HomeMy WebLinkAboutCayuga_Operating_CompanyLLC_WaterWithdrawalPermitID_7-5032-00019-00024__WaterWithdrawalPermitRenewalApplicationHEOR❑T POWER December 22, 2020 Mr. Kent Sanders New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12306-2014 SOMERSET OPERATING COMPANY, LLC 7725 Lake Road Barker, New York 14012 Telephone: (716) 795-9501 Fax: (716) 795-3654 Re: Application for Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal for an Existing Water Withdrawal System; Cayuga Operating Company, LLC, Lansing, New York NYSDEC ID No. 7-5032-00019-:0004 Dear Mr. Sanders: In accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 601, Cayuga Operating Company submits the enclosed application for a Water Withdrawal permit renewal for the Cayuga facility. An electronic copy of the completed application package is to be submitted to Elizabeth Tracy, Regional Permit Administrator, at dev.r7Ca?dec.nv.eov as well as the Central Office of Permits at deDDcrmittinandec.nv.i!OV. The enclosed application for an initial water withdrawal permit does not propose any changes to the existing water withdrawal system. The following information is provided in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 60 1. 10 (m): • Applicant: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC, 228 Cayuga Drive, Lansing, NY 14882 • AppIicant's attorney: Jennifer Cohan, Associate General Counsel at Beowulf Energy New York. 575 Broadway, 31 Floor, New York, NY 10012, (212) 343-8353 • Applicant's Consultant: Environmental Resources Management (ERM) 345 Woodcliff Dr. 2"' Floor, Fairport, NY 14450. Phone: (585) 387-0510 • Place where public hearing, if required, may be held: Lansing Town Hall — 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York I4882 • Local newspaper: Lansing Star (weekly) Mr. Kent Sanders NYSDEC DEP Cayuga Operating Company Initial Water Withdrawal Peru n Application 13 November 2020 Page 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter. please contact me by phone at (607) 533-7913 or by email at imambella a,heorotpower.com. Sincerely, 02 MMarabella Director, Environmental Affairs Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Attachments: Initial Water Withdrawal Application & Engineer's Report. cc: NYSDEC DEP Region 7(w:" out attachment) R Wohaska, PE, ERM D. Murtha, QEP, ERM HFwYORK I Department of sMU++TM Environmental Conservation Aug 2018 Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Checklist Instructions- Complete this checklist and provide it with the Water Withdrawal Permit RenewallTransfer Application WW -1 (RIT) at least 30 calendar days before the current permit expires and, if the water withdrawal system is being transferred to a new owner or operator, at least 30 days before the chanae In ownership or operation is anticipated to occur_ Please refer to the current permit for your facility to complete the items below. Applicant Name: John Marabella Facility Name: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Legally Responsible Party: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Facility Address: 228 Cayuga Drive, Lansing NY 14882 DEC Region: 7 DEC ID #. 7-5032-00019100024 WWA #.11753 Current Permit Effective Date: 1 /26/2015 Current Permit Expiration Date. 2/1/2021 Water Use Type (see WW 1 RR Form)_ Cooling PDF I Location of Item in Item Number Requirement Included Application (Yes/No) Package Water Withdrawal Permit X 1 Renewal/Transfer Application WW -11 (RIT) 2 Updated Water Conservation Program X Form Latest Annual Water Withdrawal 3 Reporting Form X 4 Copy of Current Permit X 5 Copy of Current Engineering Report X rerwratstt I De artmentof New York State Department of Environmental Conservation "tdn. EnvironmE 19 ental Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW-1(R/T) Conservation Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 601 Sept 2020 REVIEW YOUR CURRENT PERMIT AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM BEFORE COMPLETING THE FORM 1. Applicant Name Cayuga Operating Company LLC 2. Facility Name Cayuga Operating Company LLC 3. Legally Responsible Party: Cayuga Operating Company LLC 4. Applicant Is: @Facility Owner @Facility Operator ❑ Proposed Owner (Transfer of Ownership) 5. Change in Ownership Is a change in ownership proposed at this facility? If yes provide the date upon which the new owner wilI acquire the facility. @ NO ❑ YES (Provide Date) 6. Facility Address 228 Cayuga Drive Lansing, NY 14882 7. WWAAOVW Number 11753 9. Current Permit Effective Date 1/26/2015 11. Water Use Type (choose all that apply) 1:1 Environmental ❑Institutional ❑Recreational @Industrial 12. Approved Sources (from current permit) Source Name Cayuga Lake B. Permit ID Number 7-5032-00019/00024 10. Current Permit Expiration Date 2/1/2021 ❑ Public Water Supply ❑Oil/Gas Production ❑Agricultural ❑Bottled/Bulk Water ❑ Mining Bother ❑Commercial ❑ Power Production Individual Source Capacity Maximum Permitted Well Field or Supply (GPM) of Water (If Applicable) ❑GPM ®GPD 13. Total Approved Withdrawal Quantity 245,000,000 170,139 245,000,000 ❑GPM @GPD 14. Water Withdrawal System Modifications Have any modifications been made to the existing water withdrawal system (e, g. - increases in system capacity, changes in sources, addition of new sources, change in use type, etc.) after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? If yes, please explain and refer to Modification requirements on the department webpage: httr)://www.dec.nv.00vllands/86935.htmi ❑ NO @ YES, EXPLAIN Request decrease in approved withdrawal quantity t0 65,168,000 GPD 15. Water Well Decommissioning Have any wells been abandoned or decommissioned after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? If yes, please review the Department's Water Well Decommissioning Procedures: htti3s://www.dec.nv.cov/lands/86955.htmi. @ NO ❑ YES, EXPLAIN 16. New Water Service Areas (Public Water Supply Only) Have any new Water Service Areas been added after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? @ NO 13 YES, EXPLAIN Sept 2020 17. Supplementary Items The following items must be included electronically with this Application. @Updated Water Conservation Program Form (htto://www.dec.nv.aov/lands/94327.html) BLalest Annual Water Withdrawal Reporting Form @9 Copy of Current Water Withdrawal Permit @Copy of Current Engineering Report Name of Company/Legally Responsible Party for the Facility: Cayuga Operating Company LLC Legally Responsible Party Address: 228 Cayuga Drive Lansing, NY 14882 Printed Name of Representative: John Marabella Title of Representative: Director, Environmental Affairs CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I hereby cern that the information provided on this application and all certify P Pp reports and information submitted in association with this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that false statements made in this application and in any reports or information associated with this application are made under penalty of perjury and that they nishabie under section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Representative Signature Date v INSTRUCTIONS Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW -1 (RIT) • Before completing this form, please carefully review the Water Withdrawal Permit Program page located on the Department's website at: httD://www.dec.nv.aov/lands/86935.htmi (non-agricultural facilities) and: httD://www.dec.nv.00v/iands/86747.html (agricultural facilities). • Applicant Name (Item 1) — Applications must be made in the name of the owner or operator of the water withdrawal system involved. For acquisitions of existing systems, the applicant should be the prospective owner. • Legally Responsible Party (Item 3), Legally responsible party means a business entity or applicant legally accountable for undertaking a permitted action in accordance with the provisions and conditions of a permit, or a business entity or applicant legally accountable for the content of an application. • Approved Sources (item 12) — List all sources that are included on the current water withdrawal permit for your facility. • Total Approved Withdrawal Quantity (Item 13) — List the approved water withdrawal quantity listed in the Source Approval Table on the current water withdrawal permit for your facility. • Water Withdrawal System Modifications (Item 14) — Water withdrawal system modifications include but are not limited to: addition of new pumps, increasing pump capacity, adding temporary portable pumps, increasing or changing well diameter, changing well location, adding new sources of water withdrawal, changing water use type. If you are unsure if a modification has taken place after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit, please contact the Department. Please note that if the facillty is planning on making modifications to the existing water withdrawal system in the future, a modification must be applied for before making any changes to the water withdrawal system. For more information on permit modifications please view the following webpage: htto://www.dec.nv.00v/lands/86935.htmi • How to Submit Electronic Documents (Item 17) — Please send all documents electronically to your local Regional Permit Administrator httas://www.dec.nv.aov/about/39381.html and Central Office Permits Staff at: deppermitting@dec.ny.gov Note that this form and supplementary items may be printed_ signed, scanned, and submitted by email if necessary. if you are having difficulty submitting documents electronically, please contact your local Regional Permit Administrator for information on how to submit paper copies. • Legally Responsible Party Representative (Signature Box) — The legally responsible party representative is: 1) For a corporation - the president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or other responsible corporate officer as specified in 6 NYCRR 601.22(a)(1)(i) or (ii); 2) For a oartnershio or sole oroorietorshiD - genera' partner or proprietor, respectively; 3) For a municiDatity. State. Federal or other public aoencv - the principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For a Federal agency, the principal executive officer includes the chief executive officer of the agency; or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g. regional administrators of EPA). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Withdrawal Application Supplement WW -1 Pursuant to §_ NYCR R Part_$Dl READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 2 BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM 1. APPLICANT NAME I Cayuga Operating Company, LLC 2. FACILITY NAME �ayuga Facility M" 7013 FOR DEPWMENT USE ONLY Application No. WWA Number 3. PROJECT TYPE l✓ Water Withdrawal r New Public Water Supply Service Area or Extension r Land Acquisition for Public Water Supply [— Change in Use of Existing Water Withdrawal 4. WATER USE TYPE j— Public Water Supply (— Bottled/Bulk Water r— Commercial r Cooling r Industrial (— Institutional r Mine Dewatering r Oil/Gas Production r Power Production r Recreational j— Other: I s. wrrHDRAWAL TYPE r Existing r New If this is an existing public water supply, provide the most recent WSA or W WA Number. If other than public water supply, list other existiing or pending related DEC permits (e.g,, SPDES, Mining, Dam): IS PDES Permit No NYOOO1333 6. WATER WITHDRAWAL SOURCE r Surface Water Water Body Name(s)lCayugs Lake r Groundwater Nearest Surface Water Bodyl Distance From Well f:n feet: 7. WATER SUPPLY TO OTHER STATES Does this project involve the transport of any fresh water of NYS through pipes, conduits, ditches or canals to any other state! r No r Yes, describe: t3. TRANSPORTATION OF WATER BY VESSEL Does this project Involve the transport by vessel of more than 10,000 gallons per day of surface r Yes r No water? (Excludes ballast water necessary for normal vessel activity- A vessel is defined as any floating craft propelled by mechanical power.) 9. WATER WITHDRAWAL AMOUNTS This project involves the withdrawal of up to:166,168,000 gallons per day Source Namel Cayuga Lake Does the project Include a MAJOR DRAINAGE BASIN TRANSFER of water? See map at hMdlwww.dec.nv.aovtb dy56800.html r NO r Yes If yes, l— Existing l— New I From Basing To Basing 10. REQUIRED EJ(HIORS (6 NYCRR Part 601.70) Provide the names of the required exhibits applicable to this withdrawal: 601.10(0) PROJECTAUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS (e.g. Resolutions, ordinances) INA 601.10(b) GENERAL MAP (e.g. Project Location, For Public Appendix A Water Supplies - waterserviceoreabourifty) I 601.10(c) WATERSHED MAPS(Topographlcmap with INA location ofwithdrawaland any return flow or interbasin diversions)• 601.10(d) CONTRACTPLANS (Public Water5upplies shoul( INA submit directly to NYSDOH for review and approval) 601,10(a)ENGINEERSREPORT(SlgnedbyNYSPE, includes ISee Eng. Report project description, watersource yields and demands, etc) 601.100 WATER CONSERVA17ON PROGRAM (Completed Appendix.D Water Conservation Program Form) 601.10(g)ANNUALREPORTING FORM FOREXIS77NG (Appendix F WITHDRAWALS (Most recent submitted annual report) licant Clear Form I A9p Signature I 601. 10(h) ACQUISITION MAPS (Mop ofanylands tobe INA acquired as part ofproject) 601.100) WATER ANALYSES (Public Water Supplies should NA submit chemical& bacterial analysis directly to NYSDOH) I 601,100) TR£ATMFNTMETHODS (Public Water Supplies -NA 1 proposed methods to meet NYSDOH standards) 60 1. 10(k) PROJECTJUSVFICA17ON (Provide summary INA statement ofanswers to the eight justification questions) 601.10(IJ CANAL WITHDRAWAL APPROVALS 01applicable,lNA provide adequate proof ofapproval from Canal Authority) 601. 10(m) MNSM17TAL LETTER (include allcontact CoverLetterInformation for applicant, attorney, engineer, etc.) 601.10(n) GREATLAKES-ST.L4WRENCERIVERWATER INA RESOURCES COMPACT PROCESSREQUIREMENTS (Only applicable to Public Water Supply diversions from Great Lakes Basin - no other diversion types are allowed). NamelJohn Marabella Datel f L'Lzl Title IDirector. Environmental Affairs May 2013 INSTRUCTIONS Water Withdrawal Application Supplement Form (WW -1) 1. Before completing this form, please carefully review the Water Withdrawal Permit Program page located on the Department's website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/55509.html (non-agricultural facilities) and http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/86747.html (agricultural facilities). Note that applications by existing systems for an Initial Permit shall be submitted in accordance with the schedule established in NYCRR Part 601.7(b)2 as shown in Table 1 at htt :Ilp www.dec.ny= ov la 86935.htm . 