HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1981-03-09 T014N OF ITHACA
'. March 9 , 1981
. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins
County , New York , held at the Town Offices at 126 East Seneca Street ,
Ithaca , New York , at 5 . : 30 p . m . , on the ' 9th day of . March , 1981 there
PRESENT : Noel Desch , Supervisor
George Kugler , Councilman
Shirley- Raffgnsperger , Councilwoman .
Marc Cramer. , Councilman _
Victor Del Rosso , Councilman .
ABSENT : Henry Mc Peak , Councilman =
Dooley Kiefer , ' Councilxwonan
ALSO PRESENT : James Buyoucos , Town Attorney .
Robert Parkin , . Town Highway Superintendent.
Lawrence Fabbroni , Town Engineer
Helen Blauvelt , 'Town Historian "
Ned Wait , Ceracche Television
Jon Witten , Town of Ithaca .
Nancy Fuller , Deputy
Lew Cartee , Town Building Inspector
Joan Taylor , Resident , Town of . Ithaca.
Ken Reeves , Deputy Fire Chief , City
Liese Bronfenbrenner , Town Planning Board .
Willis Hilker , 275 Burns Road
Nancy Loeb , Syracuse
Beverly ,.Livesay , County Board of Represen.t.at.ive �
George Patte , Jr . , . SPCA
Thomas R . Dyckman , 402 Winthrop Drive
Vernon Briggs , 332 Winthrop Drive
Marlin Cline , 107 Brandywine Drive
Agnes Cline, 107 Brandywine Drive
Keith Kennedy , 3 Sandra Place
Barbara Kennedy , 3 Sandra Place
Harlin R . McEwen , 422 Winthrop Drive
Harold R . Cushman' , 420 Winthrop Drive
Michael Montgomery , 410 Winthrop Drive
Mr . & Mrs Albert Musco , 135 Burleigh Drive
Mr . & Mrs . Malcolm Hunter ., 13.3 Burleigh . DrLve4
Ann & Richard Pendleton , 326 Forest Home �lrve.
Janine Massa , Finger Lakes Kennel Club
Frederick Koslov , 116 Park Lane mm
Lucinda Mallery , 129 Blair Street
Lorraine McCue9 . 101 Regency Lane
David L . Klein , 131 West Haven Road
Representatives of the Media . .
Pat Braus , Ithaca Journal
David O ' Flaherty , W11CU
Dave Maley , WTKO
The Supervisor led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance .
Supervisor Desch stated that he was pleased to report that negotiat3e.01Y9
Town Board Minutes - 2 - March 9 , 'y: ' 1981
, r
with the City on the three year fire contract are now comp7_ eted . The :
outstanding item had been the matter of the Town getting credit for. s
the Cornell contributions The Town will now get its proportional
share of whatever the contribution is , starting in 19820 The current
amount will be 16 . 71% of $ 55 , 000 or $ 9 , 190 . 50 so our 1982 contract .
cost will be at least that much lower . Our discussions with Ithaca
i' College are continuing and we hope to have a satisfactory answer soon .
The sewer system evaluation survey has shown that the 50 year old
Trumansburg Road sewer is in need of e�,itensive. rehabilitation . The 4 .
engineers estimate for such works is $ 130 , 000 and we would still end up
with a trunk line that would require extensive future maintenance .
Fortunately , the cost to replace the line may not be much *higher
because the line has relatively few the, and runs under grass most
of its distance . i
Since we will be paying for capacity and operating
cost on the basis -of total flow contributed , it behooves us to have as .� '
tight a line as we can get . We can do the engineering inh.ou.se , but we
will need to increase our. borrowing authorization by about $ 100 ,. 000 .
If there is not objection , I will infoirm the consulting engineer about _ .,; . -
our intentions and proceed to develop a capital project budget It = -
is .unlikely that ' the work , in any event , will qualify for federal and
state funding . We will be having . a meeting of the - Sewer - System -
Planning Committee to review the overall SSES . - There no - doubt will
be significant repairs to perform on some other Town of Ithaca sewers ,
but the scale of effort is relatively small compared with the City and
Cornell . systems .
Councilwoman Raffensperger asked if t ►e $ 80 , 000 estimate' was only for
the Trumansburg Road section ?
Town Engineer Fabbroni answered yes .
Councilman Kugler asked if the existing pipes were of the old clay pipe
type , . in three and four foot lengths ?
Town Engineer Fabbroni answered yes . The . replacement . pipes wi11 ' be . .
twenty foot lengths of plastic pipe . tir:-
if I
Supervisor Desch noted that the remainder of the ` project would
require low cost improvements , such as manholes that need water
proofing . ' The . Town does not have footer drains , etc ,, P running into .
the - sewer system .'
Supervisor Desch continued , saying the four of us who attended the
Association of Towns meeting in New York appreciate the opportunity
to attend what turned out to be very informative meetings Each of :, r
us wi11 -have a ° report for your information in the near future . It , .
is interesting to me that we have a lot in . common with. some of the
larger suburban and urban towns , many of which have more advanced
problems because of service demands , etc . We have much we can learn
from them in terms of taking steps to avoid duplication of services ,
increased bureaucracy . etc .
Every year the office hours for Town Hall em ,• - oyees are reduced
during the summer months , from 8 : 30 to 4 : 30 . The employees are not working a shorter work week , they aria reducing their lunch hour . :-from
one hour to one -half hour . This yeat they are asking that the hours.
be reduced starting May 4 and that they be made permanent hours for
year around . - I would also like at t]ilis time to consider item 7
having to do with the fact that July 4 falls on a Saturday : .
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded. by Councilman Kugler ,
Town Board Minutes - 3 - March 9 , 1981
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves
the hours for the Town Hall Staff from 8 : 30 a . m . to 4 : 00 p . m . ,
beginning May 4 , 1981 , and that they remain the permanent year around
hours .
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . Nays
none ) .
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , .
RESOLVED , WHEREAS Independence Day_ , July 4th , is. on a Saturday th '
year , and
WHEREAS , the Town of Ithaca employees at the Town Hall . and at - the , - 1
Highway Facility , would like to . take Friday , July 3rd as the: holidayp
WHEREAS , the employees at Bolton Point have requested the same day-,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of .
Ithaca hereby designates Friday , July 3rd as Independence Holiday .
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . Nays -
none ) ,
Tom Engineer Larry Fabbroni stated that a fire had occurred at the
Cliff Street Pump Station over the weekend . The electrical panel .
was . burnt out . Merle Bower from Bolton Point and an electrician
from Norton Electric . worked most of Saturday revamping the system
and bypass wiring . He noted that the emergency electrical costs wil :
be relatively minor . However , the wire from the meter back- to - the
pole idll need to be replaced . :
Councilman . Cramer asked if there was any damage to the pump ?
The Town Engineer answered no , only to the panel controlling the pump .
Supervisor Desch stated that the change order. on the Could pump . was y � .
the main problem holding up renovation of the pump station .
Councilman Del Rosso asked the Town Engineer if he knew what caused
the burn ou .. ?
Mr . Fabbroni stated that he really did not know and would not know
until he had time to go over the details with Merle Bower ,
Mr . Fabbroni further stated that the telemeter had just been installed .
Councilman Kugler asked if the station had old cartridge fuse equipment%
The To%..m Engineer answered yes .
Toi•,-n Engineer Fabbroni stated that the ridership figures . on the East
Ithaca Transit for February supprised everyone . 5 , 100 people rode the:
East Ithaca Transit bus , whereas 4 , 500 rode on the Northeast Transit .
Fifty percent of the ridership on the East Ithaca Transit are residents.
of ,the area .
Toi:m Engineer Fabbroni stated that the Northeast Transit was ixt the
process of establishing their budget for next year .
Town Board Minutes - 4 - March 9 _ t 1981
Mr . Fabbroni further noted that the 2% sales tax collected on gasoIir,.e
will be refunded to the transit operators in the . State . .
The Toxm Engineer noted that the $ 10 , 000 allocated by the " County plus
the Town ' s allocation- for the Northeast Transit 1979 - 80 budget will
now allow the implementation of a midday service .
Supervisor Desch asked when would it be feasible to. implement this
midday service ?
The Town Engineer felt September would - be the proper time to begin
midday service . September will also allow for time, to check the
efficiency of the existing bus runs .
The staff is progressing with a . draft of the Ithaca Circulation Plau and
expect to have it finished by the end of the mon.thc It sh.oU:ld be
ready for the public in May . Also , . work is progressing on the deeds 7.
: and easements for the parks .
Highway Superintendent Robert . Parkin reported that the highway crew
is busy hauling crusher run gravel and sand . to be mixed with salt , .
for next winter.
The men are also working on spring time patching of roads ,, shoulder
work and sweeping of intersections a! ' ng with. Miscellaneous aign .
work . . . :
Superintendent Parkin reported some problems with ice . , in culverts
and that they had borrowed the - County ' s steam Jennie .
Mr . Parkin reported that one of . the men had driven a truck into > the. . .
highway facility with the box up on the truck and had hit the over
head door The . estimated damages are $ 980. . for Cortland Overhead Door Co . a :
and $ 250 to McPherson Builders or a total of $ 1 , 230 . 000 $ 1 € 00G . d.ed.u.c `c --
able insurance is carried on the building . . However , the men will take
care of the labor , which-- according the Boothroyd Insurance will also
be covered under the damages .
Mr . Ned Waite , Assistant General Manager of Ceracche Televzsion ' spoke
to the Board in regards to setting a date for a meeting to discuss .
a proposed rate increase .
; ::
Supervisor Desch asked Mr . . Waite to contact the Town. Clerk for an
available date .
Supervisor Desch noted that the State had no record of certain Town
highways and that it was hoped that the computer would accept an
Ail official resolution .
Councilwoman Raffensperger asked if there was not a problem in the past
with Northview Road West ?
