HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 AUD •
• •All Numbers in This Report
'Have Been Rounded To •
The Nearest Dollar
For The
TOWN of Lansing
County of Tompkins
For the Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2013 •
1. **"Every Municipal Corporation***shall annually make a report of its •
financial condition to the Comptroller. Such.report shall be made by the
Chief Fiscal Officer of such-Municipal Corporation***
5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall
be filed with the Comptroller*` It shall be the duty of the incumbent
officer at the time such reports are required to be filed with the
Comptroller to file such-report***
State of NEW YORK
Office of The State Comptroller
Division of Local Government and School Accountability .
Albany, New York 12236
• Page 1
TOWN OF Lansing
Financial Information for the following funds and account groups are included in the Annual Financial Report filed by
your government for the fiscal year ended 2012 and has been used by the OSC as the basis for preparing this
update document for the fiscal year ended 2013:
All amounts included in this update document for 2012 represent data filed by your government with
OSC as reviewed and adjusted where necessary.
he Supplemental Section includes the following sections:
1)Statement of Indebtedness_
2)Schedule of Time Deposits and Investments
3) Bank Reconciliation
4)Local Government Questionnaire 0
5)Schedule of Employee and Retiree Benefits
6)Schedule of Energy Costs and Consumption
• 7)Schedule of Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB)
All numbers in this report will be rounded to the nearest dollar.
c •
Page 2
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the.Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
OOttifit),41#110.airieZigeMfgatiiia.4051.,11.0g.ffigiliMEMMORINglitRAIRIA IVkL21,40.14RIEil rgtgegg.07fggi.ggeil
Cash . 2,104,434 A200 . 1,948,070
Cash In Time Depcisits • ' 9 A201 • 9
Petty Cash 525 A210 • • 525
TOTAL Cash 2,104,968 948804,,
Accounts Receivable 11,222 A380 9,000
TOTAL Other Receivables(net) 11,222 9,000
Due From Other Funds • A391
Cash Special Reserves 157,898 A230 145,138 •
TarAwReatiletedAssets.A2;,.: •;1,-•••;••„.,•••.
157,898 145,138
TOTAL Assets andDeferred Outflows
• . •
14,•V ,•
• ..
. .
• •
Page-3 OSC Municipality Code 500'344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
fF'rS s^.:i
Balance Sheet
.,,.. '''r.,.. _itI r J{; : ..• :F 1. X 1 » ..n ry f,o t�,�� . ry.r;.. 5(i^. F J��!f l iu�.l f 1 �.. .• n
ra'0,u:ro',101N4?10(I;Lt..i4.,iikWi.atrsg,t�,In�,IJn'r,rr 71..'. �'.ti1i.A ,;abet. rt;Ag ''Y{z�rJ f��3rf'Ys,�..r;i6';',hr�,..11 :y f.�i};t..icr.. �.!'! �.?..t.NS_i r,t.lg4p0I14/',.r:
Accounts Payable • 69,395 A600 114,932
`f(TAL/socoi nts.Payable 7 ,,....,r...
Overpayments &Clearing Account
A690 6,182
tO`>`AL.Ot�tyl t.iabl)Ittes b ,102
TOT..,, LIabilitie$ t j 69395•. .' 20,11.:.
1 3.
Fund Balance
Reserve For Excess Dog Control Revenues 13,671 A872 15,631
Reserve For Repairs 157,898 A882 - 145,138
tl bh es ricteds and Balm' ce t.r._.r, �:: r•., .. 71,5 g°.{ , f:^;. ;,,.,',;; 60,763
Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 267,700 A914 287,39
,T�T�Unassigned Fund Balance 167
��si8[►ed:Fu�t�s��,an4.,9.,. ... , ;: . ,.. ,::,.) ..� . ;_. ..., .. �..',�. v.:., ._ ,w•.:, .!. . ...�.. 765 42 ,�;� , .•..f. . . , ..;. +4
3 A917 534,
TOTAL,Unassigne Fund Balance, 1,765,423 ,; 1,534,467
TOTAL Fund Balance h , 2,204,692 1,b82,628;
",'•r 2,274,08
T01`AL.Liabliltles,.Deferred igflows And Fund Balances . -.,., r „-, ,,,,,,,..°• ,....: .. . , -. . _._,.r .r... . .._:....
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Page 4 .OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 .
• A n nTuOaWl UNpdOaFteLDaoncsui limg e n t
'For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
WrialiN0OUPWRIggiNgigfagigriNninfe,0•?;fign.fffeeffi,iglAWERGEOMIA EMN241-2i,NOMIX00tieR itif4nr---- 1,017W-7„q
Revenues • . .
Real Property Taxes 885,793 A1001 • 778,076
t,offi(Liiiif iiii0itiikiiiiii-WWWit'A.&::,i',';i.,0:'-enilN .-- ,w:.,;.',,,i ...,,,m,:.?:,-,,,,c,..,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,4,-...,,a,:,,,,,,:i4,8851,9a.,i4s:7 .:,-71„-7,,-,7:,: -.:4:.N,-;- ,;.478 7
Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes 106,399 A1081 69,835
Interest&Penalties On Real Prop Taxes 6,585 A1090 •7,788
frOYA,,,........„-,. ,,. , .„.. ,4m„,.,",,„,:.....,7:,,,,,!,. ,,.mq....; „,,:•\/,, ,,,-nm:y.::•.!;,-.., s,:0,..c....0 .,..,,,..;,..,..:,,,,-;,,,.-,,,,,....,,,,..,,,..,...,,,,,„..,......•,-..,. 7.7,..... i•-•,‘,..,,..f:44: 7.-. ,5, ; ..-..a.,..:
LTealtPropertraexilleme .:•, '',I''''';','.'-'':"‘ ''',''''N.,'''''.!''',"•,:,';'-''2;v:'i!.,,tt'i',.Tw. P.:.:;.:,;',!,Yi.:-.',.Yt,. ,0,....!.eJ:t:.',. .,11..,,i-.112984.-.3:'A,..,•-.F, -,.„-.:,,A..,7;;;-,,IV. ::,':p .,W.77i623t-
Franchises , 37,367 A1170 36,771
. .
Wh, z.,....i,z.,,,,,,•,,,, . ,..,,,,•FF-g*-.. ',-,'- :. )7, .:-:-.:qii-7:i... ;:c..::vf,ii-,,Tiqc!.r:.,,.@-....;i,...., },r.,1,•.,,Twi'e,.;,..•pf•,,,...;-..?...,..;. ,,,,;,...1•,,„.., ,„.i,,..i,„...„ ..i.w:t.,.,,,,.•;,,,z, -.2,,..:,y,..:, ,..:,...,i0,; .,yz.,,Aiii,,,-
payiNtsdiptoperbiTmotemon.,:;,•!1:,•.,ip..w;:v,-.!,:•;27.,,5,,.:-,F..,J..r....,!,-,.,,,,,I!dq.mm‘;-;..-i-i',6.go... .,f,.`o•',.:.';:::.,,,q.i.-•:..%A'..1.,4•;,Jv,‘!...•.----];,.:i... 1'•.!•YA•57e7y...... ..,:-.,',•,,,,,-A--,4,,..4,:.,:,,,,,,,,...:.:..',..•....',:,-,,I....-.1,,,, -..•,i-,,,
Clerk Fees 1,602 A1255 1,611
Public Pound Charges,Dog Control Fees 475 A1550 750
Park And Recreational Charges 299,729 A2001 298,429 •
Other Horne&Community Services Income . 122,684 A2189 • 3,339
TOTALTOTA DepIiental. comew , 4' 2....-449'01 , ,n.,:• 20`t 41 1
General Services,Inter Government • , 7,842 A2210 2,597
Youth Recreation Services,Other Govts • •'• 9,822 A2350 9,822
ititALAg6iW4MiiiiiiilOWiWigg4;k;:;A'T!..-::.3.4.:,:si.ik,::,,:•,%..,;g,471,.,EF:,;:.f.,1,-,W;I',..',;,:$,1-?,,K5rii4..,',7,:,71,'i;'-;15"i'§'AL--Z,',.'1;7'':-J""-' ,.'','1','',';'74fietil '•' s.,::::.':-.0;...4.3',4:,',.*,•:fi!,i' ,.;,?,11.P..?g,..:',' 42-.446'.4..
, , - , . t,,..e,,,,,,
interest And Earnings 5,340 A2401 3,987
Rental,Other(specify) . '
- 14,367 A2440 14,123
• -
Commissions - ' 2,102 A2450 2,354
4,..,,,,,iit,ktv,ie.r.,,.. .,vv4,....,.-1-w.,1,0, ,j'.7.,1-.,--Ivii..,„,,Ro .m.,:..,5,;?.,.....5;-:::Ny.:gy.5,4-7,...y,-,rwi,:;'.7,:.7i: x.,'::?,.?;':!.!..i:,[::,.-, ', -.1'.,7 ,,. ::::•;. , .....:..,..,:,,, ,,,.. , .,..A,a5., :),.f.. iiiii.L.:;445
l,VATfig1ii!r91:PIAYneY''''‘'n1-F1713°P.0:klY:•;'''',',.*,V.;1 P'V,..v,..',.i.*.'z;f,'-'.'q,,i•::',...'..:' ,4i.i.c..;:.7-.1-i , , 2181 0,,,,,,,..,,A.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.„..v,:...,,,,.„.,,,,,,„„v,..,,,. i
Games,of Chance 10 A2530 10
Bingo Licenses 818 A2540 • 473
Dog Licenses . .
21,575 A2544 . 21,710
Licenses,Other 650 A2545 650
,.....- Tc,;,.,•....,":4z:rY.No.,-":•:::.-?..,--•:,.•-•-1,1 .-r,.:.iriff -r.,::-.:1;.:i..?:R.3..,..'-r,s;:',4-3.:...,-.•:%-,,,;:qi'Aq. ...,.-!...,g:,,-,-,...w.,,,,.;4:•.,„71:-.....t.;;;,-,:.....„,....nr„;,,, ,,...„3-,,•• ;.„..,,n,..T.,, ,,,,,,,v,..:.......,..,...,„,,..v,I.,., co:kc,...:.2,- ,.. ..i.., :.31, 75,-.,
.407.41•,:kttpet)00-..maip4ekrft.- .4..1.,:,,..no4 ., 74• . •?.;•?:.g,-..,. ,, ,„ :.: ..,...,...,•••, ,.:1•T. ..........,..,..: .i,...423.058 .,..,..,;:,....-9,-4.v.r.•.,•,•4.,-.. ,., 22843..
Fines And Forfeited Ball 57,921 A2610 67,497
Fines&Pen-Dog Cases 2,820 A2611 2,000
IOTALMiiSfAniffarfelturriel ,r'"34''''',"'','"Y-'''''''''''''',,?'''''''''''''''' ''.''''''''.'''' - '•' .. '," r.,v"%.' v60741f..Y,‘,%I.,-.T.,J.:,..•=1.y. „ , ,,, 69497.i.,...„,.. •, . ...,- , .4..:.. .,,y,.. ..m:: ,v, ...:,.,..,,,,,.2:. .,.g•,. .:.....,,Iz:,..?,..,..;,-7.,..:.,..;. .i.J.:i.'6..,Y.,, ,.A.,.........,•:„..,,,...1.,....i.:..K,...,›.-.. ,•-•:. .,5'c,.,4'1.4,-;!:.•,.,„::!;.:•..,.;-.,.,:::....,...,1.,„......,,!....
Sales,Other ' 1,079 A2655 33,137
insurance Recoveries .
6,642 A2680
1.97r„:.„,,,..,„...,,..,•,„„„,.,,,,,....„...,,•,o,l.„,:,:q..pi,,., .,,.,;:,,.--........;.,;l:,:...il,:i.!c•.7,,g,?.y:;.:,s.,...;..,..,!„-, s„, ;;i..;,,. ..iq,.;,.,,, :'i. .;.;: ,.. -,..!7- ..I.., ::,,t,.:F.,•,,,.....:,:,.,-.,, :i.,„..,F.,.!.,;::;.1 .,.....•,,. .,..,,,,....;.. ;.,Y.,.e.... ',,:•:,.i.--;.•.',..,...:.-.•'.•,!s.„,...i;a-,.,•;i';i'y,.'
.41001P.:91;F:X..9...PfiftYAnclj9001Pfir.P.PtrFrvFp1::r49pm-vv:',mx..jiyz. ,,,,,.,,,,,,-., :, .:,..2,..„ ....„.,•:.,..:.... 111fe.0, ;-,.i.-m4ig,:.i „,.:.k,;:-...,.-,,,,.:•... ..r,,,:,•!!„.e.o.,,..e,.4,,-
Refunds of Prior Year's Expenditures 11,038 A2701 26827 •
Gifts And Donations . 5,608 A2705 5,832
Grants From Local Governments 6,227 A2706 . 3,356
Unclassified(specify) 28,570 A2770 6,064
774:PW,C090110nebui;146a16utcleA ,ri.:5•,?.•,-..,..•. , ,.1,--..'---.:-.;•••, :c. ..w..,.,,czi,:., -,:z...,.0N:.i....,-„,,,T„.....,:..,. .,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,-!.•,,..,•::!.•.i:,,,-, 81343,; -...,..,....-.:. •-•-.. .,:..--•.,,,......,:',:v rV.,;-..',,I`!..1...4-42.Q7
St Aid,Revenue Sharing • • 27,085 A3001 27,085
St Aid,Mortgage Tax . 335,981 A3005 240,473
St Aid,Youth Programs . 888 A3820 888
1:91.......„,,,,,,,.. ,, .„„:„,. .,....!„„.„ :„,:,.....;,..,1)„„.i. ., ,...e..i,i;, :.•.,,,,,,,zisi:,R,:?.q•:,..;..Ay5..2.•,... .,,2z.;;;;.57,.f..,:k,,-; 4..r4:,...i',;„.Y,,..4T.7.v.i.-A,:4'adi6,..`bii.!.-. :',W-,',vu,-i..?.'.2;,N.:.,k•'- ,:,!:-'- iiii-.46-:.
....ikV§ta10Ag' ,A9cq'!5;.Y-:61. .v.;.: ::,,..$,A;:• 4,;.,., t=AI:s.:;,, ,- '...i} ,51zAwm,- -'!.-•.:.;:... n-.. . ,I !,.,..,yk,,,,,,,,,..04,•,..,:iq ,..,,r.,*,eAv.,-. r-- i,..,,,,,
44:- .. - .?.- f. -N]iii,v;. : ,?:rt...;:.-',,:TI_,-;::,.7,; :,.::,.2:,;4.•%',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,; ,; :-•, ,:xa.,-,,'...;;,,,,n-c;,-;...-: -,,,,i,.,...,, ,,, ,,,..,-.0,,,,,,,,„k,4,,,,,,,g.u. ,,...,,, ,g. .--,;,,..i,
..,,,..„.TOTAL r<!iiigiriutig;:h„.;4;., ,i2 i-,;.•-,.....,L:..,. .,:,,F..., -;;;.,11;;T.i . .. -g:.q,z•::.4::A,'„,,,:. - - ' ,..,:.:•- .\,.::,-,,,..,.:;:. . Aill,.!9;74 ''',.•f;.n'2?::., . . itippoeti.p.4
interfund Transfers 25,000 A5031
. .
f.OtAtc,feiiiiibfe,fiiniiiiW:',Ur:,f- i'..: 4tZ,-:,:r,,A:•,,':;,,,:r.,,5:,,.-,:\.4',-.,,',.-!,-,.( ,,,s,.,,,..,,,,,,,..=:::,,,,;-,..,.,,t.,:,,,,.;,.,:,;,.,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,..f,,,,,,,,.;,,,; eootj,,:,t, ;y;::,,,,,,..:;;,. ,::,=,.,,,,...,:.„„,.r.„,,,,„.„,,:„,,.,-,;..,,,„,,,,„,.1,.cv,
titiTALiottide)sburcde.,;,n,,, ,,,,, ,,, ,,c,,:,:,::1,,,, ,,,i,i, ,.i.,, , ...,,,•,:- .,,,. ,-,... ,: ,-.-- 5:,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,;1•-;.,,,,,,:,f2s000;.,.,1,,::,,,,,i•-Alr.:F:,..,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,:-5.,,,--. -:,,,:..c-,:::,,,, ,•
TOTAL•-,-..---,-,,,,,,,,7-•.,--.-.,•,•i,,.::..,v...,F,v,T..1:.',..,:. , : ,; ;--, ,,21'nr,:%:T .:;',::.' ,7,55-'), :p.:,=•'Fi':::::7-0.,;',Y,7...,7$,Y:f.1.,-':'''' . ,1. :N,T••,,: L ;;;4,, ,:::',:',.,','-':',"'',''5
DetWReVent4eilAid:gtherAouf6§iSL:Tcf•m;,,,,-: :,,,,,,,,N). ..,.,.,..v,:-;:J:6,='... . ....r•;.-..1- -,....,.. .:.•. . 20319226,n;-:,....y.,.,,,,.... -••,,,,,,.......:-..k.,,.. ..,‘1 665482.
Page 5 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
. . .
. . •
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
.000030101011,01031bROOPlaggligRADAMNRHOURONIMSKT.VANE9 Tkeg1411:12302ATO, tgfethgkARMEVAASIV
Legislative Board,Pers Sery 41,088 A10101 38,964
Legislative Board,Contr Expend 6,107 A10104 1,620
Municipal Court,Pers Sery 105,118 A11101 109,681
Municipal Court,Contr Expend 12,133 A11104 12,178
Supervisor,pers Sery 112,007 A12201 - 115,322
Supervisor,equip&Cap Outlay 978 A12202
Supervisor,contr Expend 6,963 A12204 7,034
TOTAL Supervisor 119,949 122,356
Auditor,Contr Expend 6,000 A13204 3,500
TOTAL Auditor 6,000 3,500
Budget,Contr Expend 847 A13404 756
Fiscal Agents Fees,Contr Expend • 7,677 A13804 804
TOTAL Fiscal Agents Fees 7 677 804
Clerk,pers Sery 78,863 A14101 77,060
Clerk,contr Expend . 11,894 A14104 9,672 •
Law,Contr Expend 133,498 A14204 93,614
Personnel,Pers Sery 7,550 A14301 7,590
Personnel,Contr Expend 3,568 A14304 • 1,338
Engineer,Contr Expend 65,670 A14404 • 62,072
TOTAL Engineer . .
• 65,670 62072
. •.r• . 1.-•
Central Services Admin,pers Sery A16101 2,077
Central Services Admin,equlp&Cap Outlay 5,900 A16102 4,775
Central Services Admin,contr Expend • 5,548 A16104 7,681
Buildings,Pers Sery 11,845 A16201 22,652
Buildings,Contr Expend • 91,560 A16204 76,870
Central Garage,Contr Expend 1,809 A16404 2,644
." • • 1,809 '
Central Print&Mall,contr Expend 5,408 A16704 2,819
• . . . „. .
5,408 nn
Unallocated Insurance,Contr Expend • 37,094 A19104 38,632
Municipal Men Dues,Contr Expend 4,940 A19204 3,100
Pur of Land/right of Way,Contr Expehd 294,800 A19404
TOTAL Pur of Land/right of Way . . . 294,800 0
Taxes&Assess On Munlc Prop,Contr Expend A19504 909
TOTAL Taxes&Assess On Munlc Prop 0 9o'
Page 6 • OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
4011140rtietIKVS4.9tigiNYar,VAIR,VWEI:ig,O.Nagnt.fA711:VIONEARAN riot'lAgettigigm Igggo#04071lewatol$,.tno.d
Other Gen Govt Support,Contr Expend 4,212 A19894
1:t;jrglpopriOoo;q§i:it,:•op:ypA•A'q..:IJe ;::-•:.,.,;:.;: :: ,:. •; i•.:•: : ., ,.-c,•.,.q•,i..:„: ,,:•.:.,i' - .:.!),• ,'r•..,.',: - .-.:;:,,'.,.:', ';;N•'iAr!:.;:. -;:t;2:.'::;-• .•'.,-.,:',•.4'•'i'.--.;-•.•, • .,- .i.:'' ,•!:'', ...„
yotAiibiiiiiiibiiiimAiiii3§46Q;Kfi,w,,k,...,,„7?.?.. .fi : ::':',, ••:.i.:,,:g::!•:.':,-• .:,:•,;;;,:-.::::,.20-',.',.,r.-:,‘,Vg: f!"•-.,'•;i•', :.:',...fogiiiii.i.:y;.. ..,..,.iy..:viy ,;::;,,,,•:•--T:•.-•.;..-3.',::•:; -iib-iiiiiii
Police,Pers Sery 1,500 'A31201 15,889
Police,Contr Expend 11,779 A31204
. .
f01AtiYii44& ',';i4A,',544;P,•-.,VI,F :''A'' :,'.';'qk.''';..7,'. - .:f;.`..: .:!,e;bT,'' '''•-?' 1': '.fF1.2. ;'' ''' ': :?1 '::•.'..I,V'J!;',•>.,:"43Y .:,,,..TeM•ilq.i;7P ,i'?{! -::,gDM'-'''!-•:a.'':::': .• ':!ii1iPP..i
•Traffic Control,Pers Sery 37,500 A33101 38,712
Traffic Control,Contr Expen 7,648 A33104 ' 9,153
ydixiiiiiiikeamiag!IW.O.;;*::: 6 ,Mg:4$;:;:.;;,N.Q:,,:gq.;:,-3:,-,::::::iaMr:6:-.,7•.•';'..g:,:•.Fi1.q.,W: 'ZMik'fiii•,-.VgA:-:g4,0)f..F..ifi,',Nq'gi,,'4frital•
Control of Animals,Contr Expend • . •- 21,565 A35104 ' • 22,500
f6tALOiiii.:Oii,4iiiiiiii.iiiVWNWN6Ri'KUg .g):M.f.:VA ";:iigaTt'z•:AR1';',M5.ggg.VM--X,11;41fitiiii:'±',-1;:t -a.1,,,;,.,4:,EN:!.i.,,,:i••$,,liiidic.1
TOTAL . . . .,,,.:':,•.,;;;..,,,,,;•,:?.?!.7:-•,,,,-:.,•-',,!.. .•.:,•:.-..•,:,..,,,...,.,:,,•.•...:::,:?..,v':.?-,.,.,. .,.;-,: ,,,,,:.,.:,•::...,, ,E:•?1 ,,,.;::,..',.Y.,•-...,,A,..,--,....:,,,,, ,f.-P.'-',. .,' ..`,:,.- . !:',,,.!,-.'1.
. • apJ510.Safeiy•P::''5",''-';' , ,':',:-.ri,,,O:g.,'-(.'.4, :kl' i':',.,1,:i',-,".;:V;',.,,, ,,::','..:%';',,', ,P .:i.'.;:i..;, ,,.,.?', ....:.g•-•:),:f„:12-.L4. ftdi.,etig,V.3-,,,Int.,%;.*,:,.,$....,,..::: ::;:i-,..:;,;.::.t,:liiii ,--ii..
•' -' -",.-.- ',.',;..... .-...,:'T.,-f.:.;-,'.,:-.'?: ••;;;;.,..,:?.,-?..,:.y-.6: :;: mo..!._;.':, -;,,,,,,u,,,,..:,:qe:: .5`•‘ ': •i.,:,Zi:•,. Lc. ,,..rr.:7;
Street Admln,Pers Sery . 94,149 A50101 102,575
Street Admln,Contr Expend 2,237 A50104 2,793
tOt:40:0iii*,:*100,A..i; ,:.75:-,. ,t,,,,..i,:i.;,::,w,51;i: -;,..,15,,,-:,, ,,,,,.;:;:.,,ig,;-..,i,,,,,,..,,:::i.0:: :•.,,,:i;:: . , . op,0qm..17.12.:,g,..,..;.,,w.0,.,::t!„.-,.,,.,:-/,„,,,i0q;?67::,
.:. .... . .,. .. . . ... . . ... . .. .. . .. „......._... ,..... .. . ........ .... .„..........
Garage,Pers Sery 6,786 A51321 8,853
Garage,Contr Expend 29,551 A51324 39,566
tO:A14#0jikf4-ki,.:j-Ni• :';',V,,,! ;;V,;,,a!!,•;:6 . gc• ::;,;,:::.,5-T,f,'2':'-'1-'1'.'j...'ir;ff.;'1.,,..it,i.:, •.::4:''•;?, ,:';VP'r11;2 •':. ''': '''''•ir'''''36438P-',•':''-'-',:':,-'' ''''', :.':',.'''''-''-'',1';',..":':48,4ifit.
• Street Lighting,Contr Expend 2,572 A51824 4,805
tr§j*(Ofiiifkitif)ki0RAMVa'ikWMV;-65.: .*'R.Ws!:''',''f ''. t'K''i4: .-X'iV•nM :A:i-Tg:'-rNa'-Mi'&5l.:l4,,.'tl;PT?;',:M!G'?, •4M-P'&k•:'-At;S's'g'::4iq;
1:9TALlianoortiirciii,,,,•52.,;i?.,g-,L,.wv.?,...,..,,,,:, ,,,,z,,,,,,,,.w•..,,, ,,..•,,:v-Iii,o.;• "....,:,•••:,i,:ig.;',: q,,,..,.A'•,•..f .:-..,,,,,i,,, ig':•,,,,F.'•Nft!,,g.',-,Q... ?-s:::,•1:4fitii295.'',.,;,....!;:iz , ,..•7•A'•,,,41,:-R1',-,1•,,,,, ?:;-.,A,,,,,,,:•;•f8;z9i)'.