2. This form is to accompany the Joint Application Form. The Joint Application Form, Supplement WW -1 and their instructions are available on the Department's website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6222.htmi. 3. NYSDEC strongly encourages electronic submission of supporting documents. Submit 3 completed copies of the Joint Application Form, Supplement WW -1 and all attachments to the NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator (refer to the Joint Application Instructions). 4. Applicant Name - Applications must be in the name of the owner of the water withdrawal system involved. For acquisitions of existing systems, the applicant should be the prospective owner. S. All Water Withdrawal Applications must include a completed Water Conservation Program f=orm demonstrating that the applicant has developed and implemented a Water Conservation Program that incorporates environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation measures. Information is available on the Department's website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/86945.html. 6. Locate and describe all facilities and service areas on appropriate maps and plans to be submitted with this form. Choose a scale for this location map that allows you to accurately define all groundwater wellhead and surface water intake positions, and the overall project area within the county or town. Include coordinates for all wellheads and intakes on the Joint Application Form, Item 8, and on additional sheets if needed. 7. Water Withdrawal Amounts (Item 9) -Convert to gallons per day (GPD). In order to convert from gallons per minute (GPM) to GPD, multiply GPM x 1440. 8. All facts and opinions expressed in the application must be documented in appropriate legal, engineering, or other papers attached as exhibits and noted in Item 10 of this form. 9. If more room is needed to complete any item, provide the information as attachments. 10. All Water Withdrawal Applications must include the following items in a separate exhibit: a) Names, titles, mailing addresses, and phone numbers of the Applicant's Attorney; Engineer; and other consultants (planners, geologists, etc.) serving the applicant. b) A list of all maps and exhibits accompanying the application. KR Department of Office of Department L:fN' TATE Environmental General Services of State Im Conservation UUP A JOINT APPLICATION FORM For Permits for activities activities affecting streams, waterways, waterbodies, wetlands, coastal areas, sources of water. and endangered and threatened species. You must separately apply for and obtain Permits from each involved agency before starting work. Please read all instructions. 1. Applications To: >NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Check here to confirm you sent this farm to NYSDEC. Check all permits that apply: ❑ Dams and Impound- ❑ Tidal WetlandsJ❑ Water Withdrawal [❑ Stream Disturbance ment Structures ❑ Wild, Scenic and ❑ Long Island Well ❑ Excavation and Fill in ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification Recreational Rivers [] Incidental Take of Navigable Waters ❑ Coastal Erosion Endangered / ❑j Docks, Moorings or ❑ Freshwater Wetlands Management Threatened Species Platforms >US Army Corps of Engineers ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to USACE. Check all permits that apply. ❑ Section 404 Clean Water Act ❑ Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act Is the project Federally funded? ❑ Yes No If yes, name of Federal Agency: General Permit Type(s), if known: I Preconstruction Notification: ❑ Yes No >NYS Office of General Services Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSOGS, Check all permits that apply: ❑ State Owned Lands Under Water ❑ Utility Easement (pipelines, conduits, cables, etc) Docks, Moorings or Platforms >NYS Department of State ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDOS. Check if this applies: ❑ Coastal Consistency Concurrence 2. Name of Applicant Taxpayer ID (if applicant is NOT an individual) Cayuga Operating Company, LLC 180-0847642 Mailinq Address Post Office 1 City I State Zip 228 Cayuga Drive I Lansing I R 114882 Telephone 1607-533-7913 Email l jmarabella@heorotpower_com I Applicant Must be (check all that apply): © Owner Operator Lessee 3. Name of Property Owner (if different than Applicant) Mailin Address iI Post Office I City Telephone Email For Aaencv Use Only, I Agency Application Number: State Zip F]I JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04/20 Page 1 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FoRM --Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 4. Name of Contact 1 Agent John Marabella Mailing Address 1228 Cayuga Drive Telephone 1607-533-7913 x2222 I Post Office / City State Zip 1 i Lansing FNY] 114882 Email limarabella@heorotpower.com 5. Project/ FaciliName Property Tax Map Section 1 Block 1 Lot Number. Cayuga Operatingompany, LLC Ill. -I-3.211 and 11.-1-3.212 Project Street Address, if applicable Post Office / City State Zip 1228 Cayuga Drive Lansing I NY 114882 Provide directions and distances to roads, intersections, bridges and bodies of water IThe facility is located on the eastern side of Cayuga Lake - 1 mile west of Ridge Road (Rout 3413). F'_ Town Village ' City County StreamMlaterbody Name Lansing I I Tompkins I I Cayuga Lake Project Location Coordinates: Enter Latitude and Longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds: Latitude:142 1° 136 1' 110.08 1" Longitude: 176 1° 138 1' 10.96 1" 6. Project Description: Provide the following information about your project. Continue each response and provide any additional information on other pages. Attach plans on senarate gages.. a. Purpose of the proposed project: The facility is a retired coal power plant A new purpose for the facility/property has not yet been determined. The once -through cooling water system, which withdraws and returns water to/from Cayuga Lake, remains in place for potential future use. The system has capacity has been downsized to approximately 25% of the capacity when the facility operated as a coal fired electric generatina facility b. Description of current site conditions: The facility is a retired coal power plant. A new purpose for the facilitylproperty has not yet been determined. The once -through cooling water system, which withdraws and returns water to/from Cayuga Lake, remains in place for potential future use. c. Proposed site changes: The once through cooling water system requirement has been reduced from a maximum flow rate of 169 kgpm (thousand gallons per minute) to 43 kgpm. Operations related to coal-fired electricity generation have ceased, and the facility is being repurposed to clear the way for potential future use of a different nature d. Type of structures and fill materials to be installed, and quantity of materials to be used (e.g., square feet of coverage, cubic yards of fill material, structures below ordinary/mean high water, etc.): NIA e. Area of excavation or dredging, volume of material to be removed, location of dredged material placement: NIA Is tree cutting or clearing proposed? 7- Yes If Yes, explain below. r' No Timing of the proposed cutting or clearing (month/year): I Number of trees to be cut: I I Acreage of trees to be cleared: JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 2 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM –Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. L Work methods and type of equipment to be used: Existing once4hrough cooling system utilizing water from Cayuga Lake. No additional equipment required. h. Describe the planned sequence of activities: Site is a retired coal power plant Once -through cooling system remains intact for use by potential operations of a not yet known future facility use. i. Pollution control methods and other actions proposed to mitigate environmental impacts: NIA j. Erosion and silt control methods that will be used to prevent water quality impacts: NIA k. Alternatives considered to avoid regulated areas_ If no feasible alternatives exist, explain how the project will minimize impacts: NIA I. Proposed use: Private [] Public ✓ Commercial m. Proposed Start Date: 1911955 1 Estimated Completion Date: I NIA n. Has work begun on project? Yes if Yes, explain below. 7_ No There is an existing water withdrawal o. Will project occupy Federal, State, or Municipal Land? I— Yes If Yes, explain below. ' No p. List any previous DEC, USACE, OGS or DOS Permit I Application numbers for activities at this location: q. Will this project require additional Federal, State, or Local authorizations, including zoning changes? Q Yes If Yes, list below. ' No JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 3 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM —Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 7• Signatures. Applicant and Owner (If different) must sign the application. If the applicant is the landowner, the landowner attestation form can be used as an electronic signature as an alternative to the signature below, if necessary Append additional pages of this Signature section if there are multiple Applicants, Owners or Contact/Agents. I hereby affirm that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permission to Inspect - I hereby consent to Agency inspection of the project site and adjacent property areas. Agency staff may enter the property without notice between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday - Friday. Inspection may occur without the owner, applicant or agent present. If the property is posted with "keep out' signs or fenced with an unlocked gate, Agency staff may still enter the property. Agency staff may take measurements, analyze site physical characteristics, take soil and vegetation samples, sketch and photograph the site. I understand that failure to give this consent may result in denial of the permit(s) sought by this application. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the NYS Penal Law. Further, the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature. and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project_ In addition, Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provides for a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and willingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact; or knowingly makes or uses a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement. Signa1We of Applicant Date 12-14ZJZ 0 Applicant Must be (check all that apply): 2] Owner Operator ❑ Lessee Printed Name John Marabella Signature of Owner (if different than Applicant) Printed Name Signature of Contact 1 Agent Printed Name I Title Director, Environmental Affairs Title Title Date Date For Aaencv Use Only DETERMINATION OF NO PERMIT REQUIRED Agency Application Number I (Agency Name) has determined that No Permit is required from this Agency for the project described in this application. Agency Representative: Printed I j Title Name) J Signature Date I JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 4 of 4 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM FORM NON -POTABLE WATER WITHDRAWALS TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS PART OF A NVSDEC WATER WITHDRAWAL PERMIT APPLICATION *SEE PAGE 6 FOR FURTHER INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTION REGARDING THIS FORM If your water facility already has its own written water conservation program, you may submit itas a supplement to this WCPF. If your system is new, indicate the water conservation measures that will betaken when the system is completed (e.g. All sources of withdrawal will be 100% metered). 1. GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION Facility Name: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Street Address: 228 Cayuga Drive Post Office Box: County: TOMPKINS Contact Name: John Marabella Street Address: 228 Cayuga Drive Post Office Box: County:TOMPKINS Applicant's Telephone: 607 533-7913 DEC No. For Dept Use WWA No. For Dept Use State: NY ZIP: 14882 State: NY ZIP: 14882 Contact's Telephone: 607 533-7913 II. SOURCES OF WATER WITHDRAWAL [State capacity and withdrawal in gallons per minute (gpm), gallons per day (gpd), or million gallons per day (mgd).] Source Tune: S = Surface supply, G = Groundwater supply, P = Purchased supply Source Status: R = Regular use, S = Standby use, E = Emergency use, 1= Inactive, D = Decommissioned Source Name Source Source Tested Actual Current Start-up Type Status Capacity Withdrawal Year CAYUGA LAKE S R 66 mgd 1 mgd 1955 III. WATER SOURCES AND METERING For unmetered system., please provide your best estimates for water production and/or consumption. Are all sources of supply (including major interconnections) equipped with master meters? No How often are they read? METERING CALCULATED BASED ON TIME AND THE PUMP RATING CURVE How often are they calibrated? NIA Are there secondary meters located within the facility or system?No if yes, how many? Describe secondary metering system if applicable: NIA Water Production for Calendar Year Total metered water production: 11,957,167,000 gallons per year Average day production (total/days of use): 32,760,000 gallons per day Maximum day production (largest single day): 123,840,000 gallons per day What are your future goals and schedule for water metering? NO PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT FUTURE METERING OF THIS PRIMARILY ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER SYSTEM Best Management Practices: * 100% metering of all sources of water withdrawal. *Source and secondary meters mustbe tested and calibrated ann IV. WATER AUDITING The process of conducting an audit of a water system will enable the collection of data on how much and where water enters, leaves and is used within a facility or system. Another goal of a water audit is to estimate unaccounted-for water use, which includes: Losses through leaks, improperly -functioning or inoperative system controls and unmetered sources of water. The water audit provides a system with a baseline against which water -conservation measures can be evaluated. Do you conduct a water audit at least once each year? No Ifyes, please submit a copy of your latest audit in addition to completing the following section. ** Water Audit for Calendar Year Total metered water production (from previous section) Total 11,957,167,000 Sources of Water Use Metered or %of Estimated? Tota Process Water Estimated subtract 11,957,167 0.1 Cooling Water subtract Wash Water subtract Sanitary subtract Incorporation into Product subtract Irrigation subtract Other subtract Other subtract Sub TOTAL UNACCOUNTED-FOR WATER 11,945,209,333 99.9 total Meter under -registration subtract Unaccounted-for Unrepaired leakage subtract water breakdown Other: subtract ** Water measurement and accounting techniques are available in NYSDEC's Water Conservation Manual, O What are your future goals for water system auditing? NO PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT FUTURE METERING OF THIS PRIMARILY ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER SYSTEM Best Management Practices: *At least once each year, a system water audit must be conducted using metered water production and consumption data to determine unaccounted-for water. * Keep accurate estimates of unmetered water use. * Quantify all authorized water uses by consumption categories 3 V. LEAK DETECTION AND REPAIR Do you regularly survey your facility for leakage? Yes Are leaks repaired in a timely manner? Yes If applicable, do you regularly survey underground piping for water leakage? Yes Total length of Percent of Length of pipe Year of Number Number underground piping surveyed surveyed each Listening last of leaks of leaks piping each year year equipment used survey found repaired 900 0 0 NONE What are your future goals for water system leak detection and repair? CONTINUOUS LEAK INSPECTIONS WILL CONTINUE DURING DAILY OPERATIONS Best Management Practices: * Check any underground water distribution systems for leaks each year. * Fix every detectable leak as soon as possible. * Have an on-going system rehabilitation program. 4 VI. WATER REUSE, RECYCLING AND DROUGHT PLANNING Does your facility reuse or recycle primary use water? No If yes, describe process: ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER TO CAYUGA LAKE Does your facility use reclaimed rainwater, storm water runoff or wastewater? No If yes, describe process: Describe any equipment or processes that promote the efficient use of water by your facility: OVER 99% OF WATER IS RETURNED TO THE LAKE Does your system include storage tanks or ponds to meet short term water demands? NO Describe any actions that can be taken to reduce water use during times of drought: BASED ON THE VOLUME OF THE WATER SOURCE, DROUGHT CONDITIONS ARE NOT ANTICIPATED. CAYUGA LAKE IS NOT IMPACTED BY LONG TERM DROUGHT. ALSO, 99% OF WATER WITHDRAWN IS RETURNED AS NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER. What are your future goals for recycling or reducing water usage? NONE CURRENTLY Best Manaaement Practices: * Reuse or recycle water whenever possible. *Employ efficient irrigation techniques *Develop a plan to reduce water use during times of drought VI. SIGNATURE PAGE AND DISCUSSION Facility Name: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Signature: C, . "�) Title: Director, Environmental Affairs DISCUSSION: WWA No. For Dept Use Signatory: John Marabella Date: / L l Z L /a" Effective February 15, 2011, New York State Environmental Conservation Law (6 ECL 15-1501) has required that all applications for a NYSDEC Water Withdrawal Permit include a water conservation program. This Water Conservation Program Form (WCPF) is a required submittal of all such applications. The WCPF has been set up to cover the following basic elements of a water conservation program: Source Water Inventory, Water Usage and Metering, Water Auditing, Leak Detection/Repair, and Water Use Reduction. The Best Management Practices listed at the bottom of each page represent DEC water conservation policy objectives and should be incorporated into your program development. Additional water conservation measures that are specific to your category of water usage should also be incorporated into your individual program. Water withdrawal permit applicants can consult the NYSDEC publication entitled "A Survey of Methods for Implementing and Documenting Water Conservation in New York". The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is also an excellent source of information regarding water conservation practices and procedures. Information ranging from technical manuals to online resources and tools can be found at httn://www.awwa.ore. Clear Entire Form 6 is NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC 1D 7-5032-00019 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Permittee and Facility Information Permit issued To: Facility: CAYUGA OPERATING COMPANY LLC CAYUGA OPERATING COMPANY, LLC 228 CAYUGA DR 228 CAYUGA DR LANSING, NY 14882 LANSING, NY 14882 (607) 533-7913 Facility Location: in LANSING in TOMPKINS COUNTY Village: Town of Lansing Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 365.905 NYTM-N: 4717.889 Latitude: 42°3606.4" Longitude: 76°38'04.7" Project Location: East bank of Cayuga Lake Authorized Activity: This permit authorizes the withdrawal of a supply of 245,000,000 gallons per day (GPD) of water from Cayuga Lake for cooling purposes and other processes related to electrical generation. Permit Authorizations Water Withdrawal Non-public - Under Article 15, Title 15 Permit ID 7-5032-00019100024 (WWA No. 11,753) Renewal Effective Date: 1/2612015 Expiration Date: 2/1/2021 NYSDEC Approval By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator: KENT P SANDERS, Deputy Chief Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC HEADQUARTERS 625 BROADWAY ALBANY, NY 112233 Authorized Signature: �`�`�'' / Date 1 A Q /A 015 i Permit Components WATER WITHDRAWAL NON-PUBLIC PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS Page 1 of 4 Aft NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 7-5032-00014 NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS WATER WITHDRAWAL NON-PUBLIC PERMIT CONDITIONS I. Approval of Completed Works from NYS P.E. Any new works constructed or modified pursuant to this water withdrawal permit shall be constructed under the general supervision of a person licensed to practice engineering in this state (professional engineer). Upon completion of construction and pre- operational testing, such works may not commence final operation until the professional engineer first certifies in writing to the Department that the works have been constructed in accordance with the issued permit. 2. Permit Expiration and Renewal Any permittee who intends to continue to operate a water withdrawal system beyond the period of time covered in the applicable water withdrawal permit must apply for a renewal of the permit at least 30 days prior to its expiration. 3. Transfer of Ownership of Water Withdrawal Systems Unless otherwise specified in this permit, a new water withdrawal permit application is required for the acquisition or condemnation of the approved water withdrawal system. 4. Cooling Water Withdrawals Regulated by SPDES Nothing in this water withdrawal permit shall superccde the need to, where necessary, obtain an appropriate SPDES permit that allows for the operation of a cooling water intake structure and the discharge of the amounts of water approved by this water withdrawal permit. If any modifications to the location, or capacity of the intake structure are required by the permittee's SPDES permit, permittee must also apply for a modification of this water withdrawal permit to reflect such changes. 5. Incorporation of the Cooling Water SPDES Water Conservation and Fisheries Protection Measures Required measures for water conservation and the reduction of impacts to the fisheries resource contained in the Biological Monitoring Requirement Section of the facilities SPDES permit are hereby incorporated by reference into this permit. 6. Annual Water Withdrawal Reports The permittee must subunit a Water Withdrawal Reporting Form to the Department's Division of Water, Albany, NY. by March 31st of each year. The form is available on the Department's website and includes information regarding approved sources of water supply, source capacities, average and maximum day water use data and water conservation and efficiencies employed during the past calendar year. 7. Source Meter Calibration All source meters or measuring devices shall be calibrated for accuracy at least once each year. 8. Meter All Sources The permittee must install and maintain meters or other appropriate measuring devices on all sources of supply used in the system. Source master meters or measuring devices are to be read, and records kept of those readings, on at least a weekly basis. The permittee must maintain records of water withdrawn and consumptive use for each calendar year. GENERAL CONDITIONS - Apply to ALL Authorized Permits: Page 2 of 4 M NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 7-5032-00019 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals, Modifications or Transfers The permittec must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Deputy Chief Permit Administrator NYSDEC HEADQUARTERS 625 BROADWAY ALBANY, NY12233 4. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 5. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or Page 3 of 4 dh NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION `q' Facility DEC ID 7-5032-00019 another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable. to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising udder Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persdns shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Item E: SEQR Type 11 Action Under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEAR), this project has been determined to be a Type II Action and therefore is not subject to further procedures under this law. Page 4 of 4 Prepared By: ERM's Rochester, NY Office 345 Woodcliff Drive Fairport, New York T: +1585 387 0510 F: +1 585 387 0603 www.erm.com The world's leading sustainability consultancy Water Withdrawal System Engineer's Report Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Lansing, New York Revised August 2020 FINAL REPORT Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Water Withdrawal System Engineer's Report Lansing, New York Revised August 2020 ERM Project No. 0530221 Gary Keating Senior Partner Richard J. Wohaska, P.E. Certifijing Engineer ERM Consulting & Engineering, Inc. 345 Woodcliff Drive Fairport, NY 14450 +1585 387 0510 +1585 387 0603 (fax) TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION BY QUALIFIED PREPARER = 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY 1 2.0 GENERAL MAP OF PROJECT 3 3.0 WATER SOURCE CAPACITY AND SYSTEM DEMAND CALCULATIONS 3 3.1 WATER SOURCE 3 3.2 WITHDRAWAL CONFIGURATION $ 3.3 WATER DEMAND 6 4.0 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES AND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION 7 5.0 WATER CONSERVATION 7 6.0 OTHER APPROVALS/REQUIR.EMENTS 7 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 List of Appendices A Drawings B Engineering Report Domments C Joint Applica tion Fonn D Water Conservation Form E Photo Log F Annual Water Withdrawal 201,9 I-ksi TOC—1 CAYUGAOPERAMGCOMPANYLLC IQAUGU5T=.DOC% CERTIFICATION BY QUALIFIED PREPARER I certify that I am familiar with the provisions of 6 NYCRR Parts 601.10(e), the information contained in this Report, and the facility to which it pertains. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented in this report is complete, accurate, and has been prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and guidelines provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for preparation of this report in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 601.10(e). Richard J. Wohaska, P.E. Printed Name of Registered Professional Engineer 077225 (State of New York) License Number of Professional Engineer Signature of Registered Professional Engineer 11 Aueust 2020 Date ERM 1 CAYUGA OPERATING COMPANY LLC ]OAUGUS 202O.DOCX 7.0 GENERAL DESCRIPT70N AND HISTORY This Engineer's Report, consistent with 6 NYCRR Part 601.10(e), summarizes the engineer's observations on how the existing water withdrawal system is currently configured and operated to support the cooling water needs of the Cayuga Operating Company facility located in Lansing, New York. The facility in Tompkins County owned by Cayuga Operating Company, LLC (formerly referred to as Cayuga Station and hereafter, Cayuga) previously existed as a 306 Megawatt (MM coal-fired electricity generating facility that had been in operation since the 1950's until ceasing operation in 2020. Waste heat formerly generated during the electrical power production was dissipated via a once -through cooling water system. Now, the facility will maintain water withdrawal capabilities in a reduced capacity for future once -through cooling purposes at the property. Current cooling water withdrawal capacity from Cayuga Lake will be at an approximate maximum rate of 43 thousand gallons per minute (kgpm). Cooling water enters the existing facility from an offshore intake and will potentially pass through heat exchangers before being discharged back to the Iake from a surface outfall structure located on the shoreline. The intake structure was retrofitted in 2016 with wedgewire screens to physically prevent fish or other aquatic organisms from entering the cooling water system. Cayuga will maintain water withdrawal capability equivalent to approximately 25.4% of the historical withdrawal rate. Only one of the existing water circulating pumps or equivalent installed pump capable of approximately 42,250 gpm will be operational for purposes of cooling for future equipment needs at the site. Additionally, one smaller house service pump capable of 700 gpm provides water for ancillary services on site while the larger circulator pumps remain off. The house service pump withdraws from Cayuga Lake continuously. Two emergency fire pumps are present at the facility, one with a rated capacity of 2,000 gpm, the other with a capacity of 1,000 gpm. These pumps contributing to water withdrawal have a combined maximum withdrawal rate of 45,950 gpm or approximately 66 million gallons a day (MGD). The operating schedule and typical flow rates for the larger pump is not yet known, and will be based on the future development projects at the site. ERM 1 CAYUGAOPERAIINGCOMPANY LLC19AUGUSF=.DOCX Cooling water enters the facility through an array of brush cleaned wedge -wire screens situated 633 feet from shore at a depth of approximately 44 feet (Figures 5 & 6). This intake manifold replaced the previous intake arrangement in 2016. Water is delivered to the facility via a partially buried steeI intake pipe with a diameter of 8 feet. The discharge structure at Cayuga is a concrete box -like structure, approximately 13 -feet high, 10 -feet wide, and 20 -feet Iong (Figure 7). Circulating water is discharged into the east end of the box through an 8 -ft diameter pipe. Approximately 14 feet of the western portion of the top of the box and 7 feet of the upper portion of the west end are open. The lower 6 feet of the west wall forms a weir. Water is discharged out of the structure over the weir at a depth ranging from 4 to 7 feet, depending on lake level and the number of circulating pumps in operation. Previously flow patterns observed within the discharge structure are largely turbulent for most of its length. However, flow over the weir wall at the west end is fairly laminar with high velocities under typical operations (about 6 fps). Given the reduction in capacity it is expected there will be a commensurate drop in the maximum velocity to about 25% or 1.5 fps. The discharge structure is adjacent to a discharge pool. The pool is turbulent with back eddies and cross currents. When the water level in the lake is relatively high, usually in the spring through fall (approximately 382 feet mean sea level), the discharge water exits from the pool directly to the west over a gravel bar that runs north and south about 200 to 250 feet west of the structure. As the lake Ievel is lowered to winter levels (approximately 380.5 feet mean sea level), the discharge water exits from the pool to the south, parallel to the shoreline and gravel bar. The water withdrawal system is currently operational and the following documents were used to assist in the preparation of this engineer's report (refer to Appendix B for Engineering Report documents). • Facility SPDES Permit Number NY0001333 • Impingement and Entrainment Characterization Study, (Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C., In Association with HDR Engineering, Inc., March 2010) • AES Design and Technology Construction Review, (ASA Analysis & Communication, Inc., June 2010) • USGS Surface Water Data for USA: USGS Surface Water Daily Statistics • Cornell University - Cayuga Lake Modelling Project, July, August, and ERM 2 CA7ILCAOPERKMGCOAIPANYLLC 10AUGU57M20.DOCX September 2013 2.0 GENERAL MAP OF PROJECT Refer to Appendix A Figures 3 through 7 for the site location map in the cooling water piping schematic, system drawings and figures. Photos referenced on the drawing are Iocated in the photo -log included as Appendix E. The water withdrawal is not a public supply withdrawal; thus, service area maps are not needed. There are no wellhead protection areas or dams associated with this lake -water withdrawal 3.0 WATER SOURCE CAPACFTYAND SYSTEM DEMAND CALCULATIONS 3.1 WATER SOURCE Cayuga Lake is one of the Finger Lakes, located within Seneca, Cayuga, and Tompkins counties in central New York. It drains a predominantly agricultural watershed; discharging to the north via the Cayuga -Seneca Canal, which is part of the Seneca -Oneida -Oswego River system that eventually drains to Lake Ontario. It is the longest and second largest by area of the Finger Lakes. The city of Ithaca is located at the southern end of the lake, and the village of Seneca Falls is located just west of the outlet at the northern terminus. Cayuga Lake is approximately 38 miles long from south to the north, and averages about 1.75 miles wide. It is approximately 3.5 miles across at its widest point, near Aurora NY. At the Cayuga station, the lake measures about 1.6 miles across. Surface area of the lake is approximately 66.4 square miles (42,500 acres). Normal water surface elevation is 382 feet (116.4 m) above mean sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is 435 feet, and the average depth is 179 feet. Volume is estimated at 331,080 million cubic feet (9,380 million cubic meters) at a lake elevation of 381 feet. The Cayuga Lake watershed covers about 1,620 square miles. Roughly half of that land area drains directly into the lake and its immediate tributaries, and the other half is in the Seneca and Keuka Lake watersheds, which enter Cayuga Lake via the Seneca River near the outlet. Land use within the Cayuga Lake watershed is predominantly agriculture, with areas of forest and residential development. There are 44 municipalities and six counties that are all or partially within the watershed. The watershed is home to over 120,000 people. ERAI 3 CAYUGA OPERAMC; COMPANY LLC 10AUGUSPIMODOCX The water level of the lake is regulated by Mud Lock at the north end. The lake has been connected to Lake Ontario by the Erie Barge Canal system since 1828. The lake is also connected by the Seneca River to Seneca Lake. Cayuga Lake is drawn down about two feet in mid- December to minimize ice damage and for maximizing storage during the period of heavy spring runoff. Water levels are at their lowest in the winter and are allowed to rise slowly in the spring with snowmelt and runoff in anticipation of summer recreation and navigation needs. Seneca River, which passes through the north end of the Iake, is the largest tributary. The next largest tributaries, Cayuga Inlet and Fall Creek, flow into the southern portion of Cayuga Lake. Numerous small streams, intermittent streams, and gullies drain from the west and east directly to Cayuga Lake. Stream flow patterns are typically seasonal, with high flows in March and April, and low flows in August and September. Table 1 provides a summary of annual rainfall as recorded by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monitoring site over a 24 -year period. The average rainfall for the area in close proximity to the Cayuga Station over this 24 year period is 39.1 inches. Please note that the years provided in Table 1 are for years when a complete data set is provided by the NOAA website. Table 1- Annual Rainfall Sunnnary Year Rainfall (in) Year Rainfall (in)l 2013 41.98 2000 37.96 2012 33.31 1999 31.42 2011 47.54 1996 47.57 2005 39.67 1995 34.66 2003 43.06 1994 43.44 2001 31.79 1989 36.95 Average: 39.11 Estimates of Cayuga Lake's average hydraulic retention time vary from 5.1 years with Seneca River flows included (Likens 1974) to 12.8 years with Seneca River flows excluded (Oglesby 1978). Given the high probability of Seneca River flow-through at the north end of the lake, actual hydraulic retention times are likely to be greater in the southern portion of the lake basin and shorter in the northern portion. The Cayuga facility withdraws cooling water from Cayuga Lake at a maximum withdrawal rate of 66 million gallons a day (MGD) and discharges over 99% of this water back to the lake via its cooling ERM 4 �AYOUAJPERAT1NGCOMPANY LLC10AUC;USr=.DOCX system. Historically the maximum consumptive water use of the facility was approximately 0.7 MGD. Given that the power plant has shut down this consumptive use will be substantially lower still. Cayuga Lake contains 2,476,478 million gallons (MG) of water with a residence time on average of 5.1 years. Among other streams that feed Cayuga Lake, the Seneca River contributes an annual average flow of 253 MGD (per USGS gage 04232730). Past operations have not resulted in adverse impacts on lake quality or water resources. Using the installed pump capacity and the current operations of the facility as of July 2020, Table 2 below presents the projected average water withdrawal of the facility under current operations as well as the maximum possible withdrawal. Table 2 - Summary o 'Water Production Data Averag�axiznum2 Annual 367,920,000 24,151,320,000 Monthly (30 -day) 30,240,000 2,012,610,000 Daily 1,(108,000 66,168,000 1 basad on current operation a( 700 gpm house service pump, only_ Water circulation pump is not operatmg 1 Based on maximum potential withdrawal of all pumps for combined 45,950 gpm Since this is an existing water withdrawal system, further information on stream classification, safe yield analyses, passby flow calculations, and intake design and screening is not provided in this report. Because of the size of the upstream basin (1,620 square miles), a table of other water withdrawals is not provided due to the expected magnitude of such an effort. Moreover, the existing intake has not had any adverse impact on the volume of Cayuga Lake therefore, consideration of other withdrawal information would not be expected to affect the intake's existence or its withdrawal volumes as over 990 of this volume is returned to the lake. There is no need for a separate, more detailed supply evaluation report, given the reliability of the information source(s) cited and that >99% of the cooling water used by Cayuga Station is returned to Cayuga Lake. The maximum cooling water flow of 66 MGD taken in by a cooling water pump (see Section 3.3 for further discussion of withdrawal rates) constitutes approximately 1.0% of the volume annually of the lake. This flow is returned from generating units to Cayuga Lake through a single outfall at a maximum temperature of 98 °F as conditionally required by the facility's state pollutant discharge elimination system (SPDES) permit (ID No. NY0001333) ERh1 5 CAYIJGAOPERATING COMPANY LLC 10Aucu5r-o-wDOCX 3.2 WITHDRAWAL CONFIGURATION Water is obtained from Cayuga Lake using an existing intake pipe located at the lake bottom that supplies water for the cooling system as well as other facility water uses. The steel intake pipe is 8 feet in diameter and extends over outward into the lake. Water enters the intake pipe via an array of brush cleaned wedge -wire screens situated 633 feet from shore at a depth of approximately 44 feet. This screened intake system replaced the previous intake arrangement in 2016. Water exiting the cooling system is discharged into a concrete discharge tunnel, leading to an existing 8 foot steel pipe extending to the lakeshore. Cooling water was previously used for the power generation system, where water withdrawal was driven by four 350 horsepower (HP) pumps, each rated at 42,250 gpm. One of the existing pumps or equivalent installed pump will provide water for a future cooling operation. An additional house service pump (700 gpm) contributes to water withdrawal from Cayuga Lake for purposes of ancillary facility water uses. The approximate pumping capacity was calculated based pump curve readings and falls within just over 0.5% of maximum permitted withdrawal included in the SPDES permit. Descrepencies between the two numbers could be attributed to the accuracy of reading the pump curves. Circulating water pumps are manually controlled depending on cooling water requirements. 3.3 WATER DEMAND Due to the shutdown of the coal operating units,the non -contact maximum cooling water flow has been lowered to 66MGD. The cooling water demand fluctuates and is dependent upon the pumps operating. The instantaneous demand and daily maximum demand that can be supplied are the same, as it is operationally limited by pump capacity, as discussed below. The SPDES permit provides for a maximum thermal discharge temperature of 36.7°C (98°F). The new cooling system is designed to provide once -through cooling water for a system not yet specified at a maximum withdawal rate of 42,950 gpm (45,950 gpm including withdrawal capacity of fire pumps). The rejected heat cannot be quantified as the process has not yet been specified, therefore a precise thermal balance cannot be calculated. The previously existing cooling system at the facility involved cooling water flow rates up to 169,000 gpm with rejected heat at approximately 1,392.6 MMBTU/hr, resulting in a maximum temperature rise of 16.5°F. This temperature change suggested ERM 6 CAVUG-OPERA'PINGCOAIPANYLUCIOAUGUM020.DOC% a maximum Iake water inlet temperature of 81.5°F (27.5°C). The future cooling system is expected to have a temperature rise Iess than or equal to that of the previous system. Cornell University has collected various data including temperature at depth at 9 sample points from the South end to the North end with sample point #4 & 5 labelled as South and North of the power plant. This data indicates that the highest temperatures are in late summer August - September time frame with the temperatures recorded at approximately 21°C (69.8 °F). This data indicates that the Cayuga plant will not have difficulty with maintaining compliance with the SPDES permit thermal criteria. The projected future cooling water demand is no greater than what is provided by the current pumps. This is not a public water system; thus demand information for such a system is not included in this report. Appendix F provides the most recent annual water withdrawal reporting form. 4.0 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES AND PROJECTJUSTIFICATION Consistent with the guidance provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), evaluation of alternatives and project justification are unnecessary for existing water withdrawals that were reported prior to 15 February 2012. .0 WATER CONSERVATION Apart from the existing flow regulation and monitoring for piping system leaks, there is no justification for establishing additional formal programs to conserve water. This is because the application is only for non - consumptive, once -through noncontact cooling without significant evaporative or product losses. As stated earlier in this report, greater than 99% of the amount of water withdrawn from the lake is returned to the lake after use. Flow reporting is submitted to the NYSDEC monthly on the daily operating data report. The requisite Water Conservation Form has been included in Appendix D. 6.0 OTHER APPRO VAL SIR E Q UIREMENTS Project plans are not needed for this withdrawal, as it is an existing water withdrawal system. f.Rm 7 CAYUGA OPERMINGCOMPANY LLC ICAUGU51' MO DOCX Water Analyses - Cooling water flow back to the lake is independent and not sampled in combination with site stormwater, process water, and service water. Thus, there are no specific analytical data for the cooling water returns exclusively, with the exception of the SPDES permit requirements that include monitoring flow, thermal discharge requirements (e.g. intake and discharge with a 98 °F (36.7°C) maximum) and total residual chlorine during periods of chlorination, if any. It is noted that the outfall serves as the non -contact lake cooling water discharge point. 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY The following documents were used to assist in the preparation of the Cayuga Station Water Withdrawal Engineering Report. • Facility SPDES Permit Number NY0001333 • Impingement and Entrainment Characterization Study, (Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C., In Association with HDR Engineering, Inc., March 2010) • AES Design and Technology Construction Review, (ASA Analysis & Communication, Inc., June 2010) • USGS Surface Water Data for USA: USGS Surface Water Daily Statistics • Cornell University - Cayuga Lake Modelling Project, July, August, and September EFM 8 CAYUGAOPEtAT1NGCOMPANYLLC 1DAUGUSf2020LDOCX Appendices Appendix A Drawings CAYUGA LAKE g `o CLEARWATER McH.A GE9�!OSTI1W0hTERAS UNITB I A 2 i - CONDENSER } COOLING WATER UNaTS I a 2 HYDROGEN L OIL COOLING WATER FLOOR CRAM CAYUGA LLC WATER DIAGRAM As of July 2020 - Changes for Potential Future Operations Not Yet Known RECYCLE RON71NGENCn ,i COAL ALE RUNOFF IMANIENAN CE ICONTINGENCY EAWASTE FROM OTHER GENERATING FACILMES 4 COAL PILE STORAGE &I ACRES FUEL a! STORAGE EL-- /GENT YARD AND ROOF BALER a TURBINE SUItnNG ROCFORANS 1 BOOTBLOVANO NR COMPRESSORS f� UffiTS I & 2 PLANT SUMPS �"IEOLAPMEM COOLINK3MMTEii �• UMTS 1 a 2 I PYRITES PIT STA71ON 6WOC� DEWATERING SYS71AEt NYDROVAC I I t UNITS I A 2 - UNITS 1 a 2 Balm FLLRes MOUSE SERVICE I 6ANGTARY WATER WASTES I PLINT FEEOWATER TREATMENT www IAAKELP TREATMENT UVERFLOW MAINLEAH FW CE CtEANBl10 WASH AS PUMPSEALS { - ISC WASTE WATER 1 }3 BOLLER POTABLE I ui I WATER 1 1 NEUTRALIZATION I UNITS 1 9 2 _ DEWATERING BOTTOMASH SUACE SYSMA RECYCLE ,i COAL ALE RUNOFF IMANIENAN CE ICONTINGENCY EAWASTE FROM OTHER GENERATING FACILMES 4 COAL PILE STORAGE &I ACRES FUEL a! STORAGE EL-- /GENT YARD AND ROOF BALER a TURBINE SUItnNG ROCFORANS 1 BOOTBLOVANO NR COMPRESSORS f� UffiTS I & 2 PLANT SUMPS �"IEOLAPMEM COOLINK3MMTEii �• VAL, PLANT IR W71 PLANT NAML At$ CAYUGA LLC v CAYUGA LAKE J LP,I a1 Lru r RECYCLA PVM EFFLUENT OUTFALL 018 PIT STA71ON 6WOC� DEWATERING SYS71AEt DEMB*:RALmAnCN I I t UNITS 1 a 2 Balm FLLRes eaLERS I 6ANGTARY WASTES I I.IL l LARA1MN611LOYIDl9lfY TREATMENT www re r..r—� CAW" G61FRll'RNOa'(ATma" UVERFLOW MAINLEAH FW CE CtEANBl10 WASH AS WASTE WATER BOLLER C1EaWCAL CLEANING WASTEyWTER wgAocu NEUTRALIZATION CLARIFICATION a _ DEWATERING VAL, PLANT IR W71 PLANT NAML At$ CAYUGA LLC v CAYUGA LAKE J LP,I a1 Lru r RECYCLA PVM EFFLUENT OUTFALL 018 STA71ON 6WOC� DEWATERING SYS71AEt � {i I I PVW NKAVITY Balm FLLRes I I RS (ST -1) RATOR9 (ST -1) API SEPARATORS Y+ RSGENERATION WASTE r` NEUTRALIZATION FGID j LIFT STATION OUTFALl014 7"r i FOO WWT FGDEFFLLENT I OUTFALLOIF 1 CPR I LIM EW OUTFALL. AA 6 i1 LIFT STA71ON 6WOC� DEWATERING SYS71AEt � {i I I I 1 Yu" OrF.11ATM ppwnff, Lm WATER OALBNCF CUUM II I I I Latwlto lltwTallc I I.IL l LARA1MN611LOYIDl9lfY www re r..r—� CAW" G61FRll'RNOa'(ATma" WAREHOUSE SWITCH YARD As of July 2020 - Changes for Potential Future Operations Not Yet Known CAYUGA STATION CORPORATION PUMP MOUSE PULP DATA PUMP GPM LEAD Wn RPM EFF BHP MOTOR HP AMP VOLTAGE 0.1 42.600 2/ m N 340 350 0 4164 " law 2• I I Zj0 I I 66 I 740 I 360 12 I 4160 Pa 42,500 2/ M 740 360 52 4160 P-4 42.600 25 270 W 340 350 52 41W As of July 2020 - Changes for Potential Future Operations Not Yet Known AERIAL I T CAYUGA OPMTM CMPMV, UC Y/YO IfY COOL IM NATER PR411LG SCHOMM +x.+�ir1G t alcr ' a+ 17= 7, `x CAYUGA STATION TREATMENT PLANT TURBME TURI3M GE ERAT�OR � GENERATOR a /1 C-21091 NSER I s 6 I cON RE + E:1I Q FGD PLANT Ii2 L1.131416161 B /ice QO 1�f�1+h11f•'�%--�E-�SR-{P—��I ESP L� B� am SCREENSF4TER 1 TRACR H HOUSE 4 1 3 6p D*C1KARGE _ LEGEND 0 O OUTFALL ' �i 6 m wrAlcE PIPe64a LONG CAYUGA LAKE 6 0 DISCHARGE PPE 136 LONG y SUBMERGED MAKE � 1O 1O LOCATED 53 FEET KEY NOTES. 6@81 BLERGED YJTI1� OFFSHORE Qt REFER TO FIGURE 3 LOCATED 326 FEET OFF SHORE O REFER TO FIGURE 4 Q REFER TO PHOTOLOG AERIAL I T CAYUGA OPMTM CMPMV, UC Y/YO IfY COOL IM NATER PR411LG SCHOMM +x.+�ir1G t alcr ' a+ 17= 7, `x I Pigure-3 Topographic map of area surrounding AES Cayuga (USES, Binghamton West 7.6 -minute quadrangle, 1076) � @ �» @2y:%73utCGpo@e P2; lj-v e= s Eve g.20 G§ P)r,to 7BB§ M 2699 T 805500 605600 605700 805600 635900 306000 606100 A06M !06300 &maw 60{6500 NOTF llN LOcmm Post TEYPpRART PEP S: _ e EY15T1IG MME PPE EASEMENT 815' (R00 PPF L Pql w XrOLD SNORE 19 245' AR{r Y - 948000 CLNTERUNE ` ALOW SNE LINE (SEE SPECS) TO CfRCLAAdHO PUM4P5 2 DEPTHS PUMP& 70 AVG. LME EEEVAIM or 361,6' 943000 EIEVAMIrS ARE Pr PELT %6,t, r V IEYI 3. HHaR12DNTAL OATlN1 PAWN AL' ""M 0 41lnf Dr 1983 I11AD 53) STATE PLNiE COORp1uIE STSTEW NE- TOA[.. SEE W SCREENS SPEC APPENDICES 4 YERTKAL DATw NORTH AVERICMI vLPIxAlL DArm or CJ * (EX) ... 1996 (4.rDaaj SEE SPEC APPENDS C - 5- ODEA COWRACIOR STAGPIC MEAS EXIST BUI N07 ' MN BURG[ 11W6[T LEES [E%) * ^gyp Yf ' HERE SEI SPECS iERLIautE NEW POPER AND ' 6 SIHOAIS NAT ENEPGE Al LDIr LAAL LLVE3.5 AL CABLES ON COVER PLATE - CATUGA STATION 917900 CAD . NEA LES Rw UPSIDE APO DE EN. SIGN(APPROMNEY) I - PIP[ fN CdnOND Urrs1T5 I ,- 947900 I SEE I 1 I SEE SHOALSOTE . L ER PRS ET III (E_) '� II APPR04 ORONAL GRAIED MATE REPAWED AS PMT Or COMMACI "ORM II �I _ SSFP; CTLfiE Y 947399 I 1 I 947ROD I _ PIPE}} 3'-D• t o aAE PIPE ' ! 10BE �'� \ I� Ss�tf� (EX) MME PIPE AS NEEDM� EY CDC PARMING O p d4T 947700 947700 APPROY. PAL ' ROAD SPM _ (EI) y y ♦ OZO Q6 • ' TV APPROY. SlgRrINE EIEVATIOII [y IFLlV 3616') i 947600 y{ . /� � ♦ .5 l 941[,00 FOR BRUSH CELSTART NEN MME WPSOLD I l CLL -Nm *EDGE -RRC !! 1 SCREENS. LOST REVS ONNER PEA LASHED 947500 0 20 40 GO 80 700 200 22 STEEL L6- PRE PTEs I SCALE IN FEET ' CAYUGA OPERATING COMPANY COOLING WAT[R INTAKE SCREEN PROJECT 605500 605600 805NT0 3056m 805900 606000 306100 1106700 806303 I I OVERALL PLAN AIAF;AI CPSM ENGPRERs4G. 1rC T OVERALL PLAN 5 r"" 1.- 7^'. G3 SCALE I' - 40' A Lt eow J �, nw n arrn� Figure 5 - Cayuga Station Intake and Discharge Structures (Plan View) y . I G3 IMIIGm BLre FIANG[ I FOR r,wlrEnAnCE I I 16 FJV NEW e2* OK 1PPRDx 10' TARE I Sao i BRYSN CLEANED WEDGE -WF![ RNIAME BUN FRNAES {(F) i $CRUM$ ;075 NW SLOE WUTH) 3S4 Ali -`7 i 340 V I 1 - PROFILE VIEW TERtIWIT POWER ATO SrG CABLE AMT ABOVE COMER- NE- IMAME 1e TF AVG WATER r YN�PpW 2 C2 RALRap SWR Rix) ELEY 3e1 e' iJjJ WIfEiTED [011 N. RPE SENIES 330 (ExnRNG) AS rLYP BY�O"LMWCCONsr[_8' 0' IA Ex MARC PP[ 370 UTUW OPERAtm COWAN, - HER[ rPe REMOVE O"Is" RE r 360 �ROAO ICE) 350 '. y-------- FACE OF THE EIRM+G nFTARE PPE . . $$ LS gF i 1 L RPE CENiTR1NE ELLv 3740, BAR SCREENS IEA) 3W 350 ' 340 ' 120 SPD - - 5Pi --- ./.' PROFILE VSEW INTAKE PIPELINE PROFILE C2 SCALE 1" = 30• IMIIGm BLre FIANG[ I FOR r,wlrEnAnCE I I 16 FJV NEW e2* OK 1PPRDx 10' TARE I Sao i BRYSN CLEANED WEDGE -WF![ RNIAME BUN FRNAES {(F) i $CRUM$ ;075 NW SLOE WUTH) 3S4 Ali -`7 i 340 V I 1 - PROFILE VIEW TERtIWIT POWER ATO SrG CABLE AMT ABOVE COMER- Sao , 1e TF 3w 5[E 4 RALRap SWR Rix) 17A.W. STATION 340 E } 330 (ExnRNG) 320 SURGE UTUW OPERAtm COWAN, - HER[ rPe REMOVE O"Is" RE pYNgERs w (COVERm) �ROAO ICE) LOCATE TNS PILE RELATIVE TO TK -CUT '. y-------- FACE OF THE EIRM+G nFTARE PPE . . $$ LS gF i 1 L RPE CENiTR1NE ELLv 3740, BAR SCREENS IEA) 3W 350 ' 340 ' 330 .710 300 NEW TENPORART BTPASS EGRAtm) EXIS M I PPE PrOOY RLE CAPS EOE) SEE T C! CAP M45'1ALLATMBN SFENB-STEELPPEPILES SEE NOTES - - Cr/1111 ... _- W7 W --Gv--n9'—.rte �p JI f , WM LAYER APPROxIWOE FOP OF eFDR00t i _ y {REFER TO kq.5 OF 80110ci - - / NA -I No IIA-)) rWRO G1rClAL I APPRO%wTE TOP OF BEDROCK tILL / (REFER 7D LOGS Or WINGS IM i Aro HA -2) vw Sao , 1e TF 3w $ 340 r 330 320 CUT Cx:STMAC MIT PPE - HER[ rPe REMOVE O"Is" RE 310 ENOFRO *-Ito LOCATE TNS PILE RELATIVE TO TK -CUT FACE OF THE EIRM+G nFTARE PPE 300 NOTESINTAKE MANIFOLD ELEVATIONS PROFILE NEW I. TIE EKE BG PROMELOCA 4 eKHESS r SE p/ eAA- ABC ANO "Y Ar C2 SCALE. 1" = 10' w7BRotoai aTti LOCAL iNNOT kN N, CONTENT uT[R LL PL T0A[lk 3 Pel E EL EVATIONS �AM AIVCT SIMPE 4 leT R/MM1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLAN {- SCALE: 1" — 10' 2 THE SLOPE OF THE EmSTRRO WOE Are ExACT LO Ami OF CCNTRACTOR'S CW CAN Ri[UENCE HEOWED ELEVATION OF PILE SUPPOWINO IItERED eTPA55 CONNECTION RPE IF INS RLE EECVATM)1N C.C.. AU DINERS ARE MAINE IV IT AND WILL CHANCE 3 ALL PEES TO BE CUT OFF AS LEVEL AS a vqa '0 wNTm rOF MCAL ELE4ATRY4 5/10Yr11 HERE - NMS ELEVATION T TO rC n PILE GNP (EFF SKC51 4 PR.ES SRNL BE DRIVEN 10 WMCH 23 Gt PLUWB IMF SPECSI, 5 SEE SPEC APPENOCES FOR OCOTECHNCGL REPORT i Figure 6 - Cayuga Station Intake Structure {Elevation View} CAYUGA OPERATING COMPANY COOLING WATER INTAKE SCREEN PROJECT MANIFOLD AND PILE ELEVATIONS TiERAKAI ANN IAEEPNO. NC. E �SQ1 A E R'ix ' Fnx,F - k oeo-ia a x+rtr. uw T,c,wr w:�l �.• . �.. �c2 a -rt 1.D. 01schorge Pipe INI ` 1 Scale in Feel. \ r° 5 \ \ E N i \S \ \ W Weir Wolf Figure -7 - Cayuga Station Discharge Structure A an Appendix B Engineering Report Documents Site Numbers and Description. Site 9: 2.3 mi N of Frontenac island Springs Site 74,1 mI IAV Aurora s(te,fi: 1.1 mi N of. SfieJdrake Pt. n Power Plant 4:1.6 V S.Qf Milliken Power. Plant ,"d.5 nil NE of Taughanno&_Park Marina f -.NW of Cornell Sailing Club "N of Allan H. Treman Marina 3 vss.from Allan H. Treman Launch Area September 3, 2013 Lake -Wide Survey Temperature and Specific Conductance Profiles North to South 4 T CC) T (C) T CC) T CC) T CC) T V d - T CC) T CQ T t' C1 T Vc) 4 S12t62M4 8 4 8121MMQS 4 8121EM428 & S12tMMCS 4 91210HUM 4 9 21MMAU 4 54216== a BIZMM S 4 a12IMMCS a 8121WAM 0 .... D 0 00 1 0 1 5 . 2 20 • 20 20� 0 f 20 40 • i ,t0 j 40 4 3 2- 2- 40- -40• So • 60 3 15 &7- f �_ 6.\ 3• 3 4' 20' IDD - 100.• 10D• ' 10D� 4 4• 5 Ste 9 25 site a 80 r Sb 7.120 Me a 12(• SVA 4 120 Sit 2_ 9 Site 2 5 sae 1 5 S312 II 1. `1 SC (pSlcrn) SC {}talon) SC (4sW=) SG{;tSl=) SC•� iVS =) ` �txrQ 'SC(tSlaa) SC {jtSlc111} Sc (pSlcxn) SC psi 300 400 570 OW 31)0400 50D ea0 =410;;3OT4W 1fC01tino 300 4o0`sad'aco 400 900330 e06SCO 800 300400 Sao 600 Son 400 sou eoo seo 400 s00 900 2 20- F 40—, 40- 3 • 2- 2. 2- 10- s+o a0 ~ sfl y 60 3- 3. so OD so a 60 4 20 4• 4• 1D0' � 100 � 1D0 100 5 Slle 9 2S 5it07 120 , SIM 6.120 \ $ae 5 t2D Site s 120 5'de 3 , 9 Site 2 5 F Sete 1 S Site II 1 July 25, 2013 Lake -Wide Survey Temperature and SpedRc Conductance ProRles North to South 3 T (c) T (•C) T ('C) T rC) T rC) jIVC) 4 T (•C) T (C) T (T) T (•C) s 812162024 s 8121 G248 4 612t62p248 d 812162mas 4 8121620246 4 81216tO24a 4"216X148 c 612162aO8 a a1216OMA 4 9121B3P2429 0 . . . . 0 a 0 0 . .� .. 0 0 1, 5, 2p 20• �•/20- 2020- 2 to • 40 40 40- 40 •3 2 2- 40- -40 $D- , q - m 3 75 ro 80 • {SD,- dDtE3 = 6 • ` . 3 3 60 •l 4 " 20- -too• •100 • loo • 100 - A- d ' 4 Site # •' Sto 3 Silt 2 Silo 1 Site H, Ir Slt! 9 2S Sha 8D Sitt 7 120 SY.e 6� 12a 20 .130, 9 5 5 SC (P51us1) SC (pS1cm) 5C ({rSlcm) (}l '=) SC pSl m) ''SC (�j Slcm) ; ``SC (�sS/an) SC (pSltm) SC (uSlan) SC {I1Slcm} 3po 40D Sao Epp 300 Opp sofa 600 sap 400 oo,� 300 400 50660D 4Da-xo 6oaN-xo dao SOD 501) 3M 40D 500 bap Sao 400 SM 6m 300 <Da _ao baa 0 0 0 �0 • 1 't p A'� f -� p •} 0 0 p 1 S- x2 l L 2.0.2(( 20 ! l 20 • SO 6D 6o• 3. 8o baa so • 6- ' 20- 100 a r 'tao.a 100 1po 4 • 4 3 Size 9 25 8' :� •� Sle 7l 120 x~ # M 6. 12 %,%� � � 120 Sh 4 120 Site 3 9 Site 2 5 ` Site 1 Sao i1 August 6, 2013 Lake -Wide Survey Temperature and SpedBc Conductance Profiles North to South •a T ('C) T CC) T ('C) T ('C) T CC) 7�J) T ('C) T ('C) T ('C) 7 ('C) S/ � 4 812152024 4 81216i!t 5 4 8121GMQ3 4 S1216t02426 4 81216 MQS 4 ZIMM4428 1.4,3.1218;@Q8 4 81218M 4M 4 812162Q428 4 812162M428 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 •� S. 2D - 2D �.• 20-I. l • s0 • 40 40 40 '$ ' 1 _ 2• 10. 2. 2. 40 • 60 600 •� 3 • i5 • 6o 80 EO ' t�0! B� 3CL 3 4• 20 6D. IOD 100- 1 D ,� 100 4 4• 5 SPO 9 Site 8 Site 7.120 Site 6 120 "' s i43' t20 �te � 120. g Site 2 5 54e 1 5 Elle ¢ 25 so, SC (PS/cm) SC (PSkrn) SC (PSZ30O*AOD SC-(ijsf=) sotpsfan) sC (}s'S.1c�11) SC wCM) SC (yslcm) SC wCM) SC (NSlcm) 300 403 500 603 300 400 5D0 500 300400 SD0Os03 300 40D 50Q50DO 40dAQ X300 40 5 00 00 50D 300 400 5Do 500 3004 S00 611D 30D 400 340 eD0 0 01 0, .I a .0 ti,, -` 0 0 ` 0— D 0 0 J 1 • 5 • 20 � 20- � 2Q' 2D • � j E 2• S0 I X40 �� 40• 3 r 2• 2- 40 606D 60'.63 m 3 - 15 �� ` •`� 3- 3- 180; 8D • 6 - so - • 20 " 10 0 '•1G0 -N,i00 • 100 • 4- 4- 5 Slle 0 25 V SD Ste 7 jj124 Site 61120 = 211 OW 5 1 Sb 4 120Sb3 9 Sift 2 5 SH e 1 $ $40 IL t August 20, 2013 Lake -Wide Survey Temperature and Specific Conductance Profiles North to South 4` T CC:) T CC) T CC) T (-C) T CC) Q � T CC) T ('C) T CC) T CC) 4 8121620Z4ZB 4 812100 24 4 8121eM428 4 81218202428 4 8121820248 48121=428 4 8.1216 248 4 812IMM48 4 81211RM4E 4 812i8M426 0 ..... 0 D a 0- , p' 0 0 i� o" .. ... 0— .. 1 5 . 20 • 20 • 20 20 - 20 - 1- 1 • E 2 iG . 40 • 40ad 40 . 4 40- Bo • 60 r \60 - 3. 15. I g• 3• 80 • rso 80 � g 4• 20• �' ✓ 100 - 100 100 : 100 S 4, 1 Me 9 s to 8 80 Site 7 720 Store 120 l`##0 S'a 4 120 Stt� 3 9- Site 21 5 St* i s Ste 11 SC (PVCm) SC ()tSlrrn) SC W=) SC-(pSlem) SC+IPSlcrn) - an) `SC (W=) SC (Ps/cm) SC (NS/cm) SC (µSfcm) 300 t00 500 600 300 40 Spo 6G0 300 400 00,S00,8M 3CC 190 ZWS00M 500 400'500 800 300 40?500 00 600 30D 4M 5 M 300 400 500 GM 0 0 0, 0 0 ,.� 1, 0 0 0 0 7 5- 1 3M 20 20- 20 • 1 i "J 40- 3 . 2 10 - 2 • 2 - CL - go- / e0 • ' 80 84 . 4.1�• 100 100 1 100 100• 4• 4• $ sae 9 S1t6 >!h SIM 7 ao-120 She 8 1 4 ' ,She 5 i S'ir i She 3 SM 2 She 1 Site it 25 20 120 9 5 5 September 3, 2013 Lake -Wide Survey 41AIi11111.....'""C....`..'