HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-17 August 17, 2022 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING August 17, 2022 A Regular Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:33 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Edward LaVigne, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Deborah K. Munson, Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Andra Benson, Councilperson Ruth Groff, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Edward LaVigne, Supervisor ABSENT: Bronwyn Losey, Councilperson ALSO PRESENT: Mike Moseley, Highway Superintendent, Guy Krogh, Town Counsel, C.J. Randall, Director of Planning, David Herrick, Town Engineer, Mike Sigler, Tompkins County Legislator, Michael Culotta, Brian Jackson, Robert Karpman, and a few other attendees OUTSIDE USER WATER APPLICATION REQUESTS 457 Lansing Station Road – Andrew Pawenski David Herrick, Town Engineer reviewed the submitted application • Recommends sending this to Water and Sewer Advisory Board (WSAB) • Dedicated private line for this property • No one next to this property could hook up • Waterline will not be dedicated to the Town of Lansing o Property owner will pay for repairs Town Board agreed to refer this to WSAB for advisory opinion Ridge Road (across from Lansing High School) – Brian Jackson David Herrick, Town Engineer reviewed the submitted application • Will need to go under Wildman Road (Town Road) and Ridge Road (State Road) • Maybe move the road crossing to the west • Property owner will pay • Water pressure will be okay there Higher water fees for outside users • Outside users will eventually be brought into the water district Town Board agreed to refer this to WSAB for advisory opinion WSAB will issue either a preliminary approval or denial for both applications PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – GUIDELINES Available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting, or during public hearings, or when they have reserved and been granted time upon the agenda. Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer (or his or her designee) and step to the front of the room. Speakers must give their name and state whether they are speaking as a resident, a member of the public, or for any other person or organization. August 17, 2022 2 Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes, and comments unrelated to the subject matter of the public hearing are not allowed. Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. With the permission of the presiding officer a Board or committee member may interrupt a speaker for the purpose of clarification or information (and not for any other reason or to debate or disagree). Such time shall not be counted against the speaker’s 3-minute limit. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board or committee as a body and not to any member thereof, nor to any member of the public whether present at such public hearing or not. Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communications. Written documents and evidence may be submitted as part of the record of the public hearing. Persons who exceed 3 minutes, violate rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity or good taste, or deliberately or by their behavior interfere with other person’s right to comment or participate in the public hearing, or who deliberately or by their behavior interfere with governmental administration will be cut off, removed, or have non-recognized comments removed from the record, or any combination of the above. Before a comments or statements will be excised from the record, the speaker will be verbally warned that they are in violation of the rules for this public hearing. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – COMMENTS No one addressed the Town Board. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEGISLATOR REPORT – MIKE SIGLER Reviewed the following with the Town Board. Tompkins County Legislator Michael Sigler August 17, 2022 • Budget Season for the County o Casino money – great amount – Tompkins County (not Lansing) receives casino money from surrounding counties o Sales tax revenue good also o County in great financial shape ▪ Will be shocked if County taxes are not lowered • STAR program – boosting the amount of money homeowner can make to receive the benefit and size of the benefit • Homeless outdoor shelter – Ithaca is considering building cabins o Cost about 1.7 million o $600,000 to staff o Need to get mental health under control first ▪ Dutchess County has great model, Mike is communicating with them • Dredge the inlet – 2023-2024, scope of work is delaying project • Dredge Myers – so children can swim there • Airport – trying to have American Airlines restore their service in Ithaca • Approved resiliency plan for County – grant money for energy o Three (3) dams on Six Mile Creek – could generate 1.5 megawatts of power • Public Safety – issue in Ithaca August 17, 2022 3 LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY REPORT – CHRISTINE EISENHUT Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN BOARD UPDATES FROM THE LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY August 17, 2022 1. End of Summer Reading Celebration – Saturday, August 13th at 7pm – There will be a movie, crafts and refreshments. 