HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1977-10-10 •— 1
{ D
October 10 , 1977 - 5 715 p . m .
At a Regular Pleeting - of the flown Board of the . Tot,1n of Ithaca , 'omnY ins.
County , New Yorks help]. at the Tocpm of Ithaca Offices at 125 ' `Last
Seneca Street , Ithaca ,. New York , on the 10th r. av of October , 1977 at
5015 pomp , there were: .
PRESPIT s T17alter tT a Sehx4i6h Q Supervisor
Andrew W . P1cElilde , Councilman
Mdel Desch ; Councilman
Victor Bel . Rosso Councilman
Cat? Brine wAo Valentino , Couneilt or?an
Shirley Rafferisperger , Councilwoman
ALSO PF.ESRk;T ° .Tames it e 3u oucos , '"oc�m Attorney
Lavvirence Pe' Fabbk6hi , ToxAm F174in6er%Buildincj Inspector
Robert Parkin ,, RiOhway Superintendent
Liese , Rronfenbrenner , Chairwoman , Planning.. Board
L'va Hoffmann' , Planning Board
0everly LiVe" tay ; County Representative
Henry Wo Tfibi sen , County Reps s iert At iVe
Arthur Le Berkey , 12 $ Christorahe ' ircle
Gust " Le Preezna , Jr . ,, 258 DuBois Road
Frederick Ro FTar' tsock , 1205 Trumansburg Road
Trills Hilker , 275 burns fta6
Herbert Mahr , 103 Judd Falls RoaA
Anthony Schultze 270 Pennsyivania Avenue
It j Richard Jo Williams , " 642 CodAington Road
Representatives of the R edia '
Philip . Lerman , Ithaca Journal
Joel nIeltser , Vr.PKO News
ABSEPIT ° Robert No Powers , Councilman
I-lotion by Supervisor Schwan ?* seconded by Councilman I'1cElwee ,
RESOLVED , that a public hearing be held by the Town of Ithaca Board
at 6 30 p , me , Rovember 10 , 1977 in the Town of Ithaca Offices at 126
East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New Yorko for the purpose - of hearing all
persons interested in the renewal of ' the contract with the City of
Ithaca for fire protection for a one-year period on the basis of
$ 136 , 500 for the year 1978 in the Town of Ithaca , excepting the follow•-
ing areas , to cnyit Ir
a ) the Village of Cayuga Heights ,
b ) the area comprising all the territory lying between
the east boundary of the '' Village of Cayuga Heights
and the east boundary of the Town of Ithaca ,
c ) the Hamlet of Forest Rome exclusive of the structure
Rousing the Cornell University Filtration Plant
(Del Rosso ., Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch , Valentino , and Schwan voting
Aye Nays , none )
Town Board :11nutes 2 October 10 , 1977
Motion by Supervisor Schwan seconded by Councilman HcElwee ,
RESOLIM'D , that a public hearing be held by the Town of Ithaca Board
at 6 ° 35 p . m . , November 10 , 1977 , at the Town of Ithaca Offices at
126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , New York , for the purpose of hearing
all persons interested in the renewal of a contract with the Village
of Cayuga Heights for fire protection for a one year period on the
basis of $ 23 , 000 . 01 whereby ±he Village of Cayuga Mea.ghts agrees that
its Fire Department gill . give fire protection for the year 1973 in
the Txamlet of Forest Home and in that notion of the Town of Ithaca
to the north of Forest Nome and between the Past boundary of the Vil-
lage of Cayuga Heights and the east boundary of the Town of Ithacan
(Del Rossoo Raffensperger , IllcFlwee , Desch , Valentino and Schwan voting
Aye . "7ays - none )
Motion by Supervisor Schwan , seconded by Councilman ; "crlc`rA� c
RESOLVED , Tr+TI?3EIRE AS the Town of: Ithaca has prepared assessment rolls
on the parcels of_ land included in- the' following ',
( 1 ) Forest x'ome Fighting 'U strict ,
( 2 ) Glenside Lighting District ,
( 3 ) Renwick Heights Zighting District ]
( 40 Eastwood Commons T ighting District ,
( 5 ) mhe Town of Ithaca water and sewer improvement now
operated by the Town as a Towwn-vvJl.de function and
covering all lands in the Toi!•n , pursuant to Section
209pr of the Town T avi.% this assessment roll includes
not only all the parcels formerly included in all the
former T,iy.ater and sewer districts , but also all other
lands in the Town of Ithaca outside of the Village of
Cayuga Heights ;: and has apportioned and assessed upon
such Parcels of land in proportion to the amount of
benefits the improvements shall confer upon_ the same
the costs chargeable to said districts and said land
. in the Town of Ithaca for the establishment and con
struction of the improvements in said districts , in-
cluding the water and sewer systems therein , which
charges are Payable in the year 1978 and. , therefore ,
Pursuant to Section 139 of the Town Law, the said Town
Board will hold a public hearingthereon at the "own
Offices at 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , Few York. ,
on the 10th day of November , 1977 , in the order listed
above beginning at 6 0 40 p . m . , at which time it will
consider any objections which may be *jade to said
assessment rolls and apportionments .
'(Del . Rosso , F.affcensperger , rxcPl%%Tee , Desch , Valentino and Schwan voting
Aye -9 Trays none )
Mr . fxenry T1. 'Theisen reported that rlr. . Frank Liguori has
noted that quite a fete towns have not as yet Aesignated. representa-
tives to serve on the County Transportation Commission , an0l that he
( .Liguori ) is recommending that the Toirmn of Ithaca and other munici �v
palities make suc?l� annointments at the earliest possible moment . It
is hoped this Commission will he in operation by the end of the year .
• .. .. . .. a .l . . .
ToUm Board !-Jin.utes 3 -- Octoher 10 , 1977
Supervisor Schwan said he would review the preliminary
budget page by page and requested comment as he procee:' e' .
The Supervisor noted that the preliminary buriget resulte%l
in a Town wide tax rate of $ 1 . 415 and a Part �moT;m tax rate of 53 . 547 .
For those not familiar with - it , the Supervisor explained that To' wri '
wide means the entire Town including the :Tillage of Cayuga Teights
and that Part -Tot-lnn means the Town of Ithaca outside the Village of
Cayuga heights .
�It . Herbert M&hr , 103 Judd. Falls Road said he felt it T,aas
unwise not to increase the Youth Bureau appropriation to take into
account inflation . The Supervisor note(?. that ±4[r . R.oYiert rutia ;
Ithaca Youth Bureau Director , had not asked for an increase over
last year . . . The Supervisor said that - Mr
Mr Cutia makes a request
for addit onal .. funds prior to Movember 10 ; 1977 ? the money coul4.
still be appropriated .