."""" ... """"�,•aa11i11i11irL{YY11#rI�CAIIri�:;• •C:CC aplomll1AR.71-12MI11111111fill 1:::11:;::: ... ...... :•••••••_•:' �:::•:- .;:aIL1111l11111111.::•a e11111fs 11W. �y....,..:.....•.�....... :........... . :a111 !11'11111:.............. •......._ ...... 11 11;;:;::::• .7fAilii#�I� ••••._.....: ••S.AIA11 ••.. ���N�MIl1I11 III ��111� 1 11WIWAIHMGC�i:i::::iaw.imrii'. ............ 111C: _ . . • •• t •IIY1111.MAIGYalt�illYAlL11111A::..... "'�"'""' .:IIIIIIII•LIYl11 .............. .............. .. I l 111 ll�..e::,:....::...................................._..:: ..F.' •::I Y J �1�.�. _ ::.. ........:................. :w:i..:'. x.".:1111 -ii. �Ailllfllll�'i!�jii�iiWiniiiuiiiiriilieirwmiin mt.' ...........a1111111Ili 1.dei...:.%::N:Nn::::".::::�� m :,:_ ...Y...r..u.Y,%rf . ...... ........ Villi llli�i.iii........ i1i11i.ii! fG® lWi�ilf ::::::::::::....:::::::... ..::...::::::::_........:.... :711AYIR■II191L::::: �.,....r,.._. ,:: ..u.r...ur,.,....... o.o...w.............r.ua.. •::.u�. r.u.u....w.u�rr..a.._._ :::::`:::::•....... .r�lR'iMIwnu1W H 1550 rpm 120 100 1300 rpm 1100 rpm S 60 900 rpm 40 700 rpm 20 0 5{1 CL 25 m 3 0 a a 9:] ao in IQO 300 4M 545 i;00 WO am 900 i040 1w 1200 +330 1400 1500 100 200 300 400 500 6170 too N00 900 103(3 111DC 1203 1300 1400 t,CO US gpm Company SUMMIT PUMP INC Sufflut Size, SN06A Name Catalog: SurnrnK SN, Vers 1 Speed: 700 - 1550 rpm 1213!2007 SN Adjuslable Dia: 12.375 in PUMP, Inc r1 24 1q 5+ u c 57 u E Lu IQO 300 4M 545 i;00 WO am 900 i040 1w 1200 +330 1400 1500 100 200 300 400 500 6170 too N00 900 103(3 111DC 1203 1300 1400 t,CO US gpm Company SUMMIT PUMP INC Sufflut Size, SN06A Name Catalog: SurnrnK SN, Vers 1 Speed: 700 - 1550 rpm 1213!2007 SN Adjuslable Dia: 12.375 in PUMP, Inc r1 24 1q Appendix C Joint Application Form Y EW Department of Office of Department Tars Environmental General Services of State Cvnservativn0s� JOINT APPLICATION FORM For Permits for activities activities affecting streams, waterways, waterbodies, wetlands, coastal areas, sources of water, and endangered and threatened species. You must separately apply for and obtain Permits from each involved agency before starting work. Please read all instructions. 1. Applications To: >NYS Department of Environmental Conservation✓❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDEC. Check all permits that apply: ❑Dams and Impound- ❑ Tidal Wetlands ❑J Water Withdrawal Stream Disturbance ment Structures ❑ Wild, Scenic and ❑ Long Island Well Excavation and Fill in F__1401 Water Quality Recreational Rivers E] Incidental Take of Navigable Waters Certification ❑ Coastal Erosion Endangered 1 Docks, Moorings or ❑ Freshwater Wetlands Management Threatened Species Platforms >US Army Corps of Engineers Check here to confirm you sent this form to USACE. Check all permits that apply: [] Section 404 Clean Water Act ❑ Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act Is the project Federally funded? ❑ Yes No If yes, name of Federal Agency:1 General Permit Type(s), if known: Preconstruction Notification: ❑ Yes [� No >NYS Office of General Services Check all permits that apply: Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSOGS. State Owned Lands Under Water ❑ Utility Easement (pipelines, conduits, cables, etc.) ❑ Docks, Moorings or Platforms >NYS Department of State Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDOS. Check if this applies: Coastal Consistency Concurrence 2. Name of Applicant Taxpayer ID (if applicant is NOT an individual) Cayuga Operating Company 180-0807642 Mailin Address Post Office / City State Zip 228 Cayuga Drive I Lansin 1 91 NY 114882 Telephone 1607-533-7913 Email ljmarabella@heorotpower.com Applicant Must be (check all that apply): © Owner 3. Name of Property Owner (if different than Applicant) Mailinq Address Telephone I Email I IFor A_cv Use Oniv I Agency Application Number: Operator Lessee Post Office I City State Z':p F1' JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 1 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM - Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 4. Name of Contact / Agent John Marabella Mailing Address 228 Cayuga Drive Telephone 1607-533-7913 5. Project 1 Facility Name Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Project Street Address, if applicable Post Office / City State Zip I Lansing FNY] 114882 Email limarabella@heorotpower.com Property Tax Map Section / Block / Lot Number 1 111.-1-3.211 and 11.-1-3.212 Post Office 1 City State Zip 228 Cayuga Drive I I Lansing I NY 114882 Provide directions and distances to roads, intersections, bridges and bodies of water IThe facility is located on the eastern side of Cayuga Lake - 1 mile west of Ridge Road (Rout 34B). Q Town 17 Village C City County StreamMaterbody Name Lansing I I Tompkins I I Cayuga Lake Project Location Coordinates: Enter Latitude and Longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds: Latitude: 142 1° 136 1' 1 10.08 1" Longitude: 1 76 1° 138 �' 0.96 6. Project Description: Provide the following information about your project. Continue each response and provide any additional information on other pages. Attach clans on seaarate gapes., a. Purpose of the proposed project: The facility is a retired coal power plant. A new purpose for the facility/prop" has not yet been determined. The once -through cooling water system, which withdraws and returns water to/from Cayuga Lake, remains in place for potential future use. The system has capacity has been downsized to approximately 25% of the capacity when the facility operated as a coal fired electric generating facility. b. Description of current site conditions: The facility is a retired coag power plant A new purpose for the facilitylproperty has not yet been determined. The once -through cooling water system. which withdraws and returns water to/from Cayuga Lake, remains in place for potential future use. c. Proposed site changes: The once through cooling water system requirement has been reduced from a maximum flow rate of 169 kgpm (thousand gallons per minute) to 43 kgpm. Operations related to coal-fired electricity generation have ceased, and the facility is being repurposed to clear the way for potential future use of a different nature. d. Type of structures and fill materials to be installed, and quantity of materials to be used (e.g., square feet of coverage, cubic yards of fill material, structures below ordinary/mean high water, etc.): NIA e. Area of excavation or dredging, volume of material to be removed, location of dredged material placement: NIA f. Is tree cutting or clearing proposed? F Yes If Yes, ex Iain below. Timing of the proposed cutting or clearing (month/year): Number of trees to be cut: I Acreage of trees to be cleared ' No JoiNT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 2 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM — Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. gr Work methods and type of equipment to be used: Existing once -through cooling system utilizing water from Cayuga lake. No additional equipment required. h. Describe the planned sequence of activities: Site is a retired coal power plant Once -through cooling system remains intact for use by potential operations of a not yet known future facility use. i. Pollution control methods and other actions proposed to mitigate environmental impacts: NIA j. Erosion and silt control methods that will be used to prevent water quality impacts: NIA k. Alternatives considered to avoid regulated areas. If no feasible alternatives exist, explain how the project will minimize impacts: N/A I. Proposed use: . Private ❑ Public✓; Commercial m. Proposed Start Date: 1911955 1 Estimated Completion Date: I NIA n. Has work begun on project? El Yes If Yes, explain below. F_ No There is an existing water withdrawal o. Will project occupy Federal, State, or Municipal Land? 7 Yes If Yes, explain below. No P. List any previous DEC, USACE, OGS or DOS Permit / Application numbers for activities at this location: q. Will this project require additional Federal, State, or Local authorizations, including zoning changes? 0 Yes If Yes, list below. F_' No JOINTAPPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 3 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM —Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 7, Signatures. Applicant and Owner (If different) must sign the application. If the applicant is the landowner, the landowner attestation form can be used as an electronic signature as an alternative to the signature below, if necessary. Append additional pages of this Signature section if there are multiple Applicants, Owners or Contact/Agents. I hereby affirm that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permission to Inspect - I hereby consent to Agency inspection of the project site and adjacent property areas. Agency staff may enter the property without notice between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday - Friday. Inspection may occur without the owner. applicant or agent present_ If the property is posted with "keep out" signs or fenced with an unlocked gate. Agency staff may still enter the property. Agency staff may take measurements, analyze site physical characteristics, take soil and vegetation samples, sketch and photograph the site. I understand that failure to give this consent may result in denial of the permit(s) sought by this application. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the NYS Penal Law, Further, the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project. In addition, Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provides for a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and willingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact; or knowingly makes or uses a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement. Signature of Applicant Date e - i I /Z_/2.7-/Zo Applicant Must be (check all that apply): Q Owner J Operator Lessee Printed Name Title John Marabella Director, Environmental Affairs Si nature of Owner (if different than Applicant) Date Printed Name Title Signature of Contact 1 Agent Printed Name Title Date For Aaencv Use Only, DETERMINATION OF NO PERMIT REQUIRED Agency Application Number I I (Agency Name) has determined that No Permit is required from this Agency for the project described in this application. Agency Representative: Printed I Title Name Signature I Date JOINT APPLICATION FORM 04120 Page 4 of 4 NEwroRK Department of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation S`n::E Environmental Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW -1 (R/T) Conservation Pursuant to G NYCRR Part 601 Sept 2020 REVIEW YOUR CURRENT PERMIT AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM BEFORE COMPLETING THE FORM 1. Applicant Name Cayuga Operating Company LLC 2. Facility Name Cayuga Operating Company LLC 3. Legally Responsible Party: Cayuga Operating Company LLC 4. Applicant Is: AFacility Owner WFacility Operator ❑ Proposed Owner (Transfer of Ownership) 5. Change in Ownership Is a change in ownership proposed at this facility? If yes provide the date upon which the new owner will acquire the facility. 8 NO ❑ YES (Provide Date) 6. Facility address 228 Cayuga Drive Lansing, NY 14882 7. WWA/WW Number 11753 9. Current Permit Effective Date 1/26/2015 11. Water Use Type (choose all that apply) ❑Environmental ❑Institutional ❑Recreational iilnduslrial 12. Approved Sources (from current permit) Source Name Cayuga Lake B. Permit ID Number 7-5032-00019/00024 10. Current Permit Expiration Date 2/1/2021 El Public Water Supply ❑Bottled/Bulk Water ❑Commercial 13011/Gas Production ❑Mining El Power Production ❑Agricultural 80ther Individual Source Capacity Maximum Permitted Well Field or Supply (GPM) of Water (If Applicable) [-]GPM @GPD 13. Total Approved Withdrawal Quantity 245,000,000 170,139 245,000,000 ❑GPM WGPD 14. Water Withdrawal System Modifications Have any modifications been made to the existing water withdrawal system (e.g., increases in system capacity, changes in sources, addition of new sources, change in use type, etc.) after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? If yes, please explain and refer to Modification requiremgnts on the department webpage: httD://www.dec.nv.ciov/lands/86935.htmi ❑ NO 8 YES, EXPLAIN Request decrease in approved Withdrawal quantity t0 66,168,000 GPD 15. Water Well Decommissioning Have any wells been abandoned or decommissioned after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? If yes, please review the Department's Water Well Decommissioning Procedures: httr)s://www.dec.nv.aovAands/86955.html. 8 NO ❑ YES, EXPLAIN 16. New Water Service Areas (Pubiic Water Supply Only) Have any new Water Service Areas been added after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit? B NO ❑ YES, EXPLAIN Sept 2020 17. Supplementary Items The following items must be included electronically with this Application: @Updated Water Conservation Program Form (htto://www.dec.nv.aovllands/94327.htmi) @Latest Annual Water Withdrawal Reporting Form @Copy of Current Water Withdrawal Permit @Copy of Current Engineering Report Name of Company/Legally Responsible Party for the Facility: Cayuga Operating Company LLC Legally Responsible Party Address: 228 Cayuga Drive Lansing, NY 14882 Printed Name of Representative: John Marabella Title of Representative: Director, Environmental Affairs CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and all reports and information submitted in association with this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief I understand that false statements made in this application and in any reports or information associated with this application are made under penalty of perjury and that they are punishable under section 210.45 of the New York Stale Penal Law. Representative Signature C Date /zlz-2- 14 INSTRUCTIONS Water Withdrawal Permit Renewal/Transfer Application WW -1 (R1T) • Before completing this form, please carefully review the Water Withdrawal Permit Program page located on the Department's website at: htta://www.dec.nv.aovllands/86935.htmi (non-agricultural facilities) and: httn://www.dec.nv.00vllands/86747.htmi (agricultural facilities). • Applicant Name (item 1) — Applications must be made in the name of the owner or operator of the water withdrawal system involved. For acquisitions