HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-16 August 16, 2023 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING August 16, 2023 A Regular Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Edward LaVigne, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Deborah K. Munson, Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Andra Benson, Councilperson Ruth Groff, Councilperson Bronwyn Losey, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Edward LaVigne, Supervisor ABSENT: No one absent ALSO PRESENT: Mike Moseley, Highway Superintendent, Patrick Tyrrell, Parks and Recreation Supervisor, Mary Ellen Albrecht, Bookkeeper, Guy Krogh, Town Counsel, Dennis Griffin, Jesse Young, Jack Young, John Dennis, Surenna McCloud, Mark Lesselroth, and a few other attendees. DISCUSSION OF REMOVAL/CANCELLATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING All Town Board Members, except Supervisor Ed LaVigne, agreed to change the agenda to discuss the removal/cancellation of the public hearing before opening the public hearing. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore stated: • He does not have the maps he requested o Has not seen the plat and neither has the public ▪ A plat is needed before having a public hearing ▪ A plat consists of the lot size, dimensions, which lots are being changed,etc. Mark Lesselroth, representing Lucente Homes, LLC, stated: • He asked John Zepko, Director of Planning, what was needed o John emailed him stating the Town was all set ▪ Showed Joseph Wetmore John Zepko’s email • Larry Fabroni told him the Town should have everything that is needed to move forward • No one told him a plat was needed • He will talk with John Zepko and get a plat / find out what is missing Town Board agreed to reschedule the public hearing for September 20, 2023, if the plat (or whatever is needed) is to the Town Clerk no later than September 10, 2023. PUBLIC HEARING – SUBDIVISION OF 39 VILLAGE CIRCLE (TAX MAP 39.-1-38.2) – LUCENTE HOMES, LLC PUBLIC HEARING TABLED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 20, 2023. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – GUIDELINES Available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting, or during public hearings, or when they have reserved and been granted time upon the agenda. Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer (or his or her designee) and step to the front of the room. August 16, 2023 2 Speakers must give their name and state whether they are speaking as a resident, a member of the public, or for any other person or organization. Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes, and comments unrelated to the subject matter of the public hearing are not allowed. Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. With the permission of the presiding officer a Board or committee member may interrupt a speaker for the purpose of clarification or information (and not for any other reason or to debate or disagree). Such time shall not be counted against the speaker’s 3-minute limit. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board or committee as a body and not to any member thereof, nor to any member of the public whether present at such public hearing or not. Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communications. Written documents and evidence may be submitted as part of the record of the public hearing. Persons who exceed 3 minutes, violate rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity or good taste, or deliberately or by their behavior interfere with other person’s right to comment or participate in the public hearing, or who deliberately or by their behavior interfere with governmental administration will be cut off, removed, or have non-recognized comments removed from the record, or any combination of the above. Before a comments or statements will be excised from the record, the speaker will be verbally warned that they are in violation of the rules for this public hearing. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – COMMENTS Two members of Cayuga Lake Environmental Action Now (CLEAN) stated the following: • Cargill possibly selling the salt mine • Posters/maps were presented • Bad things can happen when a salt mine collapses • Town should be aware of the transaction - environmental bond • Cargill will get their bond back The following handout was given to the Town Board. August 16, 2023 3 LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY REPORT – CHRISTINE EISENHUT Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN BOARD UPDATES FROM THE LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY August 2023 1. The library wishes to express its gratitude and best wishes to Michelle Calupca as she begins a new chapter as a librarian at the Manlius Library. She will be greatly missed. 2. The Summer Reading program celebrated the final event of the season on August 10th. All activities have been very well attended. 3. The Friends of the Library are hosting a Cookie Contest Fundraiser on Sunday, August 20th from 2-4pm at Myers Park. All ages and baking levels are welcome. See the library’s website for more information. 4. There will be a Book Sale from September 2-16 during open hours of the library. August 16, 2023 4 5. The library is participating in the Target Circle Program. Shoppers can vote for the LCL and help direct Target’s giving program to benefit our library by visiting target.com/circle. Please vote by September 30th. 6. The library collected a generous number of supplies and monetary donations to help support the Lansing PTSO Pack-a-Backpack program. 7. On display during the month of August will be the Sculpture, Painting and Poetry of Shawn Hull. 8. The library has a mobile wireless hotspot available for check out. Also, the Wi- Fi is not password protected. The community is welcome to park in the lot to access the Internet. 9. Instructor John Burger hosts T’ai Chi classes at the Community Center on Fridays from 10:30-11:30am. 10. Learn to play American Mah Jongg every Tuesday at 10:15am and play American Mah Jongg every Wednesday from 1:00-3:00pm. 11. The library continues to provide free delivery to Woodsedge. 12. The library has an Empire Pass and passes to the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center available for check out. Board games, puzzles, story time kits, and STEAM kits are also available. 13. The library continues to distribute free self-test COVID-19 kits, antibacterial wipes and N95 masks to Lansing households. LANSING YOUTH SERVICES REPORT – RICK ALVORD No report. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEGISLATOR REPORT – MIKE SIGLER No report. HIGHWAY REPORT – MICHAEL MOSELEY No written report. Mike reported the following: • Working on routine maintenance and improvements • Water repairs done on East Shore Drive near the rink • Ross Road stone and oil • Helped NYS DOT with drainage by the Central Fire Station • 2 Auburn Road – will e-mail information to the Town Board PARKS AND RECREATION REPORT – PATRICK TYRRELL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Parks & Recreation August 2023 Town Board Meeting RECREATION: ▪ We hosted our annual Adam Heck soccer camp last week with over 300 kids participating. Unfortunately, it rained almost every day so now we have extensive repairs to do on the field to get them ready for fall soccer. ▪ Our current programs are art, Hogwarts, horseback riding, and football. ▪ Several lacrosse teams are renting field space from us at the Town Barn field. August 16, 2023 5 ▪ Our trails group has been meeting regularly and I think we are making good progress. ▪ We are again this Fall hosting Modified soccer games to help Lansing Schools. ▪ The Town Hall will be hosting a Red Cross Blood drive this Friday 8/18 from 1pm-6pm. PARKS: ▪ August 3rd, we hosted Destination in the park, we estimate about 4000 people were in attendance. ▪ All the playground repairs have been made and the new mulch has been put in place. There is still a pile at Myers Park that needs to be distributed to other playgrounds, we hope to have that cleaned up this week. ▪ Saturday August 12th in Pavilion F we celebrated WWII vet George “Gus” Isaac’s 100th birthday. It was an amazing tribute with many in attendance. ▪ The marina has an abundant amount of seaweed and lily pads, we’ll be working this week to rake out what we can. ▪ We have received donated logs from Cascadilla Tree service to replace the concrete barriers at Salt Point and make it look more natural. This project will be put on the schedule. ▪ Lansing Lighthouse 5k will be held August 26th. ▪ Myers Park guarded swimming is closed. Our lifeguards have headed back to college. We will still monitor our beachfront for algae blooms daily. Supervisor Ed LaVigne reminded the Town Board that e-mails need to be responded to timely. Pat previously asked for guidance on the following items and after discussions decisions were made. 1. Myers Park Grant – Town Board agreed not to accept the grant. 2. Salt Point Cooperation Agreement with DEC or a possible purchase – Town Board agreed to have Town Counsel Guy Krogh contact DEC. 3. Jonas Falls easement / license – Town Counsel Guy Krogh stated: • Survey is not completed yet • No original easement (it was a license) • Easements have impacts on titles • Need to see on a map what the Town wants • Need the report done by the interns Town Board agreed the following people will be a new trail subcommittee: John and Jesse Young, Property Owners Randy Marcus, Attorney Guy Krogh, Town Counsel Ruth Groff, Town Board Member Pat Tyrrell, Parks and Recreation Supervisor DIRECTOR OF PLANNING REPORT – JOHN ZEPKO Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Planning & Code Enforcement John Zepko, Director, CPESC, CFM Reporting Period July 2023 CORE PLANNING FUNCTIONS • General Admin o The Department continues to seek applicants for the position of Planner. To date zero applications have been received. August 16, 2023 6 o 7/06 - Met w/ project team for Yellow Barn Solar regarding ORES application o 7/12 - Conducted site visit of Benson Farm Conservation Easement with TC Planning o 7/13 - Met w/ owners of Cayuga Operating facility regarding regulations for battery energy storage o 7/21 Met w/ representative of Bear Peak Energy Storage • Planner conducting classification and review of development applications • Planning Board staff support • Zoning Board of Appeals staff support • Hazard Mitigation Planning • Floodplain Management o The Department of Planning & Code Enforcement continues to work to resolve the official findings from the 31 May 2023 Community Assistance Visit (CAV) conducted by NY DEC. 11 properties required some follow up action or documentation. Of these 11, two (2) have been resolved. We remain in contact with the DEC and are providing a work plan to ensure continual progress. • Stormwater Management LAND USE WORK PROGRAM • Code Revision Committee o no July meeting COMMITTEE MANAGEMENT • Agricultural and Farmland Protection Committee staff support • Conservation Advisory Committee Council o 6/29 – met w/ Chair of CAC to discuss CAC work plan, process for monthly update, liaison roles, etc PLANNING BOARD • 26 June meeting – the Planning Board heard the following: o 825 Lansingville Road – approval of minor subdivision o Lansing Community Solar – Lansingville Rd – conditional approval granted ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS • No July meeting CODE ENFORCEMENT ▪ July 2023 Permit Information JULY 2023 Fees Collected $3,773.40 Estimated Project Cost $810,120.00 Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance 17 Building Permits 17 One & Two Family Residences 0 New Mobile Homes 0 New Businesses 0 Multi-Family Residences (3 or more units) 0 August 16, 2023 7 TOTAL 2023 Misc. Fee Collected to date $16,260.00 Jan 1, 2023 to July 31, 2023 Fees Collected $69,010.45 Estimated Project Cost $14,181,255.00 Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance 113 Building Permits 138 One & Two Family Residences 6 New Mobile Homes 0 New Businesses 0 Multi-Family Residences (3 or more units) 1 ENGINEER’S REPORT – DAVE HERRICK No report. TOWN CLERK REPORT – DEBBIE MUNSON Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN CLERK AUGUST 2023 Water and Sewer Payments August is very busy collecting water and sewer payments. Total bills: 1836 of which 359 were emailed. Payments are due by August 25th. Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) NYS LIHWAP will no longer accept applications after August 31, 2023. Applications submitted or postmarked through August 31, 2023 will be accepted and processed consistent with program rules. Notary Public Ashley Workman passed her Notary Public test. We are waiting on New York State to issue her number, so we can order her stamp. Sharpsteen Road Speed limit reduction was requested and submitted to New York State in August 2022. I just received notification from New York State that the request to lower the speed limit was denied. Professional Currency Counter We just received a new currency counter which counts currency and detects counterfeits. We purchased this with the plan of sharing it with other departments, so please let us know if you would like to borrow it. CONSENT AGENDA a. MOTION THAT THE BOND RESOLUTION FOR CWDX5, BE CONFIRMED, THAT THE CDWX5 PROJECT IS DECLARED COMPLETED August 16, 2023 8 M23-22 MOTION THAT THE BOND RESOLUTION FOR CWDX5, BE CONFIRMED, THAT THE CWDX5 PROJECT IS DECLARED COMPLETED Motion that the Bond Resolution for CWDX5, which empowered the Town Supervisor, consistent with and under the Local Finance Law, as the chief executive and fiscal officer of the Town of Lansing, to manage, pay, reinvest, and close the bond funds and bond accounts (see Resolution No. 19-154, Sections 7 through 10), be confirmed, that the CWDX5 project is declared completed, and that any remaining funds from the referenced bond be authorized to be used for the project though re-payment of bond principal and interest, and the bond fund account, upon reaching zero, be closed. b. RESOLUTION TO RELEVY YEARLY WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON THE 2024 TOWN AND COUNTY TAX BILLS RESOLUTION 23-107 RESOLUTION TO RELEVY YEARLY WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON THE 2024 TOWN AND COUNTY TAX BILLS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing Town Board hereby authorizes the Receiver of Water and Sewer Rents to relevy water and sewer accounts each year on the Town and County Tax Bills; and WHEREAS, to assure proper notification to all account holders, the Lansing Town Board hereby directs SCLIWC (Bolton Point) once a year to place a timely reminder notice on the August water bills, or the Receiver of Water and Sewer Rents will send the courtesy reminder letter generated by Williamson Law Book, to all owners and tenants who have a balance of $1.00 or more for the water and sewer charges on their account; and WHEREAS, the last day for payment will be the second Tuesday of October; and WHEREAS, after the collection date the Receiver will notify SCLIWC to remove said amounts from accounts to be relevied on the Town and County Tax Bills; and WHEREAS, by no later than the second Tuesday of November the Receiver will send the amounts to be relevied on the Town and County Tax Bill to the Tompkins County Assessment Department; and WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Receiver will relevy the unpaid water and sewer account charges plus a 10% fee on all accounts with a balance of $10.00 or more to the Town and County Tax Bills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all unpaid water and sewer account charges under $10.00 will be adjusted. c. RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING BID DOCUMENTS FOR TOWN HALL, COMMUNITY BUILDING AND HIGHWAY BUILDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES RESOLUTION 23-108 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING BID DOCUMENTS FOR TOWN HALL, COMMUNITY BUILDING AND HIGHWAY BUILDING CUSTODIAL SERVICES August 16, 2023 9 The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, in 2018 and 2019 and in 2021 - 2023 the Town had publicly bid custodial services, and upon an examination of the value and costs thereof the Town desires to continue to contract for such services in 2024 - 2026 and must therefore again competitively bid such prevailing wage contract for custodial services pursuant to the NYS General Municipal Law § 103 and NYS Labor Law Articles 8 and 9, including as set forth in and required by the Town’s Procurement Policy; and WHEREAS, detailed bid documents and specifications have been developed, including a contract to be executed by the selected bidder(s), and the Town Board has fully reviewed the same; and WHEREAS, this is a Type II Action under SEQRA, such that no environmental review is necessary or required, and accordingly, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED and DETERMINED as follows: 1. The bid documents be and hereby are approved, and the Town Clerk is directed to advertise the bids and to send bid documents to any person requesting the same. 2. The form of the bid documents and the contract to award to the successful bidder be and hereby is approved, and the Town Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to execute each of the same by, for, on behalf of, and in the name of the Town of Lansing upon approval of the final form of such documents and the contract by Town Counsel. CONSENT AGENDA MOTIONS M23-22 AND RESOLUTIONS 23-107 – 23-108 RESOLUTION 23-109 WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Motion M23-22 and Resolutions 23-107 – 23-108, are hereby approved as presented and amended, and The question of the adoption of such proposed Consent Agenda Motion and Resolutions were duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Motion and Resolutions were approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 16, 2023. RESOLUTION URGING GOVERNOR HOCHUL TO VETO PENDING LEGISLATION (S3505B AND A4282B) THAT WOULD IMPACT THE TIMING OF LOCAL ELECTIONS RESOLUTION 23-110 RESOLUTION URGING GOVERNOR HOCHUL TO VETO PENDING LEGISLATION (S3505B AND A4282B) THAT WOULD IMPACT THE TIMING OF LOCAL ELECTIONS WHEREAS, towns, counties, and cities in Upstate New York have long held local elections for legislative and administrative offices in odd-numbered years under the dictates of New York State law; and WHEREAS, holding these town and county elections in odd-numbered years has benefited local elected officials, candidates for local office, and the constituents they August 16, 2023 10 serve, as they provide the opportunity for local candidates to convey their message to the voters in an election environment uncluttered by the more prominent, better-funded messaging from candidates for state or federal office; and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature in June 2023 adopted Senate Bill S3505B and Assembly Bill A4282B, bills that would transition local elections for most town and county legislative and administrative offices to even-numbered years, beginning in 2025; and WHEREAS, this adopted legislation will soon be presented to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, for her signature or veto; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2023, the Tompkins County Legislature adopted by Resolution Number 2023-147, a Resolution that urged Governor Hochul to veto this pending legislation; and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing agrees with the rationale of the Tompkins County Legislature, as provided in its Resolution, that rationale being that to move local elections to even-numbered years would increase the workload of local boards of elections in even- numbered years; and require significantly larger paper ballots in even numbered years, a requirement that could impede the ability of voting machines to process said ballots, overwhelm the duties of poll workers, and slow the voting process at polling locations; and WHEREAS, most importantly, as the Tompkins County Legislature stated, “These bills could significantly obscure the campaigns of candidates for local county and town offices, whose issues and positions would be eclipsed by higher-profile state and federal races”; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Lansing opposes the enactment of S3505B and A4282B and urges Governor Hochul to veto these bills; and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Governor Kathy Hochul, New York State Senators Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Lea Webb, New York State Assembly members Carl Heastie and Anna Kelles, the New York State Association of Counties, and the New York State Association of Towns. The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 16, 2023. A SHORT BREAK WAS TAKEN AT 7:34 PM RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORTS RESOLUTION 23-111 RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORTS The Supervisor submitted his monthly report for the months of June and July 2023, to all Board Members and to the Town Clerk. The Supervisor’s Reports were reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore and Councilperson Ruth Groff. The bills were reviewed August 16, 2023 11 by Councilperson Ruth Groff and Councilperson Joseph Wetmore. The Supervisor’s Reports be approved as submitted and the Bookkeeper is hereby authorized to pay the following bills and to make the following budget modifications. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT # 008 DATED 08/16/2023 AUDITED VOUCHER #’s 711 – 885 PREPAY VOUCHER #’s 711 – 718 AUDITED T & A VOUCHER #’s 46 – 53 PREPAY T & A VOUCHER #’s 46 – 48 FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND (A&B) $ 202,606.87 HIGHWAY FUND (DA&DB) $ 92,349.66 ARPA (HF) $ 1,200.00 DRAINAGE DISTRICTS (SDD1-) $ 1,069.52 LANSING LIGHTING (SL1, 2 &3) $ 1,480.15 WARREN SEWER DISTRICT (SS1) $ 19,814.51 LANSING WATER DISTRICTS (SW) $ 311,192.74 TRUST & AGENCY (TA) $ 72,651.84 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AUGUST 16, 2023 MEETING GENERAL FUND A August 16, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A5010.120 A7110.130 From Hwy Secretary to Parks/Hwy Labor $ 42.16 Correction A599 A7110.400 From Fund Balance to Parks Contractual $18,376.00 Emergency Repairs to Park Playground per M23-18 A2003 A7310.100 From Youth Rec Fees (Revenue) to Youth Personal Svcs $13,218.72 Revenue overage to expenditure A599 A1440.403 From Fund Balance to Engineering-Transportation $ 3,500.00 Addtl needed GENERAL FUND B August 16, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT B599 B3620.400 From Fund Balance to Safety Inspector Contractual $ 1,000.00 Addtl needed B599 B8020.401 From Fund Balance to Planning Board Engineer $ 1,000.00 August 16, 2023 12 Addtl needed B688 B8020.433 From Parks Grant to Conservation Advisory Council $11,586.25 Park Foundation Grant Funds for Open Index GENERAL FUND DB August 16, 2023 DB599 DB5112.400 From Fund Balance to Road Improvements $40,000.00 To be reimbursed by POP/CHIPS Verbal approval @ 7/19 meeting ARPA HF August 16, 2023 HF599 DB5110.200 From Fund Balance to Street Maintenance Equipment $32,629.46 Correction (Paid from DB, s/b ARPA, Res 23-62) SEWER FUND SS1 August 16, 2023 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT SS1-599 SS1- 8120.402 From Fund Balance to Sewer Legal $ 2,500.00 Addtl needed The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Andra Benson, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 16, 2023. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Andra Benson – reported the following: Lansing Library – written report above Ruth Groff – reported the following: Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) – did not attend the meeting, but handed the meeting minutes to Town Board Members Parks, Recreation and Trails Committee Documents previously given to Town Board Members • Master Plan – mentions Jonas Falls on page 73 • Design Connect Report – final report is completed Jonas Falls – preliminary document will be given to Town Board Members Joseph Wetmore Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Joseph Wetmore Town Board Member Report August 2023 August 16, 2023 13 Planning Board Monday, July 24⋅6:30 – 8:30pm 825 Lansingville Rd, applicant proposes to subdivide a ~4-acre flag lot from the ~66.2 acre parent lot. The property is in the AG Zone. Genie Solar Energy, Lansingville Road, Tax Parcel Number 16.-1-19.2, applicant proposes to construct a 5 MW ground-mounted solar, approximately 18 acres in size, on a 107.2-acre parcel in the RA zone Code Amendments Ch. 7, Committees TCCOG Meeting Thursday, July 27⋅3:00 – 5:00pm 1. Report from County Administration a. Draft shared services plan b. Strategic operation Plan Survey There is a scam saying that the County will pay $300 to participate. 2. County Food System Plan 3. 10 Year Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP) Draft This Plan will: a. Serve as a countywide framework for the coordination of solid waste management; b. Establish countywide materials diversion goals and objectives as well as a plan to monitor progress toward the goals; c. Satisfy NYSDEC requirements for solid waste planning and comprehensive recycling analyses Program Strategy #1 – Promote Waste Reduction Programs Goal: Establish robust waste reduction programming to increase waste reduction through modifications in behavior, as well as purchasing, while supporting a sharing economy. Program Strategy #2 – Promote Reuse Programs Goal: Expand reuse activity and infrastructure in Tompkins County, supporting material exchange, repair, creative reuse for residential, commercial, and August 16, 2023 14 institutional generators, and focusing on materials such as packaging and dishware, building materials, paint and hazardous waste, electronics, and textiles. Program Strategy #3 – Expand Recyclables Recovery Goal: Increase the participation in recycling programs and types of materials accepted for recycling at the County’s Recycling and Solid Waste Center (RSWC), while reaching residents, institutional, and commercial generators, as well as public spaces and events. Program Strategy #4 – Organic Recovery Programs Goal: Promote wasted food prevention, donation of surplus edible food, and organics recycling opportunities for all community members, including residents, businesses, and institutions. Program Strategy #5 – Rethink Goal: Engage the community in rethinking waste, encompassing strategies for product stewardship, as well as green purchasing for residents, municipalities, businesses, and institutions. Program Strategy #6 – Managing Residue Goal: Continue the successful PAYT program, household hazardous waste collection, environmental management of closed landfills, and preparedness for management of disaster debris. Program Strategy #7 – Local Laws and Enforcement Programs Goal: Research and update local laws; provide public education and enforcement of the revised laws, rules, and regulations. Program Strategy #8 – Communications Goal: Educate the community to address operational needs, including promotion of the 4Rs to promote sustainable materials management. Program Strategy #9 – Data Collection and Evaluation Efforts Goal: Continually improve data collection and reporting to monitor and assist with the implementation of the program strategies. Program Strategy #10 – Review Available Technologies Goal: Evaluate alternative waste disposal technologies that are available to the County. 4. Subcommittee, Liaison, and Other Reports a. Broadband –Developing RFP for developers to run broadband to properties that don’t have it available in the county. b. Transportation -- Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) to recover from both the pandemic and the driver and equipment shortages that have limited its service since early-2000. In summary, it’s best stated that the agency is improving, but that it has a long ways to go to match its 2019 service levels. May 2023 ridership totaled just fewer than 176,000 patrons, down more than 51,000, or 22.6 per cent from 2022. It’s a year-to-year drop-off that’s been evidenced since February. (By comparison, May ridership was about 350,000 in 2019, pre- pandemic.) The rural component of those declines in May (-21.7%) mirrored the system-wide average drop-off. Non-campus urban ridership dropped by not as much; -13.8%, May ’22 to ’23. Yellow Barn Solar HCA Discussion Monday, August 7⋅3:00 – 4:00pm We discussed the proposed host community agreement with Groton and our consultants. Joe also reported: Cargill • Is for sale o New owner could affect the community Ed Lavigne stated the following regarding Cargill: • What influence does the Town have • Need facts • Still a rumor August 16, 2023 15 Bronwyn Losey – reported the following: Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) – meeting cancelled Broadband Committee – met with lawyer regarding Spectrum/Charter contract Edward LaVigne Sewer District #1 (Youngs) • Go back to original agreement o No need to go to Water and Sewer Advisory Board (WSAB) or Town Board o Guy reviewed updated easements – they look fine WORK SESSION MEETING Formation of Drainage District # 11 (East Shore Circle Subdivision) • Youngs agree with Engineer’s Report (MPR) by T.G. Miller, P.C., dated August 7, 2023 • Planning Board listed drainage district as a condition for subdivision • September – public interest order setting a public hearing for October • October – public hearing • November – probably form district MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:09 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor - 5 Opposed - 0 Minutes taken and executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk