Date: JANUARY 15, 2014 Time: 6:00 PM Place: Lansing Town Hall Board Room
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Public Hearing—6:05 p.m. Environmental Review of the Proposed Consolidated Water District
Improvement Project to Develop an Improved Pressure Zone and the Bone Plain Road Water Tank
5. Public Hearing—6:07 pm Proposed Local Law#1 Of 2014 (Sign Law)
6. Public Hearing—6:10 pm Environmental Review of Proposed Local Law#1 of 2014 (Sign Law)
7. Resolution Appointing the Deputy Supervisor for the year 2014
8. 2014 Organizational Resolutions
9. Consider Resolution Adopting 2014 Organizational Resolutions
10. Tompkins County Representative—Mike Sigler
11. Privilege of the Floor: Limited to 20 Minutes with a Maximum of 3 Minutes per Speaker
12. Highway Superintendent's Report
13. Park and Recreation Department and Lansing Pathways Committee Report
14. Consider Resolution Making Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts from Proposed Bone Plain
Water Tank Project
15. Consider Public Interest Resolution and Order Approving Proposed Bone Plain Water Tank Project as
Consolidated Water District Improvement Project Pursuant to Town Law § 202-B
16. Consider Resolution Making Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts from Adoption of Local
Law#1 of 2014-the Proposed Town of Lansing Sign Law
17. Consider Resolution Adopting Proposed Local Law#1 of 2014—the Town of Lansing Sign Local Law
18. Town Historian Report
19. Parks and Recreation Department Review of 2014 Myers Park Marina and Pavilion Fees
20. Review of the Code Department Subdivision and Building Permit Fees
21. Comprehensive Plan Update and Status Report
22. Consider Resolution Setting Fee for 2014 Dog Enumeration
23. Consider Resolution to Re-appoint Joyce Rendano to LHA
24. Consider Resolutions to Re-appoint Judy Drake and Donna Scott to ZBA
25. Consider Resolutions to Re-appoint Richard Prybyl and Raymond Farkas and Appoint Michael
Richardson to the Planning Board
26. Approve Audit and Budget Modifications
27. Board Member Reports
28. Town Counsel Report
29. Executive Session if needed
30. Adjourn Meeting
*** If you presented something to the Board tonight that you asked to be a part of the minutes,please email it to the
Town Clerk by 10:00 a.m.tomorrow at townclrk @twcny.rr.com