C�S
votir:c� Aye. I��ys - none) .
i'�:��� C�I� ITI-IaCh Pi;i;L,7:P�'i:f.i�AR�' FUDGE`I'
{:LSU?.,U`I':CON NU.
i•iotion by Su�er��i�or Desch, secended by Councilmari Rugler,
?��,S����.�i�,D, tha.�. the 'I'own Boz-rcI of the To��an
conciuct �i puhtic hearinq at 6:30 p;.m. , on
Tos,��n �IalJ_, 126 East Seneca Stree t, ; Ittiaca,
nrelii,iinary Budget. l:or the To��n o_f Ithac�
hea.r ��11 persons ;_n favor or oppcsed.
of IthacG �•�i)_1 meei� and
Novemb�r 4, 19 �i 2. , a.t the
iJ�w York to consider -L-he
ior the year 1983 arid to
(Desch, Ku,Ier, Raf_fei�spe.r.g�r, Crame��, McPeak, I{ie�er and Jennings
vcting Aye. Nays - none).
?•:c:�cioT� by Su.per��isor Desch; seccncied }_�y Counc� l.mai� I�icP.c��k,
R�:SO�,VED, that thc� To�an Bcarc3 o-F tl-ie To��n of Ith�ica wil�_ mee� and
cc:Tldiz:,t a. publi c he�.ring at 7:00 p.m. , ori R?ovei���er 4, 19�2, at tiie
1'[�c•:T'. �:ctl+ � I2� ��u>;: �E'?7t-:�C�l ��Y'C:G�i=� It}Z�iCc;1� 1`?C'.t•J yO:L}� 't0 C:017S1C�E'7" L�lE''
_r•_-�1_;_r:���_n�,r_y Bucic;et i��r. thE Southe�n Cayuga Lake IntelI�1L1211C1��dl
ti°= ,�t_er Can�missioil for tlie year J.983 and to. hear al_1 persoris in favor_
o� appos:�c� .
��F.'-SCr?� I�Ugle.rr R�-;fienspe?-cJe�, C1-amer� �I'�iC��?}C, I��_e�er <i11Ci JCiI_I11riC�:;
voCin�� E�ye. I�7ayss -- rione) .
Iiotiu?�� by Supc�-visor Desch; seconded by Counci:l_�aornari Raf:ierisperger,
R�;SOLVFsll, that the To�ti�n Board of the To��,�n
ccnduct a publ_ic he:aring at 7: 1.5 p.m. , on
To��:n I-Iall, 12G Last Seneca Str�ei�, Ithac.a,
I'orest FIorne Lir_,hti_rlg Di�t�rict and to hear
of Tthaca will meet an�
Noveml�er 4, 1982, at the
New Yo�-k to consider the
al]_ pei-Cons in favor o.r
(Desch, Kug1e1-, Ra�-iensp�rg�r, Crarner, P�IcPealc, Y.ie:Eer and. Jenninqs
��o�inc7 A}r�. Nays - none) . ,
GLi'��aS:f ll}�; LIC�I-ITING; n_�:S�.i']ZICT
IZ:��50T,r.1'I'Io2•1 t`G.
i>lo �io;l l�y Stai�er.��iso.r Dcsch; seconded by Counc:�lwornan R��:�fezZspe.rger_ ,
R�;S:%L��';;;�, t�liat= t.l:r, �i'c��.zn Lo�.rci oi the To�•�ri of Ithaca ��i1.1 meet and
cor��uct a�ubl_i.�: l�er:.�r:ing �t. 7:20 p.m., on TJover�bc�r 4, 1982, a.t �the
`I�c�::c� ,Ia_l1, ].26 Easi. Seneca SLre�t; Ithaca, New YorJ; to consid.c�r_ t:i,e
G1c�I1s_i_de Ligntil�c;r 1�istric�t �.�nu to llear al_:l per_�sons in i�ivor of or
Oj��pOE,c'CI .
�iJ:'SC�.� I:UC'j1.f-'�_ � }?�i:�:f'£:I1S��C'YC�J�I: � C7:'c�lll�]"� 1'1Gi��r1}C� �{:LE�:i �'J� c1I1C� Jennings
vot'ir-iq Ayc, r,�zys - rionc�) .
Town Board Minutes -5- October 4, 1982
r:�,������,lc�: i�rl��-����s r,l�.�rr1r.J� �rs�r.�r::rc�l�
RI?SOLt1`i'TOIJ n'O.
r-io�L-ion r�y Supervi��c�r llcsr}i; seconclecl i�y Couneil:nan Kugler,
R'r,;�0����;D, that tl�ie `�l'otivn I3oarc� of t}ze T����il of:� �:i.l�izca �•�i_]_1 n�ec�. ana
cc;��:auct a puh]_i.c. hear:ing at "7:25 p.m., on Nov���rnner �, 1892, al: the
`l'o��iri IIa7_l, 1?_6 Ea;t S�ileca Streee:, Ithaca, T�?e�-� so=rk t�o canszc�er the
Rer.���ick IIeight�s L" ic;htina llis�t.rict and to hcar a1J_ persons in favor_
oi o.r_ opposed.
(De��,cl-�, Kug?.�r, i.2�.ffrnsi crgei, Craii��r, P�IcPeafc, Ki�ier. and Jer.nings
vo�:i.i1�r Ay� . IJays - r�onc� ) .
12liSOI�LlTIOiQ 1�T0.
i�iati<��, by Supervisor. Dcscn; second�d 'r�y Counci �.i:���t, Jenilings,
R:r:SCL�J�D, that t�hc, 7�otian �o�rd ot the To�:�n ol :C �hac�. ti•�i11 It�eet aild
con��.��c� zt �>ublic l�iear_ing at 7:3Q p.m., on PJovember 4, 19F>2, a�L t}ie
To�,:-:� i-�a11, 12.G Last �eneca Street, I�tl�.aca, rdec� York to considcr tl�ie
Easz��,c:�c, Com.,-nons Lighi�ing Dist.r_ict anc7 to hcar all p�.r_ ,ons in favor
of. �r_ oppos�d.
(lleseh, 1cucJler, �Zaifensl ergc�r, Cramer, l�Tr_Peal:, K_Lefer urid �7ennings
voti.;�g Aye. PJays �- none) .
CT,OVL�fZ ?��',I��L I�IG�t'r_i:I�?G n��S'i�'}.-l):cT
P.I,SO:f.,CT•1 J:UI� I�TO.
��1ot�oi� u�� Super_�Tisor llesch; secondeci by Counci:Lrnar_ C'r��l���r,
R��:::;OI_��'rD, tllat the Z'o�vri F�oard of �Lhe `i'o�•Tn
c�;nciiict a public hea.ririg at 7:35 p.m. , on.
To°,,n F1all, 126 East Sencca Sf.r_eet, Ithaca,
C1.ovu,� Lane Li.yhi-ing DisL.rict ancA -to hea.r_
ar opposed.
of I Lllaca �ail l meei� ann
Nove,�lbe:r � , 19 � 2 , �ii� �tl1e
netir �I.or}ti to consiczer. the
all �crsons in fa.vor oi
(D���,c:l��, Kugler., Raf�enspe.rg�r, Cramer_, P�IcPea}c, Kiezer and JennincJs
v��t.ing I�ye. Nays - none) .
i�ict.�on by Superviscr llesch;
seconded. by
Councilm�.in. Cr�m�z ,
RLSULVED, thai:. th� To�an Boarci of the 2'owr? of lthaca ��ill meet znd
CGIICIUCC a public ?�ea.r.ing at 7:n0 p,m.; on Nover,�ber_ �, 1.98?_, at thc
Tc�:�n Hull, 1.`LG East Seneca St:reet, Ithaca, Ide�•� Y.�r}c -to considc.r_ the
Fi.re ?>rot.eci.ion Dist.rir.� inclucling the contract w:i.th the Vi.11ac1e of
_ C��yuga. IIeigtzts .
(D:�sc,h, P;:�ag]_e:r, P.af_fensper_ger., Cr_ame.r, NlcPea}:, Ki_efe:r and Jenn_i_ngs
vot.ir�.cJ T�1'f-' . I��ays - none ) ,
i�'A'.I'1 f? 1;:CLL RLF[7ItiTI)
RT; ;C��:,iJ`.C.COi�! Iv0 .
I-°otic�n by SL:Pe.r_ci;c>r D�� sch; ::econded i�y Cou.l;ci_]_��an Cl�amc=r,
To��an Board Minutes -6- October 4, 1982
I:I;SO:LVED, tri�t the 7.'o�•m Eaard o:E the To�•m o:E Ithaca her.eby
��:.itho7-izes a re�tirlcl in tlie amouilt oL $7.26 011 �hc �•,at.er bill. of E.
J. I:rarner, 145 P�orthvie�o Roaci, Accoun� I�Io. 1G4-0120066, due to the
{ac t tl�a.t i�he accoun�c ��as ac-t.ual ly pai.d �A�i�Lhi11 1:he a_l.loc�i L-ed tirn�� .
, (Desch, Kugl.er, P.a� �ensper.ger, Craner_, P�IcPeak, KieLc��� anc� Jeiznings
votir�c� Aye. 1Vays - none} .
},�}�;1;S0�JS TO �3E Ht�,�.I:D
I��r. �]_vin I�'orest of Corning, Neu� York stated thGt he �eas a
volun}:���r for the State anc� I�e��era� Goverr�ments; and th�.�t his liile
o� ���oi�i: was inc�_1lerator_s. IIe asked the I3o�rd if they had
c�?nsic�er.ed tli�=� possir�il.ity of rnaking fuel out o� ga.rbage? He
st:ated that it �aas a_;aznst the la�•:` to burn qas from coal ���hen the
q� s from gark�a;E� �,r��s going to �-aaste. He notec� that there was
eJlougiz gas going t� ���aste, f]_'011l �Tarbage, to heat every� building in
t17� Cot.irity. rfr. Forest �ac�nt on to say tl�ia�L- land fil]_s G��eze against
t�.�ie law . _
;�a;�� rvisor Desch asked Nir. Fo.rest if he had tal.ked caith Frank
I.:.�_c:3uori in Count�� Planning?
I��ir, l�o:cest respondec; that he h�td �. meetinc� seheduled taith P�ir.
I,i<:iL?c>r. i .
I�Ir. f�'o.r.��s� wet�t an to say that P.ocke{eller Cer�ter t�as heat4d �,��th
c;::::r.nage., Cor_i�:i_nc1 C7_ass �eas heated with ,�arbage. The lonc,F-�r yoi7.
s-�v�-e gar.bage, the more �a; it prc�c�uces.
Oi:I;-Td?•,,.' `i'RAk'FIC PI��i"1�1sRiJ FUR FOi:ES'.;:' 1i0I�•�E
Couiicil�•7omziri I:affensperger stated that the pl�n of the Forest Home
In:x�rovemeni� F�ssociation for �•�alkway and bike�.��y col�struction was
E?;c3.iTllIlc Cl. �Z'�?E.'Y'C c�i(? :�t1�Jstan�tial prablem:� Uf �_c1T;C�: O��??1^YS�11��� COS� f
mair�tei�anc;: and �Lc�poyraphy. The ideal saluiion <<�ould he decreased
trai�ic, combin;�d . with improved pedes�trizin walkwa_y: . Since
constr_uc��ion oi Fo.r.esi: Home by-paUs is unc�rtai.�z, tempor_ar_y
solu-l=ian�, SY1GL11C1 bc consiaered. � one-w�y trai �ic: plan cau�a be
inst.ituied on a trial b�si� �•rith Lemporary lines painted :"tor a
pec7c�,s�rian and b:icycle l.ane. The `.i'oum neecls an update on the
a�=iect on trz�.ffic �lo��a, p��destrian pattcrns and impac�t on var_ious
part:� oi I'orest Home.
I�irs. P.arferisperger �vent oi; to say �that the Public [�lorl:s Coirsni�:.tee
reccrur�;�nded tnaf: the `.Cown Lng_�_neer be dircc�_ed to report on ai:
unda �� eci plan .
Super�,; i..7Ur. Descn asked when did tne CoiYim_i..ttee �xpect to recei�-e the
1 E'; �Oi"�C?
Cou��:�::..1���oman IZafrcri�;perger ans�•�ered, vae hope in t�ao months. This
G��il:� c�iv� tis time '�o put the ir,formatioiz toge�L-Iler_ and theii present
it �to the t�orest FIo:<<:. Imp.rovement I�ssociat_�on.
St.����,��rvisor D�sc'ri not, d �ha�t pe.rhz�ps the cne--w�zy tria:L cou�.d be set
up in th� sp:cing ,
Counc:ilr.lan McPeal; a��)ced �,�llo �aou.ld be r.espolzsible fo.r e�zforeer�l��nF of
the one-��zy t�raFfic?
Cotanci l�voman
f:h.r� repor_ -t .
P.affens��erger r��;por�c�ed, enforcc.ment �,�ill be pa.rt. of
Wc: do k.i�ow haw diificull-. :i.t ��;i11 be to eniorc� the
Cc:�.r�c:i_l���c�man. Ra.f_Fensper_ger tl��n .read her ��.ropos�ci �_c�so:l.ution.
To«n 13oard MinuteS
Ii0"C:LGt� }Jy COUIICI�_�•)OItl"clll
Ra� ��eizspergc:r;
October 4, 1982
secozic��d l:�y C;ounci:lrn�:n
Ri;SOLVLD, �c:hat the Tot•��z Tnc�inee:r a_s clirec�r��I �o r_�po�t on an
llt"�Cl'rlt=F�C� 1U�.�).l'1 for ::� UII�—�•J�:1� �::::'CLE'1-17 lI1 �'C)?:P_S'L ,-Iorne� t�JJt�1 IJci2"t1Cl:t1c:Z
C:C?17`i>:'.�:.�;:.f.':;t!� ;.C;?? �JE'117LJ Gl�'E'_71 'i_U l_i:%;'%iOVE''!':'lE']1"t J.I"1 IiC'Cl�?S'L1:':1.<:iTl Sciffi'%.�'. .j {',
3.°: ::�:;•i�':. ;.�;;'�. t.�1a� L�lE, `1'G�JIl EI1Cj:i.'eiE�'C�1 ���lli COI]:;U�.i; ;i1T�i1 t}1��, FOl"CSi-
1:,:.��:�: Ir�,.;�-oti+�-�rr,�nt l�ssociat:i.c�r� i�� -1=1��e pro_r.r�ss of p.rc.I.��:�r:iric� this
�'�'�?::)T_� .
{I:iesc?z, Kug�.�:-•��:, RaLfcnsperc;eY� . C1ciMG:�, :cPc�ak, K�efer and Jennings
votir�c,. ��,ye. �.�:��;�::. - none) .
cUln� -�,:r_rzr,s F�o� �rofa�r }>az�rzr.� r�ll��U��;s
Supervisc�� Desch no�L-ed th�t -L-he G�zideli�c�s for_ To�an �ozrd Niinutes
t�ac� b��n modif.zed -co ref lect tl�e Towri 11t �oi�ney' s c��mments .
RE� 0]:,U�i�ION I�O .
i�?otion by Counci_l�lon:an Kiefer; seconded by ,Counci_lman Cra_mer,
El. Pur�.�ose
�.E�fic:.`-',e guic:.eli.nc�s a.re adopt.�d to faci].ita�e tl-�E� crea�L-ion af one
i.rLip�rLa�it eler.���nt oL oflicial To�>>ii o.f Zthaca r_ecox-c�s. It is the:
`I'o�•rn ro�zrd' � objeci�ive to insure ��cr_.�;rate n;inu��e:� az�xd #�o prov�.de
stzf �i_c�en-t d��tai.l to make clear_ ti�e iii��nt oi i�ts offici�31 ac�iol�s,
to cup��ure sali��nt points oi discussion, ar�d co recor_c� �,�hz� Baard
me?r��:ie�rs �roted as Lhey did to c.na.�1e futu���e t.�scr_ s oi �the.se I��i�_nuf� es
i.o ci_�seern ho�a tc� iri��erpret tlle To�an t3oard's actioila
3'}��s� quide7_i_nes are �lso intendecl to facili��t� receii�t a.nd
app:r.cvaJ_ of i�he T�i.ritites in a timei�� and cff_:i.cicri� ma.r�ner.
B. Contents
l. A11 l;eso]_u��ions, Ordinanc�s anc1. Locu1
�•�ir_1�. ��Tc�rc�iriy as a��p-r.o�Ted, or_ in t�l��e cas� o�
as voLec�. on. 'fhe i-c�cor_ci of the �,7o�L-e �,rill
Lora._l_ ]:�aws will be nuinber_�:d wi.th "1" at the
L<<<as tiai_lJ_ }?e included
�:esoli_ttion� or t-loLion;,
sho�a . l:esol.u�tions and
star_ t of each ca.ler_dar
"l_ . F;c:ports of � o���rn Uff icials, committee chairpersonc�, �izd County
Reprc�sentatives wil]_ be in summ�r_y iorm unles_; a���ritten r.ep�rt is.
sul �i,1it��ed with a reques � that it be en tered as a�.1 c�i�a.c_� 11 par-l^ of
t;he r�iiilutes. In any eveilt, the indivic�ua]. topics zeported on shatl
each be meni.ioned, uiiless they are c]_early ro�ati.rlc and rep�titive.
3. Petitions recei.vcd by the 13oard �ai11 became par t- ot� �the offical
r.c>c�r� and c�_ia_1 ue .referenced and summarized in thc �l'own Board
i�1i_riutc�s of the rneeting iollo�aing receipt� of �th� petition. ,
,c 4. Disctzs�,i.on on a?ly issue will. bc� .�t?mrnari_zed in the r�iinutes so
t���at �the F3;;�zrd�S i.I1L"E.'Ilt �•,�itll respect to az�y accion �Lakc:zl, o?� t},�
cc���c;ern s, qucs �i.ons , ctc ., 1_n the casr of no ac c i.ori , �•:>>.Il be clear .
Ir� �rc1d_ition, a.n incziv:idual Board member_ or meir;l�ei o.f th� publi.c niay
indi.r_ate, at the t:i.n�e of his comrn�nts, th�t�t. hc �•�ishes to staLe � or
t��e rc�co:�d �.he fo]_lo��ring pos:i.ti��n : " �� e `I'h�-l-. po:rt=i_on m�ty
theil be submitt=ecl i.zz �ariti.nc� as presc�nteci v�rb��_:!_�' �,�i.t.hin one �•�cek
fol_:Lc,�:�:inq th� meeti_nc3 <zt which i=he positior� �•;�1s t-.al;en. If this ic�
not, dc:rie, tlie C.l_e.r.}: ��ill stu�ullari.ze the st���F�emeni�r and check i.he
:iUliirii'c;:l'1� �•7_ltrl t}1C SI)C_'c;[}�E'_1= 1f t]1i1E'; �F'.;:r.1:L"f:S.
��02 ttlil t_
i�ii,-�ul:es ���ill ro�7tin�:Ly Lc� produceci or. �t-h� �,�orcl proc�s�or.
Town Board T�iinutes -8- October 4,. 1982
2. I�ltllouq}z the O�f�_cial I-linutc 1300}: takes ]_eya:l. s:ize paper. ,
co�-ic:s of the i,iinuL�s for t}-i� 13oard anc? tl�e pu1->l��r. shall be
� aV��_ilzble on reyular� si.ze paper.; ��ag�s sha1.1 )�e nurnhe:rcd.
3. I�tLP_T]CZc`il1CC' shall be c_,Ji.v�n near the :;tart of tr�e I�iint�.t�es.
�. I'or. ease of usage, REsol.u�ioris, Pt.blic IIc�arin�s, etc. , sh�.l1 b�
intr_oc',iced in c���1.ta1 letters, e.g. ,. R�SOLU'I'ION NO. 8?_-1�.
Sirnil.,�r1,�, indi.vic:ival topics (genera]_ly, ?,qenda itei�ls) t�rill be
givcr_ a shori. headinq ancl underlined, e, g. , Supervisor.' s Re��ort.
�;��en the�e ar_e man1� �opi_cs cover_cd ii1 a si_ngte �-ePort or
cz�srussior�, key �•:ords m�zy be under_l.ined, for. ease o� refer.c:ncc.
U. SChe�:;�t1e
7'hc To:�n Cle1-k �aill, �•�licr:�ver pc.�ssiblc�, distribute the P�1iTzutes
��.i.t.izin t��-o� ��?ee};s aCter tl�ie me�tinc;. `i'he 13oard mernl_�ers' A1inu�tc,s
�-��_11 be placed in th�ir raai7_ bo�.es. �i�he date of di��tribution ��ill
Le marked o� -these P�Zi_nutes as fo1_lo�•�s:
"Draft; llistr_�but�ion Datc. " ".
Comr�en�ts b�� To��=n i3oar_d members �nu StafL ��i11 he �u}�r..li_tted to the
Tos•m Cle_r}� c•�ithin ane �,�e�k of receipt of the di_s�ribu�t:i_o�l. The
form of comrnenf:s �•�i.l.l b` as follo�•�s :
1. Unc or t�ao �ac�_d changes �ai� 1 be ma.rked on a copy of the
ap��li.caa].e page by crossing thr_ough thG ���ord(s; �o k�e changeci,
2. Substantial t.exi revisions will be supmit�Led as a re��r_ite of
tiie applicable par_ zgraph s•�ith ���ords to be del�ted cr_ossed through
ai;cl n.e�a words to be added underlined. Such revis�_ons will
c�enerally be accepted onl�� from the pc�rson makizlg the stateme���t.
I� the Tc�,m Cler}; ciisagr_ees ���itn a revision, the C]_erk �vi_ll revie�a
the nia-tt:er_ �•�ith. zrie L���rson making the s-ta�Lement commen�ted upon. Ii
the r_c�visi.on remains in disput�e, hoth versions ��i11 be distribl.�teci
with the revised i�iii�u-tes. }:evisecl I�Ii_�lutes w:�ll_ u� so marked, da-L-ed
and distribu�ed, so that they are ava=i_lable to Lhe To��.�n Board at
least 3 days be:Eore the meeting at which �pproval i� expected.
No.rmally, AIinuies �,�i)_1 be approved at -L-he ne}:t r_egular 'I'o�-m Boarci
meeiing unl�ss revision cl�_scussions are st:ill cont:inuing beyon�l
t.hrce days before such meeting.
Ccp:i_�� or approved I�inutes wi11 l;e maa.e avait«ble in To��ii Boar_c�
mail boxcs and at th� main desk For_ public rec;uests.
(Dcsc:n, Yugler, Ruf_fensperre7-, Cramer_, P�IcPeak, ICiefer alzd Jerinzngs
votir., Aye. Nays - none).
PUi3L1C F(L:[�RIi��G -- '1'Ot^JN Oi' I`.['fIAC�� TEI�'I:'A�i'IVI; BUDG];T
P.r.00f_ of
�iE,clli :LI1C� ,
�ostiiig �nci pt�hlicatio�l rlotice of a��ubli.r Hear_in� to
ihe 19£;3 �l'o���n of Ithaca `I'entative BL�dge�L- � having been
by the To�an Clc:rk, tl?c Supe�-��isor op�ncd the Pub1;.c
Supervisor Uesch statect �hat each 13oard r•lember h�d, in their
fc�;_d��r, a rol>y of tlie 19£5 ; To��m of T#,l��aca Bucic;et Niessage. �l'he
Sizpc=rv'-sor no�ed �that the n�G� �orrnat t•�il.l_ en���ble tl•ie re��der tc have
a cle�:,r pict:ure of the st�:iff's requests and t.hc }�udget Off_i_cer's
reco:n:nc�nclations . Al:.o, the amou:�t to b� raisc�d by taxes is no1,7
sl�io:aii rnorc. clearly.
Supei-visor De�;cl-� tl;eal re��d througl� the Tentat_L��e F3udget, page by
p?���-=• (CoPy of Terzta�tive Budget a-tt:achec� to the Offic.a_al A�inu.tes) .
Town Bo�rd Minutes -9- October 4,. 1982
Cot�.nci_lwarn_an I<ie:Eer stat.ec: i�l���� �he f_elt the Ta���n ?}oarci ��ienbers
shoulu recei�%e an increase in �:41�_UYY�� si?-�ce> ii� 1-iac± }�e�n s��=eral
ye�.�_s sii�cc tli:i.s Yiac� had an ac?jtzs cmeli7::. Coulzcilworaan R�::ft�nsperc�cr_
5���?i.�:'C� ��ld't. t�1C�' IJLiY�Z�O.SG-' O.-i a Y_l�'�;O.Ltlt1C);1�. pcSSGC� SE,VE��_cll ��c.i.:iS �1C.J0�
c�r_�s �Lo autornatica11.1� increase tl-ic: Boarci Nembers . s�lary, ;_n
ilicrcir�er�Ls, the.r.eby, saving i.he �o�.rd P•lembers the er,��a.r_ras::�r��ent. cf
v.c.%�ing themsclves a raise during the year_ th�y ��ere up for
r.ee.(.cction. Counr.ilma:� t:uc�_ler statE�d that he fe3_t an incrcase �_n
2'0�•�.� Lo:�rd iitE�,;i'��rs sal� i:y �aas i_r�a� p.ropriatc.
Sun���-visor De�ch si�ai.ecl that the s�laries o� the To�•m Bo�rci
I�;e��:����_s� Stlp�.-i"V1SOY- c�.l"1Q Town Jt�stices ir�us� be c�ccid�d, as thE;�y h�.ve
to be posted ir-i tl�e I1EC:7spaper. After discussion, the gcnc��raJ_
c��r.scnsus o; the i3oard, ��as to . leav� tlze salaries of -l_he elec:�tecl
of�:i_r.ials at ttie fi_;r;�res presented in the Tentative Tudget,
Sup^:����isc�r_ Desch nozec �11at in rnost cases, the Department I-Iead ` s
R�=��.::-<<r��lcnd�tion and tne Budget Of. ficer' s Feconsnenda �::i_ons ��ere very
sirna_l��r, h:: felt that the Depa.rt.rn�nt Heaci' s had done � an exceller�t
job �_n thc�ir recoir�l���n��ati_ons. The basic di�fe.r�nce ��as in salary
irzr_r���ses, the Depar. �rnen�L- T-Iead' s had rer.ommendec� an 8 o sala.ry
inctt:�zsc an.d he si.ated that h� f:elt 7 � �oas a i:lorc reali_stic figure,
�aupe�visor Desch s�t:aL-ed,
�:ev�nue monies ��JOt1Ir1 be
���_'.�%E_'I?ll? .�harir�r IT1U171C�:i �
c�� �ec�cries.
that in keeping �oitl; the p�s-t:, Federal
useu for arie sho-t cosi�s . 198 2 Federal
left over, ��:ill be slio�,�n in the proper
�::J����v�.so.r llesch ���er.t on to note tllat the To:•�n Attor.ney's bl:d��et
sr:c�T•%�d a slight :i_ncrease necessary to o�iset shor�tages in the last
f��� years. Shared Ser_vicc�s - Coni�ractual l�xp�t�ses �vas i_nr_r_eased �o
crve>>. tl�e care �nd f:e:.d:inc, o� t.he �aord p�occssor. L1ncle.r SpQcial_
It_c�:r;i;: - Unalloca�c�c� In�,urance, L-his �•�as deczeased" becauUe of_ a
sa�'CC_'.�= Ii1cZY_}�et. He notea that Bolton Point is currently changing
in�s���i���ncc� car_riers anci eapcci� i�o sa��e $ 6, 000 . Joint Youth & O.ld.
Aqe i'T-c�j�c-ts sr�o�,r a$3,OOU. inc.r_e�.>c. Planninq - 1'ersoria�_ Services
rc,f:!_��ct.:: �t.he �.�?d�itior:�?. salary ne��eci to cove;= L-}ze position of To�,m
Pla:;iie:r- �r.orn par�t-tirnF> to full ti.i,�e. J�uS Uper�,-L-ions - Ga�labou�c
}.;i::� � �� SI'itc1�.� ].11C"L<`c1S�? 1'7dS �U11t lI"1 tG Of f SE�= CLl �..� �-• ,-
�� by othcr a�cncie.�
li1 t.'ilE1� F2:O�r:Cc9m,
Ft:�� errina to the 17og Coni�rol item on pacle 4, Council�aoman. h'ieLer.
a:s}.ed <�).,out a dog census being coilclucL-ed uy the Town.
S��?�:.:.r.vi;o.r Desch as:ced Lhe i'own Cler_k to resporid i�o the quest:ion.
7't-�e `.i'o�•�n Cle.rk statcc� that $1.0U irom cach dog lir.ense sold, was
ke,�t; b�� the `�'OGV21 for_ the payment of a dog cnurncration. She noted
thz� t�ie money c�in be accl.mul�tec� for a period of teao . ycars, �.nci
fel�: �t�hzs ���as -t.he pr.oper proceclurc, �1ith 19f33 beiilg the year for an
e;:�.�rc���.rzt:ion. This -t:ime �erioa ���ou1.d a]_lo�� the 'Po�,lr� t.o Zccumulatc�
si::;::Fici.c�nL Funds ta pay �n enu.mera.tor a dece�-�t sa1.�i1:y ancl hopeLully
�1-:4J fJ,,o��;n would .recei_ve a good ei1lllTlCl"�t10I1.
Counc:i.lr:lan P��cPea.k as}ced if there �,-ere any a1_ter_natives �ilat might
bc cc,c��:ic?ered because oL the high r.ost of- he�1.i�1-� insuranr.e?
� u}>���-vise�- Dcscl-� ZI1C{ the T�:az1 C:1erk l�o�th sa:i.d they hac� Ueen clos�ly
�:.<<t.r.i�ir�.�r ot=her ir,:,tziarrc� prog.rair,C � rIO�JGVF'_1", so 1_��.r izone 1��:��i proven
CiLlti �.O ::�1VE'_ i;�"lE `I'U:^771 ciI1�T IiIOI"1C,-'�. '1'�'1�' :iL1�PIV1S01 ��t�i'f:.ECI �'1'ld'l: rif-, \4ciS
��T��.t:ciiir�c; �:l_so, to see �•�h�t �the Couni.y anigh� do. He natc_G t_}�r_.t he
d�.c`l ;_lii.n}c, �:.�t sc�ree ��oini., i.t: r;�qh': be nccc��,a�:�y -Lo cor;rider a
s'=z�'=_'_r'ci oL tlie cos� o� _insu.rai�cc� �:�;_.f�h �tl-ie c��r��>)_r,ye>e. .
Co,�r�c:i.li:��;n P-1cZ�ea;;. ic�:LL that� the en�ployees ���oti_l�! loo}: aL i�his
p.ror��:>=�,.1 as a decrc���:c� _�ri salar}�.
.SllIi�.1:V1SUI" r.)E'_SC�"1 c=1S�'•:C'Cl �SC'VE'.]��..�1 1�1\,'E�;uy _l{ S�'1�, ��17E-��-•.' �'i�Zc'!t t:IlE'_ Couri�tY
mi.qht b� considc��-inq?
P��r_ s . l:,iv;���y
muc�.�, as she
statcc4 th�it she ciid noG knota �,�ll<:zL p�zogr_e.;s �l�iad beez�
has noi: been di.r_ectl_y l_I'lVO.LV�Cl in explor:in�1 the h:�a:Lth
To�an Board Minutes -10- October 4, 1982.
Counci.lrnan NicPcU�� as}1ed where t}�ie purclz�se of sal_t. �•�as listed?
S����:.:1��vi ,or_ Desr.h �,iis�����zed., under Sno�a Remov�]_ Contr_�.c'�ual �xpenscs.
Counci].man Crame�: qu�stioncd P�iisr.e]_J_anc�ous lncome ullcler Se�•ier on
pa<;e .1. 7 of -tlie 7.'erita L-ivc �udge�L .
St�rerva.sor llesc}.z ans�;�e,red, E]'A reir,ll�tlr'SC?I(lelli=� r�ot r2ceivcd y�t, for
tl�c, 1'ive f'lrea Sec�er Projcct�.
`.C�hc: 5u��c�rviso�_ nointed out thc high cost oi :[::ire protec-tion, noting
tl-fat- it �eou�.d takc� a 7_�t of. someon�'s tirne tl-�i_s comi;zg year,
�;�:�ob<:,.Lly Peter Lovi, bc�fore t_he most: cost e.f_Teci:ive al_ternative wus
: �.i��nr:�f_ic��d.
Supel-v � sor De�ch pointed out that � rnuch of th;� ��ei sona�_ serv�.ce;;
�,, .i ll c:o���: irom tl�e II:i_c�h4�ay Depa.r t�lie'Tzt .
Enqin�er Fabbroni noted, ha�•�ever_ , tliat u?ic?Er mainteilar.ce "�l1�LE� is
I?C�: GI"iC'. tU�_1. t:LIl1E �•JOZ'}tiE1".
I�T�.�t:`.�on b1� Counc � lmar.: Cr�:mer; seconded by Councilman Kuc�ler,
RESOLVED, that the �l'���.�n T3oarcl of the Tojvn o:� Ithaca hereby a��proves
t�.:-: :�alary of $6 , 800 . 00 foi- the Town Supervisor, $1 , 200 . 00 for trie
T:>t:�, Buaget O�ficer, $5,�OO.OU� ior each o� tlie two �tustices and
$:r,OC.U.00 for each ot the si_�; Town L'oard P•-icmb�rs, �s presented in
tl-ie Tent� i�ive Budge-t .
(Desch, KugJ.er_, Raffens��erger, Cranler, P�lcP�:ak, and Jennir,ys Uo�ting
hye. Nays - Y.iefcr} .
Cou_�cil�=Joman Rai iensperger_ asYLed
salary l.�st for_ lo��zn employecs?
if t}le Boa.rd would receive a
Tne �u��,•rvisor s�id it �aill be provid.ed.
Councilwornan Raf.fcnsperc�er. asked, i� ariyone
changes in the budue�t, tahat i_s the process?
caishcs to propose
Sup��-rvisor Desr.h responded � tt�a�t a special rne�ii.ng could ��e he.ld to
discuss proposec? chariges. Ho��rever, in order to do thisr all
proposals must be forwarded to the Budget Officer_ by October 25.
I� none are r_eceived by th�n, no special mce�ting �,�i 11 be necess�r_y
anci the Tentative Budyet automat:ically becomes the Pre].ir�inaxy
Buc?g2t .
C��u�,ci]_�•�omun ICiefer_ requested a mee-i=.ing oz the Yersoi��nel Comm� t�tee
pric�r to October 25th, so that the proposed salaries of the staif
co��lu bE� discussed.
Sup�.rvi.so.r Desr.h ��resented �the Bolton Point Tentative F3udgei� to tl�e
`io��:n T3���r_d, noting �hat on Septercwe�� 27th tlle Commissior� haa
a.ppr_ avec�. the I 9� 3 6Ja tc.r Cammis s i_on �udc�et .
Ccl;.;�ci].4:arnan Raffen:;perger asked �-�hy there FT�1S no big incre��se in
h�.altll insurance in �a_lton Points Pudget? �
Superv_�.sor llesch :,��<<tc,d i�h�?-� hava_ng a man retire no��� at a higne�-
s,�7_�:ir_y t1�Gri L-hc ne�a per_son t,���zs bei.n�r r���-�a a�t, helped ho].d the li�1e.
on i:h� lleal.tli in.surance cos�L-s.
Counc:i.:tinan Cr�r�e.r. izoted -tl�iat t}ze sra.le of ecoT�ioinic�� on t17e elec:tric
ut:�_lit._�_cs certai.nl_y sho���ec�.
ToUm �oard Minutes
October 4, 1982
�t�perviso�� Desch agreed �ai�th Councilrr�a?Z C��amcr. IIe noted, hoG•;ever,
tl�at t.l�ie ne�a pump station �•�il.l t.�ke of L sorne a{ the pressure of
hic�tl �electric uti.:Li.ty L:i:l_ls.
Coti�lcil�aomin Raf:Censperger noi�ed that people are usinc� less �•,T�tter.
Sup^Lvisor Desch stated that thc Ca��l_i_ssioil 1-iad ho���d �to have P•lorse
C�la i_iz on line sooiier.
DEI'?�?�7S1:, OF �'tIF3L1:C O��,I� ICLP,S
i:I:,SOI.�UTIi:1N NO.
r�lotioiz by Suuervisor Desch; secc>T::i��d by Council_man KuU1er,
Rr�50LVL;D, tli�L the `i'o����n Boa7-d of tl�ie Town of Ithaca hereby adjourns
ui�i.iJ_ Decerr�er 13 � 19&' �� at 7: 00 p.m. , il�ie public hearing on the
Dc.f_�nse of Public Officers, at �ah�_ch �tirne t�i�y wa_11 meet arid
conduc�t a.public 11Gf�1_ tll� on SctITle .
�nESCl1J Kugle.r, RdZTE'-I1S�7E'_:CC��r'� Clc1i[iCGr� 1'ICPE:cl)i� Y1�f'F?T' cll`lCl Jenninrs
t�-o-cinc� �ye. I.ays - none) . ..
P1_��nTzi_nq .Boa-rd Ziu�l_io-r_i; �.t:i_on �aitr I?espect �o Cluster Devc�lopr?�en�cs
Discussion on the rlati�e�: of the re�olution authoi:izzng �he Pla.i;ning
Board to coniirm or mal�e chanqes in the zoni_izg reg�:la.ti.oi�s
cantinucci as f_ollo�•:s:
Cc>ur�cilwon;ari Kie Ec,r qucstior�ed 9 B �a}zich say , th��
si;bc� �.vi.sion re�ulatior�s a�-e �mendeci by the resolutivi�.
Attorney Euyoucos :_G.ic:, tnai section is included to sho�v iritent.
_ 7'�:�.e recJua.ations �r� actually amended hy the Planninc� L'oard, after. a
�>ublic hearing; but then that change must be ratifieci by the 'Ib�.,�n
Cot���cilc•�oman Ra.iler�sperger said it ��as iiot clear i�o her_ , this
mai.Ler_ of char�ging "change" �o "modify" .
Ti1e Z'oo�ri ��ttorney sta�ted that the c�i.stinct.ion coul.d be amk�i_c�i.�ous,
bui� -t�he ].a�� might �e in-terpre�ted to meai� that thc PI_anning Boar_d,
fo.r_ exam��J.v, could not change larid from one zone or use to ano-f=her,
i. e. , husincss to resideni�i.al, but coul a make modii ic�-t:ions of
par�icular regulations, such as �;:ide y�rd requit_ement, �aithin. the
basic regulai:ions. The Planriine7 Board is prohibiten by Section 281
from perr?littinc� mare builclinq pla�ts or units thar� are permit�ted
u��cicr_ the zoning laGa.
Cot�.iicil��oman Yiefer su�rrestec? to Cour�ci]_�-ti=omari Raf:f_-ensperge�_, iil
recpo�se to h:�r quest.ior�, tha-t "ch«nge" �✓as more perrnissive than
„ ,;
mod:ific���t:ion .
A.l_so, th�� Town Attor.ney s�tai�ed, in response to a quest:ion tha.t tli�
proj�osed re:olution t,�ould perrnit clust.�rinc� in any part oL a
res:ident�.al or ag.ricultural zone, in the discrction o:t t=hc� �lanning
�c:���r_ d .
Coullci_l��aoman Ra��ensperger questi.onec� tlze wisdorn of r�itiFyincJ ttie
Pl�ii�.ning Boar.d's actions rc�i�roactively.
Counci.l�•�orn�i� I:ie:Eel� askea if_ th�_s' resolution u?ot�1_d have an irlpact
on �the Cornrnonla?zds application, bef_ore tl�ie ��lannir.g Board?
The �'ot•�n Attorl������ uns���ered in ��he affi_rmati.v�. I-Ie �����s sorry t.hat
he �•�a:� pr.esentii�c� t}.e resolutioli so la.-te ir� �the �day �-�ithaL��� ���-ior
c:i_T_r.ul,iti_��;� to i�hc� Loar_d rnemUers. I-Te 7_'C'_CO1111tE�d. tha� I�1r. Lov� ,
dul:i;lg ti�c� cours� of revie����nc� the P:1�nninc� }3oard procedu.�-es GI�. ttlt�
Commoz�l<znds ��rojeci-., repo.r_ted that �the 1955 Resclu�t:i_o.: s�emec�i to be
ou L oL datc . FIe r_ ecei_vcd h1r . Lovi' s r�port lat;e last �•�c:�}c and he
To�ti� Board Minutes -12- October 4, 1982
�•�as no� able to e1:�mi.ne the la�•� ancl c1ic1 not beqin
resolution until aboui� 3:00 p.m. , today, lt. ��as h:is
tY�c� �:dopti;on of this resolution GJc1S rc,qL:J_Yed to
P_l��nninr Board's authori_i�y -t=o the CLil"'L"E-'_1]j: stancl�.ras oL
ern�..�hasized �hat .�e �•�ould agree �t�o ari ad j ourni;?cn t.
to draj_t the
or�_�nioa� that
coniorm thc�
the la��a. FIe
�",U`_�.'HO_T:.� %E PLANIv:Ii�•iG Y0.'�Rll TO CONI'IRT�l OR t•�i;\K�, C_HAI�]GL:S 7-i`J `'i'�i1; 'LOIv7:Iv'G
RI:GU�:�i.'�`i'IUI`:S j'JITFi '�tl_;k�SI_,CT 'T'U C:LUSTER DLVELOPIi�J:��i ---------- — -
--J Ri;S��_,U`1'IOiV N0.
t�iotior� by Council�•�ornati lCi�fer; ;econc�cd by Council_man Cr_amer,
(See disrussion belc��•�;
iJ�+_f;.�:F,�S ,
l, The To�•m Board by resolution adopted on November 3, 1955,
' auzl-►orized the Ta�an Plar:ning Board to confirm or znake . ch�.nces to
t}�e To�•;n 'Lonir_g Regulations simultaneousl.y �aith the ap�roval of a
subdivision plat to the extent permitzed by la�,�, and
2. Subdivi��ion regulations ��:ere adopted by �t.he T����n Plannin.q
Boar_d anc? approved hy the Town 13oaLd on I�-iarch 'l4, 1956, and
3. The pl.arining staf� of the To�an �znd the Town's attarney
z�er_ornraend a� mociii:icati_oi� of tlie 1955 resolution o� the Town Board
az.ci, to tl'ie c�xtEnt necessary, a por�tioz� of the 1956 subdiv:ision
7`�, � S RLSOLVED as fol)_c���s :
Section 1. The To�•m Planninq Board is authorized,
sirnultaneously �+�ith the approval. of a plat pursual�t to the
pro�r�_s ;_ons of Arti.c:l.e 16 of the �l'CG�rn. Lac•�, to modify applicabie
p��ot%�.�ic?is of a zoni.r.g la�>> or ordina.�ce, tiuk�ject to the provisio.ns
ar Se��.ior1 281 of th� To��ari Lac�� as amendeci ai�d. the proeec�ures ii_ may
adop�. and iollow ui:der this r_esolu�tion and such coilclitioi�s as may
br� set for�tll ir� this resolt+t:ion, and stich othe.r re��soriable
coilcli�ivns a:� thc� To�•m Board may hereafter adopt frorn tirne to tirne
and. sul�ject to Rules ancl Regula�ions of the Planning Bo�lyd now or
here���-ter adopted ancl approved.
Section 2, The authoriza-tion of the To���n Pl�anning Board shall
be lirai�ced spcciiicall_y i�o residential development or lands in the
`l'own o� Ithaca outside of any incorporated villaae �_ilci shal:l be
fur.ther limited specitically to those lands which lie ���ithin the
boundaties of any reszc�ential or a_qri.culture zone ��he-re resid�nti.al
use is perrni-tted under zoi�ir�g i:ec,rulations, �s shoson on the zoning
rtap �ai».ch is current znd C'ffCCt'1VE..' as oi the date' this resolution
�.s a�.cpted, bu-r e}:clud�_ng such lands ���ithii� sucl7 zones c-�liich have
bec�r� ar may be rezoned as mul��ipJ_e residentia_t zonir�g distric� s cr
fo� any purpcse or distr_i_c�s o�th�r than reaidential zoniny
disixicts or for any purpose or d� s�i.ricts otl�e.r tlian resiclentia.l or
agii�ul�tural. T'r�c� power c�ranLc�d t�� the P1ai:ning 13oar_ci i�o i�take sueh
IQOC3:Li�.C�tic�ns may bc e�,ercisc�:�, �t. its cLiscretion, subject i.o all
app.l_icu}71c conc��.tioizs, to pe_rmit the erection of d�,�c_l_l_tng units in
det.�;cl��ed, : emi-de �_ach�ci, a t.tached , o.r_ mul�t�.-storey structures .
Section 3. IL. Th�-_ pr_ocedu:ce auL-horized by this resolu�ian rnay
1,�e eac�.r_cised in it� r? �scretion by th� To��;n Pl�tnning Lazr.d if in i.L-s
judgl����nL- the al�pli_cati_on oF such pr.ecedure �•,�outd benc�fi.t tl��e To.�n.
}3. The Pla_nr�i:ng I�oa,�d is di_rec-tc� i.o adop� r_u.les and
i-e�rlilation� setting � foz-tl�i �lie cri�eria. pursuan�L �o �al���ch such an
a.p;�_lic�_it.ion may be .requircd .
Section 4. ��� Tne rc��solu� ion adopted by
I`oveml�cr 3, 1955, �iu�L-horiziz7rj the Planning Boarci
reasoi:��ble cha_nges to the zoi�ing regu.lations
subci_i_vision plat a.ppr.oval is rescinded.
the To�ln }30c�rC� on
to confir_m or rr�a}�:e
:in cor,zzection c�itli
Town Board Minutes
OctoUer 4, 1982
B_ Secti.o;z 2 o.f tl�e To�an' �� subcliv.i.si.or, regulations adopted
�nd �vproved by t;ie Town Planning 13oard and the `l�o��m Board,
resp;.�ctively, oi� I�Iarch 24 , 195 F> is amenc�.ed to comply �•�ith the
prov.�sions of tlzis tCSO.1L1tlOI7.
C. The Ta�•�n Clerk i� dir�c teci to deliver_ rortl�naitli a copy of_
this resolution to �he Ch��irnian of th� Plaiinin�r Poard and to
publ_:��::ll fur-ther. noticc�s, ir any may be rc-�qui��_ed, irz r.or�r�ec.�iori :<�itil
any furtl7er hearinqs ���hich may be requireci.
Sec:tion 5. A11 determin:�-tions, approva)_s and acti�ns taken k;y
t}�e Plan;iing Boarcl prior to the adoptian of this r_esc�1_u�cio�.i are
ratii i.e�! and cozziir.mcd and this resoJ_ut.�.on ancl tl�e zutlioi�ization
c;ra�lted hereunder_ to tliis Ylannir�g Boar_d shal�. app]_y to aily
c:ic��terrninations; ar.L-ions or proceclurc�s, relat:ing to the subject
matter made or t�k�n by t�ie Plar1ning }3oard sub:;equezli� to thc�
adoption of this resol.ution.
Stzper��isor D�sch sai�l that the r��atter could be adj�urnec� bu�t t:h�L- a
�1��cific time shot�ld be set to cons_ider -the matter fur_��her_. T}���
To�en :1t�torr�ey said that he welcomcd the op�nioi�s of the �i`'o��n Foar_ d
azzd that an adjourizraeiit �•�as alright �ai�th �zim ii that's ���}la� th2
To�m Boar. d �aante�l.
Councilwoman Raf=`ensperger sa�_d she won't vote on it tonight; she
needec� to read Sectian 281 of: Ta�ti7ii L" aw� and to undersLand -i^he
implicatioris. -
Cour.cil�aoman Kiefer suid she is generally opposcd ��o Lar�_zzg ac�tion
on complex issu�s ��ahen gi���en such :ShorL- notice bu-t that she though
tliz�t the �1'o�an Attornc�y hac? ta)cen enough cir.ae ��n�' h��d explai.ned th�
issues and the need r"_or rnod��fication a.nd th�t the Town could not
co�:it:inue to livic e�i�.'r� the 1955 Resolat:ion in vie�,v of -�he umenc7r��n4
to Llie lu:��. She viev.ed -L-hese a,niendRients as a straigh..tf_or����rd
prc�cedure, long o�erdue.
Counc.ilman Jennings fc�lt that a gr_eat dea7_ had heen preserii�ed t:o
thc ��'a�an Board anc� th�t the To�•�r� l3oarcl sho„1d no t. rush irli.o t.}le
a�:o�:�t�_c�n of the re:;Gl_11t:1nI1 � 3Ie suqc�es �ed talil. i_ncJ ��_o a spec �f ic
Sunervisor DescYi s�ated tha-t �4�]Iat �•�as beina clon� was to update the
ea.�_ J_ier_ r�solution.
Tne Town �ngineer st.ated that the broad authority had been gran�ecl.
to the Planning I3oard to ch�.n�re regulat.ioris, etc. , as long ago as
The Superv�_sor ��anted it clarified that t.lze Plailiiing Board it�ust
t,o)_ci a public hearii:c� befoi�:� it adopts rules and r_egulat.�_ons as
authorized and that thes� must b� approved by i�he �Po�,an f3oarcl.
Counci.l��oman Raffensperger stated that sl�ie needed more tirnG to
consider th� resolution.
Supervisor Desch cG1:Led the question.
(Desrh, Kugl.er, Cramer, P�icPea}�, I:ief_e1- and
P�]a��s - Raffensperc�e�-) ,
Jen�l:i.nc�s voting nyc .
13i��q_;_l�uilding .
Cour.t_y Reprc�sentative Beverly Livesay si�ated tha.t. thc, Coui�ty �3oard
c�.ill try again to holu a pt�iblic hear.ing on the o1d hospital.. She
Gsked S�ipervisor D�sch if ; the To�an ��i1d the C���rununity Hosp:ital. ].Zad
come to any under_ s-tandi_nc� on thc sewei anci wai�er li_nes?
Town Board Minutes
October 4, 1982
SL<��er��i:�c,r D�scl� aris����:red, i7o. I1c jizst rece.ivc�d « l.etter toclay
froin lZu:`:ti. De�d:ii-E�, �-�aveii' � even h�ici a c}-iance -t�o cJ�t copies t.o the
'`1`;;�an �.T_3��:zrd melii}_��>r�,. Iie has heard _�lothing from Plar�nin,
Cor,�i�iission�r Liguari.
Council���ornan Raffen�-,perger rc�que�;tc�d that Tot•in Boarcl mcmbers bc�
c�iv<<n copies vf Sul�ervi��;or Desch' s lettcr to DCCllre and Cct:i�� ��
13oard Chai_rman Da ces .
T�i.rs. Livesay e�cnL on to say that the B].ue Ribbor? Task Fo.rce
"`='° Com�:�i�t.��.�e iieeds to ge�t together wit�� the To�•�n, ho���ever, F'r�nk
I�iguor.i could nct� ge-t� hi� p��:ople together bec�use o� vacat:i_oiZs. A
ciccision to decla.re t}le land for public use or nvt fo.r public use
i��:�:ds to be made. Z'he Hospital has requested more land. for
. pai?cing.
Su.1:er��isor ll�sch stated tr.at u buyer should be made a���a.re of land
us� r�lans and. zonin� rest.r_�ctiors so that the buyer c•,�ill not be
sL�rpri.sed during the To�,�n of Itliaca's reviec•� o� ai�y proposals.
To�,m F�.'r�g�_ne�r F��bbroni stated that he fEit the County needed a
I�las-tcr Y]_an, tc� �:ro�L-ect tl�ic County, so that they cai�. give easem�nts
2.i-�d �cces.s log i.c� � 1_y and I70� cj�-� � triemselv�s in the same situa.tion
that �they are in ���i.th the ITospiial.
Pa_i u_l�arkin� at Count�� Air_�vrt
R�� r.c,��en�tative Livl :�41� sta{:ecl that paid par}tiing a�. the AirporL- �.7as
pr.vpc�s�d to c�e up ac��,in and a public r;ear.�ng ���ould Le held �_n thc
rac��_ n i ng ,
Cot�nci.lm�n Ku�ler sta-cc�ci that 11e fe�.t L-he mon�y rc�alizecl froi:: paid
par. }..ir?c; �;hou1_d }�e kr,L�-c in the Coui,ty in support of oi.ir er_onci�y.
Co�izcilman Crar�er stated -th<<-t tl-ie s�.tuation at the rirport is only
� encot�raging people tc �rave]. to Sy-racuse .
I�irs. Livesay asked if Mr. Cramer c�rould i�ell this to the Covnty
Bo�rd. �
Nre Cramer, you have my permission i=o tell them for me.
TU:'1i�1 G}� TTFiACA �JA1:1',ATJTS
rio�iori by Councilmaii Cranier; second�d by Courlcilrnat� Jenniilgs,
R}:,SOLV1_;D, that the To�•;n Poard of the Toum of Ithaca hereby approves
t}1e `i'o��m of I�thaca l�)arrants datcd October 4, 1982, in the f_ollowing
amot:ri c s :
General Fu11d - To�vn ��7ide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 'l7, 803.43
Gcneral Fund - Outside Village ................$ 6,647.59
tti'aL-e�_ & Se�•�er �.'und ............................$143,0��6.9G
IIigl�iwa� Fund......... .......................$ 53,691.02
Pa.r)� F'.eserve FL�nd ....................... ._...�--:L1,090.91
I,i_glltiriq 1�istricts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 253.2�
I'ire Pro-tection ...............................$ 64,577.25
(I�esc1��, Y.ugler, R<<:f fensperger, Cramer_ ,?�IcP�ak, I�iefer_ and Jennings
vct_�i7cJ Aye. NG��, - rzone} .
BOL`I'UIv' PUZt.�T �^lf1R .P,AT��`1'S
hESOTrU`.rI0i�1 .NO.
I�io�tion by Cotznci].r1�:iA Ruqler; seconded hy Supervisor Dcsch,
Town Board Minutes
OctobEr 4, 1982
I:�.SO.LVFD, that i.he �3o.1_toiz Point ��Jarr_ants czal.e�. Oc�tober 4, _19�2, in
Op�.r�ttiTic� Accoun�t a_re he.rek:�y approved, in t.he an�ount o:� $59,OGri.50
aftcr_ r_eview znd upon the recom?n�naation ot tl�c^ Sol�i l�iern Cayu���
L�;};e _f;iterniunicipal j�7ater Cor��ini_ssi_on, �they ar_e in orc?er for_
��cl�'It1E'I1t .
(Desch, I:ucJler, Rz�:Eenspe.r_ger,
v� �.inr Aye . Nay�� - none }.
AP]?i?OVJ:; I�-1INU7.'ES
C ra.?r��Y' � T.'ICi Eu��: � �'..i.e ��.i- �.�nci. JenninU �;
5upervisar Desch stai.ed tha� a�_though. the To�•�n lio�.rc� members have
hud -the July 12th i��inutcs for_ Ul11tE.' sometime, considerati.on o.f
approv�-�]_ ���ill. b� given � t the NoverrJ�er mee�ting alor:g ���itt�i �tiie
Auc�u.st 9 minutes .
The meeting �aas du1_y adjourned at 8:50 p.m.