Town Engineer Fabbroni answered yes , there is still a problem with part;
of the road . in terms of the developer completing the work .
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Counc: i �:.r,raman Raffenspergex ,
Town Board Minutes - 5 - March 9 , 1981
RESOLVED , WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca from time to .. .
time has accepted right - of- ways and highways as official Town high -
ways , and
WHEREAS. , the New York State DOT has no recordoin their files of certain:
of these accepted Town highways ,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that not withstanding any earlier .
resolution accepting the following roads , the Town Board of the Town
of Ithaca hereby- reaffirms as accepted Town highways the following :
Campbell Avenue = . 13
Cayuga Street = e18
Hickory Place - 010 . _ .
Longview Drive = 007 _
Northview Road , West = . 16
Pineview Terrace — _ e14
Sienna Drive = , 34
Spruce Way . 03
Sugarbush Lane - a06
. ' ( Desch , Kugler , Raffe'nsperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . Nays .
none ) .
Superintendent Parkin noted that the . State DOT . 1ist of mi . fox ^
the Town needed to be corrected to list the official. mileage at 38 . 52 instead of the 3'7 . 92 miles they now list .
114 Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer ,
RESOLVED , WHEREAS the New York State DOT list of mileage for_ . certain
highways in the Town of Ithaca require updating or correction ,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the - Town of . Ithaca
that the following additions or corrections to the New York State DOT
list of mileage be made :
Should Be Was +
Blackstone Avenue . 50 . 925 o25
Eastern Heights Drive . 46 . 11. . 35
Forest Home Drive . 1960 1070 010
Glenside Road a18 933 el5
Happy Lane . 10 . 05 . 05
Joanne Drive 933 914 29
Schickle Road . 05 oil o06
Sesame Street 008 010 , Q2
Sharlene Road . 16 . 11 e05
St . Catherine Circle . 23 629 o06
Tudor Road . 29 026 . 03
:Vera Circle . 57 . 56 . 01
Williams Glen Road . 14 . . 06 . 08
,. : ( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . . Nays
none ) ,
Tolm Historian Helen Blauvelt presented her annual_ report for the year
ending December 31 , 1980 . ( Copy attached to the minutes ), lShe asked
. the To ��m Board if they had a particular project they would like her to
undertake in 19816
Town Board Minutes �- 6 - March 9 1981 ~
The Town Historian then presented her slide show titled " Ithaca Commons " '.. ., . ' :
.which was financed by the Downtown Business Women . A delightful show , -
enjoyed by all present .
Highway Superintendent Parkin reported that bids were received from
Bill Zihakis Chevrolet , Inc . , for $ 6 , 559 . 00 for a Citation ; Spencer
Ford Sales , Inc . , for $ 6 , 114 . 99 on an Escort ; William T . Pritchard ,
Inc . , for $ 5 , 804 . 95 on an Omni and $ 6 , 251. 51 on an Aries . William T •-,
Pritchard , Inc . of Ithaca , New York was the apparent low bidder on a
Dodge Omni at $ 5 , 804 . 95 .
Superintendent Parkin felt that the Omni would probably- not last as
long as his present. Dodge , however , he stated that it should last:
four years .
CounGi iTiaia CrnTi$r" ` n- i;.ed Mr Parkin ii tic . Ort7l w0ul�: e €:tat�.t: tl-t tab
Mr . Parkin felt X. -- would be comfortable . _
Councilman Kugler asked the Superintendent if he mould be able to . get
good traction in the winter with the small car ?
Superintendent Parkin. stated that as far . as he- could:: determine., he,
should have no problems in the . winter .
Motion by Councilman Kugler ; seconded by Councilman . Cramerl,
' RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the
apparent low bid of William T . Pritchard , Inc . . , of-- Ithaca ,,:. New = York . .
- of $ 5 , 804 . 95 for a 1981 Dodge Omni .
(Desch , Kugler , ' Raffensperger , Cramer and ' Del Rosso voting . Aye . Nays .
none ) .
Town Clerk Jean. Swartwood stated that she had r.e'ce ved prices . from
Automatic - Voting Machine and Voting Machine Service Center . Aut.omatzc
Voting Machine quoted a price of $ 2 , 435 . 00 for a new 9 pa.rty _ rowf.
30 office column size manually operated voting machine . Voting Nacb;3ne
Service Center quoted $ 2 , 100 . 00 for a reconditioned 9 party row . .
30 office column size . printomatic voting machine. ,
The Town Clerk pointed out that if - the Board decided to purchase : the
printomatic voting machine , it would be the only one the Town. would
: own and would require the printing of one special print - out for , the .
reverse side of the machine . Also this is - a reconditioned . machine .
She recommended that the Board purchase the new voting : machine . from - '
Automatic Voting Machine .
Illy Motion by Councilwoman. Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Cramer , . ` .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes
the purchase of an new 9 party row , 30 off1ce column size manually
operated voting machine from Automatic Voting Machine Corporation
of Jamestown , New York for $ 2 , 435 . 00
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer , and DPI Rosso voting Aye .