2. Planning for fall programming is underway. There will be a series on Family Mental Health. 3. There will be a pop-up Book Sale from September 10th-17th. 4. On display throughout the month of August will be the nature photography of Morgan Wilcox. 5. Elementary Book Club - Pages to Projects selection for the month is Tales from Moominvalley by Tove Jansson. 6. Tween Book Club – selection of the month is Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper. 7. Instructor John Burger will be hosting T’ai Chi classes at the Community Center on Fridays from 10:30-11:30. 8. The library continues to provide free delivery to Woodsedge. 9. Book donations are now being accepted during open hours. Exceptions - textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers’ Digest Books, or magazines. Donation receipt forms are available. 10. The library has an Empire Pass and passes to the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center available for check out. Board games, puzzles, story time kits, and STEAM kits are also available. 11. The library is distributing free self-test COVID-19 kits, antibacterial wipes and N95 masks to Lansing households. 12. The LCL’s Wi-Fi is not password protected. The community is welcome to park in the lot to access the Internet. LANSING YOUTH SERVICES REPORT No Report. HIGHWAY REPORT – MICHAEL MOSELEY Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. HIGHWAY REPORT August 17, 2022 Water & Sewer • Sewer meter installation (located between the Town and Village of Lansing) to begin August 15th Road Maintenance • Hot mix patch work • Shoulder repair • Intermunicipal paving with Town of Ithaca August 17, 2022 4 Drainage Projects • Continue storm water drainage repair Tree & Brush Maintenance • Tree & brush maintenance along roadside • Ongoing roadside mowing • Right of way tree maintenance Miscellaneous • Worked with residents of Ludlowville on no parking signs • No new updates from Stopen Engineering regarding Ludlowville Road (Snake Road / Crooked Hill) Mike also reported: Water & Sewer – currently working at 9 Rosina Drive installing meters Paving the following roads: • Lake View Drive • Sperry Lane • Lansing Heights • Fiddlers Green • Fiddlers Ridge • Sweazey Road • Benson Road PARKS AND RECREATION REPORT – PATRICK TYRRELL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Parks & Recreation 8/17/22 Town Board Meeting RECREATION • Soccer camp finished two weeks ago with one of our biggest groups yet. Almost 300 kids. Thanks to our coaches for making that possible. • Staff has worked to fix bridge on the trails. • Our Fall youth football season started August 1st. All three teams (Flag, Junior tackle, Senior tackle) are looking to have another successful season. First game is away August 28th. • Fall Soccer registrations are beginning to fill up. Start date September 8th. PARKS • Park staff worked hard to get the park ready for the fundraiser last week. • The marina wall project/walkway has been finished. • Additional signage has been posted at Salt Point to help keep people out during restricted hours. We also installed motion sensor lights at the entrance. • Tompkins County Sherriff’s are still investigating the theft that happened at the park late last month. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING REPORT – C.J. RANDALL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. CORE PLANNING FUNCTIONS • Planning Board staff support o Minor Subdivision – 460 & 470 Scofield Road August 17, 2022 5 ▪ Public Hearing, SEQRA Determination of Environmental Significance, and Plat approval on 7/25 o Site Plan – Village Solars Phase VII ▪ Site Plan review and SEQRA Declaration of Lead Agency – 7/25 o Site Plan – Convenience (Mini) Mart and Vehicular fuel (Dandy Mini Mart) – 7 Ridge Rd ▪ Discussion of Site Plan and SEQR EAF Part 2 – 7/25 • Zoning Board of Appeals staff support o Area variance for emplacement of shed – 281 Bill George Rd – renewed 7/12 • Coordinated and attended monthly Department Head meeting on 7/6 • Coordinated and attended Water & Sewer Advisory Committee meeting on 7/6 • Attended Tompkins County Planning Advisory Board (PAB) meeting on 7/12 • Attended Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) Planning Committee meeting on 7/19 o Attended SS4A multijurisdictional meeting on Action Plan grants on 7/11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT o Prepared and submitted Five-Year Forecast on 7/8 o Submitted MS4 Vacuum Truck application to NYS WQIP on 7/29 o Coordinated with OpenGov on 7/6, 7/7, 7/13, 7/20, 7/21, and 7/29 LAND USE WORK PROGRAM Q4 2021 – Q3 2022 Scope of work and schedule of adoption located at: https://bit.ly/RAZoningupdate • Zoning and Land Use Regulations Update o Circulated revised working draft text and map amendments for Rural Agricultural (RA) Zoning District review to Code Revision Committee on 7/25 C.J. also reported: • OpenGov will be live after Labor Day o Apply online (permits, etc.) and pay via credit card or mail in check or pay in cash TOWN CLERK REPORT – DEBBIE MUNSON Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN CLERK AUGUST 17, 2022 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) The Town Clerk’s Office received notification that we completed the process to participate in LIHWAP. Information about this program is posted on the Town’s website. Water and Sewer Payments Water and Sewer payments are due by August 25th. Tompkins County Septic Upgrade Program The County recently received funds from New York State for replacing septic systems. The funds will be used for the upgrade of substandard septic systems for single family, owner-occupied properties located in Tompkins County, but outside the City of Ithaca. Please visit the website - https://www.tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/owts/tcsup for more details on the program. August 17, 2022 6 Town Website We continue to add additional resources for our residents on the Town Clerk’s Department page of the newly designed website. If anyone has trouble finding documents on the new website, please contact us: 607-533-4142 or jhall@lansingtown.com. ENGINEER’S REPORT – DAVE HERRICK No report. CONSENT AGENDA a. MOTION APPROVING TOWN CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUDIT MOTION M22-33 MOTION APPROVING TOWN CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUDIT Moved that the draft audit response and remediation plan respecting the State Comptroller’s Information Technology Audit Report, received by the Town upon July 8, 2022, be and hereby is approved, and further that the Town Supervisor may sign the same and cause its formal delivery to and filing with the Office of the State Comptroller. b. MOTION TO ALLOCATE FROM FUND BALANCE DB599 TO DB5112.400, ALLOCATION WILL BE REIMBURSED BY NYS PROGRAMS MOTION M22-34 MOTION TO ALLOCATE FROM FUND BALANCE DB599 TO DB5112.400, ALLOCATION WILL BE REIMBURSED BY NYS PROGRAMS Moved, to allocate $104,000 from fund balance DB599 to DB5112.400 for paving roads, allocation will be reimbursed in full from the following NYS programs: Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS), Extreme Winter Recovery (EWR) and PaveNY. c. RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED TOWN OF LANSING SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION POLICY RESOLUTION 22-107 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED TOWN OF LANSING SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION POLICY The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, New York State has mandated, among other things, including a hotline contact number in all sexual harassment prevention and workplace policies, and an amended policy was presented to this meeting, and upon a review and deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has duly RESOLVED, that said policy, as updated, supersedes and replaces the prior policy effective immediately. d. RESOLUTION APPROVING HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT IN ACCORD WITH CAPITAL REPLACEMENT PLANS, TO BE PAID FOR AND RECEIVED IN 2024 RESOLUTION 22-108 August 17, 2022 7 RESOLUTION APPROVING HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT IN ACCORD WITH CAPITAL REPLACEMENT PLANS, TO BE PAID FOR AND RECEIVED IN 2024 The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has long had capital management and equipment replacement plans for the Highway Department consisting of a balance of reserve funds and budgeted cash, and in 2022 certain capital needs of the Highway Department were discussed, including how to fund the purchase of the same in 2024; and WHEREAS, there is a very long manufacturing time on equipment such as equipment ordered in 2022 will be delivered in 2024; and WHEREAS, the Highway Department has now confirmed and identified its need for a new highway truck in 2024 which consists of a plow truck with box and plow kit, and has utilized the County Bid lists for pricing such vehicle and equipment; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has fully reviewed such need and the options for the same, including placing the order in 2022 and paying for and receiving the equipment in 2024, and the Highway Department now wishes to place the order and seeks verification from the Town Board; and WHEREAS, upon and after due deliberation upon this matter, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has determined as follows, and now be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Town Board affirms the funds to pay for same in 2024 are $94,713.13 in DB5110.200 and $94,713.13 in SW8430.200 and $94,713.13 in DA5142.200 are intended to be used for equipment and vehicle purchases; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent be and hereby is authorized to affect the following purchase in 2022 and pay for and receive in 2024: a 2024 International HX620 tandem axle dump truck with plow package and muni body (county contract #8996); but only as long as the amount to be expended does not cumulatively exceed the sum of $284,139.39 for such vehicle and equipment; and it is further RESOLVED, that should the sum proposed to be expended exceed such amount of $284,139.39, it is requested that the Highway Superintendent notify the Town Board and work with the Town Board to decide whether to spend such additional funds. e. RESOLUTION TO RELEVY YEARLY WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON THE 2023 TOWN AND COUNTY TAX BILLS RESOLUTION 22-109 RESOLUTION TO RELEVY YEARLY WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ON THE 2023 TOWN AND COUNTY TAX BILLS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing Town Board hereby authorizes the Receiver of Water and Sewer Rents to relevy water and sewer accounts each year on the Town and County Tax Bills; and WHEREAS, to assure proper notification to all account holders, the Lansing Town Board hereby directs SCLIWC (Bolton Point) once a year to place a timely reminder notice on the August water bills, or the Receiver of Water and Sewer Rents will send the courtesy reminder letter generated by Williamson Law Book, to all owners and tenants who have a balance of $1.00 or more for the water and sewer charges on their account; and WHEREAS, the last day for payment will be the second Tuesday of October; and August 17, 2022 8 WHEREAS, after the collection date the Receiver will notify SCLIWC to remove said amounts from accounts to be relevied on the Town and County Tax Bills; and WHEREAS, by no later than the second Tuesday of November the Receiver will send the amounts to be relevied on the Town and County Tax Bill to the Tompkins County Assessment Department. WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Receiver will relevy the unpaid water and sewer account charges plus a 10% fee on all accounts with a balance of $10.00 or more to the Town and County Tax Bills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all unpaid water and sewer account charges under $10.00 will be adjusted. f. RESOLUTION REQUESTING REDUCTION OF SPEED LIMIT ON SHARPSTEEN ROAD RESOLUTION 22-110 RESOLUTION REQUESTING REDUCTION OF SPEED LIMIT ON SHARPSTEEN ROAD The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has received a request from the residents along Sharpsteen Road concerned about safety of pedestrians and excessive speed and a representative of the neighborhood has presented a petition signed by the residents in support thereof; and WHEREAS, Sharpsteen Road is a Town Highway; and WHEREAS, the residents and property owners of Sharpsteen Road request a reduction in the speed limit to 35 miles per hour to improve public safety; and WHEREAS, upon consideration and deliberation upon the same, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Lansing supports the requested reduction in speed limit and hereby directs that the Town requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic study along Sharpsteen Road in the Town of Lansing for the purpose of considering reduced speed to enhance safety. g. RESOLUTION TO PARTNER ON FEDERAL SAFE STREETS AND ROADS FOR ALL PLANNING GRANT OPPORTUNITY RESOLUTION 22-111 RESOLUTION TO PARTNER ON FEDERAL SAFE STREETS AND ROADS FOR ALL PLANNING GRANT OPPORTUNITY The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, in 2022, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) federal grant program, with up to one billion dollars appropriated in FY22, and with a local match of 20% of the project cost; and WHEREAS, local municipalities are eligible to apply for funding to create a detailed transportation safety “Action Plan”, either individually or in collaboration with other municipalities; and August 17, 2022 9 WHEREAS, the FY22 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), available here: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=340385 ), states that applications with multiple municipalities partnering to create a plan will be more competitive for funding than applications from a single municipality; and WHEREAS, successful creation of an Action Plan in this grant cycle would make the partnering municipalities eligible to apply for implementation grants in future years of this grant program, either individually or in collaboration again; and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has agreed to be the “Lead Applicant” on this planning grant application, with multiple neighboring municipalities expressing interest in applying as “Joint Applicants”, including the following in alphabetical order: • Town of Caroline • Town of Danby • Town of Dryden • Town of Enfield • Town of Ithaca • Town of Lansing • Town of Newfield • Village of Cayuga Heights • Village of Lansing WHEREAS, the role of the City of Ithaca as Lead Applicant will be to complete the online application on behalf of all partnering municipalities for FY22 funding, with an application due date of September 15, 2022; and WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca is presenting a resolution to its Common Council, requesting a budget to fund the study in whole at $750,000, to be eventually reimbursed 80% by the grant, 23 Section 7, Item g. with individual municipalities reimbursing the City of Ithaca for its share of the 20% local match. The Town of Lansing’s share of the local match will not exceed $15,000; then be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Lansing agrees to partner with the City of Ithaca and other neighboring municipalities to jointly apply for the SS4A planning grant opportunity to create an Action Plan that uncovers both regional and municipality-specific transportation safety problems, as well as presents detailed regional and municipality-specific solutions; and RESOLVED, that the Town of Lansing agrees to reimburse the City of Ithaca for its share of the 20% local match ($150,000 total local match for a $750,000 total project cost), specifically that the Town of Lansing will reimburse the City of Ithaca an amount not to exceed $15,000. h. RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF “NO PARKING” SIGNAGE ON SECTIONS OF MILL STREET, SALMON CREEK ROAD, LUDLOWVILLE ROAD AND MAPLE AVENUE RESOLUTION 22-112 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF “NO PARKING” SIGNAGE ON SECTIONS OF MILL STREET, SALMON CREEK ROAD, LUDLOWVILLE ROAD AND MAPLE AVENUE The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, there is a recognized hazard being created by roadside parking on portions of Mill Street, Salmon Creek Road, Ludlowville Road and Maple Avenue; and August 17, 2022 10 WHEREAS, the Highway Department, through its Superintendent, has inspected and has analyzed and investigated this issue and has made recommendations to this Board and to the County Highway Department; and WHEREAS, the County Highway Department requires the approval of the Town Board before placing “No Parking” signs at and/or near such intersection upon any County road thereat located, Ludlowville Road being a County Road and Mill Street, Salmon Creek Road and Maple Avenue being Town Roads; and WHEREAS, upon a review and discussion of the matter, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the installation and placement of “No Parking” signage on sections of Mill Street, Salmon Creek Road, Ludlowville Road and Maple Avenue be and hereby is authorized and approved, and the County and Town Highway Departments may confer and cooperate to decide upon the pattern and placement of such signage. i. RESOLUTION HIRING PART TIME CODE/FIRE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER POSITION FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING RESOLUTION 22-113 RESOLUTION HIRING PART TIME CODE/FIRE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER POSITION FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, there is a need for one (1) Part Time Code/Fire Enforcement Officer position at the Town of Lansing; and WHEREAS, Resolution 22-81 adopted on March 16, 2022 authorized the Director of Planning to select and identify an acceptable and qualified candidate; and WHEREAS, said position has been classified and deemed as a Non-Competitive Civil Service position by the Tompkins County Department of Personnel; and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing Supervisor has recommended that the above positions be filled at the Town of Lansing; and WHEREAS, upon a review and discussion of the matter, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby: RESOLVED, that Resolution 22-81 is hereby amended to authorize the Director of Planning to hire a Part Time Code/Fire Enforcement Officer, in the Planning & Code Enforcement Department, at a pay grade not to exceed $50 per hour and not to exceed $28,000 annually; and RESOLVED, that the appropriate Town officer be and hereby is authorized to make such changes to the Towns’ employment and civil service rosters, to file the required Civil Service forms to effect such changes per this Resolution, and to file Form 428s, if required. j. RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT RESOLUTION 22-114 RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT The Supervisor submitted his monthly report for the month of May 2022, to all Board Members and to the Town Clerk. The Supervisor’s Report was reviewed by August 17, 2022 11 Councilperson Ruth Groff. The bills were reviewed by Councilperson Andra Benson and Councilperson Bronwyn Losey. The Supervisor’s Report be approved as submitted and the Bookkeeper is hereby authorized to pay the following bills and to make the following budget modifications. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT # 008 DATED 08/17/2022 AUDITED VOUCHER #’s 654 – 812 PREPAY VOUCHER #’s 654 – 659 AUDITED T & A VOUCHER #’s 49 – 55 PREPAY T & A VOUCHER #’s 49 – 51 FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND (A&B) $ 209,464.96 HIGHWAY FUND (DA&DB) $ 128,301.69 LANSING LIGHTING (SL1, 2 &3) $ 1,462.73 LANSING WATER DISTRICTS (SW) $ 259,162.17 TRUST & AGENCY (TA) $ 62,119.12 WARREN & CHERRY RD SEWER DISTRICT (SS1&SS3) $ 28,491.37 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AUGUST 17, 2022 MEETING GENERAL FUND A August 17, 2022 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A599 A1610.400 From Fund Balance to Technology $ 50,000.00 Addtl needed for transition to Municode, Williamson Cloud HIGHWAY FUND DA August 17, 2022 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT DA599 DA5148.100 From Fund Balance to Snow removal other - personal services $ 20,000.00 Additional needed DA599 DA5142.100 From Fund Balance to Snow removal town - personal services $ 5,000.00 Additional needed HIGHWAY FUND DB August 17, 2022 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT DB599 DB5110.400 From Fund Balance to Street maintenance $ 8,500.00 Addtl needed because of cost of ice damage August 17, 2022 12 CONSENT AGENDA MOTIONS M22-33 – M22-34 AND RESOLUTIONS 22-107 – 22-114 RESOLUTION 22-115 WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Motions M22-33 – M22-34 and Resolutions 22-107 – 22-114, are hereby approved as presented and amended, and The question of the adoption of such proposed Consent Agenda Motions and Resolutions were duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Motions and Resolutions were approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 17, 2022. MOTION TO APPROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LABELLA ASSOCIATES, D.P.C. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE RELATIVE TO ORES APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING FOR CS ENERGY AND THE YELLOW BARN SOLAR PROJECT Town Board Discussion: Payment terms should be 45 days instead of 30 days because the Town only pays bills once a month. LaBella is working for Lansing and Groton with shared costs depending on work. General costs will be split; special services for each Town – each Town will pay. Town of Lansing point of contact person will be Director of Planning, C.J. Randall. MOTION M22-35 MOTION TO APPROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LABELLA ASSOCIATES, D.P.C. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE RELATIVE TO ORES APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING FOR CS ENERGY AND THE YELLOW BARN SOLAR PROJECT Moved to approve hiring LaBella Associates, D.P.C., Rochester, NY, for environmental and engineering professional services, to work mainly with Town Counsel and the Planning Department relative to ORES applications, including but not limited to CS Energy’s Yellow Barn Solar Project, and environmental reviews thereunder, together with such other services as may mutually be agreed upon between special counsel and the Town, and further authorizing Supervisor to sign engagement agreement for these purposes by and on behalf of the Town of Lansing once final form of contract agreed to by Director of Planning. The question of the adoption of such proposed Motion was duly motioned by Supervisor Edward LaVigne, duly seconded by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Motion was approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 17, 2022. August 17, 2022 13 RESOLUTION APPROVING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT IN ACCORD WITH CAPITAL REPLACEMENT PLANS RESOLUTION 22-116 RESOLUTION APPROVING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT IN ACCORD WITH CAPITAL REPLACEMENT PLANS The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has long had capital management and equipment plans for the Parks and Recreation Department and in 2022 certain capital needs of the Parks and Recreation Department were discussed, including how to fund the purchase of the same in 2022 without incurring debt; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department has now confirmed and identified its need for one new Kubota L4760HSTC Tractor with L1055 Loader, which will be shared with the Town of Lansing Highway Department and has utilized the New York State Office of General Service (NYSOGS) for pricing such equipment; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department was planning to purchase this equipment in 2023 and wait until 2024 to receive it; and WHEREAS, this equipment is available now and the Town will not need to wait until 2024 to receive it if purchased now and the price will increase at least 15% if the equipment is purchased in 2023; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has fully reviewed such need and the options for the same, and the Parks and Recreation Department now wishes to use ARPA funds and seeks verification from the Town Board that this budget line item is indeed to be used as cash to make such purchases; and WHEREAS, upon and after due deliberation upon this matter, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has determined as follows, and now be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Parks and Recreation Supervisor or his designee be and hereby are authorized to affect the following purchase per NYS contract PC# 69404, Kubota L4760HSTC Tractor with L1055 Loader, from Empire Tractor, Inc. for a total not to exceed $48,976.55, Massey Ferguson Tractor 1735M with cab and loader, serial number M17350JJP23222, will either be traded in to lower the purchase price or sold and the proceeds will go towards purchasing the new Kubota Tractor; and it is further RESOLVED, that the above sums shall be paid through the use of ARPA funds, and the Town Bookkeeper is directed to make payment from such accounts and report such expenditure to the ARPA administrator as required by law; and it is further RESOLVED, that should the sum proposed to be expended exceed such amount of $48,976.55 for the Kubota Tractor, it is requested that the Parks and Recreation Supervisor notify the Town Board and work with the Town Board to decide whether to spend such additional funds. The question of the adoption of such proposed Resolution was duly motioned by Councilperson Andra Benson, duly seconded by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolution was approved, carried, and duly adopted on August 17, 2022. August 17, 2022 14 BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Andra Benson – reported the following: Lansing Library – written report above Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) • Open space index – working with Bergmann Associates o Outreach strategy ▪ Talk to groups in Town ▪ Booth at Lansing Carnival Ruth Groff – reported the following: Working on financial plans • Five-year plan • Capital plan • Next Capital Improvement Committee need to work on both plans • Both plans completed before next Town Board meeting Joseph Wetmore Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was included in the meeting packet which was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Joseph Wetmore Town Board Member Report July 2022 New bridge over Salmon Creek Grand opening Wednesday, July 21 ⋅ 11:00am – 12:00pm Bolton Point Personnel Committee Monday, July 25 ⋅ 11:00am – 12:00pm 1. Review the draft June meeting notes 2. Continue discussion of policy revisions 3. Continue discussion on Staffing Plan 4. Reports August 17, 2022 15 a. Shop Steward b. Finance Manager c. Tuition Reimbursement Request d. Distribution Manager e. Production Manager f. Human Resources Manager g. General Manager Planning Board Monday, July 25 ⋅ 6:30 – 8:30pm 1. Public Hearing Minor Subdivision: 460 & 470 Scofield Road 2. Site Plan, Village Solar Phase VII 3. Site Plan – Dandy Mini Mart Town of Lansing Codes Committee Thursday, August 4 ⋅ 10:00am – 12:00pm 1. Review of proposed draft Zoning Article VII: Principal, Accessory, and Temporary Uses permitted in the Rural Agriculture (RA) Zoning District 2. Review of map recommended by 2015 Ag Plan + proposed draft Zoning Map 3. Review of updates to schedule of adoption / postcard mailing Planning Board Monday, August 8 ⋅ 6:30 – 9:30pm Discussion: Review of existing Rural Agriculture (RA) Zoning District uses and recommended changes Joe started a discussion on Planning Board issues: • Planning Board members talking to applicants o How much of this should be done • Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne stated same issues with all Boards o Board members need to be reminded • Town Counsel Guy Krogh stated general, generic conversations are okay o Avoid ex parte communication o Direct people to resources and appropriate Board o He will send information to Town Board, so Board can think about policy • Liaison to Board – basically there to listen and answer questions directed to them C.J. Randall, Director of Planning – has materials for training that could be done in 2023 WORK SESSION MEETING ITEMS OF DISCUSSION Highway Building • Open house for new highway building in September 2022 o Postcard will be mailed to all households (6189) in the Town and Village of Lansing • Drone video, website • Bergmann Associates will have information booth at Lansing Carnival • Town Board meeting, October 19, 2022, Resolution for bond approval o Bond Resolution subject to permissive referendum – 30 day waiting period ▪ Possible Town wide special election August 17, 2022 16 MOTION TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR HIGHWAY BUILDING OPEN HOUSE MOTION M22-36 MOTION TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR HIGHWAY BUILDING OPEN HOUSE Councilperson Andra Benson, moved to allocate up to $5500 from Fund Balance, A Fund, for production and mailing of postcards and supplies for Highway Building open house in September 2022. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 4 Opposed – 0 Code Enforcement Local Law Update – C.J. Randall • New guidelines – needs updating • Town Board agreed to have Code Revision Committee work on updates Property at 2 Auburn Road No updates on demolition MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Andra Benson moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:11 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 4 Opposed – 0 Minutes taken and executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk