HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 1974-11-07 1 1 TOWN OF ITHACA REGULAR BOARD MEETING November 7 , 1974 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , Tompkins County . New York , held at the Town of Ithaca , 0ffices at 108 East Green Street , Ithaca , New York , on the 7th day of November , 1974 , at 5 . 00 Pomp , there were PRESENT . Walter J . Sohwan , Supervisor Andrew W : McElwee , Councilman Noel ' Desch , Cbunciima' h Victor Del gosso , . Cciuncilman ALSO PRESENT . James Ve Bdybucos , Tbwfi Attorney John C ® Barney , Attorney Robert . E . • Parkin , ; Hightaay Superintendent. Lai y Fabbrdni , Plannifg . Engineer Barbara folco r planning Board Chairwoman Beverly hive § ay ® County RepresentatiVe Mrm and Ar o . Wayne Albro , Williams Gl,ef Road Edward Austin ,, 104 Williams Glen Road James We Boodloy , Do , # 3 , Iradel l Road Patrick Be $ucht , 130 Williams Glen. Road Charles Hurlbut , 1019 Trumansburg Road (Williams Glen Road ) Donald Sheraw , 217 Cornell Street Hannah Siemann , 325 Winthrop Drive Beverly Zimmerman , 301 maple Avenue H� 4 So Scott Zimmerman , 301 Maple Avenue HL 4 Walter Wiggins , Attorney , Ceracche TV Corporation Anthony Ceracche , Ceracche TV Corporation Radio , TV and Press APPROVAL, OF 14INUTES Motion by Supervisor Schwan ; seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the minutes of October 2 , 14 , and 24 , 1974 be approved , as presented . Unanimously carried . AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND TRAINING PROGRAM FOR NEWLY APPOINTED TOWN JUSTICE Motion by Supervisor Schwan ,* seconded by Councilman McElwee , RESOLVED , that newly appointed Town Justice ( effective January 1 , 1975 ) Merton Co Wallenbeck , be authorized to attend Basic Training Program for newly appointed Town Justices on November 15 , 16 , 22 , 23 , 29 and 30 , 1974 , at the expense of the Town of Ithaca . Unanimously carried . DECEMBER MEETING DATES Motion by Supervisor Schwan ,, seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca be held in the Town Offices on December 91 1974 at 5 . 00 p . m . and that the Annual Audit meeting be held on December 31 , 1974 , at 11 . 00 acme Unanimously carried . 2 klovember 71 1974 DELINQUENT BILL$ TO DE. . ADDED TO TAX ROLL Motion by Supervisor, Schwan.B seconded by Councilman McElwee , RESOLVED , that delinquent City of Ithaca water and sewer IAJI .�: ( $ 1 , 423 . 44 ) - , deli:nquent Village of Cayuga Heights sewer rent . $ 4610-70 )-0 delinquent Forest Home water bills ( $ 57 . 60 ) , dellrlq°.A :3ra�` Town of Ithaca water * . and sewer surcharges ( $ 2 ,, 446 . 28 ;) - delinquent Town of Ithaca benefit charges ($ _146 . 00 ) , unpaid culvert pipe for Glover and wands Newby .( $ 77 . 00 ) of 160 .Rdgecrest Road , unpaid culvert pipe for Walter Lane ( $ 74 . 90 ) : of 112 Compton Road , . :or' a total of 44 , 68 $ . 92 , be added to the tax roll .for 1975 as alien against the . property , to become due and collectible as. part -of . the tax `bills . of�a' the Town of Ithaca which are ,nailed out in December , 1974 .® and wk ldh become due in January of .1.075 . Unanimously carried . VACANCY: , `ON 'ITHACA YOUTH , BUREAU BOARD Supervisor Schwan reported that lair . Joseph Cosentini had re`® signed from the . Ithaca Youth Bureau Board- and thate thdrefpree% a vacanm cy now .exists which wi1.1 need to be filled . COMMUNICATION A PTA m MITCHELL STREET HAZARD Supervisor Schwen read a letter dated November '5 , 1974 from Kathleen and Richard McCarty , CnmoPreside- nts of the PTA , Belle Sherman , about a dangerous situation on Mitchell Street . The speed limit there for two blocks is 55 miles per hour . A great. many children ( about 50 ) from Belle Sherman who live- in the Maple Avenue Apartments and Cornell Quarters must cross Mitchell Street on their way to and from school . Motorists ' visibility along this part of Mitchell Street is limited . The problem is aggravated when the shoulder .of the road is made narrow er by accumulated snow and the children must walk on the road . The Board was urged that immediate action be taken to uemov'e. the hazard to children . They suggested a reduced speed limit , a marked school cros - sing , and a sidewalk, or path as possible solutions . In this same connection ,. Mrs . Beverly Zimmer' man , read a memor® andum to the Town Board from concerned parents regarding the condition on Mitchell Street . This memorandum also urged the -Town Board to take irjgediate. action to correct the dangerous` situation . . It suggests a lowered - speed limit , a marked school crossing and crossing guard , widening the road , providing pedestrian access routes , or other cor ® restive actiono Included with the memorandum was a map of the area for clarification. , Supervisor Schwan noted that the Town , approximately two or three years ago had. petitioned for lowering the speed limit in this area , but that the Department of Transportation denied the request on the grounds that there wasenot sufficient traffic to. warrant a lower speed limit . It was agreed , however , that the Town would make another request to the DOT . PZr . Fabbroni , Town Planning Engineer , recommended that the situation should be documented in more detail for the DOT . The Board instructed Mr . Fabbroni to look into the matter and make a recommendation to the Board at the Board ' s next meeting . The Board took the following formal action . Motion by Supervisor Schwan ,* seconded by Councilman McElwee , RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca submit a request to the 'Department of Transportation for a lower speed limit on the portion of Mitchell Street from the Town of Ithaca-Ctity of Ithaca line to the Dryden town line ( 4ounty Route 393 ) , together with documentation of the situation prepared by the Town Engineer . Unanimously carried . 3 Vovember 7 ,v 1974 EXTENSION OF WATER LINE FROM EXISTING SANDRA PLACE TO BURLEIGH -DRIVE Supervisor Schwan read a letter date,:, October 21 , 3. 974 . from Larry S . Hamilton , Attorney , in which he indicates that hies; r Otto Schoenfeld , understands and agrees that the Town of It +: vhr:.. A complete the work on the water line from the existing s.wA ae ..,.'a Plnr# , t= to the Burleigh Drive water line and bill him ; that he will a;r �c;p to $ 3 # 000 for the work . Mro Schwan noted that the Town of Ithac; : - a.s a quotation of $ 2 , 300000 for the work from Finger bakes Construe tion Company . . Motion by Supervisor Schwano seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca authorize Finger Lakes Construction Company to install a water line from the existing Sandra Place to Burleigh Drive at a cost of $ 2 , 300 . 00 , subject to approval of the Town Attorney of a deed for a right of way on Sandra, Place extension . Unanimously carried . PUBLIC HEARING WILLIA24S GLEN ROAD Proof of posting and publication having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the hearing with regard. to the improve - . meet of Williams Glen Road at the increased cost of $ 4 , 000 . No one appeared to speak for or against the proposed improvement at the in- creased cost of $ 48000 . Therefore , the Supervisor closed the hearing and the Board took the following actions Motion by Supervisor Schwano seconded by Councilman Del Rosso , WILLIAMS GLEN ROAD In the Matter of the Petition of the Owners of more than one® half of the Real Property fronting on Williams Glen Road , for the Improvement of a Portion of said Street WHEREAS , a written petition dated August 12 , 1974 , was duly filed with this Board pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law , for the improvement of that portion of the highway in said Town , known as Williams Glen Road , which runs northerly from the City boundary line approximately 1 , 000 feet to its new termination in a cul de sac , thereby abandoning the northernmost existing interchange of Williams Glen Road and Route 96 (Cliff Street ) , all as more particularly shown on a survey map on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office , 108 East Green Street , Ithaca ' New York , made by Carl Crandall , C . E . , and drawn by J . D . Parkes on November 1 , 19711 the right of way of said road to have a width of 50 feet ,* and WHEREAS , it duly appears that such petition was duly signed by the owners of real estate on at least one-half of the entire front- age or bounds on both sides of that portion of Williams Glen Road which is to be improved and made a Town streeto and WHEREAS , it duly appears that such petition was duly signed by resident owners owning not less than, one-half of the frontage owned by resident owners residing in - or along the portion of Williams Glen Road as hereinabove described / and such petition was duly ack- nowledged or approved by all signers thereof in the same manner as a deed "' to be recordedl and 4 November 7 , 1974 WHEREAS , the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement of said highway as stated in said petition was in a sum e , not to exceed $ 2 , 5000000 and WHEREAS , at a meeting of said Town Board duly called and held on the 16th day of September , 1974 , an order was duly adop ' ed by it and entered in its minutes , reciting the filing of such petitic%n , t" he improvement proposed and the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement as stated in such petition , to wit , the sum of $ 2 , 500 . 00 , and specifying that the said Board.,aould meet to consider the petition and to hear all persons interest in the subject thereof concerning the same , at the Town Offices at 108 East Green Street in the City of Ithaca ® Tompkins County , New York , on the 7th day of Octo- ber , 19744o and WHEREAS , the said order , duly certified by the Town Clerk , was duly published and posted as required by law , to wita . certified copies thereof were published in the Ithaca Journal , the official news- paper of this town on the 27th day of September , 1974 , and duly posted on the 27th day of September , 1974 , as required by law , and WHEREAS , a hearing (here" referred to as Hearing No . 1 ) was duly held by this Town Board at the place and on the date and time , hereinbefore mentioned , at which the said Town Board 4ely considered the said petition and heard all persons interested , and there being no person objecting thereto , but the report of Larry Fabbroni , Town Engineer , having been received to the effect that because of the rise in costs of highway materials it appeared that the maximum estimated cost would now be $ 4400 . 00 and this matter having been discussed with the property owners of Williams Glen Road who were present at that hearing and their unanimous opinion appearing to be that the project should nevertheless proceed , and WHEREAS , by order dated October 7 , 1974 which recited the filing of the petition and the increase of the maximum estimated cost to $ 4400 . 00 and which specified that the Board would meet to consider again the petition in the increased amount of $ 4100040 and to . hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same at the Town Offices at 108 East Green Street in the City of Ithaca , Tomp- kins County , New York , on the 7th day of November , 1974 , and WHEREAS , the duly certified copy of said order was , on the 25th day of October , 1974 , duly published in the Ithaca Journal , the official newspaper of the Town of .Ithaca and posted as required by Section 200 of the Town Law , and WHEREAS , the hearing (herein referred to as Hearing No . 2 ) was duly held by this Town Board at the place and on the date herein® before mentioned , and the said Town Board duly considered said peti- tion and heard all persons interested , and WHEREAS , after such hearing no one appeared in opposition to the project and all those present and the Town Board were in favor of the project , NOW , THEREFORE , after both the aforesaid hearings ( i . e . Hear- ing No . 1 and Hearing No . 2 ) , and upon the evidence given at both such hearings , and upon the investigation made prior to and subsequent to both such hearings , and pursuant to the provisions of Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York , IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED , that this Board does hereby determine that it is in the public interest to improve Williams Glen Road in accordance with the aforesaid petition in this proceeding , which improvement is more particularly set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto , and IT IS FUR- THUR , 5 November 7 , 1974 . RESOLVED , that the width of Williams Glen Road shall be as shown on said survey map , to wit , 50 feet in- widthe and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Engineer shall prepare definite plans and specifications and make a careful estimate of the expense and a ,civil engineer shall survey the portion of the highway proposed to be improved , and establish the lines and grades thereof , marking out upon,. the ground the side lines of the lands which are to be owned by the Town for highway purposes and there shall be at least three complete sets of blueprints showing such survey and profile of the grade , as may be required by the Town Engineer , and he 'shall be paid from funds which have been appropriated for such purpose (or from a contingency fund ) , and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that the- work shall be performed by the Town Highway Department and that the total cost to be paid for -by the property owners shall not exceed the aforesaid. um .o.f $ 4400 . 00 , and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that such,work shall tot be- :commenced until there has either been a proper ;.dedication of the said streets or a proper conveyance .of the title to said streets to the: Town by all .persons having -an interest. 'in . the ,lands acquired g and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that the expense of improving the street shall be borne by local assessment, upon the several, lots and parcels of land which the Town Hoard hall .determine and specify to be especially benefited by the improvement , and the Town Board shall apportion and assess upon 'and collect from the several_ lots and parcels of land so deemed benefited , so much upon- and from each as shall be in just pro ® portion to the amount of: `benefit which: the. improvement shall confer upon the same , Unanimously carried ® PETITION AND PRPPOSAL F'OA :A DOQ CONTROL ORDINANCE IN 'THE TOWN OF ITHACAc. Mrso Hannah Siemann, 325 Winthrop . Drive:,_ presented to the Board a petition *( containing 137 names of. Town residents in favor of the adoption of a proposed. Dog Control"- Ordinance which proposed ordinances she; a3:so submitted ,.. She said the wproposed� Dog Control Ordi - nance submitted A.s. ;basically, *the City of. :Ithaca Leash :Law , re-worded . Motion by Supery so Schwan ; seconded by Councilman Del Rosso , •RESOLVED,, that the ,Town_. "Heard accepts • .the .petition and ,instructs the Town Attorney to , -{study thi° proposed: Dog Control. Ordinance and make a irecommendationt tos the,. 'Town �Bo1Yd at 'tile :next Hoard meeting or as soon as Auf ific ent nformation. is : available. to take action . .Unanimously carriedo Supervisor Schwan, said he wou ld find out from the Village; of Cayuga heights what their arrangement is .with, the: RSPCA in terms of control 'and cost . WHe, .not'ed° it -would -be neees'sary to . hold .a public -hearing in order to adopt a Dog Control Ordinance . PUBLIC HEARING RENEWAL OF FIRE -CONTRACT 'WITH .CITY OF ITHACA Proof of posting and publicatiion :having been presented by the ,Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the hearing on the renewal of ,the fire contract with the City of Ithaca ., based on charge for the year 1975 of $ 136 , 5000 Supervisor Schwan said the .increase is ,based .;on , �,picking up one®eighth of the City's fire budget. . He said the ,City of Ithaca = has six engines and two sadder trucks . He said the C _ty :of Ithaca feels 6 ° November 7 , 1974 that one of their six engines is needed for the Town of Ithaca alone . Councilman Del Rosso did not think that the cost to man and operate one additional engine was one eighth of the City ' s fire budget . He felt that if the Town of Ithaca is to be a full partner to the extent. Of one ° eighth ® the Torn of Ithaca should be a full participant in the contracts the. City negotiates and the equipment they buy . He gL,� 3tir� ln ed the City ' s arithmetic . Mrs . Livesay , on the other hand , felt that it might be a bargain considering the area protected , the Town of Ithaca; j she said , having five times the area and half the population of the Cityo Mrs . Livesay felt the whole matter should be studied by a com® mittee , including the contract with the Village of , Cayuga Heights . Mr .,,, James Boodley said the cost appears to be out - of - line and that the whole matter should be carefully studied before the renewal of fire contracts next year , since it does riot , appear that anything . can be done about it this year (1975 ) .; There was discussion about the Town of Ithaca providing its own fire protection ( using a volunteer force ) . It was the sense of the Board that the possibility of the Town of Ithac : , providing its own fire protection in the future should be thoroughly investigated prior to any renewal: of the contract in the future . The Supervisor pointed out that the proposed contract with the City in paragraph 4 provides that if the sum. of $ 136 , 500 is not paid by March 1 , 1975 . . c " then the City may unilaterally terminate this contract effective March 1 , 1975 by notifying the Town by registered mail . " The Supervisor was of the opinion that the Town of Ithaca could not live with this requirement since it would give the Town in ® sufficient time to make other arrangements . It would appear desirable to have a three°year contract renewable every year , with the dollar amount to be negotiated each October . No other persons wished to be heard . The Supervisor , there ° fore , closed the hearing , and the Board took the following action *. Motion by Supervisor Schwan , seconded by Noel Desch , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca approves the renewal of the fire contract with the City of Ithaca in the amount of $ 136 , 500 for the year 1975 , with the provision that the actual con ® tract agreement will be negotiated with the City of Ithaca- and when the contract agreement has been approved by the Town Attorney , the Town Supervisor is then authgrized to sign same on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca , it being further resolved that any contributions received from tax exempt entities will be allocated to the municipality in which it is collected . salt *. The motion was put to a roll call vote with the following re ® Councilman Desch , voting Aye Councilman McElwee , voting Aye Supervisor Schwan , voting Aye Councilman Del Rosso , voting Nay The motion was carried and the resolution duly adopted . PUBLIC HEARING ° FIRE CONTRACT RENEWAL TOWN OF ITHACA AND VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS Proof of posting and publication having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the hearing regarding renewal of contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for fire protection for the year 1975 , in a contracted amount of $ 17 , 525 . No one appeared to speak for or against the renewal of the contract . Therefore , the Supervisor closed the hearing and the Board took the following action . Motion by Councilman McElwee ; seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights and the Town of Ithaca , at the contract price of $ 17 , 525 , whereby the 7 November 7 , 1974 Village of Cayuga Heights agrees that its Fire Department will give fire protection for the year 1975 in the Hamlet of Forest Home and, in that portion of the Town to the north of Forest Home and between- the east boundary of Cayuga Heights and the east boundary of the To ni of Ithaca , be renewed . Unanimously carried . PUBLIC HEARING LIGHTING DISTRICTS AND WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Proof of posting and publication having been presented by the Town - Clerk , the Supervisor opened the hearing on the approval of the assessment rolls for the Forest Home Lighting Special Improvement District , the GGlenside Lighting Spacial Improvement District , the Renwick Heights Lighting Special improvement District , and the Town of Ithaca Water and' Sewer Improvements . No one appeared to speak for or against the said special assessments . Therefore , the Supervisor closed the hearing , and the Board took the following actions . Motion . by Supervisor Schwan # seconded by Councilman Del Rosso , RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca assessment rolls and apportionments for the Forest Home Lighting Special Improvement District , the Glen - side Lighting Special Improvement Districto the Renwick Heights Light® ing Special Improvement District , and the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Improvements for the year 1975 and the budgets related thereto , be approved Unanimously carried . PUBLIC HEARING ON APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ITHACA FOR THE YEAR 1975 Proof of posting and publication having been presented by the Town Clerk , the Supervisor opened the hearing on approval of the Prelimi- nary Budget as the final budget for the Town of Ithaca for the year 1975 . The Supervisor reviewed the budget page by page and line by line . firs . Livesay said she had no quarrel with the budget in general , but she was concerned about unsafe walking conditions in the Town and conditions for bicycling . She felt that a certain amount of money ought to be allocated to better the walking conditions on Town roads and to provide for bicycle paths . . Supervisor Schwan said there would be some additional highway money available to improve walking conditions on Town roads and for some bicycle paths * He said Mr . Fabbroni , Planning Engineer , and Mr . Parkin , Town Highway Superinten - dent will be studying this . The Town will probably start a program on the uphill side of Snyder Hill Road and then look into some other areas and have an on -going program next summer . He said the Town should also begin to close up some of the ditches and do some of this type of work every year . No other persons wished to be heard . The Supervisor , therefore , closed the hearing and the Board took the following action . Motion by Supervisor Schwan # seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca .adopt the Pre - liminary Budget for 1975 as the final Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1975 as amended by including . the . unexpended balance of $ 5 , 000 in Item IV ( Highway Fund ) and increasing the Part ® Town unexpended balance from $ 5 , 000 to $ 20 , 000 . � � , . • -ter � � .•. •. � - - � � - '.. is •n � .. . .•' -. •. -�' :.� :-< " A '•' .1 i : : : . '! • • ^ • . . „ �. •: • • _ to o - - • o -' •o; ' _ � ��. :• ,=• • - i, •, ✓ _ - • - i - - o - • o 1 : . ., m . ., : O: �, i '.O . _, @ ` ::. �._., . _ - , . ,• ., @ @ :• 'ill p � w ' •- I ' ,�• , - � �, 1 . ,.. _: �. •i —. � , • � •. , s - 1 -' „ ,_ , � _ • " - • , '• <•; i- is '•J � - • . , • . . � • _ - oi • - • - � . - �. ` . e � . r I - ,v i _ - , . �.. a •. - f,, � • - •. _'. • - - - • lip ab 9 APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Notion by Counciinian McElwee ; seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVEDO . that. the Warrants d'atdd November 7 , 1974 in the following amounts , be approved . General Fund o o o y Y , $ 570174ol2 Highway Fund u c a g c e o , 181014 ° 71 Water and Sewer Fund o 0, , 0 22 , 162084 Unanimously carried; REPORTS OF ,!TOWN , OFFICIALS Town . Atibrney Barney , ( Buyoucos -, Sarney & �terr gan ) reported that the Lucente matter had been adjourned from November 6 to November ll , 1974 , to be argued in bottlardo Barbara Holcomb , Planning Board Chairwoman , reported that the attorneys for Mrs . Amy. Soyring are taking the Town ,of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals to court.; to -overturn that Board Is denial of a variance which would have ,allowed lien tb .divide her property on Taughannock Boulevard• into , two pdreel6e `The attorney.g- for the Town of Ithaca are moiling to dismiss ®n .the. g.founds 'tlie appeal. was not filed within the limits set by law. The aotibn was brough 'against the Zoning Board of Appeals but they do not have � the right to counter=claim in reverse , The action must he brought in the name of the 'Town Board * Therefore , the Town Board took the following action Motion by Supervisor Schwan ; seconded by Councilman Desch , RESOLVED , that the Town Attorney of the Town of Ithaca be authorized to counter =claim in the name of the Town Board of' the Town of Ithaca seeking an injunction or fine or both against Mrs * Amy Soyring for having two. illegal dwelling units on her property , Tax Parcel 25 - 2 ® 32 ., 847 Taughannock Boulevard , in terms of the limits set by the Zoning Ordinance , Unanimously- carried . matters , Larry Fabbroni , Planning Engineer ., reported on the following Water taps for Coddington Roado: & - letter was sent to the property owner=s on Cod ington- Rowing them to apply for water taps so that the Town of Ithaca can take a-11 the tap applications as a group to the City of Ithaca and negotiate them all with the City of Ithaca rather than applying for one tap at a time ., Campbell Avenue , Virtually completedo However , Mro Walter Carman is not willing to fulfill the original agreement he had with the Town' to slope the road part on the right of way and part on his property . The work ' is , therefore , being completed in the right of way , no work being done on Mr . Carman ° s land . Eastern Heights , the Fabbroni requested authorization to accept a signed contract for work on upper Tudor Road so that building permits can be issued in accordance with Section . 277 of Town Law which authorizes the Town Board to accept a performance bond for completion of a road ( some 950 fto ) Motion by Councilman DeschP seconded by Supervisor Schwan , RESOLVED , that with respect to work to be contracted to be done in Eastern Heights on Tudor Road , that the Town require a performance bond in the amount of $ 25 , 000 , with a time schedule for completion of the work , and a stipulation that no property shall change hands until _ 10 = November 70 1974 the road is acceptable to the Town . of Ithaca , all to be in accordance with an agreement approved by the Town Attorney . Uhainimously carried . Letter to Patrick Ve Hanhdfit City of Ithaca . be artment of Public Works , Mt ; Fabbroni presen a ra t o letter he intended to send to Afire Hannsin . summarizing the policy the Town of . Ithaca . will fol ® low with the . City ,Of Ithaca in extending existing water lines and in issuing tap permitso The Towtri Bbard recommended that the letter be 0. sento ( See letter &ttached to these minutes . ) . . . . , Ste Catherine ' s SubdiV'isiono The Town needs a signed contract for completion of e loop of the water line by Arthur Prince in order that Blackstone Avenue may be completed . Motion by Counciiman Desche seconded . by Supervisor Schwan , RESOLVED , that the Town of Ithaca require a performance bond in the amount of $ 5000 with a stipulated date for the completion of the loop of the water bine by Arthur Prince for the completion of Black® I Avenue , all to be in accordance with a contract to be approved by the Town Attorney . than mously carried . Northeast Traffic Stud e Nand and machine counts will be done on roads in t e Northeast between now and next spring - - Warren , Han - shaw , Blackstone , Salem , Winthrop , etc . ) . Children ' s walking ( to school ; patterns will be observed on Winthrop , Simsbury , and Brandywine . On the basis of these counts and observations , traffic controls for the area will be recommended - = stop signs , roadway , markings , etc . Crosstown Roads Town officials have been saying at Civic Associat on meetings that the Town agrees with the concept to some extent , but that perhaps the project has grown out of proportion and more study is required . Zoning Ordinance . Will be completed by the end of the month . Forest Home DDrrainagee County will approve drainage of Judd Falls Road . By working on underground route through McIntyre Place and on down , much of the drainage problem will be taken care of , Kennilworthe Tree planting in place . Bushes will follow , Schoenfeld Plan " C " Subdivision . Planning Board has approved same . Cumorah Place an A a Drive provide a closed circuit route for traffic within the final portion of the Williamsburg Park Subdivision . Re ° zoninge The Planning Board had a request from Lee Knuppen ® berg to re® zone two parcels of land at 110 - 112 Pineview Terrace from R® 15 to Multiple Residence Districts The request to combine these two lots and recommend their re ® zoning to the Town Board was denied by the Planning Board . Ithaca College Chapel . Emil Policay , Director of Buildings and Grounn s'- It aca College , presented plans - to the Planning Board for a Chapel to be constructed on the Ithaca College Campus overlooking the skating pond , The plans received the enthusiastic approval of the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca . • iaC* N C OtID Cam�bel AAvvenuee In excavating on Hopkins Place a water line Ul � S a The City of Ithaca said they would lower the pipe at the Town ' s expense . Mre Fabbroni wanted authorization to have this repaired . The Town Board gave authorization for the City to fix it and bill the Towne If a larger pipe is necessary that would also be satisfactoryo 11 November 7 , 1974 Barbara Holcomb , Planning Board Chariwoman , reported that a meeting will be held at Cornell University to plan a joint study of bikeways which will be done by a Cornell landscape architecture class for the City and the Town and possibly the Finger Lakes Parks Commism a s ion o Mrs . Holcomb reported that a proposal from Afire Earl Carpenter to subdivide one parcel (Tax Parcel 6 = 29 ® 6 ® 2 ) into four lots had been referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to November 11 , 1974 , and the ad - journment continued to December 9 . 1974. atnoon ( for possible resolute tion to increase maximum amount to be expended in Bolton Point water supply project ) o There will also be the regular Town Board meeting on December 9 , . 1974 at 5000 pomp i Edward Lo Bergen Town Clerk TOWN OF ITHACA 1975 ADOPTED BUDGET Walter J . Schwan Cynthia L . Schoffner TOWN OF ITHACA Page 1 BUDGET 1975 • GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Actual Budget .. Budget Pre - Adopted Last This - Year. Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended . • '% : ' Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 _ 1975 1975 1975 TOWN BOARD Personal Services ; A1010 . 1 4800 . 00 4800 . 00 7200 . 00 7200000 7200 . 00 Equipment A1010 . 2 000 . 00 . 00 000 . 00 Contractual Exp . A1010 . 4 000 000 000 000 . 00 4800e00 4800 . 00 7200 . 00 7200000 7200 . 00 JUSTICES Personal Services A1110 . 0 6000000 6200 . 00 6900900 6900 . 00 6900 . 00 Equipment A1110 . 2 000 . 00 000 000 000 Contractual Exp , A1110 . 4 950 . 00 950 . 00 950 . 00 950 . 00 950 . 00 6950 . 00 7150 . 00 7150 . 00 7850 . 00 7850 . 00 SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220 . 1 4800 . 00 4800 . 00 6800 . 00 6800 . 00 6800 . 00 Equipment A1220 . 2 . 00 000 000 000 . 00 Contractual Exp , A1220 . 4 1000000 1000 . 00 1000 . 00 1000000 1000000 5800 : 00 5800 . •00 - - 7800 . 00 78009 ,00 T8OOoOO INDEPENDENT AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING Contractual Exp , A1320 . 4 300 . 00 325 . 00 325 . 00 325 . 00 325 . 00 300 . 00 325 . 00 325900 325 . 00 325 . 00 TAX .COLLECT-ION Personal - Services T - A1330 .-1 _ 3500 :=00 -3800 .-00 :- . 3800 . -W- -- 38'00 *.100 3800 : 0,0 - = Equipment _ . _ A1330 .2 000 _ 000 . 0.0 - - 000 . 00 Contractual . Exp . A1330 . 4 800 . 00 900000 900000 - - - 900 ..00 - 900.. 00 4300 . 00 4700 . 00 4700 . 00 4700000 4700 . 00 - BUDGET Personal Services A1340 . 1 1200 . 0 01200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 Equipment A1340 . 2 000 900 000 000 . 00 Contractual Exp . A1340 . 4 000 000 000 000 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 TOWN CLERK Personal Services A1410 . 1 6400 . 00 6900 . 00 8200 . 00 8200 . 00 8200 . 00 Equipment A1410 . 2 . 00 000 000 000 . 00 Contractual Exp , A1410 . 4 800 . 00 800 . 00 800 . 00 800 . 00 800000 7200 . 00 7700 . 00 9000000 9000000 9000000 ATTORNEY . Personal Services A1420 . 1 8000900 8000 . 00 8000900 8000900 8000 . 00 Equipment A1420 . 2 000 000 000 Soo 00 Contractual Exp . A142094 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 := 200 . 00 200 . 00 8200 . 00 8200000 8200000 8200 . 00 8200 . 00 PERSONNEL Personal Services A1430 . 1 9150 . 00 10610 . 00 15500 . 00 15500 . 00 15500 . 00 Equipment A1430 . 2 . 00 000 000 . 00 000 Contractual Exp . A1430 . 4 000 000 000 000 000 9150 . 00 10610 . 00 15500900 15500 . 00 55� 00 . 00 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS Page 2 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Actual Budget Budget Pre- Adopted Last 'Tbis" Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 ENGINEER Personal Services A1440 . 1 16000900 16000 . 00 14000 . 00 14000900 14000 . 00 Equipment I A1440 . 2 000 . 00 000 000 000 Contractual Exp . A1440 . 4 . 00 000 000 . 00 . 00 16000 * 00 16000900 14000 . 00 14000 . 00 14000 . 00 ELECTIONS Personal Services A1450 . 1 6000900 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 Equipment A1450 . 2 000 000 . 00 000 . 00 Contractual Exp , A1450 . 4 360 . 00 400 . 00 550 . 00 550 . 00 550 . 00 6360900 6400 . 00 6550 . 00 6550 . 00 6550 . 00 SHARED SERVICES BUILDINGS-TOWN HALL Personal Services A1620 . 1 000 000 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 1200 . 00 Equipment A1620 . 2 000 000 600 . 00 600900 600 . 00 Contractual Exp , A1620 . 4 4500 . 00 5300 . 00 7700 . 00 ` 7700 . 00 7700900 4500 . 00 5300 . 00 9500 . 00 9500 . 00 9500 . 00 CENTRAL PRINTING- -- - AND MAILING Personal Services A1670 . 1 . 00 . 00 000 . 00 000 Equipment A1670 . 2 000 000 000 000 000 Contractual Exp , A1670 . 4 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300000 SPECIAL -ITEMS-: Unallocated Ins . . _ _ A1910 . 4 . 6500 :00 7500 . 00 - 8200 . 00 8200 : 00 - -8200 . 00 Municipal Dues A1920 A 600 . 00 ` . 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 400 . 00 Contingent Acct . A1940 . 4 - 10000 . 00 1000-0 . 00 5000 . 00 5000 . 00 - 5000 . 00 17100 . 00 - 17900 . 00 13600 . 00 13600 . 00 . 13600 . 00 TOWN GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT 93160 . 00 97385 . 00 106725 . 00 106725 . 00 106725 . 00 PUBLIC SAFETY ' LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICE , CONSTABLES AND CROSSING GUARDS Personal Services A3120 . 1 2180 . 00 1100000 1100000 1100 . 00 1100 . 00 Equipment A3120 . 2 000 000 000 . 00 . 00 Contractual Exp . A312094 . 00 000 000 000 . 00 2180 . 00 1100000 1100 . 00 1100000 1100 . 00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2180 . 00 1100 . 00 1100000 1100000 1100 . 00 TRANSPORTATION Page 3 ADMINISTRATION Actual Budget Budget Pre- Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code . 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS - Personal Services A501091 10500900 11100 . 00 11100000 11100000 11100000 Equipment A5010 . 2 000 000 000 000 000 Contractual Exp . eA501094 100000 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 200 . 00 10600 . 00 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 11300 . 00 11 00. 0-0 HIGHWAY HIGHWAY GARAGE Personal Services A5132 . 1 . 00 000 000 . 00 . 00 Equipment A5132 . 2 000 000 2900 : 00 2000900 2000 . 00 Contractual Exp , A5132 . 4 2300 . 00 2800 . 00 2800000 2800900 2800 . 00 2300 . 00 2800 . 00 4800 . 00 4800 . 00 4800 . 0 ( STREET LIGHTING Contractual Exp , A5182 . 4 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000900 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000000 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 24900 . 00 26100 . 00 . 28100900 28100 . 00 _ 28100 . 00 CULTURE - .RECREATION PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION Personal Services A7140 . 1 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 500900 500 . 00 Equipment.:: . A7140 . :2- 750: 00 750 :00_ 350.:09 _ - : 350::-OQA 359. .0.9= Contractual.: _ Exp� A7140 . 4_ _ = 800 ._0:0_ 800 �0Q 800 : 00 800 :-00 800:. 00` 2050 . 00 2050 : 00 1650 . 00 65 .3-0 :0.0 1650_. 00 ` JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp . A732094 12686 . 00 16672 . 00 16672 . 00 16672 . 00 32335 . 00 2686-. 00 U66 2 . 00 663 72 . 00 16672: 00 32335 . 0 CELEBRATIONS Contractual Exp , A7550 . 4 130900 1300 - 00 130 . 00 130 . 00 130 . 00 130 . 00 130 : 00 130 . 00 130 . 00 1300 00 TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION 1486-6 : 00 - 18852 . 00 18452. 00 18452 . 00 34115 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEES ' BENEFITS- State Retirement A9010 . 8 3500 . 00 3500 . 00 7000900 7000 . 00 7000 . 00 Social Security A9030 . 8 2700 . 00 3400 . 00 4000 . 00 4000900 4000 . 00 Workmen ' s Comp , A9040 . 8 2900 . 00 - 2900 . 00 2900 . 00 2900 . 00 2900900 Health Ins . A9060 . 8 2200 . 00 2400 . 00 2750 . 00 2750900 2750 .00 133- 00 . 00 12200 . 00 66� 50 . 00 16650 . 00 16650 . 00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 146406 . 00 155637 . 00 171027 . 00 171027 . 00186690 . 00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 4 Actual Budget Budget Pre- Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 LOCAL SOURCES OTHER TAX ITEMS Interest and Penalties Real Prop , Taxes A1090 900000 700 . 00 700 . 00 700 . 00 700000 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Town Clerk Fees A1255 700900 700900 500 . 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest & EarningsA2401 4500 . 00 4500 . 00 4600 . 00 4600 . 00 4600900 LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog License Apprt , A2544 1900.000 1900600 2050 . 00 2050900 2050 . 00 FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and Forfeit Bail A2610 9000 . 00 10000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 12000 . 00 MISCELLANEOUS Franchise.- Tax A2770 8504* 00 1300 . 00 000 _ . 00 900 TOTAL LOCAL SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUES 17850 . 00 19100 . 00 19850 . 00 19850 . 00 19850 . 00 STATE AID -0" 890:Ofl00_ _= 890 : DO_STATE PER CAPITA A3001 _ 67000 : 00_ °' 70000 : =0'0 - = 89000'. 00= MORTGAGE TAX A3005 17000 . 00 25000900 . 00 . 00 000 YOUTH PROGRAMS A3820. 1000000 1800000 3300 . 00 3300-. 00 19000 . 00 TOTAL STATE AID ESTIMATED REVENUES 85000 . 00 96800 . 00 92300 . 00 92300 . 00 108000 . 00 ' TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND 102850 . 00 115900 . 00 112150 . 00 112150 . 00 127850 . 00 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE GENERAL FUND 17500 . 00 17500 . 00 30000900 30000 . 00 30000000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE GENERAL GOVERNMENT 93160 . 00 97385 . 00 106725 . 00 106725900 106725 . 00 PUBLIC SAFETY 2180 . 00 1100000 1100000 1100 . 00 1100000 TRANSPORTATION 24900 . 00 26100900 28100 . 00 28100900 28100 . 00 CULTURE-RECREATION 14866 . 00 18852 . 00 18452 . 00 18452 . 00 34115 . 00 . UNDISTRIBUTED 11300 . 00 12200 . 00 16650 . 00 16650 . 00 16650 . 00 LAPPROPRIATIONS 146406 . 00 155637 . 00 171027 . 00 171027 . 00 186690 . 00 - REVENUES & UNEXP . BAL . 120350 . 00 133400 . 00 142150 . 00 142150 . 00 157850 . 00 T TO BE RAISED BY GENERAL TOWN WIDE 26056 . 00 22237 . 00 28877 . 00 28877 . 00 28840 . 00 PART TOWN FUND APPROPRIATIONS Page 5 Actual Budget Budget Pre - Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ZONING Personal Services B8010 . 1 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 6000000 Equipment B8010 . 2 000 000 . 00 000 . 00 Contractual Exp , B8010 . 4 1000 . 00 1000000 1000 . 00 1000000 1000 . 00 7000900 7000 . 00 7000900 7000 . 00 7000 . 00 PLANNING Personal Services B802091 1600900 1600 . 00 1600 . 00 1600 . 00 1600 . 00 Equipment B8020 . 2 100000 250 . 00 250 . 00 250 . 00 250 . 00 Contractual Exp , B8020 . 4 1500 . 00 2500 . 00 2500 . 00 2500900 2500 . 00 3200 . 00 4350 . 00 4350 . 00 4350 . 00 543 O,Ob ATTORNEY Personal Services B1420 . 1 40000- 00 - 4000 . 00 9000000 9000000 9000000 Equipment B1420 . 2 000 000 . 00 000 . 00 Contractual Exp . B142094 000 000 900 _ 000 000 4000 . 00 4000 . 00 9000000 9000 -000 9000 . 00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE--BENEFITS Social Security B9030 . 8 300 . 00 350 . 00 380 . 00 380 . 00 380 . 00 300 . 00 350 . 00 380 . 00 380 . 00 380000 SPECIAL ITEM Contingent Acct , B1990A 15000 . 00 15000 . 00 15000900 . . 15000 . 00 15000 . 00 15000 :=00 - 15000 :00 :== 1-5000 :00 - " 15000 .-00 -15-0 0 0 0 TOTAL PART TOWN - APPROPRIATIONS 29500 . 00 30700 . 00 35730 . 00 - 35730 . 00 35730 . 00 PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES ZONING Zoning Fees B2110 800 . 00 800000 800000 800 . 00 800000 PLANNING Filing of Sub- Division Plans B156A 000 100 . 00 100000 100000 100000 FRANCHISE Franchise Tax TV B2770 000 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 1300 . 00 MORTGAGE TAX B3005 . 00 . 00 20000 . 00 200009 00200000 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES 800000 900900 22200 . 00 22200 . 00 22200 . 00 STATE AID STATE PER CAPITA B3001 61000900 74000900 81000 . 00 81000 . 00810000 00 PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 6 • Actual Budget Budget Pre - Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 STATE AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES STATE AID 61000 . 00 74000900 81000900 81000 . 00 810000, 00 TOTAL PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 61800 . 00 74900 . 00 103200 . 00 103200 . 00 103200900 UNEXPENDED BALANCE 7 . 220009070 20000000 20000 . 00 20000 . 00 20000 . 00 TOTAL PART TOWN REVENUES AND UNEXPENDED BALANCE 83800 . 00 94900 . 00 123200 . 00 123200 . 00 123200 . 00 INTER-FUND TRANSFER ' Transfer to HighwayB9540 . 9 54300 : 070 : 64200000 87470 . 00 8747- 0 . 00 87470 . 00 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL FIRE FIGHTING Personal - Serviceso B3410 : 1 '; _ : . 00 _ = = . 00 600 _. . 00 ._ : _: . 00 Equipment B3410 . 2 . 00 000 . 00 000 000 • Contractual Exp , B3410 . 4 46094 . 00 73500 . 00 73500 . 00 73500 . 00 154025 . 00 46094 . 00 73500 . 00 73500 . 00 73500 . 00 154025 . 00 CITY of Ithaca Contract 1974 . . . . . 90 . 00 . . . . . 60000 . 00 60000900 136500 . 00 = VILLAGE- of. Cayuga Heights _ Contract " 1974 - : 1350:0 .:00 13500-. 00 17525-. 00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS - ITEM I GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services DR5110ol 19300900 20361 . 00 22950 . 00 22950000 22950 . 00 Contractual Exp , DR5110 . 4 16500 . 00 18150 . 00 27225 . 00 27225 . 00 27225 . 00 35800900 38511900 50175 . 00 50175 . 00 5075 . 00 IMPROVEMENTS Personal Services DR5112ol 9700 . 00 11233 . 00 12580 . 00 12580 . 00 12580 . 00 Contractual Exp , DR511204 17600900 19360 . 00 21200 . 00 21200 . 00 21200900 27300 . 00 30593 . 00 33780 . 00 33780900 33780 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DR901098 6050 . -00 6050 . 00 6050 . 00 6050900 6050 . 00 . Social Security DR903M 1600900 1700 . 00 1700900 1700900 1700 . 00 Health Ins . DR9060 . 8 2800 . 00 2800 . 00 2800 . 00 2800 . 00 2800 . 00 10450 . 00 10550 . 00 10550 . 00 10.550 . 00 10550 . 00 TOTAL APPRO_ PR_IATIONS ITEM I DR990000 73550 . 00 79654900 94505900 94505 . 00 94505 . 00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Page 7 Actual Budget - Budget Pre - Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 BRIDGE FUND ITEM II MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES Personal Services DB5120 . 1 000 500 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Contractual Exp . DB5120 . 4 000 1000000 000 . 00 . 00 000 1500900 000 000 000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement - DB9010 . 8 000 25 . 00 . 00 000 . 00 Social Security DB9030 . 8 000 30000 . 00 . 00 000 Health Ins . DB906098 000 32 . 00 000 000 000 . 00 87 . 00 000 000 000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ITEM II DB9900 . 0 900 ' x- 1587 . 00 : 00 - 000 000 MACHINERY FUND ITEM III MACHINERY. Personal Services DM5130 . 1 1800 . 00 - 1900 . -00 4170 . -00- _ _ 4170 . 00 4170 . 00 . 00Equipment - -- - - -- DM5130 . 2 -22000': 0-0 _- '21000:._00 22000 DD *22000 2200 (3:-DD- Contractual Exp , DM5130 . 4 9000900 10000900 12500900 12500 . 00 12500 ". 00- • 32800 . 00 32900 . 00 38670 . 00 38670 . 00 38670 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010 . 8 400900 400 . 00 400900 , 400 . 00 400 . 00 Social- Security DM9O30 : 8� _ . 155 . b:0_ 111 . .00 111 . -0:0 111 . :00: Health =Ins . = = DM9060 . 8 ': = 200 ._0 .0 200 . 0.0 - -: 200 .:00 200 . :00 = v ' 200 . 0.0_ 755e00 o " =. 00 711 . 00 73 00 : 711 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ITEM III DM990090 33555 . 0.0 33611 . 00 39381 . 00 _ 39381 . 00 39381 . 00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEM IV MISCELLANEOUS ( BRUSH AND WEEDS ) Personal Services DS5140ol 7000 . 00 7385 . 00 8320 . 00 8320 . 00 8320 . 00 Contractual Exp .-- DS5140 .- 4 5000 .400 5000-. 00 6250 . 00 6250 . 00 62-5-0 . 00 12000 . 00 12385 . 00 14570 . 00 4570 . 00 1 5 SNOW REMOVAL ( TOWN HIGHWAYS ) Personal Services DS5142 . 1 16800 . 00 20782 . 00 24875 . 00 24875 . 00 24875 . 00 Contractual Exp , DS5142 . 4 9400 . 00 9500 . 00 11875 . 00 11875 . 00 11875 . 00 2620-0:-00 - - -30282 . 00 36750 . 00 36750 . 00 36750 . 00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010 . 8 3850 . 00 3850 . 00 3850 . 00 3850 . 00 3850 . 00 Social Security DS9030 . 8 1300 . 00 1647 . 00 1647 . 00 1647 . 00 1647 . 00 Health Ins . DS9060 . 8 900000 900000 900000 900000 900000 6050 . 00 6397000 6397 . 00 6397 . 00 6397 . 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ITEM IV DS9900 . 0 44250 . 00 49064 . 00 57717 . 00 57717 . 00 57717 . 00 HIGHWAY FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 8 Actual Budget Budget Pre- Adopted Last This Year Officer ' s liminary Budget Year Amended Tentative Budget Accounts Code '1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ITEM I LOCAL SOURCES Int : & Earn . DR2401 250 . 00 1000900 1000000 1000 . 00 1000 . 00 INTER-FUND TRANSFER Transfer to Highway from Gen . Part Town DR2812 54300 . 00 64200 . 00 67470 . 00 67470 . 00 87470 . 00 STATE AID Mileage and Valuation Aid DR3507 2200 . 00 2453 . 00 2569 . 00 2569 . 00 2569 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES 56750 . 00 67653 . 00 71039000 71039 . 00 91039 . 00 ITEM I Unexp , Bal . 5000900 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ITEM I 61750 . 00 67653 . 00 71039900 71039 . 00 91039900 BRIDGE - FUND- ITEM II LOCAL SOURCES ITEM II Unexp . Bal . 000 000 000 000 000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ITEM - -TI.- . _ _ _ . 00- 000 . 00 : _ 000 000 MACHINERY .FUND - ITEM?-III u LOCAL SOURCES Int . . & Earn DM2401 350 . 00 900 . 00 900000 900000 - 900000 Rent of Equipment DM2416 3000 . -00- 2000 . 00 2000 . 00 - f : . . 2000:. 0,0- • 20.0,0 . 00 OTHER SOURCES Village DM2770 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 300 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES' 3650 . 00 3200 . 00 3200 . 00 3200900 3200000 ITEM III Unexp , Bal , 6000 . 00 6000 . 00 4000 . 00 4000 . 00 4000 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ITEM III 9650 . 00 9200 . 00 7200 . 00 7200 . 00 7200 . 00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEM IV LOCAL SOURCES Services for Other Governments DS2300 4000 . 00 4500 . 00 4500 . 00 4500 . 00 4500 . 00 Int . & Earn . DS2401 700900 1400 . 00 1400 . 00 1400900 1400 . 00 TOTAL REVENUES ITEM IV 4700 . 00 5900 . 00 5900000 5900 . 00 5900 . 00 ITEM IV Unexp . Bal . 000 . 00 000 600 - 5000 . 00 TAL ESTIMATED NUES ITEM IV 4700 . 00 5900 . 00 5900 . 00 5900 . 00 10900 . 00 '