Programs For Aging,Contr Expend 9,000 A67724 . 9,225
t.010 ,17;t5#.100*F.Pt#9!%!,?ffg.tf , i4 ,D;,,,I,.:-,.',..::: ::: •Un'!-O ':,, . , - ,,v4.,;;.-:i.,,,,, i:9;9539,,,,,,,, t,, . ..,.:,f, .............................
totAilliOSOW76Watiiiiidliwa:v06-8460,R, y:.s ,..,:v.,-AR:-: ',: :=-,,-Niiiiiiii?v,s1-;0..-- ,:- :rg.N.',0-mzi:::'JN,ti61ii:',
Recreation Admini,Pers Sew' . . . 124,570 A70201 130,629 .
Recreation Admini,Contr Expend „ 1,662 A70204 3,286
. •,. . ... . . ..,....... .... .... „,.. .._ .. .. . ... ...,.. ,
TOTALRebreation-Adthlttroigi'4'•;.:',V:6:,!''',''f,';'•fe:,4L:•:',.'':`:'r'-':''.4.:',-.',,:-',::;,;- ':','...,;!::,..-A,;P.,;,:l.:':':,;:''',',',,,,':',:i,t'f A go 13,2fc.yw,'1:',.:.:v,i,..:. ,,::.;.,--1.,:,--•:,-.':a.:,,,.;•:433•:016!,
Parks,Pers Sery 33,673 A71101 35,626
Parks,Equip&Cap Outlay 43,692 A71102' •
Parks,Contr Expend 58,841 A71104 79,885
FititAL,,,piygic.vwv4vg.•,,,,-,ci7i.;,,:c.,,.iffilp.,••,.4b ....;;,;,..*,; *9, ,....ir:,..5,„•::.::::,,,k.v,-.4.„., •:,::,!.-:.., :',.•q-,„::: :::: :;4:,i0:,'-04;'-:;, ;*;:-•-'4ieiiii0T. ,,,,..:•:.;i.,:,,.;..,.,..,,J;:i,:k5.k.','-':':!,' ,. .',ii, :r.:•-;;,j eildii.
Playgr&Rec Centers,Pers Sery 6,037 A71401 6,978
Playgr&Rec Centers,Contr Expend 10,520 A71404. 7,794
TOTAL Playgr&Re 0''•-P0§14!:22,••",•'•f:g•: 'n. :1ri-,-;;. ,, ,,..".;:•-.f.::-W..Vc;'''Z ' , . .,.?;;P,':• :- ...- , • iOLOPT!!'?i'iV--4, -3•glin'.':M'i;::;,i;'*414:i7...7gi
Special Rec Facility,Pars Sery 11,627 A71801 . 10,963
• Special Rec Facility,Contr Expend . . 337 A71804 367
170040*i0100:fqpiliv,AF;m::,'-,-:,-:;-:,.,,-..4, , . ,?.,. , . 111000A,og-,.',,. ,;,;...-ii--..,,,v4,-.,:::,:T.,,:::,,-:::. --. A,„,.;.,,
. Youth Prog,Pers Sery 23,625 A73101 19,491
Youth Prog,Contr Expend 127,188 A73104 130,683
.. .. ... . .. . . ........ . . .. .. . ........ .. ., ... „ ... . ,.......
',:ro:tA:kyooti:•:?1:0 :,;,..:;''A.:::,-,-,.:v:-..,.,::;:.:•:,-.-z,,..';r:,• ......::::, :•..,...,-,;:::,..:::::,::-..,,,,,,, , : :•,,,,.:,.j.•.•,,,,,..,-;,,,::::,.,c):::,nr,,,,,,,....•,,..,:,, ,,i,.;:,,.-.:•;,•:;••.:'•.:..-,;,,,.:Li..i:,,.:,•:7... .,.,:;•:,--,',14):)i014:•!P.•';',-r.v:::•!,.:,-.:,::.•.•,,',,,:i!'..::',- ,'..,..,-,',-....;::::-.•10i974:',
Joint Youth Prog,Pers Sery 25,883 A73201 35,509
Joint Youth Prog,Contr Expend 35,077 A73204 41,575
TOTAL Joint Youth Prog 60,960 77084
Library,Pers Sery -210 A74101 2;397
l'Ote401;11iii",.i; ;::ii;g4:::::.::i-j'!•:-Ii'.'".:,•,-- .'-., ..•;!..'1'fil:i. f'•-•:;::':•:,',-:-•:-•. ':,:--- . . ..,-.,.. . ,. .. .-- , ,P,..•:,--,..'.',,.!•,-,,,, 1210;.;'.... ;',,;:,;,','• '1 ,:.•,'1.:; ••••''':''',-",.q.-1:2397A
- • Page 7. OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
i-Lopvgit,s ;•yl:Romm,:m.,opnisiggikirgantgiri'•gitigra';';itingna71 :is, 20111(0.01
Historian,Pers Sery 4,871 A75101 4,968
Historian,Contr Expend 290 A75104 118
Other Performing Arts,Contr Expend 7,365 A75604 9,220
TOTAL OtherPerforming Arts 7,365 9,220
Adult Recreation,Pers Sery • 2,470 A76201 2,980
Adult Recreation,Contr Expend 7,797 A76204 4,281
Planning,Pers Sery 13,116 A80201 4,734
Planning,Contr Expend 160 A80204TOTAL Planning 13,276 4734
Flood&Erosion Control,Pers Sery •
A87451 630 •
Flood&Erosion Control,Contr Expend • 2,000 A87454 2,500
TOTAL Flood&EroSion Control 2,000 3,130
Gen Natural Resources,Contr Expend 1,378,824 A87904 15,619
leffAki;de*tiOtiiiif •
ait.t,Cemetery,Pers Sery 5,143 A88101 3,950
Cemetery,Contr Expend • , ' 365 A88104 164
TOTAL Cemetery 5,508 4,11.5
State Retirement System 88,742 A90108 110,437
Social Security,Employer Cont 46,257 A90308 ' 48,815
Worker's Compensation,Empl Bnfts 33,078 A90408 33,216
Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts 3,035 A90508 3,807
Hospital&Medical(dental)Ins,Empl Bnft 137,656 A90608 117,927 '
.Other Employee Benefits(spec) 10,818 A90898 11,416
Transfers,Other Funds • 40,000 A99019
TOTAL Other Uses 40,ô0O 0
TOIALOetaii:Eicpenditurel:Aefd.Other Uses.
• •
Page 8 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance '
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 3,744,643 A8021 2,204,692
Prior Period Adj-Decrease In Fund Balance A8015 0
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 3,744,643 A8022 • 2,204,692
• ADD-REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES • • • 2,031,922 1,665,482
Fund Balance-End of Year 2,204,692 A8029 1,982,628
• •
•..„5r •
• Page 9 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
.For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary •
W:10004,AIRM4I1424.119,0.0aRagaiAnni.igYligi9 artratiM IngiEriaRCEMPARI
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Real Property Taxes 778,076 Al 049N 795,341
Est Rev-Real Property Tax Items 76,673 Al 099N 73,294
Est Rev-Non Property TaxItems 35,500 A1199N 40,000
Est Rev-Departmental Income 276,450 A1299N 283,800
Est Rev-Intergovernmental Charges 18,783 A2399N 19,568
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property 21,190 A2499N 19,580
Est Rev-Licenses And Permits 22,550 A2599N 30,885
Est Rev-Fines And Forfeitures • 62,000 A2649N 72,000
Est Rev-Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss i 00 A2699N 48,100
Est Rev-Miscellaneous Local Sources 7,100 A2799N 7,500
Est Rev-State Aid 227,973 A3099N 227,884
Appropriated Fund Balance 267,700 A599N 287,393
• • •
• •
• •
c451k, •
• . •
Page 10 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
, ,
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual_Update Document
For the Fiscal Ending 2013
Budget Summary
0010#61,101160RiPiWACEMANNIRMAMMi WASEWARaagame Immo tgaimeagoia:azimitra
Appropriations -
App-General Government Support 702,418 A1999N 699,763
App-Public Safety • 87,900 A3999N 93,350
App-Transportation 154,730 A5999N 160,190 •
App-Economic Assistance And Opportunity 9,225 A6999N 9,475
App-Culture And Recreation 481,375 A7999N . 560,674
App Home And Community Services • 26,879 A8999N 32,000
App-Employee Benefits 331,568 A9199N 349,893
P.F.WM-5A1AP:M?:-X.V40';40kR;;...q1;•:W. .!*AR4;i5i•Iegt,i,i,.t!,,il.,Ia„.,kg'?,K•tPi)-f,4t0i0.',•viin;,•,4,':..i.i..N•iigA;905145,;i''.: 1',3
•. , •
• • '
• •
, •
• Page 11 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
Cash 201,221 B200 196,558
Petty Cash 50 B210 50
; ••
Accounts Receivable 24,036 8380 20,084
TALOttlf?r ftebehrabl
. . . ,
Page 12 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013 •
Balance Sheet
Accounts Payable 14,554 B800 • 18,956
Fund Balance •
Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 51,098 B914
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 159,654 8915 197,736
TOTALA9stgñed ,und Balance 210,752 197,736
TOTAL Liabilities,Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 225,307 216,692
0, • •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Page 13 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results off Operation
0I4M Ojai yiitlt , I441211A.yf Y,j4 rYi4 kii{1g.a li t d l D, ' . .V• P R{l tteft, 444.010.02401
Sales Tax(from County) 134,657 B1120 193,944
TOTAL Non Propart 'a c Items 134,6577 .. ......._ . . ...,. 193,944,
Safety inspection Fees 1,375 B1560 1,450
Zoning Fees • 730 B2110 1,640
TOTAL Dspattmental`InCome `t „.. ., 9 ..
Interest And Earnings 503 B2401 286 .
TcITA 4Use o onsy And Property '
Building And Alteration Permits 40,047 B2555 44,931
Permits,Other 4,005 B2590 4,740
`TOTAL L'icens'es And perm Its ,6
Sales,Other 73 B2855
73 i 184.
Refunds of Prior Year's Expenditures 70 B2701 350
TOTAL,►Vliscellaneous'Local Sources 7U ' 850'.
TOTAL Revenues...,,.$ 161,459 247,524
TOTAL#Detail Revenues And Other Sources 1,4 9,'t .
• Page 14 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
OtilitrkelWeiTigtrilAgQ,V5TRAW:',),Wik.WAINKSVATRONNIVN.figV-8;051,04141FiASOM MIO.044014,"Rerig0.1420eig
Safety Inspection,Pers Sery 78,291 B36201 85,062
Safety Inspection,Contr Expend 102 B36204 200
TOTAL Public Safety •
Zoning,Pers Sery B80101 40
Zoning,Contr Expend 13,436 B80104 45,499
TOTAL Zoning 13,436 45,539
Planning,Pers Sery 52,466 880201 23,835
Planning,Contr Expend 23,099 B80204 . 48,531
TOTAL Home And Community Services 8G,001 117,906
• State Retirement,Empl Bnfts 18,299 B90108 22,852
Social Security,Empl Bnfts 8,097 B90308 6,419
Worker's Compensation,Empl Bnfts 6,616 B90408 6,228
Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts 396 B90508 490
Hospital&Medical(dental)Ins,Empl Bnft 37,059 890608 19,882
Other Employee Benefits(spec) 1,894 B90898 1,501
. . , , . .•. ..•••,
TOTAL Employee Benefits 72,360 57,373
TOTAL Expenditures 230,755 260,541
TOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 239 755 280,541
. •
Page 15 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
reiitrfOliglOrikirMilVMEgli'ialtMRMiWiSMIREAMal tmgalISMIS
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance Beginning of Year 269,050 08021 210,758
Prior Period AdJ-Decrease In Fund Balance 88015 • 6
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 269,050 B8022 210,752
Fund Balance-End of Year . 210,758 B8029 197,737
• •
Page 16 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
0640.060#10$C?'';:10,?:i .,00,etrAti,N;;;tiAligtga,FAMil, ':;:i4,W;RigiaygegagginaM lialktN40112'n9ir.il'i7g6" :kg :4d
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Non Property Tax Items 130,000 61199N 217,554
Est Rev-Departmental Income 2,100 B1299N 2,500
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property 500 82499N 300
Est Rev-Licenses And Permits 65,500 B2599N 42,800
Est Rev-Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss 100 B2699N 125
TOTAL Estimated Revenues 188,200 263,279
Appropriated Fund Balance 51,098 B599N 0
. • .
51,098 0
• •
• •
Page 17 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
04#110taitathaS;'et,t4:$::imcily,i,y.fiipalvg;knmatatur iminaof,iittomma;mooktwagwavrommangg
Appropriations •
App-Public Safety 82,386 B3999N 91,391
App-Home And Community Services 80,539 B8999N 99,183
App-Employee Benefits 76,373 B9199N 72,705
• ••
• •
• •
. .
, .
Page 18 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
0004:ttliltrktfMtrigiADMANKMPUnniR,'16'N."7.•,-lait9g5W.t.50,1i,tgidliM,ZiagifiNtigtril,E410flegrilgq, bbode -1,PV:PA.0.013agg,
Assets •
Cash • 407,227 DA200 372,634
, • •;T:fr •
Cash 407,227 372,634
Accounts Recelvable DA380 4,762
TOTAL Other Receivables(net) 0 4,762
Cash Special Reserves 265,000 DA230 62,753
,•••..,• 265,000 62,753
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• • •
• •
• . •
• •
Page 19 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing .t
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet iviliimitilifyLA tiLitp...;41X4,0„1
k-17.;YRVIWT '1""' '"'" 70 008
— - :,•••, • , — • 55,753 DA600
TOTALAccounts Payable
Accounts Payable , ..„
TOTAL LiabilIties
; •••,- •
Fund Balance
000 6-2 7•••s5-33-
Capital Reserve DA878 6
1014fibittrpitA0.,F,140,..;..,. 2 7.
A‘ "isbriecitiniabproprlated Fund Balance 351,474 DA915TOTAL Assigned Fund Balance 351,474 307,380
lOTAL Fund Balance
• •
• •
• •
• •
'•••T•M •
Page 20 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation 4
�ye � (011 ,y 5 .�1 1^f 5 FY ri ^� ,y.�gifa r�i tdfit 4`.20 2 4")..'r C(ud , 1�t f.a� { 2� r�{r g "tk
Ai+GDNMi1�F.F1G�?" TCI�:7�n.�,�d Yf�r{�}����t f� )t.a:19�i,'��ti�h}l,s+a�"�` 1hlr{'1>✓u�^?Jt��;�.it'4.�:�krl,�6�°f t�l{.s/e_;5w4^��,.,�ne''�'�,.,..!1�41. 'J�it.�:t�}?J '.�'.f!rvi�.# ���7',R f�f�'�.4-..�'.�4���5f.rt,,h!sfi�,
Real Property Taxes 685,733 DA1001
l j . . , f r 852,778
TOTALC a' rb h T s S ` { ,t t ,. 1 . /.Y il ? -i, 7�t f f C '68 $ tp�iiG ? ` e, ,827De yax , i, ., .::,,.. . 1u... u tnr1,:,. .1., , `1. ::r .. . >: 5,7 _ Y? t! � ,!,'.:! ,r.{c...aei 5 ,, ..
Other Payments In Lieu of Taxes 82,386 DA1081 79,517
r u i sii r t S s ref
lS yfn l rr. t rr r•. Ite I r 7i,.1 1 {r <:r t i1 v i, i�Ft r� {f �.ly, 4 t 1 L 1 S'F t�?:'. v 82.,386 17�!1.-�l t ,'{ L G e..!�9,5117�.
fOT !r' t5' bL�� �!, IRR .tSJat..�.:,.3±.. .: 1h ....li:.,t..yS I .l:.,.. .. 4. o- �! .b...4.1t . ,A.i....?ill. > 1 . a.Y. . Ia,rir
Snow Removal Services Other Govts 101,235 DA2302 35,432
h(e Pykn eftal arges , , , r t . r n` .i , P ,.. 1012i ti.-. ...j542TOTAL , . ...e r ,..., h .. r„.a :tt .,{. . r.. , v? .. .. ,•r . m.;Y ,.w p ..., 3 i,} .G - , *:�� t. . , 5
• •
Interest And Earnings • 1,401 DA2401 1,364
Rental of Equipment 101,235 DA2414 35,432
ws a t: /�Ti:Hi.t�{,E ,_.1, ,,., r rt i .,I,f iti;, + ',t,S,:, , , r,�a ; Ls,i616-36A'q `..-1 `'e i i ' �`�'36,tiatir
TOT tt,t se off Move 'A►d P ETR.glit }rr 4 1 1 T .t i s.. ` ,4 .Vi'ai...... ..-,,,,! .i . ,P, ,. i, V. N-L
r..}..a,.' r y>, r'�t r 1 a , r. V is c r r
Sales of Scrap&Excess Materials 22,775 DA2650 30,957
t+5n4,- IS E.o fr WPI' )t R SS , A e '4rf S: IC , 4 xir' )r. a" ''R'et 2i77 r5 r, i'fi i ;ri f 'n j
1 4 ! y rf.�,,i.f '`ep e'♦ :PopeyAndCCompenaoFor ros l! , V ` . o ,iF. x 2,t ! /. �t'ti{,, i,3� s, 2 3,,,f-i
• Unclassified(specify) 10,822 DA2770 . 24,151 •
^Cr<:,_ 7S . .r.0 r j r r 7 .,T.r �. C ,j ,, sT art +#y i -1 .i, Cr l ri o r[ a „rig r i C. i . .
TOTAlt MflscetleneoUsLocallSoUrcea',tis 'r tl { uri,'r,..,,,, , � 'i/trt 4 u , , r i �y 10,622Pa, Ott i 24,151r
! :i�, 'r � .�.�r as r� 4 , 4 I . . fl. r A. i t 'Lt �3� t � '..a v r-. a
sT1 fvr.Jn t t ;1,- f .., i t I p; Cori �� 'v �gU a{R�� 6- r.sN 1 5.jx)T 11ogoli'
TOTALReteiiiue 2, ,t ?st, s R :J„',,,_. .`.:r::, �.x r ° ,, r1005306 , ,,, t v3, ,
,,...,.••.ita.r'>r<,. rri...r.....J.s...}�.:.Ct}.�9.,.0 �_a. a., .... .; U . ,.r.r ,.a.f..a, .+ .-,. ,i.,,,.,.tl. ,.:.Z�..s,.,.. ,: y �.hw..� ..s....... ...
Interfund Transfers •345,000 DA5031
,z r r i a r -'5 t r,yir: y , t (�., i zrK . s� t 1 r a r } < t)
'A t 1 f Ca TCt 1 i -7 ,+ rl'' , a, l t 34500�� 7 "\. i + a �1V0
kgr.AWlnterfung]lS.nst'er$ S t 1!�,it,,.„ r_t •s;.i>;;x .1 } f r: sr t1 rAif Yl 4 r rs iv n Nt tf r1 )
! .1, O �, f t M7 S l �rn( t
rtyll [ A 1G < W, �,(..'.ty,.; r .rf t' 7 j -'i r r 7C' +;t . }C4,y r 1 t 7� tj '( ,)1 f ti b,� 1 r ; 345,0bofi'll tR i 5 �1 ifi !. r Q C
YiBf:,. r 1:91:L Other S50.E9Aa,i f f aj ,.t'f, t , t F `fir r Z. , , C
46 +IL C ,.. y"t. i 1 J ){ ciT t! ( 1./',.C�tt ry 4 i t t1 t /1 O ^ 1.l
'TOTAL'Detail Revenues And,,Other Sources N " s 4 ,rt+ r' , ,s ; 50,3 �`,'< ,,,14 1 59,63,
n...a.S ..,,�.n a. w,..a ,.. x..it.., o,-ti....r, zxu .z... '.tr.., f ,r, ...,..i... �. .P.0:i. ,,�.,. ,. ��{ .yl,.�,;...,..� d z;6+s',I,. . s... .
Page 21 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
Machinery,Pers Sery 93,320 DA51301 116,900
Machinery,Equip&Cap Outlay 278,614 DA51302. , 280,572
Machinery,Contr Expend 140,124 DA51304 149,164
Brush And Weeds,Pers Sery 57,606 DA51401 58,444
Brush And Weeds,Contr Expend 8,630 DA51404 9,984
TOTAL Brush And Weeds 66,236 68427
• . .
Snow Removal,Pers Sery 125,313 DA51421 191,122
Snow Removal,Contr Expend 83,863 DA51424 175,000
Services Other Govts,Pers Sery 78,031 DA51481 35,416
Services Other Govts,Contr Expend 77,077 DA51484 35,432
TOTAL Services Other Govts 155,109 70,848
State Retirement,Empl Bnfts , 76,347 DA90108 88,592
Social Security,Empl Bnfts 21,895 DA90308 24,635
Worker's Compensation,Empl Bnfts 17,641 DA90408 . 15,224
A. Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts 1,853 DA90508 1,900
• Hospital&Medical(dental)Ins,Empl Bnft 118,948 DA90608 117,817
Other Employee Benefits(spec) 5,121 DA90898 5,761
TOTAL Employee Benefits 241,806 253,930
TOTAL Detail Expenditures And OtherLJses 1,184,385 1,305,963
Page 22 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
• Annual Update.Document '
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance �y
'��urr*. >1�iU.O�n L t..rwM'Tiii Oyer..
�_Y.ads F. .1.4.{ ..�Mri� � _ ����Y,.
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 450,472 DA8021 616,474
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 450;472 DA8022 . 616,474
. ADD-REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 1,350,386 • . . 1,059,631
Fund Balance-End of Year 616,474 DA8029 370,142
•Page 23 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
OtgaliftiatigiNaagniipaaMONSPidOlVg. ni;N:lfgMafiltagginita 40.00:tatifti'i'ZiliTiZgaWefAgAM
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Real Property Taxes 852,778 DA1049N 910,980
Est Rev-Real Property Tax Items 78,652 ' DA1099N 75,365
EsT.ReV.-Intergovernmental Charges 35,432 DA2399N 68,738
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property 36,532 DA2499N 69,838
Est Rev-Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss 12,000 DA2699N 20,000
Est Rev- Miscellaneous Local Sources 9,500 DA2799N 12,000
Page 24 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
0:44.1$410001(6tilidilltIORM:iilig§'.10FAMPRON RAMMEAWYMAIM
App-Transportation 772,657 DA5999N 880,490
App-Employee Benefits 252,237 DA9199N 276,431
• •
• •
• •
. ,
• -
• •
• •
• •
Page 25 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing •
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
Cash 359,775 DB200 647,544
Accounts Receivable
• 23, 71
216,321 DB380
S .
• •
• •
Page 26 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
�7b,yi(�}}��,,7�y�j, �i 1� �'wdtr. 4,h?�{�•........ ..�.�h.F,F t ice. ,F, , ��1, t tr, .�.+�: •. �Gu{{� tY t£ �a !,tlf�k1!t ,'it)7� ,1 . •• F 7- !� .tS�}i t. Its ik •I
;v4R,F+ n . .4, �Cr, ..•70,,Ap i uri •1 . , •
u(4G pVQ,-Q: " fr. .. t1H�Xu,ttiit r,
Accounts Payable 45,616 DB600 59,352
TOTAL Accounts Payable 45 616 , { 59,352
TpTAi LIFbliftl `y .
.r., tt Y F : .., tc :.-.� 'r, - .. iIt •
a5s15 ....,; � �.94..
Fund Balance
234,600 DB914
Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 295,880 DB915 711,563
TOTAL Assigned F uhd Balance
t 5 Q,A80 f.f+1;56o
4 a 530,480 _ 711 _ ,$
• T�JZ�1:Fungi�aian¢
TOTkigLiabllities,be#$Fred Inflows And F►tnd Balance •ty Sr'0 , 77
57 96 � O�ill,�1$.
Page 27 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
• For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
• Results of Operation •
ry� �]
f K .�y ''�ett�(I I ?-1. l 5g ��Ii tfi';..r�.010�[�;�.to
r•,aF�,Yycnt.. Vwre:,.r td.;,l ..�,.r ,off+il, g,1.1.,�r,..,�„i.t.�r1:�..,V.t ,,C a+nr,�i3.f l,I,.NsJ�, wi.,C, FFLS��..1t,�h�..
