December 17, 2014
Time: 6:00 PM Place: Lansing Town Hall Board Room
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Tompkins County Representative – Mike Sigler
5. Public Hearing – 6:05 p.m. Proposed Local Law #6 of 2014 – Amending the Existing Land
Use Ordinance and Restating the Same in Total
6. Public Hearing – 6:07 p.m. Environmental Impacts of Proposed Local Law #6 of 2014
Amending and Restating the Existing Land Use Ordinance
7. Privilege of the Floor: Please Sign in to Speak - Limited to 20 Minutes with a Maximum of
3 Minutes per Speaker
8. Water and Sewer Advisory Board – Dan Adinolfi
9. Parks and Recreation Department
10. Resolution Making Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for Proposed Local
Law #6 of 2014 and Approving and Adopting such Local Law so Amending the Land Use
11. Resolution Reappointing George Gesslein to the Lansing Housing Authority Board
12. Resolution Reappointing Gerald Caward Jr. to the Planning Board
13. Resolution Reappointing Deborah Trumbull as an Alternate to the Planning Board
14. Resolution Reappointing Linda Hirvonen to the Zoning Board of Appeals
15. Resolution Reappointing Donna Scott as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals
16. Resolution Appointing Melody Lombardo as Senior Court Clerk
17. Resolution Declaring Freedom from Domestic Violence as a Human Right
18. Resolution Approving Jetty CWD Outside User Agreement
19. Resolution Providing Charge to Water and Sewer Advisory Board
20. Resolution Approving Cancellation of Town Centre Land Purchase Agreement and
Authorizing Return of Deposit
21. Approve Audit and Budget Modifications
22. Board Member Reports
23. Town Counsel Report
24. Executive Session if Needed
25. Adjourn Meeting