November 18, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM Place: Lansing Town Hall Board Room
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Tompkins County Representative – Mike Sigler
5. Lansing Community Library Report – Ron Ostman
6. Parks and Recreation Report – Steve Colt
7. Planning Consultant Report – Michael Long
8. Privilege of the Floor: Limited to 20 Minutes with a Maximum of 3 Minutes per Speaker
9. Resolution Issuing Preliminary Approval of proposed Design, Locations and Specifications
for Roadways and Infrastructure potentially to be Dedicated in Relation to the Asbury
Hill Subdivision, including Approval of Waiver request to Build Roads under 2014
Roadway and Specifications
10. Resolution Approving Banfield, Swearingen and Tilton Outside User Agreements for
Consolidated Water District
11. Approve Amended Audit from October 21, 2015 General Fund A&B
12. Approve Audit and Budget Modifications
13. Board Member Reports
14. Town Counsel Report
15. Executive Session if Needed
16. Adjourn Meeting