Sales Tax(from County) 1,211,910 DB1120 1,191,368
TOTAL Non +roperty l'ax Item e.. ... . . . ! 1 211,9101 ._ r. 1,191,368
Interest And Earnings , 1,363 DB2401 784
TOTAL1Use of MoneyAnd P,ropertY „I, ., r
Unclassified(specify) 775 DB2770 325
TOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 775 325:
St Aid,Consolidated Highway Aid 156,164 DB3501 200,032
TOTAL State 141t1..r .. '' l 156,164 0,0
• •
• •
TOTAL`Revenues 1,370,212 1,392,509,
TOTAL Detaif Revenues And Other Sources ` ; f „1,370,212 r, ,? 1,392,509 r
.Page 28 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
•For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
Pti'dy 1 y + 4 } 5{ 1 I f ! • S j 1 "4 (NI [. f Y r y}• q R �
W�r��F?t3�IdWAIYt�irx 1S(6 {nit..,�{i.yrlY.!,-'.�..i,_„�,:�!.�..f,.`'rr,.,fy�'[,i,[6.4,u,I.%..:Y�,.���t9,i� ' � � 4i h..3rn,�u�.t �n�rh.��.>]<,��4p:�U�e..t�',r Y�{'i
Maint of Streets,Pers Sery ' 247,480 DB51101 262,701
Maint of Streets,Contr Expend 337,947 DB51104 '348,562
TOTAL Malnt of Streets •
Improvements,Pers Sery . 69,129 DB51121 70,756
Perm Improve Highway,Contr Expend 320,000 DB51124 320,000
TOTAL Perm improve Highway r 89,129 90,7`TOTAL Transportation 4,5 1,0 2,0 8'
State Retirement,Empi Bnfts 62,466 DB90108 72,527
Social Security,Empl Bnfts 19,597 DB90308 • 20,409
Worker's Compensation,Empl Bnfts 10,291 DB90408 8,996
Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts 26 DB90508 26
Hospital&Medical(dental)Ins,Empl Bnft 96,985 DB90608 102,676
Other Employee Benefits(spec) 4,583 DB90898 4,773
TOTAL Employee Benefits 193,949 209,407
`TOTAL Ex enditures 1,168 504 1,211,425
Transfers,Other Funds 330,000 DB99019
TOTAL Operating Transfers 330,000 0
TOTAL Other Uses [ : `_ 330,000 0'
TOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 1,498,504 z 1,211,42h
Page 29 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 658,776 DB8021 530,484
Prior Period Ad)-Decrease In Fund Balance DB8015 4
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 658,776 DB8022 530,480
Fund Balance-End of Year 530,484 DB8029 711,563
Page 30 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Non Property Tax Items • 844,000 DB1199N 1,094,714
. •
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property DB2499N 1,000
Est Rev- Miscellaneous Local Sources 1,600 DB2799N 250
156,145• 0B3099N 200,031
Appropriated Fund Balance 234,600 DB599N 230,233. ,
TOTAL Estimated Other Sources 234,600 230,233
TOTAL th er ••• •-• •
• ••
• •
• •
• •
Page 31 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
App-Transportation 1,036,447 DB5999N 1,312,274
App-Employee Benefits 199,898 DB9199N 213,954
Page 32 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
• For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
4,,,,,tooctrAvIn -0013
OritIeV06)115tIattalfikAg,;;Ii'i.P.,niCga,KMOSOvatiVANZRaigNATIVINNI r,„Bsd §.,
• Assets
Cash 6,000 H200 5,000
. .
• •
Page 33 •• OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013 •
Balance Sheet
kti$104010:ffilatiOURN,qtilaialkniggia,117,3431),,itMA'aRpVc:'§AilteligtanVirAnKA gskrigtonto :5,ty3..,,zo.v.1
Fund Balance
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 5,000 H915 5,000
Unassigned Fund Balance H917
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Page 34 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation /t� y� [� rj �/j
�� .,0.fidJpflo 1t rh;Ffii t�'S Ar!'it1 �r Ht�v S��v�ta,A��.rR��y. !.��n:�ui1,,�A'W4}i.�;�'7.bs.�.1.k�ir�l�i A.!f31S�,.,t K ati�f� ;l kt 1M120?�•.F.1 4'Sigl1 r'.!;Edp.0t0O -, h;t ir1na�r20,(0,11i.I�,.�
�"/,G'(�'P�MI)f�,{l4� .1 r.G nf., i,�.,. l M,�14 Ai'4 k + I e.5,., llE jn,.?-,
Interest And Earnings 0 H2401
TOTAL lies of Money A►�d property
TOTAL RevenUes Y,.: ...,.' ... . . . . .. ... .. . ..1. ... ... ., 0
Interfund Transfers 515,352 H5031
TOTAL.Interfund`ransf re s« 515,352 0
TOTAL Other Sourcee 515,352 0
TOTAL(Detail Revenues And Other Sources `" ;}515,353' 0
Page 35 OSC Municipality Code 5.00344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
• porob.,,ditarrx4r,gg:,,,,..04pw.sr,(5,10.,,,;,,..v.,4,312,33,1zoll;v43:tgo.40.,3);;cja,,,,,,71z,.yfq,4,q-IJii.1,g?,,A,P'41..,t1.;',,7,.61,,..
Sanitary Sewers,Equip&Cap Outlay 4,710 H81202
....,• •••,
TOTAL Sanitary Sewers 4,710 0
TOTAL Home And Community Services 4, 10 0
TOTAL Etpendltures 4,710 0
Transfers,Other Funds 35,026 H99019
TOTAL Detail Expenditures An Other.,Uses39,736 • 0
Page 36 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update.Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance •
S t.FFXIt 3#Zvi+ r�p J WiF' m5 f t dot..h��ki ��� �F C'e5ii;�jl.ke�� �t ��il 4 3. N.2c t'3'�^�1r I�, de r Za ',�°w T'YtRil
� , �tY�{ w ., . ..� �...... _ u ( cep _
����r��lt� tl�l� ti � ,.
,n;�:,a„ .,,. ...,, .i a k-:i+#t�+... .�.. >. , 4.,.1it .,r,, kl-.. �.�.�.. ,,_ � . �,.., �.. 'i.�r � �:..Q._ � ., L
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year -470,617 H8021 5,000
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year - -470,617 H8022 5,000
Fund Balance-End of Year 5,000 H8029 5,000
Page 37 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013 •
Balance Sheet
glid000,610i1040;01404•MYRANOMFial.taaRigrAMMARMAga StOrtiggrag PEttiage EVPMECER1
Land 226,363 K101 218,253
Buildings 1,469,212 K102 1,432,821
Improvements Other Than Buildings 262,160 K103 262,160
Machinery And Equipment 4,495,306 K104 3,463,508
infrastructure K106 1,217,016
• Other Capital Assets K107 37,417
• •
Page 38 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
•Annual.Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
dt%. •
Balance Sheet
pigtorgamotiocimprzligNg6AMOK-ViegiagageRMAWAMOVIN,?;MMAligart*A agttalkdtelil,kigin:,PltKINZ'd
Liabilities,Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance
Total Non-Current Govt Assets 6,453,031 K159 6,631,175
TOTAL investments hi Non Current Governmont Assets I 6,453,031""-• • • • •• , - •••" • • _• ..• ••.• ,.•
TOTAL Fund Balance 6,453,031 6,631,115
TOTAL 6,453,031 6,631,175
Page 39 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
• Annual Update Document
• For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
pr.lufgaFtv iiertioimq
- t.- -
Cash 21,301 SD200 21,317
• •
1.(P •
• •
Page 40 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
'For the Fiscal'Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
• ••
WireiVA A 6pi •„
Fund Balance
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 21,301 SD915 21,317
r:451.414••AsP$060 ••Fund Balance ,301 21,311TOTAL Funa Balance 21,301 21,317
TOTAL Liabilities,Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 21,301 21,317
• •
Page 41 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
IftlitfOraittlWSWANtgli*VOZOMEKNYVV3,101if1:000StIggigilatti,4,,,,VAIOROMEVINKVVIKtieiM Nig.2.010g;47.14:
Special Assessments 7,090 SD1030
TOTAL Real Property Taxos 7,090 0
Interest And Earnings 16 SD2401 16
TOTAL Use of Money Afld Prop.rty 16 16
TOTAL RevenUes 7,106 16
TOTAL,Detail Revenues And Other Sources 7,106 16
Page 42 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
, Annual Update Document
FOr the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
040001014010'f,g0,44Wl.c,MAINAMV.6:30g,MiainOW.MMRaala NaNgtaafig
. .
Page 43 • •
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 14,195 SD8021 21,301
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 14,195 SD8022 21,301
Fund Balance-End of Year 21,301 SD8029 21,317
41.0; •
• •
i4ik • •
• •
Page 44 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
POtWibliWIttelfggita.0,Miggi7R13.46Vg;OPIROMSWirliND'Al$14',1402,tagMagigggg040.2kaNk.gaiMile'Si EfiVARIPS4g4q11
Cash 3,502 SL200 1,895
TOTAL.! ),I3;502 ,;`..`;;;'.1:k;1*••'-'!•* 1;805;
19TALASAliteillid;Defitritd.olitnoifB: I Ei9P''
Page 45 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet •
• Fund Balance •
Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 1,000 SL914
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 2,502 SL915 1,895
... 4 .• A
TOTAL Aaslgned Fund Balance 3,502
TOTAL Fund Balance 3,502 1,895
;TOTALtlith . • ; .. ;
• • •
. •
• • •
• •
• •
• •
• • •
• •
• ••
Page 46 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing •
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
P0ti,001)WliP,triltVgglaagninagefilAM.RitignIValigagn6gatha RifittOdkg
Special.Assessments 15,200 SL1030 15,300
TOTAL Real Property Taxes 15,200 15,300
TOTAL Revenues ' 15,200 15,300
TOTAL Detail RevohUes And Other Sources 15,200 15,300
. .
Page 47 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013.
Results of Operation
• 140.AiNiittOkateZiatNIVIAli'ANAV,INCZAMISOZCOURMIOSK'NO WitiatifteggUffdigkViM Riga20.1fgra
Expenditures •
Street Lighting,Contr Expend 15,589 SL51824 16,908
TOTAL franspotatlon 15,589 16,908
TOTAL Ex,endituths 15,589 16,908
TOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 15,589 16,908
TOTAL Street LIghting 15,589 16,908
• •
Page 48 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 3,891 SL8021 3,603
Prior Period AdJ-Decrease In Fund Balance SL8015 1
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 3,891 SL8022 3,502
Fund Balance-End of Year 3,503 SL8029 1,896
• • •
Page 49 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document •
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
iMide0iiitifffitt1040,9,-',0191:;WW.4.gialiKagtf.:KIY,Mitf.gaggt,iV kyR:Pitiffef.g0.1E11.11'ill:g04001.110,4 WRIEDEI ItA'igatfflOii511
Cash 408,836 SS200 152,459
TOTAL.Cash 408,838 152,49
Sewer Rents Receivable 230 SS360 256
' OTAL Other Receivables(net) 230 256
Due From Other Funds • . 406 SS391 269
TOTAL Due From Other Funds 406 269
• •
• ••,.
• •
Page 50 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN.OF Lansing
• Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
,•0 - -88600
Accounts Payable
TOTAL Accounts Payable 0 768
TOTAL LiabilitieS 0 768
Fund Balance
Committed Fund Balance • 29,394 SS913
,30.. •.
IdtAtICommittedFund Balance 380,080 ss
. •
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance
152,216TOTAL Assigned Fund Balance 380,080 152216
TOTAL Fund Balance 409,474
IOTA14.:Llabliltlitp,,,DsferredInflovivs And uñd Balance ,••,., • 409 - •
. .
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Page 51
OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
01000#14-ilgatiP4ORMIVAAANEA1,ggiTgfilig'ftRnareCnaiIRAIRKWANKW.tVg,ftf titigfgei 1,1:4R5Mirgtitifgag
Sewer Rents 40,993 SS2120 53,050
Interest&Penalties On Sewer Accts 422 SS2128 495
TOTAL Departmental Income 41)415 53,646
Interest And Earnings • 221 SS2401 298
'O'rAL Use of rtlotiey And Property 221 298
,, •—...•••••••,-...••,.r••••
Permits,Other 13,500 SS2590 37,500
TOTAL JIcenees And Permits 1 ,5QO 37,500
Unclassified(specify) SS2770
TOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 0 0
St Aid,Sewer Cap Proj 1,946,473 SS3990
TOTAL State AId 1,946,473 0
TOTAL Revenues 2,001,610 91,343
Interfund Transfers 10 SS5031
TOTAL Interfund Transfers 10 0
Bond Anticipation Notes SS5730
TOTAL Proceeds of Obligations 0 0
TOTAL Other Sources 10 0
TOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 2,001,819 91,343
. . . .
• Page 52 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
Sewer Administration,Contr Expend SS81104 198
...„ . „
Sanitary Sewers,Pers Sery 885 SS81201 6,494
Sanitary Sewers,Equip&Cap Outlay 25,562 SS81202 2,417
Sanitary Sewers,Contr Expend 1,722 S581204 7,754
•—•• •':,•;?-;:.T4•‘'...!'
Sewage Treat Dlsp,Contr Expend 15,125 SS81304 • 25,557
TUTAL'bOWd e Treat DIs 15,125 25,557
Misc Home&Comm Serv,Contr Expend • 907 S589894TOTAL Misc home&Comm Sery 907 0
TOTAL Home And Community Services 44,200 42,420
. Social Security,Empi Bnfts 55 SS90308 326
Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts
• • 8 SS90508
Other Employee Benefits(spec) 13 S590898 76
TOTAL Empioyee Benefits 76 402
Debt Principal,Bond Anticipation Notes 1,031,801 SS97306 294,118
TÔ.TAL.Debt Principal : 1,031,801 294,118
Debt Interest,Bond Anticipation Notes 34,000 SS97307 11,661
TOTAL Dept, 11,661
Transfers,Other Funds 515,101 S599019 •
TOTAL Operating Transfers 515,101 0
Allfutner Uses 515,101 0
TOTAL all Expenditures And.Other, 348602i
• •
• •
Page 53 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
.Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance
giiititiaMOKSAMMWORROVVERMENNIMMORMINEM11004111ROA ',:g0d0,64#51gingaf$SWG
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year • 33,033 SS8021 409,474
Prior Period Adj-Increase In Fund Balance SS8012 0
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 33,033 SS8022 409,474.
Fund Balance-End of Year 409,474 SS8029 152,216
. _
Page 54 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
0,41026,ititditlagaVaggVt§:gai0;:7,Mk•qt.Wri.i3f fkMMIMMOITOWORS
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Real Property Taxes SS1049N 15,036
Est Rev-Departmental Income 24,250 SS1299N 60,562
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property SS2499N 160
Est Rev-Miscellaneous Local Sources SS2799N 24,000
TOTAL Esfimated Revenues 24,250 99,758
Appropriated Reserve SS511N 3,949
TOTAL Estimated Other Sources 0 3,949
• •
. .
• •
Page 55 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
poto.gotoottosonostr46:c.,,moigvletialiglsigio,Awisinvorgonegeofm 44604444 6.41.MM2WNIAMSNO,
App-General Government Support 2,595 SS1999N • 16,701
App-Home And Community Services 21,500 SS8999N 70,350
App-Employee Benefits 155 SS9199N 1,620
App-Debt Service SS9899N 15,036
• • •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Page 56 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
KtatROOAfrAIREdiiMIM•Nfd„gtiV.YAttragt.P.itnigitietigigg'''.1:MTRA..46AYPige.-17ingigaligglgl.;.T.q.0401tgaBZ 10,171r2jCI1,010KRVAI
Cash 710,913 SW200 928,548
Petty Cash 75 SW210 75
Water Rents Receivable • 23,431 SW350 31,953
• 3.VIA4'1,..nner Receivables(net) 23,431 31,953
Cash Special Reserves • 63,448 SW230 63,448
TOTAL Restricted s 448• 63,448
• • •
• • • •
. .
• •
• •
• • •
• •
Page 57 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
7_.rw�9. rrtr(tr.i4` �11 f icy^,t x�..4t- .r.t.....1r. . i..... fi3':1 �i`},4.Y xibly. TjN).:,'i ?VN. 'kq',�f xki:i :� V 05!41
'•:?0,fr v.'r rifq•fiT 11t V➢3iftdx ",I:,. ,f.Lr.',^�7 ,�4t'i"r,l,-�,,.:Y.-�.0'§g •M ,.V�:..d�';I {�. ''h.. .l ,.,q w � ,lk Jn �
2,005 SW600 15,108
Accounts Payable
'200 15,1DO
Due To Other Funds 406 SW630 269
TOTAL Due Ta Other Funds ;> ` 40 f;"; 369
._..c.r�a .r. ,.,., r.� ... .,..,,.. 1. ....�... ,.:1 ._... ,._,. .... .._ _. ... .... ,._ .. .. ..
Fund Balance
Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance • 795,456 SW915 1,008,648
Assigned Fund'Balance ', •' 7' s 795,456 1,006,648
y ,
TOTAL Fund Balarlc 3 i 4 x " x 795,456 , 1,b6B;648,
t l his 1 7 t, 17 9'rV. itt .f. t f � 1fS T J C7 .l F t 1
`OTAL Llablllftes,Deferred Inflow aAnd Fund Balance { ::` t;, 'n,;.. 797,867 ` {
Page 58 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
.For the Fiscal Year.Ending 2013
Results of Operation
10:004061101fiti%ggiiWikViii;MI:kigld51;igW12;i0tgAriNhililVg:2UrtioVi:Is:ki .gypel. ingtoirgo
Revenues • •
Special Assessments 560,247 SW1030 566,054
TOTAL Real Proporty TaXes 560,247 566,054
Metered Water Sales 559,194 SW2140 679,656
Interest&Penalties On Water Rents 9,491 SW2148 12,694
Interest And Earnings • 2,432 SW2401 1,805
TOTAL Use of Money And Ppoperty 2,432 1,805
TOTAL Revenues 1,131,363 1,262,209
• Interfund Transfers • 35,016 SW5031
• Bond Anticipation Notes 5W5730
TOTAL Proceeds of Obligations 0 0
TOTAL Other Sources ........................................................TOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 1,166,380 1,262,209
.......... 35,016 0
• • •
• •
• •
Page 59 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
nrr a,,r ,,�+td 9t F.3?+•G,gfi»' tz .�'r, ll7,t y t,:rtl q IJ o4; ,6 i C�. �t; , dyF .7 !, t X' H
��yy �P � '1 IVAR,il�:,.v�tzu l r�.�.`� e I_1Jt,I;h�.�i,�t .L �- �.�cr.z. .'f�l 11,s,.�rl I f�•1 �n,j E1.�4W �,I.1��;'A4��'... i7 �+��i j
Fiscal Agents Fees,Contr Expend SW13804 90
TOTAL Fis aiiAge1nts'Fees',, '` ,,...
Unallocated Insurance,Contr Expend 17,000 SW19104 17,000
A U, l 4 r ' t 1`7,000 17,000
Tb7' 4 nail cdted lns�france
r 17,bd r 17,09D
Water Administration,Pers Sery 16,101 SW83101 17,197
Water Administration,Contr Expend 46,682 SW83104 66,031
s 62`762 I, 83 228.
Source Supply Pwr&Pump,Contr Expend 483,051 SW83204 596,177
r „ x 5 ; 598,17?
: ..,,:,._„,,.,,.:,v.<..... ,._ ..,,,. ,>. ... .. .. . ....:. . .. 1. : . .. _
Water Trans&Distrib,Pers Sew 47,615 SW83401 34,505
Water Trans&Distrib,Contr Expend 401,975 SW83404 45,392
TOTAL Water Trans;&Distdb 449,690' 79,896
TOTAL.HomerAn`d community,Services; �95,404'^l 759,302
State Retirement,Empl Bnfts 3,878 SW90108 3,631
Social Security,Empl Bnfts 3,913 SW90308 3,122
Worker's Compensation,Empl Bnfts 5,880 SW90408 5,536
ha9v, Unemployment Insurance,Empl Bnfts 88 SW90508 73
Hospital&Medical(dental)Ins,Empl Bnft 8,409 SW90608 7,722
Other Employee Benefits(spec) . 915 SW90898 730
Debt Principal,Serial Bonds 191,156 SW97106 190,528
Debt Principal,Bond Anticipation Notes 39,016 SW97306 3,484
• TOTAL DebtlPri`rlcipal' ` i,., r t,. 15 1, ,. `` 4 Z3Q472 ,i r i' ,`: 200;012
Debt Interest,Serial Bonds 58,673 SW97107 50;385
Debt Interest,Bond Anticipation Notes 2,522 SW97307 1,413
TotALlDebt interest z 61,195 51,798;
TOTAL Expenditures. - 1,326,864` ` k • 1,049,017=
Transfers,Other Funds 252 SW99019
TOTAL Operating Transfers -
TOTAL OtherUses 1 i 252 0
J :,C
TOTAL Detaii_Expenditures And Other Uses 1,327,106 1,049,017;
Page 60 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 956,185 SW8021 795,459
Prior Period AdJ-Decrease In Fund Balance • SW8015 3
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 956,185 SW8022 795;456
Fund Balance-End of Year 795,459 SW8029 1,008,848
S .
Page 61 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
• ' "' itg,(01,Vi.414:0,Atigi.rACIPUMV,.5?.301113wai gt2,0A01111010.Z.Mags.41.4604402iiggivomotoRNARmar,
Estimated Revenues
Est Rev-Real Property Taxes 567,568 SW1049N . 567,568
Est Rev-Departmental Income SW1299N 497,200
Est Rev-Use of Money And Property 499,400 SW2499N 2,200 •
• • Page 62 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Budget Summary
011eiliNigli*figgirSafAMIONMVAISAViWiVe10:W TAMORIOACtiNfalign 5.aarYini0 IRMIMBIO,1:41.;)"1200R.
Appropriations •
App-General Government Support 219,228 SW1999N 219,228
App-Home And Community Services • 572,628 SW8999N 572,628
App-Employee Benefits 23,049 SW9199N 23,049
App-Debt Service 252,063 SW9899N 252,063
S .
Page 63 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
, •
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
jiWIT0.40101.4.kb 9,Egoogo-
Cash 99,509 TA200 80,227
TuTALAsSats,:and Dafertea'utitflOirs'of
• •
• •
Page 64 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
...._q,.•�f!{y5�ly._,( ,r x:14.1, ,1, _..fin {.o a� i, ,r -§i ��nr,yy� �y ll�,y f n�(* �.,,yy�",1.�,�..• �
YAQM gFkRNtatialRb ,fix 5�'��. 11 "„� (.Yjr'f�'i�r,�F.;t+�i<i., �Ti�. rt�1�d� �InL��fr1�1�F��7�'�:','�:�.'L iU�i e�,\M ��: h`,wd r''.?:%4 r 1'.4'�. ie^00'T`.L�R"rllP�.
i r 1!1",1;.v^'�:..oe_ '.1, � F , �,k �a �,��:,��'+ab• xd,.,., ,4L'.4 i
Group Insurance 59,923 TA20 30,404
Assoc&Union Dues 2 TA24
Social Security Tax -0 TA26 1
Guaranty&Bid Deposits 9,183 TA30 • 6,668
.Deposit of Securities By Bank • 15,521 TA32 • 8,565
Other Funds(specify) 14,880 , TA85 34,589
iTOTAL Agency Liabilities t. 99,609 80,227
TOTAL LIaYllltle§i 9,509
:TOTAI_Liabllitlos,Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance, ; 99,509 ,x • $0+227
kIe• ,
Page 65 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
• NitiONNOVIMSF,MiganitOra,INSAMMPOOMONAMeigiia RaVagagrgejjatteN ENAPITS,Nsf01
• Assets
Cash 28 V200 . 28
;1.9:170. 77,7,7::-,r7-7.•:7-77r 7 17,P;,7F;71,71',77.777
• •
• •
4Vt . .
• .
• •
Page 66 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
• For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
-•dyvk; •
Page 67
TOWN OF Lansing
• Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation
,�/�,�{ }}r,0t i ci rty,:�4A -1. f_J.-'� �r1i;N r?.� gt dL.S ,ai:;S{i 7, 't..r7�{, 11,�.fdA `f 7..!�ts'7..i7r't01 y(rA � iYA yp�py k.tT I,Y,...:.TM �y7d:{4�,J,n
5r4.'.M.`�R��,N,W �,�g�tt�t�f�irr�^�.t�,'ratrG;f,tii�i�rnarlA'Suar,r.,.+lr�r,uitJ.IF.,1�.�;Lp6;��F1.,,Sla..ctir'�;�ih"�tn�i.!c.E;t�1,����;,�i GYja��3..,(,.{Pt.f�.�:nR�u}A�,)��aai��"�irrr�.klF'K#;4� w�H.b¢rn. �,:,.�+�R..t.x;t.,G
Interest And Earnings 0 V2401
TOT�LUsoo,ilIfonoydnd;Projerty.,. ;, ... .. . ., c. 4
• Page 68 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Results of Operation •
01$4OOBV.rP'tti*.•'MgiNiggrggiaa,KiWaliaqgcfgf:g.TVZE.,gtrbitggtaggig INRANti4tMig,11 gigifiefideg
Page 69
TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Analysis of Changes In Fund Balance
Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 28 V8021 28
Restated Fund Balance-Beg of Year 28 V8022 28
Fund Balance-End of Year 28 V8029 28
Page 70 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• TOWN OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
rItgOtide P.Pa'4,40P.51A1
Total Non-Current Govt Liabilities • • 2,238,159 W129 1,743,777
i4i.;;;,:; •
TOT"FA,1.7 unQ!,Y1F,J.,I2Piow Made
• •
• •
• •
Page 71 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN'OF Lansing
Annual Update Document
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Balance Sheet
OigrigiiiKIV Wit • 1'41
Bond Anticipation Notes Payable • 762,683 W626 465,081
TOTAL.Notes Payable.
Bonds Payable 1,475,476 W628 1,278 69
, . ;•.•iTPTIM4'f0,q'011' LiabilitIes 476 96
ki* •
• •
• .
Page 72 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
Office of the State Comptroller • TOWN OF • I sing
1,, 313120� •
Statement of :; t edness ,
For the Fiscal Y• I ding 2013
County of:Tompkins
Municipal Code:500344900000
First Debt Cops Comp Date of Date of Int. Amt.Orig. 0/5 Beg. Paid Redeemed Prior Yr. Accreted OM End
Year Code Description Flag Flag Issue Maturity Rate Issued of Year Dur.Year Bond Proc. Adjust. Interest of Year
2002 BOND E Water#2,Ext#2 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 ,4.10% Y $70,000 $15,000 $5,500 $0 $2,000 $11,500
2002 BOND E Water#2,Ext#3 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y $72,935 $36,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $32,000
2002 BOND E Water 012,Ex'02 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y $155,158 $82,000 $8,000 $0 ($2,000) $72,000
2002 BOND E Water#19 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y $601,152 $310,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $280,000
2002 BOND E water#18 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y $87,637 $22,000 $7,500 $0 $0 $14,500
2000 BOND E Water#17 12/15/1997 12/15/2015 4.90% $330,000 $110,000 $0 $0 $220,000
2010 BOND E Lansing Sta Water 12/09/2010 08/09/2030 2.00% $747,060
$680,476 $31,780 $0 $0 $648,696
Total for Type/Exempt Status-Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year $0 $1,475,476 $196,780 $0 $0 $0 •$1,278,696
2011 .BAN N Warren Rd Sewer 08/12/2011 08/12/2013 2.00% $1,700,000
5668,199 5244,118 $0 $0 $374,081
2008 BAN N Drake Rd 06/18/2008 06/18/2029 2.20% Y $145,000 $94,484 $3,484 $0 SO $91,000
Total for Type/Exempt Status-Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year $0 $762,683 $297,602 $0 $0 $0 $465,081
AFR Year Total for All Debt Types-Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year .$0 $2,238,159 $494,382 $0 $0 $0 $1,743.777
Page 73
TOWN OF Lansing
Schedule of Time Deposits and Investments
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
EDP Code . Amount
On Hand 9Z2001 $900.00
Demand Deposits 9Z2011 $0.00
Time Deposits 9Z2021 $9.02
Total $909.02
-FDIC Insurance 9Z2014 $0.00
Collateralized with securities held in
possession of municipality or its agent 9Z2014A $6,121,058.12
Total $6,121,058:12
Book Value(cost) 9Z4501
Market Value at Balance Sheet Date 9Z4502
Collateralized with securities held in 9Z4504A •
.. possession of municipality or its agent
-Repurchase Agreements (451)
Book Value(cost) - 9Z4511
Market Value at Balance Sheet Date 9Z4512
Collateralized with securities held in •
possession of municipality or its agent
Page 74 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Bank Reconciliation
a • For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Include All Checking, Savings and C.D.Accounts
Bank Add: Less: Adjusted '
Account Bank Deposit Outstanding Bank '
Number Balance In Transit Checks Balance
*****-3007 $48,060 $22,263 $12,593 $57,730
*****-3007 $2,086,915 $0 $0 $2,086,915
*****-7383 $122,435 $0 $0 $122,435
*****-3007 $6,249 $0 $0 $6,249
*****-3007 $16,445 $0 $0 $16,445
****-3007 $121,914 $120,000 $164,071 $77,843
*****-3007 $1,062,338 $0 $120,000 $942,338
*****-3355 $62,750 $0 $0 $62,750
*****-1189 $13,937 $0 $246 $13,692
,r._„ -1189 $978,304 $0 $0 $978,304
*****-3007 $84,658 $0 $4,681 $79,977
*****-9202 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000
*****-5645 $21,317 $0 $0 $21,317
*****-8718 $2,397 $0 $503 $1,895
*****-1189 $152,459 $0 $0 • $152,459
*****-6249 $28 $0 $0 $28
*****-3007 $179,397 $0 $179,397 $0
Total Adjusted Bank Balance $4,625,377
Petty Cash $900.00
Adjustments $.00
Total Cash 9ZCASH * $4,626,277
Total Cash Balance All Funds . 9ZCASHB * $4,626,277
*Must be equal ••
Page 75 . OSC Municipality Code 500344900000
• .
TOWN OF Lansing
Local Government Questionnaire
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
1) Does your municipality have a written procurement policy? Yes
2) Have the financial statements for your municipality been independently audited?. No
If not, are you planning on having an audit conducted?. No
3) Does your local government participate in an insurance pool with other local Yes
4) Does your local government participate in an investment pool with other local No
5) Does your municipality have a Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) No
for volunteer firefighters?
6) Does your municipality have a Capital Plan? No
7) Has your municipality prepared and documented a risk assessment plan? No •
If yes, has your municipality used the results to design the system of internal
8) Have you had a change in chief executive or chief fiscal officer during the last No
Has your Local Government adopted an investment policy as required by Yes
'� eneral Municipal Law,Section 39?
Page 76
• TOWN OF Lansing
Employee and Retiree Benefits
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Total Full Time Employees: 27
Total Part Time Employees: 116
Account Description Total #of Full #of Part #of Retirees
Code Expenditures Time Time
(All Funds) Employees Employees
90108 State Retirement System $298,039,00 27 7
90158 Police and Fire Retirement
90258 Local Pension Fund
90308 Social Security $103,726.00 27 116
90408 Worker's Compensation $69,200.00 27 116 •
Insurance •
90458 Life Insurance •
90508 Unemployment Insurance $6,296.00 25 109
90558 Disability Insurance
90608 Hospital and Medical $366,024.00 26 13
90708 Union Welfare Benefits
90858Supplemental Benefit Payment to
Disabled Fire Fighters
91890 Other Employee Benefits $24,257.00 18
Total $867,542.00 .;,; 1 :: `. •,:. :::` •
87 46.14 :` :; :i ';,,'::.°• : •r_;.;:;i.:` .: :•
`:':: ,:::`'
Computed Total From Financial $8 ,5 _ •
Section(comparative purposes only) _ . ,
Page 77 OSC Municipality 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Energy Costs and Consumption
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
K4 , Energy Type Total Total Volume Units Of Alternative
Expenditures Measure Units Of
Gasoline gallons
plesel Fuel gallons
Fuel OIl gallons
Natural Gas cubic feet . Y
Electricity kilowatt hours
Coal tons
Page 78 OSC Municipality 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Schedule of Other Post Employment Benefits(OPEB)
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Y1 Annual OPEB Cost and Net OPEB Obligation
1.Type of Other Post Employment Benefits Plan
2.Annual Required Contribution(ARC)
3.Interest on Net OPEB Obligation
4.Adjustment to Annual Required Contribution
5.Annual OPEB Expense
6.Less:Actual Contribution Made
7.Increase in Net OPEB Obligation
8.Net OPEB Obligation-beginning of year
9.Net OPEB Obligation-end of year
10.Total Other Post Employment Benefits as reported In Accounts 683 in
Financial Section,Current Fiscal Year
11.Percentage of Annual OPEB Cost Contributed(Actual Contribution
Made/Annual OPEB Cost)
Funded Status and Funding Process
12.Actuarial Accrued Uability(AAL)
13.Less:Actuarial Value of Plan Assets
14.Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability(UAAL) •
15.Funded Ratio(Actuariai Value of Plan Assets/AAL) •
16.Annual Covered Payroll(of active employees covered by the plan)
17.UAAL as Percentage of Annual Covered Payroll
Other OPEB Information
18.Date of most recent actuarial valuation
37k ctuarial method used
"4 Assumed rate of return on investments discount rate
21.Amortization period of UAAL(in years)
Page 79 OSC Municipality 500344900000
TOWN OF Lansing
Financial Comments
For the Fiscal Year Ending 2013
Adjustment Reason
Account Code A8015 Prior year adjustment rounding
Adjustment Reason
Account Code B8015 Prior year adjustment
Adjustment Reason
Account Code DB8015 Prior year adjustment
Adjustment Reason
.Account Code SL8015 Prior year adjustment
Adjustment Reason
Account Code SS8012 Prior year adjustment
Adjustment Reason
Account Code SW801; Prior year adjustment •
Account Code SW8011 Prior year adjustment
Page 80 OSC Municipality Code 50C
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2013
Summary of significant Accounting Policies
The financial statements of the Town of Lansing have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles(GAAP)as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB)is the accepted
standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the
government's accounting policies are described below.
A: Financial Renorting Entity
The Town of Lansing has a population of 11,033 according to the 2010 federal census. The incorporated Village of '
Lansing is located wholly within the Town.
The Town is governed by Town Law and other general laws of the State of New York. The Town's legislative body is the
Town Board consisting of a Supervisor and four Councilmen. The Supervisor,as Chief Fiscal Officer,is responsible for
receiving,disbursing and having custody of all Town monies,and keeping all books of account. The Town Clerk,as
Chief Recording Officer,is custodian of all Town papers and records. .
The financial reporting entity includes organizations,functions,and activities over which elected officials exercise
oversight responsibility. Oversight responsibility is determined on the basis of financial interdependency,selection of
governing authority,designation of management,ability to significantly influence operations and accountability for fiscal
The Town provides the following principal services;transportation(streets and highways),culture-recreation,planning
and zoning,public improvements and general administration. Street lighting in the community of Ludlowville is provided
for and funded by means of a special ad-valorem tax on real property within the lighting district. The Warren Road
Business Park Lighting District#2 and Lakewatch Lighting District#3 is provided for and funded by a per unit
assessment. The Southern Cayuga Lake Inter-municipal Water Commission administers and oversees the operation of the
Consolidated Water District and all extensions.
The furnishing of fire protection in the area of the Town outside the Village is not a Town function. Instead,it is the
responsibility of the Fire Commissioners who constitute the governing board of the Lansing Fire District whose
boundaries encompass the entire Town including the Village. Fire Commissioners are elected by the qualified voters
living within the district.
Fire district operations,including the financing thereof through real property taxation are carried out under the direction of
the Fire Commissioners. The Town,therefore,has no oversight or managerial responsibility over the function.
Although the functions and activities of the Town of Lansing Housing Authority are related to the Town,they are not
included in the Town's reporting entity for the following reasons: •
1) the Town cannot significantly influence the authority's operation;
2) the Town has no budgetary authority;
3) the authority controls surpluses and deficits;
4) the Town has no responsibility for the authority's debt,
5) the authority's Board of Commissioners control fiscal management.
B. Basis of Presentation—Fund Accounting
The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds and account groups,each of which is considered a separate
accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that
comprise its assets,liabilities,equity,revenues,and expenditures. Government resources are allocated to and accounted
for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities
• are controlled.
1 Fund Categories
Governmental Funds—Governmental funds are those through which most governmental functions of the
Town are financed. The acquisition,use and balances of the Town's expendable financial resources and the
related liabilities are accounted for through governmental funds.
The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position,rather than upon the net
income determination. -
General Fund—the principal operating fund and includes all operations not required to be recorded in other
funds. The Town utilized both the General Fund Townwide and General Fund Outside Village funds.
Special Revenue Funds—used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally.
restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The following Special Revenue funds are utilized:
Highway Fund Townwide
Highway Fund Outside Village
Lighting District Fund
Sewer District Fund
Water District Fund
Capital Projects Fund—used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction
of major capital facilities(other than those financed by the enterprise,or internal service funds).
Debt Service Fund—used to account for current paymentsof principal and interest on general obligation
long-term debt(and for financial resources accumulated in a reserve for payment of future principal and
interest on long-term indebtedness).
b. Fiduciary Funds—used to account for special activities or services provided by one
department to other departments or to other governments on a cost-reimbursement basis. Included are the
Trust&Agency-used to account for money(and/or property)received and held in the capacity of trustee,
custodian,or agent. These include expendable trusts,non-expendable trusts and agency funds.
Account Groups
Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for general capital assets and general
long-term debt. The two account groups are not"funds". They are concerned with measurement of financial
position and not results of operations.
The General Capital Assets Account Group-used to account for land,buildings,improvements other than
buildings,and equipment utilized for general government purposes,except those accounted for in proprietary
The General Long-Term Debt Account Group—used to account for all long-term debt except that accounted for
in proprietary funds. These liabilities include serial bonds,bond anticipation notes,and capital leases.
C. Basis of Accounting/Measurement Focus
Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures/expenses and the related assets and liabilities are recognized
in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements
made,regardless of the measurement focus. Measurement focus is the determination of what is measured,i.e.
expenditures or expenses.
Modified Accrual Basis—All Governmental Funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for using the modified
accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of accounting,revenues are recorded when measurable and available.
Available means collectible within the current period or soon•enough thereafter to be,used to pay liabilities of the current
Material revenues that are accrued include real property taxes,state and federal aid,sales tax and certain user charges. If
expenditures are the prime factor for determining eligibility,revenues from federal and state grants are accrued when the
expenditure is made.
Expenditures are recorded when incurred except that:
1) Expenditures for prepaid expenses and inventory-type items are recopri7ed at the time of purchase.
2) Principal and interest on indebtedness are not recognized as an expenditure until due.
3) Compensated absences,such as vacation and stoic leave,wmcn vests or auuuu mamo,auc.�•= sou -•-
expenditure when paid.
Account Groups—General capital assets are recorded at actual or estimated cost or,in the case of gifts and
contributions,at the fair market value at the time.received. No provision for depreciation is made. General
long-term debt liabilities are recorded at the par value of the principal amount: No liability is recorded for
interest payable to maturity
D. Property Taxes
County real property taxes are levied annually no later than December 315'and become a lien on January 1. Taxes are
collected during the period January l' to March 315'. Taxes for county purposes(apportioned to the area of the county
outside of the City of Ithaca)are levied together with taxes for the Town and special district purposes as a single bill. The
towns and special districts receive the full amount of their levies annually out of the first amounts collected on the
combined bills. The county assumes enforcement responsibility for all taxes levied in the towns(and for unpaid county
. taxes in the city).
E. Sales Tax
Tompkins County,under the general authority of Article 29 of the Tax Law,imposes a 4%sales tax within its boundaries.
The tax is administered and collected by the State Tax Commission in the same manner as that relating to the State
imposed 4%sales and compensating use tax. They are paid by the State to the County and the City,respectively.
F. Budgetary Data
1. Budget Policies—The budget policies are as follows: •
a. No later than September 30,the Town Supervisor,as budget officer,submits a tentative budget to the Town
. Clerk for the fiscal year commencing the following date. The tentative budget includes proposed
expenditures and the proposed means of financing for all funds.
b. The tentative budget is submitted by the Town Clerk to the Town Board by October
5'h for their approval,it then becomes the preliminary budget. A public hearing must be conducted to obtain
taxpayer comments on or before the Thursday immediately following General Election Day. The
preliminary budget as submitted or amended must be adopted by November 201h.
c. All modifications of the budget must be approved by the Town Board,and may amend the budget as
necessary during the year. Unexpended appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year.
2. Encumbrances
Encumbrance accounting,under which purchase orders,contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of
monies are recorded for budgetary control purposes to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriations.
Encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities.
Expenditures for such commitments are recorded in the period in which the liability is incurred.
G. Investments
Investments are stated at cost,which approximate market value.
H. Property,Plant and Equipment—General
Capital assets purchased for general governmental purposes are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds and
are capitalized at costs(or estimated historical costs for assets purchased prior to May 15, 1978)in the General Capital
Assets Account Group. Contributed capital assets are recorded at fair market value at the date received. Depreciation on
general capital assets,which is recorded in the Town's government-wide financial statements,has not been provided in the
annual update document,nor has interest on general capital assets construction in progress been capitalized.
I. Insurance
The Town assumes the liability for most risk including,but not limited to,property damage and personal injury liability.
Judgements and claims are recorded when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and
the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.
J. Compensatory Absences
Employees accrue vacation leave based primarily on the number of years employed up to a maximum rate of 20 days per
year,but may carry-over a maximum of only five workdays.
, Employees accrue sick leave at the rate of one sick day per month by regular foul-time employees,up to a maximum of
^' 120 days. Upon retirement,the dollar value of accumulated sick time(based upon the employee's rate of pay at the date of
retirement)will be applied toward the cost of the retired employee's portion of the health insurance premium up to age 65.
No payment for accumulated sick time will be made for a non-retirement termination.
K. Post Employment Benefits
In addition to providing pension benefits,the Town provides health'insurance coverage and survivor benefits for those
retired employees and their survivors who retired prior to December 31,_2006. As of January 1,2007,in the event the
retiree predeceases the dependents,the dependents may continue health insurance coverage provided they pay the full cost
of the premium. Substantially all the Town's employees may become eligible for these health insurance benefits if(after
twenty years of employment with the Town and having been granted a bona-fide retirement benefit from NYSERS).
Health care benefits are provided through The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium whose
premiums are based on the benefits paid during the year. The Town recognizes the cost of providing benefits by recording
its share of insurance premiums as an expenditure in the year paid.
The expenditure is recorded in the General,Highway,&Water Funds. The cost of providing benefits for the 11 retirees is
separable from the cost of providing benefits for the 24 active employees.
II. Stewardship,Compliance.Accountability
A. Deficit Fund Balances
There were no deficit fund balances at the end of 2013.
III. Detail Notes on All Funds and Account Groups
A. Assets
1. Cash and Investments
The Town investment policies are governed by state statutes. In addition,the Town has its own written investment
policy. Town monies must be deposited in FDIC insured commercial banks or trust companies located within the
state. The Town Supervisor,as Chief Fiscal Officer,is authorized to use demand accounts and certificates of deposit.
Permissible investments include obligations of the U.S.Treasury and U.S.agencies,repurchase agreements,and
obligations of New York State or its localities.
Collateral is required for demand deposits and certificates of deposit at 105%of all deposits not covered by federal -
deposit insurance. Obligations that may be pledged as collateral are obligations of the United States and its agencies
and obligations of the State and its municipalities and school districts.
Deposits at year-end were entirely covered by federal depository insurance held by the Town's custodial bank in the
Town's name.All deposits including certificates of deposit are carried at cost plus accrued interest.
2, Changes in Capital Assets
A summary of changes in general capital assets follows:
Balance . . Balance
Type 12/31/12 ' Additions Deletions . . 12/31/13
Land $ 226,353 . $ 218,254
Improvements $ 262,160 • $ 262,159.
Buildings $1,469,212 $ 1,432,821
Infrastructure - $ 1,217,016
<', Other Capital Assets $ 37,417
Equipment $4.495,306 $3,463,508
TOTAL $6,453,031 +305,336 -127,192 • $6,631,175
B. liabilities
4 1. Pension Plans
Plan Description
tic: t
The Town of Lansing participates in the New York State and Local Employees'Retirement System(ERS).
This is a cost-sharing multiple-employer retirement system. The System provides retirement benefits as well
as death and disability benefits. Obligations of employers and employees to contribute and benefits to
employees are governed by the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law(NYSRRSSL). As set
forth in the NYSRSSL,the Comptroller of the State of New York(Comptroller)serves as sole trustee and
administrative head of the Systems. The Comptroller shall adopt and may amend rules and regulations for
the custody and control of their funds. The Systems issue a publicly available financial report that includes
financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be obtained by writing to the
New York State and Local Retirement Systems,Gov.Alfred E. Smith State Office Building,Albany,NY
Funding Policy
The Systems are noncontributory except for employees who joined the New York State and Local
Employees'Retirement System after July 27, 1976 who contribute 3%of their salary. Under the authority of
the NYSRSSL,the Comptroller shall certify annually the rates expressed as proportions of payroll members,
which shall be used in computing the contributions required to be made by employers to the pension
accumulation fund.
The Town of Lansing is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate. The required contributions
. for the current year and two preceding years were:
2011 249,633
2012 249,766
2013 298,039
The Town's contributions made to the Systems were equal to 100 percent of the contributions required for
each year.
2. Short Term Debt
Summary. of Short Term Debt
Outstanding Outstanding
12/31/12 Additions Reductions 12/31/13
BANS $762,683 $0 $297,602 $465,081
On June 17,2008,a$145,000 BAN was borrowed to pay for a Water District that was created on Drake Road,in
the Town of Lansing. The 5th installment of$3,483.75 was paid on June 14,2013.
On August 12,2012,a$668,199 BAN was refinanced to pay for a Sewer District that was created on Warren
Road,in the Town of Lansing. In 2013$294,118 was paid on August 9,2013.
3. Long Term Debt
a. On December 31,2013 the total outstanding indebtedness of the Town Aggregated$1,743,777. Of this amount,
$374,081 is subject to the constitutional debt limit and represents.02%of the Town's debt limit.
b. Serial Bonds—The Town borrows money in order to acquire land or equipment or construct buildings and
improvements. This enables the cost of these capital assets to be borne by the present and future taxpayers
receiving the benefit of the capital assets. These long-term liabilities,which are full faith and credit debt of the
local government,are recorded in the General Long Term Debt Account Group.
c. Summary of Long Term Debt
Outstanding Outstanding
12/31/12 Additions Reductions 12/31/13
rtriY' Serial Bonds $ 795,000 +0 -165,000 $630,000
State Loan $ 680,476 +0 - 31,780 $648.696
$1,475,476 + -196,780 $ 1,278,696
d. Maturity Schedule- See Supplemental Section of Annual Update Document.
C. Fund Equity
1, Reserves
The Capital projects fund equity includes capital reserve funds established for the following purposes:
purpose Balance 12/31/2013
The Highway Fund(DA)equity includes capital reserve funds established for the following purposes:
Highway Equipment $0
The General Fund(A)equity includes capital reserve funds established for the
following purposes:
Purpose Balance 12/31/2013
Excess Dog Control Revenues $ 15,630.81
Non-Recurring Repairs $ 122,441.96 •
Reserve for Park&Rec Equip $ 6,249.58
Technology $ 16,445.99
' 2. Prior Period Adiustments to Fund Balance
B Fund 2012 Fund Balance was reduced by$5.59
DB Fund 2012 Fund Balance was reduced by$4.25
SL Fund 2012 Fund Balance was reduced by.71 '
SS Fund 2012 Fund Balance was increased by.23
SW Fund 2012 Fund Balance was increased by$3.36
Adjustment were only made in the OSC changes in fund equity page in previous year adjustments.No manual adjustments
in our software or fund balance journals.
V. Contingencies
1. The Town of Lansing was granted a New York Department of State Grant in the amount of$76,800. We received$1,000
in 2006. The total grant is for$120,000,of which$43,200 is to be used by another municipality. The funds are to be
used for implementation of Cayuga Lake Watershed protection projects.
2. The Town of Lansing was awarded a grant from New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets(NYSDAM)for
the Farmland Protection Implementation Grant Program to prepare a Farmland protection plan. The awarded amount is
$25,000. There has been a lot of progress on this project. We anticipate completion in 2014.
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Financial Edit Listing
Bond Principal Expenditures=Bond Redeemed Bond Principal expenditures Bonds Redeemed on Difference
Statement of Indebtedness c:.. in funds(codes 9700.6, Statement Of Indebtedness j
9710.6,9720.6) " 7cst1 ��g f re-k
All Funds $196,528.40 $196,780.00 ($251.60) } `501\ -s' srn at;,
The bond holder returned this amount from our payment of 31,780 due to overpayment. Pca6t -d' C 811..
kc5 fah tY4d,
BAN principal payments(97306)=BANS BAN principal expenditures BANS Redeemed from Difference
Redeemed from Appropriations (code 9730.6) Appropriations(Code H5731)
All Funds $297,601.75 �`
$0.00 $297,601.75 �\��\�\�r » �� }-,� \c�,
Liability in W Fund I
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1, f Kathy Miller hereby certify that I am the Chief Fiscal Officer of the'
frown of 'Lansing , ,and that the Information provided In the annual financial • i.
art of the Mown of,Lansing ,for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2013 ,is true
'' °•`correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. By entering the personal Identification number assigned
by the Office of the State Comptroller to me as the Chief Fiscal Officer of the frown of
'Lansing ,and adopted by me as my signature for use In conjunction with the filing of the
frown of'Lansing 's annual financial report,I am evidencing my express
Intent to authenticate my certification of the frown of 'Lansing 's annual
financial report for the fiscal year ended 112/31/2013 and filed by means of electronic data transmission.
'Susan Munson 1"' : 'Kathy Miller
Name of Report Preparer Personal identification Number Name•
If different than Chief Fiscal Officer of Chief Fiscal Officer
I( ) - 'Supervisor 'PO Box 186,Lansing,NY 14882 •
Telephone Number Title Official Address
1(607)533-8896 f 3/4/2014
Office Telephone Number.; Date
Page 1 of 1 •
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