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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-15 joint • TOWN OF LANSING Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Wednesday , September 15 , 1993 ; 7 :30 p. m . Harold VanEs called the meeting to order at 7 :45 p. m . and asked that everyone introduce themselves and state the committee they are working with . Cheryl Nickel commented on Joan and Tracy, from the Tompkins County Planning Board , who have been working with the Town of Lansing Planning Board through a NYSCA grant supplying services and maps . Joan Jurkovich identified the maps that her office has provided to some Citizen Advisory Committees (CACs ) as follows : ag districts , unique natural areas , water service areas , and • sewer service areas . Cheryl suggested that if any of the CACs are interested in a specific map to contact her or Tom Neiderkorn as they may already have a copy . Cheryl asked each CAC to provide assistance to the Communications Committee by reaching out to people in the community to invite them to become involved . She suggested one ' way to do this is to write letters to community organizations ( Boy Scouts , granges , fire departments , realtors , volunteers , etc. ) . Cheryl passed out paper for each person to write down their suggestions of organizations and/or persons to contact. Cheryl and the Communications Committee will be organizing a letter-writing campaign to get more people involved . H arold VanEs explained that the Master Plan Committee has been broken up into four subcommittees ( Housing , Environmental Resources , Public Services , and Transportation ) . This was done because the Master Plan Committee felt there were areas that were not being covered by the other committees that really needed to be addressed . These four new subcommittees should be regarded on the same level as the original eight committees . H arold VanEs stated that the Ithaca Journal has been in contact with him quite a bit lately and he wants to be able to provide up-to-date information and suggested that each of the committees be diligent in providing current information to the Communications Committee so that it might communicated to the Ithaca Journal . TOWN CENTER COMMITTEE - Cindy Lyon Cindy Lyon stated that the purpose of the Town Center Committee (TCC) is to encourage the people of the Town of Lansing to establish an attractive town center in keeping with Lansing 's rural qualities . In order to accomplish this purpose , the Town Center Committee is planning to present two or three proposals for a Town Center to the Town Planning Board by the end of D ecember, 1993 . These proposals would include an analysis of two to three possible sites and designs for a town center. The site possibilities are : ( 1 ) around where the town hall is , (2) the land north of the town hall , and (3) the area west of Rogues Harbor. These proposals will be based on community input elicited in a series of community design workshops . A prototype workshop has been held, and on Thursday, September 30 , 1993 , at 7 :30 p. m . , the Town Center Committee will host a community-wide design workshop at the Lansing High School . Activities will include brainstorming and working in small groups with area artists to draw representations of residents' ideas . Cindy stated that the TCC is not sure at this point if it will be able to accomplish all that is necessary for the completed proposals by December 31 , so they may present a preliminary proposal . The TCC is looking into the possibility of having a professional engineer examine possible sites for environmental problems . A market analysis is a possibility through a grant already received from the County. They are also looking into grants for sewage and sidewalks. Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 2 • Wednesday, September 15, 1993 To date , the TCC is proposing that the town center be located in South Lansing, in two to three specific areas close to the present town hall . Whatever area that is decided on would • experience higher density in terms of various uses, including commercial , residential, governmental , recreational , and social . It is the recommendation of the TCC that within this specific, relatively small area, concerns of sewage , transportation , housing , land-use regulation , as well as other applicable concerns , be specific to that area. The TCC has been addressing the above issues from this point of view, however, it is. clear that coordination with other committees is necessary to avoid duplication of effort or becoming so focused on this enclosed space that the broader picture is lost. The TCC is hoping that some mechanism of coordination among the committees can be derived so that when the project is completed , all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together. The Town Center Committee provided a written report. ECONOMIC. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Arlene Dende Arlene Dende explained that the Economic Development Committee ( EDC) has been working on identifying all the businesses in the Town of Lansing and plotting them on a map . She stated that there are a lot of one-person businesses working in their homes . Over the years , things have naturally developed in certain area such as WaterWagon and Triphammer. There are new development areas such as the intersection near Day and Night, Hillcrest, and Milliken Station . Warren Road is already very industrial . The EDC has been discussing the possibility of using the land across from the new post office as a new industrial area, especially with the expansion of the airport. The area around Rogues Harbor has a number of houses that are turning into businesses . Milliken Station is expanding , and there is a possibility of a third heavy industrial business coming in . Arlene stated that the EDC has been and will continue to focus on identifying businesses and trends . The EDC has been looking at what is already a natural course of events , and other than expanding or possibly recommending that some areas stay the way they are , the committee will continue to identify businesses. The EDC has counted , from the point of Rogues Harbor (34, 34B , East Shore Drive) ; approximately 54 businesses. The EDC has plotted 145 businesses in the Town of Lansing to date on the map. She will provide a listingof these businesses to each committee . One of the things that came out of the survey the EDC conducted is the concern of what types of businesses would be allowed. The EDC will be looking at this issue after they complete the identification and plotting of all the businesses in the Town of Lansing . The EDC will be looking at the process for recommending types of business , for example , light industry or heavy industry, or where people perceive a hardware store should be . The Economic Development Committee did not provide a written report. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Rick Vaughn Rick Vaughn stated that the Agricultural Resources Committee (ARC) has -come up with five preliminary recommendations : ( 1 ) To develop an informational brochure on the agricultural resources of the town . This brochure would define the rural nature of the town 's agricultural resources to people moving into the town and to businesses on how that may relate to their decisions to move to Lansing . They would be the primary audience of the brochure before they move, but it also could be informative to current residents of the town . (2) Discourage • Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 3 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 ® any expansion of services in the town that has active farm businesses until a clearly defined and workable plan for economic development and agricultural resource preservation can be implemented . (3 ) Pursue possibility of a " Land Trust" type of program with voluntary participation that could incorporate both agriculture land preservation and unique natural areas that would benefit town residents . (4) Initiate a study to investigate the possibility of implementing land use regulations that would enhance the security of farming operations while protecting the town from uncontrolled growth . (5) Make accurate assessments of the impact of development costs to the town and allocate these costs so they are not imposed on agricultural land . H e pointed out that there are a number of large land parcels that are currently idle , with: the potential for development. Rick pointed out some trends from the county. In the last seven years , the county has experienced a 25% decrease in dairy cow numbers . He felt this was important because dairy businesses are usually fairly high sales businesses and use a lot of resources. The number of farms has decreased 5%. The number of land in farms has decreased 4% . The crop acreage has decreased 5% . He stated that this isn 't a dramatic drop , but it is a consistent trend that the town needs to look at as to how much open space is available . Some current activities of the committee are as follows : location of current agricultural operations on a town map ; identification and analysis of impact or significance of smaller land parcels on current and future use as agricultural land or open space , define options for suggested recommendations ; and any other topics as they arise . The Agricultural Resources Committee provided a written report. H ISTORIC RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Dee Barber D ee Barber stated that on behalf of the Lansing Historical Association she submitted a grant to the Rural New York State Program , which is through the Preservation League of New York State . She felt she would hear by November 1 as to whether or not she received the grant . This grant would provide for professional guidance in understanding how planning affects the town development. She stated that within the grant they asked for the feasibility of computerizing some of the information . Natural Resources - Dee explained that the Historic Resources Committee ( HRC) , Stan Burke in particular, has been looking at the area of natural resources . The HRC is recommending that the inventory they have completed be used as a land- use planning tool and those " environmentally sensitive" areas specified in Lansing be considered for special attention and preservation in their natural state . The HRC is also looking at protecting special natural resources including Cayuga Laka, fragile lakefront areas , the Salmon Creek Valley, the Salmon Creek watershed , the waterfalls , and the farm land . Buildings and Sites - The HRC is looking at protecting the Rogues Harbor. The HRC will be speaking with the owners and working with the National and State Historic Register. There are other historic buildings such as the Rose Inn , the Townley House , and the Ludlowville block that they will working with . ® Cemeteries and Monuments - There has been a great interest from the town for this topic, with many volunteers . Several organized members will be looking at Native American sites . Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 4 . Wednesday, September 15, 1993 Other Structures - Other historic resources; such as bridges , need to be identified and protected as important town elements. 1110 Preservation of Rural Character - The. HRC would like to : ( 1 ) revitalize hamlets or concentrate residential development in existing areas ; (2) encourage clustering on new residential , industrial , and commercial developments ; (3) review existing studies which address residential growth and the revenue to expenditure ration ; and (4) reexamine existing sign ordinances to prevent use of signs which may be inappropriate to the character or the town . Establishing Continuity - Building on-going historic preservation links with policy makers was an early goal of the committee . Now there is also a need to create preservation links to the broader community interests for which the resources are a part. Establishing basic community goals and "planning through participation " should be the initial steps within even broader town goals to provide continuity - a link with various community interest groups - and "developing common ground ". The Historic Resources Committee provided a written report. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - Gay Nicholson Gay Nicholson stated that the- Parks and Recreation Committee has been discussing the option of conducting a phone survey, which they are targeting for sometime in October. They will be gathering a couple of questions from each committee that they would like to use in this survey. The reasoning behind conducting a phone survey is to get a higher response rate and because there is minimal costs involved . • This committee has done some research in the future plans of the Town Recreation Program , and have gotten an update on UC Point and Myers Park. They feel that UC Point is an area where they can take action in the near future and not wait until 2010 . Steven Lauzen has been doing some computer-mapping of the area from the-town hall/town land area to Myers/UC Point and to Ludlowville . There has been a lot of interest expressed for bike paths and the committee has learned that there is 80% federal funding available for a project like bike paths . This is an area they are . pursuing now, and have been compiling a list of landowners who have land on very potential routes from the area of the town land to the schools to Myers to Ludlowville. They have been seeking permission from the landowners to evaluate the potential paths. Al White had taken some of the committee members up in his plane so they could take aerial photos of the areas of interest to the Parks and Recreation Committee . Preliminary recommendations of the committee are : ( 1 ) cooperative agreements in order. to use all recreational resources to their fullest potential ; (2) periodically survey town residents to determine the need for additional land, facilities, and programs ; (3) master plan all facilities to guide their future development ( Myers Park, UC Point, Ludlowville , etc.) ; and (4) funding for the projects will have to be found . The Parks and Recreation Committee submitted a written report. • Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 5 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 ® STREET TREE COMMITTEE - Kathy Valentine Kathy Valentine stated that street trees are important and beneficial assets to any community. Trees along our streets and highways generate a community identity and create a sense of pride in the place we call "home " . Street trees provide a link to our historic past, enrich and improve the quality of life , adding to the livability of our community. Trees provide scenic drives and welcome people to our community . Trees also improve the environment by helping to reduce pollution and control noise . Trees also help to cut energy costs by providing shade around buildings and pavement, by reducing high temperatures . What would our world be like if there were no more trees ? The goal of the Street Tree Committee is to develop a Tree Planting Program to enhance and beautify Lansing . The committee wants to involve and encourage the public to plant more trees , by assisting them in the selection , installation , and maintenance of trees . For example , the Village of Lansing has a shade tree program , which is coordinated with the local nurseries . H omeowners are reimbursed for 75% of the cost of planting up to two shade trees per year. The Street Tree Committee has been meeting since late May of this year. They have discussed ways to enhance Lansing through the planting of more street trees . Some of the committee members have contacts with researchers and faculty members of Cornell U niversity's Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Floriculture. They have contacted and met with Dr. Nina Bassuk, Professor of Urban and Community Horticulture at Cornell U niversity. Professor Bassuk has graciously provided the committee with information regarding the selection of suitable species of trees for streets . She has also furnished the committee with information regarding funding and grant programs , which will help reduce costs to municipalities. For example , there is a grant program available through the Small B usiness Administration . NYSEG also has a program designed to assure that the proper trees are planted near power lines . It is also possible that the students from the Cornell Landscape Architecture program could do a design project. The students would do site inventory and analysis , design , and install the trees. Maintenance of the trees must also be done in order to ensure the newly planted trees survive to become beautiful and healthy. This includes watering , fertilization , and pruning . Volunteer groups can help reduce the costs . In Ithaca, there is a group called The Citizen Pruners , which is sponsored by Cooperative Extension . The Committee has identified an area for future street tree plantings as their first project. They feel the area starting from the South on Route 34, at Ridge Road Imports , and North to Rogues Harbor has great prominence and acts as the main gateway to Lansing from Ithaca. The committee has begun to contact the businesses in this area. Some have expressed an interest in planting trees on their property and others have not; others are yet to be contacted . If all goes well , they are hoping that their first project gets off the group in the spring of next year. Eventually they would like to see trees aligning the main thoroughfares of the South Lansing area. The Street Trees Committee provided a written report. HOUSING COMMITTEE - Jerry Bass ® Jerry Bass stated that the Housing Committee was formed to develophousing 9 recommendations that meet the needs of the entire Town of Lansing community present and Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 6 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 future . It should maintain the rural nature and open geography in much of the town while facilitating a sense of community amongst the residents. • Jerry described the year-to-date statistics for Lansing in the chart below: SF SA MH Acreage Lots For Sale 114 17 5 37 57 Sold 59 3 3 23 26 Avg $ 131307 68750 21300 32000 29875 Days on Market 125 110 8 108 243 SF - Single family SA - Single family with an apartment MH - Mobile homes (doublewides) Acres - Acreage of at least 4 acres + Building Lots The committee has been discussing occupancy density as far as locations , for example, South Lansing has a higher density. They have been discussing the water districts and Milliken Station with the possibility of water being extended to Milliken Station and the potential growth from that. They felt that in the Ridge Road to the county-line area and Lansing Station Road two-family homes would be predominant. Route 34 from Storm Road north would be the same thing . They didn 't see any major complexes in that area. In South Lansing near the town center, there is more of a chance of multiple units and maybe apartment complex and a commercial area. There may be more elderly housing , due to municipalservices , in South Lansing . towards Warren Road or Triphammer where there is greater access to the Convenient Care Center. • Population - 9,296 people in Lansing as of the 1990 census. In that, 3 ,328 wereclassified as urban , and 5 ,968 are farm or non-farm/rural. ' Only 169 were farmers or lived on'farms . There are 2,437 families. There are 3 , 825 households. That means that there are 1 ,388 additional households that are not families which could be a single person living in a house or apartment. These figures do include the Village of Lansing . There are a total of 4, 135 housing units all together. The population is 2 to 1 rural. The largest grouping is couples with children who are under 18. Lansing Housing Authority - Jerry began discussing the Lansing Housing Authority, which oversees Woodsedge and all related senior housing . In 1990-91 a survey was done in this respect to see if there is a need for senior housing services short of a nursing home. This would be something between Woodsedge and a nursing home and would have single apartments in one unit, which would provide some care but not a lot. It was considered to have this as an extension to Woodsedge or adjacent to it. . At present no definitive plans have been made . The Lansing Housing Authority group is meeting with comparable groups from surrounding communities to explore cooperation and networking with regard to similar and diversity. 1111 The Housing Committee did not provide a written report. • :4; .: Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 7 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE - David Stillwell David Stillwell stated that there are a great number of natural resources in Lansing . One frustration that he has had has been the lack of adequate time to gather and analyze the data needed to make informed recommendations . The committee has been working with Cornell and SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry to recruit a student intern to work with the committee during the fall and spring semesters . The approach they are taking is starting out by identifying what the natural resources are , what unique features that Lansing has - ones that they feel the general public can relate to and appreciate . Some of the resources are prominent, e .g . , the lake , the shorefront, the streams and tributaries , the wetlands , the open fields , the farmlands , the woodlands , etc. They are also going to be exploring what the valuable resources are , e .g . , what is the value of the lake in terms of economic resources , recreation , aesthetics , etc. To protect those resources , people need to have an appreciation of what it means to have certain resources . Once the identification process is complete , then the committee will be looking at all of the resources and what the implications are of development to those resources . How does development impact water quality, aesthetics , wildlife , recreation opportunities , etc. This committee will be searching out information from other towns and counties across the state who have gone through this process and have come up with solutions that they felt worked in their communities and to get feedback and an indication of where they think this committee could go from here . They will also be collecting maps and overlays from the county. These maps will identify ® where the areas are of natural resources so that the other committees will be able to use them in their planning for the future . David stated that this committee doesn 't have recommendations at this point ; they are still in the information -gathering stage . He felt that the recommendations for environmentally- sensitive land- use planning is critical . He also felt that there may be a need in the future for an environmental resource committee as part of town government to help provide ( as development comes in ) some expertise in the town to identify the sensitive areas and the impact of future development. The Environmental Resources Committee provided a written report. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE - Glenn Swanson Glenn Swanson stated that the Transportation Committee began by looking at the traffic flow on the Town of Lansing roads . They contacted the town , the county , and the state requesting information on traffic flow on the roads . Glenn referred to the submitted report, indicating the some of the information is dated , but it was the most current that was available to this committee . The next area the committee looked at was reported vehicle accidents . The information compiled was from the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department and the NYS Police. They pulled this information together to try to identify some problem areas . He pointed out that Route 34 and Triphammer and East Shore Drive areas have the most accidents on them . • Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 8 • Wednesday, September 15, 1993 This committee also looked at 1990 census which provide information about the transportation of town residents. It shows that the majority of people drive by themselves in their car each • day to work. The committee has formed their recommendations for transportation improvements in three phases : Phase I - ( 1 ) Install three stop signs/traffic light at the corner of 34 and Route 34B by Rogues Harbor; (2) Install four stop signs/traffic light at the intersection of Peruville Road and Triphammer Road. Eliminate curved section of 34 behind Cappy's ; (3 ) Eliminate the passing zone on Triphammer Road at Hillcrest intersection ; and (4) Install streetlights adjacent to. major intersections . Phase II - ( 1 ) Hillcrest Road/Waterwagon Road alignment. Eliminate dangerous intersections on Triphammer Road and East Shore Drive ; (2) Warren Road/Benson Road alignment - This will improve traffic flow to the airport area and Cornell ; (3 ) Warren Road/Route 13 overpass - An overpass is needed to handle the increased traffic flow; (4) Drake Road upgrade - Upgrade Drake Road to be used as an alternative route around Rogues Harbor area and align with Asbury Road . Phase III - Lansing Bypass - Construct a bypass around the center of Lansing , connecting Portland Point Road and Benson Road . This will direct truck and commuter traffic around the highly developed area. This committee is going to continue to gather information and work with the other committees to incorporate their ideas . They will be looking at other alternative means of transportation besides motor vehicles , for example , parking lots for park & ride , and bike paths . The Transportation Committee provided a written report. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Kevin Kauffman a_ This committee has identified 12 public services that they feel are needed within the Town of Lansing : sanitary sewer collection and treatment; storm sewer collection and treatment* ; map existing and proposed service areas* ; water; electric, natural gas, cable television , telephone , refuse , and animal abatement and regulations ; code enforcement; fire and ambulance ; police ; library* ; health medical and child care * ; public access to natural features* ; and public transportation . (* indicates areas that this committee has yet to look into .) Sewage - He reported that the preliminary plan that the town engineer has done for the town shows a collection system near the town center area draining all the sewage in the direction of Portland Point. The committee has looked at alternative designs for collection systems as well as for treatment. Water They discussed water and the possibility of water going out to Milliken . Once that water is in , a major problem is the lack of a main transmission line in Lansing . Refuse - They discovered that the only thing that the town does is to maintain the recycling center and have clean-up days on the, refuse . Animal Abatement - The town contracts to the SPCA for most of their animal regulation enforcement. Electric - Electric is provided by NYSEG. _ __ Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 9 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 Code Enforcement - This is a great area of concern of this committee based on the dealings with the development Michaleens and the Sunoco Station . A question they have as a committee is that if they go through the whole process and make a master plan and it ends up resulting in some type of land use/land control ordinance , who is going to enforce it? They feel that there needs to be some management, which is not there right now. • Fire and Ambulance - The Department feels that with the existing personnel and equipment, they can handle about 50% more development than presently exists . Police - The town shares three patrolpersons per shift with the rest of the county. State Police and other municipal forces are available for mutual aid . Feedback indicates that adequate service is presently provided . Public Transportation - There are currently two routes from TomTran through portions of the town . With this service being relatively new , further work may be needed to improve bus routes and schedules . Park and Ride parking lots exist at the fire stations . Use of these facilities should be encouraged . Three taxi cab services from Ithaca respond in the town . Lansing Older Adult Programs is provided with a town-owned mini-van for the transportation of resident senior citizens . Service is provided upon request by volunteer drivers . The Public Services Committee provided a written report. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - Cynthia Frazier ® Cynthia Frazier stated that the Communications Committee is working on the advertizing for the Town Center Design Workshop for September 30 , 1993 . They are making posters and will be using the moveable billboard placed strategically . They have been in touch with the Ithaca Journal . They will be advertizing this meeting as a "Town Meeting to Design a Town Center. " Town Newsletter - The town puts out a newsletter approximately once each quarter. This committee has offered to format the newsletter so that more people may read it and know more about the Lansing 2010 project. Their plan is to give a report to the Ithaca Journal after tonight's meeting and have a report in the Town' s newsletter, which comes out at the end of September. They would like to have a newsletter put out by Lansing 2010 in mid- November. Cynthia felt that another area that needs to be made clear to the community is that there is also a planning project being conducted in the Village of Lansing and many people are confusing them .. The Communications Committee did not provide a written report. COMMENTS / QUESTIONS Harold VanEs commented that in order for the committees to better communicate , they need to put their information in writing . He suggested that those committees that did not provide a written report tonight do so and submit them to the Communications Committee . ® Larry Sharpsteen spoke on behalf of the Planning Board that they are gratified at the enthusiasm that everyone has put into this project. Viola Miller added that this project is being watched by other towns and communities to see how it will work out, because it is unique . Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees Page 10 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 A question was asked of who is opposed to this land use restriction idea so the committees • can have an idea before they spend a great deal more time on this project. Larry Sharpsteen commented that the reason the idea of land use restrictions was voted down in the past was because of the way it was presented to the public. A comment was made that the line of communication-needs to be open to the Town Board. Larry Sharpsteen responded that the Town Board has been involved and approved of this project from its inception . A comment was made to try to positively involve the Ithaca Journal gaining their assistance in promoting and distributing information about this project. The Communications Committee is preparing a press release about Lansing 2010 for the Ithaca Journal. Larry Sharpsteen warned all the committee members to speak carefully to neighbors , etc. , since they will be perceived as representatives of the official body of the Town of Lansing . Cheryl Nickel would like to conduct another survey that joins a number of committee interests rather than specific surveys . Jeff Clark strongly suggested using the Ithaca Journal as a resource to conduct the survey or 'to disseminate information about this project. Dee Barber suggested that everyone be issue critical when discussing this project. For example , what would be a good use of the town hall ? A library, museum , etc. ? Cynthia Frazier questioned if one thing the committees should address is how this project is going to be paid for since that is a question that arises frequently. Cheryl Nickel stated that Pete Larson was going to speak to one of the committees as to the cost of rural expansion . What is the cost of maintaining a road to service all the new houses versus condensed road , sewer, water lines ? Harold VanEs suggested at some point organizing a Financial Resources • Committee to address issues as to how to pay for this project. Viola Miller commented that this project is in the future and will not necessarily be paid for next year. MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE - Harold VanEs Harold VanEs wants to start putting things together. He doesn't feel that most of the committees are ready yet to make the recommendations that are required to staitwork on the master plan . He felt tonight's meeting was a good exchange of information and to give an understanding of what each committee is working on so as to avoid some duplication . He would like to establish a timeline , perhaps having November/December to have more specific recommendations for a final draft of their report. He noted a discussion from the last group meeting and suggested again that a representative from each committee join the Master Plan • Committee to gather their input for inclusion in the new master plan. He questioned if late November/early December could be used as a deadline for some specific recommendations. Cheryl Nickel stated that it was the intent for the next "town meeting " to be an opportunity for each committee to make their specific recommendations. She suggested this meeting be . conducted the week before Thanksgiving . Gay Nicholson felt that there are several time lines to be discussed. The first was long-term projects such as the bypass ; the second was street tree grants for next spring . She questioned how to get permission to move ahead on the near-term projects. Cheryl Nickel suggested that if there are any objections or concerns as to the projects discussed tonight, that those concerns be expressed to the appropriate committee within two weeks. Larry Sharpsteen suggested that once a committee has prepared their draft proposal for their grant they should bring it to the Planning Board where it will be reviewed and then passed on to the Town Board . Joint Meeting of the Lansing 2010 Committees • Page 11 Wednesday, September 15, 1993 Linda Hirvonen commented that after listening to all the committees , the general consensus is that they all still have work to do . She felt that if the committees were given a deadline of mid to late-November to prepare a draft proposal to submit to the Planning Board , then have the town meeting in January - she felt there would be a better response from the community based on the time. David Stillwell commented that this is a 20-year project and the committees should take the time to do it right and present it to the public in a well-thought out manner. He felt that through education and communication the committees would be able to maintain momentum without having to put together a preliminary package this soon . He agreed that a more ideal timeline would be after the first of the year. Larry Sharpsteen agreed that the timeline should be that the committees draft proposals for the Planning Board's review in November/December, then schedule a town meeting . Cindy Lyon feels the need to check in with the other committees before the January meeting . A comment was made that the presentation to the community is more important than the presentation to the Town Board. Cynthia Frazier wants: to have another joint committee meeting in one month . Arlene Dende stated that there are three proposed meetings scheduled within the next 60 days and didn ' t feel that there is enough time to get the work done . Robert Todd felt that the committees could communicate with each other via mail , summaries of meetings, etc. , and didn 't feel the need for another joint meeting so soon . Cheryl Nickel suggested that each committee draft a timeline of what they are able to complete and the timeframe for that completion . A vote was taken as to whether there should be a meeting of this group and invite everyone else including the Ithaca Journal or the town newsletter before Thanksgiving , or wait until January and have a town meeting . The majority of the people preferred the town meeting in January. The meeting was closed at 10 : 15 p. m . Submitted by Michelle Eastman