HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-20 April 20, 2022 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING April 20, 2022 A Regular Meeting of the Lansing Town Board was held at the Town Hall Board Room, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY, and streamed live on YouTube on the above date at 6:31 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Edward LaVigne, Supervisor, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Deborah K. Munson, Town Clerk, showed the following to be PRESENT: Andra Benson, Councilperson (remotely) Ruth Groff, Councilperson Bronwyn Losey, Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, Councilperson Edward LaVigne, Supervisor ABSENT: No one absent ALSO PRESENT: Patrick Tyrrell, Parks and Recreation Supervisor, Mike Moseley, Highway Superintendent, and Matthew Pulea. ALSO PRESENT REMOTELY: Guy Krogh, Town Counsel, C.J. Randall, Director of Planning, and Mary Ellen Albrecht, Town of Lansing Information Aide PARK, RECREATION AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION – MJ ENGINEERING, JACKIE HAKES Reviewed the following • Project and schedule overview • Park concept plans – design principles • Lansing connected • Draft master plan overview The presentation is available at the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town of Lansing Website. Next steps – C.J. Randall, Director of Planning • Final edits completed soon – will circulate next month • Town Board adopt plan Ludlowville Park discussion • Expanding too much – beyond neighborhood park • Very minimal expanding o Adding five (5) parking spaces • Restrooms • Safer access to falls • Did not expand park – neighborhood park • Work with Tompkins County to put up no parking signs • Have discussion with Ludlowville residents • Concept plan – not set in stone • Belongs to all Town of Lansing residents PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – GUIDELINES Available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. The public shall be allowed to speak only during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting, or during public hearings, or when they have reserved and been granted time upon the agenda. Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer (or his or her designee) and step to the front of the room. April 20, 2022 2 Speakers must give their name and state whether they are speaking as a resident, a member of the public, or for any other person or organization. Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes, and comments unrelated to the subject matter of the public hearing are not allowed. Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. With the permission of the presiding officer a Board or committee member may interrupt a speaker for the purpose of clarification or information (and not for any other reason or to debate or disagree). Such time shall not be counted against the speaker’s 3-minute limit. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board or committee as a body and not to any member thereof, nor to any member of the public whether present at such public hearing or not. Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communications. Written documents and evidence may be submitted as part of the record of the public hearing. Persons who exceed 3 minutes, violate rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity or good taste, or deliberately or by their behavior interfere with other person’s right to comment or participate in the public hearing, or who deliberately or by their behavior interfere with governmental administration will be cut off, removed, or have non-recognized comments removed from the record, or any combination of the above. Before a comments or statements will be excised from the record, the speaker will be verbally warned that they are in violation of the rules for this public hearing. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR – COMMENTS (Available in person and via Zoom) No one addressed the Town Board. LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY REPORT – CHRISTINE EISENHUT The following report was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. TOWN BOARD UPDATES FROM THE LANSING COMMUNITY LIBRARY April 20, 2022 1. The library is distributing free self-test COVID-19 kits and KN95 masks to Lansing households. 2. Annual Meeting and Vote - Monday, April 25th at 7pm at the All Saints Hall. The library will hold the Annual Meeting during which the public will meet the candidates running for seats on the Board of Trustees and hear what is planned for 2023. Tuesday, April 26th will be the Trustees Election and the Budget Vote at the library. Absentee ballots will be available at the circulation desk beginning April 1. 3. April is National Poetry Month – Throughout the month the library will offer poetry related story times and activities for children and teens. 