HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-10-16 October 16, 2024 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING October 16, 2024 A Regular Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Ruth Groff, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Deborah K. Munson, Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Judy Drake, Councilperson Laurie Hemmings, Councilperson Christine Montague, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Ruth Groff, Supervisor ABSENT: No one absent ALSO PRESENT: Mike Moseley, Highway Superintendent, Mary Ellen Albrecht, Bookkeeper, Jennifer Schenck, Accountant, Patrick Tyrrell, Parks and Recreation Supervisor, Guy Krogh, Town Counsel and Emma Stull PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – COMMENTS No one addressed the Town Board. HIGHWAY REPORT – MICHAEL MOSELEY Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. HIGHWAY REPORT October 16, 2024 Sign Maintenance: ▪ Crews: o Worked to replace and repair signs around Town as needed o Cut limbs and brush around road signs Tree & Brush Maintenance: ▪ Continued working: o To improve line of sight issues throughout the Town o Diligently to mow roadsides throughout the Town Water/Sewer Maintenance: ▪ Crew worked to repair a 2-inch water service at Village Circle. ▪ By working with Bager, we have identified that the Town of Lansing does not have any lead pipe services at McKinney Point. I would like to praise my guys who had to hand dig a water curb box to determine if the service was copper or lead. The service was located inside of a garage. Road Maintenance: ▪ Crews worked: October 16, 2024 2 o On Hillcrest Road erosion project. This is a shared cost project with Tompkins County Soil and Water. Special thanks to Angel and Brian for all their hard work. o To improve upon the infrastructure of drainage throughout the Town and replace as needed o To repair various patch jobs throughout the Town Office: ▪ Mike attended the following meetings: o Bolton Point Commissions o Highway Barn o Bolton Point Engineering & Operations o Water, Sewer and Stormwater Committee o Project Review Committee o Solar o Lansing Highway Association o Department of Public Works ▪ Working with Dave and T.G. Miller on various projects. Cross- Departmental Collaborations: ▪ Coordinated with Pat and Tyler on use of highway equipment. New Highway Barn: ▪ Continue working with LeChase and Bergman: o To determine project costs o On schematic design, design and development Intermunicipal Work: ▪ Working with Tompkins County Soil and Water on Hillcrest Rd. ▪ Thank you to the City of Ithaca Department of Public Works for their help in creating a sign for the Town of Lansing. ▪ Performed brush and limb pick up for the Village of Lansing residents. ▪ Assisted the Village with milling. Mike also stated he is working with Town Engineer Dave Herrick and Town Counsel Guy Krogh regarding a permanent brush and mulching site at 104 Auburn Road. He may have additional information next month. PARKS AND RECREATION REPORT – PATRICK TYRRELL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available as a handout. Town Board Report October RECREATION: - Current programming includes Horseback Riding, Swimming, YogaChi, Strength & Stretch, Cardio Step, Adult Co-Ed Volleyball and Cheerleading. Registrations for Youth basketball and basketball cheerleading are now open. - Rec Night was September 18th at Sobus Field, Rec players got to play at halftime of the Varsity Soccer Game and showcase their soccer skills. October 16, 2024 3 - Modified Soccer is practicing on the Town ballfields. - Ithaca Little Red Lacrosse is playing on the Barn fields Sundays and Wednesdays. - Small Fry and Flag Football has ended. - Fall Soccer has ended for the season. - 34th Annual Boy Scouts Haunted house on Saturday October 26th in the Community Center and on the ballfields. - Clearing out Community Center of Drop-In supplies. PARKS: - Trunk or Treat will be happening again in Myers Park on October 31st. Registration is open, and spots are quickly filling up. - Hydrilla Boat washing station has been set up in Myers Park. - Hanging Town of Lansing Banners. - Clearing brush at Salt Point. - Camping has ended for the season. - All boats in marina, dry dock, and kayak racks must be out by November 1st. This is a very brief overview of some of the things my department does or has done. If any board members would like more information, please feel free to contact me. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING REPORT – JOHN ZEPKO Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available as a handout. Planning & Code Enforcement John Zepko, Director, CPESC, CFM Reporting Period Sept 2024 PLANNING BOARD Sept 2024 Project: Review of Minor Subdivision Plat of land at 372 Holden Road Applicant: Arlene Krebs Location: 372 Holden Rd Tax Parcel # 4.-1-9 Project Description: Minor subdivision of 372 Holden Road into 3 parcels: the parent lot, “Parcel A” and “Parcel B”. Project: Preliminary Plat Review of Major Subdivision of land at 0 Teeter Road Applicant: Andy Sciarabba on behalf of Scott Cardamone Location: Teeter Road Tax Parcel # 37.1-7-18.12 Project Description: Major Subdivision of approximately 8.9 acres into three lots, including 580’ of 8” DI water main plus three (3) services October 16, 2024 4 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Sept 2024 Project: Use Variance to construct a Solar Energy Facility off N. Triphammer Road Applicant: Mollie Messenger, representing Delawar River Solar Location: 0 North Triphammer Road, TPN 44.- 1-1.2 and 44.-1-3.3 Project Description: The applicant has applied for a Use Variance to construct a Solar Energy Facility off N. Triphammer Road. This project is located in R2 zoning which does not permit the construction of a Solar Energy Facility Project: Applicant wishes to remove prior conditions allowing for fill to be added to site to create positive drainage Applicant: Jason Demarest, representing Lillian Babcock Location: 30 Ladoga Park W, TPN 33.-1-58 Project Description: The applicant has applied for a rehearing to discuss the removal of prior conditions (from 7/20/2004) which would allow for fill to be added to create positive drainage at 30 & 32 Ladoga. This property is located in L1 zoning with lake frontage MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) PROGRAM Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) are located within the boundaries of an urbanized area defined by US Census. The MS4 is regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Phase II Stormwater Rule. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation issued an updated General Permit for stormwater discharges from MS4s in January of 2024. The permit is called GP-0-24-001, and will remain in effect for a 5yr permit cycle. The Department of Planning and Code Enforcement has completed the following, mandated by GP-0-24-001, to remain in compliance with the Town of Lansing’s MS4 permit. An interim progress report, certifying that the Town had reached its 6 month compliance goals, was submitted to the DEC on 1 Oct 2024. GP-0-24-001 REQUIREMENTS Reference Deliverable Compliance Timeframe STATUS IV.E. For MS4 Operators continuing coverage from previous iterations of this SPDES general permit, adequate legal authority must be maintained At the EDC Complete VI.E.2.a. For MS4 Operators continuing coverage, the inventory of post-construction SMPs must 1) be maintained from previous iterations of this SPDES general permit and 2) developed as they are approved/discovered or after the At the EDC Complete October 16, 2024 5 owner/operator of the construction activity has filed the NOT II.A. For MS4 Operators continuing coverage, submit a complete electronic notice of intent Forty-five (45) days from the EDP Complete IV.A.2. Develop a written staffing plan/organizational chart which includes job titles and other entities as identified in Part IV.A.1, and the roles and responsibilities for each corresponding to the required elements of the SWMP Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete IV.B.2.a. Make the current SWMP Plan, and any documentation associated with the implementation of the SWMP Plan, available during normal business hours to the MS4 Operator’s management and staff responsible for implementation as well as the Department and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) staff Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete IV.B.2.b. Make a copy of the current SWMP Plan available for public inspection during normal business hours at a location that is accessible to the public, or on a public website managed by the MS4 Operator Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete IV.D.1. Include the required components in the comprehensive system mapping Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete IV.F.1. Develop and implement an enforcement response plan (ERP) which clearly describes the action(s) to be taken for violations that the MS4 Operator has enacted for illicit discharge, construction, and post- construction Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.A.1.d. Make information related to the prevention of illicit discharges available Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.B.1.c. Identify a local point of contact to receive and respond to public concerns regarding stormwater management and compliance with permit requirements. Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.C.1.a.i. Establish an email or phone number for the public to report illicit discharges Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.D.2.a. Establish an email or phone number for the public to report complaints related to construction stormwater activity Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.D.4.a. Develop inventory of construction sites Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete VI.F.3.d.i. Develop and implement procedures for sweeping and/or cleaning municipal streets, bridges, parking lots, and right of ways Within six (6) months of the EDC Complete October 16, 2024 6 Building & Code Sept 2024 Fees Collected $47,768.60 Estimated Project Cost $8,939,508.00 Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance 32 Building Permits 39 One- & Two-Family Residences 2 New Businesses 1 Multi-Family Residences (3 or more units) 2 TOTAL 2024 Misc. Fee Collected to date 23,450.00 Jan 1, 2024 to Sep 30, 2024 Fees Collected $129,341.60 Estimated Project Cost $22,870,157.00 Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance 236 Building Permits 250 One- & Two-Family Residences 9 New Businesses 1 Multi-Family Residences (3 or more units) 2 TOWN CLERK REPORT – DEBBIE MUNSON Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN CLERK OCTOBER 2024 BOARD/COUNCIL VACANCIES Our office has posted the upcoming board/council vacancies on the Town’s website and bulletin boards. The Ithaca Journal, radio and school were notified. There are vacancies on the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Advisory Council and Board of Ethics. Interested applicants may complete an application at https://lfweb.tompkins-co.org/Forms/TOLBCApplication or contact our office. Incumbents wishing to be reappointed must submit an application for reappointment. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and a Town of Lansing resident. Deadline for Applications is October 21, 2024. WATER, SEWER, AND STORMWATER COMMITTEE Deputy Town Clerk Jessie Hall attended this meeting to discuss a pending outside user application. They also discussed changing the process in which applications are handled and inquiries about connecting. She has contacted the two residents and requested additional documents or information. TRAINING Laserfiche October 16, 2024 7 Jessie and Ashley attended a Laserfiche user class held by the Tompkins County Clerk and General Code. Laserfiche is the repository for electronic Town records. It is a shared service that the County provides. This training covered a lot of tips and tricks on using the software. Tax Webinar Debbie attended another Association of Towns (AOT) tax webinar on September 26th. New York State Archives Jessie attended a webinar regarding conducting an inventory of paper records. HUNTING LICENSES Deer Management Permits (DMP/doe) tag sales ended on October 1, 2024, and the next round will open on November 1st. With no other DEC licensing agent in the Ithaca area, our office did see an increase in customers (Walmart, Dick’s Sporting Goods and the Town of Ithaca are no longer selling hunting and fishing licenses). RELEVIES OF UNPAID WATER AND SEWER BILLS Approximately 103 delinquent water accounts with balances totaling approximately $30,000 will be relevied on 2025 Town and County Tax Bills. LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY REPORT – ANNIE JOHNSON Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN BOARD UPDATES FROM THE LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY October 2024 1. Diane Booth hosted Zentangle Art for adults and teens on October 5th. 2. Don’t forget that if the Library is closed, you still have access to Libby, Hoopla, and Kanopy! 3. The Library continues to provide free delivery to Woodsedge. The Library also has a mobile wireless hotspot available for check out. The Wi-Fi is not password protected. The community is welcome to park in the lot to access the Internet. 4. Learn to play American Mah Jongg every Wednesday (new day!) at 10:00 am. 5. The Library has an Empire Pass and passes to the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center available for check out. Board games, puzzles, story time kits, and STEAM kits are also available. 6. The Library now offers free period products using an Aunt Flow dispenser. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to supply free COVID tests. We can help residents contact the USPS to get free tests in the mail. 7. Chair Yoga is offered every Monday at 10:00 am. 8. “Flying Fingers of Fall” is a sign language family friendly program on 10/19/24, with Kathy MacMillan. 9. Repousee Metalworking with the Johnson Museum explores metal art for 3rd and 4th graders on 10/22/24. For 5th and 6th graders, they will be offering Self Portraits on 10/29/24. 10. The art exhibition in September and October will be artwork by Zara Gervais. October 16, 2024 8 11. The Lansing Artisan Fair is looking for vendors to sign up now for the fair on 12/6 and 12/7. 12. Storytime returns on Thursdays at 10:30 am. This month's topics include fire trucks, autumn leaves, and apples and pumpkins. 13. Learn T’ai Chi on Fridays at 10:30 am. 14. The Library is hosting a costume exchange program all month. If you have costumes, leave them with us! If you need one, come pick one out! 15. Between 10/7-10/19, the Library will be participating in the Great Give Back by collecting personal hygiene products. 16. Candy donations for Trunk or Treat can be dropped off before 10/26. 17. Local author Amanda Jaros Champion will do a presentation and book signing on 11/2 for her book “100 things to do in Ithaca before you die”. 18. Amy Puryear will be offering Singsong music classes on Tuesdays in October at 10:30 am. Registration is full currently. LANSING YOUTH SERVICES REPORT – RICK ALVORD Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Lansing Youth Services Town Board Report October 2024 Digital Photography: Participants in Digital photography are learning the basics of photography techniques and how to create the image they desire. Topics so far have included using the rule of thirds, turning on the “grid” option on their cameras, how to use light in order to pull out their subject, as well as shadows to do the same, how to create feelings of texture and scale, and how to have fun with it to be creative and expressive with their photos. The group did a photo scavenger hunt, which sparked a lot of creative photos. Youth also completed a challenge where they chose a word or phrase and had to capture photos of all the letters. This allowed the youth to think differently about how to take the photo to display their letters. One participant who is a very seasoned photographer has been assisting so many in the group when they have questions or want his perspective on their photos. 8 youth served. Outdoor Adventure: Students in this busy program have been venturing to Salmon Creek where they have explored the local wildlife like deer, crayfish, as well as tracking mink and raccoon and hunting for fossils. Youth also practice making fires to cook treats and snacks over the flames or coals. Debris huts were demonstrated which highlight important aspects of making a shelter that can withstand the elements. Youth then designed and began building their own shelters which could hold up to 3 people. One of the eighth-grade students has become a great resource for other students, especially when it comes to fire building, creating camouflage, and sharing stories about his time in the woods with his uncle. 12 youth served. The Art Factory: This program continues all fall as it leads up to the annual Lansing Artisan Fair. Participants are working with clay, making holiday decorations, leather project and jewelry made of resin and beads for the event. Budgeting and pricing discussions have been spearheading each day to keep youth thinking about all that goes into running a small business. The proceeds fund a celebratory party for all of those who participated in the program. The group will, closer to the holiday season, shop for Salvation Army sponsored family, picking out clothing and gifts for the family, and providing food for the holiday season. 13 youth served. October 16, 2024 9 Delicious Desserts: This program is all about making desserts that students like but keeping these desserts healthy as the main goal. So far the group has made fruit tarts and their version of an Oreo McFlurry, substituting many traditional ingredients for healthier options. Feedback has been positive thus far with a common response of, “this actually IS good!” Green Smoothies and chocolate chip cookies are right around the bend. 8 youth served. Youth Employment: The fall has seen the return of additional youth employees to Lansing Youth Services afterschool programs, with one assistant in each program. There continues to be tremendous growth in confidence and taking initiative while in the program. Two teens have started leading games, managing food distribution and practicing conflict resolution by asking for assistance when there is a disagreement. They both ask after a situation what I would have done, while supporting their valiant efforts with positive feedback and ideas for the next time they see a similar conflict. A new position with the Lansing High School Librarian should be starting within the next week or so. We still have our Lansing Public Library team working hard, with two new youth slated to start their training soon. 9 youth served. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEGISLATOR REPORT – MIKE SIGLER Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available as a handout. Tompkins County Legislator Michael Sigler October 2024 Hello and thank you for this opportunity to give you my report. I’m sorry I’m tied up out of Town, but here’s what’s going on at the County. Again, I draw heavily from Dominick Recckio’s reports and I thank him for his efforts. The Tompkins County Legislature announced today the hiring of Korsah Akumfi as the Tompkins County Administrator. Akumfi will assume the position on December 9, 2024. He currently serves as the County Administrator / Budget Officer for Schoharie County New York and previously served as the assistant to the administrator. Korsah has a background in budget development and has been serving as the administrator in a New York State County which were key to the Legislature’s selection. Akumfi has served in several workforce and employment-related positions at the New York State Department of Labor, as well as finance-related roles in Ghana and the United Kingdom. He has a Master of Public Administration from Binghamton University with an emphasis on economic development, local government management, and public policy and finance. We adopted a tentative budget last night by one vote. There was bipartisan opposition to the budget largely because those opposed feel there is more money in the fund balance that can be used to offset a tax increase. Assessments are up for many as you know and many are struggling and it’s felt by almost half of the legislators including me there’s room to offset that increase. The tax rate will be going down, but because home values have risen so quickly, the average home price is up and so the average home will see a tax increase. The next step is a public hearing on the budget. The budget is $252.3 million. Big news for Lansing! The Tompkins County Legislature unanimously approved awarding Cayuga Health System the contract to operate withdrawal and stabilization services through its Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services (CARS) affiliate. The program will help clients detox and receive medically supervised substance use withdrawal stabilization services in what’s referred to as an “Open Access Center.” New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports will provide approximately $600,000 in annual funding passed through the Tompkins County Whole Health Department to operate these services for the duration of the five-year contract. This was one of the most significant things that the Legislature will do this year, speaking about how the Alcohol and Drug Council was unable to pursue this as it closed and we’re October 16, 2024 10 happy Cayuga Health has been able to reopen this along with the mental health stabilization unit. That unit is funded separately though a Tompkins County Community Recovery Fund grant of $1.5 million. This program will offer mental health stabilization services and may be located in the same facility as the withdrawal and stabilization services pending New York State licensure. We are moving ahead with our plans for a code blue shelter. It looks like we will have to upfront the cost on this and last night we voted to hire staff as our current shelter operator cannot take on the new mission. Temperatures continue to drop, and we need to bring this online as quickly as possible. The Legislature agreed to suspend or cancel the County’s contract with Customs and Border Protection and work with the NYS Department of Transportation to potentially repurpose the customs facility to generate revenue and provide community benefit. I said in the meeting I hope the community doesn’t see this vote as “a vote of no confidence in the airport.” I argued that this is more of a refocus than a closure, with future strategies pointed toward getting more and less expensive flights from the airport. The customs facility could be recreated or reopened in the future if there was a market for it and the County were to reapply and meet the criteria set by the federal government. This may require space reconfiguration and additional costs. Legislator Lee Shurtleff reported that enplanements are up 23% year-over-year from 2023 which is good news for our airport. CONSENT AGENDA a. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PARKS, RECREATION, AND TRAILS WORKING GROUP TO DRAFT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) AND INTERVIEW CONSULTANTS RESOLUTION 24-141 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PARKS, RECREATION, AND TRAILS WORKING GROUP TO DRAFT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) AND INTERVIEW CONSULTANTS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Parks, Recreation and Trails Working Group has secured a grant from the Park Foundation for a Comprehensive Trails Plan, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has accepted this grant, and WHEREAS, a consultant will need to be hired to create this plan, and WHEREAS, technical input and assistance will be required from certain Town staff, and upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, to authorize the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Working Group to draft an RFP seeking professional services to create a Comprehensive Trails Plan to be submitted to the Town Board for review and approval, and RESOLVED, to authorize the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Working Group to interview prospective consultants and recommend to the Town Board the selection of their chosen firm, and RESOLVED, to authorize the Town Supervisor to approve committee requests for technical and other assistance from Town staff or others, when warranted in her discretion, with such discretion to be guided by the best interests of the Town. October 16, 2024 11 b. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 2023 YEAR END INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE FINANCIAL REPORT AND AUDIT OF TOWN OPERATIONS, PROCEDURES, FUNDS, CASH HANDLING PROCEDURES AND ACCOUNTS RESOLUTION 24-142 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE 2023 YEAR END INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE FINANCIAL REPORT AND AUDIT OF TOWN OPERATIONS, PROCEDURES, FUNDS, CASH HANDLING PROCEDURES AND ACCOUNTS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town has received and reviewed the 2023 Year End Independent Outside Audit of Town functions, cash management policies, accounts and protocols; and WHEREAS, Insero & Co prepared the financial report and audit, and it was given to the Town Board for review; and WHEREAS, upon deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that such 2023 Year End Independent Outside Audit Report be and hereby is approved. SEQRA: Type II Action. c. RESOLUTION HIRING PART-TIME INFORMATION AIDE IN THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE RESOLUTION 24-143 RESOLUTION HIRING PART-TIME INFORMATION AIDE IN THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, to address staffing needs of the Town, the Town has need to hire for a Part- Time Information Aide position in the Town Clerk’s Office; and WHEREAS, acceptable and qualified candidates will be identified and selected and are therefore proposed to be hired to fulfill such job requirements; and WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the above position is approved to be employed at an hourly rate not to exceed $23.00 per hour, based on experience, as a Part-Time Information Aide in the Town Clerk’s Office; also RESOLVED, the probationary period be and hereby is scheduled for 26 weeks; also RESOLVED, that the appropriate Town officer be and hereby is authorized to make such changes to the Towns’ employment and civil service rosters, to file the required Civil Service forms to effect such changes per this Resolution, and to file Form 428s, if required. d. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAP-PLAN FOR TOWN LAW § 202 CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS FOR TEETER ROAD SUBDIVISION RESOLUTION 24-144 October 16, 2024 12 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAP-PLAN FOR TOWN LAW § 202 CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS FOR TEETER ROAD SUBDIVISION The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, Developer Scott Cardamone (“Developer”) previously had both a subdivision approval for the Teeter Road subdivision and a final order approving the plan for constructing and financing required CWD improvements, both of which approvals have expired or become so out of date as to no longer be valid, and the Developer has reapplied for subdivision approval, the CWD improvements and infrastructure is still needed to serve that subdivision, and such action now requires an updated map-plan under Article 12 of Town Law; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the public interest to supply such subdivision with public water, including because public water is a requirement of the Planning Board for subdivision approval, such that the Town Board wishes to more fully examine the costs and benefits of such district improvements, consisting mainly of a connecting main along Teeter Road, together with the curb boxes and meter pits needed to serve the subdivision lots; and WHEREAS, upon deliberation upon the foregoing, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the Town Engineer proceed with the preparation of a Map-Plan under Town Law Article 12 (§§ 202 through 202-b) respecting a design, plan, and cost and financing plan for such improvements, all at a cost not to exceed $2,000, with such amount to be paid by the Developer. e. RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT RESOLUTION 24-145 RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT The Supervisor submitted her monthly report for the month of September 2024, to all Board Members and to the Town Clerk. The Supervisor’s Report was reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore. The bills were reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore and Councilperson Christine Montague. The Supervisor’s Report be approved as submitted and the Bookkeeper is hereby authorized to pay the following bills and to make the following budget modifications. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT # 010 October 16, 2024 13 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE A FUND October 16th, 2024 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A599 A1620.403 (Buildings - Electric) TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 3,000.00 A599 A1630.400 (Community Center - Contractual) TO COVER UNANTICIPATED COSTS/MINOR REPAIRS $ 4,500.00 A599 A1630.403 (Community Center- Electric) TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 800.00 A599 A1670.400 (Central Printing/Mailing) TO COVER ADDITONAL COSTS FOR LEGAL NOTICES $ 2,500.00 A599 A1910.400 (Unallocated Insurance) TO COVER COSTS OF NEW EQUIPMENT INSURED $ 1,508.50 A599 A5132.403 (Garage- Electric) TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 3,000.00 A599 A7110.403 (Parks- Electric) TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 4,600.00 A599 A7180.100 (Beach & Pool-Personal Services) TO COVER INCREASE PAYROLL COSTS $ 1,852.75 A599 A1380.401 - (Actuary- Contractual) TO COVER ACTUARY COSTS (2 in 1 year, not done in 2023) $ 1,350.00 $23,111.25 Total Fund Balance to be used A2189 (Grants Received) A7310.400 (Youth Program- Contractual) TO BOOK GRANT RECEIVED FOR BALLFIED PLAYGROUND $ 3,916.87 A4989.400 (Health-PPE) A4989.401 (Health- AEDS) New Code AED'S $ 4,800.00 HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE - DA FUND October 16th, 2024 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT DA5130.200R DA5130.200 TO CORRECT CODING ON VOUCHER 834 $ 63,160.00 GENERAL JOURNAL ONLY TO CORRECT CODING DA2650 (Sale of Scrap) DA5130.400 (Machinery) ADDING ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO MACHINERY ACCOUNT FROM UNBUDGETED SALE OF EQUIPMENT $ 15,500.00 HIGHWAY OUTSIDE VILLAGE - DB FUND October 16th, 2024 October 16, 2024 14 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT DB5110.400 DB5112.400 TO CORRECT CODING ON VOUCHER 910 $ 850.54 GENERAL JOURNAL ONLY TO CORRECT CODING WARREN RD. LIGHTING DISTRICT SL2- FUND October 16th, 2024 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT SL2-599 SL2-5182.400 TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 2,400.00 LAKEWATCH LIGHTING DISTRICT SL3- FUND October 16th, 2024 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT SL3-9901.900 (TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS) SL3-5182.400 TO COVER INCREASED ELECTRICTAL COSTS $ 3,600.00 This will decrease the amount of the loan paid back to A Fund this year. CHERRY ROAD SEWER DISTRICT SS3- FUND October 16th, 2024 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT SS3- 8110.401 (JOINT PROJECT- LEGAL) SS3-8120.402 (SANITARY SEWERS- LEGAL) TO SHIFT COSTS $ 148.50 CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS 24-141 – 24-145 RESOLUTION 24-146 CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS 24-141 – 24-145 WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Resolutions 24-141 – 24-145, are hereby approved as presented, and The question of the adoption of such proposed Consent Agenda Resolutions were duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Laurie Hemmings, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Judy Drake – Aye Councilperson Laurie Hemmings – Aye Councilperson Christine Montague – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Ruth Groff – Aye October 16, 2024 15 Accordingly, the foregoing Resolutions were approved, carried, and duly adopted on October 16, 2024. RESOLUTION MEMORIALIZING CHANGES TO TENTATIVE BUDGET AND AUTHORZING PREPARATION AND FILING OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET Supervisor Ruth Groff stated the tax rate will be the same as last year. Accountant