August 5, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM Place: Lansing Town Hall Board Room
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Bond Resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, New, (The
“Town), Authorizing the Issuance of up to $2,006,500 in Serial Bonds of the Town to
Undertake Certain Improvements to the Town’s Consolidated Water District
5. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of a $352,081.23 Town of Lansing, Tompkins County,
New York, Bond Anticipation Renewal Note, Number 02-15
6. Resolution Issuing Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision Approval for VCVS PDA per
Prior Approvals and Local Law #1 of 2013, and Authorizing Sealing of such Plat or Map per
Such Local Law and the Town’s Land Use Ordinance
7. Resolution Classifying Action, Identifying Involved and Interested Agencies, and
Authorizing Issuance of Lead Agency Notice of Intent for Proposed Town of Lansing
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan
8. Draft 2014 Year End Independent Audit Report – Patrick Jordan, CPA Ciaschi-
Dietershagen-Little-Mickelson & Co.
9. Resolution Accepting the Draft 2014 Year End Independent Outside Financial Report and
Audit of Town Operations, Procedures, Funds, Cash Handling, Procedures and Accounts
10. Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Bid and Issuance of Notice of Award to LRS
Companies LLC for the CWD Bone Plain Water Tank and System Improvement Project
11. Adjourn Special Meeting to Work Session Meeting
12. Executive Session if Needed
13. Adjourn Meeting
Work Session Topics of Discussion:
a. Emergency Preparedness Committee