of existing systems, the applicant should be the prospective owner. • Legally Responsible Party (Item 3) — Legally responsible party means a business entity or applicant legally accountable for undertaking a permitted action in accordance with the provisions and conditions of a permit, or a business entity or applicant legally accountable for the content of an application. • Approved Sources (Item 12) — List all sources that are included on the current water withdrawal permit for your facility. • Total Approved Withdrawal Quantity (Item 13) — List the approved water withdrawal quantity listed in the Source Approval Table on the current water withdrawal permit for your facility. • Water Withdrawal System Modifications (Item 14) — Water withdrawal system modifications include but are not limited to: addition of new pumps, increasing pump capacity, adding temporary portable pumps, increasing or changing well diameter, changing well location, adding new sources of water withdrawal, changing water use type. If you are unsure if a modification has taken place after issuance of the current water withdrawal permit, please contact the Department. Please note that if the facility is planning on making modifications to the existing water withdrawal system in the future, a modification must be applied for before making any changes to the water withdrawal system. For more information on permit modifications please view the following webpage: htto://www.dee.nv.00vllands/86935.htmi • How to Submit Electronic Documents (Item 17) — Please send all documents electronically to your local Regional Permit Administrator. httos://www.dec.nv.aov/about/39381.html and Central Office Permits Staff at: deppermitting@dec.ny.gov Note that this form and supplementary items may be printed, signed, scanned, and submitted by email if necessary. If you are having difficulty submitting documents electronically, please contact your local Regional Permit Administrator for information on how to submit paper copies. Legally Responsible Party Representative (Signature Box) — The legally responsible party representative is: 1) For a corporation - the president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function; or other responsible corporate officer as specified in 6 NYCRR 601.22(a)(1)(i) or (ii); 2) For a oarinershio or sole oroorietorshin - general partner or proprietor, respectively; 3) For a municioality. State. Federal or other public aaencv - the principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For a Federal agency, the principal executive officer includes the chief executive officer of the agency; or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g. regional administrators of EPA). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Withdrawal Application Supplement WW -1 Pursuant to la NYrRR Pji rq qO1 Applicatlon No. READ THF INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 2 BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM WWA Number 1. APPLICANT NAME I Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Z FACILITY NAME �ayuga Facility 3. PROJECT TYPE ry Water Withdrawal l— New Public Water Supply Service Area or Extension j— Land Acquisition for Public Water Supply r Change in Use of Existing Water Withdrawal 4. WATER USE TYPE r Public Water Supply l— Bottled/Bulk Water r Commercial l✓ Cooling r Institutional r Mine Dewatering T' Oil/Gas Production r" Power Production jr Other. I S. WITHDRAWAL TYPE J r Existing r New If this Is an existing public water supply, provide the most recent WSA or WWA Number.? If other than public water supply, list other existiing or pending related DEC permits (e.g., SPDES, Mining, Dam): I SPDES Permit No. NY0001333 6. WATER WITHDRAWAL SOURCE r Surface Water Water Body Name(s) (Cayuga Lake F Groundwater Nearest Surface Water Bodyl F- Industrial 17- Recreational Distance From Well :in feet'. 7. WATER SUPPLY TO OTHER STATES Does this project involve the transport of any fresh water of NYS through pipes, conduits, ditches or canals to any other state? F��Yes, r No r describe: S. TRANSPORTATION OF WATER BY VESSEL Does this project involve the transport by vessel of more than 10,000 gallons per day of surface r Yes r No water? (Excludes ballast water necessary for normal vessel activity. A vessel is defined as any floating craft propelled by mechanical power } 9. WATER WITHDRAWAL AMOUNTS This project involves the withdrawal of up to:166,168,000 gallons r da Pe y Source NamelCayuga Lake Does the project include a MAJOR DRAINAGE BASIN TRANSFER of water? See map at htto://www.dec.nv.gov/lands/56800.html ji No j—Yes If yes, r Existing l— New From Basing To Basing 10. REQUIRED EKHIBfTS (6 NYCRR Part 601.10) Provide the names of the required exhibits applicable to this withdrawal: 601.10(a) PROJECFAUTHORIZA77ON FOR PUBLIC WATER INA SUPPLY SYSTEMS (e g. Resolutions, Ordinances) 601.10(b) GENERAL MAP(eg.Project Location, For Public (AppendixA Water Supplies - waterserviceareaboundary} 601.10(c) WATERSHED MAPS (Topographic map with lNA location of withdrawal and any return flow or interbasin diversions), 601.10(d) CONTRACT PLANS (Public Water Supplies shoulc NA I submit directly to NYSDOH for review and approval) 607.10(e)ENGINEERS REPORT (Signed byM'SPE, includes (See Eng Report project description, watersource yields and demands, etc.) 601.1Off) WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM (Completed IAppendixD Water Conservation Program Form) 601.10(g)ANNUAL REPOR77NGFORM FOR EXISTING (Appendix I' WfTHDRA WALS (Most recent submitted annual report) Applicant Clear Form I Signature 601.10(h) ACOUISMON MAPS (Map of any lands to be acquired as part ofprofect) INA 601.1Off) WATER ANALYSES (Public Water Supplies should INA submit chemical & bacterial analysis directly to NYSDOH) 601.10(()TRFATMENTMETHODS (Public WaterSupplies- INA proposed methods to meet NY50OHstandards) 601.10(k)PROJECTJUS77FIC47ION(Providesummary INA statement of answers to the eight)ustifkation questions? 601.10(!) CANAL WITHDRAWAL APPROVALS (if applicable, INA provide adequate proof ofapproval from CanalAuthority) 601.10(m) 'TRANSMITTAL LETTER (include all contact (Cover Letter information for applicant, attorney, engineer, etc.1 601.70(n) GREATLAKES-ST. LAWRENCERIVER WATER INA RESOURCES COMPACTPROCESS REOUIREMENTS (only applicable to Public Water Supply diversions from Great Lakes Basin -no other diversion types are allowed). Name lJohn Marabella Datel /L�Zy,2a Title (Director, Environmental Affairs Appendix D Water Conservation Form Note: Water audit values taken from calendar year 2019 A91h DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM FORM NON-POTABLE WATER WITHDRAWALS TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS PART OF A NYSDEC WATER WITHDRAWAL PERMIT APPLICATION *SEE PAGE 6 FOR FURTHER INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTION REGARDING THIS FORM Ifyour water facility already has its own written water conservation program,you may submit it as a supplement to this WCPF. Ifyour system is new, indicate the water conservation measures that will betaken when the system is completed (e.g. All sources of withdrawal will be 100% metered). L GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION DEC No. Facility Name: Cayuga Operating Company For Dept Use WWA No. Street Address: 228 Cayuga Drive For Dept Use Post Office Box: County: TOMPKINS State: NY ZIP: 14882 Contact Name: John Marabella Street Address: 228 Cayuga Drive Post Office Box: County:TOMPKINS Applicant's Telephone: 607 533-7913 State: NY ZIP: 14882 Contact's Telephone: 607 533-7913 It. SOURCES OF WATER WITHDRAWAL [State capacity and withdrawal in gallons per minute (gpm), gallons per day (gpd), or million gallons per day (mgd).] Source Tvoe: S = Surface supply, G = Groundwater supply, P = Purchased supply Source Status: R = Regular use, S = Standby use, E = Emergency use, 1= Inactive, D = Decommissioned Source Name Source Source Tested Actual Current Start-up Type Status Capacity Withdrawal Year CAYUGA LAKE S R 66 mgd 1 mgd 1955 111. WATER SOURCES AND METERING For unmetered systemsplease provide your best estimates for water production and/or consumption. Are all sources of supply (including major interconnections) equipped with master meters? No How often are they read? METERING CALCULATED BASED ON TIME AND THE PUMP RATING CURVE How often are they calibrated? N/A Are there secondary meters located within the facility or system?No If yes, how many? Describe secondary metering system if applicable: N/A Water Production for Calendar Year 'total metered water production: 11,957,167,000 gallons per year Average day production (total/days of use): 32,760,000 gallons per day Maximum day production (largest single day): 123,840,000 gallons per day What are your future goals and schedule for water metering? NO PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT FUTURE METERING OF THIS PRIMARILY ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER SYSTEM Best Management Practices: * 100% metering of all sources of water withdrawal. *Source and secondary meters must be tested and calibrated annually. IV. WATER AUDITING The process of conducting an audit of a water system will enable the collection of data on how much and where water enters, leaves and is used within a facility or system. Another goal of a water audit is to estimate unaccounted-for water use, which includes: Losses through leaks, improperly -functioning or inoperative system controls and unmetered sources of water. The water audit provides a system with a baseline against which water -conservation measures can be evaluated. Do you conduct a water audit at least once each year? No If yes, please submit a copy of your latest audit in addition to completing the following section. ** Water Audit for Calendar Year Total metered water production (from previous section) Total 11,957,1677,000 Sources of Water Use Metered or Estimated? Process Water Estimated subtract Cooling Water subtract Wash Water subtract Sanitary subtract Incorporation into Product subtract Irrigation subtract Other subtract Other subtract Sub- TOTAL UNACCOUNTED-FOR WATER total Meter under -registration subtract Unaccounted-for Unrepaired leakage subtract water breakdown Other: subtract ** Water measurement and accounting techniques are available in NYSDEC's Water Conservation Manual, htW://www,dec.ny.goyIlandsj393A6.html % of Tofal 11,957,167 0.1 11,945,209,333 99.9 I What are your future goals for water system auditing? NO PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT FUTURE METERING OF THIS PRIMARILY ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER SYSTEM Best Management Practices: *At least once each year, a system water audit must be conducted using metered water production and consumption data to determine unaccounted-for water. * Keep accurate estimates of unmetered water use. * Quantify all authorized water uses by consumption categories k V. LEAK DETECTION AND REPAIR Do you regularly survey your facility for leakage? Yes Are leaks repaired in a timely manner? Yes If applicable, do you regularly survey underground piping for water leakage? Yes Total length of Percent of Length of pipe Year of Number Number underground piping surveyed surveyed each Listening last of leaks of leaks piping each year year equipment used survey found repaired 0 NONE What are your future goals for water system leak detection and repair? CONTINUOUS LEAK INSPECTIONS WILL CONTINUE DURING DAILY OPERATIONS Best Management Practices: *Check any underground water distribution systems for leaks each year. * Fix every detectable leak as soon as possible. * Have an on-going system rehabilitation program. I VI. WATER REUSE, RECYCLING AND DROUGHT PLANNING Does your facility reuse or recycle primary use water? No If yes, describe process: ONCE THROUGH COOLING WATER TO CAYUGA LAKE Does your facility use reclaimed rainwater, storm water runoff or wastewater? No If yes, describe process: Describe any equipment or processes that promote the efficient use of water by your facility: OVER 99% OF WATER IS RETURNED TO THE LAKE Does your system include storage tanks or ponds to meet short term water demands? NO Describe any actions that can be taken to reduce water use during times of drought: BASED ON THE VOLUME OF THE WATER SOURCE, DROUGHT CONDITIONS ARE NOT ANTICIPATED. CAYUGA LAKE IS NOT IMPACTED BY LONG TERM DROUGHT. ALSO, 99% OF WATER WITHDRAWN IS RETURNED AS NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER. What are your future goals for recycling or reducing water usage? NONE CURRENTLY Best Manaaement Practices: * Reuse or recycle water whenever possible. * Employ efficient irrigation techniques * Develop a plan to reduce water use during times of drought VI. SIGNATURE PAGE AND DISCUSSION Facility Name: Cayuga Operating Company Signature: G` Title: Director, Environmental Affairs DISCUSSION: WWA No. For Dept Use Signatory: John Marrabella Date: /L142-12., Effective February 15,201 ],New York State Environmental Conservation Law ($ECL 15-1501) has required that all applications for a NYSDEC Water Withdrawal Permit include a water conservation program. This Water Conservation Program Form (WCPF) is a required submittal of all such applications. The WCPF has been set up to cover the following basic elements of a water conservation program: Source Water Inventory, Water Usage and Metering, Water Auditing, Leak Detection/Repair, and Water Use Reduction. The Best Management Practices Iisted at the bottom of each page represent DEC water conservation policy objectives and should be incorporated into your program development. Additional water conservation measures that are specific to your category of water usage should also be incorporated into your individual program. Water withdrawal permit applicants can consult the NYSDEC publication entitled "A Survey of Methods for Implementing and Documenting Water Conservation in New York". The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is also an excellent source of information regarding water conservation practices and procedures. Infonnation ranging from technical manuals to online resources and tools can be found at httn://www.awwa.ora. Clear Entire Form 1 AM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Bureau of Water Resources Management Division of Water Joe Martens Commissioner Annual Water Withdrawal Reporting Form: At a minimum, provide the previous year's completed Annual Reporting Form that was submitted to DEC. For Initial Permit ADDlications, the Reporting form submitted for Oneratins Year 2011, submitted prior to February 15, 2012, must also be included. See, § 601.7 Section IV: Evaluation of Alternatives and Project Justification Evaluation of Alternatives: Discuss all of the water source alternatives that were evaluated for this project. See, § 601.10(e)(3). For Initial Permit ADnlications pursuant to ECL & 15-1501.9 for existing water withdrawals that were reported_prior to February 15, 2012 for operating year 2011, an evaluation of alternatives and projec .ustification are unnecessary. In general, an initial permit may only be issixd i 'tl volume reported for 2011. Project Justification See, § 601.10(k).: lit e a di ussion of: 1. why the proposed project was selpated from evaluated alternatives; 2. why increased water conservaton or,4i c+ measures cannot negate or reduce the need for the p s €1 ter w Wrawals; 3. why the proposed' Water Nth rawal'cpantity is reasonable for the proposed use; 4. why the posed water 4onservation measures are environmentally sound and economicai+ffeasible; 5. whether the props water supply is adequate; 6. whether the proposed project is just and equitable to other municipalities and their inhabitants in regards to present and future needs for sources of potable water; 7. whether the proposed withdrawal will result in no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts on the quantity or quality of the water source and water dependent natural resources; and 8. whether the proposed withdrawal will be consistent with all applicable municipal, state and federal laws as well as regional interstate and international agreements. Appendix E Photo Log Photograph: 1 1 Water Circulating Pump - Only 1 of 4 remains connected Photograph: 2 1 House Service Pump L-5 Cayuga Operating Company 228 Cayuga Drive ERM Lansing, NY 14882 , Y �� .• �. J "3 ' {r M1r�, '- III - , 1 1 +'or. Oft— •Y: i to L, , Appendix F Annual Water Withdrawal 2019 HEOROT POWER March 16, 2020 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water Bureau of Water Resources Management 625 Broadway Albany, N.Y. 12233-3508 Cayuga Operating Company, LLC 22-8 Cayuga Drive Lansing, NY 14882 Tel. 607-533-7913 Fax: 607-533-8744 Subject: Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Cayuga Water Withdrawal Permit ID 7-5032-00019/00024 (WWA No. 11753) 2019 Annual Water Withdrawal Report Dear Sir or Madam: In accordance with Item No. 6 of the referenced Water Withdrawal Permit, enclosed is the original document of the file that was submitted via email on March 16, 2020 regarding the subject 2019 Annual Water Withdrawal Report. The received confirmation email is also attached. If you have any questions concerning the attached documents please feel free to contact me at (607) 533-7913 ext. 2222. Sincerely, x r" John C. Marabella Environmental Director 228 Cayuga Drive, Lansing, New York 14882-8896. Tei: 607-533-7913 Fax: 607-533-8744 John Marabella From: dec.smAWQRSDEC <AWQRSDEC@dec.ny.gov> Sent Monday, March 16, 2020 3:27 PM To: John Marabella Subject Automatic reply. Cayuga Operating Company - Annual Water Withdrawal Report 2019 Your e-mail has been received. Thank you New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water, Bureau of Water Resources Management 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-3508 Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Due by March 31st each year Prior to filling out this form, please read the instructions on the last page Section 1 of 6 - Basic Information This form not for Agricultural Facilities Facility Name Cayuga Operating Company, LLC Facility Street Address 1228 Cayuga Drive City Lansing Zip 14882 Town'Lansing i County Tompkins Contact Name John Marabella I Email ljmarabella@heorotpower.com I Telephone 1(607) 533-7913 Source Name lCayuga Lake Source Type Well Depth Max Rate Source Name Source Type Well Depth= Max Rate Source Name Source Type Well Depth= Max Rate Source Name Source Type Well Depth= Max Rate Source Name Source Type Well Depth Max Ratel Source Name Source Type Well Depth= Max Rate Source Name Source Type Well Depth= Max Ratel 245 Units MGQ Units Units Units Unit�= Units Units l 32.759 1 MGD 1 243.36 J MGD 1 245 1 MGD Average Day Withdrawal Units Maximum Day Withdrawal Units Maximum System Capacity or Units NYSDEC Permdted Withdrawal Submitted byl John Marabella Title lEnvironmental Director 1 Date 13/16/2020 Deo '15 IReporting Year 2019 Water Withdrawal Catenorv_ (Check One) Agricultural - Must use form at hitp + www,dec�govllandsC86904 html C Bottled 1 Bulk Water C` Commercial C" Environmental r Industrial r Institutional C" Mine Dewatering C" Oil 1 Gas Production Power Production: G' Fossil Fuel C Nuclear C Other Pwr C' Public Water Supply Recreational: C Golf Course C' Snow Making (-Other Rec l l C' Other Category Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 2 of 6 - Water Use Calculation MethodIE If multiple methods are used, choose the one that measures the greatest percentage of water in your system. E = Estimated M = Metered readings W = Flow through a weir P = Flow through a pipe or pump run limes C = Pump curve calculation Units: Must be in gallons per month Withdrawn Transferred 1 Imported 1 Purchased Consumed Returned Diversions In 1 Out, if any January February March 1,721, 557,008 1,771, 963, 534 1,965,752,696 48,718 46,480 51,460 901,161 154,644 443,087 1,720 704,564 1,771,855,370 1,965,361,069 For Transferred water or Diversions Out, use a negative (-) sign May Units: Must be in gallons July August September per month 0 Withdrawn 2,015,817,710 3,396,355,884 512,472,340 Transferred ! Imported / 28,041 30,697 29,707 Purchased Consumed 1,179,087 2,111,517 0 Returned 2,014,666,664 3,394,275,063 512,502,047 Diversions In / Out, If any Describe location Cayuga lake of returned water April May 30,240,000 31,248,000 37,098 25,209 0 0 30,277,098 31,273,209 October 31,248,000 40,297 0 November 30,240,000 47,707 0 June 419, 023, 329 24,396 45,005 419,002,720 December 31,248, 000 49,297 0 31,288,297 30,287,707 31,297,297 Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 3 of 6 - General Map and Interbasin Diversions General Mat) Required Please submit a map showing the location of all withdrawals and any points of return flow. Precise locations will remain confidential. A map is not necessary if one was submitted In a previous year and no changes have occurred. A paper copy of a USGS map or other high quality map or an electronically generated map can be faxed, mailed, or emailed. Please ensure that the map scale is sufficient to be able to see specific locations. Designate all water withdrawal locations on the map. Add markers to locate any related dams, weirs, or diversion structures. Label the name of each point. Submit your map to DEC in one of the following ways: • Print and mail or fax to 518 402-8290. Include cover letter identifying facility owner. Print, scan and email to awgrsdec@dec.ny.gov • Copy electronically and email to awgrsdec@dec.ny.gov Interbasin Diversions Fill out this section only if water is being transferred between major drainage basins. To determine basin ID, go to the -DEC Major Drainaoe Basins man (httn://www.dec.nv.00v/lands/56800.html). Then enter the basin ID by using the drop down menus under Originating and Receiving Major Drainage Basin headings below. Describe the locations of originating and receiving sites in the site description boxes (e.g. Town water intake on Route 12 at northern end of Pleasant Lake to Stony Reservoir near Bear Road). Oriainatina Maior Drainage Basin Basin Name 1 Basin Name I Receivina Maior Drainaae Basin Originating Site Description Receiving Site Description Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 4 of G -Water Conservation and Efficiencies Instructions: Check one of the boxes below for EITHER Section A or Section B, as appropriate for your facility type. A list of questions pertinent to that facility type will appear. Please answer all questions. ❑ Section 4A: Public Water Supply Facilities ® Section 413: Non -Public Water Supply Facilities If the incorrect box is selected, just scroll back up a page and change selection NOTE-- All permitted water withdrawal systems must have a Water ConservatJon Program. Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 48: Non -Public Water Suooly Facilities Please answer all the questions in this section 1. Are all sources of supply including major interconnections equipped with master meters? (-Yes r No 2. How many times were master meters read in the past year? U 3. How many times were master meters calibrated in the past year? 0 4. Are there secondary meters located within the facility or system? r Yes (: No 5. Identify other water conservation and efficiency measures currently used in your system (e.g. Best Management Practices such as recycling process and cooling waters, use of drip irrigation and moisture probes, utilizing storm water runoff and reclaimed wastewater or conducting facility water audits): Regular inspections are conducted for leakage and maintenance as required. Primarily once through cooling. Withdrawal rates estimates based on pump curves. Water recycling and reuse utilized in various plant processes. Variable speed drives were installed on 1 B and 2A circulating water pumps in November) 2016 as part of the 316b biological requirements contained in the facility SPDES permit for impingement and entrainment reductions. Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 5 of 6 - Outside Sales to Other Water Systems or Facilities Instructions: Permittees must record any sales to outside water systems or facilities. if this applies to your facility, please check the box titled, "Section 5 - Outside Sales" and fill in the information requested. If your facility does not sell water to systems or facilities other than your own, skip the section by clicking the box for "No Outside Sales". ❑ Section S Outside Sales ® No Outside Sales If the Incorrect box is selected, just scroll back up a page and change selection Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Section 6 of 6 - Forward Form To NYSDEC Unless required fields have not been filled in, the form can now be sent to NYSDEC. To send the form electronically, simply click the green box titled, "Click here to submit by email after filling out all sections of this form". Alternatively, the form can be printed and then mailed or faxed to NYSDEC at the address found on the first page. When the form Is sent by clicking the "submit by email" button, an automatic confirmation is returned. If this does not arrive within 10 minutes, please contact awgrsdec®dec.ny.gov Click Dere to s�lrrrit by emailtPrint Blank Form For Clear Entire alter AD fig out ail seons Print Form Handwritten Submission Form of this fbrM Agricultural Purpose Public Water Supply Source Name Source Type Well Depth Max Rate Units (Max Rate) Water Withdrawal Reporting Form Instructions & Definitions The practice of farming for crops, plants, vines and trees, and the keeping, grazing or feeding of livestock, for sale of livestock or livestock products. Agricultural facilities must use the form titled "Registration and Water Withdrawal Reporting Form for Agricultural Facilities". Supply water to the public. Examples include: municipality, hotel, apartment, restaurant, church, campground, etc. Dame of well or surface water body (e.g., Well No. 1, Alcove Reservoir, etc.). List all sources including unused or back-up wells. S =Stream or River. L = Pond or Lake. R = Reservoir. BW = Bedrock Well. UW = Unconsolidated Well (e.g., sand and gravel). 5P =Spring. P = Purchased. Total depth in feet below ground surface. Leave blank for surface sources. - Maximum potential withdrawal rate of the water source. Will be equal to or greater than Permitted Rate. Gallons per minute (gpm), gallons per day (gpd), or million gallons per day (mgd). Use drop down menu. Average Day Withdrawal I Total amount withdrawn during reporting year divided by total days withdrawn. Maximum Day Withdrawal Largest single day withdrawal rate of the source during the reporting year. w10n111runs 4ya a_01JUuLy w to f,c,,,,,L rmnnauurl a unRnuwn, euntact ivT.-JUM at awgrsaecpaec.ny.gov or S18-4uL-d1131. maximum system capacity is the sum of all Permitted Withdrawal sources simultaneously pumping at full rate. Calculation Method If multiple methods are used, choose the one that measures the greatest percentage of water in your system E = estimated. M = metered I readings. W =flow through a weir or flume. P = flow through a pump or pump run time. C= Pump curve calculation. Withdrawn Amount of water removed from all sources. This includes groundwater and/or surface water. Transferred/Imported Consumed �Rnmturned w Diversions In/Out Location of Returned Water Major Drainage Basins Water Audit Amount of water brought In from or sent to another facility, includes bulk sales. For transferred water use a negative (-) sign. Amount of water not returned (e.g. water incorporated Into a product or lost through evaporation). Public water suppliers must use metered sales to customers. Irrigation is considered "consumed water". _ Amount of water discharged to a water treatment system or discharged back to the environment. Irrigation is not returned water. I Amount of water, if any, diverted from/to another major drainage basin. For Diversions Out, use a negative (-) sign. State the general area where returned water is discharged. Example: "Hudson River near Poughkeepsie", "Groundwater near Auburn". Report only "Major Basin" transfers. Use the internet link available on the form and enter Basin ID into the box indicated (use drop down menu). Describe the location of originating withdrawal and receiving discharge. Be as specific as possible. A water audit is a thorough examination of the accuracy of water records and system control equipment to determine water system efficiency and to identify, quantify, and verify water and revenue losses. Water audits are beneficial in identifying the amount of unaccounted-for water.