The Supervisor said that an amount 6f $ 17 . 000 has been
budgeted for a town boliceman , , and that this addition to the buf.get
wi11 resuit in an increase in the tax rate of 31 cents per thousand
dollars . of assessed valuation . The amount of $ 6 , 001 has also hoer.
appropriated for a half - time planner and that under zohina the dollar
amount reflects the cost of a full time 'zoning enforcement officer .
The Supervisor noted that the amounts budgeted for the fire
contract with the City of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga Heights
have been left the same as last year . It may be that prior to Novem-
ber 10 , 1977 or November 20 , 1977 ( the final budget date ) , these
municipalities may furnish different contract amounts .
Upon question from S-ir . Berkey on the increase in the zoning
budget , Supervisor Schwan explained that the only real increase there
is for $ 700 salary increment . The remainder of the difference is only
a re - arrangement of the allocation since these funds iaere formerly in
the part of the budget for Town Engineer and part ", t0
ime zoning officer
which duties were handled by Mr . Fabbroni . The Supervisor observed
there is an equating lowering of the engineering portion of the budget ..
Mr . Berkey asked how much taxes were raised to cover the half -time
planner and the proposed controller . The Supervisor said that althoug1:-
specific amounts were not figured , it would appear that the two to -
gether would cost about 25 cents per thousand dollars of assessed
valuation . However , this increase ' is mostly offset by other items
such as state aid and mortgage tax money .
Considerable discussion then followed with reaard to the
Tom policeman .
TIie Supervisor explained that far the $ 17 , 000 budgeted the
Sheriff ' s Department of Tompkins County would furnish one deputy ,
car , radar , uniform , and all equipment and back-up required. and the
man would be totally assigned to the Town of Ithaca . This would be
strictly a contract with the Sheriff ' s ?department .
There was discussion indicating that not all of the police-
man ° s time would be devoted to traffic enforcement , and that perhaps
only 500 of his time would be so allocated . Mr . Berkey said it would
appear the Town would be paving $ 17 , 000 for only 53 , 500 worth of sere
vice . Mr . Berkey asked if the . Town policeman would be taking on
some of the existing services which the Sheriff is already providing .
The Supervisor said this was probably true and that it is one of the
inherent problems . Pir . Berkey asked if it were not possible to fund
half a man ' s time for traffic control or full time on traffic control .
The Supervisor indicated that his discussions with Sheriff noward
Totem Board "Minutes October 10 , 1977
made it clear that as soon as the Town of Ithaca has a policeman ,
the Sheriff ' s Department will immediately refer all calls to the
Town of Ithaca to that person if he is on duty at the time . %1r . Ber@
key asked if this were legal . . The Supervisor said he did not know
whether it is legal but that . it is apparently what happens in day to
day police work . Mr . Eerkey said he took exception in that the neople
inthe Northeast are paying taxes anrl that the policeman has the same
responsibility to take calls there as well as any other place . . The
Supervisor said that with the limited equipment . and personnel that
the Sheriff has and w t Ii line towns to cover .; a call will be rem
ferre3 to the closest , man ° Mt. Berkev said the Town . needs a person
not only for traffic coontrol but for general police work as well
:Ars . Livesay said she ; had information that just because the
Town night have, a contract with'. the Sheriff ' s Department , we could
not be denied . any . of the services which we would othertaise be en-
titled to . She' said , for eXample , that if the rtan assi0gnO. to cover
the Town of Ithaca for traffic control were Called to investigate a
robbery ( in the Dortheast , perhaDs ) ,, then the 'roVm . ta'ould be entitled
to an equivalent amount of time for traffic control . The Supervisor
said that TPTas an interesting " philosoph�v " , but he 61d not know whether
it would work in Practice .
It appeared from the discussion that what the To' wn giants is
a traffic officer , but that it cannot get a tra fic Officer without
such . a person taking on all manner of other calls . Mr . "Bahr favored
hiring a Town policeman , even if it is only experimental . ! llr . Filker
opposed the hiring of a Town policeman on the grounds that one man
wily be insufficient to do a proper job and , further , that it will
only lead to a larger police force in the future . Mr . Filker said
wd ft have a Sheriff ' s Department set up and that if. the Town needs
more traffic control or police protection , the Sheriff ' s Department
ought to be expanded and that the Town of Ithaca should make such a
recommendation to the County . The Supervisor said the Town of Ithaca
by resolution asked the County to do just that but that additional
deputies 'were cut out of the County budget . tor . Milker said adding
a constable or policeman would be circumventing the agency set tap
for this purpose . Itrs . Livesay said having a Town constable does not
really circumvent the County . She posed the question ° Are we asking
for more protection in the Totam of Ithaca because of larger popula-
tion ? In that case we are entitled to it because we pay more taxes .
If we are asking for a higher level ,, of protection over and above other
towns in the County , then we have got to think of putting some of our
own money into it , in addition to County money . . That , she said. , is
what needs to be decided .
Councilwoman Raffensperger said that the Town Board has had
c?oubts as to whether or not one man would be adequate , but , on the
other hand. , the Tom Board has hard a lot of in°put asking that some
thing ')e done . She said this is viewed as a trial to see what it will
accomplish . It will he a one year contract with the Sheriff ' s Delpart -
ment to see if it will work .
Upon question from Philip Lerman ( Ithaca Journal ) the Suner �
visor said the fact that the Totan of Ithaca might have a policeman
would in no way obligate the County to " pick up any part of the tah '.
That would apply in otter totems as well .
( The Town Clerk inserts in these minutes , for the record ,
that prior to this meeting a call was received in the Town Offices
from 11r . and Mrs . Charles Levy , 312 Winthrop Drive , in favor of hir-
ing a Town policem.ane and saying they are willing to pay the addition°
al taxes required to support this item in the budget . )
Town Board. Minutes 5 w October 10A 1977
Mro Anthony Schultz , a City of Ithaca policeman , suggested
that it might be possible for the Town of Ithaca to hire several al �
ready trained police officers to work hart- time strictly on traffic
enforcement . The Supervisor said there would be the problem of the
clerk and the bookkeeping�o Piro Schultz said at least some of this
could be . handled through : the Town Court . The Supervisor asked I. r .
Schultz . if he would put his ideas cn paper and submit them to the
mown Board . Mr . Schultz agreed to do so .
Supervisor Schwan said it appeared that this matter is not
a settled . one . The money. has been appropriated in the budget , however .
Since the increase in the" t- ax rate is not really significant in any
event , the item could be eft in the budget even if the Town of
Ithaca dill not hire ' a policeman . In that event ,* the tax rate could
be reduced an equivalent sinount next year.
Par . Berkey asked if the summary of, the data collected by
?-Ire Fabbroni on mass transportation and ToWn . priorities .would he avail
able by November 10th, wheii� the budget will be finally approved . 4Sr .
Fabbroni said there are certain problem's involved in summarizing this
data , and that he would be happy to spend an. afternoon with Mr . Berkey
reviewing the different days the data might be summarized and what the
validity of . the results of the survey might be . Mr . Berkey sale it
would helptif a summary of the number of people for and against a
Town policeman were rmade available . ' "1r . Fabbroni said that is a very
specific way of analyzing the data and that he would do that .
The Supervisor closed this part of the discussion by saying
that it appears at this point that there is no clear conviction on
the Board ohe way or the other as to the wisdom of hirinq a Town
policeman , and that further thought will be given to this matter after
the Town receives Tyr . Schultz ' s recommendations .
Mrs . Livesay said the Board ought to be aware that there are
special Federal .funds available for radar and other egpxipment for a
policeman . The Supervisor said the Sheriff ' s Department may well
have taken that into consideration when they quoted the $ 17 , 000 con -
tract price . Firs . Livesay said she would be happy to sit in on any
negotiations with the Sheriff ' s Department .
Mr . Berkey noted that there are two Tom councilmen who were
elected at a salary of $ 1 , 200 , He recommended that the preliminary
budget be amended to revert their salaries to that amount sine their
.four year term is not yet completed . rho action was taken with respect
to this recommendation .
"Ire Berkey asked , with - respect to parks and playgrounds ,
whether any money for the Town of Ithaca share for the DeWitt Junior
High School recreation area is included . The Supervisor said the
Village of Cayuga Heights objected very strongly to using the Capital
Reserve Fund established with Toirm � wide surplus (which the Village
shared in ) for park development outside the Village . Therefore , it
is not included . The Supervisor said the Town will have sufficient
surplus to take care of the De!J?itt recreation site .
Town Board Minutes - 6 ° October 10 , 1977
!!(r . Hilker asked where the $ 21 , 500 listed on page 13 of the
budget would be spent ( labeled Tareyton Road - Northeast Parks ) . Mr .
Fabbroni said the term " Northeast Parks " is used to give greater
flexibility . It would cover , among other . things , some iamprovement
of Salem Drive park . There would be upgrading the grounds and build -
ings , tennis courts and basketball courts , and off - street play areas .
The Tareyton Road site includes a sand area which would have differ -
ent types of timber structures for younger children . ;'fir . Milker said
there does not seem to be any provision for parks and playgrounds on
West Hill , Councilwoman Raffensperger said there will soon be a
Public informational meeting in urhich present areas and other areas
may be discussed . The Supervisor said it should be kept in riiind that
the Tareyton Road area does not belong to the Town of Ithaca ; it be -
longs to Cornell University . Therefore , he recommended that not a
lot of money should be spent on it .
After the review of the preliminary budget the Board acted
as follows .
Motion by Supervisor Schwano seconded by Councilman tdElwee ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby prepare and approve as a Pre-
liminary Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning January 1 ,
1978 , the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures ,
as prepared , a copy of which is to be made a part of these minutes ,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that . .. he Town Board of the Town of Ithaca
shall meet to hold .a public hearing at 7 . 00 p . m . on Thursday , 1ovember
10 , 1977 at the Town Offices 126 East Seneca Street , Ithaca , Hew York ,
for the purpose of hearing any person for or against any item or items
therein , and
" BE IT rURTF3ER RESOLVEp , that the Town Clerk shall give notice of such
public hearing in the manner provided in Section 108 of the Town Law
Providing that such notice shall be published in the Ithaca Journal
at least tvyiCe .
( Del Rosso , Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch , Valentino and Schwan voting
Aye . Nays - none . )
Hotion by Supervisor Schwani, seconded by Councilman Desch ,
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca shall hold a
combined regular and budget meeting on November 10 , 1377 at 5 ° 15 p . m .
in the Town Offices , as required by Town Law .
( Del Rosso , ,Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch , Valentino and Schwan voting
Aye . Mays none . )
Councilwoman Raffensperger introduced a resolution on the
above matter and the Board acted as "follows °
Motion by Councilwoman Raffensperger ; seconded by Councilman Desch ,
RESOLVED , that it is the policy of the Town Board of the mown of Ithaca
that all communications ,, concerning substantial policy matters , signed
on behalf of the Town Board of the Town. of Ithaca , shall be authorized
by the Town Board , either in a regular meeting or , in an emergency ,
by consultation with its :members . ( See letter attached . )
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch , Valentino voting Aye .
Schwan abstaining . Nays - none )
Il �
Town Board Minutes p 7 _ October 10 , 1977
The Supervisor presented for the Board '; s consideration : CETA
contract for 1978 and requested authorization to execute• sameon
behalf of the Town of Ithaca .
Motion by Councilman McElwee ° seconded by Councilman Desch ,
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor : is hereby aut orized to . execute on be -
half of the Town of Ithaca ', : a contract between the County of Tomp% ins
and the Town of Ithaca under - , the CETA program covering the position
of Assistant to the Town Engineer , in the : amount . of Sll , 176 . 00 , , said
agreement to commence on October 1 , 1977 and terminate September 30 ,
1978 .
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , F16E14ee , Desch ; Valentino and Schwan
voting Aye . Ploys -° none )
Mr . Berkey noted that under the CETA program there is a lot
of latitude regarding the types of uses that CETA, m'on% ey can be put to .
He suggested that it might be ' possible to add a, seconel planning per-
son if necessary . He said. the nteiw Zoning Ordinance has been hanging
fire for a number' of years , and asked if the Town. Board had looked
into using CETA money to provide additional " person Power " to get
the zoning ordinance . off dead center or to do other things . The
Supervisor thought this might be a good idea , but wondered whether
t would be possible to find sufficient expertise in the ranks of the
unemployed which is germane to the proposed Zoning Ordinance . Ile
noted further that legislation enacted in the spring session now
places the burden of any unemployment insurance for CRTA or other
personnel , who are not specifically excluded from coverage by the
Federal government , on the municipality . Therefore , if ,, the Town of
Ithaca were to hire additional CETA personnel , it would be exposed
for a minimum of 26 weeks for the present maximum coverage of $ 115 .
This $ 115 figure will be raised to $ 125 ( per week ) on January 1 , 1978 .
CETA employees , he said , therefore , ` to this extent , are no longer
` free " . The Supervisor qualified his remarks by saying the Town is
trying to clarify this situation . A letter has been written making
inquiry and asking for an explanation of the various titles under the
CETA program ( Titles I , II , III , etc ) . The Supervisor said the Town
is already exposed for the one CETA employee it has . Mr . Berkey asked
if the Town Attorney has made a ruling on this , that is , whether , in
fact , the Town is liable for the CETA employee it has . The Supervisor
said the law is specific in the case of the Todm ' s present CETA em-
ployee , since he was hired before the new legislation which may have
certain exclusions . However , the Town is making inquiry to verify
this and the various titles under which CETA employees are hired and
where the unemployment insurance exposure lies .
:sr . Berkey asked whether , in the event the Town should find
out that it is not liable to exposure for unemployment benefits for
its CETA employee , if , after signing the proposed contract , the ToiA.?n
would still have the option of adding a second CETA person . The
Supervisor said the present proposed contract refers only to Mr .
Robert Bonnell , the Town ' s current CETA person . It would not affect
the Town ' s ability to take on other CETA people . P,ir . Berkey asked .
whether the Town has plans to add any other personnel , if it finds
out it has no unemployment exposure . The Supervisor said the Town
had no plans to hire another planning person apart from what is pr
vided for in the preliminary budget at the present time . The Super -
visor noted that , based the CETA wage scale , it might be difficult to
find people . Mr . Berkey said one way to find out is to advertise .
With respect to "4r . Bonnell , the Supervisor said the Town ' s exposure
is minimal ., since Mr . Bonnell has been trained as a ` zoning officer
and would probably continue in the Town ' s employe , after the termina -
tion of the CETA program .
Town Board Minutes October 10 , 1477
This matter will await_ . . a reportfro6 the planning Board and
will be put on the agenda for the meeting of Movember 10 , 1477 .
The Supervisor submitted ' a . t>repai-ed . -dkaf = resolution_ for
the Board ' s consideration , and asked that Sze be authorized to execute
a contract between the Town of Ithaca and the mlown of Dryden for sew-
age transmission .
Town Attorney Buyoucos said , he . objected to the draft resolu ��
tion as presented by the Supervisor since he said there were certain
" gaps " in it .
The draft , as nropared by the Supervisor , indicated a charge
of $ 15 . 00 Per unit for use of the Tocmrn of Ithaca ' s transmission lines .
t�2r . , Berkey asked :t,Jh the ` users of this : sewage main troulcl be charged
less than the $ 50 . 00 charged to Town of Ithaca residents as a sewer
benefit assessment . Councilman mdkwee explained that the Town of
Ithaca has no investment in this case in any pipe , engineering ser -
vices , or bonded indebtedness . The '' Supervisor noted , on ctuestion by
Councilwoman Raffensperger , that the Town of Dryden , reyill . take care of
their own maintenance , and , further that they do have their ov.*n bene -
fit charge in their own benefit district . Further , they are in the
area that pays an annual charge to the Village of Cayuga heights for
sewage treatment . Tyr . Berkey asked what their current total charge
by the Town or Dryden is for the pipes in front of their house . The
Supervisor did not know the amount but he did not think it very high
- because all that had to be done was to run laterals across the road .
rIr . Berkey felt that their charge should be more in line with that
charged to residents of the Town of Ithaca .
During the discussion the Town Attorney re-drafted the Super •
visor ' s draft resolution , and the Board acted as followso
Iftotion by Councilman Del Rosso ,n seconded by Supervisor Schwan ,
WHEREAS , (A ) The Town of Ithaca ( herein also ITHACA ) has
constructed , operates and maintains , at its own expense , a Town serrrer
system . The Town of Dryden ( herein also DRYDEN ) has established Dry-
den Sei,o7er District Tio . 1 ( herein DISTRICT ) in the area of Dryden east
of Sapsucker Woods Road . Dryden is presently using the Ithaca system
to convey sewage. from the lands in the DISTRICT through the Ithaca
sewer system to the Village of Cayuga Heights system .
( B ) ITHACA and DRYDEN ( on behalf of said Sewer District )
recognize the need for formalizing the aforesaid use by entering into
an agreement ( i ) to regulate the use of the sewer system by the Town
of Dryden and ( ii ) to establish the rights and obligations of both
Towns with respect to charges , repair , maintenance , additions to and
enlargement of the Town of Ithaca Sewer ' System , and ( iii ) to state the
duration , modification and revisions of the agreement , and ( iv ) to
establish the charges which Dryden must pay for such use , and ( v ) to
define such other provisions as the Town of Ithaca shall require .
( C ) In the meantime , it is necessary for DRYDEN to be inform
ed of the cizarces it must Pav to ITHACA for the calendar year 1 : 78 so
that DRYDEN can zmake the required assessment within the time perioi re -
quired by lair .
f ^ `
Town Boards?inutes - 9 - October 10 , 1977
( n ) The Town of Dryden understands that it will be require.
to pay to the Town of Ithaca for such use of the Ithaca sewer facili -
ties for the calendar year` 1978 a total charge equivalent to $ 15 . 00
per unit as hereinafter defined multiplied ?aX the number of benefited
units in the Dryden Sewer District , such amount to be raid not later
than the last day of February , 19730
( E ) The unit formula referred to above is as follows , for
the year 1978 .
le Single Family Rome ° 1 ; unit
2 . Single Family dome ' ( with one apartment ) or
any residential dwelling with 2 dwelling
units ° 2 units .
3o Muiltiple residential dwelling , as defined
in the Town of. Ithaca Zoning Ordinance .
1 unit pe , dwelling unit ( or apartment ) in
such dwelling >
4 . Any structure which does not come within the
above classification ° the units for any such
structure shall be in accordance with the
unit f orraula - 'which is . . in effect for the year
1973 in the Town of Ithaca .
Section 1 . The charges which the Torun of Dryden is obligated
to pay for the year 1973 shall be computed in accordance with the pro®
visions of paragraphs D and E of the Preamble . Such charges shall be
paid prior to 14arcn 1 , 19780
Section 2 . DRYDEN shall furnish to ITHACA , with the 1978
payment , a statement , certified by the Town Supervisor , listing each
benefited property in the DISTRICT rising the sewer , and the tax par -
cel number , address , name of the owner , and the number of units there -
in .
Section 3 . DRYDEN shall comply with all applicable prove ~
sions of anv code , law . ordinance or regulations of the Village of
Cayuga heights and the Town of Ithaca relating to the use of their
respective sewer systems . Without limiting the foregoing , the Town
of Dryden shall . make any and all repairs or additions to its system
which may be required to comply with the foregoing codes , etc . and
shall pay for all repairs and damage caused to the ITHACA or Cayuga
Heights System attributed to use of the system by DRYDEN , or if it
is necessary to enlarge or construct a main in ITHACA if the sewage
floes of ITHACA and DRYDEN exceed the capacity of ITHACA sewer mains ,
ITHACA will do such work and DRYDEN will be obligated to pay the cost
thereof . DRYDEN will install meters to measure the flow into ITHACA
if required by any State or Federal agency and will make and/or pay
for any corrective measures required by such metering .
Section 4 . If the Town of Dryden shall default in the
performance of this agreement , the Town of Ithaca may enforce the
provisions of this resolution in any proceeding or action .
Section 5 . Acceptance of this resolution by DRYDEN , without
modification , shall be deemed to be a contract between DRYDEM and
Section 6 . The Town Attorney with the Town Supervisor and
the Town Engineer shall prepare and negotiate a formal agreement
with DRYDEN regulating the continued use of the ITHACA system . In
the meantime , this resolution and the acceptance thereof shall con -
tinue in effect until January 1 , 1979 or until the execution prior
to said date of said formal agreement except that the unit charge
shall remain at $ 15 . 00 per unit for the year 1978 .
Town Board Minutes October 10 , 1977
Section 7 . Nothing ' iri this resolution shall be interpreted
in any way to deprive the Town of Dryden off' its rights and powers to '
determine the manner of rising the funds required to be paid to the
Town of Ithaca .
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , Elwee , Desch , : arid Schwan voting Aye .
Ways - none . Councilwoman Valentino left the meeting at 6 54 p . m .
prior to this vote ,-).-`
A request - was received - from - Lee kCnuppenburg ,* 116 No Meadow
Street , Ithaca ; New York , for the return bf "$ 100 : 00 road de; osit for
premises at 106 Pineview , TerraCEe This matter was deferred -until the
Town Engineer and the Highvaay. ' Superintendent have had an opportunity
to investigate - the condition' - of - the road :'
The Town Clerk ' outlined . briefl " why . it -is , necessary to hire
part- time - help , during -the neriod December 15 , 1917 -through February
15 , 1978 . It is during this period that tax bills are ;prepared for
mailing , - dog licenses are issued ; hunting licenses are issued ,
water bills are collected � W= all of this coming 'together - in the same
time period . _
Motion by Councilwoman - Raffensperger °, , seconded by Councilman : Desch ; -
RESOLVED , that part time help may be employed during -the period Decem=
ber 15 , 1977 through February , 15 , 1978 fora total of not to ' exceed '
280 hours , which hours shall be apportioned in such away that -there
will be no exposure on the part of -the Town of - Ithaca " for unemployment -
insurance .
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch and Schwan voting -Aye . -
��ays , y none . )
In view of the fact that Evan Monkemeyer was - to have planted -
a buffer between " his property and the Staz property -by -October " 15 ,
1977- , and in -view of the fact that he was never - officially -"notified , -
of this '. requirementthe Board agreed that the proposed buffer should
be planted ( in accordance with prior - Town Board specifications ) - no
later than December - l ; 1977 . It wasp further agreed - that the Town Clerk
would write a letter of --notification to lr . Evan -Monkemeyer -and that - - - ._
the Town Engineer would be - in - touch with - him about this -matter .-
Town Attorney
Unemployment - Insurance . ' -The Town Attorney reported that -this - -
summer the State Legislature modified - the Labor Law as it relates -to
unemployment insurance , by defining -as an - employer a4 governmental entice
ty (which was always the case in certain respects )- . .. ' Now , however ;
State of New York municipal corporations and other governmental - sub -
divisions have been defined as "employers subject -to unemployment- in= ' ,
surance ' exposure and regulation . Therefore , - the Town -of " Ithaca - is - -
such an employer , and is subject - to unemployment - insurance -contribu=
tions or payments in lieu of contributions . .. . . " " -
Town ' Board m1Iinutes" - 11 _ . - - -October' `ITOF - - 1 -77 -._ _
._ ... ... .. . . _. . _. .
7r `: Biiyoucos -`said -- there ` are two ways in Uh-ic' 1 contributions : r.
relat ng:-to "tbb— -Uneihj loytrtdht `Insurance "I dt4fe "- -as -ndW 'Arrittene may ' be - -
made' -=� either--by` .."Cl-)- - -periodic.. deductions ;' -based -ori 'sal`ary arid` Ipers
centage -reguTat.i:oiis for all memployees or` ' (-2 ')' ' by "direct `coritributions -
of an amount to pay the' claims of employees uiho become- "dhe'rr-.ployed : - -__
The Supervisor Went 6,n to say that under the ` first -option the -Town- ` . -
would pay 3`. 7 x $ 6 -600 for each 'employee ° " He recoinmerid'ed` 'tYie" ` secon
option , since Itlie ` Trd -,-°S experience indidAte`S , `very Tittle unempToyI:lent
exposure._` - 'Thb-..:'Town At-torney -vent -into `tYfe matter More completely y
quoting from cektaifi sectio"n"s "of _the new 'De' ll-61a lone `exp aining hot#
the T(5- may f-ke notice of its eleCt1oh, of either of " 'the -two options .
He said -if tTie Town "should ck�oose` the second' boption, as `recomirieni'd�ed- - - b,T'
. - _ :._ - -
the Town--`S-upervisoref the --Town--at' a '`later' 'date `could 'revert t0 'tile
first. option slioiild` "it"so desire .
..._. _The - Toviri AAttorney tYien - "react' `t`o, the `Board `arid- those present III
a prepared resolution , oased` `on` -tYie Supervisor fII s recomm end ation -o£
the second"optioni: LTnder " ttiis-op ion tlie , Town may establ- `sh -a re
serve fLind"-called `the 1' Uheimployment`' 'Insurance -Tayme`nt 'serve Furld°°'
from~-wYlic pay claims . it"'-- is not mandatory; �lowever , t0 Set up
such-"-a fund_o _. - . It. is permissive . TYie "Towh Attorney 6uggested that`the
Board -mghf`wish 'to` think "aljoit all` -this and i?iake furtfier inquiry of
. . - - . : .. ._ - - .. _ . .. _.
officials in Albaniy e -
- -
c6unci-IVoman Raffensperg'r asked: #ha.'t- tale - Town 's `potential- -
exposure is . The Supervisor sai , based oni T `" employees at `$G , O a
er em-lo - .. -.-
p p see x 3'e' T% under the first option I GJ ' ffi is basis° " the
wolild--*havE? --an-automatic `exposure of I. $-3 ;1A8 per year- 'wffiether `it " hiO
anyone urnempl:oyed Or Ildt: Unifier `the `direct` reimburserrient Options -..
the 7dW' l - WoUTd tJay -noting unt '`l sUcdh` time `-as someone in 'own iaripi
became'unemployed- and made "a e'1-aim for payments :-` ` `the maximum `unem� ": `
ploy ment- ` payment -at ,t�iq present time -is 115 o a"week for -Z6 weeks 'o - - - -
----._. ... ..- _ _.
a maximum exposure of °$ 2 , 990 -for -one- -unemployed person : 6ri JanuaryI
1978 ; tYle maximum increases to $125 .0 per week . The"-Supervisor felt °;:
that'Ithe-Town'`s exposure -to unemployment" ihMirance -claims`is very - - `"-
1 lmlted--under- -the second' -option an'& - he r'ecommendecT*---it a -_. " fine +Toc+lri
Attorney read -fronit-`the law `-a `l-ist of- eucIuded` eiaployments;" tYiat is
employments not -subject to 'unemployment -,o 'claims ° -
' _ The"-sense `of the Board was "that "this matter -required- further "
study`-azid -the `Board agreed -tYiat the matter "stiouTd die -reconsid`erecT -at
the November` 10' .x_ h97T meeting - -
Beacon fl1s `M='; uyoucos` reported that . h.e `and " tlie Huper=
visor--he eI di-sciisSed tlid mi tt er -of, Ithd oreClostlre of 4a _ItlOrtgage ori -
the Beacon � 1 s "property . ' A" 'fored osure -sale w 1T 'be. __ fieICT -on" ^Octo°
ber 17--`-a4idit 'w111 -Itheri -be- come `clear 4+1i10 the new -owner lIs 3rd'--tYie1:`e ` , . . = '
will oe one person or corporation to -deal - with°' - That_g _lie' Isado , ': I"'
would" *be" trig apiroprlate time ' to . take WKatever action is necessary . " `-
` ' - " l r : Fab roni rioted` that `tYie Tiiwn `had '-riot' executed- "its -
orlg rial - 9 clay notice 't0 Mile- orlglnal" `owners"of deacon `I 1I1s. tO
remove- the - -build nofs -}Jecaus`e It11erI1was ' d I ., TRW ''to -tak'2 th- "
action `against At or 'during this " time `1't'"` was "discovered, t fhatSililey
Corporationh -of- -`Rochester'....arid t ie owners of ' Beacon `Hills 1Tad "never -
come to- --a ' -foreclosure agreements` True` to tfie tanglecT `legal` situation 'and the uncertainty 'Of` the. .property owflership ; no ' formal ac ldff was`'`
`- T-W FAbbron-i I re-2-ate''d `-his -efforts "with the -Sibley "Corporation
to have. _thdm ' clean up floe ' site. officials` "-of " Sibley `have"-been -in-=
vited -to "-attend -Town -Board ` meetings to ` discuss what "steps` they might --
take "once- they "did to-ke -title : Tars Fabbroni -said"trie only'response
he got -was that at this -time thdy- -held `ii6 - -interest in the property
and until -the `legal procee�Tings `vnere `completed- they uidbl:cT cTo nothing :
AgeanwM 1I2 the bu`lldirigs` I h Ave— . �beed Deteriorating for three -years �anci
are no longer " salvaga7�`le :" -
Town Board Minutes - 12 - October 10 , 1977
It was the sense of the Board that it would be well to :gait
until the foreclosure sale on October 17th and when the ownership of
the property is clarified , the Town Attorney and the Town Engineer
will work out a plan of action . It was also recommended that , if
possible , the Town Engineer attend the foreclosure sale .
Town Engineer
Sign • Applications '. , M2r . Fabbroni reported that four applica-
tions for signs were approved by the Planning Board ° ( 1 ) East Hill
Florist and Plant Shop , Last Hill Plaza , a sign 12 ft . sq . on a 16 - 1/ 2
ft . ; frontage , and therefore ,: within the square footage requirements
( 2 ) Lansing Home Furnishings Co . , Inc . (Warren Furniture ) , East Hill
Plaza , 46 .. sQ . ft . on a 90 ft .: frontage , in compliance with the square
footage requirements ; ( 3 ) Dairylea Dipper Store , located behind Bell ' s
Convenience Foods Store and Milbrook Bread ( on the Elmira Road ) in
the hollow near 111ancini ' s storage ,buildings , which does not create
any difficulty , and ( 4 ) Beaujolais : Cafe , . two additional credit card
emplacements on a sign of increased size .
The Board saw no difficulty with . the first three applications
above noted , but felt that the Beaujolais Cafe sign should be rede -
signed to make it possible to affix the additional credit card emplace =
ments to the existing sign structure . Therefore , the Board acted as
follows ,
Motion by Councilman McElwee ; seconded by Councilman Desch ,
RESOLVED , that the sign applications of the East Hill Florist and
Plant Shop , East FIill Plaza ; Lansing Home Furnishings Co . , Inc .
( Warren Furniture ) §* Dairylea Dipper Store , Elmira Road , are hereby
approved , and the application of Beaujolais Cafe , Elmira Road , is
hereby denied with the recommendation that the sign be redesigned to
make it possible to add the two credit card emplacements to a sign
in compliance with the Sign Ordinance .
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , McElwee , Desch and Schwan voting Aye .
Nays -- none . )
It was agreed this matter would be placed on the agenda of
an adjourned meeting on October 17 , 1977 . The Town Clerk was in-
structed to have a notice of this meeting appear in the Ithaca
Journal in order to get sor+.e public in-put .
Town Engineer
"ir . Fabbroni reported that in the month of September three
building permits were issued for one- family homes and three permits
were issued for accessory buildings , and one for a commercial estab-
lishment (McGuire Gardens ) for a greenhouse , for a total of $ 190 , 100 .
This compares with the Month of September in 1976 for four accessory
buildings in the amount of $ 7 , 260 .
Fivew�Area Sewer Project . tar . Fabbroni reported that six
more easements have been acquired on Slaterville Road , and there are
Town Board Minutes - 13 - October 10 , 1977
less than 10 remaining easements to : acquire for the entire ?project .
There is only one definite refusal to grant an easement and Mr .
Buyoucos will be working on this: - with the Town., Engneer . In regard
to this refusal , Councilman HcEI. 04 a asked ii , there could not be a
change in the location of . the lih6 . . Mr . Fabbron'd. did not think this
was practical in view of the EPA .` i64u' lations . Mr . ; Fabbroni noted
that in response to requests from the Glenside area this loop will
be added to the project as a . separate bid item . When the bid prices
are known , the Board will make a . dedision to make that improvement or
not . This is not part of the grant .
Town Highway Facili�ty`` : Mr Fabbroni reported that accounts
have been closed with t o tractors for the most part . There are
some last minute corrections to ifiake . Therefore , ,the retainag@ 1S
still being held . Although money is being. _ approved for the general
contractor , approval and pOiymeht is contingent on his properly re°
placing the center grate n . the builng :
di . He has also provided a
maintenance bond for the problems with the floor . This has been
reviewed by John Barney ( Buyoucos . & : Barney ) and found to be acceptable .
The center grate was not structurally sound , and obviously was not
designed properly .
Flood Control . Mr . Fabbroni said he is currently spending
most of his time on the Federal flood work . it appears the Federal
government is now conducting meetings on how the accounting with
respect to flood damage is to be done , this a year after one is sup-
- posed to start keeping the account . 14, r . Fabbroni attended these meet -
ings and forms were distributed to be filled out . There was no prob-
lem with this since Mr . Bonnell had kept a daily accounting of total
man hours . It is now a question of indicating the specific people
who worked at specific places on specific days for a specific number
of hours . When this is completed the Town should eventually be re -
imbursed for this work ( flood damage work ) . This is a very time con°
suming task , but a necessary one .
Councilwoman Raffensperger recommended that there be enclosed ,
in the notices for 1978 taxes , a clear statement of the residential
occupancy regulations in relation to the assessment of water and sewer
benefit charges and to compliance with the zoning ordinance , and a
survey form requesting confirmation of the Tovm ° s records as to occu-
pancy of particular dwellings . She recommended further that there
should. be enclosed a clear summary of those circumstances in which
a building perimit is required and the procedure for obtaining a per -
mit . She said similar material should be developed for commercial
establishments , including sign ordinance materials . The Board agreed
that this natter would be taken up at the November 10 meeting .
Planning Board Chairwoman
Appointment to Planning Board . Mrs . Bronfenbrenner reported
that 1.1r . Bernard Stanton , 2 Sandra Place , has expressed a willingness
to serve on the Town of Ithaca Planning Board . She noted that Z1r .
Stanton is a professor of Agricultural Economics and Chairman of the
Department at Cornell University . The Board acted as follows °
Town Board ' 111nutes - 14�; - October 10 , 1977
Motion by :Councilman Desch ; seconded by Councilman McElwee , .
RESOLVED , that this Town .Boaid , hereby appoints mre . Bernard P . 'Stanton -.
2 Sandra Place , as a memlaer of ..- the Town of Ithaca Planning Board ,
effective immediately , his term . to continue throiagfi December 3i , 19630
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , icElweea .Desch and _ Schwan voting Aye .
Nays - none . )
Report of Town of Ithaca Planning Board
Chairman ( Liese Bronfeiibrenner ) to Toni
Board - October 10 , 1977, i
1 . The Planning Board has � ireco faded Town Board approval
of the following sign applicatibri9 �r ( 1 ) Dairy lea Dipper Store ; ( 2 )
Beaujolais Cafe , ( 3 ) East Hill Fioiist and Plant Shop , and .( 4 )
Lansing Rome Furnishings Co . , Incot (Warren Furniture ) .
2 ., The Planning Board reecSinm en de' to the Town Board the.
approval of a proposed Amendment ; to Article VII,, Business Districts ,
of the Town of Ithaca zoning Ordinance . The proposed amendment to
Article VII adds an additional Permitted use to Section 34 of said
Article VII , as followso
31 . Combination residence -business structures ,
which are not more than two- story buildings
containing retail sales and customer service
establishments of a character consistent with
the other permitted uses in Business Districts
°' C °I , incidental to and located within .a multiple -
family structure ", or apartment building , primarily
to serve the needs of the residents of such struc-
turer provided : ( a ) none of such retail sales and
consumer service establishments are located on
the .same floor as any of the dwelling unitsQ
and ( b ) such retail sales and consumer service
establishments have access from areas which do
not serve as common residential , recreational
areas or access ways > '°
and , the proposed amendment to Article VII adds the following to
Section 39 of said Article VII °
" Section 39 . Site Plan Approvals . No building
Permi t shall be issued for a building or struc-
ture within a Business District unless the pro-
posed building is in accordance with a site plan
approved pursuant to the provisions of Article IX .
' In addition to the alreadv applicable sections
of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Business
Districts , sections 29 and 29 of said Ordinance
with respect to le Residence Districts
shall also be considered by the Planning Board
as a part of the ; site l approval plan l process for
Combination Residence--Business Structures .
3 . The Planning Board recommended to the Town Board the
approval of the request of Herbert land Lenora Itionkemeyer ( Evan
N . -Monkameyer as agent ) to rezone sections of presently zoned R� 9 ,
Business °° C °7 , and k° 30 districts of the Monkemeyer property at the
northeast corner of Danby and East '' Ung Roads , to Business °' CN as
amended m � this being approximately, -7 acres lying within the proposed
oil parkway °° loop . It should be noted that the presently zoned R-- 9
district , a portion of which is being proposed for rezoning as hereto-
fore noted , adjoins an existing 14ultiple Residence District ( Herman
property ) . The Planning Board Resolution is as followso.
f .
Town Board ' Hinutes - 15 October 10 , 1977
" POTION by Mr . Henry Aron , seconded by 14ro Patrick
RESOLVED , that the Planning Board of the Town of
Ithaca recommend and': . hereby does recommend to the
Tow Board of the T64fi of . Ithaca the rezoning of
approximately 1905 acres from Business 6° C '' and
Residential District - R" 9 to zultiple Residence
District , and , approximately .11 acres from Resi �
dential District R� 30 , !; Residential District P%- 9 .,
°° °° it °°
and Business " C " o all to . Ausiness C e all of the
foregoing being a , part of Tax - Parcel 6 ° 43 - 1 ® 3 . 2
at , the northeast:... corner: . of the King Road anby Road
, ,
intersection inr, the Town ' of Ithaca being owned by
Hbkbert and Lenora monkeineyer ( Evan 14 . 14onkemeyer
as agent ) , and further
BE . IT : RESOLVED by ' said ` Planning Board that the
site plan for the °° Art ,! Colo iy' , so-called , located
Upon the 5 . 05 acres - here' inabove rioted ; remain exactly
the same as presently located on the 1 . 05 acres of
said 80 . 05 acres . "
Aye Liese Bronfenbrenner ., Jonathan Bradlev , Henry
Aron ,, James Baker , Patrick -MAC' kesey ,
Tway - None .
The Chairman stated before the vote that she did not in
general condone rectifying zoning violations with zoning changes .
4 < The Planning Board held ' a Public Hearing to hear a request
of R . P . and Pd , N . Brown- ( Orlando Iacovelli as agent ) to rezone approxi -
mately 3 . 5 acres from Residence District R- 15 to Mdltiple . Residence
District ( Tax Parcel 6 - 53 - 1 -10 ) . This parcel is located between
Pennsylvania Avenue Extension and Juniper Drive ( South Hill ) . Public
in-put at this Hearing was in general negative on this proposal with
a . petition being presented by those in attendance in opposition .
However , there was also a petition presented 'in favor of the project
by the developer . The Planning Board created an Ad Hoc committee to
study this proposal and what impactit may have on traffic , density ,
mode of living , housing values , etc "
5 . The Planning Board held ' a Public Hearing and gave con-
ditional preliminary approval to the Subdivision Plan of DeForest
Park ( Rumsey- Ithaca Corp . ) on land back lot of DuBois and Indian
Creek Roads being a part of Tax Parcel 6 - 22 - 2a- 2 . 2 . The area is
zoned P- 30 and the .first stage of this subdivision is to consist of
9 ° estate° size °° lots ranging in size from 3+ acres to 4 + acres .
6 . The Planning Board helda Public Hearin providing
g on P g
access to lots along Kendall and Pennsylvania Avenues . Public in-put
was very strong and the Board adjourned the matter for further dis -
cussion on October 18 , 1977 .
The Board discussed briefly contemplated public hearings to
consider an amendment to Article VII , Business Districts , of the Town
of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance , to allow mixed commercial -multiple family
districts ; and consideration of request by Herbert and Lenora Monke-
meyer to rezone approximately 1 . 05 acres from Business 0QC " and Resi-
dential District R- 9 to Multiple Residence District , and , approxi-
mately 7 acres from Residential District R- 30 , Residential District
R- 9 , and Business P1CQf , all to Business District " C " ° The Board
agreed that public hearings on these matters could be held after
November 10 . In the meantime , the Planning Board and the Town Engi -
neer will put all pertinent information together for the benefit of
the Town Board and the public ( including from Pair . Fabbroni a sketch
of the area , perhaps including tax map parcels so that it is clear
how the area relates to the surrounding areas ) ,
Town Board Minutes - 16 - October 1.0 , 1977
Town Highway Superintendent
Ta1re Robert Parkin had no retort at this time .
Councilvlioiiafi Aciffensperger inquired . about the status of the
Ellis Hollow tqalkway •paving . ilr , PA, i n said. he would do the paving
this season , and that: there is still tir�iee' Councilman McElwee and
Mr . Pabbroni ; both co=ented that , in , addition to the other problem in
the area`. ( construction ] there havosheen very few days in the last two
months . when it has riot ..rained . CouriciliAom n Raffensperger said she
understood . the situation , but m ' rely wanted to make*
sure this matter
is followed i p .ri
Town Supervisor
Supervisor Schwan He that the grant aa� ard Baas pretty well
coveter in the press e . He ; said . STjddial : `thanks are . clue to Senator Smith
and to State As $ emblS an Lee tgho here lnstrumentai ; in the Town getting
a hearing at theDdpartTtment of FbVlrofi6eaital Conservation . Special
thanks are also . �3ue to the County Health Department for doing the
field survey . _ Supervisor Schwan said ?fie had hoped that these expres -
sions of thanks woixlra a pear in the ` cress o The Supervisor noted that
it reuirod . a lot of Mork on the part o .: a lot : of people to get the
]federal granta the moVM cannot qo to , bid on this projeet until all
the necessary papers have been signed and at this time , therefore ,
the time table . for going to bid is 'undetermined . , There are certain
stated procedures T�hich must be followed up with the Environmental
Protection Agency and all this takes time going through " channels " .
Councilman Desch said he would like to see a set of specifica-
tions on the sewer job . Town Attorney Buyoucos said he would be in
touch with Lozier Engineers , Inc . to ask them to send him their pro °
posed general conditions before the ' project is Put out to bid. .
A communication was received from r-lr . Ray Thomas , Southern
Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Tlater Commission Clerk , indicating that
a refund is due to 13r . Byron Unsworth , 232 Renwick Drive , due to a
meter reading error < The July 1st billing was over -billed by 100
units for an overcharge of $ 112 . 59 ( $ 105 . 23 for water and $ 7 . 36 for
service charge ) . . Therefore , the Board acted as follotarso,
Motion by Supervisor Sch;roans seconded by Councilman Desch ,
RUFiSOL17ED , that due to a meter reading error , a refund. -in the amount
Of ` 112059 shall be made to T-1r . Byron Unsworth , 232 Renwick Drive
( July 1 , 1977 . billing having been over- billed by 100„ units for an
overcharge of $ 112. 5 :? -m$ 105 . 23 , for, water and $ 7 . 36 for service
charge . )
( Del Rosso , Raffensperger , b1cElwee , Desch and Schwan voting Aye .
1MaTy�sT ° none . )
dO 1j."J O 7IgdJCCA YTLyti+�:\Ajg1S
1-lotion by Supervisor Schwana seconded by Councilman Del Rosso ,
RESOLVED , that Town of Ithaca warrants dated October 10 , 1977 in the
following amounts are heremby approved
General Funs $ 24 , 140 . 09
Highway Fun . a . . . . . . . . < . . . . . , . . 24 , 754 . 08
Tlater and Sewer Pund , . . . . . . . < . . . 75 , 577 . 03
(Del Rosso , Raffensperger , "4cElwee , Desch and Schwan voting Aye .
Mays 4 none . )
Town Board Minutes 17 October 10 , 1977
Motion by Councilman Deschr seconded by Supervisor Schwan ,
RESOLVED , that this Town Board , after review , and upon the recorrienda�
tion of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal 11ater Commission that
they are in order for payment , hereby approves the Bolton Point war-
rants dated October 10 , 1977 in the amount of $ 44 , 228 . 96 in the Opera-
ting Account , warrants in the Construction Account being held for
further consideration .
(Del Rosso Raffens er r PSI '
a p ge , cElwee , �' Desch and Schwan voting Aye .
Nays none . )
At 8a30 p . m . the meeting was duly adjourned to October 17 ,
1977 at 5015 p . m .
Edward L . Bergen
own Clerk