4. There will be a Hatfield chicken BBQ fundraiser to support the Friends of the Library on Friday, May 13th. 5. The Summer Reading Kick-off is set for Saturday, June 18th at 11:00am. The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities. April 20, 2022 3 6. T’ai Chi classes are returning to the library! Instructor John Burger will be hosting classes at the Community Center on Fridays from 10:30-11:30. Another class may be added soon. 7. Story time will be held on Thursdays at 11:00am at the Community Center. No registration is required. 8. Pages to Projects – Book Selection – The Magnificent Makers by Theanne Griffith. 9. The Tween Book Club selection is – We Dream of Space by Erin Entrada Kelly. 10. The library continues to provide free delivery to Woodsedge. 11. Book donations are now being accepted during open hours. Exceptions - textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers’ Digest Books, or magazines. Donation receipt forms are available. 12. The library has an Empire Pass and passes to the Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center available for check out. 13. The LCL’s Wi-Fi is not password protected. The community is welcome to park in the lot to access the Internet. LANSING YOUTH SERVICES REPORT – MEGHAN LYONS The following report was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Lansing Youth Services Town Board Report April 2022 LYS’s next meeting will in-person on April 21st at 6pm at All Saints 1. Monday Makers: Participants in Monday Makers have been very engaged in projects that they were able to choose and develop week by week. Projects have included drum making and decorating, animal portraits using clay and drawing, clay self-portraits and teaching each other the rainbow loom. The group is excited to make ice cream soon! 13 youth served 2. Outdoor Adventure: Participants in Outdoor Adventure have the goal of creating a large group shelter that can be used for programs in the future. Youth have been busy selecting appropriate pieces of tree limbs for framing with structural integrity. 8 youth served 3. Salmon Creekers: With warming weather, participants have spent a lot of time at the mouth of Salmon Creek. This biology focused program looks at the wildlife we encounter, and youth are working on a guidebook. The group is beginning to map out the creek and highlight resources and important spaces. Fishing is right around the corner and youth are excited see what fish the group can record! 8 youth served 4. Spaghetti Supper: After a 2-year hiatus, the largest fundraiser is back, and the students are super excited! Although the format has changed a bit this year to a drive thru format, the group is excited as ever working on decorations and practicing their customer service skills. Learning how to operate a drive thru food service will be practiced and evaluated by students for brainstorming changes for future event planning. 12 youth served 5. Youth Employment: Teens in the Youth Employment program have been very busy at each location. The teens at the Library are moving ahead full steam, Lansing Youth Services assistants have been great and looking for more April 20, 2022 4 opportunities. Our ice-skating chaperones finished the program strong. 14 youth served 6. Upcoming Events: • Spaghetti Supper Drive Thru Fundraiser: April 29, 5-7pm- All Saints Church • Lansing Youth Services Fishing Derby: June 18, 7:30am to 11am- Myers Park 7. LYS met on March 17th at All Saints. The group reviewed updates, did planning for the 2022 Youth Needs Assessment, organized for the Spaghetti Supper, and reviewed the CCE Lansing Annual Report. 8. Travis is still working with youth in programming on DEI Statement after sharing the youths’ thoughts on who comes to program and why would they want to attend. More information and options will be ready for the commission at the April meeting. 9. Meghan Guerra Lyons (TCYSD Liaison) presented and reviewed the survey questions and edited the survey to fit the needs of Lansing. The survey will be pushed throughout the month of April and at the Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser. We hope the Town will support our efforts and promote the 2022 Lansing Youth Needs Assessment Adult Survey. The link for the survey is: https://forms.gle/JCHpNAU4WRGxMw899 QR Code for survey: 10. Meghan has drafted a guideline for Youth Focus Groups. Coordination for this is still on-going. LYS 2022 Goals: 1. Create orientation packet for new members - outlines of fiscal revenue and funded programs. Set expectations to visit programs/uniform template to monitor programs. 2. Conduct community needs assessment (focus on impacts of the pandemic). 3. Use DEI statement to track metrics and funded programs. 4. Incorporate more youth input at meetings for feedback into program decisions. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEGISLATOR REPORT – MIKE SIGLER No report. PARKS AND RECREATION REPORT – PATRICK TYRRELL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Parks & Recreation 4/20/22 Town Board Meeting RECREATION • LBP (youth baseball) and LSP (youth softball) was set to begin on Saturday, but weather did not permit. • Summer Program Booklet has been completed. Programs are filling fast. • The final draft of the Lansing Parks, Recreation and Trails master plan has been completed. April 20, 2022 5 • We have been collaborating closely with the school on many projects, which will be mutually beneficial to our programs. • We are extremely excited to welcome Jenna back on Monday after her maternity leave. • We’ve been working with Municode to develop the new Town website; we hope to see that come together in the next couple of months. • The Town will be switching the computer system over to cloud based by early next month, a lot of this work has already been completed. We hope this will save us a significant amount of money going forward. PARKS • The marina channel wall has been completed; we have some landscaping around the lighthouse to complete as well as lighting. • The beachfront has been cleaned up, you will notice a large pile of trees and limbs out on the point that we may burn on Memorial Day. • Some of our equipment that was ordered in November may not be delivered until September of this year. • Dealing with supply chain issues and items that are backordered is affecting a lot of our day-to-day operations. Cost increases are also becoming a very large problem, in some cases 200-300%, we are also now finding fuel surcharges on many of our invoices. • We are looking into adding additional cameras to certain areas of the park. • The trees that had been damaged in the ice flow from Salmon Creek have been replaced. • We are working on an exceptionally large fundraiser that will benefit many children in the area, stay tuned. We are extremely excited about hosting this event. • Saturday, May 14th will be volunteer day at Salt Point 9am – Noon. HIGHWAY REPORT – MICHAEL MOSELEY Reviewed the following with the Town Board. HIGHWAY REPORT April 20, 2022 Water District Crews worked to repair water service. Flood Damage Crews worked to repair flood damage from February rain and snow melt. Road Maintenance Worked on cleaning up snowplow damage. Began ditch maintenance as well as replacing culverts. Plowed snow where needed. Evaluated roads for maintenance to be performed this coming summer. Brushed Sweazy Road. Performed seasonal road maintenance. Brush Pickup Begin May 2, 2022 April 20, 2022 6 Training Full Highway and Park & Rec crew attended Dig Safely Training. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING REPORT – C.J. RANDALL Submitted the following report to the Town Board and it was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. CORE PLANNING FUNCTIONS • Data and GIS Services o Continued virtual meeting protocol during coronavirus outbreak for board and committee meetings, extended again on 3/16 o Staff attended Municode Meetings trainings on 3/24, 3/28 and 3/31 • Planning Board staff support o Coordinated presentation of draft Parks, Recreation & Trails Master Plan on 3/14 o Site Plan – Convenience (Mini) Mart and Vehicular fuel (Dandy Mini Mart) – 7 Ridge Rd ▪ Updated concept plan presented – 3/14 o Lot Line Adjustment – Brickyard & Wilson Rds – authorized 3/28 o Minor Subdivision – 428 Scofield Rd ▪ Declaration of Environmental Significance and Site Plan approval – 3/28 o Major Subdivision – Asbury & Collins Rds, lots 3-7 ▪ SEQRA Negative Declaration and Final Plat Approval – 3/28 o Modification of Site Plan – General Processing, Light Manufacturing and Assembly (Hygear Motorsports)– 308 Peruville Rd ▪ Site Plan approval – 3/28 o Site Plan Review – Village Solars Phase VII ▪ Concept plan and discussion of SEQRA classification – 3/28 • Zoning Board of Appeals staff support o No 3/8 meeting • Stormwater Management o SMO attended MS4 coordination meeting with Stormwater Engineer on 3/10 o SMO attended Tompkins County Stormwater Coalition meeting on 3/16 o SMO attended Draft MS4 Permit meetings on 3/29 • Interdepartmental Coordination o Coordinated and attended monthly Department Head meeting on 3/2 o Coordinated and attended Water & Sewer Advisory Committee meeting on 3/2 o Coordinated with Capital Improvement Committee and NYSOGS regarding Lansing Residential Center on 3/9 • Project Management o Coordinated with Town Engineers on 3/3 and NYS Parks on Myers Park Project on 3/11 o Reviewed A/E design services Request for Proposal with Parks & Recreation Departments on Myers Park Project on 3/7 o Coordinated with Bookkeeper on Myers Park Project administration on 3/23 o Attended Parks, Recreation & Trails Advisory Committee meeting on 3/1 o Coordinated and attended Capital Improvement Committee meeting on 3/9 April 20, 2022 7 o Coordinated with OpenGov on 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 and 3/25 and Open Gov and County ITS/GIS on 3/23 o Attended Charter Franchise Renewal and Audit meeting on 3/31 • Conservation Advisory Council staff support o Assisted with receipt and review of proposals for Open space index and Conservation Plan project consultants on 3/2, 3/3, and 3/28 o Attended meeting on 3/3 • Attended review of Hazard Mitigation Program Grant with NYSDHSES staff and Tompkins County Soil & Water Conservation District on 3/7 and 3/18 • Attended Tompkins County Planning Advisory Board (PAB) meeting on 3/8 • Coordinated with Tompkins County Department of Planning & Sustainability on their 2022 Work Program on 3/8 LAND USE WORK PROGRAM Q4 2021 – Q3 2022 Scope of work and schedule of adoption located at: https://bit.ly/RAZoningupdate • Zoning and Land Use Regulations Update o Reviewed revised draft preliminary report Town Board regarding the Rural Agricultural (RA) AG Zoning District at Code Revision Committee on 3/3 o Prepared initial text and map amendments for Agricultural (RA) AG Zoning District review at Code Revision Committee on 3/3 C.J. also reported: Agriculture Committee – trying to get it started again Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) – recommended consultant for open space index and conservation plan ENGINEER’S REPORT – DAVE HERRICK No report. TOWN CLERK REPORT – DEBBIE MUNSON TOWN CLERK APRIL 20, 2022 Assessment (Tax) Grievance Day for the Town of Lansing Thursday, May 12th will be Assessment Grievance Day for the Town of Lansing from 3:30pm – 6:00pm at the Lansing Town Hall. The Board appointed Supervisor Ed LaVigne and Councilperson Andra Benson to serve on the Local Advisory Board at the January 2022 Town Board Meeting. Cannabis Local Law Numbering We received a letter from New York State Records Division stating that Local Law numbers 3 and 4 of 2021 had to be renumbered in 2022 due to them being filed in 2022 (even though they were adopted/passed in 2021). When Local Laws are passed at the end of the year, but not filed until the following year, they must be numbered for the following year. The State Records Office advised that the laws do not have to be repassed, just changed to the current year. Local Law numbers 3 and 4 of 2021 are now Local Law numbers 3 and 4 of 2022. Tax Collection Total warrant - $15,006,126 Total collected - $14,319,615 April 20, 2022 8 Rabies Clinic Lansing Fire Station, 80 Ridge Road – May 4, 2022, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Contact Tompkins County Health Department for preregistration: https://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh/rabies or 607-274-6688 Municode Town Clerk’s office spent a lot of time learning new software for meetings. Agenda now has hyperlinks which will connect to the appropriate document(s). CONSENT AGENDA a. MOTION AUTHORIZING TOWN OF LANSING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN LANSING YOUTH COMMISSION PROGRAM AGREEMENT MOTION M22-17 MOTION AUTHORIZING TOWN OF LANSING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN LANSING YOUTH COMMISSION PROGRAM AGREEMENT Motion Authorizing Town of Lansing Supervisor to Sign Lansing Youth Commission Program Agreement for 2022 between Cornell Cooperative Extension and Town of Lansing. b. MOTION AUTHORIZING LANSING TOWN CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF STATE COMPTROLLER AND OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE FOR LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLD WATER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM MOTION M22-18 MOTION AUTHORIZING LANSING TOWN CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF STATE COMPTROLLER AND OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE FOR LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLD WATER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Motion to approve and authorize the Town Clerk to execute the contractual agreement with New York State, including through OSC (Office of the State Comptroller) and ODTA (Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) under the federal and state Low Income Household Water Assistance Program to provide emergency funding and Covid- 19 financial assistance to Lansing residents qualified by NYS under such program for assistance with water and sewer bills. c. MOTION THAT THE TOWN BOARD DETERMINES AND DIRECTS $25,000 BE UTILIZED FROM THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING (ARPA) TO HELP PAY COSTS FOR THE BULKHEAD MARINA WALL PROJECT AT MYERS PARK MOTION M22-19 MOTION THAT THE TOWN BOARD HEREBY DETERMINES AND DIRECTS $25,000 BE UTILIZED FROM THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING (ARPA) TO HELP PAY COSTS FOR THE BULKHEAD MARINA WALL PROJECT AT MYERS PARK. Motion that the Town Board hereby determines and directs $25,000 be utilized from the American Rescue Plan Act Funding (ARPA) to help pay costs for the Bulkhead Marina Wall Project at Myers Park. April 20, 2022 9 d. MOTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING TO PREPARE COMMENTS UPON THE CLIMATE ACTION COUNCIL DRAFT SCOPING PLAN AND SUBMIT COMMENTS TO NYSERDA BY JUNE 10, 2022 MOTION M22-20 MOTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING TO PREPARE COMMENTS UPON THE CLIMATE ACTION COUNCIL DRAFT SCOPING PLAN AND SUBMIT COMMENTS TO NYSERDA BY JUNE 10, 2022 Moved that the advice and recommendations of the Director of Planning be and hereby is approved, and that the Director of Planning is authorized to prepare comments upon the Climate Action Council Draft Scoping Plan and submit comments to NYSERDA by June 10, 2022. e. MOTION AUTHORIZING TOWN OF LANSING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN INSERO & CO. CPAS, LLP ENGAGEMENT LETTER MOTION M22-21 MOTION AUTHORIZING TOWN OF LANSING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN INSERO & CO. CPAs, LLP ENGAGEMENT LETTER Motion authorizing Town of Lansing Supervisor to sign Insero & Co. CPAs, LLP engagement letter, dated April 6, 2022, for year ended December 31, 2021. f. MOTION AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF $10,000 TO THE COUNTY DUE TO AN OVERCOLLECTION OF FIRE DISTRICT TAXES MOTION M22-22 MOTION AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF $10,000 TO THE COUNTY DUE TO AN OVERCOLLECTION OF FIRE DISTRICT TAXES Motion that the Town Board authorizes a transfer of $10,000 to the County due to an overcollection of fire district taxes pursuant to Real Property Tax Law (RPTL) § 490, and the same shall be held upon account, applied to next year’s fire district levy, and otherwise managed by the County in accord with the RPTL. g. MOTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF MYERS PARK PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) SUBJECT TO CHANGES IN CONSULTANT SELECTION TIMELINE AND PROPOSED SUBMISSION DEADLINE AT THE DISCRECTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR AND DIRECTOR OF PLANNING MOTION M22-23 MOTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF MYERS PARK PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) SUBJECT TO CHANGES IN CONSULTANT SELECTION TIMELINE AND PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR AND DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Motion authorizing issuance of Myers Park Project request for proposal (RFP) subject to changes in consultant selection timeline and proposal submission deadline at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Supervisor and Director of Planning. h. MOTION SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING ON CHARTER CABLE FRANCHISE RENEWAL MOTION M22-24 April 20, 2022 10 MOTION SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING ON CHARTER CABLE FRANCHISE RENEWAL FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING, NEW YORK Moved that a public hearing be scheduled for May 18, 2022, at 6:31 pm, to review the past performance of the cable operator, Charter, and to identify the future cable-related community needs of the Town of Lansing. i. RESOLUTION APPOINTING BOOKKEEPER AND HIRING INFORMATION AIDE FOR SUPERVISOR’S OFFICE RESOLUTION 22-83 RESOLUTION APPOINTING BOOKKEEPER TO THE SUPERVISOR, MARY ELLEN ALBRECHT, PER TOMPKINS COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND UNDER TOWN LAW, AND HIRING FULL-TIME INFORMATION AIDE IN THE SUPERVISOR’S OFFICE, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING FILING OF FORMS 428s The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing Supervisor needs to appoint a Bookkeeper due to the April 15, 2022 retirement of the Bookkeeper, Charmagne Rumgay; and WHEREAS, upon appointment of the Bookkeeper, the Supervisor’s Office will have a Full-time Information Aide position available; and WHEREAS, The Town of Lansing Supervisor has recommended that the Information Aide position be filled at the Town of Lansing; and WHEREAS, acceptable and qualified candidates for the Information Aide will be identified and are therefore proposed to be hired to fulfill such job requirements; and WHEREAS, upon consideration and deliberation upon the same, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, as follows: 1. Mary Ellen Albrecht be and hereby is appointed as the Bookkeeper to the Supervisor effective as of April 18, 2022, at the previously agreed upon and authorized rate of pay of $33.97 per hour, under Grade 7, Step 7, 40 hours per week, subject also to all Town perquisites and benefits as are available to such position, said position is classified as a salaried FLSA Exempt Employee. 2. Town of Lansing Supervisor is hereby approved to hire a Full-time Information Aide, in the Supervisor’s Office, at an hourly rate not to exceed $22.00 per hour, 36.5 hours per week, subject also to all Town perquisites and benefits as are available to such position. 3. The probationary period for the Information Aide be and hereby is scheduled for 26 weeks. 4. The appropriate Town officer be and hereby is authorized to make such changes to the Towns’ employment and civil service rosters, to file the required Civil Service forms to effect such changes per this Resolution. 5. This Resolution updates Resolution #22-21, as required for determination of retirement benefits. j. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO EXECUTE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT WITH CHARMAGNE RUMGAY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE SUPERVISOR’S OFFICE April 20, 2022 11 RESOLUTION 22-84 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN SUPERVISOR TO EXECUTE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT WITH CHARMAGNE RUMGAY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE SUPERVISOR’S OFFICE The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board: WHEREAS, retired Bookkeeper Charmagne Rumgay has offered to assist the Supervisor’s Office with the transition to a new Bookkeeper until December 31, 2022 under an Independent Contractor Agreement to continue to assist, which will commence on April 21, 2022; and WHEREAS, Charmagne Rumgay is a single-source provider with detailed knowledge of the administrative duties of the position and department and is to be paid at a rate of $45.00 per hour; and WHEREAS, such agreement has been reviewed by and is generally acceptable to the Town Board, and upon consideration and deliberation upon the foregoing, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Independent Contractor Agreement be and hereby is approved, and that the Town Supervisor may sign and execute the same by, for, on behalf of, and in the name of the Town of Lansing k. RESOLUTION AMENDING ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTION # 22-57 FOR THE YEAR 2022 RESOLUTION 22-85 RESOLUTION AMENDING ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTION # 22-57 FOR THE YEAR 2022 The following Resolution was duly presented for consideration by the Town Board. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Town of Ithaca for Code Enforcement Services under Resolution # 22-80 at its March 16, 2022 meeting; and WHEREAS, the MOU permits the Town of Lansing to purchase code enforcement services from the Town of Ithaca on an as-needed basis; and WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that Resolution # 22-57 be and hereby is amended by adding this paragraph to the end of the Resolution: “Under town code Chapters 108 (code enforcement), 112 (unsafe buildings), 158 (junkyards), 210 (signs) and 270 (zoning), an enforcement officer shall also be, and such term shall include, any NYS code enforcement officer engaged by the town for code enforcement or building inspection services.” l. RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT RESOLUTION 22-86 RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT AND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND SUPERVISOR’S REPORT The Supervisor submitted his monthly report for the month of February 2022, to all Board Members and to the Town Clerk. The Supervisor’s Report was reviewed by April 20, 2022 12 Councilperson Ruth Groff. The bills were reviewed by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore and Councilperson Bronwyn Losey. The Supervisor’s Report be approved as submitted and the Bookkeeper is hereby authorized to pay the following bills and to make the following budget modifications. CONSOLIDATED ABSTRACT # 004 DATED 04/20/2022 AUDITED VOUCHER #’s 229 - 325 PREPAY VOUCHER #’s 229 - 232 AUDITED T & A VOUCHER #’s 18 - 24 PREPAY T & A VOUCHER #’s 18 - 20 FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND (A&B) $ 89,079.28 HIGHWAY FUND (DA&DB) $ 173,027.01 LANSING LIGHTING (SL1, 2 &3) $ 1,433.71 LANSING WATER DISTRICTS (SW) $ 7,452.51 TRUST & AGENCY (TA) $ 73,639.87 WARREN ROAD SEWER DISTRICT (SS1-) $ 557.83 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS APRIL 20, 2022 MEETING GENERAL FUND A April 20, 2022 FROM TO FOR AMOUNT A599 A5132.410 From Fund Balance to Supplies & Maintenance $ 12,279.00 Correction to 2022 Budget A599 A7110.410 From Fund Balance to Parks - Marina Repair $ 25,000.00 Additional Funds needed for Marina Repair CONSENT AGENDA MOTIONS M22-17 – M22-24 AND RESOLUTIONS 22-83 – 22-86 RESOLUTION 22-87 WHEREAS, upon due deliberation thereupon, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing has hereby RESOLVED, that the Consent Agenda Motions M22-17 – M22-24 and Resolutions 22-83 – 22-86, are hereby approved as presented and amended, and The question of the adoption of such proposed Consent Agenda Motions and Resolutions were duly motioned by Councilperson Joseph Wetmore, duly seconded by Councilperson Ruth Groff, and put to a roll call vote with the following results: Councilperson Andra Benson – Aye Councilperson Ruth Groff – Aye April 20, 2022 13 Councilperson Bronwyn Losey – Aye Councilperson Joseph Wetmore – Aye Supervisor Edward LaVigne – Aye Accordingly, the foregoing Resolutions were approved, carried, and duly adopted on April 20, 2022. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Andra Benson – reported the following: Lansing Library – written report above Lansing Youth Services – written report above Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) – see C.J. Randall’s report Ruth Groff – reported the following: Capital Improvement Committee (CIC) – capital plan template will be sent to department heads to complete Bronwyn Losey – reported the following: Broadband Committee • Reviewed charter renewal possibilities • Public hearing is for people’s past experience with service Joseph Wetmore The following report was available on Town of Lansing website and as a handout. Joseph Wetmore Town Board Member Report April 2022 There is a dedication of the Robert Baker chicken BBQ historical marker Friday, April 29 at 10:30 am. The ceremony will be followed by sales of chicken BBQ cooked by Robert Baker’s grandson Travis Sandsted. BBQ to benefit the Savage Club. Speakers include Donna Scott, Dale Baker, Pat Tyrrell, Ed LaVigne and Bob Gravani. Maybe someone from Pomeroy. Planning Board Monday, March 28⋅6:30 – 8:30pm • Lot Line Adjustment – Brickyard & Wilson Rds. • Minor Subdivision – 428 Scofield Rd. SEQR Determination of Environmental Significance and Subdivision approval • Major Subdivision – Asbury & Collins Rd, lots 3-7. Public Hearing, SEQR Determination of Environmental Significance, and Subdivision approval. • Site Plan Amendment – 308 Peruville Rd, Hygear Motorsports. Site Plan Review and Approval. • Village Solars Phase VII. Discussion of SEQR and Declaration of Lead Agency. Town of Lansing Code Revision Committee Thursday, April 7⋅10:00am – 12:00pm • Review of proposed text amendments to Chapter 270 (Zoning) and Schedule I & II Land Use Table. Decision to pull AG and RA out of table format and create narrative format • Review of proposed Zoning map amendments and discussion April 20, 2022 14 • Review of annual Ethics training requirement for Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members to Town Code § 7-5C Bolton Point Thursday, April 7⋅4:00 – 5:00pm Management Staff Report Committee Reports Budget and Finance Committee January 31, 2022 Financial Report February 28, 2022 Financial Report Approval of March 28, 2022 Warrants Engineering and Operations Committee Personnel and Organization Committee Resolution for Approval of Revised Personnel Policies Planning Board Monday, April 11⋅6:30 – 9:30pm Discussion: Intent of RA (Rural Agricultural) and AG (Agriculture) Zoning Districts Joe also reported: Geothermal heating – working on this Edward LaVigne – reported the following: Air Service Board – ongoing to capture more flights Broadband – Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED) looking at proposal Consolidated Water District Extension 3 (CWDX3) – costs of materials rising and not available Salmon Creek – revisit stabilization American Rescue Plan Act Funding (ARPA) – maybe some funds for the park WORK SESSION Town Center Lands Discussion • There is interest in purchasing land • Is Town Board interested in selling land • Town needs to do plan first to determine what should be done with the land • Capital Improvement Committee will discuss and report to Town Board Remote Attendance – Possible Local Law • Town Counsel Guy Krogh o Should this be Town wide for all Town of Lansing boards / committees or Town Board only o Reviewed information from NYS Committee on Open Government o More guidance is coming o Policy and procedures – drafted to local law o Not an issue until at least May – still following emergency COVID-19 declaration • Guy will draft local law o Consult with Joe Wetmore, Mary Ellen Albrecht and Debbie Munson • May 18, 2022 Town Board meeting – set public hearing for June 15, 2022 Town Board meeting • June 15, 2022 Town Board meeting public hearing – vote on proposed local law April 20, 2022 15 MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor Edward LaVigne moved to ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSED ACQUISTION/SALE/LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEN PUBLICITY MIGHT AFFECT VALUE AT 8:16 PM. Councilperson Joseph Wetmore seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to EXIT EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 9:00 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO ENTER CLOSED SESSION Councilperson Bronwyn Losey moved to ENTER CLOSED SESSION FOR CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL ADVICE AT 9:01 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO EXIT CLOSED SESSION Councilperson Bronwyn Losey moved to EXIT CLOSED SESSION AT 9:06 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING Councilperson Joseph Wetmore moved to ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:06 PM. Councilperson Ruth Groff seconded the motion. All in Favor – 5 Opposed – 0 Minutes taken and executed by the Town Clerk. Respectfully submitted, Deborah K. Munson, RMC Town Clerk