HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-05 October 5, 2022 1 BUDGET TOWN BOARD MEETING October 5, 2022 A Budget Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:34 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Edward LaVigne, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Guy Krogh, Deputy Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Andra Benson, Councilperson Ruth Groff, Councilperson Bronwyn Losey, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Edward LaVigne, Supervisor ABSENT: No one absent ALSO PRESENT: Guy Krogh, Town Counsel, Mary Ellen Albrecht, Bookkeeper DEPUTY TOWN CLERK PRESENTS THE TENATIVE 2023 TOWN OF LANSING BUDGET Deputy Town Clerk Guy Krogh presented the Tentative Budget, Fiscal Year 2023 for Town of Lansing to the Town Board. BUDGET DISCUSSION The 2023 Town Budget Process is outlined in Association of Towns “Talk of the Towns”, July/August 2022, page 27. Town Board should contact Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Department Heads with any budget questions, prior to October 19th. Supervisor Ed LaVigne: • Thanks to Charmagne Rumgay for helping with the budget process • Very little equipment in the budget – money for equipment purchases comes from a different source • Without equipment, the tax rate will go up about 3% Town Board Meeting October 19, 2022 • Discuss budget • Preliminary budget will be ready • Set budget public hearings for November 9th Town Board Meeting November 9th • Public hearings • Vote on budget RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS RESOLUTION 22-120 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board. WHEREAS, Local Law #1 of 2021, Town of Lansing Ethics Law, was adopted March 17, 2021; and WHEREAS, per § 18-6 Board of Ethics. There is hereby established a Board of Ethics consisting of five members, to be appointed by the Town Board, all of whom shall reside in the Town, and all of whom shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Town Board. No member of the Board of Ethics shall be a Town Employee or a Relative October 5, 2022 2 of any Town Employee. Ethics Board members will have staggered 5-year terms, and appointments will be initially made for terms of members running for 1 to 5 years, so that one appointment arises for consideration or renewal annually. Ethics Board members may be reappointed at the expiration of their term. The Attorney for the Town shall be an ex officio member of said Board without voting privileges, for the purposes of providing legal guidance and advice to allow the Board of Ethics to efficiently perform its functions; and WHEREAS, there is a vacancy for a member on the Board of Ethics; and WHEREAS, two (2) applications were received and the Board of Ethics has fully reviewed such applications; and WHEREAS, the Board of Ethics has recommended that Gregg Travis be appointed to the Board of Ethics to fulfill the remaining term of Jay Franklin; and WHEREAS, upon and after due deliberation upon this matter, The Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that Gregg Travis be and is hereby appointed as member of the Board of Ethics, effective October 5, 2022 expiring December 31, 2024. The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Andra Benson, duly seconded by Supervisor Edward LaVigne, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on October 5, 2022. WORK SESSION Broadband Committee Can the highway and bond fees be waived for new internet services to the Town of Lansing? Town Counsel Guy Krogh • Town Board does not have authority to waive the fees; it is public money • County project, County money – ARC grant • Is there a municipal agreement with the County o Did the ARC grant allow municipalities to waive the fees Joe will go back to the requester and ask them to research if the ARC grant gave authority to waive the fees. Joe encouraged residents to take the County Broadband Survey which is on the Town of Lansing website. MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION/SALE/LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEN PUBLICITY MIGH AFFECT VALUE AT 7:23 PM. Supervisor Edward LaVigne seconded the motion. All in Favor - 5 Opposed - 0 October 5, 2022 3 MOTION TO EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor Edward LaVigne moved to EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 7:50 PM. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor - 5 Opposed - 0 MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:52 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor - 5 Opposed - 0 Minutes taken by Guy Krogh, Deputy Town Clerk and the Town Clerk. Minutes executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk