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December 13, 1965
A regulcr meeting of the Town Borrc3 of the Town of Itheca
was held at the Town Cffice, 3^^ Floor, 106 E. Green St., City
of Ithaca on Konday, December 13, 1965 et ^:00 P.r-;.
Board members present were: Supervisor billiam 3. Kerr;
Councilman Frank Bishop, Joseph Fsyer and A. b. FcElwee. Absent
was Councilman Harry Baker.
Also present were: Attorney James Euycucos, Assessor R. J.
Ivells, Highway Sup't. Farlcn Hcrey, Kayor of Cayugo Heights
Frederick Karcham, Engineer of Cayuga Heights Rogers, Robert
Newman, Jerry Langdcn, James Lacy, Krs, Unsworth, Fr. Geer,
Mr. bright, Mr. Dunlap and approximately 22 residents of the
Slaterville Road area.
Councilman Bishop offered the following resolution and
moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Nov. 1965 meeting be
Seconded by Councilman Mayer
Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, Bishop
Noes - 0 Carried.
Councilman Mayer offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Tompklns County Trust Co. be designated
as depository for all moneys coming into the hands of the Town
Clerk and the Supervisor for the Town of Ithaca and the First
National Bank and Trust Co. be designated as depository for all
moneys coming into the hands of the Tax .Collector, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this designation shall continue
in effect until revoked by action of said Town Board,
Seconded by Councilman Bishop ^
Ayes - Kerr, Bishop, Mayer
Noes - 0 Carried.
Councilman Mayer offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Mrs. Dorothy Gobrecht, 101 Halycon Hill Hd.
be appointed as Deruty Town Clerk to help durinr the tax collection
period at a rate of 51.50 per hour.
Seconded by Councilm.an Bishop
Ayes - Kerr, Bishop and Mayer
Noes - 0 Carried.
Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Town Officials be authorized to attend the
Association of Town meeting in New York City on Feb. 6, 7, and
8, 1966 and that Justice of the Peace Fred R. Hartsock be designated
as delegate and Supervisor Kerr as alternate delegate to the
meeting and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Justice Hartsock as delegate cr
Supervisor Kerr as alternate delegate be designated to cast the
vote of the Town of Ithaca, pursuant to Section 6 of Article III
of the Constitution and By-laws of said association, ir
Seconded by Councilman Mayer
Ayes - Kerr, Mayer and Bishop
Noes - 0
Councilman McElwee arrived.
Correspondence from the State Traffic Commission notified the
Town Board of the repeal of the 35 MFH speed limits on those
port3ons of Ellis Hollow Road and Hanshaw Road that have been
turned back to Tompklns County. If the Town Board desires to
retain speed limits on these two county roads they must make such a request
to the State Traffic Commission jointly with the Tompkins County Sup't, of
Highways. The Clerk was directed to write to the State Traffic Commission
to ask the status of a request for an area speed zone in the northeast area
of the town. Such a request was made march 2, 1964*
Supervisor Kerr reported to the Board that the County is about to sive to
the Town of Ithaca the Trumansburg Road water tank. Mr, Kerr also has requested
that the County consider giving the town the sewer line leading to the hospital,
and more specifically the trench in which the line is laid,
The public hecing for the Sanitray Sewer Ordinance was held at 4^15 P.M.
Proof of publication and posting were presented. Councilman McElwee questioned
the need at this time for such a lengthy and complete ordinance. He felt that
since the contracting agencies (the City of Ithaca and the Village of Cayuga
Heights) have Ordinances that this one is not needed. The hearing was closed and
the consideration of the ordinance was tabled until the City and Village officials
and i^lr. Dunlap of Lozier's have had a chance to study the proposed ordinance.
The nublic hearin;^ for the Slaterville Road Sewer District was held atA ^
4s30 P.M. Proof of publication and posting were presented.
Supervisor Kerr explained to the approximately 22 residents of the area
the method of formation of a district. Mr. James Dunlap of Lozier's Inc.
showed a max> of the area to be sewered and explained that S" sewers are to be
laid alon^ Slaterville Road, Honness Lane, Pine Tree Ro-'d and Snyder Hill Road,
Sewage will flow by gravity to the sewerage facilities of the City of Ithaca,
The total estimated cost of the district will be $350,000. to be paid off with
a 30 year bond issue. The district will financed on a benefits derived basis,
Mr. Kerr explained the costs based on a benefit basis and also the use cost
to be paid the city.
Mrs. DeWire of Pine Tree Road asked if in plans for area development
there have been any park areas set aside? Mr, Blmer Phillips of Pine Tree Road
who is also a member of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board replied that they
are now making plans to acquire and set aside areas for parks.
i'irs, De//ire asked what happens if an individual sells lots and no area
is set aside for parks for park-playgrounds. Mr. Desch (Chairman of the Town
Planning Board) replied that after 4 lots are sold an owner must file sub
division pluns. In that plan it would be required that the owner show areas
which would be reserved for parks.
Mrs, DeWire stated that she had heard that the County had plans to widen
Pine Tree Road, Mr. Kerr replied that the Engineer will consider the road
when the plans are drawn, a question was asked concerning whether the sewer
lines would interfere with the two different water lines now serving the area.
The answer was no. i-lr, Phillips asked if the plan of using an 8" line is sufficient,
especially considering that there will be fiarther development, Mr. Dunlap
assured him that this size line is sufficient.
The question was asked concerning the approximate cost of laying connections
to homes and the estimate was quoted as being ip2.50 to $3.00 per foot.
Mr. Phillips asked if there would be problems in extending the sewer line
to the Town of Dryden line along the Snyder Hill Road.
i^Ir. Noel Desch said that Cornell University would like to have their property
along Snyder Kill Road included in the District, A letter from John E, Burton
of Cornell University indicated the University's interest in having the system
include their property/.
Supervisor Kerr said that the University could be included with the
understanding that they pay on the unit basis which has been established, Mr.
PhilliiDs asked if the unit cost to homeowners would increase if the line is
extended bo the Towri line along Snyder Hill Road. The plan would be turned back
to the engineers for development of new plans and costs.
An area resident asked what the time table on this district would be and
Mr. Kerr explained that a change in the district boundaries would mean that
readvertising would have to be done and after another public hearing the town
would wait 30 days as required by law, since this district would be mandated.
Then application is made to the State Dep't, of Audit and Control and to the
State Health Department where plans are sometimes held up for months.
The question was asked "When is a lot a lot?", and the answer was that
land is divided into lots when plot plans are filed. Mr. John Marion asked if
a sewer charge would be based on front footage or voliMe of water discharged into
the sewer - deferring to the dairy that Cornell University houses in his barn.
Mr. Phillips asked if federal aid could be obtained to help finance the
district and I'ir. Kerr reolied that federal aid could be obtained for sewer plants.
or interceptor sewers but not for trunk lines.
Mrs. Del'/ire asked if property assessments would increase when sewer lines
are installed and the answer was no.
One area i*«^sident asked if a unit charge could be determined if the district
was extended beyond this proposed district bein^ considered and increased in
size half way to the Town line both on Snyder Hill Road and on Slaterville Roadj
and then if a unit charge could be determined if the district were extended to
the town line along both roads.
A show of hands indicated that the majority of those present were in favor
of the formation of a district. I4r. Phillips stated that the town shoiLld
consider the extension of the district all of the way to the town line on Snyder
Hill Road and on the Slaterville Road the population be considered in the extension
of lines there.
Mr. John Marion asked what the experience of lots as developed are, and if
all vacant lots in all distiicts were considred how long a lot would be on the
market before it would eat itself up in taxes. Mir. Kerr stated that he felt
the water and sewer extensions to an area would accelerate sales. A question
was asked whether or not an individual property owner would be underwriting
larger land owners, and i»lr. Kerr replied that the benefits come from the
development of large plots and that overall layouts would be encouraged, but
that land owners have to file only when lots are needed.
Mr. Dunlap was asked how the size of a sewer main is determined and he
replied that the size depends on the load and the incline of the land.
The Town Board authorized Mir. Dunlap to refigure the cost and description
of the district extending it all of the way to the Town o" Dryden line along
Snyder Hill Road and extending it as far as economically feasible along the
Slaterville Road. Mr. Dunlap will report back to the Board and n new public
hearing will he scheduled.
The Public Hearing was closed at 5:45 P.M*
Mr. Dunlap reported on tiie progress of the Northeast Sewer District. He
reported that 67.7f^ of the S" Sanitary Se'-'er 's completed and of the 4"
Sanitary Sewer laterals are completed. 100$ of the later-als to Mr, Lucente^s
apartments are completed. Time wise 4^ of the 380 day contract has elapsed..
The contractor has performed bis contract in a very efficient manner and
residents have been most cooperative.
Mr, Kerr reported that the State Health Dep't. had ax'P^oved the Ellis
Bollow Road Sewer District and asked Mr., Dunlap to have Mr, William 0*Boyle,
Engineer presently in charge of the NESD obtain the easements necessary.
Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to advertise for bids and
set the date of the bid opening for the Ellis Hollow Road Sewer District.
Seconded by Councilman Mayer.
Ayes - Bishop, KcElwee, Kerr and Mayer
Noes - 0 Carried.
The date of advertising was set as D6c. 20, 1965 and the date of opening as
3:00 o'clock P.M. on Hoday, January 10, 1966.
Mr. James Lacy of the New York State Electric and Gas. Co. presented a
map of the Town showing locations of street lights at the main Intersections
within the tovm. A discussion was held concerning whether the lighting should
be done on a non-district or a district basis. Mr. Kerr stated that he would
prefer to have the lights at intersections installed at an overall town charge,
Mr. Lacy reported that the 20,000-1umen lights cost 375.00 a year; and the
7,000-lumen lights are 345.00 a year. At least 100 lights were considered in
this plan.
The Board decided to refer the matter to the Town Planning Board for their
consideration of three different proposals:
1) Lights as indicated on the proposed map at intersections on a non-
district basis,
2) An equitable means of adding more lights.
3) The determination of the number of lights that would be recommended to
light the entire interior adequately.
A letter from the Town Planning Board Chairman, Mr. Noel Desch, asked the
Board to reconsider the decision they made at the Nov. 4> 1965 meeting requiring
a blanket 60 feet right of way for all future town roads. The Planning Board
feels that many sub-divisions have roads of short lengths terminating in
permanent cul-de-sacs. In such cases they feel a 60 foot right of way is
not necessary. In addition, the Planning Board feels that at times there
might be a need for more than a 60 foot right of way and that each new road
should be evaluated at the time the sub-division is formed. No fixrther
action was taken by the Town Board.
Supervisor Kerr offered the follovdng resolution and moved its adoption:
RBSOLV'^D, that the following transfer of funds be made:
From Contingency to Town Kali and Offices, $4^2,BO; from Contingency
to Justices of the Peach, 'ipl37.01; and from Contingency to Police,
Constables and Deputy Sheriff (Pay for School Grossing Guard) 1^16.00,
Seconded by Councilman Kayer
Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, McSlwee and Bishop
Noes - ) Carried
Supervisor Kerr reported to the Board the EOA proposal to Townships for
choosing representatives for the EOA Board that was authorized for setup by
the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors Dec, 13> 1965. Fir. Kerr suggested
the name of Mrs. Ruth DeWire of Pine Tree Road to serve on the Board.
The Town Board also suggested that some local ministers might be also able to
serve on this Board.
Councilman.Mayer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
R'ESOLVED, that General Fund bills ^'^11 through #523 in the amount of
-310,862,79 and Highway Bills #356 through #403 in the amount of 311)478.29 be
Seconded by Councilman HcElvee
Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, McElwee and Bishop
Noes - 0 Carried.
Councilman HcElwee recommended that a meeting of the Town and Village
Board m.embers be set up so that they could discuss the Village participation
in Items 3 and 4 of the Highway budget. The Village doesnH feet it gets
adequate service from the tov/n on highway work and has expressed a desire to
be exempted from that portion of the town tax. Supervisor Kerr said that the
village could be relieved of the taxes and could rent equipment from the
town on an ho\irly basis. Consideration of this matter will be given before the
1967 budget is adopted.
Supervisor Kerr commended Highway Superintendent Marion Morey for the
work done in construction of a walkway along Winthrop Drive and authorized
him to purchase metal guard raiIs to erect as a barrier along the walk ex
tending from Warren Road to the school. Mr. Kerr read a letter from Mr.
Thomas Mackesey, Vice Provost of Cornell University suggesting that the
question of a right of way from Muriel St. to Warren Road be referred to
the Greater Ithaca Regional Planning Board in order to take into consideration
the effect growth in the area would have on streets. Kir. Kerr read his reply
to Mr. Mackesey in which he outlined plans for the orderly construction of
walkways and requested reconsiderationof the town's request for land from
Cornell for an access from Muriel St. to Warren Road.
Councilman McElwee proposed that the town place on the official town map
a road from Miiriel Stl, Tareyton Dr. area to Warren Rd, and also a walkway from
Warren Rd. to Winthrop Dr. through the Heasley property.
Councilman McElwee offered the following resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, that Sugarbush Lane in the Boynton sub-division off Snyder
Hill Road and Spruce Way in the Savey sub-division off Goddington Road be
accepted as town roads and placed on the official town map.
Seconded b2'' Councilman Mayer
A.yes - Kerr, Mayer, Bishop and McElwee
Noes - 0 Carried.
Each Board member was presented with a copy of the Greater Regional
Planning Board's Statement of Purpose and a listing of the Regional Boardj's
activities. Copies are now on file at the Town Office and are available
upon request.
The Planning Board has recominended an updating the highway
specifications. "After discussion it was recoinmended that basic specifications
should be set up and as sub-divisions are developed each road shoiild be
considered as a specific case. The sense of the Board is that the Coiinty
Highway Sup't, should in each case confer with the Town HighwaySiiperintenden
and inspect each new road to be certain specifications are met.
Supervisor Kerr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RdSOLVED, that Sup't. of Highways, Marion Morey be authorized to purchase
four (4) new short wave radios at a price of approximately each.
Seconded by Councilman Mayer ' I
Ayes - Kerr, Mayer, McSlwee and Bishop
Noes - 0 Carried.n
Supervisor Kerr offered the rdlowing resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Renwick Heights Civic Association has asked the^Town
Board for approval of an extension of the Renwick Heights Water Ui trict
lines and for authorization to proceed with negotiations with the City of
Ithaca for the construction of such lines the cost of which will be
approximately -yVjOOO. and will include the followingj
A connection between the dead end of the water main near 240 Renwick
Drive and the existing main at the corner of Devon Road and North Sunset Dr.,
this Installation to include a reducing valve and valve pit; that a fire
hydrant be Installed in the vicinity of 242 Renwick Drive; a connection
between the dead end of the water main near the northerly end of Renwick
Place and the existing main at the intersection of Renwick Place and East
Shoj-e Drive; and that a fire hydrant be installed at a point on Renwick Place
or East Shore Drive where it will best serve the residents of the area,.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the authorization for this extension and
authorization for the Renwick Heights Association to negotiate with the
Dep't. of Public Works, City of Ithaca to perform the work is hereby given.
Seconded by Councilman Mayer.
Ayes - Kerr, Bishop, Mayer and McSlwee
Noes - 0 Carried.
No action was taken on the request of Armand Adams in behalf of the
Savey Construction Go. in regards to the size of the main water line to
be laid in Spruce 'Way in the new Savey sub-division.
The Board took no action on a request from the New York State Dep't,
of Public Works for a right of way across the town owned land ( the road
leading to the Schickel property) along the Danby Road, Route 96B. The
state is now acquiring land so that the road may be widened and this
agreement offers the town the sum of "-^50,00 for the right of way needed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Evelj/n S. Fiiess, Town Clerk