Jennifer Schneck stated the tax levy will be increased 19.25%, over last year, for the General Townwide “A” Fund. Town Board Discussion: • This still does not reach the fund balance o “A” Fund balance will be back up in 2028, with tax rate increases • Town infrastructure is aging out • There will be a bond payment for the new highway barn • Concern about money • Town will receive money from solar community host agreements o Money not in budget o Can be used for Myers Park bathrooms, etc. • Next year the tax rate will increase o New highway barn o Increase funds which are now low RESOLUTION 24-147 RESOLUTION MEMORIALIZING CHANGES TO TENTATIVE BUDGET AND AUTHORZING PREPARATION AND FILING OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Law Article 8, and §§ 106 and 107 therein, the Town and its various officers and employees coordinate fiscal reviews and activities to help and cause the Town’s Budget Officer to prepare a Tentative Budget and such Tentative Budget is presented formally by the Town Clerk and the Town Board thereafter reviews, investigates, updates and amends the same, whereupon it becomes a Preliminary Budget; and WHEREAS, a Preliminary Budget must exist by a specific date and public hearings are held thereupon before the formality of adoption by formal vote and resolution as a Final Budget; and WHEREAS, upon deliberation hereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED as follows: 1. To date, the agreed-upon changes and updates to the Tentative Budget consist of the following: Changes to Tentative Budget for Preliminary Changes from 9.25.24 Meeting A Fund Expenditures 1) A1320.400 - Independent Auditing – Heard from Patrick Jordan today that we should plan $21,000 for a 2024 audit, 5% increase 2) A1620.400 - Buildings-Contractual – Increase from $59,000 to $60,000 to add a letter board at Town Hall. 3) A1620.403 – Buildings – Electric – Cost of electricity is up this year. Currently in 2024 we are on track to spend $7,700 a. Should we increase this from $6,200 to $8,000 October 16, 2024 16 4) A1630.400 - Community Center – Contractual – Currently in 2024 on track to spend $14,500 (Cleaning contract increase this year) a. Increase from $12,000 to $15,000 5) A1630.403 - Community Center – Electric - Cost of electricity is up this year. Currently in 2024 we are on track to spend $3,400 a. Should we increase this from $2,800 to $4,000 6) A1920.400 - Municipal Association Dues – Remove $6,023 allocated for Cayuga Lake Watershed Int. Organization and change from $9,025 to $3,002 7) A6772.450 - Programs- Watershed Organizations –This reflects a name change from Owasco Lake Watershed Council, and moves $6,023 from Municipal Association Dues here changing this from $200 to $6,223 8) A7320.110 - Youth Services-High School Helpers – Per updated budget from Community Youth Services, they are requesting $25,374 9) A7320.410 - Youth Services – Contractual- Per updated budget from Community Youth Services, increase from $57,229 to $60,205 10) A7510.400 - Historian-Contractual – Increase from $500 to $1,000 for a dehumidifier 11) A9730.700 - Bond Anticipation Notes – Need to budget for at least the interest payment of $68,145 A Fund Revenues 1) A1001 - Real Property Taxes – Increase from $2,156,481.98 to $2,203,362 2) A1170 - Franchise Fee – Increase from $36k to $80k 3) A2352 - Youth Services- Local Contribution – Removed $5k as we have not received in past few years 4) A3017 - State Aid- Loss of Public Utility Valuation – Added this code and we should budget for the $19,332 B Fund Creation of New codes and funds moved - NO EFFECT ON TOTALS 1) B1420.401-Legal-Zoning (Moved $25,000 from B8010.402) 2) B1420.402-Legal- Planning (Moved $20,000 from B8020.402) 3) B1440.401-Engineering-Zoning (Moved $5,000 from B8010.403) 4) B1440.402-Engineering-Planning (Moved $15,000 from B8020.401) Cherry Road Sewer District 1) SS3-8110.100 - Sewer Admin - Personal Services – Decrease from $2,904 to $1,936 per updated numbers received from Town Clerk’s office Water District 1) SW1910.400 - Unallocated Insurance – Increase from $26,000 to $36,000 per latest bill from insurance based off rising costs. Sales Tax Allocations (Bring all to approximately 26%) 1) A1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $575,000 to $629,000 2) B1120 - Sales Tax – Decrease from $150,000 to $66,000 3) DA1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $140,000 to $165,000 4) DB1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $935,000 to $940,000 Payroll Related – All Funds 1) A9030.800-Social Security-Increase from $71,000 to $80,000 (per updated calculations) 2) B9030.800-Social Security-Increase from $20,000 to $25,000 (per updated calculations) 3) DA9030.800-Social Security-Increase from $35,000 to $38,000 (per updated calculations) 4) DB9030.800-Social Security-Increase from $34,000 to $39,000 (per updated calculations) October 16, 2024 17 5) SS39030.800-Social Security-Increase from $150 to $175 (per updated calculations) 6) SW39030.800-Social Security-Increase from $10,000 to $16,000 (per updated calculations) 7) A9089.800-Medicare-Increase from $17,000 to $18,500 (per updated calculations) 8) B9089.800-Medicare-Increase from $4,500 to $6,000 (per updated calculations) 9) DA9089.800-Medicare-Increase from $8,000 to $9,000 (per updated calculations) 10) DB9089.800-Medicare-Increase from $8,000 to $9,500 (per updated calculations) 11) SS39089.800-Medicare-Increase from $35 to $50 (per updated calculations) 12) SW39089.800-Medicare-Increase from $3,500 to $4,000 (per updated calculations) Changes for 10.16.24 Meeting 1) A1460.100 - Records Management-Personnel Services – Increase from $0 to $10,000 to hire a part time worker ($5,000 was moved from the contractual account) 2) A1460.400 - Records Management - Contractual – Moved $5,000 from this line to the personnel services line 3) A6772.410 - Programs- Library Reading Program – This is a new code, moving the library reading program from A7410.400 to here to properly code this program. No monetary effect on budget 4) A8790.400 - Natural Resources - Contractual – Added $50,000 for the Trails Comprehensive Plan 5) A1001 - Real Property Taxes – Increase from $2,203,362 to $2,236,178 6) A1081 - Payment in Lieu of Taxes – Increase from $7,118.12 to $8,489.43 per updated tax rate 7) A1120 - Sales Tax – Decrease from $629,000 to $100,000 8) A2707 - Misc. Local Sources - Parks Foundation Grant – This is a new code to book the revenue from the Parks Foundation grant for the Trails Comprehensive plan. $15k was received in 2024 that will be carried over to 2025 and $35,000 will be received in 2025 9) B1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $66,000 to $200,000 10) DA5130.400 – Machinery - Contractual – Increase from $245,000 to $300,000, to reflect actual expenditures 11) DA5142.400 - Snow Removal - Contractual – Increase from $214,297 to $269,297 12) DA1001 - Real Property Tax - Decrease from $1,676,259.02 to $1,645,782 13) DA1081 - Payment In Lieu of Taxes - Increase from $5,899.38 to $6,248.38 based on new updated tax rate 14) DA1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $165,000 to $200,000 15) DB1120 - Sales Tax – Increase from $940,000 to $1,300,000 16) SL2-5182.400 - Warren Road Lighting - Contractual – Increase from $7,140 to $9,500 17) SL2-1026 - Warren Rd Lighting Tax – Increase from $7,140 to $9,500 18) SL3-5182.400 - Lakewatch Lighting - Contractual – Increase from $12,950 to $15,600 19) SL3-1026 - Lakewatch Lighting Tax - Increase from $16,500 to $19,150 20) SS1-1031 - Special Assessment Flat Rate – Decrease from $4,513.50 to $4,336.50 per updated unit numbers 21) SS1-2120 - Dept Income-Sewer Rents – Increase from $207,908 to $208,262 22) SS3-1031 - Special Assessment Flat Rate – Decrease from $515 to $476.25 per updated unit numbers Changes Made at 10.16.24 Meeting 1) A6497.400 – Economic Development Contractual (Expenditure) – Expenses Related to $12,000 Tourism Grant Awarded 2) A2089 – Dept Income-Grants Awarded-Culture & Rec (Revenue) – Awarded Tourism Grant $12,000 2. These changes shall be made to the Tentative Budget, which shall become a Preliminary Budget and subjected to public hearing as required by law. October 16, 2024 18 The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Laurie Hemmings, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Judy Drake – Aye Councilperson Laurie Hemmings – Aye Councilperson Christine Montague – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Ruth Groff – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on October 16, 2024. RESOLUTION SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS PROPOSED 2025 BUDGETS RESOLUTION 24-148 RESOLUTION SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING FOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS PROPOSED 2025 BUDGETS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has prepared the Assessment Rolls of parcels of land included in the Lansing Consolidated Water District (“CWD”), CWD Extensions 1, 2, 4 (Lansing Station Road and Drake Road) and 5 (Peruville Road) and for lands within Lighting Districts Numbers 1, 2, and 3, (Ludlowville, Warren Road, and Lakewatch), and for the Lansing Drainage Districts Numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 (Pheasant Meadows, Whispering Pines, Lake Forest, Farm Pond Circle, Lansing Commons, Woodland Park, Cayuga Way, Novalane, East Shore Circle and Asbury Road), and the Lansing Sewer Districts (Cherry Road and Warren Road) (all together, the “Districts”), and the Town has apportioned and assessed upon such parcels of land in proportion in the amount of benefits the improvements shall confer upon the same the cost chargeable to said Districts in connection with the construction and capital costs of the providing of public water, lighting, stormwater management and drainage, and sewer transportation and treatment payable in the year 2025 and therefore, pursuant to § 239 of the Town Law, the Town Board shall hold a Public Hearing at the Lansing Town Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York 14882, at 6:31 p.m., on the 6th day of November, 2024 to hear and consider any objections which may be made to said roll. The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Laurie Hemmings, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Judy Drake – Aye Councilperson Laurie Hemmings – Aye Councilperson Christine Montague – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Ruth Groff – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on October 16, 2024. RESOLUTION SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR 2025 RESOLUTION 24-149 RESOLUTION SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR 2025 The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025, will be completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town on October 17, 2024, October 16, 2024 19 where it will be available for inspection by any interested persons at all reasonable hours; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Lansing will meet, and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon at the Lansing Town Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York 14882, 6:32 p.m. on the 6th day of November, 2024 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the Preliminary Budget as compiled or for or against any items therein contained; and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, that the following are proposed yearly salaries of elected Town Officials of this Town: Supervisor $ 30,306.12 Councilperson (4) Total $ 38,964.00 Each $ 9,741.00 Town Clerk $ 58,493.00 Highway Superintendent $ 92,763.84 Town Justice (2) Total $ 46,277.34 Each $ 23,138.67 The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Judy Drake, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Judy Drake – Aye Councilperson Laurie Hemmings – Aye Councilperson Christine Montague – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Ruth Groff – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on October 16, 2024. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Judy Drake No written report. Judy stated she has been working on negotiations. Laurie Hemmings Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available as a handout. Laurie Hemmings Town Board Member Report October 2024 Met with Al Vazquez to discuss alternatives to rent controls, including renters’ co-ops and renters’ management groups. Also discussed ideas for a county bank. Laurie also stated she has been working on community concerns with rising rent costs. Landlords are increasing rents to help with higher school taxes, etc. She noted this is a complicated problem and does not have a solution. Christine Montague Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Christine Montague Town Board Member Report September 2024 October 16, 2024 20 Lansing Housing Authority meeting 9/23 (Woodsedge housing complex) • Budget for 2025 is being written. It includes repairing the parking lot which has a drain that needs to be replaced. Also carpenter bee holes need to be filled in pavilion. • They received a letter from Travelers saying they won’t pay for losses due to hacking. • The board is expecting a payout from a class action lawsuit (Franconia settlement) before the end of the year. With the money from this, they plan on repairing the roof and adding more lighting to the back of the building. The longer term plan is to replace the HVAC units. The settlement mandates that the board cannot pay off the mortgage with it. • The residents asked again for a dog run. The management company has started to check the liability insurance but had not heard an answer. There may be fencing already available to build it. Joseph Wetmore Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available as a handout. Joseph Wetmore Town Board Member Report October 2024 Owasco Lake Watershed Management Council Tuesday, September 17⋅10:00 – 11:00am Director’s Summary – Adam Effler *Board of Directors/Municipality Representatives Feedback *Treasurer’s Audit and Finance Report *Lake Level Report *Watershed Inspection Monthly Report *Owasco Watershed Lake Association Update *Cornell Cooperative Extension Update “In the Shadow of Crypto: Taking on Bitcoin Mining” Presented by the Milstein Program in Technology & Humanity Monday, September 23⋅5:00 – 6:00pm Austin Bunn moderated the panel discussion, which included: Yvonne Taylor, co-founder and vice president of Seneca Lake Guardian, a citizen group focused on protecting the Seneca Lake watershed and the Finger Lakes region. Taylor and the group fought to keep gas drilling out of the Hector National Forest, worked to help ban fracking in New York State and partnered with others across the State to pass a statewide moratorium against the use of fossil fuel burning power plants for bitcoin mining while an environmental impact study is underway. She is one of the central activists organizing a call to stop bitcoin mining at the Greenidge power plant near Dresden, N.Y. Colin Read, professor of economics and finance at SUNY Plattsburgh and the author of “The Bitcoin Dilemma: Weighing the Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits”; and Owen Marshall, visiting assistant professor in the Department of Science & Technology Studies (A&S). Marshall works at the intersection of sound studies, media archaeology and the sociology of science and technology. Yellow Barn Meeting Wednesday, October 9⋅11:00am – 12:00pm Discussed accounting for ORES funds both past and for the future. Discussed strategy for moving forward. Parks, Recreation, and Trails Working Group October 16, 2024 21 Wednesday, October 9⋅9:30 – 10:30am Rural Beautification Grant - for Route 34B banners. $2,250. *Hardware & banners have arrived! Project must be completed by October 31st, 2024. TC Tourism Grant - for Town Center and Myers Road Greenway Feasibility Studies. $25,000. *Still waiting. Meetings with Key Landowners *Jack has reached out to a landowner who could potentially help us with the Gulf Creek crossing. Steve will work with Ruth H to talk with landowners who could help us get from the Town Center to Gulf Creek. Comprehensive Trails Plan *Draft Resolution - authorizing the Trails Working Group to draft an RFP and conduct the selection process was sent to Ruth for the Oct TB meeting. *Expanded Working Group – Steve has reached out to Planning Board member John Licitra to see if he is interested in being their liaison to our group. Our request for a Planning Department member to liaison with our group was denied due to workload issues. They are willing to assist us on an as-needed basis and expressed a willingness to revisit this request in the future. The addition of a real estate industry member was also discussed. Steve has someone in mind and will reach out soon. *Village of Lansing – Carolyn will meet with her Greenway Committee to discuss possible routes to connect from our trail at the Town line to the YMCA. Request for Proposals *The group had a lengthy and productive discussion of the 1st draft of the scope of work section. Steve will prepare a revised scope for review at the next meeting as well as additional sections of the RFP. Joe discussed Town Solar Projects: Current committee: Ruth Groff, Joe Wetmore, John Zepko, Guy Krogh, LaBella Associates, D.P.C., Harter Secrest, & Emery LLP and Town of Groton Suggestion to leave the committee “as is”, except the Town of Groton will not be necessary for the future Town Solar Projects. Need clarity on what the solar company is responsible for and what is the Town’s responsibility. The Town bills are increasing. John Zepko is overwhelmed with all the questions and work. One suggestion was to have questions and answers put on the website. Town Board agreed to send this to the Code Committee to sort this out. Ruth Groff No report. WORK SESSION MEETING Board/Committee Applicant Interviews The following Town Board Members will set up interviews with the applicants and conduct interviews with other people from the boards/committees/departments. Planning Board – Laurie Hemmings and Joseph Wetmore Zoning Board of Appeals – Judy Drake and Christine Montague Conservation Advisory Council – Ruth Groff and Laurie Hemmings October 16, 2024 22 Board of Ethics – Christine Montague and Judy Drake Town Justice – Laurie Hemmings, Ruth Groff and Luke Fenchel (Defense Attorney) Town Organizational Chart Judy Drake created and reviewed the chart, stating the following: • It is a fluid document, not set in stone • Next steps o Adopt the chart and review annually o Update as new positions are created Department of Public Works (DPW) Local Law Draft Judy wrote and reviewed Draft Local Law. Town Counsel Guy Krogh recommends keeping it simple. The Town really is already functioning as a DPW, just does not have a local law. November 20, 2024, Town Board Meeting: • Public hearing on the local law and resolution to adopt it • Resolution to accept the organizational chart New Highway Barn • Parks and Recreation Department will stay at Town Hall • Planning and Code Department will move to new building o This will save about $500,000 MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor Ruth Groff moved to ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS COLLECTIVE BARGAINING NEGOTIATIONS PER ARTICLE 14 OF CIVIL SERVICE LAW AT 8:19 PM. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 8:46 PM. Councilperson Judy Drake seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:46 PM. Supervisor Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 Minutes taken and executed by the Town Clerk. Minutes beginning with Executive Session were taken by Guy Krogh, Town Counsel and executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk