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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2018-08-13 Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board Monday,August 13,2018 at 5:30 p.m. Agenda 1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Persons to be Heard and Board Comments 3. Discuss and consider setting public hearings regarding the 2018 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Commission (Bolton Point) Preliminary Budget 4. Discuss and consider Noise Permit Application for Greenstar Employee Appreciation party on Sunday, August 26`h 4-8pm with a DJ. 5. Discuss and consider setting a public hearing regarding extending the noise permit for the Wednesday night music series through October as originally submitted and general comments 6. Consider Consent Agenda Items a) Approval of Town Board Minutes b) Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c) Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d) Ratify appointment of Production Assistant Manger e) Acknowledge receipt of the Town Court Audits f) Appointment of Associate Member—Conservation Board 7. Report of Town Officials and Committees 8. Review of Correspondence 9. Adjournment MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday,August 13,2018 TB Resolution 2018- Setting Public Hearings Regarding: 2017 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission's 2017 Preliminary Budget Be It Resolved that the Ithaca Town Board will hold a public hearing at their meeting on the 10`h day of September, 2018 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York at which time anyone interested may be heard regarding the following topics: 1. 2019 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas 2. Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 2019 Preliminary Budget and it is further Resolved that the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of such public hearing in the Ithaca Journal and to post a copy of same on the signboard of the Town of Ithaca. Moved: Seconded: Vote: Ayes— MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD August 13,2018 TB Resolution 2018- : Approval/Denial of Noise Permit for Ithaca Beer August 26th event Whereas, the Town Board discussed the application at its August 13, 2018 meeting, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board waived the necessity for a Public Hearing due to the actual processing date of the application and the scheduling of Town Board meetings as provided for in the Town Code, and further Resolved, that the Town Board issues/denies a noise permit to Ithaca Beer for a Greenstar Employee Appreciation event with a DJ and minimum amplification on Sunday, August 26"'from 4-8pm With the following Findings: 1. The waiver from the requirements of Town Code Chapter 184 for the above music event is necessary for a valid purpose,because music might not be able to conform at all times to the requirements of Chapter 184, and Ithaca Beer's Planned Development Zone specifically allows for music events, subject to or upon the issuance of any permits required(Town Code §271- 15.D(3)). 2. The waiver is the minimal intrusion needed,because the amplification will provide music and announcement services for the event with the following limits: music is limited to 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., which hours are within"daytime hours" as defined by Town Code § 184-4; the entertainment is a singular DJ with amplification for announcements/awards and music not to exceed the usual outdoor music typically played during normal business hours; the amplification speakers must be located on the taproom lawn and face Route 13. 3. On balance, the need for and benefits of the waiver outweigh the needs and rights of the surrounding neighbors to a peaceable and quiet environment,because the employees of Greenstar will be able to enjoy their awards event with music for a limited amount of time during the late afternoon and early evening on the specified date, with the above-listed limitations in place to minimize the intrusion on the neighbors. Moved: Seconded: Vote: Ayes— Dear Neighbors ofIthaca Beer The Town received an application for a noise permit from Ithaca Beer for Greenstar's Employee Appreciation party with a D] for music and announcements/award presentations. Although it was delivered in time, by the time it was, processed, there was not time to advertise and hold a public hearing. Imdiscussing the timing, the Board decided towaive the public hearing asallowed under our Code but to notify neighbors of the event and schedule the Public Hearing for the extension of the Wednesday dinner music series mnMonday, August 27 t^at5:3,Op.nm.tohear your comments about the past season and this extra event that very next night. As usual, comments can be in person or directed to Paulette Rosa,Town Clerk at Thank you Town ufIthaca R'ECEI F) TOWN OF ITHACA AUG 03 201g 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 TOWN,01=I ACA TO" NC z Paulette Rosa,Town Clerk Phone: (607)273-1721 Debra DeAu&fine, Deputy Town Clerk Fax: (607)273-5854 NOISE PERMIT APPLICATION Form must be submitted to the Town Clerk's Office, with $50 payment, at least 21 days in advance of the event. NAME/ORGANIZATION: PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR EVENT: ADDRESS: 1;4Q JR)eer- PHONE NUMBER: (,,07 _27 6, ALTERNATE PHONE EMAIL: t U3EjK LOCATION OF EVENT: _&er- {; ,zcUei DATE/TIME/DURAflON OF EVENT: 9) CIA"- 80VI-1 ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: REASON/DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: Pt<eb-t Vkpee, Darly I I f PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS OF THE USE/DESCRIPTION OF NOISE EXPECTED (for example—amplified music or speakers, cheering, non-amplified instruments) 111' 1-11, *N1 1�1 L11 NOISE ABATEMENT & CONTROL METHODS TO BE USED (Example: speakers will be faced a certain way): DEMONSTRATION WHY APPLICANT CANNOT CONFORM TO NOISE ORDINANCE (Example: Band uses amplification and cannot be heard sufficiently without it) SUCH OTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED BY TOWN OFFICIALS: Rev April 24317 I�e Y .Yl�F� ��� I -�,,�ad� � h Y w. n } 0" OTHER COMMENTS THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DURING REVIEW OF APPLICATION: -6N 15 &UPn-�- is a -A i e/)d & cubo-t- for Green.<*r Gov, , IF USE OF A TENT IS ANTICIPATED, PLEASE LIST NUMBER AND SIZE(S): 30 X Cod C1er Mei+- vj i I I .lie cLppfled 'POf' CISy.,e (a separate permit may be required) Notification of the Public Hearing The Town will notify neighbors within a 500 foot radius of the event that a public hearing will be held. The Town Board may impose any conditions deemed necessary by such Board to minimize the intrusion of sound that might occur by the exercise of the privileges granted by the permit. (Town Code. Chapter 184, Section 12, D) The undersigned applicant affirms that the foregoing information is true, complete and correct: Signature of Applicant: Date of public hearing: Sheriff Notified: Permit issued on: Special conditions: Rev April 2017 MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday,April 9,2018 TB Resolution 2018-057: Set a public hearing regarding a noise Dermit for the remaining weekly entertainment events at Ithaca Beer through October 2018 Whereas Ithaca Beer submitted a noise permit for weekly music on Wednesdays in May through October, from 6pm-9pm and the Town Board issued a permit through Labor Day with the intention of holding a public hearing to review public comment on how they went, now therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, August 27, 2018 beginning at 5:30 p.m. regarding issuing a noise permit for the remaining weekly music series at which time all persons interested in speaking to the Board about said permit will be heard. Moved: Seconded: Vote: Ayes— MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday,August 13,2018 TB Resolution 2018— : Adopt Consent Agenda Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the following Consent Agenda items: a) Approval of Town Board Minutes b) Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c) Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d) Ratify appointment of Production Assistant Manger e) Acknowledge receipt of the Town Court Audits f) Appointment of Associate Member—Conservation Board Moved: Seconded: Vote: Ayes— TB Resolution 2018 -a: Approval of Minutes of July 23 and August 6,2018 Whereas the draft Minutes of the July 23, and August 6, 2018 meetings of the Town Board have been submitted for review and approval, now therefore be it Resolved that the Board approves the draft minutes, with changes, of the July 23 and August 6, 2018 meetings of the Town Board. TB Resolution 2018 - : Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 14 for FY-2018 Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now therefore be it Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. VOUCHER NOS. 1001 - 1099 General Fund Townwide 108,957.54 General Fund Part-Town 10,029.80 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 550.91 Highway Fund Part Town DB 196,409.51 Water Fund 29,386.20 Sewer Fund 22,468.22 State Route 96b Sidewalk—H7 43,986.29 Ellis Hollow Water Tank—H10 492,601.12 Risk Retention Fund 243.00 Fire Protection Fund 45,591.39 Forest Home Lighting District 158.45 Glenside Lighting District 66.16 Renwick Heights Lightin Distr�ict . 91.13 Eastwood Commons Lititin g District 169,04 Clover Lane Lighting District 19.44 Winner's Circle Lighting District...................-- 71.71 Burleigh Drive Lighting District 66.0,7 West Haven Road Lighting District 196.95 Coddington Road Lighting District 117.61 Trust and Agency 900.00 TOTAL 943,080.54 TB Resolution 2018 - : Appointment of Assistant Production Manager at SCLIWC Whereas, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission on August 9, 2018, provisionally appointed James Bower, Water Treatment Plant Operator, as the Assistant Production Manager, effective August 5, 2018; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the Commission's provisional appointment of James Bower, Water Treatment Plant Operator, as the Assistant Production Manager, effective August 5, 2018, at an hourly rate of$27.17, in Job Classification 7, with full time benefits; and, be it further Resolved, the said appointment is a provisional appointment pending a civil service exam for Assistant Production Manager. TB Resolution 2018 - : Acknowledge receipt of the Town Justice Courts Audits Resolved that the Town Board hereby acknowledges receipt and review of the Independent Audits of the Town of Ithaca Justice Courts for Year Ending 2017. TB Resolution 2018, - Appointment of Associate Conservation Board Member Whereas, Lindsay Dombroskie has been an active member of the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board since 2017; and Whereas, Lindsay has moved out of the Town of Ithaca and into the Town of Caroline, but would like to remain as part of the Conservation Board as an associate member; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby appoints Lindsay Dornbroskie as an associate member of the Conservation Board, for the term of August 13, 2018 to December 31, 2018.