HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-20 September 20, 2023 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING September 20, 2023 A Regular Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:32 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Edward LaVigne, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Deborah K. Munson, Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Andra Benson, Councilperson Ruth Groff, Councilperson Bronwyn Losey, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Edward LaVigne, Supervisor ABSENT: No one absent ALSO PRESENT: Mike Moseley, Highway Superintendent, Patrick Tyrrell, Parks and Recreation Supervisor, Mary Ellen Albrecht, Bookkeeper, Jennifer Schenck, Information Aide, John Zepko, Director of Planning, Connie Wilcox, Lansing Agriculture and Farmland Protection Committee Chairperson, Serenna McCloud and John Dennis, Cayuga Lake Environmental Action Now, Lawrence Fabroni, Dennis Griffin, Larry Beck, James Dill and a few other attendees. MOTION TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED LEAD AGENCY AND SUBDIVISION FOR 39 VILLAGE CIRCLE (TAX MAP # 39.-1- 38.2) – LUCENTE HOMES LLC Councilperson Andra Benson, moved to OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED LEAD AGENCY AND SUBDIVISION FOR 39 VILLAGE CIRCLE (TAX MAP # 39.-1-38.2) – LUCENTE HOMES LLC at 6:33 pm. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 Lawrence Fabroni, Engineer and Surveyor, for Mrs. Lucente, described the three (3) lot subdivision. MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING All persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, moved to CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED LEAD AGENCY AND SUBDIVISION FOR 39 VILLAGE CIRCLE (TAX MAP # 39.-1-38.2) – LUCENTE HOMES LLC at 6:36 pm. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 RESOLUTION GRANTING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL FOR VILLAGE CIRCLE VILLAGE SOLAR PDA (LUCENTE HOMES LLC) PER PRIOR APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZING SEALING OF SUCH PLAT OR MAP PER LANSING TOWN CODE § 270-67V RESOLUTION 23-113 RESOLUTION GRANTING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL FOR VILLAGE CIRCLE VILLAGE SOLAR PDA (LUCENTE HOMES LLC) PER PRIOR APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZING SEALING OF SUCH PLAT OR MAP PER LANSING TOWN CODE § 270-67V The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town received an Application for Review and Approval of Subdivision from Mark Lesselroth, agent for Lucente Homes, to subdivide a 1.52-acre lot from parcel September 20, 2023 2 39.-1-38.2, within the Village Circle Village Solar PDA #1, under the provisions of Town Code § 270-67V: The developer may subdivide (and rejoin or consolidate) the PDA parcel into separate or differing tax parcels to assist in the delineation of project phasing, tax management issues, and financing for project development. In each such case, suitable cross easements shall be implied, required, and provided for access and common use of project facilities, and such proposed subdivision and line locations shall be subject to review and approval by the Town Board. Once approved by the Town Board, the Town Code Enforcement Officer may seal such map for filing with or delivery to the County Clerk or Assessor's office; and WHEREAS, an environmental review was already conducted upon this proposal on 12 September 2022, and as the existing approvals and negative declarations already considered any potential adverse environmental effects of this approval, and as the passage of time and lack of changes in the proposal and final development plan do not create any risk of new environmental impacts not previously considered, the Town Board reaffirms the findings and negative declaration issued in Planning Board Resolution #22- 13 and has determined that no supplemental environmental review is required; and WHEREAS, upon a review and in consideration of the phased subdivision mapping submitted in furtherance of the existing approved PDA plan and approval; and Now Therefore Be it RESOLVED, that the proposed phasing and subdivision plat or map as submitted be and hereby is approved, and the Town's Code Enforcement Officer be and hereby is authorized to seal and certify such proposed subdivision and lot line maps for filing with or delivery to the County Clerk and County Assessor's Office for approval and filing. The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on September 20, 2023. CAYUGA LAKE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION NOW (CLEAN) PRESENTATION – JOHN DENNIS AND SERENNA MCCLOUD John and Serenna reviewed parts of the following, which were handed to the Town Board and later put on the Town website. They would like the mine closed. September 20, 2023 3 September 20, 2023 4 September 20, 2023 5 September 20, 2023 6 September 20, 2023 7 September 20, 2023 8 September 20, 2023 9 September 20, 2023 10 September 20, 2023 11 Suggestions from John and Serenna, after the presentation, regarding what the Town can do. • Public can raise awareness to pressure the Governor to stop the sale of the mine. • Make it unattractive to potential buyers. • Town put pressure on DEC. • If another company buys the mine have the new buyer post $10 billion bond. • Town pass resolution barring use of part of mine. Cargill employees about 200 people. AGRICULTURE AND FARMLANDS PROTECTION COMMITTEE (AG COMMITTEE) PRESENTATION – CONNIE WILCOX, CHAIRPERSON Connie Wilcox stated the following: • Town Board lacks communication with the Ag Committee • Ag Committee was not informed of proposed changes for appointments to committees and sub-committees • New proposed procedure has Ag Committee a sub-committee of Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) – this is ludicrous o Councilperson Joseph Wetmore told Ag Committee at September 6, 2023 meeting, this has been removed from the proposed changes • New proposed procedure makes it hard to get volunteers • Connie handed the Board the farmer’s document: " Comments with Proposed Amendments to Town Code for Additions to Chapter 7 Committees and Subcommittees” September 20, 2023 12 • Appears to be the Town Board wants total control with no input from public • Need better communication with constituents and committees • Many people in Town do not use the computer – frustrating cannot reach people • Walk in Town Hall and people are not available PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – GUIDELINES Available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting, or during public hearings, or when they have reserved and been granted time upon the agenda. Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer (or his or her designee) and step to the front of the room. Speakers must give their name and state whether they are speaking as a resident, a member of the public, or for any other person or organization. Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes, and comments unrelated to the subject matter of the public hearing are not allowed. September 20, 2023 13 Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. With the permission of the presiding officer a Board or committee member may interrupt a speaker for the purpose of clarification or information (and not for any other reason or to debate or disagree). Such time shall not be counted against the speaker’s 3-minute limit. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board or committee as a body and not to any member thereof, nor to any member of the public whether present at such public hearing or not. Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communications. Written documents and evidence may be submitted as part of the record of the public hearing. Persons who exceed 3 minutes, violate rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity or good taste, or deliberately or by their behavior interfere with other person’s right to comment or participate in the public hearing, or who deliberately or by their behavior interfere with governmental administration will be cut off, removed, or have non-recognized comments removed from the record, or any combination of the above. Before a comments or statements will be excised from the record, the speaker will be verbally warned that they are in violation of the rules for this public hearing. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – COMMENTS Three residents spoke about Ludlowville Road/Snake Hill Road/Crooked Hill Road • Heard there was estimate for 2 million dollars to repair road • Believes road was previously repaired for $400,000 – thinks road could be repaired again for same money • Engineers are very conservative to be sure they do not get sued • Cannot even walk on road now • Alternatives should be looked at to repair the road • Road was previously repaired with the help of a grant • Road was closed in mid 80’s, then repaired and worked fine until recently • All people in Salmon Creek Valley use road • Brickyard Road not available in winter o Snake Hill Road is emergency exit • Residents not getting answers to their questions • Need better communication to Town residents • Report from Engineering company • How much will the repairs cost • Resources for funding LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY REPORT – CHRISTINE EISENHUT Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN BOARD UPDATES FROM THE LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY September 2023 1. The library is participating in the Target Circle Program. Shoppers can vote for the LCL and help direct Target’s giving program to benefit our library by visiting target.com/circle. Please vote by September 30th. 2. There will be a Watercolor Workshop for adults with artist Lee O’Connell on Saturday, September 30th 10:00-noon. Space is limited so registration is required. September 20, 2023 14 3. The library will host a bilingual story time on Thursday, September 21st at 10:30 to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. 4. On display during the months of September and October will be the textiles of Patricia Brown. 5. The Friends of the Library will be hosting a fundraiser – Costumes and Cocktails on October 20th from 8:00-11:00pm at the Lake Watch Inn. 6. The library has a mobile wireless hotspot available for check out. Also, the Wi-Fi is not password protected. The community is welcome to park in the lot to access the Internet. 7. Instructor John Burger hosts T’ai Chi classes at the Community Center on Fridays from 10:30-11:30am. 8. Learn to play American Mah Jongg every Tuesday at 10:15am and play American Mah Jongg every Wednesday from 1:00-3:00pm. 9. The library continues to provide free delivery to Woodsedge. 10. The library has an Empire Pass and passes to the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center available for check out. Board games, puzzles, story time kits, and STEAM kits are also available. 11. The library continues to distribute free self-test COVID-19 kits, antibacterial wipes and N95 masks to Lansing households. LANSING YOUTH SERVICES REPORT – RICK ALVORD No Report. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEGISLATOR REPORT – MIKE SIGLER Submitted the following report. Tompkins County Legislator Michael Sigler September 2023 Hello, Sorry I can’t be with you tonight, but we have an expanded budget meeting at the County. It’s that time of the year and we’re working on the 2024 budget. Money is tight, but we’ll see where our priorities are. We’re looking at non-Mandated expenditures of over 200 million dollars and mandated expenses of almost 45 million. I’ll keep you updated. I want to thank Dominick Recckio in advance as I pull liberally from his reports. Some areas I’ve been working on. One of Tompkins only group homes is slated to close. It’s Abbott House over near the airport. I’m talking to the Governor’s office to see if there’s anything that can be done to keep it open. I didn’t think there were too many beds/apartments for those with neurodiverse people, so I’ll keep working on it. The Lansing Carnival was great. I raised $45 in the dunk tank. I went to the Watchfire on Friday at Myer’s Park. It’s to symbolize a marker, calling our lost and missing service member’s home. I also was in the Ithaca Airport 5K on Sunday which raised money this year for aviation scholarships. The County is moving ahead to look at plans for a Center of Government. I don’t know how this will turn out. We need the space as we have to move the District Attorney and Clerk out of the courthouse and we can save money moving some departments out of space we now lease into a new space we own. This is just a request for quote, so we can get some engineering and design work done, so we know what kind of costs we’re talking about. Lee Shurtleff brought up an interesting question. He didn’t support moving September 20, 2023 15 forward because “there have been too many instances of individuals being harmed or crimes being committed in the City of Ithaca, including an incident at Aldi, which is one block away from the Department of Motor Vehicles, and a shot fired incident on Buffalo Street near the proposed Center of Government. Shurtleff also referenced 2022 incidents near the Tompkins County Human Services Building on West Martin Luther King/State St.” We also agreed to sell the Red House that’s been a source of some controversy. Whole Health Commissioner Frank Kruppa updated us on the recent cluster of Legionellosis cases in the County. Kruppa stated that “the incubation period is 2-14 days, and we are at day 15 from the onset of symptoms of our last case.” He added that while it’s important to see two incubation periods pass, the time since the last case is a positive indicator. HIGHWAY REPORT – MICHAEL MOSELEY Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. HIGHWAY REPORT September 20, 2023 Road Maintenance/ Improvement • Finished Newman Road erosion project with Tompkins County Soil & Water. Big thanks to Angel Hinickle for all her help. Tree & Brush Maintenance • Tree & brush maintenance along roadside to aid line of sight. Water/Sewer Maintenance • Crews worked on 6 water main breaks. • Storm water district maintenance. Community • Helped prep for the Lansing parade/carnival. • The Highway Department had a great time driving truck, loader, gradall, and dump truck in parade. Mike also stated: • Thanked his crew, and Pat’s, for their hard work • There were over twelve (12) water main breaks in the last two (2) weeks 2 Auburn Road • Working with Dave Herrick, Town Engineer, and hope to have information to Town Board in October • Town Attorney also needs to look over information Ludlowville Road/Snake Hill Road/Crooked Hill Road • Town Board has been given information • Contacted contractor Orchard, Earth and Pipe o Have estimate in October • Dondi Harner, T.G. Miller, P.C. stated: o Packet from Stopen Engineering – evaluation, surveyed existing slopes o Meeting with contractor Orchard, Earth and Pipe tomorrow ▪ Contractor did work on road in 90’s ▪ Get cost for three options ❖ Full road open, one lane walking trail, only stabilize road o Potential funding opportunities to apply for Dondi answered questions: • Walking/trail road map – removed western drive lane September 20, 2023 16 • Need fire truck turn around • Stopen Engineering did not think the micro pile system plan that was written by James Mason, Engineer, requested by Ludlowville residents, would be cost effective on unstable grounds below Councilperson Ruth Groff will look at Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funding through ITCTC. PARKS AND RECREATION REPORT – PATRICK TYRRELL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Parks & Recreation September 2023 Town Board Meeting RECREATION: ▪ Fall soccer has started, our participation is higher than last year. ▪ Our programming has slowed slightly with school starting, the current list includes football, soccer, horseback riding and swimming. ▪ Several lacrosse teams are renting field space from us at the Town Barn field. ▪ Cornell and Ithaca College club softball teams will be renting field space from us this Fall. ▪ Our trails group has been meeting regularly and I think we are making good progress. ▪ We have hosted several Modified soccer games for the school. ▪ Small Fry Football is doing well with several wins thus far, looking like another great season. ▪ Wildflower seeds have been planted along the ball field ditches and in front of the Baker BBQ pavilion. We hope that it will look beautiful this Spring. ▪ Budget 2024 packets have been distributed in board members mailboxes. ▪ I have also sent emails concerning 2023 budgetary items for board members to review. ▪ We are working on updating our website and phone system. PARKS: ▪ On September 15th, Myers Park hosted the annual POW/MIA Watch Fire. Another great tradition that we hope will continue for many years to come. ▪ We are still working on distributing the last bit of playground mulch that was delivered to us. Getting around the playground structures is a little tricky with our equipment. ▪ The front flower bed has been planted with mums for the upcoming Fall season. ▪ I have been added to the Cayuga Lake Hydrilla task force, they meet monthly. We have discovered some in our marina area. ▪ We have received donated logs from Cascadilla Tree service to replace the concrete barriers at Salt Point and make it look more natural. This project will be put on the schedule. ▪ Lansing Lighthouse 5k was held August 26th, again a very successful fundraiser. ▪ Myers Park guarded swimming is closed. We continue to check for harmful algae blooms daily. Several have been spotted around us but nothing along Myers Park lakeshore or Salt Point. ▪ The last day for camping is October 9th. ▪ Boats in the marina and dry dock must be out by November 1st. Pat also stated: • Budget issues o Everything costs more o Day Camp is all inclusive – additional staffing required • Music in the Park went well September 20, 2023 17 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING REPORT – JOHN ZEPKO No report. John stated he submitted the building permits and certificate of occupancy report. TOWN CLERK REPORT – DEBBIE MUNSON Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN CLERK SEPTEMBER 2023 Hunting Licenses September has been very busy selling hunting licenses. Lifetime license holders who have not received theirs in the mail can come to our office to have a replacement printed until October 1st at no cost. After October 1st, lifetime license holders will have to pay for a replacement license. Deer Management Permits (DMPs) are available until October 1st. Board Vacancies Jessie created a new procedure for taking care of board/council vacancies to make sure new appointments are filled before January 1st each year. Listed below will be the vacancies as of December 31, 2023. Chairs of each board/council will be notified which members terms are expiring. Incumbents wishing to be reappointed must submit an application for reappointment. Applications will be available on the Town’s website beginning on October 2nd through 16th. Paper applications will be available at the Town Clerk’s office and can be e-mailed, if requested. Notice of vacancies will be posted on bulletin boards located in the Town Hall. • Planning Board – 3 vacancies: (1) 7-year term and (2) 1-year terms • Zoning Board of Appeals – 2 vacancies: (1) 5-year term and (1) 1-year term • Board of Ethics – 1 vacancy: (1) 5-year term • Conservation Advisory Council – 5 vacancies: (5) 2-year terms Relevies of Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills Our office will be mailing about 258 reminder letters to all water and sewer accounts with an outstanding balance in advance of the relevy. The letters state balances must be paid in full by October 10th. If they remain unpaid after this date, the balance plus a relevy penalty of 10% will be added to their 2024 Town and County Tax Bills. 2024 Budget Our budget worksheets have been completed and submitted to the Bookkeeper. We met with the Bookkeeper and Highway Superintendent to discuss sewer revenue and expenses. We reviewed the revenue versus the expenses and together we projected numbers for next year. Tompkins County Health Department Fall Rabies Clinics The Health Department has scheduled one clinic – Caroline Town Highway Garage on September 28th. Preregistration is recommended. Visit this link to sign up for a time slot - https://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/rabies#clinics September 20, 2023 18 TOWN CLERK PRESENTS THE TENATIVE 2024 TOWN OF LANSING BUDGET Town Clerk Deborah Munson presented the Tentative 2024 Town of Lansing Budget to the Town Board. Hard copies of budget were handed to Town Board Members before Executive Session and the Supervisors Office will e-mail Budget to Town Board. Town Clerk Deborah Munson reviewed the Budget schedule: • Town Board Budget Meeting September 27, 2023 o Town Board reviews, modifies and puts changes in writing • Town Board Meeting October 18, 2023 o Resolution to approve changes o Tentative Budget moves to Preliminary Budget • Town Board Meeting November 8, 2023 o Budget public hearing o Final budget approval Supervisor Ed LaVigne stated: • Contact Bookkeeper Mary Ellen Albrecht, Information Aide Jennifer Schenck or Supervisor Ed LaVigne with any questions, prior to September 27, 2023 meeting. CONSENT AGENDA a. RESOLUTION SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAFT 2024 TOMPKINS COUNTYWIDE SHARED SERVICES INITIATIVE (CWSSI) PLAN RESOLUTION 23-114 RESOLUTION SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DRAFT 2024 TOMPKINS COUNTYWIDE SHARED SERVICES INITIATIVE (CWSSI) PLAN The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the New York State Countywide Shared Services Initiative (CWSSI) generates property tax savings by enabling collaboration between local governments across the state, and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of State offers grant programs to incentivize and aid local government efficiencies through shared services, and WHEREAS, in order to qualify for financial incentives, Tompkins County is required to convene a Shared Services Panel comprised of municipal chief elected officials and develop a draft plan outlining new initiatives that demonstrate significant property tax savings, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Shared Services Panel has convened multiple times in recent months and identified the pilot Countywide Rapid Medical Response program for inclusion in the 2024 CWSSI Plan, and WHEREAS, the CWSSI requires that a public hearing be held ahead of the approval of the draft 2024 Plan, and WHEREAS, the public hearing would provide an opportunity for public comment and input on the impact of the Countywide Rapid Medical Response program, now therefore be it RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Tompkins County Government Operations Committee, that the public hearing on the draft 2024 CWSSI Plan, be held at the Lansing Town Board meeting scheduled for October 18, 2023, at 6:31 p.m., and it is further RESOLVED, that the Lansing Town Clerk is authorized to place proper notice of this public hearing in the official newspaper of the Town. September 20, 2023 19 SEQR ACTION: TYPE II-26 b. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF BID, ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF AWARD AND CONTRACT TO CAYUGA COMMERCIAL CLEANING, LLC FOR TOWN BUILDINGS CUSTODIAL SERIVCES RESOLUTION 23-115 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF BID, ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF AWARD AND CONTRACT TO CAYUGA COMMERCIAL CLEANING, LLC FOR TOWN BUILDINGS CUSTODIAL SERVICES The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, detailed bid documents and specifications had been developed, including a contract to be executed by the selected bidder, and the Town thereafter duly advertised for public bidding and conducted a public bid opening, and all bids were examined for compliance with bid requirements, including overall pricing and best value bidding standards and criteria, and the best value-lowest overall cost bidder duly identified; and WHEREAS, as a result of such examinations and meeting, and upon input from the Town Supervisor, such bid was deemed and determined to be in compliance with bid requirements, and such bidder is not listed upon any State Debarment List, such that the Town Board desires to now award such bid; and WHEREAS, after a review of the foregoing, and upon due deliberation and consideration thereof, and in compliance with the specifications and the requirements for public bidding upon procurements and public works, including but not limited to the Town’s Procurement Policy and General Municipal Law §§ 101 and 103, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Project bid be and hereby is awarded to Cayuga Commercial Cleaning, LLC, pursuant to its bid dated September 10, 2023; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town deems this Resolution to be legally sufficient as a Notice of Award, which Notice of Award shall be submitted to the successful bidder together with prepared contract documents, and which such delivery shall constitute acceptance of the bid by the Town; and it is further RESOLVED, that upon receipt of the required insurance coverages, the contract that was part of the bid documents be completed and the Town Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute such contract by, for, on behalf of, and in the name of the Town of Lansing, and the Supervisor be further authorized to make, negotiate, and execute such changes and such further or other documents and agreements as are or may be necessary or convenient to cause such contract or bid award to be fully authorized and services to commence in 2024 in as timely a fashion as practicable and continue through 2026; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk register the award with the Department of Labor under the PRC number assigned for this bid and project. c. RESOLUTION APPROVING OFFICE RENOVATIONS TO IMPROVE SECURITY IN TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE RESOLUTION 23-116 RESOLUTION APPROVING OFFICE RENOVATIONS TO IMPROVE SECURITY IN TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: September 20, 2023 20 WHEREAS, by recommendation of the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office, the Town Clerk’s Office proposes to improve security in the office by installing one-way mirror glass in the door and adjacent counter window, replacing the existing glass; and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk included $1,500 in the 2023 budget for this project under the building repairs expense account; and WHEREAS, the current quote from McPherson Builders is $2,043, the building repairs expense account has sufficient funds to cover this security improvement; and WHEREAS, per existing Town Procurement Policy Section IV, all building repairs and maintenance projects exceeding $1,000 require specific Town Board approval; it is therefore RESOLVED, that the Town Board affirms that funds from A1620.405 are intended to be used for building repairs and maintenance; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk or her designee be and hereby are authorized to affect the following repair per the Town of Lansing Procurement Policy: McPherson Builders install one-way mirror glass in the door and adjacent counter window, replacing the existing glass in Town Clerk's Office for a total not to exceed $2,043. CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS 23-114 – 23-116 RESOLUTION 23-117 WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Resolutions 23-114 – 23-116, are hereby approved as presented and amended, and The question of the adoption of such proposed Consent Agenda Resolutions were duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff– Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolutions were approved, carried, and duly adopted on September 20, 2023. RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT RESOLUTION 23-118 RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT The Supervisor submitted his monthly report for the month of August 2023, to all Board Members and to the Town Clerk. The Supervisor’s Report was reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore. The bills were reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore and Councilperson Bronwyn Losey. The Supervisor’s Report be approved as submitted and the Bookkeeper is hereby authorized to pay the following bills and to make the following budget modifications. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT # 009 DATED 09/20/2023 September 20, 2023 21 AUDITED VOUCHER #’s 886 – 894 896 – 1013 PREPAY VOUCHER #’s 886 – 892 AUDITED T & A VOUCHER #’s 54 – 60 PREPAY T & A VOUCHER #’s 54 – 56 FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND (A&B) $ 138,187.83 HIGHWAY FUND (DA&DB) $ 137,346.88 DRAINAGE DISTRICTS (SDD1-) $ 3,037.52 LANSING LIGHTING (SL1, 2 &3) $ 1,491.90 WARREN & CHERRY SEWER DISTRICT (SS1,3) $ 27,473.07 LANSING WATER DISTRICTS (SW) $ 15,669.80 TRUST & AGENCY (TA) $ 96,315.34 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 MEETING GENERAL FUND A September 20, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A1440.401 A1440.403 From Eng-Sewer P&M to Eng Transportation $ 1,000.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures A1440.406 A1440.403 From Eng-Misc Water Ext P&M to Eng Transportation $ 4,000.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures A1440.407 A1440.403 From Eng-Surveying to Eng Transportation $ 3,300.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures A1440.408 A1440.403 From Town Center to Eng Transportation $ 2,000.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures A599 A1610.400 From Fund Balance to Technology $ 23,666.93 Addtl required to cover expenditures A599 A1630.400 From Fund Balance to Community Center- Contractual $ 2,415.86 Addtl required to cover fire suppression A599 A1950.400 From Fund Balance to Taxes & Assess Munic Property $ 1,612.74 Addtl required to cover expenditures A1550 A3510.402 From Dog Control Fees (Revenue) to Control of Dogs-Other $ 80.00 Use unanticipated revenue to cover expenditures A599 A7310.100 From Fund Balance to Youth Program-Personal Srvcs $ 1,334.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures September 20, 2023 22 A599 A7310.110 From Fund Balance to Youth Program-Personal Srvcs $ 15,197.44 Addtl required to cover expenditures A2003 A7310.400 From Youth Rec Fees (Revenue) to Youth Program- Contractual $ 22,569.69 Use unanticipated revenue to cover expenditures A599 A7310.400 From Fund Balance to Youth Program-Contractual $ 23,944.95 Addtl required to cover expenditures A2750 A3001 From "Prev Used A3001" to State Revenue Sharing (per Capita" $ 27,085.00 Per OSC - correction for AIM payment received LAKEWATCH LIGHTING SL3 September 20, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A599 SL3- 5182.400 From A Fund Bal to Lakewatch Lighting-Contractual $ 4,500.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures SEWER FUND SS1 September 20, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT SS1- 8120.401 SS1- 8120.402 From Sewer Engineer to Sewer Legal $ 3,500.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures WATER FUND SW September 20, 2023 FROM TO AMOUNT SW599 SW8320.403 From Fund Balance to Source of Supply-Drake Rd CWD#4 $ 1,050.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures SW599 SW8320.404 From Fund Balance to Source of Supply-Peruville Rd CWD#5 $ 200.00 Addtl required to cover expenditures The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Andra Benson, duly seconded by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff– Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on September 20, 2023. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Andra Benson – reported the following: Lansing Library – written report above Ruth Groff – reviewed the following report: September 20, 2023 23 Ruth Groff Town Board Member Report September 2023 • Ithaca Tompkins County Transportation Council (“ITCTC”) Joint Policy/Planning Committees: September 12, 1:00pm o Planning Committee items: ▪ Transportation Improvement Program (“TIP”) modifications approved: A) Obligation date changes for multiple project phases – Tompkins County and Town of Dryden; B) Stewart Ave. bridge obligation date and funding changes o Both Planning and Policy Committee items – each had the same items on their agendas: ▪ TIP amendments approved: A) NYSDOT project funding adjustments; B) Bridge New York projects – new funding and funding adjustments o Joint Committee items: ▪ Resolution 2023-07 – Commending Mr. Dwight Mengel for contributions to and services performed on behalf of the ITCTC. Mr. Mengel is retiring from his position as Chief Transportation Planner at the Tompkins County Dept. of Social Services, therefore the ITCTC formally thanked Mr. Mengel for his many years of service, leadership, and contributions to the operation of the ITCTC. o Director’s Report: ▪ Ithaca Carshare Insurance legislation update: the Bill was modified and sent back to Governor Hochul on September 9, and as of the September 12 meeting, she had not yet signed it. ▪ Ithaca Bikeshare is averaging 4 rides per day, per bike, which is better than any other bikeshare program. They will be ordering 100 more bikes. o Member Reports: ▪ Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (“TCAT”) buses are from Proterra, which is in bankruptcy, so getting repairs and parts is now a problem for TCAT. They are looking for other e-bus manufacturers to fill the gap. ▪ TCAT is still looking for drivers ▪ The City of Ithaca is expanding sidewalks ▪ There are plans to extend the Black Diamond Trail to Trumansburg ▪ Cayuga Heights Road is scheduled to be finished in October • Conservation Advisory Council (“CAC”): September 7, 6:30pm o The primary discussion was with Katie from Bergmann, regarding the Open Space Index and Conservation Plan • Capital Improvement Committee: September 6, 9:00am o As the list of projects has been essentially completed, the next step is for descriptions of each project to be written for inclusion in a formal report. Several committee members agreed to write those descriptions as they pertained to their areas of expertise – Mike Moseley, Patrick Tyrrell, and Dave Herrick. I will be preparing financial snapshots for each project. • Parks, Recreation, and Trails Committee: August 22, 29, September 5, 12, 19, 11:30am o Patrick Tyrrell, Ruth Hopkins, and Ruth Groff have weekly update meetings with Ellie Peterson, Intern from Cornell, regarding her work on potential plans for the Jonas Falls area. Since she has completed the majority of the work on that project, but still has many hours left on her contract with the Town, she has begun converting the study that was done by the Cornell Design Connect team, into a format consistent with that of a trails master plan. September 20, 2023 24 o The Trails Committee has been meeting weekly to share lessons learned as several groups are working on different segments of the trail. The focus has been on learning about easements, and identifying multiple options for each segment, but the primary discussions have been around landowner outreach, and possible funding sources. Bronwyn Losey – reported the following: Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) – meeting cancelled Broadband Committee – waiting to hear back from Spectrum Joseph Wetmore Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Joseph Wetmore Town Board Member Report September 2023 Yellow Barn Committee Thursday, August 17⋅1:00 – 2:30pm We discussed the next steps regarding the Host Community Agreement. Planning Board Monday, August 28⋅6:30 – 8:30pm Duthie/United Storage 431 Auburn Rd, Tax Parcel Number 30.-1-16.32 Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct an approximately 9,600 square foot building on the existing ~9 acre lot. The property is in the IR – Industrial/Research Zone. Declared Lead Agency, Set Public Hearing. Cayuga Lake boat tour and water health presentations hosted by AM Kelles, Sen. Webb and Sen. May Tuesday, September 5⋅2:00 – 5:00pm Assemblymember Anna Kelles, Senator Lea Webb and Senator Rachel May, hosted an informative afternoon exploring Cayuga Lake and its ecosystem aboard the Discover Cayuga Lake boat. Guests included Tompkins County municipal leaders (including Ruth Groff and myself) and local water health experts. We experienced the “floating classroom” with hands-on activities led by Bill Foster and crew. Cayuga Lake and its watershed is vitally important as a source of freshwater in the region (and is where Bolton Point gets its water). Following the boat tour, we gathered at Ithaca Farmers Market for a presentation by Dr. Roxanne Razavi, Assistant Professor of Environmental Biology at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF), on per- and polyfluoroakyl chemicals (PFAS or “forever chemicals''). September 20, 2023 25 Yellow Barn Committee Thursday, August 31⋅1:00 – 2:30pm We discussed the next steps regarding the Host Community Agreement. Bolton Point Board meeting Thursday, September 7⋅4:00 – 5:00pm 1. Management Staff Report 2. Committee Reports A. Budget and Finance Committee 1. July 31, 2023 Financial Report 2. Approval of the September 7, 2023 Warrants B. Engineering and Operations Committee 1. July 26, 2023 Meeting Notes 2. August 23, 2023 Meeting Agenda C. Personnel and Organization Committee 1. July 26, 2023 Meeting Notes 2. August 23, 2023 Meeting Agenda 3. Resolution for Approval of Revised Personnel Policies 4. Resolution for Appointment of Mark Fessenden Janik to EMT Position Edward LaVigne – reported the following: Budget • Need to keep services and value to taxpayers without going over budget • Need to hold to budget and try to increase fund balances • Budget modifications are crippling WORK SESSION MEETING ITEMS OF DISCUSSION Shipping Containers Councilperson Joe Wetmore stated shipping containers should not be used as buildings. He would like the code committee to review this. Director of Planning John Zepko stated the Town needs to be cautious not to regulate activities of specific businesses. Supervisor Ed LaVigne stated the Town needs to be careful not to be reactionary and not to zone something out. September 20, 2023 26 Planner Director of Planning John Zepko stated the Town has not received any applications for the open Planner position. Bookkeeper Mary Ellen Albrecht stated a recruiter typically costs about 15-20% of the annual salary the Town offers for the position. Supervisor Ed LaVigne and Director of Planning John Zepko agreed to possibly look for a zoning consultant. John stated he is not in favor of large-scale zoning amendments by committee. Town Board agreed to charge code committee to look at both items: • Shipping containers • Planning/Zoning consultant MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilperson Ruth Groff moved to ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS MEDICAL, FINANCIAL, CREDIT OR EMPLOYMENT HISTORY OF A PARTICULAR PERSON/CORP, OR MATTERS LEADING TO SAID DISMISSAL, REMOVAL, PROMOTION, APPOINTMENT, EMPLOYMENT, DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION, OR SUSPENSION; AND THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION/SALE/LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEN PUBLICITY MIGHT AFFECT VALUE AT 8:15 PM. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilperson Bronwyn Losey moved to EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 9:13 PM. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Andra Benson moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:15 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 Minutes taken and executed by the Town Clerk. Minutes beginning with Executive Session were taken by Ed LaVigne, Supervisor, and executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk