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September 15, 1975
At anl'ladjourned meeting of the Town Board of the Town
Tompkns County, New York, held at the Town of Ithaca
126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca. V6W0 York,,on the 15th
tember,, 1975 at 500 p.m., there were
PRESENT. Walter J., Schwan, Supervisor
Andrew Wo McElwee, Councilman
Noel Desch; Councilman .
ABSENT* Victor Del .Rosso, Councilman
Robert NiPower's:, Councilman
ALSO PRESENT. James V Bu oucosa Town Attorney
Lawrence P, Fabbroni', Town Engineer
of Ithaca,
Offices at
day of Sep -
Beverly tivesy, County Representative
Catherine A. Valentino, Town Representative
on Ithaca Mouth Bureau and the Ad Hoc.
11 Committee on Youth and Recreation
Members of the Media
The Board reviewed proposed County Board of Representatives
resolution regarding validation and appointment of members to County
sewer District No. 1 Commission. The resolution indicated the
Commission would be comprised of two representatives from the Vil-
lage of Cayuga Heights, two from the Town of Ithaca, two from the
Village of Lansing, one from the Town of Lansing, one from the Town
of Dryden, and the Chairman of the Board of Representatives or his
duly appointed alternate.
The Board approved the resolution in general; objecting
only to the portion which reads "RESOLVED, That the Chairman4of
the Board of Representatives, or his duly appointed alternate,
shalliiialso serve as a full voting member =5 The Town of Ithaca
Board was of the opinion that the Chairman of the Board of Repre-
sentatives should serve as the full voting member at all the meet-
ings,�or if he appoints an alternate, the alternate should serve
at all the meetings, and that the alternate should always be the
same person. The Board did not feel it is desirable or practical
for.a',Ivoting member to be a different person from meeting to meet-
ing. (Therefore, the Board acted as follows°
Motion" by Councilman Deschro seconded by Councilman McElwee,
RESOLVED, that the proposed resolution of the County of Tompkins
with respect to the validation and appointment of members to County
SewerIlDistrict No. 1 Commission is acceptable to the Ithaca Town
Board,;; provided .it is clarified to indicate that the Chairman of
the Board of Representatives shall serve as a full voting member
or his duly appointed alternate, who shall be the same person at
each meeting, shall serve as a full voting member in his stead.
Unanimously carried.
TOWN BOARD MINUTES - 2 - September 15, 1975
I;I Supervisor Schwan reported that the Ithaca City School
District has requested that Rosemary Lane be abandoned and discon-
tinued as a public highway and be quit -claimed to'the Ithaca City
School District. The School District proposes to build tennis
courts over the top of the water line. It was the opinion of the
Hoard"that the Town should retain a 20 ft. right-of-way over the
water line for maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of
the present water pipe. The Town Board acted as follows.
Motion by Councilman McElweer seconded by Councilman Desch,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca quit claim Rosemary Lane to
the Ithaca City School District and retain -a 20 ft. right-of-way
over the water line, the center line of which is the center line
of the pipe as now laid, for the maintenance, operation, repair
and replacement of the present water piper all existing valves to
be extended to the new grade, all water line appurtenances to be
readily accessible, the Town Attorney to include such further pro-
visions as may be recommended to him by members of the Board to
assure proper facilities and the use thereof for the purposes of
the aforesaid easement; further, the Town Board directs the Town
Attorney to proceed under such section of the law as will most
expeditiously provide for proper and lawful abandonment of the
aforesaid Rosemary Lane.
Unanimously carried.
Town Attorney Buyoucos read a prepared draft resolution
regarding extension of bus transportation service for the Ellis
Hollow Road Elderly Housing Project. The draft resolution was
rcviewed by the Board, and with minor revisions found to be accep-
tablei Therefore, the Board acted as follows.
Motion by Councilman McElwee; seconded by Supervisor Schwan,
WHEREASo A. By resolutions dated April 14, 1975 the
Town °of Ithaca agreed to participate in providing funds for pub-
lic transportation furnished by the City of Ithaca from the down-
town business area to the Ellis Hollow Apartments, such financing
being,ijointly provided by the Town of Ithaca, the City of Ithaca,
and Groff Associates, for a term to expire September 1, 1975, and
which'Ilterm was extended by subsequent resolution of this Board,
adopted on September 8, 1975, to September 15, 1975, and
Be The parties to said agreement now desire*to extend
such transportation arrangements for an additional period to ex -
pire January 5, 1976, and
C. The funding for said transportation is to be provided
as follows*
o .
1. From revenues derived from the sale of tickets
or other revenues.
2> Any deficit resulting from the provision of such
transportation is to be divided as follows. 40n
of such deficit is to be assumed by the City of Ithaca,
60o thereof is to be assumed by the Town of Ithaca.
3 - September 15, 1975
3. The Town of Ithaca, however, will enter into this
arrangement provided that 50% of the Town's share
of any such deficit (being 30% of the total deficit)
will be reimbursed to the Town of Ithaca by the Tomp-
kins County Office for the .Aging on a firm agreement
by such Office to assume and agree to pay such sum
when due, the other 50% of the Town's share of the
deficit being 30% of the total deficit, will be re-
imbursed to the Town of Ithaca by Groff Associates
(herein "Groff") under an agreement by Groff to assume
and agree to pay any such deficit, it being understood
that Groff, by agreement with the Town -and as a con-
dition of approval of the Project, agreed, at the in-
ception of the Ellis Hollow Elderly Apartments, to
provide adequate bus service.
1. The Town of Ithaca agrees to_participate in the
financing of the bus service above described and for the period
above described provided that valid firm agreements reasonably
satisfactory to assure performance, are entered into between the
Town;of Ithaca, the City of Ithaca, and the Tompkins County Office
for the Aging and Groff Associates to assure that provision will
be madefor reimbursement to the Town for any deficits for which
the Town may be liable.
2. The Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca is authorized to
negotiate any agreements required to carry the foregoing into
effect and to vary the same either as to participation by all
parties or extent of such participation as the Town Supervisor
shall, deem appropriate.
3. As to Groff, it is understood that its obligation to
participate in the Foregoing financial provisions is based upon
the provisions and conditions contained in the agreements entered
into be•Lween Groff and the Town when the Ellis Hollow Elderly
Apartments project was approved and in the resolutions and pro-
ceedings adopted by the Town Board when said Project was origi-
nally approved.
Unanimously carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 545 p.m.
Edward L. Bergen
Town Clerk