Nays none ) ,
Town Board Minutes - 7 - March* 9 , 1981
' e
Proof of posting and publication of notice of a Public Informational
Hearing to consider the adoption of the New York State Fire Code
having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the
Public Informational Hearing .
Supervisor Desch stated that Town Engineer Larry Fabbroni and
` Building Inspector Lew Cartee have been working on the practicality
of applying the New York State Fire Code . to the Town of Ithaca . He.
further stated that the Town would not be considering the adoption '
of a fire code until after the Zoning Ordinance had been adopted .
Supervisor Desch stated that at the April meeting he would ask the ~
Board to set a date for a public hearing in May to consider the -
adoption of the New York State Fire Code .
:Building Inspector Cartee stated that he had visited the Town of = .
Chenango . They have a population of . approximately 13 , 000 with only
one college The industry in that area is about the same as in our * "
Town . The Building Inspector administers their fire code , which
takes about 20% of his time . The Town of ' Chenango feel. the ' BuildLug
Inspector is the best person to enforce the fire code as he is
familiar with the buildings .
The Building Inspector stated that he . felt , that in the next -one - or
two terms of the Legislature , the State would mandate that Towns
. . adopt a fire code . He stated that he felt the Town could best
operate under the State Fire Code as it was updated more frequently
then the American Insurance Association (AIA) Fire Code ,
Ken Reeves , Deputy . Fire Chief for the ' City of Ithaca noted that he
was attending the meeting out of curiosity . He stated - that the City
uses the AIA fire code . He also felt that if the Town does not adopt
a " fire code , the . State would mandate a code and enforce it if , a
community does not . He agreed that AIA does not update their code
as often as the State . _
Town Engineer Fabbroni . noted that he had met with Jack Miller wha
- - was instrumental in instituting the fire code . He noted that the
State Fire Code was updated on the basis of the building code ,' He
felt that because of the size of our Tow , we wouad be better off
Town ,
adopting the State Fire Code as the AIA Fire Code takes much more
research to implement . He further stated that the code was written
in , such a way that it did not take a technician to read " it: or
enforce it ,
Supervisor Desch asked about motels and hotels and would the authority
of the Health Department supersede the Towns fire code ?
Mr . Cartee stated that the Town could have control if - our fire code
were more stringent than the health code .
Supervisor Desch thanked Mr . Reeves for attending and participating.
in the public hearing .
Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to considerr7
the adoption of the Clover Lane Lighting District having been presented:
by the Tom Clerk , the Supervisor opened the Public Hearing .
Supervisor Desch read the Petition for the Establishment of a Lighting;
District as presented by the residents of Clover Lame .
Supervisor Desch stated that the payment for the lighting will be through
a special assessment on the tax roll .
Town Board Minutes - 8 - March 9 , 1981
Councilman Kugler noted that the Town would be acting . . as an inter
mediator for . the cost of providing lighting .
Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Council Kugler ,
- '' RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts
r i the petition for establishment of a lighting district for Clover Lane ,
Supervisor Desch called for a roll call vote <
Councilman Cramer Voting Aye .
Councilman Del Rosso Voting Aye ,
Councilman Kugler Voting Aye ;
Councilwoman Raffensperger Voting Aye
Supervisor Desch iToting Aye .
The resolution . was thereupon declared duly adopted ,
Motion . by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer ,
All tracks or parcels of _ land situated in the Town of Ithaca , Tompki n,s
County , New York consisting of several parcels of land lying on either
side of Clover Lane , shown on Ithaca Tax Map Noo59 on block 2 thereof ,
lo and comprising lots 5 to 10 inclusive., the westerly side of Clove
Lane bound on the north ` line 200 feet south of the south line of . .
Mitchell Street , .. on the west line 51 feet east from. the division
between, the .City and Town of Ithaca , :on the south by Parcel. 19 and ors. . .
the east by the west line of Clover Lane ; also comprising of Parcels -
11 to 18 inclusive ; bounded on the west by Clover Lane , on the north
by said line which is 120 feet south of and . parallel of Mitchell Street ,
on the south by Parcel 19 and on the east by the east line of Parcels
18 and 17 . 2 and said line projected northwest as shown on, said maps,
Supervisor Desch called fora roll call vote .
Councilman Cramer Voting Aye . ,
Councilman Del Rosso Voting Aye .
: Councilman Kugler Voting Aye
Councilwoman. Raffensperger Voting Aye .
Supervisor Desch Voting Aye ..
The Order Establishing the District was thereul 7orc dccla.red. duly
adopted .
Proof of posting and publication notice . of a Public Hearing to consider. .
the adoption of the 1981 Dog Control Contract having been presented by
the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the Public Hearing ,
Supervisor Desch stated that the Town has received the proposed 1981
SPCA Contract . Basically the Town will receive the same service as
last year , however , there will ' be a reduction from three to two in
the number of wardens . Also = an Advisory Committee will be establ % shed: ,
. . Mr . William Hilker then presented his alternative proposal . He noted
that the cost to the Town , through his proposal , would be $ 6 , 206. for .
19810 This is a savings of $ 2 , 135 . 23 from the proposed SPCA contract
of $ 8 , 341 . 230 A substantial cost reduction in dog licenses could be
made for the people of Ithaca or the added income could be used to
Town Board Minutes _ 9 _ March 9 , . 1981
defray the expenses of the Town Clerk , - as considerable time - is spent 1M.
the issuing of dog licenses . -
Mr . Hilker further stated - that the warden would complete an enumeration:
for 1981 , there would be approximately twice the warden service
. available in his contract than there was with the proposed SPCA Contract _
A follow up of the computer printouts for dog licenses would be made
�ieach month .
- He stated that no increase for contract expense is anticipated for -
1982 , other than a possible fuel adjustment . However , the SPGA had
tried to get an extra $21 , 439 on this years contract . Failing this ,
they reduced services by 30% . If the extra $ 21 ;439 had been granted ,. . .
the Town of Ithaca ' s share would have been $ 2 , 808 : 51 .
Supervisor . Desch asked Mr . Hilker -if he had arranged for a kennel ?,
Mr . Hilker said yes , he had . made arrangements to lease a kennel. -on
the . DuBois P.oad in the Town of. Ulysses .
County Representative Beverly Livesay - stated . that she had worked . in
the past , on this area , and it seems to be terribly. redundant . after
the SPCA built a community shelter to build another shelter *
Supervisor Desch noted that Mr . Hilke.r ' s proposal would cost . the .
Town less , however , the Town would have to appoint Mr . Hilker as
dog warden and become directly involved in dog control .
. ; ,- Supervisor Desch noted that the first year he was . Supervisor , he
received numerous complaints , however , since the new Dog Law . and
the Towns involvement with the SPCA , the calls have dropped to zero. .
- Mr . George Patte , Jr . , presented the position of the SPCA , on the
memorandum attached to these minutes .
Councilman Del Rosso asked if the SPCA looses the contract , will we
spend tax dollars to subsidize the . SPCA?
Mr . Patte responded , saying that was . a . very ampor.-tant. qudstzon ,.. as - a. . .`
lot of money would be involved . The SPCA would have to do a lot of
penny pinching if the large towns were lost .
Councilman Del Rosso questioned paint number four in tb _ memo, fas ri -
how- does the. . .SPCA support itself ? If. revenues are down ,: can you _
still support the same - level of service ?
Mr . Patte responded , saying the contract was put together - as . ' a County
wide package . If the revenues are down , we cannot provide the same -, . -.
level of service . -
Councilman Del Rosso asked Mr . Patte if the enumeration shows a
decrease , how can you cut back ?
Mr . Patte stated that adjustments would have to be made , such as
-cutting back at the shelter and the number of cars patrolling the
roads ,
Beverly Livesay stated that she was disturbed with the question of
: money coming in . She felt that dog control should be kept off tax
payers backs and on a self supporting basis .
Councilman Del Rosso asked about the SPCA receiving money over and
above their needs and how would this money be used ?
Mr . -Patte stated that surplus money could be used to control the
amount of the local fee .
. Supervisor Desch stated that he was in favor of continuing with the
Town Board Minutes - 10 - March 9F 1981
SPCA contract for another year . The City had already decided to
continue with the SPCA and with the location of the Town inrelation -
Lo the City , he felt the .Town could best be served by the SPCA .
However , he encouraged the rural Towns . to consider Mr . . Hilker ' s
proposal , to see how competition works .
Councilwoman Raffensperger stated that she also was in favor of
continuing the contract with the SPCA .
Motion by Supervisor Deschf seconded by Councilman Del Rosso .- , .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby autho5: izes .
the Supervisor to execute the 1981 contract with the SPCA. for dog
control .
(Desch , Kugler - Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso votznp; Aye . bays
none ) .
Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to consider. ~
- the adoption . of the revised site plan for the Dewitt Junior High School-
Park having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the
Public Hearing ,
Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that in , 1976 a committee was formed- to
study the improvements that would benefit the community . The
y ' committee met for one year and came up with a proposal . A public
hearing was held , however , . the plan was shelved because of the un�
certanty of the schools future and drainage problems on Brandywine . : . , --
and Christopher Lane . areas . The original plan was to. incorporate
as much as possible into soft ball fields . Now the . proposal includes
a one or one and one -half mile track around the school ,. . upgrading the
ball parks and a . water retention area ,
: John Witten of the Planning Staff , noted that exercise stations could . j
be , combined with the jogging track . The track would be open . to anyone . ,_:
wishing to use
it Mr . Witten showed slides of exercise stations:
used on the Ithaca College track
Mr . Witten noted that there were. - two alternatives for the.. ` track. . , One. . . :
would go in front of the school. , which could create a ha42ard because
of school buses . The other alternative would be - the longer trail
which would include -the- - hills , making the track. more exc :1= t" 1Wzg, 0
However , this -track would go behind the pond and close to abutting
property lines .
Supervisor Desch asked who would be responsible for maintenance ?
Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that the pond would be fenced at the
foot of the bank and would be maintained by the Town . The track
- : , would be maintained twice a year , or as required , by the Town . The .
school would be responsible for day to day litter maintenance of the
track and ball fields .
The Town Engineer further stated that there would be sufficient
parking for the people using the park . The pond would be an
attractive addition , not a nuisance , as there would not. ..be water
standing in the pond . There is substantial wood growth which will.
provide a buffer strip .
Prof . Cline asked where does the drainage from BOCES go into the pond:?
Town Board Minutes . - 11 - March 9 , 1981
The Town Engineer responded , through the pond .
Prof . Cline asked if the %BOCES drainage would be rerouted ?
The Town Engineer answered yes .
Prof . Cline asked - the Town Engineer , what do you mean by through the
pond ?
. ': The Town Engineer responded saying , the stream goes through the middle. _
There is a pond on south hill constructed in this. manner .
Prof . Cline asked the Town Engineer if he would be using. a. trickle tube?
The Town Engineer said yes , this will minimize problems ;
Mr . Kennedy noted that normally the spillways are on the uph3. ide .
Mr . Fabbroni . responded , saying on a dam design , you. are right .6 Unlike
a . dam , this will be a continue flow through .
. Mrs . Kennedy noted that the embankment bf the pond is 8 feet higher,
than the ground . If water goes over the top , what happens to the
people down below , if it does go over ?
The Town Engineer responded , I can only tell you it is highly unlikely-
Supervisor Desch stated that a failure of the embankment_ would cause
an overflow : :
Mr . Cline stated that he felt that possibly a spill. over should be .
- considered as it is not beyond the realm for it to overflow : Have you
investigated the soil to make sure septage will not go into basements ?'
- The Town Engineer stated- that this was still in the realm - 0 f the basic =
design work .
Mr . Montgomery questioned the grassy indentation . He noted that he
could vision -a mud hole:
Town Engineer Fabbroni stated that the grassy area will be maintainedr
there will be no.. cattails . . Some leaves and twigs will be . carried in
it will not become a breeding ground- . for
by the water . However ,
mosquitoes :
Mrs . Kennedy asked if the pond would be fenced in?
The Town Engineer answered yes :. -
Mr . Kennedy stated that if you put the track on the lower side of
the pond you are likely to have water problems , He requested that
the track be put on up the hill ; on the side of the pond .
Mr . Kennedy asked the Town Engineer to please explain the outlet .
Mr . Fabbroni stated that the water will flow through two clXcular
pipes and out Winthrop Drive to Brandywine . Mr . Fabbroni further
' stated that in 1975 - 76 , there were flash storms . Two or three weeks
ago there was a high run off problem down stream . The proposed pond
will give the water more spread and delay the run off .
Mr . Cline stated that there were rocks within inches of the surface
in this area . =
Supervisor Desch stated that a soil survey must be and will be done
before proceeding with the project .
Harlan McEwen expressed concern for the residents of - the ' neighborhood.
-;• , t. . --- -'yam'
Town Board Minutes - 12 - March • 9 , 1981 ,
He noted that 50 to 75 children ` regularly cut through the yards trya.rg.
to take the shortest way to their home or school . Hedges have been - -
put up to try shop the children but they will not use the sidewalks . .
He expressed his concern that the school has not addressed the situation .
He noted that the school was reluctant to put up a . fence . If the area
is going to be used more then he felt the ` ` own. and School District
"i should protect the. proper.ty owners from further invasion . He also
stated that policing of the neighborhood was needed because of the
late night parties at the school . One or two o .' clock in the morning
the teeter totters and swings are banging , The School Board does not . .
seem to address the problem .
Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public . Hearing to Consider'
the adoption of the revised site plan for the Salem Drive :Park ha.tfln€;
been ' presented by the Town Clerk , the Supery sor opened the Ptiblicli
Hearing .
Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that the land was acquired front, Rocco
Lucenti and consisted of about two and one -half acres . ' Trails 'with
be cut through the park with benches at different intervals
Supervisor Desch asked what , the cost estimate would be ?
The Town Engineer stated that the cost should be approximately $ 3 , 0006
Mr . Fabbroni stated that the Northeast Civic Association had reviewed
both the proposed Salem -Park and Tareyton Park . sites and had approved
the Tareyton Park actively and the Salem Park passively .
Councilman DelRosso asked about policing the area ? Ni
Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that the Town was responsible for policing . .
Jon Witten stated that the facilities in the park would- be minimal ,
Councilman Cramer , asked about the maintenance of the park ?
The Town Engineer stated that maintenance would be performed twice
a year
Councilman Del Rosso asked the Town Attorney . If a time can be estaJ� lishec
when the Town , after these hours , is no longer responsible ? . .
Town . Attorney - Buyoucos stated that the Tow -). can establ 7: s1 ,. a closiia,g
After closing . time , violations will have to be enforced , 7n general ,
the Town can regulate the opening and closing hours along with sanitary
conditions . Noise can be restricted , musical instruments and radios ,
The principal items , however , would be no drinking and pets must be on
leash .
Proof of posting and publication notice of a Public Hearing to cons ider
the adoption of proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance having been
presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the Public Hearing .
Susan Beeners stated that at the last Toren Board. meeting refuse '
containers in residential zones versus other zones were questioned. .
Modifications have been made to the Zoning. Ordinance stating, that
refuse in R15 and R30 , Agricultural and Industrial . Zones must be
kept in closed containers adequate to prevent the scattering of
waste , ( Copy attached to minutes ) .
Town Board Minutes . 13 _ March 9 , 1981
A recommendation was received from the Finger Lakes Kennel Club
regarding the number of dogs allowed in kennels and as household
pets . The proposed amendments would now- permit the keeping of three
household. pets over 6 months of age . Three purebred dogs are allowed
. in a kennel . Over three , either household pets or kennels would
require a special permit . ( Copy attached to minutes ) .
The Town Engineer stated that the Town could not discriminate against
animals . Basic logic was needed to cover all animal situations . A
/ special permit would be needed to keep over three dogs .
Richard Pendleton questioned the possibility of a house with two
apartments , and each has two cats in resident , then this would be
a violation .
The Town Attorney answered yes , only three pets per lot are.. allowed .
Five or six would require a special permit situation .
Lies ° Bronfenbrenner asked . if . there were any restrictio' ns . on horsesl'
Town Engineer: . Fabbroni stated horses were allowed by special permit.
David Kline stated that the point that he was trying to make was
that a person would have to come before the Board to get a special
permit to keep more dogs or cats .
Supervisor Desch stated that he felt three was not an - unreasonable
number .
Susan Beeners then read the following resolution on Solar Assess . .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca recognize and
hereby does recognize the need for the protection of solar access
through the zoning process , and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED , that the intent and purpose of . the Act to
amend the general Town Law in relation to providing solar access
as a valid public purpose in zoning regulations , Chapter 742 of . the
Laws of New York State in 1979 , such Act constituting an amendment
to Section 263 of the Town Law , as amended by Chapter 295 of - the laws,
of 1956 , and such amendment , being effective January 1 , . 1951 , shall. be -
carried out
Miss Beener stated that- solar collectors would be permitted in
residential , -business and light industrial zones . The height re
quirement for free standing collectors is 22 feet . . attached is . 30 feet .
Any collectors in excess of the height requirement will require a
special permit . Special permits would be needed - for oppen areas other
than rear yards . A building permit is needed for. a solar collector .
The height in an industrial zone , free standing or otherwise ., I' s
30 feet . Windmills will be permitted by special permit only .
Town Attorney Buyoucos stated that the permit may be turned down_ for a.
number of reasons . Those being , side yard requirements , height re -
quirements , solar device may be in the line of sight of neighbors or
the placement of the device too close to property line .
Town Engineer Fabbroni noted that solar collectors would be allowed
on a reasonable basis . Sun angle and trees do not appear to conflict
with the efficient use of solar collectors .
Beverly Livesay asked why a special permit variance was needed for
- windmills in this area ?
Town Board Minutes - 14 - March 9 , 1981 ' `
Councilman Kugler stated that windmills in this area were . not cost.. . '
efficient , as there was not enough wind .
The Town Attorney stated that special permits would be required. for
critical or unique areas to build , landscape , gardening or cutting
of trees . The Building Inspector would issue the permits .
„ Susan Beener stated that property in unique areas would need to . be
' reviewed by the Planning Board after inspection by the Building
Inspector . Permits in R15 zones are included in Article 3_4 . The
section that would require a permit for a garden has been removed4.
Supervisor Desch questioned , was the Board happy with the present
concept of conservation in the Zoning Ordinance
The Board Members answered yes .
Town Attorney .Buyoucos asked it has the administrative overview you
want ? Do . you want more. . details ?
Councilwoman Raffensperger felt she would like to -review - sate secta.ori:.
before commenting .
The Town Attorney stated that he would . like one member- " of tti.e Town
Board designated to work - with him .
' Councilwoman Raffensperger agreed to work with Mr . Buyoucoso
Town Engineer Larry . Fabhroni reviewed and discussed the proposed . , zon3.319
map . Several areas will need to be changed . Bus %ness will be changed
to the new light Industrial zones . Sgecif � c examples were discussed ,
. such . as - the Elmira Road area , Sam Peters and Evan Monkemeyer _
Supervisor Desch stated• that the people in the effected areas should
be notified of the change and what effect the proposed change would.
have on them .
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer_ ,
. , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will conduct. s
. public hearing on April 13 , 1981 , at 7e00 p . m . , at the Town Hall ,
126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York to further consider adoption
of amendments to .the . Zoning Law . . -
( Desch , Kugler , " Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye , . Nays
none ) ,
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Tom of Ithaca will meets ai.i.d
conduct a public hearing on April 13 , 1981 , at 1 : 30 p . m . , at the
Town Hall , 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York to consider
Revisions to the Official Town Highway Mapo
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye , Nays ,
none ) ,
Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Ku-glex , :
.4. ,
Town Board Minutes - 15 - March , 9 , 1981
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby adopts
the revised site plan for the Salem Drive Park .
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . Nays
none ) .
Following discussion of the problem of litter along our highways , the
energy intensive nature of beverage container production , Mrs . Raffensperger
offered the following resolution for adoption ,
RESOLVED , WHEREAS carbonated soft - drink , beer and ale bottles and cans
create problems of litters are a hazard to pedestrians , vehicles ,. axic�
. animals ; add to: the amount of municipal solid waste ; and deplete our
finite stock of natural resources , especially energy , and
WHEREAS , requiring : a mandatory deposit on all carbonated beverage. corm-
tainers sold in the State of New York would to a .great extent allevia,te -
these detrimental conditions , and
WHEREAS , landfill space in Tompkins . County is . limited and may be un� .
available sooner than previously expected ,, and
WHEREAS , the glass recycling program formerly run - by Challange- lndus �
• tries in the City of Ithaca has recently ended , . and
EREAS , the siting of a solid waste energy recovery facility is. under.
consideration in Tompkins County , and removing beverage containers from
' the haste stream would make such a facility more efficient , au&
WHEREAS , proposed legislation in the New York State Legislature , I(Senate
2831 and. Assembly ' 3692 ) would not require a change to refillable bottles:
or affect non-beverage food containers , but would only require a �. depos3.t.. :
on all carbonated beverage containers , thereby providing an economic
incentive to return them to stores where bought rather than to '. th�ow
them away ; and ' .
UTHEREAS , . the institution of such proposed legislation is not expected
to have a detrimental effect on the State ° s economy. or overall work .
force , and
. WHEREAS ,, . it is easier and more appropriate to deal with beverage - co n-
tainer deposit legislation on the State rather than the local evels
LOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town . of . lthaca
does hereby support the enactment of State legislation similiar to
. Senate 2831 and Assembly 3692 which would require a deposit on .-Pall
carbonated % beverage containers sold in the State of New York . . `
IP Motion by Council-woman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Kugler ,
( Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger and Cramer voting Aye . Nays - Del Rosso .
•C •1. •1y l .S VV f 'ti'i . TT.-w rZ•' "i} arvfw
Town Board Minutes _ 16 _ March 92 1981
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Cramer ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes
a refund of $ 63 . 60 for water charge , $ 4. . 45 for surcharge and $ 6 . 81 for
penalty for a total of $ 74 . 86 be made to the Country Club of Ithaca ,
189 Pleasant Grove Road , Ithaca , New York , by reason of the bill being
paid twice , once on December 1 , 1980 and again with the special read
paid on December 19 , 1980 . Account Number 188 - 0222767 .
(Desch , Kuglek , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . Nays
none ) ,
Motion by Supervisor Desch . - Seconded by Counci7Lwoman Raffensperger ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby authorizes
a refund of $ 41 . 02 for water , $ 2 . 87 for surcharge and $ 4 . 39 for penalty
. fora total of $ 48 . 28 to be. made to John Whitaker , Executor of Robert
. . ' Whitaker Estate , 2316 North Ralph Avenue , Tucson , Arizona , 85702 by
reason of bill eing paid twice , once .on February 3 ,' 1981 and again
with the specia read . Account Number 186 - 02162270
(Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye . . , Nays .
none) .
Motion by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilman Kugler, :
RESOLVED , that the Town Board' of the' Town of Ithaca her approves
the Town of Ithaca Warrants dated , March 9 , 1981 , in the following
amounts : , -
Water and Sewer Fund . . . e . $ 2`2 , 143 . 83
General Fund - Town- Wide 21 , 599x.42
General Fund - Outside ..4 = .673 . 59
Capital Projects Funds 185a5I
Highway Fund . a . '. , . . . . . . . V 0 C . . 0 0 000 0 00 .. 0ae , 211, 834A54
Lighting District Fund . . . , 224 . 86
(Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting, Aye , Nays.
none ) ,
Motion by Councilman Kugler ; seconded by Superv�. sar_ Desch .,
RESOLVED , . that the Bolton Point • Warrants 'dated March . 9r 1981 , . in the
Operating Account are hereby approved , in the amount of $ 237 , 685 . 04
after reveiw and upon the recommendation of the Southern Cayuga Lake
Intermunicipal Water Commission they are in order for payment .
( Desch , Kugler b Raffensperger , Cramer and Del. Rossa voting. Aye , * }days
none ) .
Town Board Minutes March 9 , 1981
Motion -by Supervisor Desch ; seconded by Councilwoman Raffensperger ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves
the expenditure of $ 1 , 000 , the same amount to be expended by the other
participants , for an extension of the consultants work in completion
of the East Ithaca Connector Road Study .
(Desch , Kugler , Raffensperger , Cramer and Del Rosso voting Aye Nays
none ) .
The meeting was duly adjourned .
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